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Freetuxtv crashing

I have been trying to run freetuxtv (the last version) in Ubuntu 15.04. The app loads available asked 2 years, 7 months ago
channels but crashesas soon as the window opens. The bug I get is SIGSEGV in
viewed 2,909 times
1 gtk_tree_store_append(). So my question is whether anybody has been successful in making some
earlier version working? active 1 month ago

Many thanks
3 HDHomeRun Dual and Kaffeine
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Ahmed Khalid Ubuntu 14.04lts
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I have had the same issue on Ubuntu 16.04 with xfce-desktop. I did some scouring on the net and Golf A Parentheses Matching Algorithm
found a ppa that worked great for me and got freetuxtv working. Keep in mind it is the unstable Removing neighbors in a point cloud
2 freetuxtv Developer Team PPA found here
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