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C ro p R es.

6 (3) : 341 349 (1993)

W ith e ig h t f ig u r e s
P r in te d in I n d ia

Growth and development of soybean as influenced by phosphorus

fertilizer and plant density


D e p a r tm e n t o f A g r o n o m y
I n s titu te f o r A g r ic u ltu r a l R e se a rc h ., A h m a d u B e llo U n iv e r s ity , Z a r ia N ig e r ia


Field trials were conducted during the rainy seasons of 1984, 1985 and 1987 in
Samaru, Nigeria to study the effects of different levels of phosphorus (0, 13, 26 and
52 kg P/ha) and plant density (200 000; 300,000; 400,000; 500,000 and 600,000 plants/
ha) on the growth and development of a newly released soybean cultivar (Samsoy-1).
The application of phosphorus increased leaf number per plant, leaf area index (LAI),
plant height, total dry matter (TDM) per plant but delayed flowering. Optimum P
rate was 26 kg P/ha. Increasing plant density from 200,000 plants/ha to 500,000
plants/ha resulted in high LAI and taller plants. However, number of leaves per
plant and total dry matter per plant declined. Neither phosphorus nor plant density
showed any consistent significant influence on net assimilation rate (NAR) or relative
growth rate (RGR).
Key words : Development, growth, phosphorus, plant density, soybean


The application of phosphorus fertilizers increased the grain yield of soy­

bean significantly (Olufajo, 1986; Pal e t a h , 1989). Similarly, increased plant densi­
ty, although, reduced the yield of individual plants, but yield per unit area incre­
ased (Heatherly, 1988; Chiezey e t a h , 1991). Crop yield is a function of complex
growth and development processes going on in the plant system. Most studies
tend to focus mainly on grain yield, probably because it is the most important
economic component of the crop and also easy to assess. On the otherh and, growth
and development are not easy to assess because of the tedium involved in collecting
and analysing such data, and also not easily quantifiable. However, a good under­
standing of the growth and development processes in the plant system may provide
the key to understanding and probably for predicting crop yield. This study was,
therefore, undertaken to determine the effects of different levels of phosphorus
fertilizer and plant density on the growth and development of a newly released
soybean variety Samsoy-1.
342 Chiezey, Yayock and Ahmed


Field trials were conducted in Samaru in the Northern Guinea savanna zone
of Nigeria (11° 11' N, 7° 38' E) during the rainy seasons of 1984, 1985 and 1987.
Four levels of phosphorus (0, 13, 26 and 52 kg P/ha) and five plant densities
(200,000; 300,000; 400,000; 500,000 and 600,000 plants/ha) were arranged in
factorial combinations and laid out as a randomized complete block design,
replicated four times. Soil samples were taken upto a depth of 30 cm after land
preparation but before the application of fertilizer and analysed for the chemical
and physical properties.
Seeds of Samsoy-1 soybean were planted on eight ridges, 60 cm apart and
6 m long. Intra-row spacings of 8.3, 5.6, 4.2, 3.3 and 2.8 cm were used to
achieve plant densities of 200,000; 300,000; 400,000; 500,000 and 600,000 plants/ha,
respectively. Each fertilizer treatment was side-banded at planting, using single
superphosphate (18.5% P20 5). The use of single superphosphate also ensured the
concurrent addition of calcium and sulphur, both of which are required by soy­
bean. A basal dose of 20 kg N/ha was applied to all plots at planting using cal­
cium ammonium nitrate (26% N).
Weeds were controlled by spraying the plots with Galex (metobromuron and
metolachlor in the ratio of (1 :1) @ 2.23 kg a. i./ha. Subsequently, one hoe
weeding was carried out six weeks later to control weeds that emerged later.
Beginning at four weeks after sowing (WAS), and at two weekly intervals,
0.6 m2 per plot was harvested to determine the treatment effects on plant
Number of leaves per plant was counted. Leaf area index was calculated
using a leaf area meter. Relative growth rate (RGR) was computed as described
by Blackman (1919). Net assimilation rate (NAR) was calculated from the equa­
tion described by Gregory (1926). Plant height was determined by measuring the
height from the ground level to the tip of the plant. Total dry matter per plant
measured by oven-drying plant samples in an oven (70°C) to a constant weight.
Effect of Phosphorus
The application of phosphorus generally influenced most of the growth and
developmental processes in soybean. Significant effects were observed by applying
phosphorus between 13 and 26 kg P/ha. No further significant effects were obser­
ved by increasing the P level from 26 to 52 kg P/ha.
Both, the number of leaves per plant and LAI increased with the application of
P fertilizer (Figs. 1 and 2). At maximum canopy development (12 WAS), leaf num­
ber and LAI increased by 21 to 27 per cent and 43 to 119 per cent, respectively with
the application of 26 kg P/ha as compared with the zero level of P.
Growth o f soybean 343

Fig. 1. Number of leaves per plant of soybean as affected by phosphorus

levels in different years.

Fig. 2. Leaf area index of soybean as affected by phosphorus levels in

different years.

Plant height increased linearly with P application (Fig. 3). At harvesting,

plants were 19 to 39 per cent taller with 26 kg P/ha as compared with plants with­
out P. The dry matter production per plant increased with the application of P
(Fig. 4). Application of phosphorus between 13 to 26 kg P/ha increased dry
matter per plant by 29 to 38 per cent.
344 Chiezey Yayock and Ahmed ,

-J------------ 1-------------1-------------1----------- U ________--------------- i-------------'-------------1------------ '-------------- 1-------------!------------- !------------ -i------------ - I ------------------------ 1------------ 1—
1 6 « 10 >3 H V_, 6 ft, W
) 12 tv 6 8 10 12 U

Fig. 3. Plant height of soybean as aifected by phosphorus (A) and plant

density (B) in different years.

(A )

Fig. 4. Dry matter production per plant of soybean as affected by

phosphorus (A) and plant density (B) in different years.

There was an initial increase in RGR and NAR (at 6 WAS) with the appli­
cation of P (Figs. 5 and 6). Later, however, no consistent discernible patterns in
RGR and NAR were observed with the application of P. The number of days to 50
per cent flowering increased with the application of P (Table 1). Application of 13 and
26 kg P/ha increased the vegetative phase of about five days during 1985 and 1987.
Growth o f soybean 345

Effect of Plant Density

Plant density significantly influenced some growth and development proce­

sses. While the number of leaves per plant declined significantly with increasing
plant density, LAI increased linearly (Figs. 7 and 8). At maximum vegetative
growth (12 WAS), increasing plant density from 200,000 to 500,000 plants per
hectare reduced the number of leaves by 55 to 89 per cent, while LAI increased
by 34 to 51 per cent.

Plant height increased with increasing plant density (Fig. 3). At harvesting,
soybean planted at 500,000 plants/ha was 18 to 32 per cent taller than crop planted
at 200,000 plants/ha.

Dry matter production per plant declined significantly with increasing plant
densities (Fig. 4). Planting of soybean at 500,000 plants/ha reduced the dry matter
by 44 to 72 per cent as compared with dry matter at 200,000 plants/ha.

Plant density had no significant effect on RGR and NAR (Figs. 5 and 6,
respectively), although both tended to decline with increase in density. The number
of days to 50 per cent flowering also was not affected by plant density (Table 1).

1984 1985 198?

Fig. 5. Relative growth rate (RGR) of soybean as affected by

phosphorus levels and plant density in different years.
346 Chiezey, Yayock and Ahmed

Fig. 6. Net assimilation rate (NAR) of soybean as affected by

phosphorus levels and plant density in different years.

Fig. 7. Number of leaves per plant of soybean as affected by

plant density in different years.
Growth o f soybean 347

19B4 1985 1967

Fig. 8. Leaf area index of soybean as affected by plant density

in different years.


Effect of Phosphorus

The observed response to P application by soybean was expected in view of

the low level of the nutrient in the soil (Table 2). The application of 26 kg P/ha
was sufficient to provide enough of the nutrients for the plant growth. This was
manifested in increased number of leaves, higher LAI, taller plants and high
level of dry matter accumulation. The overall effect was bigger plants. This high
number of leaves and high LAI ensured adequate ground cover and probably
better light interception. Cassman e t al. (1980) also observed increased soybean
growth with P application. Plants grown in plots without P looked spindly and
the canopy never covered the ground and patches of bare ground were common
features of such plots. Weeds were also more problematic in the plots without P,
caused by the lack of canopy closure.

The effect of P on the delay to commencement of flowering was unexpected.

The expectation was that the P application enhanced flowering but this finding was
quite contrary. Although this prolonged vegetative phase could ensure accumula­
tion of enough dry matter for grain filling, particularly in years of good rainfall
distribution, it could prove counter productive in years when the rains stop earlier
than usual, which is a common feature of the Northern Guinea savanna. Prolon­
ged vegetative growth during years with short rainfall duration could adversely
affect the grain filling period because of lack of moisture.
348 Chiezey, Yayock and Ahmed

T a b le 1. E f f e c t o f p h o s p h o r u s le v e ls a n d p l a n t d e n s itie s o n th e n u m b e r o f d a y s to 5 0 p e r c e n t f lo w e r in g
o f so y b ea n

Treatment Number of days to 50 per cent flowering

1984 1985 1987

Phosphorus (kg/ha)
0 55.2 53.5b 55.3b
13 55.5 55.7b 58.4a
26 55.4 59. l a 58.6a
52 55.9 60.2a 59.4a
SE ( ± ) 0.20 1.08 0.70
Population density ('000 plants/ha)
200 55.5 57.0 59.9a
300 56.2 57.5 56.8b
400 55.4 58.9 57.0b
500 55.7 56.3 5 1 .(A
600 55.8 55.7 58.5b
SE (±) 0.30 1.21 0.75

Means within any one year of the same treatment followed by unlike letters are significantly
different at P=0.05.

T a b le 2 . P h y s ic a l a n d c h e m ic a l p r o p e r t i e s o f t o p s o i l ( 0 - 3 0 c m ) o f th e e x p e r im e n ta l a r e a

Composition Years
1984 1985 1987

Chemical characteristics
pH (H20) 5.5 5.0 5.5
pH (CaCl2) 5.0 4.5 4.9
Organic carbon (%) 0.6 0.5 3.5
Available P (ppm) 3.1 2.7 3.5
Total N (%) 0.04 0.04 0.06
Exchangeable base (meq/100 g soil)
Ca 1.2 3.0 2.3
Mg 0.7 0.7 0.6
K 0.3 0.2 0.3
CEC 5.8 4.2 5.4
Physical characteristics
Clay (%) 16.0 14.0 17.0
Silt (%) 30.0 35.0 34.0
Sand (%} 54.0 51.0 49.0
Textural class Sandy Sandy Sandy
loam loam loam
Growth o f soybean 349

Effect of Plant Density

The reduction in number of leaves and dry matter per plant at high plant
density could be attributed to competition for water and nutrients. Competition
for water can be acute in the Northern Guinea savanna, particularly in years of
poor total rainfall and poor distribution. The increase in LAI with increased
plant density was the result of more plants occupying a limited space, thereby the
few leaves easily covered the ground. The adequate ground cover ensured better
light interception and possibly suppressed weed growth.
Similarly, the observed increase in height at high plant densities might be
due to competition for light and space. At high plant density, light penetration
down the canopy was restricted, resulting in elongation of the internodes, therefore,
taller plants. One advantage of such increase in height will be the case of harves­
ting particularly where it is mechanised. Wright e t a l. (1984) also reported taller
plants at high plant densities.
In conclusion, the application of phosphorus increased the number of
leaves per plant, plant height, leaf area index, dry matter production per plant but
delayed flowering. Increase in plant density reduced the number of leaves per
plant, dry matter per plant but increased LAI and plant height. There were
initial increases in NAR and RGR with P application but later, no consistent discerni­
ble patterns were established. Plant density had no significant influence on NAR
and NGR.


Blackman, V. H. (1919). The compound interest law and plant growth. A n n . B o t . 33 : 333 60.
Cassman, K. G.( Whitney, A. S. and Stockinger, R. K. (1980). Root growth and dry matter
distribution of soybean as affected by phosphorus stress, modulation and nitrogen source.
C r o p S c i. 2 0 : 293 -344.

Chiezey, U. F., Yayock, J. Y. and Ahmed, M. K. (1991). Effect of phosphorus and plant density
on the yield and yield components of soybean ( G ly c in e m a x (L.) Merrill). C r o p R e s .
4 : 11-18.
Gregory, G. (1926). The effect of climatic conditions on the growth of barley. A n n . B o t. 40 : 1-26.
Heatherly, L. G. (1988). Planting date, row spacing and irrigation effects on soybean grown on
clay soil. A g r o n . J . 80 : 227 31.
Olufajo, O. O. (1986). Effect of phosphorus, potassium and molybdenum on the performance and
yield of soybean in the Northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria. Paper presented at the 22nd
Annual Conference of the Agricultural Society of Nigeria, Zaria, Nigeria.
Pal, U. R., Olufajo, O. O. and Nnadi, L. A. (1989). Response of soybean I G ly c in e m a x (L.) Merr.)
to phosphorus, potassium and molybdenum applications. J . a g r ic . S c i. C a m b . 1 1 2 : 131-36.
Wright, D. L., Shokes, F. M. and Sprinkel, R. K. (1984). Planting method and plant population
influence on soybeans. A g r o n . J . 76 : 921-24.

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