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Homosexuality: Not Your Typical Fairy tale

Once upon a time, fairy tales are every child’s starter pack. It has become a custom that
children are introduced to such things. I bet some of you here have known some (The Beast
who fell in love with his lovely-guest Belle, or the mermaid who gave up her fins for the love of
her life, etc.) I get it; this is what we used to believe. And this whole fairytale thingy introduces
children the wrong notion about one’s gender. Princesses has become a basis as to how a
female should behave more so a prince as to how male should behave. Well, that’s not how it
is. In fact and in reality there are others who kind of felt like they are out of place, there
something that are innate to them that makes them unique but not in a good way- their gender
identity. Weird but exactly true. They are reffered to as the LGBT community. The only problem
here is that they are unable to exercise or freely express their feelings because of the unfriendly
societal attitudes towards homosexuality. I believe they have the right to dress in whatever
appears to make them more human, or come out of the closet without monsters waiting
outside. I believe they have the right to choose the person they want to spend their life without
anything that will hold them back. Homosexuality then should be wholeheartedly

There is a survey conducted in the Philippines about LGBT people. Statistically speaking,
out of 63 respondents, 19.04 percent described LGBT or homosexuality as a “misfit” or an act
against the order of nature. They believe that there are only two sexes created by God. Based
on the results, there is a high level of heterogeneity in the answers gathered from the
respondents. Admit it, you cringe when you hear someone says “I’m gay”, or it disturbs you
when two beautiful women kiss each other or you feel uncomfortable when your being around
with people who are gay. The idea of gay people is never new to us, but up until now there are
people who don’t recognize them as an identical especially us- CHRISTIANS! The discrimination
that gay people are subject to everyday is completely unethical and morally wrong. As
intelligent, compassionate Christians who cared about the marginalized around us, we should
recognize this as a social injustice issue.

One of the major reasons that gay people are denied and not accepted by most people
is due to the religious interpretation that “homosexual are sinners”, because of our religion
itself. Well to tell you honestly, homosexuality isn’t a sin. It can’t be, because it isn’t a choice.
It’s not like promiscuity (being unchaste) or premarital sex or cheating on your
spouse/husband. It’s just the way some people are born. If you’re not sure about this, talk to
people who are gay. They’ll tell you that they didn’t choose to be gay, just as you didn’t choose
to be straight. Their lives would be a lot easier if they could switch. Many of them have tried.
They’ve learned the hard way that they can’t change their sexual orientation any more than you
can change yours. Heterosexual Christians are being unfair and hypocritical by using the
clobber passages as justification for applying absolute standards of morality (and an absolute
penalty) to homosexual “sins” that they themselves are never tempted to commit, while at the
same time accepting for themselves a standard of relative morality (and applying no real
penalty) for those sins listed in the clobber passages that they do routinely commit.Sin is an old
term meaning missing the mark or to fail a goal. Ironically saying, that the most unnatural thing
in this world is lovelessness, the hatred, the diminishment of another human being-
that is missing the mark.

Preceded by the the wrong notion that homosexuality is a sin is that homosexual
people are harmful. To tell you honestly, they aren’t. Just because they are exactly the
opposite of what you expect them to be doesn’t mean they are detrimental in any possible way.
They are still human but they just have their own sexual preference, but still not a reason
demean or hate them.

Because of our wrong interpretation of our religion we are taken aback from accepting
our gay brothers and sisters. Conservative Christians would often bombard homos with
scriptural texts derived from the Bible itself. They are so adamant that homosexuality or having
homosexual relationship is morally wrong when all they do is quote the Bible to defend their
position. This continuous mindset dresses up our culture and introduces the new generation the
idea that homosexuals are an abomination, a disgrace in our society. Why are they so insistent,
that the homos should take the Bible literally on the subject of homosexuality? Maybe we have
wrongly interpreted the texts or maybe not. But let me tell you this, I think Bible is pro-slavery.
Not that I’m mocking it or something, so it was written by numerous people and now we got to
run it like a manual for how to run the earth, or how to regulate morality, especially on the
issue of homosexuality and that’s not what it is. We can’t really assure that all contents written
in that book are exactly what God wanted or said, it may have been tampered eons ago. If
there’s really a need to consult a book to know what to do when a human being is in front of
us, then I think we’re screwed already.
How aware are you of the ways of which you may be contributing to suffering and hurt
if gay people’s lives? Yes, its natural for a Christian to say- “Yes, I believe homosexuality is a sin
but don’t blame- I’m just reading the bible. That’s just what it says. Well, first of all, no you are
not just reading the bible. You are aking a few verses out of context and extracting from them
an absolute condemnation that as never intended. You are also striking the very core of
another human being and cutting them of their sense of dignity and self-worth.

Frankly speaking, most Christian’s view gay people as an outcast, a threat to mankind, a
shame to humanity who defied the laws of nature. We have mirrored themselves to their
sexuality not the innate human person that they really are. We defined them by their sexuality
but every people (especially, LGBT) are more than their sexuality. They laugh, they cry, they
also hurt, they love just like everybody else. We shouldn’t equate gay people with what appears
to be any disgusting thing we can come up with. We all are in the same ground, same page, we
all are equal. For we are all one in Christ Jesus.(Galatians 3:28) We should also know and
descend on the common ground where we know that God don’t hate faggs, God loves them as
much as He loves straight people. All it takes is acceptance. The bible is not opposed is not
opposed to accepting gay Christians. If you’re uncomfortable with the idea of a human person
being gay, if you are really dead-set against that idea, then I am asking you try to view how
things were in the eyes of gay people even if it makes you uncomfortable. Believe me I have
tried, and I am enlightened crystal-clear. Being different is no crime. Being gay is not a sin. This
call us to accept them and let them be part of our society, let them enjoy what we enjoy, give
them the chance to be themselves. For one didn’t choose to be gay, for one isn’t a sinner
because he/she gay, for one deserves to be respected and to be love because he/she is plainly
gay. The only Christian response to them is ACCEPTANCE, SUPPORT AND LOVE.

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away,

A place where no one cared if you were straight or you were gay,
Everybody is free
Everybody is united
No animosity, and love is all over the place
Indeed, it is a place where everybody can live happily ever after.

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