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Ed Kishtur Yoga


April 10, 2016 / ed kishtur

This and the following charts picture the location of the Marmas as devised and developed by
the great South Indian sage Agastya and highly recommended by two ancient texts: the

Yogayajnavalkya Samhita andthe Vasishta Samhita.

This article presents compiled and generic material: as such, I have borrowed some content
and illustrations from Shandor Remete, a source I enjoy and respect and whose writings I
recommend. Knowledge of the human body and its vital regions was an important aspect of
military science in ancient Vedic times. The knowledge was applied simultaneously on the
battlefield, as well as in medicine and surgery. We find 108 vital junctions over the surface of
the body. They appear at the intersections of different muscular patterns, joints, tendons,
ligaments, bones, arteries, veins, nerves and subtle energy currents. They are vulnerable areas
as well as key points to different energetic centers of organic activity.

The word Marma is derived from the root mrt, which means death. The vulnerability linked
to the Marmas has been utilized in Kalaripayyat, the Indian martial art dealing with the
science of striking and reviving, and in Ayurvedic massage. The Marmas respond to different
patterns of muscular use, movement and breathing. Each Marma relates to a specific Vayu or
wind, Dosha or constitutional type, Dhatus (nature of the tissue involved) and Shrotas
(vehiculing channel).
The Marmas of the Indian system should not be confused with Chinese acupuncture
points. Yet many parallels can be found within the two systems. In a similar vein to the
Nadis, the subtle energy channels to be found within the body, of the 108 marmas, 12 are said
to be of vital importance, while the remaining 96 have a supporting function in relation to the
12. The twelve vital centers are situated between the center of the perineal floor (Yonisthana)
and the crown of the head (Adhipati), and they include the seven Chakras.
We suggested that the 96 medial life centers are peripheral to the core. Thirty-two govern the
nerves and soft tissues, while sixty-four affect the blood and the many blood vessels. The
ninety-six peripheral centers are linked to the eight Nadis (channels) which move the Prana
(life force) through the peripheral areas before feeding back into the central channel. The
eight Nadis are:

 2 channels from the eyes to the corresponding big toes.

 2 from the ears to the corresponding big toes.
 1 from the throat to the head of the genitals.
 1 channel from the neck to the anus.
 2 belt channels encircling the abdomen, one from left to right, the other from right to

When good peripheral activity is achieved, the 8 channels are clear and unobstructed and the
energy flows through them unhinged. This energy then feeds back into the central channels.
A correct activation of the Marmas will enhance all the functions performed by the Nadis
above, while an incorrect activation may harm them. As an example, the Marmas in the
wrists, ankles, and neck govern the tendons and connective tissue throughout the whole body,
and are therefore responsible for overall flexibility. A failure to correctly activate these
Marmas can easily result in injuries in other joints and tissues. The information in the
Marmasthana suggests that the appropriate use of the arms and the legs increase the
circulation, space and support for the joints. If neglected, the decrease in joint mobility can
lead to injuries, both to the joints concerned and the organs associated to those joints.

When we start reading the natural patterns of bodily activity through the lens of the system of
the Marmas, the energy pathways are easily rediscovered and the energy flow mastered
without injury. When the map of the 108 Marmas is memorized and put to work in the
practice of asanas, the practitioner will derive direct benefits to the execution of kriyas,
bandhas, pranayamas and mudras. The Marmas do not solely affect the physiological
functions, but exert great influence over the pranic forces in the thirteen Nadis. In return, the
pranic force eventually pierces through the 7 chakras (subtle inner energy centers),
neutralizing their active vortexes.
Once the Chakras are made passive, the prana is no longer dissipated and the change in
regime of the Pranic energy that ensues is termed the Shakti. As the practice of the Yogi
gradually progresses closer to meditation, the Marmas all over the body are brought under
voluntary control. When this level of control is reached, the Marmas can be closed at will,
turning the whole surface of the body into a protective armor. This furthers conserves Energy
and increases Shakti, the inner latent power.

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Andy Matinog 5 months ago · 0 Likes

Hi Ed, I recently came across your website and am interested why you chose Shandor's
illustrations of the marma points. I see Jonas' comments below but there is no public answer.
Since you share Shandor's work openly I wish to see your answers in the open as well. Best,

Known as the point at the ‘heart of the hand’, this marma point is found at the center of the
palm, and measures ½ anguli (half a finger unit) in size. 

This point is closely linked to Anahata, the heart chakra, and is thought of as an important
point in stimulating circulation throughout the whole body. It links closely to the lungs and
respiratory health, and is also a vital marma point to work with regarding communication.
Therapists who use their hands can also massage this point before a treatment to enhance the
flow of prana to the palms.

Massage this point in a strong, circular motion for roughly five minutes. Sesame or almond
oil is best used, with essential oils like eucalyptus for opening blocked sinuses or ‘energising’
the hands. You can also energise the point further by rubbing the palms together until they
feel warm.


Referring to the God Indra’s arrow, this point is found at the center of the calf muscle, and
measures approximately ½ anguli (half a finger unit). 

Massaging the calves is important to do daily, as they can very easily become tight, but also
because they’re one of the most important parts of the body regarding blood flow! They are
sometimes referred to as the 'second heart' pumping the venous blood back up to the heart
through the veins as they contract and release through movement and exercise. When they’re
unable to work efficiently, the heart has to work a lot harder. Another reason to get up out of
your chair as much as you can!

In Ayurvedic marma therapy, this point is said to control the digestive system and the activity
of the small intestine. Massage this point with a strong, circular motion for roughly five
minutes. Acupressure here can increase agni or ‘digestive fire’ and digestion, especially when
your massage oil is combined with essential oils like fennel, ginger, cinnamon or black


Meaning ‘a serpent’s hood’ and found at the sides of the nostrils. 

Each of these two points measures ½ anguli (half a finger unit) in size, and is located just
outside the base of the nose, where the nostrils open out. These points are said to control the
flow of prana through the subtle body, the sense of smell, and the sinuses.

To massage these points, use a strong and circular motion for about five minutes
simultaneously. When using the index finger for acupressure at this point, it is said to help
relieve headache symptoms and sinus congestion, and can be even more effective when
coupled with aromatic oils like peppermint, eucalyptus or camphor. Choose a massage oil
such as mustard or apricot oil if available.
Janu Pump and Marma

Jun 7, 2013 4:48:00 PM

Janu Pump and Janu Marma

This posture stimulates Janu marma, toning the heart, liver, and spleen; stretches the knee and
flexes the hamstring, relieving leg fatigue; increases blood circulation in the legs, flushing
away wastes and toxins. Great for athletic people or those who spend their days standing and
need stimulation in the lower part of the body.

Pose of the Month; The Janu Pump


~ Remain in Open Diamond stance alongside the recipient, aligning the midline of your torso
with the recipient’s left knee.

~ Hold her left foot with your right hand and place your left fist into the back of the recipient’s
knee so that your knuckles are facing the recipient’s midline.

~ Hold for three breaths.

~ Repeat Janu Pump three times. Move with caution, as the back of the knee is a tender area.

For the basic massage, repeat the Sole Roll and Janu Pump on the right leg. For the extended
version, include Frog posture on the right side before switching sides. When you’ve completed
Frog posture on the right leg, perform the rest of the back postures bilaterally.

Stimulates Janu marma, toning the heart, liver, and spleen; stretches the knee and flexes the
hamstring, relieving leg fatigue; increases blood circulation in the legs, flushing away wastes
and toxins.


Do not apply pressure to Janu marma with the leg extended, as this causes excessive pressure
on the knee.

Vayus activated: Samana, prana

Ayurvedic tip:

The Janu marma is a major pitta point that releases tension from the heart and liver, both pitta
organs. Hold this cooling posture longest for pittas.

Marma of the Month; Janu Marma

This marma point has a front and back location; the front point is situated at the root of the
knee and the back point is located behind the kneecap. Applying pressure to Janu marma
helps to tone the heart, liver, and spleen. It also lubricates the joints and improves leg
circulation. Janu marma is stimulated during the Janu Pump exercise.

 Posture

Posted in News Blog By

Lotus Palm
The Indrabasti pressure point is found on the center line of the calf almost 2/3rds the
way between the ankle and knee.

Three ways to Activate this Point to Relieve Soreness and Improve Digestion:

1. Gently massage the marma point or arround it.

2. Add essential oils, diluted with a carrier oil to the point if you have: Loose stools (Pitta-
Fennel, Mint), Constipation (Vata-Chamomile, Lavander, Lemon Grass ) Slow stools
(Kapha-Ginger, Black Pepper)

3. Yoga poses like Downward Dog and Warrior one with back heel lifted help gently stretch
the point.

Have you noticed this yoga pressure point before? Let me know in the comments below.

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June 11, 2013Ayurveda at a Glance, Digestive Health, Downward Dog, healthy-living,

Indrabasti, Kapha, Marma Point, Niight Wind, Pitta, Vata, yoga and ayurveda
Marma points: ayurveda's ancient secret



One of the biggest contributions to the world is Ayurveda’s Marma Points. Ayurveda is a system of
health that has been around for more than three thousand years. It is the mother of all medical
systems. Acupuncture, naturopathy, homeopathy, siddha medicine, modern medicine, all have their
roots in Ayurveda.

What are marma points?

 There are 107 marma points in the body. They range in size from 1 to 6 inches in diameter.
 A marma point is a juncture in the body where two or more types of tissues meet, such as
muscles, veins, ligaments, bones, or joints.
 They are pranic centers where subtle energy channels (nadis) meet.
 They are the collection of secret vital points of the body and mind, the seat for
consciousness and energy reservoir.

Toxins, stress, and negative emotions get blocked in the marma points for years, leading to pain,
energy blockages, swelling, and the manifestation of various diseases. Blocked mamas in Ayurveda
are healed through applying pressure, massage oils, gentle heat, internal and external use of herbs,
and meditation. You can get a full marma therapy, which energizes all 107 marma points or you can
work on specific points for a desired result.

The 5 most important marmas and their functions

ADHIPATI - 1 marma point-“lord of all, supreme"

 Middle of head, vertex

 Controls the 7th chakra, pineal gland, nervous system, lubrication of the brain, thinking
power, positive health, energy and vitality
 Apply gentle to strong circular massage with oils; pichu (oil soaked cotton)
 Regulates prana, enhances cerebral circulation, restores consciousness
 Relieves headaches, stimulates memory, attention and concentration
 ADHD, insomnia
 Disorientation, confusion, drowsiness, vertigo
 Seizure disorders, migraines, tension headaches, sinus headache
 Pituitary dysfunction, hormonal imbalance

STHAPANI - 1 marma point - “provides support”

 In between eyebrows
 Controls the mind nerves, sixth chakra, senses, and pituitary gland
 Gentle to strong circular motion massage relieves headaches, tension and pressure
 Calms mind, balances emotions, and relieves stress
 Improves concentration, stimulates memory, relieves stress, insomnia
 Relieves intraocular pressure, enhances memory
 Beneficial in nasal polyps and deviated nasal septum

Hrudaya - 1 marma point - “protective”

 Controls the heart, circulation, plasma

 Aids flow of breast milk
 Use palm of hand for massage
 For pericarditis use brahmi, sandalwood, or rose oil
 To reduce kapha use ginger, cinnamon

Nabhi- 1 marma point - “central part”

 Navel
 Controls small intestine
 Massage oil in circular motion to relieve stress, improve digestion, and regulate menstrual
 Reduces pitta with coconut oil or brahmi oil
 To improve digestive fire use stimulating oils like ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, or clove
 Hyperacidity or GERD

Basti- 1 marma point

“bag, sac, pouch”

 Bladder
 Controls kapha, muscular system and fat
 Controls urinary and reproductive system
 It stores sexual energy and controls the functions of sex organs
 To balance Vata use valerian, nutmeg, or ashwagandha

Knowing these five main marma points, practice massaging them with a
circular motion every day. You can use stimulating oils like ginger if that’s
what you need or you can use relaxing oils such as lavender and blue
chamomile. Keep yourself healthy and vibrant by working on these points

Namaste! Following are the basic Marma’s for better understanding:

 Asthi Marma – Bones.

 Mamsa Marma – Muscle.
 Sira Marma – Vessel.
 Snayu Marma – Ligament.
 Sandhi Marma – Joints.

Marma chikitsa is a holistic treatment which is the most delicate and significant approach to
therapy. It uses massage therapies with Ayurvedic herbs and oils.

In the current living conditions, our body is prone to different illness from air, water, and
food. They damage our health system and are also responsible for psychological issues. The
body needs regeneration and reactivation of damaged and abnormal effects in the body.

There are four primary aspects of Marma chikitsa. They are as follows:

 Our body has a constant flow of prana or energy throughout the body. Blockage of the
pranas or energies leads to different diseases or disorders. Marma chikitsa removes the
blockage from the body.
 It composes air and water elements (Vata dosha) and brings back to normal. Mainly
concentrates on Vyana Vata, the sub-dosha maintaining the autonomic nervous system.
 Toxins, Vata aggravation and various disorders in the body brings rigidity both to physical
and psychological levels. Marma chikitsa act on this harshness or severity and drive our body
to flexibility in physical and mental levels.
 Marma chikitsa brings exceptional and potent transformation to the body. It connects the
physical, emotional and spiritual elements of the unconscious part of the brain. Reinforcing
and deepening all the levels of human body and mind.

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