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Great Cleaning - a detoxification menu

Today's menu - generalities and rules

I finally start doing the daily menu (I have promised so long, but believe me I did not succeed
faster ...). Because I realized it was useless to write to you just what I was eating, I thought I'd
better make a combination that would be based on the menu created by Dr. Schnitzer
"Schnitzer-Intensivkost" and the Harvey and Marilyn Diamond husband's diet from their "Fit
for life" program. I would have really wanted the most to translate for you Dr. Schnitzer's
menu, but although I have written to the doctor for some time to ask for his permission, he has
not answered yet. Hopefully, however, as always in life, all evil will be so good ...

So far, I have no photos, so I will only write a "dry" menu, but you will see that everything is so
normal, that there is no need for a picture, the quantities and calories are important. I am not
at all supportive of calculating the calories and weighing of each swallow, but at first it is very
important to know this aspect, you will realize how much calories you eat daily and who
knows, maybe you will be horrified you just like me ....

The menu will be (for the time being) for a week, it will only have around 1000 calories (Dr.
Schnitzer's menu contains between 1200 and 1500 calories, Mrs. Schatalova is for 400 calories
per day , I've been looking for a value in the middle) and it's a menu that I GUARANTEE that
you lose a few pounds and solve at least your health problems. But it is especially a menu that
allows the body to trigger a self-cleaning process, so if you experience headache, if your nose
starts to run in the morning (extreme, it can be annoying) or if you just cool , you see
everything as something positive, your smart body starts to throw out the trash stored over

The menu starts on Monday, but the preparations start from Saturday, at noon on Sunday,
because the menu (like my current personal menu) does not contain bread (not even dry), but
only grated cereals, who has gluten problems should use buckwheat millet, I use helac, those
who bear, can use wheat, rye and oats.

In addition to cereals, nuts, vegetables and fresh fruits, you only need a bottle of thistle oil (I read
on google, it is Romanian invention ???) or olive PRESSED COLD AND NON-FINISHED so little oil
that it is worth investing perhaps a slightly higher amount in a top quality product), a grater, a
knife (best with a ceramic blade), a grinder that you can either of the sprouted grain cereals, or
simply grind them off with a natural apple vinegar. For grain sprouting you only need a jar,
more about this theme HERE. I hope you are already excited ........ so we move on to the basic

1. It is very important to observe the three meals a day and not to eat anything between the meals,
and to chew each well very well (digestion starts in the mouth !!!)!

2. You also have to try to get as natural ingredients as possible, I still believe that the market
monsters, especially those selling without authorization near the market, are the best sources.
And than to walk on Sunday, I know what malls or parks invaded by thousands of people,
better go somewhere outside the city, into a forest and pick up your own leaves of nettles and
dandelion (I do not recommend no one can pick up plants from the spontaneous flora if they
do not know them, but these two plants can not be confused, especially the nettle, if you have
a pimp, you have hit it! - anyway, the golden rule remains: NO BROWN DO NOT KNOW YOU

3. Breakfast consists either of the famous dish made by Dr. Bircher-Benner "müsli", that is, grains (I
believe that only sprouted), mixed with water, apple, a little lemon and a few nuts, seeds,
fruits, or only fruits (after H & M Diamond).

4. At noon - go on the principle developed by the Diamanonds in their program "Fit for life": salad, as
the main way. So, eat vegetable salad, always with green leaves, possibly with some fruits and
with cereals or soybeans sprouted instead of bread.

5. At dinner you eat ... and salad with - you are already familiar with - the bread substitute, the grain

6. It will drink only flat water with a low mineral content or unsweetened Romanian tea (it's good,
and it's a habit of stuff). Do not drink any drop of coffee or alcohol (about tobacco is clear, no
need to say anything, right?). Do not consume SARE !!!!

7. Reduce (or even give up altogether?) Tel computer, phone (especially mobile phone), take your
mind with beautiful things: music, poetry, good literature. Do not forget the prayers! 8. If you
want to become healthy again, you have to remove from your diet in sugar, refined oils, white
flour, absolutely any industrially processed food. Otherwise, it is possible that from Banu`
Ghica !! Who does not support a particular ingredient, gives up and simply replaces it with
something else. Someone once wrote to me that you can not only eat salad. I'm still trying to
prove for 4 years that I can, but I never said it was a flower in the ear, it takes a lot of will, self-
control and discipline. And believe me that we started with the blog just last year just because I
wanted to not just pass on the information I heard from others, but only the information I
tested and checked for myself over a longer period of time, on my own skin. Living food works
absolutely perfect, but there are (unfortunately) rules to be respected .... What do you say, will
you catch? The lovers have to buy the following ingredients. I Foods that you have to keep
permanently in the house: 1. The beans you bear, the best bio. 2.Then, you know who - the
smallest, now the most writhing, the most unattractive spring. 3. Bio lemons. 4.Sweet,
sunflower, pumpkin, flax and sesame seeds. 5.Who like, soy beans (I can not suffer), otherwise
brown lentils. 6.Look, garlic. 7.Morcovi, celery, parsley root II Fresh fruits, vegetables and
herbs. On Saturday I first put it soaked and then sprinkle 110g of cereals and 20g of soy beans
(or 130g of cereals) on which you will need on Monday. Sunday is preparing the second row for
Tuesday and soaked and 30g of nuts for the Monday menu. And for Monday, March 21, 2011,
at the beginning of spring (and new life ???), you need a pear, a root of celery, carrots, a
mandarin, a small cauliflower, spinach and many, many greens. I'm waiting for you and wish
you a great welcome! Monday, March 21, 2011 BreakfastCa and Harvey & Marilyn Diamond
and Mrs. Schatalova, and I'm for giving up breakfast or at most for eating fruit until noon also a
matter of habit). Whoever fails can start the day with a breakfast of cereals (müsli): - grind 60g
of cereal, which is mixed with 100ml of water and left for at least half an hour, add half a
teaspoon of juice lemon and then a small fine apple. Cut the cubes (about 100g) and add 15g
of softened and ground nuts. You may find it difficult to believe, but this breakfast already has
over 300 calories, when I have a little time to write down all the calories in part. It changes the
water to the cereals put in the corn for the next day. Lunch A mixture of three salads: 1.
Spinach salad - 100g spinach cut ribbons and mix with a apple (80g) shaved. Make a salad
dressing of 2 teaspoons of oil, 2 tablespoons of apple vinegar, add green or taste to taste, or
after you find it on the market. 2. Shredded salmon salad - 100g carrot is smooth and mixed
with 1 teaspoon of oil, one vinegar and one lemon juice. Add greens, eg. green onion tails,
leuron leaves, wheat leaf. 3. Cauliflower Salad - 100g chopped raw chopped chopped with 2
teaspoons of oil and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Add dill, decorate with sliced thin lemon
slices. In addition to these salads, 20g of sprouted grains and 20g of soya bean sprouts are also
eaten. They can eat separately or sprinkle over salads instead of croutons. This lunch has about
500 calories. Do not forget! Soak 30g grains ground in 50 ml of water for the evening meal.
Dinner Salad of red celery (optional, it is not seasonal, but it tastes better) - finely chop 100g of
celery root and an apple (80g), drank greenberries (onion and garlic leaves, leurda , wheat,
finely chopped nettles, dandelion, what's in your hand) and mix with a spoonful of lemon juice
and a teaspoon of oil and 15g of nuts. Put on sliced tomatoes or green lettuce leaves and
decorate with slices of mandarin (maybe a stranger combination, but I liked it). Eat together
with 30g of grain soaked at noon (as a substitute for porridge). Dinner has about 350 calories.
Put 20 grams of grain and 20 grams of soy beans (or lentils) soaked for the next day. Change
the water to the grains that have been sprinkled. Soak 15g nuts for breakfast on Tuesdays.
Luckily, my guardian angels brought Mihaela in my life to help me. And you forget what
unimaginable photos and what wonderful menu made Mihaela, adapted to the taste and its
necessities! Monday, March 21, 2011 Mihaela's menu 8.30am - a little su c) Wheat + two cups
of tea 10.00am Breakfast - 3 oranges + cinnamon + some soaked nuts 13.30pm Lunch -
Roquette salad + marasse + oil + vinegar - Cauliflower salad, carrot, parsley, oil, lemon juice,
apple vinegar - Whipped lentils + green soy beans19.30 Dinner - celery root salad + one stick of
celery + parsley + red + some nuts + oil, lemon - flour dipped in soaking. It was great, I did not
suffer from hunger, the salads at noon came out a bit bigger, tomorrow I'll cut it off. I'll cut the
walnuts from breakfast, I'll just eat pears, but all three. Mostly, I was glad I did not eat between
meals and the fact that I already know what I'm going to eat at the next meal, it relaxes me
mentally I eat what's on the list with great joy. Gods help yet. Lord, thank you wholeheartedly!
And thank you and my heart, my dear Mihaela! Let the Lord give you health and help you after
your good and bright soul! Tuesday, March 22, 2011 BreakfastSometimes or only fruits or
müsli: - Grind 60g of cereals, which is mixed with 100ml of water and leave for at least half an
hour, add half a teaspoon of lemon juice and then a small fine grated apple. Cut orange cubes
(about 100g) and add 15g of softened and ground nuts. It changes the water to the grains and
the grains that have been sprinkled. Grind 30 g of cereal with 50 ml of water. Lunch A mixture
of three salads: 1. Red cabbage salad - 100g red cabbage cut ribbons and mix with a small
onion (50g). Make a salad dressing of 2 teaspoons of oil, 1 tablespoon of apple vinegar, 2
tablespoons of lemon juice, leave for about an hour to "shoot". 2. Radish Salad - Radish about
100g radishes and mix with 1 teaspoon of oil and 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Add greens, eg.
green onion tails, leuron leaves, wheat leaf. 3. Cream salad - mix 100 g of cress, with herbs and
1 teaspoon of oil and one of vinegar. Add sweet pepper. In addition to these salads, eat the
porridge of the 30 grams of grain soaked and mixed with parsley. Dinner Crude Salad - 150 g of
radish and a soda (100 g), dries vegetables (onion and green garlic, leurde, wheat, small
cuttings, dandelion, handy) and mix with a spoonful of lemon juice, one teaspoon of vinegar
and one teaspoon of oil. Lay salad on sliced tomatoes or green lettuce leaves and decorate
with cress. Eat together 20g of cereals and 20g of spiced lentils Put and soak 130g of cereals.
The water is changed to the grains that have been sprinkled. I think you have already caught
the extraordinary simple principle, it is exactly the same varied breakfast using different fruits,
and lunch and dinner have the same "common denominator": salad consumed with seeds or
grain cereals. So you can actually make the combinations you like most, not forgetting that oil
and vinegar are consuming with great economics! Good appetite! Wednesday, March 23, 2011
First and foremost, I must point out that such a detoxification regimen is not recommended for
pregnant women and nursing mothers. Good luck with Simona that it caught my attention,
thank you very much! Then I want to tell you that we have received strong reinforcements on
the blog dedicated to Ms. Elena Nita Ibrian. Thanks a lot Mihaela, so I'm glad you joined me !!!
I'm in the big time crisis this week, actually, I should not have gotten into something so
complicated, but I did not want to postpone it, it's so sorry for all the wonderful weeds that are
now on all roads. But that's why, and without diacritics ... Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Breakfast Usually, or only fruit, or müsli: - Grind 60g of grain, which is mixed with 100ml of
water and left at least half an hour, add half a teaspoon of lemon juice and then a small fine
grated apple. Cut small mandarin cubes (do not suffer from lack of imagination, but now there
is no fruit season, fewer possibilities) and add 15g of sunflower seeds soaked. Change the
water to the grains that have been sprinkled. Grind 30 g of cereals and mix with 50 ml of water.
Lunch As usual a mixture of three salads, you can separate them or mix them in a dish: 1.
Celery salad - finely chop 100g of celery root and a small apple (50g), dries herbs (onion leaves
and green garlic, leurde, wheat, small cuttings, dandelion, handy) and mix with a spoonful of
lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of oil and 15g of sunflower seeds soaked (or walnuts). 2. Salad of
bell pepper (Mihaela, who is brave and grasped this diet, bought his peppers and wanted
something with peppers, so the recipe is with special dedication !!!) - cut 100g of peppers (if
you have, mix the red, yellow pepper and green to be more colorful) and mix with 1 teaspoon
of oil and 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Add greens, eg. onions and green garlic, wild garlic leaves
and leurade leaves. Put the salad on green lettuce leaves and eventually with tomatoes. If you
like, you can also add cumin and sweet pepper. 3. Green salad - mix 100g of green lettuce, lots
of green, onion and green garlic and 1 teaspoon of oil and a spoonful of lemon juice. Besides
these salads, eat the porridge of the 30 grams of grain soaked and mixed with a lot of green
parsley, finely chopped. Dinner Salted cabbage salad (if Mihaela wrote so beautiful about the
cabbage cabbage, with photos and recipe, could not not fit the best of this salad !!) mix 200g of
cabbage with many verdures (leaves onion and green garlic, leurde, wheat, small cuttings,
dandelion, what's in your hand) and add a spoonful of oil. Together, 40 grams of cereals are
consumed as croutons or flakes. I put 50g of grain soaked (somewhere I did a math mistake,
but there is nothing if the grain is a day more, maybe some like it more so, more corroded!),
30g of flaxseed and 30g of sesame seeds and 30 g of nuts. The water is changing to the grains
that have been sprouted.Pofta amazingly good! And I do not want you to miss the wonderful
interpretation of Mihaela: Breakfast Lunch DinnerThis day of Thursday, March 24, 2011
BreakfastBy usually only fruits or a muesli today, my favorite: -Minch 30g of flax seed and 30g
of sesame seeds (I make them through the bread maker) that mix with banana milk (mix a
banana with 120 ml of water), add a half a teaspoon of lemon juice, a small chopped apple
cubes and 15g of softened and ground nuts. Change the water to the grains that have been
sprinkled. Lunch And a mixture of three salads: 1. Red beet salad - 100g of beet red shake and
mix with a small fine cut onion (50g). Make a sauce of 2 teaspoons of oil, 1 tablespoon of apple
vinegar, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Add verdures as it encompasses. 2. White cabbage salad -
gently comb the 100g cabbage and mix with 2 teaspoons of oil, a spoonful of vinegar, finely
ground pepper and cumin seeds. They let go for about an hour. Add greens, eg. onions and
green garlic, leur leaves, wheat leaves. 3. Maroco salad and celery - 50 g carrot and 50 g celery
are finely chopped and mixed with 1 teaspoon of oil, one vinegar and one lemon juice. Add
greens, not forgotten at any salad! Besides these salads, eat 30g of grain soaked and mixed
with 10-15g of fine raspberry horseradish as a garnish .... Dinner Salad dressing - finely cut
100g of greenberries (onion and garlic leaves, leurda , wheat, finely chopped nettles,
dandelion, what's in your hand), 50g green lettuce leaves and mix with a spoon of lemon juice
and a teaspoon of oil. Broccoli Salad - Cut into small pieces 100g of broccoli, mix with finely
chopped garlic, 2 teaspoons of oil and 1 tablespoon of vinegar. In addition, sprinkle 30 grams
of crushed cereal, 15 grams of nuts and a lot of parsley. Add 110 g of cereals, 20 g of lentils (or
soy) and 30 g of nuts. Change the water to the grains that have been sprinkled. And the time
has come to tell you some spontaneous flora plants that are edible and grow only now well
and you probably know them all because they are not missing from any garden in Romania. So
far you have loved them only because they are so beautiful, now you discover a secret of theirs
..... I know it is almost a sacrilegious one, but also the balls (Bellis perennis - the leaves are also
found in winter, so long (Viola odorata) are edible, both the leaves and flowers, as well as the
cuckoo (Primula officinalis) and the pulmonary (Pulmonaria ofiicinalis). Whoever endures, will
not regret, especially the men are a miracle, they melt in the mouth, and the taste is exactly
the perfume !!! But as I have already said, you must always be careful not to take all the leaves
or flowers of a plant, always collect with both hands (with one hand breaking, with the other
holding the plant) so that it does not come out with root, always collect only one leaf at a time
and not directly a puff !!! If you respect this plant life, they know they are not upset if you
break a leaf or a flower, most often grow even better as their suitors from which nothing is
picked (we did the experiment, try and you you will see). I once read something that impressed
me to tears: "Flowers go so far with their kindness that they perfume the hands of those who
crush them." - Monsignor Vladimir Ghika_ - The Friday menu March 25th Usually, or only fruits
or muesli: - grind 60g of cereal, which is mixed with 100ml of water and left for at least half an
hour, add half a spoonful of lemon juice and then a small apple ras fin. Cut cubes a mandarin
(about 100g) and add 15g of softened and ground nuts. It changes the water to the grains and
the grains that have been sprinkled. Grind 30 g of cereal and mix with 50 ml of water. Lunch A
mixture of three salads: 1. Cucumber salad - 200g of cucumber is finely chopped on the grater
and mixed with a salad dressing of a teaspoon of oil and a teaspoon of apple vinegar, add finely
chopped garlic and dill. 2. Tomato salad with horseradish - 10g (or less if it's too hot for your
taste) of horseradish and mix with half a fine apple, 1 teaspoon of oil and 1 tablespoon of
lemon juice. Cut 100g of sliced tomatoes and pour the horseradish on top of them, and add
verbs to it. 3. Green Salad - Mix 100g of green lettuce with 20g of cucumber and 20g of radish.
Add a bunch of green onions, green onion and garlic and 2 teaspoons of oil and one vinegar. In
addition to these salads, eat the porridge of the 30 grams of grain soaked and mixed with finely
chopped leur. Dinner Radish Salad with Radish - Slice sliced 20g of radishes and mix with 100g
spinach, drank green and mix with a spoonful of lemon juice, a teaspoon of vinegar and a
teaspoon of oil. Carrot Salad - Fold the carrot 100g finely and mix with 15g crushed nuts. Make
a salad dressing of two tablespoons of lemon juice and two teaspoons of oil. Decorate with
finely cut partrunjel. Eat together with 20g of cereals and 20g of lentils crowned as croutons
(or 40g of grain - as you prefer). Add 110 g of cereals, 20 g of lentils and 30 g of nuts. Water is
changed to the cereals put on sprout. Saturday, March 26 Breakfast Only fruit or müsli: Grind
60g of grain, which is mixed with 100ml of water and left for at least half an hour, add a half a
teaspoon of lemon juice and then a tiny fine apple. Cut the cubes (about 100g) and add 15g of
softened and ground nuts. It changes the water to the grains and the grains that have been
sprinkled. Lunch A mixture of three salads: 1. Cabbage Salad Salad - 100g of cabbage sliced
finely and mixed with a small onion (50g) and 15g of crushed nuts. Add lots of greens
(especially dandelion leaves) and 2 teaspoons of oil. Put on lettuce leaves and decorate with
tomatoes. 2. Radish Salad - Radish about 100g radishes (red or white) and mix with 1 teaspoon
of oil and 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Add greens, eg. green onion tails, leuron leaves, wheat leaf.
3. Green salad - mix 100g of green lettuce, lots of green, onion and green garlic and 2
teaspoons of oil and two vinegar. In addition, sprinkle 30g of grain soaked and crushed (or
made flakes). Dinner Crude Salad - Slowly sauté a jelly (100g), dries many green herbs (onion
and garlic leaves, leurde, wheat, finely chopped nettles, dandelion, etc.) and lettuce leaves.
Mix with a spoon of lemon juice, a teaspoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of oil. Eat 20g of cereals
and 20g of lentils crowned as croutons.

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