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Sekolah : SMA N
Mata Pelajaran : Kimia
Kelas/Semester : XII/Genap
Materi Pokok : Korosi
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (1 x pertemuan)

A. Core Competence

KI 1 : Living and practicing the religious teachings that he embraces

KI 2 : Demonstrate honest, disciplined, responsible, caring (cooperative, tolerant,
peaceful) behavior, polite, responsive, and pro-active as part of the solution to
problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural environment and
positioning themselves as reflecting the nation in the association of the world
KI 3 : Understand, apply, analyze and evaluate factual, conceptual, procedural, and
metacognitive knowledge based on their curiosity about science, technology,
art, culture, and humanities with the insights of humanity, nationality, state and
civilization on the causes of phenomena and events, procedural knowledge in a
specific field of study according to his or her talents and interests to solve
KI 4 : Cultivate, reason, present, and create in the realm of concrete and abstract
realm related to the development of the self-study in school independently
and act effectively and creatively, and able to use methods according to
scientific rules.
A. Basic Competencies and Indicators of Competency Achievement

Basic Competencies Indicators of Competency

3.5 Analyze the factors that influence the 1. Describe the factors affecting the
occurrence of corrosion and propose ideas / occurrence of corrosion
2. solve the problem of overcoming
ideas to overcome them
B. Learning Objectives

After following the learning with scientific method, discussion, and question and
answer modeled Discovery learning has a purpose so that learners can explain
corrosion understanding and can explain the factors of corrosion.

C. Learning Materials

1. Definition of corrosion

The corrosion process is a metallic event that undergoes oxidation. The

metal rust formed is a metal oxide or a carbonate-salt of an oxidized metal. This
process is one example of an electrochemical process.

2. The Process of Corrosion

The process of corrosion in general is through several stages:

 In the first stage there is an attack by air bubbles that attach to

the surface of the metal protective layer, due to turbulent flow passing
over the metal surface.

 In the second stage the air bubbles erode and damage the mop

 In the third stage, the corrosion rate increases, because the

protective layer has disappeared.

The metal under the protective layer starts to corrodate, thus forming the
basin, then re-shaping the protective layer and the metal, becoming uneven.
When the flow continues to flow, it will happen back attack by bubbles of air
carried by the flow. This attack will erode and damage the newly formed
protective layer, damage to the protective layer will result in further attacks on
the deeper metal to form a basin. For the reaction will be explain at below:
3. Factors that Accelerate Corrosion
a) Salt Solution Electrolyte (acid or salt).
It is a good medium for carrying charge transfers. This results in the
electrons being more easily able to be bound by oxygen in the air. Rain
water contains acid, and salt water contains salt, rain water and sea water
are the factors that can accelerate corrosion. This process is caused by an
increase in the conductivity of a salt solution in which the salt solution is
more conductive, causing a higher corrosion rate. While the marine
condition of salt can accelerate the rate of corrosion of metals because
salt solution is more conductive. A large electrolyte concentration can
increase the electron flow rate so that the corrosion rate increases.

b) Uneven metal surfaces

Uneven metal surfaces facilitate the occurrence of poles of charge,

which will eventually act as anode and cathode. The slippery surface of
the metal will cause corrosion to be difficult, because it is difficult for
poles to act as anode and cathode. A rougher metal surface will give rise
to a potential difference and has a tendency to become a corroded anode.
Corrosion will occur very quickly on potentially low metals.

c) Influence of other Metals

When two different metals are potentially intersect and occur in aqueous
or moist environments then electrochemical cells may occur directly, so
that the potentially low metal will immediately release electrons
(oxidation) when in contact with a higher potential metal and will be
oxidized by 02 air . When viewed from a series of voltaic cells, from left
to right more easily reduces, while from right to left more easily
oxidized. As for its voltaic cell series as follows: Li, K, Ca, Ca, Na, Mg,
Al, Mn, Ca, Ni, Sn, Pb, (H), Sb, Bi, Cu, Hg, Ag, Pt and Au.

d) Temperature

Temperature affects the speed of the redox reaction in corrosion events.

In general, the higher the temperature the faster the corrosion occurs.
This is due to the increase in temperature, so the kinetic energy of the
particles increases so that the possibility of effective collision in the
redox reaction is greater The corrosion effect caused by the influence of
temperature can be seen on tools or machines which in its use cause heat
caused by friction (like cutting tools ) or subject to direct heat (such as a
motor vehicle).

e) pH

The corrosion event at acidic condition, that is at pH <7 condition is

bigger, due to the additional reduction reaction which take place at
cathode that is:

2H + (aq) + 2e- → H2

The presence of additional reduction reactions at the cathode causes more

metal atoms to oxidize so that the corrosion rate on the metal surface is

D. Approaches, Models, and Methods of Learning

1. Approach: Scientific
2. Model: Discovery learning
3. Method: Discussion, question and answer, and assignment
E. Media, Tools, and Learning Resources
1. Media
a. Teaching materials
b. Student Work Sheet
c. Power point
d. Video
2. Tools
a. Laptop
b. LCD Projector
c. Whiteboard
3. Learning Resources
a. Chemistry Textbook
b. Internet or other releven sources

F.Learning Steps

Activities Steps Event Description

Creating - Teacher greets and greets learners 10

Preliminary Situation - Teachers condition learners to be minute
ready to learn by beginning to pray
together led by one of the learners
- Learners understand the learning
objectives the teacher conveyed on
the corrosion material.
- The students are introduced to see the
appearance of the image of the
landings in slide / direct (rusted iron)
- Review / link previous material about
electrochemical cells
- Have you ever seen zinc in your
house rusted and nails that have long
been silenced in the rusty yard? Why
does it happen?
Core activities Giving Stimulus - Learners are invited by teachers 70
together to seek the benefits of minute
studying the corrosion material in
everyday life.
Identification of - Students observe the corrosive
problems video / image displayed by the
Learners Find Problems
- Why can iron rust if it is too long?
Collecting data - What is the process of corrosion?
- What factors affect the occurrence
of corrosion?
- Learners form groups and discuss
to gather information about
corrosion-related material.
- Learners seek understanding of
corrosion by way of answering
worksheets of learners who have been
given by the teacher in a discussion.
- Students analyze the process of
corrosion by answering the
worksheets of learners who have been
given by the teacher in a discussion
- Students analyze the factors that
influence the occurrence of corrosion
Processing data by answering the worksheets of
learners who have been given by the
teacher in a discussion.
- Learners conclude the factors that
influence the occurrence of corrosion.
- Learners present the results of the
group discussion about the nature of
the subject period in front of the class
with the correct grammar.

Closing Conclude - Teacher asks back the 10

concepts that have been given at this minute
meeting to ensure that the concepts
understood by the learners are
- Learners with teachers
conclude the learning outcomes at
this meeting - Teacher encourages
learners to always be grateful for
God's gift of the order and complexity
of God's creation
- Teachers reward (eg praise or
other relevant rewards) to good
- Teachers convey material
information at the next meeting,
namely Redox Reaction and
Faraday's Law
- Teachers assign tasks to
learners to learn the next material
and lessons are closed by praying

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