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Management Review Meeting

Date : 05 Agustus 2016

Venue :

Time : 09.00 WIB – 11.30 WIB

Participants : 

Meeting Agenda :

A. Management Review Input / Masukan Tinjauan Manajemen

1. Quality Policy and Quality Manual / Manual Mutu ISO 9001:2008

2. Quality Objectives / Sasaran Mutu
3. Internal Audit Results / Hasil Internal Audit
4. Customer Complaints and Feedback / Keluhan dan Umpan Balik Pelanggan
5. Changes that may affect the QMS / Perubahan yang mampu mempengaruhi SMM

B. Management Review Output / Keluaran Tinjauan Manajemen

1. Quality Policy/ Kebijakan Mutu

2. Quality Objectives/ Sasaran Mutu
3. Improvement towards QMS effectiveness / Perbaikan terhadap keefektifan SMM
4. Improvement towards product quality and its processes / Perbaikan terhadap produk dan proses

A. Management Review Input

1. Review of Previous Management Review
Since this is first Management Review with respect to the newly implemented ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management
System (QMS), this agenda is not discussed and will be carried forward to the next meeting.

2. Quality Policy and Quality Manual

The company Quality Policy and Quality Manual is reviewed by the top management.

3. Quality Objectives
Quality Objectives are reviewed and agreed to be used as a measurement for determining performance and
effectiveness for 2015-2016. Quality Objectives for individual departments are as below:
Marketing ( Penjualan ) L1QAM-JB-SM 2015-2016
Purchasing ( Pembelian ) L1QAM-JB-SM 2015-2016
Maintenance ( Perawatan ) L1QAM-JB-SM 2015-2016
QC ( Laboratorium ) L1QAM-JB-SM 2015-2016
Production ( Produksi ) L1QAM-JB-SM 2015-2016
Warehouse ( Gudang ) L1QAM-JB-SM 2015-2016
HRD ( Personalia ) L1QAM-JB-SM 2015-2016

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4. Internal Audit Results and Findings
First Internal Audit was done on 06 and 07 November 2015, with 1 Major NCR, 5 Minor NCRs, and 1 Observation:
06 Nov 2015 IA-SA-01-06112015-01 Maintenance 1 Minor - Closed
06 Nov 2015 IA-SA-01-06112015-02 QC/Lab 1 Major, 1 Minor 1 Open
07 Nov 2015 IA-SA-01-07112015-03 Produksi (Packing) 1 Minor - Closed
07 Nov 2015 IA-SA-01-07112015-04 Store 1 Minor - Closed
07 Nov 2015 IA-SA-01-07112015-05 MR/DDC 1 Minor - Closed
All findings are to be closed before the next scheduled internal audit/ external audit.

5. Customer Complaints and Feedback

As of 13 November 2015, no product NCRs have been filed internally.
As of 13 Novem
ber 2015, no external Customer Complaints have been filed. Marketing Dept. will conduct Customer Satisfaction
Questionnaire once per year to obtain feedback from customers.

6. Changes that may affect the QMS

With ISO 9001:2008 being newly implemented at, its documentation and procedures are still under continuous
review by the MR/DDC Dept.

Future planning towards CPPKRTB requirements may require changes to the QMS. This will be monitored

B. Management Review Output

1. Quality Policy
Top management has reviewed and agreed on the validity of the company’s Quality Policy, as stated in the ISO
9001:2008 Quality Manual.

2. Quality Objectives
Quality Objectives are reviewed and agreed to be suitable as a measurement for determining performance and
effectiveness for 2015-2016.
In the first Internal Audit, it is checked that each department are aware of respective Quality Objectives to be
achieved. It is recommended that progress is to be followed up in the following Internal Audit to determine

3. Improvement of QMS performance and effectiveness

Top management has committed to supporting the implementation of the Quality Management System, which will
have the potential advantages of:
‐ Improving overall company operations, processes and performance
‐ Improving credibility and customer perception
‐ Assuring product quality and customer satisfaction
‐ Fulfilling the pre-requisite requirements for obtaining CPPKRTB standard from the Direktorat
Jenderal Kefarmasian and Alat Kesehatan.

4. Improvement in Product Quality and its Related Processes

Review on new product for export:
‐ Packaging and label designs, product specifications meet both customer requirements and internal quality
specifications (Spesifikasi Produk Sabun Padat Batangan, Spesifikasi Produk Sabun Cream,
Spesifikasi Soap Noodles).
‐ Quality Plan for Toilet Soap, Multi-Purpose, Laundry Soap and Soap Noodles Process, Raw Material, and
Packaging Material are sufficient and suitable to produce products that meet customer requirements.

Prepared by,

Representative Manager

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