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llnis textbDok !::las bee:n ,ml!~arred under thre p~b''Cn~gre of:

J IIsliice Mufti M IlIh!l;lrmmad Taq[ t!IIS"l'iliJi,'fi MDm!Jillf 0 f ShlW!ll:l AppellBIiI Bsm:J .. :suplerne C'llllrl. iDr. AbdUlir R:pzz:aq 1!3;ki!indai

IP1LD~ JOIriifil A~AIhiiir ~I:ailol

C ~iil"l~BII~r, Ji!I~~·lilJ!LII~i!inHilil!!JBmilll1.

P:r,iintcd ill [~aiki:stlJJD

CapyrifJih't ~ November 2001 BaJl~UII ... Ilm's AU 1R'lghts Frteserved_

Spe1cm,1 1I,lIdre g'n Copyright:

ThlS book is a piai'! or Baili-uHlm Trust',!) Camplehenslll€i ,and :$ys1emallc progr,amme of Ist .. mk, Education

'Chi:.rf prngrammE: ed.itor

~. Mufti Munamma,d HalTleef A~bdlul MaJood 51,1'"0.

:$ JUlyffi MuhilJ'lillm3rd As;im laid Ag~ociDl[spr~ IB~llar J;mq[il-11l'I UMIl1tiNII·J.'lfIImimt,

~, Mau Iii na Rllfeeq

M. A. ,lini'o!SD'Sltw ,or K:inml


$. ,M uh:a m mad Was;illlJii1l aut UnlU"lllsily 101 1(~'J~ht

$ Muh-amlii!i1i1d Ashf~ql M.A.. UII1!(erll' Y lit I< r,:)dll. .

NQ p>9'i1,Gf lliIlS bOI!}:1;; 1l'I:a.y be ff!proc'ucedl I:i~ any means, lnch,h'Jril"lg, 'pttgtocollylii'i9t ,eJec:Uonlc:, meooQrlJl#Bl, fe~lfIig or O'tfJerw~~ without the wrttttm OOI"lSEl'nL of 1M ptlbllsner. In !i:~cilflc eases. p8;fJmJ~1ii;ig;11 f-llgnmt\:id 1;![I! WriU'l'lfil req ul:lili1 ~ pybllsh or 'lrSm:!!lIiB ,iIlI'ait .. u.f-,r/m"S; VilJrks F-!'1r in forma.· than reg~rdln!1 perm~~~jQr] writs tQ

:Iii S,ys d Sha rflJiddl~n JiI'lIIImad liLA, Uni¥~~~~v gf ~!I1!ll:"hl.

'::Ii: Mulilal'nll1ad Zee.sI1OO'1 Khan . &.EtI.


Balt-u,I-,zlm Trust p:o. ~O)!. 11184 Gursli1arH~~lqb:aJ. 7s~mo Ka,rtlchl, Pakislal1.

E·rn~11 IJjl~irusl:@cyber ne:1 pk

$ jiawa id Wq ball

# IMuhammsrll!! Jun,ald

(Ilustrator ~:;. S,ed N~,slr


$, KaiSha,naJ-Eli-Kitabat.


Publications I]lf the

TrlJst are avallabte at

----- .

Bi!lft"u~-llm Trlil:5~

51 9E, B!ock-e,

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~ The Glorio'u5 Name of Allah

-- -- _-

,AJI,ah~~' lsour Lpra ,ill1dl sustal[lher. He PQSS'~; an the 'Qo"tld names. trArI,a~h{~\):tl#J;~\ aoa ,Ar,Rahm,an(~)r) are the, perscnatnames of Allah ~,~~ end the other are his farneus attributive rrarnes So,meoftnie Ahe,dith rnentlcn them to be :r~nn~ty nlne, W"r! can call A~'l,ah::b~ By any'.of Hls names .

. some Qfthe Ahadith tet~ U~, that there 'is a: nerne of AH.ah .~.~ hfdde;n in some verses, that ~f AUah ~i;~ Is called by them He will surely accept our' D'l,J:QS 'and phrases, That na,ITH! is caned Isrn-e-Azarn or the glof,iou$ name ofAllah :itl~.We have nat been s1P'if~;clfica.lly ~rifor,mied about lany part:icu}ar name, This gives us en opportuntty t€l Ga~1 AlllahaJ~~ wl'th as im,~lny ef His .good names W·€ can.

There are manv verses rnerrtioned 'in Ahadi'th whtch contatn Isrn-e-Aaam, F.roml them we

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ha'Ve.giv~n tw'o verses wh~G"h contain Isrn-e-azarn. Q,uran has taught us rnanv suppllcetlons.

We must lea rn tihese verses and should ,suppHcate through these verses, Its better if w~ 5.uppHcatjng through those Duas which Q.lJIran has taught us. Most. o't them beglin with the w'ord 'I'~J '~~(O .eur l'ord).,A.I!h3'~h ~~ is oft-respondmq to our DUel,S. He pleases when the bondsmen caU GIn Him, tHe has ord.ered us to eall on Him and promised to res,pond it. There is - nn Dua 'wlhichis not aClCta'pted by' Allah iil~,,, Sornetlrnes He g1V8s, the same thfR9, sometimes 'He Qiv:~s'an alterrratlve and sorrrettme Hie preserveslts reward for the Hereafter. On the. Day of Judqernent AfI,ahlO~~ Will sh'aW the rewards of such .Diu'as. 'It wlll 50 much marvelous that we w:ou~d wtsh that our no DUal would have been acceptec In the. world"

Therefore we should never become hopeless if Our nuas are seemed notto be accepted .

. !'he b~stDlUa. to bes.uppl[.cat,ed Isthe Duafor guidance'''' ?'::~_".} :~.t~n~~J "'0 eur L'iD'rd! 'g"u,lde us to :stralglh~ path.

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A)There is nQ qe.lty but-you, GI~oty'·t'l,y:(jlJt E w'Bs;jnde:ed wrortg.

B) Anf, taam, IMeem,: ,Allah:O:k~'1 there Is n't> one worthy of wQr,s"h[_fJ: gas.idss:: hlm, The ev'~rl a stlnq, AI ,i -e= susta ~ n ln gl.

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Ir Dua after waking up by sleep . _ _ I

,Anah lbSiJf has blessed us with many of His. blessings llke hands, eves, halr etc, One of His blessinqs is, "the sleep." Halve 'YOU ever expertencee any night when you wanted to sleep but the sleep was very far ,aW2I,'V from you. Howmuch i's: lt dlsturblnq? sometil'nlfl$ lt causes a headache for the whole day. Where,2!s a de,ep 5~"elep of fe"w hours refreshes us anc releases aU tensions.

Did you ever imag'1ne that what w'iU happen if we not wake up after a sleep? 'When we. sleep we become unconscious o,f our surroundtnqs. Same Wil be our ccndltton a'liter the death. That's why sleaplnq resembles the death and lit is called the sister ofdeath.Wa'ki'ng up after a sleep ts another l~:dleS5,ir1g of Allah ~ .~ . It rs as great as a new lifeattar the death. W'f:) are taulQlht a DuO! by Ras'DOrblUah: ;1:'{~&1lJ to o:fferthank to A,Jlah ~,~ 011 the bless~ng w,ak'lng Up'

after as I eep. ~~ .. 2i.:tJ ~ 4)\ ".-. '~'.;..' ...•. '~-;,,;!.'1··L;. ".' ..... IG\:. _:".'. "'fl· ;; .. ~' .. G .. ,- ~ :\';,r

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AU praise to AU,ah ~~ 'who ~a;v,e us Ufe,after hav]n,g gliviriQ us death. And (our) f~n.a'i

- - -

return is. 'to him,

The daly~ight isenother blesslnc of Allah ~,~. ,Mostly people sleep in the nlqht a nd do thetr routine wIOrks.,jn dayHglht.E:xp,erle'n1cJngl another brtqht day is one! or Hi's blesslnqs, 'Thanks are offeree en thls blesslnc too ln thls Dua,

'Ev'ery new day Qives us opportunlttes to do more good deeds; and 'to please Allah. Our evet"'v breath is very prectous. It can either lead us to paradise er to Hell, We' can deserve His plentvof bl,essing in everv moment.Few thmqs are lmpcrtant after 'walking: up .. soon after waking up we should recite this DUal and should read the KaU,ma Talyv,aba too. Then we should rub our eyes, gently by back ofcur palms, Good ehlldren are identified by greeting their elders by ~r~L.H ,afte't" the wa'k]ng up lea r[y in the mernlnq. The,y o,ffer F,Ctjf Sailaalt 'in Mas,jid a:long' with their elders ,and the ,girfs offer Salaat at~thek heme,


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AU praise to' A~h:llh I!~ who gave us, llfe after having g~ving us death. And (ourj flnal return is to him'.,


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· It -. The due of coming out of Toitet I

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The excrement in the stornech of a man, 'is; an undesfred thlng'., 1f it is not excreted iQut regularly, it cause'S severa 'I troubles ,~nd diseases. Ev'eryonefe'e'l,s relaxed ane calm after having retteved himself in '0 toliet, This indicates thatit ls also a kind of blesslnq that our body is freed from undesired stuff, It is trn plled ~h 'the DUB that is said after comling!, out Qftoi~)etil that ~e should pra,y to Allah :a~Ji" I

1 C1li~_;JjjJf'.A~~JJ\;.4a:J.raJ1l1

'''0 Anan ~)i;~please purgle ClrW,ay my slns.fforn my soul U~(e you 'halve gliven me comfort by expellih'9 feces from 'my body. I~

We feel repugnance from the ftRIh of bodv: as well as we should also ha,te ,all stns [lke talsehood, backbltlnq, tale beErring; diso'be'~ience, of pa rents" negle'cthig, etc. After us'ing a torletwe shoulo thorougjh~Y clean th'e tollet aAd ourselves 5,0 that people usin,g the place after us not feel ,s,ny dlsqust. We should be careful about clearrllness whether we: are at home cr at school or anywhere else. We should always use our left handi to clean dlrtv things. We U's,efo,uF'rilg,ht hand 'for eatinq, drlinking and shal{ing' hands.

Prom the very chlldhood, 'w'e should dev,el,op the habit Qf us~ng, our riglnt hand for [eating and dr~nkmng and our left hand for ddlng such workstn which 'we have to touch dirty thirrqs. Once this hablt wiH developed, we shall not have to thlnk which work ls to' ble done by which hand" S,imiladYI while sitting In a toilet, we should be carefulabout our d'othes that tnev do not touch the floor iQf any other dirty object.

W,e should wrap', lJP our clothes before sittingr. We must always put our' ri,ght step first while cornl ng out ofa tollet alnd after cQmh,gl out we shoulo say this Dua.

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0' ,;J;., ] seek vour ftn~gl"ieness,. All pramS9S Tare due tQ.Allah ~~~ who has taken a'w,ay' fhJnm me disc~omfc,rt: and 9 re nted m's',tQ rnfan.

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M,asjids are called the bouses IOf" Allah ~~~. It is i:r'lcumbent on us to take care '()if the etiquette of M,asjild. Rasooiuullan ;l::.~~1~ reported that Masj,ids are the houses of AUah .~~ and the beltevers are Hils gluests, and it is the' right .af,a guest on the host to, serve him,

AlI'ahls !ll$;-Ji. speclel mercy descends on Masjid and tnose who are habit.iel of'pass,[n,g their halslUne in M,a,sjh;:i; 9'et ,a: big share from tt, ,AUah ~~ loves those whe pass their time 'in M,osJid rr,equent,ly.

It is said that when A.llah ~~ intends. to pblni,sih s:ome people due to the~r slns but then 'f~nds, some, ptous of them passIng their time in M,asjid 50 He stops H,I,s wrath,

As you knewwhen we v~s:i~ tOI somencdv's house, we take care of etiquette, we (310 not make noises, we do not throw rubblsh. SfmlHatly when we come to Allah's house 'w'e should also be. vi~Hgent to its. etiquette.

Whe'n IB ,MusHm sets out of hls house 'for M,afsjid onlYJ for every step his one sin is Forg'ivl~n and he is elevated by a rank ~n paradise .. , Now [imagine if 'W'1e attend alii five c,ongreg,ctjona,l prayers, how many sins ,of ours wUl bile removed and on 'w'hi'ch rank of paracH:ss will 'we reach?

--- --- --


- --

The,re ate: malny etiquette IDf Masjid, .. Sam,a airel giv'en here::

,1. We must enter ~nto.lM·,a5j-id Iby rmgihtfoot.

. ,

,2. We must rec~te. the pue and IDarood shareef at the tlrne of entering ..

'a'A,Illlalh,~~~~:, open fer m-e the dcorsotvourblessma.

3'. We must avold playing, runnlnq, _ and talkinq worldly affairs in MI!as~h.'t These thi ngs

vanish the blessinqs as fire does with the dry woodl.

Chlldren'should not Q'O te M21Sjid alone, cut with elder brother or father.It ts undesirable to spread unfair smell In Masjild. ,As rnanv _an.gels are there alwavs ,and thley don't Hke, the unfalr smell. 'We must avohjl to eat cmljlon or garlh: Ib,efioree:nter~ng lnto M,aSJi~d or dthelrwise should clear our mouth by mlswaak (toetnstrck).

After rezH:hing :Mas~iid if there 'is some time, left in congreqatlonal prayer, vee should elther recite Holy Quran or should do, Zlkr,

W'e should extt from the M'asl~d with le,ft, foot and reeite the Dua for leaving Masjiid.

GIrls can also Qlet all of the vtrtues of MasjId if they allocate a portion i'n their house, as Ma.sjid and observe there a,H the- etiquette rnentloned above,

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"In trre name ~'f,Ana.,h ,~~~. B,lles,sings a:nd pecu:e be. on Ria-S,OliDllulll,ah ~j~&~ ~ o~Anah ,~~, open for me the eJocts: of your bHass'i'tnQ.


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~)~ , TWO PHRASES , '.

- -- - -

Raseolullan ~;~3]~~sald, "There are two such phrases. that are easter- EO say" heavy. in the balance and are llkac by. Rahman (Allah ![l)t;,J?Y'·

- -~\ .. ~ .. ,.- r: '~.:~I~ .. ~. ~"!"" "'"' .. '. '~" - ~

, ~ I ,!Ii , .... .' li( . .~~ ...I,',. t of .. , ' -

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"".'_ - .... " - ... -., 'il J .' . ....., •

They are Llglht on to'n'glJe meens verveasv to' learn and to say repeatediv. They are Hked

- . ,

most by ~11?ah ~ I~S because .o,f ~!1e g·.lory mentioned in them and h,eravy In balance of aecount

rneansthet thev win he wei:g'ned in a, balance on the Da'y' of Judgern'eht ,arl.a ·wm b~' proved most heavythere.

Allalh ,~~ wUI reslJrrect the. human beinqs on the [lay 'IOf' Judge,ment ·and wHI set the balance of deeds. It is 'mentioned in Ahadi'th that every ,good lCl.od bad deed havl~ a' weight itsekf" The ,gleod 'deeds U ke Sa laat, fastir-1:g,l recltatlon of tfl1w1ran, truthful ness, honesty', faith would be placed in one pan sind the. bad deeds or stns in tJhe·(),ther. If the gl00d deed's pan ts heavier than that of the baird" then such a perscn will 'be g:iven: ,~ lilife I full of pleasures In the hereafter; Soon tha!tda.y, peoJR,le wW understand the reaUt,y orsmalil deeds,

We shouldatsoeon \fey it tOI 0 u r frlend s ·a nd you n 9 e r broth ers ,29 nd si sters,

'When 'we 'wU! read the, favorite phrases of ,AUah ~~, 'we wlll also belcdrine beloved to Htrn. .

And not only to AII~ah ~'g;~ but even to our'parents, elders, teachers a hd friends because wh-en

- .

AllaJ1I'~~ loves someone He pours his love into the hearts of His bondsmen,

$0 w.e· shoulc at ~east read 'th€s€ phrases 100 tl rnes betw·eeln .sunnet and fa FZ of Frajr ,Sa~laiil.t.

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I am expre:ssiingl the Purity' ,of Alllmh~~,tqiJ1ether w'ithl all hrs praise, I ,am ,e:xpreU1inlj, the: Purity of AI'lah'~~, the-Gil'ls.t3'te,St.

It . of--

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- ~ c)' I Jf~ ~ IJi ~~ u ~~L(1I~~ , ~ iP!' I tJffc-,~ j'r.- I("l~ IU i :~ r:f::i j ~ ~·Jli;J ~~

.JJdJ .... {lf11._~ to ~, ~ } .. 'Pi, c: lii:~ ·~,~t,JJJ ~J'~.JJ ,Jtir ~ ~-,' 'I+.~. L Tc....~, g.~ 'ut' ~,'J ~J J"'~L, ~~'}.U)i} .

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Allah ~~ sent Im,81,I1IY Proph,ets f9W~,iJl...'cl~ thrcughcut the: history fo,r the ,g:lihrl SI nee, of' hurnenltv, R2I,soQ,lulllah ;tj~~~ is SIS the 18St( ring of this chain. No Prophet w,ouJd be sent after him. IHe, ~s the 5,ea11 o'f P~olphe~t$ r!h...l'~~;jLo=l;~ • We be~ong to hts Ummah, Hie did manv fSlvpufs-to us. AbovlE all Is that the Qu~d~nce has theen ,gi,\le~n to us. through him and Allah ~~ blessed IJIS wfththe precious blessJng of Irnen,

- ,- ,-,


- --- - -

That."S'why It is, due: QI1III..JS, to Invoke A~llalh'S'~$.J;. rnercv for him, Darcod shareef ls the best rneen for lt. There are, lots 'ef virtues rnenttened in Ahad~th cf s,end~n,g darood on ,R;,as,oal'uUah ~;~~1~. It is reported in al Hadlth, IIWho sends daro()d' Jon me' once AH,oh ,!6'~, sends ten r~!b!riC~es, on him" his ten sins are washed" and he ls 'Edeviate€f b,y ten ranks in paradrese, and ten bllessLngs are wrftteln for him .';~

There are m,aflY' darcods mentioned j'n Anadlth,. 'W,,=- cain adopt cUl'Y authentic darood, butDarood~e-IJbrahil,mil is 'the best olfal.! and almost ,every M.usliilm knows it because this darocd ls r;ead mn prayers. Do vou know'it?' If net hurrv IUp and learn it as ea rl'y as, possible and dany send dalrood on 1Ras,ooh:Jlllah';fu;~~ at ,Ie9ist 2UO times. Alonlg w~th darood w,e should oJ5ev all that Raso'oluU,~M ~~~'lha-s ordered IUS and .s~ould avoid ,alii what he_has'fg~rbidd:e:n.

The perfect I~OIV@ w~th Rasoolullah ;t;;~'~ ~-s al 'part' of Irnan, But it demands love by heart, r-O

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1- 1)2J~' . DARO'O'D'-E-'IBR,AHIMI

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darned bV tonque, fo,l!o,wjng hls precepts in every metterofthe Ufe and spreadlnq his mission of Islam inevery corner of the world. Here W.e te:l I you 'fe,w' g,Qod ways from hls Ufe:,.

Raso"ollluUalh ~U1~ Hked misw,ak very much, ~ha would use iit in every WUZtl., He tnformed that it: 'increases the rewa rd of sataat by s,ev,enty tlmes.

Rasoolultah ~~~JS was the most frequent one to g'reet everyone" He was the' first. to greet whille me:etlngl anvone, even to the- children. He has ordered us to, spread glreetmng' by savlnq Salam (AfA..J'~).

Nro ether word of anv ,lan'gLu,age can be equivalent to Salam in rewards. We should take care of it at every occasion speclallv while speaklnq on phones.

Rasoolultah ;ll.i~~1~ od 'work by our rj'ght hand sp,e:cialilly while giving ahd taklnq sorneth ilng "

,Besfdes, all' these we should pray to Alllah :tl;;,.~to bless us. w4th pure love 'few him and rnav giive us his nelqhborhood in Jannat,

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0' A',ah ~~"sjll!nd your 'mercy en Muhammad )1;.j~.aI~- and an hls dlscendants as V'OLI _ha:\/Je sent rnercv on lbra.IhJm~ Bind his dils:cendC?lnts" No doubt, you are gre,at and Praise w,orthy. 0,' .AUah ~, ?e.rnd_y_our :~~,e~sllnlg~~lq.~ M~U'har!Jrna',d ~.-;~~ and on I~fs.di~c~nstan.ts CIS, yo,u . have' sent b~ess:ings 'on rbrahwm~~ ,aln:gl hts dlscendants, N.Q doubt, you are Qlreat and Praise W'o,rthy.,


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~ Th'e Third Kalimah I

AII,ah :o~ 'is often mercifull to His bandsmen. He knows very w,e~1 his; bondsmen' need", He made the basic: needs are very common like water alr; Hgrht etc. W,e do not perform much efforts to ~rain these things" Slrnllarlv H,e has g]ven us some very easy practices that are easy EOI s,ay and learn.

Third KaUmlah is one of such blessings Once a few cornpanions carne to' RasooluUalil .a:.;ae~~, and ccrnplalned, "O Rasnol ullah ~;~.~ our rich brothers have surprised us. In physica~1 practices we are equal to them but In financ.ial cnarttles they are ahead of us. II Ras,ooluHah U~;tJ$then tauqht them, to say after each prayer ~\6~ times, A,).;;)j times and :ibl~l ttrnes. The collectton of these phrases ls called the ltdl Kallmah.

Some virtues of the third Kailim,ah are given here,:

• They are from the treasures of paradise, .

• ' These-an! the most favourite words of A,llah ,ftl~"

• These are the best phrases after the Holy Quran, In 'fact 'these are from the Qu ran.

-- ----- "'II.J!~~-:J-:

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, @l 'the Third Kalimah

- --

'. Thes,Q'ghr,ases are the' trees and (J11,ants of paradise. One can Igrow as mlclnv as he wishes.

• Th:2's'e :g,bras;es, r.e,mo\lethe' slrrsas absolutelv as the leaves of 121 tree tn Autumn,

• Thes1e' phrases have been called t:he~.;e,verlas.tingl deeds In the Quri,an because of their reward,

In WQrldly matters when we Igo. to' market to purchase sQ,methtng .. we. can purchase 'feW' things by our money ence, 'We' can not ask, any th.~nQI for-thesame mroney nexttirhe after 'we have U1ti~lized tt.once Where: as the Igood deeds ~e do. ~'n thts world woul:d be! fewantled for ever in thts world. atd,ea,th bed, ~.n grave '0'n to. Dav of Jud'g,eme;nt is nd then jh paradise.

SIJ WI@; :s:t~H:;)IIJlaii fr;e;qlJent~v savthese pralses '50! that our blllest1fng. wiU increase. At least they should be.r@ad tlOO times both atter Fajr and AS.f Salaat,

, .

-- ~1~7~J

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Purity belonqs to AUa,h ~. :j:;,. Pr,aifse be to A:IIah ,~,~. There is none: worthy of worship except ,AHah !lJ~ 'and Allah lCl~ 'is the greatest and we nat have any power to do good deeds and

avoid evil deeds except w~t.h the help ofAlI'a;h ~\t.. '


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Once RaSIDIQ~,ulltalti ~~~~ ,crillongl wHjh H.azrat Abu IBakr ~~~ ,2!tnd lHaliZt,at LUTr2!tr


~~~~~' V~s~ted Hezre t A~bJlI .AyV b .Art$,l9 rir ~'ri1,~~W., Th,flY all ~ had n~t eate:n: a nyt-n'j rig! fQ r rn a 'ny


Th rt!'y h,adb~en se Ned fre·$)n date's, I rQ,a1s,te.~ meat a n d eQII d Wa:tB.r~ Wnlen 'thE:Y ate ~h,o~e 'thlngs" R~~oo~.ulllaJh !t4~~~< s.a,rd~ ,IITh@$i@ are t,t·u~!'bh~.cs,sltnas" for whlc.h youv~riU be acc:c)'unted Or! the Day. of ]LIdg:erpent".

· retnClr.Ks m';a,U:Lthe c~;mpa'nl,o'ns 'w'OntJe.r.s,tj' that after"g r~qt1l~a.rrtcU,iJsttt wet'e: HatrtUy ,abl,:e t(91" ,e,~f:'sOfMletnlng, ina ev:eln tltle~" wm h8V~' to igrve: ~'nac.c;(!u!l'nt. T~en Rarso~'lu~ll.alh p:.J~~~ tGli,d 'th.~,m lra DU~i O:th~·fmll€fwrl"1,; WIDrds) is ,$a~id after 1ta'k~ingl ,ar meal, Allah ,ta~. wiH ex'em~t us' frern i"tsla'c,co.unt on the Q,ay orf'Judg@mel:1t ..

'II All pralse due-to A~12lh ,~~ who fin[she-dmy hu ngler, ,qiue'ndhe1d rtl.Y th~rstl' bh~!gsetl rne and f,a,vr:),re:di me .. 1~'

~t:mlemlbrerWha.t ever 'wieeat, i't re~che:~$ to our hands a,'ft:~'r thfa effoltts'ofrml'~ny: ple~lp'IP~e'lLikE?f ti:Hefairm~rs' wOF'~e,ls 'V,ery ,nard t:re.emlng tll1e.s·ev,er~11 diClYs e;:):f',~)(treml~" summer and w·~nt,er. Then A~I,ah ~.'~ sent raln and brouqht.out lts seedllng. Then it grew and n~rve~she:d bly nru3ny hands, Then It reached to g'odo,w,hs and markets, a:nd finaiHy :pUrChea~sed by our elders and br9ug:h'f: "t® eur 11C1,me'~ lOur mother c,o,oli<:ec:l rtianti pur 'it berfore us'.

,- J. ---

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-- - - -- -


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Y'[)iU see how' m,i3ny persons are; j'nvc:dv1ed in preparatlea of ourfoed. W:e e'van don't know'

rnany lof them. It is only Anah ~~. Who used them all for our service, It ls inmrme,rj in some Ahadi~th that'llf a person accepts "the favor of AHah ~~that He has grive'n hlrn fo'od regard,I',e!ss of his own personal efforts ,and :whlc~evler He' Qlave,~ it was iJllll by His true ble~s~ngs~ .Allah ,~,~ ,wm forqlve ,alill his Ipast sins. II

Wheh 'w'e, sit for eating we should read the !Duais, before alnd after eating and ShDUfd take care ,offoHolw:ing etiquette:

1., 'W'e must w,Qsh lour hands tnl wrtsts before we, start eatin'Q and rinse our mouth too. 2. W'e must recitethe Dua before,eatrng,.

. . ,&" ~F I~j' sJJl~TEQ!t~

(l am e.a:ti'n_91) In the Nam"e of :AUah ~~ and 'w~th the bfessingl of Alh~'!Ih~'~,.

3 .. We must eat by , acoordingto .sunn.,ah,.

4,. We IITJ ust eat by eu r rl Q ht h.a Md .

,5. We~ rnusteatfroln eurslde.

6,., We, sheu ld a:vo,id to express en y velce :Iii ke CheW1I1Q or '!j:wa n,ow'j neQ •

7. W,e must eat neatly, lke:epinlQ our hands: aln,d mlQuth not to be stcrmned w~th feed.

8. We'should avoid to pass any badl comment about the feed.

9'., Afi:e'r nnishrn'Q' the meal we must wa'sh the hands and should dry it wijth a handl<~rclh~ef or a towell•

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D'ua~ Wh"en EA'TJ:~N'GI

(I aim el~lth'llg) In the Name 0·' AIJlah ~~. and w~thl the! blessing o~f'A.ldalhjfi~ ..

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'It D'ua when we fe',e,ds a'ngry \

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Showing ,anlQler is one of the attributes, condern ned by Islam, Those who often rernam ,angry, people do not Inke th-e'lm alnd avoid the:Ir companv, At the, time lof ,anger~ tll"H~ fac',e turns ugly. Those Who urmecessartlv arw,ays rernaln ,angrv~, they m,o,stly remain sick. T'h,e remedy for

- _ - • - ", ,- t' _~n ~:!Ji" .. ..1'" J~~$"" flinger IS: to reclte ~~Taw'wLJz"~I14.;,-".l~,JUJ~ ... ~~t.

It: is, mentlcned in Hiadith that he" whGlllreads this, DU,i3 at the time ofangIB'Ii, AHah ,i~WIH COQ~ down his alnger. It ls 2115'0 m[Bntroned ~n a Ha'dit1h that He Is, not brave who overcomes; ihis. ,c[Pflone,rrti, the r,e,all brave is' ectuaHy the one whe-overcomes on hts a;n'ger., Re,m,em,ber that the r;ewarcf of patience wm never finish,. IFor example someone abuses yOUi' or takes away anything from you, 'i'twiU not harm V[OUI. ButUfyou 'shoIW's,,;3fngIE'rto him and responds him 'in the same w,ay, nOI 9"Jft'erence wUli be ~eft between VOu 'and bim. And both 'wm ~'Do!ge' their worth ilnl the eye,s of ,Allllslh '~'~., IBut inste'ad 'Qf'thalt if yOLl bears It and n1elgl,ects: It" the reward of this p,aUenoe wfU Iastfcr e~ver. And on the, DalY ofJlu,dglement Ana,h ~~, wi~n Igltve y10u its"r,ew'ard in man ifolds;.

EVleryone w'ishes:to beat hl~s, oppcnent jln ang'ler or curse hwm wtth hts tongule., He does not rernalh tn his senses, But he, who rec~tes, thfls ph'r:al,sle' and controls his hands and tonque, he

~ . .

[Wins otherwise he looses, A S·Olft ~;iPo,kien persen ls IJlf(ed by[rVone". If' you feel an9lelr~, make'

wuzu" ,As Hadjth savs tha'tange,r is, from Shaltan and Shoal'itan. is made' up of fllre ,a,nd lit is eoeled down by,Wuzu~ It ls also narretad 'in a Ha:dith tha,t he' who redtes ten tlmes ~II ~~\~,~~,~#\ A.fter ~aljr ,~ailaa:tShidtan can not compel him to comrnttanysm d:ur~ngl the whol'e dav,


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I seek the protection 'Of AUeh~~ frQrn Shaytaaln, the rejected.

VIRTUE: It is narrated in the Ha,c;tith that re:,ad~ng ofthi~ Dual by an an~ry person removes his a1nger: ..

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Har;dly there wfJuld have been a day in which YQU have not locked at the mirror; Isn't it?

Som'etlmes you comb your h:ai:~5,om,etim'es, hJ,ok at vour eves etc. Have you ever thouqht that how lrnportant [5 the face [A our bp;~rv·? ptlenty' of bl,es~'irl'gs, of An,a,lh Ml'~J;,. 'are cern t:H ned onJy tn the face, T,ne eyes to see', the ears for heartnq, nose, for snUJinQ, tongue for taste arid many more which we can not CIO'U.nt.

SOl it is, mcurnbent err us to thank Allarf~~ en the btesslnqs Hie has gliven to UlS. Th'ere ate tWOI 'w'aY,5 tt{) thank Htrn, One is verbally by'r,ea1dl'ing s,o,me-. Duas lin Arable or 'in our- own 1.21:ngjuaQ'e and the other W~y·ls to offer thank pra,cti:€ally. This is much mcra lmportarrt, This thank we: 'C9n offe:r by uUUzin@ these b~le$5i1ngs aIC:c;o,rding to Allah'!'!, 0~ orders and wllls. TIM@se' hl:efi~i'1I11gs.. have been favoured to UlS by Ailah '~~ onlv, S~ they should be usedon,'ly irt thew,9YS, ordered by Ih ~ m .

The real beautv ts the beauty of corrduet and ChaT_a,cber. The beauty of the bodv wUl not

> benefit us, N.i!ither in this worild nor in the: Hereafter; Our body has been created by -sl.)~1 and one: cal'Y it. wIU be burled in. the sell. But the r@:a~ thtng which ·wWI rernain with us. for ever ls the deeds ,we did inl this w'61r'ld; both' the good or the bad . .E:velrJ 'goo-d deed wlll be rewarded and every stn wUf be punished.

You rnlqht have heard the name of Hazrat IBUall~~·~"~,. He was not beautiful, Big lips, black ~ace.dt N,e.gro appearance, a:!~ the:$J~~ th~ng5 d:ird not cause any harm to 'h~:5 respect arrd position ~n thls wOlrld and the hereafter; That's why! al:though,t centuries have passed to hts


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d81ath but lev.Jan then we respect him from the earnest of our hearts. ,So, Instead offeePnl'9 proud on 'OUF l3eautY, or complex an .our uqlmess, 'we should pay ettentlen to ~mpfioVe our deeds and eenduct, When a persen p~e,alse5, .AUah ~~ by his, good deeds, AUah ~~ loves hlm B'nld order JibtaJi ;~ and all the Qin€lIIIf2,s to love htm and then his love peurs in the hearts of people of war-I,d.

As at ~olo,k:]nl~ at mirror we try to\ remove cHlIY' stain 'fr'Qm our face, SilmHady we should try our best to remove the dLrty ,staJns. of sins from our heart. The stalris' of our heert means unfaltnfulhess, enm_ity, abuslve ~'crnQ ui3I'Q,eJ dmsre,specti'ng the e~der.s'i rntscehduct etc, To remove these steins we should offer fh/,e.tilm~s da,j ~y prayers and should ~raY' to Alitah ~S;-J;.- to erV.'e us Mel ef'these thinqs'and read this Dua at the time of rookfng, at mirror.

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o AU~h ,~;;~~ only you have given me a :goold ,physrcal form, so also favour rne w'ith, good morals QlAC manners.

iBes.~desthls 'we:~d~o.ul:d leave the f:am~,any 'of had chHdren and shculdjotn the good ones, We' should also obey ourelders and 'should admlt our mi's,tal(€s"

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i() ,AUah i;$.J? I ,aniy you have ~;rive:n me a Q,ood physical form, 510 also favour me, 'w'ith good mora ~IS and m 81 n ners,

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Have you ever accomparned YOllr'father when he took his motorcar or motor bike, to a

m:E!'chanic7 If yes, dld you see there Itttde chruldr'enJ with dIrty ha ntis .and face, weartne clothes stalned 'VIl.i'tlh' Igre'a's,Q and oil: whh:h has ~eft. no chance to i,aentfify thewr'orilg'ln,all colour, w~th 'tHle':ir lbod~e!:S'fuIH of sweat, 'they wprk ,be'nealtlh the vehicles.

There is. no mraJter IOf shame in hardworklnq but the, important tl1~ng is' that they: have been deprtved ,of the wealth of '1"Know;"led,gell" The·i',1: hearts also wish to be, edueatec as the other ~hildr~eJl1 g:f thelr ag,e but alast they' C2In not. How Iuclkyaie yo,U! that you have been blessed by the IknQw~ledQe. ¥ou can readand write. You knew' many Duas and verses of Ouran, Lsn1tlta' bllessJng of AUah?' Yes! of'ceurse.

,As a: Hadith lt IS satd that the best am·on€J' you is he who learns Quran end then t~.ach.e·s:it to others. An'othe,r hadrth says that siB,ek'~n'g knowhedge ls incumbent efn ,every MusUml (male/female). The flirst revelation recelved by-R~5~SQro~UlU~,h ;ThJ~~~~atthe reave' of' Hira starts ]~II"wJ·lhll.thellwGrdlll\(ne.!3id.!! IIS,OII we 119hDJJ.,~d Ilbe·ll,l'hlanrkfUI. to ,A.·lllalh ~~. that ,he has ,gi:v·en IVS thls o,less:,ing. Knowledqe lsjust fl'kea.dep:thl'lBs;s, sea. There are al~al~'s opportuntties to s,8,ek more and more kno,wJedg,e. That's WJ1Y' Raseclutlaf j;..l~~J4t:alugn:t usthls Dua:


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'\'0' A'I'I'~h tncrea D me' .m'I '--Y kno 'WI'~dga II

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But rernernber 'l!\l,ery kn,owiledge is not bene'fh::,~all to IUS." There are differe'J,t·ri,es, of knowl~edg'e. Some 'of them are obUgatory, like performlnq thlEl SiEJlaalt, learn Ing'. the HIQ~Y Qu~,an.

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D:UiJl for'lolcrease in know/ledge

o ,AUah' ~~ I! In,'c:rees'e·'me in Jl1'Y Ikno'wl~dg,c;:"

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- - -- _ -_ ~

Ir Du,a for Safe'ty et morning and evening _

- - - -

We: come across different types of Clrcumstances every day, some of them. make us happy e"gl. FinICHhg our fav'orite.sw'sets, or easily cornpletlnq homework on tlme, but there ane ether situations 1i9.$; w,ell ... which reellv annov us.Iike fee111i'ng headache or g' any ascldental 'injury ,or miss~ngl a Ren or ananswer b01o'i<',oetc:. .AUa1hl ;tJ~sends aU these .. hcrrcJly thej1ie Is any' 'one' in this world. wh.o has never felt any trcnblesorne .. Ih, f,EJ,.C~t AU~rlh ~~ examinees us by ,send]ngl these clrcumstances .. whether we 'obey His dlscrettons wholeheartedlv or not ,.,

Sometime-so Al'lah:ll~ sends.such circumstances to teach' IUS, al lesson GIn our rrrlstekes, semetlmes suchetrcurnstances are sent to PlIl ge a,way our accumulated sins, Therefore, aJoc.o,rdin'g to' a Had~th, a man k,e'sp's ntis 11l11OrJ,ev in one ef his,';. W'hen 'he needs it he sometimes puts his hand ]rm hi's other pocket and en not fi·ndJng, It there, gets. ,a. Ilrlttle puzzled: then he checks, his first pocket and finds ~t there· p·erfe'ctly safe, ~:ilah iia~ forgive~s: hrs sins because of only that little trouble which he7 feets during that short span ofttrna, ,Als:Q.All,ah iO~~ sends such circumstances to at man h.1oghe,f pcsitlon fn [unnat .


The Rasoelulleh ~P~ has taught. us s;evera~ Duas whtch can pnevent unforeseeable

troubles endacddentalcalamftles. One of such duas lsas fo.Bows,;'

- . 0!~~~~'

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- --

~1- Dua for Safety at m'orning and eve'ning

- - --

/"'-11[.!n~:J::JtdJ\J;{ ~(tJJ~~':'l~;;;StlfJJ'iuJ..~

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In the name of Allah :6~. by the virtue of' wh]ch lirotihing iin the world nor in the Heavens cain cause ,?lny harm and He listens and knows every thrLn,g ..

AUahi ~ wHI save a person from aU tyP€s· of sudden un.pj'e'ilsant sltustlons and

accrdental catarnlttes ~f he, reeites this :nual three times ,afEer"fajr~s Sala~at atld three' times after IMa.ghrib's Scllaat and he will' remain 'in tfre pretectlon of,AUah!fJ~ for tne whole day. AUJah lfj~ n~,e':5 til105,e people more whlo be~'rin-~Q rather than Icrylinlg In tryi'ng' circumstances. Trlvi'al prohl:l2'm,s are pa rtd'f life. W:i,se people do, not ~Ji've up of lose heart fn such. situations: therefore' w'e should also remain patie"nf I n everv trouble"

If 'we get a Uttle·hurt ,,; 'we s.h!oUllld thank Allah ,~~ !3'MI his other blesslncs that He has grven

! ' t _" -

IU,S' and should nat startcryingl 'loudly, for example we ~hou"l~ thank AHah ~~ that-enlv our foot

is Ihurt not our head or "ace~ and that it 1'$, Ohl.Y a Httle 'wound and th'e bone is safe. or tl11 .. at the other i~imbs are alii ri'glht, etc" Thinldntg this, way, we 'will not only be thanking AH,ah mkJ.; on His

. g'iifts but 'w'e shall also start to fee II comfortable about out problem. Another thi,ng' to remember ['5. that whatever clrcumstances AU:alh ~~ sends to t.iMe landis and the oceans are the: consequences ,o:f our deeds. If we do, good deeds' AiI'ah ~gel1d5 happi1ness, and i'f man does not. lobe'v hts commandments; .AU2lh~'~~ sends uneasiness and troubles. The enl'y W1ay of

. putt~ng ourctrcumstances r'ight is to refratn fn;)m the disebedlence G,f'AHah ~~ .

-, ,- :L -

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1r:'~lJt~"~'f!Jr~~c!J'JJ~t~wdd~z~a/Jd~j),~j~!f"'1.(~d:r:J~)f_j"~-L(ttL~',GtJ;·;"~..,J!:; D'ua for' Safety at mo,rn'in,,, and' even';ng .

In the nalm~' of Allah .~~ bV the virtue of 'w'l1ich notn1ng: in the wQrld no,r In the-Heavens can

CaUSE! anv.harrn and He llstens and ~nows,~·I~'VerY thing.


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Orice Ras'QoluHah:'±';~~, passed over by one of hHti. companjens, named Hazrat Abu Huraira ~clli'ue;., He 'was ~ying on his cheststde dQwn. Rars$olulllah ;1:,j~lb;J.P'enCJuire~r him, about the matter, He bJild that he' 'W'i:~IS feel'Jng pain in his sb:;)mractl. Rasoo]uli!,ah ~;~~'~~5a~dll "stand up, offer ,S,alaat, Ind,eed S,ala,at possesses the rernedv for ev~ry dlsease", SiD those who are wi'se the-y turn: unto Allah ~~ tOI seek fQrgivlenes:s and repentance.' We. can never §j'et cure from any dlsease unless AU,ah !{j'~ wins.,

'Sheu'ldin't we tell you sornethlrrq they'very stren~e11 Iltness Is, one of the bl'e_ssi:ngs, "of AUah ~'~r You know how? Somle,times·AUah ~~~ sends the 'innes'S t:o pious ,and reliigfo,us persons, This, 1'5 to elevate. them in ranks ef paradlse. ,And when Hie makes slnners, ill it is to ~\N3S.h their sins. When ,a person bears one da;./s fever lHI his '5~~n5' o:f one vear 'alre forgi'ven. I\a~s,o.QI:LJHah ;1;a*i~~F tolda Dua ~n Hadlth that ~f in pain, ,A person reads the foUowing Dua seven t~m'e$ with it becomes arn effectfve cure for t:he pain,

"';'''11 , ..... "" ..... ,! -r,·'I' ·~w ~" .--~.;'"yi.... Ll. jl ..f. ~2,,;r,

..)~~!9,~ '~~~~~~~~~ _

( I seek refuge of -AI 'l,a h :o~ alan:gl with H~s IPo'wers', from the; e.vH of every thing that

OV€H"OOm,es me: and m:aJ<iQS me frlg'htened Qif). A!lah ~~ sends tllness ane dlscornforts to test His bondsmen that ho:w much they 'I~re centent with AJlah ~~. Be,i3I1'ing the Iffiscomforts with pathi~.l1!ce 111$ verv much rewardful. Al'la.n ~~J; says run Qura n to Rasolo!lu'llah ~j~~J$ that "Rasoolullah ~~a~ gi've glad Udiiilgs to those who' rernatn patient whenr afflHct,ed by ,any discomfort and they s,a~y we' arefrorn AlLarh ' '~and unto Him we have to return. ~~

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( I seek refuqe of Alliah ~~ alonq wlith His powers frorn the evil of e'very thin,g. that overcomes me and makes me fr:ilghte;ned ot),


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- - - -


AII,ah ~~~ is OUf· creator and II'Qrdl" Hie blessed us withm,,~ny of' Hrs blessinos. W'e shcufd

"all'way's ,offeir thanks to' Hlrn :ancl shoulc obey Him it lone, The onlv purpose: of our 'creaEio,n in this world [5 to' FulfiU Hts commandments; So weshould a,lw'ays rema~n obedlent to Hirn and avold slns.

AUah ~it;J.f.. is ,a'!wavs,weU-wi,g:her to, Hls bondsmen. He never orders ,against the. favors of His bondsmen. There is all:w,ays some g,QIGd is: rudden ~n HH; declslons for Hiis bondsmen, But befn'QI a human our intellectuals .ca n riot approach to that. T"iher;eFolre weI should remain content with A,Uah~~ in all condltlons. A[I,ah .»~Jf sent His bsloved R,g.s'oqluUar'M ;.t:,;~fjll~ as ill model to demonstrate us the Illife He likes, Islam' ls the rrerne d,'f the same Ufe talught by Alilah

.f!~\f.·,throuQM Hls lR~soO'ILJII~h ,;1;r~~, ttts the rnostfavortte of AJlaih ~$~ and Mu.slirms ··are the most favorite bondsmen tOI Hlm,

Islam means 'peace" AHa h ~1;,~ he stow'S His special ttainquiUt'y orr its foltowers. Eve'ry ,g0;O.Q, deled is rewarded and .II!Viery sin is punlshed. AIIi,ch ,!6'~ never leaves His Obedient bonds-men: helptess, So weShtHJ;ld fulfillil His orders In ,arB circumstanees and should follow ,onlly the. W8'yS, of Ras,oQ,1 ulleh ;1::i@~~. In every matter, T,h Is is the, real and the aniy standard of gre,a:tness,., If we read 'this-,P'ua thrice in the morn in~ and,g that .it must be believe· that Aliliah. m~. Is our susta~ller"ftasoo'iuliah ~J~~l~ is His last prcphet and Islam is, His favorite reli'giClln, AII',ah ~~ '\NiH s~urrel'Y enter U int,[) p'ara~eUse and wI1111 give us as ma:ny bless'ingls unless w'e will be pleased bv, We; cUI: 5ho,u~d learn, thts Dua and its virtues 'and also convey i'r to O.UII!'" frtends and relatives.

~~~:~'~.~~ ~~"j l::;',o, ~'~~'i ~ ...• i.··-:-.'\. t lS --; ~ L -. {. ~ J,~

"' ..,. r'~. ~ , .. /.... ..... " ~ ~ 't!!..J .,..J ~'.' . <./ .. .,~

1 arml pl'e!H:1S,ed With" AHah .~~ as the onlly suseatner, Islam ,8.6 the: r,eng'iiOni and Muhalmmlad

~;~~~,: as the prophet. .

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. -..WMJ"I.J"; ,;.::__~-J./~~~I,~J~jjl.:l, 1(lvl.I,J~.Jfj)If,J!:~; ,QUA FOR THANKING D'N ISLAM:'

- - . - ~

I am pleased with, A,lh3,h -$.,J,; as the only sustalner; IsJs"m as the reuqlon and Mu.hammed ~;~&J1i as th e prophet,

Note:-- Whoever S(!IYS, this: dUB ~n morn~ng and e'Vefningl AUah ~~J;. wiH satisfy and please hlm

on the Day ofJudqment, -


- -

,. - .. ~


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Jr _ Dua after attend~ng a Feast .

A~IB.h,~%j;]s our Creator and Chorlstar; We ijU are ,His bondsmen. He has Igrve,n us life, W'e should aI1wa,y,s be. thankful to Him en the ble;_s,5ing~5 that He I,.a,$ bestowed en us,

A-lIa'h ,iAjiJ_;., has blessed us: w'ith the best peHgion of Islam. Islam is net the name Q'f Qnly some practlees but 'it is: a. c'cui1pl,et,e cad,e' of life. It g~ves us g'tJi'danc;:e in aU the aspects of our d al i y I ~fe" There ls nllQ rn Q me nt of 0 ur rife un g u i.ded by rs~a m .

Amon.g these te.d'chin,gs; Is the ettquette ,of attendi ng an iirivitation or feast,

Ras.cotuUillh ;.t:.i~~kl~· has, told us the. way and etiquette to att'end fe·asts. If we foUow these: waysj that Clttendi'ng of ~alst 'wm cause: us to achleve Allah's ,16~ pleasure and It will be consldered as an act o'fWorshi1P'"

Some of those etiquetteare g[ven here,

{l):D'on"'t invite anyone else to the feast 'Y-O'U have been inlv~ted in, unless the host himself

-. ,

perm lts yo u fear afnyone 'i

(2)A:fte-r -s.itting on 'foed mat W8: it 'forth ,9 permisston of host.

"-3)[Jon~t replace the dishes, ~e,ep them placed where they have been _by the host.

(4)Don't demand for more, B·e content what has been pitjc,ed before you. The host w:UII1'j,ms,e;lf 'fill up the dtsh ilfthey wOl)fd be ,em~ty.

(S.)Ttry to leave sornefnod 'in dishes lest the-host may think that the food was lnsufficlent, (6)'.S.ayill,s'.r':"(lazaka,li~h)ta'yIQUlr host-and read thedue :

- - -. - r-W "- ~

- -' (:) .

- ---

W Dua etter attending ,a' Feast

- - -- - - ---

r'j, ... li' ~l':.WJ._~ (.'~ I~. ,,', ~ : •. ,""!... •. ~ r:::~l:·:'r. , ..... :. ... "_"".,.:-,gr.,~ 'S;.'~ .r.· U'.....- W'- . ~u L.., ~~~ -,'- "'" ? ~"w~

QIAUah ~~~ ~ ~fa;ed these wh,Q h,aVe 'fled me andsatlate these who: have s1at~,ated. me.

F'@edin~ a M'usl1mlforthe sake afAJlah ~~~ is very tew,ar'dfut

Ra:$Clo'u:a;U~hl ,~;~,~_, $,I!IJd j'n a HiJlchth that ~~H!',whO fe1eds, hrns rnUlsHlmbrottuer'tn[ hla fills 'UIP, AUan SUE!'i!:S s.ev,e,11 trenches betw'fe:En hUT1 and the hE!IL A,R:Q (!ve:ry' trench ls as, 1{.!H"H~l! a'stt~Ee IdJst!Bn~e

. ~

be'tweenthe E'artlh and Sk'V",

ArlQtherH,a:d~th says thet the' one wflo 're~eds his musHm brother hi~ ~~~v.:ourite rneal, AUah wU! feH!,d him from three hl~IQrh ~ralrjre5 of~'parBld~$,j Jlan,Mlat-lUll-ffrc:iou51 Janrtat-ul-khuld, ~J·ail:nat.ul~'N,aeem,;

In ar h~ldlth-,! it ls fr[~orrrlr$d that. on the Day QfJu'dg,~m,eht Allla~ ~'~ wJ.I:I CIEIH: a·.$~,a've~ end 'wrnlL~i5Jl( him, 1111 w~s 'hlunglry but you dld notre~d me." 'The .sIBPi~C"wil!! ,a:stonbshilflgl,y ,5,ay ~"Q Alliah ~~, you ars the sustalner of the worlid'., How cain yotl].be hLlngr{~ Allah :l,'~ wi!! SCll'y, 1"No My such and $,'uclh bondsman W,8'S h,Ulrllgry'if 'you 'wGt,u~:d ha:v@Fed hlrn U~J'llt WtlS: aSj tM(at YOUi"h,a,d ~~d' 'IJ' n m" iI:::I ~r

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Jr The prayer for Divin,e He'ip and Insplmtion for Performin'g Ibadat

- - - - -

Hazrat M1al'at. Bjn ]Iam,a' ,~~,21~[,!; is, one the· cernpanlens of the l~atS'QIiJIU'!IIah ~r~ij~ . On'~' Ra50ol!u~I'alh ;h;~1i~~ sai'd tOI hlrn \~M8Ir:az~ I'Iove you rer the sake of ,Alllah~~ remember, never' leave siayilng t.h:rs after Y'0·ur SaI8l1a"t:".

, a;;~~;~ia~~~!%U1

o ~'AU,alh m~J Help me in remernberlnq yOILl~ tha,;nking yc.u and ,praying you lin the best plossmble W',B"yl'l •. 'We- are bondsmen of AUah ID5iJ;,alnd Hie Is eur creator, Hie gi\N:~S, us ,aU th@ thing:s that we use", He~ ,Q'h/es us eve.r~y thing; even the lnsplratlon -for do,in!QI QQQ,d deeds and the c:apabUity 10" n!fraln~ht;J'fr,om bald things is Q~vef1' by Hlrn, Tlher'efore', 'it Is there in the end of th:itd Kalmah, JD'Q .Anah~~J;. the 'ins,plratiionfor doing vlrtuous deeds. artd rlefrail~ntYnlgl from meral fa lIIu re is: not IPOss:ible at aU ~ithout your ausplclous he: I p.1 " •.

CUvi:ne rnsph:~at~on and guldan,ce is: one In" 'the gr:e,atest blesstnqs of AUah ,ID~. A,caorcUng to Ahad~ths, .c:htllrity· ts ,aI5,ol.~'i·vlen on behalf of AU'ah !~tOI His bondsmen every day, and wtthe 'Qrecatest glift for a man lif he ls 'granted the ·dIvine lnsprration ,for dOI'fng 9'000 deeds, AUah ,~~ Uke's His tnose bondsmen much more whol perferrn hi'S p'ray'er best possib!le_ way,"

Therefore' whenever w'e: recrte the; Hlo~y Qur£an ,gr perform our sal:at'w:e should not do these prayers fimalf .. hearteGily. We should perform aU these prayers frern the cere efour heart. Palrth:UlII,arl'Y" whlh!, performlnc our &a I' a at, we must retratn from ,movi'nlg~ our eve's here and there or usl"iI1,g our t-lilnds, unnece,s:s9IrUy lor falughit~g w',hHe In prayers.

These, aetlens spoil In10t only' our pra~'@rs but also that of the ethers, AUahl ,L1~ has created us for His worsnlp and IHllS ,gifts can Ortl~V be a,chievled by His lbadat, The mere w'e ple:as,e. Hlm the-mere wte wilill deserve Hi'S gil'fts and rewards.


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o ""AUa,h ~~[ Help me in remembertng V'QUj thanking 'tDU sind prray:ing you ~n the, best possible w,ay"'.

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o o o o o o o

01. o 2.

03. 04. 05. 06, 07.

We e,an touch the Q,ura,n w,ithaut WUldhu~

The, 'Qulren W[l,S fir,st' revealed ln the fitrs't month sf 'the Isi'amlic, y'e'ar-Mu'i1arlram.

Who am I.?

I am cU'l"e oif the frr'st tlO cccep+ Is:la-m. In, fact I am. ~e9Qrde:d es lone. of th~' .. Four KhaHfB5. :I am very c~o\se te

~ .~' ~ . I traveUe.d to Mi(lldinah I

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, with ~lm. W'h,en ClS'ked f'iCir dOn,'C1.tirOt'l~ I

" doncmted €ve'rythiing I owned to the path I ,of A i'~Qh Ttl I ala. ,My' daughter ~is' 'mdlrried +e

lom·a cousin 011 RQ5·U~urk~h,~.Iom.· ene of the, f,our' Khoili'fas but I am not buried . iin Md:rUrul'h. I am O,rtE! sf tn,rt 'fwr'st t10 o;,cce:pt

'. Islait'rl. I Qlm V1ety cl'as€. to, ;RaslJlu:llah ~I m,Qiroried ttl ,the dQ~"9h1tler of

, Ros'UI'ulfah ~iof wholm the g'E,n.ef"lotton wiU

'c;:o,nlti,liilue 'til r Q~y'a:m.atJ.

Who am I.?

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