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Only Theatrical Newspaper on the Pacific Coast MUSIC


f W1
!£¥¥¥ Entered as Second Class Matter, April 29, 1927,
Saturday, January 31, 1931 Published Every Saturday at 809 Warner. Bros. Down-
* office, Los Angeles, Calif., under Act of March t J 879 town Building, 401 West Seventh St., Los Angeles, Calif. No. 4


Columbia, Many Busy

Cohn May As Angles
Go To Fox Give Break
Whether William Fox pur- will
their opportunity in the
chase control of Columbia will be
current financial depression, inde-
decided within the next couple of
pendent picture producers arc again
weeks, according' to stories circul-
flocking into production.
ating in picture financial circles
this week. A check up by Inside Facts made
While tlie report is wholly un- this week shows that the inde
field busier in preparation and
official, inside .sources declare that
Fox recently, purchased a block of
actual shooting than it has been
Columbia stock and took an option at any time since the talkies drove
the indes into idleness.
for enough more to give him con-
trol should he exercise the option. Tec-Art, Metropolitan, the Uni-
The story further declares that he versal lot and out-lying territory
is now preparing exercise histo of the inde strongholds are again
option if he can get certain terms bustling with life, cost sheets, mar-
for doing so. These terms, which gins of profit and conferences, and
are said to deal largely with the present prospects are that within
executive personnel question, are the next thirty to sixty days the
the crux to whether or not Fox inde production situation will ap-
takes over Columbia, the report proximate almost fifty percent of
alleges. the pre-taikie normalcy. That is if'

Wrong Slant all plans now in discussion .

The rumored Fox-Clumbia deal through.
would have nothing to do with the Many causes have contributed to
present Fox interests,
in- which make the talkie game an attrac-
clude the widespread Fox West tive one to indes at the present
Coast, it is explained. William Fox time.
is knownto have been anxious to Slump One Cause
get back into pictures on his own First and chiefly responsible is
ever since the deal which gave the worldwide financial depression
over the control of the William —a depression from which no na-
Fox Corporation to Winfield Shee- tion is exempt except Bolshevik
han and his financial backers. The Russia, where, under the Soviet
Columbia proposition is regarded five-year plan, there is no unem-
by him as this in, it is declared. ployment and where the average
If Fox swings the alleged Col- salary and wage earner is getting'
umbia deal, his agent will be A. C. a margin of money which enables
Blumenthal, who long has been him to afford not only the necessi-
the '
contact man for the picture ties of life, but also many of Its
magnate on realty deals, it is said. luxuries. However Bolshevik Rus-.
Not tying up Blumenthal in his sia is by no means the best market'
real capacity, rumors have been for American pictures, and else-
circulating that he himself is nego- where the market for the product
tiating to buy Fox. Harry Cohn, of the bigger studios continues to
returning here from the East, was decline.
questioned concerning this, and '

For this reason the big studios

was quoted as answering that at present are not making products
“there is nothing to it; Blumenthal
hasn’t got money enough to buy
Columbia.” Which may be true
enough, and Louella Parsons, who
OWEN FALLON of the high class and, proportion-
ately speaking, of the generous
cost to which they achieved in the
days when all the world was po-
printed the so-called denial, ac-
cepted this as conclusive. The
alert and sentient Louella appar-
At Solomon's Ballroom tentially a god market for each
picture produced. The new limited
field caused them to hike the price
ently didn’t know the tie-up be- of pictures to American customers,
tween Blumenthal and Fox. Cohn is reported to be demanding FIFTH TO MANAGE GRANVILLE HERE and that’s an in for the indes, who
Cohn’s Services such an exorbitant salary for his always found their fertile field
The .monkey-wrench in the way services as to give Fox pause. If SEATTLE, Jan. 29. Tommy Ol- — among
those houses which wanted
of the deal is said to be Harry this one point can be settled satis- sen has returned to his old home Frederick Granville of London is cheaper
product than they could
Cohn himself. Fox is understood factorily the deal is on, the report town and will act as manager of in Hollywood studying sound, color buy from the big studios.
to have an extremely high regard concludes. Another Phase
the big Fifth Ave. Olsen was for- and the picture situation in general The financial depression also
for Cohn's ability, and to consider
this ability one of the main assets SEATTLE, Jan. 29. —
Sammy Sei- merly sports writer for the Hearst with a view to opening up offices operated in another phase to boost
of the Columbia Corporation. In gel, formerly p. a. for the Follies, interests here before leaving and the inde game in Hollywood. Us-
here and in New York for picture
purchasing control of the organiza- left this week for Portland,where reporting to Washington, D. C., ing the term in its respectable
production. Granville was here in
tion he is understood to be de- he will assist George Appleby in for a Fox job. Olsen is well liked sense, the better class of indes are
manding that Cohn come under his publicity for the Hamrick interests here and ought to be a worthy 1921, being brought from Germain what is known as sharpshooters,
standard as production chief, but there. successor to Jim Clcmmer. by Carl Laemmle. (Continued on Page 2)
Page Two
— .


I — — — —— I ——

Saturday, January 31, 1931

Orpheum Stage Show Policy To Be Permanent

Injuries* 421 850 , Ray’s $68 Tie-Up
SACRAMENTO, Jan. 29.- State Industrial Accident — The cast of the floppo show, “Between the Covers,’’
Commission paid '-out $421,850 during the last five years don’t think Raymond Hatton is as funny as he’s re-
for deaths and injuries., in the motion picture industry,
a report filed at; the. state capitol revealed.
Fifty-five lives were lost, 68 workers suffered per-
manent injuries and several hundred were temporarily
injured, according- to the report. Queeerst of the freak
compensation awards was recorded in the case of Fred

Prologues will be a regular feature
of the Orpheum Theatres, both in Los
puted, to be,
The reason is. that the screen comic is currently

tieing up the Equity bond filed on the show, and the

others can’t get their money.
The show, which was produced by Sam Rourke and
directed by Oliver M orosco at the Biltmore, went into

Metz, who was pinched on the right eye lid by a lob- Angeles and. San Francisco, starting rehearsal December 6. It did an extremely brief run,
with the atmospheric prologues which
ster as he stooped to pick up another. will open in both houses February
and then closed.
6 with the feature film, “Cim- RKO The Equity bond was oke and so would everything
arron,” else have been had Hatton not claimed an extra night’s
When announcement was- first made wages of $68 on his $600 a week salary. He attached
by Inside Facts two weeks ago that the bond, and now everything is temporarily held up.
the spots would go back to stage-and-
scraen policy it was not definitely
known whether there would be a re-

(Continued from Page 1)
etrd-Goldwyn-Mayer’s Portland
office came in fourth on their sales
to- wit: men with a bit of money drive, pulling down a $2500 cash
version to all-screen policy after the
one picture.
However, it is understood that it is
now planned to keep stage shows as
a regular part of the offerings for the
which they use to ankle in upon a award. Manager Louis Amakcr was future.
John Egan, manager of K.WJJ, BV OHtSIHE SPOT
good proposition, or to jump into ably assisted by Mac Rubenfeld Bud Murray, prominent L. A. stage makes his own cigs his own
— —
the breach of 'Some money-making and Joe Warren, salesmen. Office director and head, of the Bud Murray well John made KWJJ
field not- seen by less shrewd managers, bookers, cashiers every- — School of the Dance, has been signed
first station in LT S. to. present F. Hiding away on the county si rip

minds. .Naturally ..New York; and body comes in on the prize.

— —
bjr Cliff Work as general stage and and M. acts over the air (says west of Hollywood, the La Bo-
the. stock market was the most * * * dance director for both the S. F. and —
John) Mildred Allen Helen Rit- heme Cafe is not within the pro-
— the
verdant; field for their operations Bill Callahan, L. A. salesman for

up until the crash. But when the M-G-M, is recovering from an at-
L. A. Orpheums.
be the orchestra
Carlton Kelsey will
leader at the local
smiling girls of

fast -work fast go home — KWJJ hibitions of the local municipal

panic came and money got tight tack of flu and will be back on the alone — street car trailer in all the-
ordinance which forces Los An-
ride — cheap? —
around the stock exchanges, they job in a few days. Staffs for the two houses are being
atres —2 /< cents a
geles cafes to stop all dancing and
music at one o’clock week nights
found the going dead. And many * * engaged, on a permanent basis.
Chicago it’s by-by
fc and at midnight on Saturdays.

of them turned and more arc now Club saw a preview of M-G-M Th(T opening prologues will be at-
This is a break for this cafe and
* *
turning— to the picture game as Dufwin Theatre getting great can be credited for. most of. such
Joan Crawford’s new one, “Dance, mospheric; featuring a male chorus
about the best gamble in the
Fools, Dance.”
U. S.
These are pleas- of 40, with a total cast of 60. A num- crowds here town going .for stock business as the spot does, as other- —
today. ant evenings for M-G-M employes. ber of full-blooded Osage Indians company in a big way— why not wise the greater attractions at com-
Another big ace for the growing Pre-release have been signed by Murray. Featured look at the names— (Guest Stars) peting cafes doubtlessly would take
ranks of hides is the low salaries filled out the program.
of shorts
Pauline Frederick— May Robson a serious cut-in on —
at which they can obtain tried and * * * 1
Caucasian talent includes Picric White
and Otar Sbi'let. Leo Carrillo—others on the wa}' which has Marie Dcvoll — the La Boheme,
as the
boxoffice talent. Writers, actors, to the Duf-winer— Money— Money
Branch Manager George Naylor Scenery will be by Harry Billheim- Money. only floor attraction and a small
directors; have been hit by the
of Universal is at Murietta Hot er and William McConnell of the * * * orchestra under direction of Clar- -

Hooveristic era so hard that the

Springs for the week. He has' had Scenic Construction Company, and ence Kuchenbeckcr.
Holly wod salary scale, in a general F. and M. Gondoliers Idea' lost.
sense, has- done a serious decline.
a long siege of illness and deserves the Western Costume Company has
Salem, Ore. was jumped from —
This gives the hides a chance to
a good rest now and then. landed the contract for costuming. Portland to Milwaukee, Wis. to people, watching the artist broadr —
grab off good b. o. names for a
* *
Those two nice Universal book-
-open January 29. casting— if is a bright spot —
fraction of them true worth. * * * Heathman Hotel.
ers, Harold Whitman and Arthur
Break For Talent
Return of the indes is a big
Kalle-n, stopped working long Set and Heard
Seen Advisory board of L A. T. S. E.
’Dist. No. 1 met January 24 -and Parker
4 4 *
not only knows his-
enough to say that Los Angeles | J. J.
break for the film talent, and approved plans for a convention theatre— but also tne boxing game,
eventually will operate to send the
branch .jumped from third to sec-
ond place this week in the Laem- Auto Show drawing the big March 16 Big time for Portland and -how. — —
salary scale upward in the big mie Silver Jubilee played and paid crowds out Wilshirc Boulevard way Hey— Hey. * * >K
The big producers had * 4= * P,odney Pantages was in town
studio field.
business contest. Olsen of Olsen and Johnson in —
things their own way when . . .

Bank of Hollywood elevator with a ingTAiramount Theatre changes open- giving it the once over: something
monopolized production, but
* *
Jack Sinfcr, United Artists dis-
nice new script tucked under arm
day now it’s Friday anything in the wind hope it will mean — — —
tiow old reliable stabilizer is
the can happen under the heading of work for the people that are laying.
manager, has been confined in
trict- Dull evening at Henry’s. Not amusement.
coming back. The Plays group
. .
Seattle because of illness. He’s a single holdup or attempted mur- 4 * *
threats and even blacklisting loses * -i- -r-
just about ready to get back to der all night Adele Windsor
some, of its terrors when there are business again. sitting with a tall, attractive blonde
. . .

Paramount running a Whoopee all this week S. R. O.— RKO

class indes around to give the reason, York and King.
* * * . Harry Green after the night Midnite show every Saturday Ol-
, .
* * *
hounded one another chance. Rita Weir the office of
is in show dropping over to Adele with lie Wallace as m, c. Assisting Ol-
The center of the newly-arrived Elks’ Lodge No. 142 gave a party
U. A., replacing Miss Perkins, who information that the “Ambulance lie is that capable mUsicial, Lea- for the Harris Twins while they
inde activity is the Tec- Art lot. lias gone back to Fox West Coast. Chaser,” wliich he and Joe Schenck
pold the head man of the band —
where at the present time six pic- * * *
were playing the Paramount The-
own, will be made into a flicker. (some band) theatre giving $15 atre the entire F. and show
— M
tures are in actual production and There much buzzing up and Also that Doit Gallaher, Miss
cash to local talent might get to
was entertained at the Elks’ tem-
— .

two more are preparing. down

the Row as a preliminary to Windsor’s ex-husband, will direct
be a (biz getter— who can tell
ple a good time was had by all—

Nat Levine is shooting a serial, getting things going for the big ex-
know B. O.
the dialogue and play his same * * * (even me).
"King of the Wild,” Norah Lane hibitors and exchangemen’s mid- stage role Henry in Tux back * * =i=

as starring in a Mascot picture

Received word that Eddie Hill
. .

night show which will be. held Feb- from Sid’s opening at the Mayan, took the last curtain in Chicago, Here goes for a review;
which Richard Thorpe is directing; ruary 21. It’s a worthy benefit af- pulling a rave Charlie Chaplin 111 . . .

Louis Lewyii is shooting a feature.

"The Voice of Hollywood”; the
fair and committees are planning- with charming Georgia# Hale * 4 ^ —

some great stuff. wonder if she will also' be on the Fox Broadway doorman helping
Disney Brothers have their popular * * * “Round the World Jaunt” after the aged lady leaving theatre—to eat- Mr. and Mrs. Harry English, popu- '

star, Mickey Mouse, going, stead-

ily; Tom Terriss is starring in a
The new Los Angeles Theatre
has contracted for both issues of
opening of “City .Lights” .....
Dave Allen, of.. Central Casting
ing emporium is that service
* * *
lar guiding spirits of N. V. A. ’s Hol-

lywood office, are entertaining a house

"Vagabond Adventure Series which Pathe Sound News'.
. . .

Not a bad Wallace Beery telling- of his latest Del Milne and his band opened at guest, Mrs. John A. Herne of New
. Elmer Clifton is directing; the break all around; thrill while working “Hell Divers,” the Hotel Multnomah with a bang. York. She is the widow of J. A.
Fashion Features continue produc-
tion; and the G. C. Reed Produc-
* * * .Navy air story, in which he dives Mel! Blanc comedy was a riot Herne, manager and producer of note —
Salesman Tom Kitching is mak- —
10,000 feet rat a target— and re- this boy will be in lights some day years ago, who was brother to James
tions is doing a series of: detective ing a good showing with All
Star. leases a bomb before leveling off — —
Miss Giilhouse was there all in A. Herne, author and featured player
He’s' -got regular weekly bookings each time the “gunner” or rear seat white and believe me a class enter- of ‘'Shore- Acres” and “Sag Harbor.”
In preparation are a Nick Stuart in over 20 cities in Arizona for his gets the ride and turns black from tainer— looks like Del will will be Mrs. Herne is responding to Califor-
feature to be rhade by the Holly- organization.
the sudden loss of blood from his .at the hotel a long time K. G. W. nia's well known sunshine in getting —
wood Syndicate, under direction of head Back-stage to see Harry is the broadcaster from hotel. rid of a case of arthritis.
Bruce Mitchell; and a Charles

Green. He knows what a dressing

. .

* * w .

Hutchison picture featuring Ran- room' these days should be like Visiting the Highland Tavern YEAR’S ON CONTRACT
. . .


and those of
Fallon In It will be the most popular spot
you will find most anyone from the
“In Hollywood Now”- Excuse it, theatrical world putting on the feed — The Allisons, who are a feature in
bag even me- I go for at least a the first Fanchon and Marco — —
please, Mr. Bud Murray ... In vaude-
other inde producers are not cup of coffee.
intended for the state rights mar-
ket or its equivalent. General be-
Opening at the same place, Georgie Stone
Peter the Hermit gesticulating in
* * *
ville unit, have been signed until 1932.
. . .

KOIN gets the crowds — anytime

the “I didn’t sunshine, JOINS INSIDE FACTS
liefamong the indes is that the big — over-act, of the day or night one will find
studio market is riper than it has
been for a long time, and that any
Solomon’s -and didn’t under-act
even need to act!”
I Ididn’t
Hardy C. Love is new repre-
sentative for “Inside Facts” in the
picture which is good can be sold Southwest territory.- He will cover
to one of the big companies. One
of the standby inde producers of
Owen Fallon,
appears on page 1 of this is-
sue, opened big at Solomon’s
whose picture THOSE SCHULERS
Eddie Busy beach cities including Long Beach
and continue through San Diego to
Hollywood, Joe Rock, recently There must be something about
the important spots in Mexico.
completed two films and apparently
liad no trouble whatsoever in dis-
posing of them. Radio Pictures
Ballroom this week for a mati-
nee and night run. He has had
his aggregation of instrument-
this name of Schuler. Two young-
sters of that name, “Smiling Bob”
and “Dynamite Jack” have won
alists and dance tune special-
bought one and Paramount the
other, and it is understood that
Lock is practically set to dispose
ists together for six years, and
no changes. That kind of
quite a rep for themselves as kid
pugilists under the moniker “Fight-
ing Schulers.” They appeared Wed-
Ace Spots Mildred Lewis has just finished
her two year contract with Warner
speaks way up there for Maes- Brothers. She hasn’t had much op-
nesday night on a K. of C. pro-
of five more to Par.
tro Fallon and his way of
gram in Hollywood.
NEW YORK.— Eddie Pea- portunity to rest yet. Her latest
handling an orchestra. the Banjoy Boy, who
bodj-, job is voice doubling for the part
FLAG FOR LYMAN There are eight pieces in the came here recently from the of Trilby, in the new talkie % ersion T


band and they double with the Pacific Coast, is one of the of “Svengdli.” j

The big flag is out for Abe Ly- effectiveness of a 12-piece out- busiest entertainers in town.
man, draping over the Boul outside fit, four violins, four saxes, John
Kelley, secretary andJ. Eddie opened big at Rudy MOTHER ILL
the Roosevelt Hotel. It’s the first Jour brass, and he has a repu- treasurer of the Theatre Managers Vallee’s Villa Vallee, scoring
time this class hostelry has hung tation for putting over novel- Association, left for San Francisco a riot with the customers of Mrs. Kuhn, whose daughters, the
out the rag for the music-makers ties and specialties that lias on a business trip Tuesday. this ace spot. Peabody has Kuhn Sisters are a well known
within. Abe and his band opened won a little reputation for it- complete charge of the Villa vaude team, is seriously ill with
last week at the Roosevelt, doubl- self, also. CULLEN TAKES LEASE while Rudy is on the road for plural pneumonia. Her recovery is
ing the new spot and the Carthay. Owen and his band have Paramount. expected soon.
He succeeded Pee Wee Byers. It just closed a solid four years William P. Cullen has a lease on In addition to this, Eddie is
understood Abe’s aggregation at the Cinderella Roof, where Hollywood Playhouse. Harry
was also wanted ‘‘Once they drew tremendous busi-
the also doubling in the Fox U. SIGNS DOOLEY
for In a Green’s “The Ambulance Chaser,” houses and getting over for a
Lifetime,” but the Roosevelt offer ness. isgoing to be- held over an extra million there. Bill Dooley, screen comic, has been
prevented. week due to the business it is doing. signed to a contract by Universal.
Saturday, January 31, 1931 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Pag^e Three

Th ird Dimension, Grandeur at Small Cost

No Bond- --It Rained Discoverer Balked
It never rains hut ti pours, says the old saw. And there’s one Commander Byrd, discoverer of the South Pole, while here to
disgruntled cast in town that will back it up. lecture at the. Shrine Auditorium attended the Press Club on
When Jeanne Eagels’ big success “Rain'’ was produced locally Beverly Boulevard.
at the. Egan Theatre,, it looked like such, a good bet to the pros Leaving the jollity of the party, Byrd couldn’t find his car.
pec. five cast that they, signed waivers on their Equity bond. A little Irish newspaperman emerged from the doorway, and
But it “Rained” only briefly, and then flop, with the final cur- he- also from the jollity of the party.
tain Wednesday night. No bond, try and get it. Bvrd hailed him.
James Kirkwood headed the cast. i
“I can’t find my car. Do vou know? where it is?” the explorer
A third dimension process, which asked.
I eliminates any distortion or elon- “Who; are you?” was the counter-question.
10 mis on
gation of pictures or subjects has "Commander Byrd.”
been perfected by Edward Frazce r “You found the South Pole, didn’t you?”
STICKS ALMOST TO former producer and director and “Yes.”
OPENING-THEN OUT connected with the picture industry “Then find your car.”
since its beginnings.
Moss Hart, co-writer with George A home demonstration on a
LEGITIMATE LIST Kaufman of “Once in a Lifetime,”
tried his best to stay with the show
. small screen, made for an Inside
Facts representative, substantiated
for its opening at the Mayan here. all claims made by Frazee. From PENNILESS; FORMER
Further augmenting the sudden
jump into activity in the local legit
played the role of the who the so-called “impossible angles” VAUDE PERFORMER
wrathy scenarist, had such a bad the projected pictures maintained
field, two new prospective shows, cold that it was almost .flu. He all their definitions, -of sharpness. Eddie Browder, ex-vaudeville per-,
are in line for production here, it. could, hardly stay with the. rehears-
was reported this week.

als, but managed to hold on clear

up to the night of the dress rehear-
and correct proportions. former who lias been making his home,
Further, Frazee’s demonstrator is with the team of Smith and Bernard
After a year of extreme depres- sal. equipped with a patented process in L. A., died suddenly of a heart at-
Oil that night it got the best which permits enlargement to tack -Tuesday. He had been booking, "Waterloo Bridge,” the Robert
sion the legit is hitting steadily up-
ward, and present plans by pro-
of him. atu! in the second act he had Grandeur, size of greater, or to half acts lately, his most recent connection Sherwod play which had a success-
ducers are the most glowing from
to go out. the size now customarily used. being with the Katherine Burns book- ful New York run last season with
the professional’s' standpoint for
Robert B. Sinclair, the stage di- Nor does the Frazee third dimen- ing office. Browder was featured for Glenn Hunter and Sue Walker
manv months. rector, stepped into the part and sion process interfere, in any way many seasons, being in Frederick heading the cast, will be presented

opened with the show. with the projection of color. Hawley’s sketch "The Bandit,” and locally by Dickson Morgan.
In addition to the prospective list
of new shows set forth in last In Projector other acts, but was penniless at the Morgan will take the play into
week’s issue of Inside Facts, this
Frazee has been working on 'his time of his death. the Hollywood Music Box for spe-
week it was reported, that Margaret! patents for three years, approach- N. V. A., West Coast Theatres and cial matinee showings February 24,
Anglin -will be brought here ,bvj ing the third dimension problem Bobby Stewart of the Bert Levy? of- 26 and 27, with a probability of a

Ralph do one. of- the New! from an entirely different angle fice, made collections for the funeral. night run to follow at some other

York Theatre (jirild plans; aikl that; Than -that taken by other so-called Alexander Pantages, Browder’s for- house.
Arthur Grevrlle Collins Will produce; third dimension processes in process mer employer, was the largest con- “Waterloo Bridge” is planned as
“Napoleon Had It, Too.”. of development since inception of tributor. the first of a series of special mat-
the talkies. inees Morgan- will produce, the sec-
A1 Singer, former lightweight His third dimension is entirely in ond tentatively selected being Eu-
champion of the world, arrived in the projector, as differentiated from gene O’Neill’s “All God’s Chill un.”
T Los Angeles Saturday on a visit, the many which have sought the
and is scheduled to leave for Miami missing dimension through the
Gypper Is In Cast’
Casting of “Waterloo Bridge”
Tuesday. camera. has been completed, the four prin-
TO BE UNBONED A1 took a workout in a local The
theory upon which he is
gym, and when the fight promoters working, and apparently he is fun-
Busy Along cipalsheading the cast of 12 being
Doris Lloj-d, Miriam Scegar, King

saw his condition right in the damentally correct, is that light Kennedy and Ethel Griffies. Mor-
Fox West Coast
Jan, 29.—
scrip goes into

pink they made him several offers waves on the screen should be
for fights, among other offered bat- given their same velocity to round
Film Row gan will direct.
Scale will be $1, $1.50 and $2.
the discard February 1 in spite of a tles being ones with Billy Petrolle out objects as is automatically done The Music Box management and
successful sale on the tickets since and Tod Morgan. But they couldn’t by the eye when looking at an ob- Film Row 7
issuffering from Civic Repertory group have been
their inception several years .ago;
come anywhere near meeting Al’s ject, person or scene. He now has", 7 the invasion of the racketeers. cooperating with Morgan in giving
under the guidance of Harold B. figure, their offers being between his process up to 490,000 light pul- A man is going to the exchanges, him access to the house, but the
Franklin. $2,000 and $3,000. For meeting sations as compared to 500,000 to -
getting film, giving checks on production is entirely under his
Sales for 1930 reached a higher fighters of the Petrolle or Morgan the eye, the difference being so banks where he has no account, own management.
peak than in previous years. No ;
class A! would get $10.00 or more negligible as not to demand further and then leaving tow n with the-7

Whether “All God’s Chillun” will

reason given for the discontinu- in New York. attention. film. He goes under the name be produced depends upon whether
ance. While in the east Singer had of “Smith,” but police know
Light Speed or not Morgan can obtain the serv-

FWC laid- out a lot of dough; several, picture offers, but at that
He explains it thus; him under several 'other aliases. ices of Irving Pitchell. who is now
.about a month ago, putting out a time his fight dates wouldn’t per- He is five feet nine and has
$2.50 book containing $3 worth of mit him to accept. However, it
"The human eye constantly has under contract to Paramount as a

double vision. As the vision broad-

brown hair, drives: a Durant or dialogue director and actor. Mor-
admissions. This was in addition is understood that he is consider- Dodge roadster with a trailer
ens the light rays travel faster, and gan produced the O’Neill show
to the regular $5 and $15 books. ing accepting, picture offers here. and has a stolen 1931 license
this gives the effect of roundness. with Pitchell and Pitcbell’s wife,
Singer made a round of the pic- plate. There are two warrants
SHRINE ACTS SIGNED ture studios to see the sights Fri-
The rays travel faster and have a Violet Wilson, in the leading roles
out for his arrest, one for pass-
different length at the point of bi- three years ago. The play opened
day, in company with Arch Woody ing bad checks and the other for
nocular vision, and their speed di- for special mats at the Vine Street
_ Jerrie Coe, The Flying Flemmings of Inside Facts. theft.
minishes according to their dis- and did such good business that it
and The \\ alters Duo were signed by Al’s brother Lou accompanied “Smith claims to have a the-
tance from this point. was transferred to the El Capitan
Fanchon and Marco this week. The him on his trip here. atre in Tehachapi but no one has
“The screen at the present time and later went into the Majestic
latter two acts Were a feature at the ever seen him up there. He got
is nothing but a reflection of shad- for a night run.
Shrine Circus. RAFT AT FOX
ows, because everything is pro-
with a full program from off
Another Success
the All-Star Exchange, the titles
George Raft has been signed by jected
at the For being “Wild Born.” a feature, Morgan scored another success
Fox to play the Killer in “Skyline,” roundness, or third dimension, we “When You’re Dry” and “Koko with Galsworthy’s “Loyalties,”
Phil Lampkin, master-of-ceremonies from the story by Spencer Tracy, must change the light rays to their Backs Up.” which he opened at the El Capitan
at the Paramount, leaves this week author of “The Road to Hell.” Fay proper speed.” and later transferred to the Vine
-for New Haven, Conn., to visit his Wray is leading lady. The demonstration given the In- Street.
“sweetheart, Babe Marjorie Kane, who
side Facts representative was most DOING SCENERY Only member of his staff thus
is appearing there for Puklix.
LEE convincing. Operating at a short
far selected is his pub-
throw of about some ten feet, Fra- The Scenic Construction Com-
licist, Elma Auze.
M. SPOT zec tipped his lens down to project pany has just landed a couple of
Lee Wilmott, featured Fanchon and fat and sweet contracts. They have
Marco actor, and Milly Dale, who at an angle of about 40 degrees, signed to do all sets for the Civic
The Avon Theatre at Utica, New has worked in a number of pictures and the cast was perfect. A cast
Repertory for a year, and also are
York, has been added to the Fanchon in feature roles, will be married this on a sideways machines screen w as
and Marco list. “Doll Follies” jumps week. also made, and up to an angle past
starting work on sets for Guy

Nifty Idea
from Oklahoma City for the opening. the 45-degree mark there w as Bates Post’s next play. The latter 7

will be shipped to New York.

neither distortion nor elongation.
Cast In Corner
The Scenic Co. also did the sets
Then, for novelty. Frazee cast for Sid Grauman’s production of
To Bring
William Varquez, well known
“Once in a Lifetime.”
by Fox for a
Sheridan has
role in “Painted Fin-
been signed Spanish author, has arrived from his picture into a corner, making a
South America to join the Spanish man and a girl on the film face
In The Biz
gers.” department at M-G-M. each other at this 45-degree angle.
Projection was perfect. Making
Gardner, well-known fea-
Reese a bid for Holly-
At will, he enlarged and reduced
ture in musical comedy and tab
the size of his picture, carrying it
wood's theatrical trade and it —
Erroneous Impressions shows too numerous to mention, looks like a nifty at this writ-
up on the small screen and small
throw to far beyond the size of
former leading man with Will King

ing the Hollywood Gardens
and ^11-around popular Coast De- will produce a floor show un-

Louella Parsons grandeur, comoaratively speaking.

The I. F. man was invited to step fender, is concentrating his efforts
up to the screen and look for fuz- in Long Beach now, filling a new?
der the direction of Eddie
Larkin, former associate with
Larry Ceballos.
By STAFFORD PENCAN ziness. Up to a point far beyond role. Gardner is manager of the
The twist to the idea that
the comparative Grandeur, there Majestic Ballroom there. He is
Louella Parsons is probably the widest read publicist in Amer- Larkin will select his talent
ica. today. She has won her popularity deservedly and by the was not the least fuzzing or grain- conducting; dance classes, too. for the shows from among
sure method of exercising the utmost care not to nip the hand that ing; the patrons of the Gardens.
conveys the food. Her. technique amounts almost to genius. Her Frazee’s machine is an attach- outright sale or for big sums of And in these days when jobs
skill in tactfully purveying personalities to the films fans of the ment which fits in front of any money for large blocks of stock, are once-in-a-while he should
country has put her in the front rank of press agents. She is in projector. It operates with the but, determined to keep control have plenty of would-be floor-
fact the dean and dominant figure in press agentry, for she repre- standard film now in use, and is so himself, has turned these proposi- showers looking for a spot at
sents not one producer but the entire industry. It may be fairly simple in operation that no extra tions down. the Gardens.
said that she has given more to the favorable exploitation of pic- projectionists would be required for F’razee was one of the first Mack Frankie Gould and his Sere-
tures than any other newspaper man or woman today. its operation. Sennett directors, being with the naders have opened at the
Louella has been calumniated by all but a meager few of the On Rental Basis Sennett organization and directing Gardens, and business is very-
trade press. journalists of the trade confine them- At the present time Frazee is Mabel Normand, Fatty Arbuckle, much on the up-and-up. Last
selves, to. sly, cautious and covert digs at the Parsons modus. preparing to bring in a small Charles Murray, Fred Mace and week saw a double break for
It is sometimes broadly hinted that Louella’s right hand knows amount of new capital to perfect other of the early Sennett stars. the spot, Gould’s nicety rotmd-
not what is slipped into her left, but to date none have been able one minor defect, and then plans He was an exhibitor for six ed-out combination of nine >

to get anything on her. She has kept her face singularly clean to place the machine on the mar- years, in charge of comedy produc- nifty syncopaters, and the fact
and in no instance has anyone been able to found his insinuations ket through his own capitalization. tion for William Fox. and .an in- that the Gardens was Holly-
in proof. This is remarkable to a degree,, for temptation in the As his 'plans are to place the ma- dependent producer in his own
way of tips for one so high in her profession would no doubt repre-
wood’s only dance hall run-
chine's with houses On the basis right. ning.
sent a very nice income. Professional jealousy is at the bottom of of a small installation charge and His company is known as the Gould well known among
most efforts to unseat Louella. She shows rare astuteness and a small yearly rental, he does not Frazee Motion Picture Technical

good judgment in not picking up any of their gauntlets. dance patrons, having played
feel that he needs any enormous Laboratories, and in addition to his over radio and at the beach
The great error the trade papers have made in training their
barbs on. Louella lies in their mistaking her for a critic.
amount of money to hit the gold third dimension invention, be op- resorts during the past seven
mine which he believes his process erates around the studios on trick- years.
is He has had several offers for shots and special photography.
Page Four INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Saturday, January 31, 1931


Pictures ‘ONCE IN A LIFETIME” W. B. Picture
Mayan Thearte V/ARNER BROS.’
(Reviewed Jan. 28) HOLLYWOOD
“THE BAT WHISPERS” This a natural, right in the middle of Hollywood’s sunken bathtubs. Hollywood without a
(Reviewed Jan. 29)
UNITED ARTISTS stitch onand the whole world looking through the transom. So ridiculously sensible and so sensi-
A lot of interest has stirred in
(Reviewed Jan. 26) Holiywod over the. phenomenal suc-
The tummy muscles of those bly ridiculous it may be called -reason gone rollicking mad; prophesy and history engraved in folly.
cess of Caesar” in New
watching this mystery thriller, “The “Once in a Lifetime” should enjoy a run. If it doesn’t hold up as long as there are adults in Cali-
York. Far down the schedule of
Bat Whispers,” tighten like iron fornia within a street car ride of the boxoffice, then the legitimate theatre is dead both ways from Hollywood’s series of gang pictures
Lands. A suspense and tremble the orchestra pit. If this show fails to hang up a record, I will post an obituary for the speaking and falling naturally under the
producer de luxe from the start.
stage under the Shubert real estate window every Wednesday afternoon at half hours until Carl brand of “just another” gang pic-
When the hinged fireplace slowly
ture many wondered what phase of
swung to, imprisoning the sweet Laemmle, Sr., runs out of relatives.
underworld life it could represent
blonde heroine in the secret room, “Once in a Lifetime” is satire, Shavian in its status, and with the added advantage of universal that it should rate all of this in-
fifty women in the audience swal- appeal. It is nose-thumbing of Gilbert & Sullivan in the language of today. The most
the artistic terest. Curiosity was well satisfied
lowed an ef-
their handkerchiefs in
delightfullynonsensical bit of high burlesque that has reached the stage since Weber & Fields. at the premiere last night. The an-
fort to choke back screams. That swer to it was in a combination of
was just one of many scares legiti- Moss Hart, the author, if lie survives the frowns of Hollywood, will go down in the annals of the
good story, appreciative direction
mately secured and without ugly stage as the man who restored a lost art. He has brought to the theatre in “Once in a Lifetime” and fine performance. It is a Very
gruesomeness. When the bat came a type of entertainment that is toxin long needed to energize and revitalize a body stricken with a fine picture for the very reasons
down the long maguafilm stircase strange and mysterious malady. Patrons of the theatre have long clamored for the needle of satire. that “The Doorway to Hell” was
full tilt at the audience a swell
"Once in a Lifetime” parades a Hollywood that is passing on. Those whom it discloses will be NOT a fine picture, even though it
brunette let out a scream and ired but they will vent a spleen that has dried in the glands. The juniors of production, the second made money. “Little Caesar” does
generation will see the humor and the art of this thing. They will take Sid Grauman by the hand audience to accept a
clutched the writer around the not ask the
neck. That is a way of saying and compliment him on its mounting and presentation. romantic “baby faced killer with
this picture is a swell break for the
— Ted Price. the power of a czar” as fine drama.
bachelor. “Little Caesar” gives me great
glee. It gives me a good! oppor-
A good mystery picture is also a his Everybody was for
brother. or happiness. Branding the boy tunity to crow a little louder that
break for a guy with a blind date. Barber John. They were all at the with the dye of viciousness is pour- fine drama is bigger box office than
It breaks the ice. The brunette station to meet him. John's boy names; that good pictures make
took one look at this writer and let
out a louder scream than she de-
That's one
alone alibied himself out of going
to the station. The sympathy for
Picture ing ink on mud.
names oftener than names make
Alan Divan and Leuore Coffee, good pictures. “Little Caesar” grabs
livered for the Bat. two very intelligent craftsmen, a record without a big name as
Barber John was so great that the
scream the Bat would not ordinari-
ly get —
a break for the theatre.
was some small compensation to
made him
like an

to join
many sequences
in with it
look LEADERS fumbled an opportunity here to 'names” nowadays rate. No
carve themselves
Lubitschs, no Emil Jannings, no
an impressive Zane Greys in thi» opus. Just Le-
the management
they extend me.
for the courtesies
At first glance one would
son’s indifference to his
attri- For the Week niche in the movie hall of fame. To Roy,
a certain degree this story was epi- carry
Robinson and Burnett to
this little Caerar of the
come and thrillers go,
bute the “THE ROYAL FAM- which might be offered
cinema, gentlemen.
father an error in writing and direc- sodical as
Those who were hopped up on
and some make money. The ush- tion; that the director and continu-
ers won’t worry about the Saturday
ity writer might have justified the PARAMOUNT, AND an excuse for
Sawyer” was
its jerkiness.
series of
“Tom the virtues of “The Doorway to
Hell” did another kind of hopping

night pay cheque where they play

“The Bat Whispers.” It is a sure-
boy’s attitude by explaining instead “LITTLE CAESAR,” yet
drove across its story with an my
carcass because I refused to
fire piece of workmanship.
of implying that "eighteen years
The had passed and Barber John was a
throw a rave over it. I maintained
the force and conviction of a chase. .that major values in “The Door-
exhibitor can start spending his
total stranger to his son.” In say-
HEAD THE LIST FOR “War Nurse” is another story en- way to Hell” were devitalized by
profit on it the moment it is
ing that this was implied I call at- THE WEEK. joying the enormous book plug of its deference to name value,
both in
booked. be there in the
It will
tention to the moving shot of the "Mother's Cry,” and “War Nurse” star and title. I still
maintain that
boxoffice when he counts up. would have made more money
surrey rolling down Alain Street and story. In itself the story of dissipated its literary value in like
As to the story of “The Bat old triends calling greeting to Bar- than it did if they hadn’t 'brought
"Mother’s Cry” is so powerful in manner. Inadequate preparation
Whispers,” it was but a slight de- ber John. So much time had elapsed so much of the "Western Front”
arid processing of dramatic values
parture from the conventional mys- since John had seen them last that its appeal that even obvious mis- into it with Lewis Ayres. If you
seems to be the thing that devital-
tery pattern, which matters little. he had to ask his companion who handling failed to retard its ef- ized both. are interested in knowing why I
The point is that it held the audi- the people were hailing him. This fectiveness. defended this (belief go and see
ence breathless with suspense. The These disparagements, however, produced by the
action implied that he would be a The’ picture faded in a street will not detract from the money "Little Caesar,”
grizzly, black, clutching hand com- stranger to his son, but later on, car, 1891 model, and a crowd of making
same company. It is a better pic-
potential of the picture. by their own admission.
ing out of a mysteriously opened when father and son come face to merrymakers singing, “A Bicycle There was much choking back of ture
panel, the thunder and lightning face, the effectiveness of the impli- Built for Two” and what promised sobs and grief over the mother-suf-
Whether it will net more lies in
crash at the moment of highest cation was dissipated by the one to be a composition and character-
comparative production cost.
tension, the message of warning
fering. The tears of mothers in Little. Caesar pushes this, picture
word “father.” The years he had ization in the delicate tints and
the audience served to bring a hush off with a gas station robbery in
wrapped around a pebble and been absent were almost obliterated highlights of a chromo in pastel.
of respect despite questioning the sticks. He declares his ambi-
crashed through a window, the per- by their nearness and the knowl- Fading out on two posters of Mc-
glances and uncontrollable restless- tion over a cup of coffee in a
secuted heroine and the frightened edge that the same blood ran in Kinley and Bryan opposed for the
constable. ness on the part of many. lunch wagon and reaches his goal
All present in familiar their veins. It made the son’s cold- presidency and a bulbous-cheeked
guise but skillfully blended. fathead yelling for McKinley be- in a futuristically designed apart-
ness hard to accept.
As to the cast, no single mem- had justified the cause “he wanted his beer.” A “ROYAL FAMILY OF ment house and the leadership of
If the father
ber seemed to feature. Chester boy’s coldness and diffidence by
prohibition thrust sadly out of BROADWAY” the North Side. He finishes a
Morris did not appear to advan- place. Raucous burlesque of 1931. Paramount Feature crumpled heap of ebbing life be-
saying immediately after his depar- hind a billboard riddled with ma-
tage because his work was veiled ture that “eighteen years have
A beautiful scene unnecessarily FOX’S CRITERION
smudged. chine-gun bullets. His glazed eyes
in the mystery of his character and passed and I am a stranger” instead (Reviewed Jan. 26)
lips read astonishment
dominated by the suspense attend- of excusing his son because he was
Later on, a prospective son-in- “See yourselves as others see and bloated
law, looking over the family al- you,” is the message “The Royal when he realizes that it is the
ing the action, which incidentally “just a boy” it woUld have carried lium, observes on seeing- a naked Family ;

of Broadway” conveys to end of

Little Caesar. Simple story?
is a fine indorsement of story con- more conviction. This failure to baby picture of his sweetheart that the actor. “Get a glimpse of the Very. And the only machine gun
struction and direction. Maude
Eburne, as the frightened maid,
give a more clarifying emphasis to
the real reason for the boy’s atti-

she “hasn’t changed a bit that private life of any family of tlies- I saw in the picture was operated
is, her face.” Cracks of that odor piaris horn to the curtain call,” is by a detective of police. But how
stood out and is ready for -heftier tude is not, however, the basic cause are looked at askance even in its communication to the public. It can a gang picture be great with
parts. When she cracked that of the picture’s one weakness. This vaudeville. The remark here was is a picturesque and faithful por- only one machine gun in it?
“The Bible is on the ouija-board to is merely incidental justification. more to be regretted because the trayal o( the blue bloods of the the-
Icccp it quiet,” the house rocked.
You wouldn’t believe me if I
Barber John’s boy of the fiction baby picture in itself gathered a atre listening, to the newest musical told you.
Spencer Charters, as the caretaker, sufficient and refreshing laugh.
version made the Phillips Holmes’ score from Vienne while they help
beld up his. assignment nobly. He There are many instances of bad themselves to a buffet lunch of ham,
personality look assinine, because
is recommended for rotes that will Holmes the actor is intelligent, taste in this picture. The "bad one” green onions arid pumpernickle set
give his, comedy potentialities more
manly and courageous and Barber in the family, the black sheep who out on the piano top. Presentations
elbow room. wound up in prison death row, was
John's boy of the story version was Perfection is a state of mind and
The new magnafilm presentation weakling and “just a altogether too vicious and brutal in not of being and not to my knowl-
no doubt a
completely filled the stage opening.
boy.” The banker who magnani- his treatment of his mother. It is edge has it been achieved outside of LOVE LETTERS IDEA
.Objects and humans stood out with
mously hired the boy whom nobody well to create sympathy for the a dream but in this production of Loew’s State I
satisfying clarity. I recommend would give work, and the father, mother, but wholly unnecessary for the Royal Family it comes so close LOS ANGELES
magnafilm for mystery stuff. Pho- who forgave his son, tried nobly to dramatic- purposes to so vilify the to flawless realization it will have (Reviewed Tan. 29)
tographic embellishments and make the audience- believe that he son. Waywardness and weak moral to do until something better comes When Bert Hollowed syncopates
mountings were augmented without was “just a boy.” The handicap fibre in a son arc enough of a tribu- along. “The Royal Family of or philharmoriizes a Rhapsody of
distortion. This picture presenta- was too great, not only for a great lation, a trial and a menace to moth- Broadway” wings to a place away the South, mister its a Southern
tion is one of the best coming out up there in the front rank of fine Rhapsody and music that socks in-
director, a clever dialogue writer,
of the United Artists studio in performance and direction on sev- to every corner of the listening
but a cast of fine actors.
months. eral counts. It pictures the acting throng. This boy knows how to
The major error was in casting. fraternity being themselves, con- lay it out and serve it up. Another
Responsibility for this leaves the
“MAN TO MAN” bag standing wide open and no one
stantly suspended between make high spot on the program was the
(Barber John’s Boy) believe and reality. It presents a Hollywood Hill Billies, and a
holding it. It is no fault q) the
phase of theatre life that has not as yodcicr who made those Swiss Alps
’Warner Bros. Holly wGod casting office. occurs to
It me that
yet been exposed to public view; turns in the upper register with the
Reviewed Jan. 23 it was a misappraisal of values. and high time that it was because cast of a bird. This whole troup of
Here is a poser for you; a pic- Phillips Holmes is good box office. it is the very essence of drama. songsters and instrumentalists work
ture that fixes interest all the way, His billing was essential, yet the Some may carry home the belief as though they enjoyed it and they
yet fails to win unalloyed approval. Warner Brother’s reputation for that this is the story of the Drews got the same reaction from the
Compelling in its drama, artistic in turning out grade “A” pictures com- and Barrymores. Perhaps it is but audience.
its direction, dialoging and charac- bined with Grant Mitchell’s superb much riiore, it is the story o,f any If all of the F. and M. Ideas
terization, yet failing to inspire the performance, would have justified profession vainly trying to pull up come through as colorful and en-
unstinted praise you want to be- sacrificing the Holmes billing to a the roots of its heritage. To fit it- tertaining as this one I am strongly
stow’ upon it. "Man to Man" may personality that was more of "just self into a life that life has not for a straight Idea policy. The
easily send you out of the theatre a boy.” fitted it for. It spells the futility of sparkle and vitality of action, move-
with the impression that you have It’s an open question. trying to find happiness in a world ment and talent backed up by these
-seen a masterpiece. This was my not its own. It is the eternal con- F. and M. settings and blendings
-fleeting reaction. warm flict between the glamour of the augments stage entertainment im-
wine of good direction and acting.
I to the “MOTHER’S CRY” your name appears in theatre arid the lure of the green measurably. This Love Letter Idea
This one had it. yet it left me with WARNER BROS. DOWN- this column, Inside pastured monotony of lay existence. opened up with a love letter big
s slightly flat taste.
TOWN And habit wins. enough to record the affairs of
I consulted the opinion of brother
(Reviewed Jan. 23)
The story version of “Mother's
Facts considers you "To bed, to bed, to eat, to eat.” Clara Bow. After advising the
showmen, on the deficiencies of this Every utterance and movement in payees what it was going to be per
Cry” dramatizes the cycle of eligible for pictures. the posturing, the stridence and the rhythm way and some neat tap-
splendid production .though a nega- mother life, its eternal sacrifice,
gesturing of a role. Taking a bath, ping they pulled away to a colonial
tive audience reaction graphically the meager joys and the inspiring Robert Sinclair entering the parlor, consciously set, full stage, of a class that made
revealed them. The concensus of patience of it in a way that gives Who played “Lester Vail” in playing a part. The theatre is their the Fanchon outfit famous. Mem-
disapproval fastened itself upon one a full and satisfying picture of “Once in a Lifetime,” Wednes- hobby, their diversion, their job and ory Lane, appealing as ever, arid a
characterization. Barber John’s normal motherhood but the pic- day evening, substituting for their religion. Ever of the theatre ballet dancer in white plumes with
cronies and leading townspeople had ture version is jerky and inade- Moss Hart, who was ill. He but never a moment theatrical. Al- kicks as graceful as the undula-
condoned a crime he had committed quate. Dialoging and direction in directed the play in New York ways real arid very human. A tions of the plumes.
eighteen years before in taking the this picture is either not suited and also here. splendid play. The audience ap- Sixteen girls were next in mili-
life of a “bad guy” who had killed to or out of sympathy with the plauded it. (Continued on Page 7.)

Saturday, January 31, 1931 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Page Five

Harold Bock

©35 Market St.
Phone Douglas 2213

I i

Market Street Gleanings
s E
OUT S 57,11 FOB
. Jan. 29. Haley is the new head of Sherman Clay’s employees’ asso-
ciation . . . George Beale now here as United Press rep . , . Tiger Thompson and frail inspecting the
new Paramount with Dick Spier and what a classy joint that will be Rufus Freiling has trans-
ferred his stage doorman activities from the Fox to the Warfield Frank O’Neill busted out with
. . .

. . .
. . .

B. 0. II
a new prop mustachio last week ... it is thought that Bob “Three Door” Gilmour was at the Whit-
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 22.— comb last Saturday night but there's no proof. Bob Tolies, doorman at the Golden Gate, tus-
. . . . .
After a straight sound policy for sled with a taxi and lost he’ll be back to work this week . . . . . .
While other houses held to an av-
about a year the Orpheum goes Emil Umann back in town and fit as a fiddle. Bill Wolf and Jack Gross in a weighty confer- . .

flesh February' 7 with opening of ence re “Cimarron” Vic Heras (Iieras and Wallace) and Larry Ceballos are old childhood bud-
. . .
erage pace, the Fox jumped out of
Radio’s smash flicker, “Cimarron.”. dies May Sewall
. . is now secretary to Selby Oppenheimer
. she was formerly at the Pantages . . . the ranks and turned things topsy-
Bud Murray, Los Angeles dance . . Herb Rosner of the Columbia Theatre is in L. A. with “Lost Sheep” for a couple of weeks
. . .
turvy with a smashing business on
director, will stage a prologue with Jim Yoman is always on time you can set your watch on his arrival at the Capitol Gus Temps
. . . . . .

about SO people and an 18-piece or- “Reducing,” minus stage shows,

looks younger every day Bob Spencer and Nat Goldstein double-o’ing the Green Street
. . .
. . .

chestra will be in the pit under the Gene McCormick now sports a naked upper lip anybody like to buy a half interest in a pee . . .
but -withan impressive condensed
baton of Uzia Bermani. former con- wee golf course? ... a local booking office is selling coffee as well as acts A1 Pinetti, Val Va- . . . version '“Faust” conducted by-
cert orchestra director at the Pal- lente and Bill Foy in a huddle at the Roof Garden as to whether or not Tommy Harris should work
ace Hotel,
Walt Roesner. House was packed
in a spot Joe Mealy’s smiling countenance again graces film row at Educational
. . . Walt Roes- . . .

ner’s trick chair in his dressing room at the Fox gets another sucker early in the afternoons and nights
Orpheum, operating on a straight “Buss” McClelland replete . . .

sound policy, has fought a losing from bowler to spats doing a slide in the stage door to make schedule Torrey “Buttercup” Rob- . . .
allweek long and §57,000 was the
business battle since RK.O bought erts gazing at the tall buildings after his return from up-country Joaquin Garay proudly playing . . . figure.Mighty sweet. “Reducing’^
the house from- Pantages but with a recording of his voice, just another good banjo player gone wrong Don Waite histing his daily . . .

is being moved down

did so well it
flesh augmenting an okay lineup of seideli of beer at Taits-next-to-the-Davies George Taylor’s usual armful of fan-mail, his only reli- . . .

the street to the California, and

pictures, including the LTnited Art- gion outside of poker Bob Drady’s “yes, we have no ducats” at our beloved Civic Auditorium
. . . . . .
Garbo in “Inspiration” is current
ists crop, better box office results
are -anticipated. at the Fox.
San Fra ncisco is prettyr well up Meanwhile Clara Bow’s latest,
ou its entertainment by now,,
flesh "No Limit,” did a very nice busi-
there being orchestra or stage of- ness for Loew’s Warfield with
ferings in Loew’s Warfield, Fox, Fanchon and Marco’s “Icy Hot
Fox El Capitan. RKO
Golden Gate, Idea” and Rube Wolf, m. c., ins
Paramount and California.
Only- support. Red-headed “It” gal
first run house without an orches-
tra is the St. Francis, showing for-
Eastbay Theatre Guild went
of the
Jan. 29. — Formation pulled in §26,000, which is a satis-
factory gross. Bancroft in “Scan-
eign pictures. Sheet” holds the Warfield
through this week and the Fulton
now operating as a guild house, German

SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29.— is
screen now.
GETS APPOINTMENT Plans are rapidly progressing to-
sponsored by some of the city’s
Grand Opera season closed Rest of the town wasn’t so hot,
ward the February 22 opening of last night with only a moderately Orpheum drawing a mere $10,000
social luminaries.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 9.— Kolb and Dill's show, “Apron
George Ebey and Ed Ilog/rty
successful, four days to its credit. on “Beau Ideal.” It’s being held
Harry Ettling quits show business Strings,” at the Geary. Frank B. Current season marked the first over for a second week merely to
continue to operate the legit house,
for at least four weeks when he Hill has been signed as manager severe competition between grand mark time before the February 6
and Helen Johnson and Clarence but Guild members will have a
takes, up his duties this week as opera groups, when the Chicago ppening of "Cimarron” with stage
of clays and cast.
assistant superintendent of state Nordstrom added to the cast. Leo hand in selection* * * Civic Opera Co. unleashed an ad- shows. “Cimarron” is getting more,
highways in Pasadena under a re- Flanders will handle orchestral vance publicity and sales campaign billboarding and advance publicity
cent appointment given him by music.
Now well set in his managerial that was a body blow to the than any Radio picture yet, and it
Governor Rolph. FIttling is a for- No curtains will drop between capacity at the Roxie, Lew Osterle Deutschland crew. _ looks like is going out after RKO
mer deckhand here and *<?- the acts; instead intermissions will fea- is going great guns on publicity for M
any German tickets were business for its upper "Market
his first-run house, playing United
past 17 years has staged the annual ture vocal ensemble work by a turned back in preference to the street house. Fox’s California car-
New Year’s show for inmates of mixed group of singers. A Coast Artists pictures. Chicago company* which offered a ried off a fair §11,000 on “Mother’s
“HelJ’s Angels” is now in its
San Quentin. tour is planned to follow the local more impressive lineup of talent Cry” and then temporarily goes
run of three or more weeks. fourth and last week and will be
and operas. There were a lot of second run for "Reducing.”
followed February S with “Lin-
DOCTOR-WRITER DIES coln.” Osterle was formerly with
harsh words tossed back and forth.
. - , - ,

Charles D.
Jan. 29.—
Pantages in Los Angeles.
* * * AM
McGcttigan, the new and
physician, known also for
his -au-
F Leo Carrillo .returns Oakland to novel in portraiture is a busi-
February 1 in “Mister Antonio” at ness. My art department- being on
thoring “Quien
of Sabe" and the verge of strike from over-
the Fulton.
‘'Spurs,” both comedies, and co- * * t-
work and my own nerves (?) be-
authorship of “Happy Days,” a ing worn to a frazzle. Inciden-
musical comedy, died at his home Hermie King will return in three tally. can use a few representatives

weeks to sell PICT O GRAPHS to the un-

here this week. to his music directing- duties
SAN FRANCISCO, initiated. Bee-u-ti-ful women will
Jan. 29.— at the Fax Oakland. In the in- f’Tt the prefemece. Being funny
Roof Garden swings into action terim John Colletti is conducting. SAN FRANCISCO, that way.
.SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 22.— this *
Jan. 29.—
Dick Parks' colored walkathon has week with a floor show and * *
Umann has returned to the
had the ton-
advertising, campaign that are ex-
silsamputated. You should see
•closed at National Hall after an Nick Sturiale’s orchestra at the Orpheum where he succeeds Char- my scars.
okay run of some sixty days. pected to pull plenty of business Orpheum has been enlarged to 14 lie Leonard as maestro of public .TACK GROSS is all agog over
for that up and coming night spot. men. “CIMARRON.” which opens at
Walkathon at the Golden Gate relations. the ORPHEUM Fehruarv 7th.
ballroom is still going.
Tommy Harris is doubling in
Umann was formerly with Rod- My pair HARRY STERN, who
from KFRC to handle the vocaliz- I raised on EAGLE BRAND, pens
ing and Dot Ray is handling a line ney Pantages at the F'ox Fan, Hol- me that he will entertain my
ESTELLE REED of six girls and staging numbers.
She was formerly Pearl Eaton’s
LEGIT EPEES 1 lywood, and prior to that was at
the Orpheum when it was the Pan-
XOS ANGELES sweetheart for me.
The- s n ak/' -in - the - gv ass.
GEORGE TAYLOR held a queen
STUDIO assistant on the Radio lot.
The day Umann hung up his hat
the other nate in competition
four tens. Moral stick to —
Specifrt Limited Course in Ah Pinetti put out a flock of 24 he plunged into a lot of work on
^ew Movement of the Dance Art sheets this week plugging the cafe, JAY PERRY SILVEY
466 Geary St.
Phone PRospect
* 0842
Va! Valente’s music and Harris’
singing. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29.—
Radio’s “Cimarron” which opens
February 7 backed by a gigantic Inside Facts- Temporarily
publicity campaign.
Taek the sum total of last week’s
AIDING OPENING local legit grosses, add them up,
In all the
find no theatrical hos-
and what have you? Darn little.
With four houses dark, two of

telry so modern, so lux-

With successful opening campaigns them temporarily, there wre but
created and costumed all dance numbers now en tour Fox
in Visalia, Turlock and Stockton three shows running: Mitzi Hajo.s
urious, so reasonable as to his credit, George Roesch, as- in “Gypsy Adair” at the Columbia; Circuit with F. M/s “Brunettes’* Idea &
the sistant divisional advertising man- fourth and final week of “Torch STUDIO—545 SUTTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO
ager of FWC, has gone to Vallejo Song” at Duffy’s Alcazar, and Sid
to aid in the new Fox opening. Goldtree's “Hi Diddle Diddle” at


the Green Street.
“Torch Song” was plenty weak



at §4000 for the Alcazar and Mitzi
grossed around $8500 for the Co-
lumbia. Goldtree’s tiny Green
Antoine De Valley is at the Fox Street did around $1500 on “Hi
stage and radio
for artists of as director of tableaux for the con- Diddle Diddle.” Offering Solos Special Novel Arrangements—
densed opera now being staged “Porgy” opens Monday night at Just Closed 34 Weeks
there. Charles Fallon is assistant. the Geary and “Up Pops the Devil”
at the Curran.
Clinton’s Powell St. Cafeteria, San Francisco
FRIGIDAIRE BACK AT CURRAN Address: Inside Facts, San Francisco
NEAR ALL THEATRES Frank Bruner, here as manager of
“The Shyster” has returned to the SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29.—
Polk and Turk Sts.
the Devil.”
in charge of “Up Jumps Rumors were
various operators were taking over
rife this week that George and Florence Barclay
the President, former Duffy legit
n o w associate d
San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29.— house, but to date none of the
Joe Wright opens February 2 at many supposed deasl have gone
Phone Ordway 1404 the Balconades Ballroom with an through. United Artists, A1 Levin 1417 7th Avenue— Seattle
11 piece dance combo. He will be and others were mentioned as pos- One of the finest theatrical producing dance studios
“You’ll Meet Your Friends succeeded at the new Bagdad Ball- sible seekers of the house, which is
oil the Pacific Coast .•

There” owned by the Winship Estate. “Regards to our many friends in Los Angeles”
room by Johnny Tisserand’s or-
chestra. House is still dark.


J. D. MARTIN STUDIOS 4110-18 Sunset Boulevard

OLympia 1101

Paee Six INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Saturday, January 31, 1931


Donald and Frankie

One Year -
Published Every Saturday
- $4.00 Foreign - $5.00
a legit show,
thored by
are. planning
the latter,
production of
Bottles,” au-
it was re- I
Advertising Rates on Application
ported this week.
Established 1924 Plans for rtie production are still
Art That Is Not Good Boxoffice
.As a weekly publication Entered as Second Class Matter, April in an extremely early stage, with

29, 1927, at the" Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act neither date nor place set.
of March 3, 1,879.
The play was written by Guy a Mingling with the learned people raised' to the level of an art in
Published by year ago, but at that time he could of the non-professional world, the ‘The Birth of a Nation.’” “What
INSIDE FACTS PUBLISHING CO. not find a backer for it. It deals powerful minority who shape the about Charles Chaplin’s stage pan-
230 Bank of Hollywood Building, Hollywood, Calif. with racketeers and bootlegging, thoughts of those who make pic- tomime of a night in an English
Telephone HEmpstead 8797 the locale being backstage. Now ture production profitable, I ant music hall? That tid-bit preceded
with the ever-increasing interest in constantly reminded that the audi- the D. W. Griffith spectacle by
Downtown Office: 809 Warner Bros. Downtown Theatre Building many
racketeering, both Guy and Galla- ble motion picture is not consid- years, as did many other
JACK JOSEPHS - - President and Editor her consider the time fully ripe for ered art, just boxoffice. Usually I screen pantomimes considered ar-
ALAN EDWARDS Secretary and Business Manager giving the show a break. am the lone showman
in the midst tistic.”.“But Chaplin is a clown,”
Sol Magnus is working with of august non-pros, and their
the is the reply. Then skillful clown-
VoL XIII Saturday, January 31, 1931 “No. 4 Guy on rewriting the show to give argument, carrying weight of num- ing is not an art because it is
it the latest racketeer twists. bers and vast scientific knowledge, clowning. If this be true then
Gallaher is stage director of leaves my idea of art badly bruised only the serious is artistic and
Harry Green’s “The Ambulance and my defense of cinema art un- those comical Dutch paintings
Chaser.” Frankie Guy was form- convincing. Just the same, I in- hanging in the. Royal Galleries are
erly a writer for Fox Pictures. tend to carry on in the belief that imposters. It would be silly to
the talking motion picture is today discuss art in this vein.
the finest and most flexible medium Skill and skill alone determines
through which the art of the drama the status of any medium of ex-
has so far been presented. Any pression. Shaw in print reaches a
Cyrus H. K. Curtis, president of the Curtis Publishing- thought pro or con on the subject high level in the art of satire.
Company, is a man to whom one listens with respect. Such will be welcome. When the satire of Shaw emerges
is the power of success. My argument is that a picture from print to appear on the stage,
Therefore, we herein reprint sentiments he expressed this
[ must he art to be good boxoffice. no amount of bungling in the de-
To strengthen my position I sought livery of his wit can detract from
week at a businessmen’s meeting in Philadelphia. Picture Receipts the definition of art as it applies to his individual rank as an artist. His

The moral of Curtis’ talk is' that advertising will make Paramount and “Blue Angel” took the stage and screen. Immediately art can be augmented by skillful
direction, performance and mount-
fortunes. the lead for the week with the sur- a broad, basic definition of “Art”
prise figure of $31,000 for the Jan- was requested from these fine peo- ing and the composite boosts Shaw
"Everything that is done is built on advertising and in-
nings-Dietricb combination. The top ple an impenetrable intellectual fog
to the highest level of art. To the
telligent advertising will make your fortunes,” he told the take for Specials went to Grauman’s descended. Brows went up. Scalp degree that he is skillfully present-
gathering. Chinese with “Trader Horn.” The lines twitched profoundly. Brows ed his is an art.
check-up was $37,344, which is con- pushed higher, but the fog did not Many Disagreements
Curtis concluded by declaring that the policy of some We do not all relish the same
sidered excellent business for this lift.
advertisers to save expenses by cutting down on their ad- house. Ttie second gross under the Many Opinions
things: Degrees of understanding
vertising is “foolish.” determine our likes. Ibsenites quar-
wire was “Passion Flower,” featur- “Art is a symposium of the beau- rel with the disciples of Shaw.
Kay Francis and Charles Bick- ing
tiful and the damned,” said one. Every form of entertainment gath-
ford under the Loew's State banner
“No,” protested another, “Art .is ers its own protagonists. There is
for $24,809, which is not considered
the essence of human conflict dra- no accounting for tastes. An audi-
good business for this house. matized.” “No,” objected a third, ence vehemently pro-Shavian will
“Mother’s Cry” and “Man to Man,”
“dramatic art is a great thought in manifest a healthy disgust for any-
two Warner Brothers’ productions the brain of a great, gay, sad man.” thing that pretends to approximate
that were touted for big money failed
“No. Art is emotion given mean- Shaw. The Little Theatre, the
deliver “Mother's Cry” took $9,600
The saddest commentary made on Hollywood for some to ;
ing.” “No. Art is truth.” “No, temple of Pure Art, has many
for the Downtown and “Man to Man”
time was the notation by certain local daily paper critics did only $10,100 for the Hollywood art is illusion given reality.” “No, times failed miserably to interpret
that the picture magnates and higher execs seemed to enjoy house. Last week the Hollywood house Ibsen is art.” “No, the talking Shaw. They failed to arouse a fa-
picture lias not raised the drama to
“Once iti a Lifetime” and were not angry at its satirical did $17,000 and the Downtown $16,000, the level of an art.” “Nuts!” some- vorable reaction to their portrayal
which reveals a decided drop for the one said, and left of his satire. Their -intentions were
thrusts. « for a movie, fol- lofty, yet one cannot sincerely per-
closing bills,
What then did they expect? Newspapermen certainly en- lowed by lofty frowns.,,; mit them to assume the pose of
“Bat” Held Over
joyed “The Front Page,” and no one expected them to be “The Bat Whispers,” a mystery There need be no confusion over artists merely because they have
angry gangsters are said to be -enthusiastic patrons of thriller featuring Chester Morris, the definition of art. There is noth- associated themselves with Shaw.
ing vague or illusive about it. The Thus skill is the measure and the '

gangster plays, both dramatic and comic, and show people holds for another week $17,000 was word has a tangible, basic and gauge of art. As for Art and Box

the total collected, an increase of

are not expected to exhibit wrath at “The Royal Family” The key to Office, the twain meet with sur-
$3,000 over the preceding week. Ron- practical application.
and other backstage material. ald Colman follows in on Feb. 6th its application lies in the word prising regularity. The so-called
"Skill.” Art is knowledge skill- commercial stupidity regretted by
But pur reviewers seem to think that the picture pro- with “The Devil to Pay.”
Another surprise on the week’s fully applied for a desired result. the Beatons of the theatrical world
ducers are above these other classes of humanity that they —
check-up was the Egyptian dome $7.- The result desired in any form of are but chimeras rarely separate. —
are of such Olympian proportions that thunderbolts shall dart 909 with “Reducing,” the M-G-M entertainment is to secure a maxi- Skillful art and good boxoffice pres-
from their eyes if one dares analyze them; that any word comedy with Marie Dressier. This mum audience sympathy, interest entation of stage and screen plays
and appeal. If the medium of ex- are invariably money-makers, “Hol-
of criticism of them should be considered sired by lese ma- gross is an increase of $4,665 over
which collected pression, whether it be painting, iday,” “The Divorcee,” “All. Quiet
jesty and foaled by disrespect for the first commandment. the preceding week,
$3,244 with tlie Paramount-Ed Wynn sculpture, spoken or silent drama, On the Western Front,” “The
And" the worst of it is the producers generally seem to comedy, “Follow the Leader.” fails in this desire to the degree Right to Love,” “Tom Sawyer,”
share this opinion. $7909 For Carthay then it falls short of being art. “Outward Bound,” are perfect ex-
Upon what meat has Caesar fed that he is grown so Carthay Circle collected $7,909 for How About These? amples of cinema art. All were
the final week of “Lightnin’,” which It was said that “Pantomime was boxoffice successes. I

great? The answer is easy: upon the fodder of adulation, Anne Hard-
lias enjoyed a long run.
vessing, and that inherent ego that has driven them to ing and “East Lytle” move in. RKO
business success. But the soil has been the verdant soil of with the “Royal Bed,” featuring Low-


Hollywood and like unto it there is nothing else in the ell Sherman, and Vaudeville did $10,
848 for the week. Pantages and Ruth
Chatterton in “The Right to Love”
The Stock Market
grossed $14,490. The Criterion did
$6,752 for the last week of Gaynor- By H. F. CHRISTY tion.
Farrell reunion in “The Man Who Banks, Huntley & Co. Whatever may
A Lilliput Crew Came Back.” “Beau Ideal," the sequel
“Beau Gest,” at the RKO Orpheum door sport of forecasting price
did $8,912.
Although not considered movements in the stock market is,
The profession, vocation, or in-
this article
velop into as time goes on, we shall
endeavor to keep it from degenerat-
ing into anything in the nature of

a holdover it will carry on at the Or- at the present time, just about the is. pos-a tipping service. So far as
Vet why carp, split hairs and cavil at the peculiarities of pheum until the premiere of “Cimar- worst overworked calling known to. impres- sible it will mirror our own
the Cinema Capital? The little critics, both professional and ron.” mankind. Amateur Babsons and of the broader trends and sions
amateur, who come with pea-shooters in one hand and Moodys have sprung up in almost longer range aspects of the stock

“fundamental reconstruction” schemes in the other, are so M-G-M LINES UP

untold numbers in every hamlet in market. Suffice it to say for this

the United States. The chaarcter time that in our opinion we are
many LiUiputs hurling daffodils at a Juggernaut. BIG VIA IN BREAK
of the advice may have deteriorated entering a period of extreme dull-
Hollywood is
to some extent but at least a wide NAVY ness with price fluctuations in the
because evolution lias demanded
it is
diversity of opinion is available. next feyv. months within rather nar-
it. It is not Louis B. Mayer, nor Adolph Zukor, nor
voung Whether Louis B. Mayer, Repub- Every casual acquaintance has a row limits, with a probable moder-
Carl Laemmle, nor any director, writer or cameraman who lican National Committeeman, whis- very fixed opinion of the market in ate down trend. believe, how- We
has brought -the picture game to its present definition. They pered soft words in the car of Pres- general, or of some specific stock ever, that in the broad sense stocks
put out the kind of pictures they do because they cannot do ident Herbert Hoover, or otherwise, or stocks, which he is glad to ex- are in a range which thoroughly
M-G-M is getting a break which is pound at great length to the world justifies accumulation of well de- '

otherwise. It is an economic action and reaction: when

a break from the U. S. Navy. in general, with or without provoca- flated issues for the long pull.
people are oppressed and sad, they want to laugh; when they The technical crew of "The Plell
are happy they lend a more willing ear to the tragedies of Diver” is to go to Panama aboard
the Saratoga and Lexington, carrier
others. For years the American demand has been for com- Louis Cohen, head of the realty
ships, and will photograph all man-
ed.Y with the arrival of the depression, comedy has gained Master Art Productions are pre- department of the Fox West Coast
euvers in Panaman waters to incor-
even more ground. The mushiness of films represents vi- paring a series of two-reel, all Theatres, has returned from the
porate into the Ars Gratia Artis
color, subjects depicting American east. Reports are circulating that a
cariously the disappoined love lives of the picture audiences feature film, which is to feature
history. The series is to be done big deal is pending, but what or
the two-gun caperings of some Tom Mix or Floot Gibson Wallace Beery. when, not stated.
in 'Harriscolor.
represent by flex and reflex the timidity of hundreds of
thousands of petty clerks whose sole achievement is holding-
on to some meager, ratted job, and whose biggest thrills— SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29-

deleterious or otherwise are losing or finding a job. Bill Wiemann. general
ager of the Edw. Marks Music Co.,
sales man-
ho the producers should -neither be blamed nor praised
for the fundamentals of their pictures. They can no more
was here this week and appointed
'Billy Purcell local representative.
Purcell is headquartered at the
change the course of picture events than George IV or
Broder music store. From here Making Special Low Theatrical Rates
Louis XVI could prevent the coming of democracy, or the Wiemann goes toLos Angeles and
Czar the advent of bolshevism. Evolution moves on and
so, we repeat, the carping little critics of Hollywood are
— then to New York. Wire, Write, Phone for Reservations

shooting their spitballs at a juggernaut which neither Heaven Plerbert Brenon’s next RKO 5724 Sunset Blvd. Hollywood, Calif.
picture will be “The Next Cor-
nor earth can halt. So why waste so much ink? ner.”
Saturday, January 31, 1931 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Paue Seven

with Rube Wolf making him- cored if given the time.

also George tion of the hand ... an action that
self felt at the box office. Fanchon is well liked in these parts. won a flock of laughs for him. In-
and Marco’s “Icy Hot Idea” done Hermie King eliminated the or- cluded in the turn were two girls
by Larry Ceballos, held the stage. chestra overture to offer a piano- who contributed singing and hoof-
The famed Ceballos dance rou- logue, and went one hundred per ing, tod two heavies who worked
tines were more or less familiar, with Besser.
(Continued from Page 4) “MUSICAL TUG OF WAR” most of them having- been done by
cent of the way in satisfaction.
The Ross Wyse, Jr., act with Mr.
tary blue short skirts led by a danc- Paramount “Three Little Words” and “An-
the former Warner director in vari-
chors Aweigh” used, and the pa- and Mrs. Ross Dyse served as an
ing chappie in white, also military. (Reviewed Jan. 29) ous Hollywood shows and pictures. excellent means of exhibiting the
A minstrel of the old days held The Paramount stage show this Show opened with the line in a trons ate it up. varied talents of young Wyse who
week took off with Earl Burnett rain number that segued into a. spot, Paul Pierce and Peck LaZelle of-
them with a voice and wit both mu- had the tag lines of every gag' and
and his Hotel Biltmore Orchestra. for Betty Lou Webb, who, attired fered a smart tap specialty, while the featured spot when it came to
sical to the ear. This big good na- in male evening attire, did “Here Sam Brown and M. Curry present- some okay hoofing. Kid's best stuff,
They ushered in the week’s
tured, pleasing and personable end Comes the Sun.”- contributing' a bit ed a good eccentric.
stay with a cross apron neon strip however, was his acrobatic, and
man without the cork don’t know — and an illusion of the orchestra of hoofing and later returning for
a drunk version of the same tune.
The 16 Sunkist Beauties looked contortion work, the latter feats be-
his name as Loe*w’s State doesn’t coming from a great distance that like the money. ing a great closer for the turn when
Here Wolf interrupted the show
put out a dope sheet to critics is a —
was very effective. This was fol-
lowed by a medley and a series. of for a musical episode that included
Oxman. he made a complete backward and
around turn of his body as he
magnetic natural. He did “Stay in a medley of classics followed by a
Burnett specialties that have aU picked a handkerchief off the floor
vour own back yard’’ a la voice and ways found favor and didn’t fail to pop tune, “My Ideal,’’ which Ifar- with his mouth as he stood solidly
goaled ’em. His. gag material, too, here. Well received. old Harris’, sang and Rube trum- Vaudeville on his feet.
peted. Frank DeVoe was on early for
was effective but the old boy is a It was nip and tuck between Os-
Picking up the thread of the Idea this supper show and worked easily,
bit too ornery for the average audi- car Baum, the orchestra leader, and again LeGrohs came on for their RKO
Con Maffie at the console. A nice chanting but three pop tunes. Will
ence. Weed that material, fella, enough novelty this “Tug of War’’
great work, the backbends of the SAN FRANCISCO White was at the piano.
you're capable enough showman taller man of the trio being one of (Reviewed Jan. 28) Hap Hazard opened with a
and performer. You don’t need so and interesting, ’but if you ask me show’s highlights. Larry Ceballos’ Despite the fact that there were (Continued on Page 10)
I believe the Paramount patron-
much of that blue stuff. w. k. black and white number and no big flashes or smashes this was
get a bigger entertainment kick
The Idea this week closed with ageout of these two showmen when
then Vic Heras and Caesar Wal- a neat, pleasing vaude bill with
an Air Mail setting and the danc- lace came on for their comedy acro- plenty of laughs spotted through- Artistic Scenic Advertising
they work individually., A contest batic. work of show stopping pro- out. and all acts getting over
ing ensemble white costumed and well. Curtains
between two musical personalities, portions.
on rolling skates, with two acro- Laugh hit of the entire opera was By Far the Best in America
each a great entertainer in his own Wolf again picked uo his trumpet Joe Besser, who, with a company
batic femmes doing their stuff in a CURTAIN PRIVILEGES
right, is novel, we repeat, but not
trapezeial airplane above. Dance practical. It would and this time did “My Baby Just of four, unfurled a comedy charac- BOUGHT FOR CASH
take a Morris Cares for Me,” working it into a terization with some breezy lines
numbers on rollers is risky and OR SCENERY
Gest to blend an organ-orchestra novelty number with all the band. that totaled about IS minutes of
tricky and the girls deserve a great
contest properly for the effect de-
big hand for holding the number up Betti' Lou Webb returned and with continual haw-haws. The rotund
as capably as they did. Not a hitch
sired, or deserved.
A covered wagon prologue with
the girls did an episode reminiscent
“Turn on the Heat”' for a flash
Besser’s portrayal of a nance Ca- Chas. F. Thompson
and I was all nervous waiting for of nadian mounty was a pip and one
spills. Dandy show.
an octet of banjoing cowboys. They closer. that should win a permanent and Scenic Co.
do it well the twang and strum way. B ,:k. outstanding niche for him when he
“The Lone Pine Rangers’’ they 1215 Bates Avenue
Hollywood and the movie
577 Geary St.

San Francisco
are a
themselves, pardner, and they

roundup. FOX EL CAPITAN gag line in his “cra-a-zy” accom-
dios. In addition
he had a great Phone OLympia 2914
Hollywood, Calif.
Franklin 2562 The maestro of this bunch brought SAN FRANCISCO
panied by ail upward swooping mo-
Acrobatic, Stage, Tap, Rhythm, on Don Cummings, the w. k. rope (Reviewed Jan. 24)
Ballet and Ballroom Dancing twirler, and he filled his spot full Show was wrapped, tiedup and
B«tttirfes for the Theatrical People
Private Lessons by Appointment of the things that surprise audi- carried away tb.y jay Brower, who
Children’s Classes Saturday, ll ences. Marietta, acrobatic dancer, did a pair of. comedy offerings that
Young People’s Clases, Eves., 8 to 11 came on for a routine of bending were absolute show stoppers, dem-
that she seemed to be poured into, onstrating, not only Brower’s popu-

Ann Hofmann
Dance Studio
or floated through or something.
She worked that apron with the
most difficult back bending tricks
and with apparently as much effort
as. waving a greeting to her mother.
larity in this house but his ability
as a creator of laughable comedy.
Elis first was a burlesque on oper-
atic medlies, all lyrics of which
were written by Brower and done
Tommy Harris
Wotta dancer. The Fred Evans by several of the. band boys. It Roller Skating Nightly from
THELMA CROCKER girls were conspicuous again with started out seriously enough but
Tap and Chorus Routine their talent and rhythm. Not a when the m. c. started to play a

Andrew McFarland
thing wrong with this show. ’cello— and not a very good one at
that —
the laughs started heavily and
Acrobatic Tumbling LOEW’S WARFIELD grew as they went. He had to en-
SAN FRANCISCO core and could have done so a sec-
ond time. Second contribution fol-
1151 Market St. (Reviewed Jan. 22)
lowed an Apache sequence and had
SAN FRANCISCO Backed by a plentitude of cur- and Giving All the Publishers a Break
the diminutive Brower with the
Phone UNderhill 1122 rent publicity, Clara Bow in Par’s
husky Pic Smith in a slapstick
for Appointments "No Limit” dragged them into this
rough and tumble affair that was
showhousc for beaucoup returns
apple pie for the Missionites who
like their hokum with a capital H.
Show, staged by Peggy O’Neill,

had Johnny Morris and Edna
Towne" in their familiar comedy
turn; Rudolf and Chiquita in a pair
of dances, Jimmie Barr singing
“Song of the Fool” and Marvin
Jensen a brace of hoofing num-
Relativity But Who Will Discover That

Sydney, Australia
DIRECTOR bers. Sweet Sixteen Sweethearts
did several dances.
Flicker was “J list Imagine”
(Fox). Mel Hertz whammed home
with another of his immensely pop-
Pit Orchestra of 30 Stage Band of 20
ular community signs.
Bock. IS
PARAMOUNT A No. Transport Pilot
1 Rotten Sax Player
SEATTLE Ditto Bridge
(Reviewed Jan. 23) (14 Years Flying. 4 Years
TEL. Not a Rope Spinner
Last week's “Espanola Idea” was Flew All Vodvil Jumps) Writer of Own Material
a hard spot to follow, nevertheless
6121 the “Moonlight Revels” troupe per-
A Great Wire Walker Needs An Agent
formed a pleasing stage show.
Thecast included the Melvin Finishing 4 Years RKO at St. Louis March I5tn Week
Brothers, a trio of fine acrobats
«FACULTY—Bud and Gladys Murray, Byron Cramer— BALLET —Mary ( I
who earned the plaudits of the
Frances Taylor fans, Freda Sullivan, one of
and Owner of Stinson-Detroiter Cabin Plane
PRACTICAL DRAMATICS AND STAGE DANCING the hardest working acrobatic danc- Co-Pilot Mary Hart—Can Handle Plane But Not the Co-Pilot
TAP, Off-Rhythm, “Modernized” BALLET & Acrobatics ers seen here in a long time. Freda
presented a full body twist in her
SCHOOL. 127 Marine St.,
— —
Ocean Park Tel. Santa Monica 63115
presentation and landed solidly
with the folks out front. R.K.O. Hill Street Feb. 12. Wk.
MURRAY SCHOOL” George Broadhurst did some
oF NEW YORK. CHICAGO AND LOS ANGELES snappy stepping and could have en-

CARTON KELSEY Musical Director


The Boy That Sells His Songs With —A Punch

1 1th

Page Eight INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Saturday, January 31, 1931


Ramblin’ with Vi Li

By Vi HEGYI girls. President Hoover will speak

toy By HAROLD BOCK and Jokes” have a 15-minute spot
United Araists and are get- on Lincoln’s birthday, and so will
KMTR SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29.— for themselves on Saturday nights ,

Joseph H. Hazelton, an eye wit- The so-called “big name” draw Over-commercializing of radio pro-
ting set- oil preparations for the new
* * *
from 10 to 10:15 over KFRC. This
on Santa Mon- for radio is definitely dead, at least grams has come in for its deserved is in addition to their appearances
station. to be erected
ica and Cahu'enga, operating on 1,000
Leigh Ilarlinp and Baron Keyes insofar as the coast is concerned. share of panning but there is one
on the Jamboree- and other pro-
watts. They will be equipped with have a waltz that is about to come
. What lingering tendency there other aerial feature that is equally
the latest refinements of radio into its own. “Valley of Broken annoying, yet seldom receives men- grams.

gadgetry, not to mention the 250 feet Dreams” that’s the tune's title. — was to grab off stellar stage and tion. That is comedy.
screen names for the air was. laid
* * * Up and down {he coast, east and

high towers. Now everybody- can look to rest 1 by' the Hoover hard times. Riuji Nakayama, managing direc-
Several new people, and old ones west, there are' hundreds of pro-
forward to a weekly U. A.hour. While the- radio probably felt the grams sent out daily, many under tor of the' Broadcasting Corp, of
*, * * in. new jobs at KIIJ. Leo Tyson is
general business depression as lit- the
the new director of public relations.
guise of comedy offerings, yet Japan, was here this week confer-
Etheopian Supper Club, meaning '.'8 tle as. any major industry in the
While, this position contacts every- offhand we can name only two or ring with Don Gilman of NBC. .

Ball,” Frank Bull, Uncle Herb, etc., nation, still the money tightness three outstanding big

laughs in Plans are on foot for the establish-

thing and everybody, it involves
made a grand slam for their sponsor, had its effect in making more care-
more than just being an official ful the editing of budgets and other more than a year of consistent ra- ment of direct communication with
Podolor Motor 'Co., last week. Twen- dio listening-in. this country by means of a short
hand-shaker. Qaudine Cartier is expenses.
ty-seven enthusiastic listeners went out
fhe new -staff organist, and she’ll
Bum gags, gleaned here and wave station to be erected in Japan.
there and bought as many cars. These At one time the promise to de- humor magazines ... old
have to do a lot of playing now liver a big show name to the air there . . .

boys are just going to kill the hard

that KHJ has cut record broad- was an- entry into any radio sta-
sketches and blackouts some In addition to his b-aritoning,
. . .

times bugaboo. ’lifted from vaude acts some Gene Sullivan is announcing over
casting. Felix Mills is a new mem- tion, and the assurance of a. more
. . .

* * * from columnists that character-

But izes the general run of radio humor KYA.
. .

ber of the staff of arrangers. Eddy or less sincere conference.


In connection with this it's -interest- NBC


Lynn, who has written many lyrics now the first question asked is. the weakest feature of the aerial
Max Dolin returns to Feb-
ing to remember that on a half-hour ruary 1, not. as a station artist but
. . .

advertising program after 6 p. m.

for Cadman, is on the staff. “How much?” and if the much is theatre.
* *, * on a sponsored program for the
KMTR allows a maximum of three
“On With the Show” is out.
anything sizable, that’s out.
Fuller Paint people.
announcements, not exceeding 1 !> Distinct Province Thomas Nunan of the Examiner
minutes each. Another boost for qual-
The sponsor, however, is planning “The air appeal is a distinct lias inaugurated what probably will
a new series. Franco American province,” one station manager ex- be an exceptionally interesting re- William Clifford's new serial,
ity, punch and delivery.
Bakery is putting out a new comic plained, “and We find it is just as sume when completed: a list of ra- “Phantom Empire,” takes the air
skit called Frank and Eleanor. easy to sell an unknown to our dio preferences. Nunan’s list runs week after next over follow- KYA
Vernon Riccard, featured “Temp-
Theme song will be to the effect audiences if he has the goods as it the .gamut from jazz orchestra to ing the current "Amber God.”
tations” and "Follow Through,” and
that it’s well to take the wife out is to,, sell a name. Our fandom is travelogues and church services to
Don Abbott, N. B. C. artist, are two
to dine once a week just to keep different from the fandoni of pic- hunting and includes some Sydney Dixon,
DX program di- KYA
vocal additions to KMTR’s permanent rector, has a new secretary in the
in family. peace
Jack Stern, the tures, and it makes un its mind departments. thirty-five
Staff. Mischa Gegna, one of this sta-
entirely on the radio delivery.” person of Marion Tad-lock, and it
tion’s Strongest class bids, is also on
who wrote “Talking to the Moon,” that most of George Nick-
his wife Grace, formerly of Another station manager was A new NBC program is spon- seems
the regular pay-roll. He solos Mon- even more emphatic. son’s business is now being con-
“Artists and Models.” are starting sored by the Rainier Co. and is on

day nights -with his cello, appearing “It easier to make a radio
is the air thrice weekly for 15 min-
ducted in the Dixon office.
at other times in Justin Johnson’s a series of musical sketches. They
name into a picture favorite than utes at a time with Tom. Mitchell
String Ensemble. have a new angle for family stuff.
it is to make a picture name into vocalizing and pianoing. He’s on
* * * All is rosy and the world is just
a radio, favorite,” he declared. “We Mondays and Saturdays at 8:15
Johnny Murray, feature one big apple pie.
KFWB Can you imag- Reggie Montgomery, who is work-
feel that the time is definitely here m. and Wednesdays at -9:15.
ten. -, has had a thorough musical ed-
ine that? There’s a new Chap- p.
ing with Marian Harris, sails for Lon-
when, the screen will look to radio
ucation that he finds- valuable in many man’s Ice Cream broadcast to start for
7- ready-made favorites, and that Newest entries into the local ra- don this week. Prior to leaving they
phase; of his career. Musical com- Wednesday, too.
the time when things were the con- will broadcast over the N. B. C. chain
* * * dio field are Chico and Jewel, mu-
edy, m. c.-ing, voice doubling and trary is washed up.” sicians and singers. They are ca- on the Fleischman Yeast hour.
playing the trumpet are a few of the Collyer, brother of June Buddy Of course, it--.was explained, this naries owned by the Boston Dance
angle he’s played about with.
, is replacing Freddie Furt- Coliye'r, does not apply to single programs Academy and broadcast from KYA. MGR. AT RKO
V. *
one of the Three Cheers.
* sch as but only to instances where the
Understand Jerry Joyce had some Hale and Derry complete the trio. broadcast is to be a series. Doakes and Doakes in “Songs SAN FRANCISCO, Tan. 29-
plain and fancy trouble with a flat Don Wildinghas been appointed
tireon his new car. The radio gag- production manager of KPO suc-
sters say that the best remedy for ceeding Merton Bories, who was
anything like that is to get an Austin transferred to the commercial de-
and carry a few rubber bands in your partment. Wilding has been on the
wallet for spares. staff as an announcer but a short
* * * time.

New it’s Gallic Holden, KFWB
dance leader, who has one of those KNX In Life” and “Song of the Blues,” ears of fandom, ever on the alert,
24-hour-a-day schedules. Not only- 7:15-7:45 P.M. Jan. 24. vocal solo, were capably offered. ready to receive something out of
does he play the trombone for many This half-hour never reaches the
Schapp’s Restaurant
8- the general run of air fare.
orchestral programs, but he has the fusing point, but then, who wants KFI QUALITY FOOD
job of, writing musical arrangements to burn up all the time?
Hamp played around with a
Bill 8-8:15 P.M. Jan. 24. medley of pop tunes, but the big- Member I. A. T. S. E. 128
to keep him from worrying about Hatch and orchestra gave a smooth “I Could Go For You In A
gest feature was “Wedding of the Sam Hochfeld
other things should he find a few mo- enough account of themselves with Great Big Way” was George Birds” that got its special kick 211 Vo B’way Portland, Oregon
ments for idle thumb twiddling. the new favorite “Just Gigolo,” A Grandee’s opening song. Lay your from a whistling cadenza into
* * * “Drifting,” “Blue Again,” et al. money on Georgie when he gives which the estimable artist inter-
Wedgwood Nowell, m. c. of the at- The KNX
Girl, June Pursell, is out patter, melodies like “Methus- polated our well known musicians’
mosphere, broadcasting the fashion re- a natural for the mike. “It Must lah” or “Take the Whole Durn razzberry. These brief moments Behrendt-Levy
vue at the Auto Show through KECA, Be True” and “Fall In Love Farm.” Piano medley was in the wherein Charlie Hamp kids him- Co., Ltd.
came out with a record of 250 words With Me” were two of her vocal okay class too. Closed with two self are subtly done and have General Insurance
a minute. That’s telling ’em, and do- specialties that came over effec- musical, comedy selections in which helped to build him into the Insurance Exchange Building
ing tively. straight vocalizing also ran.
it . fast. unique entertainer that he is. .

VA. 1261
* * *
(Continued on Page 10)
Robert Hurd (Paul Roberts), KFI KECA
director and popular tenor, is recover-
4-4:15 P.M. Jan. 24. 8 P.M, Jan. 23.
ing from a long illness. Hope he’ll and Highest, prices for Diamonds,
be back on the air soon.
Gertie Jacobs is an agreeable substitute A
feature replacing Jewelry, etc.
* * *
Norman Pringle and Gayle Whit-
little warbler of blue, hot, or sweet Eddie
Armstrong, vocal soloist,
And besides she’s a proved an outstanding contribu- WE PAY CASH Private Office— Confidential Dealings
tuneful ivory exponent. Not bad. tion. Anne Blackwell did it with 822 Metropolitan Bldg., 315 W. ,5th St., hetw. Hill and Bdwy., Les Angeles
ney who play “Bull” and “Slim” in that old player piano imitation of piano nifties, “Melancholy Rhythm”
are the reinforcements sent up by Jack the hoary chestnut “Kiss Me and “Baby's Birthday Party.” She
Lewis, creator. of the skit, who plays Again.” “If I Could Be With gives a snappy and at the same —
Rep airing -Remodeling
the “Lieutenant.” You” had all the rhythm manner time musicianly performance, de- Special Attention, to Profession
* *
vocal twists and “To Whom
It pending less on tricks than most
EarleC. Anthony,- KFI-KECA, May Concern” simply oozed gooey ivory specialists. S. SAVITSKY
notes that big stations are deluge^ sweetness all over mv kilocycles. Manny Stein’s El Vaquero Or- 812 IiOew’s State Building Los Angeles
with .requests for time and service of chestra might venture, something
stations by “Genteel Racketeers” original in the way of presenta-
who want to take this public means KNX
of promoting their “altruistic” prop-
ositions. But they are promptly-
greased down a direct skid-way to
7-7:15 P.M. Jan. 24.
Eddie Holden a n d Ambrose real radio run.
tion now and then.
“Tears” is like
Barker as Frank Watanabe and most waltzes that survive the rig-
Home” is getting
Always Busy Developing Dancing Stars but Never Too Busy to
the waste basket, because radio and the Honorable Archie are welcome ors of competition w t h that i
Create and Produce
rackets don’t mix. to the wave lengths over to hardier musical form, the fox-trot.
* * *
my dial as long as they keep their It has a real melody. “What A Original DANCE ROUTINES and REVUES Thai Sell
Chckcty-Clack and the Air-Castle snappy little continuity up to its Fool I’ve Been" cord'd just as well Belmont Theatre Bldg., First and Vermont
Family continue to be a KFI feature. present diverting standard. The be filed in the wastebasket. Phone Exposition 1196 Los Angeles, Calif,
When the L’nion Oil Co. discontinued simple (not stupid) Japanese house .

sponsorship of this broadcast the stu-

dio took it over.
boy can always win a grin or
two with his characteristic man-

* * * gliug of what used to be the-
9 P. M. Jan. 23.
Frederick Stark, KHJ stall arrang- And speaking of
er, lias replaced Scott Bradley as as-
King’s English.
the King's English, Hon. Archie
Bert P.utterworth and Gang The biggest cafe business
usually give a snappy, informal
KHJ is the one and only mona’cled; geni
tra, He
director of
has had wide experience
the orches-
on the air who doesn’t overplay
with advertising smartly
Unlike so many broad-
in San Francisco • •••••
wielding the baton over large orches- his linguistic hand. respects, My
casts that play up the carefree -and
tras both here and abroad., Archie.
casual line this group goes through
* * *
its paces without a n y “stage.
Credit Dick Creedon, publicity di-
rector of KHJ
with transposing the
General Pershing war story, running
currently in newspapers, into dialogue
6:30-7 P. M. Jan. 25.
Waits. 7 The Optimistic Do-Nuts
haven’t any holes in their pro*
gram. It all measures
very acceptable level,
Up to a
suitable for radio. It’s quite a job with
The attraction or female' har-
because nearly all the characters are
still alive and ready to start kicking
mony singers is debatable when KHJ
the moment one little line of fact is
you can’t see their pretty little DR. STRASSKA’S TOOTH-
heads cocked close together and PASTE
sacrificed to dramatic effect.
MacIIarrie plays General Pershing.
mically around by dainty white
arms. But if you do like fern
their billowing skirts flipped rhyth- 7:30-7:45 P. M. Jan. 23,
Charlie Hamp, radio’s mello-o-
oh-ow voiced king pin with the
Clyde “Red” Lockwood's
KHJ has some specials going out harmonists, the Locus Sisters are
over the ether soon. Edward Moly- right there all along the line.
neaux, international style creator, Jerry Joyce’s Quintet is a peppy
sunshine personality and Howers-
that-bloom-in-the-spring patter line
is the big rave of the air. His
who look as intriguing as his fas- oufit of instrumentalists. “Fail In vibrant crooning and nimble piano

cinating frocks watch for this one, Love With Me,” “Little Things accompaniments delight the jaded
: — . ;

Saturday, January 31, 1931 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Page Nine

M@ws ftttv M©t@s Fr©asa Tin Wan Alley

Song It C. I BIOS II MUSIC Ml HI sum
Review by

BILTMORE THEATRE The Music Corporaiton of Amer-
George Waggner and Richard J. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29.—
(Reviewed Jan. 27) LOS ANGELES ica continues to hit a high pace of Powers have joined forces and Former Players’ Guild Theatre on
If one knows a great actor per- End of the month slump is tak- activity. They have assumed man- merged into one publishing house. Sutter street has been taken over
sonally, one takes a greater inter-
ing its toll at the music counters They have offices over Morse Prec-
agement of Earl Burtnctt and his by Bruce Payne and Larry Cook
as usual. "I Surrender, Dear” and man’s music store; regular offices
est in his welfare. If he appears Biltmorc Hotel Orchestra, and plan
“You’re Driving Me Crazy” still with outside men and a girl ’n’ and renamed the Gaiety and will
in a stage play that carries some
going for all they’re worth, which to take that unit back East for a everything. open February 12 as a stockhouse.
suggestion of ill effect upon his ca- is plenty, according to sales.
reer, the personal element causes short summer run, or else to the The 572-seat house will have two
Ten best sellers for the week are:
one to be more apprehensive of
harm. Many
years ago Leon Errol
1. “I Surrender, Dear” Powers.

Mark Hopkins Hotel in San Fran-
Burtnctt is playing the at
Just, a word for Sammy Epstein
the Kress counter. He’s the
shows nightly, at 7 and 9 p, m.,
2. “You’re Driving Me Crazy” ,

and prices will range from 20 cents

Paramount Theatre this week at a
gave writer some experienced
— Donaldson. pluggingest plugger that ever war-
bled to hectic shoppers. A great to half a buck, no more. Bar-
advice. At
that time I was a
comedian in burlesque, in which
3. “Body and Soul” Harms. —
record salary figure, and proving a
big draw with the public. boy, always on the job. gain nights with a 40-cent top are
4. "Tears"— Shapiro.
branch of the entertainment indus-
try Errol grounded his skill in
5. “It Must Be True” Wagg- Hotel —
Perk Carr and his Agiia Caliente
Orchestra arc now filling a Nat Winekoff, Famous represent- Payne and Cook will also play
also in prospect.

ner. with a cast that includes

making people laugh. I successful engagement at the Grant ative, another god worker, had a parts
still feel
6. “To Whom It May Concern”
grateful to him, and I wish that I — De Hotel in San Diego. Owen Fallon couple of visitors while he was do- Richard Ellers, Diana Holliday,
Sylva; Brown and Hender-
had been now in the position he and his orchestra opened big at ing his stuff. Billy White, Gus Charles Gregg and George Morti-
was at that time to “talk things
Solomon’s Ballroom on January 30. Arnheim singer, and his wife mer.. "The Worm Will Turn” is
7. “Little Things In Life”— Ber- the opening piece.
over” with him before he appeared Ralph Bennet and his Seven Aces dropped in for a hello-fest.
lin. Payne and Cook w ere formerly r
in Denver January 29 at
in this production of “Lost Sheep.”
8. “I’m Alone Because I Love opened
Have you ever sat in the midst Y Ou”— Witmafk. the Cosmopolitan Hotel for a six N. W. BACK FROM in the cast of several Sid Goldtree
of cultured people of course you — “My Ideal" Famous. — weeks’ engagement. They arc suc- shows at the Green Street.
have and —
heard it whispered
10. “Peanut Vendor” Marks.
ceeding Jimmy Joy, who is moving
— SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29.—
around that the group of people ou to his next spot, the Lowry Ho- Abe Bloom has returned from a
“Sing Song Girls,” Red Star and
sitting over in the corner lived on tel at St. Paul. The Bagdad Ball- Northwestern tour in the interest
“Walkin’ My Baby Back Home,” SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29.—
the profits of the oldest profes- room in San Francisco is featuring of the Berlin music catalogue.
De Sylva, Brown and Henderson Charles Virian will remain on the
sion? There is a tension whenever Joe Wright and his orchestra. All
should really be up among ’em in Coast as representative for Santly
anyone makes the slightest refer-
the ten best. It’s an even draw
these hands are attractions offered AS REP REMAINS
ence to them and a shaky feeling by the Music Corporation and arc Bros., music publishers. He will
toward the end of the list. “Moon-
of relief when the reference is
light on the Colorado,” Shapiro, is
working under their management. SAN FRANCISCO, 29.— bicycle between here and Los An-
astutely covered. That feeling of Boh Cole will
remain here as
Present tunes are “Blue Pa-
still going strong with the out-of-
apprehension is present every mo- TWO CELEBRATE representative for the new music cific Moonlight, “You’re the One I
twoners. “Lonesome Lover,” Feist,
ment during the performance of publishing firm, Hollywood Syndi- Care For” and “Wedding In tha
brand new and very promising.
“Lost Sheep,” and not even the
“Hurt” is picking up to good pro- SEATTLE, Jan. 29. Two pop- cate. He is headquartered at the Ark.”

rollicking carefree Leon Errol, with
portions. Phil Kornheiser and ular band leaders celebrated their Ambassador Hotel. “Imagine” and
his expressive grimacing and half- “Sweet Rockin’ Rhythm” are his
Harry Hume have just taken it first anniversaries in Seattle this
intoxicated merrymaking, can quite week. Owen Sweeten at the Fifth, tunes.
dispel it.
The locale of this piece is in a
whose band is becoming an institu-
tion in the city, and Tex Howard, TAKES AIR TRIP CHIROPRACTIC
house once occupied by ladies of SAN FRANCISCO who wields the baton at the Tri-
easy virtue, a brothel. As the cur-
There was considerable
leaders in the best-sellers list,
shifting anon for dancers. Both men have Benny
Berman, representing
Brown and Henderson, made
tain ascends, the house is being built up enviable reputation's for a
rented to a clergyman’s family. A with a bunch of new top-notchers better class popular music and flying trip from San Francisco in an
meek and kindly little emisary of in. First ten were airplane because of the illness of
the church, his buxom wife and 1. “To Make a Long Story
have landed solidly with Pacific
Northwest listeners. And by the daughter.
Dr. Edith Woods
three daughters. You realize that —
Short” Red Star. by, Howard’s son, Wyatt, is. be-
most anything may happen and 2. “Sing Song Girl" — Red Star coming a real entertainer with a SIGNED FOR “FLOOD” Rm. 4 — 1096
No. Western
that nothing will that is, of an — 3. “Peanut Vendor” — Marks. fine, wcll-dictioned singing voice
indecent nature. You do know 4. “My Ideal" — Famous. that his dad should be proud of. Eleanor Boardman
has been Ave., Corner Santa Monica
that laughs are in prospect. The 5. “You're Driving — Me Crazy"

signed for the leading feminine role

question in your mind is whether Donaldson. SCHWARTZ OPTIMISTIC in Columbia’s “The Flood.”

this is the proper place for that 6. “It Must Be True” — W'agg-
kind of humor. “Lost SHee'p” is, ner.
“I’m All Alone” —Witmark. SEATTLE, Jan. 29. Art Schwartz —
broadly speaking, the story of the 7. of Witmark’s was in town to look
traveling salesman and the farmer’s 8. "Little Things In Life”— over the sheet music biz, and re- H. E. BILLHEiMER
daughter in three acts. Berlin. ports that things arc on the up-
One tittilatcs to this opus the 9. “Crying Myself to Sleep — and-up. Adams of the Brunswick-,
moment the three daughters enter Berlin. Warner Bros, merger also was in
the scene. Of course the ensuing 10. "I Surrender, Dear — Powers town doing biz on the new two-bit CONSTRUCTION CO.
action is whoopeed and burlesqued record, “Melotone.”
moments when wavers danger- Leaders for the week here were:
ously close to the edge of a. preach- 1. “You’re Driving Me Crazy” — FOR LEGITIMATE THEATRES
ment, a sermon. This thing is Donaldson. Situation In 6122 Salem PI.

daring- too daring, if you ask me. 2. “Little Things in Life”—
And I was once in burlesque.
must be the Hollywood influence.
It Berlin.
3. “Cheerful Little Earful”
Music Bad HOIIy 0738 Hollywood, Calif,

Ted Price. Remick.

4. “It Must Be True” — Wagg- Back to Pen
— Robbins.
5. “Blue Again” SAN FRANCISCO,
(Reviewed Jan. 27) 6. “Here Comes the Sun” — Rob- 29. — The
changing music sit-

Sid bins.
Gold.trec got his greatest uation made
it too tough for
“I’m Alone Because I Love
break on this forthy farce when the 7.

Chronicle busted out with a scath- You" Witmark. — Damascus Gallur, former San
Quentin prison band director
ing denunciation of the Green Street 8. “Sweet Jennie Lee” Donald- — and well known as a musi- LONG BEACH LONG BEACH
its "play's of plain inanity and son.

, .

and its decision to keep

. . . 9. “I Surrender, Dear” Powers. — '
cian and composer, and he re-
turned to the penitentiary this JACK YOUNG
all Green Street publicity and ad- 10. "I’ll Be Blue”— Feist.
week as a “protected” con- Scott
Gill Bill Schoeder
vertising out of the Chronicle’s
'P a'ste columns. Since Sid sells his Added to the cast of "The Im-
vict. Art Brunelle Jimmy Wood
Gallur was paroled about 18
tickets to those people who are postor,” William Haines’ new months ago after serving 14
Buddy Crowell Larry Hill, Mgr.
hunting for a broad-minded play, M-G-M film, arc Marjorie Ram-
that’s a lot of swell publicity for beau, Hedda Hopper, Martha Slee-
years for the murder of an
Oakland jeweler.
(Continued on Page 11) per and Joan Marsh.


Now Playing Indefinite Engagement at the


LARGEST Theatrical Stage Lighting Co. PORTABLE
1 24 1 1451 VENICE BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 12 4 1
— —— ———— —— —— — — —— ——— — —— — ——

Page Ten INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Saturday, January 31, 1931

In Hollywood « Now
(Continued from Page 9) By BUD MURRAY
(Continued from Page 8) KFOX clever act that started in one with

KFWB Hollywood Fashion Shop comedy chatter and dropped’ back

To the opening of Sid Grauman’s presentation of the New York
8:-8:3C P. M. Jan. 23. 7:30-7:45 P. M. Jan. 27 to full stage for some good wire smash hit, “Once in a Lifetime,” by Moss Hart and George S. Kauf-
After a stirring and pretentious Cheerio Boys used all the smile walking, in which Hazard was aided man, and as usual it turned out to be a “Typical Grauman” opening, and
.bitof “curtain music” which gave songs but didn't get anywhere with when we say that, it covers a multitude of “Chins”
by a girl, -

this “Speed” program an effective them. Then they went through some During intermission we did not hear one dissenting
Claude Sweetens RKOlians built
push-off the whole tiling, petered rube stuff with the same results, even

up from 10 men to 14 did “Rhap- voice, and many- "wise-cracks” were made, yet it
out to a well meaning but anemic, when one of them went falsetto. A seemed like everyone took the “razzing” -good,
was nothing, better choice of numbers would add sody in Blue” as an overture, scor-
half-hour. There
.wrong, with the music, thanks to, much to the entertainment value of
ing heavily. Augmented band —
naturcdly The two writers wrote plenty of dia-
sounded great and gave able sup-; logue, and what speed these actors used to emit
successful activity, that’s been go- the program. their words, sometimes we thought a little too fast
port to the acts, Walt Sullivan, pi-
ing on in Tin Pan Alley and Sam for the balcony or last ten orchestra rows Maybe —
anist. drew featured spot in the
Wineland’s neat orchestral organ-
KFWB overture. the actors will -slow, up a bit after their first nite
ization, and soloists were okay,
but the dialogue material was just;' Edgeworth Tobacco Co.
Fox’s “Oh, for a Mail” was the —
-nervousness wears off Who wouldn’t be nervous
so much blah. Laughs were prac- 8:30-9 P.M. Jan. 27
acting in a play “razzing”, you to your face You

Old time melodies and .Art Pabst’s Bock. never can tell when a bomb mite be thrown Is it
tically non-existent. No one could ,,t

any wonder that Moss Hart, the author, who was

reasonably expect these comedians; personal touch seem .to, have brought scheduled to appear in the role of the “Write,” was

to attempt a punchy delivery in the fan mail regardless of the mu-,

LOS ANGELES indisposed— Plis understudy went on Opening Nite,
'when they had nothing to sell. sical merit here. “Blue Bird,” "Stop and by the way he ‘was "Great” Moss Hart is no
Bigger and better line of lines, Kicking My Dog Around,” “Sweet (Reviewed Jan. 29)


-please. Bunch of Daisies,” that’s what they RKO scores heavily this week with Bud Murray fool We thought these particular actors deserve
especial mention for their interpretations Charles
want, and that's what they get. A laughs. Vic Oliver and Irving Ed-
prize contest is on, for original lyrics wards deliver it in heavy bundles. Lawrence, Alice McMahon, Russell Topton, and Louis Sorin and we
KFWB to “It Ain't Goin’ To Rain No More” These gentlemen are equally clever as noticed in the cast one of our ex-George White’s Scandals show girls,
10:30-11 :30 A. M„
Jan. 27 gagging poetically with names of comedians and laugh honors go to who played Miss Leigh to a “T,” and we mean Mary Mulhern, now
Morning Melodists are guided by cities, etc. The entrants are respond- Edwards only because bis is the larger

Mrs. Jack Fickford Little Leo Morrison and a few other big shot
all the parts with the possible
His little ing with their usual enthusiasm, but He cercmonied agents during the intermission re-cast
the expert Jerry Joyce. share of the work. actors, who were allegorically
.orchestra of five pieces plugs. the some of it is pretty hard on the inno- the Friedland revue which constituted
moving picture industry magnates and
impersonated— We noticed oh, so many of the motion picture and stage
pops with plenty of vim and vigor. cent bystander hanging around the a good two-thirds of the allotted time. Harlow in all her blonde
world that we could go on forever;
-“The River and Me” and “I’m No radio. “The Agemos,” bamboo pole acro-
beauty (and our pup'll) Mr. and Mrs. Hal Roach Mr. and Mrs. Ed- —
Account Any More” were offered
with syncopating appeal.
bats, start their, snappy turn off where
the average act of like character;

mund Lowe (Lillyan Tashman) and for once, we spy the entire firm

of Brown-, De Sylva and Henderson— George Sidney— Bob Armstrong,

Vic de Lory should have more leaves off. They crack through with Lawrence Grant, Charley Miller, “Harry Joe?’ Brown,” all brothers!
numbers. He’s a quality crooner 8-9 P. M. Jan. 24 their tricks with the rapidity of star Masquers Lew Cody, looking great Marco, rite up front Jack Pick-
Vignettes in Symphony, the new
who can stand up and sing out with Don
The answer is Lee Broadcast got off to an
runners vaulting the last hurdle. ford —
Arthur Caesar Norma —
Shearer Carl —
Laemmle, Jr. Jesse —
.the best of them. (They cram a lot of entertainment Lasky— Loretta Young— Lupe Velez—“Bakky” arid Fritzi Ridgeway—
auspicious start with the life of
“Yes,” when he tenors "Fall In our old boss Franklyn Warner, \vhiy has .fully- recovered his health, and
Beethoven as the theme. Raymond into a very brief period.
Love -With Me.” "Them There Paige ruled with the baton and also Vic Oliver, with his "Plait Pint” looking fine— Maurice Wakeman Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Le air e— Herb — M
Eyes” was Cooky, the Sunshine acted as narrator. Fred Stark was pardner doing back bends a la terp- Sanborn and Henry Bergman, proprietors of the Brown Derby and
Girl's best blue bit. on the conductor’s stand at these sichore, was a sweet contrast to Oli-
wit and piano work. Vic has Henry’s, respectively— Mr. and Mrs. Louis Greenspan— Mr. and Mrs.
times. A masterly performance, not- ver's his
able for form and style. Actors put a look of injury on his face when the
Harry Burns— Mr. and Mrs. Abel Green— Mr. and Mrs. Sol Salinger—
KFOX and they are
Dr. S. M. Cowan across the feeling of the music and customers laugh at his sallies that Dr. and Mrs. Harry Martin (Louella Parsons), so what,
7:15-7:30 P. M. Jan. 27 the orchestra got the tremendous can he called a gem. Vic will, if he all IN HOLLYWOOD NOW.
drama of Beethoven’s tragic life. continues to give his work the study
Jimmy Lee is one oi those vocalers For luncheon at the Masquers, where they are preparing their first
Margit Hiegdeus and Mona Con- that it is apparently in it at this show- —
who gets the moonlight and roses re- Revel of 1931 which promises to be "a “peach”- A few words with
tent gave brilliant performances on ing, land in big company.
action from anyone who lends an ear.
violin and piano respectively. Paul Irving Edwards breezes in with his Georgie Harris, the diminutive comedian who worked for us in “Oh,
This kind of warbling is easy to go

for something d'elish in the pash line.
Rickenbacker was a magnificent familiar routine "of pleasing customers Susanna” last" year at the Mayan Theatre— Ed Kane still trying to find
“It Must Be True,” “Truly I Love
Beethoven. Julia and Therese were when they arrive late and piles up a —
out what’s "wrong with the picture “racket”- He should see “Once in a
given sympathetic interpretation by just young
You” and “You Will Come Back To Mora Martin, and Robert Swan lot of. credit for
his style,
Lifetime”— Glenn Tryon getting us confused with two other fellows

careless, as he so bills himself,

Me” are some of the tunes Jimmy played all smaller men’s parts cap- and and with a mischief in his delivery Fred Santley, a favorite of the stage, now IN HOLLYWOOD in
uses to get you that way about him. ably. “Eroica,” Fifth Symphony that gets results. "The 20th Century pictures — l-

and the colossal Ninth were, Revile” got away with a talking pic- We almost forgot another opening last week which was a pleasure
KTM outstanding artistic achievements. ture of Anatolc Friedland selling the
inasmuch as our boy friend Harry Green showed his tru’e histrionic
Pacific Greyhound Lines “Kreutzcr Sonata,” “Moonlight merits of "the, flesh” against the pic-
8-8:30 P. M.—
Jan. 27 Sonata” and “Pathetique” were su- tured virtues of eye value in femmes. ability in a very entertaining play called the “Ambulance Chaser A
From a concert arrangement of “I perbly interpreted" by Maestro,
The talkie does a moving shot of the large audience attended including some old friends we noticed— Con
Surrender, Dear,” with vocal chorus Paige.
chorus headed for the, footlights and Conrad— Rita Gould—John Swor, formerly Swor and Mack and now at
by Don Allen, to Moskowsky's "Ser- the flesh tears its way through the Kox Studios Mr. and Mrs. Herman Playe, who seem to be at all the
ienata” and Brahms' Dance No. 5,
.Salvatore Santaella guided his excel-
SYNCOPATING SUCCESS screen in a line of beauties on stage openings— B.B.B.— Armand Kaliz— Morrie Cohen, manager of the Pasa-
that have. a lot of look stuff. “
dent Fite Club, and his shadow, Dave— Bob Armstrong— Skeets” Gal-
lent musical unit. Santaella is a brill-
The Crystal Ballroom at Long Plenty of talent in this show and
iant pianist and clever leader whose
Beach has a band now that’s bring- well received. lagher and Jack Oakie, both Harry’s colleagues at Paramount Studios—
versatile programs make a radio high-
ing in the customer, s old and Then to a meeting at the RKO
offices with Cliff Work, Western Di-
light out of these Highway High-
lights broadcasts. Austin Graut’s
young. Jack’s Bachelors, Jack RKO visional Head of the Orpheum Circuit, and Harry Billheimer and Bill

baritone solo was on a par with the

Young’s peppy seven piece orches- PORTLAND McConnell, scenic builder and artist, who will build the first stage pro-
tra, are making the first big syn- (Reviewed Jan. 27)
logue production in connection with “Cimarron” which may be the fore-
rest of this offering.
copating success this ballroom has Act No. 1 Man Bradford Van—— — — — runner of a steady Orpheum policy, at least we hope so In HOLLY- —
ever had. Old time dancing to old Alst 2 men —
1 girl Singing
— WOOD at any rate.
time tunes twice a Week is one of playing— dancing this act will start
a the special attractions. The band any show good. To the Brown Derby luncheon and we see the two Beery
HERAS n WALLACE is under the management of Larrv —
Act No. 2 Bobby May the boy — Brothers, Wally and Noah— Mrs. Jack Warner in a booth and again —
The Backyard Entertainers
Hill. —
wonder with clubs balls speed — — we sec our charming pupil, Mary Brian—John Medbury and his chief
to me the best youthful juggler on
the stage -mob here liked him. publicist Hal Horne —
The Mosconi Family who run a darn good danc-
“ICY HOT IDEA” York and King next— this act inc school IN HOLLYWOOD,
too Tom Dugan, still talking about
Freddie way is a show by themselves songs— — —
"Once iu a Lifetime” in fact that seems to be the topic of conversation,
Carter is
front with his neat personality and
out in
dancing— costumes scenery phi — — “Who is. Glogauer?” Georgie Stone, our boy friend of many years’
that is peo -COMEDY— standing, whom we saw in a special run of “Cimarron,” arid Georgie in

PARAMOUNT hot nine piece band. Carter is

booked for an indefinite run at the
Majestic Ballroom in Long Beach,
pie in the balcony had to hold on
their seats to keep ..from falling out

Rose King is the funniest woman
this picture will prove lie can do other than “Rat” parts Harry Akst,
erstwhile writer, now an actor Wilson Mizner telling some choice

ones Willie Collier, Sr., running a neck and neck race, with Willie
HOTEL where he has been a big attraction
for the last few months. The band

on the stage any stage York and
King the talk of this town or any
— —
and don’t forget Jimmy Gleason Here is a real trio of witty gentle-
In the Heart of Hollywood is broadcasting over station KGER —
town picture, Cohens and Kellys While out to RKO
Studios looking the “Cimarron” picture over,
E. E. KENT, Managing Owner at present attracting air fans.
Africa was good But York and
in — a very dear old colleague, Max Steiner,
into we formerly whom
Every Room With Combination King was the b. o. draw — Biz — S.
worked with oil several Noo Yawk revues— Max is now “next to the
Tub and Shower Bath
R. O. Head” in the RKO
music deparament
ALL OUTSIDE BOOMS Art Rogers To the Olympic Rites we run into Sam Kramer for the first time
Telephone Hollywood 6181 since his European sojourn Redmond Wells, who worked for us last
Half Block from Paramount, KNX NO W. B. CUT year in “Oh, Susanna,” and is contemplating a short vaudeville tour if
and RKO Studios
Melrose at Van Ness Ave.
Vic De Lory Correcting a story which appear
someone here doesn’t gram him quickly Joe Keno, who raised, that

darling Mitzi Green Mr. and Mrs. Macklin Megley Chuck Reisner, —
cd in last week’s issue of Inside a Fox film director with his old boy friend Bryan Foy, an ex-Warner
Facts, information is phoned us Brothers’ director Dave Bennett, stage and screen dance director—
that the new Warner Brothers Harry Gribbon and Billy Arnold, a couple of Masquers and last but —
Theatre* in San Pedro maintained not least, Dolly Nelson and Lee Summers, like two peas in a pod.
The MITZ1 GIRLS a price
F. story had it
50 cents upon
Strolling up the boulevard, we see Jack Oakie wearing a new sweat
Sam Hardy drives his Ford with much gusto Walter Wills, —
Six Beautiful and Exquisitely Costumed Girls, who dance that the house cut to 25 cents. The whom we worked with some eighteen years ago in eastern musical
as a unit or in teams. Doing the latest dance creations. same informant stated that it was comedy stock companies, when Walter was Head man and we played
the Fox house that cut to 25 cents the “What-Jiave-you?” parts; Walter runs a darn good dancing school

AGENTS: Include this group in your next entertainment. when the W. B. spot opened. IN HOLLYWOOD, too.
To the Hollywood Legion Fites run by the genial Tom Gallery,
PRODUCED BY BUSY BAND who has hit upon the four-round bout scheme of the old Vernon days,
and business seems to be good and the patrons like it Rite 'next to us —
Some, of these bands keep busy an ex-Winter Gardinte, John. T. Murray, now in talking pictures,
TEACHERS OF SUCCESSFUL^ every minute of the day or night. formerly a peach of a monologist and we
cannot refrain from mention-
Kelly, who can tell the

Brick English and Hoot Gibson’s ing another of the same ilk, Judge Walter C.
outfit are very much among the
stories to fit the occasion, parlor or stag Bill Farnum, always in the
same seat Nate Stein trying to compile some list of film celebrities
busy syncopatcrs. They are a
ure attraction at the Balboa Dance
during the bouts The Dummy Newsboy, thoroughly disgusted with the
class of fites B.B.B., for some unknown reason, was seated on the oppo-
Hall, have a United Broadcast, and
site side of the house, and we couldn’t hear his sweet, melodious voice
are on the air over and KGER A
flock of film directors who are always rite down in front
SEE THE NEW KFWB regularly,
Oh, yeah?

are A1 Ray and Norman Taurog Dave Butler and William Wellman
Then we notice two of our finest dance directors, Busby Berkely and
CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE CABRIOLET Joseph I. Schnitzer, president of
Radio Pictures, has arrived from

Sammy Lee Sammy is now head man with Fanchon & Marco, staging
ideas as fast as they come Margaret Padula, the girl with that “big
— That

New York. voice” Walter Weems and Ernie Hilliard betting on corners
ON DISPLAY AT lady-killer Ray Hallor being kidded by Jed Prouty, whom we haven’t
TRY THE seen for ages —Why hasn’t he worked after the start he got in “Broad-


way Melody”— It’s
yet they
a strange world this motion picture industry, and

come and go, new faces all the time But still Hollywood has
its charms, and we like it any time.
After the Hollywood fites dropped into Henry’s —.bumped into
Mushy Callahan, who is now in the haberdashery racket With Mushy —
Phone GR. 2181 was an old boy friend A1 Singer, a fighter who knows how and is in
5950 Hollywood Blvd. 978 Market St. San Francisco —
Hollywood now to look things over Is there anybody out here good
2 Doors East Warfield Theatre
enough to fight him?— If so his brother Lou is ready to receive offers.
: .

Saturday, January 31, 1931 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Page Eleven

(Continued from Page 9) scended and carried Marguerite to “LADY MARY,

him. As a matter of fact “Hi Did- Heaven. Guino Ciciarelli and Si- Pasadena Community Theatre
dle Diddle’’ could stand a few more
laughs and broad lines for business
Fanchon and Marco mu.s Goronrica handled the Faust Reviewed Jan. 26
,and Mephisto parts respectively, No one has often found it neces-

Play staged by Hugh Metcalfe
played the lead.
also Belle
Foster and Betty Blossom carried
Route List of “Ideas
while Mirni Gressier was Marguer-
sary f to question the quality or wise
choice of vehicles upon which the
Question of whether or not Pasadena Community Play.housu. has
the leading fem roles and other
straight opera in a picture house is
members, of the cast were Ray Ed-

Following is the Fanchon and Marco SPRINGFIELD (6-12) ridden to its present enviable repu-
munds, Rollon Parker. Gerald Ideas route schedule, with the opening dates, Palace Theatre good theatre can easily be dismissed tation. But somebody
is going to
H.c.itln r. indy Swanson, Jessie
( all of the current month, in parentheses “Doll Follies” Idea by recording that applause was tre- start to before long if they slap on

beside the name of. the town Les Klicks La Safld and Mack
.King, Ed. E.awrcnce and Larry

PASADENA Ramon and Virginia* Bebe Siterman mendous, Roesner and orchestra,:
Cook. (Story concerned a man .who.
(5) ;

another weak sister like “Her- Shop”

Colorado Theatre Roy Loomis Co. .

lost His. wedding gift, a check for 1

“MortKffln Idea WORCESTER (6-12) with the stage group,: being forced or. “Lady "Mary, Ltd’.”, by Aisnee
10,000 franc's, the night before LOS ANGELES (5)
Palace Theatre to a flock of bends when customers and Philip Stuart. It’s billed as a
his marriage and then joined a Locw’s State Theatre
“Golden West” Idea
“Way Back When” Idea
Three Bennett Bros.
signified their hearty approval. The
Charles Irwin trifle in three acts. That’s right —
traveling Shakespearian troupe as Jellybean Johnson Max Hart thing went over, beyond a doubt. a trifle, and also in the
Will Aubrey Russell & Johnson it is it is
prompter in order to give his wife Albertina RasCh Tr. Madeline Du Val Carla Torncy Co. There are two things Fox man-
customary three acts, but it has ail
a honeymoon. There were three SAN DIEGO (5)
have to contend with the sparkle of a half empty glass of
Capitol Theatre
scenes. Fox Theatre in future operatic offerings of this
“Love Letters” Idea U. S. Indian Reservation Band ginger ale left on the piano' over
As entre act entertainment Van Chief Shannatona Bella Donna sort. First and most important is night. It ambles along at a snail’s
HOLLYWOOD (5-11) NEW HAVEN (6-12) a means of getting over the opera pace, and the mechanism creaks
Van Syckle was at the piano doing Pantages Hollywood Theatre Palace Theatre
his one man band stuff, unique en- “Headliners” Idea “Fountain of Youth” Idea story to patrons, many of whom are under the strain. Arty crowd was
tertainment to say the least. GLENDALE (12-14) Lottie Mayer Eddie Hanley- wholly or partially ignorant of tire conspicuously absent, the house.
Alexander Theatre Frank Stever B. and J. Crosby
background and without which they
Hal. Ed C.henev Sunkist Diving Co. ing. politely' filled with polite citi-
"Headliners” Idea
BRIDGEPORT (5-12) cannot enjoy such music. Current zens politely palming in ail the right
FRESNO (5-7)
FOX Wilson Theatre Palace Theatre
“New Yorker” Idea
trailer can hardly be used weekly; places. “Her Shop” is eminently
San Francisco “Top of World”' Idea
Whitey Roberts
perhaps a printed program would suitable for the class play of any
Fawn and Jardon Callahan and Jackson
Jack Pepper turn the trick. Second puzzler is Junior High School outside the
Reviewed Jan. 23 Kay Menard Sunkist Beauties Marjorie Burke Leah Sanborn
SAN JOSE (8-11)
Dorothy Bartosch
the seating of customers during the more sophisticated areas.
Sunkist Beauties
After much casting about and ex- California Theatre music. It’s annoying to the custom
perimenting in the various branches Margaret R. Clark carried major
Fox Theatre
“Top of World” Idea mers when payees arrive in the mid- acting responsibilities with highly
“Southern” Idea
of flesh entertainment it appears SAN FRANCISCO
NEW YORK (6-9) (5-11) dle of proceedings, amidst all the satisfactory charm and ability'.
that the Fox has struck upon an Warfield Theatre Academy Theatre resultant confusion.
ideal type by opening the fertile
“Prosperity” Idea “Gobs of Joy” Idea Ralph Freud's fine sense of charac-
OAKLAND (5-11) Arthur “Pat” West Three Jolly Tars One thing, though, and that is terization gave Vhatever interest
field of opera with its many sub- Dolly Kramer
Oakland Theatre Scotty Weston that this type of music puts an aw- there was to husband role. Balance
sidiaries. While most theatres and “Vaudeville Echoes” Idea Treen Wanda Allen Moore and Moore ful crimp in 1931 tunes. The weekly
their, orchestras are content to grind Nine Allison^ Aerial Rooneys Curtis Coley Johnny Jones Doyle Four of cast performed with sincerity,
Bobby “Uke” Henshaw Rena, and Ratliburn Ken Gatewood pop number that followed, with Joa- for which this organization is noted.
out the usual run of pop tunes

quin Garay singing, was not as well, Gilmore Brown directed.

with an occasional classic, Walt
received, though Garay and the
Roesner and orchestra jumped into
tulip “You’re Driving Me Crazy’"
n. —
grand opera before any other house were up to the usual standard. —
in the country. And while this
week’s presentation of “Faust’’ in a
condensed form was wholly experi-
mental, if audience applause and
CHERIE and TOMASITA But both types are necessary for

Overture was in direct contrast
to the picture, Metro’s “Reducing,”
comment are any barometers, then Fanchon and. Marco’s AFRICANA IDEA with Dressier and Moran. Business
this policy is a cinch. Roesner, Her-
man Kersken and all others asso-
PORTLAND (6-12) NEW YORK (3-5) Bock.
ciated the assembling and pro-
in Paramount Theatre Audubon Theatre
duction of this offering can step “Icy-Hot” Idea “Wild and Wooly” Idea
right, up and take a brace of bows
for the results of their efforts.
Even the Roxy, with all its im-
pressive production and great facili-
Three Le Grohs-
Harris and Wallace
Broadway Theatre
“Topical Tones” Idea
Betty Lou Webb
Sunkist Ensemble
Kirk and Lawrence
Hart's Krazy Kats
Ray Arigwin
Aussie and Czech
Bud Murray Girls
Fox Theatre
“Wild and Wooly” Idea


Caligary Brothers
ties, hasn’t done anything quite like Bob and Eula Burroff Alexander Sisters WASHINGTON (6-12)
this —presenting opera pure and un- Dorothy Thomas Sunkist Beauties Fox Theatre 1187 South Rodeo Drive, Los Angeles OXford 6571
“Modes of Hollywood’’ Idea
adulterated, but in a condensed SEATTLE (6-12) Shore and Moore ilaline Francis
Paramount Theatre Danny Toy Harry Smirl
form, to motion picture house pat- “The Dance” Idea 12 Unison Dancers Holly. Studio Models
rons. It’s a forward step, and for Everett Sanderson Arnold Grazer ATLANTA
a class house such as the Fox is Lee Murray Patsy Boland
bound to build up its swank patron-
draw among lovers of good
age," its
Dave Robcl
Fox Theatre
J. and
Fox Theatre
“Gems and Jams” Idea
Jean MacDonald
Will Cowan JESSE And His San Francisco
music and its interest to students. “Society Circus” Idea Jim Penman Franklin and Astell
Running for 27 minutes, this French Harris Twins Tabor and Greene Sunkist Beauties PALACE HOTEL ORCHESTRA
Betty Martin Woodings Half Pints LOUISVILLE (1-7) Featuring His and Gene Rose’s Song Hit, “Tonight”
version of “Faust” had much to rec- National Theatre
ommend it in the way of great set- MILWAUKEE (5-11)
“Green .Devil” Idea
Wisconsin Theatre
tings, splendid musical set-up, im- “Espanola” Idea Peg Leg Bates Bobby Gilbert
Miles and Kover Harvey Karels
pressive vocal and ballet work and J. & H.. Griffith
Harry Vernon
May Packer Abbey Green
Mayo and Caruso Rita Lane Mel El wood HARVEY V ALL IE
good lighting. The four tableaux
were beautifully produced, the
Apotheosis., dosing the opera, being
a masterpiece in group handling, The Romeros
Fox Theatre
“Gondoliers” Idea

Jazziis Richardson Renoir

Hollywood Studio Girls

and Renova
Mitzi Mayfair

There was a Moro and Yaconeplli Sunkist Beauties Harry Savoy Webster and Marino
color and lighting. 7377 Beverly Boulevard OKegon 2688
vocal ensemble of thirty, a ballet of
NIAGARA FALLS (6-12) Paul Russell Sunkist Ballet .

Strand Theatre JOPLIN (1-3)

20, and musicians under Roes-
41 *
“Seasons” Idea Fox Theatre
ner’s baton. Apotheosis and Frank Melion Co. Lottie Loder “Hollywood Collegians” Idea
- Ada Broadhurst Ted Ledford Dorothy Crook er Guy Buck
purgis Nights scenes have seldom UTICA (6-12) OKLAHOMA CITY (7-13)
been done around here and were the Avon Theatre “Cadets” Idea
better received for that.
Offering opened with the ensem-
“Enchantment” Idea n ( II Pand ) nePDTwelvez CINEMA TYPEWRITER COMPANY
Phone: Gladstone 9748
ble or. stage, -while a cleverly, con-
ceived trailer briefly outlined story NELSON & KNIGHT MACHINES RENTED
of “Faust” and was a valuable aid
to those unacquainted with it. Ini-
“Broadway’s, King and Queen 1 Month, $3,00; 2 Months, $5.00; 3 Months, $7.50
tial scene was that of Walpurgis
of Comedy”
Dealer in. Portable Underwood. Corona, Royal, Remington Typewriters
Nights, with Mcphistoles driving
A brief
Featured Comedians in
M. Love Leiters Idea
New Corona Adding Machines —
All Makes Sold., Rented, Repaired Supplies —
his bargain with Faust. F,
drop to one and then back to full
J. W. McCOY, Manager
Now Every Machine. Sold or Rented by Us is Guaranteed. Our Prices are Right
stage and the Inferno scene, color-
fully done. Vocal ensemble and LOEW’S STATE, L. A. 627S HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD HOLLYWOOD
ballet of twenty Estella Reed danc- Week 22
ers lent color and life to the se-
quence, the dancers offering a classi-
cal type of work seldom seen—-simi-
lar to Ito and Mary Wigman be- — DPE55 YGUR THEATRE OP YOUR ACT WITH THE FINEST and most ARTISTIC
ing more a study in lines and pos-


ture than present dancing. Shift to
the jail scene where Marguerite.
Faust and Mephisto held, stage and
then the opera closed with the
Apotheosis where the


Broadway at Salmon


Los Scenic Stvdios Inc
affiliated with ChasT Thompson SCENIC Co.
Scenic CO.

Portland’s Theatrical Drug Store


Max Factor’s Headquarters
Pitone Olympia.2914'
Our Reducing Treatments
Are the Talk of L. A.
Suite 305-7-9-11
315 S. Broadway MAdison 3793
187 Broadway
Best Eats
F’ortland, Ore.
Page Twelve INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Saturday, January 31, 1931

of the


Many Thanks to My Pal Rudy Vallee


Scanned from the collection of

Karl Thiede

Coordinated by the
Media History Digital Library

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