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RE LSA 3 Kateryna Kirichenko

LSA 3: Reflection and Evaluation

Overall, the lesson went very well. I believe that it was very useful to the students and that my aims
were achieved. It took the students full ten minutes to answer comprehension questions about the first
text. They only needed four minutes for the second. They were using highlighters and I could see how
much faster (and more accurate) they answered the questions. Commented [JG1]: OK yes it’s important to justify your
comments with reference to evidence from the lesson.
My timing has improved and the lesson was more student-centred (these were my weaknesses in
previously observed lessons). The students agreed that it was a useful strategy which they can apply in
the future and it also a good way to remind them of the correct use of the pronouns, which could
improve not only their reading but also writing skills. Commented [JG2]: Valid point.

 The activities were engaging and level-appropriate. The students could relate to the stories
which gave them extra motivation.
 The lesson was student-centred. Most activities were collaborative with the students working
together and helping each other. This worked particularly well because the stronger students
helped the weaker ones and discussed their answers.
 My instructions were clear and students knew what to do at each stage.
 My monitoring was non-intrusive, I tried to stay back and help only when needed.
 Using highlighters worked extremely well and I saw students using them in the last activity even
though I told them they didn’t have to. I will be using this technique in the future.
 I had an extra paragraph for the early finishers which provided extra practice for the stronger
 My timing was much better and transitions between the stages smooth.

 As my observer pointed out, I didn’t give the students any comprehension questions to answer
when reading for gist. The students liked the stories, they all said they was interesting, but
questions could provide them with an extra focus. Commented [JG3]: Yes indeed – it’s important for ss to have a
real reason to read the text and this will to a large extent dictate
 While the Worksheets 1 proved to be a very useful practice for the students, in hindsight I can how they read it.
see that I needed to explain that they had to choose which nouns needed to be replaced
(instead of replacing them all). We did talk about it after they finished and I think the students
understood how it works but it would have been better if I drew their attention to it before the
 There were a few typos in the materials. I told the students that one of the questions was
incorrect and asked them to correct it. However, it is something I need to be more careful about
in the future.
RE LSA 3 Kateryna Kirichenko

Consolidation and follow-up

In the next lesson this class will have their first reading assessment which is a part of their final mark. I
will remind the students about this technique and ask them to use it when answering comprehension

I also want to try using highlighter when marking their writings – many students use pronouns
incorrectly which leads to poor cohesion in their writings. Commented [JG4]: Valid points – obviously a very useful
assignment for both you and your students.

Word count: 500 words

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