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THE GAR'HADEN Treasure: Next to the sarcophagus is an open chest.

The treasure hunters had just opened the chest before

FAMILY CRYPT the trap was sprung. Inside the chest is the Scepter of
the Gar’Haden Family, a garnet worth 120 gold pieces,
A Swords and Wizardry one-page mini-dungeon for and 710 gold pieces.
four to six characters of levels 1-3
Scepter of the Gar’Haden Family
Written By Steve Gilman This scepter was the noble symbol of office which
Edited by Sarah Gilman was passed down to each first born son as they took
Art by Jason Walton responsibility for the family’s holdings. As the last of
his line, it was buried alongside Tasadar. If wielded in
combat, it acts as a +1 heavy mace.

ADVENTURE BACKGROUND 5. CRYPT CHAMBER. The walls of this chamber

The Gar’hadens were once a proud and noble family. are lined with platforms that once contained the
Many generations have been laid to rest in their family resting dead.
crypt near the town of Rockcrest. The last of the line, Monsters: 1 ghoul and 3 pyre zombies.
Tasadar, was placed under a powerful curse for his
worship of demons, and entombed here. 6. CRYPT CHAMBER. See 5 for description.
Recently, treasure hunters have broken into the Monsters: 3 hungry zombies.
crypt in search of riches. When they cracked the
7. CRYPT CHAMBER. See 5 for description. The
tomb of Tasadar Gar’Haden, they were met by death.
undead from this area have moved to area 1.
Tasadar has since walked the halls of the crypt and
awakened the corpses of his long dead family 8. SPRUNG BLADE TRAP. A blade trap has
members. sprung and impaled a hungry zombie here. It has
been attempting to get free and cannot. The zombie
1. ENTRANCE HALL. To the north-east are stairs
cannot move, but can make melee attacks at anyone
leading to the surface. Tapestries line the walls
who approaches it.
showing various deeds of the family line over many
Monsters: One hungry zombie.
generations. There are many stands that once held
family artifacts on display, but these have long since 9. CRYPT CHAMBER. See 5 for description. The
been looted. undead from this area have moved to area 1.
Monsters: Eight zombies meander here mindlessly
until they sense the life of the PCs. 10. RITUAL CHAMBER. This chamber has not MONSTERS (IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE) Pyre Zombie: HD 2; AC 8 [11]; Atk strike (1d8);
been entered in decades. This was the ritual chamber Move 6; Save 16; AL N; CL/XP 3/60; Special:
2. SPRUNG PIT TRAP. A zombie has sprung this that Tasadar used for the worship and summoning of Zombie: HD 2; AC 8 [11]; Atk strike (1d8); Move 6; Immune to sleep and charm, immolation
pit trap, and futilely attempts to climb out when it demons. A large summoning circle is etched onto the Save 16; AL N; CL/XP 2/30; Special: Immune to When hit by a melee weapon, they burst violently
becomes aware of the PCs. floor in the center of the room. sleep and charm into flame, inflicting 1d6 points of damage to anyone
The hall leading to this room has warnings carved within 5ft. Only the bones remain after this
3. STATUE ROOM. In the center of this small Tasadar (Grave Risen): HD 4; AC 8 [11]; Atk 2 conflagration: the remaining skeleton fights as a
along the walls urging visitor to turn back. At the end
room is a statue of Tasadar. There is an inscription claws (1d4+2 + blood poisoning); Move 6; Save 13; skeleton rather than as a zombie (including the
of the hall is a pit trap that has not been sprung by the
warning visitors of the powerful curse placed upon AL C; CL/XP 5/240; Special: Animate dead, blood lower hit points). The flesh regrows rapidly, and the
undead. Anyone who attempts to open the door will
him and that he is not to be disturbed. The door on poisoning creature will fight as a zombie again in 10 combat
spring the trap beneath their feet. These warnings and
the east side has been magically locked and cannot be Once per day, a grave risen can animate up to 10 rounds, including the restored ability to immolate
the trap were placed by the people who entombed
opened through non-magical means, though a knock HD of corpses within 100 feet as zombies. A grave itself.
Tasadar here. They were too afraid to enter his ritual
spell will open it. risen’s claws are coated with a deadly poison that
chamber, and for good reason.
infects the blood. Hungry Zombie: HD 2; AC 8 [11]; Atk strike (1d6
4. TASADAR’S RESTING PLACE. This large Two demons have been trapped in this room since
the last time Tasadar used it to summon them. plus grab and bite), weapon (1d8); Move 6; Save 16;
room is dedicated to holding one intricately decorated Skeleton: HD 1; AC 8 [11]; Atk strike (1d6); Move 12; AL N; CL/XP 3/30; Special: grab and bite.
sarcophagus. The sarcophagus has been opened and Monsters: Two lemure demons. Save 17; AL N; CL/XP 1/15; Special: Immune to
Treasure: Next to the summoning circle is an ornate A hungry zombie that makes a successful strike
there are burn marks in a large area on the floor sleep and charm spells grabs its opponent and automatically bites for 1d4
surrounding it. The charred bodies of two treasure golden chest worth 310 gold pieces. Inside the chest
is a 143 gold pieces. additional points of damage.
hunters lay nearby; A third is closer to the south exit Ghoul: HD 2; AC 6 [13]; Atk 2 claws (1d3), 1 bite
and has been eaten. (1d4); Move 9; Save 16; AL C; CL/XP 3/60; Special: Lemure Demon: HD 3; AC 7 [12]; Atk 1 claw (1d3);
Monsters: Tasadar can be found here along with four Immunities, paralyzing touch Move 3; Save 14; AL C; CL/XP 4/120; Special:
skeletons. Regenerate (1hp/round)
Copyright © 2015 Steve Gilman. All rights reserved. This mini-dungeon is
The Gar'Haden Family Crypt, The Shrine of Sruukor, designed to be easily
The Sundered Blade, and Sundered Blade Games are dropped into your existing
trademarks of Steve Gilman.
Swords & Wizardry, S&W, and Mythmere Games
are trademarks of Matthew J. Finch. Sundered Blade
campaign or adventure.
You can also use it to
expand Area 4 in module
Games and Steve Gilman are not affiliated with SC1: The Shrine of Sruukor.
Matthew J. Finch, Mythmere Games™, or Frog God Find out more about The
Games. Swords & Wizardry Compatibility Logo by Shrine of Sruukor and other
Christopher Arendt is licensed under a Creative roleplaying game products
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International at
This module can be printed double-sided and folded
Visit us on the web at in half to create a 5.5in x 8.5in booklet.

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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on
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3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your Grave Risen from The Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer
acceptance of the terms of this License. Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Tome of Horrors 4, Copyright 2013, Frog God Games, Author Scott Greene
Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with The Gar'Haden Family Crypt, Copyright 2015, Steve Gilman

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