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Organizational Theory

A Four Frame Model Approach to Understanding Blogs

Jennifer Crosson
Structure Frame
Blog: Understanding Society: Innovative thinking about a global world

Prevailing Theme: The study of the development, structure, and functioning of

human society.

Dominant Frame Features: Philosophical analysis of articles, awareness of social

structures relating to social life and change.

Central Concepts: Roles, policies, environment, social structure, needs, culture

history, theory, conflict, enlightenment, advocate,global awareness.

Summary: The author’s purpose seems to be to inform, provoke contemplation

and question social structures through analysis of historical, and cultural articles.
His blogs encompass the arts, sciences, business, politics, religion, education,
human interests and the list goes on.

Context: Daniel Little is a philosopher of social science and author of many books
and works on social systems. Seemingly, through his interests and concern for
humanity and evolution his topics seem to be more focused on ethics of economic
development and their impact on the global citizen.

Thoughts: His articles are varied in topic and would be appealing to many different
audiences.Visually his blog is straight forward and uninspiring. However, his
prolific writing, eloquent prose through insightful narratives are compelling. I
found myself wading through quite technical reading on “measurement of
conditional probabilities” for example, as a result of his seemingly effortless style
and compelling arguments. Throughout his blogs he includes links to various
resources such as books, interviews, and other supporting articles. He provides
many links to threads that offer definitions of theories that he speaks to through
his blogs. He has many youtube video’s of interviews he has conducted with
innovative social scientists, historians and philosophers from universities
throughout the U.S. He has a link to a google page, twitter, Facebook. His aim
doesn’t seem to be in offering any type of profitable gain, but to merely inform,
educate and provoke thought in a topic that is his passion.
Human Resource Frame
Blog:How to Eliminate Useless Conflicts (How to Start a Fight without
Really Trying)

Prevailing Theme: Psychology, sociology

Dominant Frame Features: Empowering human need in structures through

psychosocial stories and examples.

Central Concepts: Needs, skills, relationships, roles, environment, align

organizational and human needs.

Summary: The author’s objective is to impart self-regulation skills that might help
anyone at any level in organizations be happier in their daily interactions and
work life. His blogs are all geared towards understanding human interactions
through real life examples.

Context: Edward Muzio is the CEO of Group Harmonics. His formal training is in
Engineering and he has worked at various corporations interestingly in human
resource positions.He has written a couple of books with the aim of targeting both
leaders and employees in conflict resolution in the work place. Some of his works
include titles such as “Make Work Great” and “Four Secrets to Liking Your Work”.
He boasts credentials as being featured in Fortune 500, a guest columnist in works
such as the New York Post, Spirit Magazine, Austin America (corporate/business) as
well as television interviews on national media stations.

Thoughts: I came across the author’s blog in Forbes online magazine as a result of
research for articles on human dynamics in organizations. His article “caught my
eye as” it appealed to my interest in human interactions, as well as love of the
“arts” and cultural perspective. His witty, “real life” personal narrative (that we
can all relate to) and “fair of dramatics”, captivated me and compelled me to
continue reading in hopes to learn the “moral” of the tale. It wasn’t until I
finished reading that I realized he had skillfully used perceptive and engaging
interpersonal skills to slip in counselling techniques on how to handle conflict.
Upon further investigation, through links that led me to his consulting company, I
became aware that he was capitalizing on his interpersonal skills of public
speaking and background in human resources. His educational background in
engineering, subsequent employment in those fields as a leadership in human
resource departments, afforded him knowledge of corporate infrastructure while
“honing” his abilities. Interestingly, he has no formal training in psychology,
education nor has worked in the capacity as an engineer in his career. He has
definitely found his niche through capitalizing on his astute perceptions on human
dynamics, and interpersonal skills in writing, consulting and guest appearances.
Political Frame

Blog: How to frame it “American” Now: Summer 2018

Prevailing Theme: Political “Call to Action”.

Dominant Frame Features: Political and Symbolic

Central concepts: Strategy, goals, technology, skills, relationships, power, politics,

culture, metaphoric, empowerment, advocacy and political savvy inspiration,
develop agenda and power base, beliefs.

Summary: The author’s main purpose is to convince the reader to take action
through framing political messages.The author uses many literary and visual
devices that make a connection to the larger prevailing theme and name of to the
website. The message appeals to progressive democracy ideologies on freedom,
economics, prosperity, and global economy.

Context: Dr. Susan Strong who is the founder and executive director and the
author of all of the blogs obtained a PhD. in Comparative Literature and taught as
a guest lecturer at U.C Berkley. Her areas of specialty include: American studies,
American political rhetoric, social change activist, non-profit strategists.The
organization is a non-profit, called the Metaphor Project and is made up of board
members with similar social activist backgrounds.The site includes a subscription
category, advertisement for Dr. Strong’s book and in which to donate for “sliding
scale donations for coaching or slide show presentations for interested patrons.

Thoughts: The author’s aim seems to be raise awareness and to help like minded
interested people through a non-profit organization on how-to blogs, and her
political awareness book. However, through skillful marketing techniques such as
framing her donation option as a way for people to donate on a “sliding scale”
basis for her to speak to their group functions, links to buy her book, Youtube
video’s of her meetings with social groups, she is clearly capitalizing on her skills
and passion. Her educational background in literature and writing is evident
through her carefully constructed use of literary devices and strong symbolic
visuals throughout her web page and blogs as is her political activism interest. Her
experience as an academic and guest lecturer has also afforded her with the
ability to be knowledgeable and confident in public speaking.
Symbolic Frame
Blog: “Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Last Year”

Prevailing Theme: Symbolic, Human, Political, Structure

Dominant Frame Features:“Inspiration through adversity”

Central Concepts: Hero, culture, belief, peace,meaning, metaphor, ceremony,

stories faith, beauty, meaning, relationships, empowerment, aligning
organizational and human needs, agenda and power base, conflict, competing,
politics sociology, roles, strategies, goals, policies, attune structure to task.

Summary: The author’s main purpose is to educate, inspire and foster cultural
awareness through an iconic historical figure. He is also drawing attention to the
organization’s larger mission, advocating for nation parks in U.S.A.

Context: Allan Spears is Director of Cultural Resources in the Government Affairs

Department of the U.S.A. My understanding is that his job entails working with
associations and other groups in concert to advocate and campaign for causes that
comprise history and culture in the United States. As part of his work with the
National Parks Conservation Association is that he bring attention to preservation
of culture (in this case parks) through his knowledge of history and culture,
inspirational writing, and keen public relation skills.

Thoughts: Spears article was an inspiring, poetically written narrative that is

meant to evoke passion, promote pride and determination to preserve all that
embodies America. Through the convictions and adversity that Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. stood for he seems to be calling on the nation to take action. He has
written many other persuasive works on historical moments for various
celebrations and ceremonies the association highlights in their work to bring
awareness and care for the environment and cultural heritage for future
generations. It is also noteworthy that his educational background attending
Brown’s University which has been instrumental in educating and producing many
influential academics who have drawn attention to the plight of equality and rights
that is part of American historical culture.

Summary of the Blogosphere:

Through taking the structural theme approach to reframe my thinking in
questioning purpose in Blogs I have a clearer vision of their purpose and intent
and how they are powerful tools to propel individuals, leaders, and organizational
goals or missions.

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