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'l'his Memomndunr of Agreement is executed and entered into this lTth
day of Decemher
2912 at. the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Central Office, Visavas
Avenue, Diliman. Quezon Qify. Republic of the Philippines. by and among:

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources. with otljce acidress at

Visayas Avcmre. Diliman, Quezon City. headed by the Secretary Ramon .1.P. Paie. further
represented by the Undersecretary for Field Operations, hereinafter cailecl the "DENR""

'['he Armed Forces of the Philippines, with office address at Carnp

Genera] Emilio
Aguinzrldo. Quezon City. headed by the Chief of Staff, General Jessie D. Dellosa, hereinailer
callcd the "AFP'

Philippine National Police. with office address at Camp General Rafael Cranrc.
(luezon City. headed by the Chiet Director General Nicanor A. Bartolome, ltrther
represented by the Chief Directorial Staff, PNP, hereinafter called the "PNP"

WHBREAS, Executive Order No.23 (E.O.23) was issuecl in 20ll."Declaring a
Ir4oratorium on the Cutting and Harvesting.of Timber in the Natural and Residual Forests of the
Cor,rntry and Creating the Anti-Illegai Logging'fask Force" as a means to protect our remaining
lbrest cover to prevent flash floods. preserve biodiversity and allow natural regeneration of the
rcsiclual tbrests:

WHEREAS, the Anti-lllegal Logging Task Force (AILTF), pursuant to E.O. 23, shall lre
composed of the DENR Secretary or his duly authorized representative as Chainnan and the
Secletary of the l)epartment of lnterior and Local Government (DILG).the Secretary of National
Def'ense (DND), the Chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP), the Chiel ol" StafT of tlie
,\nned Forces ol'the Philippines (AFP) or their authorized representatives. as members:

WHAREAS, tire AILTF Resolution No- 2011-003 was issued directing the creation of
the i{cgional Anti-lllegal Logging'l'ask Force (RAILTF) in all adrninistrative areas except the
Nationnl Capital Region. The RntlLTF shali be composed of the DENR Regional Executive
Dircctor as Chairperson, the DlljG Regional Director as Vice Chairperson, the PNP Regional'\,:-.-.,-
Director and tlre ioncerned Brigade Commander(s) of the AHP as members ancl shall directly - - *i'l*=
f * '''-
repul to tire AIt, fF;
WHERBAS, in the implementation of its mandate, the DENR encounters clifficulties ir5\
thc enforcement of anti-illegal logging laws. rules and regulations due to the involvelnent of\$,
ireavily armed grolrps and suspected insurgents especially in Regions iX" XI and XIII "=*
w ktllt{IlAs., tne
operation conoucreo
the operatlgn oy tne
conducted b}r the
ilasualties among its personnel and agents/partners.
implelneptiition of E.O. 23; i
' l.) l'rovide legal assistance and adrninistrative support to tht: appropriate agencies
*r,r ihc arrcst of suspected illegal loggers, prosecution of illegal iogging uni in anri-illegal
logging *rses filed against the members of the AII-TF: ""**i

1.6 Conduct training and regular brieling of AFP and PNP personnel including
rnaterials (manuals as guide for AIL Operations) in the implementation of E.o. 23:

1.7 Provide the AFP and PNP with available intelligence in relation to the
conduct clf AII- Operations such as but not linrited to Geographical lnformation Systems based
itnd generated cotttrol rnaps indicating the locations of Forest Reserves, Mineral Reservations
and Protected Areas indicating the territorial lutisdiction of the DENR, to sene as guides in the
conc'luct of joint field operations;

1.8 Provide the AFP and PNP with logistics suppoft such as PO[. and other
iniltcriaI supporl in tlre dir0ct conduct ofjoint AIL Operations in Mindanao; and

1.9 Fzimiliarize the

AFP and the PNP on the DENR's socio-economic prograrns
Jbr tlie possible involvement of affected communities vis-a-vis the AFP's
(-)ncratioirs (C:MO) ancl the PNP's Police Community Rclations (PCR) Programs.

2. Thnt the AFP shall:

2.1 Upon deputation by DENR. assume the lead role in the conduct of planning,
coordination and execution of all the anti-illegal logging operations in Mindanao;

2.2 Assist the DENR and crther concerned larv enfbrcement agencies in the
investigation and prosecution of illegal logging cases; and,

2.3 Work on the integration as part of CMO in collaboration with the DENR, the
sociil-economic programs ol'the DENR in the affected communities.

3. That the PNP shall.

3.1 Upon request by the DENR. assume the lead role in the search and seizurc.
irriest/apprehension and investigation of suspected illegal loggers;

3.2 Assist the DENR and AFP in the conduct of AIL Operations; and

i.3 Work on the integation u, p,*t'of

PCR in collaboration rvith the DENR. the
socio-economic programs of the DENR in the affected communities.

4. Tlrut tll parties shall: i



monitoring and evaluation of the AIL Operations irr order to

,.i r.-*._
reconrrnend for the conti nuatiotl or iternrinatiorl ol- the AIL Operations in Mindanao. :
, \J.-''\ "'


flf," HITJRTI{ER ''"t.;

The parties agree to do and execute such further acts and./or agreements and
prepirre/deliver such other documents, scheclules or instruments as may be necessary. proper or
desilable to give eft'ect to and lully,implement. and accomplish the objectives of this Agrecment.


'fhe parties' while entering into this Agreenlent. shall rnaintain their ewrl
nrissi,olt,s'.lt'tilndates and their own acct)untabilities. Nothing in this Agreement shall\S


WHEREAS, in a special AILTF meeting conducted at Camp General Emilio Agginaldo
lirst Septernber Il,?012 attended by the Secretaries of tire DENR and Departnrent of Natiolal
Ilcti:rise (DND), the AF'P Chief of Staff and other Senior Militarv Officials. ir was agreed. in
vicl.v of the presence of insurgency and armed groups in Mindanao. to modify the srraregies of'
the anti-illegal logging campaign of the govemment. from a civilian operation into an active
niilitarv operations;

WHEREAS, the AILTF Resolution No. 2012-00-5 rvas issued converting the Anti-lllegal
Logging (AIL) Operations in Mindanao from civilian to active military operation clue to the
prcsence of insurgeucy and armed groupsl and the DND. through the AFP. shall lead all anti-
illcgal logging operaticlns in Mindanao. including but not limited to confiscation of illegally cut
logs/lurnber and apprehension of violators:

WHEREFORE, thc leacl agency in the overall implementation of E.O. 23 is srill the
DltNR. while the AFP and PNP w'ill continue to play supporting roles. However. the AFP rvill
teLlie the lead irr the conduct of)AIL Operations in Mindanao.

Dcfinition of Terms:

1) Anti-lltegeil Logging (AIL) Opcrcilions: All operational activities in the conduct of

anti-iliegal logging conducted by a legitimate and deputized government agency to implement
b.O. ?3 such as but not limited to confiscation of illegally cut logs/lumber and apprehension of
2) Lcud Agency: A government elitit)- primary responsible in the enforcement of i'l
pafticular law. rr"rles and regulations, in this case E.O. 23.
3) Leutl Role:The act of being the lead in the conduct of a particr.rlar activity in the
inrplenrentation of F..O. 23.
4) Sttpport R<tle: The act of being in support to a particular activity in the
implenrentation ol' E.(). 23.
5) ,4ctive lvtilitary Operations: Penains to the concluct of a series of activities that are
pltrnncd, organized, exccuted,. controlled and managed by a rnilitary organization.
6) (iviliun Operulion'. Pertains to the conduct of a series of activities that are
trrlanned, organized, executed, controlled and managed by a civilian organization.
7) Materiul Support: Refers to firnds. logistics, food stuff, services, lhcilities and
equiprnent that are provided to an organization in order to executb a given task.
8) Legat und Aclministrative Sttpport'. Refers to services, funds and othcr related
activities to suppoft an agency or its personnel in the judicial resolution of cases.
9. CMO - Civil-Military Operations of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
i0. PCR - Police Community Relations of the Philippine National Police
I l. POL - Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants

I.That the DENR shctll: :

I. I Act as lead agency in the overall implementation of E.O. 23;

1.2 Conduct administrative and adiudication proceedings pursuant to DAO No,
lF -\-\*{"',

9j -J2; I '.
li -

1.3 lrile administrative and/or criminal case.s before competent body or {lourt allcl \'u
act as -!vittiess in tlre prosecution of violators of fllrestry laws. nlles and regulations; f:s
1 'r{
I \J
I .4 l-ake custodv of all
evidences e.g. undocumented and illegall"n"
sourced/transportecl lr:gs, flitches, lurnlrer incl uding conveyances, rlrachiner-v-. tools' equipme
and other paraphernalia used fbr violating Presidential Decree (PD) No. 705, as arrreqftd arr
othcr fopestry laws and regulations:
IY4V, i tl
l" i
r rlf'-
-A- 1/
- ils sllperserling or interlbring in any way with otheragreernents or contracts entered into betu'een
corrccrned parties. either prior to or subsequent to the'signing of the Agreemenr.

. SICNED at the Denartmenf,gf Environme4t and Ngtural Resources. Central9lf,_cg

Vis4v,a$ Avenue.Diliman. O.gezon Cify. Republic of the.Philippines on the date written above.



ndcrsccretar}, Fi el cl Police f)eputy Firector General
( )penatitltts Chief l)irectod al Staff
Dt:partment oI [:,nvironmcnt &, Pltilippine Philippine National Police
nturaI itcsoLrrces



Secret ary for Field Brigadier Gieneral Police Director
i Opcriiiions Deputy Chibf o.f Stat'f for Directorate for Operatiorts.
Department of Environment & Operations. J3 Philippine l..lational Police
I{atural Resorlrces Armed F orces of the Philippines


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