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BLOOS G. 1994. Hettangian-Sinemurian. [Hettangien-Sim~nurien]. GEOBIOS, M.S. 17 : 747-748.

According to the intentions of the ISJS the main been published in the last years (v. Hillebrandt
t a s k of the present Working Group remains the 1987 and in this volume ; Taylor 1988 ; Palfy et
definition of the stage boundary Hettangian/Sine- al., in this volume). Important new sinemurian
murian and to propose a type section. material from South and North America is not
published. There are indications that it probably
Both stages were introduced in NW Europe. There will be possible in the future to identify the
the boundary is very clear by special faunal condi- North-West European conybeari Subzone with
tions : the abrupt change from a diverse fauna of more certainly also in these regions.
Schlotheimiidae in the Upper Hettangian to a di-
verse fauna of Arietitidae in the lower Sinemu- The question of a type section of the stage bound-
rian. In other faunal provinces the genus Schlo- ary cannot be discussed before detailed documen-
theirnia is by far less frequent or almost lacking
tations of suitable candidates are available. Such
candidates exist in England (Dorset, Bristol
whereas Arietitidae are already common in the
Channel), France (Auxois, Lorraine) and in south
Upper Hettangian. So there the stage boundary is
Germany (Wiirttemberg). Documentations are in
less striking and the correlation with NW Europe
is still in discussion.
The session of the Working Group at Poitiers,
In the meantime the knowledge of the faunas at Friday, the 27 t h of September 1991~ mainly
the boundary has been improved. Already during dealt with this report. There were not made deci-
the symposium at Lisbon there had been given re- sions. The possibilities to arrange a field meetinL~
ports on the situation in France ( C o r n a & Mou- of the Working Group were shortly discussed w_~
terde 1988 ; Guerin-Franiatte 1988) as well as in thout decisions on further details.
Germany and in the North-Eastern Alps (Bloos
1988b). During the symposium at Poitiers (1991)
there were contributed further reports on England
(Page, in this volume) and in France (Guerin-Fra- RI~FI~RENCESBIBLIOGRAPHIQUES
niatte & Hanzo, in this volume). In all regions
treated in these reports, most Subzones of the Si- BLOOS G. 1988a - On the stage boundary Hettan-
nemurian could be subdivided into ammonite hori- gian/Sinemurian in North-West Europe and in the
zons. The n a m e s of these horizons are still diffe- North-Eastern Alps. In ROCHAR.B. & SOARESA.F.
(ed.) : 2nd International Symposium on Jurassic
ring from region to region, but if one compares not Stratigraphy. Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 1 : 71-
the names b u t the forms there is little doubt that 83.
the sequence of ammonite horizons is very similar BLOOS 1988b - Reports on the Working-Groups. Het-
in all parts of NW Europe (Bloos 1988b, fig. 2). tangian-Sinemurian. In ROCHAR.B. & SOARESA.F.
What is still necessary in the future is a stand- (ed.) : 2nd International Symposium on Jurassic
ardizat~on of the species definitions on the base of Stratigraphie. Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 1 : 9-
the type material. Some new studies have appea- 11.
red (Bloos 1988c ; Guerin-Franiatte 1990). In BLOOS 1988c - Ammonites marmoreus OPPEL (Schlo-
theimiidae) im unteren Lias (angulata-Zone, de-
other continent work has also gone on. In south pressa-Subzone) von W~irttemberg (Siidwestdeuts-
America as well as in North America (USA, chland). Stuttgarter Bertr~ige zur Naturkunde, B,
Canada) new profiles with ammonite faunas have 141 : 47 p.

CORNA M. & MOUTERDE R. 1988 - Le S i n ~ m u r i e n de ces. W i t h description of new g e n e r a a n d species of

S e m u r (France). E s s a i de biozonation p o u r le Sin~- ammonites. Bioestratigrafia de los sistemas regiona-
m u r i e n inf~rieur et le L 0 t h a r i n g i e n inf~rieur du les del Jurasico y Cretasico en America del Sur
s t r a t o t y p e et d u J u r a m6ridional. In ROCHA R.B. & Mendoza : 111-157.
SOARES A.F. (ed.) : 2nd I n t e r n a t i o n a l S y m p o s i u m on HILLEBRANDT A.v. 1994 - The T r i a s s i c / J u r a s s i c b o u n d -
J u r a s s i c S t r a t i g r a p h y . Universidade Nova de Lis- a r y a n d H e t t a n g i a n b i o s t r a t i g r a p h y in t h e a r e a of
boa, 1 : 101-117. t h e U t c u b a m b a Valley ( N o r t h e r n Peru). In E. CA-
GUERIN-FRANIATTE S. 1988 - Correlations b i o s t r a t i g r a - RIOU & P. HANTZPERGUE (ed.) : 3~me S y m p o s i u m
phiques d a n s Lias inf~rieur du B a s s i n Parisien. I n t e r n a t i o n a l de S t r a t i g r a p h i e d u J u r a s s i q u e , Poi-
R a p p o r t s avec r e n s e m b l e du N W Europ~en. In Ro- tiers. Geobios, M.S. 17 : 297-307.
CHA R.B. & SOARES A.F. (ed.) : 2nd I n t e r n a t i o n a l PAGE K. 1994 - On the sequence of a m m o n i t e correla-
S y m p o s i u m on J u r a s s i c S t r a t i g r a p h y . Universidade t e d c h r o n o s t r a t i g r a p h i c a l horizons in the B r i t i s h Si-
Nova de Lisboa, 1 : 85-100. n e m u r i a n (Lower Jurassic). In E. CARIOU & P .
GUI~RIN-FRANIATTES. 1994 - B i o s t r a t i g r a p h i e et Pal~o- HANTZPERGUE (ed.) : 3~me S y m p o s i u m I n t e r n a t i o -
biog~ographie des ammonites. U n e synth~se pour le n a l de S t r a t i g r a p h i e d u J u r a s s i q u e , Poitiers. Geo-
L i a s inf~rieur de France. In E. CARIOU & P. HANT- bios, M.S. 17 : 369-379.
ZPERGUE (ed.) : 3~mg S y m p o s i u m I n t e r n a t i o n a l de PALFY J., SMITH P.L. & TIPPER H.W. 1994 - S i n e m u -
S t r a t i g r a p h i e du J u r a s s i q u e , Poitiers. Geobios, M.S. r i a n (Lower J u r a s s i c ) a m m o n o i d b i o s t r a t i g r a p h y of
17 : 265-273. t h e Queen C h a r l o t t e I s l a n d s , W e s t e r n C a n a d a . In
GUI~RIN-FRANIATTE S. 1990 - A m m o n i t e s d u Lias inf~- E. CARIOU & P. I-IANTZPERGUE (ed.) : 3~me Sympo-
r i e u r de F r a n c e (II) : Psiloceratidae, Schlotheimii- sium International de Stratigraphie du Jurassique,
d a e et p r e m i e r s A r i e t i t i d a e . Mdm. C.E.R.G.A., 29, Poitiers. Geobios, M.S. 17 : 385-393.
206 p. TAYLOR D. 1988 - Paradiscamphiceras : u n n o u v e a u
HILLEBRANDT A.v. 1987 - Liassic A m m o n i t e Zones of genre d ' a m m o n i t e s d u Lias inf~rieur. Bull. Soc.
S o u t h A m e r i c a and correlations with other provin- Vaud., Sci. nat., 79, 2 : 117-122.

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