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VBA and Excel

by Kenny Ramage

VBA and Excel (85 Kb)

Th s s a sample VBA rout ne wr tten for AutoCAD Rel 14. The appl cat on w ll demonstrate how to export data to M crosoft
Excel, perform calculat ons on that data and then re- mport the results of the calculat ons back nto AutoCAD.

Unz p the f les matl st.dvb, matl st.lsp, matl st.dwg and matl st.xls to your work ng d rectory.
Insert the matl st.Dwg. as a block nto any draw ng.
It should look l ke th s :

Type (load "matl st") at the command prompt.

Type "matl st" to run the appl cat on.

(If you have problems when wr t ng or runn ng th s projects, ensure that the M crosoft Excel 8.0 Object L brary s selected n
your VBA References.)

After runn ng the appl cat on you can nspect the results of the exported data n the f le matl st.xls. It should look someth ng
l ke th s :
The Source Code
Public acad As Object
Public doc As Object
Public ms As Object
Public ss As Object
Public ssnew As Object
Public Theatts As Variant
Public MsgBoxResp As Integer
'declare global variables

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

UpdateAttrib 0, UserForm1.txt1.Text
UpdateAttrib 1, UserForm1.txt2.Text
UpdateAttrib 2, UserForm1.txt3.Text
UpdateAttrib 3, UserForm1.txt4.Text
UpdateAttrib 4, UserForm1.txt5.Text
UpdateAttrib 5, UserForm1.txt6.Text
UpdateAttrib 6, UserForm1.txt7.Text
UpdateAttrib 7, UserForm1.txt8.Text
UpdateAttrib 8, UserForm1.txt9.Text
UpdateAttrib 9, UserForm1.txt10.Text
UpdateAttrib 10, UserForm1.txt11.Text
UpdateAttrib 11, UserForm1.txt12.Text
UpdateAttrib 12, UserForm1.txt13.Text
UpdateAttrib 13, UserForm1.txt14.Text
UpdateAttrib 14, UserForm1.txt15.Text
UpdateAttrib 15, UserForm1.txt16.Text
UpdateAttrib 16, UserForm1.txt17.Text
UpdateAttrib 17, UserForm1.txt18.Text
UpdateAttrib 18, UserForm1.txt19.Text
UpdateAttrib 19, UserForm1.txt20.Text
UpdateAttrib 20, UserForm1.txt21.Text
UpdateAttrib 21, UserForm1.txt22.Text
UpdateAttrib 22, UserForm1.txt23.Text
UpdateAttrib 23, UserForm1.txt24.Text
UpdateAttrib 24, UserForm1.txt25.Text
UpdateAttrib 25, UserForm1.txt26.Text
UpdateAttrib 26, UserForm1.txt27.Text
UpdateAttrib 27, UserForm1.txt28.Text
UpdateAttrib 28, UserForm1.txt29.Text
UpdateAttrib 29, UserForm1.txt30.Text
UpdateAttrib 30, UserForm1.txt31.Text
UpdateAttrib 31, UserForm1.txt32.Text
UpdateAttrib 32, UserForm1.txt33.Text
UpdateAttrib 33, UserForm1.txt34.Text
UpdateAttrib 34, UserForm1.txt35.Text
UpdateAttrib 35, UserForm1.txt36.Text
'get the attribute values

'update the attribute block

End Sub
Sub UpdateAttrib(TagNumber As Integer, BTextString As String)
'This Sub Procedure tests the attribute data to check
'that is not a null value

If BTextString = "" Then

'if the attribute is empty

Theatts(TagNumber).TextString = ""
'put a '-' place holder

'if it is not empty

Theatts(TagNumber).TextString = BTextString
'use the attribute value

End If

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()

Dim xlapp As Excel.Application
Dim xlbook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlsheet As Excel.Worksheet
'declare local variables

Set xlbook = GetObject("matlist.xls")

'set reference to Excel file

Set xlapp = xlbook.Parent

'set reference to workbook

xlapp.Visible = True
'make Excel visible

xlapp.Windows("MATLIST.XLS").Visible = True
'make the workbook visible
'the 2 preceeding lines can be commented out if you
'do not want to see Excel in action

Set xlsheet = xlbook.Sheets("SHEET1")

'set reference to the worksheet Sheet1

xlsheet.Cells(2, 1) = UserForm1.txt1.Text
xlsheet.Cells(3, 1) = UserForm1.txt8.Text
xlsheet.Cells(4, 1) = UserForm1.txt15.Text
xlsheet.Cells(5, 1) = UserForm1.txt22.Text
xlsheet.Cells(6, 1) = UserForm1.txt29.Text
xlsheet.Cells(2, 2) = UserForm1.txt2.Text
xlsheet.Cells(3, 2) = UserForm1.txt9.Text
xlsheet.Cells(4, 2) = UserForm1.txt16.Text
xlsheet.Cells(5, 2) = UserForm1.txt23.Text
xlsheet.Cells(6, 2) = UserForm1.txt30.Text
xlsheet.Cells(2, 3) = UserForm1.txt3.Text
xlsheet.Cells(3, 3) = UserForm1.txt10.Text
xlsheet.Cells(4, 3) = UserForm1.txt17.Text
xlsheet.Cells(5, 3) = UserForm1.txt24.Text
xlsheet.Cells(6, 3) = UserForm1.txt31.Text
xlsheet.Cells(2, 4) = UserForm1.txt4.Text
xlsheet.Cells(3, 4) = UserForm1.txt11.Text
xlsheet.Cells(4, 4) = UserForm1.txt18.Text
xlsheet.Cells(5, 4) = UserForm1.txt25.Text
xlsheet.Cells(6, 4) = UserForm1.txt32.Text
xlsheet.Cells(2, 5) = UserForm1.txt5.Text
xlsheet.Cells(3, 5) = UserForm1.txt12.Text
xlsheet.Cells(4, 5) = UserForm1.txt19.Text
xlsheet.Cells(5, 5) = UserForm1.txt26.Text
xlsheet.Cells(6, 5) = UserForm1.txt33.Text
xlsheet.Cells(2, 7) = UserForm1.txt7.Text
xlsheet.Cells(3, 7) = UserForm1.txt14.Text
xlsheet.Cells(4, 7) = UserForm1.txt21.Text
xlsheet.Cells(5, 7) = UserForm1.txt28.Text
xlsheet.Cells(6, 7) = UserForm1.txt35.Text
'fill the worksheet cells with the attribute values

UserForm1.txt6.Text = xlsheet.Cells(2, 6)
UserForm1.txt13.Text = xlsheet.Cells(3, 6)
UserForm1.txt20.Text = xlsheet.Cells(4, 6)
UserForm1.txt27.Text = xlsheet.Cells(5, 6)
UserForm1.txt34.Text = xlsheet.Cells(6, 6)
UserForm1.txt36.Text = xlsheet.Cells(7, 6)
'retrieve the calculated attribute values

xlbook.Close savechanges:=True
'save the changes in Excel

'quit Excel

Set xlsheet = Nothing

Set xlbook = Nothing
Set axlapp = Nothing
'clean up

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

Dim BlkG(0) As Integer
Dim TheBlock(0) As Variant
Dim Pt1(0 To 2) As Double
Dim Pt2(0 To 2) As Double
'declare local variables

Set acad = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.Application")

'set reference to AutoCAD

Set doc = acad.ActiveDocument

'set reference to the drawing

Set ms = doc.ModelSpace
'set reference to model space

Set ssnew = doc.SelectionSets.Add("TBLK")

'create a selection set

Pt1(0) = 0: Pt1(1) = 0: Pt1(2) = 0

Pt2(0) = 3: Pt2(1) = 3: Pt2(2) = 0
'set up the array

BlkG(0) = 2
'group code 2 for block name

TheBlock(0) = "MATLIST"
'the name of the attribute block

ssnew.Select 5, Pt1, Pt2, BlkG, TheBlock

'get the block

If ssnew.Count >= 1 Then

'if the block is found

Theatts = ssnew.Item(0).GetAttributes
'get the attributes

UserForm1.txt1.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(0).TextString))
'get the title attribute
'clear any leading spaces and
'convert to uppercase

UserForm1.txt2.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(1).TextString))
UserForm1.txt3.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(2).TextString))
UserForm1.txt4.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(3).TextString))
UserForm1.txt5.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(4).TextString))
UserForm1.txt6.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(5).TextString))
UserForm1.txt7.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(6).TextString))
UserForm1.txt8.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(7).TextString))
UserForm1.txt9.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(8).TextString))
UserForm1.txt10.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(9).TextString))
UserForm1.txt11.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(10).TextString))
UserForm1.txt12.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(11).TextString))
UserForm1.txt13.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(12).TextString))
UserForm1.txt14.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(13).TextString))
UserForm1.txt15.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(14).TextString))
UserForm1.txt16.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(15).TextString))
UserForm1.txt17.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(16).TextString))
UserForm1.txt18.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(17).TextString))
UserForm1.txt19.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(18).TextString))
UserForm1.txt20.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(19).TextString))
UserForm1.txt21.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(20).TextString))
UserForm1.txt22.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(21).TextString))
UserForm1.txt23.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(22).TextString))
UserForm1.txt24.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(23).TextString))
UserForm1.txt25.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(24).TextString))
UserForm1.txt26.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(25).TextString))
UserForm1.txt27.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(26).TextString))
UserForm1.txt28.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(27).TextString))
UserForm1.txt29.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(28).TextString))
UserForm1.txt30.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(29).TextString))
UserForm1.txt31.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(30).TextString))
UserForm1.txt32.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(31).TextString))
UserForm1.txt33.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(32).TextString))
UserForm1.txt34.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(33).TextString))
UserForm1.txt35.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(34).TextString))
UserForm1.txt36.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(35).TextString))

UserForm1.txt1.SelStart = 0
UserForm1.txt1.SelLength = Len(UserForm1.txt1.Text)
'set the focus to the drawing title and highlight it

'if no attribute title block is found

MsgBox "Sorry - No Material List Attributes....", vbCritical, _

"AfraLisp Tutorial"
'inform the user that there is no attribute title block


'end the application

End If


End Sub

Now create a Module named Tblock :

Sub matlist()


End Sub

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