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Click the links below to view the youtube videos for each lesson within the 7th grade

math curriculum.

Chapter Video Lessons

Ratios and Proportions Rates

Complex Fractions
Convert Unit Rates
Proportional and Nonproportional Relationships
Graph Proportional Relationships
Solving Proportions
Story Problem Proportions
Rate of Change/Slope
Direct Variation

Percents Percent of a Number

Percent Proportion
Percent Equation
Percent of Change
Tax, Tip and Markup
Simple Interest

Integers Absolute Value and Integers

Adding Integers
Subtracting Integers
Multiplying Integers
Dividing Integers
Operations with Decimals

Rational Numbers Terminating and Repeating Decimals

Comparing Rational Numbers
Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions
Adding and Subtracting Unlike Fractions
Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers
Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Converting Between Systems

Expressions Evaluating Algebraic Expressions

Translating Algebraic Expressions
Arithmetic Sequences
Properties of Operations
Distributive Property
Combining Like Terms
Adding Linear Expressions
Subtracting Linear Expressions
Factor Linear Expressions

Equations and Inequalities One-step Equations: Addition and Subtraction

One-step Equations: Multiplication and Division
One-step Equations with Rational Coefficients
Two-step Equations
More Two-Step Equations
Solving Inequalities: Addition and Subtraction
Solving Inequalities: Multiplication and Division
Two Step Inequalities

Geometric Figures Classify Angles

Complementary and Supplementary Angles
Scale Drawings/Models
Scale Factor
3-D Figures

Measure Figures Circumference

Area of a Circle and Semicircle
Area of Parallelograms, Trapezoids and Triangles
Area of Composite Figures
Volume of Prisms
Volume of Pyramids
Surface Area of a Prism
Surface Area of a Pyramid
Volume and Surface Area of Composite Figures

Probability Probability of Simple Events

Theoretical and Experimental Probability
Probability of Compound Events
Fundamental Counting Principle
Independent and Dependent Events

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