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Dietary Analysis Project

Summary Questions

1. Energy Balance
My three day average calorie (energy) intake was 2629 kcal, and my
recommended intake is 2200 kcal ( I
would say I am close to energy equilibrium because my RDA percent was 119.5%. I
don’t think that by going only slightly over the recommended intake that I am receiving
any negative health effects. I might say that by going over I am receiving extra energy,
but because of my activity level, moderate, I am using pretty much all of the energy I
receive, possibly too quickly. If I were at energy equilibrium, my body might balance out
my energy use better. In order to achieve this, I should become aware of the calories I
take in each day and be careful not to go over, or to make compromises.

2. Dietary Guidelines
The RDA for grains is 6-8 ounces per day, and my average intake was triple that
amount. For grains, I should really limit myself when it comes to breads and pastas; if I
have 1 cup of cereal for breakfast, I really shouldn’t have 2 cups of pasta for dinner. The
RDA for vegetables is 2-3 cups per day, and my average intake was less than half of this
amount. Maybe instead of eating so much pasta, I should trade this out for vegetables.
The RDA for fruits is 1.5-2 cups per day, and my average intake was less than half of this
amount. Again, I really should trade out grains for fruits and vegetables. The RDA for
milk is 3 cups per day, and my average intake was maybe a little less, almost half. I
normally consume more than this of the milk food group, but my reports are only over
this period of three days. The RDA for meat and beans is 5-6.5 ounces per day, and I
would say my average intake definitely exceeded this amount. This would be another
area to decrease and in return add fruits and vegetables.

3. Source of Fat
a.) Compared to the RDA of total fat in grams, which is less than 65, my average
intake was 138, making my RDA percent 212.31%. My healthier choices were probably
the lean pockets and my homemade sandwich. My unhealthier choices were the fast
food, Moe’s tacos, poptarts, pizza rolls, etc. I think I consume more unhealthy then
healthy foods, which negatively affects my health.
b.) I think the change in my diet would all come down to choice. I don’t normally
read food labels, and if I were to read the food labels on all of the food items I usually
eat, I would probably cut out a lot. If I were to read food labels when I’m grocery
shopping, I would say I should choose foods that are lover in fat, especially transfat.

4. Sources of Carbohydrate
a.) During my three days of food recording I consumed such simple carbohydrates
as Dr. Pepper soda, Fresca soda, and sweet tea. I also consumed such complex
carbohydrates as bread, french fries, potato chips, tortilla chips, taco tortillas, ravioli, and
pizza rolls. I would say I do consume less “simple sugars” than complex carbohydrates
as Nutrition experts recommend, but my choices in complex carbohydrates are higher in
fat content. My average carbohydrate intake was 267 grams, and the RDA is 130 grams,
so not only do I need to choose carbs lower in fat, but also, less of it.
b.) The recommended intake of dietary fiber is 25 grams. My average
consumption of dietary fiber is 17 grams. If I were to consume more whole grain
products, I’m sure my fiber intake would by at a more desirable range. Soluble fibers
may decrease blood cholesterol and reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease. Insoluble
fiber acts as a “broom” for your intestines and may help prevent GI problems and colon

5. Protein
My average intake of protein was 86 grams, and the RDA for protein is 46 grams.
Most of my protein is coming from animal sources since I consume much more meat than
vegetables and fruits. Risks of too much protein, especially from animal products,
include high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, colon cancer, and possible bone loss.

6. Vitamins, Minerals, and Water

a.) I am below 75% RDA for Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Zinc, and Folate. Vitamin D
deficiency can cause Rickets and Osteomalacia. My percent RDA was 6.65%, which of
course is not good, so I should consume more fortified foods. Vitamin K is vital for
blood clotting and formation of proteins. My percent RDA was 30.35%, so I should
consume more green, leafy vegetables, broccoli, peas, etc. Zinc deficiency can cause
lack of taste perception, rash, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and growth inhibition. My
percent RDA was 73.91%, so I’m pretty much at 75%. Folate deficiency causes neural
tube defects, heart disease, and megoblastic anemia. My percent RDA was 67.62%, and I
should be consuming 400 mcg per day, but my average was 270.48 mcg per day. I
should consume more green, leafy vegetables, dried beans, orange juice, and fortified
foods, or maybe even supplement folic acid. I am above 125% RDA in Selenium,
Vitamin C, Riboflavin, Vitamin B-6, Niacin, Phosphorus, and Sodium. Toxicity
symptoms of Selenium occur at 15 times the RDA, which is 55 mcg, and I had only 94.32
mcg average. I could just consume less meat. Toxicity of Vitamin C can cause diarrhea,
and I am at 150.99% RDA, so I should consume less green peppers, broccoli, citrus
fruits, potatoes, and romaine lettuce. Riboflavin is used for energy metabolism, and I am
at 153.31% RDA, so I should consume less dairy products so my body can regularly
metabolize energy (fat). Toxicity in Vitamin B-6 can cause irreversible nerve damage if,
over a long period of time, you consume 2 to 6 grams over the RDA. I am at 145.37%
RDA, so I could consume less animal products. Toxicity of Niacin can cause headaches,
itching, and skin flushing. I am at 165.27% RDA; Niacin is found in poultry, which I eat
a lot of, so I should consume less. High intakes of Phosphorus may contribute to bone
loss, and my percent RDA is 177.99% RDA. I consume a lot of soda, in which
Phosphorus is found, so I should consume less. High intakes of Sodium can cause
increased calcium excretion in urine, and my percent RDA is 218.1% RDA, so I should
consume a lot less salt and salty foods.
b.) As far as fluids are concerned, I consumed a lot of sodas and caffeinated
beverages. I should consume more water since water makes up 50-70% of our bodies.
Adequate fluid intake would dissolve and transport substances, account for blood
volume, help maintain body temperature, and protect and lubricate body tissues.
7. Holistic Perspective
Overall, I believe I am generally healthy. I am at a healthy weight for my height,
115 lbs. and 5’1”. I do eat out a lot, and I eat take out at home often, but I cook at home
on an occasion as well. I don’t exercise regularly, but I am always walking all over
campus with my backpack on. I do not take any dietary supplements. I generally get
good rest time, depending on how much school work I need to get done. Given that I
have a family history of heart disease and hypertension, and that I consume a lot of
sodium, I should definitely cut back on the sodium to lower my own risks of heart disease
and hypertension.

My goals after this project are probably:

 count my calories
 lower fat and sodium intakes
 partake in more physical exercise
I should read nutrition labels and have a better eating schedule, and I should also
motivate myself more to go to the gym or run around my apartment complex every once
in a while. Barriers to these goals would be my monthly cravings and a lack of

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