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Role of youth in evil eradication.

In the present day scenario the world has become a volatile place to live in. Today we live in a world
where we are surrounded by more evil than good, be it in terms of social evils or in evil people and
in such perilous times it becomes quite important that we turn to the most efficient population of
the world i.e. the youth for eradicating evils from the society. A report from The Hindu states the
total youth population of the world is around 1.8 million which is approximately the 25% of the total
population of the world. How can we not acknowledge this fact while devising a solution for curbing
the evils from the society?

Albert Einstein in a discussion with Heisenberg famously remarked that in the West we have a ship
with all the advanced machinery from the world, with all the world luxuries but it lacks a compass,
hence it does not know where to go and thus is useless. Analogous to the this example is our
modern day society, it has got all the comforts, the best of healthcare, opportunities and what not
but the presence of social evils like poverty, illiteracy, female foeticide, corruption, sexual
harassment, gender inequality etc. are like the storms, waves and typhoons which are steering the
ship away from it’s destination and the youth are like the compass, the captain of this ship who
could help steer and navigate this ship properly.

Now the question arises why youth? Why not target the other age groups? Before answering this
question I would like to quote the words by Franklin.D.Roosevelt, he said “We cannot always build
the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future” Putting it in even simpler terms,
the youth we have today will be the working force, the GDP grosser of tomorrow, the builders of the
nation and hence it becomes quite essential to acknowledge their importance in solving problems.

Breaking down the rise and expansion of any evil in the society, it happens in various stages i.e. First
a few stereotypical, narrow minds start practicing it. And as a result of lack of knowledge and
ignorance, people are often manipulated and thus the evil flourishes and expands to deeper roots in
the society. But what if the dam, the obstruction is put right before it’s expanse? What if the people
who are too easily influenced and moved are replaced by rational thinkers and educated people i.e.
The youth? The result would be quite surprising to note and may result in the extinction of all the
evils from the society.

Since there has been a lot of stress on the education, awareness and development of youth in my
above paragraphs, it is important to note that the education doesn’t necessarily mean formal
education i.e. the one taught in schools, but also informal education. The need of the hour is that
we along with a vast technological knowledge have even a stronger foundation of values, which
keep our ideals strong, our minds should be so well bounded with rational thinking that it is barely
influenced by terrorizing and stereotypical thoughts. And by stereotypical thoughts I don’t mean to
challenge our rich cultural values, our principles that run through our blood and define who we are,
but I target the all the shrewd minds who manipulate the masses to their own gain.

Problems like dowry, female foeticide, corruption etc. are a direct cause of some ignorant minds in
the transition of their passing in the hierarchy among ages . And this can be easily understood by the
fact that sexual discrimination is a caused due to people believing in a common myth that women
are poor decision makers because of their menstruation cycles. How absurd reason is that? Now
imagine if a knowledgeable person had ended this belief ages ago we longer would have had this
problem. And similarly, the other problems could also be resolved. Another interesting role that the
youth plays is of reverse education. i.e. youth can help in enlightening and educating the adults, the
elder age groups about the problems and thus help in curbing them and finally abolishing them from
our society.

Summarising my whole article, a similar idea was understood by Prayaas Corps who understanding
the potential of youth are already educating the poor, which also forms a large part of our country’s
youth which are going to be the future of this country and hence are going to affect the country’s
society largely. More initiatives like ‘Srav Shiksha Abhiyan’ by the government along with initiatives
by NGO’s like Prayaas Corps could be the difference in making our country a developing one or a
developed one in the near future.

About Prayaas Corps-

"मानवीय सेवा ही इश्वरिये प्राथना है "

We started Prayaas with this motive and it reflects in our endeavour when we serve people. We
believe that just living is not enough, but one must have a purpose to live. And the person who
has a purpose to live leads a purposeful life.

Pranav Bharti

Intern at Prayaas Corps

A budding writer, blogger, app content writer, struggling coder ; dumbfounded by society and it’s
behaviour and with high emotional quotient.


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