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Oracle date functions

Get the last day of the week select trunc(sysdate, 'DAY')+6 from dual;

Get first day of year SELECT TRUNC(TO_DATE('17-DEC-2001'),'YEAR') "First Day" FROM Dual; Get
last Day of Current Month
SELECT add_months(trunc(sysdate) - (to_number(to_char(sysdate,'DD')) - 1), 1) -1 FROM dual

SQL server date functions

Get the first day of month DATEADD(dd,-(DAY(DT.DAY_DT)-1),DT.DAY_DT) Get date key select
cast(convert(varchar(8), getdate(), 112) as integer) Get last Sunday
Select cast(convert(varchar(8), dateadd(day,-datepart(weekday,dateadd(WEEK,-
1,GETDATE()))+1,dateadd(WEEK,-1,GETDATE())), 112) as integer)

Useful Query items

1. Get total reminding to go for product Category XYZ, set 0 if the reminding to go as 0

if (([Product Category] = 'XYZ') and (total ([Forecast] for [Province Id], [Product Category] ) -
total([Sales] for [Province Id], [Product Category]) > 0)) then ( total ([Forecast] for [Province Id],
[Product Category] ) - total([Sales] for [Province Id], [Product Category] )) else (0)

2. TYD, QTD and HTD based day ( Assume [Fact Current Date],[Fact Current Quarter Number] and
[Fact Current Quarter Number] )
#/* YTD at the begining of year*/#
_add_days ([End Date], -_day_of_year ([Fact Table].[Dim Time].[Fact Current Date])+1)

#/* QTD */#

if ([Fact Table].[Dim Time].[Quarter Id] = [Fact Table].[Dim Time].[Fact Current Year]*10+[Fact
Table].[Dim Time].[Fact Current Quarter Number])
then ([Fact Table].[Fact Table].[Measure])
else (0)

#/* HTD */#

If ( [Fact Table].[Dim Time].[Fact Current Quarter Number] > 2 ) Then
( If ( [Fact Table].[Dim Time].[Quarter Number] > 2) Then
( If ([Fact Table].[Dim Time].[Quarter Id] <= [Fact Table].[Dim Time].[Fact Current Year]*10+[Fact
Table].[Dim Time].[Fact Current Quarter Number])
Then [Fact Table].[Fact Table].[Measure])
else (0) )
Else ( 0) )
Else (
If ([Fact Table].[Dim Time].[Quarter Id]<=[Fact Table].[Dim Time].[Fact Current Year]*10+[Fact
Table].[Dim Time].[Fact Current Quarter Number])
then ([Fact Table].[Fact Table].[Measure])
else (0) )

Time filter
[Time Dimension].[Time Hierarchy].[Date],
roleValue('_businessKey', currentMember([Time Dimension].[Time Hierarchy])) >=
#sq(prompt('From', 'Date'))# and
roleValue('_businessKey', currentMember([Time Dimension].[Time Hierarchy])) <=
#sq(prompt('To', 'Date'))#

Identifying nth Weekday of a month in reports

Requirement: Identify the 2nd Thursday of the current month. Solution: Create data items ToDate,
1stDateofMonth, 1stDayofMonth, Nth, Day , AddDays, NthDay ToDate - current_date 1stDateofMonth -
_first_of_month(ToDate) 1stDayofMonth - _day_of_week(1stDateofMonth ,1) // Assuming Monday is Day 1
Nth - 2 // The nth value of the weekday required, in our case we require 2nd Thursday Day - 4 // Assuming
Monday is Day 1, then Thursday is Day 4 AddDays - case when [Day] >= [1stDayofMonth] then [Day] -
[1stDayofMonth] else ([Day] + [1stDayofMonth]) -1 end NthDay - _add_days([1stDateofMonth],(([Nth]-1) * 7
) + [AddDay]) NthDay returns the 2nd Thursday of the month.

Age calculation
We have two ways to calculate age in years and age in yy years mm months and dd days format

Calculate Age in years...

Create a query Calculation as below...

_years_between (current_date, [Birth date column])

Calculate Age in yy years, mm months and dd days format...

(replace [Birth Date] with your own Data of birth column)

substring (cast(_ymdint_between (current_date, [Birth date]),char(6)),1,2) || ' Years '||

substring (cast(_ymdint_between (current_date, [Birth date]),char(6)),3,2)

|| ' months ' ||

substring (cast(_ymdint_between (current_date, [Birth date]),char(6)),5,2)

|| ' Days '


Cast date to string, want MM/DD/YYYY formatting (Read 3728


Re: Cast date to string, want MM/DD/YYYY formatting

Have a column where the DOB was cast to a varchar. Want to hide certain birthdays so
XX/XX/XXXX shows under certain circumstances. When the cast to varchar was done it formatted
the date as 1994-02-03. I want the date formatted as MM/DD/YYYY. Is there a FORMAT
statement or such that can be done on the dates, or do I perform substrings to move the date

I'd make the same suggestion I did for your other thread and use a conditional style rather than
changing the actual data type of the query item.

Yes, Lynn's suggestion on my other related thread worked like a charm. It was "how to format a
string as currency"

You can't substring a date.

Try these:
select cast(month(getdate()) as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(day(getdate()) as varchar(2)) + '/' +
cast(year(getdate()) as varchar(4)) -- m/d/yyyy
select right('00' + cast(month(getdate()) as varchar(2)), 2) + '/' + right('00' +
cast(day(getdate()) as varchar(2)), 2) + '/' + right('0000' + cast(year(getdate()) as varchar(4)),
4) -- mm/dd/yyyy
select convert(varchar(10), getdate(), 101) -- mm/dd/yyyy
Replace the getdate() function with whatever your date expression is.

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