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1. How did you determine the inflation point in taking BP?

- Last pulse during inflation & add 30

2. Why do you encourage client to urinate prior to bathing?

- To pevent client from urinating during bed bathing

3. How will you undress the client w/ right sided paralysis?

- To undress the unaffected part first
- To dress the paralyzed part first

4. The purpose of plastic rubber draw sheet.

- Prevent bed sheet from being wet

5. Importance of indwelling urinary catheter care

- Prevent further infection
- Pevent ascending infection
- UTI silent killer

6. How would you change the position in immobilized patient?

- Several times

7. Why do we nneed to apply the principles of body mechanics when transfering

immobilized/disabled client?
- Prevent injury
- Good blood circulation

8. Considerations in preparing meals in elderly client?

- Food that are nutritious & w/ proper diet
- Medical condition
- Ability to eat
- Preference

9. ABC’s in CPR
- Checking airway, breathing & circulation

10. Indication to stop CPR

- Physician takes over
- Operator exhausted
- Sign of life
- Turn-over to emergency medical service
Posted by Ructhie at 8:18 AM No comments: Links to this post
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Possible Interview Questions

1. Importance of backrub to a bed ridden client?
- To stimulate circulation, prevent bedsore & promote relaxation

2. Basic comsideration in assisting client personal needs?

- Maintain persons privacy & dignity of the client
3. How could you help your client maintain his self-esteem & sense of independence?
- Encourage him to do as much function as possible.

4. Important safety precautions must be done when transferring client from bed to wheelchair.
- Lock the wheels of wheelchair & the bed.

5. Physical changes related to aging.

- Reflexes are slow
- hair turns gray & change in textue
- all body processes are slow
- loss of skin elasticicity
- fat becomes thin & more fragile
- senses becomes less accurate needs aid like eyeglasses, hearing aid.
- Posture become more stalk

6. Basic role to client w/ Alzheimer’s disease.

- Supervise closely don’t restrain the client
- Remind patient of time, date, names of all kind.

7. Effective way to control the spread of infection.

- Handwashing

8. Safety precautions to be observed when caring the client w/ diminidhed vision.

- Maintain a footlight during the night
- Arrange furnishing, personal items for convenient, confers & safety of client.

9. Prevent fall/slip in the bathroom?

- Keep the bathroom dry at all times
- Make a dry cloth available
- Use non-skid mats

10. How would you know if the bottle contents are poisonous?
- Symbol of skull or logo bonw
- If no date of expiration available
- If it is expired

11. Protectibe devices for infection control?

- Gloves
- Masks
- Gogles
- Gown
- Cap
- Apron
- Slippers

12. Common signs that a diabetic client has low blood sugar.
- Pale palm
- Drowsiness
- Sweating
- Tremors
- cold clamy skin
- diminished vision

13. Typical sign of impending heart attack?

- Chest pain
- Not relieved by rest (angina pectous)
- Increased Blood Pressure
- Stiffness muscle

14. 1st comon sign of infection

- Fever (such as 38 C)
- Increased WBC/body malaise

15. Client has BP 150/100.

- Seek medical assistance call emergency hotline
- Advice client to take in usual medication

16. Respond to cancers patient who wish to die now?

- Allow client to release ventilate feeling
- Make client comfortable
- Be a good listener. Why? Because silence is therapeutic

17. How would you react when criticize by colleagues?

- Ignore them & do your job well
- Inform your head/supervisor

18. Recommended diet for an elderly w/ heart disease

- Recommended fat, low Na regular diet, decrease fat

19. Most important consideration when preparing meals for diabetic client.
- Calorie measures
- Sugar content of the foods
- Total caloric content
- Sugar in the diet
Posted by Ructhie at 8:16 AM No comments: Links to this post
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Coverage of Exam
Caregivers who are planning to take the TESDA exam needs to review on the following areas
because this are all the possible topics that will appear on your exam. Not necessarily that all of
this will appear, but you need to study in order to be ready on what the Assessor will tell you to
conduct a demo or ask questions. Some Assessors are strict some are not. The difficulty level
of the TESDA exam depends mainly if you did not study well and not prepare to take the exam.
So, good luck to all of you my fellow Caregivers!.:)

Project 1 – Provide Care & Suport to Infants/Toddlers & Children

Perform Proper Procedure & Techniques in:
1. Taking vital sign for infant
2. Bathing of infant (Critical Aspect)
3. Dressing & Undressing
4. Changing Infants diaper
5. Cleaning & Sterilizing the bottles
6. Milk formula formulation
7. Feeding & burping
8. CPR for infant (critical aspect)
9. Choking for infant (Critical aspect)
10. Dressing the wound & fracture (splinting)
11. Prepare snacks for children

Project 2 – Assist Elderly & People w/ Special Needs in Meeting their Personal Needs
Perform Proper Procedure & Techniques in:
1. Taking vital sign
2. Shaving beard & mustache
3. Bathing
4. Dressing & Undressing
5. Perineal Care (w/ catheter, w/o catheter, flushing)
6. Bed Making (Occupied Bed make-up)
7. Transfering patient (from bed to wheelchair, wheelchair to bed) back to bed)
8. Adult CPR
9. Preparing Meanl for elderly

Project 3 – Perform Hhousekeeping Activities

Perform Proper Procedure & Techniques in:
1. Cleaning the comfort room (shower room & bath tub)
2. Cleaning the living room (using the vacuum cleaner wet & dry & portable vacuum cleaner)
3. Proper servicing
4. Dishwashing using the dish washer
5. Laundry (using the washing machine w/ spinner)
6. Drying up the cloth (using the dryer)
7. Ironing

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