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Minhaj University Lahore

Format for Proposals
Project Name

DATE – –

Project Title: _______________________________________________________


NAME OF STUDENT : _______________________________________________________



Roll No: _______________________________________________________


Session: _______________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________


Phone. No: _______________________________________________________


E-Mail Address: _______________________________________________________


Department: _______________________________________________________


E-Mail Address: _______________________________________________________


(Column below will be filled by the department)

PROJECT SUPERVISOR : _______________________________________________________

If more than one individual is working on this project, please list all information of each student (Address,
Phone and Email Address).


1.1 PROJECT OVERVIEW STATEMENT...............................................................................3

1.2 PROJECT GOALS & OBJECTIVES.................................................................................3

1.3 HIGH-LEVEL SYSTEM COMPONENTS...........................................................................3

1.4 PROJECT PLAN / SCHEDULE ………………………………………………………….3

1.5 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION..............................................................4


Project Title

The title should be clear. A good title should give the key idea(s) of your project. Include a
clear statement of the problem, question, or issue which will be addressed.

1.1 Project Overview Statement

Describe the proposed artistry in 250 words or less. Briefly indicate the nature of the project,
objectives and the anticipated learning outcomes .Project Overview is an Executive Summary
not the entire proposal. Be specific and concise. Avoid such details that are further clarified at
a later point in your proposal. The Project Overview will probably form a strong impression
in the mind of the reviewer. Working on your project overview should be giving the reviewer
to evaluate

1. It is an original idea
2. Strong Rationale
3. Clear Writing
4. Predefined Outcomes
5. Have relevant experience

1.2 Project Goals & Objectives

This section of your proposal describes what you hope to accomplish with your project. It
also depicts out the specific results or outcomes you plan to achieve. You will have to
convince that your goal is a worthwhile vision and that you can realistically achieve your

GOAL: a broad statement of what you wish to accomplish. Goals are broad, general,
intangible, and abstract. A goal is really about the final impact or outcome that you wish to
bring about. Use words such as decrease, deliver, develop, establish, improve, increase,
produce, and provide.
OBJECTIVE: a step toward accomplishing a goal. In contrast to the goal, an objective is
narrow, precise, tangible, concrete, and can be measured.
Use the S.M.A.R.T. method of writing your objectives: Specific, Measurable, Attainable,
Realistic, and Time-bound.

1.3 High-level system components

Information about the main functional units of the entire system should be presented. High-
level system components are generally, a set of cooperating components those are assembled
together to deliver a solution to a problem. They are usually specified in terms of inputs,
outputs, processes, and stored data that are needed to satisfy the system improvement
objectives. If these components are missing the system fails to fulfill its basic purpose.
1.4 Project Plan / Schedule

Concrete description of what you plan to do. Your research plan must include clear
milestones for every week until the project due date. Divide the work into various subtasks;
schedule these tasks in a way that the work is completed in time. Show the schedule as PERT
or GANTT chart. Describe the use of resources for each subtask.

Sample Gantt chart

Jul 6, '03 Jul 13, '03 Jul 20, '03
ID Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S
2 billing 7 days Thu 7/10/03 Fri 7/18/03
3 computing 8 days Mon 7/14/03 Wed 7/23/03
4 accounting 3 days Mon 7/14/03 Wed 7/16/03
5 marketing 10 days Mon 7/21/03 Fri 8/1/03 2

1.5 Hardware and Software Specification

List all hardware and software specifications e.g. machine type required, operating system
and other utilities should be clearly specified for the system to be developed.


Heading font size should be 14(bold) subheading font size 13(bold). A font size of 12 (Time
New Roman / Arial) with 1.5 line spacing is required. Your proposals should be printed on
white A4 Size 80gms page. 1-inch margins on all 4 sides, and a gutter value of 0.5-inch is
needed. Bind you proposal for submission.

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