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1.1 Speed and Volume 3
1.2. Energy Consumption 3
1.3. Decentralization
1.4. Rigid Contracts
2.1. Introduction

Cryptocurrency is changing the world economy. What was previously impossible in
most of the world – transferring money globally – is now not only possible, but it’s
safe, cheap and easy. It also acts as a store of value, like gold, but for the digital
age. Asset ownership is stored in a secure, decentralized database called the
blockchain. This decentralization prevents any one government or company from
controlling it. At the time of this writing, the total market cap of cryptocurrencies is
$718 billion, up from $15 billion a year ago. The potential of the blockchain is huge
and world changing but the lack of scalability, lack true decentralization, and
excessive energy use are issues that plague existing cryptocurrencies.


1.1 Speed and Volume. Public, decentralized cryptocurrencies suffer

from slow transactions and low transaction volume. Bitcoin can only process 7
transactions per second, Ethereum can only process 13 per second. Additionally, the
time to verify transactions can range from several minutes to several hours
depending on current volume. In contrast, Visa, Inc. averages 150 million
transactions every day and is capable of handling more than 56,000 transactions per
second. Public cryptocurrencies are too slow for real world processing by 4 orders
of magnitude

1.2. Energy Consumption. The process of mining blocks uses an

enormous amount of energy because of a consensus algorithm called Proof-of-Work
(PoW). PoW requires non-trivial computational work by mining nodes which, in turn,
makes it cost prohibitive for a bad actor to perform malicious acts. This
computational workload requires energy. As of today, 3.5 million US households
could be powered with the energy used to run the Bitcoin network, while Ethereum
uses the equivalent power of 1 million households. This unacceptable and

1.3. Decentralization. Decentralization is a central tenant of

cryptocurrencies. It ensures no one company or government can control it. However,
in practice most mining has moved to China where electricity is cheapest. 75% of
all blocks are mined by large Chinese mining companies. This is true of Bitcoin,
Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and top cryptocurrencies. In the event of company collusion
or government privatization, 51% attacks would be possible.

1.4. Rigid Contracts. Ethereum provides a unique feature called smart

contracts. These smart contracts allow users to write small, unmodifiable programs
that ensure all involved parties are committed to a set of rules with absolute
certainty. This has been so successful that nearly every ICO in the past year has run
on Ethereum’s smart contract system. These smart contracts, however, are not
smart at all. They are extremely rigid contracts that are unable to adapt to changes
like real world contracts would. Parties involved in a contract have no ability to
upgrade their contract if necessary to adjust terms or to fix bugs in contract code.
Successful attacks have been mounted against smart contracts and there are several
known attacks.


2.1. Introduction. Hyper connect the World The MASS Project began with
the goal to enrich our everyday lives through “connection”. The history of mankind’s
technological innovation is related to our history of connection. The creation of postal
service made it possible to connect each other's thoughts without having to
physically meet. Telephones made it possible to connect each other in real time
regardless of the distance, and wireless communication added freedom of mobility.
And with the advent of the Internet, real-time connection to everything, not just
people, has become possible anywhere in the world. Despite these breakthrough
innovations, today’s level of connection is still not perfect. With the MASS Project,
we are now moving closer to a more seamless connection.

MASS is a decentralized network rather than the existing centralized network.

Transactions on the MASS Network are verified by a ledger shared within the
community network itself, not controlled by a centralized authority. This minimizes
the involvement of unnecessary intermediaries, which significantly reduces the fees.
In addition, decentralization ensures autonomy and independence of the community.
In order to be connected to a centralized system, it is inevitable to passively accept
the policies and system determined by the centralized organization. For instance, to
use VISA or MasterCard for payment, it is necessary to use their designated system
and follow their policies. However, the MASS Network allows each community to
autonomously determine the appropriate systems and policies, while reliably connect
to other communities when needed.
MASS aims to eradicate the various boundaries that have been existed in the
centralized system. Imagine stock investors in Korea trading Apple stocks in real
time with US stock investors, or medical researchers at Korean university hospitals
obtaining permission to work with diabetes patients’ data from Sydney and London.
“Tokenization” of assets and rights are being accelerated, and as a result, the
dynamics of cross-border connections is being redefined. Existing currencies,
tangible assets such as real estate and automobiles, intangible assets such as
patents, copyrights, and trademarks, our legal rights such as voting rights and
citizenship, and even DNA data or blood test results can benefit from tokenization.
This forces us to rethink everything, even obscures the space-time boundary, and
makes distinguishing tangibles from intangibles meaningless. It is possible to trade
0.2 apartments with 0.8 cars, and insurance fee can be directly paid by uploading 5
posts on an SNS.


Blockchain ID is one of the decentralized apps, or DApps, that make up the
MASS network, and it provides new levels of security and identification.
Members of the financial security community can use it to verify IDs in other
communities. Blockchain ID works via Smart Contracts and will save time
when verifying your identity to do things like get a student discount or open
a bank account.

Another DApp is Payment & Exchange, which can work between

communities, letting a company in one community or industry send money
to a business in another community. The MASS Wallet is able to exchange,
transfer, and settle various currencies in real-time using a decentralized
exchange. This provides uses for nearly all industries, most notably banks,
insurance, securities, and universities.

The MASS network aims to be highly usable, making it possible to utilize

blockchain technology in daily lives. Throughout project development, the
team has worked to create real-world applications to be used by real
communities and businesses. MASS will also have DAVinCI, the artificial
intelligence solution from MASS that major financial institutions already


Symbol MASS
Algorithm Quark
Maximum Supply 60,000,000
Premine 1%
Block Time 60 seconds
Maturity 11 blocks
Collateral 2500
Rewards 80% Masternode, 20% Staking
Block Rewards 1 to 200 – Premine
201 to 4500 – 0.8 MASS
4501 to 7000 – 10 MASS
7001 to 13000 – 15 MASS
13001 to 20000 – 25 MASS
20001 to 30000 – 50 MASS
30001 to 40000 – 75 MASS
40001 to 60000 – 100 MASS
60001 to 90000 – 225 MASS
90000+ – 75 MASS

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