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Army Reserve Marksman

Captain Horace Wayman Bivins:

First Double Distinguished Marksman
The U.S. Army enacted a Distin- an African American. It would take Army marksmanship programs
guished Marksman program in 1884. more than five decades after this before trace their lineage to when General
In the entire 133-year history of the Jack Roosevelt “Jackie” Robinson was Philip Sheridan officially created the
program, with tens of millions of Sol- able to receive the same acceptance Distinguished Marksman class, as an-
diers eligible to try, as of 2017 a total in baseball, as detailed in the film 42. nounced in General Orders Number
of 5,102 Army personnel have earned Lieutenant Colonel Earl Woods, father 24, back in 1884. This was formalized
either Distinguished Rifleman or Dis- of pro golfer Tiger Woods, served two by the War Department (predecessor
tinguished Pistol Shot. Captain Hor- tours in Viet Nam as an officer in the to the current Department of Defense)
ace Wayman Bivins was the first per- Infantry and Special Forces. While in in 1887. The original concept has been
son was the first person to earn both college, Woods once was not allowed run continuously ever since. Marks-
in 1894; a Corporal at the time. Cpt. to play golf because of his skin color. men participate in Excellence In Com-
Bivins was also the first marksman to In fact, the Professional Golfer’s As- petition events and the top ten per-
win three Army marksmanship gold sociation of America (PGA) enforced a cent of the eligible, non-distinguished
medals in one year. “Caucasians only” clause in their offi- competitors are awarded “Leg” points
Cpt. Bivins had a military career cial published rules until the 1960s. at the event. Like the leg of stool or
that was so varied and full of adven- chair or the leg of a journey, a num-
ture that early newspapers wrote his ber of points have to be accumulated
life’s account ‘‘reads like fiction from over the shooter’s lifetime for specific
the imagination of a pulp magazine awards. The first leg is the EIC Bronze
writer.’’ He was assigned to Troop medal. After 20 lifetime points are
E of the 10th Cavalry, which took accumulated, the Silver EIC medal
a prominent part in the campaigns is awarded. Once 30 or more points
against Geronimo, Apache Kid, and are earned, the shooter reaches Dis-
other Indian chieftains of the south- tinguished status. EIC events are held
west. While serving in Cuba during for rifle and pistol shooting and there
the Spanish-American War, Bivins are Distinguished Rifleman and Dis-
was awarded a Silver Star from ac- tinguished Pistol Shot badges.
tions during the famous battle of These awards are more prominent
San Juan Hill. A sergeant by then, than normal qualification badges and
Bivins was assigned to a Hotchkiss eligible for wear on dress uniforms.
gun battery. With all other mem- Like combatives, instead of Level 1-4
bers of his unit killed or wounded, to recognize accomplishment, Bronze,
he single-handedly fired 72 shells Silver and Gold badges are awarded.
from a Hotchkiss guns, which re- Army marksmanship programs are
coiled six to eight feet after each published in Army Regulation 350-66
shot. His performance was all the and 140-1, with the awards and their
more remarkable because early in wear detailed in 670-1. While first
the battle, he had been knocked out started by the U.S Army, all branches
briefly by a slug that passed through of the Department of Defense main-
an iron-plated hub of a gun carriage tain this program, as does the Civilian
and hit him in the temple. President Marksmanship Program (CMP) for
Teddy Roosevelt recalled of the ac- civilians. Distinguished marksmen
tion “I don’t think it an exaggeration come from all walks of life, even out-
to say that but for the timely aid of side the military. The CMP maintains
the 10th Cavalry, the Rough Riders all master records dating back to 1884
would have been annihilated.’’ Above: Horace Wayman Bivins, in their Competition Tracker.
Cpt. Horace Wayman Bivins, the the first Double Distinguished Read more about Cpt. Bivins
first Double Distinguished marksman marksman in United States history,
in United States history in 1894, was earned the distinction in 1894. cpt-bivins USARCMP ★ Army Reserve Marksman

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