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534 imported graphics

page numbers
start at any Advanced Notation 1 text styles with
any size/font/position
number symbols for
2D 2E
custom rehearsal marks starting at any
metric modulations letter and/or number, or bar number Various
< qK e = jq >
D.S. al Coda ø
conducting symbols
bar numbers positioned after clef every system or 5/10 bars
1st, 2nd & 3rd endings
27 j Ñ 1.2. r 3.
## œ œœ œ ˙ 5+3 * / U œ ≈ œ ≈ œ ≈ œ ≈ œ≈‰Œ ™™ ü #œ Œ Ó
Flugelhorn & 8 †
hidden cautionary
é note names stemless notes
within notes that play back
unusual beaming
key signatures
custom stem lengths, including stemlets
instruments in beam angles and stem symbols <n> œ
traditional or
custom order highlighted sections (to view this many

^ switch on View > Invisibles > Highlights) winged repeats
µ# n<n>œœœœœ ™™™™ ledger
œ#œ œñ œ o >. -œΩ œœ 5+3 w # ˙ ü b# b<n>œœœœœ ™™ å
b lines

Clarinet &b #œ .
nœœ œœ œ . œ 8 nw n˙ Ó ™ † ∫ œœ ™™ #åœ

articulations inside tremolos between 2 notes dense chords
transposing instruments & outside the staff & clusters
have correct key signature

bar numbers on specific staves custom beaming trills that play back many kinds of ornament which playback
Ÿ~~~~~ Ÿ~ Ÿ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(E§) n ∏ ≥ T¶ µ¶
œ ¿O 3 5+3 ü
Bagpipe & ? ¿ œh œœ gh - 1 - 8 1 2 ˙ œ ˙
‰ œ œ ™™ †
e mf
#œ ˙ ™
lots of different notehead designs, plus custom noteheads
dynamics within hairpins
ë fffff
feathered beaming
ossia staves complex dynamic markings

œ œ œ bœ œ œ œ œ œ 5+3 œ ‰ œ œ œ ‰Œ
& œ œ œ œ 8 J J
œ œ <n> œ
D1 ™ /
â colored

bracketed cautionary accidentals S ; ◊ ¸™ /
ä ÔÓ-symbols
any number of grace notes, complex time signatures longs
b of any value œœœœ œ
œ 5+3 œ ‰ œœ‰Œ ™ ü §
&b b œ˙
œœœœœœ 8 J J ? ? ™
U †È
° ø ø slash notation
° pedal markings *£ *
different key signatures
for individual staves extreme
nested tuplets up to 4 voices note values
4:3 breath marks j per staff
à5+3 œœœœ œ ˙ ‰ œü
# œœœ œ nœ œœ j
œ œ œ 8 w ™ œœœ ‰
œ le d t
ext ™™
Voice & ang
† #˙ ™™™ œœÂÙ®
‹ J œ œ œ œ ˙™ triple-dotted
multi-arc slurs notes
bar numbers on any stave in the score broken ties
hide a staff
cross-staff double-sharps hidden rests tremolos and buzz rolls at any point
27 beaming
b œ œ 5+3 œ œ
j and flats
b œœœ ‰ Ó
& œ œ ∫ œ œ œ ‹œ 8 nœ œj œ œ7 œ STOP

LNLONMMM nœ œ text in boxes/circles

with solid white
Harp harp pedal background behind and
œœ œ œ in front of the staff

{ ? ## œ œ œ œ ∫œ œ ‹œ œ 5+3 8 œ œœ œ w

copyright lines and

custom headers and footers Copyright © 2009 Avid Technology, Inc.

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