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Copyright o 1996 Bsevler Science Ltd
paper No. 2115. (quote when c/tlng this art/ele)
Beventh World Canterence on Earthquake Engineering
II WCBB ISBN: O 08 042822 3




Senior ChiefResearcher, Research and Development Institute, Takenaka Corporation

1-5 Ohtsuka,Inzai-Machi, Inba-Oun, Chiba 270-13, Japan


An overview ofthe state-of-the-art in techniques for seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings was presented
in this paper with emphasis on research and practice. First typical techniques used for reinforeed concrete, steel
and masonry buildings were summarized in accordance with the aims of rehabilitation. New approaches to
utilize seismic isolation and supplemental damping as well as conventional strengthening techniques to infill,
to brace and to jacket existing strueture were described. Over twenty years research data were reviewed to
discuss the improved behavior of rehabilitated structures and components with various techniques. Examples
ofboth postearthquake and preearthquake rehabilitations of existing buildings were deseribed in some detaiL.
Finally the observed behavior of several rehabilitated bui1dings during particular earthquakes were introduced
to discuss the effect of rehabilitation.


seismic performance, repair, upgrading, retrofltting, strengthening, infill wall, bmces, jacketing. seismic isola­
tion, seismic damper


in earthquake engineering, the tenn "rehabilitationll is used as a comprehensive term to inc1ude all the concepts
of"repairtl , lI upgradingtl , "retrofitting" and "strengthening" that lead to reduce building earthquake vulnerabil­
ity. in early years ofthe world conference on earthquake engineering (WCEE), the major topic in the teehnical
session of rehabilitation was the development of techniques to repair and to strengthen existing stıuctures.
After experiences ofsignificant damage to buildings due to several destructive earthquakes, particularly, those
whicb bit highly densed urban areas (for examples, 1978 Miyagiken-oki, 1985 Mexico and 1989 Loma Prieta
earthquakes), many cases ofpractice ofrehabilitation as well as development ofrehabilitation techniques were
reported in the proceedings ofWCEE. Thus, the number of papers on seismic rehabilitation has been increas­
ing in the WCEE with the increase of total number oftechnical papers (Fig. 1), and the ratio of the number of
rehabilitation papers to the total has been also increasing, reaching at over 4% in the latest conference of
10WCEE in 1992. This indicates that the importance of seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings has been
recognized year after year in oor society. The recent two earthquakes, Le., the 1994 Northridge eartJıquake and
the ı 995 Kobe earthquake could have strongly pushed OUT society to recognize the importance of eartfıquake

- 1­

Number of papers~ SOO 1000
6WCEE (New Delhi 1971) 611 ~ paperson
7WCEE (Istanbul 1980) ~ rehabilitation of
8WCEE (San Francisco 1984 buildings
9WCEE (Tokyo, Kyoto 1988
IOWCEE (Madrid 1992)

Fig. i Number of papers on seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings in the proceedings of WCEE

countenneasures for existing vulnerable buildings.

A large number of existing buildings in earthquake prone areas over the world need seismic rehabilitation due
to various reasons and motivations, such as code change or earthquake damage. Earthquake damaged buildings
may need strengthening along with repair ofdamaged portion for reuse (postearthquake rehabilitation). Gener­
ally. they are rehabilitated so that their improved seisınic peıformancemay sa.tisfy the required performance by
current code. Seismically inadequate buildings. the design ofwhich do not comply with current code. may also
need rehabilitation (preearthquake rehabilitation) so that they meet the requirements ofthe code in foree. Many
rehabilitation techniques were investigated recent twenty or more years to apply to both preearthquake and
postearthquake rehabilitations. They are techniques to iniill. to brace and to back up ex:isting frames and to
jacket existing framing members so that lateral resistance and ductility of a building may be increased. in
addition to these conventional seismic resistant type techniques, another approaches to reduce seismic re­
sponse of a building have been recently adapted. Seismic isolation and supplemental damping are such new
techniques for rehabilitation. though they have been investigated for long time to use for new buildings.

This paper describes the present state of research and practice of techniques for seismic rehabilitation of exist­
ing buildings. First typical techniques which have been used for reinforced concrete. steel and masonry build­
ings are summarized in accordance with the aims ofrehabilitation. Because ofthe large volume ofexisting data
available. most of the teehniques deseribed herein are those for reinforeed concrete buildings. Examples of
techniques used for both postearthquake and preearthquake rehabilitations are deseribed in some details. Re­
cent approaches to utilize seismic isolation and supplemental damping as well as conventional infilling. brac­
ing and jacketing techniques are described. Over twenty years research data have been reviewed to discuss the
improved seismic behavior of rehabilitated buildings and components with various techniques. Finally the
observed behavior of same rehabilitated buildings during particular earthquakes are introduced to discuss the
effect ofrehabilitation.


Rehabilitation Strategy

As shown in Fig. 2, the aims of seismic rehabilitation are;

1) to recover onginal structural performance,

2) to upgrade anginal strucbıral performance, and

3) to reduce seismic response

so as to reduce building earthquake vulnerability. To recover anginal structural performance, damaged or

deteriorated portions of a building may be repaired with adequate material or replaced with newelement or
material. To upgrade original structural performance there are several approaches (Fig. 2). General approach to


- recover original repair damage and deterioration

perfomıanee ro-­ stiffen exisıing strueture
:-­ strengthen existing structure
seismic upgrade original improve irregularity and/or discontinuity
rehabilitation performanee
- supplement energy dissipating devices

- reduee seismic H reduee masses

response L....I isoIate exisıing structure

Fig. 2 Seismic rehabilitatİon strategy and measures

upgrade original performance is to strengthen existing strueture by the methods deseribed in the following
section. To reduee excessive response displacement, a building must be stiffened. lrreguIarity or discontinuity
of stiffness or strength distribution which may result in faHure or large distortion at particular portion of a
building must be eliminated by changing stnıctural configuration. It is effective to supplement energy dissipat­
ing devices in the structure to enhanee the capability to dissipate seismic energy and as a reSUıt to reduee
seismic response. Another eoncept to reduee seisroic response is to isoiate existing from the ground
(seismic isolation) as well as to reduce building masses. For important buildings which most be fonctİoned
after an earthquake or which must preserve expensive and valuable contents, for example, it is particularly
effective approach.

Strengthening Techniques

Manyapproches and techniques have been studied and practiced for recent twenty or more years to strengthen
existing struetures. Some of them include to stiffen existing structure and/or to improve irregolarity or
discontinuity in distributin of stiffhes or srength ofa building. The aims of seismic strengthening are to provide
1) increased strength, 2) inereased ductiIity, and 3) a proper combination ofthese two features, so as to satisfy
the required seismie perfomıance (Fig. 3). The required perfomıanee is eva1uated in temıs of strength and/or
ductility. The combination of mengtb and ductility involves the proper balance between strength and stiffness.
Providing inereased strength is the most promising approach for low- to medium-rise buildings. Even if
sufficient ductility is provided. adequate strength is required to reduce inelastic displacement Spandrel waIls
may be separated from a column to eliminate "captive column" to increase ductility.

(a) increase strength provide peripheral frames

back-up buttresses

seismic structure
(b) increase strength cast-in-situ concrete

strengthening and ductility precast concrete panel

existing steel panel

frames concrete blocks

(c) increase ductility brickinfill

brace comp. or tens. braces

existing tens. & comp. braces

Required frames steel or concrete

Seismic post-tensioning cables

Performance place
side cast-in-situ concrete

walls precast concrete panel :

steel encasement
jacket steel straps
existing concrete or mortar
membe Lcamon
­ fiber ----' _
Fig. 3 Typical strengthening methods

Typical strengthening teehniques are summarized in Figs. 3 through Fig. 9. Generaily. new elements are added
to existing frames to provide increased strength (Fig. 4(a», or existing framing elements are reinforced with
new materials to increase flexura1 capacity (Fig. 5(a» and/or to improve ductility (Fig. 5(b». Infill walls and
&ide wal1s are east-m-situ or precastwalI elements to be attached to fraınes or to beams. GeneralIy, walls are of
cast-in-situ concrete infil1mg existing bare frame. Steel panel mayalsa be a element to infill existing frame. It
is necessary to provide CODDectiOllS alang witJı all the peripheıy when as much strength as that of monolithic
wai.l is required. Spandrel walls inside the existing frame may be a part of the infill wall when the opening is



infiJI wall braees side walls

(a) strengthening element
stud balt
steeJ frame
fr'oôIIilioôiIIiI~"t/, mortar

steel frame ~
expansion anchor adhesive anchor ,
-----­ d) anchor

b) steel to eoncrete (direct connection)
(b) Connection
_' , ,_ _F.ig. 4 Typical fr~e stren8ili:e~~ng tec~q'!.~~ ~. ~__­ "C,-­

,'" : new longitudinal eX!sting
new reinforcement i
.....t.'J-ol~'+<,J"1 reinforcement reınforceme"l. reinforeement / angle at eaeh
concrete :f /' ., comer --­
.~ concrete hoIetoııPing new hoo ,', .. :

~~~{?z:new existing eove r~
..c.. ties beam " ' p'late alo~
; '.' plate • column side
a) cOıumn jacket b) Beam jaeket c) Joint confinement steel

.g:'fv~~. j,,:\j
(a) Jacketing techniques to increase frame flexuraI capacity

1nereasr "1"':: co umrf


~~e~~~city~~~iı<::~""::~;"";ı:'~_ _---,
Bst , ,,"
ties. or welqed
,/wıre fabries

e / steel



; '.. mortaror

'conerete carbon fiber

steel or
~ng ıd:i gap{ i ~Lı ~rarb. i_,

(b) Iacketing techniques to increase column shear capacity

Fig. 5 Typical member reinforeing techniques

- 4­
infilled with coııerete. An existing StrUetUraI wal1 may be strengthened by placing new coııerete waıı panel
along with the existing wat!.

Typical details of CODnections to existing coııerete are given in Fig. 4(b). Dowel connections in Fig. 4a) are
used for infııı walls and side walls. The expansion and adhesive type anehors for dowel connection are
ilIustıated in Fig.4d). Steel elements may be simply attached to the existing conerete through mortar fill, as
shown in Fig. 4c), while they may be directly attached to the fraınes by bolting (Fig. 4b). Steel systems of
brııces and panels with peripheral framewere studied by Yamamoto (1983, Fig.ll) and Aoki (1992) using the
connection in Fig. 4c). The steel elements were welded or bolted to the peripheral frame, and the steei fraıne
WLIS attached to existing frame through mortar fiıı. Stud bolts were welded to steel fraıne and adhesive aııdıors
were insta1led along the existing frame. These bolts and anehors acted as dowels through mortar fill, though
they were not connected each other. This connection tolerates more error in dimension of the steel system lo be
.Hacbed to existing frame than the direct eonnection.

F1exural capacity of fraınes may be increased with conerete or steel jaeket shown in Fig. 4(a) providing with
new loııgitudina1 and lateral reinforcements. it is importanl to adequately arrange lateral reinforcements to
aehieve ductile behavior. Beam-to-column eonnection may need continement with steel element, though the
constıuction is not easy (Aleoeer 1995, Hakulo, Park 1995). Column duetility may be improved with jacketing
teclıniques shown in Fig. 5(b). An existing column is jaeketed with conerete or steel eneasemenl. in increasing
ductility ofcolumns with these tec:hniques, the aim is to inerease their shear capacity providing new conerete
and/or reinforcemenl. it is very important to provide a narrow gap at the end of steel or eonerete encaseınentto
avoid undesired inerease of shear forces resulting from the increase of flexural eapacity.

Based on the lessons leamed from the damage to steel connections by the 1994 Northridge earthquake, some
modification methods for steel connection are proposed (FEMA 1995). The aim of the methods shown in Fig.
6 as examples is to shift the plastic hinge away from the connection using hauneh, cover plale or rib. These

••• •
• L
[B]~~i ~

(a) Top and bottom haunch (b) Cover plate connection (c) Upstanding rib connection,
modifıcation modification modifieation
Fig. 6 Examples of post~earthquakem~ficationof steel connection (FE~ 1995)

welded wire mesh


O( JI ­

existing slab or girder

<> ~ < ~ ~
bored hale i

steel profile
~ ,
. . . arıcltonlge ot
00 hsteel tie
WNmosh y-
(a) Addilion of RC column (b) Strengthening by (c) Confinement with
(Hidalgo 1995) welded wire mesh steel seclion
(Alcocer 1994)
Fig. 7 Strengthening ofmasolıry infıll wall L


methods can be applied to new construction. Existing masonry infıll walls may be strengthened by the addition
of new reinforced concrete coIumn (Hidalgo 1995, Fig. 7(a», by Jacketing with c<mcrete and welded wire
fabrlcs ~AlcüCer 1994, Fig. 7(b» or by confining wilh sıeel section (Fig. 7(c».

Recently seismic iso! ation has been adopted for rehabilitMian of critica! or essentiat facilities, buildings wiıh
expensive and valuable eontents, and stIUCtUres where superior seisrnic perfmmance is required. The seismic

no" 0__ .,','­ ••• _ ••• -mW
(a) High-damping ruhber (b)Lcad core rubber (c) Frietion pendulum system
Fig. 8 Isolation bearings use<! for seismic rehabilitation

:~~~~~~~-~ ,~9.- Di i O __?-.U...ll

i8 (; //~_, \ /
f:s ~~!~<::/ center )\ : 'i
j " .• ~A ..~.... plate .1..' \-nı-, ! II
~ :ır-_.;z:.c=:.:.:>< ..__.__._..~ 1- [l; ~/ ~::ıst~ D-·IT6uUU~l.LL at::' ;1 ~
(a) shear yielding damper (b) vlscoelastlc damper (c) added damping and stiffness (ADAS)
(akade, Seki 1992) (ScholI1986, 500ng 1993) element (SehoIl1990, Kelly 1993)
Fig. 9 Dampers used fOf seisroic rehabilitatlan

isolatian system significantly reduces Ihe <cisroie impact on building strueture and assemblics. For isolation
bearings elastomeric systerns(high-damping rubber and Icad core rubber) or friction pendulum system are
presendy available (Fig. 8). In other cases, rubber bcanngs aceompany damping element such as viscous
damper Energy dissipation devices have been alsa adopted rerently LO redııce inelastic deformaıion demand
Many ideas are propose<! for new buildings, however, shear yielding damper (Okada, Seki 1992). viscoelastic
damper (Schoıı 1986, Sooog 1993) and added damping and stiffness (ADAS) elements (Scholl 1990, Kel1y
1993) are presently available for seisrole rehabiliıation


ReW'reh Q!!..Rehabilitllted StfUetureS

The earliest tests in rehabilitarian research were aiming at repair of damaged S!nleture (Plecnic 1977, Gulkan
1977) and the improvement of column ductility by jacketing with ,teel encasement, steel straps or welded wire
fabrics (Sasaki 1975, Higashi and Kokusho 1975, Kahn 1980) They were also aiıning at the boosıing of the
strength of frames by the addition of precast or east-m-sim wnııs (Higaslıi and Kolaısha 1975, Kahn 1977,
Higashi and Ohkubo 1977) In addition, one-story infilled fraınes with vanaus connection details and bracing
systems werc exarnined (Higashi 1980, Sugano and fujimum 1980) Threc-story frames, strengmened by
infilling and bracing techniqııes, were aıso tesred (Higaslıi 1984). Further t~ts were those for infıll walls
(Aoyama 1984, Ramirez 1992), steel braeing ''}'sterns (Yamamoto 1983, Katsumata 1989, Goel 1992, Aoki

1992) and jacketed columns with steel straps (Arakawa 1980), with carbon fiber (Takeda and Katsumata 1988,
1992), with SteeI encasement (Yoshimura 1992, AboutaJıa 1994) and with concrete (Park. Rodoriguez 1992).
Beam~lumnjoints ofjacketed frames were a1so tested by A1cocer 1992, and Pıuk and Hakuto 1995.

Shear transfer at the connection between new ans existing elements was another issue in strengthening. The
behaviors of fasteners and connections were investigated by Eligehausem 1988, Jirsa 1988, Shimizu 1988,
Akiyaına 1992, Hosokawa 1992 and Valluvam 1994.

Behavior of Strengthened Frames

Eıcamples of the behavior of strengthened frames with various construction techniques are shown in Fig. i O
(Sugano and Fujimura 1980). Infill wal1 behaved similarly to monolithic wall, though the strengtb was s1ight1y
less. Concrete blocks alsa extensively increased the strength of original frame. Tension braces provided good
ductility properties while compression braces and steel panel did not develop their yield strength due to the
failure of existing columns or connections. The behavior of strengthened frames with steel systems are
summarized in Fig. 11 (Yamamoto 1983). Both the X and V braces and a panel with opening were capable of
significantly improving not only strengtb but a1so duc1ility of original mme. The double K braees (Aoki 1992)
a1so indicated significantly improved both strength and ductility of original frame. Note that even a steel
peripheral frame a10ne could significant1y improve both the strength and ductility. Another receııt test of V­
braces system with binge device at the joint to the steel frame (Okada, Seki 1992) indicated significant1y
increased energy dissipa1ing capability resulting from yielding of shear paneL.

Typical load-displacement relationships of strengthened mmes with various eonstruetion techniques are
iIIustrated in Fig. 12. This is only qualitative indication of the order of strengtb and duc1ility that miglıt be
attained using ditrerent techniques. The findings from the figure were summarized as follows. i) When
adequate connections were provide<!, infıll walls exhibited almast the same strengtb as monolithic wall. 2)
Multiple precast panels provided good ductility properties, however as expected, much less strength was
attained. 3) The predominance of bending behavior in three story frame was observed in contrast to shear
dominance in one-story frames. 4) Steel framed braces indicated significantly increased both strength and
ductility. 5) Concrete blocies and brick masonry also significantly increased strength.

Behavior ofReinforrM Members

Fig. 13(a) shows the dramatic improvement of ductility attained by a column using welded wire fabric
wrapping and mortar (Kokusho 1975). Thick Iines in the figure show the brittIe failure of this type of short
coIumn that has been observed in many damaged buildings due to destructive earthquakes. Displacement
ductility larger that 6 couId be attained in this case. Alsa the significant improvement of ductility by steel
encaseınent is shown in Fig. 13 (b) for the test by Yoshimura 1992. While original columns with average and
heavy reinforeement failed in shear, jacketed columns could sustain the displacement larger than 2"/0.

Typical load-displacement relations ofreinforced columos with various techniques are shown in Fig. 14. This
is alsa qualitative indicalion of the order of strength and duclility that might be attained using ditrerent
techniques. The findings are summarized as follows. 1) Anyone of wrapping techniques to use steel
encasement, conerete encasement, carbon fiber and steel straps resulted in considerable inerease in ductility,
2) Columns with conerete jacket indicated significantly inereased both strength and duetility. 3) Steel
encasement without end gaps resulted in decrease of strengtb, though bigher strength was obtained. 4)
Separation of spandrel walls considerably increased ductility wbile the strengtb was significant1y reduce<!.

<XIIumn 20 x 20
ı-m ISx25
I70cm f of­
~hoig~·~ht~!92~.5cm~!.Jı:iU:~Ef- -1 il ,2.0 R
t - .... -S.ll -1.11,

- p ~ bıd (iOSN) - - ­
original frame R : drift (!Ili) concrete blocks

-5.0 1.0 it
posteast wall __ _ ___ tension braces
Fig. 10 Hysteretic behavior ofstrengtheııed frames with various techniques (Sugano, Fujimura 1980)

f--20Ocm X-braces

~O X 35crrl 8.0
i H - BO x BO x 4.5 x 6 i ......---.--­ -------K-braces})
,/ M-braces (Aolei)!

X - braces
M - braces

i!! 4.0
steel frame
.. i fra me !
~ orıgına /

~ 1''1 /,/
)~/ ./
1\- braces K - braces

EI panel
brace: H-80xBOx4.5x6

panel : F-PL-6xSO
o 1.0
story drift index(%)
2.0 3.0

Fig. ı i Behavior of strengthened frame with steel system.s_(yamamoto ı 983, Aoki ı 992)
---~ -"------ --.- _._-----

Vw monolithick wall
lBil ~

infilı wall
KokuShO (1975), Sugano, Fujimura- (1980),
Higashi (1980), Hayashi (1980), Aoyama (1984)
'-o __

\ /' ----------:;)f.,------/~.. LJ
+~ . ~ ~LI y~:~;o(1983) ~
.•.•_." .....•
0.60 -­ 1.00Vw steel framed bra L......c......c
concrete bloclcs
~.: ....•
if.-= multi-story
] .Hi ;\; ;~ ~~~::~~~~ura (1980) infin wall
Abram (1993), Shuller (1994) Higaslıi
~_ _----""'---l~~ (1984)


J:DIIJL ~~~ .". ' ---- rıi~~; l­
llftnstrengthened i
O 0.5 1.0 1.5
story drift index (%)

Fig. 12 Typical load-displacement relationships of strengthened frames with various techniques

-- -

- 8­
1- ~ ~cfp~ ,v"LE-S ".=
~IE·.....j,!--=:::-=·F-i ~[db ~ ~ / CE-S
d_ ' i i ol ...,...LE
onginal column 'I CE CE-S ii k CE ,
. LE LE-S drift index(96) ,
• 8.0


n~-in-Situ ~
Higashi, Ohkubo (1977)


side wall

Sasaki (1975)
concrete jacket

Yoshimura (1992)
Park, Rodriguez (1992)

/ Higashi, Kokusyo

o ~ / (1975)

i\ concrete steel carbon
ii: ' \ (1980)
( 1988)
jacket jacket straps fiber

V II separation of
5pandrel wall
Aoyama,lchinose (1984)

O 1.0 2.0 3.0
story drift index R ('Ko)
Fig. 14 TYl'icalload-displacement relationşhips of eolumns. reinforeed with various techniques


Postearthquake Rehabilitation

Recent over 25 years, many buildings were rehabilitated after the damage by destruetive earthquakes using
variOllS types oftechniques. The enteria how to restore adamaged building depends on the level ofits damage
and the intensity of the earthquake whieh caused the damage (Table I). GeneralIy they were rehabilitated to
upgrade their seismic performance so that they may meet the requirement of code in force. The major aims of
the rehabilitation are to recover onginal function of the building and to prepare measures ııgainst possible
stronger eartlıquake. Used techniques were in wide variety. in early cases, mostly conerete shear wa1ls were
selected because they were capable ofproviding large lateral resistance. The building in Pboto i W8S severely
damaged by the eartlıquake of 1968 (Tokachi-oki earthquake) and it was rehabilitaled one year after the
earthquake by placing eonerete walls a10ng with repair of damaged columns in shear. It was first experience

- 9­
Pboto 3 Strengthening witlı hutıresses Photo 4 Conclllte jacketing

(after 1980 Livermore earthquake) (after 1985 Meı<icıo eartbquake)

Photo 5 Sıeel jacketing

Photo 6 Rehabilitation with seismic isolation
(after i 985 Mexico
(after 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake)

for Japanese engineers to extensively strengthen eıeist;ng strucıure for furure The shear wall
sırengtbening, however. lakes disadvanıages due to 1) increased weight of the huilding, and 2) separation of
space Diagonal steel bracing is aoother solution to provide large lateral resistance of a building, in addition.
possible large displacement capacity. In the huilding in Photo 2 which suffered _'ere damage due to shear
[ailure of shon coIumns by the 1978 Miyagikeıı-oki earthquake. steel diagonal hraces were plaeed a1ang both
longitudinal exterior fnımes through the stories The inereased lateral resistance and the ductility were veriHed
by labaratary tests (Kawamata 1980) The sıee! bracing can provide large lateral res;st8nce ond large opening
for lighting without incressed weigbt followed by the rehabililation.

Buttre5ses were used for the building in Photo 3 damaged by the Livermore eanbquake of 1980 (Freeland
1984). Sharpe 1990 repoıted another case ofbultress strengtbeııing for anoıher building in the same site. The

- 1 0­
buttress does not disturb interlor building space and function., therefore, it is effective method when outer space
is sufficiently provided. Photos 4 and 5 show jaeketing of eıcisting frame elements with conerete and steel
straps wbieh were seen in Mexico City after the earthquake of 1985. Because of significantly increased design
seismic forces after the code revision, massiye jacketing was necessary to meet the code requirements. The
building in Photo 6, consisting of wooden bearing walls, was affected by the Loma Priete eartlıquake of 1989
and &eismic isolation was adopted for rehabilitation. Friction pendulum system was used for isolation bearing.

Reııtonııjon ofPamaged Buildings in Kobe

A large number of reinforced concrete, steel reinforced conerete and steel buildings in Kobe City suffered
severe damage by the eart1ıquake of 1995. Maııy damaged buildings needed repair for reuse while collapsed ol"
some of severely damaged buildings were demolished. The criterla for restoration depends on damage level
and the intensity of the earthquake which damaged the buildings. Table i shows a proposed eriteria for
restoration (Japan Building Disaster Prevention Association 1991). in the areas which reported seismic
inteıısities VI (in JMA scale) or greater, restoration by only "repair" was underway in most of damaged
buildings. The restoration design and construetion for damaged buildings were achieved following existing
guidelines. Figure 15 shows examples of recommended repair techniques for reinforced concrete and steel
bui1dings (Building Center of Japan 1995).

Table i Criteria for restoration of damaged buildings

Dam e Level Li t Minor Medium 'or CoIla se
Seismic lower than 5 L::ı. X X X
1ntensity 5 O O .6. X X
Scale(JMA) higherthan 5 O O O .6. X
restoration by : Orepair, L>.repair or strengthening, X strengthening or demolitian
JMAScale ~ JMA:JopanMetoorological
MMScale~ Agency

Damage rank Rank ın or less RankIY

Sketch u u

Repair Repair cracks Grout mortar or cast concrete Jacket with conerete
method Repair cracks and Jacket with welded wire Jacket with steel plate and grout
partial loss of concrete fabrics and morter mortar
Repair partia! lass of Jacket with steel plate and Jacket with steel plate, add vertical
conerete wout morter reinforcementand grout mortar
(a) Repair of damaged concrete columns

~IJ=====ll,,, ~ ~
i~ ­
welding '- ­
after f-~

PlIH I-ifH- gouging
"i .. .. i
\,\\ tt'
stiffening stiffening
plate plate
Ruptured base metal Buckled H-section Cracked welding portion
(b) Repair of damaged steel members
Fig. 15 Examples ofrepair techniques ~r 1995 Kobe Earthquake (Building Center ofJapan 1995) - ,­
- 1 1­
• •
preeartbquake Rehabilitation

Since the publication of the "Stanılards for Seismic Capacity Evaluation of Existing Reinforced Concrete
Buildings" (Sapan Building Disaster Prevention Association 1977) a large number of existing buiidiags have
been evaluated in Sapan. PartiCUıarly, several ageııcies in charge ofadrninistration of a number ofpublic build­
ings have performed the evaluation as a part ofseismic countenneasure program. The cases of such evaluatiOll
of the Shizuoka Prefecture, Yokohama City and the Tokyo metropolis are suınmarizedin Table 2 (Hirosawa
1992). The Shizuoka Prefectııre, where a magnitude 8 or more earthquake is presunıed, has evaluated 1896
public buildings including schoals, city offices hospitaıs, ete by the year of 1986. Sixty five or more perceııt
buiIdiags were judged to be rebuilt or to need rehabilitation. 465 building were actually rehabilitated during the
Table2 Examples of rehıi>ilitationproject ofpublic buildings in Japan
Municipa1ity SeismicEvaluation Sei sınic Retrofit
No ofBldgs Use Period No orBldgs Period Construction Technigues
Shizuoka 2078 ~hool, '77-'86 465 '82-'87 infill walls. stee! braces and
Prefecture cıtv office. ete. panels, column ıacket
Yokobama 870 school, '82-'84 30-40"10 '87­ steel braces, columnjacket
City city office, etc. of the total underwav
Tokyo 48 apattınent '79-'81 46 '81-'83 infıll walls, side walls,
Metropolis houses columnjacket
reference: Hirosawa 1992, Usami et al 1988

Table 3 Seismicallylsolated Buildings for Rehabilitation

Building(city,counUy,yr.completed) Original Structural System Floo~size (of) lsolatiOll System

Salt Lake City and County Building Steel braced frarne 5/1 6000 LRB

(Salt Lake City, Utalı, USA 1989)

RockweIl Seal Beach Facility RC moment frarne 8128000 LRB

(SeaI Beach, Califomia, USA 1991)

Mackay School ofMines URM bearingwall 3/4700 lIDR&PTFE

(Reno, Nevada, USA 1991) sliders

Marina Apartments Wood bearingwall i Steel 4/1900 FPS

(San Fmncisco, Califomia, USA ı 994) moment frame

ClıanningHouseRetirement Home RC frarne i RC shear wall 11/19600 LRB

(palo AI to, California, USA 1994)

LongBeach Hospital RC shear wall 12/33000 LRB

(Long Beach, California, USA 1995)

Oa1dand City Hall Steel framel URM infill 18/14000 LRB
(Oakland, California, USA 1995)
U.S. court of Appeals Steel frarne i URM infill 5/33000 FPS

(SanFrancisco, California, USA 1995)

KerckhoffHalI, UCLA (San Francisco, RC frarne/URM infill 6/9300 LRB

Califomia, USA 1995)

San Francisco City Hall (San Francisco, Steel frarnel URM 5156000 LRB
Califomia, USA 1996)
Los Angeles City Hall (Los Angeles, Steel framel RC shear wall 32/82000 lIDR&PTFE
California, USA ı 996) IURM infıll sliders
ParliamentHouse (Wellington,New­ URM bearing wall 5/26500 LRB
Zealand, 1995)
ParliamentLibrary (Wellington,New- URM bearingwall 516500 LRB
Zealand, 1995)
Houtoku-Ninorniya Temple (Odawara, Wood frame LLL 12 Rubher Bearing

Japan, 1997) + V.Damper

RC : Reinforced Concrete URM : Umeinforced Masamy lIDR : High Damping Ruhber Bearings
LRB: LeadRubberBearings FPS: Frietion Pendulum System PTEE: Poly-Tetra-Fluoro-Ethylane
Reference: Mayes 1995, Soong 1992, KeIly 1992, Sapan Society of Seisrnic Isolation 1996

- 1 2­
• •
period of 1982 to 1987. The major construction technique was to use concrete imin walls so that they may
provide very high lateral desistance against the presumed huge earthquake. However, in later part of the
projec::t, stee1 systems in Fig. 11 were alsa used to avoid the increased weight ofbuilding associated with the
StreDgthetıiııgand to provide large opening for lighting.

in the USA, also many bui1dings have been evaluated, particularly, since the Lama Prieta eartbquake of 1989.
The rehabilitatian project for UCLA campus buildings, for example, is reported (ingham 1994). Both dam­
aged or undaınaged buildings may be rehabilitated using conventional techniques (for exarnple, Amin 1994).
New techııiques such as seismic isolation and supplemental damping, however, are used recently (Hart 1994,
Mayea 1995, Soong 1992). Particularly, seismic isolation has been selected in more than ten buildings for
rehabilitation (Table 3). The motivating factors for selecting seismic isolation are (Soong 1992);

1) Historicaı bui1ding preservation,

2) Functionality,

3) Design economy

4) Investment proteetion, and

5) Content proteetion.

The adapted isolating bearings are l) high damping rubber bearings, 2) lead rubber bearings and 3) friction
pendulum system. The tecbniques has been used mainly for historical buildings or important building since it
was first applied to the historical Salt Lake City and County Building (Table 3).


Most of extensively rehabilitaled buildings have not yet experienced strong ground motion. Only a couple of
cases ofbui1dings which experienced strong ground motion after rehabilitation were reported. The followings
are the bui1dings in such CBSes.

A twelve-story reinforced concrele frame bui1ding in Mexico City was repaired and strengthened after suffer­
ing extensive damage during a moderate earthquake that shook the city in 1979 (photo 7). The building suf­
fered no damage during the event of 1985 even though the shaking was mueh greater than that in 1979. The
results of forced vibration tests and analyticaı studies indicated that the steel braced frarnes that were attaehed
to the building for strengthening stiffened the strueture, shifting its natural period away from the predominant
ground period of 2.0sec (Del Valle 1988). This is the case of successfu1 rehabilitation and similar successful
case with steel bracing was reported by Hjelmstad 1988.

A three-stoıy reinforeed eoncrete building in Photo 8, whieh is structurally ideııtical to the building in Photo I,
suffered severe damage to first stoıy columns due to the earthquake of 1968. The building was rehabilitated
with shear walls at the damaged first Story only. Unstrengthened 2nd story columns suffered severe shear
cracks due to the recent earthquake of 1994. While adjacent building in Photo 1 which were rehabilitated up to
2nd stoıy did not suffer any severe damage. Importance ofbalanced configuration of strengthening elements is
indicated in this ease (Nakano 1995).

An old building in Photo 9 was eonstrueted in 1918 in Kobe and ten month before the event of 1995, construc­
tion for seismie rehabilitation was eompleted. Existing briek walls were eonfined by new concrete frarnes and
existing conerete frames were reinforeed with new steel frames arranged along with the emting frarnes. AB a
result of the countermeasure, the building did not suffer any damage while some other historicaı bui1dings
suffer severe damage in the same area. This is very encouraging ease to indicate the effeetiveness of
preearthquake rehabilitatian (Nikkei Architecture 1995).

• •

Phoıo 7 A rehabiliwed buildiııg iıı Mexico Ciıy

betbre the emtIıquake of 1985 Photo 9 An old building in Kobe relıabilitated
(nadamage) ten month bclore the earthqualce of
1995 (no damage)

Photo 8 A rehabilitated building v..,th concrele

walls after 1968 Tokachi-olci earth­
quake. Unstrengthened 2nd sl.Ory suf­
fered severe dam_ge by the earth­
quake of 1994


The present state of techniques for seismic reb_bilitation of existing buildings has been overviewed based on
the survey of !iıereturesanddata ofresearch and practice. The reaulıs oft/.e revieware summ8IİT.ed as folJows.

ı) Becauseof the experience of earılıquake damage and the data availabe, most teehniques described herein
are those for reinforced concrele buildings. Many typical teehniques LO strengthen existing stn.ıcıu~ have
been well investigated in terms of impmved penormance and they have been utilized A1though a few data
lıave been availahle regarding me rehabilitaion of steel struetures, the recent ıwo earthqaııalres, the ı 994
Northiridge earthquake and the ı 99~ Kobe earrhquake would have .trongly pııshed the studies on
rehabilitarion of steel struetures, therefore, more data will be available in future. The concepts of
strengthening methods deseribed here for brick imll walls to contine ",ith COOcTete frame or with steel
elements. or to jacket witb concrete and lateral reinforcement can be commonly used, though m_terials,
design and eOllStrution may be different in eaeh region

2) in addilion to convenlional seismic resistaııt type rebabilitalion techniques, another approach to isoIale the
exisling stnıeuture from the ground or to supplement energy dissipating devices to reduce seismic response
have been adopted. Seismic isolation can he applied to critica! or essential facilities, huildings with
expensive and valuable comenıs, and structuTes where superior seisnıic penormance is desired. TheiT
applicalions are only in sınll numbers now, however. they wiıı be widely used for seismic rehabilitanon.

3) Rehsbiitalion techniques may be seleete<! in accorodance with required performance IeveL. Generally the
seismic rehahiliıation is achieved to upgrade the origina1 penormance to current code leveL. However. the
codes do not dearly tigure out the postearılıquakc rondition of designed buildiııg. Design approaches
corresponding to more detailed penormance level ",~n be neccessaıy.

- 1 4­


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