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lo Sticky-Price Models of Output,the Exchange Rate,

and the CurrentAccount

As Chapter 9 showed, many of the central issues in intemational monetary eco-

nomics, including exchange-rate determination, the choice of exchange-rate
regime, and the design of a central bank constitution, take on rnuch greater signif-
icance when monetary policy can affect real output. Unfortunately, the Keynesian
models we employed in Chapter 9 have many shortcomings. Given their lack of
microfoundations for intertemporal choice, the models have very little to say about
current accounts or budget deficits, and even less to say about welfare. But the
older Keynesian models do have one very irnportant feature that gives them an em-
pirical edge over flexible-price monetary models: they allow for nominal rigidities.
Fortunately, it is possible to introduce nominal rigidities without abandoning the
insights of modem intertemporal economics, and in this chapter we illustrate how
to do so.
A central element of our analysis involves introducing a monopolistic supply
sector. Recent research in macroeconomics and trade theory has emphasized the
possible irnportance of monopoly in explaining a range of phenomena, frorn busi-
ness cycle regularities to growth. Monopoly plays a key role in our analysis be-
cause it permits one to justify rigorously the Keynesian assumption that output is
demand-determined in the short run when prices are fixed. Monopoly also has im-
portant welfare implications for the international transmission of macroeconomic
policy, and helps justify Chapter 9's assumption that a small country can temporar-
ily affect its terms of trade through unanticipated rnonetary changes. Most of our
analysis assumes sticky prices, but as we show toward the chapter's end, very sim-
ilar results obtain in the presence of nominally rigid wages.
Toe reader should be warned that the models of this chapter may appear more
challenging technically than most we have presented up until now. If broken down
into their component parts, however, the rnodels should seem familiar. For ex-
arnple, we rnake extensive use of consumption-based price indexes, which we
first developed in Chapter 4. Our modeling of product differentiation exploits the
constant-elasticity-of-substitution functional form used in Chapters 4, 5, 7, and 8.
Toe money-in-the-utility-function formulation here will be familiar from Chap-
ter 8. Finally, we make extensive use of log-linearizations to obtain closed-form
solutions, a device used in Chapter 7's discussion of real business cycle models and
in Chapter 4's Dornbusch-Pischer-Samuelson model. The only really new element
is the introductiondNtominal prices that are preset because of price-adjustment
Our approach in this book generally has been to set out the small-country case
before proceeding to more complex general-equilibrium models. Here, however,
we plunge immediately into a full-blown two-country model, treating the small-
country case as a limit in which one country's relative size goes to zero. Hopefully,
the reader will find the greater intuition this strategy yields worth the extra effort. In
the first model we develop, all goods are traded. Later in the chapter we consider a
660 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account

small-country model in which sorne goods are nontraded. This second model does
not yield the interesting cross-country transmission effects of the global model,
but it is a good deal simpler and, in sorne cases, yields the Dornbusch ( 1976)
overshooting result of Chapter 9.
Most of this chapter's analysis focuses on monetary shocks. But the frarne-
work also yields sorne striking results concerning the effects of government spend-
ing and productivity shocks. An unanticipated permanent government spending
increase, for example, both moves the world interest rate and causes a current-
account surplus for the country where the shock originales. With sticky prices,
output is demand-determined in the short run, so unexpected permanent changes
in government spending tilt the path of world output. In contrast, the correspond-
ing flexible-price model implies that permanent government consumption changes
do not alter the time profile of output available for prívate consumption.

10.1 A Two-Country General Equilibrium Model of lnternational Monetary Policy


In this section, we develop a perfect-foresight two-country general equilibrium

monetary model with preset prices.1 We consider only the perfect-foresight case
because it suffices to illustrate the main new points of the chapter. To start, we
specify tastes and technology and derive individual decision makers' first-order
optimality conditions. The next step is to solve for a symmetric steady state where
initial net foreign a~ are zero. We linearize the model around its symmetric
steady state and show how unanticipated permanent shocks affect the long-run
equilibrium. (The economy would go immediately to this steady state if there were
no nominal rigidities.) We then look at the economy's dynamícs in the presence of
preset nominal prices that can be adjusted only after a period.

10.1.1 Preferences, Technology, and Market Structure

The world is inhabíted by a continuum of individual monopolistic producers, in-

dexed by z E [O, l], each of whom produces a single differentiated good, also
indexed by z. All producers reside in two countries, Home and Foreign. Home con-
sists of producers on the interval [O, n], whereas Foreign producers are located on

1. The model is based on Obstfeld and Rogoff ( l 995a), who discuss related earlier analyses. The supply
side of the model derives from the static closed-economy models of Blanchard and Kiyotaki (1987)
and Ball and Romer (1989). The closest precursor to the model here is probably Svensson and van
Wijnbergen (1989), who also embed monopolistic competition in a two-country sticky-price model.
Their model, however, differs from the one we develop in many respects, perhaps the most important
being its assumption of perfect international risk pooling. The assumption of comprehensive insurance
in asset markets, aside from coexisting uneasily with their assumptions of nominal price rigidities
and quantity rationing in goods markets, prevents monetary shocks from affecting the international
distribution of wealth. This precludes current account effects and thus rules out sorne of the key issues
we wish to study. In the model developed here, markets clear and there is no need far quantity rationing.
661 10. l A Two-Country General Equilibrium Model

(n, 1]. It may seem strange to think of individuals as being the locus of monopoly
power rather than firms, but this device is just a useful simplification. As usual,
the results here can easily be extended to the case of decentralized factor markets.
There is no capital or investment, but we stress that this is not an endowment econ-
omy because labor supply is elastic. Thus, it will turn out that period t output of
good z. y1(z), is chosen in a manner that depends on the marginal revenue of higher
production, the disutility of effort, and the marginal utility of consumption. Many
important features of the model revolve around the endogeneity of output. Preferences

All individuals throughout the world have identical preferences over a consumption
index, real money balances. and effort expended in production. Since all agents
within a country will have symmetric preferences and constraints, we analyze the
maximization probems of representative national consumer-producers designated
by the index value j E [O, l]. The intertemporal utility function of typical Home
agent j is given by

U/= f fJs-t
[log e! + X log ;/
- ~ YsU)2] · (1)

We discuss in tum each component of the period utility function.

The variable C is a real consumption index


where ci (z) is the jth Home individual's consumption of good z, and e > 1.2
You will recognize eq. (2) as a natural generalization of the two-good constant-
elasticity-of-substitution (CES) function that has appeared in severa! earlier chap-
ters (beginning with Chapter 4).3
The price deflator for nominal money balances is the consumption-based money
price index corresponding to (2). Let p(z) be the Home-currency price of good z.
Then the Home money price level is


2. Toe parameter e will turn out to be the price elasticity of demand faced by each monopolist. Since
marginal revenue is negative when the elasticity of demand is less than 1, we require e > 1 to ensure an
interior equilibrium with a positive leve! of output. This relationship will become apparent later when
we solve for the steady state.
3. We also used a formulation analogous to eq. (2) for modeling how different types of capital affected
aggregate output in the P. Romer (1990) rnodel of Chapter 7.
662 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account

This formula is a straightforward extension of the price index for the two-good
CES case, and it can be derived sirnilarly using the general approach developed
in Chapter 4.4
The final term in the period utílity functions in eq. (1), -iYs<J)2, captures the
disutility the individual experiences in having to produce more output. Suppose, for
example, that the disutility from effort e is given by -<pl and that the production
function is y= Alª (a < 1). Inverting the production function yields

Then if a = l /2 and K = 2</) / A I/a, we have the output term that appears in eq. (1 ). lt
is very easy to relax the assumption a = l /2 in the following analysis, but doing so
would only complicate sorne expressions without modifying any of our main
qualitative conclusions. Note that a rise in productivity A may be captured in this
model by a f ali in K.
A Foreign individual's utility function is completely analogous to that of a Home
agent, except that Home money is held only by Home agents and Foreign money
only by Foreign agents. The deflator for Foreign money balances M* is

= lo p*(z)1-edz ]6 ,

where p*(z) is the Foreign-currency price of good z. Consumption-Based Purchasing Power Parity

To derive a relationship between P and P*, we will assume that there are no
impediments to trade, so that the law of one price holds for each individual good.
That is, if we denote by E the nominal exchange rate (the Home-currency price of
Foreign currency), then because p(z) is the Home-currency price of good z and
p*(z) is the Foreign-currency price of the same good,

p(z) = Ep*(z). (4)

4. Formally, the price index P solves the problem

min Z = [ p(z)c(z)dz
c(z) lo
subject to

We leave the derivation of expression (3) asan exercise for the reader.
663 10.1 A Two-Country General Equilibrium Model

Under the law of one price, we can rewrite the Home price index, eq. (3), as

P= r1
[ lo p(z)1-edz
]6 = r
[ lo p(z)1-edz + 11
n [cp*(z)]1-edz ] ¡~e
, (5)

since goods O to n are made at home, and the rest are produced abroad. Similarly,
the Foreign price index P* can be written as

P*::::: fl
[ lo p*(z)1-9dz ]6 = [lot [p(z)/c]1-9dz + 11
n p*(z)1-edz ]6 (6)

Comparing eqs. (5) and (6), we see that the Home and Foreign consumer price
indexes are related by purchasing power parity:

P = EP*. (7)

It is important to understand that PPP holds here because preferences are identical
across countries and because there are no departures from the law of one price. Rel-
ative prices of various individual goods need not remain constant. lndeed, changes
in the terms of trade-the relative price of Home ~Foreign tradables-will play
a large role here. ~ Individual Budget Constraints

To complete our specification of the individual's problem, we present the agent's
budget constraint. We assume that the only internationally traded asset is a riskless
real bond denominated in the composite consumption good. (We made the same
assumption in the Dornbusch-Fisher-Samuelson model of section 4.5.) It would not
be at all difficult to reformulate the model to incorporate greater asset diversity, but
the assumption of complete asset markets would seem incongruous alongside the
nominal rigidities we will introduce later on. The bonds-only formulation is also
the more natural one if the object is to provide microfoundations for the Mundell-
Fleming-Dornbusch setup. Under these assumptions, the period budget constraint
for a representative Home individual j can be written in nominal terms as

where rr denotes the real interest rate on bonds between t - 1 and t, y1 (j) is output
of good j (for which agent j is the sole producer), and p1(j) is its domestic-
currency price. Because there is product differentiation, p1(j) need not be the same
for all j. (Symmetric Home producers will, however, find it optima} to choose the
same prices for their distinct products in equilibrium.) The variable M/_1 is agent
j 's holdings of nominal money balances entering period t, and r1 denotes lump-
sum taxes (payable in the composite consumption good C1).
664 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account Government Budget Constraint

Since Ricardian equivalence holds in this setup, we can, without loss of generality,
assume that the government runs a balanced budget each period.5 For the moment,
we will assume that there is no government spending so that all seignorage rev-
enues are rebated to the public in the form of transfers:
O=r1+---- (9)
P1 Demand Curve Facing Each Monopolist

Given the constant-elasticity of substitution consumption index, eq. (2), it is easy

to show that a Home individual's demand for z is given by6

and a Foreign agent's demand is

Integrating demand for good z across all agents (that is, taking a population-
weighted average of Home and Foreign demands), and making use of eqs. (4) and

5. As Woodford (1996) points out, Ricardian equivalence holds in monetary models with nominal
rigidities only under somewhat more stringent aswmptions than in real models.
6. Maximizing

e= [ lo¡1 c(z) &l 7, dz

subject to the normnal budget constraint
fo p(z)c(z)dz = Z

(where Z is any fixed total nominal expenditure on goods), one can show that for any two goods z
and z',

, [ p(z)
c(z) = c(z) p(z')

Plugging this expression into the preceding budget constraint and using eq. (3) shows that the represen-
tative agent's demand for good ~ is given by

where the second equality uses the fact that P is the (mínimum) money C05t of one unit of composite
665 10.1 A Two-Country General Equilibrium Model

(7) [which imply that p(z)/ P = p*(z)/ P* for any good z], we see that the total
world demand for good z takes the constant-elasticity-of-substitution form

yd(z) = [ p~z) re cr. (10)

where world consumption C" is given by

e- = fon Cjdj + ¡ 1 C*ldj = nC + (1 - n)C*. (11)

In this equation, C (C*) is consumption for a representative Home (Foreign) coun-

try agent. Equation (11) is the first of many times we drop the j superscript and
impose symmetry on the identical agents within each country in order to simplify

10.1.2 Fírst-Order Conditions for the Representative Individual's Problem

To solve the model, use demand curve (10) [implying that p1(j)y1(j) =
B-1 1
P1 y1 (j) e"" ( C;-')e] to substitute for p1 (j) in the period budget constraint (8). Then
use the resulting expression to substitute for e/
in the intertemporal utility function
(1). The result is the unconstrained maximization problem
Mj B-I I
max U/= ¿,as-t
'.X) { [
log (1 +rs)Bf
+~ Ys(J)e""(c';")ii
y(j),Ml .e. s=t Ps

-r5 - Bsj+l - PMsJ] + X log (M

Psf) - 2Ys(J) K 2) · (12)

In performing this maximization, the individual takes C" as given. The first-order
conditions with respect to B/+I' M/,
and y1(j), respectively, can then be written as

C1+1 = f3(1 + r1+1)C1, (13)

Mr = X
C (1
, (14)

B+l e- 1 1 1
Yr e = e;¡-(C'()e Cr' (15)

where we have suppressed the indexes denoting agent j and i1+1 is the nominal
interest rate for Home-currency loans between t and t + 1, defined as usual by

. Pr+I
1 + lt+! = --(1
+ r1+1).
Equation (13) is, of course, the standard first-order consumption Euler equation
for the case where the intertemporal elasticity of substitution is 1. Note that in-
tertemporal consumption smoothing can be characterized entirely in terms of the
666 Stick:y-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account

composite index C and the consumption-based real interest rate r, just as in the
multigood models of Chapter 4. Equation (14) is familiar from money-in-the-
utility-function models of Chapter 8. It arises from the equilibrium condition that
agents must be indifferent between (a) consuming a unit of the consumption good
on date t or (b) using the same funds to raise cash balances, enjoying the derived
transactions utility in period t, and then converting the extra cash balances back to
consumption in period t + l. Toe labor-leisure trade-off condition (15) is less fa-
miliar. It comes from the first-order condition that ensures that the marginal utility
cost of producing an extra unit of output (implicitly due to forgone leisure) equals
the marginal utility from consuming the added revenue that an extra unit of output
brings. Analogous equations hold for the foreign country.
Note that, as usual, the first-order conditions (13)-(15) and the period budget
constraint (8) do not fully characterize the equilibrium. Equilibrium also requires
the transversality condition that 7
h. m R1,t+T ( Br+T+l + -M-i+T) = 0. (16)
Tr+tx: Pr+T
10.1.3 Global Equilibrium

In the aggregate, the domestic nominal money supply must equal domestic nominal
money demand in each country, and global net foreign assets must be zero:

nB1+1 + (1 - n)B(+1 = O. (17)

Given these asset-market-clearing conditions, one can derive an aggregate global

goods-market-clearing condition. Divide both sides of the Home period budget
constraint (8) by P1 (and similarly divide both sides of the corresponding Foreign
constraint by Pi*), and then take a population-weighted average of the transformed
budget constraints across Home agents and Foreign agents. Finally, impose condi-
tion (17) and the Home govemment budget constraint (9) (together with its Foreign
analog) to obtain

Cf = nC1 + (1 - n)q = n Pr(h) Yi(h) + (1 - n) p;([) Yi*(f) = Yt, (18)

r; P 1

where y(h) and p(h) are output and price of the representative Home good, and
y*(f) and p*(f) are corresponding values for the representative Foreign good.8 In

7. The transversality condition is derived by iterating the period budget constraint (8), as in Chapter 2.
8. The government budget constraint (9) implies that the r terms must cancel the M terrns in the
aggregated period budget constraints (since money supply equals money demand), and condition (17)
implies that at the world leve! the B terms must also cancel. The result is

[" c1ct·+11c•1ct·­
fo I J n I
t" P,Ul
J - fo P, Yt J 1 n P7U)
('lct·+11 *(')d'
P,* Y, 1 J
667 10.1 A Two-Country General Equilibrium Model

interpreting the preceding aggregate goods-market-clearing condition, remember

that this is not a one-good model. We are able to aggregate here by using market
prices to value all goods in terms of composite real consumption. Equation (18)
thus states that world real consumption equals world real income.
10.1.4 A Symmetric Steady State

Because of monopoly pricing and endogenous output, the model here does not
yield simple closed-form solutions for general paths of the exogenous variables.
We could analyze the effects of exogenous shocks through numerical simulations.
The intuition of the model, however, is much more easily seen by examining a
linearized version. In order to linearize the system, we need to find a well-defined
flexible-price steady state around which to approximate. The most convenient one
corresponds to the case where ali exogenous variables are constant, and this case is
sufficient for illustrating our main points.
Because consumption and output are constant in the steady state, the real interest
rate r is tied down by the consumption Euler equation (13) and is given by the now
familiar condition

- 1 - f3 (19)

where overbars indicate a steady state, and the parameter 8 is the rate of time
preference. (We first mentioned this notational convention in Chapter 1, footnote
Steady-state consumption must equal steady-state real income in both countries:
c =8B +P _ y,

e*= - (-n-) siJ +

I -n

Equation (20) is just the usual condition one obtains for consumption when f3 ( 1 +
r) = 1 (that is, when 8 = r) and income is constant. The only nuance is that here
all variables are expressed in composite consumption units. Thus, as noted above,
p(h)y/ P is real income. As we shall see, p(h)/ P is not necessarily equal to l
in the steady state if countries have different levels of wealth, since then their
marginal utilities of leisure differ. Formally, one obtains eq. (20) by integrating the
individual's period budget constraint (8) over time and then imposing the transver-
sality condition (16) to obtain the present-value lifetime budget constraint. After
imposing the government budget constraint (9) and domestic money-rnarket equi-
librium, one can show that the lifetime constraint reduces to eq. (20) in a steady

which reduces to eq. (18) because ali individuals within a country are symmetric.
668 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account

state with 8 = r . (For details, see Supplement A to Chapter 8.) The corresponding
Foreign condition is derived similarly except that we have expressed B* in terms
of B using equilibrium condition (17).
In general, there is no simple closed-form solution for the steady state, but one
does exist when initial foreign assets Bo = O. In this special case, the equilibrium
is completely symmetric across the two countries implying
"fJo(h)/ Po= Ni!)/ P0 = 1 (22)


e-o = e:o = Y- o = Y-*o = c-wo , (23)

where O subscripts on barred variables denote the initial preshock symmetric steady
state where Bo = O. [Equation (22) holds because in the globally symmetric equi-
Iibrium, any two goods produced anywhere in the world have the same price when
prices are measured in the same currency.] The first-order condition goveming each
individual's optimal choice of output, eq. (15), then implies that in equilibrium,


With flexible prices, output is determined independently of monetary factors.

Because each agent has monopoly power over the good he produces, global
output is suboptimally low in the decentralized competitive equilibrium. To see this
result, suppose that output is controlled by a planner interested in maximizing the
utility of consumption net of the costs of forgone leisure

m;x ( log y - ~ y2) .

The solution is

PLAN ( 1) ! >
(-e- - l) ! _-YO- (25)

· -
K 8K

In the decentralized equilibrium, in contrast, the marginal value of an additional

unit of composite consumption exceeds the cost of forgone leisure. Monopolistic
individual producers have no incentive to increase output of their own individual
goods y(j) unilaterally, since the benefits accrue mainly to other agents through a
lower relative price. A planner, on the other hand, could coordinate jointly higher
production. The inefficiency of the decentralized economy will play an important
role in driving sorne of our later welfare results. Note that as the various goods
become close substitutes (as e becomes large), the distortions caused by monopoly
Making use of money-demand equation (14) and the steady-state real interest
rate condition (19), one can also solve for steady-state real balances,
669 10.l A Two-Country General Equilibrium Model

Mo M* x(l+8)_
= -P=-*-º- = 8
YO, (26)

where we have imposed the no-speculative-bubbles assumption.9 In the next sec-

tion, we linearize the model around the symmetric steady state we have just char-

10.1.S Log Linearizing around the Symmetric Steady State

In this section, we develop linear versions of all of the model's equilibrium condi-
tions. The general log-linearization approach is already quite familiar from Chap-
ters 4 and 7, so we won't belabor the technique. Though the process is very
straightforward, it is time-consuming. You should not feel obliged to check all of
the linearizations on your first pass through the chapter, though you would prob-
ably find it helpful to check at least a couple of them. Again note that we are
restricting our attention to a perfect-foresight setting (excepting initial shocks).
We begin with the price index equations (5) and (6). Assuming symmetry among
each country's producers, these equations reduce to
P1 = {np1(h)I-O + (l - n) (e,p7(f)r-o} r=e,
Pi*= {n [P1(h)/é'.¡r-o + (1 - n)p7(!)1-6} r=e.

Linearizing around the symmetric steady state where po(h) = eoN¡(f) yields
P1=np,(h)+(l-~)[e1+P7U)], (27)
p; = n [P1(h) - e1] + (1 - n) [P7(f)], (28)

where we define p, = dPr/ Po, e = dei/lo,

1 p1(h) = dp (h)/po(h),
1 and p'¡(f) =
dp¡(f)/ PoU).
NOTE: This notation for log approximations is the same one we used in Chap-
ter 7, and it is more compact than the "hat" notation for log changes that we used
in sorne earlier chapters. The more compact notation makes sense here because
we will be extensively studying the approximate linear system, and it would be te-
dious to remind the reader constantly that the system we are looking at is only an
approxímation. 10

9. The reader may be puzzled that nominal interest rates do not appear to affect steady-state money
demand in eq. (26), but recall that with zero money and consumption growth and no bubbles, the steady-
state nominal interest rate 1 equals the steady-state real interest rate r , which in turn equals 8.
10. Superficially, the log differential notation here may seem inconsistent with our notation for the
Mundell-Flemmg-Dombusch model in Chapter 9 (where e denoted log c.). But if one views the ad hoc
linear model of Chapter 9 as a linearization of a more general system-which would seem to be the
only natural interpretation-then the apparent inconsistency disappears.
670 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account

The purchasing power parity equation (7) requires no approximation:

e1 = P1 -p;. (29)

The log-linearized versions of the world demand schedules for representative

Home and Foreign products, eq. (10) and its Foreign counterpart, are

Y1 =e [Pi - Pr(h)] + cf, (30)

y;= e [p; - P7U)] + cf. (31)

Note that if one takes a population-weighted average of eqs. (30) and (31) [that is,
if one multiplies both sides of eq. (30) by n and both sides of eq. (31) by 1 - n, and
adds the results] all the price terms cancel [by eqs. (27) and (28)]. One then arrives
at the world goods market equilibrium condition 11

e~= nC1 + (1 - n)c; = nyt + (1 - n)y7 = y"(. (32)

Log-linear versions of the labor-leisure trade-offs [ eq. (15) and its Foreign coun-
terpart] are

ce+ l)y¡ = -ec1 + e~. (33)

ce + l)y; = -ec; + c-;v. (34)

while the consumption Euler equations [(13) and its Foreign counterpart] take the
log-linear form

C1+=l Ct + --ri+l, (35)

C1*+1 =e,*+ --
8 r1+1 (36)

near the symmetric steady state, where r1+ 1 = dr1+ 1 ¡;: (recall that r = 8). Finally,
log-linear versions of the money-demand equations [(14) and its Foreign counter-
part] are

rr+I Pr+l - Pi
m1 - P1 = Cr - -1 -+-8- --8--, (37)

m* _ p* _e*_ r1+1 _ Pr*+1 - Pi* (38)

t t - t 1 +8 8

Note that if one subtracts eq. C38) from eq. (37) and applies the purchasing power
parity equation (29), the result is

I l. One can also derive eq. (32) directly by linearizing eq. (18) and applying eqs. (22), (23), (27), and
671 10.1 A Two-Country General Equilibnum Model


This equation is very similar to the exchange-rate equation that arises in the Cagan
model (Chapter 8, p. 570) except that Home and Foreign consumption differentials
appear in place of output differentials.
With the preceding lineanzations in hand, we are now ready to solve the model,
first for the steady state that is reached when prices are fully flexible, and then for
short-run dynamics due to temporary price rigidities.

10.1.6 Solving for the Steady State

We now solve for the steady-state effect of a shift in the distribution of world
wealth, indexed by b. This solution will turn out to play a key role in tracing out
the short- and long-run impacts of monetary shocks. If prices are perfectly flexi-
ble and all shocks are permanent, there are no dynamics and the world economy
jumps instantly to the steady state governed by the existing distribution of wealth.
With sticky nominal prices, which we will introduce shortly, the economy reaches
the steady-state equilibrium characterized here only in the long run. Even though
the price rigidities we introduce are merely temporary, it will turn out that unantic-
ipated monetary factors still have a long-run impact through the world distribution
of wealth. (Later in the chapter we will also analyze the impacts of productivity
and government spending shocks which, if permanent, can have direct effects on
the long-run equilibrium beyond their effects on wealth.)
To find closed-forrn solutions for the effects of wealth transfers (changes in b) on
the steady state, it is necessary to linearize one last pair of equations, (20) and (21),
which equate steady-state income and expenditure in each country. The linearized
versions are

e= o5 + p(h) + y - p, (40)

e*= -(-n-) ob + p*(f) + y* - p*,


where a bar on a lowercase sans serif variable denotes the (approximate) log change
in its steady-state value, for example, e = dC / Co = ( C - Co)/ Co. Since Bo = O
in the initial symmetric steady state, we define 5 = dB / C"'({. (Given that Co = C'f/
= yo, we could just as well have norrnalized changes in Home bond hold-
ings by initial Home consumption or output.) Equations (40) and (41) are valid
only for steady-state changes, so they are not time subscripted.
To solve for the long-run equilibrium as a function of net foreign assets b, we
observe that since eqs. (27)-(38) hold at all points, they must also hold once the
economy has reached a steady state. The linear system characterizing the steady
state is thus govemed by eqs. (40) and (41) and barred versions of eqs. (27)-
(38). This system of fourteen simultaneous equations may seem daunting, but the
672 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rare, and the Currenr Account

model's symmetry admits a simple solution approach. Specifically, it tums out to

be quite easy to solve first for differences between per capita Home and Foreign
variables, and then for population-weighted world aggregates (as in Aoki, 1981).
This approach also makes the intuition underlying the results much clearer. Solving for Differences between Home and Foreign Variables
Subtracting eq. (31) from eq. (30), eq. (34) from eq. (33), and eq. (41) from eq. (40),
and making use of PPP equation (29), yields12

Y1 - y;= 8[er + P7Cf) - Pr(h)], (42)


e - e*= (-
1-) 86 + y-y* - [e+ p*Cf) - p(h)J. (44)

Substituting barred versions of eqs. (42) and (43) into eq. (44) yields

e-e*= (1--
n 1) (~)W86.

If output were exogenous (implying fixed labor input in the present model), a
wealth transfer of 6 to Home would lead to a steady-state per capita intemational
consumption differential of [1/(1 - n)]86; Home residents would each raise con-
sumption by the per capita interest ob on the transfer, and Foreign residents wou]d
each lower consumption by n8b/(I - n). But here output is endogenous, and
the impact of wealth transfers on consumption differentials is less (recall B > 1).
The reason is that with higher interest income, Home agents shift out of work
into leisure, while poorer Foreign residents do the opposite. For the same reason,
Home's steady-state terms of trade, given by
p(h) - e- p*Cf) = (-
1-) (~)
86, (46)

improve when it receives a transfer. These transfer effects are ali driven by the
labor-leisure decision, but transfers can have a similar terms-of-trade effect in a
model where output is exogenous but a country's residents have a preference for
domestically manufactured goods.

12. Note that the relative price of typical Foreign and Home products, e+ p*(j) - p(h), generally will
change when the international wealth distribution becomes unequal. Home and Foreign producers then
are no longer symmetric and may set different prices for their representative national products (with
prices still compared in a common currency).
673 10.1 A Two-Country General Equilibnum Model Solving for Population- Weighted Sums of Home and Foreign Vari-
Multiply the home country labor-leisure equation (33) by n and the corresponding
foreign equation (34) by 1 - n, and then add to obtain an equation relating world
income to world consumption:

(1 + e)y"( = o - e)c-:.
Combining a barred version of this equation with the steady-state version of eq.
(32) implies that


Because of the symmetry of che model, small wealth transfers have no first-order
effect on global consumption or income. Solving for Levels of Individual Variables

Given the solutions for differences and world aggregates, it is easy to solve for the
actual levels of ali variables. For any variable x, these are related by the identi-
ties X1 = x'(' + (1 - n) (x, - x:) and x; = x'(' - n (x, - x:). Thus, combining eq.
(47) for aggregate consumption and eq. (45) for the difference between Home and
Foreign consumption yields
+e)s5 ,
e= (1 w (48)

e*= - (-n ) (~)

l- n 2e
Sb. (49)

The solutions for other variables can be found similarly.

Note that we have been able to determine the long-run real equilibrium of the
economy without reference to the money-demand equations because, of course,
changes in the leve! of the money supply have no effect on real variables here
when prices are flexible. Soluuons for steady-state equilibrium price levels follow
directly from the linearized money-demand equations (37) and (38):

p = rñ - e, (50)

p* = m* - é". (51)

Subtracting eq. (51) from eq. (50) and applying the purchasing power parity equa-
tion (29) gives the long-run exchange rate as

e= rñ - rñ* - ce - e*). (52)

674 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account

10.1.7 Short-Run Equilibrium with Preset Prices

So far, but for a richer supply side, the model here is very much in the spirit of
the flexible-price models of Chapter 8. We now introduce the assumption that the
domestic-currency price of domestic goods, p(h), and the foreign-currency price
of foreign goods, p*(f), are set one period in advance, but adjust to flexible-price
levels after a period, absent new shocks. Why might prices be set a period in ad-
vanee? It is profoundly difficult to rationalize nominal price rigidities in a way that
is both theoretically elegant and empirically sensible. There are basically two cat-
egories of explanations, those that rely on costs of price adjustment and those that
portray inflexible price equilibria as a focal equilibrium in a world of multiple equi-
libria.l ' Multiple-equilibria explanations have the appeal of not having to posit a
cost-of-adjustrnent technology for prices. On the other hand, they ultimately beg
the question of why sticky prices are a relatively universal phenomenon. Specifi-
cally, multiple-equilibrium models do not explain why the sticky-price equilibrium
would be consistently chosen across different eras and different countries if there
are other, more efficient, equilibria. Menu Costs anda Rationale for Demand-Determined Output

Probably the best extant rationalization for the approach we adopt here is the menu
cost approach of Akerlof and Yellen (1985) and Mankiw (1985). In the present
model, producers set prices to maximize real revenue net of the cost of forgone
leisure. Because prices are set optimally by utility-maxirnizing monopolists, the
envelope theorem implies that small changes in an individual's price will have only a
second-order impact on his welfare. If there are finite menu costs to changing
prices-even if these costs are fairly small-producers will not necessarily find it
profitable to change prices in the face of sufficiently small demand shocks. Since in
linearizing the model we are already restricting our attention to small shocks, the
menu costs justification is quite appropriate.
An important feature of the model is that it explains why output becomes de-
mand determined in the short run if prices are rigid. When output markets are per-
fectly competitive and prices cannot adjust, there is no particularly strong argument
for assuming that output adjusts to accommodate demand rather than being supply-
determined. Here there is a strong argument, because under monopoly, prices are
set above marginal cost. Thus if a small unanticipated shock raises demand, it will
be profitable for a producer to raise output even if he cannot change his price. (A
fall in demand will similarly lead to lower output if prices are fixed.)

13. Geanakoplos and Polemarchakis (1986) show that in principie one can rationalize sluggish price
adjustment without appealing to non-Walrasian frictions. In their model, there are multiple equilibria,
one of which exhibits sticky prices. See also Benhabib and Farmer (1994). For an application of this
approach to exchange-rate models, see Beaudry and Devereux (1995).
675 10.1 A Two-Country General Equilibrium Model

Note that even with p(h) and p*(f) set a period in advance, the Horne-currency
price of Foreign goods, p(f), and the Foreign-currency price of Home goods, p*(h),
must be able to fluctuate with the exchange rate in order for the law of one price
to hold. Assurning that agents can freely buy and resell goods across borders, it is
not possible for ali goods to have fixed nominal prices in ali countries. Later in the
chapter we will consider a "pricing to rnarket" version of the model in which there
are impediments to trade and monopolists can price-discriminate across markets. An Unanticipated Permanent Shock to the Money Supply

We are now ready to reconsider the classic Dombusch exercise of an unanticipated

permanent increase in the relative Home money supply occurring at time l. That
is, relative money supplies change according to
rñ-rñ*=m-m*, . (53)

where m is the percentage deviation of the time 1 money supply from the initial
steady state: m = (M 1 - Mo) / Mo. Note that we are able to drop time subscripts
completely by taking advantage of the fact that the economy reaches its long-
run equilibrium in just one period (because that is how long nominal prices take
to adjust). Thus barred variables denote the long run (period 2 and beyond) and
variables without time subscripts or bars denote period 1 variables. 14
In the short ron, at time 1, the Home-currency price of Home goods, p¡(h),
and the Foreign-currency price of Foreign goods, pj(f), are fixed at po(h) and
pf/f) (corresponding to the long-run symmetric equilibrium). For reasons we have
already discussed, output becomes demand-determined when prices are sticky.
Therefore, the labor-leisure trade-off equations (33) and (34) do not bind. The
other equilibrium equations (27)-(32) and (35)-(38) still apply, even in the sticky-
price short run.
One further difference between the short run and long run is that in the period
when a shock bits, income need not equal expenditure, contrary to long-run eqs.
(40) and (41). Instead, Home may runa current account surplus, given by
Br+I - B¡ = r,B1 + --- - C1 (54)
(recall G = I = 0). Of course, the same must be true for Foreign. Toe linearized
short-run (period 1) current account equations are therefore

6= y- e - (] - n)e, (55)

14. As we have already noted, in a dynamic setting richer price adjustment mechanisms are possible.
Restricting our attention to one-period menu costs, however, facihtates finding an analytical solution.
Richer dynamic structures can, of course, be explored using numerical methods; see Aizenman (1989),
Bergin (1995), or Sutherland (l 995). Analytical models based on wage or price staggering are devel-
oped by Calvo (1983) and Calvo and Végh (1993).
676 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account

Box 10.1
More Empírica! Evidence on Sticky Prices

In Chapter 9 we discussed the substantial body of macroeconomic evidence showing

that domestic price levels are considerably more sticky than exchange rates. Many in-
temational economists regard this as prima facie evidence that one must account for
nominal price rigidities in any empirically plausible model of monetary policy. What
is the microeconomic evidence on price rigidities? Using a data set on actual trans-
actions prices, Carlton (1986) finds significant evidence of price rigidities for a wide
range of intermediate goods. Carlton's results suggest that it is not unusual in sorne
industries for prices to remain unchanged for severa! years. Blinder (1991) reaches
similar conclusions using survey evidence on prices in manufacturing. Blinder finds
that the modal period of price adjustment is one year. Based on his results, he esti-
mates that fully 55 percent of GNP is repriced no more often than once per year. Both
authors are careful, however, to emphasize that price is not the only mechanism that
can be used to allocate goods, and that sellers can often change nonprice attributes
(e.g., time of delivery) as a partía! altemative to changing prices. There is, of course, a
long empírica! literature documenting the importance of nominal wage rigidities
(see, for example, J. Taylor, 1983). (We will show in section 10.4 that our main re-
sults go through in a model making wages rather than prices the source of nominal
In an interesting study, Kashyap (1995) studies the price adjustment pattems for
three large mail-order suppliers of consumer goods, L.L. Bean, Inc., the Orvis Com-
pany, Inc., and Recreation Equipment, lnc. For six items (two types of shoes, a
chamois shirt, a wool blanket, a duffel bag, and a fishing fly), Kashyap's data set
continuously spans the period 1953-87. Catalog pricing is interesting both because
it encompasses a specific type of menu cost (it is expensive to reissue a catalog) and
because the periodicity of the main company catalogs (generally six months) is fairly
stable. Kashyap does indeed find that nominal rigidities are quite important and, like
Blinder, finds that the average time between price changes for the various goods is
twelve to eighteen months. (There is however, a considerable amount of variation.)
Also consistent with the menu cost model is the finding that the (excess) kurtosis
of price increases is 31.2 while the kurtosis of price cuts is 4.6; with general infla-
tion and costly price adjustment, large price cuts will not be necessary as often as
large price increases. One puzzling finding, though is that there is also a great disper-
sion across the size of price changes, with small price changes being very common.
Kashyap argues that whereas the frequent small price changes are difficult to rec-
oncile with fixed stationary menu-cost models, they may be consisten! with newer
dynamic menu-cost models where the cost of changing prices is itself a random vari-
able (for example, the model of Caballero and Engel, 1994).
The microfoundations of nominal price rigidities remain a fundamental topic for
macroeconomic research today. In our analysis, we assume an extremely simple
model of price rigidities in order to develop a tractable analysis of other dynamic
issues such as the current account. We do not deny the importance of introducing
richer models of price rigidities, and this is one important area where the models of
this chapter might be advanced in the future.
677 10.1 A Two-Country General Equilibrium Model

( -l=-n!! ) 5 = b* = y* - e* + ne, (56)

where we have made use of eqs. (27) and (28), and the fact that p(h) and p*(f)
are preset. Note that 5 appears in eqs. (55) and (56). Why? Given one-period price
setting, whatever net foreign asset stocks arise at the end of the first period become
the new steady-state levels from period 2 on. That is,
b, =b, 'vt 2: 2,

because al! agents have equal discount rates and outputs are constant. This equality
provides a crucial link between the equations of short-run and long-run equilib-
rium. Remember that in section 10.1.6, we gave solutions for steady-state variables
as functions of b, but bis affected by short-run current-account imbalances.
As with the steady-state system, it is much easier and more intuitive to approach
the system by solving for country differences and world aggregates. Solving the Short-Run System for Differences between Home and
Foreign Variables
We first solve for differences between Home and Foreign variables, including the
terms of trade and the exchange rate (which depend on price differences).
Subtracting the foreign Euler equation (36) from its domestic counterpart, eq.
(35), yields

e - e*= e - e". (57)

where the left-hand side is the difference in long-run consumption changes and
the right-hand side is the difference in short-run (period 1) changes. Equation (57)
shows that changes in relative Home and Foreign consumption levels are perma-
nent, even though short-run real interest rate changes can tilt individual-country
consumption profiles. Loosely speaking, relative consumptions follow a random
walk. Toe reason is that with integrated bond markets and identical consumption
baskets, agents in both countries face the same real interest rate. Therefore, interest
rate changes tilt their consumption profiles proportionately.15
We have already differenced the linearized money demand equations to arrive at
eq. (39). Given that we are (for the moment) looking only at one-time permanent
changes in the money supply, such that e1 = e vt > 2, eq. (39) can be rewritten as
m - m * - e= e - e * - -1 (e- - e). (58)

15. Ingeneral, with different consumption baskets, two countries will face different consumption-based
real interest rates even when capital markets are perfectly mtegrated and uncovered interest parity
obtains. Allowing for this effect complicates the model but would not reverse the main qualitative
conclusions that follow.
678 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account

To solve this dynamic equation, we begin by combining eq. (52) (the solution for
e) and eq. (57) to obtain

e= (rñ - rn") - (e - e"). (59)

Using eq. (59) to substitute for e in eq. (58), and eq. (53) to substitute m - m* for
rñ - rñ*, we obtain
e= (m - rn") - (e - e"). (60) Comparing eqs. (60) and

(59), we see from eq. (53) that e= e,

implying that
the exchange rate jumps immediately to its new long-run equilibrium following a
permanent relative money shock. The intuition for the immediate adjustment is
apparent from eq. (58). If money-supply and consumption differentials are both
expected to be constant, then the exchange rate must be expected to be constant as
well. A similar case can arise in the Mundell-Fleming-Dombusch model of
Chapter 9 when the D.e = O schedule has slope zero, which is the borderline case
between overshooting and undershooting. The fact that the present version of the
model does not yield overshooting is of no great concem. As we saw in Chapter 9,
the evidence in support of overshooting is thin indeed. There is nothing intrinsic
in the approach that precludes overshooting, however, and in section 10.2 we will
look at a variant in which overshooting can occur.
One can easily extend the analysis here to allow for more general money-supply
processes. The extension throws further light on the last paragraph's results. Solv-
ing eq. (39) forward in a manner exactly analogous to our mode of analyzing the
flexible-price Cagan model in Chapter 8, one obtains

81 = -(c1 - cT) + 1 +8
1 )s-t (rn, - m;), (61)
1 8

which holds for ali t 2'.: 1. (Recall that e - e* is constant after the initial date 1
shock.) The general result is that following an unanticipated perturbation to the
path of the money supply, the exchange rate jumps to the flexible-price path cor-
responding to the new permanent consumption differential. One cannot press this
analogy with the Cagan exchange rate model too far, however, since consumption
differentials are not exogenous here and can be affected by unanticipated money
Figure 10.1 shows eq. (60) as the downward-sloping MM schedule; its slope
is -1. The curve is downward sloping because an increase in relative Home con-
sumption raises Home money demand. Therefore, Home's relative price level must
fall, implying an appreciation of the exchange rate. The schedule intersects the ver-
tical e axis at m - m*, which would be the equilibrium exchange rate response if
prices were fully flexible. Note that in deriving the MM schedule, we made use not
only of the money demand equations but also of the consumption Euler equations.
679 10.1 A Two-Country General Equilibrium Model

Percent change m
exchange rate, e

Slope = -1

Percent change in rel ative

G domestic consurnpnon, e - e"

Figure 10.1
Short-run equilibnum

Toe MM schedule gives one relationship between e and e - e*. A second sched-
ule in e ande - e* may be derived using the short-run equilibrium conditions other
than the money demand equations, together with eq. (45). The latter equation gives
steady-state consumption differentials as a function of net foreign asset positions;
this provides a crucial link between the short-run and long-run systems.
We first subtract eq. (56) from eq. (55) to obtain
b=(l-n)[(y-y*)-(c-c*)-e]. (62)

We eliminate y - y* here by noting that eq. (42) implies

y -y*= 8e. (63)

since p(h) and p*(f) are fixed in the short run. To elirninate 5 we use eq. (45),
which relates 5 to the long-run consumption differential, e - ó". Finally, we note
that by eq. (57), e - ó" = e - e*. Effecting these substitutions in eq. (62) yields
e= 8(1+8)+28 (e-e*) (64)
8(82-1) '

which is the upward-sloping schedule GG in Figure 10.1. The GG locus has a

positive slope because Home consumption can rise relative to Foreign's only if the
exchange rate depreciates in the short run and permits Home output to rise relative
to Foreign's.
680 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account

Percent change in
exchange rate, e
'' r
' G


Percent change m relativa
domestic consumption, e - e*

Figure 10.2
An unexpected relative rise in the domestic money supply

We are now ready to combine the two schedules to solve jointly for e ande - e".
In Figure 10.2 the solid MM line corresponds to the preshock equilibrium where
m - m* = O. The broken line is the postshock M'M' schedule.
The short-run (and long-run) equilibrium exchange rate and consumption differ-
ential lie at the intersection of the M M and GG curves. The exchange-rate effect
1 1

of a money-supply increase is smaller, the larger is the price elasticity of aggre-

gate demand e. As e --+ oo, the GG schedule becomes horizontal. As Home and
Foreign goods become very close substitutes, small exchange-rate changes lead to
very large shifts in demand with preset prices.
Interestingly, the Home currency depreciates less than proportionately in re-
sponse to a (surprise) relative Home money-supply increase even in the long
run. (Recall that e= e for a permanent money shock.) The intuition is that the
short-run depreciation temporarily raises Home real income relative to Foreign's
so that the home country runs a current-account surplus, via the usual intertem-
poral consumption-smoothing channel. Home's higher long-run wealth leads to
substitution into leisure (vice versa for foreigners), a fall in the supply of Home
goods, and therefore an improvement in Home's terms of trade. Because the home
681 10.1 A Two-Country General Equilibrium Model

country's real income and consumption rise in the long run, the nominal ex-
change rate does not need to depreciate as much as it would under fully flexible
The long-run nonneutrality of money is a significant difference between the
present model and the model of Chapter 9, but one must be careful not to overstate
it. First, in an overlapping generations version of the present model, the real effects
of the money shock would eventually die out, albeit over a much longer horizon
than the price frictions. (The time frame would be in life spans rather than one or
two years.) Second, the long-run effect is likely to be much smaller empirically
than the short-run effect. To see this difference, it is helpful to examine the closed-
form solution of the model, which we now derive.
Together, eqs. (60) and (64) (the MM and the GG schedules) imply

e= 8(1 + 8) + 28 ( m-m *) <m-m * (65)

88(1 + 8) + 28 '
where the inequality holds because 8 > 1. Since domestic prices of domestic goods
are preset, e also gives the short-run change in the terms of trade. Combining eqs.
(60) and (65), we find that
8(82 - 1)
e-e*= (m-m*). (66)
88(1 + 8) + 28

The output differential is found by combining eqs. (65) and (63). Finally, to find
the short-run current account (which here equals the long-run change in net foreign
assets b) we substitute eqs. (63), (65), and (66) into eq. (62) to obtain

b= 2(1 - n)(8 - 1) (m _ m*). (67)

Naturally, the larger is Home (the Iarger is n), the smaller the impact of a Home
money shock on its current account.
Having solved for b, one can now easily solve for all the long-run steady-state
changes induced by the money shock. For example, combining eqs. (46) and (67)

-(h _ -* f 8(8 - 1) ( *)
p ) - e - p ( ) = 88(1 + 8) + 28 m - m · (68)

16. The diagrammatic analysis is easily extended to the case of a temporary money shock. The MM
schedule is replaced by eq. (61) while the GG schedule remains the same. Thus the slope ofMM is the
same as before, but the intercept is the discounted sum of present and future money changes given in eq.
(61). The effects of a temporary money shock are, in general, smaller than that of a permanent one. It
is no longer the case, however, that the diagram portrays both short-run and long-run equilibrium. The
leve! of e - e* given by the diagram is permanent, but eq. (61) must be used to calculate the exchange
rate after the initial sticky-price period.
682 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account

Thus the long-run terms-of-trade impact of a money-supply shock is of the order of

magnitude of the equilibrium interest rate r (= 8), which makes sense given that it
is the flow of interest income on net foreign assets that drives a wedge between the
incentives to work in the two countries. Comparing eq. (65), which gives the short-
run fall in Horne's terms of trade, with the long-run rise in eq. (68), we see that the
short-run effect is unambiguously larger in absolute value. Solving for Short-Run World Aggregates

To solve for the effects of money expansion on short-term world consumption cw
and the short-terrn world real interest rate r (on Ioans between periods 1 and 2), we
begin by multiplying the Home consumption Euler equation (35) by n and adding
it to (1 - n) times the Foreign consumption Euler equation (36) to obtain

Equation (47) shows, however, that cw = O; the long-run effects of a money shock
come entirely through wealth redistributions, so that global consumption remains
fixed. Therefore,
8 -r.
e w =-- (70)

A second equation in cw and r may be obtained by multiplying the Home money-

demand equation (37) by n and adding it to (1 - n) times the Foreign money-
demand equation (38). The result is
r mw
mw =C w ----- (71)
1 + 8 8 '
where mw == nm + (1 - n)m* is the weighted change in the world money supply.
In deriving eq. (71), we have made use of eqs. (27) and (28) [noting that p(h) =
p*(f) = O], eqs. (50) and (51) for long-run price levels, and cw = O. Combining
eqs. (70) and (71) yields

r=-(1; )mw, 8 (73)

where the second equality in eq. (72) follows from eq. (32). A monetary expansion
at home or abroad temporarily lowers world real interest rates in proportion to the
size of the expanding country; world consumption therefore expands. (Remember
that in the long run, world interest rates and world consumption retum to their
preshock values.) Thus global monetary policy is nota zero-sum game, even if the
effects may be asymmetric.
683 10.1 A Two-Country General Equilibrium Model Solving for Short-Run Levels oflndividual Variables

Given solutions for al! the sums and differences, one readily solves for levels as
before (a task Ieft for the reader).17 One ítem of particular interest is the short-run
effect of a unilateral Foreign monetary expansion on Home output, often an item of
great contention in international monetary policy discussions. Combining eqs. (63)
and (72) yields
A unilateral Foreign monetary expansion raises world output by raising rn". At
the same time, however, it causes e to fall and shifts the composition of world
demand toward Foreign goods. Substituting eq. (65) into the preceding expression
and simplifying yields
ó(l + 6) + 2[n(I - 6) + 6] (1 - n)2(l - 6) *
- ó(l + 6) + 2
8(1 + 6) + 2

so that the net effects of Foreign monetary expansion on Home output are negative
(recall that e > 1).18
10.1.8 Welfare Effects of Monetary Shocks

So far, our discussion has focused entirely on the positive analysis of monetary
policy shocks, but one of rhe grear advantages of this approach is that it also yields
normative insights. Equiproportionate Money-Supply Increases

An unanticipated equiproportionate increase in Home and Foreign money-one

that raises m" but keeps m - m* = 0-must raise welfare in both countries. An
equiproportionate money shock has no terms-of-trade or exchange-rate effects, nor
does it affect the current account or any long-run variables. The only effect is to
cause global output to rise in the short run; by eq. (72), cw = rn" = yw. This out-
put increase raises world welfare because, as we have already shown, steady-state
global output is inefficiently low when there is monopoly in final goods produc-
tion. (With preset prices, an unanticipated money shock raises aggregate demand,
which raises output and mitigates the distortion.) Clearly, real balances must rise
in the short run in both countries as well. One should not interpret this result as
saying that the monetary authorities can use activist policy to raise world output

17. Recall again that solving for levels simply requires noting that for any Home variable x, x =
x" + (1 - n)(x - x*).
18. In a more general version of the model, with non-unit consumption elasticities of money demand,
the effects of Foreign money supply increases on short-run Home output would be ambiguous; see
Obstfeld and Rogoff (1995a).
684 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account

systematically. We have only looked at the case of an exogenous money-supply

shock here. If monetary policy is determined endogenously as in the models in the
second part of Chapter 9, price setters will take this fact into account in forming
their price expectations. As we show in an end-of-chapter exercise, one can solve
for the game-equilibrium level of money growth and inflation in a manner similar
to that of the Kydland-Prescott, Barro-Gordon model of Chapter 9. In equilibrium,
the monetary authorities do not succeed in systematically raising output, though
they may help stabilize the economy in response to unanticipated shocks. Thus the
present model can provide microfoundations for the more stylized models used to
explore inflation credibility in Chapter 9. Asymmetric Money Shocks r

Determining the welfare effects of asymmetric money shocks would appear to be

much more difficult. Not only do they engender exchange-rate effects, they also
influence the current account and therefore affect the long-run equilibrium. For ex-
ample, it might well seem from our preceding analysis that Foreign money-growth
shocks have an adverse impact on Home welfare. In the short run, an unantici-
pated Foreign money increase causes Home's output to fall and its current account
balance to go into deficit. In the long run, Home's terms of trade deteriorate, its
consumption falls, and Home agents' work effort rises. On the plus side of the
ledger, Home's consumption rises in the short run, and its short-run terms of trade
also improve. To add up these effects formally and see how overall utility changes,
we log-linearize the intertemporal utility function (1) and evaluate it. We will focus
on the "real" component of a representative agent's utility

ut == fs=t ¡3s-t (1og C s - ': y;)

that depends only on output and consumption, and does not depend on real money
balances. One can show that as long as the derived utility from real balances is not
too large as a share of total utility-a very reasonable assumption that will hold as
long as x is not too large--changes in UR domínate total changes in utility.
Taking advantage of the fact that the new steady state is reached after just one
period, one finds after total differentiation of the preceding equation that

dUR = e - KY5Y + 1 (e - KY5Y).

Equation (24) giving initial steady-state output Yo shows that this equation can be
rewritten as

dUR=c- ( -e e-- 1) y+ 81 [e- (ª-e--1) Y J . (75)

685 10.1 A Two-Country General Equilibrium Model

One could evaluate this welfare effect directly by using the reduced-form solutions
for e, e, y, and y, simply plugging them into eq. (75) to express dUR in terms of
money shocks. This is straightforward but requires a fair bit of algebra. A simpler
approach is to find quasi-reduced-form solutions for the consumption and output
variables in eq. (75) in terms of mw ande. Such an approach has the advantage of
separating global (associated with mw) from country-specific (associated with e)
The equation immediately preceding eq. (74) gives such an expression for y,
y= mw + (1 - n)(}e. Using eqs. (32), (65), (66), and (72), we find
8(1 - n)(e2 - 1) w
e= 8(1 +e)+ w e+ m
Using eqs. (48), (65), and (67), we derive
_ 8(1 - n)(e2 - 1)
C= e.
Finally, eqs. (33), (47), and the Iast expression imply
_ 88(1 - n)(e - 1)
Y= - 8(1 +e)+ w e.

Substituting these four expressions into eq. (75), we find that all the terms in e (the
country-specific terms) cancel, leaving the simple end result

Equation (76) thus states that the change in (the real component of) Home utility is
proportional to the shock to world money, regardless of its origin.19
How is it possible that so many of the different factors that have an impact on
Home welfare offset each other when there is a Foreign money-supply increase?
And how is it possible that the impact on Home welfare is identical to that of a
Home money shock, holding mw constant? The answer comes from the fact that in
the initial equilibrium, all producers are setting their relative prices at (individually)
optimizing levels. Therefore, small changes in relative prices induced by exchange
rate changes have no first-order effect on welfare. By the same token, agents are
optimally smoothing consumption over time, so small current-account imbalances

19. Note that a Home monetary expansion unambiguously raises all components of Home welfare,
since Home real balances rise in al! penods. Foreign money growth raises Home real balances in the
initial period (since Home money is constan! and Home's currency appreciates). In future periods,
however, Home real balance, fall, since Mis fixed and Home's long-run price leve! rises [see eq. (50)].
This one negative effect will not outweigh the various positive effects provided x is not too large, as
asserted in the text.
686 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account

have only a second-order welfare effect. The sole first-order welfare effect is the
one due to the initial monopoly distortion.
Strictly speaking, of course, our analysis applies only to marginal changes in
the money supply. For large changes, the linearizations we have employed may
break down, and numerical methods must be used to solve the model. Also, if
one tries to rationalize the results here by small menu costs to changing prices,
then of course one cannot rely on prices to remain constant when the shocks are
large.é" Nevertheless, the analysis here shows that many effects often emphasized
in ad hoc policy analyses may be offsetting when taken together. The simplicity
and clarity of the welfare results here provide a strong argument for having careful
10.1.9 Distorting Income Taxes and Welfare: An Important' Caveat
The welfare results of the preceding section are striking indeed, and they illustrate
the power of the approach. One must be careful, however, not to overstate their
generality because in the model, monopolistic suppliers are the only source of
distortion in the real economy. With additional sources of distortion, the welfare
results will in general depend on the nature of the inefficiencies they create and
their relative magnitudes.
Suppose, for example, that governments tax income. This creates a second dis-
tortion in the economy because income taxes distort the labor-leisure decision.
Since the marginal domestic social revenue from higher production now exceeds
marginal cost, a country can gain at foreigners' expense by depreciating its cur-
rency and thereby lowering the prices of its exports.
Let us assume that income from labor is taxed in both countries at the same
constant rate rL. Assume further that both governments rebate ali revenues from
income taxation and money creation by varying lump-sum taxes r1 (which will be
negative in the case of transfer payments).21 In this case, a representative agent's
intertemporal budget constraint is given by

P1B1+1 + M¡ = P1(l + r1)B1 + Mt-1 + (1 - TL)PtYt - P1C1 - PrT¡. (77)

With revenues from both income taxes and money creation, the Home govern-
ment' s budget constraint (9) becomes

20. One subtle issue that arises if we justífy preset prices by small menu costs is that there may be
multiple equilibria. Holding own price p(j) constant, there are two effects on the demand curve facing
an individual firm j when all other firms raise their prices. Overall aggregate demand falls (holding
M constant), but demand shifts toward firm j's good, since p(j) / P falls. These two effects pull in
opposite directions. For this reason, it may pay for a firm to absorb the menu cost of price adjustment
if ali other firms raise their prices, but not pay to change price if other firms keep their prices fixed. (In
the terminology adopted by Cooper and John, 1988, the various firms' pricing decisions are strategic
complements.) This multiplicity of equilibria is pointed out by Rotemberg and Saloner (1986).
21. Having the tax also apply to interest income does not alter the main qualitative results that follow.
687 10.1 A Two-Country General Equilibrium Model

rL Ion Mr - Mr-1
o= T¡ + -p
n r o
p¡(Z)Yi(z)dz + p

where division by n is needed to put aggregate income taxes in the same per
capita form as the other variables. Assurning a symmetric equilibrium within each
country, this equation becomes

TLp¡(h)y¡(h) M, - Mt-1
O =rr+ + . (78)
P1 r,

The foreign-country representative-agent and govemment-budget constraints are

similar, with the same tax rate rL. With these modifications, all the first-order
conditions of the model remain the same except for the labor-leisure trade-off, eq.
(15), which becomes

In this case, in place of eq. (24), the steady-state output levels with zero net foreign
assets become

An income tax reduces individual incentives to work and lowers steady-state out-
Although allowing for an income tax changes the equation for steady-state out-
put, the log-linearization of the model goes through exactly as before [except, of
course, that the percent deviations are from the steady state of eq. (80) rather than
from that of eq. (24)]. Therefore, the solutions for e, y, e, and so on are unchanged;
an income tax shifts the steady state, but it does not here change the response of the
variables (in percentage terms) to money shocks. However, although the presence
of an income tax does not lead to different positive predictions conceming how the
economy reacts to money shocks, it does lead to different normative predictions.
In particular, it is no longer the case that Foreign money shocks benefit Home and
Foreign residents equally.
The income tax distortion has different implications than the monopoly distor-
tion because it leads to an asymmetry in the spillovers from increased work effort
by Home agents. With monopoly the only distortion, an increase in output by a
single Home agent equally benefits Foreign residents and other Home residents.
But with an income tax, the marginal revenue from taxation is rebated entirely to
domestic residents.
To compare the magnitudes of the various effects formally, we again evaluate
the log-linearized utility function (75), this time using eq. (80) to substitute for
YO· After a bit of algebra, one finds that the effect of an unanticipated permanent
688 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account

foreign monetary shock on domestic welfare is given by

dU R _
- [º - n)m*J [ 1 _
rL(e - 1)2
o(l +e)+ 2
J . (81)

[Follow the same steps that led to eq. (76), but with m set to zero.] For e near
one, the effect of m* on home welfare is unambiguously positive; with inelastic
demand the distortions from monopoly domínate. As e -+ oo, however, the econ-
omy becomes more competitive and the tax distortion becomes the more important
issue. For large enough e, Foreign monetary expansion lowers Home welfare.
Toe cynical reader might conclude from this caveat that the welfare results lack
robustness and are therefore unreliable. A more balanced-and more appropriate-
conclusion would be that in understanding the welfare effects of international mon-
etary policy, it is important to study the majar sources of distortion empirically, and
to weigh the impact of monetary policy on mitigating or exacerbating these distor-
tions. It is certainly clear from our analysis that the standard approach adopted in
Keynesian analyses, which treat output and the current account balance as mea-
sures of welfare, can be very misleading.

10.1.10 Country Size and Economic Welfare

The small-country case can be derived by taking the limit ofthe two-country model
as n -+ O. Monetary expansion at Home then has no effect on the world interest rate r
or on world consumption e'", lt does, of course, affect Foreign consumption of the
Home good, c*(h), but Home goods comprise only an infinitesimal percentage of
total consumption. However, although a small country's monetary policy has no
effect on world aggregates, all the results we derived for the difference between per
capita Home and Foreign variables still hold. Note that country size n did not enter
into the results (short-run or long-run) for the exchange rate e, the terms of trade
p(h) - e - p*(f), the current account, e - e", or y - y*. Monetary expansion in
the home country still lowers the relative price of its goods and raises its output.
There is, however, no welfare benefit, even for the home country [see eq. (76)].
This result very much depends on the assumption that the small country consumes
only an infinitesimal fraction of its own production. In the nontraded-goods version
of the model given in section 10.2, there is a welfare benefit at home, even for a
small country.
It is worth noting one difference between the closed- and open-economy ana-
lyses of monetary policy in the preceding monopolistic model. We have argued
that (in either case) monopolists are willing to meet unanticipated demand at preset
prices because they initially set their prices above marginal cost. Of course, they
will be willing to meet unanticipated demand only up to the point where ex post
marginal cost equals ex post marginal revenue. In the open economy, this point will
be reached at a lower output level because the rise in import prices accompanying a
689 10.2 Imperfect Competition and Preset Prices for Nontradables: Overshooting Revisited

Box 10.2
The Role of Imperfect Competition in Business Cycles

Since the welfare results emphasized in section 10.1.8 depend on the presence of
monopoly distortions in the economy, it is fair to ask how important these distor-
tions are empirically. A number of recent studies have emphasized a central role for
imperfect competition in explaining business-cycle fluctuations. Hall (1986) looks at
microeconomic data for fifty industries covering ali major sectors of the U.S. econ-
omy and argues that there is substantial evidence of imperfect competition. In par-
ticular, he finds that in most industries, price exceeds marginal cost. He argues that
any business-cycle model must take into account how markups change over the cycle.
Rotemberg and Woodford (1991) presenta model in which markups are countercycli-
cal, because firms' ability to collude is enhanced in a recession. They argue that a
model such as theirs is needed to explain procyclical behavior of real wages and con-
sumption because the only altemative explanation gives an implausibly large role to
production function shifts. One fact they point to in support of their approach is that
prices of raw materials are very procyclical over the business cycle, followed by in-
termediate goods and then final goods. Final goods prices, they argue, are the least
procyclical because in booms they reflect not only lower direct markups, but lower
markups on inputs as well.
Recen! research has also emphasized the role of imperfect competition in explain-
ing a host of issues in intemational trade and finance; see G. Grossman and Rogoff
(1995) and Matsuyama (1993). Thus, while there plainly are many other importan!
distortions in the economy, there is good reason to believe that imperfect competition
is one of the more important ones.

domestic monetary expansion lowers each monopolist's real marginal revenue. (In
the closed economy version, the only force working to limit output expansion is
rising marginal disutility of work effort.) In general, the smaller the economy, the
smaller the maximum output increase that an unexpected monetary expansion can
achieve. Thus, in this class of models, there is again a sense in which the scope for
monetary policy is more circumscribed in more open economies. Even for a very
small economy, however, a monetary shock can raise output somewhat if there is
an initial gap between price and marginal cost.

10.2 Imperfect Competition and Preset Prices for Nontradables:

Overshooting Revisited

In the model of the preceding section, the presence of monopoly in the traded
goods sector was a key feature in governing the international welfare spillovers in
monetary policy. Here we considera small-country model in which the nontraded
goods sector is the locus of monopoly and sticky-price problems, and where the
690 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account

traded sector has a single homogeneous output that is priced in competitive world
markets. As we shall see, the model has somewhat different welfare implications
from the model of the last section, and it also yields a simple example of over-
shooting a la Dombusch (1976).
10.2.1 The Model
Each representative home citizen is endowed with a constant quantity of the traded
good each period, YT, and has a monopoly over production of one of the nontrad-
ables z E [O, 1 ].
The lifetime utility function of representative producer j is

= ;,B
00 s-t [ j
ylogCT,s +
(1-y)logCN,s +
l- E
( M;
j) l-8

2 YN,s(J)
. 2]

where CT is consumption of the traded good and CN is composite nontraded goods
consumption, defined by

Note that in eq. (82) we allow real balances to enter utility additively accord-
ing to a general isoelastic function, instead of specializing to the log case in which
E -+ 1. The parameter E will tum out to be the critical determinant of whether over-
shooting can occur. The variable Pin eq. (82) is again the consumption-based price
index ( defined as the mínimum money cost of purchasing one unit of composite
real consumption cr c~-y), here given by


where P; is the price of tradables. The law of one price holds in tradables, so that
PT = cP; (P; is exogenous and constant). The variable PN is the nontraded goods
price index

where PN(z) is the money price of nontraded good z. Bonds are denominated in
tradables, with r denoting the constant world net interest rate in tradables and
,B(l + r) = l. The typical individual j's period budget constraint in money terms
691 10.2 Imperfect Competition and Preset Prices for Nontradables: Overshooting Revisited


where per capita taxes r are denominated in tradables.

As in the preceding section, we abstract from govemment spending and (since
Ricardian equivalence holds) assume that the govemment balances its budget each
period. The govemment budget constraint, in units of tradables, is therefore given

M1 - M1-1
O=rr+---- (85)

Finally, in analogy with eq. (10), the preferences assumed here imply that non-
traded goods producers face the downward-sloping demand curves

where Ct is aggregate per capita nontraded goods consumption.

10.2.2 Fírst-Order Conditions

Toe first-order conditions for individual maximization are found by maximizing

eq. (82) subject to constraints (84) and (86). They are

Cr,r+l = Cr,t, (87)

_r._ = X~p (M )-E +

_r {3-Tp_.t_ ( Y_ )
c., r, r, Pr.r+l Cr,t+l '
1 - y ( Pr,r)
CN,t = --
p N.t
CT,t, (89)

e¡i = [(e - 1)(1 -
y)] (CAN.,)! e _1_
, (90)

where we have suppressed the individual j index. The first-order conditions are
analogous to those in section 10.1.2, except for the additional equation (89) that
govems allocation between traded and nontraded goods.22 Note that eq. (87) im-
plies that agents smooth consumption of traded goods independently of nontraded
goods production or consumption. This result is due, of course, to the additive sep-
arability of period utility that eq. (82) imposes. We will assume the economy has

22. One approach to denvmg the first-order conditions is to use eq. (86) to substitute for PN in eq. (84),
then use the resulting equation to substitute for Cr in eq. (82). The tirst-order conditions follow from
differentiatmg with respect to B,+1, M,, CN.r, and YN.t, taking e~., as grven.
692 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account

zero initial net foreign assets. Given that production is constant at .YT, this assump-
tion implies that

vt, (91)

Thus in the absence of shocks to traded-goods productivity, the economy has a

balanced current account regardless of shocks to money or nontraded-goods pro-
duction. Substituting eq. (87) into eq. (88), we can express money demandas

M¡ {X [ CT,tPT,r/ Pi J} l/s (92)

Pi= y 1 - (f3PT,r/ PT,t+i)

10.2.3 Steady-State Equilibrium

We are now prepared to solve for the steady state corresponding to the case where
all prices are fully flexible and all exogenous variables, including the money sup-
ply, are constant. In the symmetric equilibrium, CN,t = YN,1(z) = C~,1 for all z: thus
eq. (90) implies that steady-state output of nontraded goods is given by
_ - [(8-1)(1-y)J'i
YN = CN =

In the steady state, prices of traded goods must be constant with a constant money
supply, assuming no speculative bubbles. (Since monetary shocks will not tum
out to affect .YN or CN, we do not use zero subscripts in the preceding equa-
tion.) The initial equilibrium price level, Po (corresponding to the initial equi-
librium money supply Mo), may be found using eqs. (83), (89), and (91)-(93),
together with PT,1+l = PT,t, which follows from the no-speculative-bubbles con-
dition. Since money shocks have no effects on wealth, the long-run effects of a
money shock are to raise both traded and nontraded goods prices proportionately.
10.2.4 Short-Run Equilibrium Response toan Unanticipated Money Shock
We now consider the effects of an unanticipated permanent money shock that
occurs at time 1. Prices in the competitive traded goods sector are fully flexible,
but prices in the monopolistic nontraded goods sector are set a period in advance;
they adjust to the shock only by period 2. As in our earlier model, the economy
reaches its long-run equilibrium in just one period (by period 2). Here, however,
because there are no current-account effects, money is neutral in the long run, and
only nominal variables change across steady states.
In the short run, prices of nontraded goods are fixed at PN,O, and therefore, by
the same logic as before, nontraded output is demand determined. Given symmetry
across the various domestic producers, it must be the case that
693 10.2 Imperfect Competition and Preset Prices for Nontradables: Overshooting Revisited

Short-run demand is given by

YN -
_ c N• (94)
As in the previous section, a variable without a time subscript is a short-run (period
1) variable. By combining eqs. (89), (91), and (94), recallíng the assumption of
zero net foreign assets, and noting that PN is temporarily fixed, one derives

YN = CN = l - y (
y PN
~T) .YT, (95)

which gives YN and CN as functions of Fr. To solve for PT (traded goods prices are
fully flexible), we Iog-linearize the money-demand equation (92),


where we denote short-run percentage deviatíons from the initial steady state by
X= (X1 - Xo) /Xo, and long-run deviations from the initial steady state (which is
reached in period 2) by = (X - Xo) /Xo.23 Log differentiating the price-index
equation (83) with PN fixed yields the short-run change in the consurnption-based
price index


Finally, the long-ron neutrality of money in this model implies that

PT = rñ = m, (98)

where the second equality holds because the money supply increase is permanent.
Substituting the two preceding relationships into eq. (96) yields
f3 + (1 - {J)E:
PT= m. (99)
f3 + (1 - {3)(1 - y+ ys)

Note that the price of traded goods changes in proportion to the exchange rate,

PT =e,
since the law of one price holds here and the country <loes not have any market
power in tradables. Therefore, from eq. (99), we can see that if e > 1, the nominal
exchange rate overshoots its long-run leve! (that is, e> m = rñ).
One can understand the role of e in overshooting by recognizing that in this
model 1 / e is the consumption elasticity of money demand [ see eq. (92)]. If pT were
to rise in proportion to m, the supply of real balances would rise by only 1 - y that

23. In deriving eq. (96), remember that in the steady state f'r is constant, since the steady-state money
supply is constant.
694 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Curren! Account

amount (since PN is fixed). How much does the demand for real balances rise? A
rise in PT causes an equiproportionate rise in CN in the short run. A percent rise in
CN leads in turn to a l - y percent rise in real consumption. If e > 1, the demand
for real balances rises by less than the supply if PT = m. Therefore, PT must rise by
more and, by the law of one price, the exchange rate must overshoot.
Note that an unanticipated rise in the money supply unambiguously improves
welfare by coordinating an increase in output across agents in the monopolistic
nontraded goods sector. It is easy to see that real balances rise temporarily as well.
The analysis here was al! for a small country facing an exogenous world interest
rate, but in fact ali the results would still go through if the country were large. The
intuition is that in this particular setup, a money shock produces no current-account
imbalance and therefore has no global spillover effect. If the period utility function
were not additive in tradables and nontradables, nontraded goods consumption
would affect the marginal utility of traded goods consumption, and money shocks
would generally affect the current account and net foreign assets.

Application: Wealth Effects and the Real Exchange Rate

The models we have looked at suggest that even short-term macroeconomic dis-
turbances can lead to wealth transfers with long-term implications for the real ex-
change rate. Theoretically, these long-term effects are of the order of the interest rate
relative to short-term effects. But does this fact imply that they are empirically
negligible? This question is closely related to the transfer problem we introduced in
Chapter 4. In the models of this chapter, the effect of a transfer on the terms of trade
comes from effects on labor supply. As we have observed, it can also arise through
other channels, such as different consumption preferences at home and abroad.
Refer back to Figure 4.14, which plots the percent change in the trade-weighted
WPI real exchange rate, denoted by p, against the change in the ratio of net foreign
assets to output for a cross section of 15 OECD countries. (The former variable
can be viewed as a terms-of-trade proxy.) A simple least squares cross-section
regression using the data in the figure yields
t,,, log p = 0.039 + 1.0421'-,,.B/Y, R2 = 0.31.
(0.027) (0.433)

(Standard errors are in parentheses.) The regression indicates that an increase of 1

percent in the ratio of net foreign assets to output is associated with a 1 percent ap-
preciation of the real exchange rate. Of course, one must be careful not to draw any
strong conclusions from this simple nonstructural relationship. Estimating struc-
tural versions of sticky-price intertemporal models such as the one developed in
this chapter is an important research issue.
695 10.2 Imperfect Competition and Preset Prices for Nontradables: Overshooting Revisited

Table 10.1
Dynamic Response of the U.S. Current Account
to a 20 Percent Real Dollar Depreciation
(percent of GDP)

Year Change in Current Account

1 -0.24
2 0.61
3 1.22
4 1.36
5 1.46
6 1.54
Source: Bryant. Holtharn, and Hooper (1988),
Table II-5. p. 113.
The table average, estímate, from the DRI.
models; simulations cover the years 1986-91.

A large empirical literature uses variants of the Mundell-Fleming-Dornbusch

model to analyze how cumulated current-account deficits affect real exchange rates
(see, for exarnple, Williamson, 1985; Helkie and Hooper, 1988; and Krugrnan,
1991 b). While we have identified a number of important theoretical failings with
such models, it is still very useful to consider this substantial body of evidence.
Generally speaking, the results of this literature, which has focused to a great extent
on the case of the United States, is quite consistent with the nonstructural evidence
in Figure 4.14. Very large real currency depreciations seem to be required to off-
set apparently quite small current-account deficits. Table 10.1, based on Bryant,
Holtharn, and Hooper (1988), is representative. The entries in the table are aver-
aged estirnates from six independent econometric models.
The initial negative response of the current account to a depreciation is gen-
erally termed the "J-curve" effect and is due to the fact that short-run elastici-
ties of demand and supply are generally much smaller than long-run elasticities.
In the short run, a real depreciation of the dollar implies that imports cost more
and exports yield less, so that a higher current-account deficit results. Only over
time do the quantity responses outweigh the price effects. As the table indicates,
even a very substantial permanent depreciation has only a relatively modest impact
on the current account. One implication typically drawn from these and similar
calculations is that for the United States, fairly large real exchange-rate changes
are required to change substantially the course of the current account. The United
States, of course, is a relatively closed economy: 1994 gross exports and imports
combined amounted to slightly less than 20 percent of GNP. While the ratio for
Japan is similar. most other OECD countries (for example, Germany) have trade
shares closer to 40 percent of GNP. For economies more open than the United
696 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rare, and the Current Account

States, real exchange-rate changes have a considerably greater impact on the cur-
rent account. •

10.3 Government Spending and Productivity Shocks

Thus far in the chapter, we have focused aJmost exclusively on monetary shocks,
but it is possible to use sticky-price intertemporal models to analyze a far wider
range of issues. In this section, we retum to the general equilibrium model of sec-
tion 10.1 to illustrate how sticky-price dynamics change the economy's response
to govemment spending and productivity shocks. As we shall see, the answers are
sometimes surprisingly different from those offered by the standard flexible-price
models considered in Chapters 1 and 2.

10.3.1 Productivity Shocks

We begin by considering the effects of temporary and permanent productivity

shocks. Recall from our discussion on p. 662 that a positive productivity shock (a
rise in A) may be captured in this model by a f ali in K, which multiplies output y
in the period utility function

log e + x log P - 2K y 2 .
The higher productivity-the 1ower K-the less labor is required to produce a
given quantity of output. How does modifying the model of section 10.1 to allow
for shocks to productivity change our analysis? The first-order conditions and the
symmetric steady state of the two-country model stand unaltered. Ali the linearized
equations of section 10.1.5 remain the same except for the linearized Iabor-leisure
trade-off equations in the section, eqs. (33) and (34), which become

ce + -ec1 +e~+ ea1,

l)Y1 = (100)

ce+ I)y; = -ec; +e~+ ea;, (101)


K¡ -Ko
(Our use of a to denote proportional rises in productivity seems natural given the
implicit inverse relationship between K and A.) With this minor modification, we
follow the same steps as in sections 10.1.6 and 10.1.7 to solve the model. Toe
differenced labor-leisure equation (43) becomes

Y¡ - y t* =--e-(e t - e *t ) + --
e( a1 - a*t )r»
697 10.3 Government Spending and Productivity Shocks

and the solution for the difference between Home and Foreign steady-state con-
sumption, eq. (45), is replaced by

e- -e=_* ( --1 )(l+--O)·bº- + (0---1)(-a-a -*) ,

1-n W W


ae--i_c -Ko-ic-o
is the steady-state percentage change in productivity. Holding net foreign assets
constant, a relative rise in steady-state Home productivity leads to a rise in Home
relative consumption. The rise, however, is less than proportional to the rise in a-
á", in part because Home residents respond by working less, and in part because
the relative price of Home goods falls as a result of the rise in relative (physical)
output. The change in the steady-state terms of trade is given by
_ (h)-e-_p
p _* (!)= ( - 1 ) ( - 1 ) o-b- -a-.- a* (103)

1-n W W
Of course, changes in world productivity also affect steady-state global output
and consumption. Taking a population-weighted average ofthe labor-leisure trade-
off equations (100) and (101)-which bind only in the steady state when prices
become fully flexible-together with the relation e¡"=y"(" [eq. (32)1 yields24

-W -w a_W
e =Y=- (104)
A permanent rise in global productivity raises steady-state global output, but less
than proportionately because agents substitute into leisure [look at the effect of a
fall in K in eq. (24)].
Now !et us tum to the short run. Consider first an unanticipated temporary rise in
Home productivity. What is the output effect? Absolutely none; the entire produc-
tivity rise is absorbed by a rise in Home leisure. Why? Toe labor-leisure equations
(100) and (1 O l) are not binding in the short run when prices are preset. Price ex-
ceeds marginal cost by a finite amount, and a small marginal productivity shock
does not alter this fact. Output thus will still be demand determined. Therefore, if
Home productivity rises, Home production stays constant, and Home agents sim-
ply supply the same quantity with less effort.

24. The fraction appearing in eq. (104) corresponds to the exponent on y in the period utility func-
tion. In the more general case where we allow the exponent to take on an arbitrary value µ > 1 (that is, if
the output term in the period utility function is given by ryµ), eq. (104) is replaced by

-w -w aw
O =Y=-
698 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account

We now turn to the more interesting case of a permanent positive productivity

increase, so that a= a rises. (We will continue to allow for money shocks as well,
which is not difficult because the two effects are additive in the linearized system.)
The MM schedule is unaffected and remains as in eq. (60):

e= (m - m*) - (e - e").
The GG schedule, however, which embodies the steady-state consumption equa-
tion (102), does change. Equation (64) is replaced by
e=8(1+8)+28(c-c*)- a-a* (105)
8(82-1) 8(1+8)'

where we have used eqs. (57), (62), (63), and (102). The equilibrium is depicted
in Figure 10.3, which illustrates the case of a permanent rise in relative Home pro-
ductivity, holding relative money supplies constant. As one can see from the figure,
the nominal exchange rate appreciates. The intuition for the appreciation is as fol-
lows. Although there is no short-run effect on output, Home output rises in the long
run. Therefore, to smooth consumption, Home residents will dissave and raise cur-
rent consumption, thereby raising the demand for Home money relative to Foreign
money (per the MM schedule). This increase in turn leads to an appreciation of the
Home currency. The current-account deficit will temper the long-term difference
between Home and Foreign consumption, but will not reverse it. Solving eqs. (60)
and (105) for the exchange rate yields

8(1+8)+28 ( *)
+ 8) + 28 m - m -
88(1 88(1
+ 8) + 28
eª - _*)ª ' (106)

confirming that a rise in a - á" indeed leads toan appreciation of the Home cur-
rency (a fall in e).
To solve for the impact of changes in productivity on the short-run real interest
rate, we again combine eq. (69), the population-weighted average of the consump-
tion Euler equations, with the population-weighted average of the money-demand
equations. In contrast with the earlier case of apure money shock, changes in world
productivity generally affect steady-state consurnption, as per eq. (104). Thus, the
future world price level is expected to fall by aw /2, and the relevant population-
weighted money demand equation average is not eq. (71) but
m =C -----+-.
1 + 8 8 28
Substituting eq. (104) into eq. (69) and using the result to eliminate short-run world
consumption in the preceding equation yields

699 10.3 Government Spending and Productivity Shocks

Percent change in
exchange rate, e


Percent ch
ange in relative
domestic onsumption,
c e - e*

G / 8(1 + 8)
Figure 10.3
An unexpected relative rise in domestic productivity

Equation (107) shows that a permanent rise in world productivity aw leads to a rise
in short-term real interest rates. In the short run, agents do not wish to raise output.
Therefore. short-run output is lower than long-run output, and the real interest rate
rises as saving falls. Notice that in the short run the nominal interest rate doesn't
change: expected deflation exactly offsets the rise in the real interest rate.
These results sharply contrast with the intuition we developed in the flexible-
price models of Chapters 1 and 2. There, absent investment, a permanent produc-
tivity shock had no effect on the current account or interest rates, since it did not
tilt the country or global income profiles. It would seem that the interest-rate result
here should hold across a fairly general class of sticky-price models.25
Finally, note that we have interpreted K as a productivity shock, but from our ear-
lier discussion it is apparent that one could also interpret a rise in K as a change in
preferences favoring leisure over consumption. We will leave the welfare analysis
of the intemational transmission of productivity disturbances as an exercise. One

25. Since a short-run change in K (a) has no effect on any variables except leisure, it follows that an
antictpated permanent change in K that is !eamed in period I but does not take place until period 2
will have the same effect as a permanent shock that takes effect immedrately (far ali variables except
700 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account

can show that a permanent rise in Home productivity unambiguously raises both
Home and Foreign welfare.
10.3.2 Government Spending Shocks
We now tum to examining how preset prices can affect the response of the econ-
omy to temporary and permanent govemment spending shocks. Again, our analy-
sis is a straightforward extension of the two-country model of section 10.1. In inter-
preting the results of this section, it is important to keep in mind that there are many
ways to introduce government spending. Even in a basic flexible-price model, gov-
emment investment spending has different effects from government consumption
spending, and the effects of the latter are very sensitive to whether govemment
consumption is a complement or a substitute for private consumption.26 There is a
similar range of possibilities for modeling G in a sticky-price setting. Here we will
focus on the simplest case where government spending is purely dissipative and
does not affect productivity or private utility. While this case is special in sorne
respects, sorne of the basic insights it gives on how sticky-price models differ from
flexible-price models tum out to be quite general. Furthermore, the positive results
that follow would be the same if govemment spending entered separably into pref-
erences. Modifications to the Model to Allow for

Government Consumption Spending

For simplicity, and to focus on the dynamic aspects of fiscal policy, we will assume
that the govemment's real consumption index takes the same general formas the
prívate sector's, given by eq. (2), and with the same elasticity of substitution ():

G= ¡1
[ Jo g(z)~dz
J6 , G* = [J¡o1 g*(z)~dz J e~1

Here G and G* are per capita in each country. If governments act as price takers,
then their demand functions for individual goods will also have the same form as
the private sector's:27

g(z) = [ p:z) re G.

26. Older Keynesian models such as the ones in Chapter 9 do not make any of these distinctions, which
is one of many reasons they are inadequate for studying the effects of fiscal policy.
27. In fact, govemments may have an incentive to act as strategic monopsonists in this model, prefer-
ring to buy home goods to foreign to bid up their price. (For the same reason, govemments may have an
incentive to place tariffs on foreign goods.) We abstraer from this possibility here, treating govemments
as behaving competitively in goods markets.
701 10.3 Govemment Spending and Productivity Shocks

With govemment spending, the public budget constraint (9) is replaced by

M1 M1-1
G1=T1+---- (108)

and an analogous constraint holds abroad. Next, the demand function for the rep-
resentative agent's output, eq. (10), is replaced by

where G" = nG + (l - n)G*. Under eq. (109), the first-order condition (15) gov-
eming the Home representative agent's labor-leisure trade-off becomes

yTe+l = -e -- 1 ( w
e + Gw)l 1
e-. (110)
eK e
Introducing the govemment also requires suitably modifying our current-account
equations. Equations (20) and (21) governing steady-state current-account behav-
ior are now

C=oB+ fJ(~)y
-e, (111)

e*= -(-n-) oB + fJ*(f)y* - ir: (112)

l -n P*

Govemment spending, of course, subtracts from the total resources available for
private spending.28 Modifications to Linearized Equations
We will linearize the model around a symmetric steady state in which Bo = Bo =
Go = G0 = O, and again restrict our attention to perturbations in which all exoge-
nous variables are constant in the long run. Since we are starting from an initial
situation of zero govemment expenditure, the initial steady state is the same as be-
fore. The linearized model is also the same as that in section 10.1.5, except for the
equations corresponding to eqs. (30)-(34) and (40)-(41),
Yt = e [Pr - P1(h)] +e";+ g";, (113)

Y7 = e [P7- P7U)] +e";+ g';, (114)


28. As in Chapter 8, we have assumed that the govemment does not have a transactions demand for
currency. This approach, while the conventional one, may produce somewhat misleading results for
price-level effects if the govemment has a need for transaction balances similar to the prívate sector's. It
is not difficult to modify the model to allow for govemment money holdings.
702 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account

(() + l)Yr = -8Cr + c';1 + 97", (116)

ce+ l)y; = -ec; +e"(+ g"(, e= (117)

86 + p(h) + y - p - 9, (118)

e*= - (-n-)
1 - n
86 + p*(f) + y* - p* - g*, (] 19)

where we define g"( = =

dG'( /C'(/ and g dG /C'(/. (We normalize by initial
world consumption because we have assumed that initial government spending is
zero.) Changes in world govemment consumption affect world aggregate demand.
Steady-state Home govemment consumption reduces income available for prívate
Home consumption, and the same is true for Foreign.
One final set of equations that must be modified are the short-run current-
account equations (goveming the current account in the period of the shock). For
Home, eq. (54) now becomes
Bt+l - B¡ =rrBt + ---
- Cr - Gr. (120)

Linearizing eq. (120) and using eqs. (27) and (28) [taking into account that p(h)
and p*(f) are preset in the short run] yields
5=y- e- (1 - n)e - g, (121)

and the corresponding Foreign equation is

( --=!!
1 - n
)6= 6* = y* - e*+ ne - g*. (122) The Effects of Government Spending on the Steady State

We are now prepared to solve for the steady-state effects of permanent govem-
ment spending shocks when prices are flexible and all exogenous variables other
than government spending variables are constant. (Obviously, when govemment
spending shocks are purely temporary, the steady-state equations are unchanged
from those in section 10.1.6.)29 As before, the simplest way to solve the system
is to look at differences between Home and Foreign variables, and at population-
weighted world aggregates. For example, multiplying eq. (116) by n and eq. (117)
by 1 - n, then adding, yields

ce + l)y~ = (1 - e)c"( + 97"-

29. Note, though, that with sticky prices, temporary govemment spending shocks can still affect the
steady state indirectly by inducmg short-run current-account deficits and thereby affecting ti.
703 10.3 Govemment Spending and Productivity Shocks

Combining this expression with eq. (115) and substituting bars for t subscripts to
denote the steady state yields
-w J -w
Y = 29 , (123)


A permanent rise in govemment spending raises steady-state world output, because

people respond by substituting into work and out of leisure. For this reason, world
consumption falls by less than the rise in govemment spending. Paralleling the
derivation of eq. (45), one can use differenced versions of eqs. (113)-(119) to

e-e=* ( -- 1 - e)8b- ---1+e(

)(1-+ g-g *) . (125)

1-n W W
Similarly, eq. (46) becomes
p - - p-* ( f ) = ( -- 1 ) ( -l ) 8 b- - - 1 (g- - g-*) .
- (h ) - e (126)
I-n W W

A relative rise in steady-state Home govemment spending induces a rise in relative

Home output. It therefore leads to a deterioration in Home's steady-state terms of
It is easy to check that in a flexible-price world, a rise in Home government
spending would lower Home welfare (prívate consumption and leisure both fall),
but raise welfare abroad. Higher Home govemment spending leads to an outward
shift in the demand curve facing Foreign residents [from eq. (115) we see that
global aggregate demand, cw + gw, rises], and therefore allows them to raise their
prices at any given leve! of output.30 Short-Run Effects of Government Spending
We now examine the short-run effects of shocks to the path of govemment spend-
ing that are announced and implemented in period l. We allow for both temporary
and permanent shocks. As before, with p(h) and p*(f) set one period in advance,
the economy reaches its new steady state beginning in period 2.
Since govemment spending does not affect the money demand or the consump-
tion Euler equations, the MM schedule [eq. (60)] remains as before:
e = (m - m*) - (e - e") .

30. We have ignored real balance effects in the welfare discussion of the text, but these reinforce the
real effects for reasonable parameter values.
704 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account

Percent changa in
exchange rate, e

M G'

Percent chan
ga in relativa
domestic con
sumption, c - c*

G' M

Figure 10.4
An unexpected temporary rise rn Home government spending

As usual, variables without bars denote short-run (period 1) values, while variables
with bars denote values for all periods beginning in period 2.
The GG schedule does change, since government spending shocks enter short-
term aggregate demand, the current account, and, if they are permanent, steady-
state consumption differentials. With government spending, the GG schedule, eq.
(64), becomes

e= 8(1+8)+W( e-e *) +-- 1 [g-g * + (1-)(-g-g _*)] . (127)

8(82-1) 8-1 8
Notice that the steady-state component of the government spending differential is
multiplied by 1/8 (= 1/r), reflecting that current consumption behavior depends
on the present discounted value of government spending in all future periods.31
In Figure 10.4, we graph the GG schedule for the case of a purely temporary
government spending shock, so that g - g* = O. Money is held constant, so the
postshock MM schedule still passes through the origin. From the diagram, we can
see that a rise in Home government spending leads to a depreciation of the Home
currency. What causes the depreciation? A rise in Home government spending
leads to an immediate fall in relative Home consumption; relative Home output
goes up, but not by enough to offset the rise in taxes. Lower consumption implies
lower money demand, requiring a rise in the price level and a depreciation of
the currency. Analytically, one can solve the MM and the GG schedules (with

31. To derive eq. (127), use eqs. (57), (63), (121), (122), and (125).
705 10.3 Governrnent Spending and Productivity Shocks

m - m* = O) to obtain

8(1 +e)
e= 88(1 +ti)+ w [9 - 9 * + 8 (1) (- 9- 9
_*)] . (128)

When m - m* = O, the MM equation (60) implies that e - e*= -e, and the
demand equations (113) and (114) ímply that with preset prices, y - y*= ee.
Substituting these expressions into the difference between eqs. (121) and (122) and
substituting for e using eq. (128) yields

b- = (1 - n)8(1
8(1 +ti)+
+ ti)
[ 9 - 9* 1) (-
+ ( -8 9 - 9_*)] - (1 - n) ( 9 - 9 *) · (129)

lt is easy to see that in the case of a transitory relative increase in Home government
spending, Home runs a deficit as in a standard flexible-price intertemporal model.
But as one can readily check, in the case of a permanent relative rise in Home
govemment spending, g - g* = g - g*, Home actually runs a surplus. With preset
prices, short-run Home income rises by more than long-run Home income, so
Home residents adjust current consumption downward by more than the change in
govemment spending. In analogy to the productivity example considered earlier,
even though a permanent rise in govemment spending does not directly induce any
tilting into the time profile of aggregate demand, it does introduce a tilt in the path
of output net of govemment consumption.32
lt should be apparent from the preceding discussion that a permanent rise in
world govemment spending will lead to a fall in the short-run real interest rate.
Solving for the world real interest rate as in our previous examples for monetary
and productivity shocks [eqs. (73) and (107)] , one obtains

r=-(1 ; 8) 9;. (130)

A rise in steady-state government spending indeed lowers the contemporaneous

real interest rate. Note, however, that only the steady-state (future) leve! of gov-
emment spending enters into expression (130). Current government spending does
not appear. Thus a temporary rise in world govemment spending has no effect at
all on the real interest rate! Toe reason, of course, is that output is demand deter-
mined in the short run with preset prices. Thus an unanticipated temporary rise in
world govemment spending induces an equal temporary rise in world output, with
no effect on the net output available to the prívate sector. Hence there is no tilting
of net output profiles and no interest-rate effect.

32. Mankiw (1987b) derives a short-run "multiplíer" effect on output-in a stanc closed-economy
Keynesian-cross model.
706 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account

How robust are the results here to changes in the particular way we have intro-
duced govemment spending? Different approaches to modeling govemment spend-
ing can lead to different predictions about the impact on interest rates, even in the
flexible-price case. One should interpret the results here as giving sorne indication
of the directíon of effects one would expect to see in a world with preset prices,
relative to a base case offiexible prices.
Finally, there is the topic of welfare analysis, which again straightforwardly
parallels our discussion of monetary disturbances. Regardless of the directíons
of the positive effects, overall Foreign benefits and Home loses when Home's
government spends more. Home loses because it is forced to foot the bill for the
entíre expansion in world aggregate demand. Of course, these welfare results are
also sensitíve to the way in which government spendíng affects prívate agents'
utility. If govemment spending directly enters the utility function, and if the initial
share of govemment consumption in total consumption is suboptimally low, a rise
in Home government spendíng can raise Home welfare. Again, the ínteresting
question is how the results for a sticky-price model differ from those of a flexible-
price model.

10.4 Nominal Wage Rigidities

There is a long tradítion in macroeconomics, dating back to Keynes (1936), that

emphasizes wage rigidity as the central monetary nonneutrality in the economy.
Up to this point in the chapter our analysis has depended on price rigidities in
the final goods sector, but that setup was assumed partly for ease of exposition.
Here we show that all the main results that we have derived extend to the case of
monopolistic supply in the labor market and preset nominal wages.

10.4.1 A Small Country Producing Nontraded Goods Using Differentiated Labor The Model

The general point is perhaps easiest to demonstrate in the context of a slightly

modified version of the small-country model with nontraded goods of section 10.2.
Instead of assuming a contínuum of monopolistically supplied nontradable goods,
we assume that there is a single nontraded good that is supplied competitively.
However, to produce the nontraded good, the representative firm must employ
different types of labor f(z), z E [O, 1] according to the linear-homogeneous CES
production function

r q,-1 J q,~1
YN,t =
[fo f-t(z) T dz , (131)
707 10.4 Nominal Wage Rigidities

where <p > 1. Each agent j in the economy is a monopoly supplier of f,(j) and
considers his market power in deciding how much labor to supply. (One might
think of each worker as the representative of a monopolistic union.) The utility
function of the representative agent j is given by

=; oo ,B
s-t [
log CT.s + (1 - y)
j X
log CN,s + l _
PMs; -2K .

2 ],

where the price index is the same as in section 10.2,
p = Pf pJ-y /yY (1 - y)l-y,

except that PN is now the money price of a single type of nontraded good rather
than a price index. Note that otherwise the only difference between the utility
function (132) and eq. (82) is that the disutility from work f, now enters directly
instead of implicitly via YN· As before, each agent receives a constant endowment
of the traded good YT each period, and can borrow and lend tradables at the fixed
world interest rate r, where ,B(l + r) = l. In addition, he eams w1(j)l1(j) each
period from labor income, where w1(j) is the nominal wage for differentiated labor
of type j. The budget constraint of the representative agent therefore is


where P, = EP; is tied down by the law of one price, as usual.

The single representative competitive firm in the nontraded goods sector maxi-
mizes profits

PNYN - fo1 w(z)f,(z)dz, (134)

subject to the production function (131). The firm's maximization problem yields
the labor demands
t ] (135)
p N,t

A type-j worker takes this demand function into account when maximizing his
utility. The First-OrderConditions and the Steady-State Equilibrium

The implications of this setup, with monopolistically supplied labor instead of
output, tum out to be remarkably similar to those of the previous model. Because
the steps for deriving the steady-state equilibrium and for analyzing the effects
708 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account

of money shocks are virtually identical to the earlier sticky-price model, we

will characterize them only briefly.
The first-order conditions for individual maximization subject to constraints
( 133) and (135) can still be characterized by eqs. (87)-(89), but the earlier "labor-
Ieisure" equation (90) is now replaced by

e <P;'
= [C<P - 1)(1
- y)] r*
e '

where the j indexes are now omitted since individuals are symmetric. To solve
the model, it is helpful to note that in the symmetric equilibriurn where all agents
ask the same wage w1, firms will hire equal quantities of each type of labor. With
symmetric inputs, the representatíve firm's production function takes the simple
linear form


where C is the labor supply of the representative agent. Since the representative
firm behaves competitively, workers must be paid their marginal products. Under
symmetry, therefore

W¡=PN,t• (138)
Finally, clearing in the market for nontraded good implies
Substituting this condition together with eq. (137) into the first-order condition
(136) and solving for the steady-state value of labor supply yields

Comparing eq. (140) with the similar expression (93) from the earlier setup, we
see that monopolistic supply of labor pushes output below its efficient value in the
same way as monopolistic supply of final goods. Steady-state prices and traded-
goods consumption are determined as before. Effects of an Unanticipated Permanent Money Shock with
Preset Wages
Suppose now that wages w1 are set a period in advance (on date t - 1), but that both
PN.r and PT,t are fully flexible. (This assumption makes sense here because output
markets are competitive.) Consider the effects of a one-time unanticipated increase
in the money supply on date t = l. With nominal wages fixed, labor supply will be
demand determined in the short run. The rationale for why labor and hence output
is demand determined is exactly as in the earlier model with preset output prices.
709 10.4 Nominal Wage Rigidities

Toe marginal utility of the initial real wage exceeds the marginal disutility from
labor, so that if wages cannot be raised in response to an increase in labor demand,
workers will fully accommodate the demand shift. Short-run demand is given by
eq. (135) with w1 =
ÜJo. Because firms producing output behave competitively, the
zero-profit condition (138) implies w/ PN = 1 even when nominal wages cannot
adjust, so that short-run aggregate demand is given by

e= YN = cN.
From this point on, the model is sol ved exactly as in section 10.2, and in fact one
arrives at the identical expression (99) for the impact effect on traded goods prices
(and therefore the exchange rate) of a money shock. The condition for overshooting
is the sarne, as are the essential welfare implications. Even the effect on nontraded-
goods prices is the same despite the fact that PN is flexible here. From a welfare
perspective, the shock once again coordinates an efficient increase in labor supply
and, therefore, in output.
One can easily extend the analysis to incorporate monopoly both in labor supply
and in the final goods sector, in which case one can have sticky prices or wages or
both. 33 We have focused on the sticky-wage interpretation of the model. The analy-
sis can be adapted to incorporate rigidities in the prices for intermediate goods as
in Basu ( 1995), who argues that small menu costs in intermediate-goods price set-
ting can generate much larger business cycles than small menu costs in final-goods
price setting alone.

10.4.2 A Two-Country Model with Preset Wages

One can similarly reformulate our earlier two-country model in terms of preset
wages rather than preset prices, and obtain results closely analogous to those of
section 10.1. We very briefly sketch the idea here in a formulation that can accom-
modate price díscrimination across the two markets.34
Consider a slight extension of the two-country model of section 10.1 in which
there are both a continuum of differentiated final goods and a continuum of differ-
entiated labor inputs. The representative Home agent j is the monopoly supplier of
labor of type i, and has lifetime utility function

u/ .
= L fJ,-t [
log Cf + X log _Msl K
- - fs(J)2 ]
, (141)

s=t P, 2

where C is again the consumption index given by eq. (2) and Pis the consumption-
based price index given by eq. (3). Home agents reside on the interval z E [O, H

33. Blanchard and Kiyotaki (1987) allow for rnenu costs in both price setting and wage setting m their
one-penod rnodel.
34. The rnodel here is a simplified version of Hau ( 1996), who also allows for nontraded goods,
710 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account

while Foreign agents reside on q. l]. Similarly, Home firms produce goods on the
interval z E [O, { ], and Foreign firms produce goods q, l]; all goods are traded.
The production function for the representative Home good j is given by
2l </>-l ]~ q,-l
YrCJ) = ! 2 fo
lr(z)Tdz , (142)

<p > 1, where we normalize so that when all domestic labor inputs are used sym-
metrically at leve! l, y(z) = !l. [It is not necessary to constrain the two countries
to be the same size, but it simplifies the analysis. When the two countries are of
different sizes, the larger country enjoys an advantage from having access to a
larger variety of labor inputs. There are increasing returns as in the P. Romer ( 1990)
model of Chapter 7.] Output of good z is monopolistically supplied by Home firm
z. Home agents each hold equal shares of a portfolio of all Home firms (which
now earn profits), and Foreign agents hold shares in Foreign firms. International as-
set trade is again constrained to riskless real bonds. The representative Home firm
takes wages as given and chooses period t prices and labor inputs to maximize

P1CJ)Y1CJ) - fo 2 w1(z)l1(z)dz

subject to production function (142) and demand function (10). Each laborer faces
a downward-sloping labor demand function analogous to eq. (135) of the preced-
ing model but depending on an aggregate wage index. The first-order condition
governing the individual's labor-leisure decision is analogous to eq. (136).
Solving the firm's problem and recognizing that wages and labor input will be
symmetric in equilibrium yields the markup pricing rule
. e
p¡(j) = () - 1 W¡

where w1 is the symmetric wage rate. This type of formula is standard for profit-
maximizing monopolists facing a constant price elasticity demand function, and
we have already seen a version of it in Chapter 7.
With flexible prices and zero initial net foreign assets, the initial steady-state
equilibrium level of production and consumption can be shown to be

_ -*-[(</J-1)(()-1) 1]!
Yo-Yo- -- -- - (143)

<p () K

so that output is lower due to monopoly distortions in both the labor market and the
output market. Otherwise the analysis is the same as in the earlier model. For ex-
ample, if final-goods prices are flexible, wages are preset, and the law of one price
holds, the effects of a surprise permanent money increase on both consumption
differentials and the exchange rate are the same as in the section 10.1.
711 10.4 Nominal Wage Rigidities

An interesting alternative version of the model relaxes the law-of-one-price as-

sumption and allows for the possibilíty that monopolistíc firms price-discriminate
across countries (see the following application). In this case, because the produc-
tion function is linear when all factors are used symmetrically, a firm's pricing
decisions in the two markets are independent. (With a linear production functíon, a
rise in production for the Home market <loes not affect the marginal cost of produc-
ing for the Foreign market.) Toe result is that the pricing rule for the representatíve
Home good is given by

Pr(h) = <e ip, * (h) = e_e l W¡. (144)

Since the elasticity of demand is the same in both the Home and Foreign markets,
the markup over nominal wages is the same. Even though deviations from the law
of one price are possible (since we are implicitly precluding goods market arbi-
trage), they do not occur. More generally, if the constant elasticity of demand is
different in the two markets, the levels of prices will differ. But domestic producers
will still lower their foreign prices proportionately in response to a money shock
that causes the domestic currency to depreciate. With constant elasticities of de-
mand, there is complete exchange-rate pass-througli to import prices. Complete
pass-through can fail in theory and in practice, as the following application shows.

Application: Pricing to Market and Exchange-Rate Pass-Througb

Throughout most of the analysis of this chapter, we have assumed that the law of
one price obtains, so that, adjusted for exchange rates, the same good must sell for
the same price throughout the world. An implicit assumption is that firms cannot
price-discriminateacross the countries; they are prevented from doing so by arbi-
trage through the resale market. But there are sorne classes of goods-automobiles
are the leading example-for which firms sometimes can effectively charge dif-
ferent prices in different markets. With cars, standards may be slightly different
across countries (a nontariff barrier), or firms may be able to withhold warranty
service except in the country of origin. Also, for big-ticket items such as cars, it is
easier for firms to enforce exclusive distribution agreements. (Similar agreements
in small electronics goods are much more difficult to enforce because of an active
"gray market" that arbitrages prices across regions.) The price discrimination ex-
planation of departures from the law of one price is sometimes terrned "pricing to
market." In principle, pricing-to-market models can explain not only short-term but
also longer-term departures from PPP.35

35. For a more complete discussion of pricing-to-market models, see Feenstra (1995).
712 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account

One question that has received widespread attention is the degree of exchange
rate pass-through in goods where producers can price-discriminate. During the
early 1980s, when the dollar appreciated sharply against the Deutsche mark, the
price of luxury German cars became much higher in the United States than in Eu-
rope. This is an example of incomplete exchange-rate pass-through, since German
carmakers did not proportionately lower their U.S. prices when the dollar appreci-
ated. The pricing-to-rnarket model of the last section cannot explain this anomaly,
since there, pass-through of monetary shocks is always one for one. (However, the
empirical evidence could still be rationalized by recognizing that most "traded"
goods contain substantial nontraded inputs, including local transportation, adver-
tising costs, retail costs, and so on, as discussed in Chapter 4.) If pass-through is
indeed less than one for one, what might be sorne explanations? One answer is that
an appreciation of the dollar may reduce the elasticity of U.S. demand for imports;
this would be the case if the demand curve facing foreign monopolists were linear
rather than of constant elasticity. It is also possible to have incomplete pass-through
because of supply-side factors such as irreversible investment costs in establishing
a "beachhead" in the foreign market (Krugman, 1987; see also Dornbusch, 1987;
Baldwin, 1988; Dixit, 1989; Betts and Devereux, 1996). Obviously, even with non-
constant demand elasticity or irreversible investment costs, monetary shocks will
not affect the real markups charged by firms in different locations unless there is
sorne type of nominal rigidity.
The empirical evidence on pricing to market as the explanation of incomplete
pass-through is mixed. Knetter (1989) and others have found that incomplete
exchange-rate pass-through is more pronounced for German and Japanese ex-
porters than it is for American exporters. (Knetter studies pricing to market by
looking at the prices charged by, say, German companies to Japanese and Ameri-
can importers.) Sorne of this difference appears to be dueto the nature of the U.S.
export industries, which tend to be more competitive (e.g., agricultura} products).
Knetter (1993) finds that U.S. pricing-to-market behavior becomes more similar to
Germany's and Japan's if one controls for industry effects.
Froot and Klemperer (1989), Kasa (1992), and Ghosh and Wolf (1994) present
empirical evidence showing that costs of price adjustment rather than oligopo-
listic price-setting behavior provide the most likely explanation of incomplete pass-
through. Froot and Klemperer look at a model where consumers face costs of
switching across products. They reason that if their costs-of-adjustrnent explana-
tion is correct, then exchange-rate fluctuations that are expected to be permanent
should have a much greater impact on markups than exchange-rate fluctuations that
are expected to be temporary. United States data from the mid-1980s, Froot and
Klemperer argue, provide evidence consistent with their model.
Of course even if pricing to market is genuinely important for sorne classes of
goods, it is not obvious that they constitute a large fraction of total trade. •
713 Exercises


l. Shocks to the money growth rate. Take the two-country model of section 10.1, but
allow for steady-state money growth such that Mr/ Mr-1 == 1 + u. and M,*! M¡'_1 =
l + u", Assume that in the initial steady state µ == u",
(a) How must eqs. (26), (37), (38), (39), (50), (51 ), and (52) be revised when u. > O?
(b) Suppose there are short-run, one-period price rigidities as in the text and analyze
the short-run impact on the exchange rate of an unanticipated permanent rise in the
home rate of money growth from µ to u', holding µ* constant. You may use a
diagram analogous to Figure 10.1; it is not strictly necessary to solve for the closed-
form solution.
2. The real exchange rate-real interest rate correlation revisited. Consider the small-
country model with nontradable goods of section 10.2.
What is the short-run effect of an unanticipated permanent money shock on the
real exchange rate and on the consumption-based real interest rate? Do unanticipated
money shocks cause a temporary decrease in real interest rates and a real domestic
currency depreciation as in the Dombusch model of Chapter 9?

3. The small-country case. This exercise asks you to derive the small-country case di-
rectly without solving the foil two-country model.
Assume that the small country consumes only a single imponed good and pro-
duces only a single export good over which it has sorne monopoly power. In particu-
lar, the demand curve faced by the small country is
yd == p-8cw,
where p is the relative world price of the domestic good and cw is the exogenous
level of world dernand. Finally, the srnall country faces an exogenous world own-rate
of interest rate r on the imported good. (The srnall country, of course, has no effect on
any world aggregate variables.) Derive the equilibrium by following steps parallel to
those for deriving the results for differences between the home and foreign variables
in the chapter's model.
4. Credibility and monetary policy. Considera cash-in-advance variant of the model of
section 10.2, in which representative agent j's utility function is given by

The model is otherwise the same except for the (contemporaneous) cash-in-advance

M/ 2: Pr.1Cf1 + fo1 PN.r(z)C~.r(z)dz,

which you may assume will always hold with equality in equilibrium. (One subtlety
we abstract from here is that if consumers can obtain cash needed for transactions
within the same period, it is producers that must hold cash between periods. In this
formulation, therefore, inflation is a production tax instead of a consumption tax.
714 Sticky-Price Models of Output, the Exchange Rate, and the Current Account

Implicitly we are assuming that the government pays interest on currency so that this
issue-which is not important here-can be ignored.)
(a) Show that under flexible prices, the equilibrium leve! of nontraded goods output
is given by
_ - [(e-1)(1-y)Ji
YN = CN = Ke
(b) Show that if output were set by a planner, then the planner would choose
-PLAN -[(1-y)JZ
YN -

(c) Assume nontraded goods' prices are set one period in advance ata leve! consis-
tent with M¡ (the expected money supply), and denote the actual leve! of the money
supply as M1• Traded goods prices are fully flexible. Show that

(d) Now suppose that the monetary authorities' objective function is given by

so that they are interested in maximizing the utility function of the representative
agent subject to an additional mñation term (this term depends only on traded-goods
inflation but this is not important since nontraded goods prices are preset). This model
is now analogous to the inflation credibility models we considered in Chapter 9,
except that we have provided a motivation for the distortion between the natural rate
of output targeted by the monetary authorities and the one targeted by wage setters.
Show that once period t nontraded goods prices are set, assurning a one-shot-game
equilibrium, the monetary authorities set M1 to maxirnize

(e) Show that the one-shot-game equilibrium leve! of money growth is given by

where the right-hand side of this equation can also be written as

{K[(ji~LAN)2_ (jiN)2]/x}!.

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