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How Migrant
Workers Can Retire
Rich And Worry

Gee Isa-al
Copyright MMXVI © Gee Isa-al

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any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or
by any informational storage or retrieval system without the expressed written, dated
and signed permission from the author.

Author: Gee Isa-al

Title: Home At Last!
ISBN: 978-1-77204-122-4
Category: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Personal Finance/General

Black Card Books
Division of Gerry Robert Enterprises Inc.
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Printed in Singapore
How Migrant
Workers Can Retire
Rich And Worry

Gee Isa-al
How much time are you willing to invest to
Overcome your current financial situation?
Making your hard-earned money work for you to
Enable you to go back to your family
After a long period of time being away from them.
That sacrifice is the essence of
Love, and love is
Always measured by
Spending quality
Time with our loved ones.
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s

Introduction................................................................................................... 1
1 The Reason............................................................................................ 5
2 The Many Faces Of An OFW.............................................................. 9
3 Employment Abroad Does Not Guarantee Financial Success......13
4 Their Mistake, Our Lesson ...............................................................15
5 Real Talk .............................................................................................19
6 Education.............................................................................................21
7 Which Way Are You Heading? ........................................................25
8 Called To Be A Good Steward Of God’s Gift..................................27
9 Increasing Our Income Stream.........................................................29
10 Now It’s Time To Manage Our Money.............................................31
11 One Good Teacher: Debt...................................................................35
12 Rainy Day Fund..................................................................................39
13 Home At Last Formula......................................................................41
14 Did You Know That Money Can Grow?..........................................45
15 Procrastination: The Enemy Of Investing........................................51
16 Investing Is All About Love...............................................................55
17 Our Will Be Done ..............................................................................65
18 Purpose-Driven Investment..............................................................67
19 The Ultimate Secret............................................................................69
20 I Have A Dream..................................................................................73
21 How You Can Grow Your Money In Condo Investments
By Cheryl Sanguyo.............................................................................77
A journey
to your financial
freedom starts
with your
first step.
And this is your...

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“This needs to be in everyone’s collection of must-read books. The

knowledge shared will definitely be beneficial to a lot of people.
Congratulations Gee, and on to your next book.”

– Paulo M. Tibig
Motivational Speaker and Bestselling Author of
The Strategies of a Champion Entrepreneur

“Every Overseas Filipino Worker should read this book, inscribe it in

their hearts and put the lessons into action. This is a timely book in
these changing times.”

– Randell Tiongson
Bestselling Author of No Nonsense Personal Finance

“May this book touch you as it touched me. Congratulations, Gee! May
you continue to bless the world with your gift.”

– Marco Victoria
Founder of

“Home At Last! is a book thoughtfully written for our countrymen who

bravely chose to work abroad for the good of their loved ones. This will
guide them in making sure they manage their hard-earned money well.
This book is all about prospering ultra-loving people.”

– Marianne Mencias
Author of What's Your Life's Masterpiece?

“What a fantastic, straightforward and honest book. Congratulations

Gee Isa-al! You are truly amazing!”

– Benj Santiago
Financial Educator, International Marketing Group

“I was crying while reading this book because I can feel the pain of
many OFWs. Thank you so much Gee for coming out with this book.
There is so much HOPE that our OFWs can look forward to if they have
the right information. This book will surely inspire and guide many of
our OFWs! More power and God bless you more!”

– Fely Santiago
Financial Educator, International Marketing Group
Gee Isa-al
For my family... abroad,
here I come!

Photo credit: Raymund Caguioa

D e d i ca t i o n

I dedicate this book to my fellow migrant workers

who take the risk in working abroad to provide a
better life for their families and loved ones.

To those who are tired of working abroad but

still don’t have enough savings.

To all those who think that working abroad

is the key to financial success.

To those who want a greater and brighter life with their loved
ones but recognise that working hard is not enough.

To those of you who have family and relatives

working abroad to give you a good life.

To those who are wary of what their life will

be like after working abroad.

To people working abroad on contract and especially

to those who don’t have proper documentation.

To people who are working abroad on a temporary work permit

and face an uncertain future when their permit expires.

To those who want to break free from being an

employee especially in a foreign country.

To people who are regarded as the family bank.


To those who think that investing is for rich people, and to

those who say, ‘I can’t invest because I don’t have money.’

To those of you who want to return home but are reluctant to do so.

To those who are working in their own country and

plan to move abroad because there is little progress
in their own country. Think twice on that.

To those who believe that the grass is greener elsewhere.

And finally, I dedicate this book to you, whatever your

situation. Even if you’re not a migrant worker but want to
change your financial life, then this book is for you.

t was a rainy Thursday evening some five years ago, and I was
walking along a dark street in our small village, feeling lost,
bewildered and confused about how to overcome the greatest
unexpected financial burden I had. Tears flowed non-stop as I cried
to God, what will I do now, Lord? Where will I get the money to pay
the mountain of debts? Desperate and hopeless, I pleaded to God to
show me the way.

Back then, I had talked often with my dear friend Achie who was
working in Singapore. She said to me, ‘Friend, why not try to work
here?’ At the time I was quite hesitant on whether it was the solution
to my current problem. Also, it would have been my first time away
from my family. But I knew of no other way to pay my debts that were
growing every month, and I was being pressured and verbally abused
by my creditor, which was upsetting; however, I cannot blame them, it
was my fault in the first place.

Every day I asked God for signs to indicate that working abroad was
the answer. During one of my prayer times, God spoke to me through
the Bible verse Matthew 9:37: ‘The harvest is truly plentiful, but the
labourers are few.’ This was further confirmed when I read an article on
Yahoo! which said that Singapore needed workers. It was the signal I
have been waiting for! I hurriedly prepared all the necessary documents
to secure a passport.

It was like a whirlwind of transformation; I was a happy and bubbly

girl who was contented with a routine life, suddenly transformed
into a woman who now had the courage to take charge of her future.

I ntroduction

I decided not to blame anyone anymore. This was now a quest that I
have to win. Full of hope and determination, I flew to Singapore. But
the story did not end there. That was just the beginning.

I realise now the purpose of that struggle; to use my courage and

experience to write this book and inspire others. All overseas migrant
workers have a greater reason to sacrifice time for their loved ones.
Being an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) made me realise that it’s not
just about earning money, it is about being a faithful and good steward
of God’s wealth.

I’m not an expert. I’m a migrant worker who wants to stop the
long-held ideal of ordinary people especially in my home country, the
Philippines, that working abroad is the way to end poverty. My hope is
that this book elevates the morale of every overseas worker, so that we
can all become entrepreneurs and investors in our own country using
our hard-earned money.

For us to be a true catalyst of a new breed of foreign worker that

has pride and honour, we need to be known as hardworking and
smart, and financially wise enough to be investors as well. So let’s take
the journey together.

Photo credit: Manny Manalad

The Reason

igrant workers work abroad for one reason – money. The
majority of us are our family’s breadwinner, and so we seek
greener pastures to fulfil our financial obligations.

Money is something we can control. We give our time and energy

in exchange for money; however, in the process we lose time; time with
our loved ones. If we lose money we can earn it back; if we lose time it
is gone forever.

For migrant workers, time away from our families cannot be

replaced by the money we send home – while we are providing them with
everything they need we are depriving them of what really matters – our
time. It is a sad reality that many overseas workers only go back to their
own country a few times a year; some have to wait many years before
returning to their families.

In that time there are numerous birthdays, anniversaries and

Christmases missed. Parents miss their child’s first step, first word, and
first day at school. They don’t get the opportunity to teach them to read
and write, or to see them get ready for prom.

The Reason

“Life is made up of priceless moments;

moments that you will miss if you are trading
your time for money. Miss too many of them
and you might start to wonder
what it is you are really working for.”
– Tony Robbins

Technology is a wonderful thing, and there is no denying that

innovations such as Skype and FaceTime have made it much easier to
communicate with those back home. However, in my experience nothing
can replace a warm hug from my mom when I have had a stressful
day at work, and there is nothing worse than when you are having a
heart-to-heart talk with your loved one and the Internet connection
fails. Many parents have had to watch their daughters and sons grow up
over Skype, which is heartbreaking. I know of young parents who have
left their babies in the care of family members so they can work abroad;
many believing they have no choice.

We can all say it is because we want to do the best we can for our
families; to help lift them out of poverty and give them the life they
deserve, but in reality the answer is really quite simple: We don’t know
any better.

I have spent many years working with Filipinos who migrate

overseas in the hope of becoming rich, and in that time I have made
observations and learnt many interesting things that have led me to the
conclusion that it is our behaviour that has to change.

Gee Isa-al


The Many Faces

Ms Delayer

his lady learned how to handle her finances but always found
excuses for not investing. She wanted to enjoy life first, and so
she frequently traveled, which made her happy. Her motto – I
want to have fun!

Ms Idealist
I know this woman because we worked in the same building. She
possesses the right mindset; she knows the value of saving, but she does
not know which vehicle to use to make her money grow. She admits
that she felt safe knowing that her money was in the bank, and she
mentioned that she also joined a paluwagan or ‘sinking fund’.

Mr Instant
Like instant food, this person wanted instant return on his money. He
enticed me to join a scheme that promised a 150% return after 50 days.
Fortunately, I had read books and attended seminars so I knew that it

The Many Faces Of An OFW

was too good to be true. I asked him why so big a return in such a short
time? He just said, Basta sis! It didn’t surprise me, therefore, when later
that year I heard he had lost all his money in that so-called instant deal.

Beware of these two get-rich-quick schemes especially on online


1. Hassle free and almost no supervision required.

2. High rates of return on a short term period.

Ms Comfort
I jokingly tell this woman, ‘You know what girl, there’s no such thing
as forever in terms of employment!’ She believes that the company she
works for needs her, and she is comfortable in her job because she is a
permanent resident here in Singapore, and her salary and benefits are
rewarding. She does not bother to prepare for her retirement because
she has a so-called corporate retirement plan.

Gee Isa-al

Mr Conscious
When I first met this man I thought he was doing the right thing. He
told me he had just completed his dream house and had bought his
own car (but did not use it often because he works abroad). He has the
latest gadgets and wears expensive jewellery; sometimes I poke fun at
him and ask whether he is a gold miner because he wears a lot of gold!
(Sometimes I believe men are vainer than women; his Facebook cover
photo displays his collection of designer shoes). He confidently tells me
that he has earned the money that paid for everything.

Mr One-Day Millionaire. I really feel this guy’s excitement every time
he plans to go home for a vacation. The month before his most-awaited
vacation, he is super busy buying “pasalubong” (gifts) to his family,
friends and neighbours. He is indeed a generous man, but the sad part
is when he comes back, he posts ‘Back to reality, work pa more!’ on
Facebook. Why? Because he just spent all his savings on his two or
three-week vacation in the Philippines.

Mr First
Mr First focuses on why he works abroad. He values his time away with
his family. He maximizes the money he makes and he takes great effort
to learn how his hard-earned money can work for him. He believes
that financial education is the key. He regularly attends seminars that
add value to him. He reads books about managing money and most
importantly he applies what he has learned. He is also concerned about
his fellow Overseas Filipino Workers and so he shares his knowledge
to anyone who is open to listen to him. I am one of them. He is now
“Home At Last” with his family.

(Being an OFW is not forever)

Photo credit: Manny Manalad


Abroad Does
Not Guarantee
“You were not born to just go
to work, pay bills and die.”
- Anonymous

he general belief throughout Filipino society is that if we want
to fulfil our dreams of having a nice house, a good education
and nice possessions then we must move abroad to achieve this.
Unfortunately, this has been the mindset for generations – as children
we are brought up to believe that this is the only option available to
us. Take my parents’ neighbour’s son, for instance. At the age of seven,
when asked what he wanted to be when he grew up, he said, ‘I want to
be like Uncle Teddy!’ (His uncle is an architect in Dubai.) When asked
why, he responded, ‘Because I want to be rich!’

Employment Abroad Does Not Guarantee Financial Success

I’ll work abroad for three

or five years only, I’ll just save
money and go home.

And this is part of the problem. Children who have relatives

working overseas are usually sent the latest gadgets or jewellery, which
other children whose families remain in the country are never going to
have because their parents simply cannot afford them.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with dreaming of working

abroad, or of owning a nice house or a fancy car. There is nothing wrong
with wanting to earn money for your loved ones. The problem is that at
some point you are not going to be able to work, whether through age
or simply that your visa has expired; at some point you are going to go
home. And all too often people return empty-handed, and then have
to rely on the next generation to take over and move hundreds of miles
away to support their now infirm parents.


Their Mistake,
Our Lesson

uan always filed his remittance slips neatly in a box. One day, while
cleaning his room, he opened the box and started to calculate how
much money he had sent back to the Philippines, but he decided
to stop because after two decades of working in Saudi Arabia, he could
barely comprehend where all his money had gone.

I’ve spoken to a 58-year-old OFW who has worked as a nanny in

Singapore for 22 years. I jokingly said, ‘For sure Ate, you have lots of
savings already because you have worked here for so long.’ She rolled
her eyes and said, ‘Savings? How can I save when I give all my money to
my family back home? I’m the one who pays my grandchildren’s tuition
fees in college.’

Most of us are aware that we cannot stay in a foreign country forever.

There will come a time when we have to go home. So, what should we
do to avoid all the mistakes of those overseas workers who have gone
before us? How can we avoid going home empty-handed?

Their Mistake, Our Lesson

In life, mistakes will not be repeated if we learn from them, and this
also applies to money problems. Perhaps you know someone in your
family – a neighbour or a friend – whose parents, during their formative
years, had plenty of things. But as their parents grew old, everything
changed, and because they had no retirement plan, they struggled to
even afford the basics such as food and clothing.

This is all too real for many Filipinos. One way of ensuring that this
cycle is not repeated is by putting money aside to either see you through
your retirement or to start a small business back home.

My parents did not have the opportunity to work abroad during

their productive years, but I have learned a lot from them. I now
realise what went wrong with their financial life – they did not have the
opportunity to make their money work for them. I’m not blaming them
for our poverty because they worked hard just to send me to school
and provide for my basic needs. But now that their energy to work has
deserted them, it is my turn to support them.

One night I had a conversation with my mother and shared with

her what I had learned about handling finances. After our conversation
I heard her singing. I did my best, I worked hard, but my best efforts
were not good enough because she lacks financial knowledge.

Gee Isa-al

Entertainment will satisfy our
temporary loneliness, but financial
Education with proper Execution
will lead us to Genuine and lasting
Happiness especially when you
know the Purpose of that Wealth.

Real Talk

fter a tiring day, most OFWs seek something that makes them
happy and entertains them. For a while I was hooked on TV
shows, and I watched the reruns in the Internet. I am now
hooked on the phenomenal love team, AlDub (maybe some of you
are Otwolista and Amorado). But I don’t let this addiction detract me
from reading books or attending seminars. Here is a fact. While we are
entertained by all these shows, who is being paid? It is the actors. I don’t
have anything against all these shows on TV, but hey fellow OFWs,
wake up!

Entertainment will satisfy our temporary loneliness, but financial

education with proper execution will lead us to prosperity, which will
give us genuine and lasting happiness. Especially when you know the
purpose of that wealth.

It was five years ago when I started looking for mentors on this
important aspect of my life. I attended seminars that really opened my
mind about money, and I learned that it is not wrong to earn more as
long as I know why I want to be wealthy. From then on I didn’t stop
learning; hearing from people who live the life that I wanted. I invested
time and money in seminars and in books that added value and gave
me wisdom about getting truly wealthy.

The KEY is...
Keep Educating Yourself.

Photo credit: Peng Sadaran


“I can guide you and help you,
if you want.”
– Mentor

s I have already mentioned, overseas workers cannot stay in
foreign countries forever; there will come a time when we
have to go home. That is why we need to make sure we think
seriously about the future, and not repeat the mistakes of those who
have gone before us and return empty-handed – we need to break the
cycle and the only way we can do that is through education – financial

“There is no friend as loyal as a book.”

– Ernest Hemingway

Financial education is paramount if you want to be able to earn

enough money to be financially free, and I am not talking about spending
years in university. As the late Jim Rohn said, ‘Formal education will
make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.’ This is very


true. As we feed our bodies with food, we also have to feed our minds by
reading books and listening to positive, educational and powerful talks
that will add value to us.

How many of us finish college or university and go straight out to

work and never pick up another book again? How many of us sat in a
classroom at school and wondered if we would ever need to use what we
were being taught? Our teachers, as dedicated and as wonderful as they
may be, are only there to give us the bare minimum to get us started.
I remember sitting in class when I was doing my degree in accounting
and learning about compounding interest and how to compute net asset
value per share, dividends and equities, and thinking to myself, ‘Am
I really ever going to need this? Will this knowledge help me find a
job?’ It wasn’t until much later in my life when I really learned to take
advantage of what I had learned, but this was only after I had started
reading books that added value to my life, and that increased my
understanding and put what I knew into an everyday, useable context – I
was feeding my brain!

Self-education is not just about sitting for hours and reading books.
There are many ways we can feed our brains. My personal favourite is
attending seminars and listening to the people who have already done
it telling me how to do it. I see such people as my mentors, towards a
better and more successful life.

I surrounded myself with people who value both time and money.
We learned together and supported each other. And it is not just people
like us who have mentors, the vast majority of very wealthy people have
mentors, people who guide them along their journey towards wealth,
and that is exactly what my job here is: I am your guide and mentor, I
am going to help you learn how to make money, manage it and make
it grow so you will be in a positon to return home happy, healthy and
wealthy and help break the cycle.

Gee Isa-al

Homework: Book a financial literacy seminar now.

Photo credit: Raymund Caguioa

Which Way Are

You Heading?
Here’s what I have discovered about ways to become wealthy.

Mr Lucky

inning the lottery. It is a sad but true fact that many people
try to make their fortune by betting. One day, my father
hurriedly asked me to bet the numbers he had dreamed
about, he said, ‘I can feel it, my hands are so itchy. Go to the nearest
lotto station and bet on these numbers.’ Did he win? No! How many
can relate to this?

Mr Bae
If you have good looks, charm and talent you could try your luck in
show business.

Ms Silver Spoon
If you are a child of wealthy parents, then you will inherit what they
have accumulated. However, there’s a chance that the inherited wealth
will be squandered if not properly managed by the heir.

Which Way Are You Heading?

Mr Entrepreneur
Start a business. It is possible to achieve a comfortable lifestyle by
selling products, services and information, if one devotes a tremendous
amount of energy to it and makes it grow and prosper. It may be true
that nine out of ten start-ups fail in the first five years, but the fact is that
most of the world’s richest business owners prove this is the best way to
become wealthy.

Ms Investor
Every person can be an investor. This is one of the best paths to riches.
You can invest in stocks, mutual funds or real estate (more on this in the
succeeding chapters).


Called To Be A
Good Steward
Of God’s Gift
“Can you be my wealth stewardess?”
– God

ne thing I have learned in the years I have been working in
Singapore is that there is nothing wrong with making money
and becoming wealthy, as long as you know why you want to
become wealthy.

I firmly believe that we don’t own anything that does not belong
to God.

Our time, energy, intelligence, opportunities, relationships and

resources are all gifts from God; gifts that have been entrusted to
our care and management. This makes us stewards of whatever He
bestows upon us, which includes money. The money we make and the
wealth we generate is that which God gives us to use on our journey
here on Earth. That being said, money will not be handed to you, you
have to work hard and earn it. The first thing you need is a job.

Called To Be A Good Steward Of God’s Gift

I went to Singapore with enough money for a month and the hope
that I would find a job in that time. However, the money ran out fairly
quickly and my friend and cousin had to support me. In reality it took
me two months to find work.

Getting a job is just the beginning. You have to be able to earn

enough to provide for your own living expenses, including rent, bills
and transport.

One of the most important things to do after getting a job (if not
before) is to open a bank account. My parents never had a bank account;
my mom used to keep the family’s money in a wallet, which she would
put ‘somewhere safe’, and more often than not she would forget where
she had put it.

Obviously every situation is different, but in the majority of

circumstances migrant workers need more than one job to make
enough money to cover all their financial commitments. This is where
we put care on managing our finances.

There is always the temptation to ‘make a quick buck’, but there

is no such thing as getting rich quick (unless you win the lottery).
One must always research any money-making schemes to ensure they
are not scams. You don’t want to end up like Mr. Instant!

“I can’t afford to waste my time making money.”

– Jean Louis Agassiz

I have to be properly protected

because there are people
who are depending on me.
What will happen to them if
something happens to me? I am
the breadwinner. I have to be
insured so my dependents will be
provided for when I am gone.
Photo credit: Raymund Caguioa


Increasing Our
Income Stream

here are many safe and legal ways of supplementing your income
without giving up your main job. Being an entrepreneur has
many benefits and rewards. We are all capable of having ideas,
many of us just have to dig deep to find the courage to bring those ideas
to fruition.

The place where I lived when I was a little girl had an abundance of
fruit trees, and every morning before school I would gather the freshly
fallen fruits and give them to my classmates in return for paper, pencils
or a small amount of money. I may not have made much money but
I found a market for the fruit. As Josh Kaufman succinctly sums it up
in his book The Personal MBA, ‘Every successful business creates or
provides something of value that people want or need, at a price they
are willing to pay.’

In my case, my friends wanted the fruit and were willing to exchange

their paper and pencils for it.

Increasing Our Income Stream

I learned from Tom Hopkins that selling is serving. Just what I’m
doing now, selling these ideas to you. One more note to remember is
that if we’re selling something, we have to believe in the products or
services we offer and love what we are doing.

I am in a business where I spread and share the information on the

importance of financial education to people from different walks of life.
I have been doing this noble business for almost five years now and I
am enjoying what I do.

It is important to remember that when you do earn extra income,

that extra money should be added to your savings and investments.

“It is not how much money you make,

but how much you keep, how hard it works for you and
how many generations you keep it for.”
– Robert Kiyosaki

Homework: Start selling, start serving.

It is not
to have a
job; make
investment as
your second

Photo credit: Raymund Caguioa


Now It’s Time

To Manage
Our Money

ow that we are earning money, we have to protect it and
the money-making machine itself – us. There are only two
certainties in life – death and taxes. Taxes are part of everyday
life, they are our contribution to society; however, death can come like
a thief in the night. Sickness and death are frightening as it is, but they
become all the more frightening when they are not prepared for.

This is the reason why every person should get life insurance. Life
insurance is part of planning one’s finances; it is like a savings plan
for the unknown, and can provide a cash income should the worst
happen, not only providing a buffer for the person insured but also for
any loved ones who lose their breadwinner.

A life insurance policy can also take care of any death-related

expenses, such as funeral and probate costs. Even single people should
have insurance so their family back home can be provided for should
the worst happen. Also, you may not be single forever; one day you
may want to settle down and even have children. This is when your

Now It’s Time To Manage Our Money

priorities will change and you will have to start planning for other
expenses, such as education. Having an insurance policy when you
are single means it will not become an issue later.

Getting a life insurance policy is very important, especially for

people who have dependents, particularly very young children who
are not yet able to work and fend for themselves. The amount of life
insurance a person should get should be based on the number of
dependents and paying capacity. A person interested in getting a life
insurance policy can choose from several kinds, for example whole-
life insurance, or term insurance. Term insurance is paid out by the
insurer after death, whereas a whole-life insurance policy is much more
complicated and involves a lot of provisions and benefits.

You will know that you are properly protected by using the DIME
method. DIME stands for debts, income, mortgage, and education.
List your total debt, annual income, total mortgage and any education
fees. Add these figures all together and the sum will be the minimum
amount of insurance coverage you need. This will ensure that there will
be enough funds to replace your responsibility if something happens to
you. Everyone should look at the possibility of getting a life insurance.
This will assure them that their loved ones will be taken care of in the
event that they are no longer there to support them. Ultimately, insurance
is not about you getting or receiving, it is about you giving and loving.

Use the DIME formula* as a starting point in calculating your life

insurance needs.
Debt (credit card, other personal loans) 80,000
Income (PHP 30,000 x 12 months x 10 years) 3,600,000
Mortgage (total balance of your home, car loan and other 2,000,000
Education (e.g. estimated college tuition of your two children 4,000,000
for a four-year course is PHP 2 million each - that includes
books, uniforms, etc.)
Total 9,680,000

Gee Isa-al

According to the DIME formula, your recommended life insurance

coverage is PHP 9,680,000.00.

* The DIME method is only one method to help determine a person’s insurable need.


You and I have similar purposes in this world. It is your job to

provide food, clothing, shelter, schooling, medicine, and other
things for your loved ones. You do this while I lie in your safe
deposit box. I have faith and trust in you. Out of your earnings
will come the cost of my upkeep. At times, I may appear
insignificant to you – but someday (and who knows when) you
and I will change places.

When you are laid to rest, I will come alive and do your job.
I will provide food, clothing, shelter, schooling, medicine, and
other things your family will continue to need – just as you are
doing now. When your work and labour are done, mine will
begin. Through me, your hands can carry on. Whenever you
feel the price you are paying for my upkeep is burdensome,
remember that I can do more for you and your family than you
will ever do for me. If you do your part, I will do mine.

Sincerely yours,
Your life insurance policy

Source: International Marketing Group workbook

Now It’s Time To Manage Our Money

Health is wealth so they say, and every person should prepare

financially and emotionally for the possibility of any health problems
that may come their way at any time in the future. I mentioned earlier
that the only things certain in life are taxes and death. Perhaps, illness
should also be included in that list because anyone can get sick at any
time. Many people only realize the importance of preparing financially
for the possibility of health problems when they are already afflicted
with an ailment. At that time they are not only faced with their poor
health but also unpaid bills.

Most Filipinos are still not aware of the importance of getting a

health insurance. We have this attitude of ‘Bahala na si Lord’ (leave it to
the Lord) but there is also the issue of the rising cost of health insurance
in the Philippines. Such increases mean the majority of Filipino families
can no longer afford it. The rising cost of healthcare has been attributed
to the increase in the number of people attending hospitals.

A lot of people die because of lack of money, and even though there
are existing health coverage programs offered by the government like
PhilHealth, this is not enough. Every family should be aware of the
importance of healthcare coverage. Thus, every family should invest
in a quality healthcare program, especially at a time when they are
still able to work and pay for the proper health insurance. By having
enough healthcare coverage, we can avoid future bankruptcy because
of sudden illness.


Research and buy an insurance policy and healthcare plan that

suits your needs.


One Good
Teacher: Debt

am grateful for the financial burden which pushed me to work
abroad. I felt I hit rock bottom; it was a humiliating experience
for me. Nowadays, however, it seems that getting into debt
is much easier than getting out of debt. With numerous schemes
and facilities available these days, no one wants to wait until they
have saved enough money to buy anything they wish; no one wants
to delay gratification.

If you find your debt repayments increasing and need some way
to get out of debt, you can follow these simple steps. The obvious
first step to paying off credit-card debt or paying down credit debt
load is to cut back or eliminate the use of your credit cards. For some
people this first step can often be the most difficult. If you’re used
to spending freely with plastic and worrying about the consequences
later, it’s difficult to break free from this “buy now, pay later” attitude.
To gain control of their careless credit-card spending habits, some
people cut up their credit cards, therefore making it impossible to use
them. Others lock up their credit cards or hide them in a safe place

One Good Teacher: Debt

and vow to use them only in an emergency. The second step to paying
down credit debt is to pay more than the minimum balance due. Most
credit-card companies require a minimum monthly payment of 3.5%
of the outstanding balance. Monthly payments are purposely kept
low by the credit-card companies so that they can earn as much as
possible from the interest rate charged to you the consumer. Paying
just the minimum payment will keep you tangled in credit’s web for
years and years to come. If you have been paying only the minimum
due month after month, ask yourself this question, “Do I have an
extra PHP 1,000.00 I could include to this month’s payment?” I’m sure
that most of us could find some way to come up with an extra PHP
1,000.00 for the month. Try cutting out a few cups of coffee or lunches
at your nearby fast food outlets and in no time you’ll have saved up
the extra money that you need.

If you have many huge debts, you can begin by arranging your debts
so that you know which one needs to be paid first. A debt consolidation
plan can be an ideal solution for getting out of debt. Debt consolidation
is simply a refinancing of one’s debt and is considered as an ideal option
by financing experts. In this plan, all your debts, whether it be credit
card or other debts, are taken into one single loan, which you can pay
off with a monthly amount. Debt consolidation plans also provide
enough time to pay back the loan according to your current financial
situation. In my case, I was able to pay my debts by consolidating
them. I applied for a company loan and fortunately my boss did not
charge interest on. Debt consolidation may take some time to pay off
your debts; however, it is the most recommended way for getting out of
debt. By using this method for getting out of debt, you don’t have to be
afraid of credit ratings if your current credit rating is in good standing.
Remember, getting out of debt needs more than just simple willpower.
Better planning, budgeting, controlling your expenses, together with
willpower will definitely help.

Gee Isa-al

Write down your current debt accounts and begin to think about
your own debt-free plan.

Account Balance Interest Monthly TARGET

Name Rate Payment DATE






“Financial peace isn’t the acquisition of stuff.

It’s learning to live on less than you make, so
you can give money back and have money to
invest. You can’t win until you do this.”
– Dave Ramsey

You n
ou must

always save
for a rainy
ve r
i g ht happen.
what m
Photo credit: Ana Balingasa

Rainy Day Fund

“You can use me when
you need me the most.”
– Emergency funds

n emergency fund is a must for all migrant workers. We live
in a very insecure and somewhat unstable economic climate,
add to that the fact that overseas workers are often hundreds
of miles away from home and are supporting their family members
making it all the more important to have money put away in case of

My advice would be to have at least three months’ wages or the

equivalent to six months of expenses in your emergency fund. Ideally
the fund should be treated like a recurring bill and be topped up on a
monthly or weekly basis.

View this fund as an extra insurance policy and guard it carefully,

it is not a piggy bank to be dipped into for incidental expenses – use it
only in cases of emergencies because once that money is spent it will
take time to replace it; often longer than anticipated.

Rainy Day Fund

Start now and save whatever you can, one day you will be glad you did.

I was inspired by a couple (Patrick and Lyn Santos) who practiced

a 52-week money challenge. They started with $5 for the first week and
then added $5 every week thereafter. I asked them the purpose of the
money they were saving and they told me it was for their daughter’s
future. Patrick added that when December comes and they go back to
Philippines to celebrate the holidays with their family, they will have
the funds to enjoy the holidays, so they don’t need to use credit cards to
purchase things.


1. Start your own 52-week challenge.

2. Open a bank account specifically for your emergency fund.


Home At Last

aving money is a strong motivator for migrant workers to seek
work abroad; for the disposable income that foreign work

To have any chance of having financial freedom when you retire you
have to start saving straightaway, and this is no easy task because money
slips away as soon as it is earned, so you have to make a concerted effort
to save what you can while you can.

Home At Last Formula

However, many fail in their quest to save money simply because

they have been using the wrong formula. Up until now they have been
using the poverty formula.

The Poverty Formula

Work hard

Send money home

Pay expenses

Put whatever is
left in savings

Using the above formula is never going to make you wealthy enough to
retire. The best way to ensure there is enough money set aside is to pay
yourself first. And for that we need a new formula, which I like to call
the Home At Last formula.

Gee Isa-al

The Home At Last Formula

Work hard

Put money in savings

Pay expenses

Send money home

Remember: Pay yourself first!

So far, we have discussed making money through our job abroad,

protecting it and ourselves as the ‘money machine’, as well as how to
properly save money. Now it is time for us to look at how to accumulate
the money we earned and make it work for us.

‘Compound interest
is the eighth wonder
of the world. He
who understands it,
earns it... He who
doesn’t, pays it!’

Photo credit: Marilene “Yapot” Manalo


Did You Know

That Money
Can Grow?
“Do you know that I can work for you?”
– Money

ne way of making your money grow is by the power of
compounding interest. How on earth will compounding
interest make me rich? I hear you say.

Well, Albert Einstein rated compound interest as one of man’s

greatest inventions.

Earlier I talked about deciding how much money you will need to
be able to return home financially free and how long it will take you
to earn it. Some of you may be wondering just how you can calculate
how long it will take you earn the amount of money you need. This is
where the rule of 72 comes in to play. Using the rule of 72 you can work

Did You Know That Money Can Grow?

out how many years it will take you to double your investment at the
interest rate the financial institution is offering. See below.

(Thanks to International Marketing Group for this information.)

So, as you can see from the table above, if you invested PHP 100,000
when you were 29 years old in a financial instrument that offers 4%
interest rate, the value of your money, the time you reach the age of
65 it will be PHP 400,000. This is because every 18 years (that is 72/4
= 18 years) your money will compound. Whereas when you put that
hard-earned money in an investment that will yield 12% then when you
reach the age of 65 your money will have increased to PHP 6,400,000.00!
There’s a big difference when you know where to put your money so it
beats inflation and gives you a higher return.

Now, you may think that investing requires large amount of money
(PHP 100,000 as per illustration above), but you would be wrong. You
can start your Home At Last fund with PHP 5,000 only. Yes! It’s very true.

Gee Isa-al

And for those of you who think they cannot afford to invest, you
can see from the wealth calculator below that even putting PHP 1,000
in every month will give you healthy rate of return.


Savings Interest 5 Years 10 Years 15 Years 20 Years 25 Years 30 Years
P1,000 4% 66,300 147,250 246,090 366,770 514,130 694,050
8% 88,031 199,746 363,891 605,075 959,453 1,480,150
10% 92,567 222,374 431,397 768,030 1,310,181 2,183,321
12% 97,382 247,855 513,039 980,385 1,804,007 3,255,511
P2,000 4% 132,600 294,500 492,180 733,550 1,028,260 1,388,100
8% 176,062 399,492 727,783 1,210,150 1,918,903 2,960,301
10% 185,175 444,748 862,794 1,536,060 2,620,362 4,366,642
12% 194,765 495,710 1,026,079 1,960,770 3,608,014 6,511,023
P3,000 4% 198,900 441,750 738,270 1,100,320 1,542,390 2,082,150
8% 264,093 599,238 1,091,674 1,815,225 2,878,359 4,440,451
10% 277,762 667,122 1,294,190 2,304,090 3,930,544 6,549,936
12% 292,147 743,565 1,539,118 2,941,154 5,412,022 9,766,534
P5,000 4% 331,490 736,250 1,230,450 1,833,870 2,570,650 3,470,250
8% 440,156 998,729 1,819,457 3,025,375 4,797,265 7,400,752
10% 462,937 1,111,870 2,156,984 3,840,150 6,550,906 10,916,605
12% 586,911 1,239,275 2,565,197 4,901,924 9,020,036 16,277,556
P7,000 4% 464,090 1,030,750 1,722,630 2,567,420 3,598,910 4,858,350
8% 616,218 1,398,221 2,547,240 4,235,525 6,716,171 10,361,053
10% 648,111 1,556,618 3,019,777 5,376,210 9,171,268 15,283,248
12% 681,676 1,734,985 3,591,276 6,862,694 12,628,050 22,788,579
P10,000 4% 662,990 1,472,500 2,460,900 3,667,750 5,141,300 6,940,490
8% 880,311 1,997,458 3,638,914 6,050,751 9,594,530 14,801,504
10% 925,863 2,223,740 4,313,968 7,680,300 13,101,812 21,833,211
12% 973,823 2,478,550 5,130,394 9,803,848 18,040,072 32,555,113
P20,000 4% 1,325,960 2,945,000 4,921,800 7,335,500 10,282,600 13,880,980
8% 1,760,623 3,994,917 7,277,828 12,101,501 19,189,060 29,603,008
10% 1,851,746 4,447,480 8,627,935 15,360,600 26,203,624 43,666,422
12% 1,947,645 4,957,100 10,260,787 19,607,697 36,080,144 65,110,226
P50,000 4% 3,314,900 7,362,500 12,304,500 18,338,700 25,706,500 34,702,500
8% 4,401,557 9,987,292 18,194,570 30,253,753 47,972,649 74,007,521
10% 4,629,366 11,118,700 21,569,838 38,401,500 65,509,059 109,166,055
12% 4,869,113 12,392,750 25,651,968 49,019,241 90,200,361 162,775,564


NB: This table does not guarantee the exact amount of return. This serves only
as a guideline.

Did You Know That Money Can Grow?

Cheers! We now
know the friends and
enemies of investing!
We beat inflation and
we learned how to
minimize taxation!

Friends And Enemies Of Investing

Saving money is not just about saving money. Do you know that in
investing we have friends and enemies?

No One Can Escape From Taxes

As Benjamin Franklin said, in this world nothing can be said to be certain,
except death and taxes. From the very first expense (when we’re conceived
in our mother’s womb) to our last cost (burial), we are going to pay taxes.
That is why it is better to have full knowledge on how to minimise taxes.

Inflation – The Unfriendly Ghost

Gehan and Vegetwo were talking one day about how things seemed
to be more expensive these days. ‘Dude, I could buy a multi-coloured
bubble gum with 1 peso before!’ said Gehan.

‘Yeah, I know,’ replied Vegetwo, ‘and you know what? This can of
soft drink was only 5 pesos back then. What happened man?’

Both shook their heads in disbelief.

Gee Isa-al

Just then Master Shofaw came along and asked them what the
matter was. Vegetwo and Gehan explained to Master Shofaw how they
were just saying that things were more expensive nowadays.

Master Shofaw nodded knowingly, ‘Guys, that’s inflation.’

Vegetwo and Gehan looked at each other with puzzled looks on

their faces, and at the same time said, ‘What’s inflation?’

Master Shofaw sat down beside Gehan and started to explain.

‘Inflation is the decrease in the value of money, brought about by

the rise in the prices of everyday goods,’ said Master Shofaw.

Vegetwo then innocently asked, ‘Then how can I beat inflation?’

To that Master Shofaw answered, ‘By making your money earn more

than the rate of inflation.’

‘How do we do that?’ Gehan asked.

Master Shofaw asked, ‘Where do you put your savings now?’

Both replied, ‘In the bank.’

‘And how much interest do you earn from them?’ asked Master Shofaw.

Both Gehan and Vegetwo looked at each other and then replied, ‘It’s
merely 1% and less with withholding tax.’

Master Shofaw looked at the ground and shook his head. But before
he could say anything Gehan and Vegetwo jumped up and exclaimed,
‘Ohh, we get it! We have to put our money in some other financial
vehicle rather than putting it in the bank. That way we will earn more
than the inflation rate!’

Master Shofaw beamed with delight that they had understood him,
and Gehan and Vegetwo high-fived each other.

Inflation is like a ghost, we cannot see it but we can feel its effect.


Photo credit: Manny Manalad


The Enemy Of
“Beware of me.”
– Procrastination

ut the worst enemy on investing is procrastination. Believe me!
Here are the excuses that someone can give to him/herself all
throughout the year.

Okay as part of my new year’s resolution, I will start to invest this month.
But I remember I bought so much for last month’s celebration. I’ll pay
my credit card debts first, and then next month I will start.

Oh, it’s time to surprise my loved one. Valentine’s Day happens only
once a year. I’ll be a KJ (killjoy) if I don’t follow the trend.

Procrastination: The Enemy Of Investing

Graduation day! I have to buy something for my sister for she has finally
graduated! I am a proud sister here! Next month I promise I’ll save!

Wow the beach is so enticing! Let’s go and have fun in the sun this
summer! Best time for family bonding! Okay, next month I’ll see to it
that I invest!

It’s my hometown Fiesta. I haven’t visited there for quite a long time. It’s
time to get reconnected to my old fellows. Maybe next month I can save.

Gosh! It’s my mother’s birthday – her 60th birthday! We have to
celebrate this. (For some of you maybe it is enrolment time, and you
need to buy all your kid’s school supplies.) No enough money to
invest, maybe next month.

Start of the rainy season! Need to fix the roof to make sure family
members don’t get wet on rainy days. Okay, next month, I’ll start saving
a small amount.

I believe on my Tsinoy (Chinese-Filipino) friends that this is not the best
time to invest because it’s ghost month. Next month will be the best.

My cousin and best friend have an emergency and they badly need
some money. I lend them what I wanted to save for this month. It’s okay,
there’s always next month.

Gee Isa-al

Gosh! My favourite group is having a concert! It’s on my bucket list.
This is a must-see concert.

Have to visit my departed loved ones or else they’ll visit me! And this is
some sort of family reunion as well.

The shopping list for this merriest day of the year. Let’s enjoy this season
of giving.

There’s no wonder a lot of people cannot start saving; procrastination

really is the worst enemy of investing.

Our friend in investing is time. Time to really commit to changing

our financial life. Time for our money to grow. Time to compound.
Many ask, when is the best time to invest? The answer is NOW!

“Can we be friends?”
– Time

“Every day is a bank account, and time is our currency.

No one is rich, no one is poor,
we’ve all got 24 hours each.”
– Christopher Rice

Always put in mind that
Love should be our
Deepest reason to invest and
Use the wealth God entrusted to us to
Bless other people.

Photo credit: Manny Manalad


Investing Is All
About Love
Always put in mind that
Love should be our
Deepest reason to invest and we should
Use the wealth God entrusted to us to
Bless other people.

n his bestselling book Money: Master The Game, Tony Robbins tells
us that we don’t have to be financial geniuses to become financially
free. Investing on solid ground will give you a lasting income.
Ensure the foundations are strong.

I created a story of an OFW that shows how investing can be

applied daily as part of our normal routine. Being an investor makes
us patriotic. We always say we have to love our own, did you know that
when we invest we are one.

(Disclaimer: I mentioned company and brand names, written in italic, to

make the story more relatable.)

Investing Is All About Love

During a public holiday Gerald decided to go home for a vacation.

So he booked a ticket on Cebu Pacific and flew home. While in the
airport awaiting for his bags to be unloaded he called his wife Aldine
using his phone, which was on the Globe network. Aldine answered on
her Smart line phone, and was thoroughly pleased that he had arrived
safely, and set off to pick Gerald up.

Their seven-year-old son, Jonah, went with her, and on the journey
he ate a bar of Cloud 9 chocolate and drank a bottle of Absolute distilled
water, and finished a bag of Piattos. Worried that Jonah has not had
enough to drink, Aldine handed Jonah a bottle of Summit drinking
water that she had in her bag.

Eventually they got to the airport and after a quick reunion they all
headed home.
‘Dad, did you bring me a present?’ asked Jonah.
‘No, sorry,’ replied Gerald, ‘I didn’t have time to pick one up. We will
go to SM tomorrow if you like.’
‘Oh, yes please,’ said Jonah.
On the way home they stopped at Petron and refuelled their car,
and Gerald asked if they could stop by Jollibee so he could pick up
some chicken.
‘Dad, this morning we had Chicken Ala King at McDonald’s,’ said
Jonah excitedly.
‘Oh really,’ replied Gerald, ‘How was it?’
‘It was really yummy,’ said Jonah.
Upon returning home to Nuvali they settled down and caught up
with what had been happening in each other’s lives.
Aldine said, ‘Dad, tomorrow I am going to cook your favourite
caldereta with Hunt’s tomato sauce!’

Gee Isa-al

‘Wow,’ said Gerald, ‘That sounds delicious!’ and he turned to his

wife and asked, ‘Honey, do we have enough Gasul?’

‘Oh, yes,’ replied Aldine, ‘I just bought one a week ago.’

Early the next morning Gerald woke up to the smell of his favourite
coffee – Blend 45 that Aldine had prepared for him. As he walked into
the kitchen he took a deep breath, enjoying the aroma, ‘Oh, thank you
darling,’ he said to Aldine as he took the cup of hot steaming coffee from
her, ‘I have really missed this.’

Smiling, Aldine said, ‘As a surprise for you and Jonah, I have booked
us all for a vacation in El Nido Resort for a couple of days.’

‘That is a wonderful idea,’ said Gerald and he sat down with his
coffee to read the business section of the Philippine Star.

A short time later they were all in the car driving along SLEX on
their way to SM Mall of Asia, to buy things for their vacation, and
Aldine was reminding Gerald of all the things they needed to do before
the left for the resort.

‘We need to pay the Meralco and Maynilad bills, and we need to
book an appointment for our annual check-up at the Makati Medical
Center. Oh, and remind me to withdraw some cash from BDO before
we go shopping!’

‘Sure thing, Hun.’ replied Gerald, ‘How is your sister getting on in

her new job at i-tech?’

‘She is really enjoying it. I spoke to my mom a few days ago to see
how the pigs were doing, they have changed their feed to B-MEG, and
the pigs seem to like it.’

Suddenly, from the back seat Jonah says, ‘Dad, I want a Ben 10 toy. I
have been watching it on TV5 after I have done my homework.’

Investing Is All About Love

Aldine added, ‘I have been watching ‘On the Wings of Love’ on

ABS-CBN Channel 2. Do you have TFC in Singapore?’

‘No, we subscribed to Pinoy TV because my housemates enjoy

watching Kalyeserye’ replied Gerald.

That afternoon, after they had finished shopping and had run all
their errands they went home to pack.

As soon as they arrived at the resort, Jonah grabbed his dad’s hand
and shouted, ‘Let’s go swimming!’

But Aldine wanted to unpack first and settle in before they did anything
else. So they went to their room. Aldine had brought some sweets for Jonah
and she handed him some X.O. and Maxx, while she and Gerald shared
some Cream-O cookies and some Summit water and C2 lemon tea.

After an exhausting day of fun activities, and while Jonah slept

soundlessly in the room, Gerald and Aldine sat on the balcony looking
at the stars while sipping Emperador Light and Tanduay Ice.

Aldine looked at Gerald and said, ‘I hope that you can be with us all
the time. Jonah misses you and he needs you in his life.’

Gerald sighed, ‘Yes. I know. I miss him too, and you. But it shouldn’t
be too long now. Our stock and mutual fund investments are growing
nicely, and we buy shares every month. We have a decent amount put
away in the rainy day fund, so things are looking really positive for us
and our future.’

Aldine was pleased to hear this, ‘Really? That is fantastic.’

Gerald nodded and added, ‘I will be home for good within two years.’

‘Have you opened a stocks or mutual fund account for Jonah yet?’
asked Aldine ‘Oh, and I need you to remind me what they are exactly
because Amy, Jonah’s godmother was asking me about it the other day.’

Gee Isa-al

‘I will be submitting the paper work for the accounts as soon as I

return to the city. This will be specifically for his education so we need to
get things in place now. I will be more than happy to discuss investment
options with Amy, but for now you can tell her that a mutual fund is a
vehicle that is made up of a pool of funds collected from many investors
for the purpose of investing in securities, such as stocks, bonds, money
market instruments and similar assets. Mutual funds are operated by
money managers who invest the fund’s capital gains and income for the
fund’s investors. In simple terms, it is a bit like putting money in a pot
and someone else deciding how best to invest it.’

Aldine nodded in understanding.

Gerald continued. ‘Although we pay the fund manager to look after

our money it actually does not cost that much to invest. I only invested
PHP 5,000, and you can add a minimum of PHP 1,000 every month.
You remember we needed to put the down payment on the house? Well
that is where I got it from.

And honey, there are many advantages to investing in mutual funds.’

‘Oh really?’ asked Aldine, surprised, ‘What advantages?’

‘Professional management. One of the main attractions of mutual

funds is that it affords its investors, particularly the small ones, the
services of full-time professional managers whose job is to analyze the
various investment products available in the market and select those
that would give the best possible returns to the fund and its shareholders.

Low Capital Requirement. Direct investments usually require

substantial capital. The minimum investment amounts for Treasury
Bills and commercial paper, for instance, ranges from PHP 100,000 to
PHP 1 million, depending on the bank or investment house you are
dealing with. This also holds true for stocks because while an investor

Investing Is All About Love

may be able to buy one ‘lot’ (shares are sold in board lots of 10 to 1 million
shares depending on the price at which these shares are traded) for as
low as PHP 1,000 to PHP 5,000, they may not find a stockbroker who
will service their account because they prefer to deal with high-net-worth
individuals (rich people in layman’s terms), or at least with people who
have substantially more than just PHP 5,000.00 to invest. In contrast, most
mutual funds in the Philippines require a minimum initial investment
amount of only PHP 5,000.00, and minimum additional investments of
PHP 1,000.00. Diversification is another advantage.

Diversification is another advantage. Like this one, honey,’ Gerald

pulls out a sheet of paper from his wallet and shows it to Aldine. ‘This
is an example of the portfolio of the mutual fund where we invested.







Gee Isa-al

There is a saying that goes, “Do not put all your eggs in one basket.”
This adage is especially true in the world of investments, which is full
of uncertainties. There is no such thing as a “sure” thing. An important
investment principle that requires holding several securities to reduce
the risks associated with investing in individual securities is called
diversification. When people invest in a mutual fund, they achieve
instant diversification because the fund is usually invested in a wide
array of securities.

A fourth advantage is liquidity. Liquidity is the ability to readily

convert investments into cash. Other investment products require
investors to find a buyer so that they can liquidate their investment.
That is not the case with mutual fund shares because the fund itself
stands ready to buy back these shares at the prevailing Net Asset Value
per Share. While the law provides that redemption proceeds must
be given within seven banking days from the date of the redemption
request, most funds are able to pay the redemption proceeds within a
day. Mutual funds are, therefore, considered very liquid investments.

Safety is a very important consideration for most investors.

Sometimes even more important than potential returns (well… on
second thought, maybe not). Nevertheless, mutual funds are highly
regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission under the
Investment Company Act and its implementing rules. They are prohibited
from investing in particular investment products and engaging in certain
transactions. They also have to submit regular reports to the SEC as well
as to their shareholders. As mentioned earlier, all of the fund’s assets must
be held by a custodian bank for a safekeeping.

An additional advantage is Potential Higher Returns. Because

a mutual fund is managed as a single portfolio, it is able to take
advantage of certain economies of scale. For instance, with its millions
under management, it can negotiate for lower stockbrokerage fees or

Investing Is All About Love

command higher interest rates on fixed-income investments. In the

end, however, it is still the investment adviser who really makes the
big difference between making direct investments and investing in
mutual funds because very few individual investors can match the
experience and skill of full-time professional fund managers. They are
also very convenient.

In other countries, mutual funds can be purchased directly from a

fund or through a broker, financial planner, bank or insurance agent, by
mail, over the phone and, increasingly, over the internet. The popularity
of mutual funds in the Philippines is fast catching up. It may be a matter of
time for this level of convenience to be a reality in the country. Funds also
offer a variety of other services, including monthly or quarterly account
statements, tax information, and twenty-four hour phone and computer
access to fund and account information. All of these information are
from the Investment Company Association of the Philippines’ website,
actually. We can look at it together later!’ Gerald said.

Aldine exclaimed, ‘Wow, honey, these are all very informative!’

Gerald nodded, took a drink of his beverage and continued ‘Now,

stocks are different in the sense that when you purchase stock you are
purchasing a share in the company you buy them from. Stocks represent
a claim on the company’s earnings and assets. As you acquire more
stock your ownership stake in the company increases.’

Pleased with Gerald’s explanations, Aldine smiled and said, ‘So it is

as if we are partners in the business!’

Gerald nodded and smiling said, ‘There are two ways we earn
by investing in stocks. One way is through dividends, which is when
the company distributes a portion of its earnings to its shareholders.
The other way is with capital appreciation. This simply means that
the stocks we own are valued higher than when we purchased them.

Gee Isa-al

For example, if I bought stock from a company (this means blue chips
or multi-national companies listed in Philippine Stock Exchange or
PSE) that was selling at PHP 10 a share, then after some time the price
increased to PHP 18 a share, we would have made PHP 8.’
This impressed Aldine who was very proud of her husband.

Gerald went on, ‘I think your seven-year insurance term comes

to an end next year, so I suggest we continue paying the monthly
premium but instead of putting it into the insurance policy, we divert it
and instead invest in more stock. Once mine is fully paid I will use the
monthly premium to invest in the mutual funds.’

Aldine was very pleased, ‘I am so pleased that you have had the
foresight to plan all this, you have really taken care of God’s wealth; you
are an excellent steward.’

Gerald was happy to hear his wife say this, and replied, ‘I have
worked overseas for so long I need to be able to come home for good
and not worry about money or having to go abroad again to work.’

Together they enjoyed their drinks while staring at the starlit sky.

(Again, I am not paid by these companies to be included in this

book, I just want you to be aware how to invest in companies that we
spend most of our money on.)

Investing Is All About Love

An important step in gaining financial control is to calculate your

net worth (assets - liabilities). You can now monitor when you will be
Home At Last.

Assets (What You Own) Liabilities (What You Owe)

Cash: ___________ Current debts:

Cash on hand ___________ Credit cards ___________
Savings account ___________ Medical ___________
Checking account ___________ Legal ___________
Cash value of life insurance ___________ Others ___________
Others ___________
Real Estate/Property Mortgages:
Home ___________ Home ___________
Land ___________ Land ___________
Others ___________ Others ___________
Investments: (Market Value)
Certificate of deposit ___________
Stocks ___________ Loans:
Mutual funds ___________ Bank/Finance company ___________
Others ___________ Automobiles ___________
Personal Property: (Present value) Education ___________
Automobiles ___________ Life insurance ___________
Home furnishings ___________ Personal ___________
Appliances & furniture ___________ (from family or friends)
Collections ___________
Jewelries ___________
Others ___________

Total Assets ___________

Total Liabilities ___________

Total Assets - Total Liabilities = Net Worth ___________

You can update this every end of the year until you hit the target net
worth that will make you comfortable to be Home At Last!


1. Open a mutual fund account, search the top performing funds

and make an initial investment.
2. Open a stock account (to know more, please visit this page


Our Will
Be Done

erald was discussing estate plan with his wife, when she told
him that she didn’t feel the need to discuss it because they
were only 35.

‘You don’t have a major illness, and we don’t even have PHP 100
million in assets!’ Aldine exclaimed.

Gerald nodded in agreement and said, ‘It’s better to prepare than to be

sorry later on. We own this house, and we own the two unit condo that is
rented out, we also have stocks and a mutual fund account. But we need to
think about what will happen to everything if we don’t make sure it goes to
our children. I don’t mean to scare you, but we really should prepare this.
You know, it’s not automatic that if something happens to me all these assets
will be passed to you unless you pay the estate tax. Because in both life and
in death the state and government are the number one beneficiaries.

Aldine looked puzzled and asked, ‘What are estate taxes?’

Gerald responded, ‘When we’re born we are already paying taxes,

through the milk we drink and food we eat and the diapers, etc., which
is called VAT. Then at work, our company deducts tax from our salaries,

Our Will Be Done

it is called withholding tax. And then when we die the bereaved family
has to pay the estate tax before they get the assets of the deceased person.
Now, what if I don’t prepare for this, who will enjoy all the things we
have worked hard for? That’s why it is important to discuss this now to
make everything legal.’

Aldine nodded in understanding and asked, ‘So how much does

estate tax cost?’

Gerald was prepared with an answer. ‘I recently visited the BIR

website and this is the information I got. Say you have a Net Estate worth
PHP 15,505,185.00, the tax will be PHP 1,215,000.00 (this is a set rate –
see website for details) plus 20% of any excess over the PHP 10,000,000.00
threshold, which in this case will be 858,037.00. This means that you
will have to pay PHP 2,073,073.00 in estate taxes.’

Aldine was shocked to hear the figures, ‘Wow! That much?! Where
will our children or I get that amount of money from?’

‘Yes, indeed,’ replied Gerald, ‘but remember our insurance policy?

You are all the beneficiaries and will have the right to claim the insurance
proceeds, which can then in turn be used to pay the estate tax!’

Aldine was really pleased to hear this, ‘Wow! I’m so grateful to have
a partner like you. Okay, let’s list all the assets we have. Then later I will
contact my lawyer friend and ask for his advice.’

Information regarding estate taxes is available on the Bureau of

Internal Revenue website.

Homework: Draft your will.


“The best use of life is love.
The best expression of love is time.
The best time to love is now.”
– Rick Warren

nvesting is one way to express love. Love for yourself. Love for your
family. Love for your country. Love for other people. And love to
God. I might sound mushy here, but when investing is anchored by
pure love (divine purpose); you will never go wrong when accumulating
wealth. There are two stages of investing. First, we invest to prosper
ourselves, we invest for our own personal goals, which might be to own
a house, explore the world, drive our dream car or send our kids to
college. This is the starting line.

Secondly, we invest to prosper others. Through you someone’s dream

will come true. You now have the capacity to sponsor a child’s education,
feed residents in a home for the aged, finance shelters that care for
abandoned street children, and contribute to revive Mother Nature.

Purpose-Driven Investment

I love these lines from Bro Bo Sanchez’s declaration of wealth,

‘I don’t own my wealth; everything I have belongs to HIM. I merely
manage it for the True Owner and use it according to HIS will; God is
my real wealth; and the people HE gave me are my real treasures.’

My perspective broadens as I see investing as similar to playing

Legos. Everyone should take part. As we invest, it is as if we are building
a beautiful masterpiece for our country. There’s a domino effect.
You enrich yourself and, by default, you help others as well.

The Home At Last Money Growth Formula

Plant a Seed
(Get a Job)

Water the Seed Everyday

(Work Hard)

Take Good Care of the

Plant as it Grows
(Manage Your Money
and Invest Wisely)

When the Plant Bears Fruit

Share it with Everyone
(Share the Knowledge)


The Ultimate

once heard a speaker on one of the seminars I attended. He said,
‘Wealth is useless unless shared’.

“The secret to living is giving.”

­­– Tony Robbins

I was once fortunate enough to attend a seminar where a wealthy

man gave a speech sharing his secrets on how he accumulated his
wealth. The number one secret to his success was tithing.

When you receive your hard-earned money give some back. Give
it to charity, to a person living on the street, give it in a way that brings
you joy. In the long term you will be blessed spiritually.

The Ultimate Secret

A Note To Remember
Our obligation to our family is not only providing for their basic needs
but also to educate them about money and their finances. It’s essential
that you invest as a team. Let them understand the essence of managing
money. It will be a win-win journey if you and your family back home
work together towards financial prosperity. A family that invests
together will prosper together.

Gee Isa-al

Scan the QR code to get FREE financial advice

on how to invest in mutual stocks and funds.

Photo credit: Raymund Caguioa

I Have A Dream

ne day there will be a vibrant land where the people live
harmoniously and work together to ensure a booming economy.
No one ever wants to leave; indeed, no one ever has to leave.
This place is filled with financially wise people; they know that if they
work hard and earn money, they can make that money grow by investing
it. These people make all their money work for them; they are all good
stewards of God’s wealth.
This is my boldest dream; my greatest hope that one day the
Philippines will be this land and that all Filipinos will be financially wise
and they no longer have to go and work abroad, they no longer have
to leave their loved one, children no longer have to grow up without a
mother or a father or both.
This dream will come true one day, of that I am sure. And I need your
help to make this dream come true, by taking charge of your finances,
becoming an entrepreneur and investing wisely. Pass on what you have
learned; share the knowledge as well as the wealth. Plant your seed, look
after your plant and watch it grow and blossom and fruit.
We have to start on building our desired future for our children.
And that will be a lifetime legacy we can leave to them.
Our small act now can have a great and compounding impact for
them in the future.

I Have A Dream

All My Bags Are Packed And I’m Ready To Go!

Friends, you now have all that you need to take charge of your finances.
By executing all you have just learned, you will have a brighter future and
the possibility to return home wealthy in terms of finances and wisdom.

Are you excited to hear this?

Welcome home!

Photo credit: Manny Manalad

Gee Isa-al

Scan this code or visit
to sign up and get FREE detailed
financial coaching with me.


How You Can

Grow Your
Money In Condo
By Cheryl Sanguyo

he first thing that a prospective buyer considers when buying
a property, particularly the Condominium, for residential
purposes, is location.

But for most investors these days, Condominiums are viewed as

safe real estate investments that yield high returns and require minimal
effort in handling the job of a landlord. And unlike in other types of
short-term investments (stocks, UITFs, Treasury Bills, etc.), you can
harness the power of leverage on your Condominium investment.

Leverage is the amount of loan or debt taken to own a Condominium.

It is simply a way to use other people’s money (private, institutional
or in some cases, family) for acquiring and multiplying investment
opportunities and returns. Leverage allows Condominium investors to

How You Can Grow Your Money In Condo Investments By Cheryl Sanguyo

put only an average of 20% (in the case of bank loans) of their own
money down on a Condominium property and get the full benefit of
the entire asset that they have purchased. Leverage is the real reason
why real estate investments can generally provide better returns than
paper investments like stocks and bonds. It is very important to note
though that risk and leverage are directly related. This means that the
higher the leverage, the higher the risk of losing the property.

The reality with leveraging is that if you put the least amount of money
possible, you get the greatest returns on your money. Big risks equal big
rewards. This is a basic description of how leverage works: A lower down
payment produces: Higher rates of return, higher leverage, higher risk,
and lower passive income. A higher down payment produces: Lower rates
of return, lower leverage, lower risk, and higher passive income.

Whatever leveraging ratio you may take, however, one best way
to maximize returns, lower the risk, and produce the highest possible
amount of passive income, is by enrolling your condominium units in
a condotel program.

What Is A Condominium Hotel (Condotel)?

A Condotel is a Condominium operated under a Service Residence
Program which involves taking a number of individually-owned
Condominium Units, pooling them together, and operating them as
a hotel with hotel services which includes housekeeping, reception,
concierge, guest relations and in-room maintenance. The program does
not require all units in a Condominium Project to participate. Neither
are the participating units required to be contiguous.

Gee Isa-al

What Are The Benefits Of Joining A Service

Residence Program?
1. Higher Rental Income Potential: The program is expected to give unit
owners higher earnings potential due to higher average daily rates that
can be charged to corporate clients and guests on short stays.

2. Hassle-Free Ownership: With the enrollment in the program, unit

owners will be greatly relieved from the worries and problems that
are inherent to finding and dealing with tenants. The Condotel
operator is under obligation to establish and implement a marketing
program for all participating units.

3. Guaranteed Maintenance: The Condotel operator will handle

all the repairs and maintenance of all the participating units.
The maintenance of the units and its furnishings will be done
professionally on a regular basis. The operator is authorized to
contract for the maintenance or repairs of the units’ furnishings as
needed to maintain the units in first-class condition.

4. Steady Flow of Rental Income: Unit owners can expect to receive a

steady monthly income whether or not his/her unit is occupied.
The operator pools together the total income of the entire program
and distributes this to unit owners, net of operating expenses.

5. Covered Ownership Expenses: The program covers the payment of

association expenses, cable charges, utilities, cleaning and laundry
expenses, marketing expenses as well as administration and
maintenance costs. All these expenditures are part of rental expenses.

6. No Refurbishment Worries: The program includes the creation of a

replacement fund for the FF & E so there will be no need for unit
owners to worry about the replacement of worn out furniture or

Cheryl Jimenez-Sanguyo
Real Estate Professional


fter leaving my corporate roots in sales and marketing and
finishing my MBA degree in 2000, I decided to carve my
own path out of the corporate limelight. My family’s business
ventures then kept me occupied for a long time. I was also a part-time
instructor then at Miriam College and Ateneo.

I had everything going for me and my family. Basically, I was my own

boss, and a fulltime wife and mother. Then by some stroke of fate, I ran
into an old friend who, I knew, had long been working at Vista Land.
After he learned what I was doing for a living, he urged me to get into real
estate selling. At the start, I was hesitant to give it a try. But after a series of
meetings over coffee, my friend finally convinced me – I was challenged!
And that’s how it all started.

Soon as I got to close my very first sale, I fell in love with the job; and
the rest, as they say, is history.

I joined Vista Residences in 2006, put up my own group, and

eventually earned my professional broker’s license a year later. I didn’t
actually have a hard time to adjust. My earlier background in sales and
marketing, plus my line of academic expertise have been very useful for
me in this profession.

Feature Profile: Cheryl Jimenez-Sanguyo

It helps to be in the academe because it allows me to see things in a

bigger picture. I get to see the bigger playing field – the changing economic
landscape to which the real estate business is up against but is very much
part of. I’ve learned to utilize this knowledge to my advantage – in
training people but most especially in selling. Looking back, I’m quite
surprised at myself for having made it this far. Honestly, I’ve had moments
of self-doubt too.

Prior to joining this industry, I was used to being the client – the
one being pursued. But in this job, it’s ironic how I’ve become the person
doing the pursuing. And like many of us in this business, I’ve got my own
share of countless rejections too. It was difficult for me to accept at first,
but it has turned out to be a humbling experience. I’ve become more in
touch with life’s realities – that you can’t always get a successful ‘yes.’ It
hurts to be turned down by a client, but in time, I’ve learned to keep the
right perspective. Instead of feeling bad about myself, I try to understand
where my client’s ‘no’ is coming from – because this is not about me, the
seller; It’s about my client and his need.

Since I’ve learned that, I’ve become more sensitive of my clients’ needs,
and I’ve managed to help them better. I guess it’s the sense of pride from
being able to answer another person’s need – being trusted with a dream
and one’s hard-earned money – that has kept me going in this industry
all these years. The trust of my clients simply inspires me to make more
dreams like theirs come true. And the confidence of Vista Residences in
me as a “partner” motivates me to keep getting better at what I do.

It’s this drive that has pushed me to keep expanding. Close to a decade
in this profession, I’ve learned that the key to a thriving and lasting real
estate career is by continuously developing your network. And that’s what
I do – I constantly look for ways to connect. Growing your network is
not something you do on a whim – it’s a commitment to build a lasting
relationship. It’s a challenging job, but at the end of the day, it’s what keeps
you here.

Gee Isa-al

I’ll always be thankful to Vista Residences for the chance it has given
me to make a mark in this industry, and get the most out of life. The
financial success I’ve achieved as a real estate practitioner has given me
and my family more than enough. More than enough material benefits,
time with each other, and as for me, room for the other things I’m
passionate about.

Being able to share with some of the country’s brightest minds my

love for learning is something that I’m just proud to do. The real estate
profession has allowed me to live my dream life – one that’s full and rich
with experience. Nothing else can be more satisfying than that.

(Excerpts taken from: Career Orientation Program corporate video

by Vista Residences, Inc.)

“I guess it’s the sense of pride from being able to

answer another person’s need – being trusted with
a dream and one’s hard-earned money – that has
kept me going in this industry all these years.”

Cheryl Jimenez-Sanguyo
Real Estate Broker – Philippines; PRC License No. 0020908
President, VBM (a Vista Land Broker Management group)
Lecturer, JG School of Management, Ateneo De Manila University
For Philippine real estate investment consultations,
accreditations and inquiries, contact:
Mobile: +639178017397

Thank you.

Photo credit: Manny Manalad

A c k now l e d g e m e nts

ll praise and glory are given back to You, Daddy God. Thank
you for the wisdom, for the strength, for the assurance, for
the providence, for the love, and for trusting me this gift.

I really believe that I’m swimming in an ocean of blessings because

of these special people.

Mama Baby, Papa Sekel, Ate Glen and Bunsong Gen, thank you
for being my ultimate prayer warriors. You all are my inspiration why I
pursue this dream.

Bro Bo Sanchez, thank you for being my first mentor in all areas
of my life. We may not be able to see each other in person however,
your work truly blessed me. I simply follow and put into action all your
teachings and it gives me more courage to follow my dreams.

LOJ Singapore, thank you. You are my family here in Singapore.

Never in my stay here have I felt homesick because all of you my
brothers and sisters in Christ who makes me feel that I’m home. I have
witnessed how God send forth people to make this community grow
bigger and bigger. Thank you Bro Noel, Bro Jun, Sis Bing, Sis Corrie, Sis
Joan Gloria and Bro Herbert.

Black Card Books family, thank you! You are all awesome people!
Thank you for all the patience and for guiding me every step of the
way, for encouraging me to finish this race, especially to Gerry Robert
for opening this great opportunity for me. Thank you for being an
instrument to make this dream a reality.


Emma Steel, thank you for being very efficient and understanding.
Thank you for cheering me up!

Marco, thank you for the time you allotted for me to share
your insights about being an entrepreneur. Thank you as well for
your encouragement.

Sir Paulo Tibig, you’re indeed a very energetic #Entrepchamp.

Thank you Sir Pau for the inspiration.

Tita Fely and Tito Benj, thank you for all your words of wisdom.
Thank you for your leadership. Thank you for believing this project.

Achie, my gah, thank you. You’re indeed one of God’s blessings to

me. I will be forever grateful to you. Thank you.

Ana beh, thank you for your very creative and direct-to-the-point
sketches. You’re amazingly talented and full of wisdom. I really enjoy
listening to you and learn a lot from you.

Chie, Glai, Mark, Simon and Maru, thank you for trusting me.
Thank you for saying yes to my plea. Thank you for your support for
making this project into fruition.

Clingers, Brides to Beer, Caring groups lower and upper, IMG-TRM

SG family thank you.

Sir Randell Tiongson, thank you for gracing my request. I have

learned first from you the biblical approach of managing money.

Boss Rex Mendoza, thank you for being so approachable. Thank

you for your support and words of encouragement, it really boosts my
confidence, Boss.

Marianne Mencias, thank you for your quick response. I really

appreciate your concern and your support.

Gee Isa-al

Allan, Tim, Raymund and Yanmar, my four big kuyas (brothers)

here in Singapore. Thank you Bro Pareng Yanmar for your continuous
encouragement and support. Bro Allan, though we barely see personally
your virtual presence is highly appreciated. Thank you all for the

Bro Ping and Geremy who took the photo (cover photo) thank
you for the pictures that capture the true me. You can contact them at
SG HP No. +65 96235849.

Doc Janet, you’re not just my dentist but a friend and accountable
partner in the process. Thank you for all those reminders, encouragement
and pressures that I need. I’m always looking forward to seeing you,
although it will not be a session to adjust my braces but a session where
we could talk about our goals.

Sis Gina Ilarde, thank you so much for being my older sister. We’re
not seeing each other often but when we do, I’m always reminded on
why I’m doing what I’m doing right now. I’m grateful to have a friend
and a sister in you.

Thank you all for being part of this new journey!

Gee Isa-al


Suggested Reading
8 Secrets of the Truly Rich – Bo Sanchez

Why We Want You To Be Rich – Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki

The Personal MBA – Josh Kaufman

Journey to Significance – Tony Miller

Strategies of a Champion Entrepreneur – Paulo Tibig

No Nonsense Personal Finance – Randell Tiongson

The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? – Rick Warren

Take Charge of Your Life – Jim Rohn

Money: Master The Game – Tony Robbins

MoneySense Magazine (Philippines)


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Enjoy Your Life Now! Letting Purpose & Passion

How To Become Happy Drive Your Marriage
And Successful With How To Find Harmony
Powerful Techniques & Happiness No Matter What!
Rudi Zimmerer Bonnie and Dr. Jay Crandall

The Bergen Protocol Travel Learn Earn

How To Achieve Your Goals Let The World Be
Kevin Bergen Your Guide To Freedom!
Dr. Matthew Horkey

The Reading
Unlimited Income Now Comprehension Guru
Your Fastest Path To The 15 Surefire Strategies
Biggest Cash To Get Your Child To
Dr Iqbal K M The Top Of The Class
Dr. Nora Anniesha

Secrets Of The The Secret Code:

Financially Free Is It For Real?
How Ordinary People Achieve Unleash The Power Within!
Extraordinary Financial Success Boost Up Your Levels To Get
Sharon Woo Ahead In The Game Of Life!
Anm Pek
How Migrant Workers
Can Retire Rich And Worry Free!

or decades, Filipinos have been moving abroad to work and earn money to
support their family back home. Now it’s time for Filipino migrant workers
to utilize the following I’s in order for them to be Home At Last: Income.
Inspiration. Information. Investment.

“Are you an OFW? You must read this book. Your financial future depends on it.”

Bo Sanchez
Bestselling Author of 8 Secrets of the Truly Rich

“This is personal finance from someone who totally understands and appreciates
the adventures of Filipinos in foreign lands who share hopes and dreams for a
better life. Gee has a unique point of view – she walked the path and has the
authority to write about what truly works. This book is a must for all who desire
genuine financial stability and prosperity after years of toils and sacrifice.”

Rex Ma. A. Mendoza

Founder of Rampver Financials

Geraldine Corpuz Isa-al, or Gee as she is widely known, discovered

that writing about being a migrant worker and financial educator is a way to raise
awareness about personal finance to her fellow migrant workers. After getting an
Accountancy Degree in the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (University of the
City of Manila), she worked in a fire protection company in the Philippines and then
joined an accounting firm in Singapore. But she always knew that working abroad
is just temporary and does not guarantee financial stability. Gee lives and works
in Singapore but is advocating personal financial literacy. Aside from giving talks
on how to be a good steward of God’s wealth, she is also actively serving in a
catholic charismatic community called Light of Jesus Community Singapore.

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