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Q J Med 2009; 102:379–388

doi:10.1093/qjmed/hcp027 Advance Access publication 18 March 2009

Severity assessment in community-acquired pneumonia:

a review
From the Department of Respiratory Medicine, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH16

Severity assessment is an important early step in However, there is no uniform agreement about
the management of patients presenting with the optimum severity assessment tool to use. This
community-acquired pneumonia. Various pneumo- review provides a summary of current evidence
nia-specific scores, generic sepsis scores and pre- surrounding severity assessment in adult patients
dictive biomarkers have been proposed as tools to presenting with community-acquired pneumonia.
aid clinicians in key management decisions.

Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is the of Illness Index’ and ‘Pneumonia’ between 1981 and
leading cause of death from infectious diseases 2008. We also performed separate Pubmed searches
in the developed world and is a major burden for terms ‘CURB65’, ‘pneumonia severity index’ and
on healthcare resources.1 Current guidelines a combination of major MeSH terms ‘C-reactive
agree that severity assessment is a pivotal protein’ and ‘Procalcitonin’ with ‘Pneumonia’. Only
early step in the management of patients articles in English or English translation were
presenting with CAP.2–4 There is, however, no reviewed. The articles were selected on the basis
uniform agreement on the optimum severity assess- of originality and relevance.
ment tool or an agreed definition of the term ‘severe
The aim of this review is to:
 Discuss the advantages and limitations of the
What is severity assessment?
currently available clinical prediction rules for Severity assessment is critical for both primary
community-acquired pneumonia and secondary care physicians to aid in clinical
 Explore the definition of ‘severe’ community-acquired decisions such as need for hospital admission,
requirement for intravenous therapy and level of
 Discuss the present and future role of biomarkers in
monitoring if admitted. Routine clinical judgement
 Discuss limitations of severity assessment rules and alone has been shown to be a poor predictor of
the implications for clinical practice. disease severity5,6 and evidence suggests that, in
many cases, clinicians tend to both overestimate
and underestimate the potential severity of CAP.5
This has led to the development of prognostic
Search criteria scoring systems aimed at assisting in risk stratifica-
The current review was based on a search of tion of patients presenting with CAP. Important
Pubmed for articles on major MeSH terms ‘Severity factors to consider in any potential assessment tool

Address correspondence to Aran Singanayagam, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Royal Infirmary of

Edinburgh, 51 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh, EH16 4SA, UK. email:
! The Author 2009. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Association of Physicians.
All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

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380 A. Singanayagam et al.

include its accuracy to predict a specific outcome, co-morbid and clinical variables (Table 1) and
its applicability to different healthcare settings and stratifies patients into five risk classes, three with a
its simplicity for use in everyday clinical practice. low risk of 30-day mortality (class I = 0.1–0.4%;
Existing severity tools incorporate various combina- class II = 0.6–0.7% and class III = 0.9–2.8%), a fourth
tions of co-morbidities, clinical and laboratory with an increased risk (4–10%) and a fifth with a
variables that are felt to be important in determining high risk (27%).7
the clinical course of CAP. Although, it has been shown to perform consis-
The area under the receiver operating character- tently well as a predictor of mortality in CAP with
istic curve (AUC) is a measure of the accuracy of a AUC values for mortality ranging from 0.74 to
test to correctly classify patients with and without a 0.838–12 and is recommended by the current
particular outcome and is used frequently in studies American thoracic society (ATS)/Infectious diseases
of severity assessment in CAP. A test with no value, society of America (IDSA) guidelines,4 PSI is
such as a coin toss, would give an AUC of 0.5. With complex to calculate and therefore difficult to
increasing levels, there is increasing discriminatory implement in routine clinical practice.
value, up to a ‘perfect test’ score of 1 (Figure 1). The British Thoracic Society (BTS) proposes use of
the CURB65 rule,2 a 5-point scoring system with
three risk categories: 0–1 (low risk of mortality; class
0 = 0.7%; class 1 = 3.2%), 2 (intermediate risk of
Pneumonia-specific severity scores mortality – 13%) and >3 (high risk of mortality; class
3 = 17%; class 4 = 41.5%; class 5 = 57%).2,13 The
The Pneumonia severity index (PSI) was introduced
individual components involved are shown in
in 1997 following a study in over 50 000 patients7
Table 2. This severity score, introduced in 2003,
and has now been validated in large, independent
has now been extensively validated in over 12 000
populations.8–12 It is based on 20 demographic,
patients from several different countries. Studies
assessing CURB65 have shown it to be a robust tool
with moderate to good discriminatory value (AUC
values ranging from 0.73 to 0.83) for prediction of
30-day mortality.8–14
Several studies have prospectively compared the
operating characteristics of these two assessment
tools8,9,11 and most have found no significant
difference in predictive accuracy, except for one
study that found a small but significant difference in
favour of PSI.11 However, given CURB-65 is easier
to remember and calculate, it is perhaps more likely
to gain general acceptance. The ATS recognize the
complexity of the PSI for clinical practice and have
thus taken the step of recommending use of
Figure 1. Receiver operator characteristic curve. CURB65 in their latest international CAP guideline.4

Table 1 Variables used to calculate the pneumonia severity index

Demographics Physical examination

Age Altered mental status Temperature <358C or >408C
Male sex Respiratory rate >30/min Pulse >125/min
Nursing home residency Systolic blood pressure <90 mmHg
Co-morbid illnesses Laboratory findings
Neoplastic disease pH <7.35 Haematocrit <30%
Cerebrovascular disease Blood urea >10.7 mmol/l PaO2 <60 mmHg
Congestive cardiac failure Sodium <130 mEq/l Glucose >13.9 mmol/l
Chronic renal disease
Chronic liver disease
Radiographic findings
Pleural effusion

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Severity assessment in community-acquired pneumonia 381

Table 2 Variables used to calculate CURB-65 score are unrelated to initial severity.22,23 Therefore, 30-
day mortality may not be the ideal measure to
New-onset mental confusion identify patients requiring the most intensive man-
Urea >7 mmol/l agement. Other endpoints have been sought to
Respiratory rate >30 breaths/min predict severe pneumonia such as ICU admission
Systolic blood pressure <90 mmHg or diastolic blood and the need for ventilatory or vasopressor support.
pressure 660 mmHg
The American Thoracic Society states that ‘severe
Age >65 years
community-acquired pneumonia is an entity
described in the literature in reference to patients
with CAP admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU)’.4
Some studies have thus investigated the predictive
One disadvantage of both PSI and CURB65 is
value of the commonly used severity scores PSI and
their reliance on laboratory investigations for
CURB-65 for the outcome of need for admission to
calculation which limits their use by health care
ICU.8,9,24 When considering these outcomes, PSI
professionals in the community. This has led to
and CURB-65 tend to perform less effectively with
development of the CRB65 score (CURB65 without
studies showing AUC values as low as 0.69 and
the blood nitrogen urea component), a modified
0.66, respectively.9
version of CURB65 that does not rely on the results
In comparative studies, the modified American
of any laboratory tests and is thus better suited to use
Thoracic society (mATS) rule has been shown to be
in the community. This modified tool appears to
the existing score with the best accuracy in
perform equally well compared with both CURB65 predicting need for ICU admission4,9,12,24,25 with
and PSI with AUC values ranging from 0.69 to AUC values as high as 0.90 in one study9 and it is
0.78.8,14–17 However, despite being proposed as a also recommended by the current ATS guidelines.4
score for use by general practitioners, most studies This score was designed specifically to guide
have assessed CRB65 solely in a hospital setting. decisions for transfer to ICU, indicated by the
Only one study to date has examined the perfor- presence on admission of, either a single major
mance of CRB65 specifically in a community criterion or three minor criteria (Table 3). A major
setting17 and further validation of this score in problem with advocating the mATS rule to guide
primary-care based populations is therefore war- clinical decisions is that it uses two outcome
ranted. Another important advantage of CRB65 is measures (development of septic shock and need
increased simplicity, as it relies on fewer compo- for mechanical ventilation) as its ‘major criteria’
nents, and a recent study has shown it can be variables. Therefore, any patient that fulfils a
simplified even further without compromising pre- modified ATS major criteria will, by definition,
dictive accuracy by omitting the diastolic blood need ICU care (as this is the site where patients
pressure and using only systolic blood pressure are transferred to for mechanical ventilation and/or
<90 mmHg as a criterion of hypotension.15 vasopressors support). Therefore, it is perhaps
Other proposed assessment tools include A- unsurprising that this score performs so well for the
DROP,18 CORB19 and the SCAP prediction rule20 outcome of need for ICU admission and raises
(see Appendix 1 and Table 7). These derived scores questions over its use clinically as it is not truly
are relatively simple to calculate and differ from predictive of outcome.
CURB-65 by giving greater weight to markers of There are also significant concerns about the use
deranged physiology such as assessment of oxyge- of ICU admission as a reliable marker of severity in
nation. At present, their use is supported by either a CAP as the decision to admit a patient to ICU differs
single study or small number of preliminary studies according to local policies and availability of ICU
and further external validation is thus required. resources. Therefore, ICU rates may vary signifi-
cantly between departments, nationally and inter-
nationally and this raises questions over its use as a
standardized definition of severity in CAP. Existing
Alternative definitions of ‘Severe’ studies have shown widely varying ICU admission
rates from as low as 4% in some cohorts8 to as high
pneumonia as 17% in others.24
It is recognized that the majority of mortality in CAP Other studies have evaluated PSI and CURB65 for
occurs in the elderly and many patients that die are their predictive accuracy for the major ATS criteria
treated palliatively.21 In addition, the mortality will of need for mechanical ventilation, or presence of
include both pneumonia related and pneumonia septic shock with need for vasopressors.10,12,20,26
unrelated deaths and up to 50% of deaths from CAP These outcomes appear to be more robust measures

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382 A. Singanayagam et al.

Table 3 Variables involved in modified ATS criteria

Major criteria Minor criteria

Presence of septic shock with need for vasopressors Respiratory rate >30/min
Need for mechanical ventilation Multilobar infiltrates
Uraemia (Blood urea nitrogen >20 mg/dl)
Leucopenia (White cell count <4000 cells/mm3)
Thrombocytopenia (platelet count <100 000 cells/mm3)
Hypothermia (core temperature <368C)
Hypotension requiring aggressive fluid resuscitation
PaO2/FiO2 ratio 6250

Table 4 AUC values from existing studies for 30-day complicated pneumonia and/or empyema and
mortality and need for mechanical ventilation and/or showed they have poor predictive accuracy (AUC
inotropic support 0.54 and 0.60 respectively).10 Admission C-reactive
protein (CRP) levels, however, had a better pre-
Severity score AUC for AUC for need dictive accuracy for this outcome (AUC 0.76). In
30-day mortality for mechanical addition, a CRP level that failed to fall by 50% or
ventilation and/or
more in 4 days following hospital admission was
inotropic support
associated with increased risk of development of
PSI 0.74–0.838–12 0.69–0.7910,12,26 complicated effusion or empyema.10 Other vari-
CURB65 0.73–0.838–13 0.59–0.7710,12,26 ables that have been shown to be predictive of
CRB65 0.69–0.788,14–17 0.7715 development of complicated pneumonia or
Modified ATS 0.63–0.679,12 Not assessed empyema include hypoalbuminaemia27,28 and
SMART-COP Not repeated 0.8726 prior alcohol abuse.29,30
Other studies have looked at alternative measures
of severity including need for hospital admission
and length of hospital stay.8,31 However, these
of CAP severity compared with need for ICU outcomes are likely to be influenced by social
admission, as they are less subjective to interpretive factors and may not solely reflect disease severity.
variability between centres. Studies have shown that Therefore, they may be less preferable to more
AUC values for PSI and CURB65 range from 0.69 to robust measures such as 30-day mortality and need
for mechanical ventilation and/or inotropic support.
0.79 and 0.59 to 0.77 respectively, for prediction of
these outcomes.10,12,26 Table 4 shows AUC values
for 30-day mortality and need for mechanical
ventilation and/or inotropic support in some of the Generic sepsis scores as
existing pneumonia-specific scores. The SMART-
COP is an 8-point scoring system that has been assessment tools in CAP
shown to outperform PSI and CURB65 for predicting More recently, it has been suggested that
need for intensive respiratory or vasopressor support pneumonia-specific severity scores, such as PSI
in preliminary analyses (see Appendix 1 and Table 7).26 and CURB65, should be replaced by generic
Patients with community-acquired pneumonia severity scores as these have been shown to perform
may develop infective complications such as well in populations with sepsis, many of whom have
pulmonary abscess, complicated parapneumonic pneumonia.32–38 This is driven by evidence that
effusion and empyema. These complications require pneumonia specific rules are underutilized in
admission to hospital and often require prolonged clinical practice. One study found that only 7% of
antibiotic treatment and/or percutaneous drainage junior doctors were able to name the CURB criteria
procedures. Such outcomes are not included in any correctly39 while another found that only a small
recognized definition of severe pneumonia but most proportion (13%) of patients with CAP received
physicians would recognize them as indicative of severity assessment, of any kind, on admission.40 An
‘severe’ CAP. One study has evaluated the accuracy abundance of severity scores for different conditions
of CURB65 and PSI to predict development of may cause confusion and there is an argument that

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Severity assessment in community-acquired pneumonia 383

Table 5 Summary of generic scores assessed in CAP and evidence for their use

Generic score Evidence for use in CAP AUC (30-day mortality)

Standardized early warning score (SEWS) Single study14—less favourable than 0.6414
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome Two studies14,42—both show less 0.6814
(SIRS) favourable than CURB65/PSI
Acute Physiology and chronic health Two studies—outperformed CURB65 0.8143
evaluation II (APACHE II) in MRSA pneumonia43 and comparable
with PSI/CURB65 in pneumococcal

pneumonia-specific tools should be supplanted by a Overall, the limited numbers of studies to date do
generic ‘one size fits all’ illness scoring tool. It has not support use of generic sepsis scores over
been proposed that a generic predictive tool pneumonia-specific scores in CAP (summarized in
applicable to all forms of sepsis including pneumo- Table 5). The absence of methologically sound
nia may be easier to remember and thus more useful research in this area means this issue is largely
in clinical practice.38 unresolved and further comparison in independent
Scoring systems such as SIRS (systemic inflamma- populations is therefore warranted.
tory response syndrome) criteria and SEWS (stan-
dardized early warning score) have been extensively
studied in acutely unwell patients and are relatively Predictive biomarkers in severity
simple to calculate.32–33,36,41 The results of one assessment
study comparing CURB65/CRB65 against the gen-
eric sepsis scores SIRS and SEWS, suggested that As existing scoring systems may be too complicated
pneumonia-specific scores should not be sup- for use in everyday practice, it would be appealing
planted by generic scores for severity assessment to have a single blood test that would provide rapid
in CAP with AUC values of 0.68 and 0.64 for SIRS/ prognostic information equivalent to these scores.
SEWS compared with 0.78 for CURB65.14 However, This has led to increasing interest in the use of serum
notable limitations of this study included incon- biomarkers as potential predictors of outcome in
sistencies in the definition of CAP with only 52% CAP. Several biomarkers have been evaluated to
date, such as C-reactive protein (CRP),10,45–49
having radiographically confirmed disease. Other
procalcitonin,49–53 proadrenomedullin,54 pro-atrial
studies have shown that SIRS performs less favour-
natriuetic peptide,55 pro-vasopressin55 and
ably than PSI for prediction of progression to sepsis 56
in severe CAP.42 However, one potential advantage
CRP is an acute phase protein synthesized by the
of generic scores such as SEWS is that it can be
liver in response to tissue damage. Initial small
measured daily and allows monitoring over time,
studies suggested that it did not appear to correlate
unlike most other prediction rules which have been
with severity in CAP46,47 and, on the basis of this
designed solely for use on admission.
evidence, CRP was not recommended as a reliable
Studies have compared the more complicated
admission severity marker in national guidelines.2
generic sepsis score APACHE II (Acute physiology
However, a more recent larger study demonstrated
and chronic health evaluation) with pneumonia-
that a low CRP (<100 mg/l) has similar negative
specific scores. APACHE is a severity score calcu- predictive values to CURB 65 and PSI for predicting
lated from 12 physiological measurements, 30-day mortality and need for mechanical ventila-
designed for use in ICU admitted patients.33,34 It tion and/or inotropic support in CAP.10 The authors
has been shown to outperform CURB65/CRB65 as a concluded that CRP may be a useful adjunct to
predictor of outcome in patients specifically with clinical judgement in identifying low-risk patients.
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Furthermore, failure of CRP to fall by 50% or more
pneumonia43 and showed equal performance to on repeat measurement at Day 4, independent of
CURB65 and PSI in pneumococcal pneumonia.44 admission CRP level, was shown to be associated
However, it remains to be seen if this holds true for with increased 30-day mortality and need for
all forms of CAP, regardless of microbiological mechanical ventilation and/or inotropic support
cause. and complicated pneumonia.10 These findings

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384 A. Singanayagam et al.

were supported by a large Spanish study that found biomarkers into existing scores may further improve
a high CRP on admission and at Day 3 to be their accuracy and also warrants investigation. Other
predictive of treatment failure in CAP.49 markers including pro-adrenomedullin, pro-atrial
Another biomarker gaining interest is procalcito- natriuetic peptide, pro-vasopression and copeptin
nin (PCT), a precursor of the hormone calcitonin have been investigated with remarkably high AUC
produced by the C cells of the thyroid gland. Blood values for mortality in pilot studies.54–56 Larger
levels of procalcitonin rise in response to systemic confirmatory studies will be required before any of
inflammation associated with infection and several these tests can be recommended for routine use.
studies have shown that serum PCT levels correlate One major advantage that biomarkers offer is that
with pneumonia severity.50–53 A recent large study serial measurements can be taken as a marker of
showed that a low PCT (<0.228 ng/ml) has a high treatment response. Measurement of CRP on Day 3
negative predictive value for mortality from CAP and or 410,45,49 of admission has been shown to be a
similar receiver operating characteristics for survival reliable marker of treatment failure in patients with
when compared with the CRB65 score.51 Other CAP. There is no reason why severity assessment
studies however, have shown little advantage for the should end at the hospital ‘front door’ and this is a
use of procalcitonin over the cheaper and more genuine advantage that biomarkers offer over
widely available alternative biomarker CRP.49 traditional severity scores such as PSI and
If simplicity is the key to acceptance and integra- CURB65, which are designed only for use on
tion of a severity assessment tool into clinical admission. This potential use is acknowledged by
practice, there may be an argument for advocating national guidelines.2
the use of these serum biomarkers as potential
predictors of outcome in CAP. However, they have
not been extensively studied and further validation Limitations to severity assessment
studies are required to investigate the safety of using a Although severity assessment scores are a useful aid
single blood test to guide placement and manage- to clinical decision making for patients with CAP,
ment of patients with CAP. The incorporation of they have important limitations to their use. Table 6

Table 6 Advantages and disadvantages of existing severity tools

Assessment Strengths Weaknesses


PSI Well validated and shown to improve outcome Complex to calculate

Useful research tool Performs less well for need for ICU/ventilatory or
vasopressor support
Underestimates severity in young patients
CURB65 Well validated and simple to calculate Performs less well for need for ICU/ventilatory or
vasopressor support
Underestimates severity in young patients
CRB65 Well validated, simple and suitable for use in As for CURB65
SMART-COP Superior accuracy for prediction of need Complex to calculate with multiple points for
for ventilatory/vasopressor support different variables and age-adjusted cut-offs
Modified ATS Performs well for predicting ICU admission Need for ICU is a less accurate measure of
severity due to inter-center variability
Questionable clinical use
C-Reactive Cheap, simple and widely available Not extensively validated
Serial measurements can detect treatment failure May be affected by factors other than pneumonia
Procalcitonin Simple Not routinely available
Serial measurements can detect treatment failure Relatively expensive
Not extensively validated
May be affected by factors other than pneumonia

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Severity assessment in community-acquired pneumonia 385

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Table 7 Alternative pneumonia-specific severity scores


Systolic BP <90 mmHg Age (male >70 years, Confusion Arterial pH <7.30
(2 points) female >75 years)
Multilobar Chest X-ray involvement Dehydration (blood urea Oxygen saturations Systolic blood pressure
(1 point) nitrogen >210 mg/l) 690% <90 mmHg
Albumin <35 g/l Respiratory failure Respiratory rate Respiratory rate
(1 point) (SaO2 690% or >30/min >30/min
Respiratory rate (age-adjusted PaO2 660 mmHg) Blood pressure Altered mental status
cut-offs) Orientation disturbance (systolic 690 mmHg) Blood urea nitrogen
Age 650 years:>25 br/min (confusion) >30 mg/dl
(1 point) Blood pressure (Systolic Oxygen arterial pressure
Age >50 years:>30 br/min 690 mmHg) <54 mmHg or ratio of
(1 point) arterial oxygen
Tachycardia >125 b.p.m. (1 point) tension to fraction of
Confusion of new onset (1 point) inspired oxygen
Oxygenation (Age-adjusted cut-offs) <250 mmHg
Age 650 years: <70 mmHg or O2 Age >80 years
sat 693% (2 points) Multilobar/bilateral lung
Age >50 years: <60 mmHg or O2 affectation
sat 690% (2 points)
pH (arterial) <7.35 (2 points)

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388 A. Singanayagam et al.

5–6 points High risk (one in three) mortality and need for ventilatory/inotropic support
of needing IRVS in derivation and validation cohorts.19 Table 7
>7 points Very high risk (two in three) illustrates the parameters involved.
of needing IRVS
SCAP prediction rule
A-DROP A clinical prediction rule consisting of eight
A recently described modified version of CURB-65, variables (Table 7) identified on multivariate analy-
showing similar predictive accuracy in a retro- sis of data collected in 1057 patients with CAP.20
spective observational study of 329 patients.18 It The rule showed superior predictive accuracy to
comprises of five separate variables (Table 7). CURB65, PSI and modified ATS scores for a
combined endpoint of in hospital death, mechanical
CORB ventilation and septic shock.
A modified version of CURB-65 which showed
similar accuracy to existing tools for prediction of

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on 23 September 2017

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