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ICS 91.100.

Q 13

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
代替 GB/T14685—2001
Substitute for GB/T14685—2001

Pebble and Crushed Stone for Construction

2011-06-16 发布 2012-02-01 实施
Issued on June 16, 2011 Implemented on February 1, 2012
General Administration of Quality Supervision,
Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic
of China
Standardization Administration of the People's
Republic of China
7.15.2 快速碱-硅酸反应
7.15.2 Accelerated Alkali – Silicic Reaction 适用范围 Scope of Application
This method is applicable to test the hazard against Alkali-Silica Reaction potential
between the siliceous aggregate and the Alkali of the concrete. 试剂与材料 Reagents and Materials
The reagents and materials for the test are given as follows:
a) NaOH:化学纯;
a) NaOH: chemical pure;
b) 蒸馏水或去离子水;
b) Distilled water or deionized water;
c) NaOH 溶液:40gNaOH 溶于 900mL 水中,然后加水到 1 升,所需 NaOH 溶液
总体积为试件总体积的(4±0.5)倍(每一个试件的体积约为 184mL)。
c) NaOH solution: 40g NaOH is dissolved in 900mL water and then water is added up to
1 litre. The total volume of the required NaOH solution is (4±0.5) times of the total
volume of the specimen (the volume of each specimen is about 184mL). 仪器设备 Apparatus
The apparatus for the test are given as follows:
a) 鼓风干燥箱:能使温度控制在(105±5)°C;
a) Air dry oven: it can control the temperature to be (105±5)°C;
b) 天平:称量 1000g,感量 0.1g;
b) Balance: its weigh is1000g and its sensitive quality is 0.1g;
c) 方孔筛:4.75mm,2.36mm,1.18mm,600μm,300μm 及 150μm 的筛各一只;
c) Square hole sieve: one set of sieves of 4.75mm, 2.36mm, 1.18mm, 600μm, 300μm
and 150μm respectively;
d) 比长仪:由百分表和支架组成。 百分表的量程 10mm,精度 0.01mm;
d) Comparator: it is composed of dial indicator and holder. The range of dial indicator is
10mm and its accuracy is 0.01mm;
e) 水泥胶砂搅拌机:符合 GB/T17671 的要求;
e) Cement mortar mixer: it complies with the requirement of GB/T17671;
f) 高温恒温养护箱或水浴:温度保持在(80±2)°C;
f) High temperature and constant temperature curing box or water bath: keeping the
temperature at (80±2) °C;
g) 养护简:由可耐碱长期腐蚀的材料制成,应不漏水,筒内设有试件架,筒的容
积可以保证试件分离地浸没在体积为(2208±276)mL 水中或 1mol/L 的 NaOH
g) Curing container: it shall be made of material which can resist long term corrosion of
alkali. The curing container shall not be water leakage. The test specimen rack shall
be set in the container. The capacity of the container shall ensure that the test
specimens can be separately immersed into the (2208±276) mL water or 1mol/L
NaOH solution, and shall not contact with the wall of the container;
h) 试模:规格为 25mm×25mm×280mm,试模两端正中有小孔,装有不锈钢质膨
h) Test mold: the specification is 25mm×25mm×280mm and the small holes are
provided in the middle on the ends of the test mold and the stainless steel expansion
gauge studs is installed inside;
i) 破碎机、干燥器、搪瓷盘、毛刷等。
i) Crusher, dryer, enameled dish and hair brush. 环境条件 Environment Conditions
The environmental condition of the test is given as follows:
a) 材料与成型室的温度应保持在 20°C~27.5°C,拌合水及养护室的温度应保持在
a) The temperature of the material and molding room shall be kept under 20°C~27.5°C
and that of the mixing water and curing room shall be kept under (20±2)°C;
b) 成型室、测长室的相对湿度应不小于 80%;
b) The relative humidity of the molding room and the measuring room shall be no less
than 80%;
c) 髙温恒温养护箱或水浴应保持在(80±2)°C。
c) The high temperature and constant temperature curing box or water bath shall be kept at
(80±2) °C. 试件制作 Preparation of Test Specimen 取样,并将试样缩分至约 5.0kg,将试样破碎后筛分成 150μm~300μm,
300μm~600μm,600μm~1.18mm,l,18mm~2.36mm 和 2.36mm~4.75mm 五个粒级。 每
一个粒级在相应筛上用水淋洗干净后,放在干燥箱中于(105±5)°C 下烘干至恒量,分
别存放在干燥器内备用。 The specimen shall be sampled and reduced to be about 5.0kg and it shall be brushed
and sieved into the five grain sizes of 150μm~300μrn, 300μm~600μm, 600μm~1.18mm,
l.18mm~2.36mm and 2.36mm~4.75mm. After each grain size is leached by water on the
corresponding sieve, it shall be placed in the drying oven and dried under (105±5)°C to be
constant and then respectively stored in the dryer for standby. 釆用硅酸盐水泥,水泥中不得有结块,并在保质期内。 水泥与集料的质量比为 1:2.25,水灰比为 0.47。 一组 3 个试件共需水泥
440g(精确至 0.1g)、砂 990g(各粒级的质量按表 20 分别称取,精确至 0.1g)。 The Portland cement shall be adopted, agglomeration is not allowed in the cement,
and the Portland cement shall be within the period of validity. The mass ratio of cement and aggregate is 1:2.25, and the water cement ratio is 0.47.
One group of 3 specimens requires 440g (accuracy up to 0.1g) and 990g (the mass/weight of
each grain size of aggregates shall be respectively weighed as per Table 20, accuracy up to
0.1g). 砂浆搅拌 Mortar shall be mixed 搅拌完成后,立即将砂浆分两次装入已装有膨胀测头的试模中,每层捣 40
明测长方向。 After mixing, the mortar shall be immediately, in two times, filled in the test mold
which is equipped with gauge studs. Each layer shall be compacted with tamper 40 times. Pay
attention that the compaction surrounding the gauge studs shall be carried out carefully and
after pouring and compaction, cut off the mortar flush with the top of the mold and smooth the
surface with trowel, number on the mold and indicate the measuring direction. 养护与测长 Curing and Length Measuring 试件成型完毕后,立即带模放入标准养护室内。 养护(24±2)h 后脱模,
立即测量试件的初始长度。 待测的试件须用湿布覆盖,以防止水分蒸发。 After molding, the specimen shall be immediately placed in the standard curing room
or curing box with the mold. After curing for (24±2) h, remove the specimen from the mold and
make initial reading immediately. The specimen ready for measurement shall be covered with
wet cloth to prevent moisture from evaporation. 测完初始长度后,将试件浸没于养护筒(一个养护筒内的试件品种应相同)
养护(24±2)h。 After making the initial reading, the test specimen shall be immersed into the water
of curing container (the variety of test specimen in one curing container shall be the same), and
the water temperature shall be kept at (80±2) °C (put it in the high temperature and constant
temperature curing box or water bath after covering) to cure for (24±2) h. 从高温恒温养护箱或水浴中拿出一个养护筒,从养护筒内取出试件,用毛
巾擦干表面,立即读出试件的基准长度[取出试件至完成读数应在(15±5)s 时间内],
的 1mol/L NaOH 溶液中,并保持溶液温度在(80±2)°C 的范围内(加盖放在髙温恒温
养护箱或水浴中)。 Take out one curing container at a time from the high temperature and constant
temperature curing box or water bath, and take out the test specimen from the curing container,
dry the surface with towel, then immediately read the datum length, complete the process of
drying and reading within (15±5) s of removing the test specimen from the water, after
reading/measurement, leave the specimen with wet towel until datum length of each specimen
have been taken, then independently immerse the test specimens into the 1mol/L NaOH
solution of curing container, and keep the solution temperature at (80±2) °C (seal curing
container and place in the high temperature and constant temperature curing box or water bath). 测长龄期自测定基准长度之日起计算,在测基准长度后第 3d、7d、14d 各
同,每次测长完毕后,应将试件放入原养护筒中,加盖后放回(80±2)°C 的高温恒温
养护箱或水浴中继续养护至下一个测试龄期。 14d 后如需继续测长,可安排每 7d 一次
测长。 The length reading/measuring age is from the date of measuring the datum length,
the test specimen shall be measured once respectively on the 3d, 7d, 14d after measuring the
datum length, and the length measuring time shall be at the same moment of the day. The length
measuring method is the same as that of measuring datum length. After each length
measurement, the test specimen shall be put into the original curing container, and then put it
into the (80±2) °C high temperature and constant temperature curing box or water bath after
covering for continuing curing to the next test age. If length measuring shall be conducted
continuously after 14d, the length measurement can be arranged every 7 days. 结果计算与评定 Result calculation and evaluation 试件膨胀率按式(14)计算,精确至 0.001%: The expansion rate of the specimen shall be calculated as per the formula (14)
and its accuracy shall be up to 0.001%;

Σt——试件在 t 天龄期的膨胀率,%;
Σt—— expansion rate of the specimen during the age of t days, %;
Lt——试件在 t 天龄期的长度,单位为毫米(mm);
Lt—— length of the specimen during the age of t days, unit: mm;
L0—— datum length of the specimen, unit: mm;
—— length of expansion gauge studs, unit: mm. 结果判定 Result Evaluation
采用修约值比较法进行评定。 结果按如下判定:
The rounded value shall be used for evaluation, the result shall be determined as below:
a) 当 14d 膨胀率小于 0.10%时,在大多数情况下可以判定为无潜在碱-硅酸反应危
a) When the 14d expansion rate is <0.10%, under most conditions, it can be determined/
evaluated as no potential Alkali-Silica Reaction hazard;
b) 当 14d 膨胀率大于 0.20%时,可以判定为有潜在碱-硅酸反应危害;
b) When the 14d expansion rate is > 0.20%, it can be determined/ evaluated as potential
Alkali-Silica Reaction hazard;
c) 当 14d 膨胀率在 0.10%~0.20%时,不能最终判定有潜在碱-硅酸反应危害,可以
c) When the 14d expansion rate ranges 0.10%~0.20%, then the potential Alkali-Silica
Reaction harm can’t be determined finally, which shall be determined via conducting
the standard test.

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