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oraciones presente perfecto continuo

 I have been working (Yo he estado trabajando)

 You have been working (Tú has estado trabajando)
 He has been working (Él ha estado trabajando)
 She has been working (Ella ha estado trabajando)

They have [They’ve] been talking for three hours.(Han estado hablando durante tres
She has [She’s] been studying English since she was 16.(Ha estado estudiando
inglés desde que tenía 16 años.)
I have [I’ve] been waiting for you for over an hour!(¡Te llevo esperando durante
más de una hora!)
They haven’t been talking for more than a few minutes.(No han estado hablando más de
unos minutos.)
She hasn’t been studying English for very long.(No ha estado estudiando inglés
durante mucho tiempo.)
Don’t worry, I haven’t been waiting long.(No te preocupes, no llevo esperando
mucho tiempo.)
I can’t believe it is still raining. It’s been raining for a week now!(No puedo creer
que todavía esté lloviendo. Lleva lloviendo desde hace una semana!)
John has been working at the bank since 2003.(John lleva trabajando en el banco
desde 2003.)
We’ve been planning our vacation for over a month.(Llevamos planeando
nuestras vacaciones desde hace más de un mes.)
Amanda and Tom have been dating since last June.(Amanda y Tom han estado
saliendo desde el junio pasado.)
He hasn’t been studying enough.(No ha estado estudiando bastante.)
Have you been feeling ok lately?(¿Te has sentido bien últimamente?)
I’ve been working too much.(He estado trabajando demasiado.)

 We have lived in this house for over twenty years. (Hemos vivido en esta casa por más
de veinte años.)
 She has never been to Florida. (Nunca ha estado en Florida.)
 I’m bored; I have seen this film a thousand times. (Me aburro; he visto esta película mil
 You have given up hope. (Has perdido la fe.)
 I’ve lost my keys. (He perdido mis llaves.)
 We have spoken about this issue in numerous occasions. (Hemos hablado de este tema en
numerosas oportunidades.)
 The project has cost them oven five thousand dollars. (El proyecto les ha costado más de
cinco mil dólares.)
 Have you ever been to Poland? (¿Alguna vez has estado en Polonia?)
 We’ve become friends over the year. (Nos hemos hecho amigos con los años.)
 I’ve learned this recipe by heart. (He aprendido esta receta de memoria.)
 We have been here before. (Hemos estado aqúi antes.)
 I haven’t learned a single thing in this class. (No he aprendido ni una sola cosa en esta
 He has developed a fine taste in wine. (Ha desarrollado un delicado gusto para el vino.)
 The boss has already been informed. (El jefe ya ha sido informado.)
 I have worked for the company before. (He trabajado antes para la empresa.)
 Hung up, you’ve been on the phone for two hours. (Corta el teléfono, has estado
hablando por dos horas.)
 He has helped you before. (Él te ha ayudado antes.)
 You still haven’t seen the worst part. (Aún no has visto la peor parte.)
 Have you seen my dog? (¿Has visto a mi perro?)
 Scientist have discovered a new cure for the disease. (Los científicos han encontrado una
nueva cura para la enfermedad.)
 I’ve played that game before, I don’t like it. (He jugado a ese juego antes, no me gusta.)
 I haven’t found the time to do it yet. (No he encontrado el tiempo para hacerlo aún.)
 What have you done? (¿Qué has hecho?)
 We can get in their system, John has broken the code. (Podemos entrar en su sistema,
John ha descifrado el código.)
 He has become a very successful doctor. (Él se ha convertido en un médico exitoso.)
 She has been cooking all morning. (Ha estado cocinando toda la mañana.)
 Have you checked this data before printing? (¿Has confirmado estos datos antes de
 They have been off and on the relationship for months. (Han estado entrando y saliendo
de la relación durante meses.)
 I have seen what he can do. (He visto lo que puede hacer.)
 We have already done those exercises. (Ya hemos hecho esos ejercicios.)

Oraciones en presente perfecto continuo en inglés

Presente perfecto continuo
1 ) He has been studying every day
2) She has been reading the book of English
3) They have been walking in the night
4) I have been sleeping with my mom
5) Maria has been working on her thesis
6) Gabriel has been eating cookies
7) We have been in the cinema all day
8) He has been thinking in me
9) My mom has been asking about you
10) My dad has been writing a book

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