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yh ate anda Ab ie ae Name ato BRS ek ee V4 Why We Practice Analogies Practice withanalogies develope proficiency in loge Toanswer analogy questions correctly you analyzetwo ‘words and identify the lationship between them: then you identify another pal of words ihathasthesame ‘lationship. Inaddition, when You study analogies, you think abott the precise meanings of words an fs these deinitons in your memory. Finally studying word analogies will help you to gan higher scares an national lets that include multiple choice analogy questions. The new Scholastic Aptitude Test| Vebal Reasoning Test, fo example, includes analogy questions. Understanding Word Analogies A.word analogy i comparizon Between two pats of words, Hete's how word analogies are writen ‘Bxample 1 FIND: LOCATE lose: miplace “The colon () stands fr the phrase “i rlated to Here's how to rend the relationships in Example IND [is elated to] LOCATE loses rete to} mieplace ‘Tae double colon between the two pales of word stands forthe phrase “in the same way tha.” Here is how to read thecomplete analogy: FIND [is elated to] LOCATE. fin the same way that) Jose fis relate tl misplace Hore is another way: FIND isto LOCATE a oe isto misplace. Aproperly constructed analogy, then, ells that he relationship between the firs pal of words thesarne as the lationship between the second pair of words. In Example I find end love eesynonyen, just else td mpc ze synonys. Let's ook at another example Beample2 GIFT: JOY graf: toate Whats the relationship here? A si causes oy ust a rif causes tars. A cause-and-effect relationship links the two pais of words in Example 2 To help you Identity the eationships expressed in analogtes, we have designed the chart on page 124 No char, of couse, could include all possible relationships between ‘words, but these twelve relationships are frequently presented. You shold familiarize youre with hese relationships, ‘Connective New Woros ao Parrems 123 amo at toss. ‘TYPES OF ANALOGIES RELATIONSHIP EXAMPLE EXPLANATION ‘Synonym DRY: ARID: ‘Day is similar in meaning Wari, oot nai just as fs is similar in meaning to sla Antony KIND: CRUEL: Kinds the opposite of ru, just 35. happy sed pps the appari of sd Part and Whale (CHAPTER: BOOK ‘A chap a par of a Dok fst a6 2 fender: automobile Jfenderisa part ofan automabie. POEM: STANZAS A poo ie composed of trans, ash, play:acts asa pny iscomposed of ats. CCharactristicQuaity | MIRROR:SMOOTH: Mirrors are characeristialy sandpaper: rongh ‘not, jst as sandpaper is charac teristic rough, (Classification POLKA :DANCE A pot may be cisifed asa fog: amphibian stance, just fog may be cassi- (Cause and Etect Function Location Performer and Related Object Performer and Related Aston Action and Related Object IRD: CARDINAL. hase: igloo arr: joy, rain: flood ‘TEARS: SADNESS: smiles joy KNIFE: CUT: shovel: dig RISH=SEA, moose forest ‘CHUCKLE: LAUGHE whimper ery [CASHIER +CASHE plumber: pipe AUTHOR: WRITE: chet cook BOIL: BoC roe ball fied aen amphi, ‘A cantina is clasiied a a bird, Justasan glo clasiied as 2 house. A giftcan cause jy, just a5 ran ca case fl “Tonrs are an effect of ses, just nes ave a elec of oy ‘The function ofa knife toon, just ssthe fnctin ofa shove! iti A fish can be found in te se, just asa moose can be found ina forest. Cte and taugh have sinilar ‘meanings, but difer in degaee in the same way that whimper and any havesinlar meanings but difer in degree {A cashir works with cash, just asa plomber works ith pie ‘You expect an thar to wnt as you expect he to nk You boa gg just 8 you thaw ail (these items, the objet at ways receives the ation) 124 Connect New Wonos ano PATTERNS ‘omy aha Maen, eget Cemeteries Nemo tet A Process for Solving Analogi ‘Your job in solving multiple-choice analogy questions sto dently the relationship between the fist two ‘wordsand then to find the pir of words that has the mest similar relationship. Here are four hints to help ts jonhipe that do nat match the relationchip between the Hint #2 Eliminate choices that have vague relationships. Remember, the orignal relationship will always ‘be cleat. So, 09, wil the anorer’s relationship. ‘int #3 Eliminate word pales that expres th same relationchip as the capitalized pat, but appear in the ‘opposite word oer. Hint If you can not determine the relationship between two words, ty reading them backward. ‘Remember that acause-and-eflect relationship, for example, exists whether the paris writen (Cause: Effet or Efe: Cause. Hore’ process tht will help you with analogy questions: Answering Analogy Questions: A 3-Step Method 4 ently the relationship betwean the capitalized pale of wards. 2 Look for hat relationship inthe pats of words i the answer choices Eliminate hose ‘at donot have hat relationship. 3. Choose the pur af words whose relationship and word order match those ofthe ‘capitalized pai. ‘Lets apply this pattern toa sample question in Example. Bxample3 FISH:SEA= (A) sun: (8) hero: villain (©) moose forest (D) spacesit: astronaut © gurage:car 1 dent he relationship. 1s oct; fish can be found in hes, 2. Eliminate choices. Choice A has aelationship of casafiction; the sun isa sla. Choice has two oppo sites; hero isan antonym fr vil. Choice D consists ofa performer (estronau) and a related object (sprees. None ofthese choices mate. 3. Chasse the comet answer. Choices C and E both have location relationships: A moose canbe found ina {forest anda cr can be found in a gerge, But Choice E could only be corzect ifthe words appeared in the oppesite order ar: game. 80 Choice C must be core. A Final Word “Analogies are easier ta tackle you approach them with flexibility. Allow yourself to discover the relation - Slip between the first pir of words and to explore the relationships between the words inthe ansrer ‘choices. Keep inmind that some words can represen more than ove part of speechand thatmos| words have suliplemcnings Renenboy eleven puntesarea tol youraity edema ety as wellas logic. Connective New Woros ano Parrems 125 BESS vy Lesson 1_} ANALOGIES Directions. For each of the following items, choose the lettered pair of words that expresses a relationship that is most similar to the relationship between the pair of capitalized words. Write the Fetter of your answer on the line provided before the number ofthe item. 41. BELLIGERENT: PEACEFUL. 6. NEGOTIATE: DIPLOMAT (A) personal: private (A) cook: food | (@) disappointed : pleased (©) teach student (© consistent : orderly (©) research: ibeary (0) dismal: gloomy (©) sotle: lawyer (©) farfetehed: fantastic (@) operate: machine 2. MANIFEST: REVEAL 7. ntact: DAMAGED. (A) endure: persist (A) planned scheduled () offend : obliterate (@) snystical: mythical {©) show : conceal (©) valued : scorned (0) replace: repair () cracked : rumbled © concentrate: diffuse (worn: tattered ___ 3. MEANDER: WANDER 8. RECEDE: WITHDRAW: (8) mean: think (A) precede fallow (0) wiggle: squiem (6) scoen prise (©) swoop: evalow (©) tehearse: improvise (©) run: walk (©) predict: forecast (©) ramble: ise (©) magnify: einish 4, FERVENT: DISCIPLE: —— 9. tiprous- UNATTRACTIVE (A) strong,-surgeon (A) unbending: broken {@) creative inventor (@) dazed alert (©) worried: scholar (C) impulsive considered (0) friendly a (©) overjoyed : pleased (©) busy: spouse ©) least: most 5. DEXTERITY: PRACTICE 10. REPLENISH PROVIDE (A) feiendship hostility (4) plant harvest (6) mind smemory (B) promote: preside (©) charm :iatelligence (©) filzempty (©) talent: genius (©) ask:tell (6) knowledge study (6) efi: 126 Connective New Wonos ano Parrets Ne te fess RSs neue eee 7 ANALOGIES Directions. For each of the following items, choose the lettered palr of words that expresses a telationship that is most similar tothe relationship between the pair of capitalized words. Write the letter of your answer onthe line provided before the numberof the item. 1. EMISSARY : MESSENGER 6. POTION MAGIC (A) surgeon operation (4) lumberjack wood (8) teacher: lecture (®) mechanic sear (©) minister: church (© sedative: wanguilty () doctor: physician (©) poison :medicine (© gymnast: mat (@) magician wand 2. CITADEL: ELEVATED, —— 7. GaRB:cLoTHING (8) potter: thrown (8) pen: point (8) fort: fallen (@) roof house (© courtyard : walled (©) whiskers beard (D) ety : surrounded () Flower: rose (vessel: shipped (€) pants: eps 3. RERALD : MESSAGE 8. UNDERGO: ENDURE: (A) teacher: school (A) lower: tt (®) dancer gloves (8) regret: appreciate (©) member club © (D) mall carrier letter o () police officer: flower (©) gratify please —— 4. MepievaL: corse —— 9. AMIry : FRIENDSHIP: (A) western shot (A) hate: comradeship (©) modern: mannedly (8) terror: hardship (©) sudden changed admintion: dislike {(D) intentional: purposeful () love loathing () trditional: scientific () ritess: wealth ——_5. PROWESS: INEPTITUDE —— 10. OMEN: PORETELL (A) bravery :hero (A) message: deliver ©) fault: weakeess @®) cranes (©) cowardice: timicity (©) reporter: build (D) power: strength () detective laugh () pride : humiity (© racquet bounce Connecting New Woxos ano Partens 127 HRS ee Y Lesson 3_| ANALOGIES Directions, For each ofthe following items, choose the lettered palr of words shat expresses = relationship that is most similar to the relatonship between the pal of capt sd words. Write the letter of your answer on the line provided before the umber of he tem. 1, BENEFACTOR: HELP: (A) carpenter: shelter (8) surgeon :shoot (©) musician: ran {(D) patron : support (6) archltet hammer 2, MOOR: SECURE (A) excte:subdue (8) cage release (©) crack: shater {D) chuckle: s0b () speak: talk 3. PLAINTIVE:jov0t (A) weal :customary (8) foolish silly © (D) abundant: plentiful (8) moderate: excessive fe: warting 4, SINISTER: VILLAIN (4) sanooth alligator (8) kindly :benefact (©) slippery : basket (©) evet sTomon () tll: valley —— 5. Cope: HANDL (A) welcome: banish (8) deny : acknowledge (©) drink seat (©) glance stare (8) recall: remember 128 Connecrine New Wonos ano Parrenns 10, AGITATION : COMMOTION (9) assault: attack (8) treatment: disease (C) weatiness exhaustion (D) practic: improvement (6) bacteria: infection GENEALOGY : GRANDPARENT: (A) print: newspaper (@) twain: track (©) ists item (0) encyclopedia: dictionary (6) elephant jangle SPURN : ACCEPT (a) press: push (8) forbid authorize (©) force: encourage (6) enrage anger KINDLE IGNITE (8) exercise: strength {@) conceal: hide (©) promote :hinder (9) vote register (6) announce exclaim SMUG: SELF-SATISEIED (A) hesitant unsure (8) immense: tiny (©) nique commen {D) generous miserly (@) nimble: tit Ne MRSS a eee Y ANALOGIES Directions. For each ofthe following items, choose the lettered pair of words that expresses a relationship that s most similar to the relationship between the pair of capitalized words. Waite the letter of your answer on the line provided before the nimber ofthe item. 4. FAUNA: RABBIT —— 6 Hopi: wanpeR (8) Kangeoo: Austalla (8) amy enjoy {@) vegetation :rovebush @) playersaive {© countrysie town (©) orchestra applaud (©) loyally dog (@) eat: perform (@ stem stern (8) lamp droop 2. MSSTAMORPHOSIS: LARVA 7. cewraurucal.:ourwaro (2) automobile: Heense (A) centered sround (©) tree: shn ©) competitive complex (© human: being {© comic: tragic {B) construction ‘blueprint (0) heated: warm ® Hory:tale 8) tory feathered 3. srctor: pivision 8, stacnant: Movine (2) continent: Barth (A) damaged: destroyed (@) lly :nelghborhood (@) ail: active : (©) ace: pie (©) distorted twisted } (D) sere: measurement (D) collected : pooled i (B) terior region (8) fen easy : 4. CARNIVOROUS: TIGER 9. ony ;conrRast § (A) noutlehing cae (A) numer: comies Z (®) hungry: feat (©) Inher: tears : {© date -elephant {©) dramas conte : (©) serobatc: monkey (©) trary: scholar i (B) thin: rhinoceros (B) diplomacy: war E 5, FLORA: DAFFODIL 10, ToLERAT#: ENDURE 2 (A) yellow : color (A) contribute : withdraw (@) penguin: Novth Pole (8) alow promote (©) sprout :plant (©) maintain: stop (©) animal: beaver (©) torment: torture 6) soil: mud (©) stretch: sink ‘Connecrins New Woros ano Parrenys 129 Name ao ___ ome | Connecting New Worps anp Parreans | | V esson 5_| ANALOGIES Directions. For each of the following items, choose the lettered pair of words that expresses a felationship that ls most similar to the relationship between the pair of capitalized words, Write letter of your answer onthe line provided before the number ofthe itm, 1. CULMINATION : PEAK 6. Larceny: crt: {n) obvorvaton:ovecight (A) apple: frit (8) aviation; ailment (8) eho stent (©) ejection: approval {€) mason stone (0) elevation: eight (0) piece pie (2) invoduetion: farewell (©) limousine chauffeur 2, supenenuous: excessive 7. apvocare:surrorr (a) ehangeless: monotonous (A) epponent oppose (8) Intolerable: endurabie (8) coach: sleep (© exciting del (C) studio: speak (©) exatng cartes (B) tein: transport (©) surprising expected (@) doctor agree —— 3 GentaL:ni0sr 8. Hoax: mck (A) unknown: ceebeity (a) wing airplane (B) brave: sidekick (8) head boy (© polite guest (© pecan: almond (0) ate: infant (0) sport: game } (8) windy ain (B) horse eats | 4, CREDENTIALS: WRITTEN 9, yenntat.: DeaDu 2 (9) plano :spoken (A) vital soni i (@) Bae beaten (8) legateviminal (© tank: rotated {€) ar fatal {©) deer :atmoves €©) seven ep {© speech: ater (©) destructive :eonstructive 5. PREPOSTEROUS: SENSIBLE 10. pLanvirs- sue (A) fanasti Imaginary (A) aetioneee bid (8) restless uneasy (8) fork chop (©) hares: destructive (©) food seat (D) insti bay {©) audience entertain (8) deci: iendess (©) tale: sew 130 Connecrine New Wonos sao PATTERNS ‘pre ore Ria ner Ae sene Name _ Cie 7 ——— HERS nee ee Y ANALOGIES Directions, For each of the following items, choose the letlered palr of words that expresses a ‘lationship that is most similar tothe relationship betreen the pair of capitalized words. Writ the letter of your answer onthe line provided before the numberof the items 1. ation: DIsLike 6. JOVIAL:JOLLY. (0) smile: befriend (A) valuable precious ©) plant: wproot (6) juvenile: gloomy (©) employ shire (©) Joyous :sad (©) idolize s admire (©) wholesome: sickly (© trade:exchange (jolted table 2. CHRONIC: PERPETUAL — 7. MALICIOUS: KIND (4) occasional: eternal (A) searce : abundant (8) temporary : permanent () evil: wicked * (©) monotonous: exciting (© ditficwl hard (©) briefslengthy () obvious: clear (continous :wninterrupted ( soft: weak —— 3. piucent: Ant 8. OBTUSE: DULL (A) timid tion (A) oval:circular (8) agratfssquireel () blunt: sharp (©) furry sducke (© dark: bright (D) sour: bread (©) common ordinary (busy :bee (6) alight: acute —— 4. CONTEMPTINLE: ADMIRABLE 9. QUOTA: LIMP (4) respectful : obedient (A) quotation :speech (@) handsome: wely ( tax:apple (© tedious: boring (© ralers yard (©) lBkeable pleasant (©) publisher deadline (8) sinister: evil (©) portion : part —— 5. IMPERTINENT: IMPOLITE 10, DUPE: DECEIVE (A) coverent: respectful () fool: tick (@) conventional: convenient (@) give: withhold (©) perturbed :caim (©) climb : deseend (©) devastated: discontented (D) harm :romedy () mean kind (©) live: perish Connective New Wonos ano Patterns 134 Date toss _ SS || Connectinc New Worps ano Parrerns |_| VV Lesson7_| ANALOGIES Directions. For cach of the following items, choose the lettered pair of words that expresses 2 relationship that is most similar to the relationship between the pair of capitalized words. Wite the letter of your answer onthe line provided before the number ofthe item. 1 apvensany:orrose 6. exnvorr-use (A) hing: sale (A) pleadsvetase 1) enemy apologize (0) asks investigate (© teammate. pay (0) cept sent (©) solder: ra {D) eaggeae: describe © tials win (0) Increse decline 2. ackwowtepct: 1GNone: 7. surmount: ovstacts (a) tray deceive ) puord:protecor (0) adit scones (0) cherish: ercny (©) remark scot (© divoree: ends (0) misplacesove (D) shower howe {e) wresere (8) overcomes diticty 3. sussuousnrsroLLowING: 8 ELUDE: ESCA: (2 tata (A) tap eatch ©) peoty aly (0) captre: ease {© presents pst (©) regret sle 1 (©) pro: later (0) send i 4. osreacize ncuuoe 9. vereaup:swinps : (2) alse: eevate (a) stat al i (0) emerson (0) wind uma i (©) invite: weleame {C) cheat 3 () tend seae (Py oegnsst 5 {@) sve ignore (2 explains question : 5, LAX: STRICT ). WRANGLE : DISAGI : (A) absolute : universal {A) wrestle: box £ (0) eat tidy (©) embrace ight t (© eld: str (©) doe: ke {D) compoct ssl {0) arrange: dsorganize (8) gene: harsh {© comerse qual 132 Conwecrs New Woros ano Parrenns ss 7 ——, BReiitce cok ee ee Lesson 8 | ANALOGIES Directions. For each ofthe following items, choose the lettered palr of words that expresses & rel chip that is most similar tothe relationship between the pal of capitalized words. Write the letter of your answer on the line provided before the name ofthe tem 1. PUNGENT: SHARP: (A) bret lengthy (@) mia: wid () boring: exciting () tively acive @) silly: strong 2. INCANDESCENT : BRIGHT: (A) pleasant disturbing (@) peaceful: violent (©) obvious : unclear (©) gigantic: big () harmonious :masieal 3. REPAST: BREAKFAST (A) sky blue (8) color: gray (©) green: sea () ocean: water () crest: wave 4. CONGRUENT: HARMONIOUS (A) talented: musical (8) congested : open (C) precise: exact (D) bickering: agreeing (@) square rectangular ANIMATED : DEPRESSED: (A) curious: disinterested (@) healthy: inspired (©) unhappy : discontented (©) courteous: polite (2) vigorous: athltie 6. APATHY: CONCERN (A) tension: relaxation (@) patience: reward (©) center: middle () lovesemotion ) passion : devotion 7. INCESSANT: CONSTANT (A) punctual late (@) earnest :sincere () fortsnate:snlucky () heavy ight (©) wnregulated : controlled - OPAQUE: TRANSPARENT: (A) bright: light (@) ‘svinkling shiny (© thin: skinny, (©) gloomy : dismal (©) plentiful: searce 9. INVERSE: OPPOSITE (A) aitcut card () damp : soaked (C) similar: dissimilar (©) reverse: forward © crisp: broken 10. TANTALIZING : REPULSIVE (A) teasing tormenting (@) gleaming: aglow (C) exciting: heling (©) calming upsetting © beating: pounding 133 Connect New Woros ano Par Name tas, _ SMEs a ee eel ¥ Lesson9_) ANALOGIES Directions. For cat wf the following, eins, choose the lettered. pale of words that expresses @ ‘lationship that is oat silar ta the selationship between the pair of capitalized words. Write Ihe Intter of your answer on the line provided before the number of the tem, 1, DENOTE: MEAN - (A) create: invent (©) damage: repair (©) observe ignore (D) perform: applaud ©) countertett: rob 2. SIMILE : COMPARE (A) Greek describe (©) ginger: sour (C) adjective: modity (©) cut fork (©) purple: darken 3. AUTHENTICITY :GENUINENESS: (A) fantasy realty (©) wisdom: ignorance (© disgust joy () faith: ebarty (©) magnificence: splendor 4, ULTIMATE: INITIAL (A) central: middle (@) fictitious: atual (©) firsts consequential {0) final: concluding (&) maximum :mediocre 5, METAPHOR: POETRY (A) shading drawing (©) pump bicycle (© Might: propeller (©) cover: top (@) switeh: power 134 Connecrins New Woros ano PATTERNS 6. CADENCE: BEAT (A) stick dem (8) melody : tune (© ball: bat (D) abuse: comfort (©) chythm jane 7. HINDRANCE: HELP. () creation : destruction (@) medication: sickness () tool: asistant (©) confusion: embarrassment (8) insistence sdemand 8. ABRASIVE: SANDPAPER. (A) wet: water (8) quiet :trampet (©) sharp rabbit (©) dark lamp (6) yellow: ose 9. TURBULENT: WATERFALL (A) round: guitar (@) warm sunshine (©) happy sca {D) visible: person (6) striped soldier ADAGE: OLD. (2) elder: young () treasure worthless (©) rapidity slow (D) emotion: heartess (©) sain: wet Coit by Hota ate Wn ee —_ tes HEQMmone en eee ee V Lesson 10] ANALOGIES Directions. For each of the following items, choose the lettered pair of words that expresses a relationship that most smllar to the relationship between the pai of capitalized words. Write the letter of your anawer on the line provided before the niamber ofthe tem. —— 1. sounoguy: DRAMA 6. LAVISH: MEAGER: (A) history sera (A) humble: poor (@) theater: opera (®) fancy : polished (©) poem: sonnet (© elegant: ornate (©) antcle account (©) expensive: cheap () song musical comedy () bearable: tolerable —— 2. inaupiwis:Loup: 7 awantory: List (A) magnetic eleetse (A) remark: commen (@) obscure: prominent ©) employ: dismiss (©) faint: dim (C) glance study (0) impartial: fate (0) stock empty (8) unbroken: whole () lnvest withdraw 3. PANORAMA: WIDE 8. PREDOMINANT : SUPREME: (9) view sinvsible (A) ent clean (©) mountain: tiny (@) divide: meltiply (©) ocean: clear (©) drop : break (©) desert; frozen (©) split: stare ) lace: delicate (8) present: now —— 4, DISCRETION : RESTRICTION 9. INTONATION : SPEECH (A) intelligence: thought (A) velocity satel (@) Ignorance: Bliss () melody : music (©) fiieness justice (© press information (©) enthusiasm : disinterest (0) inaiterence dese (@) bravery: heroism ) apotogy: forgiveness —— 5. HECTIC: caLM —— 10, TRIPOD: THREE-LEGGED. (A) intense : profound (2) game: dull (©) inferior lower (8) moon invisible (©) peaceful: neutral (©) aquarium: deserted ed (©) bicycle: two-wheeled (D) hidden :con (@) triangle: four-sided (©) solace: tense CConwecrine New Woros ano Parreans 135 Namo || Connectinc New Worps ano Patterns | | VV Lesson 11 | ANALOGIES Directions. For each of the following items, choose the letered pale of words that expresses a relationship that is most similar tothe relationship between the pair of capitalized words, Write the Teiter of your answer on the line provided before the nemiber of the tem —— 1. nipuiocrapny: TrTLes _ 6. RECESSION : ECONOMICS (A) dictionary entries (a) ith soot (@) orchestra: symphonies (8) care: nurse (© army navies (©) injury: pain () author: articles (0) doctor: professional (€) film: camerse (©) bath:shower _—— 2. infamous: scanpatous 7. CHRONOLOGICAL: RANDOM () gilled: mosieal (A) chaotic: orderly (@) celebrated: excellent (@) prompt: rapid (©) creative: designed (C) logical: ressonable (D) heroic: brave (©) similar: identical (@) tied: energetic (©) orderly : strict 3. JURISDICTION: JUDGE: —— 8 ASTERISK: MARK (A) loafer: athlete (A) paper: write (0) ballerina: dancer (6) house conceal (C) territory : salesperson (©) evergreen fall (©) promotion :ievestigator (0) period: punctuation (@) pilot: runway (@) snowman: melt ——— 4. DISSUADE: ENCOURAGE. 9, DENOUNCE: PRAISE (A) purchase spend (A) announce sbetray (®) enjoy sappzove () condemn :conviet (€) occupy : vacate (©) Improve: rise (analyze: ericize (©) avold encounter () please: gratify (©) mark emphasize 5, DISCREDIT: DISBELIEF: 10, staruTE LAW: (8) ahip rescue (A) statue: general (©) collision repair (©) enforcement : police (© death: fe (© lawyer: government (©) sadness tears (©) fine: penalty (©) famous: well4nown (©) state: capitol 136 Connccnine New Wonos ano Parrenns eo yh es Wnt te en Name. - Deo ass | | Connectinc New Worps ano Parrerns |” | esson 12 | ANALOGIES Directions. For each of ihe following items, choose the lettered pale of words that expresses a relationship that is most similar to the relationship between the pair of capitalized words. Write the letter of your answer onthe ine provided before the numberof the ier 1. APPLICABLE: APPROPRIATE 6. PERCEPTIBLE : NOTICEABLE (A) possive: vivid (A) tasty crunchy (8) pleasant: ecstatic @) visual: smelly (©) range: odd (©) noisy quiet (D) advanced :basie (D) necessary :necded (8) important: impertinent (©) fancifl : believable 2. INFLWENTIAL: POWsRLESS: 7. PERENNIAL: PLANT (A) eternal: temporary (A) screen: television (8) healthéut:natetious ©) igloo: le (C) persuasive strong, (C) sofa: furniture (D) ula: nowing (©) ally seountey (©) confident: sure () square: circle —— 3. TRIVIAL: INSIGNIFICANT: —— 8. ACCLAIM: APPROVE (A) ein tligions (A) toward: ignore (©) gentle: forceful (@) adore ke (©) awhward : graceful (©) applaud : respond (D) complicated : complex (©) daim abandon () certain hesitant (8) say:mean 4, orrimisric: NEGATIVE s —— 9. ABFIRMATION : WITNESS (A) artistic sexeative (A) walk: pedestrians (8) visible: optical, (@) book: author (©) safe: dangerous (C) steal :crime (0) aepressed: impressed (©) compose : song (8) annoyed :enraged (6) win: vielors 5. PONDEROUS: BULKY. 10. CLAMBER «CLIMB: (8) thoughtéal loud (A) sprint run () dark: bright (® stop:move (©) noisy fen (©) water: float (D) heowy weighty {0) hop dive (6) original stale © drivestide CCovmecrwe New Woros avo Parremis 137 Name ate Cass — BES ek eee V Lesson 13 |] ANALOGIES Directions. For each ofthe following itoms, choose the lettered pair of words that expresses & relationship that ls most similar to the relationship between the pair of capitalized words, Write the letter of your answer onthe line provided before the number ofthe iter. 41. HAPHAZARD: SYSTEMATIC 6. EQUATION: MATHEMATICS: (A) dangerous: slippery (A) sentence language (B) hazardous: careless (@) science : physics (© hostile: rienaly (© solution : problem (©) considerate: thoughtful (©) Instrument: mse © busy busting (@) idea chemistry 2. PARAMOUNT: SUPREME 7. rrenziep: unser (A) uphil: mountainous (A) exslatie: pleased (©) desirable essential (©) delighted: disappointed (© good :daa (© happy angry (©) prseticed rehearsed © chaotic alm (©) capable: incompetent (©) crazed :sane 3. unkemer: unripy 8. LABILITY: ADVANTAGE (A) unorganized : disorderly (4) responsibility: postion {B) insufficient: excessive @) ability: talent (© panial: entire (© iibery:treedom ' (©) wide: sim ©) accident: ocgurrence i © messy neat (©) dedi: creat I 4, VOLATILE: STABLE: 9, DUBIOUS: QUESTIONABLE 2 (A) exciting dull (A) horable = lkeable i (B) misecy:theifty (©) doubttat certain i {© outlandish: strange (© undecided : determined 3 (©) hateful spite ©) rough: uneven i © wilting eager (©) abvious hidden i 5. TmaNscrme: Notes 10. GRUELING : EXHAUSTING i (A) perform: actors (Ay pleasurable: annoying 3 (B) transate: language (©) feightening: honorable e () locate :speech (©) gruesome : pleasing & {© listen: scent (©) taxing: retteshing © tuansport: truck (© toring exciting 138 Connscrine New Wonos ano Parrenns

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