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Brain Research Reviews 31 Ž2000.


Interactive report

Evidence for a compromised dorsolateral prefrontal cortical parallel

circuit in schizophrenia 1
William E. Bunney ) , Blynn G. Bunney
Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, UniÕersity of California, IrÕine, Med Sci I, Room D440, IrÕine, CA 92697, USA
Accepted 30 June 1999


Evidence is reviewed that one of the cognitive-affective parallel circuits in the brain, the dorsolateral prefrontal circuit, is
compromised at the level of anatomical, neuropathological and transmitter-related molecules in a subgroup of schizophrenic patients. The
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex ŽDLPFC. comprises a key structure in this circuit. Data supporting a compromised DLPFC includes
cognitive deficits, decreased regional metabolism and blood flow activation; disruption of cortical subplate activity Žinferred from
maldistribution of neurons from the cortical subplate which are required for the orderly neuronal migration during the second trimester
and for connectivity of the thalamocortical neurons.; decrease in major components of the cortical inhibitory neurotransmitter system; and
alterations in the molecules critical for NMDA-receptor mediated neural transmission. Thus a great deal of evidence accumulated over the
last decade has definitively implicated the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Emerging data also
confirms neuropathology in the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus that projects to the DLPFC. There is currently a consensus that
schizophrenia involves epigenetic factors interacting with genetic information in the cells to produce abnormal molecules which when
they are associated with abnormal circuits such as the DLPFC, may result in abnormal behavior. Thus, abnormal cortical connections and
or altered neurotransmitter related molecules in the DLPFC could explain some of the prominent frontal cognitive disruptions seen in
schizophrenia. q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Schizophrenia; Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; Neurodevelopmental disorder


1. Introduction . ....................................................................... 139

2. Defective cognitive functioning in schizophrenia associated with the prefrontal cortex including the DLPFC .................... 139

3. Metabolism, cerebral blood flow activity, and cognitive functioning .......................................... 139

4. Hypofrontality in schizophrenia ............................................................. 140

5. Neurodevelopmental defects and a window of vulnerability in the second trimester of pregnancy . .......................... 140

6. Postmortem findings in prefrontal cortical areas of schizophrenics ........................................... 140

7. Cognitive affective parallel circuits ........................................................... 141

8. Cortical subplate ..................................................................... 141

Corresponding author. Tel.: q1-949-824-4242; Fax: q1-949-824-1787; E-mail:
Published on the World Wide Web on 10 November 1999.

0165-0173r00r$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 5 - 0 1 7 3 Ž 9 9 . 0 0 0 3 1 - 4
W.E. Bunney, B.G. Bunneyr Brain Research ReÕiews 31 (2000) 138–146 139

9. Cytoarchitectural alterations in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex . ............................................. 142

10. Abnormalities of neurotransmitter-related molecules in the DLPFC of schizophrenic patients ............................ 142

References .......................................................................... 143

1. Introduction with DLPFC activation provides further insight into DLPFC

circuitry function as reviewed below.
This paper will review evidence that one of the cogni-
tive-affective parallel circuits in the brain, the dorsolateral
prefrontal circuit, is compromised at the level of anatomi- 3. Metabolism, cerebral blood flow activity, and cogni-
cal, neuropathological and transmitter-related molecules in tive functioning
a subgroup of schizophrenic patients. These compromised
systems may explain some of the prominent prefrontal
Experimental paradigms integrating neuropsychological
cognitive deficits seen in schizophrenia. A great deal of
testing with data from neuroimaging techniques Že.g., PET,
accumulated evidence over the last decade has definitively
133-xenon rCBF, SPECT and fMRI. provide evidence that
implicated the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex ŽDLPFC. in
schizophrenics have deficits in DLPFC activation. Perfor-
the neuropathology of schizophrenia. Emerging data also
mance of the WCS by normal controls, for example, is
confirms neuropathology in the mediodorsal nucleus of the
associated with an increase in prefrontal activation includ-
thalamus that projects to the DLPFC. There is currently a
ing the DLPFC. In contrast, schizophrenics taking the
consensus that schizophrenia involves epigenetic factors
WCS, initially show DLPFC activation that deteriorates as
interacting with genetic information in the cells to produce
the task demands increase. Blood flow studies of monozy-
abnormal molecules which when they are associated with
gotic twins discordant for schizophrenia reveal that during
abnormal circuits such as the DLPFC, may result in abnor-
the WCS task, the prefrontal blood flow index Žthe ratio of
mal behavior. A review of evidence at various levels
prefrontal rCBF flow to non-frontal flow expressed as a
including cognitive, neuropsychological testing, neu-
percentage. is decreased in the schizophrenic twins. Re-
roimaging, cytoarchitectural and neurotransmitter-related
ductions in DLPFC blood flow activation are present in
molecules supports a contributing role of the DLPFC to
acute, chronic w1x, neuroleptic-naıve ¨ w6x and medicated
patients w1x. The administration of two cognitive tasks, the
PART ŽPaired Associate Recognition Task., a task testing
declarative memory, and the WCS showed that although
2. Defective cognitive functioning in schizophrenia asso- schizophrenics performed poorly on both, DLPFC activa-
ciated with the prefrontal cortex including the DLPFC tion was only compromised during performance of the
WCS w7x.
Although schizophrenia is a heterogeneous illness, there Data from oxygen-15 PET and fMRI studies suggest a
is a commonality in that most patients perform poorly on relationship in changes in DLPFC activation as a function
cognitive tasks that require intact prefrontal functioning. It of increasing task demands. Results from studies of graded
is well-documented that schizophrenics have difficulty with memory tasks show that schizophrenics, similar to nor-
the Wisconsin Card Sort Task ŽWCS., a task requiring mals, initially have increases in DLPFC activity during test
skills for abstract reasoning, problem solving and working performance, however, as task demands increase, DLPFC
memory Žsee w1x for review.. Some of the most convincing activity begins to deteriorate and falls significantly below
data comes from investigations of monozygotic twin pairs that of controls w8x. Carter et al. w9x reported similar results
discordant for schizophrenia. Comparisons of well twins, in a PET study using the ‘N-back’ task, a cognitive test
with their ill twin counterparts show that the affected twins known to activate the prefrontal cortex in normal subjects.
have significantly lower WCS scores w2x. Deficits on tests Results from this study showed decreased activation in the
such as visuospatial tasks w3x and auditory letter-number right DLPFC in schizophrenics in response to increased
spans w4x requiring working memory skills have been difficulty. Data from an fMRI study using the ‘N-back
reported in schizophrenia even though perceptual abilities task’ similarly showed a deficit in DLPFC activity in
may be intact w3x. Goldman-Rakic and Selemon w5x con- schizophrenics w10x. Attenuated frontal activation in
clude from data in animal and clinical studies that intact schizophrenics was also observed in an fMRI study utiliz-
prefrontal cortical circuitry is required to modulate work- ing a verbal fluency task of silent word generation in
ing memory which may relate to the cognitive deficits in response to a verbal letter cue. In contrast to controls,
schizophrenia. The relationship between cognitive deficits patients had attenuated frontal activation in the left DLPFC
140 W.E. Bunney, B.G. Bunneyr Brain Research ReÕiews 31 (2000) 138–146

w11x. Additional and potentially complicating reports of these results provide evidence for diminished frontal-striatal
decreased DLPFC activation in schizophrenics compared connectivity in schizophrenia.
to controls are seen in an 15-oxygen PET study of DLPFC
activation in response to joystick movement w12x.
5. Neurodevelopmental defects and a window of vulner-
ability in the second trimester of pregnancy
4. Hypofrontality in schizophrenia Studies of pregnant mothers exposed to trauma Že.g.,
viral infection, malnutrition, stress. provides data relevant
Brain imaging data collected over more than two to the understanding of schizophrenia Žsee w37x for review..
decades strongly supports a decrease in frontal lobe activa- Data from these studies suggest that there is a period of
tion Žhypofrontality. in a significant subgroup of schizo- ‘ vulnerability’ during which the fetus may be placed at a
phrenics as compared to controls, including regions involv- higher risk for schizophrenia. A critical period of time
ing the DLPFC Žsee reviews w13,14x.. A wide variety of appears to be in the second trimester which coincides with
neuroimaging techniques have been used to assess DLPFC a massive neuronal migration of cells from the inner
function with 133-xenon rCBF w15x and SPECT ŽTc99m- ventricular zone to form the outer layers of the cortex in
HMPAO. w16x and with 15-oxygen PET w7–9,12,17x and the human brain. During this period, it is hypothesized that
functional MRI ŽfMRI. w11,18–20x which report hy- the developing brain may be vulnerable to epigenetic
pofrontality in schizophrenic cohorts as compared to con- traumatic events, specifically if there are underlying ge-
trols. Hypofrontality is observed in patients that are neu- netic predisposing factors.
¨ w21–24x in patients off-medications w25x, as
roleptic-naıve Data from medical records during the Helsinki in-
well as in adolescent patients with childhood onset schizo- fluenza A2 virus in 1957, led Mednick et al. w38x to
phrenia w26x. develop the hypothesis that mothers exposed to the virus
Deficits in prefrontal regions of schizophrenics can be during the second in contrast to the first and third trimesters
visualized with 31 P magnetic resonance spectroscopy were at higher risk for having offspring that would later
ŽfMRS. w27x and with proton magnetic resonance spectro- develop schizophrenia. More than 15 studies have since
scopic imaging Ž 1 H-MRSI. w20,28x Bertolino w20x observed replicated these findings in other countries including Edin-
that adolescents with childhood-onset schizophrenia as well burgh, England and Wales, Tokyo and Ireland. Each of
as adult-onset schizophrenia patients had significantly these has suggested that the second trimester of pregnancy
lower metabolite peaks of the proton spectra Ži.e., N-acetyl is a window of vulnerability although as reviewed by
aspartate ŽNAA.rcreatine ratios. in the DLPFC suggestive Mednick et al. w34x some investigators failed to replicate
of neuronal damage or malfunction. Another study from these results. Second trimester effects were not found in
the same laboratory w28x reported significant reductions in studies of influenza epidemics in Western Australia w39x
NAArcreatine and NAArcholine ratios in the DLPFC of nor in a population of Caribbean immigrants to Europe
a group of 12 untreated schizophrenic patients Ž5 neurolep- having an increased rate for schizophrenia w40x. It is impor-
¨ and 7 medication-free patients..
tic-naıve tant to note that although viral studies may help us desig-
MRI technology, used to quantify gray and white matter nate a window of vulnerability, they are clearly not an
changes in prefrontal tissue of schizophrenics, report that etiological factor in most cases in schizophrenia. Other
schizophrenics as compared to controls have decreased studies implicate severe psychological stress w41,42x and
prefrontal gray matter volumes w30–32x, a finding which is malnutrition w43x as factors that can influence the incidence
also observed in first-episode schizophrenics w33x. Reduc- of schizophrenia in developing offspring.
tions in prefrontal white matter volume although reported
w29,32x are not consistently observed Že.g., w34,35,37x.. An
attempt to correlate gray and white matter volumes with 6. Postmortem findings in prefrontal cortical areas of
metabolic deficits Žphosphomonoesters. using 31 P MRS in schizophrenics
schizophrenics failed to show a relationship w27x.
Employing a new application of MRI to study schizo- Research investigations of postmortem tissue has yielded
phrenia, Buchsbaum et al. w36x used diffusion tensor imag- a wealth of data suggesting that the schizophrenic brain
ing, a technology that allows direct assessment of the large may be differentiated from controls in terms of neuronal
axon masses stretching from the prefrontal cortex to the density, neuronal cell settling patterns, as well as in the
striatum. Five patients with schizophrenia and six age- and gene expression of neuronal transmitter-related molecules,
gender-matched normal controls were studied with diffu- particularly in prefrontal cortical regions. Analyses of neu-
sion tensor images, high resolution structural MRI and ronal density changes in the prefrontal cortical areas of the
FDG-PET techniques. Compared to controls, schizophren- schizophrenic brain show decreases in neuronal density in
ics had lower diffusion anistropy in white matter regions Layer VI w44x; decreases in interneuronal density in layer
of the prefrontal cortex. The investigators concluded that II and to a lesser extent in Layer I w46x; reductions in
W.E. Bunney, B.G. Bunneyr Brain Research ReÕiews 31 (2000) 138–146 141

neuronal size and increases in density of small neurons in NAA, glutamate and valine in the thalamus of the
prefrontal regions w47,48x and increased overall neuronal schizophrenic group w56x. Additionally, evidence from
density in layer VI Ž3D counting method. of area 9 w49x magnetic resonance imaging shows significantly different
and in area 46 in layers II, III, IV, and VI w50x. Although correlations between thalamic volumes with prefrontal
neuronal alterations are frequently associated with the white matter among chronic male schizophrenics but not
prefrontal cortical areas of the schizophrenic brain, there is among controls w23x. Thalamic volumes among patients
a relative absence of neuropathological changes consistent were significantly correlated with clinical symptoms such
with neurodegenerative processes w47x. as bizarre behavior, hallucinations and thought disorder
w57x although Wolkin et al. w58x using MRI techniques,
reported no differences within the thalamus.
7. Cognitive affective parallel circuits

Fig. 1 represents a redrawing from Alexander, DeLong 8. Cortical subplate

and Strick’s paper w51x defining 3 parallel circuits which
relate to cognitive affective components. The dorsolateral The cortical subplate is a transitory neuronal structure
prefrontal cortex circuit involves the DLPFC in the cortex, laid down in the beginning of the second trimester, reach-
the dorsolateral caudate nucleus of the striatum, the lateral ing maximum peak in the early third trimester w59x. Most
dorsal medial nucleus of the globus pallidus, the postero- subplate cells undergo programmed cell death during the
lateral nucleus of the substantia nigra and the ventral late fetal and early postnatal life although tens of thou-
anterior, medial dorsalis, pars parvocellularis subnuclei of sands remain in the adult brain as interstitial neurons of
the dorsal medial nucleus of the thalamus. Defects in any white matter w59x. The subplate may function as a cellular
of these structures could produce alterations in intrinsic- scaffold, a critical but transitory link between the cortical
and extrinsic-functional connectivity that may be related to target cells and thalamic axons w60x. Lesions studies in cats
symptoms of schizophrenia. There is preliminary evidence have shown that subplate neurons are required throughout
to suggest deficits in the dorsal medial thalamic nuclei the neocortex in the process of cortical target selection
w52–55x which have extensive connections with the DLPFC w60x. Thus remnants of the subplate provide a marker
are present in schizophrenics. Data from a 1 H-magnetic which could allow one to evaluate in postmortem tissue a
resonance spectroscopy study of 8 schizophrenics and 10 critical second trimester developmental process in the brain.
controls revealed a non-significant trend of reductions in Abnormal cell settling patterns of these subplate neurons

Fig. 1. Dorsolateral prefrontal cortical parallel circuit in schizophrenia.

142 W.E. Bunney, B.G. Bunneyr Brain Research ReÕiews 31 (2000) 138–146

offer a unique window and marker to identify early neu- changes in cortical ontogenesis as reflected in the distur-
rodevelopmental pathology. bance of NADPH-d-stained neurons may be widespread
among neocortical association fields in schizophrenics.
NADPH-d positive neurons represent only a small sub-
9. Cytoarchitectural alterations in dorsolateral pre- set of cortical subplate cells. Additional markers include
frontal cortex MAP-2, microtubular-associated proteins representing the
largest fraction of subplate neurons, and SMI-32, a mono-
Anatomical and epidemiological studies support the clonal antibody which represents a non-phosphorylated
hypothesis that disturbances of orderly brain development neurofilament protein Ž160–200 kDA.. Together these three
may contribute to the etiology of schizophrenia. Findings markers label approximately 85% of subplate cells. Utiliz-
suggest that abnormal patterns of neuronal migration dur- ing these neuronal markers, we observed a maldistribution
ing the development of the cerebral cortex may be in- of all three populations of interstitial neurons in the middle
volved in schizophrenia providing evidence that cortical frontal gyrus of schizophrenics compared to matched con-
connectivity and associative function could be disturbed. A trols. For each neuronal population there was a significant
test of this hypothesis focused on the quantification of increase in the density of neurons toward the deeper white
NADPH-d Žnicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate matter. Thirty-five percent of the 20 schizophrenic brains
diaphorase.-labeled cells in the white matter of the brain of investigated in this study but no brains of the 20 control
schizophrenics and matched controls. NADPH-d stained subjects showed a maldistribution of neurons toward deeper
cells are found in the non-pyramidal cells of the DLPFC white matter with at least two of the three markers.
and provide a marker for the remnants of the cortical Selective displacement of interstitial white matter neurons
subplate. These cells represent a subpopulation of neurons in the frontal lobe in the DLPFC may indicate alterations
that remain in the brain throughout adulthood. The cells in neuronal migration possibly leading to defective cortical
are particularly resistant to neurodegenerative processes. circuitry in the brains of schizophrenic patients w64x. An-
NADPH-d is the enzyme which catalyses the reaction of derson et al. w65x evaluated MAP-2 in 5 schizophrenic
adenine to the free radical nitric oxide ŽNO.. NADPH-d cases and matched controls. Although their findings dif-
containing cells appear to be protected from the effects of fered from those reported, they concluded that the results
nitric oxide released under neurotoxic conditions w61x. An of both investigations agreed on a common hypothesis that
early study in our laboratory w62x evaluated NADPH-d prefrontal cortical dysfunction in schizophrenia may be a
stained cells in the prefrontal cortex and underlying white later consequence of an early developmental disturbance in
matter. The methodology in these studies involve immuno- the organization of the cortical subplate w65x. These find-
histochemistry, densitometry and quantified cell counting ings may represent some of the most direct evidence for a
methods. In the normal brains, these neurons are found in neurodevelopmental defect in schizophrenia.
the largest numbers in the white matter immediately deep
to layer 6 of the cortex where they remain from the
subplate. The DLPFC of the schizophrenic patients showed 10. Abnormalities of neurotransmitter-related
a significant decrease in NADPH-d labeled neurons in the molecules in the DLPFC of schizophrenic patients
superficial white matter and in the overlying cortex while
they show a significant increase in these stained neurons in The major inhibitory neurotransmitter of the brain,
white matter deeper than 3 mm from the cortex. These gamma-aminobutyric acid ŽGABA . is altered in
findings are consistent with a disturbance of the cortex schizophrenia as shown by decreases in GABA release and
during development. It is unlikely that neuroleptic treat- uptake w66–68x and reductions in the density of GABA
ment affected these neurochemically and functionally ho- axon terminals w69x as compared to controls. Further re-
mogenous neurons in a different way in the cortex and search revealed that the GABA-A receptor, a site of action
white matter. One of the most severe cases had not been of psychotropic drugs is increased in schizophrenics as
treated with neuroleptics therefore a drug-related cause is compared to controls, particularly in layer II of the pre-
unlikely. A subsequent study evaluated NADPH-d stained frontal cortex and the adjacent prefrontal cortex w44,45x.
neurons in the lateral and medial temporal lobes of Reductions in small interneurons in cortical layer 2, espe-
schizophrenic and matched control brain tissue. The find- cially in brains of schizophrenic patients with affective
ings were similar to those shown in the frontal lobe with disturbances led Benes w46x to hypothesize alterations in
the schizophrenics having significantly lower NADPH-d the GABA-ergic system. Daviss and Lewis w29x report an
stained neurons in the outer layers of the hippocampal increase in the density of local circuit neurons in the
formation and in the neocortex of the lateral temporal lobe prefrontal cortical areas of a subpopulation of GABA
were observed while significantly greater numbers in the neurons Žcalbindin-labeled neurons. by as much as 50–70%
NADPH-d stained neurons in the white matter of the in layers III, V, and VI of schizophrenics compared to
lateral temporal lobe with a tendency toward increased controls matched for age, gender and autolysis time. How-
numbers in the parahippocampal white matter w63x. Thus, ever, analyses of mRNA levels for six GABA-A receptor
W.E. Bunney, B.G. Bunneyr Brain Research ReÕiews 31 (2000) 138–146 143

subtypes Ž a1, a 2, a 5, b1, b2, g2. failed to support poral and cerebellar cortex in brains of schizophrenics,
significant changes in the prefrontal cortex of schizophren- neuroleptic-treated and comparison patients, and matched
ics as compared to matched controls w75x. controls. Significant changes in the schizophrenic cohort
Glutamic acid decarboxylase ŽGAD. is the key enzyme were observed only in the prefrontal cortex where there
in the synthesis of GABA in inhibitory interneurons. GAD was a shift in the relative proportion of mRNAs for NR2
is regulated in an activity-dependent manner in the cere- subunit family with a 53% relative increase in the expres-
bral cortex of non-human primates w70,71x. Conduction sion of the NR2D subunit mRNA. Similar changes were
block of the optic nerve in adult monkeys causes a re- not observed in neuroleptic-treated nor in untreated con-
versible decrease in immunoreactive GAD and GABA trols. Regional heterogeneity of subunit expression in hu-
levels w70,71x. A decrease in GABA immunoreactivity is man cerebral and cerebellar cortex was found w76x. The
associated with decreased levels of GAD mRNA w48x NR2D subunit of the NMDA receptor has the following
suggesting that the activity-dependent regulation of corti- potential relevance. In cerebral cortex the expression of
cal GABA may depend on the regulation of GAD gene NR2D subunit is developmentally regulated w77x and is
expression. Levels of messenger RNA for the 67 Kd required to induce the formation of specific neuronal con-
isoform of GAD and the number and laminar distribution nections w78–80x. Recombination experiments in cell cul-
of GAD mRNA-expressing neurons in the DLPFC of ture demonstrate that NMDA receptors assembled from
schizophrenics and matched controls were quantified using NR1 and NR2D subunits show a prolonged decay rate of
in situ hybridization-histochemistry, densitometry and cell glutamate-induced ion currents and a lowered threshold for
counting methods. As a control, mRNA levels for type II voltage-dependent Mg 2q blockade compared with NMDA
calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase ŽCamIIK. receptors assembled from NR1 and NR2A or NR2B sub-
were also quantified. Schizophrenics showed a significant units w77x. These specific kinetic properties of NMDA
decrease in GAD mRNA levels in neurons of layers I receptors containing the NR2D polypeptide are thought to
Ž40%. and II Ž48%. and an overall 30% decrease in layers ensure effective postsynaptic depolarization under condi-
III to VI while there were no significant differences in tions when presynaptic activity is reduced w77x. The in-
CamIIK mRNA levels between the schizophrenic patients creased proportion of this ‘hyperexcitable’ type of NMDA
and the controls. Prefrontal gray and white matter volumes receptor in the prefrontal cortex could be a significant
did not differ significantly nor were there differences response to prefrontal hypoactivity in order to compensate
found in the total number of small, round or oval neurons for a general reduction in neuronal activity w76x.
which should include most of the GABA cells w72x. The The DLPFC comprises a key structure in the dorsolat-
reduced expression of GAD may be a result of an activity- eral prefrontal circuit. In conclusion, evidence from di-
dependent down-regulation associated with the functional verse experimental investigations support a dysfunction in
hypoactivity of the DLPFC which has been documented the DLPFC in a subgroup of schizophrenics based on Ž1.
with PET scans. A strikingly similar finding has been compromised cognitive functioning, Ž2. decreased regional
independently observed by Volk et al. w73x who also glucose metabolism and blood flow activation, Ž3. disrup-
reported that the gene expression for GAD is reduced in tion of cortical subplate activity Žinferred from maldistribu-
layers I–V, most significantly in Layers III–IV, without tion of neurons from the former cortical subplate., disor-
loss of neurons in the prefrontal cortex of schizophrenic dered connectivity in the frontal cortex Žthe subplate is
patients. required for orderly migration during the second trimester
Perturbations in NMDA transmission are thought to be and for connectivity of the thalamacortical neurons. Ž4.
a contributing factor in schizophrenia in view of the decrease in major components of the cortical inhibitory
observation that NMDA receptor antagonists can induce a neurotransmitter system Ž5. Alterations in the molecules
schizophrenic-like psychosis in normals w74x. Thus, the critical for NMDA-receptor mediated neural transmission.
evaluation of the gene expression for NMDA receptor Abnormal cortical connections andror altered neurotrans-
subunits in prefrontal cortex of schizophrenics as com- mitter-related molecules in the dorsolateral prefrontal corti-
pared to controls matched for age, gender and autolysis cal circuit could explain some of the prominent frontal
time was undertaken w75x. Excitatory amino acid ionotropic cognitive disruptions seen in schizophrenia.
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