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Evolving Beyond Your

Source Fracture Story

Created by
Katherine Woodward Thomas M.A., MFT

Table of Contents

Common Source Fractures

I’m Alone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

I’m Bad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

I’m a Burden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

I Don’t Belong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

I Don’t Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

I’m a Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

I’m Invisible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

I’m Not Enough. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

I’m Not Loved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

I’m Not Safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

I’m Not Valuable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

I’m Not Wanted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

About the Author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
I’m Alone
(a.k.a. I’m on My Own)

Power Statement:
I was not born to be alone. I came here to love and be loved and I have the
power to learn how to have happier, healthier relationships moving forward

Source Fracture Story:

I’m Alone/Others Always Leave/I Can Never Get What I Want or Need from Others

You may: (how it shows up in your life)

Ÿ Experience a “low grade” chronic depression and deep sense of sadness, having given
up hope of ever really getting your needs met by others

Ÿ Rarely ask for support, or ask in ways that alienate others (i.e. demand, whine, complain,
or ineffectively hint at what you need without coming out and saying it in ways others
understand, etc.)

Ÿ Rarely expose your true feelings and needs to others or reveal the more tender and
vulnerable parts of yourself

Ÿ Be chronically under supported and alone to fulfill upon your visions and dreams

Ÿ Fail to engage conflicts or disagreements fully, withdrawing into yourself rather than
fighting for the relationship

Ÿ Be overly loyal to people who do not treat you well (fearing that if you leave you will
forever be alone)

Ÿ Fail to stand up for yourself and/or set appropriate expectations of others assuming
that if you do they will leave

Ÿ Be disconnected from your own deeper feelings and needs, essentially leaving the
vulnerable, tender parts of you “abandoned and alone”

Ÿ Stay in relationships with people who are emotionally unavailable to you

Others often: (effect on others)

Ÿ Find you unapproachable

Ÿ Have a difficult time finding ways to support you

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Ÿ Assume you do not need anything from them because it looks like you have it all

Ÿ Feel covertly pushed away by you and experience covert signals from you that you want
them to leave

Ÿ Find it easy to leave you and give up on the relationship

Belief about others:

Ÿ “Other people always leave me”

Belief about life:

Ÿ “I can never get what I really need from others”

You may: (ways of being that generate evidence that validate identity)

Ÿ Avoid joining collectives and/or communities, preferring to go it alone (i.e., read self
help books, engage a solitary spiritual practice, live by yourself, work by yourself at home,

Ÿ Not make requests for support even when you desperately need it

Ÿ Design your whole life inside of self-sufficiency and make it hard for others to give to

Ÿ Swallow your feelings rather than express them in ways that might allow others to feel
closer to you

Ÿ Assume that conflict of any kind means the beginning of the end (rather than an
opportunity to deepen understanding between you)

Ÿ Cut people off and/or shut them out emotionally when they disappoint you

Ÿ When hurt, put more energy into defending yourself than working on the relationship

Skills and capacities to cultivate in order to evolve beyond Source Fracture Story:

Ÿ A deepening connection with yourself, checking in frequently to notice and name your
feelings, needs and desires (so that you are no longer alone but “with” yourself)

Ÿ Your capacity to be authentic and transparent in sharing your true feelings, needs &
desires with others in ways that allow them to find their way into your world

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Ÿ An ability to ask for support in ways that help others to understand exactly what you
need from them, and how they might give that to you
Ÿ Repair skills that would allow ruptures of attunement in your close relationships to be

Ÿ The ability to keep your heart soft and open to someone even when they disappoint you
and let you down

Ÿ The ability to leave destructive relationships that are toxic before getting sick yourself

Ÿ The ability to engage conflict and disagreement in a healthy way


Ÿ You possess an extraordinary capacity for deep, heart-centered relatedness with others

Ÿ You are highly independent & competent

Power (Deeper Truth) Statements:

Ÿ I was not born to be alone. I came here to love and be loved and I have the
power to learn how to have happier, healthier relationships moving forward

Ÿ I can learn new skills and grow new capacities that will allow me to realize the
highest potentials all my relationships hold for deep happiness and love

Ÿ I am an integral part of this beautiful world and lovingly connected to all beings

Ÿ I am safe to allow healthy separation between myself and those I’m close to. If
and when we need to take a step back from each other, we are safe to do so for we
are always deeply connected in love.

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
I’m Bad
(a.k.a I’m Selfish, It’s My Fault, I’m a Disappointment)

Power Statement:
When I make a mistake, I make amends and learn to be a better person. I
strive to do the right thing for the right reasons and that’s good enough

Source Fracture Story:

I’m Bad/Others are always angry with me/Life will punish me if I’m not good

You may: (how it shows up in your life)

Ÿ Be driven to be good to the extreme, or you may rebelliously act out, often vacillating
back & forth between the two

Ÿ Be self-blaming & overly responsible, often assuming responsibility for the poor
behavior of others, believing it is all your fault

Ÿ Be unable to self-reflect on your behavior in ways that promote wholesome growth, due
to inability to distinguish taking responsibility from blaming, shaming and finding fault.
Without the ability to take responsibility, however, your capacity for true development
becomes limited

Ÿ Over-commit yourself, trying to be the hero & then let people down

Ÿ Frequently break your word to yourself & to others, disappointing them and yourself,
and losing personal power due to inner incongruence

Ÿ Suffer from black & white “should” thinking, going right to judgment, cutting off
deeper & more subtle levels of inquiry and self-reflection

Ÿ Stay with others too long out of a sense of obligation, guilt and fear

Others often: (effect on others)

Ÿ Blame you, too, and are more than willing to let you take all the culpability for what’s
wrong, rarely admitting their own responsibility

Ÿ Complain that they don’t trust you and/or don’t feel safe with you due to your
unpredictable and chronically disappointing behavior

Ÿ Are chronically upset and irritated with you

Ÿ Threaten to punish you if you don’t do what they want you to do

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Ÿ Remain under-developed due to a lack of accountability for their own poor behavior
(with you willingly taking on role of scapegoat)

Beliefs about others:

Ÿ “Others are all good (and I am all bad)”

Ÿ “Others are always angry with me”

Ÿ “I am responsible for the happiness of others.”

Belief about life:

Ÿ “Life will punish me if I’m not good”

You may: (ways of being that generate evidence that validate identity)

Ÿ Create situations where others have unrealistically high expectations of you and/or are
overly dependent upon you for things that are important to them, and then let them

Ÿ Bate others to punish you for disappointing them

Ÿ Berate yourself by being highly self-critical and self-judgmental, thereby stunting your
own growth and development due to non-generative self reflection

Ÿ Take on heroic roles, martyring your own deeper feelings, needs & desires for the real
or imagined feelings, needs & desires of others in order to feel good about yourself

Ÿ Take responsibility for the poor behavior of others, not holding others accountable for
their part and therefore enabling them

Ÿ Become preoccupied with getting the approval of others, giving away your power to
determine how you feel about yourself

Ÿ Have unrealistically high expectations of yourself to be perfect, good and/or altruistic

all of the time

Ÿ Demonstrate perfectionistic thinking, evaluating and categorizing things as all good or

all bad, all right or all wrong, with any little infraction making you all bad and/or all

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Skills and capacities to cultivate in order to evolve beyond false identity:

Ÿ The ability to accurately self-reflect with genuine humility, discernment and curiosity,
which allows psychological, emotional and moral development to occur

Ÿ The ability to connect with and name your true feelings, needs and desires in order to
accurately assess what you do and do not have to give, learning to resist the impulse to
overextend yourself beyond your capacity
Ÿ The ability to assess and honor your own authentic values over the inherited values of
your environment and/or culture
Ÿ Realistic expectations of yourself and others based upon self-awareness and acceptance
of your strengths & limitations, and learning to set appropriate boundaries accordingly
Ÿ The ability to accept all parts of yourself without judgment, even when those parts of
yourself don’t make sense to you or don’t fit current cultural dictates of what is
considered proper
Ÿ The capacity to discern what belongs to you vs. what belongs to another so that you can
give up being overly responsible, and begin holding others accountable for their poor
behavior and/or their less than pure motives
Ÿ The ability to live with ambivalence, shades of gray, imperfection and uncertainty


Ÿ You are highly creative & resourceful in your ability to think outside of accepted social

Ÿ You possess a revolutionary spirit, creating new possibilities for society inside of your
capacity to rebel against the status quo

Ÿ You have the capacity to contribute extreme goodness into the world

Power (Deeper Truth) Statements:

Ÿ I deeply care about other people and strive always to do the right thing for the
right reasons.
Ÿ Just because I’m feeling shame does not mean I have anything to be ashamed
Ÿ The mistakes I’ve made are lessons learned and I commit myself to cleaning up
my messes. It is the mark of a good person to humbly learn from her mistakes and
I vow to make amends moving forward.
Ÿ I see and accept my imperfections and shortcomings with clarity and deep
humility, and I hold myself accountable to grow beyond them

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Ÿ Mistakes are a normal and natural part of life. My power lies in my ability to
learn from my mistakes and to grow from them, and not in being perfect
Ÿ I embrace and accept all parts of myself, recognizing with deep humility my
own humanity and my need to evolve
Ÿ I trust other people’s ability to take care of themselves and to be responsible for
their own choices and behavior
Ÿ I am the ultimate authority of my own life and I take full responsibility for the
choices I make and the actions I take
Ÿ Other people’s upsets are often just the expression of their inability to meet their
own needs
Ÿ At the center of my being, I am deeply well meaning, good and trustworthy.

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
I’m a Burden
(a.k.a. I Don’t Need Anyone, I’m Too Much)

Power Statement:
My feelings & needs are valid. And it is appropriate for me to assume
that those I’m close to will care about them & do their best to
accommodate them
Source Fracture Story:
I’m a burden/Others feel overwhelmed and burdened by my feelings and needs/If
something is wrong, it’s my job to fix it

You may: (how it shows up in your life)

Ÿ Be burdened by the magnitude of your own feelings, needs and desires and are
therefore dismissive and disconnected from them

Ÿ Rarely allow yourself to express your most vulnerable feelings, needs & desires by
asking for what you need

Ÿ Have intimate relationships with people who are less powerful than you and/or become
overly dependent upon you, thereby frequently becoming a burden to you

Ÿ (If a woman) Stay in mother position as opposed to woman position, thereby never
fully blossoming into the fullness of your womanliness

Ÿ Have relationships that are profoundly imbalanced, with you giving far more often than
you receiving

Ÿ Are profoundly self-reliant, rarely creating support structures that allow others to give to

Ÿ May have a body you may feel is too big and “burdensome” to you

Ÿ You are overly responsible for others

Ÿ You feel under-developed due to your inability to ask for and receive support from

Ÿ Create close relationships with those who pull on you to be smaller than you are and to
“tone” it down so that you feel contracted and under expressed in life.

Others often: (effect on others)

Ÿ Experience you as profoundly self-reliant

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Ÿ Find you to be non-demanding and “low maintenance”

Ÿ Feel burdened if and when you do express a need or desire since you will often ask at
inopportune times or in ways that occur for others as arduous and demanding

Ÿ (If you are a woman) The men in your life will not feel needed by you and therefore will
not feel compelled to commit to you

Ÿ (If you are a woman) The men in your life may behave like little boys, rarely rising to a
more mature expression of the masculine, such as the role of protector/provider

Ÿ Find you hard to contribute to, feeling rebuffed and shut down by you when they try to
give to you

Belief about others:

Ÿ “Others are overwhelmed and burdened by the magnitude of my needs”

Belief about life:

Ÿ “If something is wrong, then I am the one responsible for fixing it”

You may: (ways of being that generate the truth of the identity)

Ÿ Be deeply disconnected from your own feelings, needs & desires, treating them as
though they were burdensome to you

Ÿ Draw rigid boundaries in ways that are alienating and create distance between you and
other people

Ÿ Not ask for what you need, and then become resentful towards others for not reading
your mind and providing it for you

Ÿ Over-give and then get resentful that others are not giving to you in the same way you
give to them

Ÿ Source safety and your value by being in giver position

Ÿ Be a bad receiver, feeling the need to reciprocate immediately if you do receive at all

Ÿ Make requests for what you need & desire in ways, or at times, that make it burdensome
for others to fulfill (should you make requests at all)

Ÿ Assume you know what others need and be quick to provide it, without checking in
with them first. You are often unrelated, however, to their deeper needs and so, when you

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
are giving to them, they may feel burdened by your care, at times feeling compelled to
take care of you while you are taking care of them

Skills and capacities to cultivate in order to evolve beyond false identity:

Ÿ The ability to be deeply connected to your own feelings, needs & desires, learning to
name, welcome and witness them with profound love, reassuring yourself that your
feelings and needs are not burdensome to you

Ÿ The capacity to open and receive from others without automatically needing to

Ÿ The capacity to ask for what you want in ways that are sensitive to others, and inspire
them to give to you

Ÿ The capacity to be powerfully vulnerable and transparent with others about your
feelings, needs and desires


Ÿ You are able to take on huge projects with great success

Ÿ You accomplish a lot due to your advanced capacity to hold large levels of responsibility

Ÿ You are extremely independent, self-reliant & resourceful

Ÿ Others feel a tremendous sense of freedom in their relationship with you

Ÿ Others feel nurtured & well cared for by you

Power (Deeper Truth) Statements:

Ÿ My feelings and needs are valid. And it is appropriate for me to assume

that those I’m close to will care about them & do their best to accommodate them

Ÿ It is the expression of a healthy intimate relationships to willingly

bear the burdens of each other with generosity, kindness and love

Ÿ I am deeply related to my needs & to the needs of others. Inside of mutual

giving and receiving, we all become more of who we are

Ÿ Meeting my needs is a source of empowerment for myself and others

Ÿ My needs are appropriate, reasonable, valid and essential to my well-being

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
I Don’t Belong
(a.k.a. I’m Lost)

Power Statement:
I am deeply at home within myself and recognize
how profoundly connected I am to all of Life

Source Fracture Story:

I don’t belong/Others don’t like me and can’t see my value/I’m on the outside looking in

You may: (how it shows up in your life)

Ÿ Leave communities frequently and often without proper closure, creating a chronic
sense of loss, alienation and disconnection for yourself and others

Ÿ Throw away connections easily, failing to invest yourself in relationships you’ve spent
time & energy creating, as though they were not that important

Ÿ Long for a place to belong, and be waiting for others to invite you to participate, deeply
confused why they don’t see you and bring you in

Ÿ Not navigate conflict well, often leaving relationships when conflict is present, or
disengaging so that the relationship does not bond and deepen

Ÿ Stay on the periphery of groups and communities (i.e., come late and leave early, rarely
volunteer to participate or give service, etc.)

Ÿ Only create community on your own terms—usually as a leader and not as a member

Ÿ Feel chronically under expressed and unactualized

Ÿ Feel chronically dislocated, left out and disconnected from groups and communities of
people, unable to find your place in the world

Ÿ Feel chronically confused as to the context and/or the rules of your environment,
baffled at how others seem to know what is going on when you don’t seem to

Ÿ Feel covertly unwelcomed in almost every environment you enter, assuming that your
presence is not really wanted and/or valued

Others often: (effect on others)

Ÿ Forget to include you or assume you are not interested in participating

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Ÿ Find you unapproachable and difficult to get to know, experiencing you as having your
energy pulled inwards

Ÿ Feel put off by you

Ÿ Don’t seek you out, sometimes even treating you as though you were invisible

Ÿ Would be surprised to learn how deeply you long to be included in what they are up to

Ÿ Assume you know the basic rules of engagement for that particular culture/community
and are surprised, confused and perhaps even turned off when you don’t

Beliefs about others:

Ÿ “Others don’t like me and can’t see my value”

Ÿ “Others don’t see my gifts, my talents or my potentials”

Ÿ “Others don’t care about me”

Ÿ “Others know more about how life works than I do”

Beliefs about life:

Ÿ “I have no place in the world”

Ÿ “Life is chronically unactualized”

Ÿ “Life is frustrating and deeply confusing”

Ÿ “Relationships don’t last”

You may: (ways of being that generate evidence that validate identity)

Ÿ Rarely become a member of anything or, if you do, you don’t participate much in
community/group activities

Ÿ Not share your true gifts and talents with the communities that you find yourself in,
keeping your brilliance inside of you as though it were inconsequential or unneeded by
the group

Ÿ Not bother to learn the names of those in your communities, somehow dismissing the
importance of getting to know people since, in your mind, it will only be temporary

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Ÿ Arrive late and leave early, thereby avoiding further relatedness and invitations to

Ÿ Not create appropriate structures that would support you to get your gifts and talents
out into the world in ways that would allow them to be received and valued by others

Ÿ Fail to relate contextually to what is happening in the environment, not noticing the
basic frames of reference, and thereby always being slightly out of synch with those you
are with (i.e. don’t understand the point of the meeting, are missing key information that
you would need to be able to navigate the conversation well, are confused as to the basic
logistics of the class, etc.)

Skills and capacities to cultivate in order to evolve beyond false identity:

Ÿ The ability to understand the context for engagement (i.e., the agreements of the
relationship, the purpose of the meeting, the overall goal of the group, the cultural norms
of the community, etc.) and engage inside of these norms

Ÿ The ability to understand the basic frames of reference for each environment you are in
(i.e., studying the syllabus and the basic textbook of a class before it begins, looking at a
map of the town you are visiting, reading the mission statement of the church you attend,
reading the manual for the computer you just purchased, etc.)

Ÿ Social skills that include getting to know the needs and concerns of those around you,
cultivating authentic interest and curiosity in others

Ÿ The capacity to engage differences in ways that foster connection and belonging, and
assist in the gathering of collective wisdom

Ÿ The capacity to experience strong relational bonds that last through time, through
challenges and difficult conflicts, as well as through changes in the form of relationships

Ÿ Your ability to participate and/or join in a group by volunteering your skills and talents
for the benefit of the group

Ÿ Relationships with particular physical environments and “sacred spots” that serve to
ground you to the earth


Ÿ You are highly creative and unique in your perspectives in a way that is evolutionary and
inspires growth and development

Ÿ You are a pioneer and a trailblazer – powerfully able to venture into unchartered and
unexplored territories

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Ÿ You possess strong leadership abilities and are able to powerfully lead others towards
their greater good

Ÿ You are excellent at creating a profound sense of belonging for others

Ÿ You care deeply about others and about making a contribution that is of benefit to the whole

Power (Deeper Truth) Statements:

Ÿ I am deeply at home within myself and recognize how profoundly

connected I am to all of Life.

Ÿ I am a part of all that is. Everyone everywhere belongs to me and I to


Ÿ I am fully capable of understanding this environment, and of garnishing all of

the information I need to thrive and participate fully

Ÿ I am a true pioneer, venturing into unchartered territory as a leader and a

trailblazer for the benefit of all

Ÿ I allow differences between myself and others to lead us into even deeper, more
profound and satisfying relatedness with one another

Ÿ I am a unique and essential citizen of the world. My contribution and authentic

self-expression is essential to the well-being of all

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
I Don’t Matter

Power Statement:
My feelings and needs matter. They matter to me.
And it is appropriate for me to have a healthy expectation
that they also matter to those who are closest to me.
Source Fracture Story:
I don’t matter/The feelings and needs of others matter more than my own/ Who I am
and what to offer is insignificant and inconsequential

You may: (how it shows up in your life)

Ÿ May be shy and introverted

Ÿ Rarely assert yourself, almost never asking for what you truly need and/or desire

Ÿ Feel that unless you reach out to others and generate the connection, that your
relationships will probably end

Ÿ Minimize and/or rarely celebrate your accomplishments

Ÿ Feel compelled to give to others when you sense a need, unable to not give, even when
it’s at your own expense

Ÿ Be amazingly giving and generous with others, making sure you honor their every
feeling and need

Others often: (effect on others)

Ÿ Skip over you and/or forget to include you

Ÿ Do not even consider your feelings, needs or desires

Ÿ Punish and/or reject you if and when you do express your needs and desires

Ÿ Don’t invest in their relationship with you (i.e., don’t marry you, hire you as a full time
employee, train you properly, etc.)

Beliefs about others:

Ÿ “The feelings and needs of others matter more than my own”

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Belief about life:

Ÿ “Who I am and what to offer is insignificant and inconsequential”

You may: (ways of being that generate evidence that validate identity)

Ÿ Speak about yourself in dismissive and diminishing ways, minimizing your

accomplishments to others

Ÿ Reject and dismiss your own feelings, needs and desires treating yourself as if what you
feel and what you need don’t really matter

Ÿ Withhold your true feelings, needs and desires from others

Ÿ Consistently and brilliantly tend to the needs and desires of others before attending to
your own needs and desires, often skipping over yourself entirely
Ÿ Overwork, ignoring your own well-being in the process

Ÿ Reject the attempts that others make to give to you because it is not exactly what you
are wanting, assuming that if others really cared about you, they would be able to be as
thoughtful and intuitive about your needs as you are of theirs

Skills and capacities to cultivate to evolve beyond false identity:

Ÿ Learn to connect with what you are feeling, needing and desiring, continually mirroring
and affirming the validity of your own inner experience

Ÿ Cultivate the ability to ask for what you need and desire in ways that engage and inspire
others to fulfill them

Ÿ Ability to presence yourself in the room by speaking up and being visible in engaging
and authentic ways

Ÿ Capacity to openly receive love in the many different ways it is being offered


Ÿ You possess a highly developed spirit of generosity and thoughtfulness

Ÿ Others feel deeply seen and cared for by you

Ÿ You make deeply meaningful contributions to the lives of others

Ÿ You have an extraordinary capacity to see and meet the needs of those around you

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Ÿ You are an exceptional gift giver, knowing exactly what to give and when to give it, in
order to create a strong sense of well-being for others

Ÿ You create a sense of sweetness in the lives of others, profoundly blessing others with a
sense of true care

Power (Deeper Truth) Statements:

Ÿ My feelings, needs and desires matter. They matter to me. And it is appropriate
for me to have a heatlhy expectation that they also matter to those who are closest
to me.
Ÿ My well-being is my number one priority and matters deeply to me

Ÿ Other people may very well show that my feelings, needs and desires matter to
them if I would just tell them clearly what they are.

Ÿ I open myself to receive love from others in the many different ways that they are
able to express it

Ÿ Intuiting the needs and desires of others is a gift that I possess and does not
obligate me in any way to fulfill their needs and desires

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
I’m a Failure
(a.k.a. I’m a Mess, I’m a Screw-up)

Power Statement:
I am capable of using all of my mistakes to help me learn how to have
happier, healthier and more loving relationships moving forward

Source Fracture Story:

I’m a failure/Others are judging me/No matter how hard I try I can never get it right.

You may: (how it shows up in your life)

Ÿ Rarely keep your word to yourself and/or to others

Ÿ Not complete tasks you’ve committed to completing or if you do, you do so late

Ÿ Frequently induce late fees and/or have a poor credit rating

Ÿ Make messes of things, literally, with piles of paperwork and things to get to all around
your home and office

Ÿ Be chronically disorganized to the extreme

Ÿ Suffer from chronic feelings of guilt, shame and inferiority

Ÿ Rarely take the time to celebrate your accomplishments

Ÿ Create minimal structures for the fulfillment of your own deeper needs and desires

Ÿ Are always in the dog house with others

Others often: (effect on others)

Ÿ Feel chronically irritated and disappointed with you because they are frequently at the
effect of things you’ve messed up

Ÿ Find themselves compelled to try to organize you and keep you on track (particularly
your intimate partners)

Ÿ Complain that they can’t trust you to keep your word and eventually learn to dismiss
your promises

Ÿ Don’t believe in you, and lose confidence in their relationship with you

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Beliefs about others:

Ÿ “Others are judging me”

Ÿ “Others are always mad at me”

Belief about life:

Ÿ “No matter what I do, or how hard I try, I can never get it right”

You may: (ways of being that generate evidence that validate identity)

Ÿ Be late most of the time

Ÿ Chronically procrastinate

Ÿ Under-prepare for work that you are contracted to deliver in spite of your capacity to
do a better job

Ÿ Lack structures to help you manage all the details of your life

Ÿ Lack structures to receive money for the gifts and talents that you have

Ÿ Create disorder and disorganization in your environment due to poor follow through,
such as not paying bills on time, not opening your mail, etc.

Ÿ Take on more than you can realistically manage, resulting in poor performance

Ÿ Undersell your products or services, obligating you to do work for much less than you
are worth and throwing your life into disarray because you can’t manage your time and/or

Ÿ Disappear and get out of communication when you are beginning to see that you will be
unable to fulfill on your promises, waiting until it is too late to communicate your needs
for support

Skills and capacities to cultivate to evolve beyond false identity:

Ÿ Create systems and structures that provide for more order, and then make an effort to
stick with them

Ÿ The capacity to manage timeframes and deadlines

Ÿ The capacity to graciously decline opportunities that sound exciting in light of all the
things that you are already committed to

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Ÿ The ability to do less work but make it of a higher quality

Ÿ Create structures to contribute your gifts to the world at a higher level

Ÿ Ability to harness the support that is available to you

Ÿ Better communication strategies that allow you to communicate what is happening with
more cohesion and clarity


Ÿ You are powerfully generative, creative, and visionary

Ÿ You possess a willingness to take on huge commitments and subsequently possess a

great capacity for success

Ÿ You are willing to take big risks in life, increasing your chance of having a profound
impact on the world

Power (Deeper Truth) Statements:

Ÿ I am capable of using all of my mistakes to help me learn how to have happier,

healthier and more loving relationships moving forward

Ÿ Everybody makes mistakes. Mistakes are how we learn in life

Ÿ My work has profound value to others. I can afford to slow down and do things
right so that I am set up to win in life

Ÿ I can create all the support I need to be successful

Ÿ I can do this and I can do it successfully

Ÿ I need not meet the standards of others in order to be a worthwhile person

Ÿ Every successful person has failed big time at least once in life. This is just my
learning curve.

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
I’m Invisible
(a.k.a. I’m Not Seen, I Don’t Exist)

Power Statement:
I came here to be seen and to have an impact. It is
my responsibility to presence myself wherever I go
& whomever I’m with
Source Fracture Story:
I’m Invisible/Others Don’t Care About Me/It’s Dangerous To Be Seen

You may: (how it shows up in your life)

Ÿ Be disconnected from your own feelings, needs & desires (they are invisible to you), and
this becomes a vague sense of dissatisfaction in all your relationships

Ÿ Not assert your feelings, needs & desires even when you are aware of them
Ÿ Place your first attention on others, disappearing yourself almost entirely by deflecting
attention away from yourself
Ÿ Frequently bail on relationships, slipping out the back door and disappearing with little
or no explanation, often assuming other won’t miss you or will barely notice you are gone
Ÿ Rarely create structures for the fulfillment of your needs yet consistently martyr
yourself for the needs of others
Ÿ Become resentful that others don’t see and care for your needs without you having to
tell them what they are, because you can so clearly see the needs of others even before
they voice them

Ÿ Stay in relationships with people who ignore your deeper feelings and needs

Others often: (effect on others)

Ÿ Place their attention primarily on themselves, too and do not necessarily like it when
you suddenly decide to presence your own feelings and needs (because you’re breaking
the unspoken contract)

Ÿ Can become very self-absorbed and self-centered in your presence

Ÿ Enjoy how puffed-up, important and “seen” they feel when they are with you

Ÿ Are clueless about your feelings, needs and desires

Ÿ Frequently disregard and skip over you, forgetting to ask you how you are or what you
want or need
(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Ÿ Are confused or hurt when you leave the relationship without explanation

Belief about others:

Ÿ “Others don’t care about me”

Belief about life:

Ÿ “It is dangerous to be seen”

You may: (ways of being that generate evidence that validate identity)

Ÿ Disappear when you don’t get your needs met rather than ask directly for what you
want, hang in there and work it out

Ÿ Ask for what you want and need in ways that are attacking and/or accusing, assuming
others don’t care about you before they’ve been given a chance to demonstrate they do

Ÿ Redirect the conversation to keep the focus on others rather than reveal yourself

Ÿ Engage in selfless service to the point of exhaustion & depletion, rarely presencing your
own needs and desires

Ÿ Not reveal the real you in a way that would allow others to get to know who you are
and the value of what you have to offer

Skills and capacities to cultivate to evolve beyond Source Fracture Story:

Ÿ The ability to recognize and name your own feelings, needs and desires

Ÿ The ability to ask for what you need & desire in ways that inspire others to meet those

Ÿ The ability to speak who you are and what you have to offer in ways that truly represent
your gifts and talents, and therefore get you invited to participate in ways that would
generate more visibility in the world


Ÿ You have an exceptional ability to help others due to a highly developed capacity for
insight, empathy, perception & discernment

Ÿ You occur as deeply trustworthy and safe to others

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Ÿ You are highly creative and able to see possibilities that remain invisible to others

Power (Deeper Truth) Statements:

Ÿ I came here to be seen and to have an impact. It is my responsibility to

presence myself wherever I go and whomever I’m with

Ÿ I see myself. I am deeply present to my own feelings, needs and desires. I

intuitively know how to ask for my needs and desires in ways that inspire others to
meet them

Ÿ The best way to see how much other people do or don’t care about my feelings,
needs and desires is to tell them clearly what they are and then see how they show

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
I’m Not Enough
(a.k.a. I’m not good enough)
Power Statement:
My very existence is a treasure unto all of Life.
I need do nothing to prove my value.

Source Fracture Story:

I’m Not Enough/Others Are Better Than Me/There’s Not Enough
Love/Attention/Time To Go Around

You may: (how it shows up in your life)

Ÿ Feel as though you never have enough (time, attention, money, resources, love, etc.)

Ÿ Be “other -directed” and chronically self-sacrificing to please others

Ÿ Frequently find yourself burdened by too many obligations pulling you in all different

Ÿ Feel deeply self-conscious and insecure about your own inherent value and compelled
to prove yourself as though always operating at a deficit

Ÿ Commit to things that don’t bring you joy

Ÿ Believe your value is measured by how pleased others are with you

Ÿ Be overly responsible for other people’s happiness, satisfaction and fulfillment

Ÿ Be overly zealous in caring for the needs and desires of others, often forgoing your
own in the process

Ÿ Stay in relationships with people who are hyper-critical of you

Others often: (effect on others)

Ÿ Learn to feel entitled to demand you do more for less

Ÿ Feel frustrated and irritated with you when you take on more than you can realistically
deliver on and then let them down

Ÿ Don’t trust you to keep your word on what you say you are going to do

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Ÿ Feel that no matter how much they do to show their love and support, that it’s never
quite enough

Ÿ Become overly dependent upon you

Ÿ Feel as though you are settling for them

Belief about others:

Ÿ “Other women/men are better than me and have so much more to offer than I do”

Ÿ “Men/women are disappointed in me”

Ÿ “Men/women want more than I have to give”

Ÿ “Other people don’t value me”

Belief about life:

Ÿ “There isn’t enough to go around, (i.e., time, money, attention, resources or love)”

You may: (ways of being that generate evidence that validate identity)

Ÿ Covertly make self-depreciating and self-diminishing comments, particularly when

others try to praise and acknowledge you

Ÿ Over-commit and take on way more than you could possibly do, validating over and
over again that you’re not up to task

Ÿ Lose yourself in the needs of other people, feeling compelled to respond to every need
that comes your way

Ÿ Become a jack-of-all-trades and master of none

Ÿ Under charge and under value your services, working harder than others for less reward

Ÿ Generate debt

Ÿ Over give, over buy, over do everything

Ÿ Sell yourself short and settle for less

Ÿ Under value and under present yourself

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Skills and capacities to cultivate to evolve beyond Source Fracture Story:

Ÿ The ability to be deeply present with yourself, aware of and connected to your own
feelings, needs and desires

Ÿ The ability to give to yourself first before giving to others

Ÿ The ability to set appropriate limits and to say “no” to those things that do not truly
inspire you

Ÿ The ability to accurately assess the true value of what you provide

Ÿ Expanding your capacity to receive support, validation, love and appreciation from
others without needing to compulsively reciprocate


Ÿ You’re profoundly generous, with more than enough to share, and give freely to others

Ÿ You provide a sense of abundance for others

Ÿ You are good at many things, having cultivated many different skills and talents

Power (Deeper Truth) Statements:

Ÿ My very existence is a treasure unto all of life. I need do nothing to prove my


Ÿ The less I give and do, the more open I am to receiving support, love,
acknowledgement and appreciation from others
Ÿ I am deeply grateful for all that I am, all that I do and all that I have

Ÿ I always have enough time, enough money, enough support and enough love to
live the life that I was born to live

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
I’m Not Loved
(a.k.a. I’m Not Lovable)

Power Statement:
Even when the one I love closes their heart to me,
I am still deeply lovable (loved) and worthy of being loved
Source Fracture Story:
I’m Not Loved/No one loves me/Life is a struggle and deprived

You may: (how it shows up in your life)

Ÿ Experience a chronic sense of being lost, off track and off purpose

Ÿ Fail to create adequate support that would allow you to thrive in life

Ÿ Lack structures that would allow you to get your gifts out into the world

Ÿ Chronically look for love from people, situations and in ways that assure you will not
get it, frequently finding yourself in a state of painful longing in your romantic life

Ÿ Be profoundly sad in a way that feels unreachable and unfixable

Ÿ Chronically neglect yourself and deprive yourself of healthy self-care practices and

Ÿ Live in a home that is empty and barren of those things that would create a loving and
comforting environment

Ÿ Form relationships where you give more than you receive

Ÿ Stay in relationships with people who are love avoidant and not available to commit to

Others often: (effect on others)

Ÿ Neglect you

Ÿ Do not make time for you

Ÿ Mirror back to you your own lack of self-love by not extending much love or care your

Ÿ Feel uninspired to give to you or take care of you

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Ÿ Feel uncared for by you

Belief about others:

Ÿ “No one loves me.”

Ÿ “Other people only like me because of what I give to them.”

Belief about life:

Ÿ “Life is a struggle and deprived.”

Ÿ “Life is hard and sad and I can never get what I truly want and need from others.”

Ÿ “I can never get ahead.”

You may: (ways of being that generate evidence that validates identity)

Ÿ Wait sadly on the sidelines of life for others to invite you to participate with them,
rather than generate your own party and invite people to play with you

Ÿ Not cultivate your own talents by failing to create structures or support that would help
you develop yourself and excel in the areas where you are talented and gifted

Ÿ Organize your life around mere survival rather than around flourishing and thriving

Ÿ Feel small and insignificant

Ÿ Create a rather empty, barren life, failing to participate in those things that make life
joyful and colorful

Ÿ Not ask for what you need or desire, not even really knowing what that is, and hoping
instead the others will just figure it out

Ÿ Stay with people who fail to meet your emotional and physical needs and in situations
that do not nurture or support you

Skills and capacities to cultivate to evolve beyond the false identity:

Ÿ Develop your unique gifts and talents by creating structures that support you to do so
such as take up work with a teacher, join a club, go back to school, etc.

Ÿ The ability to self-nurture in healthy and wholesome ways

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Ÿ Learn partnership skills that would allow you to work collaboratively with others to get
your gifts and talents out into the world in meaningful ways

Ÿ Learn how to self soothe in loving and nurturing ways

Ÿ Learn to love all parts of yourself, even those you don’t feel good about or like

Ÿ Raise your expectations of others to be more in alignment with healthy mutuality

Ÿ The strength to leave relationships that are no longer fulfilling or serving the deeper
needs of your soul

Ÿ The ability to receive from others

Ÿ Strengthen your ability to tolerate your own autonomy so your relationships can avoid
become toxic and co-dependent

Ÿ Learn to communicate your feelings, needs and desires in ways that inspire others to
fulfill them


Ÿ You possess a deep and profound capacity to love

Ÿ You are deeply sweet, kind and tender-hearted

Ÿ You are deeply trustworthy and loyal

Ÿ You are generous with your love

Power (Deeper Truth) Statements:

Ÿ Even when the one I love closes their heart to me, I am still deeply lovable
(loved) and worthy of being loved

Ÿ I am loved by all of Life. And I continually have evidence of how much I am

loved by Life

Ÿ I came here to love and be loved, and I have the power to grow skills and
capacities that will allow me to create loving and mutually nourishing

Ÿ I allow myself to thrive in life by creating structures that nurture my gifts and
talents and support me to share them with the world

Ÿ Life always supports me to fully actualize my gifts into the world

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
I’m Not Safe

Power Statement:
I have the power to learn how to keep myself safe
by learning new, healthier ways of relating

Source Fracture Story:

I’m not safe/Other people have ill intent/Life and love is precarious and dangerous

You may: (how it shows up in your life)

Ÿ Get involved quickly with others emotionally, sexually and/or financially before
knowing their character, what they are available for, or adequately understanding the
agreements the relationship is founded upon

Ÿ Take a lot of uncalculated risks, living close to the edge with few safety nets

Ÿ Be idealistic, naive and overly trusting, chronically becoming wounded, disillusioned,

and disappointed when people fail to live up to your expectations

Ÿ Bring out a defensiveness in others that has them show up in ways that is
uncharacteristically hostile and hurtful

Ÿ Be overly generous before others have earned your generosity

Ÿ Feel safer with animals than you do with people

Others often: (effect on others)

Ÿ Feel like they are walking on egg shells around you

Ÿ Are turned off and give up on you because they never feel like they can win with you

Ÿ Violate you in ways that they would never violate anyone else

Ÿ Find you unapproachable and prickly

Ÿ Find you defensive and difficult, frequently feeling attacked by your intense reactions to
things that seem ordinary and mundane to them

Belief about others:

Ÿ “Other people have ill intent”

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Belief about life:

Ÿ “Life and love is unpredictable and dangerous”

You may: (ways of being that generate evidence that validates identity)

Ÿ Be highly reactive & hyper-vigilant to the upsets of others, frequently rushing to order
rather than wait for the organic emergence of harmonious solutions

Ÿ Unknowingly push others away with your suspiciousness of their motives

Ÿ Fail to ask questions or obtain information that would allow you to make more
informed decisions before moving forward

Ÿ Overly disclose personal information before the relationship has been properly

Ÿ Complain and/or attack others instead of make requests for what you need and desire

Ÿ Either go to war, or sever the relationship entirely, rather than work things through
amiably in the face of upsets or disagreements

Ÿ Avoid taking care of those things that would ensure your well-being and safety in life
(i.e., drive an unsafe car, fail to have health insurance, live pay check to pay check, etc.)

Ÿ Suffer from severe anxiety and may be prone to addictive and compulsive behaviors

Ÿ Avoid scary movies, news on television and/or reading newspapers, unable to

distinguish that it is others and not you in danger

Skills and capacities to cultivate to evolve beyond false identity:

Ÿ Learn how to provide safety for yourself so that you can trust in your ability to keep
yourself out of harm’s way (i.e., learn to look left and right before you cross the street)

Ÿ The capacity to self-soothe, reassuring yourself when your anxiety levels escalate

Ÿ The capacity to differentiate yourself from others, experiencing yourself as a separate

individual from others who are suffering

Ÿ The ability to assert boundaries and make requests in ways that sets clear limits and yet
affirm relatedness in the process

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Ÿ The ability to accurately interpret your intuitive knowing, and engage questions that
bring clarity and shed light in ways that help you understand the intuitive feelings you are

Ÿ The ability to accurately assess situations before investing yourself deeply

Ÿ The capacity to hold faith in the overall goodness of life in the face of things not going
your way

Ÿ The ability to accurately interpret your intuitive knowing that something is not right,
engaging questions that bring clarity and shed light in ways that help you understand the
feelings you are having


Ÿ You are deeply perceptive and possess an extraordinary capacity for intuitive knowing

Ÿ There is an innocence about you. You possess deep goodness and care about matters of
ethics and morality

Ÿ You take huge risks that create the possibility of enormous success for yourself and

Power (Deeper Truth) Statements:

Ÿ I have the power to learn how to keep myself safe by learning new, healthier
ways of relating

Ÿ I can trust myself to intuitively know when things are off and have the ability
ask questions, set limits or make requests that will help me to re-establish safety
for myself and others

Ÿ I trust others as they demonstrate their trustworthiness, which then earns my


Ÿ I trust myself to take care of myself if and when others disappoint me

Ÿ Other people often have my best interests at heart and can, indeed, be trusted to
do right by me

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
I’m Not Valuable
(a.k.a. I’m Disposable, I’m Worthless, I’m Not Special)

Power Statement:
I am a treasure unto all of Life.
I need do nothing to try to prove my inherent value.
Source Fracture Story:
I’m not valuable/Others don’t value me and dispose of me easily/

You may: (how it shows up in your life)

Ÿ Throw yourself away—have sex with people who don’t love you, give away your
money, your services, and/or your time for free or much less than their value

Ÿ Leave relationships easily, giving up on them at the first sign of trouble and/or conflict,
or you stay in relationships too long with people who don’t value you or treat you with

Ÿ Not see the value or contribution that you make clearly and therefore have a hard time
esteeming yourself

Ÿ Experience a chronic sense of depletion

Ÿ Possess a certain survival vigilance and a “land on your feet” resourceful-ness due to
chronic experience of unpredictable change and loss

Ÿ Feel deeply insecure, inferior and inadequate most of the time

Ÿ Suffer from a lack of healthy entitlement when it comes to getting your needs met

Ÿ Experience an inability to receive from others

Ÿ Feel compelled to meet the needs and desires of others, often at your own expense

Others often: (effect on others)

Ÿ Chronically devalue and underestimate you

Ÿ Are not inspired to invest in you and if they do, invest at a minimal level

Ÿ Leave you without warning

Ÿ Don’t value what you provide for them, often abusing and taking advantage of your
(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Ÿ Don’t pay you what you’re worth

Ÿ Don’t commit to you or invest much in their relationship with you

Belief about others:

Ÿ “Others don’t value me and dispose of me easily”

Ÿ “Others are better than me”

Belief about life:

Ÿ “My life has little value”

Ÿ “Life is worthless”

You may: (ways of being that generate evidence that validates identity)

Ÿ Have difficulty setting limits or saying “no” to requests for your help

Ÿ Greatly under-represent your gifts, talents and capacities

Ÿ Not create structures for abundance to come to you

Ÿ Either under or overprice your services and wares

Ÿ Present yourself in haphazard, inconsistent and slipshod ways

Ÿ Be unclear when it comes to matters of money, (i.e., undercharging people, forgetting to

bill them for services rendered, etc.)

Ÿ Give away or throw away things that are actually valuable to you

Ÿ Put yourself into financial jeopardy by giving your money to those who you think need
it more

Ÿ Shop in cheap stores, filling your home with things that are not valuable that you don’t
care much about and can throw away easily

Ÿ Rarely provide for yourself in ways that would cause you to thrive in life

Ÿ Be more apt to rent than own, lease than purchase or be a contracted employee rather
than a full time employee, always metaphorically leaving one foot out the door

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Ÿ Rarely celebrate your accomplishments, often diminishing and devaluing your

Ÿ Chronically borrow against your own well-being

Skills and capacities to cultivate to evolve Source Fracture Story:

Ÿ The ability to present yourself in ways that convey your worth to others

Ÿ The ability to assess and anticipate your own needs as it relates to your time, your
finances and your need for recognition and reward

Ÿ The ability to receive graciously from others

Ÿ The ability to say “no” and set limits while maintaining relatedness

Ÿ Elevate healthier expectations of others


Ÿ You excel at creating and contributing things of great and profound value for the well
being and advancement of all

Ÿ You possess a deep humility and have an extraordinary capacity for empathy and
connection with others, enabling you to dissolve and transcend barriers and differences

Ÿ You possess a keen ability to feel into and to meet the true needs of others, rather than
just the surface needs that they may be expressing

Ÿ Others feel profoundly valued and loved by you

Power (Deeper Truth) Statements:

Ÿ I am a treasure unto all of Life. I need do nothing to try to prove my inherent

Ÿ I own the value of my gifts and talents and I express them in unique and
meaningful ways

Ÿ I value all that I have and all that I am

Ÿ I am deeply worthy of love and respect of others

Ÿ The more I value and esteem myself, the more others will value and esteem me

Ÿ I am worth investing in and worthy of receiving a commitment from someone I

deem worthy
(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
I’m Not Wanted
(a.k.a. I’m not chosen)

Power Statement:
I am welcomed and wanted by all of life
Source Fracture Story:
I’m not wanted/Men (or women) want other women (or men), not me/The world is a
rejecting place

You may: (how it shows up in your life)

Ÿ Be consistently rejected by romantic partners

Ÿ Not be chosen by potential romantic partners who then go on to choose others over

Ÿ Frequently feel left out

Ÿ Try to be what you think others want you to be rather than be yourself

Ÿ Get involved with those who don’t appreciate or value you (i.e., you “cast your pearls
before swine”)

Others often: (effect on others)

Ÿ Don’t want to be with you and either don’t include you, or include you from a sense of

Ÿ Aren’t happy when you walk into the room

Ÿ Reject your bids for connection and closeness

Ÿ Don’t want what you have to give

Ÿ Feel intruded upon by what occurs for them as your overwhelmingly assertive opinions,
demands and comments

Ÿ Find you difficult and draining to be with

Ÿ Often feel rejected by you

Ÿ Feel talked at as opposed to spoken with

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Beliefs about others:

Ÿ “ Men/Women want other women/men, not me.”

Ÿ “Others don’t want me for me. Rather they just want my body, my money, my status,
what I can do for them, etc.”

Ÿ “Others are going to reject me”

Belief about life:

Ÿ “The world is a cold, uncaring & rejecting place”

You may: (ways of being that generate evidence that validates identity)

Ÿ Push and pursue others to be closer to you in a way that often pushes people away and
leaves little room for them to come towards you

Ÿ Phone people or knock on their door at inappropriate and inconvenient times and then
fail to ask them if this is a good time to speak before launching into whatever you want to

Ÿ Interrupt others at ill-timed moments, aggressively asserting your opinions without

being asked or invited to speak

Ÿ Be oblivious and unaware about how your behavior is affecting and impacting others

Ÿ Talk beyond people’s capacity to listen, unconscious that you are dominating the
conversation and going on beyond what is socially appropriate

Ÿ Be combative, defensive and/or difficult to please

Ÿ Be missing important social cues that others are providing (such as looking at the clock,
or beginning to gather their things) as to what behavior is appropriate and would work
for them in that moment

Ÿ Speak in a loud and strident voice

Skills and Capacities to Cultivate to evolve beyond the false identity:

Ÿ A loving connection with your inner experience, welcoming, “wanting” and embracing
all of your feelings, needs and desires unconditionally

Ÿ The ability to understand the impact you have on others, noticing how what you do and
what you say affects others both positively and negatively, adjusting your behavior to be
more socially appropriate and accommodating of where others are
(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Ÿ Cultivate a capacity for empathetic listening so that you can gage what others are
needing in the moment that they need it, with or without them coming out and saying it

Ÿ A more mature capacity for reading social cues so that you can pick up on the subtleties
of communication


Ÿ You are unstoppable and therefore able to achieve and accomplish extraordinary results

Power (Deeper Truth) Statements:

Ÿ I am welcomed and wanted by all of life

Ÿ Life conspired to get me here against great odds. I am meant to be here

Ÿ I deeply appreciate and embrace all that I have and all that I am. I choose to
want everything that I have and everything I am.

Ÿ I intuitively know how to ask for what I need and desire in ways that inspire
others to fulfill them

Ÿ Even when someone I loved rejects me, the gifts that I have to offer are still
worthy of being received

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.
About the Author

Katherine Woodward Thomas, M.A., MFT is the New York Times

bestselling author of Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps to Living Happily
Even After and Calling in “The One:” 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of
Your Life. She is a licensed marriage and family therapist and teacher to
hundreds of thousands of people from all corners of the globe in her
virtual and in-person learning communities.

Katherine has appeared multiple times on the Today Show and her work
has been featured in the New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The
Washington Post, The London Times, Time Magazine, The Wall Street
Journal, People Magazine, Women’s Health and many other media outlets
throughout the world.

For more information, please see

(c) 2017 Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Training.
This document may not be reproduced in part or whole without written permission of Katherine Woodward Thomas.

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