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T-perm: R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U' R U R' F'

J-perm: R U2 R' U' R U2 L' U R' U' L
L-perm: R' U2 R U R' U2' L U' R U L'
Y-perm: R U' R' U' R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R
R-perm: L U2 L' U2 L F' L' U' L U L F L2 U
Solution for edge targets:
UF = J-perm
UL = T-perm
UB = L-perm
FU = Lw' (L-perm) Lw
FR = Dw2 L (T-perm) L' Dw2
FD = Lw' (J-perm) Lw
FL = L' (T-perm) L
LU = L' Dw L' (T-perm) L Dw' L
LF = Dw' L (T-perm) L' Dw
LD = D Lw' (J-perm) Lw D'
LB = Dw L' (T-perm) L Dw'
BU = Lw (J-perm) Lw'
BL = L (T-perm) L'
BD = Lw (L-perm) Lw'
BR = Dw2 L' (T-perm) L Dw2
RB = Dw L (T-perm) L' Dw'
RD = D' Lw' (J-perm) Lw D
RF = Dw' L' (T-perm) L Dw
DF = D' L2 (T-perm) L2 D
DL = L2 (T-perm) L2
DB = D L2 (T-perm) L2 D'
DR = D2 L2 (T-perm) L2 D2
Solution for corner targets:
UBR = R D' (Y-perm) D R' or U (L-perm) U'
UFR = F (Y-perm) F'
UFL = F R' (Y-perm) R F'
FLU = F' D (Y-perm) D' F
FRU = R2 D' (Y-perm) D R2
FRD = R F (Y-perm) F' R'
FLD = D (Y-perm) D'
LFU = F2 (Y-perm) F2
LFD = D2 R (Y-perm) R' D2
LBD = D2 (Y-perm) D2
BUR = R' F (Y-perm) F' R
BDL = D' R (Y-perm) R' D
BDR = D' (Y-perm) D
RUF = R' (Y-perm) R
RUB = R2 (Y-perm) R2
RDB = R (Y-perm) R'
RDF = Y-perm
DFL = F' (Y-perm) F
DFR = F' R' (Y-perm) R F
DBR = R2 F (Y-perm) F' R2
DBL = D F' (Y-perm) F D'
Example solve:
Scramble cube in the orientation you wish to solve it in.
R L U2 D2 L2 B2 R' B2 U2 F2 L2 B D' B' D' L' U' L2 B' D2 R
UBR = R D' (Y-perm) D R'
DBL = D F' (Y-perm) F D'
FLU = F' D (Y-perm) D' F
FRU = R2 D' (Y-perm) D R2
DFL = F' (Y-perm) F
DFR = F' R' (Y-perm) R F
RBD = R (Y-perm) R'

Fix parity: y' (R-perm) y

DL = L2 (T-perm) L2
DF = D' L2 (T-perm) L2 D
Since the blue/yellow edge is now at the buffer, you need to break into a new
cycle, I have arbitrarily chosen to shoot to UB...
UB = L-perm
RD =D' Lw' (J-perm) Lw D
BR = Dw2 L' (T-perm) L Dw2
DB = Lw2 (J-perm) Lw2 or D L2 (T-perm) L2 D'
LB = Dw L' (T-perm) L Dw'
UF = J-perm
FL = L' (T-perm) L
FR =Dw2 L (T-perm) L' Dw2
UB = L-perm
Flip UL:
shoot to UL: T-perm
shoot to LU: L' Dw L' (T-perm) L Dw' L
Formula to reassure all pieces have been cycled: t = u + c
If t=u+c you have cycled all the pieces. *Please don't get confused/distracted by
this formula, you certainly don't need it, it's only if you want to be super safe.*
t = No. of targets (excluding targets associated with flipping edges or twisting
u = No. of unsolved pieces (excluding buffer and flipped/twisted pieces)
c = No. of cycle breaks (ie. how many times you break into a new cycle)

Don't feel compelled to use this formula, it's just something you can use. Another
way to make sure you've cycled all the pieces, is to simply study your
memorisation, and check that no unsolved pieces are left out.
Image suggestions for edge targets:
UL = Ultra-quick (the Flash)
UB = sUBmarine
FU = Fugitive/Fuck you
FR = Fridge/fruit
FD = Food
FL = Flower/flour/flood
LU = Lute
LF = Leaf
LD = Lead
LB = Lobster
BU = Bull
BL = Blood
BD = Bed
BR = Bear
RB = Robber
RD = Rubber Duckie/road
RF = Roof/rifle
DF = Dolphin
DL = Doll
DB = Disco Ball
DR = Dragon

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