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Business English on Business Trips

1. Conversation

- Have you ever been on a business trip? Where and when?

- What is the most important to you when you travel – comfort, safety, price, reliability or speed?

- What do you enjoy about travelling? What don’t you enjoy?

- Do you think business travel is necessary nowadays in time of highly developed technology?

2. Vocabulary

a seat

facilities (zařízení, vybavení) = buildings, equipment and services provided for a particular purpose

a fare (jízdné)

an allowance (příspěvek)

overseas (zámořský, zahraniční)

a passenger

a trade fair (veletrh)

jet lag

a pickpocket

a shuttle (kyvadlový spoj/doprava)

booked up

a cruise

short/long haul flights

to get stuck

to queue (up) (for sth)/Am = to line up (stat ve frontě)

to claim expenses (nechat si proplatit výdaje)

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