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' '107{
LAWr NO. t- OI I:',J
: Oncor?oratiqg Amendmcnts upto OlstDeccnrber, ?'005)

* .:,



LAW. NO.l()F 1975


No. 1 of I95,
No. 29of1985,
[Ist August,1975.]

*Short title
t. This Law may be cited as the Declaration of Assets and anddate of
Liabilities Law, No 1 of 1975,and shall come into operationon such operation.
*Order published in the
date asmay be appointedby the Minister by
Gazette,hereafterin this Law referred to as the "appointed date".
2. (l) The provisions of this Law shall apply to every person of this Law.
belonging to any one of the following classesor descriptions of
(a) membersof Parliament;
(b) Judges and public officers appointed by the President, [$ 2,74of t988.1

public officers appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers,

judicial officers and scheduledpublic officers appointed
by the Judicial ServiceCommission and staffofficers in
Ministries and GovernmentDepartments;
(cl Chairmen, Directors, members of the Boards and staff
officers of public corPorations;
(d) electedmembersand staff officers of local authorities ;
(da) offrce-bearersof recognizedpolitical partiesfor thepurposes t0 2,74of 1988.1

of electionsunder the PresidentialElections Act, No. 15

of 1981, theParliamentaryElectionsAct, No.l of 1981 or
the Provincial CouncilsElectionsAct, No.2 of 1988 or
* DateappointedforthepurposeofthissectionislstAugust,l9T5-VideGazetreExtraordinary
N o . 1 7 4 / 1 o2 f J u l y . 3 l ,1 9 7 5 .
" [Ri,I,of r/Eeunlw 6w:oi, essErsANDLrABrLrrrEs
;-f .,1:' ,the'DevelopinenteounCils(Rlections)Aet, No. 20 of
f981 ortheTrade Unionp Ordinance;
[6 2,74of 1988.] (db) the executive of trade unions registeredunder the ,,
Trade Unions Ordinance ;
lS 2,7aof 1988.1 . (dc),, eandidatesnominatedfor election at electionsto be
held under thePresidentialElections Act. No. 15 of
' ' 1981. the ParliamentarvElections Act. No. 1 of
. 1981,theProvincialCouncilsElectionsAct, No. 2

Act, No. 20 of 1981,or the Local Authorities

Elections Ordinance ;
[g 2,?4of 1988.] (dd) propnetors, editors and members of [he editorial
staffof newspapersin respectof which declarations.
havebeenmadeunder section2 of the Newspapers
- Ordinance;
[$ 2,7aof 1988.] (de) Chairman, I)irectors and staff officers of comp-
I . ' anibs .registeredunder the Companies Act, No.
17 of IgLz,in which themajority of sharesareheld

(e) suchcategoriesof other officers as may be

specified by regulations.
(2) A person to whom the provisions of this Law apply by virtue
of the operation of the preceding provisions of this section, is
hereafter in this Law referred to as a "person to whom this Law
Duty ofpereons 3. (1) Every personto whom this Law applies shall, within three
to whom thi$
Law applies to months after the appointed date, make, in such form as may be
nake d€clara-
tions of assets
prescribed, a declaration, hereinafter in this Law referred to as a
andliabilities. "declaration of assetsand liabilities", of all -
(a) his assetsand liabilities ;
(b) theassetsand liabilities of his ipouse ; and
(c) the assetsand liabilities of each of his children,
as on such date as rnay be prescribedby resolution of Parliament.
(2)Where a person who on the appointeddate is not a person to ?
whom this Lawapplies becomesthereafterapersonto whom this Law
applies,he shall,within threemonthsof thedateon which hebecomes

a person to whom this Law applies,make a declarationof assetsand

liabilities as on the last - mentioned date :
kovided that a person to whom this"Law applies referred to in [$ 3,?4 of 1988.]

paragraph (dc) of subsection (1) of section 2 shall be deemed to have

complied with the provisions of this subsection if he makes a
declaration of his assetsand liabilities asat the date ofhis nomination
as a candidate for election under any of the Acts referred to in that
paragraph on the date of such nomination or before he functions' or
sits or votes, as President, a Member of Padiament, a member of a
Provincial Council, a member of a *Development Council or any
other local authority, as the case may be, and in the case of an
unsuccessfulcandidateat an election within aperiod of threemonths
after the date of nomination.
(3) Every person who is required to make the first declaration of [$ 3,74 of 1988.1

assetsand liabilities under subsection(l) or subsecti,on(2) shall,

unless such personce:$esto be aperson to whom this Law applies,
by the thirtieth day of June in eachyear, make in the prescribed form,
a declaration of his assetsand liabilities as at the thi*y-first day of
March of such year and include in such declaration the assetsand
liabilities he held on the date on which he was first required to make
a declaration of_hisassetsand liabilities under this Law :
Provided that, where a person who is required to make a declara-
tion of assetsand liabilities under subsection(2) has made the flrst
declarationas at any datewithin six months precedingthe thirty-first
day of March in any year, he shall not be required to make another
declaration for such year.
4. The declaration of assetsand liabilities shall bo made in the To whom
&claration of
followingmanner :- sscts and
liabilities arc
(a) to the President - to be snde.

(i) by the Speakerof Parliament,

(iil by Ministers andDeputyMinisters,
(iii) by Judgesandotherstateofficersappointedby the
(b) to the Speakerof Parliament,by all other membersof
Parliamentnot referredto in paragraphfa);
(c) ta theJudicialServiceCommissionbyjudicial officersand t$4?4orre88'l

t Not in optration due to iepealing of the Developrcnt Councils Act, No. 35 of 1980

N&r1,of.19751 DECI^ARATION.

by scheduledpublic officerswithin themeaningof Article

114of the Constirution;
(d) tothe Secretaryto the Ministry -
(i) by Headsof GovernmentDepartments,
(ii) by Chairmen and Directors of,public corporations,
(iii) by staff officers in the Ministry ;
(e) to the Head of the Department, by staff officers of such
(fl to the Chairmanof the Corporation,by staff officers in such
Corporation ;
(il to the Secretaryto the Ministry in chargeof the subjectof
Local Government, by Mayors and Chairmen of local
(h) to the Commissioner of Local Government, by other
electedmembersof local authorities:

(i) to the Dirdctor of Local Government Service, by staff

officers of local authoritieswho aremembersof the Local

[$ 4,74of 1988.] (ia) to the Commissionerof Elections-

(i) by office-bearersofrecognizedpolitical partiesfor
the purposesof electionsunder the Presidential
ElectionsAct, No. 15 of 1981, Parliamentary
ElectionsAct, No. 1 of i981, the Provincial
Councils Elections Act, No. 2 of 1988, the
DevelopmentCouncils (Elections)Act, No. 20
of 1981 or the Local Authorities Elections
Ordinance ;
(ii) by candidatesnominatedfor election at electionsto
be held underthePresidentialElectionsAct, No.
i5 of 1981,theParliamentaryElectionsAct, No.
1 of 1981,theProvincialCouncilsElectionsAct,
No. 2 of 1988, the Development Councils
(Elections)Act, No. 20 of 1981 or the Local
Authorities Elections Ordinance :
[$ 4,74of 1988.] (ib) totheSecretaryto theMinistry of the Minister in chargeof
the subject of Labour by the executive of trade unions
registeredunder the Trade Unions Ordinance ;
(ic) to the Secretaryto the Ministry of the Minister in chargeof [$ 4,74of 198&]

the subject of newspapersby proprietors, editors and

membersof the editorial staff of newspapers,in respect
of which declarationshave been made under section 2
of the NewspapersOrdinance ;
(id) tothe Registrar of Companies, by Chairman, Directors [$ 4,74of 1988.]

and staff officers of companies registered under the

CompaniesAct, No. 17 of 1982,in which the majority of
the shares are held by the State or by a public
corporation ;
(j ) to thepersonsspecifiedby regulationsmadeby theMinister,
by officers of thecategoriesspecifiedby suchregulations.
5. (1) Any person, body or authority responsible for the Powerto
r€fer to
appointment,promotion, transferor secondment,of a stateofficer or declarationof
employee of a public corporation or local authority, shall for such assetsand
purpose,havethe right to call for andrefer to any declarationof assets
and liabilities of such state officer or employee.
(2)The Attorney-General, the * Commission to Investigate
Allegations of Bribery or Corruption, the Commissioner- Generalof
Inland Revenueandthe Head of the Departmentof ExchangeControl
shall havethe right to call forand referto any declarationofassetsand
(3)Any person shall, on payment of a prescribedfee to the [0 5,7aof 1988.]
appropriate authority, have the right to call for and refer to any
declarationof assetsand liabilities and on paymentof a further fee to
be prescribed,shall have the right to obtain a certified copy ofsuch
In this subsection"appropriate authority" in relation to a declara-
tion of assets and liabilities means the person to whom that
declaration of assetsand liabilities has been made under section 4.
6. The *Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Powerof
Comrption may, at any time, call for such additional information as Investiiate
he may require from any personwho hasmadea declarationof assets Bribery or
and liabilities under this Law, and utilize such information or the Corruption
to call for
declarationmadeunder this I aw for the perforrnanceof his functions additional
under the Bribery Act. information.

* V.ide Section 16 of the Bribery (Amendment) Act , No. 20 of 1994

7. (f) Any personmay, by a communication in writing signedby
writtcn him and addressedto an appropriateauthority, draw the attention of
by any pason such authority to any recent acquisitions of wealth or property or to
andprohibition anyrecentfinancial orbusinessd-ealingsor to any recent expenditures
staterrEnts. by any personto whom this Law applies,which to the knowledge of
thepersonmaking suchcommunicationis not commensuratewith the
known sburcesof wealth and income of such person to whom this
Law applies.
(2) Upon receiptof a wri ttencommunication under subsection( 1),
the appropriateauthority, if he is satisfiedthat suchcommunication
is genuineand that thecommunicationdisclosesmaterial upon which
an iiiVestigationought to be made, shall make such investigatioh as
may be necessaryfor the purposeof deciding upon all or any of the
following matters :-
(a) prosecutionor other suitableaction under the provisions of
the Bribery Act or the law relating to Exchange Control
. or Inland Revenue ; or

(bJ prosecutiohunder this or any other law,

and where such appropriate authority finds that a written
communication received by him should be dealt with by any other
appropriateauthority, he may forward such communication to such
other authoritY.
(3) Any appropriateauthority, upon deciding to investigate the
material in any communication receivedunder this section,may call
for and examine the declarationof assetsand liabilities made under
this Law, and may summon and question or causeto be summoned
and questionedthe personmaking thecommunicationand shall cause
investigationsto be madeand concludedasexpeditiously aspossible
andin any casebeforethelapseof aperiod of six monthsfromthe date
of the receipt of such written communication.
t$6,74 (4) Save as provided in subsection(1) and for the purposesof a
proceedingunder section9l., it shall be an offence for any personto
make a public statementconceming a person to whom this Law
applies alleging that such person has made recent acquisitions of
wealth or property, or recent financial or business dealings, or
ti incurred recent expendifures not commensurate with the known
sourcesof wealth and income of suchperson,or as to the contentsof
any declarationof assetsandliabilities of suchperson,orto make any
such public statementin respectof any investigation being made by

an appropriateauthority upon a written communicationmadeby him

underthe provisionsofsubsection(1)' :
(5)Any person who commits an offence under the provisions of
subsection(4) shall, upon conviction after trial by a Magistrate, be
liable to a fine not exceeding one thousandrupees or to a term of
imprisonment of either descriptionnot exceedingoneyear, or to both
such fine and imprisonment.
(6) In thissection"appropriateauthority"shallmeantheAttorney-
General,the *Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or
Comrption, the Commissioner-Generalof Inland Revenue,the Head
of the Departmentof ExchangeControl and the Director-Generalof \

S (1) Except in the performanceof his duties under this Law or Preservadon of
secccy ud oarh
zrsmay be necessaryforihe institution of proceedingsunder, or for of secrecy.

the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of" this Law, a [$ 7,74 of 1988.]

person shall preserve and aid in preserving secrecy with regard to

all matters relating to the affairs of any person to whom this Law
applies, or which may come to his knowledge in the performanceof
his duties under this Law or in the exercise of his right under
subsection (3) of section 5, and shall not communicate any such
matter to any person other than the person to whom such matter
relates, or suffer any unauthorized person to have accessto any
papers or records which may have come into his possessionin
the performance of his duties under this Law or in the exercise of
his right under subsection(3) of section 5.
(2) Every personwho is requiredto preserveand aid in preserving
secrecyundertheprovisions of subsection(1) shalltakeandsubscribe
before a Justiceof the Peacean oath of secrecyin such form as may
be prescribed.
(3) Any person required to preserve and aid in preserving [g 7,?4of 1988.)

secrecyundertheprovisionsof subsection(l) shallnotbe required

to producein any court any declaration of assetsand liabilities or any
other document relating thereto, or to divulge or conrmunicate to
any court any matter or thing coming to his notice in the perfor-
manceof his dutiesunder this Law or in the exerciseof his right urrder
subsection(3) of section 5, except as may be necessaryfor proceed-
ings instituted or to be instituted under, or for the purpose of
carrying into effect the provisions of, this Law or the Bribery Act,
Exchange Control Act, the Inland RevenueAct, No' 28 of 1979
or the Customs Ordinance.
I Vide Section16ofthe Bribery(Arendrnent)Act, No. 20 of 1994


(4) Any person who contravenesthe provisions of this section

shall be guilty of an offence and shall, upon'conviction after trial
before a Magistrate, be liable to a fine not exceeding two
thousandrupee$or to a term of imprisonment of either description
not exceedingtwo years or to both such fine and imprisonment.
9. (1) A person-
(a) whofails without reasonable causeto makeany declaration
of assetsandliabilities which heis requiredto makeunder
(b,) whomakes any false statementin any such declaration ; or
[$ 8,74of 1988.] wilfully omits any asset or liability from any such
declaration; or
(c) who fails without reasonablecauseto give such additional
information as the *Commission to Investigate Allega-
tions of Bribery or Comrption may require under this
Law; or
(d) who othenvise contravenes any provisions of this Law,
shall be guilty of an offence and shall, unless any other penalty is
otherwise provided, on conviction after trial before a Magistrate, be
liable to a fine not exceedingone thousandrupees,or imprisonment
of either descriptionfor a term not exceedingone year or to both such
fine and imprisonment.
(2) Aperson who is convicted of an offence under pangtaph (a)
of subsection(1) shall, within a period of fourteen days after the date
of conviction, or in the event of an appeal against such conviction,
within a period of fourteen days after the date of affirmation of such
conviction, makethe declarationof afsetsandliabilities referred to in
section3. The provisionsof sectionI and the provisionsof the other
preceding sectionsof this Law shall,'mutatismutandis, apply to any
declaration of assetsand liabilities niade by such person under this
subsectionin like mannerand to the s{me extent asthey apply to any
declarationof assetsand liabilities madeunder section3.
(3) Any personwho fails to comply pviththeprovisionsof subsection
(2) shall be guilty of an offence and\shall, on conviction after trial
before a Magistrate, be liable to a finp not exceeding one thousand
rupees or to imprisonment of eithe{ description for a term not
exceeding one year or to both such finp and imprisonment and to a
further fine of fifty rupeesfor eachday of,continuationof that offence.
i Vide Section 16 of the Bribery (Amendment) Act , No. 20Jof 1994


(3e) Where any personis convictedof anoffenceunderparagraph [g 8,?4of 1988.]

(bb) of subsection(1) the assetin respectof which the offence was

committed shall by virtue of such conviction be vested in the S[ate
free of all encumbrances.
(3s) The vesting of any assetsin the Stateunder subsection(3A) [$ 8,74of 1988.]

shall take effect-

(a) where an appealhasbeen preferredto the Court of
Appeal or the SupremeCourt againstthe order of
forfeifure, upon the determination of the appeal,
conforming or upholding the order of forfeiture ;
(b) where no appealhas beenpreferredto the Court of
Appeal against the order of forfeiture after the
expiration of the period within which an appeal
may be prefened to the Court of Appeal against
the order of forfeiture.
(4) Where any person has been convicted by a court of any
offence under paragraph (a) ot paragraph(b) of subsection(1), it
shall be the duty of the court to bring the fact of such conviction to
the notice of the person to whom such convicted person was
boundto makethedeclarationof assetsandliabilitiesunderthisLaw.
(5) No prosecution for any offence under this Law shall be
institgted except with the prior sanction of the Attorney{eneral.
9A. An offence under paragruph(b) ot (bb) of subsection(1) of Procedure
for prcsecudon
section 9 (in this section referred to as "the relevant offence") shall and trial of
be inquired into, tried and otherwisedealt with, according to the refened to
provisionsof the Codeof Criminal ProcedureAct, No. 15 of 1979(in in section9 (l)
(b) or (bb).
this section referred to as "the Criminal Procedure Act") subject
[$ 9,74of 1988.]
to the foliowing modifications-
(a) no complaint under section 136 (1) (a) of the Criminal
ProcedureAct in respectofthe relevantoffenceshall be
entertainedby a Magistrate unless it is*
(i) in writing ;
(ii) drawn and countersignedby a pleader ;
(iii) signedby the complaint; and
(iv) accompaniedby a certified copy, obtained under
subsection(3) of section 5 of this Law, of the
declaration in respect of which the offence is
alleged to have been committed ;
'' (b) ' notwithstandinganyth.ingin subsection(5) of section 9, of
' this Law, the prior sanctionof the Adtorney'Generalshall
not be necessaryfor the institution ofaprosecution for the
relevant offence ',
(c,) where a complaint in respect of the relevant offence is
entertainedby a Magistrate, the Magistrate shall where
he is of opinion that there is sufficient ground for
proceedingagainstthe personallegedto have committed
the offence,not issrlesummons,under section 139 of the
Criminal Procedure Act requiring the attendanceof such
person, unless the complainant deposits in court' such
sum as the Magistrate may dercrmine, as security for the
paymentof the costsincurred, or likely to be incurred, by
the accused and of any compensation that may be
ordered under paragtaph (d) ;
(d) whenever a Magistrate acquits or discharges a person
.accusedof the relevant offence and declares that the
complainf. was frivolous or vexatious, the Magisfrate
shall order the complainant to pay the State reasonable
costsin asumdeterminedby theMagistrate andshall also
orderthe cornplainantto pay to the accusedthe amount of
the costsincurred by the accusedand suchcompensation
as the Magistrate shall think fit from and out of the
security depositedby the complainant ;
(e) nothing in subsection (7) of section 17 of the Criminal
ProcedureAct shall limit the amountof the compensation
that may be ordered by a Magistrate under paragraph
(j) where the complainant in a prosecution for the relevant
offence pays the State costs and compensaticrnordered
againsthim under paragraph(d), the accusedshall not be
entitled to institute,or maintain, an action for damagesin
any civil court against such complainant in respect of
such prosecution ; and
(g) notwithstanding anything in section 318 of the Criminal
ProcedureAct, the complainant in a prosecution for the
relevant offence may appeal against the acquittal of the
person accused of such offence, without the written
approval of the Attorney-General.

: 1 : 1 :

' 10. (l) TheMinistermay'makeregulations- Regulaticins
. i .

(a) relatingto any matterrequiredby this Law to be prescribed;

, _... .4 , -..:
(b) specifying categories of officers for the purpose of
: . paragraph(e) of section2 (l) and the personto whom
each such category of officers shall make the declara-
tion of assetsand liabilities ; and
(c) in respect of all matErs necessaryfor carrying out the
provisions or giving effect to the principles of this Law.
(2) No regulationmadeby the Minister shall haveeffect until
it is approved by Parliarnentand notification of such approval is
publishedin the Gazette.
lOn. Nothing in this Law shall be readandconstruedasrequiring Vaiue of assets.

anypersonto whom thisLaw appliesto indicatethevalueof any asset [$ 10,74of1988.]

included in any declarationmade by him rinder this Law except
wheresuchassetconsistsof holdingsin cash.
11. Where the provisionsof this Law arein conflict or inconsis- This Law to
prevail over other
tent with the provisionsof any other law the provisionsof this Law laws.
shall prevail
12. In this Law, unlessthe contextoth_efwise
requires- In terpretation.

"assetsandliabilities" rneansassetsandliabilitiesin andoutside [$ I 1,74of1988.]

Sri Lanka, and includes movable .:and immovable

property owned by the declarant in whole or in part,
any properry in which the declarant has a beneficial
interestand any property acquiredby the declarantduring
the period to which the declarationrelates, in the name
of his spouseor child ;
"child" means-
(a) a child who is unmarried and under eighteenyears
of age ; or
a child.who is eighteenyears of age or over but is
dependenton his or her parent or parents, and
includes a step-child or a child who has been
. adopted under the Adoption of Children
Ordinance ; .
. 'lCommissioner
of Local Government"' includes any Deputy
Commissioner of Local Government and any Assistant
Commissionerof Local,Government;


[! I lJaofl988.l "executive" when used with referenceto a trade union has the
ffime meaning as in the Trade Uniqns Ordinance ;

[0 ll,?aofl98E.l "local authority" meansanyMunicipal Council, Urban Council

or *Development Council, or Pradeshiya Sabha, and
includes any authority created and established by or
under any law to exercise, pefform and discharge
powers,duties and functions correspondingto or similar
to the powers,dutiesand functions exercised,performed
and discharged,by any such Council or Sabha ;
[$ I 1,74ofl988.] "office-bearers"in rel4tion to arecognizedpoliticalparty means
. the President,Vice-President,Secretaryor a member of
the Executive committee of such recognized political
party and any other person who is duly empowered to
give directions in regard to such political party, and
includes the leader of such political party, howsoever
designated, whether as Paffon, President, Advisor or
"prescribed" mdansprescribedby regulation ;
"public corporation" means any corporation, board or other
body which was or is establishedby or under any written
law other than the *Companies Ordinance with capital
partly or wholly provided by the Govemment by way of
grant, loan or other form, and includes all "scheduled
institutions" within the meaning of the Bribery Act and
such other institutions or bodies of persons as may be
prescribedby regulationsunder section10;

[0 I 1,74of1988.] "staff officer" means-

(a) in thecaseof anyemployeeof theGovernmentor
a local authorityanyofficer*
(i) holdinginy office createdprior to November18,
1970,the initial of the salary scaleof which
was,on November18, 1970,not lessthanRs'
as would, under any subsequent revision of
salaryscales,correspond to suchinitial,
(ii) holding any office createdafter November 18,
1970,theinitial of thesalaryscaleof whichis, on
thedateof thecreationof thatoffice,notlessthan
Noi in operation due to rcpealing of the Developrent Councils Act, No. 35 of 1980
Repealed md replaced by Act No. l? of 1982


the initial of the salaryscaleapplicable,on that

dats,to an office referredto in item (i) or such
other amountper annumas would, under any
subsequent revisionof salaryscales,correspond
to thefirst-mentioned initial :
(b) in the caseof anyemployeeof a public corporationany
(i) holdingany office createdprior to Novemberlg,
1970,theinitialof thesalaryscaleof whichwas,
on November18, 1970,not lessthanRs. 7,200
per annum,or suchotheramountper annumas
would underany subsequent revisionof salary
scales,correspond to suchinitial ;
(ii) holding any office createdafter November 1g,
1970,theinitialof thesalaryscaleof whichis,on
, ft" dateof creationof that office, not lessthan
the initial of the salaryscaleapplicable,on that
date,to an office referredto in item (i) or such
other amountper annumas would, under anv
subsequent revisionof salaryscales,
to thefirst- mentionedinitial. "oorponi


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