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Modeling Volcanic Processes

The Physics and Mathematics of Volcanism

Understanding the physical behavior of volcanoes other volcanic planets of the Solar System. In addi-
is key to mitigating the hazards active volcanoes tion to frequent visits to the volcanoes of Hawaii,
pose to the ever-increasing populations living her research includes studying lahar emplacement
nearby. The processes involved in volcanic erup- in New Zealand, investigating explosive lava–water
tions, from magma generation at depth to erup- interactions in Iceland and on Mars, and decipher-
tion and emplacement of deposits at the surface, ing the signatures of cryovolcanism on the icy
are driven by a series of interlinked physical phe- moons of the outer Solar System. She has shared
nomena. To fully understand volcanic behavior, her enthusiasm for planetary volcanism through
volcanologists must employ a range of physics TV documentaries and public lectures.
subdisciplines, including thermodynamics, fluid
dynamics, solid mechanics, ballistics, and wave t r a c y k . p . g r e g g is an Associate Professor
theory. of Geology and a member of the Volcanology
This book provides the first advanced-level, Research Group at the University at Buÿalo. She
one-stop resource that examines the physics of has studied volcanoes around the world, including
volcanic behavior and reviews the state of the Iceland, Hawaii, and the bottom of the ocean€– the
art in modeling volcanic processes. Each chapter latter using the HOV Alvin. Her area of expertise
begins by explaining simple modeling formula- is the study of lava flow emplacement around the
tions, to provide students with the necessary phys- Solar System, particularly on Mars, but she enjoys
ics and mathematics, and progresses to present studying lava flows of any composition, in any tec-
cutting-edge research illustrated by case studies. tonic setting, on any planet. She is the co-editor of
Individual chapters cover subsurface magmatic two other volcanology books that focus on volca-
processes through to eruption in various environ- nic behaviors in the range of environments found
ments, and conclude with the application of mod- in our Solar System.
eling to understanding the other volcanic planets
of our Solar System. r o s a l y m . c . l o p e s is a Senior Research Scientist at
Providing an accessible and practical text for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory where she heads
graduate students of physical volcanology, this the Geophysics and Planetary Geosciences Group.
book is also an important resource for researchers An expert on volcanism and cryovolcanism in the
and professionals working in the fields of volca- Solar System, she is the author of five other books,
nology, geophysics, geochemistry, petrology, and including The Volcano Adventure Guide (Cambridge
natural hazards. University Press). She is a Fellow of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science and
s a r a h a . f a g e n t s is an Associate Researcher in has received numerous other honors, including
the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology the Carl Sagan Medal from the American Astro-
at the University of Hawaii. She specializes in volca- nomical Society. She is a frequent contributor to
nic fluid dynamics, combining numerical modeling TV documentaries and lectures widely on volca-
with field and remote sensing studies on Earth and noes and space exploration.

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Modeling Volcanic Processes
The Physics and Mathematics of
Edited by

Sarah A. Fagents
University of Hawaii

Tracy K. P. Gregg
University at Buffalo

Rosaly M. C. Lopes
Jet Propulsion Laboratory

9780521895439pre_pi-x.indd 3 8/2/2012 12:27:14 PM

c a mbr idge u ni v ersi t y pr ess
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town,
Singapore, São Paulo, Delhi, Mexico City

Cambridge University Press

The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK

Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York
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© Cambridge University Press 2012

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First published 2012

Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge

A catalog record for this publication is available from the British Library

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication data

Modeling volcanic processesâ•›:â•›t he physics and mathematics of volcanismâ•›/
edited by Sarah A. Fagents, Tracy K.P. Gregg, Rosaly M.C. Lopes.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-521-89543-9
1.╇ Volcanism – Mathematical models.â•… I.╇ Fagents, Sarah A., editor of
compilation.╅ II.╇ Gregg, Tracy K. P., editor of compilation.╅ III.╇ Lopes,
Rosaly M. C., 1957 – editor of compilation.
QE522.M637â•… 2012
551.2101′51–dc23â•…â•…â•… 2012018835

ISBN 978-0-521-89543-9 Hardback

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9780521895439pre_pi-x.indd 4 8/2/2012 12:27:14 PM

To Ron Greeley (1939–2011)

Just as we were putting the finishing touches on the field with him, from scrambling up impos-
this book, we learnt of the unexpected passing sibly loose cinder cones in the high desert of
of Professor Ronald Greeley, Regents’ Professor Arizona, to some eventful wilderness camping
in the School of Earth and Space Exploration at in the Pinacate Volcanic Field in Sonora, Mexico.
Arizona State University. Ron was a friend and Here his playful side would come to the fore,
mentor to all three of us editors and a pioneer and we would all learn as much as we had fun.
in the study of planetary geology and volcan- Tracy met Ron at the insistence of Dr.
ology. He was involved in lunar and planetary Peter Schultz, who was Tracy’s undergradu-
exploration since 1967 and contributed signifi- ate research advisor at Brown University. Pete
cantly to our understanding of the geology of asserted that Ron’s experience and knowledge
the Moon, Mars, Europa, and several other Solar in planetary volcanism was a perfect match for
System bodies. He participated in nearly every Tracy’s graduate school interests. Ron welcomed
major space mission flown in the Solar System Tracy into his research group at Arizona State
since the Apollo Moon landing. Above all, Ron University when she arrived to begin her gradu-
was a superb teacher and mentor who touched ate program in 1990. Although Tracy ultimately
many lives and enabled many careers in planet- received her PhD under the advisement of Dr.
ary science. His reach was extensive and it is not Jon Fink, Ron coached her through the writ-
surprising that all three of us learnt much from ing and publication of her first peer-reviewed
him, although we came from different scientific journal article, and she still uses the lessons he
backgrounds and even different countries. taught her about scientific writing today: Ron’s
Ron hired Sarah as a post-doc in 1996, shortly words and phrases literally flow through her fin-
after she had moved to the United States from gers onto the pages of this very book. After Tracy
the United Kingdom. He provided unparalleled became a professor at the University at Buffalo,
mentorship as she bridged the chasm between she found herself turning to Ron frequently for
wide-eyed graduate student and fully fledged professional and diplomatic advice in navigat-
independent research scientist. Ron challenged ing the waters of proposals, papers, and grants.
all his students and post-docs to really stretch His experience was invaluable and will be sorely
themselves. His in-at-the-deep end approach missed.
introduced Sarah to whole new research areas, Rosaly first met Ron while she was start-
from lava–ice interactions in Iceland and on ing her graduate studies at University College
Mars, to the icy satellites of Jupiter. His gener- London. Her advisor, John Guest, was a close
osity with research, fieldwork, and travel oppor- friend of Ron’s and the two of them did field
tunities allowed her to engage with research work together on several volcanoes around the
scientists around the globe, and to gain those world. Rosaly joined Ron and John in Hawaii in
vital first footholds en route to becoming estab- 1981 to help them with field work on Kilauea.
lished in the scientific community. She attributes Coming from a physics and astronomy back-
her subsequent research successes to Ron’s ground, she had much to learn about geology
exquisite, though sometimes painful, tutelage field work and benefited not only from Ron’s
in the fine art of proposal-writing. Perhaps the expertise but also his patience and true gift for
fondest memories she has of Ron are of being in teaching. She had been warned about Ron and

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John’s love for playing pranks on unsuspecting as true. Rosaly went on to a career at NASA’s
students, such as the story of the dreaded, poi- Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where she interacted
sonous Hawaiian ahu, a snake that liked to cam- with Ron often, working with him on the Galileo
ouflage itself in the ropy texture of pahoehoe mission to Jupiter and on proposals for a mis-
lava, its bite deadly. Ron and John’s pranks were sion to Io and a camera for the Europa Jupiter
clever and easy for us young students to fall System Mission.
for, but the lesson they imparted was that not We are grateful to Ron for the way he touched
everything professors say should be believed. In our lives and know that his legacy will live on.
their jovial way, they thought us to think crit- Sadly John Guest passed away while this
ically before accepting any of their teachings book was in press.

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List of contributors page ix

Chapter 1╇ ╇ Introduction 1

Sarah A. Fagents, Tracy K. P. Gregg, and
Rosaly M. C. Lopes

Chapter 2╇ ╇Magma chamber dynamics and

thermodynamics 5
Josef Dufek, Christian Huber, and Leif Karlstrom

Chapter 3╇ ╇ The dynamics of dike propagation 32

Steve Tait and Benoit Taisne

Chapter 4╇ ╇Dynamics of magma ascent in

the volcanic conduit 55
Helge M. Gonnerman and Michael Manga

Chapter 5╇ ╇ Lava flows 85

Andrew J. L. Harris

Chapter 6╇ ╇Unsteady explosive activity:

strombolian eruptions 107
Mike R. James, Steve J. Lane, and
Bruce F. Houghton

Chapter 7╇ ╇Unsteady explosive activity:

vulcanian eruptions 129
Amanda B. Clarke

Chapter 8╇ ╇Sustained explosive activity: volcanic

eruption columns and hawaiian fountains 153
Andrew W. Woods

Chapter 9╇ ╇Modeling tephra sedimentation from

volcanic plumes 173
Costanza Bonadonna and Antonio Costa

Chapter 10╇ ╇ Pyroclastic density currents 203

Olivier Roche, Jeremy C. Phillips, and
Karim Kelfoun

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Chapter 11╇ ╇ Magma–water interactions 230

Ken Wohletz, Bernd Zimanowski, and
Ralf Büttner

Chapter 12╇ ╇ Deep-sea eruptions 258

Tracy K. P. Gregg

Chapter 13╇ ╇Volcano–ice interactions 275

Lionel Wilson, John L. Smellie and
James W. Head

Chapter 14╇ ╇ Modeling lahar behavior and hazards 300

Vernon Manville, Jon J. Major, and
Sarah A. Fagents

Chapter 15╇ ╇Introduction to quantitative volcano

seismology: fluid-driven sources 331
Bernard Chouet

Chapter 16╇ ╇Volcano acoustics 359

Milton A. Garcés, David Fee, and
Robin Matoza

Chapter 17╇ ╇ Planetary volcanism 384

Rosaly M. C. Lopes, Sarah A. Fagents,
Karl L. Mitchell, and Tracy K. P. Gregg

Index 414
Color Plates to be found between pages x and y.

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Costanza Bonadonna, Section des Sciences University of Hawaii, 73–4460 Queen KaahuÂ�
de la Terre et de l’Environnement, Université manu Hwy., #119, Kailua-Kona, HI 96740; (808)
de Genève, 13 rue des Maraîchers, CH-1205 327 6206, fax: (808) 327 6207.
Genève, Switzerland; +41 22 379 3055; fax +41
22 379 3210. Helge M. Gonnermann, Department of Earth
Science, Rice University, MS 126, 6100 Main
Ralf Büttner, Physikalisch Vulkanologisches Street, Houston, Texas, 77005; (713) 348 6263,
Labor, Universität Würzburg, Pleicherwall 1, fax (713) 348 5214.
Würzburg, D-97070, Germany; +49 (0)931 318
2387. Tracy K. P. Gregg, Department of Geology, 411
Cooke Hall, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
Bernard Chouet, United States Geological 14260; (716) 645 4328, fax (716) 645 3999.
Survey, Volcano Science Center, 345 Middlefield
Road, MS 910, Menlo Park, CA 94025; (650) 329 Andrew J. L. Harris, Laboratoire Magmas et
4796, fax (650) 329 5203. Volcans, Université Blaise Pascal, 5 rue Kessler,
63038 Clermont-Ferrand, France; +33 (0)4 73 34
Antonio Costa, Osservatorio Vesuviano, INGV, 67 37, fax +33 (0)4 73 34 67 44.
Napoli, Italy, and Environmental Systems
Science Centre, University of Reading, Reading James W. Head, Department of Geological
RG6 6AL, UK. +44 (0)118 378 8741, fax +44 (0)118 Sciences, Brown University, 324 Brook St.,
378 6413. Providence, RI 02912; (401) 863 2526, fax (401)
Amanda B. Clarke, School of Earth and Space
Exploration, Arizona State University, Box Bruce F. Houghton, Department of Geology
871404, Tempe, AZ 85287; (480) 965–6590, fax and Geophysics, University of Hawaii at Manoa,
(480) 965–8102. 1680 East-West Road, Honolulu, HI 96822; (808)
956 2561, fax (808) 956 5512.
Josef Dufek, School of Earth and Atmospheric
Science, Georgia Institute of Technology, 311 Christian Huber, School of Earth and
Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332. Atmospheric Science, Georgia Institute of
Technology, 311 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332;
Sarah A. Fagents, Hawaii Institute of Geo� (404) 385 1509, fax (404) 894 5638.
physics and Planetology, University of Hawaii
at Manoa, 1680 East-West Road, Honolulu, HI Mike James, Lancaster Environment Center,
96822; (808) 956 3163, fax (808) 956 6322. Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YQ, UK;
+44 (0)1524 593571, fax +44 (0)1524 593985.
David Fee, Wilson Infrasound Observatories,
Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Leif Karlstrom, Department of Earth and
Fairbanks, 903 Koyukuk Drive, Fairbanks, Planetary Science, 307 McCone Hall, University
AK 99775–7320; (907) 474 7564, fax (907) 474 of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720; (510)
7290. 642–3993, fax (510) 643–9980.

Milton A. Garcés, Infrasound Laboratory, Karim Kelfoun, Laboratoire Magmas et

Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, Volcans, Université Blaise Pascal€– CNRS€– IRD,

9780521895439pre_pi-x.indd 9 8/2/2012 12:27:14 PM


5 rue Kessler, 63038 Clermont-Ferrand, France; Olivier Roche, Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans,
+33 (0)4 73 34 67 41, fax +33 (0)4 73 34 67 44. Université Blaise Pascal, CNRS, IRD, 5 rue Kessler,
63038 Clermont-Ferrand, France; +33 (0)4 73 34
Steve J. Lane, Lancaster Environment Center, 67 68, fax +33 (0)4 73 34 67 44.
Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YQ, UK;
+44 (0)1524 593437, fax +44 (0)1524 593985. John L. Smellie *, British Antarctic Survey, High
Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET, UK.
Rosaly M. C. Lopes, Earth and Space Sciences *Now at: Department of Geology, University of
Division, Mail Stop 183–601, Jet Propulsion Leicester, University Road, Leicester LE1 7RH,
Laboratory, Pasadena, CA 91109; (818) 393 4584, UK; +44 (0)116 252 3933, fax +44 (0)116 252
fax (818) 393 3218. 3918.

Michael Manga, Department of Earth and Benoit Taisne, Institut de Physique du Globe
Planetary Science, UC Berkeley, 307 McCone de Paris, 1 rue Jussieu, 75238 Paris Cedex 05,
Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720; (510) 643–8532, fax France; +33 (0)1 83 95 75 79, fax +33 (0)1 83 95
(510) 643–9980. 77 02.

Jon J. Major, US Geological Survey, 1300 SE Steve Tait, Institute de Physique du Globe
Cardinal Court, Bldg 10, Suite 100, Vancouver, de Paris, 1 rue Jussieu, 75238 Paris Cedex 05,
WA 98683; (360) 993 8927 fax: (360) 993 8980. France; +33 (0)1 83 95 74 25; fax +33 (0)1 83 95
77 02.
Vernon Manville, School of Earth and
Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 Lionel Wilson, Lancaster Environment Center,
9JT, UK; +44 (0)113 3431307, fax +44 (0)113 343 Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YQ, UK;
5259. +44 1524 593889, fax +44 1524 510217.

Robin Matoza, Institute of Geophysics and Ken Wohletz, Geophysics Group, EES-17,
Planetary Physics, Scripps Institution of MS F665, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los
Oceanography, La Jolla, California, USA. Alamos, NM 87545; (505) 667–9202, fax (505)
Karl L. Mitchell, Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
California Institute of Technology, Mail Stop Andrew W. Woods, BP Institute, University
183–601, 4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, CA of Cambridge, Bullard Laboratories, Madingley
91109–8099, USA; (818) 393–5519. Rise, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0EZ.

Jeremy C. Philips, School of Earth Sciences, Bernd Zimanowski, Physikalisch Vulkanol�

University of Bristol, Wills Memorial Building, ogisches Labor, Universität Würzburg,
Queens Road, Bristol, Bristol BS8 1RJ, UK; +44 Pleicherwall 1, Würzburg, D-97070, Germany;
(0)117 954 5241, fax +44 (0)117 925 3385. +49 (0)931 318 2379.

9780521895439pre_pi-x.indd 10 8/2/2012 12:27:14 PM

Chapter 1

Sarah A. Fagents, Tracy K. P. Gregg and Rosaly M. C. Lopes

Scope of this book vast improvements in computational capabil-

ities. Synergies with the similarly rapidly evolv-
The processes involved in volcanic eruptions, ing knowledge of geochemical processes also
from magma generation at depth to erup- greatly enhance the physical understanding of
tion and emplacement of deposits at the sur- volcanoes. However, in developing courses for
face, comprise a suite of interlinked physical advanced undergraduates and graduate stu-
phenomena. In seeking to understand vol- dents, we were struck by the lack of an up-to-
canic behavior, volcanologists call on a diver- date single-source book from which we could
sity of physics subdisciplines, including fluid draw for instructional purposes. While several
dynamics, thermodynamics, solid mechanics, existing notable books cover the physics of spe-
ballistics, and acoustics, to name just a few. cific aspects of volcanic behavior in detail (e.g.,
Understanding the physical behavior of volca- Sparks et al., 1997; Gilbert and Sparks, 1998;
noes is critical to assessing the hazards posed to Freundt and Rosi, 2001), an advanced, quanti-
the ever-increasing populations living in close tative text covering a wide range of volcanic
proximity to active volcanoes, and thus to miti- phenomena is currently lacking in the instruct-
gating the risks posed by those hazards. or’s armory. Furthermore, with the rapid devel-
The motivation for producing this book opments in the field, the existing books have
arises in part from the editors’ experiences become outdated. We view this book as the
as educators, as well as our interests in keep- natural next step for students pursuing vol-
ing current with developments in volcanologic canology beyond introductory level, for which
subdisciplines outside our own. Modeling vol- there are several excellent texts (e.g., Cas and
canic processes, and the resulting improve- Wright, 1988; Francis and Oppenheimer, 2003;
ments in our understanding of how volcanoes Schmincke, 2004; Parfitt and Wilson, 2008), as
work, has advanced in leaps and bounds over well as an update on recent developments in
the past decade or two. This is a result of both the field.
a maturation of our field- and laboratory-based In parallel with the educational aims of this
understanding of volcanic processes, as well as book, we sought to develop a resource that the

Modeling Volcanic Processes: The Physics and Mathematics of Volcanism, eds. Sarah A. Fagents, Tracy K. P. Gregg, and Rosaly M. C.
Lopes. Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2012.

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2 S A R A H A . FAG E N T S , T R AC Y K . P. G R E G G A N D RO S A LY M . C . LO P E S

research or professional volcanologist could eruption, and deposition at the surface, fol-
draw on in seeking up-to-date information on lowed by post-deposition modification. We thus
modeling approaches to volcanic phenomena or cover the thermal and dynamic processes tak-
a point of access to a new volcanologic subdis- ing place in accumulations of magma at depth
cipline. While the book therefore has elements in the crust (Chapter 2), before considering
aimed at students, it does not have the trad- the ways in which magma ascends to the sur-
itional textbook style and is rich in references, face (Chapters 3 and 4). Processes taking place
both historic and contemporary. within the conduit, such as the evolution of
The increasing populations living near active magma rheology and the behavior of magmatic
volcanoes imply rising volcanic risk worldwide. (or external) volatiles, determine the subaerial
Therefore, the role of the well-prepared vol- manifestation of the eruption; whether as an
canologist, and the early training thereof, is effusion of lava (Chapter 5), or explosive mani-
becoming increasingly important. Thus this festation such as the unsteady, transient proc-
book is conceived to bridge the gap in the litera- esses of strombolian (Chapter 6) and vulcanian
ture by offering quantitative treatments of vol- explosions (Chapter 7), or the sustained explo-
canic processes, from the subsurface through sive columns of sub-plinian or plinian erup-
deposition and post-eruptive modification, at tions, and lava fountains of hawaiian activity
a level designed for students, their professors, (Chapter 8). Chapter 9 considers the fallout of
and professional volcanologists alike to come tephra ejected in sustained explosive eruptions,
efficiently up to speed on the state of the art in while Chapter 10 considers the emplacement
understanding the physics and mathematics of of material as pyroclastic density currents. The
volcanism. interaction of magma with its environment can
produce a diverse range of eruption styles. For
example surface or near-surface water interact-
Content ing with erupting magma has the potential to
produce violently explosive activity with dis-
This book treats a wide variety of volcanic proc- tinctive eruptive products (Chapter 11), while
esses, from the dynamics of magma accumula- deep-sea eruptions produce a variety of effusive
tion deep beneath the Earth’s surface through and weakly explosive activity that dominates
ascent, eruption, and deposition of volcanic Earth’s volcanic record on a volumetric basis
products. In compiling this volume, we sought (Chapter 12). The interaction of magma with ice
out experts in each subdiscipline of quantita- is considered in Chapter 13, while Chapter 14
tive physical volcanology in order to ensure addresses the syn- or post-eruptive phenomena
that each subject area was treated comprehen- of lahars. Volcano monitoring techniques (i.e.,
sively. Thus, each of the chapters that follow seismology and infrasound) exploit the physics
is devoted to a specific volcanic process and of volcanic processes to elucidate a broad spec-
authored by specialists in that subject matter. trum of volcanic behavior (Chapters 15 and 16).
Each chapter is designed to take the reader from Looking outward from planet Earth, we also
the basic physics through to the state of the art consider how models of terrestrial volcanism
in understanding the volcanic process through can be adapted to help us understand the vol-
modeling, illustrated with field examples. Most canism of other planets (Chapter 17).
chapters include a set of exercises at the end, While we followed this logical order, there
designed to consolidate the reader’s under- are many commonalities among chapters.
standing of the subject matter. For example, the intricacies of and feedbacks
The order of the book chapters logically among volatile exsolution, magma rheologic
follows the sequence of volcanic processes behavior, crystal growth, and multiphase flow
observed in nature: we begin with what hap- are critical to eruptive behavior, and so these
pens at great depths beneath the Earth’s sur- themes are addressed in several chapters. In
face and track the magma through ascent, addition, the dynamics of granular flow are

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I N T RO D U C T I O N 3

common to quantitative treatments of both quantitative understanding remains elusive.

pyroclastic density currents and lahars, even Another common issue is that users need to
though the fluid phase differs. And the physics consider the purposes of modeling a particu-
of volcano seismology and volcano infrasound lar process, whether it is to expose the funda-
share common roots. Chapters dealing primar- mental physical behavior of the phenomenon
ily with fluid flow discuss the governing con- in question, to provide rapid hazard assessment
servation equations (mass, momentum, and during volcanic crises (such as aviation safety
energy) in their various formulations (such as during explosive eruptions), or a longer-term
the Navier–Stokes equations or St. Venant equa- understanding of the behavior of a particu-
tions). The use of certain dimensionless num- lar volcano. All of these approaches are key to
bers to describe key properties or behaviors of advancing our understanding of volcanic proc-
physical systems also appears in most chapters. esses, but no single model fits all needs. The
Many chapters distinguish between one-, two-, authors have addressed many of these issues in
and three-dimensional modeling approaches, as the final sections of each chapter, identifying
well as criteria for treating steady vs. unsteady the outstanding questions in each subdiscpline
flow. Where appropriate, therefore, extensive and making recommendations for the most
use has been made of cross-referencing among fruitful paths of future research.
the chapters to assist the reader in consolidat- A particular challenge with this book was
ing their understanding of the processes in to incorporate sufficient detail and referencing
question. Extensive treatment of computational to cover the range of phenomena in question,
methods of solution of governing equations from basic formulations through to the state of
is left to works referenced in each chapter, the art, with sufficient explanation, illustration,
or to any of the existing texts on numerical and applications of the methods used, all within
methods. the limitations of the printed volume. Realizing
Robust scientific investigations always raise that this was an impossible task, we developed
more questions than they answer, and clearly a website to accompany the book (
identifying and articulating those nascent There the reader will find
questions is essential to improving our under- a variety of resources and additional materials
standing of volcanic processes and the haz- relevant to each chapter, including images and
ards they represent. As authors for this book video of volcanic phenomena and laboratory
reveal, physical volcanology is a complex and simulations, links to additional sites of interest,
multi-faceted field of study that requires an additional exercises, answers to exercises, data
integrated, multi-disciplinary approach to bet- tables, and extensive additional reading bibliog-
ter understand how volcanoes work. In reading raphies. We hope that this makes the treatment
each chapter in this book, the reader is encour- of modeling volcanic processes far more com-
aged to consider the big question: what is the prehensive than could be achieved in a single
next step? Whereas each subdiscipline has spe- printed volume.
cific questions that remain to be answered,
there are significant commonalities among
the issues raised. For example, although com- Acknowledgments
putational power has vastly increased in recent
years, thereby allowing very sophisticated A great many people contributed their time
numerical models to be developed and run to and expertise to this project. As well as the
high degrees of precision, there remains a great authors, to whom we are deeply indebted for
need for detailed field and laboratory data to aid their generosity in sharing their expertise,
in the development of theoretical treatments, each chapter was reviewed by at least two
or to serve as constraints or validation for the expert reviewers; thus a small army of volcan-
models. The variety and complex, multi-phase ologists was recruited to help craft the book
nature of volcanic fluids mean that a thorough, contents into publishable form. We are deeply

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4 S A R A H A . FAG E N T S , T R AC Y K . P. G R E G G A N D RO S A LY M . C . LO P E S

grateful to the following for their time and wis- References

dom in enhancing the value of this book: Steve
Baloga, Jackie Caplan-Auerbach, Bill Chadwick, Cas, R. A. F. and Wright, J. V. (1988). Volcanic Successions.
Chuck Connor, Tim Davies, Pierfrancesco London: Unwin Hyman.
Dellino, Arnau Folch, Bruce Houghton, Gert Francis, P. W. and Oppenheimer, C. (2004). Volcanoes.
Lube, Emaneule Marchetti, Larry Mastin, Brian Oxford University Press.
McArdell, Meghan Morrissey, Harry Pinkerton, Freundt, A. and Rosi, M. (2001). From Magma to
Maurizio Ripepe, Elise Rumpf, Shan da Silva, Tephra: Modeling Physical Processes of Explosive
Adam Soule, Hugh Tuffen, David A. Williams, Eruptions. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Lionel Wilson, James White, and two anonym- Gilbert, J. S. and Sparks, R. S. J. (1998). The Physics of
ous reviewers. Explosive Eruptions, Geological Society of London
Special Publication 145, London.
Finally, we acknowledge the enthusiastic
Parfitt, E. A. and Wilson, L. (2008). Fundamentals of
support and infinite patience of Susan Francis
Physical Volcanology, Wiley-Blackwell.
and Laura Clark at Cambridge University Press,
Schmincke, H.-U. (2004). Volcanism. Berlin:
who maintained a steady pressure while we Springer-Verlag.
endeavored to make this the book that we Sparks, R. S. J., Bursik, M. I., Carey, S. N. et al. (1997).
envisioned. Volcanic Plumes. Chichester: Wiley.

9780521895439c01_p1-4.indd 4 8/2/2012 7:53:54 AM

Chapter 2

Magma chamber dynamics and

Josef Dufek, Christian Huber and Leif Karlstrom

Overview 2.1╇ ╇ Introduction

Magma chambers are continuous bodies of The compositional diversity of melts that reach
magma in the crust where magma accumulates the surface of the Earth, and diversity in erup-
and differentiates. Both geophysical and geo- tive style, are largely determined through
chemical techniques have illuminated many processing of these melts as they ascend and
aspects of magma chambers since they were first sometimes stall in the crust. Most eruptive
proposed. In this chapter, we review these obser- products and intrusive suites have been modi-
vations in the context of heat and mass transfer fied substantially from their progenitor mantle
theory. This chapter reviews heat transfer calcu- magmas, either through preferential removal
lations from magma chamber to the surround- of crystal phases during fractionation, assimila-
ing crust, and also considers the coupled stress tion of crustal melts, or a combination of these
fields that are generated and modified by the processes (Daly, 1914; Anderson, 1976; Wyllie,
presence of magmatic systems. The fluid dynam- 1977; Hildreth and Moorbath, 1988; DePaolo
ics of magma chambers has received consider- et al., 1992; Feeley et al., 2002). Much of the evo-
able attention over the last several decades and lution of these magmas likely occurs where they
here we review the ramifications of convection spend the most time: where magma has either
in magma chambers. Multiphase flow (melt + permanently or temporarily stalled in magma
crystals + bubbles) plays a particularly important chambers. This accumulation is fundamental
role in the evolution of magma chambers. The to the genesis of large eruptions, as the back-
large density differences between melt and dis- ground flux from the mantle cannot explain the
crete phases such as bubbles and crystals, and the voluminous outbursts of magma at the surface
resulting flow fields generated by buoyancy are of the Earth. Magma chamber dynamics largely
shown to be an efficient mechanism to generate control the compositional evolution of these
�mixing in chamber systems. Finally we discuss magmas, and ultimately a better understand-
integrative approaches between �geophysics and ing of magma chambers may provide clues to
geochemistry and future directions of research. the triggering of eruptions. In this chapter we

Modeling Volcanic Processes: The Physics and Mathematics of Volcanism, eds. Sarah A. Fagents, Tracy K. P. Gregg, and Rosaly M. C.
Lopes. Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2012.

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6 J O S E F D U F E K , C H R I S T I A N H U B E R , A N D L E I F K A R L S T RO M

consider the conditions for the formation and in the eruption and emplacement process. The
evolution of magma chambers from thermal, very fact that the magmas are eruptible, at rela-
solid stress, and fluid mechanics perspectives. tively low crystallinity, may suggest that this
Magma chambers are commonly envis- state is not necessarily representative of a large
aged as high melt fraction bodies (> 40% melt). portion of the magmatic history (Marsh, 1981).
However, thermal and dynamic arguments typ- While many difficulties exist in interpret-
ically favor these intrusive bodies existing at ing both the plutonic and volcanic record to
lower melt fractions for considerable propor- infer dynamics, geochemical tracers continue
tions of their histories (Marsh, 1981). Large, to be among the best sources of information
high melt fraction chambers have existed at about the dynamics of these systems (Wyllie,
least transiently in the crust, as evidenced by 1977; Marsh, 1989; Bachmann et al., 2007a).
voluminous ignimbrite sheets and correspond- Importantly, diffusion-based and radioactive
ing caldera collapse structures (Spera and Crisp, decay-based chronometers indicate that phen-
1981; Druitt and Francavigilia, 1992). However, ocrysts in magmatic systems can grow over a
buffering by latent heat release and diminishing range of timescales and can exhibit prolonged
thermal gradients during cooling of a magma histories at suprasolidus temperatures in the
intrusion implies longer periods of time at low crust, sometimes in excess of hundreds of ka
melt fraction. This chapter adopts the definition (Costa et al., 2003; Vazquez, 2004; Simon and
of a magma chamber as a spatially connected Reid, 2005; Reid, 2008). The decay of uranium
body of magma in a suprasolidus state, and series nuclides has also shown that different
uses this term generically regardless of whether crystal populations can have different residence
the chamber is composed mostly of melt or a times in magma chambers, can indicate mix-
crystal-rich mush. ing of complex populations from in-situ crystal-
Speculation on chamber processes dates lization and assimilation from older wall rock
to the recognition of some intrusive suites as (Cooper and Reid, 2003), and can indicate much
being of fluidal, magmatic origin (Hutton, 1788). shorter bursts of volatile exsolution and gas
Consideration of the dynamics of convection transport (Berlo et al., 2006).
in magma chambers dates back to at least the However, these measurements of magmatic
late nineteenth century (Grout, 1918). Modern, residence times do not give precise information
rock-record-based investigations of chamber about the spatial and temporal variability in
dynamics are largely based on two parallel melt fraction or the dynamics of these systems.
sources of data: the examination of exhumed Real-time geophysical observations, though
plutonic rocks and the examination of eruptive still sparse, are beginning to provide import-
products (Bachmann et al., 2007a). Both ana- ant snapshots of the crust and short-duration
lyses have been useful in delineating aspects magmatic system evolution. These investiga-
of chamber processes, although they provide tions are primarily conducted by observing how
very different types of data. The plutonic realm seismic waves interact with the crust and by
provides a time-integrated view of magmatic observing the deformation of the ground due
processes, but reflects different parts of the to the changes in magmatic systems (geodesy).
temporal record with unequal fidelity. Eruptive Gravity and changes in the conductivity have
products tend to provide closer to an instant- also proven to be useful tools to describe mag-
aneous snapshot of the compositional field of a matic systems in certain localities (Ajakaiye,
chamber at the time of the eruption. However, 1970; Manzella et al., 2000; Gudmundsson and
some time-integrative information still exists Hognadottir, 2007).
in the form of phenocrysts that crystallized Seismic tomographic inversion has identi-
and were advected with the magma (Wallace fied low-velocity regions beneath volcanic edi-
and Bergantz, 2005). Interpretation of the com- fices that may correspond to a combination of
positional field from eruptive products can be regions of partial melt and elevated tempera-
somewhat confounded by complex dynamics tures. Nevertheless, the elastic properties of

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rock, as shown by laboratory measurements, Modeling also helps us to understand these bod-
depend on several other variables such as tem- ies in the broader context of crustal evolution
perature, pressure, rock type, and the presence and volcano–pluton connections. Section 2.2
of hydrothermal fluids. The non-unique inter- discusses the thermal evolution of the crust in
pretations for spatial variation of seismic vel- magmatically active regions and its relationship
ocities makes it generally difficult to attribute to the evolution of chambers and geochem-
those effects solely to the presence of melt, and ical observations of chamber residence times.
requires good a priori knowledge of the geol- Section 2.3 examines the relationship between
ogy of the region to make accurate estimates magma chambers and crustal stress fields,
of melt fraction (Lees, 2007). Additionally, the and how this relates to geodetic observations.
problem of resolution due to both ray coverage Section 2.4 describes magma motion inside
and the large-scale filtering of fine structures by magma chambers, and the multiphase interac-
seismic wavelengths generally on the order of tions between melt and discrete phases (such as
a few hundred meters to kilometers introduces crystals and bubbles). Section 2.5 is devoted to
blurring of the geometry and size of the magma a discussion of future directions in the physical
body. examination of magma chambers.
The measurement of ground deformation in
volcanic areas provides another observational
indication of the presence of magma cham-
bers. Geodetic studies fit time-series of ground 2.2╇ ╇Heat transfer and magmatic
deformation to models, which are then used intrusions
to back out processes, stresses, and volumes of
intruded magma. Data are collected primarily The magmas that accumulate in crustal magma
by GPS units deployed on the edifice (Segall and chambers are either generated by mantle melt-
Davis, 1997), or by Interferometric Synthetic ing with subsequent crustal transport, or are a
Aperture Radar (InSAR) (Poland et al., 2006). result of crustal-level melting due to anomalous
Although sensitive to rheological variations, thermal conditions. While many crustal melts
including those induced by different melt frac- can be generated in proximity to intrusions that
tions, ground deformation is primarily used to have heated surrounding rocks (Bergantz, 1995),
indicate changes in volume of magma chambers or result from over-thickening of the crust in
due to either inflation or deflation of a cham- orogenic zones (Patiño Douce and Harris, 1998),
ber as a result of magmatic flux. Despite diffi- the advection of mass and heat from the mantle
culties in gathering and interpreting these data, ultimately drives crustal-level magmatism.
a growing database of geodetic observations and After accumulation, the long-term viability
increasing sophistication of inversion meth- of magma chambers in the crust is critically
ods provide unique insight into active magma dependent on the surrounding thermal envir-
chamber dynamics. onment, and the thermodynamic as well as
Diverse observations, from geochemically rheological properties of the melt and country
inferred residence times to remote imaging rock (Patiño Douce and Harris, 1998; Newman
methods, show that subsurface magmatic sys- et al., 2006a; Karlstrom et al., 2009). Relatively
tems are active on a variety of time and length cold country rock will drive large thermal gra-
scales. However, our lack of direct observation dients between the magma body and its mar-
of these systems has limited our ability to under- gins, limit the time a body of magma remains
stand how they evolve dynamically in time. melt-dominated, and also inhibit the partial
Therefore, mathematical, experimental, and melting and assimilation of wall rock material.
computational models are widely used to inte- Likewise, hydrothermal circulation transports
grate and explain some of the disparate obser- thermal energy away from the immediate vicin-
vations and provide a framework that can help ity of an intrusion, leading to enhanced solidi-
guide future observations of magma chambers. fication in the shallow crust. In contrast, all

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8 J O S E F D U F E K , C H R I S T I A N H U B E R , A N D L E I F K A R L S T RO M

or melting events (Rudnick et al., 1998; Blundy

and Wood, 2003). Because of this, it is com-
monly assumed that radiogenic heat-producing
elements can be described by an exponential
declining concentration relationship in the
crust (Chapman, 1986; Chapman and Furlong,
1992). Although an exponential decline in radio-
active nuclide concentration with depth is
almost certainly not correct in detail, this pro-
file does result in the linear decay of heat flow
in the crust that is observed in many locations
(Turcotte and Schubert, 1982).
Using the approach of Chapman and Furlong
(1992) two different steady-state geotherms
have been plotted in Figure 2.1 along with an
idealized, linearization of the solidus of amphi-
Figure 2.1╇╇ Steady-state geotherms and the solidus
bolites constructed from a number of petrologic
of amphibolites and basalts. Two geotherms are plotted
experiments (Rushmer, 1991; Wolf and Wyllie,
for surface heat flows of 68 mW m–2 and 41 mW m–2.
Amphibolite solidus is parameterized from the experiments 1994; Patiño Douce and Beard, 1995; Rapp and
of Rushmer (1991), Patiño Douce and Beard (1995), Wolf and Watson, 1995) and an anhydrous solidus curve
Wyllie (1994), Rapp (1995), and Rapp and Watson (1995), and for basaltic melt produced from the melting of
anhydrous basalt solidus is parameterized from anhydrous the primitive upper mantle (Green, 1973). The
experiments (Green, 1973). geotherms plotted assume 0.94â•—μWm–3 heat
source production due to radioactive nuclides
at the surface, and an exponential decrease in
else being equal, intrusions deeper in the crust magnitude with a characteristic length scale
have the potential for longer residence times of 15â•—km. Two geotherms are plotted, one
and greater potential for assimilation of the with a surface heat flux of 68 mWm–2, which is
crust, given that the solidus for many mineral approximately equal to average heat flow in the
assemblages will be close to steady-state geo- Cascade arc (Touloukian et al., 1981), and one
therms (Figure 2.1). Enthalpy excursions due to with a surface flux of 41 mWm–2, approximately
magmas emplaced from the mantle can more equal to average heat flow from continental
readily melt the lower crust than upper crust, crust (Rudnick et al., 1998).
although prolonged heating by successive intru- To gain a conceptual understanding of the
sions at all depths has important implications residence times of magma bodies emplaced at
for the stability of magma chambers, as well as different depths in the crust we consider a series
the dynamic evolution of the crust (Dufek and of two-dimensional “square” bodies of basaltic
Bergantz, 2005a; Karlstrom et al., 2009). magma, all of which have a length of 2 km. We
The background thermal condition of the first consider only conductive transfer of heat
crust in the absence of magmatic intrusions is from the magmatic system to the surrounding
largely determined by conductive transfer of country rock, but Section 2.4 revisits internal
heat from depth and heating due to the decay convection inside the chamber. However, we
of radiogenic nuclides, modulated by shallow note that the broad scale heat budget, especially
hydrothermal circulation. Most radiogenic in the country rock, is relatively insensitive to
nuclides (e.g., uranium, thorium, and potas- the convective chamber motion (although the
sium) are much more compatible in silicate compositional heterogeneity and internal melt
melts relative to solid phases and hence tend fraction will be very sensitive to convection).
to accumulate in the more silicic, upper crust The thermal co-evolution of the magma body
that has grown by either multiple fractionation and surrounding rock provides the boundary

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condition for the heat budget, and in this sense The generalized equation for enthalpy evolu-
is a fully coupled problem. In contrast, a speci- tion takes the form
fied, constant-temperature boundary condition
∂H T ∂ ∂  ∂T  
at the margin of a magma chamber would gen- + (u i H T ) = k , (2.4)
erate unphysical amounts of crustal melt. ∂t ∂x i ∂x i  ∂x i 
The thermal interface between the magma
and wall rock can be described as (Carrigan, where the enthalpy (HT) is composed of a sens-
1988): ible (heat that results in a temperature change)
and latent heat component:
k = h (Tb − TR ) . (2.1) 
∂z S
ensible Heat
   Latent Heat
T  (2.5)
H Τ = ρ∫ c ρ dT + ρ fL .
All notation is summarized in Section 2.7. Here
Tb is the temperature at the boundary, TR is the Here ρ is the magma density (kg m–3), cp is the
temperature of the thermally unperturbed wall magma specific heat capacity (J kg–1 K–1), L is the
rock some distance from the chamber, k is the latent heat (J kg–1), f is the melt fraction (volu-
thermal conductivity of the magma (W K–1 m–1), metric), and ui is the velocity vector. For the
and h a heat transfer coefficient (W K–1). This case of constant heat capacity and conductivity,
boundary condition relation can be made dimen- normalizing density by a reference density (ρ0),
sionless by introducing z* = z/δ, where δ is the characteristic length scale (δ), velocity (u0), and
thickness of the boundary layer inside the cham- temperature (T0), the heat conservation can be
ber where convective motion ceases, and by set- recast in dimensionless form to give:
ting T* = T/TR. This then results in the equation,  ∂T *
∂T *  1 ∂ 2T * R* 
ρ*  + u *i  = − . (2.6)
 ∂t * ∂x i  Pe ∂x i*
∂T * Ste
= Bi (T * −1). (2.2)
∂z * b
where R* is the dimensionless rate of production
The dimensionless term, the Biot number (Bi), of melt, given by:
gives the ratio of thermal resistance of a magma
chamber to the thermal resistance of the R * = ρ* . (2.7)
Â�surrounding rock: ∂t *

Bi = . (2.3) Two dimensionless parameters are introduced
k in this formulation, the Stefan number and the
Peclet number. The Stefan number (Ste) is a ratio
A summary of dimensionless numbers used of the sensible heat to the latent heat contribu-
commonly in magma dynamics is given in tions in the flow, given as
Online Supplement 2A (see end of chapter).
c pT0 
Most estimates of magma chamber conditions Ste = . (2.8)
indicate Bi ≪ 1 (Carrigan, 1988). Under these L
conditions heat transfer is limited by the ther-
mal resistance of the wall rock, even in the pres- The Peclet number (Pe) is defined as the ratio of
ence of hydrothermal circulation. Described as advective to diffusive heat transport:
the “thermos-bottle effect”, the amount of heat
c p ρ0 δ 
lost into the wall rock is limited by the more Pe = u0 . (2.9)
insulating wall rock. Accordingly, we focus first k
on conduction of heat into the wall rock and the
limitations this places on the thermal evolution In the case of heat transport in the solid crust,
of the magma chamber. the Peclet number is small and we can neglect

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Table 2.1╇ ╇ Summary of magma intrusion models, modified from Dufek and Bergantz (2005a).

Study Model type1 Intr. style2 Total intr.3 (km) Tinit (°C) Rock type4 Tmelt–Tsolid (°C) E (%)

9780521895439c02_p5-31.indd 10
Younker and 1D, cond., no single intrusion 2.0 500 basalt, L:1200, S:1100 32
Vogel, 1976 bottom heat loss biotite-granite L:1100, S:800
Wells, 1980 1D, cond., multiple 40.0 200 tonalit e L:1050, S:800 8
over-accretion intrusion
Huppert and 1D, param. single intrusion 0.5 500 basalt, L:1200, S:1091 44
Sparks, 1988 convection, no grano-diorite L:1000, S:850
bottom heat loss
Bergantz, 1989 1D, cond., no single intrusion 16.6 700 basalt, pelite L:1250, S: 980 38
bottom heat loss L:1200, S: 725
Bittner and 2D, convection single intrusion 5.0 756 basalt, granite L:1100, S: 950 NA
Schmeling, 1995 L:1050, S:760
Barboza and 2D, convection fixed T bottom NA 600 pelite L:1200, S:750 NA
Bergantz, 1996 boundary
Raia and Spera, 2D, convection fixed T bottom NA 1195 (CaAl2Si2O8 - L:1547, S:1277 NA
1997 boundary CaMgSi2O6)
Pedersen et al., 1D, cond., multiple 10.0 650 basalt, L:1250, S:1100 5
1988 over-accretion intrusion grano-diorite L:1000, S:710
Petford and 1D, cond., multiple 1.0 650 basalt. L:1250, S:1050 4
Gallagher, 2001 over-accretion intrusion amphibolite L:1075, S:1010
Annen and 1D, cond, multiple 8.0 variable, based basalt, L:1300, S:620 8
Sparks, 2002 over-accretion intrusion on depth (600) amphibolite L:1075, S:1010
Dufek and 2D, cond. and multiple variable (5.0) variable, based basalt, pressure dependent 0.5–10.4 (7.1)
Bergantz, convection, intrusion on depth (640) amphibolite L:1240, S:640
2005a stochastic L: 1100, S:850
╇ Dimension, heat conduction or convection.
╇ Intruding magma, physical configuration of intrusion (sill, etc.) or specified temperature boundary condition.
╇ Integrated melt volume/basal area, or for 1D models integrated melt height.
╇ Intruded magma listed first, then country-rock.
╇ Parentheses indicate specific example.

8/2/2012 7:51:51 AM

the advective term in Eq. (2.6). Furthermore, in

the absence of solidification or melting (e.g.,
phase changes) the latent heat term in Eq. (2.6)
equals zero.
The melt fraction, f, needs to be specified
as a function of temperature to solve Eq. (2.6).
The form of the f–T relationship depends on the
mineral phases that either melt or crystallize as
the melting or solidification reaction proceeds.
Ultimately, information to develop these crit-
ical relationships comes from experiments. Two
main approaches have been used to construct
these closure relationships: simplified param- Figure 2.2╇╇ Individual enmasse 2 × 2 km intrusions
eterizations of experiments for specific melting/ introduced into a crust with a surface heat flow of 68 mW
solidification relationships, or the development m-2 as described in Figure 2.1, at depths of 10, 20, and 30
of self-consistent thermodynamic models that km. The solid lines, labeled with the intrusion depth, show
the average melt fraction (by volume) relative to the initial
incorporate experimental results. This latter
intruded volume. These lines represent the cooling and
method provides more accurate interpolation
fractionating melt volumes through time. The dotted lines
and extrapolation of existing experiments represent the equivalent country rock melt volumes relative
for a more general composition and specified to the initial intrusion volume.
thermodynamic variables; the widely used
MELTS thermodynamic software is an example
of this approach (Ghiorso and Sack, 1995). The surrounding crust is also basaltic, and we use
use of melt fraction relationships was reviewed thermal conditions for a 68â•›mWâ•›m–2 surface heat
in Bergantz (1990) and many melting scenarios flux (Fig. 2.1). The individual 2 km square intru-
and lithologies are considered in thermal mod- sions are emplaced instantaneously at 10, 20,
eling of magma intrusions (see Table 2.1). and 30 km depth.
Here, we make the simplest possible assump- Figure 2.2 shows that deep intrusions persist
tion€ – a linear relationship between melt frac- longer with greater melt fraction, and produce
tion and the liquidus and solidus temperatures. greater fractions of crustal melt. However, when
This assumption can also be cast as a modified the crust is composed of the same material as the
thermal diffusivity when melt is present, intruding magma, as in this example, very little
crustal melting can be expected. In all scenarios
κ eff = , (2.10) considered in Figure 2.2 the crustal melt compo-
ρc p + ρ L(Tliq − Tsol ) nent never exceeds ~5% of the intruded volume
at any point in time. More silicic and hydrous
where Tliq is the liquidus and Tsol is the solidus tem- crustal compositions with lower solidi are
perature. In this formulation, one-dimensional more prone to crustal melting, although large
analytical solutions can be found for simple amounts of enthalpy typically have to be sup-
initial conditions. When the melt fraction has plied to explain pervasive melting scenarios.
a nonlinear relationship with temperature, rep- In most magmatically active environments,
resenting more realistic melting reactions, the evidence exists for multiple intrusive episodes
solution to the thermal problem usually requires overlapping in space and time (Hopson and
iterative numerical solution procedures (Voller, Mattinson, 1994). Three scales of dike–crust
1985; Prakash, 1990; Voller and Swaminathan, interaction are shown in Figure 2.3, illustrating
1991; Voller and Cross, 1993). The linear rela- the integrated expression of multiple intrusion
tionship, however, demonstrates several key events at the Black Canyon of the Gunnison in
points. For illustrative purposes we assume that Colorado, USA and in the Grand Canyon, Arizona,
the intruding magma is anhydrous basalt, the USA. In such settings, sequential intrusions can

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12 J O S E F D U F E K , C H R I S T I A N H U B E R , A N D L E I F K A R L S T RO M

Figure 2.3╇╇Three scales of melt–crust interaction. (a) Dike network of 1.43 Ga Vernal Mesa pegmatite cross cutting 1.73 Ga
gneisses on the 670 m high Painted Wall, Black Canyon of the Gunnison, Colorado. Dikes were emplaced at about 10 km depth in
tensional opening during dextral/oblique shear on the Black Canyon shear zone (Jessup et al., 2006). (b) Orthogonal dike network
of ~1.69 Ga granite and pegmatite cross cutting 1.73 Ga granodiorite within Tuna Canyon, tributary to Upper Granite Gorge of
Grand Canyon. Dike networks in Grand Canyon reflect late-syntectonic granite dike swarms emplaced at about 20 km depth
(Dumond et al., 2007) during late stages of accretionary assembly of southwestern North American lithosphere (note geologist
for scale) (Ilg et al., 1996); photograph courtesy of Laurie Crossey. (c) Four generations of ~1.69 Ga granite dikes in Spaghetti
Canyon of Lower Granite Gorge of Grand Canyon, note pen for scale. Earlier dikes underwent ductile deformation before later
dikes were emplaced, suggesting an interplay of diking and ductile flow at middle crustal depths (Karlstrom and Williams, 2006);
photograph courtesy of Laurie Crossey. See color plates section.

generate a thermal anomaly, and allow bodies extent do the contents of magma chambers
of magma to reside at higher melt fraction for represent fractionated melts extracted from the
longer periods of time than in enmasse sce- mantle or melts of the existing crust. Melting
narios (Petford and Gallagher, 2001). The flux of of the crust, and subsequent segregation and
magma in such settings becomes an important advection of this melt, can change the density
parameter. structure of the crust, but does not, in itself,
cause growth of the crust. Injection of mantle
2.2.1â•…Multiple intrusions and crustal melts, and fractionation to form low-density
melting efficiency melts and then rocks, however, can contrib-
One of the more interesting questions regard- ute mass to the crust over time (Grunder et al.,
ing the growth of continental crust is to what 2006). As shown in Figure 2.2, during single

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intrusion scenarios when the intruding magma words, energy is not “wasted” by heating parts of
has the same composition as the country rock, the crust that never become molten. Conductive
little crustal melting can be expected. However, heat transfer is less efficient than this end mem-
real melting scenarios can involve different ber, however, as energy will diffuse over large
lithologies and multiple intrusive events. areas, and eventually radiate from the surface of
Regions of strong isotopic contrast, such as the Earth. Therefore, only a small fraction of the
old continental crust, can sometimes provide region that experiences temperature increases
a clear indication of crustal melting. However, will reach the crustal solidus. Using published
mafic portions of the crust, especially the lower results for a range of melt compositions, intru-
crust, can have little isotopic contrast rela- sion volumes, thermodynamic variables, and
tive to mantle melts, and major- and trace-ele- melt fraction relationships, we can compare
ment consideration of the magmas can lead to the amount of crustal melt predicted by these
ambiguous interpretations of whether a magma models (VCmod) with the completely efficient end
is primarily of mantle or crustal origin (Hart et member:
al., 2002). Also, cryptic assimilation, or assimila-
tion of crystal phases without completely melt- E% = 100 . (2.12)
ing them, can modify whole rock isotopic values VCeff
and generate mixed signatures even when the
full crustal melting reaction has not proceeded A 100% efficient scenario would convert all the
to high melt fraction (Wolff et al., 2002; Beard enthalpy from an intrusion into melting the
et al., 2005). A complementary tool to geochem- crust. A compilation of several models is shown
ical investigation of fractionation and melting in Table 2.1.
involves thermal calculations (e.g., Fig. 2.2). An almost universal conclusion from ther-
Many thermal models have been considered mal models, especially those considering multi-
for different melting scenarios, including ana- dimensional thermal diffusion, is that injection
lytical solutions applied to simplified scenarios, of mantle melts in the crust, even under optimal
parametric and numerical convection simula- conditions, is a relatively inefficient method of
tions, and numerical conduction simulations melting the crust. Although there are obvious
(Younker and Vogel, 1976; Wells, 1980; Huppert differences depending on the intruding magma
and Sparks, 1988; Bergantz, 1989; Pedersen et al., and country-rock compositions considered,
1998; Bittner and Schmeling, 1995; Barboza and most are only around 10–40% efficient. This
Bergantz, 1996; Raia and Spera, 1997; Petford means that even in relatively fertile, hydrous
and Gallagher, 2001; Annen and Sparks, 2002; lithologies, large volumes of intruded mantle
Dufek and Bergantz, 2005a). One way that these basalts are required to produce voluminous
models can be compared is in their relative effi- crustal melts.
ciency in melting the crust. An enthalpy balance Making the space required to accommodate
of a volume of basalt (VB) intruded at its liquidus intrusions has long been recognized as a con-
(TliqB) and cooling to a temperature T gives the straint on magma system growth, especially
volume of crust melted: where extensive fractionation is required, and
is sometimes termed the “room problem”.

VCeff =
ρB VB c pB (TliqB − T ) + LB ) 
. (2.11)
While crustal melting has been invoked as a
ρC c pC (TsolC − TR ) + ρC c pC (T − TsolC ) + LC f ) mechanism to alleviate the room problem and
explain the absence of observed fractionate
Here the B and C subscripts refer to basalt and residua, it can be as inefficient as fractionation
crust, respectively, and TR is the initial rock tem- and sometimes more inefficient than fraction-
perature. This volume can be considered the ation at producing silicic melts. (Fractionation
perfectly efficient end member, as all the energy of a basalt to high silicate rhyolite requires
from the intrusion goes into heating only the ~90% removal of crystals; Grout, 1926; Winter,
portion of crust that becomes molten. In other 2001.)

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14 J O S E F D U F E K , C H R I S T I A N H U B E R , A N D L E I F K A R L S T RO M

The crustal lithology, thickness, melt flux, coupled to thermal, chemical and rheological
and evolving thermal anomaly all play a role processes within and around the chamber.
in the synoptic view of crustal melting and Magma chamber stresses are generated
fractionated mantle melts. When considering internally by the pressurization or buoyancy of
the random intrusion of mafic melts in arc magma relative to lithostatic stresses, through
crustal conditions, Dufek and Bergantz (2005a) a variety of processes. Chamber over-pressuriza-
found that, in general, thin, immature arc crust tion, �P, can occur through injection of magma
undergoes relatively little melting, and that a into the chamber (Parfitt et al., 1993; Woods,
random sampling of melt from the crustal col- 1995), thermal expansion of magma in the
umn is likely to contain <â•›10% crustal melt by chamber or melting of country rocks (Bonafede,
volume. Thick and mature crust, after several 1990), and volume change upon crystallization
million years of intrusion for typical arc fluxes, of mineral phases (Fowler and Spera, 2008) fol-
results in greater crustal melting: with a crust lowing the thermodynamic relationship
of ~50 km and fertile amphibolite lower crustal
1 ∆V α 
lithology, they found a random sampling could ∆P = + ∆T , (2.13)
result in roughly equal probabilities of intersect- β V β
ing crustal melts or fractionated mantle melts.
Due to the relative inefficiency of fraction- where ∆V and ∆T are changes in the chamber
ation and crustal melting to produce silicic melts volume and temperature. Both the magma com-
(the former requires large volumes of basalt as a pressibility β (~10–11 Pa–1) and thermal expansiv-
direct mass source and the latter requires large ity α (~10–5 K–1) depend on the major element
volumes to account for the required enthalpy composition and volatile content of the magma,
source), the accommodation mechanism and tec- as well as depth (Dobran, 2001; Rivalta and
tonic regime of the crust are also likely import- Segall, 2008). While the volume change during
ant factors in the production of evolved melts in phase change varies with mineral species and
the crust. The thermal and mass requirements magma composition, the net effect is a pressure
for magma chamber development and preserva- increase during melting and a pressure decrease
tion are inextricably linked to the tectonic and during solidification (Lange and Carmichael,
chamber-induced stress regimes that permit 1990; Rushmer, 1995; Dobran, 2001). Melt buoy-
accommodation. ancy results from progressive crystallization of
mineral phases from the melt (Marsh, 1996),
which can progressively increase the density
2.3╇ ╇Crustal stresses and magma difference ∆ρ between magma and host rock.
chambers Magma buoyancy may be important for long-
distance transport in dikes (Rubin, 1995; Roper
Stresses around magma chambers provide and Lister, 2005; see Chapter 3), and for cal-
the mechanical means by which transport of dera-forming eruptions (Gudmundsson, 1998;
magma to and from the chamber occurs, and McLeod, 1999; Pinel and Jaupart, 2005). Stresses
determine the nature of deformation and failure may also accumulate as volatile species (primar-
of surrounding country rocks. Sufficiently high ily H2O and CO2) exsolve from the melt (Sparks
stresses above lithostatic confinement (devia- et al., 1977; Tait et al., 1989). Volatile exsolution
toric stresses) will induce fracture and chamber may also lead to anisotropic stresses as bubbles
rupture (Tait et al., 1989), while isotropic mag- (super-critical fluid at these depths) rise toward
matic stresses such as uniform loading may the chamber roof (Woods and Cardoso, 1997).
variously cause or suppress chamber rupture The build-up of internal stress due to magma
(Vigneresse and Tikoff, 1999). Chamber stresses addition or withdrawal, volatile exsolution, and
are also responsible for the dynamic evolution crystallization depends on the chamber depth
of magma chambers in the broader context of and solubility relationships but generally can be
the entire volcanic system, and are strongly described by (Woods and Huppert, 2003)

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dP 1 dmc  host rock (although this scales with chamber

F =
dt ρm
( Q I − Q O) + G
, (2.14) size, e.g., Dobran, 2001). These are static stress
changes, and do not account for compaction or
viscous relaxation of stresses over time.
External stresses on magma chambers,
 occurring on both tectonic and eruptive times-
d ρg V V  ρl − ρg dφv
F = Vg + ρg  0 + l  + Vl , (2.15) cales, are also important and likely influence
dP  µ K  1 − φv dP
chamber construction (Jellinek and DePaolo,
2003; Gudmundsson, 2006). Tectonic processes
and provide a background stress field that may
 concentrate stresses on existing chambers and
 1 1 ρl − ρ g affect the ascent of magma rising towards the
G = ρg  −  + φv . (2.16)
 ρc ρl  ρl (1 − φv ) chamber. Extensional regional stresses promote
vertical magma transport, whereas compres-
Here V0 is the total volume of the magma cham- sive stresses orient rising magma subvertically
ber, Qâ•›I and Qâ•›O are magma mass flux into and out (Muller et al., 2001). This is quantified through
of the chamber, ϕv is volume fraction of a vola- the Anderson theory (Anderson, 1936) that pos-
tile species, dmc/dt is the rate of magma crystal- its that dike trajectories are perpendicular to
lization, μ modulus of rigidity of the wall rock, the least compressive deviatoric principal stress
K is the bulk modulus (= 1/β) of the magma, and at the dike tip. The total stress in the crust is
the gas is assumed to behave as an ideal gas. The given by
subscripts refer to the different phase: liquid,

gas, or crystal phases (l, g, c) in the chamber. σ tot = σ lith + ∑ σ ext + ∑ σ int . (2.17)
Dynamic pressure evolution inside the
magma chamber is of great interest, as it provides Deviatoric stresses are σd = σtot – Tr(σtot), where Tr
the source conditions for volcanic eruptions. is the trace operator. Equation (2.17) expresses
Woods and Huppert (2003) analyzed a general- the total crustal stress σtot as a sum of lithostatic
ized form of Eq. (2.14) for a chamber containing stress σlith, far-field externally imposed stresses
an evolved silicic component and an intruding σext (such as those due to tectonics), and stresses
mafic phase. They found that chamber pressure due to features internal to the transport system
evolution is strongly affected by the exsolution σint (such as propagating dikes, magma chamber
of volatiles, which increases the magma com- pressure, edifice loading of the free surface, and
pressibility and therefore the volume and dur- structural heterogeneities).
ation of eruptions from the chamber. According to this theory, tectonic stresses
Of the sources of internal chamber stress influence the propagation of dikes around a
mentioned above, accumulation of overpres- magma chamber (Muller and Pollard, 1977;
sure by the injection of melt is the most sig- Gudmundsson, 2006). External stresses may
nificant, followed by volatile exsolution and also come from other sources, such as loading
magma buoyancy. From Eq. (2.13), it is clear that by glaciers or volcanic edifices (Hieronymus and
melting of magma at depth to supply a magma Bercovici, 1999; Jellinek et al., 2004), topography
chamber can in principle generate tremendous (McTigue and Mei, 1987), and from stress con-
overpressures. The instantaneous melting of a centration due to structural heterogeneity such
106 m3 body, for instance, or the injection of as pre-existing faults or material interfaces in
106 m3 of magma into a 107 m3 reservoir gener- the subsurface (see Chapter 3; Vigneresse and
ates ~1010 Pa of pressure. In comparison, pres- Tikoff, 1999; Kavanagh et al., 2006; Gaffney et al.,
sures generated by exsolution of volatiles may 2007). Because internal magma chamber stresses
be 104€–106 Pa (Folch and Marti, 1998), and buoy- contribute to the total background stress in Eq.
ancy stresses are on the order of 103–105 Pa (2.17), dikes emanating from a magma cham-
due to density differences between magma and ber are strongly mechanically coupled to the

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16 J O S E F D U F E K , C H R I S T I A N H U B E R , A N D L E I F K A R L S T RO M

exterior stress trajectories (Meriaux and Lister, stresses σ for a pressurized and buoyant fluid-
2002), and may be focused towards it as they filled sphere of radius (Rd) are, in a spherical
rise from greater depths (Karlstrom et al., 2009). polar coordinate system (r,ϕ,ϑ) (Fung, 1965),
Modeling stresses around magma chambers
provides a means of predicting where cham- −∆PRd3 (υ + 1)
dr =
ber rupture, and hence volcanic eruption, is 2Er 2
likely to occur (Muller and Pollard, 1977; Pinel 2∆ ρ gRd3  υ2 − 1 Rd2 (υ + 1)(4υ − 3 
+ −  cos ϕ,
and Jaupart, 2005). Conversely, knowledge of E (13υ − 11)  r 2r 3
chamber-induced stresses at depth provides a
means to estimate the spatial extent of a par- 
 ∆ ρ gRd3 (r 2 − Rd2 )(υ + 1)(4 υ − 3) 
ticular volcanic system (Muller et al., 2001; dϕ =   sin ϕ, (2.19)
 2E (13υ − 11) r 3
Karlstrom et al., 2009). The influence of cham-
ber stresses on dike generation and focusing
dϑ = 0,
at depth thus has important consequences for
magma chamber stability in the volcanic system
as a whole. and
To illustrate the role of magma cham-
ber stress we consider some typical idealized ∆PRd3 ∆ ρ gRd3 (r 2 (υ − 2) + 3 Rd2 (4 υ − 3)) cos ϕ
σ rr = + ,
models. Because of the large viscosity contrast r3 r 4 (13υ − 11)
between magma and rocks at mid to shallow
crustal depths, magma chambers are commonly −∆PRd3
σ ϕ ϕ =σ ϑ ϑ =
modeled as cavities in an elastic medium, solv- 2r 3
ing the equations of Linear Elasticity (Fung, ∆ ρ gRd3 (r 2 (υ − 2) + 3 Rd2 (4 υ − 3) cos ϕ
− ,
1965): 2r 4 (13υ − 11)
∆ ρ gRd3 ( Rd2 − r 2 )(4υ − 3) sin ϕ
 σ rϕ = ,
∂ 2d i 1 ∂  ∂d j  2r 4 (13υ − 11)
+   = f bi , (2.18)
∂x 2j 1 − 2υ ∂x i  ∂x j 
where d is the displacement vector, fb is the
body force vector, and υ is Poisson’s ratio. σ ρϑ = σ ϕ ϑ =
Application of Eq. (2.18) commonly assumes
that no body forces exist in the elastic medium, where ∆P is magma overpressure relative to
which neglects free surface effects. Most studies lithostatic pressure, and ∆ρg is the magma
consider static stresses only, with some excep- buoyancy. For isotropic overpressure alone, nor-
tions (Dragoni and Magnanensi, 1989; Bonafede, mal stresses decrease away from the chamber as
1990). ∆P/r3, while for buoyancy alone, stresses decrease
Many three-dimensional boundary value as ∆ρg/r2.
problems in elasticity are far from trivial, so A spherical chamber in an infinite elastic
studies of magma chamber stresses, especially medium approximates the qualitative aspects of
those that attempt to couple pure elasticity to static stresses, especially in the far field (Sartoris
heat transfer or fluid dynamics, tend to use very et al., 1990), but does not resolve higher-order
simplified chamber geometries and boundary moments if the surface boundary conditions
conditions. It is of note, however, that a rich become important. In particular, deviations
library of mathematical techniques for solving from spherical geometry result in concentra-
elasticity problems has been developed (Fung, tion of stresses in regions of high curvature
1965). around the chamber (Dieterich and Decker,
The simplest and most commonly used model 1975; Gudmundsson, 2006). Eshelby (1957) pro-
for a magma chamber is a spherical inclusion in vides an analytic solution for stresses around a
an infinite elastic medium. Displacements d and pressurized ellipsoidal inclusion in an infinite

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(< 20 km depth) chambers (McTigue, 1987). While

a general solution for a pressurized sphere in an
elastic half-space exists (Tsuchida and Nakahara,
1970), it is sufficiently complicated that approx-
imations are often employed. The most widely
used model for chamber stresses in a half-space
is a point-source model (Mogi, 1958), which
corrects the (overpressured only) stresses from
Eq. (2.20) on the free surface, by adding equal
and opposite tractions. This gives rise to surface
displacements (in a cylindrical coordinate sys-
tem (r,θ,z) centered over a chamber chamber at
depth l below the surface)
Figure 2.4╇╇ Stress concentration due to curvature of 
an oblate spheroid from the general solution of Eshelby ∆P (1 − υ) Rd3 l
dz (r , z = 0) =
(1957). Curves represent the magnitude of tensile deviatoric µ (r + l )
2 2 3/2

. (2.21)
principal stress just outside the wall of a pressurized oblate ∆P (1 − υ) Rd3 r
spheroidal cavity in an infinite elastic medium, normalized by d r ( r , z = 0) =
µ ( r 2 + l 2 )3 / 2
the deviatoric stress of a spherical chamber. Stresses plotted
are compressive, and are oriented perpendicular to the
This is equivalent to the first term in a power
wall of the chamber. Progressive flattening of the spheroid
series expansion of stress boundary conditions
(increasing the aspect ratio a/c) results in the concentration
of deviatoric stresses in areas of high curvature. In the around a pressurized spherical cavity, match-
limit that a/c → ∞, the region near the medial plane of the ing boundary conditions on the sphere and the
ellipsoid develops a stress singularity. free surface in alternating, higher-order terms
(McTigue, 1987). Two-dimensional solutions to
this problem are algebraically more simple, and
elastic medium that serves as a good example of are given in the bipolar coordinate system by
such stress concentration. Figure 2.4 illustrates Jeffery (1921).
the stress concentration due to curvature by Other boundary conditions are also of inter-
taking the particular case of an oblate spheroid est in a careful treatment of magma chamber
(a = b > c), an appropriate approximate geometry stresses. Depth-dependent density is neglected
for a sill (Fialko et al., 2001), and gradually flat- in most elastic treatments of chamber stresses,
tening it (decreasing c). It is evident that devia- yet this can be important (Grosfils, 2007).
toric stresses are progressively concentrated Rheological change due to prolonged heating
toward the medial plane. Indeed, the limit c → 0 and partial melting of country rocks around
is a “penny-shaped” crack solution (Jaeger et al., a chamber is expected to produce a “shell” of
2007), for which it can be shown that there is material that behaves viscoelastically, and the
a 1/√r divergence of the normal stress at the presence of this material strongly affects cham-
edge of the ellipsoid. Other, more complicated ber stresses (Bonafede et al., 1986; Dragoni
chamber geometries have also been studied and Magnanensi, 1989; Jellinek and DePaolo,
with numerical methods (Dieterich and Decker, 2003; Newman et al., 2006b). In particular,
1975; Grosfils, 2007), but the qualitative features the presence of a viscoelastic shell provides a
of solutions are the same. mechanism by which high magma chamber
Another case of interest to the evolution of overpressures may be accommodated with-
the volcanic system occurs when the Earth’s out large-scale chamber failure, and thus may
surface, a stress-free boundary, begins to affect explain how large, high melt-fraction chambers
concentration of stresses around magma can grow in the first place (Jellinek and DePaolo,
chambers, such as during caldera formation 2003). Thermoelastic stresses due to the heating
(Gudmundsson, 1998). This occurs for shallow or cooling of magma have also been addressed,

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18 J O S E F D U F E K , C H R I S T I A N H U B E R , A N D L E I F K A R L S T RO M

and exert stresses comparable to other sources strength beyond the percolation threshold, i.e.,
(e.g., Bonafede 1990). when crystals form a rigid connected framework
The fact that such varied boundary condi- (Vigneresse et al., 1996; Saar and Manga, 2002;
tions affect the first-order mechanical evolution Caricchi et al., 2007; Champallier et al., 2008).
of magma chambers, both in theory and observa- Magmas also contain dissolved, and com-
tion, is highly suggestive that chamber stresses monly exsolved, volatile phases, mostly
are strongly coupled to the dynamic thermal H2O, CO2, and SO2. The fractions and relative
and chemical evolution inside and around the importance of these phases depend on the
chamber (Scandone et al., 2007). From a model- tectonic setting from which the magma origi-
ing perspective this requires coupling elastic, nates. As a consequence of crystallization and
thermal, and fluid dynamic equations, and thus cooling of the magma, saturation conditions
often requires numerical simulation (Gerya et al., change and the exsolved volatile volume frac-
2004). tions increase. This additional phase provides
a new source of buoyancy and affects both the
flow dynamics and the rheology of the mixture
(Eichelberger, 1980; Huppert et al., 1982; Rust
2.4╇ ╇ Magma chamber convection and Manga, 2002; Longo et al., 2006; Ruprecht
et al., 2008).
Convective motion in magma chambers helps When a magma with different physical prop-
determine the rate of magma differentiation, erties is injected into the chamber, or when the
sets the length scale of compositional heteroge- residing magma undergoes differentiation by
neities in these bodies, and redistributes melts convective fractionation (Sparks and Huppert,
with different physical properties, and thus may 1984), this may induce large variations in trans-
be responsible for the triggering and stalling port coefficients (e.g., viscosity) and density. The
of eruptions (Sparks et al., 1977; Snyder, 2000). amount of mixing or segregation between dif-
Injection and storage of magma at upper or ferent magmas depends on the injection rate,
middle crustal depth can lead to a large ther- the buoyancy of the injected magma, and the
mal disequilibrium between the host rocks and viscosity ratio (Turner and Campbell, 1986;
the magma body. This thermal disequilibrium Koyaguchi and Blake, 1991; Jellinek and Kerr,
drives buoyant motion through crystallization, 1999). The presence of multiple sources of buoy-
gas exsolution, or thermal expansion of the ancy, such as temperature and compositional
magma. differences between the magma batches, can
As magmatic systems cool below their liq- lead to a range of fluid dynamical instabilities
uidus temperatures, denser crystals generally (Chen and Turner, 1980; Sparks and Huppert,
form at the cooling boundaries and can be car- 1984; Turner and Campbell, 1986).
ried by gravitational instabilities from the roof
into the bulk of the convecting body where they 2.4.1â•… Rayleigh–Bénard convection
will remain in suspension or settle downwards Before addressing the complex dynamics of
(Sparks and Huppert, 1984; Martin and Nokes, magma bodies or even their simpler labora-
1989; Bergantz and Ni, 1999). The presence tory analogs, we review Rayleigh–Bénard
of this secondary phase can have an import- convection (Bénard, 1900; Rayleigh, 1916).
ant effect on the convection style, even at low Rayleigh–Bénard convection occurs in a fluid
crystal fraction (<â•›10 vol. %; Martin and Nokes, of constant thermal properties heated from the
1989; Koyaguchi et al., 1990, 1993; Sparks et al., base and cooled from above. The set of equa-
1993). At higher crystal fractions (closer to the tions describing the problem consists of mass,
solidus), long-range (1/r) interactions between momentum, and energy conservation. We use
crystals will start to play a dominant role in the Boussinesq approximation, where the dens-
the rheology of the mixture, as demonstrated ity of the fluid is assumed to vary linearly with
by hindered settling and even the onset of yield temperature for the buoyancy force term and is

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assumed constant everywhere else. Assuming ∂T * ∂T * ∂2T * 

the flow is incompressible, mass conservation + u *j = , (2.28)
∂t * ∂x *j ∂x *j2
is given by
∂u i  where again the superscript (*) represents a
= 0, (2.22) dimensionless variable. This convection prob-
∂x i
lem has two independent dimensionless num-
bers, the Prandtl number Pr = ν/̇̇κ, which is the
where u is the fluid velocity. Momentum con-
ratio of momentum diffusivity to thermal diffu-
servation for a Newtonian fluid is given by
sivity, and the Rayleigh number Ra = αg�TH3/ν̇̇κ,

∂u i  ∂u  1 ∂P  ∂2 u   which is the ratio of the diffusion timescale over
= uj  i  = − + v  2i  the advection timescale for heat transfer. Above
∂t  ∂x j  ρ0 ∂x i  ∂x j 
(2.23) a critical value of ~1000, thermal boundary
∆ρ layers become unstable and the fluid starts to
− g δ iz ,
ρ0 convect.
Any two systems sharing the same geom-
where ρ0 is the reference density for the fluid,
etry and dimensionless numbers Ra and Pr
ν is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid (ν =
will be dynamically similar. This is commonly
η/ρ0), δij is the Kronecker delta, and the last
known as the principle of similitude and is the
term represents thermal buoyancy, such that
basis for justifying the study of scaled labora-
∆ρ = ρ0 α (T − T0 ). 
tory experiments (Burgisser et al., 2005). It is
important to note, however, that in the context
of Rayleigh–Bénard convection, only two inde-
Here α is the coefficient of thermal expansion pendent dimensionless numbers are required
(~10–5 K–1 in most geological materials), and T0 to fully describe the single-phase dynamics. As
is the reference temperature corresponding to more complexity is introduced to the model, the
density ρ0. Finally, when neglecting viscous dis- number of dimensionless parameters required
sipation effects, the energy conservation equa- to ensure dynamic similitude between labora-
tion becomes (modified from Eq. (2.4) for the tory experiments and natural systems increases
absence of phase transitions) substantially.
∂T ∂T ∂ 2T 
+ uj =κ 2 (2.25)
∂t ∂x j ∂x j 2.4.2â•… Multiphase convection
The largest source of internal buoyancy in
where ̇κ is the thermal diffusivity. Introducing magma chambers comes from discrete phases
the length scale H as the distance between the such as crystals and bubbles. These phases may
lower hot boundary and the upper cold bound- move with different velocities than the surround-
ary, the diffusion timescale H2/̇̇κ, and the tem- ing magma, and exert drag forces on the mag-
perature scale �T = Thot–Tcold as the temperature matic fluid. Although many magmatic problems
difference between the two boundaries, Eqs. can be approximated as a single fluid phase with
(2.22), (2.23), and (2.25) may be nondimen� modified properties due to crystallinity, others
sionalized to require a more detailed treatment. For instance,
the gathering and dispersal of discrete phases
∂u *j  has important implications for the chemical
= 0, (2.26)
∂x *j diversity that is preserved in bulk composition
and on the micro-scale in phenocryst zoning
 (Hibbard, 1981; Speer et al., 1989; Castro and de
∂u*i ∂u *i 1 ∂P * ∂ 2 u*i
+ u j* = + Pr (2.27) la Rosa, 1994; Wallace and Bergantz, 2005).
∂t * ∂x *j ρ *0 ∂x *i ∂x *j 2
Crystal-driven convection has mostly been
− Pr Ra δ iz , studied experimentally at low crystal fractions

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20 J O S E F D U F E K , C H R I S T I A N H U B E R , A N D L E I F K A R L S T RO M

(below a few volume percent) where the com- alternative process leads to (limited) mixing
plexity introduced by crystal–crystal interac- (Eichelberger, 1980; Bergantz and Breidenthal,
tions can typically be neglected. Most crystalline 2001).
phases follow convective motion of the magma One approach in analyzing the motion of
closely, except in very low viscosity magma disperse phases, such as crystals and bubbles in
(Martin and Nokes, 1989; Koyaguchi et al., 1993; magma, is to examine the path of individual crys-
Sparks et al., 1993). Some particles can, however, tals as well as the velocity field of the magma.
still be removed from the flow when magma stag- This approach, termed Eulerian–Lagrangian
nates and crystals reside for an extended period (here Eulerian refers to the continuous quan-
of time. Martin and Nokes (1989) described this tity, magma, and Lagrangian refers to the dis-
process with an exponential relationship assum- crete quantity, crystals) is usually favored for
ing that in the bulk of the chamber, the crystals dilute conditions when the coupling between
are well mixed and only in the bottom boundary the magma and crystal is essentially one-way
layer do crystals decouple from the flow. This (i.e., the magma imparts inertia and relative vel-
behavior also explains the results of Koyaguchi ocity to the crystals, but is not affected by drag
et al. (1993), who described periodicity between due to the crystals).
three regimes: (1) clarified chamber where crys- Lagrangian analysis is especially useful in
tals are deposited at the bottom, (2) well-defined the analysis of the trajectory of individual par-
layers (crystal-poor overlying crystal-rich), and ticles and can be used to better understand the
(3) wholesale overturn that mixes both layers. fluid volumes through which these particles
At shallow depths, water can exsolve from have passed. However, the large numbers of
the melt and form a dispersed bubble phase. individual particles in magmatic systems makes
The exsolution of volatiles strongly affects the this approach computationally unattractive.
fluid dynamics of magma chambers, generally An alternative that still preserves the ability to
resulting in large buoyancy contrasts within the compute phase relative motion is to treat the
melt (Huppert et al., 1982; Phillips and Woods, discrete phase as an effective continuum, or
2002). The role of exsolved volatiles has been Eulerian phase. In this approach, bubbles or
investigated for triggering eruptions (Snyder, crystals of the same diameter and density are
2000; Huppert and Woods, 2002; Fowler and averaged into a fluid and are represented locally
Spera, 2008) and for increasing the buoyancy of by a volume fraction. In the averaging process,
an unsegregated melt–bubble mixture (Bergantz details of particle trajectories and histories are
and Breidenthal, 2001; Ruprecht et al., 2008). lost, but two-way interaction between the par-
A particular example of some of these effects ticles and magma can be computed for realistic
is magma chamber recharge, where a mafic volume fractions of discrete particles.
magma is injected at the base of a chamber This approach is often referred to as Eulerian–
filled with a more silicic magma (Eichelberger, Eulerian, multi-fluid, or multi-continuum. Each
1980; Huppert et al., 1982). As the mafic intru- continuum (magma, crystals, bubbles) is rep-
sion cools, it partially crystallizes and exsolves resented by a conservation equation for mass,
bubbles. If enough bubbles exsolve and remain momentum, and thermal energy, along with
in suspension, this situation can lead to an constitutive relations that describe the density,
unstable density stratification where the under- rheology, and thermal properties of these con-
plating magma becomes lighter than the host, tinua. The set of equations is coupled through
causing overturn of the layer (Huppert et al., equal and opposite drag terms and terms for the
1982; Bergantz and Breidenthal, 2001; Ruprecht transfer of thermal energy.
et al., 2008). Conversely, if bubbles can separate We illustrate this approach with an example
from an underplating mafic melt, they will pond of a crystal-driven instability in a magma com-
at density interfaces to form an unstable foam posed of a melt and a denser crystal phase
layer from which volatile-rich plumes originate (Fig. 2.5). We assume that this basaltic cham-
and ascend through the less dense magma. This ber was intruded at its liquidus with a size

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Figure 2.5╇╇ Crystal-driven density

instability. Crystals from the top margin
drive fluid instabilities and mix the
melt during their descent as plumes.
The units shown are normalized by
the magma chamber height, H. Panels
(a) and (b) show the evolution of the
density difference as the drips descend
with time.

of 400 × 100 m, and has formed a 10 m thick steady-state convection, we relate the stirring
layer of crystals (10% crystals by volume) at the time to the strain rate
top of the chamber due to cooling. The crys-
1  ε H 2  
tal-rich layer is denser than the magma (∆ρ = τm = log  , (2.29)
300â•›kgâ•›m–3) and creates a density instability 2 ε  D 
with dripping crystal plumes (Bergantz, 1999).
Further information about the details of this where H2/D is the diffusion timescale of interest
approach, constitutive relations, and numerics in the mixing process. The dependence of the
can be found in Dufek and Bergantz (2005b, average strain rate on the Rayleigh number fol-
2007) and Ruprecht et al. (2008). lows (Coltice and Schmalzl, 2006):
We see from this example that density
instabilities drive stirring in the entire chamber. ε = 0.023 Ra 0.685 . (2.30)
This example also illustrates the value of the H
multi-fluid approach in predicting the spatial and
temporal patterns of large-scale heterogeneity. Convection in magma chambers is, however,
strongly time-dependent, and as cooling pro-
2.4.3â•… Convection and mixing ceeds the mechanical properties of the mixture
Mixing is a result of the stretching and twist- vary strongly because of temperature changes
ing of flow paths by shear and normal strains and the presence of crystal phases. One meas-
integrated over time, and is important in deter- ure of cumulative mixing in unsteady convec-
mining compositional heterogeneity (or lack tion (Ra = Ra(t)) is the number of overturns
thereof ) in magma chambers. For simplicity experienced by the fluid (Huber et al., 2009).
we focus on mixing of a single-phase magma. The product of the stirring time (Eq. (2.29))
However, the concepts introduced here can and the strain-rate (Eq. 2.30) gives an estimate
be applied to more complex systems. Ottino of the total strain experienced by the fluid to
et al. (1979) formally described how fluid motion reach a point where molecular diffusion takes
at low Reynolds number leads to chaotic mix- over to further homogenize the system. This
ing. For large-wavelength heterogeneities, the quantity is largely invariant with respect to Ra
stretching induced by shear strain (ε̇̇) domi- (Figure 2.6(b), and therefore independent of
nates, and leads to a deformation proportional the dynamical history of the fluid (Huber et al.,
to ε̇̇–1 (Olson et al., 1984). Once the heterogenei- 2009). This offers a convenient alternative to
ties have been reduced to smaller sizes, normal quantify the mixing efficiency of a convective
strain accounts for the majority of the deform- fluid subjected to temporal changes. Newly
ation, which becomes proportional to exp(–2ε̇̇). created heterogeneities require about five
Following Coltice and Schmaltzl (2006), for overturns to be efficiently mixed.

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22 J O S E F D U F E K , C H R I S T I A N H U B E R , A N D L E I F K A R L S T RO M

occurs in a narrow temperature range close to

the solidus experience strong thermal buffering
by latent heat, thus prolonging their residence
time (Bergantz, 1990).

2.5╇ ╇ Future directions

The growth and evolution of magma cham-
bers is dependent on a range of processes from
long-range tectonic stresses to the heat and
mass transfer driven by multiphase convection.
Because the evolution of a magmatic system
takes place over timescales that range over ten
orders of magnitude, from minutes (volcanic
eruptions) to hundreds of thousands of years
(large chamber residence times), the multi-scale
nature of magma transport cannot be over-
emphasized. Much of the work in studying
the dynamics of magma chambers has shown
that almost all of these processes are coupled
to some degree, even if traditionally they have
been examined by different subdisciplines. One
of the likely future directions in the study of
magma chamber dynamics will be in improving
our understanding of these different degrees
of coupling. For instance, as magma chambers
alter the surrounding stress state of the crust,
Figure 2.6╇╇ (a) Stirring time from Eq. (2.29). (b) they can potentially influence the flux of magma
Comparison of the total number of overturns required to (and enthalpy) to the chamber thus prolonging
achieve a well-stirred chamber. its lifetime and providing new sources for com-
positional heterogeneity.
Further work on the relative motion of dis-
For convection to occur in a magmatic sys- crete phases, and in particular the transport of
tem, the volume fraction of crystals in the volatiles, is needed to better understand the role
magma must be below the rigid percolation of volatiles. In addition to their role in dynamics
threshold, i.e., where the crystallinity does as a source of buoyancy, volatiles and the rela-
not prevent convective motions of the magma tive concentration of H2O versus CO2 also affect
(Vigneresse et al., 1996). There is extensive evi- the phase assemblage and stability of magmas.
dence that magmatic systems spend most of Coupling between exsolution of volatiles and
their suprasolidus time at high crystallinity crystallization can have a significant impact on
(>â•›50%) (Marsh, 1981; Koyaguchi and Kaneko, the rheology of magmas and the separation of
1999), and that large silicic systems such as Long the different phases. Crystallization studies, as
Valley caldera and the Fish Canyon magma body well as rheological experiments on mixtures
can stay above their solidi for extended periods containing both crystals and bubbles, will be
of time (>â•›105 years) owing to injections of new important to constrain these effects in dynamic
magma (Christensen and DePaolo, 1993; Reid calculations.
et al., 1997; Bachmann et al., 2007b). Magmatic Many fundamental aspects of magma trans-
systems in which the bulk of the crystallization port physics are still poorly constrained. For

9780521895439c02_p5-31.indd 22 8/2/2012 7:51:56 AM


example, the processes of magma chamber for-

mation are still not well defined in space or time,
2.6╇ ╇ Summary
and have not yet been actively observed. Similarly,
the mechanisms by which a magma chamber is • Magma chambers play an important role
tapped are largely unknown. Dike propagation in determining the composition of erupted
might dominate transport away from a magma magmas through a combination of fraction-
chamber, but “leaking” and anelastic processes, ation and assimilation.
such as sub-critical crack propagation (Chen and • In most crustal settings, crustal melting at
Jin, 2006) or channel flow through matrix com- magma chamber margins is an inefficient
paction (Spiegelman and Kenyon, 1992) may be process.
important. The formation of dikes from magma • Magma chambers modify the local crustal
chambers, and the subsequent mechanical coup- stress environment influencing the erupta-
ling between chambers and volcanic eruptions is bility of magmas, the influx of magmas from
still a largely outstanding problem. below, and ground deformation.
The vastly different scales involved in mag- • Buoyancy from discrete phases (bubble and
matic problems also challenges our ability to crystals) can drive multiphase convection in
describe these coupled systems numerically, magma chambers and can result in large-scale
even with foreseeable advances in computing homogeneity as a result of mixing processes.
power. Coupling between different types of
modeling and development of subgrid models,
or models of small-scale phenomena, will likely
be necessary to span much of the behavior 2.7╇ ╇ Notation
exhibited by natural systems. With the ongoing
improvement of algorithm design, analytical ḥ dimensionless value
and numerical methods, one of the most sig- a, b, c dimensions of oblate spheroid, m;
nificant improvements in recent years has been aspect ratio = a/c
to generate models that can be compared and cp specific heat capacity (J kg–1 K–1)
tested against the diversity of observations cpB specific heat of basalt (J kg–1 K–1)
provided by other techniques. One example cpC specific heat of crustal rocks (J kg–1 K–1)
of this is examining the path of crystals using d displacement vector (m)
a Lagrangian framework and then comparing D generic diffusivity (m2 s–1)
predicted populations of crystals with those E Young’s modulus (Pa)
observed using microanalytical geochemical E% efficiency of melting of crustal rocks (%)
techniques. Another example is the applica- f melt volume fraction
tion of multiphysics models, combined with fb body force vector (kg m–2 s–2)
high-resolution isotopic work, structural geol- g acceleration due to gavity (m s–2)
ogy and geochronology of well-exposed field h heat transfer coefficient (W K–1)
sites. Models of chamber dynamics developed H length scale (thickness) of convective
with these applications in mind will be of more layer (m)
use to the broader earth science community, as HT enthalpy (J)
the dynamics inferred from modeling can be k thermal conductivity (W m–1 K–1)
ground-truthed in the field. Coupling between K bulk modulus (= 1/β; Pa)
thermal, rheological, and stress modeling will l depth of magma chamber (m)
also be helpful in interpreting both seismic and L latent heat of fusion (J kg–1)
geodetic observations. Further advances in the LB latent heat of basalt (J kg–1)
study of magma chambers will likely continue LC latent heat of crustal rocks (J kg–1)
to follow this course and take advantage of the m cmass of crystals (kg)

rich and multidisciplinary observations on a P magma pressure (Pa)

range of scales. ∆P magma chamber overpressure (Pa)

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24 J O S E F D U F E K , C H R I S T I A N H U B E R , A N D L E I F K A R L S T RO M

Q â•›I magma mass flux into chamber ρc density of crystal phase (kg m–3)
(kg s–1) ρg density of gas phase (kg m–3)
Q â•›O magma mass flux out of chamber ρl density of liquid (melt) phase (kg m–3)
(kg s–1) ρB basalt density (kg m–3)
r, ϕ, ϑ spherical polar coordinates ρC crust density (kg m–3)
R* dimensionless rate of melt production σij stress tensor (Pa)
Rd magma chamber radius (m) σd deviatoric stress (Pa)
t time (s) σext external (far-field) stress (Pa)
T temperature (K) σint internal stress (Pa)
�V change in temperature (K) σlith lithostatic stress (Pa)
T0 reference temperature (K) σtot total stress in crust (Pa)
Tb temperature at magma chamber τm stirring time (s)
boundary (K) υ Poisson’s ratio
Tliq liquidus temperature (K) Bi Biot number, ratio of thermal
TliqB liquidus temperature of basalt (K) resistance of magma chamber versus
TR background temperature of country host rocks (= h/δk)
rock (K) Pe Peclet number, ratio of advective to
Tsol solidus temperature (K) diffusive heat transport (= cp ρ0δ u0/kḥ)
TsolC solidus temperature of crustal Pr Prandtl number, ratio of momentum
rock (K) diffusivity to thermal diffusivity
u0 reference velocity (m s–1) (= ν/κ)
V volume (m3) Ra Rayleigh numberPeclet, ratio of
�V volume change (m3) diffusion timescale to advection
V 0 total volume of the magma chamber timescale (= αg∆TH3/νκ)
(melt + crystals + bubbles; m3) Ste Stefan number, ratio of sensible to
V g volume of gas phase (m3) latent heat (= cpT0/L)
Vl volume of liquid (melt) phase (m3)
VCeff volume of crust melted at 100%
�efficient enthalpy transfer (m3) Acknowledgments
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u velocity field (m s–1) 08-MFRP08–0073, NSF 0948532, and a Swiss
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Wolf, M. B. and Wyllie, P. J. (1994). the following quantities may be useful for your
Dehydration-melting of amphibolite at 10 kbar: Â�estimate: The latent heat of the magma is 2 × 105
the effects of temperature and time. Contributions Jâ•›kg–1, the density of the rock is 3000 kg m–3, heat
to Mineralogy and Petrology, 115, 369–383. capacity is 800â•›Jâ•›kg–1 K–1, and the conductivity is
Wolff, J. A., Balsley, S. D. and Gregory, R. T. (2002). 5.3 W m–1â•›K–1.
Oxygen isotope disequilibrium between quartz 2.2 Calculate the critical thickness of magma required
and sanidine from the Bandelier Tuff, New for convection. Assume a simplified magma
Mexico, consistent with a short residence time chamber with a large aspect ratio (thickness H ≪
of phenocrysts in rhyolitc magma. Journal of width W), and that the source of convection in the
Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 116(1–2), magma chamber is the density contrast between
119–135. crystal-rich plumes sinking from the roof and the
Woods, A. W. (1995). The dynamics of explosive ambient magma, estimated here to be ∆ρ = 100
volcanic eruptions. Reviews of Geophysics, 33(4), kg m3. Taking the bulk magma viscosity of (a)
495–539. basalt (η = 102 Pa s), (b) andesite (η = 104 Pa s),
Woods, A. W. and Cardoso, S. S. S. (1997). Triggering and (c) rhyolite (η = 105 Pa s), calculate the crit-
of basaltic volcanic eruptions by bubble-melt ical thickness of magma Hcr necessary for the
separation. Nature, 385, 518–520. onset of convection in the magma chamber,
Woods, A. W. and Huppert, H. E. (2003). On using
magma chamber evolution during slow effusive
eruptions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(B8), ∆ ρ gH cr
2403. Racr = = 103 ,
Wyllie, P. J. (1977). Crustal anatexis: An
experimental review. Tectonophysics, 43, 41–71.
where ̇κ = 10–6 m2 s–1 is the thermal diffusivity.
Younker, L. W. and Vogel, T. A. (1976). Plutonism
Repeat the calculations for convection driven by
and plate tectonics: the origin of circum-Pacific
bubble plumes (density contrast ∆ρ = 500 kg m–3.
batholiths. Canadian Mineralogist, 14, 238–244.
Finally, compare these results with the case where
convection is driven by thermal expansion alone,
Δρ = ρ0αΔT, with ρ0 = 2500 kg m–3, α = 10–5 K–1 and
Exercises ∆T = 10 K.

2.1 A basaltic sill (1280â•›°C) intrudes a kilometer Online resources available at www.cambridge.
beneath a water-saturated sedimentary layer org/fagents
(where the surrounding rocks are ~300â•›°C). Using
simple scaling, estimate the amount of time that • Supplement 2A: Summary of dimensionless num-
will elapse before the layer begins to be heated bers relevant to volcanic processes
by the intrusion if heat transfer is only by con- • Additional exercises
duction and no phase change occurs. Some of • Answers to exercises

9780521895439c02_p5-31.indd 31 8/2/2012 7:51:58 AM

Chapter 3

The dynamics of dike propagation

Steve Tait and Benoit Taisne

Overview can be addressed using laboratory experiments

that permit detailed investigation of real-time
The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview geometric and dynamic information. Notable
of physical models of the dynamics of propaga- among recent studies are attempts to quantify
tion of magmatic dikes. Experimental studies of factors that may lead to arrest of a dike before it
fissure propagation provide an important way reaches the surface, the potential for solidifica-
of validating hypotheses made in theoretical tion to influence the dynamic regime of propa-
models, and hence provide a vital link between gation, and the influence of three-dimensional
theory and field observations. Geological field fracturing effects on propagation.
observations of dikes can provide detailed infor-
mation about rock and magma properties and
post-emplacement dike geometry, but do not per- 3.1╇ ╇ Introduction
mit assessment of propagation rates. Conversely,
geophysical studies can record dike emplace- A dike is a hydraulic fracture that brings magma
ment as it takes place, allowing estimates of through the brittle outer shell of the Earth from
speed or demonstrating intermittency of propa- a zone of partial melting or storage to the site
gation, but giving little information about dike of a volcanic eruption or intrusion. The term
geometry. We highlight some examples of field dike originally applied to the solidified “fossil”
observations of dike dynamics that provide fissure observed in field outcrops or detected in
useful constraints for models. We discuss the the subsurface by paleomagnetic studies (e.g.,
main assumptions and key results of theoretical Ernst and Baragar, 1992), but is now also applied
models that treat dike emplacement into both to the active fracture. The conditions leading to
homogeneous and heterogeneous media. These dike initiation were discussed in Chapter 2. This
models predict both the geometry of a propa- chapter focuses on the physics of propagation
gating dike and the emplacement dynamics of individual dikes, which can be considered
(e.g., speed), although they require assumptions as the basis for a broader understanding of the
about the source conditions, such as magma significance of dikes in geologic processes. The
supply rates. There are open questions arising dynamics of fissures can control, for example,
from shortcomings of current theory, which whether magma produced in the mantle is

Modeling Volcanic Processes: The Physics and Mathematics of Volcanism, eds. Sarah A. Fagents, Tracy K. P. Gregg, and Rosaly M. C.
Lopes. Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2012.

9780521895439c03_p32-54.indd 32 8/2/2012 9:40:11 AM


erupted at the surface or intruded as a hori- vertical motion, or extension and subsidence in
zontal or a vertical sheet. For this reason, the rift zones, for example, as responses to diking
emplacement of dikes has a fundamental influ- (Rubin, 1992; Buck, 2006). This class of models
ence on the thermal and geochemical structure pertains to the “before and after” of a given
and evolution of the lithosphere. All volcanic dike event, without modeling dike propagation
eruptions involve the process of dike propaga- in detail. Although this chapter does not discuss
tion as the means by which magma and asso- these models in detail, the two approaches are
ciated gases reach the surface. The motion of complementary.
dikes below the Earth’s surface can be detected
by dynamic geophysical signals such as seismic
swarms and real-time strain measurements.
Understanding the dynamics of fissure propa- 3.2╇ ╇ Field observations
gation is therefore of key importance for inter-
preting sequences of ground deformation and The most obvious geologic context in which to
seismic swarms prior to eruptions. Ultimately, think of dikes is that of rifting, whether along
a good understanding of such precursory sig- a continental rift, such as in East Africa, or at
nals is required during volcanic crisis man- ocean ridges. The significance of sheeted dike
agement. For example, advanced warning of complexes in obducted oceanic crust, consisting
the likely dynamics of an impending eruption, of essentially 100% dikes, has been understood
before a dike breaches the surface, would be for several decades. Nevertheless, dikes are not
highly beneficial. Dike propagation is a chal- limited to divergent plate boundaries€ – they
lenging physical problem, involving fluid flow, are the fundamental means by which magma
elasticity, fracturing, and heat transport. Strong is transferred to the surface during volcanic
rheologic gradients develop in the magma, activity, whatever the geodynamic context. The
which partially solidifies and degasses during relatively rapid propagation and flow through a
propagation. Deformation and fracture of the fissure is effective for preventing magma solidi-
host must be achieved in order for propagation fication during ascent. This section highlights
to proceed. This combination of physics sub- some recent episodes of dike propagation that
disciplines represents a complex mathematical have been captured in real time by geophys-
problem, but equally, a rich phenomenology ical instrument arrays, and which illustrate
can be anticipated. the dynamics of dike emplacement. To date,
This chapter focuses on the fluid modeling these recorded episodes are neither sufficiently
aspects of dike propagation, emphasizing the numerous nor accurately captured to have thor-
relationships between experiment and theory. oughly documented dike dynamics. Vertical
More detailed reviews of theoretical aspects propagation has been observed less frequently
of dike dynamics are given by Lister and Kerr than horizontal propagation, for example.
(1991) and Rubin (1995). When faulting and dike Furthermore, diking processes may vary among
injection take place simultaneously, the tectonic different tectonic stress regimes. Geologic evi-
strain is absorbed both by the emplacement of dence of swarms of mega-dikes (Halls and Fahrig,
magma and the faulting. Understanding this 1987) much larger than events observed by geo-
system therefore requires coupling of magma physical arrays, also suggests that gaps remain
fluid dynamics and fault mechanics. While such in the record of real-time observations. Before
studies are rare, there have been some inter- describing geophysically observed diking epi-
esting contributions at this research interface sodes, we briefly discuss insights into dike prop-
in recent years, notably building on intensive erties gleaned from geologic field observations.
studies of mid-ocean ridge and rifting processes.
Larger-scale models of rift zone evolution involv- 3.2.1â•… Dike geometry as seen in the field
ing repeated dike injection events are largely The geometry of dikes can be inspected dir-
concerned with explaining horizontal versus ectly in the field where they have been exposed

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Figure 3.1╇╇ (a) Dike exposed by erosion on Piton des the dike at a given location. Hence there is no
Neiges, Reunion Island (photo courtesy of N.Villeneuve). guarantee that a solidified dike has the same
The quasi two-dimensional geometry of dikes commonly thickness as it did during emplacement. Despite
adopted in theoretical models can be appreciated in this view. this complication, field observations provide
Pervasive horizontal jointing was caused by lateral cooling. a first-order estimate of dike geometry. Silicic
(b) Dike emplaced just at the surface during the Nyiragongo dikes, in which the magma is typically several
eruption 2002 (photo courtesy of J.-C. Komorowski). A
orders of magnitude more viscous than basalt,
solidified crust can be seen but the magma that occupied
tend to be thicker than their basaltic counter-
the interior of the dike was drained during the eruption. See
color plates section.
parts by about an order of magnitude, although
examples of thin silicic dikes also exist. However,
in general there are fewer field studies of silicic
by erosion. Observations made in the Tertiary dikes than of basaltic dikes. In this chapter, we
Igneous Province in the UK (Jolly and Sanderson, do not emphasize magma composition as far as
1995) related to continental rifting, or in the older, liquid properties are concerned, although the
more eroded parts of Iceland (Gudmundsson, greater viscosity and volatile content are clearly
and Brenner, 2005) related to oceanic rifting, for important factors for dike emplacement and
example, indicate that basaltic dikes commonly eruption of silicic magmas.
have widths on the order of one to a few meters. While the basic picture of dike geometry is
The lengths and breadths (vertical and horizon- that of a two-dimensional sheet, it is clear that
tal extents, respectively) of dikes are variable, dike surfaces are rarely smooth. It is common
but always much greater than dike widths, and to observe damage in the host rocks in the form
thus it is natural to approximate dikes as two- of joints and cracks, and pieces of host rock
dimensional sheets Fig. 3.1(a). Nevertheless, spalling off the wall, as well as irregular offsets
geologic exposures that allow examination of of the dike profile when viewed in cross-section.
individual dikes over large vertical or horizontal Currently it is not clear whether such features
extents are rare, so it is difficult to characterize are important clues to propagation processes
dike geometry in greater detail. Moreover, when or simply secondary details, but they may be
a dike is propagating, pressure changes in the relevant in the context of characteristic seis-
magma and stress changes in the host will cause micity accompanying propagation. In notable
variations with time in the opening (width) of field studies on the Colorado Plateau, Delaney

9780521895439c03_p32-54.indd 34 8/2/2012 9:40:12 AM


and Pollard (1981) and Delaney et al. (1986) Iceland (e.g., Einarsson and Brandsdottir, 1980;
examined the damage recorded in host rocks, Björnsson, 1985; Buck et al., 2006; Pedersen et al.,
and attempted to quantify in situ resistance to 2007) and Hawaii (e.g., Pollard et al., 1983; Rubin
dike propagation. They concluded that a consid- and Pollard, 1987). Here, we highlight the gen-
erable amount of energy must be expended in eral features of such events that provide useful
irreversible damage to the host, and suggested constraints for propagation models, including
that effective fracture toughness might be a lot examples of rift-related, subduction-related, and
higher than values measured on small rock sam- hot-spot- (shield volcano-) related magmatism.
ples in the laboratory. The underlying quantita- In 2005 a dike ~60 km long and 5–8 m wide,
tive questions, related to use of Linear Elastic as constrained by satellite-borne radar interfer-
Fracture Mechanics (LEFM; see Section 3.3.2) in ometry, was injected along the Manda Harraro
theoretical models, concern the size of the zone segment of the rift in Afar, Ethiopia (Wright et al.,
of irreversible damage and stress levels therein 2006). Approximately a dozen earthquakes with
(e.g., Rubin, 1993a). magnitudes of 5 to 5.5 were recorded by regional
Field observations of chilled margins and networks over an interval of a few days. While
vesicles in dikes indicate that magma properties there was insufficient ground instrumentation
vary both spatially and temporally during dike close to the site of injection to observe accurately
propagation, although it is not straightforward the duration of emplacement, an upper bound
to relate the predictions of models of dynamic for the duration is ~1 week. A notable feature
processes to these static observations, which are of this event is the considerable length of the
“frozen in” by solidification of the magma. For first dike that was emplaced, which was some-
example, Figure 3.1(b) shows a dike just at the what larger than that of the eruptive fissure of
surface from which the magma drained laterally Laki 1783, and comparable with the length of
after formation of a chilled margin. In addition, typical mid-ocean ridge segments. The overall
heterogeneities in the host medium can affect volume of magma intruded in the September
dike propagation. Gudmundsson and Brenner 2005 Afar event was 1.5 km3 (Wright et al., 2006;
(2001) and Gudmundsson (2005) described the Grandin et al., 2009), approximately an order of
possible effects on dike trajectory through a geo- magnitude less than the volume erupted at Laki.
logic formation in which successive layers have In striking contrast to Laki, no basaltic magma
contrasting mechanical properties such as elas- reached the surface at Afar in September 2005.
tic stiffness, leading to stress refraction effects. A dozen or so smaller dikes have been injected
Kavanagh and Sparks (2011) emphasized the since the initial event (on average 1 dike every
importance of variable host rock properties in few months) from a central location on the rift
affecting the final geometry of a swarm of kim- segment (Ebinger et al., 2010). A small propor-
berlite dikes, and Baer and Hamiel (2010) inter- tion of these injections led to eruptions of bas-
preted a set of dikes in the Dead Sea region as altic magma, indicating that the volume of the
having propagated horizontally under the influ- dikes is in large part accommodating tectonic
ence of a density interface in the host rock. strain in the depth interval of 4–10 km, while
the strain at shallower depths is being taken up
3.2.2â•…Geophysically observed dike by motion on faults.
injection events At the time of writing, the Afar rifting epi-
In this section, we discuss episodes of dike injec- sode appears to be nearing its end after more
tion that have been recorded geophysically in than six years of activity. The lack of vegetation
real time, including the rifting event in Afar, in this region has allowed high€– quality radar
Ethiopia, which started in 2005 and is ongoing interferometry to constrain the volumes and
at the time of writing, the 1997–98 event near final positions of the dikes. Moreover, some of
the Izu Peninsula of Japan, and recent eruptions the later injections were recorded on more prox-
of Piton de la Fournaise. Valuable data have also imal, albeit sparse, seismic networks (Ebinger
been obtained for events elsewhere, notably in et al., 2008; Keir et al. 2009; Grandin et al., 2011).

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Figure 3.2╇╇ Data obtained during dike emplacement in of crust at some mid-ocean ridges have identified
the central section of the Manda Harraro rift segment in magma storage/accumulation regions on the
Afar, Ethopia modified from Grandin et al. (2011). (a), (b) order of a kilometer in vertical and cross-ridge
Earthquake locations deduced from data acquired by a local extent (Singh et al., 2006). However, taking a
temporary seismic network; the white cross indicates the broader view of magmatic activity in continents
main source reservoir feeding the dikes. (c) Dike opening and oceans, observations that tightly constrain
constrained by satellite-borne radar interferometry (Grandin
magma distribution prior to dike emplacement
et al., 2009). Each contour represents an opening of 0.5 m.
are still quite rare. One challenge is to record a
The dashed line shows the position of the dike tip based on
a first-order interpretation that seismicity is centered on
sufficiently clear picture of dike dynamics that,
the propagating tip (Grandin et al., 2011). However, it is clear via a physical model, robust inferences can be
in (b) that seismicity at any given time is distributed over a made about tectonic stress boundary conditions
horizontal distance at least 5 km in width, i.e., considerably and the magma source pressure driving dike
greater than the size of a process zone that would be emplacement. For recent models that focus on
consistent with the LEFM framework. The majority of this how a sequence of dikes can be interpreted as
seismicity might therefore actually be located in front of or a response to a given set of conditions prior to
behind the tip.
magmatic activity, we refer the reader to Buck
(2006) and Buck et al. (2006), and here focus on
the dynamics of individual injections.
In Figure 3.2, seismic recordings of one such In Figure 3.2(b), one can envisage that the
injection clearly show the migration of events. dike tip is located at the barycenter of the
A general picture emerges of a shallow magma events and fit a curve to dike tip position ver-
source, positioned roughly centrally in the rift sus time, and hence deduce dike velocity by dif-
segment, from which magma migrates along ferentiation (Rivalta, 2010; Grandin et al., 2011).
the rift. This interpretation largely confirms The seismic events are sufficiently well located
earlier suggestions based on the pioneering that one can probably improve on this first-
use of microseismicity to follow dike injection order interpretation, but even if one locates the
during the Krafla rifting episode in the 1980s dike tip in this way, there is clearly seismicity
(Brandsdottir and Einarsson, 1979; Einarsson occurring at locations well behind and beyond
and Brandsdottir, 1980), and is similar to inter- the tip. It is reasonable to expect some seismi-
pretations of events that have been recorded city ahead of the dike tip, and to either side of
at submerged mid-ocean ridges (e.g., Blackman the dike close behind the tip, depending on the
et al., 2000; Tolstoy et al., 2006). Seismic images stress distribution (Rubin and Gillard, 1998).

9780521895439c03_p32-54.indd 36 8/2/2012 9:40:13 AM


(a) 0 (b)
0 1 2

1 34°-58’


139° 08’ 139° 10’ 139° 12’
(c) A A’ (d) B
Depth (km)


Depth (km)

8 8

–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 –1 0 1
10 Distance (km)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Day from 20 April 1998 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Day from 20 April 1998

Elevation (km)

07:30 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00

Time (hours)

interpretation, for example by locating the tip

Figure 3.3╇╇ (a)–(d) Earthquake swarm activity occurring off
between these bounds where seismicity is max-
the east coast of Izu Peninsula in April to May 1998; modified
imum. In any case, we conclude that the seis-
from Hayashi and Morita (2003) and Morita et al. (2006). (a)
Hypocenters inferred from P- and S-wave arrivals. (b), (c)
mically emitting zone covers several kilometers
and (d) Distribution and migration of accurately relocated parallel to the dike’s long axis, which is large
hypocenters (Hayashi and Morita, 2003). Symbol shades compared to the size of a postulated mechanical
indicate dates on which the events occurred. Epicenters process zone based on Linear Elastic Fracture
(b) and cross sections (c) and (d) along A–A′ and B–B′, Mechanics (LEFM; Section 3.3).
respectively, with distances measured from the intersection Another remarkable field data set was
of the two profiles. The hypocenters are clearly aligned on a acquired during the 1997 and 1998 seismic
nearly vertical plane, and migrate outward from the center of
swarms that occurred on the Izu peninsula,
the distribution. (e) Location of the radiated seismic energy
Japan. Geodetic and seismic networks were
using amplitude ratio analysis associated with the feeder dike
of the January 2010 eruption at Piton de la Fournaise volcano,
denser than the Afar example, allowing more
La Réunion, modified from Taisne et al. (2011a). Gray symbols accurate seismic locations. Hayashi and Morita
indicate the error on the location, the first dashed line (2003) present both classical location of the
indicates the beginning of the seismic crisis and the second seismicity using P- and S-wave onset, and pre-
represents the onset of the eruption. cise hypocenter determinations from waveform
correlation Figs. 3.3(a)–(d). The geodetic data
Therefore, identifying two lines bounding the (including those from GPS receivers, a level-
distribution of seismicity permits a second order ing survey, and tiltmeters) were successfully

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Figure 3.4╇╇Temporal and spatial

distribution of dike opening from
time-dependent inversion of the 1997
seismic swarm at Izu Peninsula, Japan.
Each panel represents the dike plane,
viewed from the southwest, with depth
in kilometers along the vertical axis,
and along-strike distance in kilometers
along the horizontal axis. The color
represents the rate of dike opening,
measured in millimeters per day. Each
panel represents one day. From Aoki
et al. (1999). See color plates section.

inverted using a model of an opening and mov- injection shows intermittent rather than steady
ing dike by Aoki et al. (1999) for the 1997 seis- seismic emission as the dike moves towards the
mic swarm (Fig. 3.4) and by Okada et al. (2000) surface. These observations demonstrate the
for the 1998 seismic swarm. Morita et al. (2006) importance of transient processes in propaga-
combined seismic and geodetic data using the tion dynamics, which could arise due to host
former as a priori information while inverting rock heterogeneities (e.g., in elastic properties
the latter. These impressive studies start to pro- or density), or variations in magma properties
vide a picture of dike geometry during propaga- (e,g., due to cooling/�solidification or degassing).
tion. We conclude that propagation proceeded Sections 3.3.2 and 3.4.4 investigate the role of
in a somewhat discontinuous way with bursts of variable magma and host rock properties from
seismicity occurring around the margins of the theoretical and experimental perspectives, in
dike rather than a continuous migration of a an effort to aid in the interpretation of these
well-identified source. Seismic events took place field observations.
over a depth interval of 3–8 km throughout the This summary of three diking events that
duration of the swarm (Fig. 3.3), which supports were recorded by geophysical arrays sets the
the idea that earthquakes also occur well away scene for discussing modeling contributions
from the tip region. that have been made over the last 20 years or
Piton de la Fournaise, Réunion Island so. The observational data available at present
is a highly active volcano in which seismic are biased towards predominantly horizontal
swarms preceding eruptions provide an oppor- rather than vertical propagation, whereas much
tunity to follow dike motion (Battaglia et al., theoretical work has explicitly tackled vertical
2005; Lengliné et al., 2008). Other methods buoyancy-driven propagation. Section 3.3 sets
have recently been derived to analyze seismic out the basic mathematical description of a
swarms too dense to allow a classical approach propagating fissure, with an emphasis on lubri-
(Taisne et al., 2011a). Figure 3.3(e) shows an cation theory, initially for situations in which
example of migrating seismicity associated magma and host rock properties are homoge-
with a propagating dike recorded before it neous. We then broaden the discussion to more
reached the surface at Piton de la Fournaise. recent studies involving heterogeneous magma
Similarly to the relatively long-lived injection and/or host properties, which attempt to more
at Izu peninsula, this relatively short-lived closely model natural conditions.

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3.3╇ ╇Theoretical considerations

Pe ~
for z > z f ,

2 z − zf
3.3.1â•…Constant magma and host
properties where h is the size of the fissure opening (thick-
We start with the basic situation in which an ness/width), η is the magma viscosity, Pe is the
isolated crack with some internal overpressure elastic pressure, ∆ρ is the difference between
or buoyancy follows a linear trajectory within a magma density and country rock density, g is
homogeneous lithostatic environment. Adding a acceleration due to gravity (such that ∆ρg is a
tensile opening stress field of tectonic origin does buoyancy term), t is time, z is the vertical coord-
not fundamentally change the situation, because inate, G is the shear modulus, ν is the Poisson
specifying the internal pressure and the direc- ratio, Γ is an integration variable, zf is the pos-
tion of propagation is mathematically equivalent ition of the fissure tip, Kc is fracture toughness,
to specifying an opening stress, with the dike and l is the fissure vertical length. All notation is
propagating normal to the direction of this open- defined in Section 3.6.
ing stress (or in general normal to the direction These equations are, respectively, momen-
of the least compressive stress). The presence of tum conservation in the form of the Reynolds
a more complex stress field in the elastic host lubrication equation (Eq. (3.1a)), the integral
would in general cause a dike to follow a curved equation coupling fluid pressure to the elastic
trajectory. The crack is assumed to be isother- host medium (Eq. (3.1b)), the relation describing
mal and two dimensional. Muskhelishvili (1953) the shape of the crack in the tip region, derived
and Weertman (1971) established the application by setting the stress intensity factor of the mov-
of theory describing dislocations in crystalline ing dike equal to the fracture toughness of the
solids (i.e., when a regular solid lattice includes host (Eq. (3.1c)), and the form of the elastic stress
some offset, for example) to describe propagating singularity in the propagation plane ahead of
fractures in geophysical contexts, in particular to the tip (Eq. (3.1d)). A more general mathemat-
handle mathematically the coupling between the ical framework can be found in Atkinson and
pressure in the fluid within the fissure and the Craster (1995).
elastic host. Spence and Turcotte (1985), Spence This system was originally solved for steady
et al. (1987), and Lister (1990a,b) described flow in propagation driven by magma buoyancy and for
the magma-filled crack using lubrication theory horizontal motion by specifying a constant flux
(i.e., assuming a geometry wherein one dimension of magma (Lister and Kerr, 1991; Rubin, 1995).
is much smaller than the other two). The magma The equations can be put into dimensionless
is assumed to be incompressible. To describe con- form, such that, in the case of constant prop-
ditions in the vicinity of the tip, these studies erties, one parameter€– the dimensionless frac-
adopted the approach of Linear Elastic Fracture ture toughness, K*€– is sufficient to describe the
Mechanics (LEFM), in which certain forms are system (Lister, 1990b):
assumed for the mathematical singularity in the
elastic field just ahead of the crack tip, as well as â•…
the shape of the tip region. This reasoning leads Kc (3.2)
K* = ,
to the following set of equations: ∆ρ gV 1/ 2

∂h 1 ∂  3  ∂Pe â•…
 where V is the volume of magma in the
=  h  − ∆ρ g   , (3.1a)
∂t 3 η ∂z   ∂z  fissure.
Figure 3.5 shows results for the shape of a
zf â•…
 ∂h ∂Γ  steadily propagating buoyant dike as a function
Pe = ∫ 
(1 − v )π −∞ ∂Γ Γ − z
 , (3.1b)
of K*. To first order, the dike has a swollen head
region, where elastic pressure gradients are pre-
1− v 2 â•…
h (z, t ) ~ Kc (l − z ), (3.1c) sent, and the thickness of this head increases
G π with increasing K*. The head is followed by a

9780521895439c03_p32-54.indd 39 8/2/2012 9:40:17 AM


Figure 3.6╇╇ Schematic drawing of the head and tail

structure of a buoyancy-driven dike (not to scale). The
relative importance of the pressure scales defined in the
text is indicated. In the head, viscous losses are neglected
and buoyancy, elastic, and fracturing pressures are important.
In the tail region, where elastic pressure gradients become
negligible, the key balance is between buoyancy and viscous
Figure 3.5╇╇ Dimensionless dike half-width plotted as a
pressures. The order of magnitude of the tail width H and
function of dimensionless distance behind the dike tip for
length L of the head region are indicated. The direction of the
different values of the dimensionless fracture toughness,
breadth dimension, B, is into the page.
K* (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.5, indicated on curves). An increase in
dimensionless fracture toughness leads to a more swollen
head. Note that horizontal and vertical distances are not
scaled to the same reference length, which exaggerates the by a balance between fluid buoyancy and viscous
swelling. Redrawn from Taisne and Jaupart (2009). pressures in the tail. This situation has been fur-
ther developed in work motivated by oil reser-
voir applications (e.g., Garagash and Detourney,
tail region of constant thickness/half-width 2000).
(Fig. 3.6) in which elastic pressure gradients are This physical description is not limited to
negligible. Flow in the tail region is a laminar steady-state motion, and results have been
viscous flow driven by buoyancy. It follows that obtained for transient problems (e.g., Mériaux
the width of the dike tail h∞ and the velocity and Jaupart, 1995; Roper and Lister, 2007). For
of the propagating fissure, c, are related to the transient calculations in which the fissure is
magma flux Q2D, buoyancy and viscosity as: connected to the magma source, the magma
flux is calculated rather than specified a priori.
1/ 3 â•…
 3ηQ 2 D  (3.3a) For the case of buoyancy-driven propagation,
h∞ =  ,
 2∆ρ g  Taisne and Jaupart (2009) showed that, starting
from some initial shape, the fissure geometry
Q 2D
c= . adjusts to attain the steady solution.
2 h∞ (3.3b)â•…
Another important canonical case is that of
the release of a finite volume of liquid. Because
In this basic situation the host is continuously the dike is not fed continuously, propagation
cracked by a combination of increased elas- is not steady. Roper and Lister (2007) showed
tic pressure and buoyancy in the head of the that, after adjusting from initial conditions, the
�fissure, whereas the speed of the crack is fixed propagation rate follows a power law such that

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Table 3.1╇ ╇ Fissure growth relationships for different conditions.

Balance between resisting and Form of length–time

Model situation driving forces relation
2D€– buoyant liquid viscosity vs. buoyancy (Pv, Pb) t1/3
3D€– neutrally buoyant, penny-shape viscosity vs. elasticity (Pv, Pe) t1/9
3D€– buoyant, penny-shape viscosity vs. buoyancy (Pv, Pb) t1/5
3D€– neutrally buoyant, constant breadth viscosity vs. elasticity (Pv, Pe) t1/5
3D€– buoyant, constant breadth viscosity vs. buoyancy (Pv, Pb) t1/3

the fissure length follows l ~ t1/3, and the crack V = Atα, (3.5)
thins with time as it extends in length.
where A is a constant whose dimensions depend
The above theoretical work has inherent
on the value of the exponent α, and α = 1 for
simplifications when compared with natural
constant magma flux and α = 0 for constant
situations, perhaps the most obvious being
magma volume. Table 3.1 summarizes fissure
the assumptions of two-dimensionality and
propagation relationships for various model
of constant magma and host rock properties.
situations represented by balances between dif-
Before discussing more recent results that have
ferent driving and resistive forces. As a fissure
extended this basic theoretical approach to
lengthens, it can pass from a regime defined by
cases with variable magma or host properties,
the balance between elastic and viscous pres-
we introduce the approach of writing simple
sures (Pe vs. Pv), to one between buoyancy and
physical balances to obtain scaling laws. This
viscous pressures (Pb vs. Pv), and thus its rate
gives a more intuitive picture of the basic phys-
of growth will vary with time. If the fissure is
ics involved. Four pressure scales can be defined
close to equidimensional in the fissure plane
(Lister and Kerr, 1991), which represent elasti-
(L ~ B), and buoyancy is absent or small, cracks
city Pe, buoyancy Pb, viscous resistance Pv, and
are usually referred to as “penny-shaped.” Once
fracture toughness, Pf, respectively:
buoyancy has become dominant in the vertical
E H â•… direction and L and B differ significantly (L > B),
Pe ~ , (3.4a)
2(1 − v ) min[ L, B]
2 the n the crack is inherently three dimensional,
and the analysis becomes much harder (Taisne
Pb ~ ∆ρ gL, (3.4b)â•… et al., 2011b). Exercises 3.1–3.3 (see end of chap-
ter) explore the balances that lead to the results
4ηLC â•… presented in Table 3.1, and expose some of con-
Pv ~ , (3.4c)
H2 sequences of assuming two-dimensional geom-
etry in the theory.
Kc â•…
Pf ~ . (3.4d)
min[ L, B]
3.3.2â•… Variable magma and host properties
Here E is Young’s modulus, C is the fissure vel- To describe geological conditions more realis-
ocity scale, and H, B, L are the fissure thickness, tically, certain simplifying assumptions must
breadth, and length scales, respectively, where be discarded. As regards magma properties, the
H and B represent dimensions normal to the most obvious issues are (1) including heat trans-
direction of propagation (with Hâ•›<â•›B), and L is fer in the model will lead to viscosity increases
the dimension in the direction of propagation. and solidification of the magma, particularly
The function min[L,B] means the smaller of the in the tip region, and (2) volatiles initially dis-
two variables is used. The volume of magma in solved in the magma will exsolve to form a gas
the fissure can be specified conveniently in the phase as pressure decreases€ – again the great-
form est effects will be close to the propagating tip.

9780521895439c03_p32-54.indd 41 8/2/2012 9:40:20 AM


Volatile exsolution will also increase magma

buoyancy and melt viscosity.
In addition, it is unlikely that the host rocks
will be homogeneous for dikes propagating
over distances of kilometers to tens of kilom-
eters. There are large changes in confining pres-
sure in the case of vertical propagation, and
the dike is likely to encounter rock formations
with different densities and elastic properties.
Another complication is the possible existence
of a regional tectonic stress such that the least
compressive stress is not consistently orientated
with respect to the initial propagation direction
of the dike. These problems have not all been
tackled comprehensively, but here we summar-
ize some results obtained for situations involv-
ing variable properties.
Rubin (1993a) suggested, by using the model of
Barenblatt (1962) to treat the tip region, that the
LEFM approach may break down for high confin-
ing pressure. For LEFM to be valid, the “process
zone,” in which stresses exceed the elastic limit
Figure 3.7╇╇ Dimensionless dike half-width plotted as a
for rocks and inelastic processes take over, must
function of dimensionless distance behind the dike tip for a
be small. If LEFM breaks down, the resistance to fixed dimensionless fracture toughness, but for a case with
propagation could vary as the dike moves and a growing gas pocket with dimensionless lengths of 0, 0.5,
the process zone changes in size. Degassing of and 1 indicated on the curves. The fracture narrows as the
magma occurs as it rises towards the surface and gas pocket increases in size, with the minimum width being
experiences lower pressure, which introduces attained just within the gas-filled region. Redrawn from Taisne
the major feature of magma compressibility into and Jaupart (2011).
the requirements of a model. In models of dike
propagation in the crust beneath a deep ocean,
degassing can probably be justifiably ignored, viscosity and potential solidification have not
but in the case of subaerial volcanism it is inevit- yet been thoroughly investigated. Delaney and
ably an issue. Lister (1990b) made a preliminary Pollard (1982), Rubin (1993b) and Bolchover and
analysis of the effects of gas exsolution by includ- Lister (1999) determined the conditions under
ing a gas pocket of fixed volume near the tip of which a dike may be thermally viable (i.e., able
the steady dike, and demonstrated the effects to propagate), or not, such that propagation is
on the shape of the head. Taisne and Jaupart arrested by freezing. It is unlikely that a truly
(2011) investigated the more realistic transient steady regime can be established when solidifi-
problem in which the gas pocket grows with cation or cooling-driven viscosity increases are
time. Figure 3.7 shows results for the shape of significant, but for now a full theoretical treat-
the head region as a function of time: the fissure ment is lacking. We return to this problem in
tends to narrow in the gas region just above the Section 3.4.3.
liquid–gas interface. Under real conditions, dam- We now turn to consideration of hetero-
age to the rocks in the tip region might allow geneities in the host medium. Lister and Kerr
gas to leak out of the dike and infiltrate the host (1991) considered propagation of a dike in a
(Rubin, 1993a). vertical density gradient, showing how propaga-
The inclusion of heat conduction into the tion changed from vertical to horizontal, while
host and the consequent increase in magma the dike plane remained vertical. Taisne and

9780521895439c03_p32-54.indd 42 8/2/2012 9:40:21 AM


a dike should lead to stress refraction effects,

such that the minimum compressive stress can
become rotated, causing a vertically propagat-
ing dike to evolve into a horizontal orientation.
At the time of writing, density inversions and
stress refraction are both plausible explana-
tions for sill formation, which can account for
large volumes of magma intruded into the crust
rather than erupted. This is relevant to the ther-
mal evolution of the continental crust, and the
emplacement of thick sills of basaltic magma is
one of the mechanisms that have been proposed
to generate large volumes of silicic magmas by
crustal melting (Huppert and Sparks, 1988).
The problem of stress refraction raises the
general question of the existence of regional
stress fields that may cause a dike to deviate
from a linear trajectory or halt vertical progress.
An important example of this situation is the
stress field due to loading of the crust by a vol-
canic edifice. As volcanism builds an edifice, the
increasing weight will progressively impose a
Figure 3.8╇╇Time sequence of the evolution of dike shape
as it advances from country rocks with density greater
stress field in the crust, which will ultimately
than the magma to those with density less than the magma. affect the trajectory of rising dikes (Pinel and
The position of the density interface in the country rocks Jaupart, 2000, 2004).
is indicated by the dotted line. As the dike encounters
the interface it decelerates and evolves from vertical to 3.3.3â•…Questions to resolve: an appeal
horizontal propagation suggesting that a sill may form at the to experiments
interface. Redrawn from Taisne and Jaupart (2009). We end this summary of theoretical consid-
erations by setting the scene for discussion of
experimental simulations of dike propagation.
Jaupart (2009) analyzed the problem of a dike It is not easy to compare the results of theor-
containing magma of fixed density, propagat- etical calculations directly with field observa-
ing vertically under its own buoyancy through a tions, but laboratory experiments provide one
denser host, but which encounters a rock layer way of linking the two. It is difficult to design
of density lower than that of the magma. The experiments that reflect geologic reality, given
buoyancy inversion causes the dike to deceler- the large length scales, pressure and rheologic
ate and swell horizontally. Figure 3.8 shows the changes involved. The general principle is that
shape of the head region calculated at consecu- one must use materials at laboratory scale that
tive times, demonstrating the potential for the enable us to respect the principle of dynamic
dike plane to evolve to a horizontal orientation similarity, i.e., that an appropriate set of dimen-
and form a sill. Note that in both studies, the sionless numbers should take similar values in
dike does penetrate above the interface of buoy- both model and natural applications in order
ancy inversion. Another approach to the prob- to reproduce the appropriate dynamic regime.
lem of sill formation has been to consider layers Despite limitations, experiments can provide
of contrasting elastic properties in the host. dynamic and geometric information during
Gudmundsson and Brenner (2001) observed that propagation, and hence help to verify aspects of
large contrasts in elastic modulus or stiffness theory that can then be applied with more con-
within a geologic formation that is traversed by fidence at the scale of geologic phenomena.

9780521895439c03_p32-54.indd 43 8/2/2012 9:40:21 AM


We have raised several issues that are is injected from a reservoir into the base or
addressed in the discussion of experimental top of a gelatin block. A pre-cut in the gelatin
studies in Section 3.4: (1) Natural fissures have allows clean initiation and orientation of the fis-
finite breadth and therefore a three-dimensional sure. For solidification experiments, the reser-
shape that must be accounted for; only if the voir was kept at a constant temperature above
magma source is linear and very long, may a two- the solidus of the working fluid, while the gel-
dimensional approximation suffice. Of key inter- atin temperature was below this solidus. Visual
est are the factors that might limit their breadth, observations were made by dyeing the fluid
and how they might affect fissure propagation. and viewing normal to the crack plane, using
(2) Laboratory analyses can help to verify the the intensity of color to deduce crack thickness,
scaling laws predicted by theory, such as the l ~ and/or by exploiting the photo-elastic proper-
t1/3 relationship obtained for the case of constant ties of the gelatin to visualize the elastic stress
volume propagation. (3) Experiments can provide field around the fissure. Preparation of the
insights into propagation behavior in the case of gelatin followed the protocol of Menand and
significant variations in magma properties due Tait (2001, 2002)€ – elastic modulus was varied
to degassing and cooling. If a steady regime is via gelatin concentration, and measured in situ
not possible under these conditions, regimes of prior to each experiment. During solidification
unsteady propagation may be defined. experiments the formation of solid caused the
fissure to become opaque, hindering extraction
of quantitative information about fissure thick-
3.4╇ ╇ Experimental investigations ness from the photographs. Nevertheless, fissure
propagation was followed by taking a sequence
3.4.1â•… Experimental methods of photographs at regular intervals, and extract-
Three types of experiments, involving a host ing from the images the total area of the fissure
elastic solid made of gelatin, provide insight as observed normal to the plane of the fissure.
into the dynamics of dike propagation. The first In most natural geologic situations, it is rea-
set of experiments involve continuous injection sonable to suppose that the elastic host medium
of buoyant fluid under isothermal conditions is essentially infinite, whereas this is impossible
into the base of the gelatin, either by maintain- to achieve in the laboratory. Experimental stud-
ing the source reservoir at constant overpres- ies have generally assumed that the experimen-
sure or by imposing a constant injection flux. tal tanks are sufficiently large that wall effects
In a second set of experiments, also isothermal, are negligible, although this does not appear
a constant volume of positively or negatively to have been rigorously tested. Taisne and Tait
buoyant fluid was injected into the gelatin. A (2009, 2011) devised a method of introducing a 2
third set of experiments investigated the effects cm wide vertical layer of water between the gel-
of solidification on propagation, which was atin and the tank walls parallel to the plane of
achieved by injecting hot paraffin at constant the experimental fissure (Fig. 3.9(a), in order to
flux into gelatin at a temperature below the sol- effectively minimize the influence of the finite
idus of the paraffin. The results used for illus- dimensions of the tank on fissure propagation.
tration are drawn from Taisne and Tait (2009,
2011) and Taisne et al. (2011b), but we also dis- 3.4.2â•… Steady propagation regime
cuss work that has produced similar, contrast- The two-dimensional theory of fissure propaga-
ing, or complementary results. tion was first established in the framework of
Experimental techniques and conditions constant imposed flux, but a more natural con-
are described in detail by Taisne and Tait (2009, dition is constant overpressure in the source.
2011), and references therein. In summary, Nevertheless, the calculations of Taisne and
the experiments were carried out in transpar- Jaupart (2009) and experiments of Menand and
ent acrylic tanks 50 cm high and either 30 × Tait (2002) showed that, after an initial transient,
30 cm or 30 × 45 cm in horizontal section. Fluid a steady-state regime is attained for a buoyant

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We now consider whether the experimental

fissures are well described by two-dimensional
theory. This theory uses a two-dimensional “volu-
metric” flux (Q2D in m2 s–1; Eq. (3.3)), whereas the
experimental flux is in m3 s–1 and a physical bal-
ance determines the horizontal fissure breadth
B in the plane of the fissure. Even if the breadth
is assumed to be constant in the experiments
so that a vertical pseudo-2D flux can be defined,
this flux still depends on the third dimension,
as well as the source. A truly two-dimensional
fissure would have zero elastic pressure gradi-
Figure 3.9╇╇ Photographs of an experiment in which a dike
ent in the horizontal plane. It is plausible that
is supplied by a constant flux of liquid. The head and tail
structure of the dike can be seen. (a) In transmitted light the
fracture resistance arrests horizontal spreading.
dike is viewed normal to the propagation plane; the intensity We note that the experimental fissures initially
of the color represents the thickness of the dike head and tend to spread both vertically and horizontally,
shows how it tapers to a thin tail. (b) In polarized light the but then vertical propagation beomes dominant
photo-elastic properties of the gelatin reveal the stress field and horizontal spreading ceases. At this transi-
around the dike via birefringence, including the singularity tion point, we assume that vertical and horizon-
centered on the tip, and the absence of fringes around the tal elastic pressures are equal and the fissure
tail. The fringes appear to show that the elastic field does
aspect ratio is ~ 1 (B ~ L). Furthermore, following
not interact with the vertical boundaries of the gelatin. From
the approach of writing physical balances (Eq.
Taisne and Tait (2011). See color plates section.
(3.4)), with Pb ~ Pe ~ Pf, we have
E H K â•…
liquid propagating from a source at constant ∆ρ gL ~ ∆ ρ gB ~ ~ c . (3.6)
overpressure. However, it remained uncertain 2(1 − v ) B
whether effects of the three-dimensional experi-
mental geometry influenced the relationship From this, and substituting Eâ•›=â•›2G(1+v), we
between source overpressure and liquid flux. obtain
Further experiments, similar to those of Menand
1− v â•…
and Tait (2002), used a computer-controlled HB ~ ∆ρ gB3 . (3.7)
injection system to impose a constant fluid flux
(Taisne and Tait, 2011), and also investigated a Finally, because
greater range of fluid buoyancy. These improve- Q 3D (3.8)
ments help to achieve more rigorous compari- C ~ ,
son with theory. Figure 3.9 shows representative
photographs of one such experiment. Figure we obtain
3.9(a) shows the view perpendicular to the fis-
sure plane, allowing the head to be identified  Q G ∆ρ g  −2 (3.9)
C ~  3D K .
 1 − v  c
by its stronger color in contrast to the tail. The
photo-elasticity of the gelatin host (Fig. 3.9(b))
identifies strong stress concentrations at the tip This three-dimensional velocity scale involves
of the fissure, and a head region surrounded by both the flux and the fracture toughness Kc
stress fringes. The head tapers into a tail that because of its role in limiting lateral spreading
lacks stress fringes, indicating that there are no and hence in determining B. Measurements of
significant elastic pressure gradients there. This propagation velocity against this scale show a
basic structure corresponds well to that pre- good correlation (Fig. 3.10).
dicted by the two-dimensional theory outlined Whether a propagating fissure is best
in Section 3.3.1. described by two- or three-dimensional theory

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comparison with these earlier studies. The

experiments of Taisne and Tait (2009) involved
injection of a fixed volume of fluid, typically a
glucose solution, into a gelatin host medium.
The glucose concentration was varied to achieve
different degrees of buoyancy; in many cases the
fluid density was greater than that of the gel-
atin. In order for buoyant propagation to occur,
the buoyancy force (Eq. (3.4b)) must overcome
the fracture resistance of the solid medium (Eq.
(3.4d)), which, in a two-dimensional framework,
requires that the vertical length of the fissure be
greater than a “buoyancy length” (see Exercise
3.1) defined as:
Figure 3.10╇╇ Fissure velocities c measured in experiments
2/3 â•…
in which a constant flux of liquid was fed from the source,  K  (3.10)
Lb =  c  .
plotted as a function of the three-dimensional velocity scale C  ∆ρ g 
given by Eq. (3.10). The black symbols represent experiments
involving heptane, and the open white symbols represent In the experiments, a pre-cut of vertical extent
oil injections. Asterisks denote experiments with a smaller
slightly greater than Lb was made in the gelatin,
flux, in which surface tension might play a dominant role
so that buoyancy would be large enough to frac-
in controlling propagation, so that the measured value of
velocity is greater than the predicted value. Modified from ture the gelatin. Upon emplacement of the liquid
Taisne and Tait (2011). in the pre-cut, the fracture initially spread faster
horizontally than vertically, but after attain-
ing a certain breadth (Bf ), horizontal spreading
may largely depend on how the fissure is initi- ceased and vertical propagation �dominated. The
ated. A fissure that initiates simultaneously over sequence of photographs in Figure 3.11(a) shows
a long distance (as might occur at a spreading how experiments proceeded and Figure 3.11(b)
center where tectonic plates move apart) satis- shows the evolution of thickness determined
fies the requirement of two-dimensional theory by image analysis of color intensity of the dyed
that fluid is fed into a crack that is very long fluid (Taisne and Tait, 2009). As in the case of the
even at the source. However, it may be common constant flux experiments, the question of what
for a crack to nucleate locally, such as at the wall limits the horizontal dimension of each fissure
of a magma storage region, and then propagate arises. Measurements of final fissure breadth Bf
both laterally and vertically until appropriate are plotted in Figure 3.12(a) as a function of a
physical balances are achieved. By analogy with length scale B derived by assuming that hori-
laterally and vertically spreading experimental zontal spreading is ultimately halted by the frac-
fissures, the three-dimensional theory (Eq. (3.9)) ture toughness of the medium. Equating Pe and
should describe this situation well. Pb (Eqs. (3.4a) and (3.4b)) yields
1/ 4 â•…
3.4.3â•…Propagation (and arrest) of a  G V 
B ~  . (3.11)
constant volume fissure  (1 − v ) ∆ρ g 
Several experimental studies have investigated
propagation of a fissure containing a fixed This analysis (Taisne et al., 2011b) empha-
volume of fluid (e.g., Takada, 1990; Heimpel sizes that these fractures are fundamentally
and Olson, 1994; Dahm, 2000), although inter- three-dimensional in character.
pretations and analyses have been diverse. Figure 3.12(b) shows a typical example of the
More recent investigation (Taisne and Tait, length of a fissure as a function of time. The initial
2009; Taisne et al., 2011b) provides a basis for phase involves horizontal spreading, dominated

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Figure 3.11╇╇ (a) Time-series of photographs normal to

the fissure plane for an experiment in which a fixed volume
of fluid was injected at the top of the tank. As the dike
propagates downwards, the thickness of the dike slowly Figure 3.12╇╇ (a) Final breadth Bf of fixed-volume
decreases; the head starts off with a strong color (i.e., is experimental fissures plotted as a function of the breadth
relatively thick) but this diminishes as fluid is lost to the scale B derived in Eq. (3.11). (b) Variation of fissure length
trailing tail. (b) Dike thickness as a function of position, with time for experimental fixed-volume figures (dark
derived from the fissure color intensity. Here hm is the symbols), showing initial vertical growth approximated
maximum thickness of the fissure, corresponding to the dark by l~t1/5 (dashed line), before increasing to l~ t1/3 (dotted
red coloration. From Taisne et al. (2011b), reproduced with line) after fissure stabilized at Bf. From Taisne et al. (2011b),
permission from Springer. See color plates section. reproduced with permission from Springer.

by a balance between elastic pressure and viscous

resistance assuming that the fissure has an aspect altogether at some final length. This result again
ratio L/B of order 1, whereas the second phase emphasizes the fundamentally three-dimensional
involves vertical propagation, in which the dom- nature of these cracks. A purely mechanical con-
inant balance is between buoyancy and viscous dition brings cracks propagating under buoyancy
resistance. The expected scaling laws (Table 3.1) to a halt which, in the context of magmatic dikes,
indicate that the length evolves as l ~ t1/5 and then suggests that a minimum volume of magma
as l ~ t1/3 (dashed and dotted lines in Fig. 3.12(b); is required for an eruption to take place from
agreement with the experimental data is good. a given depth of origin of the dike (Taisne and
This graph shows a general feature that is incon- Tait, 2009; Taisne et al., 2011b). Furthermore, as
sistent with the two-dimensional theory, namely a constant volume crack propagates and hence
that the experimental fissures stop propagating thins, thermal effects will become progressively

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more important. Solidification of the fissure may

therefore intervene before the mechanical effect
halts propagation.
The results using glucose solutions show
an important contrast with previous buoyant,
fixed-volume experiments, in which the fissure
adopted a steady-state shape and rose through the
solid at constant velocity (Takada, 1990; Heimpel
and Olson, 1994; Dahm, 2000). This difference
may be attributed to the use of hydrophobic flu-
ids in those studies, such that the fluid is unable
to wet a thin tail region, and surface tension acts
to retract fluid into the main crack (Taisne and
Tait, 2009). Experiments with hydrophobic flu-
ids are less relevant to the geological application
of interest than studies using miscible fluids; in
the natural case cooling will coat the wall of the
magmatic fracture with a chilled margin which,
being chemically identical to the magma in the
fracture, will eliminate any strong surface energy
effects between solid and liquid.

3.4.4â•…Propagation under conditions of

variable properties
The seismic data presented in Section 3.2 show
intermittent bursts and lulls, and a distribu-
tion of seismicity that was not just located in a
narrow zone at the fracture tip. Experimental
studies have shown that variable fluid or host
Figure 3.13╇╇ Normalized length (dashed lines) and
properties can produce a variety of unsteady
normalized dike area viewed perpendicular to the fissure
behaviors. For example, one set of experiments
(solid lines) as a function of time for (a) an experiment in
explored the behavior of a fissure undergoing which intermittence was weak, and (b) an experiment in
fluid solidification as it propagates. The source which intermittence was pronounced. From Taisne and Tait
conditions were kept fixed by injecting molten (2011).
paraffin at a constant flux in order to determine
whether steady regimes could become estab-
lished. The introduction of solidification into Despite the constant supply of liquid, a dynamic
the problem leads to the definition of two new regime of intermittent fracture propagation was
dimensionless numbers (Taisne and Tait, 2011) observed. The fissure would stop propagating,
defined as a dimensionless temperature i.e., the velocity at the tip would drop to zero,
but then begin to swell without advancing, with
Ts − T∞ â•… the arriving liquid being stored in the fissure
Θ= (3.13a) without increasing its surface area. This swelling
Tl − T∞
inevitably led to an increase in the elastic pres-
sure, and in some cases also buoyancy pressure,
and dimensionless flux
available to fracture the gelatin. In addition, a
H Q H â•… solid layer frozen against the cold fissure walls
Φ = Q 3 D ρc p ∆T = 3D . (3.13b) and particularly in the thin tip region thickened
κ ρc p ∆T LB κ LB
and presumably became stronger. As long as

9780521895439c03_p32-54.indd 48 8/2/2012 9:40:27 AM


Figure 3.14╇╇ Photographs from a

solidification experiment. (a) Frozen
wax remaining in the tank just after
the dike had reached the surface of
the gelatin. (b) Cross section through
the frozen wax after removal from
the tank in an experiment with strong
intermittent behavior. The sample
brackets two large steps of progress,
and shows a strong variation in the
crust thickness: the thick crust that
formed at the end of step N was
breached and more wax flowed ahead
to form the thinner crust in step N+1,
which was last step of the experiment
as the dike reached the top of the tank.
See color plates section.

the combined mechanical resistance of gelatin propagation event. The temporal variation of
and frozen crust was sufficient to combat the the crust thickness is the key to understanding
increase in driving pressure the fissure remained the intermittency. Outbreaks commonly spread
static. However, after a time interval that varied around a large part of the dike periphery, and
from experiment to experiment, and to a lesser did not remain confined to or typically even
extent during individual experiments, propaga- initiate at the tip. This mechanism of increas-
tion resumed, accompanied by deflation of the ing the fissure surface area helps to explain the
swollen fissure. The fissure then grew rapidly observed spatial and temporal distribution of
only to be halted again by solidification. seismicity accompanying dike injection events
Measuring the increase in fissure surface (Section 3.2.2; Figs. 3.2, 3.3): much of the seis-
area by analyzing photographs taken at regular micity is generated behind the dike tip during
intervals allowed the rate of fissure propagation intermittent propagation.
to be characterized. Figure 3.13 shows fissure Several other experimental studies also pro-
length and surface area plotted as a function of vide insights into non-steady behaviors observed
time for two experiments with different initial in nature. Menand and Tait (2001) devised a way
conditions. In one case the behavior is quasi- of accumulating gas in the tip region of a propa-
continuous (Fig. 3.13(a)), but in the other case gating liquid-filled crack, and found that once
intermittent propagation is shown by the step- the gas pocket reached a critical size, it was able
wise appearance of the curves (Fig. 3.13(b)). to fracture the gelatin with its own buoyancy.
Figure 3.14(a) shows a photograph of one The gas pocket then propagated faster than
of these experiments just after the dike had the liquid and they proposed this as a possible
reached the surface of the gelatin, and Figure explanation for gas-rich precursor eruptions.
3.14(b) shows a vertical cross section of the upper Muller et al. (2001) carried out experiments in
part of this solidified dike after removal from which a weight was placed on the top of a gel-
the tank. The section features a thick crust that atin block to simulate the presence of a volcanic
formed at the tip during an interval in which edifice. This procedure induced a non-lithostatic
the fissure was stationary, and then the thinner stress field in the gelatin, which in turn caused
crust above that formed during the subsequent dikes to deviate from their previously vertical

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trajectory. Acocella and Neri (2009) investigated propagation events, for example, might benefit
propagation within an edifice itself, showing from incorporating some synthesis of theoret-
that the presence of the conical free surface ical models of dike dynamics. This merging of
causes dike trajectories to deviate. Kavanagh the shorter time scale picture into a medium to
et al. (2006) examined propagation through a long-term model of rifts may not be too distant
gelatin block consisting of two superposed lay- a prospect.
ers having different elastic moduli, the upper Two final remarks concern the process of
layer being stiffer. They observed that the dike dike initiation, the mechanisms of which are
would deviate and propagate horizontally at the still not well understood. It is well known
interface between the two layers, suggesting that rock undergoes partial rather than total
that this is one explanation for the formation melting, to produce magma, and the prob-
of sills. lem of how melts are extracted to generate
crystal-poor magmas is an important one. In
the theoretical and experimental work pre-
3.5╇ ╇ Discussion and perspectives sented in this chapter, the boundary condi-
tions concerning dike initiation do not take
Future research on dike propagation is likely to account of the fact that the dike is being fed
take a number of directions, including theoret- from a region that has its own, perhaps slower,
ical, field, and experimental studies, but also dynamic �conditions. Therefore linking of real-
real-time geophysical data collection of active istic magma supply rates or availability with
dike injection events. We have shown how dynamic propagation models is also likely to
laboratory experiments can be used to verify be the subject of interesting future develop-
aspects of theoretical models of dike propagation ments. A few pioneering contributions have
dynamics. This step has been necessary because touched on this matter (Sleep, 1974; Rubin,
of the great difficulty of comparing model pre- 1998), investigating dike behavior in a deform-
dictions directly with field observations. As an able porous medium, but there is a lot of inter-
example of how experiments can also pose a esting work yet to be done. The current view of
challenge to theory, studies including solidifica- magma chambers incorporated in dike propa-
tion demonstrate an intermittent propagation gation models is simplistic in both theory and
regime governed by thermal effects. However, experiment (McLeod and Tait, 1999; Buck et al.,
it remains unclear whether this mechanism is 2006; Rivalta, 2010). It would therefore be of
significant enough to account for the intermit- great interest to devise experiments allowing
tency observed in nature. study of the coupling between a porous source
Several dike propagation events have now and a dike, rather than simply treating an elastic
been recorded by geophysical networks suf- interface.
ficiently dense as to provide quite detailed
information (see Section 3.2.2), considerably
enhancing the potential for making direct com-
parisons of theoretical predictions with the 3.6╇ ╇ Summary
dynamic observations. Geologic observations
of solidified dikes will continue to provide use- • The dynamics of dike emplacement involve
ful insights, but the integration of quantitative complex interactions between the behavior
real-time information from dike-induced seis- of the enclosed fluid and the response of the
mic and deformation measurements is a signifi- host medium.
cant advance. Insights from these new data sets • Regimes of dike behavior can be defined by
have already opened up a collaborative interface analyzing balances between the buoyancy and
with researchers modeling larger-scale tectonic viscous pressures due to the fluid, and elastic
problems. Modeling of divergent boundary tec- and fracture pressures of the host.
tonics at timescales longer than individual dike • Experimental studies have provided insights

9780521895439c03_p32-54.indd 50 8/2/2012 9:40:28 AM


into characteristics and behaviors observed in Θ dimensionless temperature

nature, including dike geometry and trajec- ν Poisson’s ratio
tory, intermittency of propagation, and the Δρ difference between densities of magma
distribution of seismicity around dikes during and country rock (kg m−3)
injection. Σ fissure area (m2)
Σf final fissure area (m2)

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for magma migration. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 174, (a) Derive the buoyancy length scale given by
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Taisne, B. and Jaupart, C. (2011). Magma expansion second phase assume elongation at constant
and fragmentation in a propagating dyke. Earth breadth.)
and Planetary Science Letters, 301, 146–152.
3.2 Consider a penny-shaped crack of fixed volume
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in an elastic solid of the same density. Starting
intrusion? Arrest of propagation of constant
from some initial size, the crack grows because
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(a) What is the time dependence of the evo-
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derive the appropriate power-law given in
Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, B01206,
Table 3.1.)
(b) What will be the final static size of the injec-
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m1/2, and ν = 0.5.
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H and L.
Online resources available at www.cambridge.
3.1 Consider an experiment in which a fixed �volume org/fagents
of buoyant liquid is released in an elastic
medium. • Answers to exercises

9780521895439c03_p32-54.indd 54 8/2/2012 9:40:29 AM

Chapter 4

Dynamics of magma ascent in the

volcanic conduit
Helge M. Gonnermann and Michael Manga

Overview ascent rates, even in low viscosity magmas, melt

and exsolved gas remain coupled allowing for
This chapter presents the various mechanisms rapid acceleration and hydrodynamic fragmen-
and processes that come into play within the tation in hawaiian eruptions.
volcanic conduit for a broad range of effu-
sive and dry explosive volcanic eruptions.
Decompression during magma ascent causes 4.1╇ ╇ Introduction
volatiles to exsolve and form bubbles contain-
ing a supercritical fluid phase. Viscous magmas, In the broadest sense, volcanic eruptions are
such as rhyolite or crystal-rich magmas, do not either effusive or explosive. During explosive
allow bubbles to ascend buoyantly and may also eruptions magma fragments and eruption inten-
hinder bubble growth. This can lead to signifi- sity is ultimately related to the fragmentation
cant gas overpressure and brittle magma frag- mechanism and associated energy expenditure
mentation. During fragmentation in vulcanian, (Zimanowski et al. 2003). If the cause of frag-
subplinian, and plinian eruptions, gas is released mentation is the interaction of hot magma with
explosively into the atmosphere, carrying with external water, the ensuing eruption is called
it magma fragments. Alternatively, high vis- phreatomagmatic. Eruptions that do not involve
cosity may slow ascent to where permeable external water are called “dry,” in which case
outgassing through the vesicular and perhaps the abundance and fate of magmatic volatiles,
fractured magma results in lava effusion to prod- predominantly H2O and CO2, as well as magma
uce domes and flows. In low viscosity magmas, rheology and eruption rate are the dominant
typically basalts, bubbles may ascend buoyantly, controls on eruption style. Eruption styles are
allowing efficient magma outgassing and rela- often correlated with magma composition and
tively quiescent magma effusion. Alternatively, to some extent this relationship reflects differ-
bubbles may coalesce and accumulate to form ences in tectonic setting, which also influences
meter-size gas slugs that rupture at the surface magmatic volatile content and magma supply
during strombolian eruptions. At fast magma rate.

Modeling Volcanic Processes: The Physics and Mathematics of Volcanism, eds. Sarah A. Fagents, Tracy K. P. Gregg, and Rosaly M. C.
Lopes. Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2012.

9780521895439c04_p55-84.indd 55 8/2/2012 9:36:17 AM


4.1.1╅ Getting magma to the surface 4.2╇ ╇Volatiles

Volcanic eruptions represent the episodic or
continuous surface discharge of magma from
Volatiles play the central role in governing the
a storage region. We shall refer to this stor-
ascent and eruption of magma, as summarized
age region as the magma chamber and to the
in Figure 4.1. Dissolved volatiles, in particu-
pathway of magma ascent as the conduit. For
lar water, have large effects on melt viscosity.
magma to erupt, the chamber pressure has to
Exsolved volatiles form bubbles of supercritical
exceed the sum of frictional and magma-static
fluids, which we will also refer to as gas or vapor
pressure losses, as well as losses associated
bubbles. These bubbles allow for significant
with opening of the conduit. The latter may
magma compressibility and buoyancy, ultim-
be due to tectonic forces and/or excess magma
ately making eruption possible (Pyle and Pyle
pressure, which in turn are a consequence of
1995, Woods and Cardoso 1997). The decrease in
magma replenishment and/or volatile exsolu-
pressure associated with magma ascent reduces
tion in a chamber within an elastically deform-
volatile solubility, leading to bubble nucleation
ing wall rock. Magma-static pressure loss is
and growth, the latter a consequence of both
strongly dependent on magma density, which
volatile exsolution and expansion (Sparks 1978).
is dependent on volatile exsolution and volume
Volatile exsolution also promotes microlite crys-
expansion as pressure decreases during ascent.
tallization, which in turn affects bubble growth
Feedbacks between chamber and �conduit
and rheology€ – there is a complex feedback
can produce complex and unsteady eruptive
between decompression, exsolution, and crys-
tallization (Tait et al., 1989). The occurrence and
dynamics of explosive eruptions are mediated
4.1.2â•… The volcanic conduit by the initial volatile content of the magma, and
Eruptions at basaltic volcanoes may begin as the ability of gases to escape from the ascending
fissure eruptions, with typical dike widths of magma.
the order of one meter (Chapter 3; Wilson and
Head 1981). However, magma often erupts at
the surface through structures that more closely 4.2.1â•… Solubility
resemble cylindrical conduits. The processes by Volatile solubility is primarily pressure depend-
which flow paths become focused into discrete ent, with secondary dependence on tempera-
cylindrical vents are not well understood. One ture, melt composition, and volatile speciation
possibility is that the temperature-dependent (McMillan 1994, Blank and Brooker 1994,
viscosity of magma results in a feedback Zhang et al., 2007). Formulations for volatile
between a cooling, viscosity increase and reduc- solubility can be thermodynamic or empirical.
tion in flow velocity, so that the flow becomes In either case, calibration is achieved using
more focused over time (Wylie-Lister 1995). In measurements of dissolved volatile concentra-
addition, thermal erosion may also contribute tions in quenched melts, equilibrated with a
to flow focusing. (Bruce Huppert 1989). volatile phase of known composition at fixed
The conduit during silicic explosive erup- pressures and temperatures. The principal
tions is generally thought to be more or less species we consider here are H2O and CO2.
cylindrical, at least at shallow depths. However, Solubility of CO2 in silicate melts is propor-
the conduit cross-sectional area can change tional to partial pressure, whereas for H2O dis-
with depth and time because of wall-rock ero- sociation into molecular H2O and OH results
sion, caused by abrasion as pyroclasts collide in a square root dependence on partial pres-
with conduit walls, or shear stress from the sure. An empirical formulation for combined
erupting magma, or wall collapse (Wilson et al. solubility of H2O and CO2 in rhyolitic melts at
1980, Macedonio et al. 1994, Kennedy et al. 2005, volcanologically relevant conditions is given
Mitchell 2005). by (Liu et al., 2005)

9780521895439c04_p55-84.indd 56 8/2/2012 9:36:17 AM


 5668 − 55.99 pw
Figure 4.1╇╇ Schematic illustration of conduit processes. Cc = pc 
 T
+ 0.4133 pw + 0.002041 p3/2

(a) In effusive eruptions of silicic magma (high viscosity, low
ascent rate) gas may be lost by permeable flow through (4.2)
porous and/or fractured magma. (b) During (sub)plinian
eruptions bubble walls rupture catastrophically at the
Here Cw is total dissolved H2O in wt.%, Cc is dis-
fragmentation surface and the released gas expands rapidly
solved CO2 in ppm and T is temperature in
as the flow changes from a viscous melt with suspended
bubbles to gas with suspended pyroclasts. (c) Extensive loss Kelvin. pw and pc are the partial pressures in
of buoyantly rising bubbles occurs during effusive eruptions MPa of H2O and CO2, respectively. This formu-
of low-volatile content, low-viscosity magma. (d) Coalescence lation is also approximately applicable to other
and accumulation of buoyant bubbles, followed by their melt compositions (Zhang et al., 2007), but more
rupture at the surface, produces strombolian explosions in accurate models are available (Dixon 1997,
slowly ascending low-viscosity magmas. (e) Bubbles remain Newman and Lowenstern 2002, Papale et al.,
coupled to the melt in low-viscosity, hawaiian eruptions, 2006). Equilibrium concentrations of dissolved
which are characterized by relatively high ascent rates,
CO2 and H2O, based on this formulation, are
hydrodynamic fragmentation, and sustained lava fountaining.
shown in Figure 4.2. Notice that almost all CO2
exsolves at >100 MPa for rhyolite and at >25
MPa for basalt, whereas most H2O dissolves at

C w = 0.0012439 p3/2
w <100 MPa for rhyolite and at <25 MPa for basalt.
354.94 pw + 9.623 pw − 1.5223 p3/2 Consequently, processes in the shallow conduit
+ w
T are predominantly affected by H2O exsolution.
+ pc −1.084 × 10 −4 p w − 1.362 × 10 −5 p w ) 4.2.2â•… Diffusivity
Volatile diffusivities in silicate melts are best
and characterized for H2O. A recent formulation for

9780521895439c04_p55-84.indd 57 8/2/2012 9:36:19 AM


H2O diffusivity (m2 s–1) in rhyolite with H2O con-

tents �╛2 wt % is (Zhang and Behrens 2000)
p 
 10661
Dwr = C w exp  −17.14 − − 1.772 m  . (4.3)
 T T 

A formulation for higher H2O concentrations is

provided by Zhang et al. (2007), who also give the
following equation for H2O diffusivity in basalt

 19110 
Dwb = C w exp  −8.56 − . (4.4)
 T 

CO2 diffusivity, Dc, is smaller than water diffu-

sivity over a range of conditions (Watson 1994).
The most reliable formulation for Dc in silicate
melts is based on argon diffusivity, which is
essentially identical to CO2 at volcanologically
relevant conditions (Behrens and Zhang 2001,
Nowak et al., 2004)

17367 + 1.0964 p m
Dc = −18.239 −

( 855.2 + 0.2712 pm ) C w

4.2.3â•…Pre-eruptive volatile content

of magmas
Basaltic magmas show a wide range of water
contents ranging from >0.5 wt.% to 6–8 wt.%
(Johnson et al., 1994, Wallace 2005), with non-
arc basalts generally being considerably dryer
than arc magmas, which have highly variable
water contents. Silicic magmas also show a wide
range of water contents up to 6 wt.%, and pos-
sibly higher (Carmichael 2002).
Figure 4.2╇╇ Solubility of CO2 and H2O (dashed contours)
and equilibrium solubility degassing paths (solid lines) Carbon dioxide
for typical rhyolitic and basaltic magmas undergoing CO2 content of magmas is more difficult to con-
closed-system dagassing. (a) Rhyolite magma with no initial strain, because of its low solubility at shallow
exsolved volatiles at 850 °C, initial pressure of 200 MPa, and depths (Fig. 4.2). Measurements of H2O and CO2
initial dissolved H2O content of 4 wt.%, using the solubility
in melt inclusions, in conjunction with solubil-
model of Liu et al. (2005). (b) Basaltic magma with no initial
ity relations, suggest that arc magmas contain
exsolved volatiles at 1300 °C, initial pressure of 200 MPa, and
initial H2O content of 0.7 wt.%, using the solubility model of
several wt.% of CO2, much of which exsolved pre-
Dixon (1997). eruptively, for example during vapor-saturated
fractional crystallization (Papale 2005; Wallace
2005). Thus, arc magmas may already contain,
or have lost, significant amounts of exsolved CO2

9780521895439c04_p55-84.indd 58 8/2/2012 9:36:21 AM


prior to eruption. CO2 of undegassed mid-ocean 4.3.1â•… Nucleation

ridge basalts and ocean island basalts appears to Pressure decreases as magma ascends. If the
be about 1 wt.% or less (Hauri 2002). Because CO2 concentration of dissolved volatiles exceeds the
exsolves at greater pressures than H2O, relative equilibrium solubility at a given pressure, the
proportions of CO2 and H2O in erupted gases, melt is supersaturated, a requirement for bub-
glasses and, melt inclusions can provide con- ble nucleation. Supersaturation, �ps, is defined
straints on depths of magma degassing. Because as the difference between actual pressure and
typical CO2 contents of silicic magmas are con- the pressure at which the concentration of dis-
siderably lower than H2O, the latter dominates solved volatiles would be in equilibrium with
eruption dynamics. the co-existing vapor phase. The supersatur-
ation required for nucleation corresponds to the
Sulfur energy that must be supplied to increase the sur-
H2S and SO2 are, after water and carbon diox- face area between two fluids. It is a consequence
ide, the most abundant magmatic volatiles. S of surface tension, γ, a measure of the attractive
concentrations are, at a minimum, several thou- molecular forces that produce a jump in pressure
sand ppm in arc and back-arc magmas (Wallace across a curved interface between two fluids. This
2005). Volcanic sulfur emissions are spectro- so-called Laplace or capillary pressure is 2γ/R for
graphically readily detectable and, therefore, a spherical bubble of radius R. Supersaturation
play an important role in monitoring of active is typically produced when fast magma ascent
volcanoes via remote sensing. Emissions from allows insufficient time for volatile diffusion into
active volcanoes, especially during voluminous existing bubbles, which occurs when τdif/τdec ≫ 1
explosive eruptions, have significant environ- (Toramaru, 1989). Here, τdec = pm/pṁ is the char-
mental and atmospheric impacts (Bluth et al., acteristic decompression time, τdif = (S – R)2/D is
1993). Measured SO2 fluxes from erupting vol- the characteristic time for volatile diffusion, S
canoes often exceed by one to two orders of is the radial distance from bubble center to the
magnitude the amounts thought to be dissolved midpoint between adjacent bubbles, D is volatile
in the magma prior to eruption. This “excess diffusivity in the melt, pm is pressure of the melt,
sulfur” problem is sometimes attributed to an and pṁ is the decompression rate.
exsolved S-bearing volatile phase accumulating Bubble nucleation can be heterogeneous or
within the magmatic system prior to eruption homogeneous. In heterogeneous nucleation,
(Wallace et al., 2003). crystals provide substrates that facilitate nucle-
ation because of the lower interfacial energy
Chlorine and Fluorine between solid and vapor than between melt and
Measurable Cl and F are also present in volcanic vapor. Typically, �ps is a few MPa for heteroge-
gases, with Cl concentrations in the range of neous nucleation (Hurwitz and Navon, 1994,
hundreds to thousands ppm in arc and back-arc Gardner and Denis, 2004, Gardner, 2007) and
magmas (Wallace 2005). Because S is less sol- ~10 to 100 MPa for homogeneous nucleation, in
uble than Cl, which in turn is less soluble than F which nucleation sites are lacking (Mangan and
(Carroll and webster, 1994), these gases are also Sisson, 2000).
used to constrain depths of volatile exsolution Classical nucleation theory (Hirth et al., 1970)
and magma degassing histories (Allard et al., predicts a very strong dependence of the nucle-
2005). ation rate J (number of bubbles per unit volume
per unit time) on �ps and γ
 16πγ 3ψ 
4.3╇ ╇ Bubbles J ∝ exp  − . (4.5)
 3 k BT ∆ps 
The “birth,” “life,” and “death” of bubbles are
key to understanding the dynamics of volcanic Here kB is the Boltzmann constant and γ is typ-
eruptions and are the subject of this section. ically 0.05 to 0.3 N m–1, with a dependence on

9780521895439c04_p55-84.indd 59 8/2/2012 9:36:21 AM


both temperature and composition of the melt ∂C i ∂C 1 ∂C  ∂C 

(Bagdassarov et al., 2000, Mangan and Sisson, + v r i = 2 i  Di r 2 i  , (4.9)
∂t ∂r r ∂r  ∂r 
2005). ψ is a geometrical factor that ranges
between 0 and 1, depends on θ, the contact angle
between bubble and crystal, and is given by with vr as the radial velocity of melt at radius r.
The boundary condition at r = S is дCi/дr = 0. At
r = R the prescribed concentration is obtained
(2 − cosθ ) (1 + cos θ )2 . (4.6) from a suitable solubility model with the add-
itional assumption that dissolved volatiles at
J determines the number density of bubbles per the melt–vapor interface are locally in equilib-
unit volume of melt, Nd and if bubbles nucleate rium with the vapor at pg.
at large �ps, they do so at a high rate. Under most conditions bubble growth is
either limited by (1) the rate of viscous flow of
4.3.2â•… Growth the melt to accommodate the ensuing volume
As ambient pressure, pm, decreases during increase, (2) diffusion rate of volatiles to the
magma ascent, bubbles may grow if volatiles melt–vapor interface where they can exsolve,
exsolve and the vapor expands. The momen- or (3) the change in solubility caused by decom-
tum balance for a growing bubble is obtained pression. For each growth limit it is possible to
by neglecting inertial terms in the Rayleigh– simplify the solution of the governing equations
Plesset Equation (Scriven, 1959). This is justified or to derive analytical growth laws.
because large melt viscosities and short length
scales result in Reynolds numbers for bubble Modeling of bubble growth
growth ≪1. The resulting equation for a bubble Explicit modeling of diffusive bubble growth
surrounded by a shell of melt with constant vis- during magma ascent was first presented
cosity is (Proussevitch et al., 1993) by Sparks (1978), based on the equations of
Scriven (1959) and Rosner and Epstein (1972).
2γ  1 R2  Subsequently, Proussevitch et al. (1993) applied
p g − pm = + 4η0 v R  − 3  . (4.7)
R R S  a model that included the diffusion of volatiles
to bubble growth in magmas. This model was
Here, pg is the pressure inside the bubble, η0 is enhanced by Sahagian and Proussevitch (1996)
the Newtonian melt viscosity, and vR is the radial and Proussevitch and Sahagian (1998) to include
velocity of the melt–vapor interface, i.e., bubble the thermal effects associated with the heat of
wall. An idealized uniform packing geometry volatile exsolution and the work done against
is assumed, so that each bubble can be repre- the surrounding melt by bubble expansion.
sented as a sphere of radius R surrounded by a Figure 4.3 shows the results for the diffusive
spherical melt shell of thickness S – R. In this bubble growth in a rhyolite containing both
formulation the time-dependent pm couples bub- H2O and CO2.
ble growth with magma ascent. Mass conserva-
tion of volatiles requires that Viscous limit
In the viscous limit τvis/τdecâ•›≫â•›1 and bubble
 ∂C 
( )
d ρg R 3 = 4 R 2 ρm ∑ Di  i  dt,
 ∂r  r = R
(4.8) growth is retarded, following an exponen-
i tial growth law (Lensky et al., 2004). Here τvis =
η0/(pg – pm) is the characteristic viscous time-
where r is radial distance from the center of the scale. The viscous limit to bubble growth is
bubble, t is time, ρg is the pressure-dependent the consequence of fast decompression rates
vapor density, ρm is melt density, Di is the concen- relative to the viscous deformation of melt by
tration dependent diffusivity of dissolved volatile the growing bubbles, and is most significant
species i, and Ci is the mass fraction of dissolved at melt viscosities in excess of 109â•›Paâ•›s (Sparks
volatile i. Volatile diffusion is governed by et al., 1994), which in the absence of significant

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amounts of crystals, is achieved for silicic melts

1 at shallow depths and low H2O content. Because
of retarded bubble growth, pg decreases at a
Volume fraction bubbles, φ b

0.8 slower rate than pm, resulting in the build-up of

overpressure with pg – pm ≫ 2γ/R (Fig. 4.3). At
0.6 the same time, a high pg inhibits volatile exsolu-
tion, causing supersaturated conditions. This is
0.4 referred to as “viscosity quench” (Thomas et al.,
1994) and increases the potential for accelerated
bubble nucleation and/or growth.

Diffusive limit
During decompression, the volatile concentra-
200 150 100 50 0
tion at the melt–vapor interface, based on the
Ambient pressure, pm (MPa)
assumption of local equilibrium, decreases. This
creates a concentration gradient for volatiles to
Fragmentation threshold diffuse to this interface and exsolve. If τdec ≪
(1 MPa/φb) τdif, volatile concentrations will remain close to
equilibrium throughout the melt. On the other
hand, if τdif/τdec ≫ 1 (i.e., at high decompression
rates) the melt becomes supersaturated, which
pg – pm (MPa)

is a necessary condition for bubble nucleation

(Lensky et al., 2004). Furthermore, in the diffusive
limit, volatiles with different diffusivities may
10–1 fractionate (Gonnermann and Manga, 2005b;
Gonnermann and Mukhopadhyay, 2007).
Solubility limit
10–3 During solubility-limited growth, bubbles are
200 150 100 50 0
close to mechanical and chemical equilibrium,
Ambient pressure, pm (MPa)
that is, τdif/τdec ≪ 1 and τvis/τdec ≪ 1 (Lensky et al.,
Figure 4.3╇╇ Model results for diffusive bubble growth in 2004) so that both overpressure and supersatur-
rhyolite with initial conditions of bubble volume fraction ϕ0 = ation are small. Dissolved volatiles are near their
0.001, bubble number density Nd = 1011 m–3, 5 wt.% H2O, equilibrium concentrations throughout the
268 ppm CO2, T = 850 °C, magma pressure pm = 200 MPa, and melt and bubble radius R can be directly calcu-
decompression rate Δρ̇ = 0.1 MPa s–1. (a) Circles represent
lated from mass balance, equilibrium solubility,
cross-sections through bubbles along the modeled trend of ϕb
and an equation of state. Conditions favorable
vs. pm. For reference, the short-dashed black line represents
the equilibrium closed-system degassing trend. Initially ϕb
to solubility-limited bubble growth are low melt
remains lower than equilibrium because volatile diffusion is viscosity and/or low magma ascent rates.
slower than Δρ̇, and bubble over pressure pg€– pm ≈ 2γ/R.
As bubble radius R increases and bubble separation, S€– R, 4.3.3â•… Coalescence
decreases, diffusion starts to keep pace with decompression Coalescence takes place when bubbles come
and ϕb approaches equilibrium values. (b) Bubble overpressure, into increasingly close proximity and the melt
pg€– pm, vs. pm (solid curve), with fragmentation threshold, film between bubbles ruptures. This may be
Δρ̇f (dashed curve) of Spieler et al. (2004). â•›At pm < 30 MPa,
the consequence of (1) gravitational or capil-
bubble growth becomes viscously limited, a consequence of
lary drainage of interstitial liquid (Proussevitch
H2O exsolution and increasing melt viscosity. Consequently,
magma pressure pm decreases more rapidly than bubble vapor et al., 1993b); (2) coalescence-induced coales-
pressure pressure pg until the bubble overpressure reaches cence, whereby the deformation of coalesced
the fragmentation threshold pressure, i.e., pg€– pm = Δpf. bubbles by capillary forces induces a flow field

9780521895439c04_p55-84.indd 61 8/2/2012 9:36:23 AM


that brings nearby bubbles into proximity the strain rate in the melt caused by buoyant
(Martula et al., 2000); (3) bubble growth leading rise of the bubble or by magma flow. For small
to stretching and thinning of the liquid film Reb, deformation scales with the Capillary num-
that separates individual bubbles (Borrell and ber, Ca = η0ε̇R/γ, which characterizes the rela-
Leal, 2008); and (4) advection and collision of tive importance of viscous stresses that tend to
bubbles by buoyancy or by magma flow (Manga deform bubbles, and surface tension stresses
and Stone, 1994). that act to keep bubbles spherical. If Ca exceeds
Gravitational and capillary film drainage, some critical value, Cacr, bubble elongation by
as well as bubble collisions are probably most the flow becomes large enough that bubbles
important in low viscosity magmas. A positive will break up. The value of the Cacr depends on
feedback between bubble coalescence, which the steadiness of the flow, melt viscosity, and
increases bubble size, and bubble mobility due flow type. For the viscosities of silicate melts,
to buoyancy is expected (Section 4.3.5). Whereas Cacr should range from ~1 to >103. In both types
capillary drainage is dominant at bubble radii of flows, bubbles will become highly elongated
<3â•›cm, gravitational drainage becomes dom- before breakup occurs. Capillary numbers will
inant at radii >3 cm (Proussevitch et al., 1993). generally be large enough in conduits for large
A characteristic velocity for capillary drainage deformation and breakup to occur. However, to
can be obtained by balancing the capillary pres- achieve large deformation also requires large
sure gradient, γ/R2, with viscous resistance to strains which may be limited to the sides of
flow, η0vf/R2, where vf is the velocity in the film. conduits. It is thought that tube pumice is a
Because the bubble–melt surface is assumed to manifestation of these conditions (Marti et al.,
be a free-slip surface, the characteristic length 1999).
scale is the bubble radius R rather than film In basaltic magmas, inertial forces can no
thickness. The resultant scaling vf ~ γ/η0 high- longer be neglected once bubbles become larger
lights the importance of melt viscosity. Whether than a few centimeters. In this limit, velocity
and at what rate bubble collisions result in differences across bubbles can lead to breakup.
coalescence depends on the Weber number, The relative importance of inertial forces and
We = 2ρv2R/γ, where v is the velocity at which surface tension forces is characterized by We,
two bubbles approach one another. based on the velocity difference across the melt
In high viscosity magmas bubbles remain that surrounds the bubble. For large Reb, breakup
essentially “frozen” in the melt and coalescence occurs if We exceeds a critical value, Wecr, which
is principally a consequence of bubble growth. implies that there might be a maximum stable
In this case, coalescence appears to create a per- bubble size (Hinze, 1955). Although the actual
meable network of bubbles due to relatively value of Wecr depends on the origin of the vel-
persistent holes in the ruptured melt films (Klug ocity differences, it is generally between 1 and 5
and Cashman, 1996). Because the interfacial ten- for a wide range of flow conditions.
sion between melt and crystals tends to be lower
than between gas and crystals, coalescence in 4.3.5â•… Bubble mobility
the presence of crystals is expected to occur at Bubbles are buoyant and their rise speed depends
greater film thickness than in the absence of on size, volume fraction, and viscosity. If buoy-
crystals (Proussevitch et al., 1993b). ant bubble rise is much slower than magma
ascent, bubbles are dispersed throughout the
4.3.4â•… Breakup continuous melt phase and move passively with
The breakup of bubbles into several smaller the flow. Such flows are called “dispersed” and
bubbles originates with their deformation in the asymptotic limit of infinitesimally small
by some combination of viscous stresses and dispersed bubbles the flow is termed “homoge-
inertial forces. In silicic magmas, the bubble neous.” If the velocity of buoyant bubble rise is
Reynolds number, Reb = ε̇R2 ρ/η0, will always be similar to or greater than magma ascent veloci-
small and inertia can be neglected. Here ε̇ is ties, bubbles are decoupled from the liquid phase

9780521895439c04_p55-84.indd 62 8/2/2012 9:36:24 AM


Therefore, bubbles within a silicic melt have

negligible mobility, even at very low eruption
rates, whereas significant bubble mobility can be
expected for mafic melts. At finite volume frac-
tions of bubbles, ϕb, hydrodynamic interactions
reduce Ut by a factor h(ϕb), the hindering func-
tion. Various formulations exist for h(ϕb) and a
commonly adopted one is the Richardson–Zaki
equation (Richardson and Zaki, 1954)

h(φb) = (1 − φb) . (4.11)

Here n is an empirical coefficient for the appro-

priate range of bubble size and flow conditions,
typically with values around 2.5 (Zenit et al.,
2001). At flow regimes other than bubbly flow
a different formulation for the relative velocity
Figure 4.4╇╇ Flow regimes observed in bubble column
between gas and liquid phase has to be used
experiments (e.g., Wallis, 1969). The gas phase is shown in (Dobran, 2001).
white and the liquid phase in black.
4.3.6â•… Bubbles and pressure loss
In general, mass discharge rate depends on the
and the flow is called “separated” (Brennen, total pressure drop between magma chamber
2005). During separated flow in laboratory and vent. Within the conduit the pressure gra-
experiments the topology of the gas and liquid dient is to first order the sum of magma-static
phases is associated with different flow regimes pressure loss, (dp/dz)p, and frictional pressure
(Fig. 4.4), that depend primarily on the relative loss, (dp/dz)η. Magma-static pressure depends on
volumetric flow rates of liquid and gas phase magma density and, hence, vesicularity as
(Wallis, 1969). As this flux ratio increases to
 dp 
values of ~1, the flow transitions from “bubbly   = ρ g ≈ (1 − φb)ρm g. (4.12)
dz ρ
flow,” where bubbles are randomly dispersed, to
“slug flow,” where coalesced bubbles form rap-
idly ascending gas slugs of diameter comparable For dispersed bubbly flow the frictional pres-
to the conduit diameter. At flux ratios above sure loss can be approximated on the basis of
~10 the flow transitions to “annular flow,” established single-phase flow correlations using
where the liquid phase forms an annular ring the appropriate mixture viscosity (Ghiaasiaan,
surrounding a cylindrical core of rapidly ascend- 2008)
ing gas. However, to what extent these different
 dp  2 f (4.13)
flow regimes are applicable to volcanic erup-   = ρ u ,
dz η a
tions remains controversial (Chapter 6).
The terminal velocity of a single bubble con-
taining vapor of viscosity ηg and density ρg, rising where a is conduit radius, u is magma velocity,
in an infinite liquid of viscosity η0 and density ρm and f is the friction factor given by
is (Batchelor, 1967)
f = + f0 . (4.14)
Ut =
R g ρm − ρg ) η0 + η g
3η0 3 (4.10)
η0 + η g Here Re = 2uρa/η, where η is the magma viscos-
2 ity and f0 has values of about 0.002–0.02 (Mastin

9780521895439c04_p55-84.indd 63 8/2/2012 9:36:25 AM


and Ghiorso, 2000). For highly viscous magmas equation (Carman, 1956) where permeability, k,
the flow below the fragmentation level will, is given as
under most conditions, be laminar (Re < 103) and

( )
k (φb) = χ φb − φbp .

f � 16/Re. Above the fragmentation level the flow (4.15)
will be turbulent and f � f0. For basaltic magma,
frictional pressure loss over a wide range of Here χ is an empirical constant and ϕbp is the
ascent velocities is less than magma-static pres- volume fraction of bubbles that corresponds to
sure loss and the flow dynamics will be more percolation threshold (Saar and Manga, 1999),
sensitive to changes in the density of the ascend- with typical values of 2 � β � 4. An uncontro-
ing magma than for eruptions where frictional versial permeability model for vesicular magma
pressure losses are larger. Consequently, under remains elusive (Takeuchi et al., 2005; Wright
separated flow conditions there is potential et al., 2009). Furthermore, it appears that the
for feedbacks between discharge rate, gas-to- nature of magma deformation plays a critical
melt flux ratios, and flow regime (Seyfried and role in creating permeability (Okumura et al.,
Freundt, 2000; Guet and Ooms, 2006). 2008; Okumura et al., 2010).
Permeable outgassing can be modeled as
4.3.7â•… Permeable outgassing flow through a porous medium by combining
The degassing history during ascent of an indi- the continuity equation for the exsolved volatile
vidual magma parcel may be complex and phase with Darcy’s equation or, if the velocity
in many cases gas may separate from rising of the gas phase becomes too large for inertial
parcels of magma. We refer to this as outgas- effects to be neglected, Forcheimer’s equation
sing, which may be a consequence of buoyant (Rust and Cashman, 2004).
bubble rise, magma fragmentation, or perme-
able gas flow. Chapters 6 and 8 discuss outgas-
sing associated with separated flow and high
gas-to-melt flux ratios during strombolian and
4.4╇ ╇Crystal nucleation and
perhaps hawaiian eruptions. In some silicic growth
eruptions high melt-to-gas flux ratios are also
suggestive of decoupled gas flow (Edmonds Crystals nucleate due to undercooling, which
et al., 2003). However, high viscosities and neg- is predominantly a consequence of H2O exsolu-
ligible bubble mobility require that outgassing tion. Nucleation rates determine the crystal
is associated with magma permeability, pre- number density and size distribution, which
sumably a consequence of coalescing bubbles provide a record of the magma’s ascent history.
that form a permeable network (Eichelberger During crystallization the volatile content of the
et al., 1986; Klug and Cashman,1996) and per- residual melt phase increases because volatiles
haps cracks and fractures produced by brittle preferentially partition into the melt phase. This
magma deformation (Gonnermann and Manga, in turn affects bubble nucleation and growth, as
2003; Gonnermann and Manga, 2005a; Tuffen well as melt viscosity.
et al., 2003). It has been suggested that if con- Undercooling, the thermodynamic driving
duit walls are permeable, which is controver- force for crystallization, is the chemical poten-
sial (Boudon et al., 1998), then volatiles may tial of H2O in the melt and can be expressed as
also escape laterally from ascending magma �Te, the difference between actual temperature,
into the conduit walls and permeable outgas- T, and the liquidus temperature, Tl. Because
sing has the potential to modulate eruptive the latter depends on composition and vola-
behavior (Jaupart and Allegre, 1991; Woods and tile content, bubble nucleation and growth will
Koyaguchi, 1994; Eichelberger, 1995). increase Tl and can result in sufficient undercool-
Vesicularity-permeability measurements for ing for crystallization (Hammer, 2004). The rate
volcanic rocks, and by inference magmas, are of homogeneous nucleation of critical nuclei, I
usually analyzed using the Kozeny–Carman (m–3 s–1), is given by classical nucleation theory as

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 ∆G * + ∆G D 
I = I 0 exp  − (4.16) 4.5╇ ╇ Magma rheology
 k BT  .
Silicate melts form a disordered network of
Here I0 is a reference nucleation rate, kB is the interconnected SiO4 tetrahedra where the
Boltzmann constant, and �GD is the activation self-diffusive motion of atoms, called structural
energy for diffusion (James, 1985). �G* is the relaxation, results in a continuous unstructured
free energy required to form a spherical nucleus rearrangement of the molecular structure. In
of critical size and depends on the free energy, the presence of an applied stress, this molecular
σ, associated with the crystal–liquid interface. rearrangement results in a directional motion
Therefore σ, nucleation rate increases with of SiO4 tetrahedra relative to one another and
decreasing σ (Mueller et al., 2000). The rate of macroscopically manifests itself as viscous flow
heterogeneous nucleation also follows Eq. (4.16), (Moynihan, 1995).
but with a modified σ to account for the lower The intrinsic viscosity of silicate melts varies
interfacial energies (Spohn et al., 1988). Because over orders of magnitude, even within a single
σ is relatively poorly constrained, estimates of volcanic eruption. It depends on the degree of
crystal nucleation rates are typically associated polymerization, a function of chemical com-
with large uncertainties. Moreover, the validity position and volatile content. Within realistic
of classical nucleation theory and its assump- ranges of compositional variability, eruptive
tions that (1) the interface between nucleus and temperature, and volatile content, the viscosity
melt is sharp; (2) the critical nucleus has the of basaltic melts may vary between about 10 and
thermodynamic properties of the bulk solid; 103 Pa s, and between about 104 and 1012 Pa s or
and (3) σ can be treated as a macroscopic prop- more for silicic melts (Fig. 4.5). Changes in vis-
erty equal to the value for a planar interface, cosity during individual eruptions are especially
remain controversial. pronounced at low pressures (depths <1â•›km),
Once a crystal nucleates its growth rate, Y, is where most of the H2O exsolves (Figs. 4.2 and
given by (Spohn et al., 1988) 4.6). Magma rheology is discussed further in the
context of lava flow emplacement in Chapter 5.
  ∆H ∆Te    ∆G D 
Y = Y0 1 − exp  (4.17)

 k BTl T  
exp  − k T  ,
 B 4.5.1â•…The effect of dissolved volatiles
and temperature
where Y0 is a reference growth rate and �H is Dissolved water dissociates into molecular
the change in enthalpy between melt and crys- water and hydroxyl ions, thereby depolymer-
talline phases. If empirical parameters such izing the melt. In rhyolitic melts the effect of
as Tl and σ are known, the above equations water content can be tremendous and exceeds
can be used to model magma crystallization. the effect of temperature (Fig. 4.5), but it is less
Alternatively, parameterizations for I and Y can pronounced for mafic magmas (Giordano and
be used to explore the dependence of eruption Dingwell, 2003). In contrast, viscosity is less
behavior on syneruptive crystallization (Melnik affected by CO2 (Bourgue and Richet, 2001).
and Sparks, 1999). The prediction of crystal size Recent viscosity formulations applicable over a
distributions is possible through the use of the range of compositions, temperature, and water
Avrami equation (Marsh, 1998) contents are discussed in Hui and Zhang (2007),
Zhang et al. (2007), and Giordano et al. (2008).

( )
φx = 1 − exp − k v Y 3 t 4 I . (4.18)
4.5.2â•… The effect of deformation rate
Here a given crystal volume fraction, ϕx, is If the applied rate of deformation exceeds a cer-
assumed to correspond to thermodynamic equi- tain threshold, the induced molecular motions
librium after crystallization over time, t, and of the melt are no longer compensated by ran-
with kv as a volumetric factor. dom reordering of the melt structure. This is

9780521895439c04_p55-84.indd 65 8/2/2012 9:36:27 AM


Figure 4.5╇╇ Dependence of rhyolitic

melt viscosity on temperature and
water content, after the empirical
formulation of Hess and Dingwell
(1996). See color plates section.

ε st ∼ 10 −3 . (4.19)

Here G∞ ~ 1010 Pa is the shear modulus and η0

is the Newtonian melt viscosity, measured at
ε̇ ≪ ε̇st.

4.5.3â•… The effect of crystals

Crystals increase magma viscosity (Lejeune and
Richet, 1995; Stevenson et al., 1996; Arbaret et al.
2007; Caricchi et al., 2007; Lavallee et al., 2007).
For small crystal volume fractions, ϕx < 10 – 30%,
and low strain rates, the viscosity of the crystal-
line magma relative to the crystal-free melt, ηr =
η/η0, can be approximated as
ηr = (1 −φx / φxcr )α. (4.20)
Figure 4.6╇╇ Dependence of rhyolitic melt viscosity (Hess
and Dingwell, 1996) on depth, assuming lithostatic pressure
Here ϕxcr represents a critical volume fraction at
and equilibrium volatile solubility. Note the wide range in
viscosity and the tremendous viscosity increase at shallow which crystals start to impede the ability of the
depths, due to the exsolution of H2O. suspension to flow and α � –2.5 (Llewellin and
Manga, 2005). At ϕx greater than some value,
typically in the range of 10–50%, crystals may
manifested in shear thinning, a decrease in vis- come into contact creating a framework that
cosity from its “relaxed” or Newtonian value provides a finite yield strength. Shear thinning
and will result in brittle failure if deformation and shear localization may occur as melt and
rates exceed the onset of shear-thinning by crystals redistribute themselves to decrease the
approximately two orders of magnitude (Webb, flow disturbance. It most likely occurs in a nar-
1997, and references therein). The strain rate at row zone near the conduit wall and may prod-
which shear thinning is first observed can be uce a plug flow that can manifest itself at the
defined in terms of the viscous relaxation time, surface as volcanic spine. A viscosity formula-
τr = η0/G∞, as tion that is calibrated to a broad range of crystal

9780521895439c04_p55-84.indd 66 8/2/2012 9:36:28 AM


6 Small shear rate

log10 relative viscosity, ηr

4 Large shear rate

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Crystal content, φx
Figure 4.8╇╇The effect of bubbles at small and large Ca
Figure 4.7╇╇The effect of crystals on the relative mixture on the velocity profile in a cylindrical conduit for a given
viscosity (ηr = η/η0), based on Eq. (4.20), with parameters pressure gradient. Dashed curve is the bubble-free reference
ϕbcr =€–0,066499 tanh (0.913424 log(ε̇) + 3:850623) case Ca = 1 (or equivalently ϕb = 0). Both solid curves are for
+ 0:591806; ϕb = 0.6 and ϕbcr = 0.75 in Eq. (4.21).
δ╇ =€–6.301095 tanh (0.818496 log(ε̇) + 2.86) + 7.462605;
α╇ =€–0.000378 tanh (1.148101 log(ε̇) + 3.92) + 0.999572;
β╇ = 3.987815 tanh (0.8908 log (ε̇) + 3.24) + 5.099645. 1999; Stein and Spera, 2002). An expression for
this dependence on Ca is given by Pal (2003) as

content and strain rates (Fig. 4.7) is provided by −4 /5 − φbcr

 1 − 12η2r Ca 2 / 5   φ 
Caricchi et al. (2007) ηr  = 1 − b  , (4.22)
 1 − 12Ca 2 / 5   φbcr 

  φ δ
η=η0 1 +  x   where ϕbcr is an empirical parameter that is
  φ xcr   conceptually analogous to ϕxcr. The strain-rate
− Bφxcr (4.21) dependent rheology of melt with suspended
  π φ   φ  β  
1 − α erf  x
1 + x
  . bubbles and crystals is derived from a linear
  2α φ xcr   φ xcr    superposition of the individual dependencies
   
(Thies, 2002). As illustrated in Figure 4.8, during
laminar flow at a given pressure gradient, the
Here B = 2.5 and the remaining empirical param-
presence of bubbles can increase or decrease
eters δ, α, and β are provided in Figure 4.7.
mass discharge rate by almost one order of mag-
nitude. Chapter 5 further considers the com-
4.5.4â•… The effect of bubbles
bined effects of bubbles and crystals on magma
The effect of bubbles on viscosity depends on
rheology (Section 5.2.2).
whether the bubbles are able to deform and
is a function of Ca = η0ε̇R/γ. If Caâ•›≪â•›1, bub-
bles remain nearly spherical and the viscos-
ity is greater than that of the melt (Taylor, 4.6╇ ╇ Magma fragmentation
1932). In contrast, for Caâ•›>â•›O(1), bubbles can
become elongated (Rust et al., 2003) and the During all explosive eruptions pyroclasts are
viscosity decreases (Chapter 5; Bagdassarov and ejected from the volcanic vent. Here we focus
Dingwell, 1992; Manga et al., 1998; Lejeune et al. on “dry” magma fragmentation, which does

9780521895439c04_p55-84.indd 67 8/2/2012 9:36:29 AM


not involve any interaction with non-magmatic Namiki and Manga (2005) suggested a poten-
water. The type and efficiency of the fragmenta- tial energy criterion, based on the observation
tion process determines pyroclast size and how that during rapid decompression ϕb and �pf
much magmatic gas is released per unit mass of determine the expansion velocity of a bubbly
magma. This, in turn, has implications for the liquid. Potential energy depends on both ϕb and
volcanic jet, column, and plume that are pro- �pf (Mastin, 1995), with fragmentation taking
duced when the gas-pyroclast mixture exits the place above some threshold.
volcanic vent (Chapters 8 and 9). Fragmentation Hydrodynamic or inertial fragmentation should
is thought to occur when specific conditions be predominantly associated with mafic magma,
are reached within the conduit. The proposed where rapid decompression results in rapid bub-
criteria for fragmentation include: (1) a critical ble growth, inertial stretching, and hydrodynamic
bubble volume fraction; (2) a stress criterion; (3) breakup (Shimozuru, 1994; Zimanowski et al.,
a strain-rate criterion; (4) a potential energy cri- 1997; Villermaux, 2007). A criterion for inertial
terion; and (5) an inertial criterion. fragmentation is based on the Reynolds number,
The critical volume fraction criterion is Rev, and Weber number, Wev, of the expanding
thought to arise from some form of instabil- magma (Namiki and Manga, 2008)
ity within the thin bubble walls, once ϕb ≈ 0.75
is reached (Verhoogen, 1951; Sparks, 1978).
ρ (1 − φb) v 2 L
Rev = > O (1) (4.24)
However, magma fragments have vesicularities 3η0
that range from 0 (obsidian) to >98% (reticulite)
implying that a fragmentation criterion gov- and
erned by a critical volume fraction cannot be
ρ (1 − φ b) v 2 L
generally applicable (though very high vesicu- Wev =  1. (4.25)
larities may reflect post-fragmentation growth γ
of bubbles).
The stress criterion is based on the view Here L is a characteristic length scale and v
that fragmentation in high-viscosity magmas is the expansion velocity of the vesicular
takes place when volatile overpressure, �pf, magma, which can be obtained from the bubble
exceeds the tensile strength of the melt and growth rate.
ruptures bubble walls (Alidibirov, 1994; Zhang,
1999). Spieler et al. (2004) provide a formula-
tion with good fit to a broad range of experimen- 4.7╇ ╇ Modeling of magma ascent
tal data
The past decade has seen much progress in
∆p f = 106 Pa / φb, (4.23) modeling magma ascent (Sahagian, 2005). In
contrast to the modeling of effusive eruptions,
that has been modified by Mueller et al. (2008) to explosive eruptions require a criterion to esti-
account for permeable gas flow. mate the depth of magma fragmentation, and
The strain-rate criterion is based on the merging of a model for the bubbly flow region
observation that silicate melts can fragment if below the fragmentation level with one for
deformation rates exceed the structural relax- the gas-pyroclast region above. Flow in the
ation rate of the melt at ε̇ ~ 102 ε̇st (Section 4.5.2). gas-pyroclast flow region is compressible and
It is thought to be the consequence of a rapid is typically modeled as one-dimensional with a
decompression that forces rapid bubble growth parameterization for wall friction and granular
(Papale, 1999). Ittai et al. (2010) have argued that stresses during highly turbulent flow (Wilson
both the stress criterion and the strain-rate cri- and Head, 1981; Dobran, 1992; Koyaguchi,
terion are equivalent, because of their mutual 2005).
dependency on shear modulus and magma Conduit models may be steady or
rheology. time-dependent. The steady approximation is

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reasonable when the timescales over which dQ d

changes in eruption rate and geometry exceed = ( ρuA ) = 0. (4.26)
dz dz
ascent times (Slezin, 2003). Time-dependent
behavior becomes important when ascent
Here A is conduit cross-sectional area and ρ is the
times are similar to the timescale over which
bulk density of bubbly magma, given by ϕbâ•›ρg +
boundary conditions change. This can be a con-
(1 – ϕb)ρm. The value of ρg may be obtained from
sequence of coupling between magma flow and
the ideal gas law, but use of another equation of
(1) magma storage; (2) conduit wall elasticity; (3)
state may be more appropriate at high pressures
magma compressibility; (4) magma outgassing;
(Kerrick and Jacobs, 1981). ρm can be obtained
(5) viscous dissipation; and (6) magma rheology.
from empirical formulations (Lange, 1994), but
A departure from one-dimensional models is
in many cases the melt phase is assumed to be
necessary if lateral variations in properties
incompressible. The bubble volume fraction
are important, for example due to shear-rate
ϕb depends on ρg and the amount of exsolved
dependent viscosity, shear localization, viscous
volatiles. If it is assumed that bubble growth is
dissipation, or permeable outgassing into con-
limited by solubility, the amount of exsolved
duit walls.
volatiles per unit mass of melt is equal to the
Dispersed two-phase flow below the frag-
initial volatile concentration minus the equilib-
mentation level is typically treated as homoge-
rium solubility at the given pressure. However,
neous, using an appropriate magma viscosity.
in many eruptions bubble growthis viscously
Above the fragmentation level, the homogenous
and/or diffusively limited, requiring a concur-
flow assumption is sufficient if fragments are
rent calculation for bubble growth. If permeable
� 10–4 m in diameter (Papale, 2001). However,
outgassing is important, Eq. (4.26) may include
treating the flow as separated for larger frag-
a sink term based on a suitable porosity–perme-
ments results in a more accurate characteriza-
ability relation and Darcy’s law or Forcheimer’s
tion of ascent velocity (Dufek and Bergantz,
equation for radial gas flow to the conduit walls
2005). In the case of separated flow above or
and/or upward gas flow to the vent (Jaupart and
below the fragmentation level there are two
Allegre, 1991).
classes of models, those that explicitly incorpor-
Equation (4.26) states that mass flux is con-
ate interfacial momentum exchanges and those
stant and volume expansion of the magma by
that do not (Dobran, 2001). Separated flow mod-
bubble growth must be balanced by acceleration
els with no interfacial momentum exchange
and/or by an increase in conduit cross-sectional
treat the flow as single-phase, but incorporate
area. Assuming a vertical conduit of cylindrical
closure laws for the gas volume fraction and
shape, conservation of momentum is governed
frictional pressure loss of the two-phase mix-
by (Mastin and Ghiorso, 2000; Dobran, 2001)
ture (Wilson and Head, 1981). Separated models
with interface exchange allow for different gas
and liquid (pyroclast) velocities and flow direc- du dp  dp   dp  dp f
ρu =− −  −  = − − ρ g − ρu2 .
tions. However, a priori assumptions about the dz dz  dz  ρ  dz  η dz a
flow regime are required for these closure laws. (4.27)

4.7.1â•…Steady homogeneous flow in one Expanding Eq. (4.26) and substituting for du/dz
dimension in Eq. (4.27) gives
Below the fragmentation level homogeneous dp f ρ u 2 dA dρ
flow models advect bubbles passively with the − = ρ g + ρu2 − − u2 . (4.28)
melt. That is Ut ≪ Um and u = Um = Ub, where dz a A dz dz
Ub is the bubble velocity. Together with the
assumption of constant mass flux throughout Equation (4.28) indicates that the change
the conduit, Q, the equation of mass conserva- in magma pressure with respect to height
tion becomes depends, from left to right, on magma-static

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pressure loss, frictional pressure loss, change in adjust the flow back to 1 atm at the vent exit.
conduit diameter, and change in magma dens- If the exit pressure exceeds 1 atm, the flow is
ity. Assuming isentropic conditions (denoted by “choked,” that is M = 1 and the exit velocity
subscript S), that is an infinitesimal reversible is equal to c, the speed of sound in the gas–
pressure change and negligible time for heat pyroclast mixture.
transfer, then In many cases the assumption of isothermal
conditions is reasonable; if not, an equation for

dρ  ∂ρ  dp 1 dp conservation of energy has to be added (Mastin
=  = 2 . (4.29)
dz  ∂p  S dz c dz and Ghiorso, 2000; Dobran, 2001)

Here c is the speed of sound in the magma and dH + udu + gdz = 0. (4.32)
using the Mach number, M = u2/c2, Eq. (4.28)
becomes Here H is the specific enthalpy of the melt–gas
mixture from which the magma temperature
can be calculated.
dp f ρu 2 dA

( )
1 − M 2 = ρ g + ρu 2 −
a A dz
. (4.30)

4.7.2â•…Steady separated flow in one

Equations (4.26) and (4.30) are applicable to dimension
homogeneous flow above or below the frag- As discussed in Section 4.3.5, the flow of the sep-
mentation level and can be solved with stand- arated melt and gas phases below the fragmen-
ard numerical methods (Press et al., 1992). There tation level may occur under different regimes.
are two solution approaches: (1) set dp/dz to Criteria that determine the transitions between
be constant, for example lithostatic, and then individual flow regimes, as well as formulations
dA/dz and u can be calculated, or (2) if A is known, for interphase drag forces, Fmg, need to be speci-
then conduit entrance and exit pressures are fied. Existing models do not predict the occur-
specified and dp/dz and u can be calculated rence of flow-regime transitions, but rather rely
(Wilson and Head, 1981; Giberti and Wilson, on a-priori assumptions about the occurrence of
1990; Dobran, 1992; Mastin and Ghiorso, 2000). flow transitions, equivalent to the flow transi-
For M < 0.3 the effect of magma compressibil- tion associated with magma fragmentation. For
ity on the flow can be neglected, whereas for example, the model of Dobran (1992) is based
M > 0.3 magma compressibility contributes to on the assumption of a constant mass flow rate
the change in pressure of the ascending magma. through the conduit
If p = 1 atm at the vent exit, then the right-hand
side of Eq. (4.28) has to go to zero to avoid a sin-
( )
Q g + Q gd = 0 (4.33)
gular solution as M approaches 1. Therefore, the
conduit flares upward with
da 1  g a

=  2 + f  > 0. (4.31)
dz 2  u  d
( )
Q m − Q gd = 0. (4.34)

This result can be derived by setting the

right-hand side of Eq. (4.28) to zero with Here subscript g denotes the exsolved volatile
A = πa2 (Mastin and Ghiorso, 2000). If Eq. (4.31) phase, gd the dissolved volatile phase, and m
is satisfied at M < 1 and the conduit above con- the melt phase. As in the homogeneous flow
tinues to flare, the magma will decelerate. On model it is possible to account for permeable
the other hand if M = 1, the magma will accel- gas loss through an additional flux term on the
erate to supersonic velocities and p will con- right-hand side of Eq. (4.36). The momentum
tinue to decrease, potentially to values below equations for the exsolved volatile and the melt
1 atm. If that is the case, a shock wave will phases are, respectively

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du g ∂u 
dp  ∂u
ρg u g φb = − φb − Fmg − Fwg − ρφb g (4.35) τ rz = − η  z + r  . (4.41)
dz dz  ∂r ∂z 

du m dp Here λ = 2 η − K , where η is the viscosity of the
ρm u m (1 − φb) = −(1 −φb ) − Fmg − Fwm 3
dz dz (4.36)
− ρm (1 − φb ) g. magma. K is called the bulk viscosity, which
accounts for the compressibility of the two-phase
magma mixture (Massol et al., 2001) and is often
Here Fwg and Fwm are the wall drag forces for the
assumed negligible. Various simplifications of
phase that is assumed to be in contact with the
Eqs. (4.37) and (4.38) can be employed. If the flow
conduit wall. For example, Dobran (1992) used
is laminar (Re < 103), which is usually the case
Fwm = (dp/dz)η, Fwg = 0 below the fragmentation
below the fragmentation level, the second and
level and Fwm = 0, Fwg = (dp/dz)η above.
third terms on the left-hand side can be neglected.
Furthermore, if the flow is steady the time deriv-
4.7.3â•… Two-dimensional flow atives are zero. Assuming isothermal conditions,
If magma flow is radially non-uniform, a
the momentum equations are complemented by
two-dimensional modeling approach can provide
an equation for the conservation of mass
additional insight. Cases where two-dimensional
modeling has been important involve ∂ρ 1 ∂ ∂
non-Newtonian magma rheology and shear heat-
+ ( ρ rur ) + ( ρ uz ) = 0. (4.42)
∂t r ∂r ∂z
ing, as well as permeable outgassing and heat Examples of recent two-dimensional conduit
loss through the conduit walls. models are given by Collier and Neuberg (2006);
The direct approach is to solve the Navier– Costa et al. (2007a,b); Hale (2007); Hale and
Stokes equations in two cartesian or axisymmet- Muehlhaus (2007).
ric cylindrical coordinates. For axisymmetric If vertical flow is a reasonable approximation
homogeneous flow, conservation of momentum (u = uz, ur = 0), Eqs. (4.37) and (4.38) become
is given by (Bird et al., 1960)
∂ ∂p
∂u ∂u ∂u ∂r
( r τ rz ) = − r ,
ρ r + ρu r r + ρ u z r
∂t ∂r ∂z
∂p 1 ∂ τ rz
=− − ( r τ rr ) − and upon integration
∂r r ∂r z
∂u z r ∂p
and τ rz = − η =− . (4.44)
∂r 2 ∂z
∂u z ∂u ∂u
ρ + ρur z + ρuz z
∂t ∂r ∂z The relative ease with which Eq. (4.44) can be
∂p 1 ∂ ∂τ solved makes it easier to model more complex
= −ρg − −
∂z r ∂r
( r τ rz ) − zz ,
∂z magma rheologies (Costa and Macedonio, 2005;
Mastin, 2005; Vedeneeva et al., 2005), and to include
with stress tensors subgrid scale calculations of bubble growth,
where the model for bubble growth is discretized
∂u r 1 ∂ ∂u  at a smaller scale than the conduit model itself
τ rr = −2η − λ ( ru r ) + z  , (4.39)
∂r  r ∂r ∂z  (Fig. 4.9; Gonnermann and Manga, 2003, 2007).
To investigate the role of shear heating
∂u z 1 ∂ ∂u
τ zz = −2η − λ
 r ∂r
( rur ) + z  , (4.40) or magma cooling near the conduit walls, an
∂z ∂z energy equation has to be included. Neglecting
thermal diffusion in the vertical direction, the
and energy equation is (Bird et al., 1960)

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0 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Depth (km)

0 100 200 0 0.5 1 10–2 100 102 104 106 108 10–3 10–1 101
pm (MPa) φb ∆p (MPa) η0 (Pa s) dT/dt (K s )

Figure 4.9╇╇ Illustrative model for rhyolite magma rising

in a cylindrical conduit of 30 m diameter using Eq. (4.43)
4.7.4â•…Coupling the conduit and the
with sub-grid scale diffusive bubble growth at a constant magma chamber
bubble number density of 1015 m–3, H2O-content-dependent The boundary conditions for the momentum
non-Newtonian rheology, viscous dissipation, and a constant equations at the bottom of the conduit can be
mass discharge rate of 107.5 kg s–1. The vertical axis is a specified magma flux or specified pressure.
depth on all plots. (a) The change in magma pressure pm Either may be transient because of changes in
due to magma-static and frictional pressure loss below chamber pressure, in turn a consequence of
the fragmentation depth. Above the fragmentation depth
magma withdrawal or replenishment, as well as
pressure loss is assumed to be linear (Koyaguchi, 2005).
compressibility of the vesicular magma and sur-
(b) Bubble volume fraction ϕ at the center of the conduit.
(c) Bubble overpressure pg – pm (solid line) and fragmentation
rounding rock. A simple equation for chamber
threshold Δpf (dashed line). Note the large increase in bubble pressure is obtained by combining conservation
overpressure at shallow depths until pg – pm = Δpf, when of mass with an equation of state (Denlinger
fragmentation is predicted to occur (Spieler et al., 2004). and Hoblitt, 1999; Wylie et al, 1999)
(d) Newtonian melt viscosity η0 as a function of depth. Note
the rapid viscosity increase at shallow depths due to H2O dp 1
exsolution, resulting in viscously limited bubble growth. =
dt ρβe V
(Q in − Q out ) . (4.46)
(e) Viscous heating at the conduit wall becomes significant as
viscosity increases, principally within a few hundred meters
below the fragmentation depth. Here V is the volume of the magma chamber or
conduit, Qin is mass recharge rate, Qout is mass
discharge rate, and βe is the effective compress-

∂T κ  ∂ 2T 1 ∂T  1  ∂u z  ibility. The latter incorporates both magma
∂t ρ c p  ∂r 2 + r ∂r  − ρc  τ rz ∂r  , (4.45)
compressibility and wall-rock elasticity, and is
usually much smaller than the compressibil-
where cp is the specific heat and κ is the thermal ity of vesicular magma (Huppert and Woods,
conductivity of the magma. The first term on the 2002; Woods et al., 2006). Typically it is the feed-
right-hand side accounts for diffusion of heat, backs between magma chamber and conduit
and the last term represents viscous heating. that result in complex and unsteady eruptive

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Figure 4.10╇╇ Summary of processes

and mechanisms that govern magma
flow in the volcanic conduit, based
on modeling results and relations
discussed in this chapter. Neglecting
unsteady effects, discharge rate and
viscosity control which processes have
sufficient time to become dominant
and affect eruption style.

behavior (Melnik and Sparks,1999; Macedonio discharge rates on the order of 106 kg s–1 (sub-
et al., 2005). plinian) and 106–108 kg s–1 (plinian), sustained
over several hours (Chapter 8). Syneruptive vola-
tile exsolution and crystallization can lead to
4.8╇ ╇What conduit models viscosity-limited bubble growth, large frictional
pressure losses, and large decompression rates
have taught us (Papale and Dobran, 1993, 1994), resulting in gas
overpressure, supersaturation, and bubble nucle-
Figure 4.10 shows the relationship between ation (Massol and Koyaguchi, 2005), as well as
magma composition (in essence a proxy for fragmentation (Papale, 1999).
viscosity), eruption rate (or equivalently ascent Whether fragmentation takes place depends
rate), and eruption style. The boundaries shown on the conditions of magma ascent. However,
are not “hard” in that uncertainties in thresholds fragmentation also feeds back on eruption
for fragmentation, unsteady flow, variation in dynamics. For example, the presence of pum-
volatile content, conduit geometry, two-dimen- ice fragments after fragmentation, as opposed
sional flow, and crystallization are not addressed. to complete fragmentation to ash, means that
Overall these boundaries are meant to provide not all compressed gas contained in bubbles
insight into the conditions under which certain may be released, resulting in ascent velocities
processes are expected to dominate and to illus- and pressures that are lower than if all gas were
trate their relationships with eruption style. released. Incomplete outgassing of coarse frag-
ments also increases the density of the erupting
4.8.1â•… Subplinian and plinian eruptions gas–pyroclast mixture, with consequences for
Subplinian and plinian eruptions are character- the dynamics of the eruption column (Chapter 8,
ized by brittle magma fragmentation at mass Papale, 2001). Furthermore, the granular stress

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induced by >~1 cm-size pyroclasts decreases and Martini (2009); James et al. (2009); Pioli
exit velocities and enhances the lateral inhomo- et al. (2009).
geneity in clast-size distribution throughout the
conduit (Dufek and Bergantz, 2005). 4.8.3â•… Hawaiian eruptions
The strong dependence of viscosity on tem- Hawaiian eruptions are characterized by gas-rich
perature in silicic magmas is of considerable fountains of basaltic magma sustained for hours
importance for shear heating near the conduit to days at mass discharge rates of the order of 104
walls (Rosi et al., 2004; Polacci et al., 2005). The to >106 kg s–1 (Houghton and Gonnermann, 2008).
resulting viscosity reduction will change the Fountains reach heights that exceed hundreds of
flow profile toward a more plug-like flow and meters producing ash and pyroclasts, presumably
reduce frictional pressure loss. Consequently, through hydrodynamic fragmentation (Namiki
the discharge rate increases for a given pressure and Manga, 2008). Microtextural studies of pyro-
drop between chamber and surface, and hence clasts indicate less open-system gas loss than for
affects the depth of fragmentation and allows strombolian clasts (Polacci et al., 2006).
for multiple stable discharge rates (Costa and Conduit models by Wilson and Head (1981)
Macedonio, 2002; Mastin, 2005; Vedeneeva et al., predict that magma ascent in hawaiian eruptions
2005; Costa et al., 2007). is homogeneous, with dispersed bubbles, so that
Eruption intensity may correlate with pre- rapid decompression and shallow H2O exsolution
eruptive H2O content and magma composition lead to expansion-driven acceleration and the for-
(Papale et al., 1998; Polacci et al., 2004; Starostin mation of a sustained magma fountain above the
et al., 2005). However, changes in CO2 content vent (Parfitt et al., 1995; Parfitt, 2004). The tran-
can have the opposite effect of H2O (Papale and sition from hawaiian to strombolian behavior is
Polacci, 1999; Ongaro et al., 2006). The transition thought to occur at magma rise speeds of less
from explosive to effusive eruptions in silicic than about 1 m s–1, with a correlation between
magmas is thought to occur as magma ascent required rise speed and initial magmatic volatile
rates decrease, which allows more time for per- content (Parfitt and Wilson, 1995). Alternatively,
meable outgassing and bubbles grow at near based on analog laboratory experiments it has
equilibrium conditions (Jaupart and Allegre, been suggested that bubbles accumulate to form
1991; Woods and Koyaguchi, 1994; Gonnermann a magmatic foam, whose collapse produces
and Manga, 2007). an annular gas-melt flow within the conduit
(Chapter 6; Jaupart and Vergniolle, 1988).
4.8.2â•… Strombolian eruptions
Typical strombolian eruptions (Chapter 6) 4.8.4â•… Effusive eruptions
consist of prolonged periods of impulsive Large volumes of basaltic magma often erupt
explosions that typically eject 0.01–10â•›m3 of effusively over prolonged periods of time, at
pyroclastic material and volcanic gases at about rates up to 104 kg s–1 (Wolfe et al., 1987). Silicic
100 m s–1. Mass balance considerations imply magmas of high viscosity may erupt effusively to
that much of the gas is derived from a larger vol- form lava domes and coulees with time-averaged
ume of magma than is erupted, a consequence eruption rates ranging from 10–1 to 104 kg s–1
of slow magma ascent rates (<â•›0.01–0.1 m s–1). (Pyle, 2000). The resulting low ascent rates
This permits significant bubble coalescence to (� 0.01 m s–1) are thought to facilitate permeable
form gas slugs and/or accumulations of bubbles, outgassing (Eichelberger et al., 1986; Jaupart
which decouple from the melt and rise to the and Allegre, 1991; Woods and Koyaguchi, 1994;
surface where they burst. Aside from thermal Massol and Jaupart, 1999). Sparks (1997) attrib-
modeling (Giberti et al., 1992), some numerical uted the occurrence of time-dependent behav-
conduit models that have dealt directly with ior during dome-forming eruptions to feedbacks
details of strombolian eruptions are Wilson and associated with volatile-dependent magma vis-
Head (1981); Parfitt and Wilson (1995); James cosity, magma degassing, outgassing, and crys-
et al. (2008); O’Brian and Bean (2008); D’Auria tallization. Conduit models suggest that large

9780521895439c04_p55-84.indd 74 8/2/2012 9:36:38 AM


changes in discharge rate at relatively small subaerial flow, and incorporation of bubble
changes in boundary conditions are the conse- nucleation.
quence of such feedbacks (Melnik and Sparks, (2) The dynamics of magma flow within the
1999, 2005). They also demonstrate how non- volcanic conduit during strombolian and
linear feedbacks produce different steady dis- hawaiian eruptions remains controversial.
charge rates for the same boundary conditions The main challenge here is the modeling of
but different initial conditions, perhaps explain- the separated two-phase flow, where the top-
ing how transitions between effusive and explo- ology of the flow can change drastically and
sive behavior occur (Melnik et al., 2005; Clarke rapidly in both space and time.
et al., 2007). (3) Magma flow in the volcanic conduit is
For long-lived dome-forming eruptions, affected by processes that occur over a
magma recharge is often treated as constant wide range of length scales, from the fluid
over part of the eruption. However, transient dynamics of magma ascent over kilometers
eruptive behavior can ensue as a direct con- to crystal/bubble nucleation and growth,
sequence of compressibility of the vesicular as well as fragmentation over millimeter
magma and/or surrounding wall rock (Meriaux to micrometer scales. Accounting for these
and Jaupart, 1995; Denlinger, 1997; Huppert different scales requires the development
and Woods, 2002; Costa et al., 2007a). Feedbacks of subgrid-type models capable of coupling
may be such that pressure build-up drives the explicit modeling of the various small-scale
system into a state where discharge rate exceeds processes with fluid dynamical modeling of
recharge rate. With time, pressure decreases magma flow.
until the cycle repeats or is dynamically damp- (4) Eruption triggering is perhaps of foremost
ened toward a stable state (Barmin et al., 2002). importance in terms of hazard mitigation.
High shear stress at the conduit walls, in con- Integration of geodetic and remote-sensing
junction with shear-thinning rheology, may observations with models of magma flow,
result in shear localization and brittle deform- supply, and storage is thus highly desirable.
ation and this may in turn enhance permeabil- A major challenge is the incorporation of
ity and outgassing. Conduit models have also geological (tectonic and structural) com-
explored how brittle deformation may be asso- plexities, which may require a departure
ciated with stick-slip behavior at the conduit for idealized one- or two-dimensional model
walls and shallow seismicity, especially for mag- geometries, as well as coupling between
mas with high crystal content (Denlinger and tectonically produced stresses and stresses
Hoblitt, 1999; Goto, 1999; Collier and Neuberg, within the magmatic system.
2006; Iverson et al., 2006; Hale, 2007).

4.10╇ ╇ Notation

4.9╇ ╇ Summary a conduit radius (m)
A cross-sectional area of conduit (m2)
Conduit models of magma ascent help us under-
B empirical constant
stand which mechanisms and processes are
c speed of sound in magma (m s–1)
important for a broad range of effusive and dry
cp specific heat (J kg–1 K–1)
explosive volcanic eruptions (Fig. 4.10). Some
Cc concentration of dissolved CO2 (ppm)
important open questions are:
Ci mass fraction of dissolved volatile i
(1) What causes the observed unsteady behavior Cw concentration of dissolved H2O (wt.%)
during sustained explosive eruptions? This D diffusivity of dissolved volatile in melt
will require models capable of exploring (m2 s–1)
time-dependent dynamical feedbacks within D c diffusivity of CO2 dissolved in melt
the conduit, coupling between conduit and (m2 s–1)

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Di diffusivity of dissolved volatile species i Qin magma chamber mass recharge rate
(m2 s–1) (kg s–1)
Dwb diffusivity of H2O dissolved in basalt Qout magma chamber mass discharge rate
melt (m2 s–1) (kg s–1
Dwr diffusivity of H2O dissolved in rhyolite Qm mass flow rate of melt phase (kg s–1)
melt (m2 s–1) r radial distance from center of bubble or
f friction factor for flow in a cylindrical from center of conduit (m)
pipe R bubble radius (m)
Fwg wall drag force of the gas phase (N) S radial distance from bubble center to
Fwm wall drag force of the melt phase (N) midpoint of between adjacent
g acceleration due to gravity (m s–2) bubbles (m)
G∞ shear modulus of melt (Pa) t time (s)
�GD activation energy for diffusion (J) T temperature (K)
�G* free energy for nucleus formation (J) Tl liquidus temperature (K)
h hindering function for Richardson–Zaki �Te undercooling of melt (K)
equation u magma velocity (m s–1)
H specific enthalpy (J kg–1) ug gas velocity (m s–1)
�H change in enthalpy between melt and um melt velocity (m s–1)
crystal (J) ur radial component of magma velocity
I homogeneous crystal nucleation rate (m s–1)
(m–3 s–1) uz vertical component of magma velocity
I0 reference homogeneous crystal (m s–1)
nucleation rate (m–3 s–1) Ub bubble ascent velocity (m s–1)
J bubble nucleation rate (m–3 s–1) Um ascent velocity of the melt phase (m s–1)
k permeability (m2) Ut terminal rise velocity of a single bubble
k v volumetric factor for Avrami equation in infinite liquid (m s–1)
kB Boltzmann constant (J kg–1) v approach velocity of two bubbles or
K bulk viscosity (Pa s) expansion velocity of vesicular magma
L characteristic length scale for inertial (m s–1)
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Chapter 5

Lava flows
Andrew J. L. Harris

Overview and link lava flow heat loss, cooling rates, crys-
tallinity, rheology, velocity, and thickness.
There are many types of lava flow emplace-
ment models. One type of numeric model aims
to apply and link equations that describe lava
flow cooling rates, rheology, and dynamics to
5.1╇ ╇Lava flows and lava flow
simulate lava flow spreading. Generally applied models
to basaltic flow emplacement, it is this type of
model that we consider here. Within this model Following the classic lava channel morphological
type, we can define two simulation sub-types: model of Lipman and Banks (1987), an active
volume- and cooling-limited. By applying and lava flow system can be split into two principal
linking laws governing the ability of a Bingham components: a feeder system, which is either a
fluid to spread under the influence of gravity, channel or tube, and a zone of dispersed lava
both volume- and cooling-limited simulations flow supplied by the feeder system. Within this
spread control volumes across a digital top- system, a range of lava types, defined by their
ography. Volume-limited approaches spread characteristic surface morphologies (including
and thin a finite erupted volume until a sheet ‘a’a, pahoehoe, transitional, blocky, and infla-
with a critical thickness defined by the lava tionary), can build a range of flow field architec-
yield strength is attained. For a cooling-limited tures spanning simple, single-unit lava flows to
model, heat losses due to radiation, convection, compound lava flow fields comprising hundreds
and conduction are estimated to calculate core to hundreds of thousands of individual lava flow
cooling and crystallization rates. These can be units (e.g., Walker, 1972; Kilburn and Lopes,
used to estimate the lava rheological properties 1988; Mattox et al., 1993). Each system can be
(viscosity, yield strength) of the lava. Rheological channel-, tube-, or channel-and-tube-fed, with
properties can be used to estimate flow thick- the feeder system often bifurcating to result in
ness through a yield strength model, as well multiple pathways which increase in number
as velocity using the Jeffreys or Navier–Stokes with distance from the vent (e.g., Peterson etâ•–al.,
equations. Such flow simulation models rely, 1994; Calvari and Pinkerton, 1998). It is the
in turn, on well-constrained models that define challenge of the numerical modeler to simulate

Modeling Volcanic Processes: The Physics and Mathematics of Volcanism, eds. Sarah A. Fagents, Tracy K. P. Gregg, and Rosaly M. C.
Lopes. Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2012.

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86 A N D R E W J. L . H A R R I S

and link the complex interplay between topog- allowing generation of simulations to identify
raphy, rheology, heat loss, and flow dynamics likely inundation zones during ongoing erup-
that lead to the emplacement of a specific lava tions (e.g., Tedesco et al., 2007) or assessment of
flow system of given morphology, architecture, likely lava flow hazard zones for future effusive
thickness, length, and width. By fitting lava flow eruptions (e.g., Rowland et al., 2005), as well as
models to real-world systems we can achieve two evaluation of downflow changes in dynamic,
aims: (i) to understand the complex rheological, thermal, and rheological properties of a spread-
thermal, and dynamic processes involved in ing lava. This chapter focuses on the mechanics
lava flow emplacement, and which give rise of Type II models, first reviewing the underlying
to specific flow emplacement styles, lava flow fluid dynamic, rheological, and heat loss princi-
types architectures, morphologies, and dimen- ples, many of which draw on the results of Type
sions; and (ii) to more accurately simulate lava I modeling, before examining the way that Type
flow emplacement events. II models function.
Consequently, lava flow numerical models
can be generalized into two types: (I) those that
improve our understanding of emplacement 5.2╇ ╇Lava flow dynamics:
dynamics and lava flow morphology, and (II)
those designed to simulate lava flow emplace- fundamental principles and
ment. Type I models (reviewed in online definitions
Supplement 5A€ – see end of chapter) can be
split into theoretical or laboratory-based, with The principles governing lava flow dynam-
laboratory-based studies commonly using kao- ics were laid down by Hulme (1974) and later
lin or “wax” as an analog for lava in scaled, detailed by Chester et al. (1985). We begin by
tank-based, simulations. Both theoretical and defining two fundamental terms: shear stress, τ
laboratory approaches typically attempt to par- (Pa or N m–2), and strain rate ε̇ (s–1). Shear stress
ameterize links between lava flow heat loss, is the force per unit area acting on a fluid and
cooling and rheology, and the resulting flow depends on flow thickness, h, and density, ρ, as
dynamics, dimensions, and morphology. Many well as gravity, g, and the slope, θ, over which
laboratory models relate flow dimensions or the fluid, in this case lava, is moving:
morphology to effusion rates by applying laws
τ = hâ•›ρg sin θ. (5.1)
governing heat transfer to explain observed rela-
tionships (e.g., Fink and Griffiths, 1992; Blake (All notation is given in Section 5.7.) Strain rate
and Bruno, 2000). Theoretical approaches can is the rate of deformation experienced by a fluid
include empirical attempts to link flow dimen- when a load stress is applied, and can be defined
sional properties, such as length and planform by the flow’s velocity gradient (i.e., ε̇ = du/dz).
area, to volumetric eruption rates. Such models We next distinguish between Newtonian
are reviewed by Kilburn et al. (1995) and Harris and Bingham fluids. A Newtonian fluid will flow
and Rowland (2009) but are not considered in (deform) when an infinitesimally small force
Supplement 5A. (shear stress) is applied. In contrast, a Bingham
Type II models use fluid dynamic and heat fluid will only flow once sufficient shear stress
transfer principles to predict flow emplacement has been applied. If a Bingham fluid is not suf-
by simulating likely flow direction and extent, as ficiently thick, shear stresses will not be high
summarized in online Supplement 5B (see end enough to cause a deformation response, so
of chapter). Type II studies commonly use find- that strain rate will be zero. Upon attaining a
ings from Type I modeling to evaluate cooling- critical thickness, h0, shear stresses in Bingham
induced changes in flow rheology, and hence fluids become sufficient to cause deformation or
to determine how flow forward motion and/or flow. For a Bingham fluid on an inclined plane,
spreading varies in space and time. As such, Type this point is defined by the yield strength of the
II models are often used for hazard assessment, fluid:

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Once deformation is underway, the relation

between shear stress and strain rate can follow
µ = dτ/dε·
Low µ a number of characteristic paths (Fig. 5.1). The
tic slopes of the shear stress–strain rate relationships
o dτ are dictated by the internal resistance of the fluid
ud ity
Shear stress, τ (Pa)

dε· to flow, i.e. viscosity, η. If the internal resistance



gh of the fluid is high, a greater increase in shear

: Hi
High µ am stress is required to achieve the same amount of
ng change in strain rate than at lower viscosities, so
vis cosit that the slope of the relation is steeper for the
h am: high-viscosity case. For Newtonian and Bingham
fluids, the relation between shear stress and
ton ian strain rate is linear and viscosity is the same at all
shear stresses and strain rates. For a pseudoplastic
° fluid, the rate of change in strain rate decreases
as shear stress increases so that viscosity is lower
Strain rate, ε (S–1) at high shear stresses and strain rates than at low
Figure 5.1╇╇ Shear-stress–strain-rate relationships for stress/strain rate conditions (Fig. 5.1).
Newtonian, Bingham and pseudoplastic fluids. A Newtonian Most lava flow models assume that the
fluid will deform when placed under an infinitesimally small bulk behavior of a lava flow is Bingham rather
shear stress, τ. For a Bingham fluid, strain rate, ε̇, will be than Newtonian (e.g., Dragoni et al., 1986).
zero (no deformation will occur) until a critical shear stress The non-Newtonian behavior of basaltic lava
is applied, as defined by the yield strength, τ0. In all cases, (and magma) is borne out by the field data of
the slope of the τ–ε̇ relationship defines the viscosity, η.
Pinkerton and Sparks (1978), which show that
Newtonian and Bingham fluids exhibit linear behavior, and
lava has a yield strength, τ0, and deforms in a
have viscosities that do not vary with stress or strain rate.
For pseudoplastic fluids, the slope of the relationship varies
pseudoplastic manner as shear stress increases.
with strain rate, with shallower slopes (low viscosities) at Pseudoplastic behavior is also apparent in the
high strain rates and steeper slopes (high viscosities) at low experimental data of Sonder et al. (2006), which
strain rates. reveal that the viscosity of basaltic magmas
decreases with increased strain rates, even at
temperatures of 1175–1225°C.
τ0 = h0â•›ρg sinθ. (5.2a)

Yield strength can also as be written in terms of 5.2.1â•…Lava flow dynamics: velocity
the height-to-width ratio that will be attained by treatments
a fluid spreading under the influence of gravity The fluid dynamics of viscous fluids are des�
on a flat surface (Blake, 1990). For a given vol- cribed extensively in engineering text books
ume, such a fluid will spread until it attains a (e.g., White, 2006), as well as for geological appli-
critical thickness, h0, and width, w, to produce cations by Furbish (1997), and many numerical
a stationary pile of stationary (non-deforming) treatments for viscous flow appear in the fluid
fluid: mechanics literature. Mei and Yuhi (2001), for
example, give one of the most complete solu-
τ0 = gâ•›ρh0 / w. (5.2b) tions for three-dimensional flow of a Bingham
fluid in a wide, shallow channel (see Balmforth
Bingham fluids will only spread as long as et al. (2006) for review).
τ > τ0; once τ ≤ τ0, the flow will have reached For lava flows, the relation of Jeffreys (1925)
its minimum thickness h0, and spreading will has become widely used. This provides a rela-
stop. In contrast, Newtonian fluids have no tion between fluid viscosity, η, and mean vel-
yield strength and the fluid can spread to form ocity, u, for gravity-driven Newtonian flow in
an infinitesimally thin sheet. one dimension:

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88 A N D R E W J. L . H A R R I S

h 2 g ρsin θ wh3 g ρ sin θ  3 τ 0 1  τ 0  
η= , (5.3a) Er = 1 − +   . (5.5)
Bu 3η 2 τb 2  τb  
 

in which h is flow depth, θ is the slope of the For flow in two dimensions, the equation of
underlying surface, and B is a constant with a motion from Navier (1823) and Stokes (1845)
value of 8 for semi-circular channels and 3 for can be applied. For steady state conditions, the
channels that are wider than they are deep. Navier–Stokes equations can be used to assess
Equation (5.3a) was originally applied to estimate the balance of forces incident upon the flow.
lava flow viscosity using velocity and slope data As shown by Miyamoto and Sasaki (1997), the
(e.g., Walker, 1967), but simple re-arrangement Navier–Stokes equations can be used to con-
allows calculation of mean velocity if viscosity sider motion in the vertical (z) and downflow (x)
is known: dimensions:

h 2 g ρsin θ ∂2u ∂ h (5.6)
u= . (5.3b) η = ρ g cos θ + ρ g sin θ.
Bη ∂z2 ∂x

In effect, Eq. (5.3b) considers the balance This describes a scenario where viscous forces
between gravitational forces (numerator) and (left-hand side of Eq. (5.6)) are balanced by grav-
resistive forces (denominator) on the flow. ity and pressure variations induced by changes in
This equation is, however, only appropriate flow thickness, h (right-hand side of Eq. (5.6)). If
for flow of a Newtonian fluid in a channel (and the lava undergoes little or no variation in thick-
so is not appropriate for calculating flow-front ness, then the pressure term can be neglected so
velocities). that Eq. (5.6) can be written solely in terms of
Moore (1987) provides a treatment for a viscous and gravitational forces (Dragoni et al.,
Bingham fluid that takes into account yield 1986):
strength, where for flow in a semi-circular
channel: ∂2 u (5.7)
η − ρ g sin θ = 0.
∂z 2

h 2 g ρ sin θ 
4 τ0 1  τ0  Integration of this equation allows the vertical
u= 1 − + , (5.4a)
8η  3 τ b 3  τ b   and horizontal profiles of flow velocity within
and across a flow to be calculated (Fig. 5.2).
and for a channel that is wider than it is deep: Alternatively, the Navier–Stokes equations
can be used to describe motion in both the down-
 and cross-flow (x and y) directions, described by
h 2 g ρsin θ  3 τ 0 1  τ 0 

u= 1 − + . (5.4b) two velocity components, u and v, respectively

3η  2 τ b 2  τ b  
(Del Negro et al., 2005):

In both cases the second term describes the ∂ u η  ∂2 u ∂2 u  ∂u 1 ∂ p (5.8a)
= + −u − + Fx ,
damping effect of yield strength by using the ∂ t ρ  ∂ x 2 ∂ y 2  ∂x ρ ∂x
ratio of yield strength, τ0, to shear stress inci-

dent upon the flow, τb, i.e., the stress at the flow ∂v η  ∂2 v ∂2 v  ∂v 1 ∂ p
= + −v − + Fy (5.8b)
base found using the full flow thickness for h ∂t ρ  ∂x 2 ∂ y 2  ∂y ρ ∂y
in Eq. (5.1). Multiplying Eqs. (5.4a) and (5.4b) by
the width, w, and depth, h, of flow in the chan- These equations account for viscosity effects
nel, the two equations can be written in terms (term 1 on the right-hand side), the velocity pro-
of volume flux or effusion rate, Er (m3 s–1), e.g., file (term 2), pressure (p) incident upon the flow
for a wide channel, (term 3), and external forces (Fx and Fy).

9780521895439c05_p85-106.indd 88 8/2/2012 9:47:20 AM


ρ = density (2030 kg m–3) θ = slope (5°)
u(z) = ρ g sin(θ) (t 2-z 2) DRE ρ of 2600 kg m–3 corrected for t = channel depth or radius (2 m)
4µ 22% vesicles z = flow depth or distance from bank
g = acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m–2) µ = viscosity (3000 Pa s)
0.0 (c) 0.6

Depth below surface, z (m)


Velocity, u(z) (m s–1)


mean velocity 0.3



2.0 0.0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 2.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0
Velocity, u(z) (m s–1) Distance from channel center line, z (m)

Figure 5.2╇╇Velocity profile equation obtained from units of one or more compounds (monomers).
integration of Eq. (5.7) and parameters used to derive the The presence of polymers leads to highly inter-
variation in flow velocity with depth and cross-channel connected networks of molecules that pose
distance as given in (b) and (c). Input parameters apply to a internal resistance to flow. Because the strong-
channel observed as active on Etna during 2001 by Bailey
est bonds in silicate liquids are the Si-O-Si
et al. (2006). Calculated maximum velocities compare well
bridging bonds, the internal resistance of the
with values of ~0.6 m s–1 measured during brim-full flow.
fluid to flow (i.e., viscosity) increases with
silica content. However, network-modifying
Inspection of these equations reveals that oxides and water serve to break up the bridg-
defining and linking three sets of variables is ing bonds, thereby depolymerizing the fluid
crucial: (i) flow or channel dimensions (w, h), and reducing flow viscosity. Temperature also
(ii) slope (θ), and (iii) rheology (η, τ0). If we can influences viscosity: increased temperature
understand the variation in these parameters in provides increased energy, thereby weakening
space and time, and numerically link them to the strength of the bonds in the melt and low-
the resulting flow dynamics, we can arrive at an ering the viscosity. Below liquidus tempera-
effective Type II lava flow model. Of these, rhe- tures, crystallization also plays a role, whereby
ology is the most complicated variable to set, the presence of the rigid particles (crystals)
given that it depends on lava composition, tem- impedes flow. The presence of bubbles in the
perature, crystallinity, and vesicularity. Thus, melt also influences the internal resistance
numerical relationships between, for example, of magma. Viscosity relations for fluids, and
viscosity and temperature need to be defined. fluids containing particles, are considered in
numerous rheological texts, such as Larson
5.2.2â•…Controls on viscosity and yield (1999), and discussed in the context of conduit
strength ascent models in Chapter 4. Here we provide a
Lava is a polymer, i.e., a compound whose mol- brief review of treatments relevant to silicate
ecule is formed from a number of repeated lava flow models.

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90 A N D R E W J. L . H A R R I S

103 106

0.1 wt.% 105

Mixture viscosity, µm (Pa s)

Fluid viscosity, µ (Pa s)

104 Spherical bubbles
0.4 wt.%
2.0 wt.%
10 Sheared bubbles
1 µ
3.4 wt.%

0 0
1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Temperature, T (°C) Bubble fraction, ω

105 105
Case: 1
Mixture viscosity, µm (Pa s)

Mixture viscosity, µm (Pa s)

φmax = 0.6 2
104 104 3

φmax = 0.7
103 103

µ µ (with 35 % bubbles)
102 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Crystal fraction, φ Crystal fraction, φ

Figure 5.3╇╇ (a) Melt viscosity for Etna’s alkali basalt as a function of temperature following the relation of Giordano and
Dingwell (2003):
log10η = –4.643 + [5812.44€– 427.04 × H2O] / [T(K)€– 499.31 + 28.74 × ln(H2O)])
The relation is given for the range of water contents associated with Etna’s undegassed (2.0–3.4 wt. %) and degassed magma
(0.1–0.4 wt. %). (b) Relation between mixture viscosity and crystallinity defined by Eq. (5.11) using ϕmax of 0.5 and 0.7. (c) Relation
between mixture viscosity and bubble content defined by Eq. (5.12a) (spherical bubble relation) and Eq. (5.12b) (sheared bubble
relation). (d) Three-phase mixture viscosity as a function of crystallinity defined using Eq. (5.13a) (Case 1), Eq. (5.13b) (Case 2),
and Eq. (5.13c) (Case 3) using a bubble volume fraction of 0.35. Each mixture viscosity relation is set using fluid viscosity (η) of
425 Pa s. This is calculated using the relation of Giordano and Dingwell (2003) for a degassed lava (0.1 wt. % H2O) erupted at a
temperature of 1086°C and defines the y-axis offset in (b), (c), and (d). Black bar in (b) and (d) indicates crystal content (45%) and
viscosity range (9400 ± 1500 Pa s) measured for an Etnean lava by Pinkerton and Sparks (1978).

Viscosity: influence of composition and viscosity decays exponentially with increasing

temperature temperature. Shaw (1972) provides a widely
For lava, the compositional and temperature used method for defining a and b in Eq. (5.9) for
dependences of viscosity have traditionally been a melt of given composition and water content.
assumed to follow an Arrhenian relationship in More recent data show a non-Arrhenian tem-
which, for every 10 °C increase in temperature, perature dependence for silicate melts (e.g.,
the rate of chemical reaction doubles. Such a Hess and Dingwell, 1996; Russell et al., 2003;
relation can be described by (Bottinga and Weill, Getson and Whittington, 2007). To describe this
1972; Shaw, 1972): scenario, the Vogel–Fulcher–Tammann (VFT)
equation has been adopted as a purely empirical
log η(T) = log a + b/T, (5.9)
means of providing a best-fit to available data
with a and b being two adjustable (best-fit) (Mano and Pereira, 2004):
parameters that vary with melt composition. b
log η (T ) = a + , (5.10)
This equation describes a scenario in which T −c

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in which a, b, and c are adjustable (best-fit) To accurately characterize lava viscosity at

parameters that depend on lava composition. subliquidus temperatures, a three-phase treat-
Such relationships are derived on a case-by-case ment is required which takes into account the
basis, with the fitting parameters depending viscosity of the fluid, as well as the effects of
strongly on composition. Thus, a relation must both crystals and bubbles. Although few such
be selected that is appropriate for the melt under treatments have been applied to lava flows,
consideration. Currently VFT-based treatments the three-phase treatment of Phan-Thien and
are available for tephrite (Whittington et al., Pham (1997) shows promise in determining the
2000) and Etna basalt (Giordano and Dingwell, three-component mixture viscosity for a bas-
2003), as well as a range of compositions span- altic lava with a variable amount of crystals and
ning basalt to rhyolite (Giordano et al., 2006). bubbles (Harris and Allen, 2008). The treatment
These relations define a situation whereby vis- simplifies to three cases:
cosity increases logarithmically with decreasing
Case (1): Crystals smaller than bubbles,
temperature (e.g., Fig. 5.3(a).
ηm = η [1€– ϕ / (1€– ω)]–5/2 (1€– ω)–1 (5.13a)
Viscosity: influence of crystals
Case (2): Crystals and bubbles in the same size
and bubbles
Lava is a mixture of fluid (melt) and solids (crys-
tals). Thus, to obtain the bulk viscosity of the ηm = η (1€– ϕ€– ω)–(5ϕ + 2ω)/2(ϕ + ω) (5.13b)
lava mixture (μm), the effect of crystals also needs
Case (3): Crystals larger than bubbles,
to be taken into account. This can be achieved
using the Einstein–Roscoe relationship (e.g., ηm = η [1€– ω / (1€– ϕ)]–1 (1€– ϕ)–5/2. (5.13c)
Marsh, 1981; Pinkerton and Stevenson, 1992),
Although application of these equations requires
ηm = η (1€– Rϕ)–2.5, (5.11) exacting knowledge of the size and number of
crystals and bubbles, when used with appropri-
in which η is the fluid viscosity, ϕ is crystallinity ate inputs, ω and ϕ, mixture viscosities in good
(expressed as a volume fraction) and R = 1/ϕmax, agreement with field measurements can be
where ϕmax is the maximum crystal packing con- obtained. Such a three-phase fit for Etna is given
tent. This defines a relation whereby mixture in Figure 5.3(d).
viscosity increases with crystal content follow-
ing a power law (Fig. 5.3b). Yield strength
A third phase is also present in the mixture, Yield strength can also be calculated as a func-
bubbles. These may serve to increase the mix- tion of temperature and crystallinity. Data in
ture viscosity if the bubble population is spher- Chester et al. (1985) show that yield strength
ical, or decrease mixture viscosity if the bubbles increases exponentially with 1/T, so that
are sheared (e.g., Crisp et al., 1994; Manga et al., τ0(T) = aeb/T. (5.14)
1998; Section 4.5.4). Llewellin and Manga (2005)
thus provide two relations for the mixture vis- As in Eq. (5.9), a and b are adjustable (best-fit)
cosity of a fluid containing bubbles, one for flu- parameters that vary with lava composition.
ids containing spherical bubbles: Chester et al. (1985) give values for Hawaiian
(Kilauea) lava lake basalt and Columbia River
ηm = η [1€– ω]–1 (5.12a) basalt, and Dragoni (1989) gives values for
Etnean basalt. However, such treatments apply
and one for fluids containing sheared bubbles
to limited temperature ranges; Chester et al.
ηm = η [1€– ω]5/3. (5.12b) (1985) suggest that τ0 increases rapidly with
the onset of crystallization, but trends towards
These are plotted in Figure 5.3(c), which shows the a steady value before crystallization is com-
contrasting effects on mixture viscosity of spher- plete. Pinkerton and Stevenson (1992) also
ical and sheared bubble populations. give relationships that allow calculation of τ0

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92 A N D R E W J. L . H A R R I S

on the basis of crystal concentration, size, and This heat is then lost from the surface by radi-
shape, with Ryerson et al. (1988) showing that ation and convection. Radiation from a lava sur-
data for picritic basalt from Kilauea Iki are best face at temperature Tsurf can be assessed using
Â�fitted with a power law expression whereby the Stefan–Boltzmann law. This describes the
τ0 = 6500ϕ2.85. energy flux (qrad in W m–2) radiated directly from
The challenge with lava is that, unlike sim- the surface of a gray-body, i.e., a body with an
ple Bingham fluids, high temperature gradients emissivity ε < 1:
mean that severe rheological gradients occur
q rad = εσ (Tsurf
− Ta4 ), (5.15)
vertically within a lava flow, such that no single
rheology applies. Lateral spreading, for example,
will be influenced by the development of a cool, in which σ is the Stefan–Boltzmann constant
high viscosity, viscoelastic skin. This means that (5.67 × 10–8 W m–2 K-4) and Ta is the tempera-
the fluid core will be confined within a strong ture of the environment into which radiation
outer shell (Hon et al., 1994). As a result, one is being emitted. Multiplying by the area of the
modeling direction has been to examine the radiating surface (A) gives the total radiant heat
ability of such rheologically defined outer shells loss, Qrad, in watts. The first question, is how to
to contain a steadily pressurizing or inflating determine Tsurf ?
core (e.g., Iverson, 1990) and to examine the Crisp and Baloga (1990) suggested that the
role of this outer shell in influencing flow front surface of an active lava is best modeled by a
break outs (e.g., Dragoni and Tallarico, 1996). two-component thermal surface in which a
chilled crust at temperature Tcrust occupies frac-
tion f of the surface, with cracks exposing the
molten core at Tcore occupying the remainder. As
5.3╇ ╇Lava flow heat budget a result, Tsurf is best described by the effective
and cooling radiation temperature (Te):
1/ 4 (5.16)
Because temperature, and cooling-induced Te =  fTcrust
+ (1 − f )Tcore
 .
changes in crystallinity, play central roles in
determining flow rheology, understanding the In a stable case (when there is no destruction
flow heat budget and cooling rates is an import- and renewal of the crust, so that it simply thick-
ant step in achieving a Type II model. This ens with time), the cooler of these two thermal
involves the derivation of a complete lava flow components can be determined on the basis of
heat budget that defines the balance between time since exposure (t). For Hawaiian pahoe-
heat sinks and heat sources. While Keszthelyi hoe, measurements by Hon et al. (1994) showed
(1995) provides a complete heat loss model that surface temperature declined logarithmic-
for tube-confined lava, general texts such as ally with time (Tcrust = –140 log(t) + 303) as the
Holman (1992) detail the principles of heat surface crust thickened with the square root of
transfer. We here consider the heat budget time (D1070 = 0.0779√t). Here, the 1070 subscript
for channel-confined lava and/or dispersed shows that this relation is for the depth of the
(‘a’a, pahoehoe and blocky) lava flows whose 1070â•›°C isotherm, which is used to define the
surfaces are exposed to the atmosphere. base of the visco-elastic surface crust. On the
For an active channel-fed ‘a’a, pahoehoe, face of it, the hotter of the two components
or blocky lava flow, the main heat sinks will appears easy to set, being essentially equal to the
be radiation and convection from the flow sur- lava core temperature. In reality, the maximum
face (e.g., Keszthelyi et al., 2003), with conduc- temperature of the flow core is rarely exposed
tion causing heat loss through the flow levées at the surface. Instead, cracks penetrate a cooler
(e.g., Quareni et al., 2004) and base (e.g., Fagents viscoelastic layer that forms just below the brit-
and Greeley, 2001). Heat is conducted across a tle crust and which, for Hawaiian pahoehoe, has
surface crust that forms over the molten core. a maximum temperature of 1070â•›°C, as opposed

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(a) Qout (surface) Figure 5.4╇╇ (a) Two-component

cracks exposing =Qrad + Qconv
hot core model for the thermal structure of
cool crust
a lava flow surface, showing a chilled
crust is broken by cracks exposing
the hot core, and the main heat
crust sources and sinks (modified from Fig.
3 of Crisp and Baloga (1990)). (b)
Qin = Qadv + Qcryst
d core Photograph of a pahoehoe breakout
(~1 m wide) showing at least three
thermal components apparent from
the different colors; yellow (~1090â•›°C),
Qout (base) = Qcond bright orange (~900â•›°C), dull orange
(550–700â•›°C) and black (< 475â•›°C).
(b) (c)
ºC (c) Thermal image of pahohoe channel
990 (central portion is ~2 m wide and
5–6 m long) showing active surfaces
800 ranging in temperature from ~400–
1000â•›°C, with lower temperatures
marking older, cooler crust developing
600 on the flow surface as it advances and
ages. See color plates section.

to a core temperature of 1140–1150â•›°C (Hon et al., in terms of a heated plate exposed to ambient
1994), meaning that maximum surface tem- room air without an external source of motion
peratures measured at Hawaiian pahoehoe are (i.e., no wind). Heating of the air from beneath
typically ~1000â•›°C. Likewise, maximum surface causes the air to expand. The subsequent reduc-
temperatures measured at a lava channel on Mt. tion in density causes the heated air to become
Etna (Italy) within 70 m of the vent were typic- buoyant so that it rises, carrying heat with it and
ally 730–1040â•›°C (mean of 880â•›°C) compared with away from the surface. In contrast, forced con-
a core temperature of 1065â•›°C (Harris et al., 2005; vection is the cooling effect experienced when
Bailey et al., 2006). Thus, use of a value for Tcore cool air blows over a hot surface. Both can be
that is offset from the true core temperature may described in terms of the convective heat trans-
yield more realistic values of Te. In addition, more fer coefficient, hc:
than one thermal component may be present on
qconv = hc (Tsurf – Ta), (5.17)
the flow surface (Figs. 5.4(b), 5.4(c)). Wright and
Flynn (2003) found that active pahoehoe surfaces where qconv is the convective heat flux (in W m–2),
were best modeled using between five and seven and multiplying by the area, A, of the hot sur-
thermal components at temperatures ranging face gives the total convective heat loss, Qconv, in
between 200 and 1000â•›°C. In comparison, ther- watts. The convective heat transfer coefficient,
mal data from active lava channels indicate that hc, can be calculated theoretically (as in Exercise
a four thermal component model may be used to 5.2; online resources listed at end of chapter),
describe such surfaces (see Exercise 5.1; online but differs for free and forced convection and
resources listed at end of chapter). varies with wind speed. However, values of
Convective heat loss from a flow surface between 5 and 150 W m–2 K–1 appear appropri-
involves heat transfer to an overlying gas or ate for subaerial active lavas (Keszthelyi and
fluid. There are two cases. Free convection occurs Denlinger, 1996; Neri, 1998; Keszthelyi et al.,
in still conditions and can be conceptualized 2003).

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94 A N D R E W J. L . H A R R I S

Across the flow base, heat will be transferred dφ

qcryst = uh ρ L , (5.20)
by molecular contact from the high-temperature dx
core at Tcore, through a basal boundary layer of
thickness �y, to the cold underlying country
in which L is latent heat of crystallization and
rock at Ta. This conduction heat flux (qcond, in
ϕ is the mass fraction of crystals grown, so
W m–2) can be described using Fourier’s Law:
that dϕ/dx is the crystallization rate per unit
distance. Again, writing the equation in terms
dT ∆T
qcond = − k = −k , (5.18a) of volume and crystallization per unit time
dy ∆y
(dϕ/dt= udϕ/dx), i.e., Qâ•›cryst = VρL dϕ/dt, gives the
total latent heat generated in watts.
where �T is the temperature difference (= Tcore Given that a lava flow is an open system, all
– Ta) across the basal boundary layer. Note that, heat flowing into the system (Qin) must also flow
because the temperature gradient across the out (Qout), so that:
base of a lava flow is negative, Fourier’s Law has
Qâ•›in = Qâ•›out. (5.21a)
a minus sign on the right-hand side to make
qcond a positive quantity. The conductive heat If we consider all of the heat sources and sinks,
flux will decrease with time as the basal crust Eq. (5.21a) can be expanded to
grows and as the substrate becomes heated
Qâ•›adv + Qâ•›cryst = Qâ•›rad + Qâ•›conv + Qâ•›cond. (5.21b)
(e.g., Kerr, 2001), so that the distance to the
ambient isotherm increases. Following Turcotte Because it allows calculation of core cooling and/
and Schubert (2002), the basal boundary layer or crystallization rates, this balance underpins
thickens at a rate on the order of κ t , in which modeling of lava core cooling and crystalliza-
κ is thermal diffusivity and t is the characteris- tion (e.g., Daneš, 1972; Crisp and Baloga, 1994;
tic time interval since flow emplacement (s), so Keszthelyi and Self, 1998). This can most easily
that Eq. (5.18a) can be written in terms of time: be shown by writing Eq. (5.21b) so that:

∆T V ρ [cp dT/dt + L dϕ/dt] = Qrad + Qconv + Qcond. (5.22a)

qcond = − k . (5.18b)
κπ t Rearranging Eq. (5.22a) yields the cooling rate
per unit time (in K s–1) from,
Heat sources within a lava flow include advec-

tion and crystallization (Crisp and Baloga, 1994; Q rad + Q conv + Q cond − V ρ L
dT dt . (5.22b)
Fig. 5.4). Advection describes heat brought into =
dx V ρc p
the control volume by a moving fluid, and can
be written (qadv, W m–2):
Alternatively, cooling rate per unit distance
dT (K m–1) can be obtained using the heat fluxes
qadv = uh ρc p − , (5.19)
dx (in W m–2),

in which cp is the lava specific heat capacity, q rad + qconv + qcond − uhL
dT dx . (5.22c)
and dT/dx is the temperature change per unit =
distance downflow. Note there is a minus sign dx uhρc p
before dT/dx because the temperature decreases
as distance increases. Writing the equation in Note that the use of heat fluxes, q, flow velocity,
terms of volume, V, and cooling per unit time u, and depth, h, as opposed to the use of total
(dT/dt = u dT/dx), i.e., Qâ•›adv =€– V ρ cp dT/dt, gives the heat losses, Q, and volume, V, in Eq. (5.22b),
total advective heat gain in watts. makes Eq. (5.22c) dimensionally correct if we
Heat generated by the phase change experi- require output in terms of change in tempera-
enced during crystallization (qcryst, W m–2) can be ture per unit distance. Thus, if (i) flow velocity
described similarly: and depth are known or measured, (ii) Tsurf can

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be estimated to allow calculation of Qrad and effect this has on inhibiting further flow advance
Qconv, and (iii) a levée and basal conduction heat through modifying the flow core rheology. In
loss model is applied, then the core cooling rate volume-limited cases, the flow stops once the
can be calculated given reasonable assumptions available volume has been used up, irrespective
for ρ, cp, and crystallization rates. Exercises 5.3 of the cooling and/or rheological conditions. All
and 5.4 (see online resources listed at end of Type II flow models also require a topographic
chapter) illustrate this procedure. model to determine the likely path that a fluid
will follow. We thus begin with an assessment
5.3.1â•… Crystallinity of flow path projection routines.
Viscosity, yield strength, and cooling rates also
depend on crystallinity, which will increase 5.4.1â•… Flow paths
with decreasing flow core temperature. Crystal The simplest method to generate a flow path is
content can be expressed as a function of time to identify the course that water draining down
using the relationship defined by Crisp and a slope would follow (e.g., Fig. 5.5). Application
Baloga (1994): of such flow path models are commonplace in
hydrology and are available as part of many
ϕ(t) = ϕmax [1–exp(–t/tϕmax), (5.23)
Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Many
in which tϕmax is the time needed to reach the routines are based on the deterministic eight
maximum crystallinity (ϕmax). Alternatively, crys- neighbors (D8) method (Mark, 1984; O’Callaghan
tallization rates can be obtained as a function of and Mark, 1984). This routine finds the path of
distance using the cooling rate per unit distance steepest descent across a gridded topography or
(Harris and Rowland, 2001): Digital Elevation Model (DEM). To do this, the gra-
dient between a pixel and all eight of its neigh-
dφ dT dφ
= , (5.24) bors is calculated. The flow line is then projected
dx dx dT from the host pixel in the direction of most nega-
tive gradient. This process is continued from
in which dϕ/dT is volume fraction of crystals pixel to pixel to define the flow line. The basic D8
grown (dϕ) over a given temperature drop (dT). algorithm has problems with long planar slopes,
as well as flat areas and pits, i.e., cases where the
host pixel will be lower than, or the same ele-
5.4╇ ╇Type II modeling vation as, all surrounding pixels (Fairfield and
Leymarie, 1991; Turcotte et al., 2001; Jones, 2002).
The aim of a Type I model is to draw links Pits may either be natural or due to noise in the
between any two of the following: (i) heat loss DEM. To solve these problems, a number of mod-
and core cooling, (ii) flow rheology, (iii) flow ifications have been proposed to the D8 model
dynamics and dimensions, and/or (iv) lava sur- including use of a stochastic function to solve
face morphology. The aim of the Type II model flow path problems over planar slopes (Fairfield
is to draw these findings together to generate and Leymarie, 1991), use of maximum gradients
a complete lava flow emplacement model. The calculated using eight triangular facets centered
main attempts to achieve this are summarized on the host pixel to improve flow line predic-
in Supplement 5B (online resource€– see end of tion (Tarboton, 1997), smoothing to remove pits
chapter). (Hutchinson, 1989), or allowing the flow line to
The foundation of Type II modeling is leave a pit through the lowest pixel on the pit
either (a) volume-limited flow emplacement, rim (Fairfield and Leymarie, 1991; Tribe, 1992).
or (b) cooling-limited flow emplacement. A In the latter case, once the pit outlet has been
cooling-limited flow is one whereby supply (lava found, a flow line is projected across the pit from
effusion) is maintained until the full flow extent the entrance to exit point. This creates a flat area
is realized. That is, the limits of the flow unit are across the pit. To solve for problems in flat areas,
defined by the processes of lava cooling and the Martz and Garbrecht (1998) proposed a solution

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96 A N D R E W J. L . H A R R I S

The D8 model is the basis of the Harris and

Rowland (2001) FLOWGO model where, if a
closed depression is encountered (e.g., a pit cra-
ter) then the program fills the depression and
continues out of the depression from the rim
containing the pixel of maximum gradient.
This approach defines a single line down which
a lava flow erupting from a given point would
drain (Fig. 5.6(a)). This does not mean that pix-
els through which drainage lines do not run are
immune from inundation, because flow width is
not considered, nor is the effect of flow emplace-
ment upon topography. Thus, to determine flow
area, as opposed to the most likely flow path
given existing topography, a more sophisticated
approach is required.
A simple but effective means of projecting
flow areas is the stochastic slope-controlled model
of Favalli et al. (2005). This projects a flow path
down a DEM based on the maximum-gradient
rule, and then adds random noise to the DEM
in the ±â•›�h range, where �h is the maximum
variation in height allowed for a pixel. The flow
path is then recalculated on the noise-modified
DEM. This effectively represents a slightly new
topography, so the flow path is not the same as
in the preceding run. This is repeated for each
run, to predict an “envelope” of probable flow
paths. This approach produces a spread of flow
paths that provides a good approximation of the
real flow field area (Figs. 5.6(b), 5.6(c)).
Kauahikaua et al. (1995) also used a hydro-
Figure 5.5╇╇ Drainage basin terminology and principles as
logical approach to identify lava catchments.
applied to lava-shed modeling. In this case (modified from
Fig. 2.1b of Gregory and Walling (1973)), the basin watershed
Use of a USGS 1:24â•›000 DEM with the ARC/INFO
(dashed line) is defined according to the contour information GRID module allowed identification of a drain
from a topographic map (gray lines). This encloses a basin point or polygon that was then used to compute
that encompasses the drainage or catchment area (gray a lava catchment, as defined in Figure 5.5. The
area) for all streams (black lines) within the watershed. The catchment is defined as that region from which
trunk stream (thick black line) is the stream that exits the all surface water, or in this case lava, will flow to
catchment, and its order (in the system applied here and as exit that region in a single, common, channel. In
numbered on the map) depends on the number of tributaries
terms of drainage basin analysis, the exit chan-
that feed it. Drainage lines from points along the watershed
nel will be the highest-order stream (Gregory
are given as gray arrows.
and Walling, 1973). The DEST (Determination
of Earth Surface Structures) algorithm of Favalli
whereby elevation modifications are made across and Pareschi (2004) is fundamentally the same
the flat area to ensure a flow line from the higher in that it projects a maximum gradient path
elevation to the lower elevation. Effectively, a down a DEM, allowing catchment analysis by
slope is projected across the flat area from the identifying drainage networks that define indi-
entrance to the exit. vidual catchments. Multiple drainage lines,

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Figure 5.6╇╇ (a) Maximum gradient path (yellow line) from DEM quality
Kilauea’s July 1974 vent location to the DEM edge (coast). In all flow path prediction algorithms, DEM
(b) Stochastic flow path model from Kilauea’s July 1974 vent quality is an issue; the DEM needs to be as
location to the coast. Model applies DEM noise of 2 m and smooth and noise-free as possible, but without
has been run for 20 iterations. (c) Twenty-iteration flow line losing topographic detail that may effect the
runs with 2 m of DEM noise for Kilauea’s July and December flow path. On a fine scale, flows moving over
1974 flows. Flow lines have been cut at the flow toe in each
existing pahoehoe and ‘a’a lavas will be influ-
case to allow an assessment of the fit with reality, as revealed
by the black flow areas in this Thematic Mapper (TM) color
enced by inflation features, such as tumuli, or
composite. Simulations have been projected onto a near true by channels, levées, and flow margins. It is not
color (vegetation = bright green, lava = black) TM image of uncommon, for example, for a flow to follow
Kilauea. See color plates section. a pre-existing flow margin (which represents a
local topographic high), or even re-use a drained
lava channel or tube (which represents a local
from points located around the rim of a catch- topographic low). Also, care needs to be taken
ment (i.e., along the watershed) will converge to to remove the influence of trees from eleva-
exit the catchment at a single point, as shown tion data. If elevations are obtained from the
in Figure 5.5. Thus, lava flows from multiple tree-canopy, DEM-projected flow paths may fol-
sources along a rift zone may be predicted to low false boundaries induced by the apparent
enter the ocean at the same place. Such an scarp caused by a forest edge bordering a lava
approach was used by Guest and Murray (1979) flow field or road. The good fit for the modeled
in assessing lava flow hazard on Etna, where all area of Kilauea’s December 1974 flow in Figure
possible flow paths were generated by project- 5.6(c), for example, is due to the simulation fill-
ing downhill lines from all likely vent zones. ing a false depression in the DEM caused by
These converged to define a finite number of the emplacement of the real lava flow, which
highest-order stream points at the base of Etna’s destroyed the trees in this otherwise forested
cone at which flows would likely arrive. area. Such false depressions due to tree clearance

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98 A N D R E W J. L . H A R R I S

Figure 5.7╇╇ FLOWGO simulation of Mauna Loa’s 1984

1984 flow using a DEM generated from Shuttle
flow 1A channel. Model run uses the input conditions for Radar Topographic Mission data collected in
Mauna Loa’s 1984 flow given in Table 5 of Harris and Rowland February 2000, for example, invariably fall off of
(2001). In executing the model the software first projects a the edge of the 1984 flow (which is a local topo-
maximum gradient path (in yellow) from the selected vent graphic high) and then follow the flow margin
point to the edge of the DEM. The cooling-limited distance (Fig. 5.7), making the path of the 1984 flow itself
that the channel-contained control volume can travel down impossible to simulate using the 2000 DEM.
that flow path is then projected in red. Comparison of model
output and field measured parameters are given in the inset
box. See color plates section. 5.4.2â•…Type IIa models: volume-limited
flow emplacement
Volume-limited models take a volume of lava
are a well-known artifact in DEMs produced over that is then allowed to spread across a surface
forested volcanic areas (Stevens et al., 1999). until it thins to such an extent that flow ceases
On one hand, the DEM needs to be as recent (e.g., Hulme, 1974; Blake, 1990). For a Bingham
as possible, because flow boundaries from fluid, this will occur once the shear stress inci-
recently emplaced flows will provide new top- dent upon the fluid is insufficient to cause
ography that subsequent flows will follow. On deformation or flow. Most volume-limited mod-
the other hand, using current DEMs to model els thus assume a Bingham rheology and spread
older flows is problematic because the topog- a finite lava volume until the critical thickness,
raphy over which the simulation is made will be defined by the yield strength, is attained. The
modified by the presence of the flow itself. Paths FLOWFRONT model of Young and Wadge (1990)
projected to simulate the course of Mauna Loa’s was one of the first examples of a volume-limited

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Figure 5.8╇╇ Schematic illustration of the cellular automata

of the most likely downslope paths followed by
model of Ishihara et al. (1990) showing the numerical the given erupted volume spreading under the
simulation of lava (gray cells) spreading over a topographic influence of gravity.
grid from an effusing vent (black cell). Empty cells that have
yet to be invaded and remain white. Inset shows a cross 5.4.3â•…Type IIb models: cooling-limited
section through one of the cells indicating the thickness of flow emplacement
lava that will remain in the cell (h0), the excess thickness In contrast to volume-limited spreading mod-
that is available for spreading into adjacent cells (hexcess) els, where the ability of the flow to spread is
and the DEM height step (hDEM) that is used to define the
determined by the available volume, in cool-
underlying slope (θ) or gradient (reprinted from Computers
ing-limited models the extent of spreading is
and Geosciences, 16, P.Young and G. Wadge, FLOWFRONT:
Simulation of a lava flow, 1171–1191, Copyright (1990), with
determined by cooling and rheology. The basic
permission from Elsevier). The spreading models for both operation of a Type IIb model is summarized in
Ishihara et al. (1990) and Young and Wadge (1990) are similar Figure 5.9, and involves application of a heat loss
and are built on basic hydrological rules used to define model to allow calculation of downflow changes
drainage networks. in core temperature and crystal content. This
is used with an appropriate rheological model
to estimate the variation in flow velocity and
flow emplacement model, where lava from an
thickness down- and across-flow. Lava is spread
“active” cell (i.e., a cell from which lava was
or advanced until some stopping condition is
moving) was divided proportionally between
met. This may involve application of the follow-
its eight adjacent cells depending on the slope
ing steps:
between the source and target cell. “Fillable”
cells were identified as those cells downslope (1) Initialize the model with an eruption
from the active cell, so that lava was preferen- temperature, crystal content, flow depth,
tially partitioned to those cells that were topo- underlying slope, and flow velocity esti-
graphically lower than the active cell. For each mate using in Eqs. (5.3), (5.4), (5.6), (5.7)
cell, a critical thickness, h0, of lava is left behind. and/or (5.8);
The excess thickness is passed to each adjacent (2) Calculate the heat flux for the current cell
downslope cell (Fig. 5.8). If a volume (Vcrit) equal using Eqs. (5.15) to (5.20);
to each cell area multiplied by h0 is removed (3) Apply Eq. (5.22) to calculate cooling rate;
from the available volume (Verupt) at each step, (4) Apply Eq. (5.23) or (2.24) to calculate crys-
then a point will be reached where the entire tallization rate;
erupted volume is used up. The model then (5) Estimate the new core temperature and
stops and the flow field is defined on the basis crystallinity;

9780521895439c05_p85-106.indd 99 8/2/2012 9:47:31 AM

100 A N D R E W J. L . H A R R I S

where a comparison between model-calculated

and field-measured parameters, as well as run
out, shows good agreement, suggesting that the
model adequately represents the physics of flow

Cellular automata cooling-limited

emplacement models
The cooling-limited approach is the basis of cel-
lular automata spreading models, which were
first applied to lava flow emplacement by Crisci
et al. (1986). A cellular automata (CA) model con-
sists of a grid of cells, each of which has a num-
ber of states and the same rules for updating.
Each time the rules are applied to the grid, a
new generation of cells is created. In the case
of a lava flow cellular automata model, each
cell has an elevation defined by the DEM, and
some rule(s) for updating the flow through, and
volume residing in, each cell. As a result, lava
is passed between cells depending on the rheo-
logical and thickness conditions of the lava. With
each time step, the automata grid is updated,
the rheological and thickness conditions of each
active cell are modified, and the lava is spread
across the DEM, leaving a layer behind in each
inundated cell. Thus, the basic spreading and
emplacement concept is much like FLOWFRONT
in that a rheologically controlled thickness rule
Figure 5.9╇╇ Flow chart for steps followed by a Type IIb is used to spread volume from cell to cell (Fig.
(cooling-limited) lava flow simulation. Following Ishihara et al. 5.8). The difference between FLOWFRONT and
(1990), steps enclosed by broken line are applied to all active Type IIb CA models, though, is that the latter
cells in the cellular automata grid.
attempt to model the actual flow dynamics and
place cooling limits on the ability of the flow to
(6) Calculate the new temperature- and crys-
In the case of Navier–Stokes-based CA mod-
tallinity-dependent viscosity using Eqs.
els, lava is passed from cell to cell with the
(5.9) and (5.11), and yield strength using
thermal and rheological properties of lava in
Eq. (5.14);
each active cell being updated at every time
(7) Use the new viscosity and yield strength to
step to determine the cooling-limited extent
recalculate velocity using Eq. (5.4);
of spreading. This approach forms the basis
(8) Estimate flow thickness using Eq. (5.2);
of several cellular automata models that build
(9) Move the control volume, with its new
on the starting point of Ishihara et al. (1990)
thermal, rheological and velocity states, to
(as detailed in Supplement 5B). A progression
the next cell;
from this foundation can be traced through
(10) Loop until stopping condition is met.
the CA models of Miyamoto and Sasaki (1997)
This is the foundation of the FLOWGO-based to the LavaSIM of Hidaka et al. (2005) and
model run for Mauna Loa’s 1984 channel (Fig. 5.8), MAGFLOW model of Vicari et al. (2007). In the
cooling-limited CA model of Miyamoto and

9780521895439c05_p85-106.indd 100 8/2/2012 9:47:32 AM


Sasaki (1997), for example, yield strength, vis- are providing increasingly better fits with the
cosity, thickness, and slope are varied from cell characteristics (e.g., effusion rate, rheological
to cell as the lava spreads across the topographic conditions, cooling, velocity, flow length, inun-
grid obeying the equation of motion given in dation area, and emplacement duration) of
Eq. (5.6). The MAGFLOW model is instead built the real-world flows against which they are
on the Cellular Nonlinear Network model of compared. However, one issue that has not
Del Negro et al. (2005), which applies Eq. (5.8) been explored so far in this chapter is simula-
to also take into account cross-flow velocity. tion run time. Cellular automata models are
However, it too uses a cooling model to modify computationally complex, but allow for more
yield strength, viscosity, and flow thickness as complex flow geometries to be modeled than
the lava spreads from cell to cell across a topo- one-dimensional models, allowing flow spread-
graphic grid. ing in two dimensions to be simulated. However,
The SCIARA cellular automata model is dif- the complexity of the models makes run times
ferent in that it is not based on the Navier– quite long. Even the two-dimensional model of
Stokes equations (Crisci et al., 2004). Instead, Miyamoto and Sasaki (1997), for example, has
the flow in and out of the cells is determined run times of up to two days when executing a
by hydrostatic pressure gradients due to dif- 40-day simulation on a 3 GHz computer (~1.5
ferences in lava thickness within surrounding hours for each day of simulation). The FLOWGO
cells, and the rheology of lava in the cell (Barca model of Harris and Rowland (2001) is computa-
et al., 1993). Rather like FLOWFRONT, and all tionally much less complex, allowing run times
other CA models, it relies on an assessment of for a single flow path of less than one second
the critical thickness of lava that must remain (e.g, Fig. 5.6(a)). Running multiple flow paths in
in a given cell. Unlike FLOWFRONT, where a a stochastic simulation increases run times but
fixed yield strength (that does not vary down- only to 30 seconds for a 20-iteration run (e.g.,
flow) is used to define this critical thickness, Fig. 5.6(b).
in SCIARA the critical thickness is set using If models are to be used for real-time hazard
an “adherence parameter,” ϖ. This defines assessment, for example, in the case of a rap-
the thickness of lava that cannot flow out of idly advancing flow on a heavily populated vol-
a cell due to rheological resistance and varies cano, run times need to be low so that results
with temperature following the form of the are available in a timely fashion. If a flow is
expected temperature-dependent relationship moving towards a town at 10 km h–1, even if
for yield strength (ϖ = ae–bT). Thus, like all Type the town is 25 km distant from the source vent,
IIb models, SCIARA is driven by a heat budget there is little time available to run a simulation
based cooling model that is used to assess the to identify vulnerable infrastructure and zones
temperature of lava in any given cell, and hence in need of immediate evacuation. This was
its rheological conditions. the case of Mauna Loa’s 1950 eruption, which
began at ~10:15 pm on 1 June 1950. Within 2
hours and 15 minutes the flow had extended
23 km to enter the town of Hookena, where it
5.5╇ ╇ Discussion destroyed the main highway, post office, sev-
eral houses and a gas filling station in short
Lava flow emplacement models are becoming order (Finch and Macdonald, 1950). In such a
increasingly sophisticated. Mostly this is because scenario, there are less than 2.5 hours available
of our ability to understand and parameterize to inform the decision-making process. Civil
the interplay among various flow emplacement Protection authorities responding to such an
dynamics has improved immensely in the last event today would require information within
three decades, as witnessed by the weight of minutes. Given reliable lava flow simulation
literature that comprises online Supplement models, one aim must now be to reduce run
5A. As a result, flow emplacement simulations times to a minimum.

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102 A N D R E W J. L . H A R R I S

k thermal conductivity (W m–1 K–1)

5.7╇ ╇ Summary L latent heat of crystallization (J kg–1)
p pressure (Pa)
• A large number of thermal, rheological and qadv advected heat flux (W m–2)
topographic treatments exist that allow con- qcond conductive heat flux (W m–2)
struction of numerical models to simulate qconv convective heat flux (W m–2)
volume- and/or cooling-limited lava flow qcryst heat flux due to crystallization
emplacement. (W m–2)
• Models presented here have tended to focus qrad radiative heat flux (W m–2)
on basaltic scenarios, and describe emplace- Qadv total advected heat (W)
ment properties of relatively simple flow Qcond total conductive heat loss (W)
types; they tend not to account for more Qconv total convective heat loss (W)
complex emplacement processes such as Qcryst total heat due to crystallization (W)
channel-blockage, overflow and diversion, Qin total heat entering system (W)
inflationary growth, pahoehoe breakouts, Qout total heat leaving system (W)
and/or tube development. Qrad total radiative heat loss (W)
• Good fits between model output and field data t time (s)
show that existing models do a reasonable job tϕmax time taken to reach maximum
in describing real-world simple basaltic flow crystallinity (s)
unit emplacement scenarios. Ta ambient temperature (K)
• Such off-the-shelf models can thus be selected Tcore lava flow core temperature (K)
depending on user requirements and comput- Tcrust lava flow crust temperature (K)
ing capabilities, and may be used as a basis Te lava flow effective surface
to achieve more complex models for basaltic temperature (K)
flows. Tsurf surface temperature (K)
∆T temperature difference across the
basal boundary layer (K)
u velocity (m s–1)
5.7╇ ╇ Notation V volume (m3)
w channel/flow width (m)
a, b, c parameters in empirical equations x, y, z downflow, crossflow, and vertical
A area (m2) spatial coordinates (m)
B constant in Jeffreys equation ∆y thickness of basal boundary layer (m)
cp specific heat capacity (J kg–1 K–1) ε emissivity
D1070 thickness of lava surface crust (m) ε̇ strain rate (s–1)
Er effusion rate (m3 s–1) ϕ crystallinity (% or volume fraction)
f fraction of lava surface occupied by ϕmax maximum crystallinity (% or volume
crust fraction)
Fx external forces acting on flow in η fluid viscosity (Pa s)
downflow direction, per unit mass ηm mixture bulk viscosity (Pa s)
(m s–2) κ thermal diffusivity (m2 s–1)
Fx external forces acting on flow in θ slope (degrees)
crossflow direction, per unit mass ρ density (kg m–3)
(m s–2) σ Stefan–Boltzmann constant (W m–2 K–4)
g acceleration due to gravity (m s–2) τ shear stress (Pa)
h flow thickness (m) τb basal shear stress (Pa)
h0 critical thickness (m) τ0 yield strength (Pa)
hc convective heat transfer coefficient ω vesicularity, % (or volume fraction)
(W m–2 K–1) ϖ adherence parameter

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volcano, Hawaii. Bulletin of Volcanology, 56, 343–360. lines and drainage networks from grid digital
Phan-Thien, N. and Pham, D. C. (1997). Differential elevation models: a review and a new method.
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Turcotte, R., Fortin, J.-P., Rousseau, A. N., Whittington, A., Richet, P. and Holtz, F. (2000). Water
Massicotte, S. and Villeneuve, J.-P. (2001). and the viscosity of depolymerized aluminosilicate
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by a Cellular Automata approach. Environmental Simulation of a lava flow. Computers and Geosciences,
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579–590. • Supplement 5A: Review of Type I models
White, F. M. (2006). Viscous Fluid Flow. New York: • Supplement 5B: Review of Type II models
McGraw-Hill, 629 pp. • Exercises: Construction of a lava flow cooling model
• Answers to exercises

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Chapter 6

Unsteady explosive activity:

strombolian eruptions
Mike R. James, Steve J. Lane and Bruce F. Houghton

Overview 6.1╇ ╇ Introduction

During strombolian eruptions, large bubbles of At volcanoes with relatively low-viscosity mag-
exsolved magmatic gas, with sizes of meters or mas such as basalt and basaltic andesite, large
more, intermittently burst at the magma sur- bubbles (with sizes of meters or greater) of
face, spraying magma clots over distances of exsolved gas can ascend rapidly through the
tens to hundreds of meters. This style of activ- melt and burst energetically at the surface, pro-
ity results from low magma viscosities allow- ducing sprays of molten pyroclasts (Fig. 6.1).
ing gas bubbles to move through the liquid This type of intermittent explosion, in which
magma phase. Relatively small bubbles rise a limited amount of magma is erupted with a
and coalesce into bubbles with diameters of relatively significant mass of gas, is known as
sizes similar to that of the conduit, at which “strombolian” after the characteristic activity at
point they are called gas slugs. This coalescence Stromboli volcano, where several such events
is responsible for converting the continuous usually occur every hour.
degassing processes at depth into the observed Typically, strombolian eruptions eject masses
intermittent surface activity, and may be con- of a few tens of kilograms to 104 kg for the largest
trolled by the decompression expansion of bubbles which, as observed at Heimaey in 1973,
the bubbles or by portions of non-vertical con- can have diameters of up to ~10 m (Blackburn
duit geometry. Models of strombolian systems et al., 1976). Pyroclast velocities are generally
cover the bubble coalescence phase (slug gen- < 200 m s–1, driven by a combination of high
eration), the slug ascent, and finally slug burst gas contents (with the discharge being between
and the ejection of pyroclasts. A wide range ~10 and 96% gas by mass) and bubble overpres-
of geophysical measurements, notably from sures of several atmospheres. The fall deposits
Stromboli and Erebus volcanoes, are available produced are confined close to the source vent
to test these subsurface models. Nevertheless, and are some of the coarsest (Fig. 6.2), with typ-
key questions, such as the degree to which the ical median diameters of 16 to 64 mm, compared
activity is controlled by the geometry of the with samples from hawaiian-style eruptions at 2
conduit, remain. to 16 mm and from basaltic plinian eruptions at

Modeling Volcanic Processes: The Physics and Mathematics of Volcanism, eds. Sarah A. Fagents, Tracy K. P. Gregg, and Rosaly M. C.
Lopes. Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2012.

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108 M I K E R . J A M E S, ST E V E J . L AN E , AN D B RUCE F. H O UGH TO N


Inman sorting coefficient (φ)

2 plinian

Figure 6.1╇╇ (a) A night view of a typical strombolian

eruption at Stromboli, showing the ballistic trajectories of the strombolian
1 hawaiian
large pyroclasts (field of view approximately 200 m across at
the erupting vent). Photo taken by B. Chouet, courtesy of the
USGS. (b) Typical cinder cones associated with strombolian
(and other) activity on Mount Etna, Sicily. In front of the
La Montagnola (1761) cone that forms the skyline, is the 0
60-m-high 2001 “Laghetto” cinder cone on the Piano del –6 –4 –2 0
Lago (Calvari and Pinkerton, 2004). The cones display similar Median diameter (φ)
eccentric morphologies that reflect the consistency of the c
prevailing winds. In 2001, the Laghetto cone was formed by 104
a combination of phreatomagmatic and intense strombolian plinian
activity. Photo B. Houghton.
10 2
Thickness (mm)

4 to 64 mm. This coarseness reflects the relatively
inefficient fragmentation of the liquid magma by
large gas bubbles, resulting from low liquid vis-
10–2 strombolian
cosities allowing relatively easy phase separation
(Chapter 4). Nevertheless, a range of particle sizes
0 10 20 30
is usually produced, a small proportion of which
Area1/2 (km)
can be sufficiently fine-grained to be lofted into
weakly buoyant thermal-like plumes. Figure 6.2╇╇ (a) Contrasting strombolian (lower, coarser, lighter
The strombolian eruptive process thus repre- colored) and hawaiian (upper, darker, finer-grained) products
of the eruption of Crater Hill volcano in the Auckland volcanic
sents the arrival, and subsequent bursting, of one
field, New Zealand.The better bedded nature of the strombolian
or more large (sizes approaching that of the con-
phase reflects its origin in numerous discrete short-lived
duit diameter), overpressured gas bubbles at the explosive events.The hawaiian deposits are dominated by
magma free surface. During periods of activity, microvesicular and highly fluidal lapilli whereas the strombolian
intervals between bursts are typically from tens clasts are more coarsely vesicular and ragged. Photo taken by

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of minutes to multiple hours. However, eruptive thinning relationship requires, a priori, a con-
episodes can also involve periods of nearly con- stant release height of clasts, whereas the
tinuous bubble bursts, with intervals of only sec- heights of strombolian jets tend to vary greatly.
onds, producing persistent weak plumes of fine Consequently, strombolian and hawaiian erup-
ejecta and cascades of spatter. This represents a tions cannot be distinguished by average dis-
transitional type of activity which, from a classi- charge rate or ejecta dispersal; consideration of
fication point of view, merges into hawaiian-style the steadiness of discharge rate is required, with
lava fountaining. In terms of landforms, the low the former being impulsive, short-lived, discrete
dispersion and small volumes of coarse strom- events and the latter expressed as sustained
bolian ejecta determine that small, relatively fountaining, during which mass discharge rates
localized spatter- and scoria-dominated cones are are maintained for hours to days. So, although
formed around vents. However, in many cases, we concentrate here on classical discrete strom-
the style of activity varies between fountaining, bolian events involving individual large gas
transitional and pure strombolian, and signifi- bubbles, the two-phase flow behavior involved
cant cones (hundreds of meters high) can be built is closely linked to that of hawaiian-style erup-
by the greater magma effusion rates involved in tions. Transitional behavior (Parfitt and Wilson,
transitional and fountaining phases (Fig. 6.1(b)). 1995), and the conditions leading up to it are
A key issue is what parameter or parameters discussed in Section 4.8.3.
can be used to distinguish between these erup- The relatively high event frequency and
tive styles. Unlike transitions between many low-hazard nature of strombolian activity
other types of eruption, time averaged mass dis- has allowed intensive geophysical study of
charge rates cannot be used; for example, the 99 the processes involved. Many different data
eruptions or eruption episodes at Kilauea since types including seismic, imaging (both still
1955 show a range of time-averaged discharge and video, visible and thermal), infrasonic,
rates between 4 × 102 and 106 kg s–1, overlapping Doppler radar and sodar (sound detection and
completely with the rates displayed by strom- ranging), have been collected in order to ana-
bolian behavior (Houghton and Gonnermann, lyze ejecta velocities and masses, bubble over-
2008). Both strombolian and hawaiian eruptions pressures and sizes, eruption intermittencies,
produce cones composed of proximal pyroclast and to model depths of slug acceleration and
fall and, unlike Plinian falls, deposits do not fol- fragmentation. Consequently, when compared
low simple exponential thinning relationships with other types of less frequent and more
with distance from the vent (Fig. 6.2). This is per- hazardous volcanic activity, there is a signifi-
haps predictable, because a simple exponential cant and rapidly growing volume of data from
which models of strombolian activity can be
Caption For figure 6.2 continued╇╇ Colin Wilson. (b) Plot developed and tested. Furthermore, in contrast
of median diameter versus sorting coefficient for fall deposits to other scenarios in which magma rheological
from basaltic explosive eruptions modified after Walker and properties shift over many orders of magni-
Croasdale (1972) and Houghton et al. (2000) to include plinian tude (Chapter 4) and pyroclasts can exceed the
data from Carey et al. (2007). (c) Deposit thinning relationships sound speed and generate shocks (Chapter 7),
indicated by plots of tephra thickness versus the square root
strombolian eruptions are relatively straight-
of the area enclosed within a given isopach for selected basaltic
forward to model. For example, the essential
pyroclastic deposits. Strombolian deposits are represented by
open symbols (squares from Walker and Croasdale (1972));
subsurface fluid flow processes can be reason-
open triangles represent recent Arenal strombolian fall deposits ably represented using a liquid phase of con-
from Cole et al. (2005); closed triangles and bold line is the Etna stant viscosity. Nevertheless, in common with
2003 paroxysm.The hawaiian-style 1959 Kıˉlauea Iki eruption is most two-phase flows, a complete understand-
shown with closed squares and basaltic Plinian eruptions with ing remains elusive, and current quantitative
solid circles.Where only isomass data were available, they were models are generally limited to distinct regions
converted into thickness equivalents using field measurements of the overall process; the initial formation of
of bulk density for the deposits.
the large gas bubble, its ascent and burst, and

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110 M I K E R . J A M E S, ST E V E J . L AN E , AN D B RUCE F. H O UGH TO N

the subsequent dispersion of the pyroclasts. number densities of ~1010 to 1011 m–3 which, in a
These divisions are retained here and form the Newtonian liquid, have buoyant rise velocities,
ensuing structure of the chapter. The value of ub, that can be approximated by Stokes’ law
such models is that they allow our understand-
ing of the unobservable subsurface processes

ub =
( )
2 g ρ − ρ g rb 2
, (6.1)
that control eruptive style to be tested, using a 9η
wide variety of surface measurements. Not only
does this provide a starting point from which where g is the acceleration due to gravity, ρ
increasingly complex models of more hazard- and ρg are the liquid magma and gas densities,
ous eruptive phenomena can be derived but, respectively, rb is the bubble diameter, and η is
with the volumetric importance of basaltic vol- the magma viscosity. (All notation is given in
canism, it provides insight into the degassing Section 6.9). For considering the terminal rise
processes that continue to shape much of our velocities of bubbles in basalt magma, note
Earth and atmosphere. that Stokes’ law is derived for rigid spheres and
assumes creeping (laminar) flow within an infin-
ite incompressible Newtonian fluid. Thus, it is
only appropriate to use Eq. (6.1) for small (e.g.,
6.2╇ ╇ Slug-bubble formation radii of order 1 cm or less), widely separated
bubbles. At a pressure of 200 MPa and tempera-
As magma ascends, decompression drives the ture of ~1300 K, exsolved CO2 is a supercritical
process of gas exsolution and bubble expan- fluid1 with a density of ~100 kg m–3. So, for a
sion. Consequently, in order to understand magma viscosity of 100 Pa s, bubbles of radii
the transition from continuous subsurface between 10 µm and 1 mm have rise velocities
magma degassing to the sequence of discrete of 0.01 to 10 µm s–1, sufficiently slow that bub-
events observable at the surface, a fundamen- ble motion will be dominated by the magma
tal aspect of modeling strombolian activity is flow. Nevertheless, the bubbles will expand (and
to consider how individual, large bubbles can grow by diffusion) as they rise and depressurize
form from an evolving distribution of many and, when they reach radii of ~1 to 5 cm, ascent
small ones. In terms of two-phase flow, this velocities will have increased to ~1 to 10 cm s–1.
represents a transition from a “bubbly” to a These velocities are on the order of anticipated
“slug” flow regime (although neither need be magma velocities, so that the flow can be con-
in a steady state), where a “slug” is a large bub- sidered to be separated, with bubbles having the
ble of diameter similar to, and length larger chance to interact with each other or with the
than, the width of the conduit (Wallis, 1969; conduit walls.
see Chapter 4). Two models have been proposed for the bub-
At depth, the first volumetrically important ble interactions that underpin explosive basaltic
species to exsolve from the magma is CO2 and, eruptions. Using different conduit geometries,
even at depths of several kilometers, most CO2 the models differ in their consideration of
will be exsolved (Burton et al., 2007b; see Section where such interactions and the ensuing bub-
4.2.1). H2O is the principal magmatic volatile ble coalescence occur (Fig. 6.3). First, in the “rise
by weight but, being more soluble than CO2 it speed dependent” model (Wilson and Head,
exsolves at shallower depths (e.g., for Stromboli 1981), bubbles coalesce freely as they ascend a
magma at a depth of ~1.5 km, probably >€50% vertical conduit and eruptive style depends on,
of the magma water content is exsolved among other factors, the relative ascent rates of
(Burton et al., 2007b). The degassing process the bubbles and magma. In contrast, the “foam
begins with the nucleation of small bubbles, at collapse” model (Jaupart and Vergniolle, 1989;

╇A supercritical fluid is a fluid at a temperature and pressure above its critical point; for CO2 the critical point is at 304.1 K
and 7.38 MPa. Supercritical fluids tend to have physical properties in between those of a liquid and a gas.

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a b Figure 6.3╇╇ (a) The rise speed

dependent and (b) collapsing
foam models: “free” and “forced”

Vergniolle and Jaupart, 1990) assumes bubbles of hawaiian fountains as the mixture of gas
collect and interact at major structural barri- and pyroclasts exits the vent. One of the main
ers such as magma chamber roofs and, under applications of the rise speed model has been to
this scenario, the effects of any magma motion address transitions between effusive, strombol-
are not considered. The merits and drawbacks ian, and hawaiian activity (Parfitt and Wilson,
of both models are discussed in detail by Parfitt 1995). For example, magma rise speed has a
(2004). strong influence on eruptive style but, for a rise
speed sufficiently low for strombolian activity
6.2.1â•… Rise speed dependent model to be maintained, this can change to hawai-
The rise speed dependent model (Fig. 6.3(a)) con- ian if the magma volatile content decreases,
siders the ascent rate of bubbles within magma reflecting the fact that the lower gas content
with respect to the ascent velocity of the magma no longer allows sufficient coalescence to gen-
as a whole, within a long, vertical conduit. erate the slug flow regime, but still permits
Larger bubbles ascend more rapidly (Eq. 6.1) decompression-induced fragmentation and the
and hence can encounter and absorb smaller formation of hawaiian fountains.
bubbles at an increasingly fast rate. If the ascent Although we address this model no further
velocity of the magma is low, then such bubbles here, one point is worth discussion. In the devel-
have time for sufficient coalescence to form gas opment of the rise speed model, a relatively high
slugs before the magma free surface is reached, gas volume fraction (0.75) was used to define the
generating strombolian activity. Thus, a depres- transition from bubbly to slug flow (Wilson and
surizing (ascending) bubbly flow, represents a Head, 1981). In contrast, engineering research
transitional flow regime that will develop into suggests that the bubble-to-slug transition gen-
slug flow if sufficient time is available and, in erally occurs as the gas volume fraction exceeds
long conduits, depressurization expansion will ~0.25 (Taitel et al., 1980). This has yet to be experi-
enhance this process. In contrast, relatively mentally verified in large diameter pipes (e.g.,
high magma rise speeds inhibit significant bub- > 100 mm) because, in the low-viscosity hydro-
ble coalescence prior to arrival at the surface, at carbons and aqueous solutions typically used in
which point, decompression-induced expansion laboratory simulations (η < 10–3 Pa s), turbulence
may ultimately lead to fragmentation of the disrupts large bubbles and hinders the develop-
homogeneous, bubbly flow and the formation ment of a slug flow regime (Omebere-Iyari et al.,

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112 M I K E R . J A M E S, ST E V E J . L AN E , AN D B RUCE F. H O UGH TO N

2007); experiments using high-viscosity liquids 0.69 was used for ε, which, for magma, implies
are required to study the transition at volcanic a foam thickness of < 10 cm for 1 mm bubbles,
scale. Nevertheless, large slugs can be observed increasing to tens of meters for micron-sized
transiently (before turbulence builds up) and, in bubbles (Jaupart and Vergniolle, 1989).
magmatic systems, despite even larger diameter Equating these two foam thicknesses, hm
conduits, excessive turbulence is unlikely due and hc, relates the input gas flux to a foam
to viscosities being up to six orders of magni- breakdown criterion. At fluxes less than the
tude greater. Consequently, there should be no critical flux, foam growth is steady and gas loss
reason why large gas bubbles will be unstable in is maintained by foam flow out of the conduit.
magma-filled conduits and slug flow may well Above the critical gas flux, the system moves
be possible at gas volume fractions much less into a cyclical regime in which the foam grows
than 0.75. to its maximum thickness then collapses into
a large gas pocket which rises rapidly into
6.2.2â•… Collapsing foam model the conduit, allowing the cycle to restart. The
In the collapsing foam model (Fig. 6.3(b)), bub- expression of this event at the free surface
ble interactions are forced by bubbles collect- depends on the duration of the collapse itself.
ing against a horizontal barrier, i.e., the roof of When the duration of the foam collapse is
a magma reservoir, hence coalescence can be short with respect to foam flow timescales, a
viewed as being directly driven by conduit geom- very large bubble can be produced and erup-
etry. Laboratory experiments in which small tions are deemed analogous to hawaiian-style
ascending bubbles formed a foam layer under a fountaining. However, when foam collapse is
flat roof (vented by only a small vertical upward relatively slow compared with foam flow, then
conduit) have shown that this system can exhibit numbers of small gas pockets are intermittently
either a steady or intermittent behavior (Jaupart produced and released, in a manner equivalent
and Vergniolle, 1989). As the foam grows, the to strombolian eruptions. In contrast to the
thickness, hm, of its deepest regions can be cal- rise speed model, in this model, increasing gas
culated by considering two gas fluxes: the input fluxes will convert strombolian-style activity
flux from bubbles from below and gas loss from to hawaiian as foam collapse becomes increas-
the foam as it flows into the open conduit ingly vigorous and continuous. Note that the
large horizontal roof required for foam collec-

 ηf Q  4 tion is highly unlikely to exist in the relatively
h m = Ω 2  , (6.2)
 ε ρg  near-surface, thus initiation of these eruptions
will be controlled by CO2-dominated foams,
where ε is the gas volume fraction in the foam, ηf because significant H2O is not exsolved at mul-
is the foam viscosity, Q is the volume flux of gas, tiple-kilometer depths.
and Ω is a factor determined by the roof area
over which bubbles are collecting. However, 6.2.3â•… A combined model
a foam layer has a maximum potential thick- The rise speed and collapsing foam models
ness governed by the ability of surface tension illustrate well the effects of different bubble
to maintain the integrity of the foam against coalescence scenarios, but it is likely that nei-
increasing buoyancy forces. At the point of fail- ther of the two idealized conduit geometries,
ure, the critical foam thickness is given by invoked (a long, uniform vertical conduit or a
flat, horizontal magma chamber roof ) accur-

hc = , (6.3) ately represents a natural system. Furthermore,
ερ grb
the foam collapse model does not involve the
effects of bubble expansion and the rise speed
where σ is the surface tension. Experimental model does not include any “forced” coales-
results were best represented when a value of cence (such as is induced by a geometric trap).

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The development of a combined model would

allow both depressurization and more plaus-
6.3╇ ╇ Ascent of a gas slug
ible complex geometries such as rough inclined
Once a large bubble is formed and begins to
planes representative of intersecting dikes, to
ascend to the surface, understanding of the
be accounted for.
ascent processes is required in order to interpret
Within inclined conduits, rising bubbles col-
different geophysical signals (Chapters 15 and
lect at the upper conduit wall and then ascend
16), as well as the development of the bubble
along it. Hence, inclination leads to locally
overpressure, the effects of which are observable
enhanced gas volume fractions and promotes
at the surface. Detailed modeling of bubble evo-
bubble coalescence, with the effect of generat-
lution is hampered by insufficient knowledge of
ing slug flow at much smaller overall gas vol-
the rheology of bubble- and crystal-rich magma
ume fractions than in a vertical conduit (James
and conduit geometries (cross-sectional shape,
et al., 2004). A similar effect can be produced
dimensions, and inclination) but applying sev-
by regions of constriction within the conduit
eral simplifying assumptions allows first-order
(James et al., 2006) and by horizontal pathways
results to be drawn based on previous fluid
branching from a vertical conduit (Menand
dynamic research on slug flow.
and Phillips, 2007). However, unless conduits
Firstly, the liquid phase is approximated as
have completely smooth walls, relatively small
an initially stationary, homogenous, and incom-
irregularities and constrictions may also trap
pressible Newtonian fluid. This assumes that
some bubbles and limited regions of foam are
the presence of crystals and small bubbles can
likely to accumulate. Laboratory experiments
be neglected and that inhomogeneities (such
have suggested that the presence of many such
as those produced by cooling) are negligible. A
gas-trapping regions can produce cascading
more realistic stratified and cooling fluid with
foam collapse events, and are just as effective
non-Newtonian rheology could be used, but
as in converting a steady gas flux into a highly
uncertainties in the parameter values means
unsteady output flux as the one large trap in
that the results are unlikely to be any more
the collapsing foam model. Thus, for strombol-
realistic. For a meter-sized or larger bubble, the
ian activity, a style of foam collapse mechanism
combination of its buoyancy and the relatively
can be effective without requiring large areas
low magma viscosity promotes buoyant ascent
of foam envisaged by Jaupart and Vergniolle
rates of meters per second, significantly faster
than the assumed background magma vel-
The amount of gas trapping, foam collapse
ocity. Consequently, initial background liquid
and bubble coalescence during bubble ascent
motions are neglected and the gas is assumed
will depend on the magma rise speed, the foam
to be ascending though initially stationary (stag-
collapse mechanisms and the conduit geometry.
nant) liquid.
If gas traps are generally small on the scale of
Secondly, the conduit geometry is assumed
the conduit width and magma ascent rates rela-
to be adequately represented by a simple geo-
tively high compared with the bubble rise vel-
metric cross section. At depth in a volcanic
ocity within the magma, then exsolved bubbles
plumbing system, conduits will be dike-like and,
will be swept past traps and a rise-speed model
for comparison with fluid dynamic literature,
will be most appropriate. Conversely, if traps are
bubbles would best be represented as ascend-
relatively large and magma rise speeds are rela-
ing in wide channels or under inclined planes.
tively low, output may appear to be dominated
However, most of the important dynamics occur
by foam collapse events. Consequently, a nat-
in the upper regions of the conduit where, for
ural conduit geometry will be likely to produce
long-lived systems, the cross section will be
eruptions reliant on factors of both end mem-
increasingly controlled by thermodynamic con-
ber scenarios, but a quantitative model of such a
straints (which favor circular cross sections)
complex scenario has yet to be developed.

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114 M I K E R . J A M E S, ST E V E J . L AN E , AN D B RUCE F. H O UGH TO N

Figure 6.4╇╇ Ascending gas slugs or Taylor bubbles. In (a)

and (b) gas slugs have been imaged ascending in a 76.2 mm
internal diameter tube (the width of each image) within (a),
water (η = 10–3 Pa s) and (b) silicone oil (η = 1.3 Pa s). In
the low-viscosity water, the slug has an unsteady, seiching
base and is followed by a turbulent wake, illustrated by the
entrained small bubbles; inertial forces control the slug
ascent. In the higher viscosity oil, the bottom of the slug is
convex; at intermediate viscosities, a stable concave base is
observed and slug ascent is controlled by both inertial and
viscous forces. Images reproduced from Viana et al. (2003)
with permission from Cambridge University Press. (c) The
dimensionless parameterization of ascent velocity for slugs in
vertical tubes derived by White and Beardmore (1962). The
Froude number, Fr, describing dimensionless velocity, is given
as a function of the Eötvös number, Eo, for curves of different
Morton number, Mo. The circle labeled “a” represents the
slug shown in (a), the equivalent for (b) lies just off the plot
at Eo = 2604, Fr = 0.264 as indicated by the arrow. Reprinted
from James et al. (2008) with permission from the Geological
Society of London.

rather than the subsurface stress field respon-

sible for dike-like morphologies. Consequently,
the ascent of gas slugs in low-viscosity volcanic
systems has been based on investigations of slug
flow in vertical cylindrical pipes (Fig. 6.4). Note
that in engineering literature, this regime is
often described as the motion of a “Taylor bub-
ble” (the gas phase) and “liquid slug” for the
connected, liquid phase.

6.3.1â•… Gas slug ascent velocities

For long slugs (where slug length is much
greater than the slug diameter), ascent vel-
ocity is independent of the slug length and is
determined by only the physical properties of
c –10 a
the liquid and conduit (White and Beardmore,
Mo = 10
0.3 1962). Compiling these into three dimension-
10 b less parameters gives the Froude, Morton, and
Froude number, Fr

–2 Eötvös numbers which, in the case of gas–liquid
0.2 0 flows where the gas density is sufficiently small
10 2
10 that it can be neglected, are
0.1 us
Fr = , (6.4)

10 100 1000 gη4
Eötvös number, Eo Mo = , (6.5)
ρ σ3

9780521895439c06_p107-128.indd 114 8/2/2012 9:48:24 AM


and to ~80% (Zukoski, 1966). The effect of inclin-

ation on ascent velocities has been assessed
ρ gD2 over only a relatively limited region of param-
Eo = , (6.6)
σ eter space and several relationships have been
proposed between Frθ, the Froude number at an
respectively. Here, us represents the terminal
inclination angle, θ, from the horizontal and
ascent velocity of the gas slug and D is the
the Froude numbers in vertical and horizon-
internal diameter of the conduit. The Froude
tal pipes, Fr90 and Fr0, respectively. For Mo <104
number represents the ratio of inertial to gravi-
and 5 < Eo < 20, maximum velocities occur
tational forces, the Morton number is the ratio
close to inclinations of 45°. One parameteriza-
of viscous and surface tension forces, and the
tion proposed
Eötvös number is the ratio of gravitational and
surface tension forces. Figure 6.4(c) shows the
Frθ = Fr90 sin θ + Fr0 cos θ + K , (6.9)
Eo–Fr parameter space for curves of constant Mo,
which allows Fr, and hence the slug velocity, to
where K = 1.37(Fr90€– Fr0)2/3 for Fr90 ≥ Fr0 and K = 0
be determined for a system. Within this space,
otherwise, has been shown to reproduce slug
for Mo < 10–6 and Eo > 100, slugs are inertially
velocities reasonably well. However, for Mo >
controlled (viscous and surface tension forces
104, maximum velocities occur at inclinations
are negligible) and rise at their maximum vel-
of around ~60°.
ocity in vertical tubes, given by Fr€= 0.35 (White
and Beardmore, 1962).
In basaltic systems with vertical conduits, 6.3.2â•… Gas slug expansion
typical ranges of these parameters are 0.1 < Fr < The Fr–Eo–Mo parameterization (Fig. 6.4(c)) con-
0.35, 105 < Eo < 107, and 106 < Mo < 1011, assum- siders only the steady state ascent of gas slugs
ing 100 < η < 1000 Pa s, ρ = 2600 kg m–3 and σ€= where decompressional gas expansion can
0.4 N m–1 for basalt, and 1 < D < 10 m for the con- be neglected. In volcanic scenarios, pressure
duit. These ranges indicate that gas slugs usu- changes and gas volumes are large, and decom-
ally ascend within a transitional regime with a pressional expansion is a fundamental part of
velocity dependent on both inertial and viscous the process. Fortuitously, laboratory experi-
effects (Seyfried and Freundt, 2000). Note that, ments carried out under reduced atmospheric
for these large bubbles in basaltic systems, inter- pressures show that even rapidly expanding
facial (surface tension) effects are always negli- gas slugs maintain constant velocities at their
gible. The relationships shown in Figure€6.4 are base (James et al., 2008), which can be calculated
difficult to parameterize but, over the region of from the Froude number (Eq. (6.7)).
combined viscous and inertial effects, Fr can be Defining an ascent velocity for the slug base
represented as allows the slug expansion to be estimated by cal-
culating the forces exerted on the liquid above
Fr = 0.345(1 – e–Nf╛╛/34.5), (6.7) the slug. Long slugs, for which curvature around
the nose and base region make up only a small
where Nf is a dimensionless inverse viscosity (or proportion of the slug length, can be adequately
the buoyancy Reynolds number), given by represented as gas cylinders of constant radius
rs, which can be related to the conduit radius,
 Eo3  ρD 2 g 2 rc, by the thickness of the falling liquid film sur-
4 3 1

Nf =  = . (6.8)
 Mo  η rounding the slug (Batchelor, 1967)
1/ 3
In inclined pipes, the slug ascends along the  3ηrc u s 
rs = rc −  . (6.10)
upper region of the pipe wall, allowing a thicker  2ρ g 
return flow of liquid under the slug body.
Consequently, ascent velocities in inclined For a slug with initial length ls0, within a ver-
pipes can exceed those in vertical pipes by up tical cylindrical conduit, conservation of liquid

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116 M I K E R . J A M E S, ST E V E J . L AN E , AN D B RUCE F. H O UGH TO N

volume allows the slug length, ls, at any time, t, (a)

to be given as gas mass 6.38



Distance from tube base (m)

( ) ( )
h0 rc2 + l s 0 rc2 − rs 2 = ( h + u s t ) rc2 + l s rc2 − rs 2 , (6.11) 2.0

where h0 and h are the heights of liquid above 1.6

the slug nose, initially and at time t, respect- e
ively, and the slug velocity, us, is defined at the gn
slug base. 1.2
As the slug ascends, decompresses and e
bas surface pressure = 319 Pa
expands, a cylindrical region of overlying liquid 0.8
has to be accelerated upward to accommo- 6 7 8 9 10 11
Time (s)
date the increasing gas volume. A first-order
approach can be used to define this acceleration
in terms of the pressure, gravitational, and vis-

Distance from initial surface height (m)

cous forces acting on the liquid cylinder, given 20 50 30
gas mass 70 60 10
by Fp = πrs2(Ps€– Pa), Fg =€–πrs2ρhg, and Fv, respect- 40
10 (kg) 20
ively, where Ps is the slug gas pressure and Pa is 5
ambient surface pressure. For laminar flow in 0
a pipe, the viscous drag force can be estimated –10
from the pressure drop under Poiseuille flow
(Batchelor, 1967) and, assuming that the liquid
flux is equal to the gas expansion flux, gives –30

–40 surface pressure = 105 Pa

Fv ≈ −8π ηhA′ s , (6.12) –50
dt 0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (s)
where Á = (rs/rc)2. Equating the forces to the prod- Figure 6.5╇╇ Modeling the positions of ascending, expanding
uct of mass and acceleration (of the center of gas slugs (black lines/symbols) and the liquid surface (gray
mass of the liquid column directly over the gas lines/symbols) in (a) low-pressure laboratory environments
slug) then gives and (b) a typical magmatic system. In both plots, the data and
results are overlaid so that the position of the slug base is
d2 the same for each scenario. In (a) the symbols indicate slug
Fp + Fg + Fv = π rs2 ρh
dt 2
( us t + ls + 21 h ) . (6.13) position as determined from video data. Results are given
for six different experiments carried out using different
gas masses for the slug. The experiments used a silicone oil
If the slug is represented as a perfect gas (i.e., PsVs
liquid phase with a density and viscosity of 862 kg m–3 and
γ = constant, for adiabatic conditions, where Vs 0.124 Pa s, respectively, and were carried out in a tube of
is gas volume and γ the ratio of specific heats, in 1.3€cm internal radius. The best-fit model results shown were
this case leading to Ps = Ps0(ls0/ls)γ, for a constant achieved using γ = 1.0, suggesting that the gas expansion was
radius cylinder and an initial slug pressure, Ps0), nearly isothermal rather than adiabatic. In (b) simulations are
then shown for a volcanic conduit of radius 1.5 m, with magma of
density and viscosity of 2600 kg m–3 and 500 Pa s, respectively.
Note the increase in the nose velocity as the slug approaches
1 ρ(1 + A′ ) d l s + 8η dl s − Ps 0  ls 0  + ρ g + Pa = 0.
the surface. Reproduced from James et al. (2008) with
2 dt 2 rc2 dt h  ls  h permission from the Geological Society of London.

to laboratory data on expanding gas slugs.
Equation (6.14) can be solved numerically In Figure 6.5(b) the results from simulated
and Figure 6.5(a) demonstrates its application volcanological scenarios illustrate the rapid

9780521895439c06_p107-128.indd 116 8/2/2012 9:48:27 AM


acceleration of the slug nose towards the sur- Shear force magnitude (×10 N m )
5 –1

face. For example, in a 1.5 m radius conduit 0 0.1 0.4 0.9 1.6 2.5
and magma of density 2600 kg m–3 and vis-
cosity 500 Pa s, the average slug nose velocity
ascending through the last 10 m of magma is a

Distance from initial surface height (m)

4.4 m s–1, over twice the steady slug base vel- 10 downward
magma surface
ocity of 1.7 m s–1 (Eq. 6.7). With Eq. (6.14) pro- 0 shear
viding the slug length, its gas pressure can also upward
be calculated; in Section 6.4 this is used to esti- shear
mate burst overpressures.
–30 no
6.3.3â•… Three-dimensional models slu se
–40 g ba
The simple slug ascent model discussed above sl u
is convenient for estimating ascent times and b 2
potential overpressures at burst but, because

Force (×106 N)
force 1
the dynamics of the fluid surrounding the slug
are not included, forces and pressures exerted
shear –1
on the conduit cannot be calculated accurately. force
Thus, in order to interpret seismic data (Chapter
Force (×106 N) 1 c
16), more sophisticated fluid dynamic models net force
are required to fully describe the liquid motion.
Some computational fluid dynamic (CFD) mod-
els of slug flow have been developed through 0 10 20 30 40
engineering research (Mao and Dukler, 1990; Time (s)
Clarke and Issa, 1997; Taha and Cui, 2006); how- Figure 6.6╇╇The vertical force components exerted on
ever, they only describe the local flow around a conduit during the ascent and burst of a gas slug, as
non-expanding gas slugs and are thus restricted determined by 3D fluid dynamic modeling. The scenario
in their direct application to volcanological simulated has a gas mass of 70 kg, a conduit radius of 1.5 m
scenarios. and a magma density and viscosity of 2600 kg m–3 and 500
In order to simulate flow in a complete con- Pa s, respectively. In (a) the force per vertical meter of the
duit, classic finite difference computational conduit exerted by viscous shear on the conduit wall is shown
over the duration of slug ascent. The position of the magma
fluid dynamics (CFD) and Lattice Boltzman
surface and the slug nose and base are shown by the black
numerical models are currently being explored
curves, with the former two truncated ~1 s before slug burst
(O’Brien and Bean, 2008; D’Auria and Martini, for clarity. In (b) the total vertical forces over the domain due
2009), with the results being linked to the gen- to pressure and shear forces are shown, and are summed in
eration of seismic signals. A similar approach (c). The slug burst is accompanied by a sharp upward force on
has also been taken using the commercial com- the domain. Redrawn from James et al. (2008) with permission
putational fluid dynamics code Flow-3D®, and from the Geological Society of London.
comparing the results with laboratory simula-
tions (James et al., 2008). Flow-3D® solves the
Navier–Stokes equations over a fixed grid and be adequately modeled by either PsVs or PsVsγ =
specializes in free-surface flows. For the ascent constant, representing isothermal or adiabatic
of a gas slug, the large density and viscosity expansion, respectively.
contrasts between the gas and liquid phases A detailed discussion of the model is beyond
allow the internal motion of the gas phase to the scope of this chapter but the results give
be neglected; the position of the gas–liquid insight into forces exerted on the conduit dur-
interface is controlled by the liquid and gas ing slug expansion, in particular, those pro-
pressures, the liquid dynamics, and surface ten- duced by viscous shear. Figure 6.6 illustrates
sion (if significant). The slug gas pressure can the shear forces exerted on a vertical conduit,

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118 M I K E R . J A M E S, ST E V E J . L AN E , AN D B RUCE F. H O UGH TO N

with the position of the slug indicated by the quickly in viscous magma and may not be excited
ascending region of downward shear exerted at all if the slug expansion occurs too rapidly to
by the falling liquid film around the slug. This enable a resonance to become established. Note
downward shear applies a region of vertical ten- that these pressure changes are much lower in
sion in the conduit walls immediately above the amplitude than the overall changes in magma-
slug nose and a compressional region behind static pressure due to the passage of a slug but,
the slug base. As the slug begins to decompress with frequency ranges (of around a few Hertz)
rapidly near the surface, the upward acceler- within the response bands of seismic and acous-
ation of the liquid above the slug exerts a strong tic techniques, they lend themselves to being
upward force on the conduit. Extension of this detected.
type of model to more complex conduit geom-
etries may allow some seismic signals (e.g., very
long period events) to be interpreted in terms of 6.4╇ ╇ Burst of a gas slug
fluid dynamic processes (see Chapter 15). This
raises the possibility that even in relatively low When the bubble nose reaches the magma sur-
viscosity magmas, the effect of viscous drag may face, a thinning magma membrane is produced
be detectable, just as has been hypothesized for which blisters upwards before bursting to prod-
much more viscous magmas, for example at uce the observable explosion. Some infrasonic
Asama, Soufrière Hills, and Mount St. Helens waveforms have been interpreted as oscillations
volcanoes. of the membrane prior to bursting (Vergniolle
and Brandeis, 1996; Vergniolle et al., 1996).
6.3.4â•… Near-surface oscillations However, within conduits, viscous coupling to
As slugs approach the surface, seismic and the conduit wall swiftly removes liquid from
acoustic data record a variety of signals (see above rapidly expanding slugs, hence viable
Chapters 15 and 16), some of which have been membranes will be extremely short lived tran-
interpreted in terms of pressure oscillations sients, and oscillations are very unlikely. For
within the gas slugs (Vergniolle and Brandeis, unconfined gas bubbles bursting at the open
1996; Vergniolle et al., 1996). Different oscilla- surface of a lava lake, this wall interaction does
tory modes have been proposed: longitudinal not occur and membrane oscillations could be
compression and dilation of the slug, with a considered. Nevertheless, no such oscillations
frequency given by have been reported from video and radar data
of large bubbles bursting in lava lakes (Dibble
1 γ Ps et€ al., 2008; Gerst et al., 2008) which, instead,
fL = , (6.15)
2π ρl s h indicates that bubble overpressures alone drive
sufficient fluid accelerations for rapid disruption
and kinematic waves forming at the slug nose, (fragmentation).
with a frequency The criteria for predicting when the mem-
brane will fail are difficult to quantify precisely,
 0.96 N 3 ρ g 2 
but the burst process is important for interpret-
f NR0 =  , (6.16)
 8π 3η  ing data such as ejecta velocity and infrasonic
transients. A plausible and straightforward
where N is the mode (N = 1 being the funda- first-order burst criterion is to define a minimum
mental mode), with odd modes being favored. thickness for the membrane before it ruptures
In laboratory experiments involving low rates and, with some of the ejecta being composed of
of slug expansion, pressure changes observed parts of this membrane, it is reasonable to relate
to increase in frequency (as h–½) as the slug the minimum membrane thickness to the size
approached the surface have been attributed to of the observed ejecta. In the case of Stromboli,
longitudinal slug oscillations (James et al., 2004). where characteristic particle dia�meters are
However, such oscillations may be damped very often 1 to 4 cm, a membrane thickness of order

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10 cm could be estimated. Bubble bursts can 7

only be observed directly under conditions in (a)

Burst overpressure (×105 Pa)

6 1m
which they are not confined by a conduit and magma viscosity R=
these observations show considerable lateral 5 500 Pa s
300 Pa s
expansion, with hemispherical membranes 4
being produced. However, for bursts occur-
1.5 m
ring within conduits, burst conditions must be 3
inferred from the ejecta observed at the surface 2
and, with little lateral expansion, jets are much 2m
more collimated. In conduits, bursts will be sig- 1

nificantly influenced by the presence of the con- 0

0 50 100 150 200
duit wall and the associated viscous drag on the Gas mass (kg)
(b) 30
6.4.1â•… Overpressures

Maximum pyroclast velocity (m s–1)

Ascertaining the magnitude of bubble over- 10
pressure at burst has been the target of many 300
measurements and is the source of much 200
uncertainty. Early models for calculating bub-
ble overpressure considered spherical bubbles 100
in large bodies of liquid (Wilson, 1980); how-
ever, the slug ascent model given by Eq. (6.14) 50
can be used to calculate more realistic antici-
pated overpressures for long gas bubbles in cir-
1 3 10 30
cular conduits. With a burst criterion given by
Burst overpressure (×105 Pa)
a minimum membrane thickness of 10 cm, the
surface overpressures for slugs of different gas Figure 6.7╇╇ Burst pressures and ejecta velocities. (a)
masses are found to be 105–106 Pa (Fig. 6.7(a)), At-burst slug overpressures resulting from slug ascents
consistent with estimates made from field data calculated from Eq. (6.14). Each filled region represents the
results for different conduit radii or magma viscosity, with
(e.g., Vergniolle and Brandeis, 1996; Gerst et al.,
the lower bound on each region representing the adiabatic
2007a). case and the upper bound the isothermal case (i.e., γ = 1.0).
Note that in the model, the ascending slug Reprinted from James et al. (2008) with permission from
is initially in equilibrium at magma-static pres- the Geological Society of London. (b) Anticipated maximum
sure and the overpressure at the surface is gen- ejecta velocities due to the burst of an initially overpressured
erated only by the dynamics associated with bubble. The gray region indicates the anticipated region for
the slug ascent. In order for the slug to expand strombolian eruptions. Redrawn from Wilson (1980).
within the conduit, the liquid above it must be
accelerated and the forces required to overcome
the liquid viscosity and inertia result in the slug 6.4.2â•… Ejecta velocity
overpressure. The absolute rate of gas expansion Ejecta velocities (for both the gas phase and the
is strongly dependent on gas volume, so liquid pyroclasts) have been determined by photo-
accelerations and bubble overpressures increase graphic, sodar, and Doppler radar techniques
rapidly near the surface where the bubble is Chouet et al., 1974; Weill et al., 1992; Dubosclard
largest. Hence, the development of significant et al., 2004; Patrick et al., 2007; Gerst et al., 2008).
overpressure should be considered a near- Velocity measurements are used to estimate
surface effect (i.e., at depths less that ~50 m), overpressures, in order to make inferences of
noting that in these large-bubble systems, any the subsurface dynamics. Two approaches have
overpressure resulting from surface tension is been used to model ejecta velocities; one con-
entirely negligible. siders pyroclasts entrained within a confined

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120 M I K E R . J A M E S, ST E V E J . L AN E , AN D B RUCE F. H O UGH TO N

jet (Steinberg and Babenko, 1978), and is hence −1

 n 1 − n
applicable to slug bursts within a conduit, and ρ=  +  , (6.20)
the other considers expansion into a stationary  ρg ρp 

atmosphere and is relevant to bubble bursts at
the surface (Wilson, 1980). In the former case, where n is the gas weight fraction of the mix-
the equation of motion relates the pyroclast ture. During the expansion of the cloud, an esti-
and gas jet velocities, up and ug respectively, mate of the friction resulting from air drag can
by their densities ρp and ρg, and the pyroclast be given by ½(ma/mc)uf2, where mc is the cloud
mass, cross-sectional area, and drag coefficient, mass and ma is the mass of atmospheric air dis-
mp, Ap, and Cd; placed. Wilson (1980) used this approach for the
hemispherical and adiabatic expansion of a bub-
du p ρg Cd A p  ρp − ρg  ble-burst cloud, integrating Eq. (6.19) to yield
(u )
mp = g − up − mp   g . (6.17)
dt 2  ρp 
   γ  
1 1
 RT ρ   P  P 
γ γ −1

As t → ∞, this provides the steady state Â�solution 1

u f 2 1 +  i a   i   = nRTi  1 −  a  
 γ −1 
  8 Pi   Pa    Pi  
of a pyroclast falling at its terminal velocity 
(1 − n )

within the gas jet. Assuming particles can be +
( Pi − Pa ) − 12 gri  Pi  ,
represented as spheres of diameter dp allows  a
simplification to
 4g  ρp 
up = ug −   − 1  d p . (6.18) which relates the pressure at bubble burst of
 3Cd  ρg   an initially spherical bubble with initial radius
and gas temperature ri and Ti, respectively, to
Equation (6.17) considers only the pyroclasts
the maximum pyroclast velocity, where ρa is the
and the entraining gas without involving
atmospheric density. The results are shown in
any gas expansion or interaction with the
Figure 6.7(b) for different values of n. Note that
surrounding atmosphere. Consequently, the
here, both gas and the entrained pyroclasts are
results represent maximum possible clast vel-
assumed to be initially stationary and then to
ocities and should only be compared with field
accelerate to the same velocity.
measurements made immediately above the
The effects of atmospheric interaction and 6.4.3â•… Ejecta mass
gas expansion can be considered using a gen- Photographic and radar measurements have
eral form of the energy equation for a fluid in both been used to estimate the masses of gas
motion and silicate material involved in strombolian
eruptions (Chouet et al., 1974; Ripepe et al., 1993;
dP 1 2 1 2 Gerst et al., 2007b). Gas masses can be used to

= 2 u f − 2 u i + gh + friction terms, (6.19)
provide slug sizes for the slug ascent models
and the gas-to-silicate mass ratio could be used
where P and ρ are the fluid pressure and dens- to infer details of the burst process. Erupted sili-
ity, respectively, and ui, uf, Pi, and Pf are the cate material is generally assumed to represent
initial and final fluid velocities and pressures, the burst bubble membrane, but the presence
respectively. Here, ui is assumed to be negli- of material from the liquid film surrounding the
gible, uf is taken as the maximum velocity prior slug (and then entrained into the gas jet) or even
to deceleration of the gas cloud, and Pf is taken from the slug wake (which is exposed to a sud-
to be equal to atmospheric pressure, Pa. For an den depressurization during burst) should not be
ejecta cloud represented by a mixture of gas, discounted. As yet, there are no models to pre-
and liquid or solid pyroclasts, the bulk density dict ejecta masses and this will not be possible
can be given by until burst processes are better understood.

9780521895439c06_p107-128.indd 120 8/2/2012 9:48:31 AM


distinguishing lapilli-rich eruptions (type 1)

6.5╇ ╇Example: Stromboli volcano, from ash-rich (type 2, Fig. 6.8). The former rep-
Aeolian Islands resents the classical strombolian style described
and modeled above, with an incandescent jet
Stromboli volcano rises 3000 m above the floor incorporating most or all of the coarse ejecta
of the Tyrrhenian Sea to form part of the Aeolian (Fig. 6.1). Often, type 1 explosions will dom-
Island volcanic arc. The summit region, at ~800 inate at one crater, and ash-rich type 2 explo-
m above sea level, has three dominant craters sions at an adjacent crater. Type 2 explosions
(NE, Central, and SW), within which a vari- generate weak ash-bearing convective plumes
able number of vents (typically 5–15) are usu- typically extending to a few hundred meters in
ally open and active with contrasting styles and height, and can be subdivided into events that
intensities. Although interspersed with occa- may also be associated with an incandescent
sional larger explosions every year or so, normal spatter-laden jet (Patrick et al., 2007).
activity consists of repeated mild strombolian Recent petrographic studies have shown con-
events, one every ten minutes or so, each last- siderable heterogeneity in ejecta at Stromboli
ing up to a few tens of seconds, ejecting pyro- which must reflect complex dynamics for the
clasts generally no more than 200 m above the melt phase in the shallow conduit (Lautze
surface. Stromboli also produces more powerful and Houghton, 2005; Polacci et al., 2008). In
eruptions, called paroxysms (Barberi et al., 1993), clast populations ejected by single explosions
every few decades. Major paroxysms occurred in of typical strombolian activity, two different
1930, 1950, 2003, and 2007, with weaker events phenocryst-bearing melts are represented, with
recorded in September 1996, August 1998, and either sparse or relatively abundant populations
August 1999 (Metrich et al., 2005). During parox- of mm-sized and smaller bubbles. This textural
ysms, mass discharge rates reach values as large diversity results from a combination of ongoing
as 105€–106 kg s–1 (Rosi et al., 2006) and a deeper, vesicle evolution in essentially stagnant melt
hotter, crystal-poor magma is erupted, largely within the shallow conduit (coalescence chan-
bypassing the shallow storage region. These ging a population of abundant small bubbles to
paroxysms are driven by episodic open-system one in which small bubbles are relatively sparse,
escape of CO2-rich gas from depths of multiple on timescales of hours to weeks), and a shorter
kilometers (Allard, 2010; Metrich et al., 2010), timescale mingling process that is driven by
but are not considered further here. passage of gas slugs and turbulent drainback of
Measurements at Stromboli made during non-erupted melt following slug-bursts.
typical activity have recorded ejecta velocities At Stromboli, very-long-period (VLP) seismic
of up to ~110 m s–1, with estimates of the mass signals, with one source mechanism located at
of solid (or liquid) pyroclasts in explosions a consistent depth ~240 m below the surface,
being between 16 and ~6000 kg, representing have been cited as resulting from the bubble
~4 to 90 wt.% of the ejecta. The explosions can coalescence forming the gas slug (Chouet et al.,
be classified by their duration (or complexity) 2003). However, laboratory experiments have
and by their ejecta (Ripepe et al., 1993; Patrick demonstrated that the magnitude of the VLP
et al., 2007). “Simple” explosions are generally signals are much more likely to be produced by
relatively short in duration (~1 s) and associ- the ascent of a slug through a change in conduit
ated with impulsive detonation sounds from geometry (James et al., 2006; Chouet et al., 2008).
the bursting of a single gas slug. Complex This is consistent with gas geochemistry data
eruptions are longer in duration, often pulsed indicating that slug gas geochemically decouples
in nature, and sound more like a jet engine. from the surrounding melt at depths of 800 to
They may be associated with either trains of 3000 m (Burton et al., 2007a). With the positions
multiple bubbles or much larger bubbles pro- of several sources of VLP signals now identified
ducing “organ-pipe” resonances within the it is clear that the plumbing system is best rep-
conduit. Classification by ejecta type leads to resented by multiple inclined and intersecting

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122 M I K E R . J A M E S, ST E V E J . L AN E , AN D B RUCE F. H O UGH TO N

Figure 6.8╇╇ Eruption styles at

Stromboli as defined by thermal
and visible images (the left and
right columns, respectively). Type 1
explosions are lapilli rich with little or
no visible ash. Type 2 explosions have
a greatly increased ash component,
and can be subdivided into 2a and
2b, representing events with and
without a visible coarse (type 1 style)
component (arrowed in the middle
panels). The white boxes in the thermal
images indicate the field of view in the
associated visible image. Reproduced
from Patrick et al. (2007, Fig. 3) with
kind permission of Springer Science
and Business Media. See color plates

dike segments, with dips ranging between 40° role of post-burst drainback and rainfall (which
and ~70° (Chouet et al., 2008). has been observed to affect eruption velocities
The wealth of such geophysical data from and pyroclast sizes as determined by Doppler
Stromboli illustrates the complexity of the sys- radar) are also not understood. Even fundamen-
tem with respect to the current first-order mod- tal questions such as where does the change
els of strombolian activity. Many key questions from a dike-like morphology to a circular con-
remain and are illustrated by inconsistencies duit occur, and what process is responsible for
between results derived from different tech- switching activity styles between vents, remain
niques. For example, modeling oscillatory acous- largely unaddressed.
tic data has suggested low magma viscosities of
~300 Pa s (Vergniolle et al., 1996). Although this
is not inconsistent with values successfully used
in fluid dynamic models of slug ascent, petrolog-
6.6╇ ╇Example: Mount Erebus,
ical modeling suggests that some magma could Antarctica
have a viscosity of up to 1.4 × 104 Pa s (Metrich
et al., 2001). A currently unexplored area is the A contrasting example is illustrated by activity
extent to which a non-Newtonian and spatially at Mount Erebus, where strombolian activity is
varying magma rheology would affect our cur- represented by bursts of large, observable bub-
rent understanding of slug ascent and burst bles within a small lava lake. Mount Erebus is a
processes. Further complexities such as the large stratovolcano located on Ross Island, at the

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western end of the West Antarctic rift system, for the subsurface plumbing at Erebus involve
with a summit at 3794 m. The summit cone hosts a relatively large, high-level storage region, pos-
the Main Crater, within which the Inner Crater sibly of the diameter of the crater itself, such that
is approximately 100 m deep, with a radius of bubble coalescence would take place only in the
~80€m. Over the last 30 years, the Inner Crater has upper few tens of meters (Aster et al., 2003). The
contained an anorthoclase phonolite lava lake of lack of significant upwelling of the lake immedi-
between 5 and 15 m in radius that has been the ately prior to slug burst supports this interpret-
site of variable strombolian activity. Events are ation by suggesting there is only a brief period of
generally simple rather than complex, and gen- slug ascent. Upwelling may be also suppressed by
erally occur at a rate of several per day, with the a strongly flared upper region of the conduit.
occasional swarm of up to 900 per day. Erebus is During bursts, the surface of the lava lake
now permanently geophysically monitored, with is observed to dome hemispherically upwards
seismic, infrasonic, and video data being con- before being disrupted and showering the cra-
tinuously collected unless instruments succumb ter area with pyroclasts. Radar data collected
to the harsh environmental conditions. in 2005–2006 suggest that pressures at burst
Early work described upwelling lava in the could be ~3 × 105 to 8 × 105 Pa (Gerst et al.,
lake accompanied by seismic tremor preceding 2007a). Radar (Gerst et al., 2008) and infrasonic
strombolian events by ~20 to 45 s. Erupting bub- (Jones et al., 2008) data indicate that the pos-
bles would have radii of up to 5 m, after which ition (within the lava lake) and initial direction
lake levels would drop by about 5 m before of the burst are random, strongly suggesting
recovering over the following 15 minutes. This that, close to the surface, the conduit is likely
type of activity is indicative of slugs expanding to be vertical and that the burst process itself
as they ascend and, assuming a slug velocity is controlled by instabilities or heterogeneities
between 1 and 2 m s–1, suggests a minimum slug within the expanding magma membrane. With
source depth of between 20 and 90 m. the membrane composed of magma that has
More recently, VLP seismic events have been been rapidly and recently cooling in the atmos-
recorded and, although depths could be exagger- phere, this is highly likely.
ated by the effects of tilt, particle motions suggest Erebus provides a good case for multipa-
VLP source depths of between 100 and 800 m rameter (video, radar, infrasonic, seismic)
(Rowe et al., 1998, 2000). Gas geochemistry data are measurements of bubble bursts. However, the
also consistent with gas being sourced at depths subsurface geometries are poorly constrained
of up to 2 km (Oppenheimer and Kyle, 2008). and key questions remain, such as how to rec-
However, the VLP events precede short-period sig- oncile the contrasting evidence for the depth of
nals (which accompany the surface explosion) by slug coalescence.
up to only 5 s, suggesting very short slug ascents,
of order 10 m. This is in agreement with video
data that indicate only the very smallest of distur- 6.7╇ ╇ Future directions
bances to the lake level prior to each event and
no significant period of decompression-related Our understanding of strombolian activity has
gas expansion. The relative timings of the seis- been advancing dramatically, most recently due
micity and the polarity of the VLP signals vary, to quantitative measurement of the gas species
suggesting multiple slug ascent paths within a from spectroscopic data and improved imaging
well-connected plumbing system. Furthermore, it of conduit segments by inverted VLP seismic
is likely that the location of the VLP source reflects data. Such findings have been augmented by
the region of greatest coupling between the vary- additional key interpretations drawn from an
ing fluid pressures and the surrounding rock increasingly diverse array of other investiga-
rather than the locus of the initial fluid-dynamics tions, including laboratory experiments, com-
driven pressure perturbation (Aster et al., 2003; putational fluid dynamic modeling, thermal
James et al., 2006). Consequently, current models imaging, and infrasonic data collection.

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124 M I K E R . J A M E S, ST E V E J . L AN E , AN D B RUCE F. H O UGH TO N

Nevertheless, major uncertainties still exist, Ap cross-sectional area of pyroclast (m2)

as exemplified by the estimates of appropriate Cd pyroclast drag coefficient
magma viscosities at Stromboli spanning two dp pyroclast diameter (m)
orders of magnitude. Uncertainty reduction will D internal conduit diameter (m)
be driven by the increasing integration of dif- fL longitudinal gas slug oscillation
ferent data types and the unprecedented data frequency (Hz)
volumes from new continuous autonomous fNR0 frequency of kinematic waves at slug
measurement techniques. A major challenge nose (Hz)
is to produce a similarly integrated model in Fg vertical gravitational forces acting on a
which fluid dynamics, gas geochemistry, and gas slug (N)
petrology are all linked to measurables such as Fp vertical pressure forces acting on a gas
seismic and infrasonic data. Such a model will slug (N)
permit a much improved understanding of the Fv vertical viscous forces acting on a gas
physical processes recorded in remotely sensed slug (N)
data, and will consequently allow any hazard- g acceleration due to gravity (m s–2)
ous changes within systems to be more readily h height of liquid above the slug nose (m)
identified and interpreted. h0 initial height of liquid above the slug
nose (m)
hc critical foam thickness (m)
6.8╇ ╇ Summary hm maximum foam thickness (m)
ls slug length (m)
ls0 initial slug length (m)
• Strombolian activity is driven by exsolving ma mass of air displaced by expanding gas
gas bubbles within magma coalescing into cloud (kg)
large slug bubbles, with diameters of order mc gas cloud mass (kg)
the width of the conduit. mp pyroclast mass (kg)
• At any significant depth, these gas slugs will n gas weight fraction of a gas and pyroclast
ascend through the liquid magma at a few mixture
meters per second. Within the last few tens of N kinematic wave mode
meters to the surface, gas expansion can rap- Nf dimensionless inverse viscosity (or the
idly accelerate the slug nose to several tens of buoyancy Reynolds number)
meters per second. Pa ambient surface pressure (Pa)
• On burst, coarse pyroclasts (mainly relatively Pf final fluid pressure (Pa)
dense clots of magma) are produced and are Pi initial fluid pressure (Pa)
ejected at velocities of up to 100 m s–1 or so, Ps slug gas pressure (Pa)
travelling a few hundred meters. Ps0 initial slug gas pressure (Pa)
• Current modeling approaches address the Q gas volume flux (m3 s–1)
slug formation, slug ascent and slug burst R molar gas constant (J K–1 mol–1)
processes separately. The models draw upon rb gas bubble radius (m)
large volumes of geophysical data (e.g., seis- rc internal conduit radius (m)
mic, radar, video, IR and infrasonic) to help ri initial gas bubble radius (m)
understand the subsurface processes. rs slug radius (m)
t time (s)
Ti initial gas temperature (K)
ub terminal bubble ascent velocity (m s–1)
6.9╇ ╇ Notation uf final fluid velocity (m s–1)
ug gas jet velocity (m s–1)
Á square of ratio of slug radius to conduit ui initial fluid velocity (m s–1)
radius (rs/rc)2 up pyroclast velocity (m s–1)

9780521895439c06_p107-128.indd 124 8/2/2012 9:48:33 AM


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Experimental velocity and density determination Exercises
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6.1 Consider the ascent of small bubbles of H2O vapor
Taha, T. and Cui, Z. F. (2006). CFD modelling of slug
within a basaltic magma conduit.
flow in vertical tubes. Chemical Engineering Science,
(a) Estimate the rise velocity through the fluid, ub,
61, 676.
of bubbles with diameters of 100 μm, 1 mm, 1
Taitel, Y., Barnea, D. and Dukler, A. E. (1980).
cm, and 10 cm, stating your assumptions.
Modelling flow pattern transitions for steady
(b) Stokes’ law is valid only for laminar flow
upward gas-liquid flow in vertical tubes. AIChE
described by Reynolds numbers, Re, less than
Journal, 26, 345–354, doi:10.1002/aic.690260304
approximately 0.3, where Re = ρubL/η, ρ and
Vergniolle, S. and Jaupart, C. (1990). Dynamics of
η are the fluid density and viscosity respect-
degassing at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii. Journal of
ively, and L is a characteristic length (e.g.,
Geophysical Research, 95, 2793–2809.
bubble diameter). In this case, comment on
Vergniolle, S. and Brandeis, G. (1996). Strombolian
the validity of your answers to (a).
explosions 1. A large bubble breaking at the
(c) Would anticipated rise velocities be less or
surface of a lava column as a source of sound.
greater than calculated, and why?
Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 20433–20447.
Vergniolle, S., Brandeis, G. and Mareschal,€J. C. 6.2 As gas ascends within conduits, it expands due to
(1996). Strombolian explosions 2. Eruption the decreasing pressure.
dynamics determined from acoustic (a) For a bubble of volume 1 m3 at a depth of 1000
measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, m in a basaltic conduit, estimate and plot the
20449–20466. bubble radius against depth, assuming that
Viana, F., Pardo, R., Yanez, R., Trallero, J. L. and the bubble could ascend to the surface in
Joseph, D. D. (2003). Universal correlation for the spherical form. What is the bubble volume
rise velocity of long gas bubbles in round pipes. once erupted?
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 494, 379–398. (b) If the bubble ascends a conduit as a slug of
Walker, G. P. L. and Croasdale, R. (1972). near-cylindrical shape and constant radius 1.2
Characteristics of some basaltic pyroclastics. m, what length would the slug achieve at the
Bulletin Volcanologique, 35, 303–317. surface?
Wallis, G. B. (1969). One-Dimensional Two-Phase Flow. (c) Discuss whether, if this slug were “real,” it
New York: McGraw-Hill. would reach this length or not; what is the

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128 M I K E R . J A M E S, ST E V E J . L AN E , AN D B RUCE F. H O UGH TO N

evidence and what assumptions and omis- (c) Considering the shape of the pyroclast tracks,
sions from the calculations result in the what is the primary control on their trajector-
differences? ies and what other factors must also be influ-
(d) Conditions appropriate to basaltic activity encing their motion?
on Io or the early Moon would include very (d) Given your answers to (c), explain why
low atmospheric pressures and a much lower Strombolian deposits appear significantly less
gravity compared to that on Earth. Consider dispersed than Plinian deposits (Fig. 6.2(c)).
these extraterrestrial environments by repeat-
ing your calculations for parts (a–c) using, for 6.4 Data on the deposits from two well-documented
simplicity, a surface atmospheric pressure historical eruptions are shown with filled sym-
of 1 Pa and a gravitational acceleration of bols in Figure. 6.2(c), from the 1959 hawaiian
1€ m s-2. Discuss the differences between the fountaining eruption of Kilauea (filled squares)
results and those for terrestrial conditions, and the 2003 paroxysm at Stromboli (filled
commenting on the implications for eruptive triangles).
style. (a) From the graph data alone, contrast these two
eruptions in terms of their intensity (eruption
6.3 Figure 6.1(a) shows a long-exposure photograph rate) and volume.
of a strombolian eruption. (b) What do your interpretations imply about
(a) As the gas slug arrived at the surface, what the relative duration of these eruptions?
pressure conditions must have existed inside (c) How then can you explain the thickness
the slug in order to generate and eject the values given for the Strombolian deposits
pyroclasts? with open squares, which overlap with the
(b) With respect to the shape and position of the data for the hawaiian fountaining eruption?
slug immediately prior to burst, where is the
material that forms the pyroclasts sourced Answers to exercises available at www.�cambridge.
from? org/fagents

9780521895439c06_p107-128.indd 128 8/2/2012 9:48:34 AM

Chapter 7

Unsteady explosive activity:

vulcanian eruptions
Amanda B. Clarke

Overview questions regarding controls on the scale and

duration of such short-lived explosions, as well
Vulcanian eruptions are named for the 1888– as transitions in eruptive style.
90 eruptions of Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy
(Mercalli, 1907), and are defined here as short-
lived, discrete explosions resulting from sud- 7.1╇ ╇ Introduction
den decompression of a volcanic conduit due to
disruption of a sealing plug or dome. Resulting Vulcanian eruptions are short-lived, discrete
eruptions characteristically last only seconds to explosions resulting from sudden decompres-
minutes and may produce buoyant columns, sion of a volcanic conduit that commonly con-
pyroclastic density currents, or both. They may tains high-pressure, vesiculated magma (Fig. 7.1;
occur as single events or in a sequence of discrete Self et€ al., 1979; Alidibirov, 1994; Woods, 1995;
explosions. The short duration and unsteady Sparks et€al., 1997; Stix et€al., 1997; Morrissey and
vent conditions of vulcanian eruptions make Mastin, 2000; Druitt et€al., 2002). Explosions typ-
them distinct from sustained plinian or subplin- ically initiate when a competent sealing conduit
ian eruptions. Pre-eruption pressures can reach plug or dome is disrupted due to increasing pres-
10 MPa, vent velocities may approach 400 m s−1, sure in the underlying magma (Hoblitt, 1986;
eruption plumes typically rise to < 10 km, but Tait et€ al., 1989; Stix et€ al., 1997) or as a result
in some cases may reach nearly 20 km, and the of groundwater vaporization (Schmincke 1977).
amount of magma erupted is typically < 1011 kg. Pre-eruption pressures typically range from
This chapter reviews mechanisms associated <€ 1€ MPa to 10 MPa (Tait et€ al., 1989; Stix€ et€ al.,
with vulcanian eruptions and discusses several 1997; Morrissey and Chouet, 1997; Voight et€al.,
relevant conceptual and quantitative models. 1999; Formenti et€al., 2003; Chojnicki et€al., 2006).
Topics include plug formation and disruption, Upon plug disruption, a shock wave (pressure
magma fragmentation, calculation of vent flux, discontinuity) travels away from the vent into
the production and propagation of shock waves, the atmosphere and a decompression-induced
the dynamics of pyroclastic jets and plumes fragmentation wave travels down the conduit
ascending from unsteady sources, and ballistic (Kieffer 1981, Turcotte et€al., 1990; Woods, 1995).
analysis. This chapter also addresses important At the fragmentation front, vesicular magma

Modeling Volcanic Processes: The Physics and Mathematics of Volcanism, eds. Sarah A. Fagents, Tracy K. P. Gregg, and Rosaly M. C.
Lopes. Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2012.

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130 A M A N DA B . C L A R K E

Figure 7.1╇╇ Schematic representation

of vulcanian explosion sequence. (a)
Initial conditions showing vesicular
magma underlying a dense, sealing
plug. (b) Vulcanian explosions initiate
with plug disruption and launching of
ballistic clasts; decompression causes
simultaneous propagation of a leading
shock wave into the atmosphere and
propagation of a decompression wave
into the conduit; a fragmentation
wave follows closely behind the
decompression wave. (c) A mixture of
gas and fragmented magma propagates
vertically into the atmosphere and the
forces may be dominated by buoyancy
(thermal), momentum (unsteady jet),
or both (forced thermal). Region 1 is
the atmosphere, region 2 is the zone
immediately behind the shock but
outside the conduit, and region 4 is the
pre-explosion, high-pressure conduit;
these designations are used in the
equations of Section 7.5.

is disrupted into a gas–pyroclast mixture, pro- although commonly plumes rise < 10 km (e.g.,
pelled upward, and ejected from the vent at Rose et€ al., 1978; Glaze et€ al., 1989; Stix et€ al.,
velocities up to 400 m s−1 (Self et€al., 1979). The 1997; Druitt et€al., 2002; Wright et€al., 2006). For
resulting eruption may produce buoyant col- comparison, cruising altitude for commercial
umns, pyroclastic density currents, or both. air traffic is generally 9−12 km. Vulcanian col-
Typically, only a portion of the magma in the umn heights typically exceed heights associated
conduit is fragmented and evacuated (e.g., Druitt with strombolian eruptions (Chapter 6) and are
et€al., 2002), such that vulcanian eruptions char- less than those associated with plinian and sub-
acteristically last only seconds to minutes. They plinian eruptions (Chapters 8 and 9).
may occur as single events or as a sequence of Vulcanian eruptions have a wide range of
explosions spaced sufficiently far apart in time dispersal areas and degrees of fragmentation,
to produce distinguishable, discrete, unsteady making them difficult to classify from deposit
jets, and plumes. characteristics alone (Fig. 7.2; Walker, 1973;
The short duration and unsteady vent con- Cas and Wright, 1987). Vulcanian fall deposits
ditions of vulcanian eruptions make them dis- are typically thin, may consist of clasts ranging
tinct from quasi-steady plinian or subplinian from fine ash to coarse lapilli, and contain vari-
eruptions, for which it is generally assumed able proportions of lithics (non-juvenile) and
that bubbly magma rises to meet a fragmenta- juvenile material depending on the specifics of
tion wave and thus steadily feeds vent flux over the eruption (Self et€ al., 1979; Cas and Wright,
long periods (hours to days). Vulcanian erup- 1987; Morrissey and Mastin, 2000). Juvenile
tions typically erupt < 0.1 km3 DRE (dense rock clast densities vary even within a single erup-
equivalent), corresponding to a mass of ~1011€kg tion, ranging from dense to highly vesicular
(Morrissey and Mastin, 2000), and produce (e.g., Formenti and Druitt, 2003; Clarke et€ al.,
columns < 20 km high (Nairn and Self, 1978), 2007). Furthermore, unlike strombolian events,

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Pinatubo eruption, Scott et€ al., 1996). Ash and

gases produced by vulcanian eruptions are not
typically ejected into the stratosphere where
they may have a global effect; nevertheless
explosion products have devastating effects on
local crops and nearby populations, especially
during rainy seasons or spring snowmelt when
lahars are commonly generated (Chapter 14).
Vulcanian eruptions occur much more fre-
quently around the world than plinian erup-
tions, with some volcanoes producing multiple
Figure 7.2╇╇ Classification of explosive volcanic eruptions in daily events, offering unparalleled opportun-
terms of F% and D0.01. F% is the percentage of clasts < 1 mm ity for detailed quantitative field observations
in diameter on the main axis of dispersal where it crosses of explosive eruptions. To date, however, such
the 0.1Tmax isopach; Tmax is the maximum thickness of the observations are rare in the literature (Nairn
fall deposit. D0.01 is the area in km2 enclosed by the 0.01Tmax and Self, 1978; Self et€ al., 1979; Ishihara 1985;
isopach. ╛After Walker et€al. (1973) and including vulcanian Sparks et€ al., 1997; Druitt et€ al., 2002; Clarke
classification based on data from Cas and Wright (1987).
et€al., 2002a,b; Formenti et€al., 2003). Continued
observation of vulcanian eruptions will play a
vulcanian eruptions typically occur in inter- critical role in advancing general theoretical
mediate composition magmas with high viscos- understanding of explosive eruption dynamics.
ities (often due to high crystal contents), and
therefore bubble coalescence is limited. Ballistic
blocks or bombs, sourced from the displaced
plug, are often associated with vulcanian depos- 7.2╇ ╇Eruption initiation: plug
its and range up to a few meters in diameter, are formation and disruption
launched to several kilometers from the vent,
and may exhibit a breadcrusted texture indi- The initial phase of a vulcanian eruption typ-
cating that interior gas expanded after the sur- ically involves the disruption of a coherent
face was quenched (Wilson, 1972; Fagents and magma plug or dome that sealed the conduit
Wilson, 1993; Waitt et€ al., 1995; Sparks et€ al., (Hoblitt, 1986; Hammer et€ al., 1999; Belousov
1997; Druitt et€al., 2002; Wright et€al., 2007). et€ al., 2002; Druitt et€ al., 2002; Taddeucci et€ al.,
Vulcanian eruptions can precede large plin- 2004; Cashman and McConnell, 2005; D’Oriano
ian eruptions, as at Mt. Pinatubo (Philippines) et€al., 2005; Diller et€al., 2006). Observational evi-
in 1991 (Hoblitt et€al., 1996); produce dangerous dence of this initiation mechanism primarily
pyroclastic flows, as at Mount St. Helens (USA) consists of visually documented ballistic paths
in the 1980s (Hoblitt,1986) and at Soufrière Hills or ballistic clasts in deposits (Ishihara, 1985;
volcano (Montserrat, British West Indies) in 1997 Waitt et€al., 1995; Druitt et€al., 2002; Wright et€al.,
(Druitt et€ al., 2002); and present a significant 2007). Pressure in the underlying magma or gas
hazard to aircraft (e.g., Galunggung, Indonesia must rise sufficiently to partially or fully dis-
in 1982,– lodge this competent plug.
052_caption.html). At several volcanoes around Two key processes of plug formation and plug
the world, including Semeru, Indonesia (Carn disruption may be linked via magma degassing
and Oppenheimer, 2000), and Sakurajima, Japan and subsequent microlite crystallization in the
(Ishihara, 1985), vulcanian eruptions occur volcanic conduit (see Chapter 4). As magma rises,
regularly and can persist for years, potentially water exsolves from the melt due to decreasing
representing a large cumulative erupted mass, ambient pressure. In response to the correspond-
comparable perhaps to the mass erupted during ing shift in liquidus, anhydrous phases crystal-
a single plinian event (e.g., ~1013 kg for the 1991 lize (Geschwind and Rutherford, 1995; Stix et€al.,

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132 A M A N DA B . C L A R K E

1997; Sparks, 1997; Moore and Carmichael, retard flow, must be balanced by the pressure
1998; Hammer et€al., 1999; Cashman and Blundy, gradient as follows
2000). Crystallization and degassing increase
dP 32η u
magma viscosity (Lejeune and Richet 1995; Hess = −ρ g − , (7.1)
dz D2
and Dingwell, 1996; Sparks, 1997; Stix et€ al.,
1997; Melnik and Sparks, 1999) and, as a result where P is the magma pressure, z is the vertical
of concentrating volatiles in the remaining melt, coordinate increasing upward, ρ and η are the
force further degassing. Bubble connections are density and viscosity of the ascending magma,
thought to develop at some threshold vesicu- g is gravitational acceleration, D is the dia�meter
larity (Eichelberger et€ al., 1986; Takeuchi et€ al., of the conduit, and u is the ascent velocity of
2005). However, simultaneous crystallization the magma (Melnik and Sparks, 1999). All
and degassing tends to concentrate vesicles into para�meters except D are allowed to vary with
the interstices between crystals (Fig.€7.3(a)), and z. The first term on the right-hand side repre-
may enhance permeable connections among sents gravitational forces while the second term
bubbles and lead to open-system degassing at represents viscous forces according to assump-
lower-than-expected porosities. The consequent tions associated with Poiseuille flow (steady, vis-
gas loss may cause vesicle collapse and magma cous flow through a pipe, Fox et€al., 2006). The
densification, resulting in a dense, coherent magma viscosity η is a function of composition,
plug which seals the conduit and may force temperature, dissolved water content, crystal
underlying magma and gas to stagnate (Fig.€7.3; content, and bubble content (Chapters 4 and 5).
Hammer et€ al., 1999; Taddeucci et€ al., 2004; Because most of the increase in magma
Cashman and McConnell, 2005; D’Oriano et€al., viscosity occurs near the surface (and because
2005; Diller et€al., 2006; Clarke et€al., 2007). the increase in the viscous term outweighs
Many of these same processes cause pres- the decrease in the gravitational term in Eq.
sure to increase in the shallow conduit. Two (7.1)), most of the pressure drop must occur
mechanisms are particularly relevant: magma in the upper conduit precisely where viscosity
pressure may increase due to rheological stiff- increases most rapidly (Sparks, 1997). In other
ening of the ascending magma mixture (Sparks words, the pressure gradient dP/dz between the
1997; Melnik and Sparks 1999) and volatile pres- chamber and the upper portions of the conduit
sure may increase because bubble growth is is gentle because the viscosity gradient is gen-
restricted by high-viscosity magma (Fig. 7.3(c)); tle in that region, whereas the pressure gradient
Sparks, 1978; Tait et€al., 1989; Stix et€al., 1997). in the top few hundred meters of the conduit
Pressure in the shallow conduit increases until is steep because the viscosity gradient is steep
the plug is dislodged at pressures as high as 10 in that region. This complex pressure gradient
MPa, based on the strength of typical magmas. allows high pressures to extend over a large por-
Disruption results in fragmentation of both the tion of the conduit (Fig. 7.3(c)).
plug and underlying magma (Fig. 7.1(b)). Bubble overpressure develops primarily due
Magma overpressure develops in the shal- to viscosity-limited growth of bubbles for magma
low conduit because rheological stiffening con- viscosities > 107 Pa s (Chapter 4; McBirney and
centrates most of the pressure gradient in the Murase, 1971; Sparks, 1978; Proussevitch and
upper portions of the conduit (Sparks, 1997; Sahagian, 1996; Navon and Lyakhovsky, 1998).
Melnik and Sparks, 1999). The total pressure The gas phase expands in response to decreas-
drop from magma chamber to surface drives ing ambient magma pressure; however, bubble
flow upward from the chamber into the upper growth is resisted by surrounding high-viscosity
conduit between eruptions. For the one-dimen- melt, resulting in a trapped high-pressure gas
sional steady-state, laminar flow case, and for phase. In general terms, bubble overpressure ΔP,
slow ascent rates in a conduit of constant dia� defined as the difference between the pressure
meter, gravitational and viscous forces, which in the volatiles contained within the bubbles

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Figure 7.3╇╇ Schematic representation of plug formation,

magma stalling, and pressure increase. (a) SEM images of and the magma pressure, can be expressed by a
vulcanian eruption products from the Soufrière Hills volcano form of the Rayleigh–Lamb equation:
(Clarke et€al., 2007); crystals and glass appear as shades of
gray, whereas bubbles appear black. Relative vertical source vR
∆P = 4η , (7.2)
positions in the conduit for each sample are indicated by rb

arrows pointed at (b), which is a schematic representation of
conduit. (c) Pressure profile for the bubbly magma in both the where vR is the bubble growth rate and rb is the
ordinary static state (magma-static) and the overpressured bubble radius (Melnik et€al., 2005; Mason et€al.,
state. Magma ascends, degasses, and crystallizes which can 2006). The basic concept of bubble overpressure
(1) increase magma viscosity promoting overpressure in is also relevant to magma fragmentation, as dis-
the shallow conduit, and (2) enhance magma permeability, cussed in Section 7.3.
eventually forming a dense, sealing plug at the top of the Some vulcanian eruptions are thought to ini-
conduit. After Clarke et€al. (2007) and Mueller et€al. (2008).
tiate when groundwater comes into contact with

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134 A M A N DA B . C L A R K E

magma or surrounding hot rock and, in turning 1981; Turcotte et€al., 1990; Woods, 1995; Druitt
to steam, increases pressure beneath the plug et€al., 2002; Clarke et€al., 2002a,b). Therefore the
and dislodges it (Schmincke, 1977; Fagents and fragmentation front meets magma with varying
Wilson, 1993). This process is distinct from that degrees of crystallinity, vesicularity, and viscos-
of phreatomagmatic fragmentation. In the case ity, partly explaining the wide range of eruptive
of vulcanian eruptions, groundwater vaporiza- products found in vulcanian deposits.
tion simply serves to dislodge the plug, which Key questions about the specifics of frag-
forces the underlying magma to fragment via a mentation in vulcanian eruptions remain
decompression-induced fragmentation wave. unanswered. What is the precise mechanism of
fragmentation at the front? How can the process
be quantified? What causes the fragmentation
front to stop? Many models of fragmentation
7.3╇ ╇Decompression and have been put forth (Chapter 4) that may help
fragmentation to answer these questions. The three most
common and important are discussed here: (1)
Upon plug disruption, a decompression wave strain-rate threshold (Dingwell, 1996; Papale,
travels at the local sound speed into the con- 1999); (2) tensile stress threshold (Zhang, 1999;
duit (Kieffer, 1981; Turcotte et€al., 1990; Woods, Melnik and Sparks, 2002); and (3) threshold vol-
1995). The decompression wave is followed ume fraction (Sparks, 1978).
closely by a fragmentation wave that may
travel more slowly through the bubbly magma 7.3.1â•… Strain-rate threshold
(Melnik and Sparks, 2002; Spieler et€ al., 2004a; High magma acceleration rates can generate
Fig. 7.1b). Behind the fragmentation front a mix- large strain rates that may result in a rheo-
ture of expanding gases and freshly produced logical transition from ductile to brittle behavior
pyroclasts is projected upward and expelled (Dingwell, 1996, 2001; Papale, 1999). Essentially,
from the conduit. The fragmentation wave is under high acceleration or high strain-rate
generally thought to fragment and quench the conditions, the magma relaxation or response
magma faster than dissolved gases can exsolve time may exceed the time over which stresses
in response to the decompression. Therefore, to are applied, causing the magma to behave in a
first order, exsolution of magmatic volatiles is brittle fashion, and leading to fragmentation.
assumed to be insignificant during fragmenta- Magma relaxation time τ increases with increas-
tion, and thus only volatiles that were already ing magma viscosity, therefore both increasing
in the vapor phase prior to plug disruption par- viscosity and increasing strain rate favor brit-
ticipate in the eruption (Sparks, 1978; Woods, tle fragmentation (Fig. 7.4). This concept can
1995; Melnik and Sparks, 2002; Clarke et€ al., be expressed mathematically via the Maxwell
2002a,b, 2007). Eruptive products therefore pre- relation
serve to some extent the pre-explosion state of
du 1 G
magma vesiculation. However, up to several = κ = κ ∞ (Papale, 1999) (7.3)
percent by volume bubble expansion can occur dz τ η
syn-explosively (i.e., during eruption), due to and
both bubble nucleation and growth (Melnik
and Sparks, 2002; Formenti and Druitt, 2003; du 1 G
= κ = κ ∞ (Gonnermann and Manga, 2003),
Giachetti et€al., 2010) and thus erupted clasts may dr τ η
be more vesicular than the pre-eruptive magma. (7.4)
Furthermore, because the velocity of the frag-
mentation wave greatly exceeds magma ascent where du/dz is the spatial velocity gradient (or
velocity (as the magma may have been stalled spatial acceleration) in the direction of flow
by the sealing plug), the magma can be assumed (equivalent to elongational strain rate), du/dr
to be stationary prior to fragmentation (Kieffer, is the spatial velocity gradient in the direction

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(Sparks, 1978). This concept can be expressed

quantitatively as follows (Zhang, 1998, 1999)
1 + 2φ
∆P − Pout > σ w , (7.5)
2(1 − φ )

where ϕ is magma vesicularity or bubble volume
fraction, Pout is the pressure on the outside sur-
face of the bubble (or the bubble shell), and σw
is the tensile strength of the bubble walls. This
simplified relationship assumes that all bubbles
Figure 7.4╇╇ Magma fragments, or fails brittlely under are spherical, are of the same size and distrib-
tension, at high viscosities and high strain rates. After uted uniformly throughout the melt such that
Dingwell (1996). the bubbly mixture is homogeneous, and that
each bubble is surrounded by a spherical shell
over which the stress in Eq. (7.5) is considered.
perpendicular to the direction of flow (equiva-
lent to shear strain rate), κ is an empirical 7.3.3â•… Bubble volume fraction
constant generally equal to 0.01 (Papale, 1999; According to a series of numerical solutions
Gonnermann and Manga, 2003), G∞ is the elastic (Sparks, 1978), bubbles should stop growing
modulus of the magma, which ranges from 3 to long before explosive fragmentation, primarily
30 GPa depending on composition and tempera- because of increasing melt viscosity. The solu-
ture. The first equation (Eq. (7.3)) represents the tions led to the concept that bubble volume
fragmentation threshold associated with elon- fraction never exceeds 66–83% vesicularity. This
gational strain, whereas the second (Eq. (7.4)) range of vesicularity is often used as a fragmen-
applies to shear strain. According to the elon- tation criterion in numerical models of magma
gational strain relationship (Eq. (7.3)) and over ascent (e.g., Wilson and Head, 1981; Melnik
a wide range of eruptive conditions, the gas vol- and Sparks, 2002; Dufek and Bergantz, 2005;
ume fraction (vesicularity) of the magma at frag- Koyaguchi, 2005).
mentation (for steady-state ascent) decreases
linearly with the logarithm of the magma viscos- 7.3.4â•…Summary discussion:
ity (Papale, 1999). This means that high-viscosity fragmentation
magmas can be fragmented at lower vesiculari- It is conceivable that each of these mechanisms
ties than low-viscosity magmas. For example, contributes to fragmentation in vulcanian erup-
magma with viscosity of 107 Pa s should frag- tions, depending on the specific circumstances.
ment at ~85% vesicularity, whereas magma with Upon plug disruption and decompression of the
viscosity of 108 Pa s should fragment at 60–65% underlying bubbly magma, one or both of the
vesicularity. strain-rate thresholds (Eqs. (7.3) and (7.4)) may be
exceeded due to magma acceleration in response
7.3.2â•… Tensile stress threshold to the sudden decompression (increasing both
Brittle failure may also occur when a thresh- du/dz and du/dr). The decompression also leads
old tensile stress is exceeded; this may happen to rapid bubble expansion, which should prod-
in a bubbly magma when the stress on bubble uce very high strain rates within bubble walls
walls exceeds the tensile strength of the magma such that bubble walls behave as a brittle solid
(Sparks, 1978; Alidibirov, 1994; Zhang, 1998, and interbubble partitions are ruptured instead
1999). Fragmentation of this sort is thought to of stretched (Alidibirov, 1994). The second cri-
occur by disruption of bubbles near the free terion may also apply because plug disruption
surface of a vesicular magma, where there can suddenly exposes the underlying magma to a
be a significant pressure gradient between the very low ambient pressure (Pout), which rapidly
ambient pressure and the bubble gas pressure increases ΔP (Eq. (7.5)) and thus the magma

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136 A M A N DA B . C L A R K E

exceeds the threshold overpressure criterion. fragmentation threshold. Accordingly, Mueller

Similarly, upon plug disruption, the volume et€ al. (2008) experimentally refine Eq. (7.6) as
fraction criterion may be reached as bubbles follows
expand in response to the decompression.
The effects of these three criteria on large- ∆Pfr = (1 + S) , (7.7)
scale dynamics have been tested via a series of
numerical solutions discussed in Section 7.9 where S = (a√k)/σm, ɑ is a constant (8.21 × 105 MPa
(Melnik and Sparks, 2002). In general, the spe- m−1) and k is the permeability of the magma.
cific choice of fragmentation criterion does not The corresponding propagation speed of the
significantly affect the resulting vent flux and fragmentation front, as measured experimen-
velocity. However, strain-rate and overpressure tally, generally falls between 2 and 70 m s−1 for
criteria tend to produce pulsatory eruptions, magmas with 20–60% vesicularity and increases
whereas the volume fraction criterion produces roughly linearly with the magnitude of the sud-
a single pulse. The numerical solutions also cal- den decompression (ΔP; Spieler et€ al., 2004a).
culate the fragmentation front according to a Maximum calculated fragmentation velocities
particular criterion at each time step, and thus (Section 7.3.4; Melnik and Sparks, 2002), greatly
obtain the fragmentation front velocity as a exceed experimental values, and the discrep-
function of time for each case. Maximum cal- ancy is difficult to explain. Possible explana-
culated fragmentation front velocities exceed tions include inappropriate model assumptions
200€m s−1 for the first two criteria and are less about fragmentation mechanisms, and simpli-
than 50 m s−1 for the volume-fraction criterion. fications required to perform fragmentation
7.3.5â•…Contributions from laboratory Vulcanian explosions stop when the frag-
experiments mentation front reaches magma that does not
Laboratory experiments have been used to test satisfy the appropriate fragmentation criteria.
fragmentation theories. The fragmentation This may occur when the front reaches a depth
threshold of a pressurized vesiculated magma in the conduit where: (1) the magma has insuf-
under rapid (nearly instantaneous) decompres- ficient vesicularity; (2) the bubbles are insuf-
sion has been quantified as follows ficiently overpressured; (3) the magma has
sufficiently low viscosity allowing it to respond
σm quickly to high strain rates; or (4) the front has
∆Pfr = , (7.6)
φ weakened such that the pressure gradient is
below the fragmentation threshold.
where σm is the effective tensile strength of the
magma (~1 MPa; Spieler et€ al., 2004b; Mueller
et€ al., 2008). This relationship holds for a wide
range of magma compositions, crystallinities, 7.4╇ ╇Vent conditions
and porosities. An interesting point to note is
that for magmas with > 20% vesicularity, a sud- The subsequent acceleration of the pyroclas-
den decompression of magnitude 5 MPa results tic mixture can be calculated by assuming
in fragmentation, whereas low vesicularity mag- that, upon decompression, available gas in the
mas (≤ 10% vesicularity) may require a sudden underlying magma expands as an ideal gas to
pressure drop in excess of 15 to 30 MPa. atmospheric pressure and accelerates the pyro-
Permeability has been shown to relieve bub- clasts to the same velocity as the gas itself (Self
ble pressure during propagation of a fragmen- et€al., 1979; Turcotte et€al., 1990; Woods, 1995).
tation wave (syn-fragmentation) by allowing Isothermal conditions can be assumed when
high-pressure volatiles to escape via connected heat is transferred from the clasts to the gas
bubble pathways in magma below the frag- on timescales shorter than the duration of the
mentation front. This effect serves to increase explosion. This is thought to occur when most

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or all of the pyroclasts are < 1 mm in diameter Solutions to this system of equations (7.8)–
(Woods, 1995). The resulting ascent of the pyro- (7.10) show that, in the isothermal limit (i.e., all
clastic mixture, assuming one-dimensional flow particles in thermal equilibrium with the gas;
through a conduit of constant cross-sectional f = 1), the corresponding velocity at the front
area, can be expressed in terms of the conserva- of the expanding pyroclastic mixture can be
tion of mass, momentum, and energy as follows approximated as follows (Woods, 1995):
(Turcotte et€al., 1990; Woods, 1995):
1 P
( nRTγ ) ln  0  ,
1/ 2
∂ρ b ∂ ( ρ b u ) uf ≅ (7.11)
+ = 0 (conservation of mass). (7.8) γ P
∂t ∂z
where R is the gas constant for water vapor, T is
The first term represents unsteadiness in the
the mixture temperature, P is the pressure of the
system, the second term is the inertial term
mixture at any given time (atmospheric pressure
(represented by the spatial gradient), and the
Pa upon complete decompression), and P0 is the
zero on the right-hand side indicates that no
initial (pre-explosion) pressure inside the con-
mass enters or leaves the system. Here, ρb is the
duit. The ratio of specific heats for the mixture,
bulk density of the expanding mixture, t is time,
γ, approaches 1 for typical pyroclastic mixtures
z is the vertical coordinate, and u is the vertical
(Wohletz, 2001) and can be approximated as
velocity of the mixture.
γ = 1+ . (7.12)
∂u ∂u 1 ∂P c g n + c m (1 − n) f
+u =− −g−F
∂t ∂z ρ b ∂z (7.9)
Solutions for a wide range of initial gas mass
(conservation of momentum).
fractions (0.01–0.1), initial temperatures (600–
The first term on the left-hand side is the tem- 1400 K), and initial pressure ratios across the
poral acceleration of the flow, and the second plug (0–100) reveal interesting trends (some
is the remaining inertial term. The first term solutions are shown in Fig. 7.5; Woods, 1995).
on the right-hand side is the pressure gradi- Vent velocity increases with increasing pressure
ent (which drives the flow; flow moves in the ratio and increasing volatile mass fraction. Mass
direction of a negative pressure gradient), g is flux per unit cross-sectional area of the conduit
gravitational acceleration which retards flow, increases with increasing pressure ratio (due
and F (approximated as 0.01; Wilson and Head, to an increase in vent velocity) and decreases
1981) represents the frictional forces that also with increasing volatile mass fraction (due to a
retard the flow. Typically, gravity and friction decrease in mixture density).
can be ignored because, during the first several As stated above, the isothermal assump-
seconds of the expansion, these two terms are tion breaks down when a significant portion of
small relative to the pressure, acceleration, and the pyroclasts are > 1 mm, resulting in higher
inertial terms. values of γ. Assuming dynamic equilibrium, the
corresponding solution for flow-front velocity is
 1  (Woods 1995)
Pd   + ( c m f ( 1 − n ) + c g n ) dT = 0
 ρb  (7.10) 1/ 2  γ −1

(conservation of energy), 2  nRT γ    P0  2 − 1  .
uf ≅   (7.13)
γ −1 γ    P  
 
where f represents the proportion of solids in
thermal equilibrium with the gas during decom- Mixture velocity decreases and mixture dens-
pression, n is the mass fraction of volatiles par- ity increases with increasing levels of thermal
ticipating in the explosion, cm is the specific heat disequilibrium (increasing proportion of large
of the magma (~1100 J kg−1 K−1), cg is the specific clasts; Fig. 7.5), pushing the system toward
heat of the volatile phase at constant volume gravitational collapse and formation of pyro-
(~1000 J kg−1 K−1). clastic density currents. These general trends

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138 A M A N DA B . C L A R K E

Explosion velocity, u, (m s–1) 350 Eq. (7.11) (iso) been used to calculate vent velocities (Clarke
300 et€ al., 2002a); multiphase solutions are reason-
250 ably consistent with the pseudogas/shock tube
200 relationships. Details of the shock-tube relations
Eq. (7.13) (non-iso)
are presented in Section 7.5 and the various
model solutions are compared in Figure 7.5.
Eq. (7.18) The vent flux associated with vulcanian erup-
tions is thought to be highly impulsive. The ini-
0 tial phase accelerates rapidly and quickly wanes.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Pressure ratio across plug, P0/Pa (or p4/p1) When the fragmentation wave reaches unfrag-
mentable magma, the vent flux decays to near
Figure 7.5╇╇ Calculated vent velocities for a range of initial zero, although sustained gas exhalations fol-
pressure ratios, using four methods of calculation. The lowing the main pulse have been documented
Woods (1995) isothermal solution (Eq. (7.11)) with 0.01 for several eruptions (Hoblitt et€al., 1996; Druitt
mass fraction volatiles at 1000 K (solid black line) significantly
et€al., 2002). Seismic (Druitt et€al., 2002) and com-
exceeds velocities calculated using shock-tube equations
putational evidence (Clarke et€al., 2002a) of the
for pseudogas mixtures (Eq. (7.18); dashed line, where fluid
properties in the high-pressure, pre-explosion conduit, impulsive nature of the vent flux is shown in
region 4, are calculated to be γ4 = 1.004 and c4 = 30 m s−1), Figure 7.6.
and numerical solutions to full Navier–Stokes, multiphase
equations (triangles, Clarke et€al., 2002a). The non-isothermal
solution (Eq. (7.13); Woods, 1995) for 0.01 mass fraction
volatiles, initial temperature of 1000 K, and 3% of particles 7.5╇ ╇ Shock waves
< 1 mm (dashed-dotted line) is very similar to the shock-tube
and multiphase solutions.
Leading shock waves are a consequence (or
propagation) of the pressure discontinuity
are consistent with earlier solutions presented between the high-pressure, gas-rich magma in
in Self et€al. (1979). Note that this effect is inde- the conduit and the atmosphere. They propagate
pendent of clast settling velocity, which is not ahead of and, according to shock-tube theory,
considered here. In this regard, it is important drive motion of the pyroclastic mixture. Leading
to keep in mind that in reality large clasts may shock waves are sometimes visible because they
settle out of the rising mixture, contributing to condense atmospheric water vapor, allowing
the formation of pyroclastic density currents their properties to be documented and meas-
and/or reducing the density of the remaining ured (Nairn, 1976; Ishihara, 1985; Morrissey and
mixture, allowing it to rise buoyantly. Chouet, 1997). Shock waves are characterized
Other approaches (e.g., Ishihara, 1985; by a sharp increase in atmospheric pressure,
Chojnicki et€al., 2006) treat the system as a shock followed by a dip to a pressure that is less than
tube and calculate the velocity of the expanding ambient, producing a characteristic N-shaped
mixture according to equations for shock-driven wave, which has been documented by stationary
flow (Saad, 1985). In some cases, the mixture pressure sensors (Morrissey and Chouet, 1997).
is treated as a thermally and dynamically per- The amplitude of the wave decays nonlinearly
fectly coupled fluid, termed a pseudogas. The with decreasing initial pressure ratio across the
sound speed c and ratio of specific heats γ of a plug and with increasing distance from source.
pseudogas are significantly less than values for For the simple case of adiabatic and inviscid
the gas alone (Kieffer, 1981; Dobran et€al., 1993; flow of an ideal gas, shock characteristics have
Wohletz, 2001). Shock-tube/pseudogas methods been derived in terms of the pre-explosion pres-
for a given pre-explosion pressure ratio tend to sure ratio across the plug (p4/p1) by solving the
predict lower vent velocities relative to solu- conservation of mass, momentum, and energy
tions of Turcotte et€al. (1990) and Woods (1995). equations over a control volume that encom-
Multiphase models that account for heat and passes and travels along with the shock wave
momentum exchange between phases have also (Saad, 1985). In Equations (7.14)−(7.18), subscript

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(a)  104 Figure 7.6╇╇ Seismic signal associated

with the 7 August 1997 vulcanian

eruption at the Soufrière Hills volcano,

Montserrat. (a) Unfiltered signal.
–2 (b) Low-frequency portion of the
–4 signal (0.5–2 Hz). (c) High-frequency
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 portion (> 4 Hz). (d) Mass flux vs. time
(b)  104
4 calculated by multiphase models of
2 (vent flux) vulcanian eruptions from Clarke et€al.
0.5–2.0 Hz

(2002a). The high-frequency onset (c)

represents rock fracture associated
with plug disruption. The first 20 s of
–4 low-frequency signal (bracketed by
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
(c)  104 vertical lines) represents the main
High-frequency onset phase of mass flux. ╛After Druitt et€al.
2 (plug disruption) (2002).
4.0–35 Hz


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time, t (s)
Mass flux ( 107 kg s–1)

Time, t (s)

1 represents atmospheric conditions, 2 repre- ratio across the plug p4/p1 can be expressed in
sents conditions in the region behind the shock, terms of shock strength
but outside the conduit, and 4 represents prop- 2γ 4
erties in the pre-explosion, high-pressure con- 

 (γ 4 − 1)
c p 
duit (Regions 1, 2 and 4 in Fig. 7.1). Assuming  ( γ 4 − 1)  c 1   p2 − 1 
p 4 p2   4  1  
adiabatic and inviscid flow, the shock strength, = 1−  ,
or pressure ratio across the shock p2/p1 (Fig. 7.1), p1 p1  p  
 2γ 1 2γ 1 + ( γ 1 + 1)  2 − 1 
can be expressed in terms of the shock Mach   p1  
number, Ms = vs/c, where vs is the shock velocity (7.15)
and c is the speed of sound in the atmosphere
(~330 m s−1 for a standard terrestrial atmos- and in terms of Ms
phere; Saad, 1985)
2γ 4

p2 2γ 1  γ 4 − 1  c1  2  (γ 4 − 1)
= 1+
γ1 + 1
( M2s − 1) , (7.14)  (
  Ms − 1 )
p4 = γ 1 − 1  2γ 1 M 2 − 1 1 − γ 4 + 1  c 4   .
p1 
γ1 + 1 γ1 −1
s 
  Ms 
where γ1 is the ratio of specific heats for the fluid  
 
into which the shock is propagating, in this case,
the atmosphere. In turn, the initial pressure

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140 A M A N DA B . C L A R K E

The sound speed for a pseudogas can be approx-

imated as

RT   ρg  
c4 =  n + (1 − n)    , (7.17)
n   ρm  

where ρg and ρm are the densities of water vapor

at high pressure and the magma particles,
respectively (Dobran et€al., 1993). Equation (7.12)
is an appropriate expression for the ratio of spe-
cific heats γ4 for a pseudogas (f =1), while γ1â•›=â•›1.4
for the atmospheric gas. Equations (7.14)–(7.16)
must be solved by trial and error to calcu-
late pressure ratios (see Exercise 7.1 at end of
Recent experimental work by Chojnicki et€al.
(2006) shows that the above relationships (Eqs.
(7.14)–(7.17)), used with pseudogas fluid proper-
ties, under-predict one-dimensional laboratory
shock strength and speed. This is in part due to
the fact that, generally speaking, the shock wave
is formed by the expanding gas alone, and parti-
cles simply hinder gas motion via an interphase
drag force, rather than change the properties of
the gas phase entirely. These findings are con-
sistent with earlier work in which shock char-
acteristics were calculated using solutions to Figure 7.7╇╇ (a) Shock strength and (b) leading shock
propagation velocity calculated using 1D pseudogas
the full Navier–Stokes equations for multiphase
shock-tube relationships (Eqs. (7.14)–(7.16); solid lines), using
mixtures of gas and solid particles (Morrissey
axi-symmetric multiphase simulations (squares; Morrissey and
and Chouet, 1997). Comparisons are presented Chouet, 1997), and measured in the laboratory under 1D
in Figure 7.7. The interphase drag reduces shock conditions (triangles; Chojnicki et€al., 2006).
strength and velocity relative to shock waves
created by an ideal gas alone; the magnitude
1/ 2
of this reduction is independent of particle size  2γ 1 
(Morrissey and Chouet, 1997; Chojnicki et€ al., c 1  p2   γ1 + 1 
uf = − 1   . (7.18)
2006). Shock speed increases with increasing γ 1  p1   p2 + γ 1 − 1 
gas volume fraction in the magma beneath the  p1 γ 1 + 1 

Shock waves generated at Sakurajima vol- Values calculated from Eq. (7.18) are compared
cano moved with velocities of 440−500 m s−1 against other models in Figure 7.5. Discussion
(Ishihara, 1985); experiments (Chojnicki et€ al., of model differences is left to Exercise 7.2 (see
2006) suggest corresponding pre-explosion con- end of chapter).
duit pressures of 1.5–10 MPa, which compares
reasonably well with values of 0.2−5 MPa calcu-
lated from shock wave strength (Morrissey and 7.6╇ ╇ Compressibility
Chouet, 1997).
The velocity of the fluid expanding behind Because vulcanian eruptions initiate via a sud-
the shock is den decompression of a high-pressure bubbly

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magma, the resulting pyroclastic mixture may Reynolds number, defined as the ratio of
enter the atmosphere in an overpressured state. inertial to viscous forces, can be written for vul-
This means that compressibility may be critical canian jets as
to understanding the subsequent propagation
ρ b uL
of the pyroclastic mixture. The combination Re = , (7.19)
of field observations from the Soufrière Hills
volcano, Montserrat, British West Indies, and where u is flow velocity, L is a characteristic
multi-phase models for gas–particle mixtures length scale (usually the vent diameter), and ηb
(similar to that used in Morrissey and Chouet, is the bulk dynamic viscosity of the pyroclastic
1997) shows that pressure inside the volcanic mixture. Re values for typical vulcanian erup-
jets adjusts to atmospheric pressure within 50 tions range from 105 to 107 and even as high
m from the vent (less than two vent diameters) as 108 for some large diameter jets; u can be as
and that initially supersonic flows decelerate high as 400 m s−1; L is on the order of tens of
to subsonic conditions over similar distances meters, although some vents can be hundreds of
(Formenti et€al., 2003). This finding is reasonably meters in diameter; and ρb can range from less
consistent with other field observations (Hoblitt, than 1 kg m−3 (less than atmospheric density,
1986, Sparks et€ al., 1997; Clarke et€ al., 2002a; and therefore buoyant) to as high as 100 kg€m−3;
Druitt et€al., 2002; Formenti et€al., 2003). We can corresponding values of ηb are 10−4−10−1 Pa s
apply, with some assumptions, relationships (Wohletz, 2001). Although some characteristics
derived from experiments on steady, super- such as the length scales of the smallest turbu-
sonic, overpressured, ideal-gas jets (Yüceil and lent eddies depend on Re, nearly all vulcanian
Ötügen, 2002) to the problem of vulcanian erup- eruptions are well within the turbulent regime,
tions. For initial conduit pressures ranging from and thus inertial forces far outweigh viscous
1 to 10 MPa, fluid properties of volcanic gas–par- forces, and in general flow can be assumed to be
ticle mixtures, and conduit diameters <€100 m, inviscid, except near boundaries.
we find that vulcanian jets should reach atmos- Richardson number (Ri) is defined as the
pheric pressure by no more than 700 m from ratio of buoyancy forces to inertial forces and
source in the most extreme cases, and by no can be expressed as
more than 100 m from source in typical erup- gL
tions. During the decompression to atmospheric Ri = , (7.20)
pressure, the jet expands in width by a factor of
where the reduced gravity, g′ = g(ρb − ρa)/ρa, and
2−8. Over this same distance, the jet accelerates,
ρa is the ambient (atmospheric) density at the
but only by as much as 10%. Simultaneously, the
vent. Ri expresses whether a vulcanian eruption
density of the mixture decreases significantly,
is dominated by positive or negative buoyancy
by up to a factor of 70.
forces (large Ri), by momentum forces (small
Ri), or whether both momentum and buoyancy
are important (Ri ~ 1).
7.7╇ ╇Pyroclastic phase: vertical Total buoyancy injected B can be expressed as
ascent B = g′â•›V, where V is the volume of fluid injected
(time integrated volume flux), and total momen-
Key fluid dynamics principles that should be tum injected M can be expressed as M = u0V,
considered when describing the subsequent where u0 is the initial velocity at the vent.
pyroclastic phase (beyond the vent) of vul- Ascent of the pyroclastic mixture associated
canian eruptions are Reynolds number (Re), with a vulcanian eruption may be described by
reduced gravity (g’), Richardson number (Ri), one of three simplified models: they may behave
total injected buoyancy (B), and total injected as thermals (short releases of a buoyant fluid),
momentum (M). impulsive jets (short injections of fluid imparting

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142 A M A N DA B . C L A R K E

Figure 7.8╇╇ (a) Recent eruption of Fuego volcano

(Guatemala) showing release of a buoyant eruption cloud
into the pyroclastic mixture as it propagates,
(thermal). (b) Streak lines illustrating velocity vectors for a where ε is the entrainment coefficient, and rp
laboratory experiment of an isolated thermal, showing upflow is the radius of the pyroclastic jet. The pressure
in center of thermal and downflow at the edges (modified term is neglected in the momentum equation
from Turner, 1973). See color plates section. because it is small relative to the gravity term.
Equation (7.23) simply states that buoyancy flux
initial momentum, but no buoyancy), or forced is conserved, while the right-hand side goes to
thermals (short injections of a buoyant fluid with zero in a uniform ambient environment. For a
both initial momentum and buoyancy). Note stably stratified environment, such as the atmos-
that the term forced thermals introduced here is phere, N is the local Brunt–Väisälä frequency,
modeled after the terminology of Morton (1959) which is defined as the natural oscillation fre-
which refers to a steady, sustained release of both quency of a parcel of fluid of density ρ0 displaced
buoyancy and momentum as a forced plume. from its equilibrium position, quantified as N2 =
To address motion above the vent, the gov- (–g/ρ0)(dρa/dz). Similarity solutions (for thermals;
erning one-dimensional equations can be sim- Turner, 1973) and dimensional analysis (impul-
plified according to the Boussinesq assumption, sive jets and forced thermals; Clarke et€al., 2009)
where density differences between fluids are lead to the following generalized relationships
ignored except in the buoyancy terms. In the for flow-front velocity vs. time.
one-dimensional case, we also ignore lateral Thermals are defined as sudden (nearly
variations in velocity and fluid properties. The instantaneous) releases of a finite volume of
resulting conservation of mass, momentum, buoyant fluid, such that the timescale of release
and buoyancy are (summarized in Turner, 1973) is much less than the timescale of flow propa-
gation. Vertical motion of a thermal is con-
d 2 trolled entirely by the total buoyancy injected B.

( rp u ) = 2ε rp u (conservation of mass), (7.21) Thermals are the unsteady/impulsive equivalent

to plumes, which are steady, continuous releases
( rp2 u 2 ) = rp2 g ’ (conservation of momentum), of a buoyant fluid. Thermals commonly have
dz spherical morphology and resemble a spherical
(7.22) vortex in which flow is non-uniform, with upflow
in the center and downflow at the edges (Turner,
d 2

( )
rp ug = − rp2 uN 2 (conservation of buoyancy ). 1973; Fig. 7.8). The vertical velocity of a thermal
uB varies as z−1, where z is the height above the
source, and as t−1/2, where t is the time after the
The right-hand side of the conservation of mass is release (Fig. 7.9). Specific eruptions that behave
non-zero because mass is turbulently entrained as thermals are some of the ongoing eruptions

9780521895439c07_p129-152.indd 142 8/2/2012 9:50:11 AM


Figure 7.9╇╇Vertical flow front velocity vs. time for

three different vulcanian eruptions. The 1975 eruption of Figure 7.10╇╇Total volume (DRE = 2500 kg m−3) and total
Ngauruhoe (New Zealand) was dominated by momentum mass erupted vs. time (Eq. (7.24)) for the 7 August 1997
M (impulsive jet) as shown by the relationship uM ~t–-3/4 eruption of the Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat, calculated
(squares; Self et€al., 1979). The 1982 eruption of Sakurajima from the experimentally derived relationship of Clarke et€al.
(Japan) was dominated by buoyancy B (thermal) as shown (2009) which relates flow-front velocity to source conditions
by the relationship uB ~ tâ•›−1/2 (diamonds; Ishihara, 1985). total momentum (M) and total buoyancy (B) injected. A value
The 7 August 1997 eruption of the Soufrière Hills volcano of 20 kg m−3 was assumed for ρb (Formenti et€al., 2003). In
(Montserrat, British West Indies), was controlled by both this case the calculated eruption rate is 108 kg s−1, lasting
momentum M and buoyancy B (forced thermal), as shown by approximately 10 s, resulting in a total of 109 kg erupted. The
the relationship uMB ~ tâ•›−1 triangles; Clarke et€al., 2002a). calculated values are reasonably consistent with independent
estimates of Druitt et€al. (2002). (Modified from Clarke et€al.,
of Fuego and Santiaguito volcanoes (Yamamoto
et€al., 2008), both in Guatemala, as well as a 1982
eruption of Sakurajima volcano, Japan (Fig. 7.9). the Soufrière Hills volcano (Fig. 7.9, Clarke et€al.,
Analogous short injections of momentum 2002a; Formenti et€al., 2003).
only (i.e., impulsive jets) can be used to describe For the mixed momentum and buoyancy
other vulcanian eruptions. In such cases, (forced thermal) case, consolidation of experi-
throughout most of the flow, the vertical vel- mental data reveals a relationship between two
ocity of the flow front uM scales as t−3/4 (Clarke nondimensional terms, which upon rearranging
et€al., 2009). This scaling breaks down far from allows one to calculate the total erupted mass as
source, where buoyancy may become significant follows (Clarke et€al., 2009)
due to entrainment and heating of the ambient ρ b u MB
t 4 g′
air during propagation. The well-documented Mass = 2
. (7.24)
eruptions of Ngauruhoe appear to be purely
momentum-driven, as can be seen in Figure 7.9. An example application of this relationship to
Still other eruptions are best explained by a short field observations is presented in Figure 7.10.
injection of both momentum and buoyancy (i.e., Vertical flow-front velocity vs. time is reasonably
forced thermals). These eruptions exhibit more easy to measure using a video camera (Sparks and
rapid deceleration (uMB scales as t−1) than either Wilson, 1982). However, the primary weakness
a purely buoyant thermal (uB scales as t−1/2) or a of Eq. (7.24) is the difficulty in constraining ρb
purely momentum-driven unsteady jet (uM scales and the corresponding g′, as pyroclastic mixtures
as t−3/4) (Clarke et€ al., 2009). Examples of this can exit a vent with a wide range of solid particle
third type include: a February 1990 eruption of concentrations; mixture densities can range over
Lascar volcano in Chile (Sparks et€ al., 1997), a two orders of magnitude (< 1–100 kg m−3).
July 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens in the The three flow categories described above
western US (Hoblitt, 1986), and two eruptions of are thought to have different atmospheric

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144 A M A N DA B . C L A R K E

Figure 7.11╇╇ Pyroclastic density currents are generated

when the pyroclastic mixture never becomes buoyant
and collapses due to gravity. The collapse may initiate (a) a for large vent radii, low vent velocities, high
few meters above the vent (boil-over) or (b) hundreds of solid mass fractions at the vent (Wilson et€ al.,
meters above the vent, depending on the initial momentum 1978; 1980; Chapter 8), and for large particles
(controlled by initial pressure and volatile content) and (Wohletz and Valentine, 1990; Woods, 1995).
entrainment characteristics. See color plates section. Depending on vent conditions and entrain-
ment characteristics, vulcanian eruptions may
entrainment coefficients ε, as is the case also collapse and produce pyroclastic density
for the well-documented steady equivalents currents (Fig. 7.11), as at Mount St. Helens in
(Chapter 8), which may partially explain their 1980 (Hoblitt, 1986), and at the Soufrière Hills
different deceleration patterns. Typical entrain- volcano, Montserrat, in 1997 (Druitt et€al., 2002;
ment coefficients for steady, axisymmetric, Clarke et€al., 2002a).
momentum-driven jets are 0.065–0.116 (Turner, Although the dynamics of pyroclastic ejec-
1973; Sparks et€al., 1997), generally smaller than tion have been necessarily simplified to calcu-
the entrainment coefficients for steady, axi- late key parameters such as exit velocity, mass
symmetric plumes (0.12) and thermals (0.25). flux, column height, and collapse characteris-
Entrainment constants for impulsive jets and tics, careful observations have led to documen-
forced thermals are not well documented. tation of interesting complex phenomenology.
Furthermore, entrainment may be a function of Detailed analysis of the 1997 vulcanian erup-
local Richardson number (Kaminski et€al., 2005), tions of the Soufrière Hills volcano reveals that
overpressure, distance from vent (Solovitz and explosion initiation involves multiple, individ-
Mastin, 2009), and vent geometry, and thus ual �finger-jets that have distinct characteristics
coefficients may vary as the flow evolves, mak- and progressively increasing velocities (Formenti
ing the assumption of a constant ε an oversim- et€ al., 2003). These observations indicate that
plification. These complexities are important there were pre-explosive gradients in volatiles
because column collapse is in part controlled by in the shallow conduit, and that fragmentation,
entrainment in the near-vent region. especially in the initial stages, was heteroge-
For steady plume-forming eruptions, pyro- neous in time and space. Corresponding cal-
clastic density currents (Chapter 10) are favored culated entrainment coefficients are very low

9780521895439c07_p129-152.indd 144 8/2/2012 9:50:13 AM


(0.01) for individual jets, and this inefficient typical volcanic conditions (Fagents and Wilson,
entrainment is thought to have contributed to 1993; Waitt et€al., 1995; Mastin, 2001).
collapse and pyroclastic flow formation. In the vertical (z) direction, the ballistic block
is subject to both drag and gravitational forces:

dv z − v z ρa v′ACd ρ − ρa
7.8╇ ╇ Ballistic analysis
−g r
. (7.26)

Ballistic blocks or bombs are typically associ- The second term on the right accounts for the
ated with vulcanian eruptions and are thought buoyancy of the clast in air; however, in most
to represent the disrupted sealing plug. Ballistic cases, ballistic block density ρr greatly exceeds
block fields have been documented carefully for atmospheric density and the second term goes
the 1977 phreatomagmatic eruptions of Ukinrek to –g. Vertical velocity can be expressed as
Maars, Alaska (Self et€al., 1980), the 1992 subplin- v sin θ.
ian eruptions of Crater Peak Vent, Mount Spurr Solutions to Eqs. (7.25) and (7.26) can be
volcano, Alaska (Waitt et€al., 1995), the 1997 vul- used to interpret observed ballistic trajectories
canian eruptions of the Soufrière Hills volcano (range, size, and perhaps launch angle if avail-
(Druitt et€al., 2002), and the 1999 vulcanian erup- able) in terms of initial vent velocity (Wilson,
tions of Guagua Pichincha volcano, Ecuador 1972; Fagents and Wilson, 1993; Waitt et€ al.,
(Wright et€ al., 2007), among others. Blocks on 1995; Mastin, 2001) and sometimes in terms of
the order of a half meter in diameter can be initial vent pressure (Ishihara, 1985). Because
launched to 3 km from the vent, and in some of the high velocity of the ejecting mixture sur-
cases smaller blocks can reach > 6 km from the rounding the ballistic, one may ignore drag in
vent. In general, ballistic size decreases with dis- the region immediately around the vent because
tance from the vent. However, in some cases the the ejecting fluid is moving at (nearly) the same
opposite is true because of complex drag inter- velocity as the ballistic clast (v′ = 0) (Fagents and
actions between the blocks and the expanding Wilson, 1993); or in some cases, the accelerat-
pyroclastic mixture and the surrounding air (Self ing effect of a surrounding pyroclastic mixture
et€al., 1980; Waitt et€al., 1995; de’ Michieli Vitturi must be considered (de’ Michieli Vitturi et€ al.,
et€al., 2010). Their sizes, trajectories, ranges, and 2010). Overestimation of the drag coefficient,
textures can be used to infer pre-explosion or total drag near the vent, or launch angle results
vent conditions. in a significant overestimate of initial ballistic
Ballistic trajectories can be calculated by velocity.
solving Newton’s second law of motion, F =
ma (force equals mass times acceleration) for a
known launch velocity and angle. In the hori-
7.9╇ ╇Transitions in eruption style or
zontal (x) direction, the ballistic clast is subject
to drag forces alone: scale
dv x − v x ρ a v′ACd Vulcanian eruptions may transform into sus-
= . (7.25)
dt 2m tained, quasi-steady explosive eruptions or
Horizontal velocity vx is equivalent to v cos θ, may end suddenly to be replaced by effusive
where v is the total velocity of the clast and θ dome-building. As stated in Section 7.3, it is rea-
is the trajectory angle relative to the horizon- sonable to assume that gas does not diffuse from
tal; A is the cross-sectional area of the clast; v′ the melt into bubbles during propagation of the
is the clast velocity relative to the motion of the fragmentation front into the conduit. However,
surrounding fluid (= v€ – w); and Cd is the drag when volatile diffusion is fast and efficient, such
coefficient (a function of particle Re, where clast as for high bubble number densities and large
diameter is the characteristic length scale in diffusion coefficients, this assumption becomes
Eq. (7.19)) and may vary between 0.06 and 1 for invalid. For these cases, numerical solutions to

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146 A M A N DA B . C L A R K E

complex systems of equations have been used 2006). Corresponding solutions show that no
to explore the effects of syn-explosion gas dif- gas exsolution during fragmentation results
fusion on eruption characteristics (Melnik and in a single explosive pulse (until magma can
Sparks, 2002; Mason et€al., 2006). Results suggest slowly ascend in response to conduit evacu-
that indeed some amount of syn-explosion gas ation and prepare for another explosion), inter-
diffusion may extend the scale and duration of a mediate (disequilibrium) syn-fragmentation gas
given vulcanian eruption, may explain repeated, exsolution leads to pulsatory eruptions, and the
pulsatory explosions, and may result in a transi- equilibrium case results in sustained eruption
tion in eruptive style, leading to a quasi-steady (Melnik and Sparks, 2002). Greater total volatile
subplinian eruption. content for a given set of conditions pushes the
The role of syn-fragmentation gas exsolu- system toward multiple pulses or quasi-steady
tion can be determined by examining the Peclet behavior (Mason et€ al., 2006). The addition of
number (Pe), which is the ratio of the timescale crystals tends to increase the depth to which the
for gas exsolution to the timescale of fragmenta- fragmentation front reaches for a single pulse
tion (Navon and Lyakhovsky, 1998; Melnik and because of increased viscosity. However mag-
Sparks, 2002; Proussevitch and Sahagian, 2005; mas with low crystal fractions (low viscosities)
Koyaguchi and Mitani, 2005; Mason et€al., 2006). are more likely to stabilize into a steady-state
The timescale of exsolution is determined by eruption because the magma will more eas-
the rate of diffusion of a volatile in the melt of ily ascend to meet and feed the fragmentation
interest and the length scale in question. The wave (Mason et€al., 2006).
timescale of fragmentation is a function of the Transition from periodic explosions to effu-
distance between the decompression wave and sive activity may occur when permeability,
the fragmentation front and the velocity of the rather than fragmentation, develops either
fragmentation front relative to the (possibly) throughout the magma (Mueller et€al., 2008) or
ascending unfragmented magma; this relative along conduit walls (Gonnermann and Manga,
velocity is simply the difference between the 2003; Tuffen et€ al., 2003), and therefore sup-
two velocity vectors (Melnik and Sparks, 2002). presses explosion. A particular sequence of peri-
When Pe ≫ 1, syn-fragmentation gas exsolution odic explosive eruptions at the Soufrière Hills
can be ignored; when Pe ≪ 1, it must be consid- volcano in 2003 is thought to have ended in this
ered. The degree of gas exsolution may be quan- way via permeable escape of gas along conduit
tified according to a diffusion parameter that walls (Edmonds and Herd, 2007).
describes the intensity of gas exsolution dur-
ing fragmentation; this parameter is a function
of bubble number density per unit volume of
magma and the diffusion coefficient of water in 7.10╇ ╇Summary and future
the melt (Melnik and Sparks, 2002; Mason et€al., directions
2006). End-members are zero gas exsolution
(the simplifying assumption in Section 7.3) and Vulcanian eruptions are very common and may
the equilibrium case in which gas exsolution present significant hazards to surrounding
instantaneously responds to decompression. populations. Their impulsive nature, unsteady
The system can be represented by dynamics, as well as the potential importance
one-dimensional conservation equations that of compressible fluid flow, makes theoretical
account for the difference in pressure between understanding of their characteristics difficult.
the bubbles and the magma (Eq. (7.2)), allow Furthermore, factors contributing to setting up
gas exsolution during fragmentation (depend- conditions sufficient for explosion initiation
ing on Pe), and allow underlying magma to remain less than fully understood, primarily
ascend in response to the decompression asso- because complex relationships exist among
ciated with conduit evacuation (Melnik and magma degassing and crystallization, magma
Sparks 2002; Melnik et€ al., 2005; Mason et€ al., permeability, and pressurization of the shallow

9780521895439c07_p129-152.indd 146 8/2/2012 9:50:14 AM


conduit. Vulcanian eruptions may transform into • Leading shock waves may propagate through
sustained explosive volcanic eruptions, or may the atmosphere ahead of the eruption front.
be replaced by effusion, offering an interesting • Ejection of ballistic blocks, which represent
focus of study for those interested in transitions the former conduit plug, often characterizes
in eruption style. Future observations and meas- the initial phases of vulcanian eruptions.
urements of dynamic conditions will improve • Quantitative characteristics of shock waves,
understanding. Useful measurements include explosion flow front, and ballistic blocks and
temporal evolution of plume and pyroclastic their trajectories can be used to constrain vent
flow morphology and flow-front velocity using fluxes and pre-eruption conduit conditions.
simple stationary video camera (e.g., Sparks
and Wilson, 1982). These values can be com-
pared to theoretical understanding of controls 7.12╇ ╇ Notation
on flow propagation (thermal, impulsive jet,
forced thermal), and be used to calculate total a constant equal to 8.21 x 105 (MPa m−1)
mass erupted (Clarke et€ al., 2009) and entrain- A cross-sectional area of ballistic block (m2)
ment coefficients (Formenti et€al., 2003). Profiles B total buoyancy injected/erupted, = g′V
of plume and pyroclastic flow temperature, vel- (m4 s−2)
ocity, and particle concentration are also useful c speed of sound in the atmosphere
data. Currently such measurements are very c1 speed of sound in fluid in low-pressure
difficult or impossible to make; however new region (m s−1)
ground-based imaging techniques (e.g., Doppler c4 speed of sound in fluid in high-pressure
radar, thermal-IR, and UV cameras; Yamamoto region (m s−1)
et€ al., 2008) may make them possible in the cm specific heat of the magma
future, offering a potentially fruitful pathway (J kg−1 K−1)
for development and testing of new measure- cg specific heat of the volatile phase
ment techniques. (J kg−1 K−1)
Cd drag coefficient for ballistic block
d diameter of plume/jet at the vent (m)
7.11╇ ╇ Summary D conduit diameter (m)
f the proportion of solids in thermal
• Vulcanian eruptions are characteristically equilibrium with the gas during eruption
short-lived and are fed by highly unsteady F frictional forces per unit mass (N kg−1)
vent flux, distinguishing them from subplin- g gravitational acceleration (m s−2)
ian eruptions. g′ reduced gravity, = g(ρb– ρa)/ρa (m s−2)
• Vulcanian eruptions represent a transitional G∞ elastic modulus of the magma (Pa)
eruption style, and may occur before or after k permeability of a bubbly magma (m2)
long-lived explosive eruptions or extended m mass of ballistic block (kg)
periods of dome growth. L characteristic length scale (m)
• Pyroclast grain size and dispersal area for vulca- M total momentum injected/erupted,
nian eruptions do not follow a particular trend; = vz0V (m4 s−1)
vulcanian deposit characteristics overlap with Mass total mass erupted (kg)
many other styles of explosive eruption. n mass fraction of volatiles in the erupting
• Plug formation and disruption are critical to mixture
generating vulcanian eruptions. N Brunt–Väisälä (buoyancy) frequency (s−1)
• During the main phase of a vulcanian erup- p2/p1 shock strength, ratio of pressures behind
tion, a fragmentation front progressively and ahead of shock
accesses deeper and deeper magma, which p4/p1 ratio of pressures in high-pressure
in part explains the varied nature of eruption (pre-explosion conduit) region to
products. low-pressure region above plug

9780521895439c07_p129-152.indd 147 8/2/2012 9:50:14 AM

148 A M A N DA B . C L A R K E

P pressure of magma or pyroclastic γ ratio of the specific heats at constant

mixture (Pa) pressure and constant volume of the
P0 initial (pre-explosion) pressure inside the gas–particle mixture
conduit (Pa) γ1 ratio of coefficient specific heats of fluid
P a atmospheric pressure (Pa) in low-pressure region
Pout pressure on outer surface of bubble γ4 ratio of coefficient specific heats of fluid
shell (Pa) in high-pressure region
ΔP pressure difference between η magma viscosity (Pa s)
bubble volatiles and magma ηb bulk or effective viscosity of
(overpressure; Pa) gas–particle mixture (Pa s)
ΔPfr fragmentation threshold for a κ empirical constant
pressurized magma (Pa) θ angle of block trajectory measured from
r radial coordinate (m) horizontal ε˚)
rb bubble radius (m) ρ magma density (kg m−3)
rp plume/jet radius (m) ρ0 reference atmospheric density
R gas constant for water vapor (461.5 (kg m−3)
J kg−1 K−1) ρ a atmospheric density (kg m−3)
S parameter in Eq. (7.7), = (a√k)/σm ρb bulk density of the gas–particle mixture
t time (s) (kg m−3)
T temperature (K) ρg gas density (kg m−3)
u vertical velocity (m s−1) ρm density of magmatic particles (kg m−3)
u0 initial velocity at the vent (m s−1) ρr ballistic block density (kg m−3)
uB vertical flow front velocity for a σm effective tensile strength of
thermal (m s−1) magma (Pa)
u f flow front velocity of expanding gas– σ w tensile strength of bubble walls (Pa)
particle mixture (m s−1) τ magma relaxation timescale (s)
uM vertical flow front velocity for a Ms Mach number of leading shock
short-lived momentum-driven jet Pe Peclet number; ratio of the timescale
(m s−1) for gas exsolution to the timescale of
uMB vertical flow front velocity for fragmentation
a short-lived momentum- and Re Reynolds number; ratio of inertial to
buoyancy-driven forced thermal viscous forces
(m s−1) Ri Richardson number; ratio of inertial to
v total velocity of ballistic gravitational forces
block = (vx2 + vz2)1/2 (m s−1)
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Wohletz, K. H. (2001). Pyroclastic surges and 7.2 Given the values used in and calculated for the
two-phase compressible flows. In From Magma to Sakurajima case above:
Tephra, ed. A. Freundt and M. Rosi. Amsterdam: (a) Calculate the corresponding vent velocity
Elsevier, pp. 247–312. using the isothermal relationship of Woods
Wohletz K. H. and Valentine, G. A. (1990). Computer (1995) assuming T = 1200 K, γ = 1.04, R = 460 J
simulations of explosive volcanic eruptions. kg−1 K−1, and n = 0.03.
In Magma Transport and Storage, ed. M. P. Ryan. (b) Calculate the vent velocity using shock tube
London: John Wiley and Sons, pp. 113–135. relationships.
Woods, A. W. (1995). A model of vulcanian (c) Calculate vent velocity using the non-isother-
explosions. Nuclear Engineering and Design, mal relationship of Woods (1995) assuming
155, 345–357. that the gas temperature drops to 500 K upon
Wright, H. M. N., Cashman, K. V., Rosi, M. and decompression with corresponding γ = 1.3
Cioni, R. (2007). Breadcrust bombs as indicators of (R and n are the same as in part (a)).
Vulcanian eruption dynamics at Guagua Pichincha (d) Compare your solutions and discuss possible
volcano, Ecuador. Bulletin of Volcanology, 69, reasons for the differences.
281–300, doi:10.1007/s00445–006–0073–6.
Online resources available at www.cambridge.
Yamamoto, H., Watson, I. M., Phillips, J. C. and
Bluth, G. J. S. (2008). Rise dynamics and relative
ash distribution in Vulcanian eruption plumes at • Additional exercises and supporting materials
Santiaguito Volcano, Guatemala, revealed using • Answers to exercises

9780521895439c07_p129-152.indd 152 8/2/2012 9:50:15 AM

Chapter 8

Sustained explosive activity: volcanic

eruption columns and hawaiian fountains
Andrew W. â•›Woods

Overview to > 10 km3, whereas very high ultraplinian dis-

charges produce columns > 40−50 km high and
This chapter reviews some of the physical erupt volumes of ~100 to > 1000 km3. At low dis-
�processes responsible for the injection of large charge rates, hawaiian activity (named after the
volumes of volcanic tephra and gas high into archetypal eruption style of the Hawaiian basal-
the atmosphere, following sustained explosive tic volcanoes) erupts volumes of < 0.001 km3 as
eruption from a volcanic vent. The resulting incandescent lava fountains tens to hundreds of
volcanic plumes or columns can disperse ash and meters high (Fig. 8.1b), with weak plumes of fine
aerosols over vast distances, and cause global pyroclasts rising above the fountains to heights
perturbations to climate. In contrast, incan- of order 1−5 km.
descent lava fountains are common manifesta- Plinian eruption columns are capable of dis-
tions of the low-intensity end of the spectrum persing tephra and volcanic gases over thou-
of explosivity. We present a series of modeling sands of square kilometers, and provide the
approaches, from dimensional analysis to fully dominant mechanism by which volcanic erup-
time-dependent, three-dimensional numerical tions can impact global climate, given that fine
treatments, in order to develop some quantita- particles of ash and volcanic aerosols, such as
tive understanding of these phenomena. sulfuric acid, impact the radiative balance of
the atmosphere. Deposition of large volumes of
tephra and fine particulates over such vast areas
of land has a devastating impact on agriculture,
8.1╇ ╇ Introduction infrastructure, and buildings (see Chapter 9).
From a geological perspective, deposits from
When sustained explosive eruptions discharge volcanic eruptions provide a unique insight into
tephra from a volcanic vent, the erupting mate- the scale and evolution of the eruption, through
rial may form a convecting plume that rises high analysis of lateral and vertical variations in
into the atmosphere; these flows are known as the deposits, in terms of particle size distribu-
volcanic eruption columns (Fig. 8.1a). At mod- tion and composition. Models that quantify the
erate to high discharge rates subplinian and plin- relationship between eruption rate and tephra
ian columns rise to 10−40 km, penetrating the dispersal can be combined with detailed field
stratosphere, and erupt ejecta volumes of ~0.1 studies to infer details of the eruption history,

Modeling Volcanic Processes: The Physics and Mathematics of Volcanism, eds. Sarah A. Fagents, Tracy K. P. Gregg, and Rosaly M. C.
Lopes. Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2012.

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154 A N D R E W W. WOOD S

Figure 8.1╇╇ (a) Photograph of an eruption column at

Mount Redoubt, Alaska. Redoubt is an active stratovolcano
that has produced primarily andesitic magma in recent below the summit, which produced an intense
eruptions. Columns in the 1989–90 eruption rose to 14 km, lateral blast flow. The lateral blast traveled
whereas the 2009 eruption produced plumes as high as 20 along the ground for 10–15 km as an intense
km. (b) Episode 3 of the 1959 Kilauea Iki eruption, Hawaii, eroding flow, mixing with the air and becom-
produced lava fountains >500 m high. Photograph taken ing progressively less dense until it eventually
11/29/59, courtesy of the United States Geological Survey.
became buoyant and lifted off to form a large
Color versions of these photographs appear in the online
coignimbrite cloud. Subsequently, magma
supplement for this chapter.
sourced deeper in the subsurface continued to
erupt from the vent, forming the main plinian
which in turn provides important constraints phase of the eruption. A large sustained erup-
on the evolution of the subsurface processes tion column rose >15 km into the atmosphere
that ultimately control the eruption rate and and persisted for many hours, generating a
the erupted mass. massive cloud that spread downwind and pro-
Numerous historic eruptions have provided duced tephra fall deposits >1000 km from the
a wealth of information about the dynamics source. The Pinatubo eruption on 15 June 1991
of eruption columns. Two of the best studied was an extremely violent event, producing an
large explosive events are the 18 May 1980 eruption column that rose to 34 km above sea
eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington level at the peak of the eruption, and form-
State, USA, and the 15 June 1991 eruption of ing a huge umbrella cloud, >500 km in radius,
Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines. The Mount above the eruption column. This umbrella
St. Helens event started with explosive decom- cloud was the source for the fine ash and aero-
pression of a shallow reservoir of magma sol cloud that was carried around the globe.

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Observations of these, and many other events, winds. Chapter 9 further discusses the differ-
point to the tremendous energy in eruption ences between strong and weak plumes.
columns, which can transport vast quantities Figure 8.2 shows the constituent parts of a
of erupted material, as well as lower atmos- large eruption column. On exit from the vent,
pheric air, high into the atmosphere. To pro- the gas–particle mixture emerges into the gas-
vide constraints on plume models, pertinent thrust region or momentum-driven jet, which typ-
data from historical eruptions include the vol- ically extends to 1–2 km above the vent. The
ume erupted and the duration of the events, mixture is hot and dense, with a temperature in
as well as estimates of the height of rise of the range 800–1200˚C, density up to several tens
the material into the atmosphere. These data times that of the air, and with pressures as large
enable comparison of model predictions of as 10–100 times atmospheric pressure, depend-
column rise height as a function of eruption ing on the geometry of the vent and the mass of
rate with field observations. exsolved gas in the erupting mixture. The mix-
The purpose of this chapter is to review some ture initially undergoes rapid decompression
of the present models and understanding of the to atmospheric pressure, producing significant
dynamics that control the evolution of volcanic expansion. Subsequently, the material continues
eruption columns. We start with a description to ascend into the atmosphere as a highly turbu-
of the dominant physical processes, in order to lent flow, with a large mean speed typically in
provide context for the quantitative models that the range 100–150 m s–1. The mixture of dense
are subsequently discussed. We present some of particles and gas decelerates as it ascends, and
the important predictions from these models some of the larger particles may separate from
and discuss some of the models’ limitations. the ascending mixture and follow ballistic tra-
A brief review of numerical and experimental jectories to the ground, while the bulk of the
models is then given, illustrated with some field flow continues upwards. The column commonly
observations. By way of comparison, we also exhibits lateral gradients in density and momen-
explore some of the controls on the dynamics of tum, with the material at the edges mixing very
phreatomagmatic eruptions (discussed in greater effectively with the surrounding air, which is
detail in Chapter 11). At the low-intensity end of then transferred to the inner core of the column
the explosive continuum, the dynamics of lava over time through shear mixing. As the air is
fountains are described, before we conclude stirred into the ascending mixture by€the turbu-
with some suggestions for future modeling and lence, there is rapid heat transfer from the fine
field work. particles to the air. As a result, the gas content
of the ascending mixture increases and this gas
is heated to temperatures hundreds of degrees
greater than that of the surrounding air. The gas
8.2╇ ╇ Physical processes component of the ascending mixture therefore
becomes much less dense than the surrounding
There are a range of styles of explosive volcanic air, even though in the lower parts of the col-
eruption, ranging from short-lived transient umn, the bulk density of the gas and solid mater-
explosions (see Chapters 6 and 7) to more sus- ial is greater than that of the air.
tained hawaiian lava fountains, and subplinian, If the initial upward speed is sufficiently high
plinian, and ultraplinian eruptions involving the or the eruption rate is sufficiently small, then
ejection of very large volumes of ash and gas. In the continuing entrainment of air may eventu-
this chapter, we primarily consider plinian-style ally lead to the bulk density of a part of the flow
eruptions, saving discussion of hawaiian-style becoming less than that of the surrounding air.
fountains to Section 8.4. Furthermore the At this point, the buoyancy will drive the mix-
description and models that follow apply pri- ture upwards, and the overall upward momen-
marily to strong plumes, which are sufficiently tum of the flow will increase. As this buoyant
vigorous that they are unaffected by atmospheric mixture continues to rise convectively, more

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156 A N D R E W W. WOOD S

which point the thermal energy of the erupted

solids has been converted to potential energy.
Subsequently, the mixture becomes denser than
the surrounding air, overshooting the level of
neutral buoyancy owing to its momentum, and
decelerates until reaching a maximum height.
The mixture then falls back to the neutral buoy-
ancy height where it spreads laterally to form
the umbrella cloud (Fig. 8.2), which represents the
initial stages of the subsequent dispersal of the
Figure 8.2╇╇ Schematic of an eruption plume, illustrating the ash through the atmosphere (see Chapter 9).
dense jet above the volcanic vent, the buoyant column and If the dense mixture emerging from the vol-
the neutrally buoyant umbrella cloud that spreads out atop canic vent is unable to mix with sufficient air
the column. The transition between the column and umbrella
to become buoyant before its upward momen-
cloud is commonly called the corner.
tum falls to zero, then the mixture will form a
fountain that collapses back around the vent,
air is entrained and the flow becomes progres- producing pyroclastic density currents (PDCs)
sively more buoyant as thermal energy stored and associated deposits (see Chapter 10). In the
in the large mass of solid material heats the air. region of transition between convecting and
In some cases, nearly all the erupted material collapsing columns, a fraction of the material in
then becomes buoyant to form the buoyant col- the fountain may become buoyant and rise into
umn region (Fig. 8.2), whereas in other cases, the the atmosphere, while the remainder forms a
outer parts of the flow continue upwards while dense flow. This can lead to unstable flow, with
some of the inner material falls back to the intermittent fountaining inhibiting the ascent
ground, producing an unstable fountain. With of the erupted material, and thereby leading
very large mass fluxes (see Section 8.2), only a to interspersed phases of buoyant plume or
small fraction of the material becomes buoy- discrete thermal formation, and non-buoyant
ant while ascending, and the remainder of the fountaining.
erupted solids falls back to the ground. The phenomenological picture outlined
The thermal energy of the erupting mix- above is somewhat simplified, in order to iden-
ture is very much greater than the initial kin- tify the key processes, but there are a number
etic energy. The specific heat stored in the solid of other effects which can have a major impact
material is of order 106 J kg–1 while the kinetic on the plume dynamics. Important effects
energy per unit mass is of order 104 J kg–1, for include thermal disequilibrium between the solid
material with an initial temperature of order tephra and the air, in which conductive cool-
800–1200˚C and upward speed 100–150 m s–1. As ing rates of moderate to large particles limit
a result, once the mixture becomes buoyant and heat transfer to the gas phase. This reduces the
is able to convert the thermal energy to poten- thermal energy available for heating the air,
tial energy, the mixture can ascend to heights and therefore lowers the ultimate rise height of
of tens of km in the atmosphere, whereas rise the column, but also may lead to formation of
heights of ballistic trajectories are only of order a collapsing column for a wider range of initial
1 km. The final rise height of the mixture is con- conditions. Secondly, the re-entrainment of par-
strained by the stable density stratification of ticles back into the plume as they settle from
the atmosphere. As well as the erupting mater- the umbrella cloud can increase the solid load
ial, the eruption column carries a large mass of in the eruption column and thereby affect the
entrained air from the lower atmosphere high buoyancy. This effect may drive the system to
into the atmosphere. The initial thermal energy collapse even if the column would have been
of the erupting mixture can only drive the col- buoyant in the absence of particle recycling.
umn to a certain height into the atmosphere, at Finally, if the erupting material interacts with

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external water, the tendency towards thorough variation with height (Woods, 1988; Sparks et
fragmentation may increase the efficiency of al., 1997). This approach has proved very useful
heat transfer from fine particles to the gas phase, in exploring the dynamics of eruption columns
and hence drive higher columns (Chapter 11). and in assessing the different controls on the
However, when larger quantities of water are flow.
involved, the initial thermal energy of the solid Third, it is possible to formulate a set of
may be depleted through heating and vapori- equations that govern the conservation of mass,
zation of the water, and this in turn may sup- momentum, and energy at each point in the
press the subsequent formation of a buoyant flow. This includes a parameterization of the
column, leading instead to vapor-rich or wet local effects of the turbulence, and the use of
PDCs. We discuss some of these effects later averaged quantities for the bulk properties of
in the chapter. We also describe some recent the multiphase flow at each point. These equa-
numerical modeling that has captured much tions are then solved numerically, using an
of the dynamics of eruption columns, and pro- axisymmetric coordinate system (e.g., Neri and
vides new insights into the phenomena at the Dobran, 1994; Neri and Macedonio, 1996; Neri
transition from plume-forming to flow-forming et al., 1998) or as a three-dimensional flow (e.g.,
behavior. Suzuki et al., 2005), by resolving the relevant
dynamic scales to capture air entrainment and
mixing, and thereby to examine the motion of
the column.
8.3╇ ╇Quantitative modeling of This review focuses primarily on the first
eruption columns two approaches. However, Section 8.3.5 dis-
cusses some of the recent developments in
In order to develop a quantitative description of numerical simulation of eruption columns,
the motion of volcanic eruption columns, which which replicate the predictions of the sim-
are highly turbulent, time-dependent phe- pler integral models (e.g., Woods, 1988), but
nomena, there is a range of possible modeling also provide new insights into the mixing and
approaches. First, one can follow the principles partitioning of the flow between plume- and
of dimensional analysis and determine some PDC-forming regimes. These numerical simu-
of the key integral properties of the column in lations have evolved over the past ten years
terms of the effective buoyancy flux in the col- from axisymmetric steady-state models to the
umn and the stratification of the environment present time-dependent three-dimensional
(e.g., Morton et al., 1956). This provides a simpli- models.
fied but powerful means of assessing some of
the main properties of the eruption, including 8.3.1â•… Dimensional analysis
the eruption rate and/or height of rise of the The motion of turbulent buoyant plumes has
eruption column. been studied in a variety of contexts over the
Second, one can build a time-averaged model past 50 years, following the pioneering work of
of the evolution of the properties of the col- Morton et al. (1956), in which some of the under-
umn, accounting for the effects of turbulence lying physical principles of their motion were
by parameterizing the mixing rate between the first presented. In that work, it was recognized
ambient air and the ascending mixture in the that when a localized source of buoyancy pro-
column. In such models, integral properties of duces a quasi-steady turbulent buoyant plume
the column are related at each height in the col- in a stratified environment, the height of rise
umn. In developing this modeling approach, it of the plume depends on the buoyancy flux, B,
is helpful to examine the horizontally averaged defined as
properties of the column (Morton et al., 1956).
∆ρ 
The principles of mass, momentum, and energy B= gV , (8.1)
conservation are then used to determine their â•…

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158 A N D R E W W. WOOD S

where V is the volume flux of the source, and This heat flux evolves as the mixture entrains
Δρ is the difference between the density of the the relatively dense air from the lower atmos-
ambient fluid ρo at the level of the source, and phere and carries it with the erupted material
the density of the source fluid. (Notation is sum- upwards into the atmosphere, thereby gener-
marized in Section 8.6.) The stratification is ating potential and kinetic energy. However, in
measured by the Brunt–Väisälä frequency, the lower part of the column, we can define an
effective buoyancy flux associated with this heat
g ∂ρ a
N= − , where ρa is the density of the flux as
ρ o ∂z
Q Hg (8.4)
ambient fluid, and ρo is taken as 1 kg m–3. By B= .
dimensional analysis the height of rise then ρ a cTa

takes the form
We can then use Eq. (8.2) to determine the
H = λ B1/ 4 N −3 / 4 , (8.2) height of rise of the eruption column (see Fig.
8.3). In evaluating the Brunt–Väisälä frequency
where the constant λ is ~5, as deduced from
N, some approximations are required owing
experimental measurements. This model is
to the structure of the atmosphere. The lower
based on an implicit assumption that the source
atmosphere is relatively well mixed and so N
flux is small compared to the flow rate in the
is very small, while the stratosphere is much
column, which is typically the case sufficiently
more stably stratified, and N is larger, which
far from the source, as the ascending mate-
will arrest the motion of the plume. In applying
rial entrains and convects air upwards. It also
the model, using a fixed value for N is a sim-
assumes that the buoyancy flux of the erupt-
plification likely to lead to errors in predicting
ing material is conserved in a non-stratified,
the rise height of both small eruption columns
well-mixed environment, so that mixing of the
that remain within the troposphere, and power-
source fluid with the ambient fluid causes the
ful eruption columns that penetrate well into
buoyancy to decrease at a rate that is inversely
the stratosphere. One of the benefits of using an
proportional to the volume flux.
integral model of the plume properties at each
This latter assumption does not apply to the
height in the plume (see Section 8.3.2) is that
motion of a volcanic eruption column however,
the variation with height of the atmospheric
since the buoyancy is not conserved. Indeed,
stratification can be included in the model of
once the material has emerged from the vent
the turbulent buoyant plume.
and decompressed to atmospheric pressure, the
There are a number of compilations of col-
material is initially dense compared to the air,
umn rise height and eruption rate estimates
but through mixing and heat transfer, it becomes
for various historic eruptions (Sparks et al.,
less dense than the air. However, in a uniform
1997). Some of the key eruptions include Mount
environment the energy flux is conserved, and
Pinatubo, 1991, for which the eruption column
this can be used to adapt Eq. (8.2) for application
rose over 34 km with an eruption rate of 4 × 106
to a volcanic eruption column, as recognized by
m3 s–1; Vesuvius AD 79 (the “grey pumice phase”),
Wilson et al. (1978). For this purpose, it is neces-
for which the column rose 32 km with an esti-
sary to define the effective buoyancy flux at the
mated eruption rate of 6 × 105 m3 s–1; Quizapu,
base of the plume in terms of the heat flux. If, at
Chile, 1932, which generated a 27–30 km high
the volcanic vent, the source mass flux is Q, the
column with an estimated eruption rate of
specific heat is c and the temperature is To, then
6 × 105 m3 s–1; and a number of smaller erup-
the heat flux measured relative to the tempera-
tions, including La Soufriere, St. Vincent, 1902,
ture of the air at the ground Ta is
which produced a column 15.5–17 km high
with an estimated eruption rate of 1.1–1.5 × 104
Q H = Qc (To − Ta ). (8.3) m3 s–1. Figure 8.3 shows a comparison of these

data (symbols) with the dimensional scaling

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over a period of a few minutes. In many erup-

tions, the eruption rate evolves with time, but
in long-lived eruptions this typically occurs over
periods much longer than a few minutes, and so
the motion of the eruption column will evolve
in a quasi-steady fashion. In order to model this
evolution, it is possible to use integral models
in conjunction with a slowly waning flux. In
more short-lived, transient eruptions, the flow
will not fully establish a turbulent plume, but
will form a starting plume or discrete thermal
(Chapter 7); the physics of these transient phe-
Figure 8.3╇╇ Plot of rise height of a turbulent buoyant plume nomena is also controlled by the entrainment of
vs. volumetric eruption rate, comparing the dimensional and heat transfer to the ambient air. The model-
analysis scaling (gray line; Eq. 8.2) with data for some ing approach described here treats the gas–par-
historical eruptions (symbols).
ticle mixture as a single phase in thermal and
dynamic equilibrium; this is sometimes called
the dusty gas or pseudogas approximation.
model (line), which indicates that the model is Figure 8.4 shows the simplified model of the
of considerable value in determining the overall eruption column of radius b(z), upward mean
rise height of the column, and that the essential speed u(z), average temperature T(z), gas mass
physics controlling ascent is consistent with the fraction n(z), and density ρ(z), moving through
fundamental dimensional analysis. an atmosphere having temperature Ta(z) and
density ρa(z). The initial model assumption is
8.3.2â•… Integral plume models that the mixture is all carried to the top of the
As indicated in the preceding section, the plume, and that it is in thermal equilibrium
motion of eruption columns is more complex with the air. This is valid when tephra are suf-
than suggested by Eq. (8.2), owing to the high ficiently fine grained for rapid heat transfer to
initial density of the erupting mixture, which the air (see Section 8.3.3 for further discussion
only becomes buoyant through the process of this condition), and when there is little fall-
of entrainment in the region near the vent. out from or re-entrainment of particles into the
This balance is now explored further with the plume. In this simplified case, the conservation
development of a time and horizontally aver- of mass takes the form
aged model for an eruption column, including
a parameterization of the entrainment rate
( ρ ub2 ) = 2ε bu ρa , (8.5)
from the surrounding air, building from the â•…
original work of Morton et al. (1956) (Wilson,
1976; Sparks, 1986; Woods, 1988). In this model, where ε is the coefficient of entrainment of the
the time averaging corresponds to averaging ambient air into the plume. In a purely buoy-
over the turnover time of the eddies, so that ant plume, this takes a constant value of ~0.1,
the model characterizes the mean properties whereas for more jet-like (momentum-driven)
of the flow rather than the detailed temporal flow, the value of the entrainment coefficient is
fluctuations. It may be recognized from Section smaller, of order 0.06−0.07. However, with the
8.3.1, and models of turbulent buoyant plumes large density differences between the volcanic
in stratified environments, that the timescale plume and ambient air in the lower atmos-
of ascent of the material through an eruption phere, the entrainment is also modified. This
column is of order 1/N. In the atmosphere, this can change the precise conditions for collapse in
corresponds to several hundred seconds. Time comparison with the predictions based on using
averaging therefore corresponds to an average an entrainment coefficient ε. Furthermore, in

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160 A N D R E W W. WOOD S

owing to the simplifying assumptions in the

description of the processes.
By integrating across the eruption column at
each horizontal level, it is possible to define col-
umn properties (radius b, density ρ, velocity u,
gas content n, and temperature T) as functions
of height z. The conservation of momentum
then takes the form

( ρ u2b2 ) = b2 g (ρa − ρ ), (8.6)

Figure 8.4╇╇ Schematic illustration of the variables used in while the steady flow energy equation, which
the theoretical model of an eruption column. The plume of describes the conservation of enthalpy flux in
radius b, density ρ, temperature T, and gas mass fraction n the eruption column, takes the form
rises with velocity u through an atmosphere of density ρa and
temperature Ta. All parameters vary with height, z, but are
d  2 u2 
assumed to be constant across the width of the plume at any  ρub  c (T − To ) + + gz  
given height.
dz   2  (8.7)
= 2 ε bu ρa (c a (Ta − To ) + gz ) ,

flows in which there is internal generation of
buoyancy through heating and expansion of where c is the specific heat, and subscripts a and
the entrained air (Caulfield and Woods, 1995), o represent, respectively, properties of the ambi-
the entrainment coefficient can change owing ent air and a reference or initial value (e.g., the
to the evolving structure of the turbulence in ambient temperature at the ground). Equation
the flow. This can be described in the model- (8.7) represents an expression for the rate of
ing through inclusion of a variable entrainment change of the averaged internal energy, kinetic
coefficient (Woods, 1988, Kaminski et al., 2005, energy, and potential energy of the ascending
Suzuki et al., 2005). Changes in the entrain- mixture (terms on left-hand side of Eq. 8.7),
ment rate lead to differences in the quantita- which results from the entrainment of internal
tive predictions of the model, but many of the energy and potential energy associated with
key phenomena can be identified using a con- the ambient fluid (terms on right-hand side).
stant value for the entrainment coefficient. It is Equation (8.7) may be expressed in the form
worth noting that there are many approxima- d
 ρ ub2c (T − To )  = 2ε bu ρ a c a (Ta − To )
tions in the model, including the assumptions dz  (8.8)
of thermal equilibrium and momentum equili- d
bration between the gas and particles, which − g ρ ub2 − ( ρ u 3 b2 ) .
may evolve with time if the particle size distri-
bution evolves, as well as the possible effects The specific heat of the material in the column
of particle fallout from the umbrella cloud and is given by the mass average of the solid and gas
subsequent re-entrainment. An important role specific heats, denoted by subscripts s and g,
of integral models, is to capture some of the key
processes, and explore how they may impact c = ( (1 − n) c s + nc g ) , (8.9)
the flow dynamics and hence the overall evo-
lution of the flow. It is also possible to replicate where specific heat of the gases, cg, can be found
specific eruption histories with these models, from the weighted average of the specific heats
in order to predict eruption rates or column of volcanic gas and air. The gas mass fraction in
rise heights. However, inferences from such the column follows from the equation for con-
“simulations” should include error estimates servation of solid material in the column

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( (1 − n) ρ ub2 ) = 0 (8.10)

in the case of no particle fallout or re-entrain-

ment into the column. The mass of air in the
column is found by recording the mass of air
entrained up to that height, from Eq. (8.5). Using
these relations it may be shown that the average
specific heat of the gas phase is

c g = (n − no )c a + no (1 − n)c vg  , (8.11)
n (1 − no ) Figure 8.5╇╇ Model calculations showing the evolution of the

ascent velocity of the plume as a function of height above the
vent. Curves are given for initial speeds of 50, 75, and 200 m
where ca and cvg are the specific heats of the air s-1. The lowest speed does not allow the mixture to become
and volcanic gas respectively, and no is the ini- buoyant before collapse of the plume occurs.
tial gas mass fraction in the erupting material.
Finally, the bulk density of the mixture of gas
and particles is given by far above the vent and the column collapses to
produce a dense fountain that sheds pyroclastic
 n 1− n density currents that spread along the ground.
ρ= +  , (8.12) At the larger eruption speed of 75 m s–1, the
 ρ g ρ s 
material again decelerates under gravity in the
region just above the source, but then becomes
where the gas density ρg is given by the mass buoyant as a result of entrainment of air. At this
average of the air and volcanic gases. point, the mixture begins to accelerate upwards
The above system of equations can be solved since it has such a low speed. However, as it
numerically to determine the motion through entrains progressively more air, the momen-
an atmosphere with given vertical temperature, tum associated with the entrainment of the
pressure, and density profiles. In many simu- air begins to dominate the upward buoyancy
lations, including the calculations presented force, and the velocity decreases towards the
here, a simple model atmosphere is used, such maximum rise height. At the largest initial vel-
as that described by Gill (1981). Solutions of the ocity of 200 m s–1, the flow decelerates rapidly
equations corresponding to a dry eruption col- above the source, but then the mixture becomes
umn composed of fine ash, air and, volcanic gas, buoyant and continues to ascend high into the
identify some of the dominant processes in oper- atmosphere.
ation in a volcanic plume. Although the model The critical velocity for column collapse can
is simplified, especially with (i) the entrain- be calculated from the model. We note that there
ment and mixing processes in the lower part of is some variation with such predictions depend-
the column being approximated with a single ing on the precise model for entrainment in the
coefficient, and (ii) the fact that in this region, lower part of the column. Smaller values of the
the flow may divide into a dense PDC-forming entrainment coefficient lead to prediction of
component and a buoyant eruption column, collapse in more cases, owing to the reduction
rather than remaining as a coherent flow, the of mixing and hence inhibition of buoyancy gen-
model is able to delineate broadly the different eration. Furthermore, the assumption that the
styles of behavior observed in nature. Figure 8.5 flow remains well mixed and unidirectional in
illustrates the variation of plume velocity with this lower part of the eruption column is some-
height for three different initial speeds of 50, what simplified; in practice the flow may become
75, and 200 m s–1. At the lowest initial velocity, unsteady as conditions approach those for col-
the erupting material falls to zero velocity not lapse of the column. Therefore, calculations of

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162 A N D R E W W. WOOD S

Figure 8.6╇╇ Critical eruption velocity at the vent as a

function of the mass flux at which the erupting material is
able to become buoyant and form an eruption column, rather
than collapsing back to form a dense fountain. Curves are
given for four different gas contents in the erupting material,
1, 3, 5, and 7 wt.%, and the calculations use a constant
Figure 8.7╇╇Total rise height of the column as a function
entrainment coefficient, ε of 0.09.
of the mass eruption rate, as calculated from the model of
the quasi-steady eruption column (solid lines), and from the
dimensional analysis (dashed lines). Curves are given for
column collapse conditions provide an approxi-
eruption temperatures of 800˚C (gray) and 1200˚C (black)
mate guide to the cases for which there may be
(after Woods, 1988; reprinted with kind permission from
transitions in flow behavior, rather than a pre- Springer Science+Business media).
cise prediction. Figure 8.6 shows one such cal-
culation, which illustrates the critical eruption
velocity as a function of the eruption mass flux, investigated how eruption columns entrain
with curves given for volatile contents of 1, 3, water vapor from the lower atmosphere, and
5, and 7 wt.%. For eruption velocities exceeding carry it to much greater heights. Condensation
the critical value for collapse, a large convecting of water vapor releases latent heat, and liquid
ash plume develops, whereas for lower eruption water has a higher specific heat than the vapor
velocities, column collapse ensues (Bursik and phase; both factors act to further drive plume
Woods, 1991). ascent, such that plumes erupting in relatively
The other key result from integral plume wet atmospheres can rise to significantly greater
models, in addition to recognition of column heights than those in dry atmospheres.
collapse, is the prediction of the column rise
height shown in Figure 8.7 as a function of the Experimental analogs
mass flux at the source, in which larger mass There have been some systematic experi-
fluxes produce greater column heights. The ments carried out to explore the dynamics
simplified curves from the dimensional analy- using simplified analog systems. In one experi-
sis (dashed curves) are in broad agreement with ment (Woods and Caulfield, 1992) mixtures of
the rise height predictions from the theoretical MEG (methanol–ethylene glycol) were injected
model (solid curves), but differences arise owing upwards into a tank of fresh water. The MEG is
to the increasing strength of the stratification initially dense compared to the water, but as it
with height in the atmosphere. mixes, it becomes less dense than the water and
Glaze and Baloga (1996) further explored continues to rise through the tank, forming a
the sensitivity of column rise height to ambient buoyant plume. As with a volcanic eruption col-
atmospheric structure, and found that both sea- umn, the buoyancy flux is not conserved in such
sonal and latitudinal differences can significantly a MEG plume, although a model can be devel-
influence column rise heights. Glaze et al. (1997) oped based on the conservation of the MEG in

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the flow. A simplified version of the integral and this depends on the thermal diffusivity κ
model presented above, including a constant and the particle diameter, d. Typically, ther-
entrainment coefficient, was shown to agree mal equilibration occurs within a time of order
with these experiments (Woods and Caulfield, d2/κ. In order to understand the significance
1992). However, in the volcanic problem, which of this timescale compared to the timescale of
includes heat transfer and mixing, the picture is the plume, we compare the conduction time
more complex. Woods and Caulfield (1992) also scale with the time scale of ascent in the col-
demonstrated that below a critical mass flux, umn, which is of order 1/N. For the atmosphere,
the MEG is unable to mix with sufficient water 1/N has a value of 100–200 s, and pumice clasts
to become buoyant, and instead it remains have a thermal diffusivity of order 10–7 m2 s–1,
dense and forms a collapsing fountain. Near the so that fragments smaller than 1 mm equili-
conditions for collapse, the experimental flows brate in less than one-tenth of the ascent time
became highly unsteady, with intermittent peri- of the column. This implies that particles larger
ods of plume- and flow-forming behavior; the than about 1 mm contribute progressively less
exterior of the ascending mixture commonly of their thermal energy during ascent in the
entrained and mixed efficiently with the sur- plume. In principle, 3 mm fragments are the
rounding fluid, while the interior of the flow largest that are able to fully equilibrate prior to
remained denser and less well-mixed, leading to reaching the plume top. In more coarse-grained
these instabilities. As the flow collapsed asym- eruptions, this lack of thermal equilibrium may
metrically, the continuing flow became buoyant have a profound impact on the plume ascent
and lifted off the horizontal surface in a manner and also on the conditions for column collapse.
analogous to PDCs. Section 8.4 discusses some of the dynamics of
lava fountains, and shows how the thermal and
8.3.3â•… Non-equilibrium effects dynamical disequilibria of such coarse pyroclast
The model described in Section 8.3.2 is based populations lead to behavior very different from
on the assumption of equilibrium, in terms convecting columns.
of both€ the dynamical and thermal coupling In order to account for thermal disequi-
between the particles and the gas. For eruptions librium effects, the ascent of the particles,
in which the erupting material does not frag- including the vertical dispersion owing to the
ment as efficiently, there will be some disequi- turbulence, needs to be modeled along with the
librium between the coarser-grained fragments time-dependent heat transfer to the surround-
and the gas. Thermal disequilibrium occurs because ing material. This involves a non-trivial devel-
heat is transferred less efficiently between coarse opment of the model to quantify the vertical
particles and the gas. This reduces the supply dispersion within a turbulent plume and also
of heat and hence may suppress the generation to keep an inventory of the different particles
of buoyancy as the plume ascends. In turn, this in the plume in terms of their size and time of
may lead to lower column heights. Dynamical dis- release, and hence their temperature. Although
equilibrium occurs as the larger particles, under this is possible, in the context of the simplified
the influence of gravity, decouple aerodynamic- integral models of an eruption column, a sim-
ally from the gas. This reduces the load of dense pler heuristic approach has been developed to
particles and so may assist in the buoyancy gen- explore the impact of disequilibrium through
eration low in the column. However, higher in introduction of a parameter, f, which reduces the
the column, the lack of solid material reduces fraction of the particles that are in good thermal
the overall heat flux, and hence may lead to contact with the gas. This approach essentially
lower column heights, even though the mass of leads to a bimodal distribution of particles from
solid material is reduced. a thermal perspective, with a fraction in equi-
Thermal equilibration between the solid librium and the remainder in disequilibrium
particles and the air is ultimately controlled by throughout their ascent in the column; this cor-
the diffusion of heat within the solid fragments, responds to particles smaller than ~ 0.5–1.0 mm

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164 A N D R E W W. WOOD S

of the plume (Ernst et al., 1996). If the settling is

from the margin of the plume, then the mater-
ial may form a coherent dense flow leading to
near-field deposition. However, particles fall-
ing out from the spreading neutrally buoyant
umbrella cloud may be re-entrained into the
ascending column if they are sufficiently close
to the plume. This process may occur on a time-
scale comparable to the fall time of the particles
in the surrounding environment, and can lead
to a substantial increase in the particle load of
the column. In order to model the process, we
first need to describe the spreading of the par-
ticles outwards in the umbrella cloud and the
associated sedimentation from this cloud. The
model of the eruption column then needs revi-
sion to account for this re-entrainment of par-
Figure 8.8╇╇Variation of column rise height with eruption ticles, which impacts the mass balance in the
rate for a fixed vent radius and for different values of column. Veitch and Woods (2002) presented a
the thermal disequilibrium parameter f. For f~0.2, a detailed model for particle re-entrainment in an
convecting coumn never forms. After Woods and Bursik idealized wind-free environment. Their model
(1991), reprinted with kind permission from Springer includes an equation for the rate of sedimenta-
Science+Business media.
tion from the spreading umbrella cloud in the
vicinity of the column
and larger than ~ 5–10 mm, respectively. The
specific heat used in calculating the thermal ∂ ∂
( rH ρ φ ) + ( r u r H ρ φ ) = − r ut ρφ , (8.14)
properties of the plume then becomes ∂t ∂r

c a ma + fc s m s + c vg m vg where ur is the outward radial velocity, ut is the

c= . (8.13)
ma + m s + m vg fall speed of the particles through the air, H is
the column height, and ϕ is the volume frac-
tion of particles in the umbrella cloud. This has
A model of this form was investigated by Woods
and Bursik (1991) and they found that as the
parameter f decreases from 1, the height of the
 ρu 
column correspondingly decreases, owing to φ(r ) ≈ φ(0) exp  − t ( r 2 − ro2 ) (8.15)
the reduction in the thermal energy available  Q 
to drive ascent and power the transition from
a dense to a buoyant mixture (Fig. 8.8). In addi- for the concentration of particles in the cloud
tion, eruption columns develop only with much as a function of distance r from the axis of the
larger mass fluxes as the thermal disequilib- eruption column, where ro is the column radius
rium increases (i.e., for smaller f), and there is at the point of transition to the umbrella plume
a critical eruption rate above which an eruption (the corner; Fig. 8.2), ϕ(0) is the particle volume
column is unlikely to form€ – instead the flow fraction at the corner, and Q is the mass flux,
collapses to form a fountain feeding PDCs. For given by
values of f ~ 0.2, a convecting column is unable
Q = rρurH. (8.16)
to form at any mass flux.
A further impact of the particles in an erup- If the furthest distance from the column at
tion column can arise if the particles settle out which particles can be re-entrained is rme, then

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the concentration of particles at the top of the

column relative to the concentration at the base
of the column is approximated by the relation

ρu 
φ (top) = φ (source) exp  t ( rme 2 − ro2 )  . (8.17)
 Q 

This represents the amplification of the flux of

particles as a result of the re-entrainment. Figure
8.9 shows the increasing particle flux with
height, as well as the decrease in the upward
column velocity resulting from re-entrain-
ment, compared to the simple case with no re-�
entrainment. It can be seen that the additional
particle loading in the column significantly
slows the ascent rate. The critical conditions for
collapse also change, with collapse occurring
for higher eruption velocities (Fig. 8.10).

8.3.4â•… Phreatomagmatic effects

In the above description of volcanic eruption
columns, the source conditions have been
Figure 8.9╇ ╇ Illustration of the increase in particle load
assumed to involve the ejection of a mixture with height in an eruption column in which the effects of
of solid particles and volcanic gas, at high tem- re-entrainment of particles are included: (a) variation of the
perature. The material has been assumed to particle flux with height; (b) variation of the column velocity
decompress in a region just above the vent, and with height. Magma mass flux is 108 kg s-1 and vent radius is
then continue its ascent as a high-speed dense 133 m; after Veitch and Woods (2002), reprinted with kind
jet which mixes with air and becomes buoyant, permission from Springer Science+Business media.
thereby ascending up to several tens of kilom-
eters into the atmosphere. However, in some Each curve in Figure 8.11 represents a different
situations the erupting material may issue into mass fraction of water mixed into the erupting
a crater lake or interact with the water, leading mixture, showing the transition in the critical
to very rapid quenching of a proportion of the eruption velocity required for formation of an
ejecta and rapid heat transfer to produce vapor eruption column vs. column collapse leading to
(see Chapter 11). This lowers the residual ther- pyroclastic flows. As the water content increases,
mal energy of the solid material that is available the critical velocity initially decreases, since
for heating any entrained air as the mixture of the water is all vaporized and therefore essen-
ejecta, air, water, and water vapor rises into the tially provides an additional gas phase promot-
atmosphere. As a result, there will be less heat ing buoyancy. However, as the water content
transfer to the mixture, and this itself may lead increases to much larger values, the thermal
to column collapse and the formation of wet energy required to heat and vaporize the water
or vapor-rich, dense pyroclastic density cur- becomes more substantial and this reduces the
rents. Koyaguchi and Woods (1996) explored the temperature of the mixture and hence the abil-
dynamics of such currents for different degrees ity for the mixture to become buoyant. In this
of mixing in the erupting material, and this led case, wet ash flows or mud flows may develop
to a series of predictions about the conditions unless the eruption velocity is high enough to
for collapse as a function of the initial water allow for a much greater degree of atmospheric
content in the erupting mixture (Fig. 8.11). entrainment. Although this is a simplified

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166 A N D R E W W. WOOD S

8.3.5â•… Numerical models

In addition to the one-dimensional, time-averaged
models for steady-state eruption columns, there
have been a number of numerical models devel-
oped to model the dynamics of eruption col-
umns with greater degrees of complexity. Early
numerical simulations were based on an axisym-
metric, steady-state treatment of the flow, and
accounted for the motion of the gas and particles
separately, initially including a single particle
size but gradually evolving to account for a dis-
tribution of particle sizes. Flow dynamics were
constrained by parameterizations of turbulent
Figure 8.10╇╇ Illustration of the critical conditions for mixing in the column, and also by parameteri-
collapse of an eruption column, including the effect of the zations of turbulent drag between the particles
re-entrainment of particles (solid line), compared to the and air (Valentine and Wohletz, 1989; Dobran et
case with no re-entrainment (dashed line). If re-entrainment
al., 1993; Neri and Dobran, 1994). These models
develops with time, then an initially buoyant column might
later collapse. Magma temperature is 1000 K; after Veitch and
provided some fascinating insights into the for-
Woods (2002), reprinted with kind permission from Springer mation of coignimbrite clouds that form above
Science+Business media. pyroclastic density currents generated from col-
lapsing fountains, but the axisymmetric nature
of the models represented a somewhat simpli-
fied picture of this complex phenomenon.
More recently, as computing power has
increased, fully three-dimensional time-
dependent models have been developed (e.g.,
Suzuki et al., 2005). These models provide
some very interesting results concerning the
time-dependent behavior of the eruption col-
umn, and the three-dimensional structures
that develop in the flow, reminiscent of field
observations. A critical feature of such numer-
ical models is their ability to replicate the tur-
bulent entrainment processes as measured in
laboratory experiments (cf. Morton et al., 1956),
Figure 8.11╇╇ Minimum eruption velocity required for a
buoyant column to develop, plotted as a function of mass flux, through proper resolution of the engulfment of
for eruptions in which there is significant mixing of water air by turbulent eddies and the subsequent mix-
with the erupting material. The water fraction mixed into the ing of this air with the material in the column.
erupting mixture is shown on the curves as a percentage. Suzuki et al. (2005) have shown that such reso-
With sufficient water mixed into the flow, the material lution of entrainment requires a careful refine-
collapses to form a dense flow, even if the original eruption ment of the computational grid size.
rate would otherwise have formed a buoyant column. Initial The three-dimensional time-dependent mod-
magma temperature is 1000 K and water content is 3 wt.%.
els have illustrated that the plume retains a
After Koyaguchi and Woods (1996).
dense inner core over the first 1–2 km above the
vent. For the case in which a turbulent buoyant
picture of the full explosive interaction of water plume develops, the strong shear between this
and ash, it does provide useful insight into inner region and the outer, well-mixed zone
the generation of buoyancy and the associated disperses the inner dense region, and is key for
dynamics of phreatomagmatic explosions. the generation of bulk buoyancy (Fig. 8.12a). In

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Figure 8.12╇╇ Results from the

numerical simulations of Suzuki et al.
(2005) illustrating the dynamics of
(a) a buoyant eruption column
(magma temperature 1000 K, mass
flux = 107.6€kg s–1, and eruption velocity
150 m s–1); and (b) a collapsing fountain
(magma temperature 1000 K, mass
flux = 108.65 kg s–1, and eruption velocity
150 m s–1). The colors represent the
density of the column relative to the
ambient atmosphere, with blue being
relatively buoyant and orange being
relatively dense. See color plates

ground in co-ignimbrite (co-PDC) plumes. For

even greater fluxes, the model predicts large-
scale column collapse (Fig. 8.12b), as observed
in experimental models of eruption columns
(Woods and Caulfield, 1992).
One of the interesting features of these
numerical simulations is that they do not
assume any particular value for the entrain-
ment coefficient that is a key ingredient of
the averaged one-dimensional models pre-
sented in Sections 8.3.2−8.3.4. Suzuki et al.
(2005) compared their numerical predictions
Figure 8.13╇╇ Comparison of numerical predictions of the of the conditions for collapse with the earlier
conditions for collapse (symbols; Suzuki et al., 2005) with
one-dimensional models and showed that the
the predictions of the simpler one-dimensional (1D) integral
models using a range of values for the entrainment coefficient
appropriate value for the entrainment coeffi-
as shown in parentheses on the individual curves. Square cient in collapsing columns is of order 0.07 ±
symbols represent a stable column regime, triangles indicate 0.01, whereas for buoyant columns, the appro-
column collapse, and diamonds represent partial column priate entrainment coefficient is closer to 0.1
collapse. From Suzuki et al. (2005), using initial temperature (Fig. 8.13). This difference in the entrainment
1000 K and magma gas content 5 wt%. coefficient arises from the suppression of mix-
ing in a negatively buoyant jet, as compared
to the turbulent buoyant plume, and is consist-
larger eruption columns, some of the material in ent with detailed experimental studies (e.g.,
the column becomes buoyant in the same way, Kaminski et al., 2005), and with field evidence
while other parts of the flow remain dense and that the entrainment of air into columns that
fall back to the ground, leading to the forma- collapse is much less than in columns that
tion of pyroclastic density currents which them- develop turbulent buoyant plumes (Kaminski
selves then becomes buoyant and rise from the and Jaupart, 2001).

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168 A N D R E W W. WOOD S

8.3.6â•… Co-ignimbrite clouds speeds upon exit from the vent. The clasts read-
One of the other fascinating phenomena that ily decouple from the low-velocity gas phase,
have been observed to occur in large explosive so instead of erupting as a high-speed, effect-
eruptions is the formation of large convecting ively single-phase flow as for the more explo-
plumes above pyroclastic density currents that sive counterparts, the erupting material forms
are generated by collapsing fountains. These a multiphase flow. This can lead to a range of
plumes arise through the entrainment of air eruption phenomena from ballistic trajectories
and sedimentation of particles from the ground- for the coarser fragments, forming incandescent
hugging flow, which results in the continuing lava fountains (when erupted from point source
flow becoming less dense than the air and lift- vents) or curtains of fire (when erupted from lin-
ing off to form buoyant plumes. Other plumes ear fissures), to buoyant plume-forming behav-
arise from the elutriation of the finer size frac- ior for the finest particle fraction (Fig. 8.1(b)).
tion as the current continues to flow. The result- Fountaining commonly gives way to passive
ant dynamics of such co-ignimbrite clouds is lava effusion of less volatile-rich magma as the
analogous to the convective region of eruption eruption progresses.
columns, but the material may lift off far from A range of landforms and deposits can be pro-
the vent (Dobran et al., 1993). If the material in duced from lava fountaining activity, depending
these flows cools sufficiently as it spreads along on the local temperature of clasts on landing and
the ground, for example as a result of mixing the accumulation rate of the clasts (Head and
with water, then the continuing flow may be Wilson, 1989). Temperature and accumulation
unable to generate buoyancy (Koyaguchi and rate in turn depend on the clast trajectories (a
Woods, 1993). function of fountain size and structure), which
are ultimately related to the magma mass flux
and volatile content (Fig. 8.14(a,b)). For example,
relatively large volatile contents lead to high
8.4╇ ╇Basaltic systems and eruption velocities, tall fountains, and wide-
lava-fountaining eruptions spread dispersal from the vent. Particles land-
ing far from the vent will be relatively cool on
Basaltic magma is less viscous and has lower landing, whereas coarse clasts landing close to
volatile contents than the intermediate to felsic the vent will be hot and fluid. Therefore a range
magmas that tend to produce convecting erup- of deposits may be observed, from rheomorphic
tion columns. Because of the low viscosity, the lava flows produced by coalescence of rapidly
exsolving gas phases can decouple more readily accumulating, hot clasts in proximal locations,
from the melt as it ascends to the surface, so that to cone-forming agglutinated spatter and/or brit-
for low magma ascent speeds, intermittent emis- tle scoria at increasing distances, and sheet-like
sion of large gas slugs can produce strombolian ash fall deposits dispersed distally from the fine-
explosions (Chapter 6). At greater magma rise grained component rising above the fountain
rates, the bubbles and magma remain dynam- (Fig. 8.14(c)). As an illustration, during the 1995
ically coupled, and the low viscosity prevents eruption of Cerro Negro (Hill et al., 1998), an
significant bubble overpressures from building eruption column reached an altitude of about 5
up as the bubbly magma decompresses during km and transported small particles with median
ascent (Chapter 4, Section 4.3.2). The lack of sig- size of 0.7 mm to > 30 km downwind of the vol-
nificant bubble overpressure, together with the cano, while also contributing to the growth of
low total volatile content, means that fragmen- a near-source cone from larger volcanic blocks
tation, if it occurs, is less vigorous than for more and bombs up to 2 m in diameter.
silicic systems. As a result, a coarser pyroclast Lava fountains range from a few meters
size distribution is produced (with clasts typic- high to several hundred meters in height. For
ally ranging from millimeters to tens of centim- example, the 1959 eruption of Kilauea Iki in
eters), and gas expansion produces relatively low Hawaii (Fig. 8.1(b)) produced fountains close to

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Figure. 8.14╇╇ Illustration of the

influence of magma mass flux
and volatile content on the (a)
accumulation rate and (b) temperature
of pyroclastic material on landing,
and (c) the influence of accumulation
rate and temperature on the nature
of the resulting deposit (after Head
and Wilson, 1989; reprinted with
permission from Elsevier).

600 m high (Richter et al., 1970). Fountain height, eruptions, and Woods (1993) extended this to
Hf, can be related to the vent speed, uo, given in account for the effects of the entrainment of
terms of a simple ballistic relation, neglecting moisture. Such calculations show that even if
air resistance for sufficiently large particles, only a small fraction of the mass erupting in
a basaltic fissure eruption leads to formation
uo = 2 gH f , (8.18) of an ash plume, the plume may rise several

kilometers through the lower atmosphere
which implies that pyroclasts are being ejected because the air is only weakly stratified. The
from the vent with speeds up to 110 m s–1. potential for such plumes to inject large quan-
Fountain heights and eruption velocities can in tities of aerosols high into the atmosphere has
turn be linked to the exsolved magma volatile been proposed as one process whereby mas-
content driving the eruption (Head and Wilson, sive flood basalts can impact climate. Since
1987). The coarse size of most clasts means that, such plumes typically only carry a small flux of
upon eruption, they are slipping relative to the erupting material, in humid environments, the
gas phase, which suggests that gas eruption entrainment and vertical transport of water
speeds are significantly greater than the veloci- may be a key factor for increasing the height of
ties of magma fragments calculated from foun- rise of such plumes.
tain heights (Wilson, 1999). In considering sustained explosive activity, it
While coarse clasts fall rapidly and thus is important to note that there is a range of phe-
are unable to contribute thermally to driv- nomena, from eruption of very coarse-grained,
ing a buoyant column, the gas phase and fine fluid lava fountains to the highly fragmented
particles may rise above the lava fountains to mixture that forms ash plumes. This range may
form a small ash plume. Stothers et al. (1986) be considered as a continuum of activity, depend-
estimated the height of rise of these plumes in ent on the degree of fragmentation (and hence
terms of the mass flux supplied from basaltic efficiency of heat transfer between particle and

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170 A N D R E W W. WOOD S

gas phases) as well as the total volatile content of

the erupting magma, both of which are largely
8.6╇ ╇ Notation
dependent on magma composition. The differ-
b column radius (m)
ent styles of behavior may be thought of as a
B buoyancy flux (m4 s–3)
spectrum from hawaiian-style lava fountaining,
c specific heat capacity (J kg–1 K–1)
to subplinian activity, to vigorous plinian erup-
ca specific heat capacity of ambient air
tions. Finally, we note that while plinian erup-
(J kg–1 K–1)
tions of basalt are rare, they are not unheard
cg specific heat capacity of volcanic and
of, and may require rapid magma ascent, lead-
atmospheric gases (J kg–1 K–1)
ing to delayed outgassing and the development
cs specific heat capacity of particles
of large supersaturations, and/or some degree
(J kg–1 K–1)
of interaction with external water, in order to
cvg specific heat capacity of volcanic gases
enhance fragmentation efficiency and drive a
(J kg–1 K–1)
convecting plume (e.g., Williams, 1983; Walker
d particle diameter (m)
et al., 1984).
f mass fraction of particles in good
thermal contact with gas
g gravitational acceleration (9.81 m s–2)
8.5╇ ╇ Summary and outlook H rise height of eruption column (m)
Hf fountain height (m)
This chapter has summarized research from the ma mass of air in column (kg)
past 20 years on the dynamics of volcanic erup- ms mass of particles in column (kg)
tion columns. Many of the key principles are mvg mass of volcanic gases in column (kg)
understood, and there is agreement emerging n gas mass fraction
now between field observations, theoretical, n o initial gas mass fraction
and numerical models, concerning some of the N Brunt–Väisälä frequency (s–1)
key properties of eruption columns, including Q mass eruption rate (kg s–1)
the rise height as a function of eruption rate Q heat flux (J s–1)
and the principles governing the conditions r radial coordinate in umbrella cloud (m)
for collapse. Recent numerical models have rme maximum entrainment distance (m)
confirmed the quantitative predictions of the ro radius of column at corner (m)
simpler integral models for column collapse T temperature (K)
and for total rise height, and detailed mod- Ta temperature of ambient air (K)
eling has led to more accurate parameteriza- T o temperature of ambient air at source
tions of the entrainment and mixing of air into level (K)
the flow. This opens up new possibilities for u plume average vertical speed (m s–1)
the future to explore other features of column u o vent eruption velocity (m s–1)
dynamics and motion which are beyond the ur radial velocity in umbrella cloud (m s–1)
simpler integral models. It will also be inter- ut fall velocity of particles (m s–1)
esting to build more constraints on the models V volume flux (m3 s–1)
from field data, in terms of thermal equilibra- z distance above vent (m)
tion, fallout of particles, and phreatomagmatic ε entrainment coefficient
processes. However, models are already able to ϕ volume fraction of solid particles in
provide good predictions of column height for plume
use in subsequent tephra dispersal models (see ϕ(0) particle volume fraction at plume corner
Chapter 9), and for constraining eruption rate κ thermal diffusivity (m2 s–1)
and eruption histories from fall deposits (cf. λ constant of proportionality
Sparks et al., 1997). ρ density (kg m–3)

9780521895439c08_p153-172.indd 170 8/2/2012 9:51:43 AM


Δρ density difference between ambient fluid Hill, B. E., Connor, C. B., Jarzemba, M. S. et al. (1998).
at source level and the source fluid 1995 eruptions of Cerro Negro volcano, Nicaragua,
(kg m–3) and risk assessment for future eruptions. Geological
ρa density of ambient air (kg m–3) Society of America Bulletin, 110, 1231–1241.
ρ g density of gas phase (kg m–3) Kaminski, E. and Jaupart, C. (2001). Marginal stability
of atmospheric eruption columns and pyroclastic
ρo density of ambient fluid at source level
flow generation. Journal of Geophysical Research,
(kg m–3)
106(B10), 21785–21798.
ρs particle density (kg m–3)
Kaminski, E., Tait, S. and Carazzo, G. (2005).
Turbulent entrainment in jets with arbitrary
buoyancy. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 526, 361–376.
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superbuoyant and collapsing eruption columns. Morton, B., Taylor, G. I. and Turner, J. (1956).
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with nonmonotonic mixing behavior. Geophysical Neri, A. and Dobran, F. (1994). Influence of eruption
and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 79, 173–199. parameters on the thermofluid dynamics of
Dobran, F., Neri, A. and Macedonio, G. (1993). collapsing volcanic columns. Journal of Geophysical
Numerical simulation of collapsing volcanic Research, 99, 11,833–11,857.
columns. Journal of Geophysical Research, 98(B3) Neri, A. and Macedonio, G. (1996). Numerical
4231–4259. simulation of collapsing volcanic columns with
Ernst, G., Sparks, R. S. J., Carey, S. N. and Bursik, particles of two sizes. Journal of Geophysical Research,
M. I. (1996). Sedimentation from turbulent jets 101(B4), 8153–8174.
and plumes. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, Neri, A., Papale, P. and Macedonio, G. (1998). The
5575–5589. role of magma composition and water content
Gill, A. (1981). Atmosphere−Ocean Dynamics. in explosive eruptions: II. Pyroclastic dispersion
International Geophysics Series. New York: dynamics. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal
Academic Press. Research, 87, 95–115.
Glaze, L. S. and Baloga, S. M. (1996). Sensitivity Richter, D. H., Eaton, J.P., Murata, K. J., Ault, W.
of buoyant plume rise heights to ambient U. and Krivoy, H.L. (1970). Chronological Narrative
atmospheric conditions: Implications for volcanic of the 1959–60 Eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii.
eruption columns. Journal of Geophysical Research, United States Geological Survey Professional
101(D1), 1529–1540. Paper 537-E.
Glaze, L. S., Baloga, S. M. and Wilson, L. (1997). Sparks, R. S. J. (1986). The dimensions and dynamics
Transport of atmospheric water vapor by volcanic of eruption columns. Bulletin of Volcanology, 48,
eruption columns. Journal of Geophysical Research, 3–15.
102(D5), 6099–6108. Sparks, R. S. J., Bursik, M., Carey, S. et al. (1997).
Head, J. W. and Wilson, L. (1987). Lava fountain Volcanic Plumes. Chichester: John Wiley.
heights at Pu’u ‘O’o, Kilauea, Hawaii: Indicators of Stothers, R., Wolff, J. A., Self, S. and Rampino, M.
amount and variations of exsolved magma volatiles. (1986). Basaltic fissure eruptions, plume heights
Journal of Geophysical Research, 92, 13,715–13,719. and atmospheric aerosols. Geophysical Research
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eruptions: Influence of gas-release patterns Suzuki, Y., Koyaguchi, T., Ogawa, M. and Hachisu, I.
and volume fluxes on fountain structure, and (2005). A numerical study of turbulent mixing in
the formation of cinder cones, spatter cones, eruption clouds using a three dimensional fluid
rootless flows, lava ponds and lava flows. Journal of dynamics model. Journal of Geophysical Research,
Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 37, 261–271. 110(B08), 201–219.

9780521895439c08_p153-172.indd 171 8/2/2012 9:51:43 AM

172 A N D R E W W. WOOD S

Valentine, G. and Wohletz, K. (1989). Numerical Woods, A. W. and Bursik, M. I. (1991). Particle fallout,
models of Plinian eruption columns and thermal disequilibrium and volcanic plumes.
pyroclastic flows, Journal of Geophysical Research, Bulletin of Volcanology, 53, 559–570.
94(B2), 1867–1887. Woods, A. W. and Caulfield, C. P. (1992). A laboratory
Veitch, G. and Woods, A. W. (2002). Particle recycling study of explosive volcanic eruptions. Journal of
in volcanic eruption columns. Bulletin of Volcanology, Geophysical Research, 97, 6699–6712.
64, 31–39.
Walker, G. P. L., Self, S. and Wilson, L. (1984).
Tarawera 1886, New Zealand€– a basaltic plinian Exercises
fissure eruption. Journal of Volcanology and
Geothermal Research, 21, 61–78. 8.1 Estimate the height of rise of a plinian eruption
Williams, S. N. (1983). Plinian airfall deposits of column rising through an environment with a
basaltic composition. Geology, 11, 211–214. Brunt–Väisälä frequency of 0.01 s–1 if the eruption
Wilson, L. (1976). Explosive volcanic eruptions€– III. rate Q is 106 kg s–1. Use typical values for atmos-
Plinian eruption columns. Geophysical Journal of the pheric temperature and density at sea level, and
Royal Astronomical Society, 45, 543–556. assume a rhyolite eruption temperature. How
Wilson, L. (1999). Explosive volcanic eruptions − X. will this change if the particle size gradually
The influence of pyroclast size distributions and increases with time through the eruption?
released magma gas content on the eruption 8.2 As basaltic fissure eruptions evolve, there is
velocities of pyroclasts and gas in Hawaiian and often some flow localization, leading to discrete
Plinian eruptions. Geophysical Journal International, axisymmetric fountains rising from one or more
136, 609–619. point source vents. If 10% of the material from
Wilson, L. Sparks, R. S. J., Huang, T. C. and a basaltic eruption rises to form an ash plume
Watkins, N. D. (1978). The control of volcanic above each lava fountain, and the plume has a
column heights by eruption energetics and height 2.5 km, estimate the eruption rate for
dynamics. Journal of Geophysical Research, 83(B4), each fountain. Assume N = 0.01 s–1 and similar
1829–1836. atmospheric characteristics to Exercise 8.1.
Woods, A. W. (1988). The fluid dynamics and
thermodynamics of eruption columns. Bulletin of Online resources available at www.cambridge.
Volcanology, 50, 169–193. org/fagents
Woods, A. W. (1993). A model of the plumes above • Answers to exercises
basaltic fissure eruptions. Geophysical Research • Additional reading
Letters, GL01215, 1115–1118. • Additional figures

9780521895439c08_p153-172.indd 172 8/2/2012 9:51:43 AM

Chapter 9

Modeling tephra sedimentation from

volcanic plumes
Costanza Bonadonna and Antonio Costa

Overview 9.1╇ ╇ Introduction

Tephra erupted in volcanic plumes can be trans- Explosive volcanic eruptions have intrigued sci-
ported over distances of hundreds of kilometers, entists due to their dramatic display of physical
causing respiratory problems to humans and processes, their crucial role in the geological evo-
animals, serious damage to buildings and infra- lution of Earth, and their potentially catastrophic
structure, and affecting economic sectors such consequences for society. A key way of improving
as aviation, agriculture, and tourism. Models our understanding of explosive volcanism is to
with different degrees of complexity have been study the resulting pyroclastic deposits, which
developed over the last few decades to describe often represent the only direct evidence of explo-
tephra dispersal. Depending on the application, sive eruptions. Tephra deposits retain a consid-
different simplifications and assumptions can erable amount of information about the nature
be introduced to make the problem tractable. of the eruption, such as erupted mass, bulk
Highly sophisticated models are not suited for grainsize distribution, and eruption intensity.
the computationally expensive probabilistic However, tephra falls also represent significant
calculations required by the long-term hazard hazards for people living close to active volca-
assessments. In contrast, the simplified models noes. These hazards include collapse of build-
typically used for probabilistic assessments have ings, disruption to water and electricity supplies,
to compromise the sophistication of the physi- disruption to transportation networks, as well as
cal formulation for computational speed. A com- health hazards from respirable ash, crop pollu-
prehensive understanding of tephra deposits tion, and lahar generation. Developing an under-
and hazards can only result from a critical and standing of tephra fall is crucial to public safety.
synergistic application of models with different In this chapter tephra is used in the original sense
levels of sophistication, ranging from purely of Thorarinsson (1944) as a collective term for all
empirical to fully numerical. A review of the particles ejected from volcanoes, irrespective of
main approaches to tephra dispersal modeling size, shape, and composition, whereas tephra fall
is presented in this chapter. indicates the process of particle fallout.

Modeling Volcanic Processes: The Physics and Mathematics of Volcanism, eds. Sarah A. Fagents, Tracy K. P. Gregg, and Rosaly M. C.
Lopes. Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2012.

9780521895439c09_p173-202.indd 173 8/2/2012 12:33:29 PM


The preservation of tephra deposits is typ- or from an extended source (i.e., fissure eruption
ically incomplete. In most eruptions proximal or pyroclastic density current), eventually devel-
areas are buried or collapsed, and distal depos- ops into a turbulent buoyant current whose
ition occurs in the sea or becomes eroded. For dynamics are strongly controlled by the degree
small eruptions, the whole tephra deposit may of interaction with the atmosphere. If the plume
be eroded away within a few years of deposition. upward velocity is much stronger than the wind
As a result, empirical, analytical, and numerical velocity, the initial jet phase (gas thrust) evolves
models have been developed to allow quantita- into a vertical buoyant column that then even-
tive interpretation of tephra deposits and to fully tually spreads laterally as a gravity current (i.e.,
understand the nature of ancient eruptions that umbrella cloud) around the neutral buoyancy level
are incompletely preserved. Dedicated analytical Hb (i.e., strong plume; Fig. 9.1(a)). In contrast, if the
and numerical models have also been produced wind velocity is much stronger than the plume
to investigate plume dynamics and particle upward velocity, the turbulent current will be
sedimentation, and to provide long-term assess- bent over above the basal jet before spreading
ments for land-use planning and rapid response laterally around Hb (i.e., weak plume; Fig. 9.1(c)).
during volcanic crises. Model validations have It is important to distinguish between vigorous
shown good agreement with field data, which and low-energy weak plumes: both plumes are
justifies the use of these models for hazard bent over by the wind but they are characterized
applications. by different energetics (e.g., steepness of plume
This chapter describes (1) empirical and trajectory relative to wind speed). Typically, vig-
analytical models used to determine eruption orous weak plumes characterize the beginning of
parameters, such as column height, eruption low-intensity sustained eruptions (e.g., Ruapehu,
duration, magnitude, and intensity, (2) analyt- 17 June 1996; Bonadonna et al., 2005a), whereas
ical and numerical models developed for the low-energy weak plumes characterize the last phase
study of the dynamics of volcanic plumes and of an eruption when wind eventually dominates
particle sedimentation, and (3) models com- and the cloud starts propagating as a lens of aero-
monly used for hazard assessments and fore- sol (e.g., Mount St. Helens, 22 July 1980; Sparks
cast of plume spreading. Model assumptions et al., 1997).
and caveats are discussed, and a key case study Volcanic clasts (juveniles and lithics) are car-
is presented to facilitate comprehension of the ried up within the turbulent current according
application of the models described (the 22 July to their settling velocity, which depends on both
1998 explosive eruption of Mt Etna, Italy; Cole particle and atmospheric characteristics. When
et al., 1998; Scollo et al., 2008a). particle settling velocities are larger than the
upwards component of the turbulent current,
they fall out and are advected by local winds.
Particles that are sufficiently small will typically
9.2╇ ╇Plume dynamics and particle aggregate into micron- to millimeter-sized clus-
sedimentation ters having greater settling velocities (Sparks
et al., 1997). In addition, the deposition of fine
Before describing the models used to character- particles is also enhanced by pronounced con-
ize tephra dispersal and deposits, it is important vective instabilities and mammatus that often
to understand some basic concepts of plume form at the base of the sedimenting turbulent
dynamics and particle sedimentation (see current (Bonadonna et al., 2002b; Durant et al.,
Chapter 8 for a detailed review of plume dynam- 2009). As a result, the characteristics of tephra
ics). Volcanic plumes are typically associated deposits are the result of plume dynamics (e.g.,
with explosive activity and consist of a mixture plume height, velocity profile, weak-plume vor-
of lithics (wall rock), volcanic gas, and juvenile ticity), particle parameters (e.g., size, density and
particles (fragmented magma), which, whether shape), atmospheric characteristics (e.g., wind
generated from a point source (i.e., single vent) field, atmospheric density and viscosity) and

9780521895439c09_p173-202.indd 174 8/2/2012 12:33:29 PM


(a) turbulent fallout from the plume margins and

Strong plume turbulent, intermediate, and laminar fallout
from the umbrella cloud. These fallout regimes
plume corner
turbulent result in four exponential segments in semi-
(X0) log plots of thickness vs. distance from vent
Hcb (Fig. 9.1(b)). Resulting isomass maps range from
nearly concentric in the absence of wind (Fig.
region 9.2(a)) to strongly elongated in the case of sig-
gas thrust
nificant wind advection (Figs. 9.2(b,c)). Due to
the strong dependence of the settling velocity
and Reynolds number on particle size, the final
(b) deposit morphology is also controlled by the
initial grainsize distribution. In comparison to
Thickness (arbitrary units)

100 strong plumes, tephra fall from weak plumes is

characterized by a lack of up-wind sedimenta-
Seg1 tion, more pronounced proximal thinning due
to the bent-over structure of the turbulent cur-
0.1 Seg3
rent, and narrower tephra deposits due to the
0.01 x0 presence of vortex structures underneath the
0.001 plume. For example, blocks, lapilli, and a pro-
0 20 40 60 80 100
Distance (arbitrary units)
portion of coarse ash were deposited from the
rising phase of the 17 June 1996 Ruapehu weak
(c) plume (within ~30 km of the vent), whereas
Weak plume the horizontal spreading was characterized by
deposition of coarse and fine ash (Bonadonna
et al., 2005a). The resulting deposit (Fig. 9.2(c))
nt t
rre en


shows maximum accumulation along the dis-

cu rbul


Hcb persal axis, but as soon as the plume was no

longer sustained the eruption lost its vigor and
the spreading turbulent current started bifur-
cating due to vorticity conservation (~800 km
gas thrust
from the vent).

Figure 9.1╇╇ Diagrams showing (a) the main characteristics

of a strong volcanic plume: Hb is the neutral buoyancy
9.3╇ ╇Empirical and analytical models
level of the plume, Ht and Hcb are the top and the base of used for the characterization of
the spreading turbulent, umbrella cloud (modified from tephra deposits
Bonadonna and Phillips, 2003); (b) sedimentation from plume
margins (seg0) and umbrella cloud (seg1 = turbulent regime,
Field investigations of tephra deposits are cru-
Reynolds number, Re > 500; seg2 = intermediate regime,
0.4 < Re < 500; seg3 = laminar regime, Re < 0.4) of a strong cial for characterization of volcanic eruptions
plume; (c) the main characteristics of a weak volcanic plume and their hazards. In particular, distributions of
(modified from Bonadonna et al., 2005a). tephra thickness and mass per unit area (isopach
and isomass maps; Fig. 9.2) are necessary for esti-
mating erupted volume (Pyle, 1989; Fierstein and
sedimentation processes (e.g., particle aggrega- Nathenson, 1992; Bonadonna and Houghton,
tion, convective instabilities, mammatus). 2005), whereas the distribution of largest clasts
Tephra fall from strong plumes is charac- (isopleth maps) is typically used for estimating
terized by four main sedimentation regimes: column height and wind speed at the time of

9780521895439c09_p173-202.indd 175 8/2/2012 12:33:30 PM


Figure 9.2╇╇ (a) Isopach map of

the Basal Fall of Pululagua 2450 b.p.,
Ecuador (cm) (Volentik et al., 2010);
(b) isopach map of tephra deposit of
the 18 May 1980 eruption of Mount
St. Helens, USA (mm) (Sarna-Wojcicki
et al., 1981); (c) isomass map of the
tephra deposit of the 17 June 1996
eruption of Ruapehu, New Zealand
(kg m−2) (Bonadonna et al., 2005a).

the eruption (Carey and Sparks, 1986). Isopach/ a result, the logarithm of tephra thickness can
isomass and isopleth maps can also be used to be described by straight lines (i.e., exponential
determine vent location and to classify eruptive segments) when plotted against distance from
style (Walker, 1973; Walker, 1980; Pyle, 1989). vent or square root of the area enclosed by each
Mass eruption rate and the duration of the sus- isopach ( A ):
tained phase of the eruption can be calculated
from plume height and erupted mass, respect- T = To exp (−k A ) (9.1)
ively (Sparks, 1986; Wilson and Walker, 1987;
Carey and Sigurdsson, 1989). Inferences of frag- where To is the maximum thickness of the
mentation mechanisms can also be made from deposit and k defines the rate of thinning of the
the study of particle sizes (Kaminski and Jaupart, deposit (i.e., slope of the associated exponential
1998; Neri et al., 1998; Zimanowski et al., 2003). segment). All notation is summarized in Section
The empirical and analytical models used for 9.8. Assuming that isopachs have elliptical
these purposes, together with their assumptions shapes, the volume of tephra deposit is:
and limitations, require thorough analysis to
assess the variability of resulting eruption param- V = 13.08 To bt2
eters. This is crucial not only because these erup-
tion parameters are used to characterize volcanic where bt = ln(2) (k π ) .
eruptions, but also because they are used as input Fierstein and Nathenson (1992), Pyle (1995),
to numerical models and to construct potential and Bonadonna and Houghton (2005) developed
activity scenarios for hazard assessment. this method to account for abrupt changes in
the rate of thinning of some tephra deposits:
9.3.1â•…Determination of erupted volume
based on the assumption of 2T10  k S + 1 k S + 1
V= + 2T10  2 1 2 − 1 1 2  exp (−k1S1 )
exponential thinning of tephra k12  k2 k1 
deposits  k S + 1 k S + 1
This approach was introduced by Pyle (1989), + 2T20  3 2 2 − 2 2 2  exp (−k2S2 ) + ... + 2T( n −1)
 k3 k2  0

adopting the preliminary observation of

 k n S n −1 + 1 k n −1 S n −1 + 1 
Thorarinsson (1954) that both thickness and × 
( )

( ) ( )
k( n −1) 2
 exp −k S
 (
( n −1) ( n −1) )
grainsize of tephra deposits follow an expo-  
nential decay with distance from the vent. As (9.3)

9780521895439c09_p173-202.indd 176 8/2/2012 12:33:32 PM


where Tn0, kn, and Sn are the intercept, slope, and field data. In particular, the power-law best fit
position of the break in slope of line segment n. can be described as:
Their approach to estimating volume by defin-
ing several exponential segments (i.e., different  A 
( A)

values of k from proximal to distal portions of T = T0  0  = C pl with C pl = T0 A0m 2

 A 
the deposit) is consistent with observations of
well-preserved tephra deposits (Hildreth and (9.5)
Drake, 1992; Scasso et al., 1994) and with the
where Cpl and m are the power-law coefficient
results of some analytical models (Bursik et al.,
and exponent respectively. The associated vol-
1992a; Sparks et al., 1992; Bonadonna et al.,
ume can be calculated as:
The approach of Pyle (1989) was also modi-
2 −m ( ),
2C pl 2 −m 2 −m
fied to estimate erupted volume in cases in V= Adist − A0 (9.6)
which only one proximal isopach can be defined
based on the available data (Legros, 2000). This
which is equivalent to:
technique was derived from empirical investi-
gation of 74 tephra deposits and gives estimated  A 2− m 
minimum volumes of the same order of magni- V = T0 A0  dist − 1 , (9.7)
2−m  A0 
tude as for the case in which only the first two
segments on semi-log plots of thickness T vs.
square root of area A are available (Seg0 and
Seg1 in Fig. 9.1): where A0 and Adist are two arbitrary inte-
gration limits. In particular, Adist should be taken
V = 3.69 Tx A x as the downwind extent of the whole deposit,
whereas A0 is area enclosed by the isoline cor-
where Ax (m2) is the area enclosed within the
responding to the maximum deposit thickness.
isopach with thickness Tx (m). Sulpizio (2005)
Note that, in order to guarantee convergence in
presented additional techniques for the deter-
the limit of large distances, m has to be > 2.
mination of distal volume when most distal
data are missing, based on extrapolation of the
distribution of proximal deposits to distal areas
Sensitivity analyses of volume calculations have
(up to thickness >1 cm). Finally, Mannen (2006)
shown that integration of less than three expo-
suggested an analytical method to derive the
nential segments can underestimate deposit vol-
total erupted mass of relatively small eruptions
ume when distal data are missing (Bonadonna
by adopting the model of Bursik et al. (1992a)
and Houghton, 2005). For example, integration
and integrating two exponential segments
of only two exponential segments described by
determined from isopleth maps.
data within 10 km of the 1996 Ruapehu erup-
tive vent resulted in an underestimation by half
9.3.2â•…Determination of erupted of the actual deposit volume. Such an underesti-
volume based on the assumption mation does not affect the classification of the
of power-law thinning of eruption in terms of the volcanic explosivity
tephra deposits index (VEI), but is significant when simulating
Based on the results of analytical investigations tephra dispersal and compiling hazard assess-
of Bonadonna et al. (1998) and on observations ments. In contrast, the power-law fit is a good
of well-preserved deposits for which thinning approximation to well-preserved deposits and is
can be described by a power-law fit on a semi- consistent with theoretical models, but it is also
log plot of T vs. A , Bonadonna and Houghton problematic because integration limits have to
(2005) suggested deriving the total erupted vol- be chosen. In particular, the volume of deposits
ume by integrating the power-law best fit to having limited dispersal (m > 2) is very sensitive

9780521895439c09_p173-202.indd 177 8/2/2012 12:33:34 PM


to the choice of A0 but not to the choice of Caveats

Adist . In contrast, the volume of deposits hav- The method of Carey and Sparks (1986) provides
ing wide dispersal (m < 2) is very sensitive to a maximum column height from the distribution
Adist but not to A0 . Given that Adist is dif- of largest clasts (pumices and lithics). However,
ficult to constrain, the power-law method may there are some important caveats to bear in
be used for small deposits (m > 2) but is not rec- mind when applying this technique. First, the
ommended for widely dispersed deposits (m < 2) distribution of largest clasts is not unique and
when the outer limit of the deposit cannot be is very sensitive to the techniques used to deter-
accurately identified. Essentially, empirical mine average clast size at a given outcrop and
fitting of poor data sets can be problematic, to contour maximum values (Carey and Sparks,
especially for large eruptions, even with the 1986; Barberi et al., 1995). Second, the method
power-law method because there is no simple of Carey and Sparks (1986) is based on two main
theoretical relationship between proximal and assumptions: (1) a monotonic decrease in ver-
distal thinning. Proximal deposition is con- tical plume velocity within a plinian column,
trolled by high Reynolds number particles, and (2) a mid-latitude wind profile such as that
whereas distal deposition is controlled by low described by Shaw et al., 1995 (1974). The first
Reynolds number particles (Fig. 9.2(b)). assumption requires that this method should
be applied only to deposits from plinian and
9.3.3â•…Determination of column height subplinian (i.e., sustained) eruptions generating
and wind speed a strong plume. In addition, Woods (1988) has
Even though a buoyant eruptive column is char- shown that large plumes might be character-
acterized by fluctuating vertical velocities, plume ized by super-buoyancy (see Fig. 8.5), for which
studies have shown that the horizontal profile the vertical velocity profile does not decrease
time-averaged vertical speed can be represented monotonically. Such an effect could result in
by a Gaussian distribution symmetrical with a premature loss of large clasts and, therefore,
respect to the plume axis (Turner, 1979). From higher plumes than predicted by Carey and
comparison between this Gaussian-distributed Sparks (1986). The method of Carey and Sparks
plume velocity and the settling velocities of vol- (1986) therefore gives the best results for small
canic particles, Carey and Sparks (1986) defined clasts (<32 mm; Papale and Rosi, 1993; Barberi
a series of theoretical “envelopes” that support et al., 1995; Rosi, 1998). Finally, wind direction is
the particles within plumes. When the settling typically very variable with height, and the pro-
velocity of the particles exceeds the vertical files can show large discrepancies with that of
velocity of the plume (characteristic of a given Shaw et al., 1995 (1974). For example, Carey and
envelope), particles will leave the plume and Sigurdsson (1986) used a modified wind profile
deposit on the ground at a distance that depends to account for the direction inversion above the
on release height and wind speed and direction. tropopause that occurred during the 1982 erup-
As a result, the column height and wind speed tion of El Chichon.
can be derived by plotting the maximum down-
wind range vs. the crosswind range of isopleth
9.3.4â•…Determination of mass eruption
values (i.e., the length and half-width of individ-
rate and eruption duration.
ual isopleths). Carey and Sparks (1986) provide
The mass eruption rate Ṁ (kg s−1) can be derived
plots that are based on a specific wind profile
from plume height H (m) applying the semi-
(Shaw et al., 1974) and specific particle charac-
empirical formula of Wilson and Walker (1987)
teristics (i.e., size and density). In particular, the
wind profile is assumed to be uni-directional at 
H = CM
all heights, assumes a maximum velocity (5–50
m s−1) at the tropopause level (11 km), a linear where the empirical factor C = 236 m kg s1/4. -1/4

decay to zero at ground level, and a value above Eruption duration can be determined by divid-
the tropopause of 3/4 of the maximum velocity. ing the total erupted mass by M↜̇ .

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Mass eruption rate can also be derived from and 1000 °C, and for both tropical and temper-
the column height H (m) using the analytical ate atmospheres. The model shows good agree-
model of Sparks (1986), which was based on ment with observed data. However, in order to
buoyant plume theory (BPT) (Morton et al., 1956; compile diagrams from more elaborate theory,
Settle, 1978; Wilson et al., 1978) and improved Sparks (1986) made assumptions about tropo-
by accounting for a varying adiabatic lapse rate pause height, surface temperature, tempera-
and atmospheric temperature. As a result, Ṁ and ture gradient, wind profile, and air-entrainment
H show a nonlinear correlation, which strongly models that need to be carefully verified prior
depends on eruption temperature. to application.

Equation (9.8) holds only for circular-vent
plumes < 35 km high and is supported by the- 9.4╇ ╇Models based on the
oretical investigations based on BPT (Morton
et al., 1956; Wilson and Walker, 1987) which
show that maximum plume height is roughly Sedimentation (ADS) equation
proportional to the fourth root of the heat injec-
tion rate, and therefore to the fourth root of the Models for tephra dispersal are based on the
mass eruption rate (see also Chapter 8, Section mass conservation equation with different
8.3.1). However, there are several limitations in degrees of simplicity, following either Eulerian
extending BPT to eruption plumes in a strati- or Lagrangian formulations. The Eulerian
fied atmosphere where buoyancy flux varies approach describes changes in the fluid at
with height and crosswinds significantly affect fixed points, whereas the Lagrangian approach
plume entrainment (Bursik, 2001; Ishimine, describes changes by following a fluid par-
2006; Carazzo et al., 2008). In addition, Eq. cel along its trajectory. Each approach is use-
(9.8) is strictly valid for a plume temperature ful for different applications. For example,
of ~800 °C, appropriate for andesitic magma. weather forecasting is based on the Eulerian
Basaltic magmas are typically hotter by at least approach (fixed measurement system) because
200 °C, and therefore, to achieve the same col- it uses data from fixed stations around the
umn height the corresponding mass discharge world. The Lagrangian approach is more use-
rates are lower for basaltic magmas (Carey and ful when describing the evolution of a given
Sparks, 1986; Sparks, 1986; Woods, 1988). For material as it moves within a certain fluid (e.g.,
example, Wehrmann et al. (2006) found that chemical modeling). Tephra dispersal is often
C = 295 m kg-1/4 s1/4 in Eq. (9.8) describes the described using both approaches. In particular,
relationship between Ṁ and H for a basaltic models commonly defined as Lagrangian are
plinian eruption of Masaya volcano, Nicaragua based on an Eulerian–Lagrangian approach,
(i.e., Fontana Lapilli). Scollo et al. (2007) and which describes the dynamics of single parti-
Andronico et al. (2008) found C = 247 m kg-1/4 s1/4 cles within an Eulerian flow field. In contrast,
and C = 244 m kg-1/4 s1/4 for the 2001 and 2002 Eulerian models consider the particle phase
eruptions of Etna volcano, respectively. Finally, and the flow field as two continua. The govern-
it is important to bear in mind that Eq. (9.8) is ing equation derived from the mass conserva-
strictly valid only for values of maximum col- tion condition has the following form (Costa
umn height and therefore gives maximum et al., 2006):
values of Ṁ. As a result, the corresponding erup-
tion durations could be underestimated. In con- ∂ cj ∂ ux c j ∂ uy cj ∂ uz c j ∂ v j cj
+ + + − =
trast, the model of Sparks (1986) can easily be ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂z
applied by using dedicated diagrams compiled ∂u xc ∂u yc ∂u zc
j j j
for sustained buoyant plumes with heights up − − − + S,
∂x ∂y ∂z
to 35 km, eruption temperatures between 400

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where cj (x,y,z,t) = c̅j + c′j is the concentra- ∂ Uc j ∂ v jc j

tion of particle class j (with c′j the turbulent − = 0. (9.11)
∂s ∂z
fluctuation and c′j the ensemble average),
( ux , u y , uz ) = ( ux + u x , u y + u y , uz + u z ) is the wind where U denotes the current velocity in the
velocity, and vj(x,y,z) is the terminal velocity
s-direction (e.g., direction along the vertical
of a particle class j. The first term on the left-
plume or the horizontal umbrella cloud). Under
hand side of Eq. (9.9) represents the time rate
these conditions, and integrating for the sedi-
of change of the average concentration c′j (i.e.,
mentation rate derived by (Martin and Nokes,
the transient term), whereas the second, third,
1988), the total mass of particles, M (kg), of a
and fourth terms represent advection (i.e., wind
given size fraction carried by the spreading cur-
transport) and the fifth term describes sedimen-
rent at a certain distance x1 is:
tation. The first three terms on the right-hand
side of Eq. (9.9) represent the diffusive transport  x1 v w 
due to the atmospheric turbulence, whereas the M = M0 exp  − ∫ Hb dx  (9.12)
fourth term, S(x,y,z,t), denotes the source (i.e.,  xo Q 
the mass flux of particle class j injected per unit
volume and unit time). For most applications where M0 (kg) is the initial mass for a given
vj(x,y,z) can be considered a function of height grain size injected into the current, vHb (m s−1)
z only. Turbulent fluxes are given by the prod- is the particle terminal velocity at the neu-
uct of the fluctuation terms on the right-hand tral buoyancy level Hb, w (m) is the maximum
side of Eq. (9.9). Typically, the simplest approach crosswind width of the current at the source, Q
consists of expressing turbulent fluxes as pro- (m3 s-1) is the volumetric flow rate into the cur-
portional to the gradient of average concentra- rent at the neutral buoyancy level, and xo (m)
tion, e.g., for the x-direction: is the plume corner position (Fig. 9.1; Bursik
et al., 1992a). These models are supported by
∂c j experimental data (Sparks et al., 1991) and
u x′ c ′j ≈ − K x (9.10)
∂x have given crucial insights into tephra deposit
thinning. For example, the models of Bursik et
where the coefficient Kx is the x-component of al. (1992a) and Sparks et al. (1992) provided a
the turbulent diffusion tensor (typically in the theoretical basis for empirical methods (Pyle,
free atmosphere, KV/KHâ•›<<â•›1, where KH = Kx = Ky 1989; Fierstein and Nathenson, 1992) of cal-
and KV = Kz). culating erupted volumes. Furthermore, these
analytical models showed that tephra fall from
9.4.1â•…One-dimensional analytical the plume margins and from the umbrella
sedimentation models cloud can be described by two exponential
Depending on the application, if some approxi- segments on a semi-log plot of thickness vs.
mations hold (e.g., horizontally uniform wind distance from vent, with a break in slope coin-
field, constant diffusion coefficient, negligible ciding with the plume corner. Bonadonna et
vertical motion and diffusion), Eq. (9.9) can be al. (1998) described sedimentation from the
simplified and solved analytically. For instance, umbrella cloud by also accounting for particle
one-dimensional ADS models are typically used Reynolds number and showed that the associ-
to investigate particle sedimentation along the ated tephra deposits can be better described
dispersal axis, assuming negligible diffusion, by three exponential segments (Fig. 9.1(b)). All
steady plume conditions, and a single coordin- of these results have crucial implications for
ate direction along the direction of the carrying the determination of the total erupted volume
medium (s) (Bursik et al., 1992a,b; Sparks et€al., (Pyle, 1990; Rose, 1993). Koyaguchi and Ohno
1992; Koyaguchi, 1994; Bonadonna et al., 1998; (2001a,b) also used this approach, in combin-
Koyaguchi and Ohno, 2001a,b; Bonadonna and ation with dedicated inversion solutions of
Phillips, 2003). As a result, Eq. (9.9) becomes: observed data, to determine the expansion

9780521895439c09_p173-202.indd 180 8/2/2012 12:33:37 PM


rate of an umbrella cloud, the grainsize dis- ∂ cj ∂ cj ∂ cj ∂ v jc j ∂ 2c j ∂ 2c j

tribution at the top of the eruption column, + ux + uy − = KH + KH +S
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂ x2 ∂ y2
and the amount of fine ash dispersed in the
atmosphere and found good agreement with (9.13)
satellite observations. where, for simplicity, we have eliminated the
Further developments of these models have over-bar symbol to denote the average quan-
shown that the main processes affecting par- tities. A solution of Eq. (9.13) is given by a
ticle sedimentation are the effects of wind Gaussian distribution (e.g., Suzuki, 1983; Pfeiffer
advection on the spreading of the umbrella et al., 2005). The total mass on the ground is com-
cloud and on particle transport, and particle- puted as the sum of the contributions of each of
�aggregation processes in the case of ash-rich the point sources distributed above the ground
plumes and concentrated flows (Bursik et al., and of each particle class.
1992b; Bonadonna and Phillips, 2003). In par- Commonly, ADS models are based on
ticular, wind advection typically shifts the pos- empirical parameters, such as the diffusion
ition of breaks in slope downwind, whereas coefficient KH and column shape parameters
aggregation processes allow fine particles to introduced for describing the term S. As a
fall in the turbulent and intermediate fallout result, they must be validated and calibrated
regimes with the result that (1) breaks in slope with field data for specific eruptions before
can be shifted either closer to the vent or fur- they can be used for a reliable hazard assess-
ther downwind depending on the size and ment. However, the advantage of these models
density of the aggregates, (2) the thinning rate is the simplicity of the physical parameter-
is controlled by the amount of aggregating ization and, therefore, the high computation
particles, and (3) small aggregates are likely to speed. This allows for comprehensive prob-
generate secondary maxima of mass accumu- abilistic analysis of the associated inputs and
lation when advected (Bonadonna and Phillips, outputs, and for solution of inverse problems
2003). Bonadonna et al. (2005a) further devel- to estimate eruption parameters, such as total
oped Eq. (9.12) to account for the variation erupted mass and column height. Key find-
of volumetric flux with distance from vent to ings include the great sensitivity of ADS mod-
describe sedimentation from a vigorous weak els to both erupted mass and column height,
plume. which justifies the use of inversion solutions
for estimating these parameters (Connor and
Connor, 2006; Scollo et al., 2008a,b; Volentik
9.4.2â•…Two-dimensional analytical et al., 2010).
sedimentation models
Two-dimensional models are based on analyt- 9.4.3â•…Three-dimensional numerical
ical solution of the ADS equation under the models for particle sedimentation
assumptions of constant and isotropic atmos- When the simplifying assumptions made to
pheric diffusion and of negligible vertical wind derive Eq. (9.13) are no longer valid, or when
velocity and vertical diffusion (Suzuki, 1983; there is a need to describe three-dimensional
Armienti et al., 1988; Glaze and Self, 1991; dispersion of volcanic clouds within the
Hurst and Turner, 1999; Connor et al., 2001; atmosphere, fully numerical models
Bonadonna et al., 2002a, 2005b; Folch and must be adopted. One example requiring
Felpeto, 2005; Macedonio et al., 2005; Pfeiffer three-dimensional treatment is when most of
et al., 2005; Connor and Connor, 2006). The erup- the transport occurs within the atmospheric
tion column is typically described as a vertical boundary layer (ABL), i.e., the part of the
line source that can be characterized by vari- troposphere that is directly influenced by the
ous mass distribution functions ranging from presence of the Earth’s surface and responds
uniform to exponential (e.g., Suzuki, 1983). As to surface forcing with a timescale of ≤ 1 hour
a result, Eq. (9.9) becomes: (Stull, 1988). Due to both topographic effects

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and rapid temporal variations of wind and ∂c j ∂c j ∂c j ∂c j

temperature fields, turbulent tensor compo- + ux + uy + (u z − v j ) =
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z
nents are significantly more complex in the
∂  ∂  ∂  ∂ 
ABL than in the higher (i.e. free) atmosphere.  KH cj + KH cj +
∂x  ∂x  ∂y  ∂y  (9.14)
Another case requiring a numerical approach
is the tracking of volcanic ash clouds for ∂  ∂  ∂v j r
 KV cj + cj − c j∇ ⋅ u + S
diversion of aircraft flight paths routinely per- ∂z  ∂z  ∂z

formed by the Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers
(VAAC) (Witham et al., 2007). The terrain-following wind speed compo-

However, depending on the application, nents u = ( u x , u y , u z ) can be passed through the
several simplifying assumptions can be intro- meteorological processor CALMET (Scire et al.,
duced to make the problem tractable for prac- 2000), which is used for assimilating and inter-
tical purposes, even for this category of model. polating short-term forecasts (or re-analysis)
For example, the VAAC particle-tracking mod- from mesoscale meteorological prognostic
els are mainly used to describe the atmos- models. The vertical component of the turbu-
pheric transport of volcanic ash for aviation lent diffusivity tensor KV can be described on the
safety, but, except for a few cases (Tanaka and basis of similarity theory in the ABL, and of the
Yamamoto, 2002), they are not used to calcu- Richardson number (ratio of thermallyproduced
late ground deposition. Other examples of turbulence and turbulence generated by verti-
VAAC three-dimensional, time-dependent cal shear) in the free atmosphere. The horizon-
Eulerian models are VAFTAD (Volcanic Ash tal component KH can be described following a
Forecast Transport And Dispersion; Heffter large eddy simulation (LES) approach that con-
and Stunder, 1993), CANERM (CANadian sists of solving large scale motions of the flow
Emergency Response Model; D’Amours, 1998) and modeling the effect of the smaller universal
and MEDIA (Eulerian Model for DIspersion in scales using a sub-grid scale (SGS) model. The
the Atmosphere; Sandu et al., 2003). The last generic particle class j is defined by three values
model, used by the Toulouse VAAC, simulates characterizing each particle (diameter, density,
the effects of advection by the average wind, and shape factor). Several semi-empirical param-
diffusion of particles by thermal and dynam- eterizations can be used for calculating particle
ical turbulence, rainout (occurring inside the terminal settling velocities. The source term S
cloud) and washout (occurring below the cloud) (i.e., the amount of mass injected per unit vol-
of particles by precipitation, and sedimentation ume and unit time) can be described as a point
due to gravitational settling. Examples of VAAC source, as a Suzuki distribution (Suzuki, 1983;
models based on Lagrangian formulations are Pfeiffer et al., 2005), or through a buoyant plume
NAME (Numerical Atmospheric-dispersion model (Bursik, 2001). The last option involves
Modelling Environment; Ryall and Maryon, the solution of the one-dimensional, radiallyav-
1998), PUFF (Searcy et al., 1998), and HYSPLIT eraged, governing equations that describe the
(Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated convective region of an eruption column, over
Trajectory Model; Draxier and Hess, 1998). Only which the mass is released and distributed in
a few models, such as the three-dimensional, several layers according to the particle termi-
time-dependent Eulerian FALL3D (Costa et al., nal velocity. These equations are intimately
2006; Folch et al., 2009) and the Lagrangian coupled with the wind field, which, for small
VOL-CALPUFF (Barsotti and Neri, 2008; Barsotti plumes, may cause substantial bending over of
et al., 2008) were designed for both particle the plume. The numerical solution is based on a
transport and particle sedimentation. second-order finite differences scheme. Particle
In particular, FALL3D solves the ADS equa- sedimentation at the bottom of the computa-
tion for each particle class concentration in a tional domain (i.e., ground level) is calculated as
terrain-following coordinate system: the temporal integral of the outgoing mass flux

9780521895439c09_p173-202.indd 182 8/2/2012 12:33:38 PM


from this surface (Costa et al., 2006). In a recent the technique used, on deposit exposure, and
study (Folch et al., 2008), FALL3D was general- on data distribution and density. Most erupted
ized to the mesoscale-synoptic domain and cou- volumes derived from field data should be con-
pled with the Weather Research and Forecasting sidered minimum values unless the data sets
(WRF) meteorological model (Michalakes et al., extend hundreds of kilometers from the vent
2005; (the higher the plume, the larger the deposit
Finally, it is worth mentioning another cat- to be investigated). A review of several meth-
egory of model designed to describe in detail the ods can be found in Froggatt (1982), whereas
evolution of the eruption plume from its rise to the most recent techniques are summarized in
its collapse. Given the high degree of complexity Section 9.3. In addition, recent applications of
of such models, they are usually applied over rela- inversion techniques to analytical models have
tively small horizontal domains (up to few tens of shown promising results. Specifically, mass
kilometers). Some of these models are focused on per unit area and particle size data from indi-
describing the dynamics and thermodynamics of vidual outcrops are inverted through the use
the mixture of hot gases and particles (Dobran of two-dimensional analytical models to derive
et al., 1993; Esposti Ongaro et al., 2007), whereas eruption parameters, such as erupted mass
other models such as ATHAM (Active Tracer High and column height (Connor and Connor, 2006;
Resolution Atmospheric Model; Herzog et╛╛al., Scollo et al., 2008a; Volentik et al., 2010).
1998; Oberhuber et al., 1998) are more appropri- Column height is very important for defining
ate for dealing with the chemical interactions the source term and is related to eruption inten-
and microphysical processes of volcanic and sity (i.e., mass flux). The best evaluation of col-
cloud water, cloud ice, rain, and graupel. umn height comes from well-documented and
calibrated direct observations. Column height
can also be estimated through analysis of satel-
9.5╇ ╇Limitations of input lite images, based on geometry (cloud shadow
clinometry), thermal infrared (IR) data (using
parameters and a cloud-top temperature/temperature profile
parameterizations adopted method), and correlation of cloud trajectory
by ADS models with meteorological motion (cloud stereoscopy)
(Holasek and Self, 1995; Prata and Turner, 1997;
Regardless of the complexity of different sedi- Glaze et al., 1999; Prata and Grant, 2001). Field
mentation models, the reliability and uncertain- studies have also shown that the derivation of
ties of the associated outputs strongly depend on plume height using the method of Carey and
the reliability and uncertainties of input param- Sparks (1986) gives fairly consistent results
eters (i.e., erupted mass, column height, total even for poorly exposed deposits (Wehrmann
grainsize distribution, meteorological data) and et al., 2006). Inversion of two-dimensional analyt-
of the parameterizations used to describe crit- ical models using particle size data also gives a
ical sedimentation processes, such as particle good constraint on plume height (Volentik et al.,
aggregation, particle terminal velocity, and col- 2010). However, it is important to bear in mind
umn dynamics. that even a small uncertainty in plume height
results in an uncertainty about four times larger
9.5.1â•…Input parameters: erupted mass, in mass flux Ṁ, because of the fourth power rela-
grainsize distribution, plume height, tionship between Ṁ and H (Eq. 9.8).
wind profile All tephra dispersal models are strongly
Erupted mass is the most important input dependent on the choice of initial grainsize
parameter and is one of the most difficult to distribution. Nonetheless, even though sev-
derive accurately from field data. In fact, vol- eral methods have been proposed, including
ume (and mass) estimation strongly depends on simple data averages, sectorization, Voronoi

9780521895439c09_p173-202.indd 183 8/2/2012 12:33:38 PM


tessellation, and analytical models (Carey and 9.5.2â•…Parameterizations of particle

Sigurdsson, 1982; Bonadonna and Houghton, aggregation and settling velocity
2005; Mannen, 2006; Volentik et al., 2010), none Particle aggregation is a fundamental process
of these techniques is able to reproduce missing that typically occurs in ash-rich volcanic clouds
field data. As a result, any extrapolation based for particle diameters < 100 μm, and results in
on empirical fitting of poor data sets is likely to the formation of coated crystals, dry aggregates,
be problematic. and accretionary lapilli, depending on the water
Tephra dispersal is significantly affected by content (Sparks et al., 1997). Ash-coated crystals
local meteorological conditions. The required (typically particles > 200 μm coated by < 20-μm
resolution of meteorological data depends particles) are considered responsible for scaven-
mainly on the length scale and specific problem ging only small volumes of fine particles and the
being considered. However, wind profile infor- associated ash coating is not expected to change
mation is commonly difficult to include in sim- the particle terminal velocity significantly
ulations of particle sedimentation for two main (James et al., 2002). In contrast, both accretionary
reasons: (1) wind profile data are not always lapilli and dry aggregates can significantly affect
available for a given eruption, certainly not for sedimentation of ash-rich tephra, as shown by
prehistoric events; (2) many models for tephra numerous field observations (Hobbs et al., 1981;
dispersal do not capture the complexity of the Brazier et al., 1982; Sorem, 1982; Hildreth and
local meteorological conditions (e.g., all analyt- Drake, 1992; Scasso et al., 1994) and both ana-
ical models described above). The only meteoro- lytical and numerical investigations (Carey and
logical information for prehistoric eruptions is Sigurdsson, 1982; Cornell et al., 1983; Wiesner
average wind direction, derived from the disper- et€al., 1995; Veitch and Woods, 2001; Bonadonna
sal axis, and maximum wind speed at the tropo- et al., 2002a; Textor et al., 2006). In particular, (1)
pause, derived using the method of Carey and aggregation processes can make fine particles
Sparks (1986); however, wind direction typically fall closer to the vent than expected, generat-
varies with height, especially in the lower part ing secondary maxima of accumulation (Carey
of the atmosphere. For recent eruptions, glo- and Sigurdsson, 1982) (e.g., Fig. 9.2(b)); (2) aggre-
bal meteorological data with a grid resolution gation processes affect tephra-deposit thinning
of 2.5˚ are available from 1948 to the present and the position of thinning breaks in slope on
(Kalnay et al., 1996; semi-log plots of thickness vs. distance from vent
ncep.reanalysis.html,╛╛h ttp:// (Bonadonna and Phillips, 2003); (3) deposition
data/d/era40_daily/). For recent years, other use- of co-pyroclastic-density-current ash (generated
ful data come from direct soundings for many both from large ignimbrites and block-and-ash
locations worldwide ( flows) cannot be described unless aggregation
upperair/sounding.html). Unfortunately, the is accounted for (Cornell et al., 1983; Bonadonna
grid resolution of these data sets is too coarse et€al., 2002a); (4) dry aggregation processes signifi-
for many applications, so data derived from cantly affect health hazard assessments because a
mesoscale meteorological models (e.g., the considerable number of particles with diameters
Fifth-Generation NCAR/Penn State Mesoscale < 10 μm are present as small aggregates in all
Model (MM5), and the Weather Research and volcanic plumes (James et al., 2003). The complex-
Forecasting (WRF) model) are more practical. ity of aggregation processes explains why they
For example, Byrne et al. (2007) showed that are not accounted for in most dispersal models.
dispersal of tephra from the 1995 eruption of Such a simplification, combined with the empir-
Cerro Negro (Nicaragua) can be described by ical nature of analytical models, is valid when
accounting for small-scale wind variations dur- sedimentation of ash-poor tephra is considered
ing the eruption. For applications where a very (e.g., eruption of Askja 1875 D; Bonadonna and
fine scale is needed (≤ 1 km) diagnostic wind Phillips, 2003). However, even analytical models
(mass consistent) models such as CALMET can fail to accurately reproduce tephra deposits char-
be used (Scire et al., 2000). acterized by ash-rich grainsize distributions.

9780521895439c09_p173-202.indd 184 8/2/2012 12:33:39 PM


Several studies have shown that particle- where L is the longest particle dimension,
settling velocities strongly depend on particle I is the longest dimension perpendicular to L,
shape (Wilson and Huang, 1979), although for and S is the dimension perpendicular to both L
simplicity particles are typically assumed to be and I. In addition, Riley et al. (2003) considered
spheres, for which terminal velocities can be the determination of particle sphericity from
determined using simple expressions (Kunii two-dimensional images, which permits analy-
and Levenspiel, 1969; Arastoopour et al., 1982). sis of small particles. However, these methods
The settling velocity vj of particles of size dj is are all approximations that need to be tested
obtained from the balance between gravity and thoroughly for application to calculating ter-
air drag. The drag coefficient, Cd, is a function of minal velocities of volcanic particles. As a
the particle shape and the Reynolds number, Re = result, the effect of particle shape on terminal
dj ρa vj /ηa, where ηa is the air dynamic viscos- velocity is a critical factor that remains to be
ity (Pa s). The assumption of spherical particles adequately described. However, the drag coef-
is valid as a first-order approximation only; for ficient strongly depends on particle shape only
non-spherical particles the determination of Cd for relatively large particles (Fig. 9.3). For exam-
is more complicated. Walker et al. (1971) showed ple, the model of Ganser (1993) can be used to
that pumice clasts >5 mm are better described investigate the terminal velocities of irregular
by cylinders than spheres, and Wilson and particles of known shape and diameter ranging
Huang (1979) found that, for particle diameters between 1.5 and 7 cm, and with shape factor F
from 30 and >500 μm, glass and feldspar frag- ( = (I + S) / 2L; Wilson and Huang, 1979) ranging
ments have a very high proportion of flattened between 0.3 and 0.9. Figure 9.3 shows the associ-
particles, whereas pumice clasts have a greater ated drag coefficients for Reynolds numbers Re
variety of shapes, including equant particles. between 0.001 and 106. Note that the shape fac-
Following a review of available methods for tor F does not uniquely constrain elongated and
estimating the drag coefficient of non-spheri- platy particles (i.e., F < 0.7), and that rounded
cal particles, Chhabra et al. (1999) showed that particles can have similar drag coefficients to
the best approach appears to be that of Ganser elongated particles. Furthermore, Figure 9.3
(1993), which uses the equal volume sphere shows that the drag coefficient varies signifi-
diameter and the sphericity ψ of particles, with cantly only for particles falling in the interme-
a resulting overall error within ~16% for Re ran- diate and turbulent regimes (Re > 1). As a result,
ging from 10−4 to 5 × 105. Unfortunately, expres- future studies of the effects of particle shape on
sions for terminal velocity that account for terminal velocity should focus on medium- and
the complexity of irregular particles are com- particularly high-Re particles, i.e., particles with
monly based on particle parameters that are diameters > 63 μm and > 2 mm respectively, for
impractical to measure. For example, particle heights > 10 km above sea level.
surface area necessary to calculate ψ, cannot An accurate description of plume dynamics
be easily determined since this would imply a is crucial for both analytical and numerical mod-
complicated integration over surface elements els (Scollo et al., 2008b). Model results are very
of an irregular particle. For this reason, Wadell sensitive to the choice of velocity profile within
(1933) and Aschenbrenner (1956) introduced the plume, which ultimately controls both the
the concepts of “operational” and “working mass and the grainsize distribution within the
sphericity,” based on the determination of the eruptive column (e.g., Carey and Sparks, 1986;
volume and of the three dimensions of a par- Bursik et al., 1992a). As a first approximation,
ticle respectively: models based on BPT consider a Gaussian dis-
tribution profile across the plume and a monot-
2  S I S
 I 
2 onic trend with height (Carey and Sparks,
ψ work = 12.8 3 1 + 1 +  + 6 1 + 2  1 + L2   1986; Bursik et al., 1992a; Sparks et al., 1992;
IL  I L I 
Bonadonna and Phillips, 2003; Bonadonna et al.,
(9.15) 2005a). However, numerical models show more

9780521895439c09_p173-202.indd 185 8/2/2012 12:33:39 PM


Figure 9.3╇╇ Plot of drag coefficient vs.

Reynolds number for particles with
different shapes. Drag coefficient was
calculated analytically from the model of
Ganser (1993). F denotes shaper factor
and ψ is sphericity.

complicated velocity profiles, and simulations leading to tephra dispersal to the southeast. The
from three-dimensional models of weak plumes highest seismic tremor recorded for this plume-
show no Gaussian cross section at any time or forming lava fountain lasted for about 25 minutes
even as a time-averaged property. The advan- (Aloisi et al., 2002; Coltelli et al., 2006). The asso-
tage of simple column models such as those ciated tephra blanket was sampled between ~3
used in the analytical models described above and 30 km from the vent soon after deposition.
or the steady-state models based on BPT (Woods, As a result, a detailed isomass map was compiled
1988; Bursik, 2001; Ishimine, 2006) is their com- (Fig.€ 9.4), and a maximum column height of
putational speed and flexibility compared to 11 km a.s.l. and a maximum wind speed at the
the complex three-dimensional time-dependent tropopause of 10–30 m s−1 were determined
descriptions of plume dynamics (Dobran et al., using the method of Carey and Sparks (1986)
1993; Herzog et al., 1998; Oberhuber et al., 1998; (Andronico et€al., 1999; Table 9.1). The subplinian
Esposti Ongaro et al., 2007). As a result, for some character of this eruption is suggested by com-
regimes and applications, a challenge remain- parison with other tephra deposits on a semi-
ing for the volcanology community is to develop log plot of T vs. A (Fig. 9.5). Plinian eruptions
an accurate physical model for column dynam- ranging from basaltic (e.g., Fontana Lapilli) to
ics that is also computationally fast. rhyolitic (e.g., Taupo) are characterized by larger
maximum thicknesses and more gradual thin-
ning with distance (i.e., larger bt in Eq. 9.2) than
9.6╇ ╇ Case study the 1998 Etna deposit, which instead plots with
two other well-studied subplinian eruptions:
The 22 July 1998 paroxysmal event of Mt. Etna the 17 June 1996 eruption of Ruapehu volcano
provides a useful illustration of the application (New Zealand) and the 22 July 1980 eruption of
of the main empirical, analytical, and numer- Mt. St. Helens (USA). In addition, sensitivity ana-
ical models described in Sections 9.3–9.5 (Coltelli lyses based on time-series Meteosat images and
et€al., 2006; Scollo et al., 2008a). This was one of the theoretical modeling using the PUFF ash tracking
strongest explosive events at Mt. Etna in the last model (Searcy et al., 1998) gave a best-fit value of
century and produced a short-lived strong plume column height of 13 km a.s.l., an eruption dur-
associated with hawaiitic magma (Corsaro and ation between 20 and 40 minutes, and horizontal
Pompilio, 2004) that rose 12 km above sea level and vertical diffusivity values of 5000 and 10 m2
(a.s.l.), ~9 km above the vent in Voragine crater, s−1, respectively (Aloisi et al., 2002; Table 9.1).

9780521895439c09_p173-202.indd 186 8/2/2012 12:33:41 PM

Table 9.1╇╇Comparison of eruption parameters obtained using different methods. See online supplement 9A for details of the methods used to derive

Parameter Method

9780521895439c09_p173-202.indd 187
Power and Wilson and Numerical
Observational Exponential Law Sparks Sparks Walker Inversion: OAT: solution:
Data Method Method (1986) (1986) (1987) TEPHRA2 PUFF FALL3D
Erupted Mass _ 0.9(1seg) 2.0 _ _ _ 1.7 _ 1.7
M (×109 kg) 1.1(2seg)
Column height 12 _ _ 11 _ _ 13 13 12
H (km a.s.l.)
Mass eruption 0.6 (1seg)(8) _ _ _ 0.6(9) 1.8(10) _ _ 2.4
rate Mâ•›̇ (×106 0.7 (2seg)
kg s–1) 1.2 (3seg)
1.3 (PL)
Grainsize Mdϕ _ _ _ _ _ Mdϕ Mdϕ _
distribution (0.8) (-0.6) (0)
(1.8) (2.2) (1.5)
Duration of 25 (total _ _ _ 24 (1seg) 8 (1seg) _ 20–40 12
sustained duration) 30 (2seg) 10 (2seg)
phase (min) 51 (3seg) 17 (3seg)
56 (PL) 19 (PL)
47 16
Maximum/ 11 / 6 _ _ 10–30 _ _ 6/6 _ _
wind speed
(m s–1)
K H /K V (m2 s–1) _ _ _ _ _ _ 0.5 5000 / 5000 /0.004–
10 600 (mean:

8/2/2012 12:33:41 PM

density of 2600 kg m−3). For the power-law cal-

culation, A0 and Adist were chosen as 1.1
km (from Eq. (9.5)) and 500 km (based on the
geometry of the deposit). However, the volume
derived by integrating the power-law trend is
not very sensitive to the choice of the outermost
integration limit ( Adist ) because the associated
power-law exponent m > 2, and therefore the
deposit thins very rapidly (Table 9.1; Fig. 9.6b). In
contrast, the derived volume is sensitive to the
choice of s A0 (Table 9.1), but this can be fixed
using Eq. (9.5). A mass eruption rate of 0.6 × 106
kg s-1 was determined from the model of Sparks
(1986) for an eruption temperature of 1000 °C,
as derived by Corsaro and Pompilio (2004). A
mass eruption rate of 1.8 × 106 kg s−1 was calcu-
lated using Eq. (9.8) for a column height of 9 km
and C = 245 m kg−1/4 s1/4 (averaged from Scollo
et al. (2007) and Andronico et al. (2008)). Using
the erupted volume determined from both the
exponential and power-law methods, we obtain
an eruption duration between 8 and 19 min-
utes (method of Wilson and Walker (1987) with
Câ•›=â•›245 m kg−1/4 s1/4), and between 24 and 56 min-
utes (method of Sparks (1986) with an eruption
temperature of 1000°C; Table 9.1).

9.6.2â•…Application of 1D and 2D analytical

Figure 9.4╇╇ Isomass map of the 22 July 1998 eruption of sedimentation models
Mt Etna (kg m−2) based on data from Andronico (1999) and
As described in Section 9.4.1, the strong plume
Coltelli et al. (2006).
model of Bonadonna and Phillips (2003) can
be used to investigate the fallout dynamics
and the thinning of tephra deposits (Fig. 9.7).
9.6.1â•…Application of empirical models: The application of this model to the 22 July
erupted mass, mass eruption rate, 1998 eruption of Mt. Etna explains the pos-
and eruption duration ition of the breaks in slope shown in Figure
Because of the variation of deposit density with 9.6 by accounting for the mass fractions of
distance from vent, mass/area data were plotted particles with different Reynolds numbers
against A , and were fitted by three exponential (Run 1, Table 9.2). The first field data point in
segments and by a power-law trend (Fig. 9.6 and Figures 9.6 and 9.7 corresponds to the position
Eqs. (9.3) and (9.7)). For completeness, results for of the plume corner (~2 km from the vent for
one (medial) and two (medial and distal) expo- a plume height of ~9 km). As a result, all of
nential segments are also shown in Table 9.1. the sampled deposit corresponds to fallout
Both power-law and three-exponential-segment from the umbrella cloud, and the two breaks
fits give a total erupted mass of about 2 × 109 kg, in slope correspond to the transitions between
which corresponds to a total erupted volume of (1) turbulent and intermediate sedimentation
2 × 106 m3 (assuming an average deposit density regimes (break in slope at 95% of intermedi-
of 1050 kg m−3) and to a dense rock equivalent ate-Re particles and 5% of high-Re particles),
(DRE) volume of 8 × 105 m3 (assuming a magma and (2) between intermediate and laminar

9780521895439c09_p173-202.indd 188 8/2/2012 12:33:43 PM


Figure 9.5╇╇ Semi-log plot of thickness vs. square root of isopach area for describing the thinning trend of eruptions of different
styles.Vulcanian explosion and dome collapse of Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat, West Indies (Bonadonna et al., 2002b).
Subplinian eruptions of Ruapehu volcano, New Zealand (17 June 1996; Bonadonna et al., 2005a); Mount St. Helens, USA (22 July
1980; Sarna-Wojcicki et al., 1981); Kilauea volcano, USA (Keanakakoi tephra, Unit 6; McPhie et al., 1990); Fuego 1974 (Rose et al.,
2008). Plinian eruptions of Askja volcano, Iceland (Unit D; Sparks et al., 1981); Hudson volcano, Chile (12–15 August 1991; Scasso
et al., 1994), Minoan eruption, Greece (Pyle, 1990), Mount St. Helens, USA (18 May 1980; Sarna-Wojcicki et al., 1981); Quizapu,
Chile (1932; Hildreth and Drake, 1992); Tarawera, New Zealand (1886; Walker et al., 1984); Taupo, New Zealand (181AD; Walker,
1980); Masaya volcano, Nicaragua (Fontana Lapilli; Costantini et al., 2008); Masaya volcano, Nicaragua (Triple Layer; Perez et al.,

sedimentation regimes (break in slope at 15% The goodness of fit is determined as the root
of intermediate-Re particles and 85% of low- mean square error (RMSE):
Re particles). The discrepancy between the
observed and computed tephra accumulation N
( Mca − Moa )
is probably due to the under-representation
RMSE = ∑
a =1 Moa
of fine particles in the grainsize distribution
derived from field data, which results from the where N is the number of observations and Moa
dominantly proximal exposure of the deposit. and Mca are, respectively, the observed and com-
As a result, overestimates of terminal veloci- puted deposit (i.e., mass per unit area) at sample
ties will lead to overestimation of tephra accu- location a respectively. In order to illustrate the
mulation (Eq. (9.12); Fig. 9.7). distribution of minimum values of the good-
The TEPHRA2 model can be used in com- ness-of-fit measure, Figure 9.8 shows the RMSE
bination with dedicated inversion techniques corresponding to 0.2-log(mass) increments and
to determine eruption parameters. Connor and 2-km-height increments (Run 2, Table 9.2). The
Connor (2006) applied the downhill simplex wind direction was constrained based on the
method to find the optimized set of eruption dispersal axis indicated by the isomass map
parameters corresponding to a given tephra (Fig. 9.4). Results show that this technique pro-
deposit, based on comparison between observed vides a very good constraint on the erupted mass
and computed mass accumulation per unit area. but not on the column height. The optimized

9780521895439c09_p173-202.indd 189 8/2/2012 12:33:44 PM



Mass/area (kg/m2)

y = 309.2e–0.71x
y = 27.0e–0.25x
y = 1.6e–0.07x


0 10 20 30 40 50
Area(1/2) (km)

Figure 9.7╇╇ Semi-log plot of mass per unit area (kg m-2) vs.
distance from vent (km) showing the comparison between
Etna 1998 field data (from Figs. 9.4 and 9.5; symbols) and the
Mass/area (kg/m2)

results of the strong plume model of Bonadonna and Phillips

10 (2003) modified to account for topography (bold curve; Run
1, Table 9.2). Fractions of particles with low, intermediate, and
1 high Reynolds number are also shown (secondary axis; light
curves).Vertical ashed lines indicate the position of the two
0.1 y = 363.4x–2.27 breaks in slope shown in Fig. 9.5a (i.e., BS1 at ~6 km and BS2
at ~23 km, equivalent to BS1 at ~5 km and BS2 at ~16 km in
0 10 20 30 40 50 units of A ). Inputs are summarized in Table 9.2.
Area(1/2) (km)

Figure 9.6╇╇ Semi-log plots of mass per unit area (kg m−2) fell according to power-law diffusion (Eq. (8) in
vs. square root of area (km) showing (a) the best fit of three Bonadonna et al., 2005b). Figure 9.9 shows the
exponential segments and (b) the power-law fitting. Best-fit forward solution of TEPHRA2 computed using
equations are also shown. these best-fit values and the quantitative com-
parison with field data.

erupted mass varies between 0.4 × 109 and 9.6.3â•…Application of 3D numerical

2.5 × 109 kg (corresponding to RMSE values of models for particle sedimentation
1.5 ± 0.4 kg m-2 for observed tephra accumulations In order to apply the numerical model
between 0.1 and 84.0 kg m-2). The erupted mass FALL3D (Costa et al., 2006; Folch et al., 2009),
is the only eruptive parameter that significantly a pseudo-sounding profile was obtained for
affects model output, but not through inter- 37.5°N 15°E at 18:00 LT using the WRF model
action with other input parameters (Scollo et al., (Skamarock et al., 2005; Table 9.2, Run 5). The
2008a). However, given that for our case study profile was used to initialize the meteorologi-
the column height can be well constrained from cal processor CALMET (Scire et al., 2000), which
observations, the inversion was run again for produced a finer resolution wind and temper-
plume height from 10–15 km a.s.l. and erupted ature field, also incorporating the effects of
mass of 0.5 − 50 × 109 kg (a large enough inter- topography.
val for the algorithm to find a significant min- The observed column height of 9 km above
imum). The best fit with field data was obtained the vent corresponds to a mass eruption rate Ṁ
for a plume height of 13 km a.s.l., a total erupted of 2.5 × 106 kg s−1, derived using the model of
mass of 1.7 × 109 kg, and an average wind speed Bursik (2001) with an exit velocity of 100 m s−1,
of 6 m s−1 (Runs 3 and 4, Table 9.2). The low fall a temperature of 1000 °C, and a volatile con-
time threshold (FTT) resulting from the inver- tent of 0.5 wt% H2O. In the FALL3D simulations,
sion (i.e., 278 s) indicates that most particles Ṁ was assumed to be constant for the eruption

9780521895439c09_p173-202.indd 190 8/2/2012 12:33:46 PM


Table 9.2╇ ╇ Parameters used in the simulations. See online supplement 9A for details of the methods used to
derive parameters.

Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5

(inversion) (inversion) (forward) (forward)
Grainsize GS Etna 1998 Mdϕ Mdϕ Mdϕ GS Etna 1998
distribution (-3–3) (-3–3) (-0.6)
STDV (1–3) STDV (1–3) STDV (2.2)
Plume height H 12 4–20 10–15 13 Calculated
(km a.s.l.) within
Wind speed w 3 (mean 1–20 1–20 6 (mean Wind Etna
(m s-1) below base below 1998
current) plume
Wind direction – 90–200 90–200 110–184 Wind Etna
(˚ from N) 1998
Erupted mass M 2 0.0001–100 0.5–50 1.7 Calculated
(×109 kg) within
model (1.7)
Mass eruption – – – – 2.4
rate (×106 kg
Particle density 900–2600 900–2600 900–2600 900–2600 900–2600
(kg m-3)
K H (m2 s-1) – 0.1–8000 0.1–8000 0.5 5000
Fall time threshold – 1–5000 1–5000 278 –
FTT (s)

duration and the source terms (i.e., injected of Etna volcano). The turbulent diffusivity ten-
mass per second, column height, mass distribu- sor was described through similarity theory
tion in the plume) were determined through the for the vertical component, and as both con-
model of Bursik (2001), based on BPT. In agree- stant and using a large eddy simulation (LES)
ment with this model, a mass eruption rate Ṁ model for the horizontal component (Folch
of 2.5 × 106 kg s-1 produces a column height of et al., 2009). Note that, when the wind field is
~9 km above the vent (~12 km a.s.l.). Hence, derived from a single sounding, LES models
taking this value for Ṁ and the duration of the can underestimate turbulent diffusion because
climactic phase of 12 minutes (from best-fit ana- there is no horizontal shear. In fact, fits to the
lysis), the total mass erupted is found to be 1.7 × data suggest a constant horizontal diffusion
109 kg. Figure 9.10 shows the deposit obtained of KH ≈ 5000 m2 s−1, compared to the average
by FALL3D using a grid of 51 × 51 × 18 km (1 km value of KH ≈ 2250 m2 s−1 predicted by the LES
horizontal spacing) and the wind field refined model. A comparison of the simulation results
by CALMET. and observed deposit is shown in Fig. 9.10b.
Terminal velocity was calculated using the Finally, FALL3D can also be used to assess ash
model of Ganser (1993) with a sphericity of concentration in the atmosphere and identify
0.93–0.95 (consistent with the data of Coltelli hazardous zones for air traffic (Folch et al.,
et al. (2008) for the 18 December 200s2 eruption 2009).

9780521895439c09_p173-202.indd 191 8/2/2012 12:33:46 PM


Figure 9.8╇╇ Plot of log(erupted mass)

vs. plume height (km) showing the
minimum values of the goodness-of-fit
measure (RMSE; Eq. (9.15)) for the Etna
1998 tephra deposit. Erupted mass was
varied between 104 and 1011 kg with
0.2-log(mass) increments and the plume
height was varied between 4 and 20 km
with 2-km-height increments (Run 2,Table
9.2). Resulting values were interpolated
to produce 2D RMSE surfaces and the
plot was cropped to show only the
interpolated surfaces. Dark blue on the
RMSE scale indicates the minimum values
(i.e., best fit). RMSE values vary between
1 and 100 kg m−2 and are contoured with
25 kg m−2 contours (RMSE values > 20
kg m−2 were observed only for erupted
masses > 3 × 1010 kg and were set equal
to 20 kg m-2 for a better visualization of
the minimum). See color plates section.

9.7╇ ╇ Discussion the standard deviation resulting from plume

height calculations using four different models
Integrated application of empirical, analytical, is 0.8 km, with discrepancies from the observed
and numerical models to tephra deposits pro- values between 0 and 8%. The standard devi-
vides insights into the dynamics of the associated ation for erupted mass calculated using six dif-
volcanic eruptions and allows for compilation ferent methods is 4 × 108 kg. Discrepancies with
of comprehensive hazard assessments. respect to the mass obtained with the inver-
sion of TEPHRA2, and the numerical solution
9.7.1â•… Case study FALL3D (i.e., 1.7 × 109 kg) are 19% integrating
The comprehensive data set of the 22 July 1998 the power-law fit, 49% integrating one exponen-
Etna eruption provided the opportunity to inves- tial segment, 35% integrating two exponential
tigate the uncertainties in eruption parameters segments, and 9% integrating three exponential
derived from sedimentation models with dif- segments.
ferent levels of complexity, and to apply these Third, mass eruption rate is more difficult
models to basaltic explosive eruptions. First, we to constrain; we found a discrepancy of ~67%
stress that, even though magma composition between the values obtained using the empiri-
does not seem to affect sedimentation dynam- cal model of Wilson and Walker (1987) and the
ics (e.g., Fig. 9.5), it must be accounted for when analytical model of Sparks (1986) for the same
deriving eruption parameters. For example, we plume temperature (1000 °C). In addition, the
have shown that inferred mass eruption rate mass eruption rate derived numerically using
strongly depends on eruption temperature FALL3D is ~300% and 33% larger than the results
(Sparks, 1986; Wilson and Walker, 1987). from Sparks (1986) and Wilson and Walker
Second, in order to assess the variation (1987), respectively (Table 9.1). Ṁ derived by
of eruption parameters derived using differ- dividing the calculated erupted mass by the
ent modeling approaches, we have compared observed duration (i.e., 25 minutes) is 26–67%
results for calculations of plume height, erupted lower than the Ṁ of Wilson and Walker (1987)
mass, mass eruption rate, wind profile and dif- and 0–122% larger than that of Sparks (1986)
fusion coefficients (Table 9.1). In particular, (Table 9.1). Discrepancies in both mass eruption

9780521895439c09_p173-202.indd 192 8/2/2012 12:33:47 PM


values in Table 9.1 and the Ṁ of Sparks (1986) is

always ~200% greater than when derived from
the Ṁ of Wilson and Walker (1987). The duration
derived using the Ṁ of Wilson and Walker (1987)
and the mass inverted from TEPHRA2 is about
23% greater and 28% less than the minimum
duration derived from the numerical solution
of FALL3D and PUFF (Table 9.1). Discrepancies
resulting from the calculation of wind veloc-
ity are within 50% of the observed value for all
Finally, there is a large discrepancy observed
for the diffusion coefficient calculated using
FALL3D and PUFF, and the horizontal diffusion
coefficient obtained using TEPHRA2. The diffu-
sion coefficient used in semi-analytical models
is an empirical parameter that depends on the
choice of physical model and spatial discretiza-
tion. In addition, TEPHRA2 describes particle
diffusion using two diffusion laws for coarse and
fine particles; a constant diffusion coefficient
is used only for coarse particles (Fickian diffu-
sion). As a result, the diffusion coefficient does
not have the same meaning as for numerical
models such as FALL3D and PUFF. However, the
horizontal diffusion coefficients used in FALL3D
and PUFF give the same result, which is about
double the value derived from the LES model.
The mean vertical diffusion coefficient obtained
Figure 9.9╇╇ Forward solution of the TEPHRA2 model (Run
from similarity theory is also on the same order
4 in Table 9.2) run with the best-fit values obtained from the of magnitude as the coefficient derived from
inversion computation (Run 3, Table 9.2): (a) isomass map PUFF. In general, it is important to thoroughly
with contours of 0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 3, 10, 25, and understand parameters from different models
80 kg m−2, shown for comparison with Fig. 9.4. Locations of before comparing them.
the volcano and the field data are indicated. (b) Comparison We conclude that for the 1998 Etna eruption,
between computed (solid line) and observed (symbols) mass/ column height is the parameter that can be con-
area data. Dashed lines indicate over- or under-estimations of
strained with the least uncertainty. The total
1/5 and 5 times the observed values, respectively. TEPHRA2
erupted mass can also be constrained within an
was run using a Global Land One-km Base Elevation map
acceptable range using empirical (exponential
method applied to three segments and power-
law fit), analytical (inversion of TEPHRA2), and
rate and erupted mass result in a discrepancy numerical (FALL3D) models. In contrast, the der-
in the eruption duration ranging between 9 and ivation of Ṁ, duration, wind profile, and diffu-
49% with respect to the duration obtained from sion coefficients are more problematic. This is
the total mass derived using the inversion of probably due to the greater complexity associ-
TEPHRA2 and FALL3D (i.e., 16 and 47 minutes ated with these parameters, given that they are
using the Ṁ of Wilson and Walker (1987) and strongly connected to atmospheric characteris-
Sparks (1986), respectively). In contrast, the dura- tics, and are also parameterized differently in
tion derived from the six different erupted mass different sedimentation models. In particular,

9780521895439c09_p173-202.indd 193 8/2/2012 12:33:48 PM


9.7.2â•…Determination of eruption
As described above, eruption parameters can
be inferred by applying empirical, analytical,
and numerical models, and through inversion
solutions of analytical models. Our case study
confirms that empirical extrapolation of poor
data sets can be misleading (e.g., volume cal-
culations based on the integration of only one
or two exponential segments), but that integra-
tion of at least three exponential segments and
of the power-law fit give comparable results for
moderate eruptions. However, this result is not
necessarily expected to hold for more exten-
sively dispersed deposits. In addition, sensitiv-
ity tests carried out for the integration of the
power-law fit for the Etna deposit show larger
discrepancies due to the choice of A0 than
of Adist (Table 9.1). This is consistent with the
findings of Bonadonna and Houghton (2005) for
deposits produced by relatively small eruptions
characterized by a power-law exponent m > 2
(e.g., Ruapehu 1996). However, for widely dis-
persed deposits the power-law method is more
sensitive to the choice of Adist than A0 (i.e.,
m < 2). As a result, poorly exposed deposits, in
particular those of large eruptions, would be
better described by applying inversion solutions
of analytical models such as TEPHRA2 (Connor
Figure 9.10╇╇ FALL3D simulation results for the Etna and Connor, 2006), ASHFALL (Hurst and Turner,
22 July 1998 deposit (Run 5, Table 9.2): (a) isomass map 1999), and HAZMAP (Macedonio et al., 2005).
with contours of 0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 3, 10, 25, and Scollo et al. (2008a) have shown that the model
80 kg m-2, shown for comparison with Figs. 9.4 and 9.9. TEPHRA can be used to determine erupted
Locations of the volcano and the field data are indicated. (b) mass because it is very sensitive to this param-
Comparison between computed (solid line) and observed eter, independent of other inputs, and that the
(symbols) mass/area data. Dashed lines indicate over- or
erupted mass can be well constrained with at
under-estimations of 1/5 and 5 times the observed values
least 10 well-distributed field data points (the
data set of our case study has 33 thickness meas-
urements). These conclusions hold for the other
discrepancies in the calculation of mass erup- analytical models. In contrast, determination of
tion rate are due to a combination of factors, column height using TEPHRA is less straight-
including the more complex plume dynamics forward because height is an input, along with
resulting from lava-fountaining fragmentation, the total grainsize distribution, that affects the
and the effects of wind shear on air entrain- model output through interaction with other
ment within the convective region described input parameters (Scollo et al., 2008a). These
in FALL3D, which, for a given plume height, observations are confirmed by application of
requires a larger Ṁ compared to standard ana- inversion techniques using TEPHRA2, which
lytical models. shows that erupted mass is easier to constrain

9780521895439c09_p173-202.indd 194 8/2/2012 12:33:50 PM


than column height (e.g., Fig. 9.8). However, probabilistic and/or �real-time forecasting of
Volentik et al. (2010) have shown that a better tephra dispersal. Typically, analytical models
constraint on column height is obtained when are computationally fast and therefore can be
tephra accumulation is inverted for individual used to compile fully probabilistic assessments,
grainsizes. Further studies of the application whereas numerical models are more suited
of inversion techniques are needed to assess for real-time forecasting to provide accur-
the minimum amount of field data required to ate estimates of ground sedimentation and of
provide a reliable characterization. In addition, the position of the volcanic cloud with time.
inversion techniques are not always straightfor- In particular, our case study confirms that the
ward to apply; the choice of parameter ranges more sophisticated numerical models do not
can significantly affect the final result and there- necessarily provide better accuracy in terms
fore requires critical analysis. We also stress that of ground sedimentation, especially given the
studies of poorly exposed deposits have shown uncertainties associated with the input param-
that the method of Carey and Sparks (1986) gives eters (e.g., Scollo et al., 2008b; Figs. 9.9 and
good results even when the position of the vent is 9.10). However, numerical models can provide
not well known (e.g., Wehrmann et al., 2006). As crucial information not possible with analytical
a result, inversion techniques should always be models (e.g., a description of cloud movement
used in combination with other models for con- with time). In general, verified and validated
straining both erupted mass and plume height. numerical models are also more appropriate
In particular, granulometry data in proximal, for real-time forecasting because they require
medial, and distal areas should always be col- fewer empirical parameters (e.g., diffusion
lected to better constrain plume height. Finally, coefficient, mass distribution within the erup-
models based on empirical observations should tive column) and, as a result, are simpler to
always be applied in their range of validation. apply. Models of all levels of sophistication
would benefit significantly from better param-
eterization of critical sedimentation processes
9.8╇ ╇ Summary and outlook such as particle aggregation and settling, and
from quantification of uncertainties associated
Comprehensive characterization of tephra with input parameters such as erupted mass,
deposits and reliable hazard assessment can plume height, mass discharge rate, and total
only result from critical and synergistic appli- grainsize distribution.
cation of models with levels of sophistication
ranging from purely empirical to fully numer-
ical. First, tephra deposits need to be sampled 9.9╇ ╇ Notation
accurately (for both mass/area and grain-size
data) over an area proportional to the associated a sample location in application of
particle dispersal. Second, dedicated empirical inversion techniques
and analytical models can be used for deter- A area enclosed within isomass/isopach
mination of plume height, erupted mass, ini- contours (m2)
tial grainsize distribution, mass eruption rate Ax area enclosed within isopach line of
and duration. Inversion solutions of analytical thickness Tx (m2)
models can also be used to obtain independ- A0 integration limit of power-law
ent results for the same eruption parameters. function, typically taken as distance
Eruption parameters can be used to classify of maximum deposit thickness (m)
volcanic eruptions and build potential eruptive Adist integration limit of power-law
scenarios. Finally, following thorough model function, typically taken as the
validation and calibration, analytical and downwind extent of deposit (m)
numerical models can be applied to compile bt thickness half distance (m)

9780521895439c09_p173-202.indd 195 8/2/2012 12:33:50 PM


cj(x,y,z,t) particle concentration (kg m−3) S(x,y,z,t) source term (kg m−3 s−1)
c′j turbulent fluctuation of concentration t time coordinate (s)
of particle class j (kg m-3) T thickness of tephra deposit (m)
c̅j ensemble average of concentration Tn0 intercept of exponential segment n
of particle class j (kg m-3) (m)
C empirical factor (m kg-1/4 s1/4) T0 maximum thickness of tephra
CD drag coefficient deposit (m)
Cpl coefficient of power-law best fit Tx thickness of given isopach x (m)
(m(1+m)) ux,uy,uz components of wind velocity vector
dj diameter of particle of class j (m) (m s−1)
F particle shape factor u̅x,u̅y,u̅z components of average wind velocity
H maximum height of volcanic plume (m s−1)
(m) u′x,u′y,u′z components of turbulent fluctuation
Hb neutral buoyancy level of volcanic of wind velocity (m s−1)
plume (m) U current velocity in s-direction of
j index of particle size plume or umbrella cloud (m s−1)
k slope of deposit exponential best-fit vHb particle terminal velocity at neutral
curve (m-1) buoyancy level Hb (m s−1)
kn slope of exponential segment n (m−1) vj particle terminal velocity of particle
KH horizontal atmospheric diffusion class j; vj = vj (x,y,z) (m s−1)
coefficient (KH = Kx = Ky) (m2 s−1) V erupted volume (m3)
Kx x-component (horizontal) of w maximum crosswind width at source
horizontal diffusion coefficient of spreading current (m)
(m2 s−1) x o plume corner position (m)
K V vertical atmospheric diffusion x, y, z spatial coordinates (m)
coefficient (m2 s−1) ηa dynamic viscosity of air (Pa s)
Ky y-component (horizontal) of ρa density of air (kg m−3)
horizontal diffusion coefficient (m2 s−1) ψ sphericity
m exponent of power-law best fit curve ψwork sphericity
L, I, S dimensions of three perpendicular Re Reynolds number
axes of particle (m)
M total mass of particles of given
size fraction carried by current at Acknowledgments
distance x1 (kg)
Ṁ mass eruption rate (kg s−1) A. Costa was supported by the MIUR-FIRB
M0 initial mass for given grain size Italian project “Sviluppo Nuove Tecnologie
injected into current (kg) per la Protezione e Difesa del Territorio dai
Moa observed mass per unit area at Rischi Naturali.” The authors are grateful to
sample location a (kg m−2) D. Andronico, M. Coltelli, and P. Del Carlo for
Mca computed mass per unit area at providing the field data of the 22 July 1998 erup-
sample location a (kg m−2) tion of Mt. Etna and to A. Folch for providing the
n number of exponential segments pseudo-sounding used to run CALMET. S. Scollo,
N number of field observations in and L. Connor are thanked for useful discussion.
application of inversion techniques
Q volumetric flow rate into current at
neutral buoyancy level (m3 s−1) References
s spreading direction of current (m)
Sn position of break in slope of Aloisi, M., D’Agostino, M., Dean, K. G., Mostaccio,
exponential segment n (m) A. and Neri, G. (2002). Satellite analysis and

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Sparks, R. S. J., Bursik, M. I., Carey, S. N. et al. (1997). Plinian fissure eruption. Journal of Volcanology and
Volcanic Plumes. Chichester, UK: Wiley. Geothermal Research, 21, 61–78.
Stull, R. (1988). An Introduction to Boundary Layer Wehrmann, H., Bonadonna, C., Freundt, A.,
Meteorology. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic. Houghton, B. F. and Kutterolf, S. (2006). Fontana
Sulpizio, R. (2005). Three empirical methods for the Tephra: A basaltic Plinian eruption in Nicaragua.
calculation of distal volume of tephra-fall deposits. In Volcanic Hazards in Central America, Geological
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 145, Society of America Special Paper, 412, pp.
315–336. 209–223.
Suzuki, T. (1983). A theoretical model for dispersion Wiesner, M. G., Wang, Y. W. and Zheng, L. (1995).
of tephra. In Arc Volcanism, Physics and Tectonics, Fallout of volcanic ash to the deep South China Sea
ed. D. Shimozuru and I. Yokoyama. Tokyo: Terra induced by the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo
Scientific, pp. 95–113. (Philippines). Geology, 23, 885–888.
Tanaka, H. L. and Yamamoto, K. (2002). Numerical Wilson, L. and Huang, T. C. (1979). The influence
simulation of volcanic plume dispersal from Usu of shape on the atmospheric settling velocity of
volcano in Japan on 31 March 2000 using PUFF volcanic ash particles. Earth and Planetary Sciences
model. Earth Planets Space, 54, 743–752. Letters, 44, 311–324.
Textor, C., Graf, H. F., Herzog, M. et al. (2006). Wilson, L. and Walker, G. P. L. (1987). Explosive
Volcanic particle aggregation in explosive volcanic eruptions€– VI. Ejecta dispersal in
eruption columns. Part II: Numerical experiments. plinian eruptions€– the control of eruption
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 150, conditions and atmospheric properties.
378–394. Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society,
Thorarinsson, S. (1944). Petrokronologista Studier pa 89, 657–679.
Island. Geographes Annuales Stockholm, 26, 1–217. Wilson, L., Sparks, R. S. J., Huang, T. C. and Watkins,
Thorarinsson, S. (1954). The eruption of Hekla N. D. (1978). The control of volcanic column height
1947–1948. In The Tephra Fall from Hekla. Reykjavik: by eruption energetics and dynamics. Journal of
Vis Islendinga. Geophysical Research, 83, 1829–1836.
Turner, J. S. (1979). Buoyancy Effects in Fluids. Witham, C. S., Hort, M. C., Potts, R. et al. (2007).
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Comparison of VAAC atmospheric dispersion
Veitch, G. and Woods, A. W. (2001). Particle models using the 1 November 2004 Grimsvotn
aggregation in volcanic eruption columns. Journal eruption. Meteorological Applications, 14, 27–38.
of Geophysical Research, 106(B11), 26,425–26,441. Woods, A. W. (1988). The fluid dynamics and
Volentik, A., Bonadonna, C., Connor, C. B., Connor, thermodynamics of eruption columns. Bulletin of
L. J. and Rosi, M. (2010). Modeling tephra dispersal Volcanology, 50, 169–193.
in absence of wind: insights from the climactic Zimanowski, B., Wohletz, K., Dellino, P. and
phase of the 2450BP Plinian eruption of Pululagua Buttner, R. (2003). The volcanic ash problem.
volcano (Ecuador). Journal of Volcanology and Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,
Geothermal Research, 193, 117–136. 122, 1–5.

9780521895439c09_p173-202.indd 201 8/2/2012 12:33:52 PM


Exercises • List of acronyms

• Additional exercises
• Answers to exercises
9.1 Calculate the erupted mass of the 22 July 1998
eruption of Etna volcano, Italy, by plotting the
data in the table below on a semilog plot of mass/
area versus square root of area and fitting and
List of acronyms
integrating both
ABL Atmospheric Boundary Layer
(i) three exponential segments, and ADS Advection Diffusion Sedimentation
(ii)╇╛a power-law curve. ATHAM Active Tracer High Resolution
Atmospheric Model
Values of mass/area and area of isomass BPT Buoyant Plume Theory
lines for the Etna 1998 tephra deposit. CANERM CANadian Emergency Response Model
DRE Dense Rock Equivalent
Mass/area kg m−2 Area (km2) FTT Fall Time Threshold
GLOBE Global Land One-km Base Elevation
80.0 1.9
25.0 3.5 HYSPLIT Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian
10.0 4.9 Integrated Trajectory Model
3.0 7.7 IR thermal infrared
1.5 11.7 LES Large Eddy Simulation
1.0 13.1 MEDIA Eulerian Model for DIspersion in the
0.5 16.4 Atmosphere
0.4 19.2 MM5 Fifth-Generation NCAR/Penn State
0.3 23.8 Mesoscale Model
0.1 38.8 NAME Numerical Atmospheric-dispersion
Modelling Environment
OAT One At a Time sensitivity tests
SGS Sub-Grid Scale
Online resources available at www.cambridge.
VAAC Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers
VAFTAD Volcanic Ash Forecast Transport And
• Supplement 9A: Details for Table 9.1 Dispersion
• Supplement 9B: Details for Table 9.2 WRF Weather Research and Forecasting
• Supplement 9C: Additional figures model

9780521895439c09_p173-202.indd 202 8/2/2012 12:33:52 PM

Chapter 10

Pyroclastic density currents

Olivier Roche, Jeremy C. Phillips and Karim Kelfoun

Overview used to simulate PDC emplacement on real top-

ographies and are fundamental in the context of
This chapter summarizes the principal experi- volcanic hazard assessment and mitigation.
mental and theoretical approaches used to
investigate the physics of pyroclastic density
currents (PDCs), which are gravity-driven hot
gas–particle mixtures commonly generated dur- 10.1╇ ╇Principal characteristics of
ing explosive volcanic eruptions. PDC behavior pyroclastic density currents
ranges from pyroclastic surges, which are dilute
turbulent suspensions, to pyroclastic flows, which Pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) are common
are dense (fluidized) granular avalanches. Most features of explosive volcanic eruptions. They
PDCs consist of a coupled basal flow and an are generated from the gravitational collapse
overriding surge, which renders their physics of lava domes (Chapter 7) or eruptive columns
particularly complex. Experiments and phenom- (Chapter 8), by lateral explosions in the case of
enological theory have been used to character- hydromagmatic activity (Chapter 11) or sudden
ize the propagation and deposition mechanisms decompression of a magma body (Fig. 10.1), as
of PDCs. Most work has used turbulent gravity well as during the formation of collapse calderas.
currents as an analogue to dilute PDCs and has PDCs are hot (up to ~600–800˚C), gravity-driven,
provided fundamental insight into propagation gas–particle mixtures within which the inter-
and deposition dynamics and mixing with their stitial fluid may control the flow dynamics. The
surroundings. Dense PDCs have been investi- pyroclasts result from magma fragmentation
gated as granular and fluidized flows, and these and their granulometry commonly ranges from
studies have provided insight into deposit levée- micron-sized ash to centimeter-sized lapilli and
channel morphology typical of coarse-grained sometimes meter-sized blocks. PDCs have typical
flows, shown that fines-rich flows may behave as volumes of ~104–108 m3, though their accumula-
inertial fluid currents, and suggested that depos- tion during an eruptive event can form deposits
its of PDCs may form by aggradation. Numerical > 103 km3. They are highly mobile; they com-
formulations ranging from continuum depth- monly travel on gentle slopes over distances of
averaged to discrete element models have been several kilometers to several tens of kilometers

Modeling Volcanic Processes: The Physics and Mathematics of Volcanism, eds. Sarah A. Fagents, Tracy K. P. Gregg, and Rosaly M. C.
Lopes. Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2012.

9780521895439c10_p203-229.indd 203 8/2/2012 10:48:19 AM


Figure 10.1╇╇ Photographs

and schematic diagrams of
PDCs generated by various
mechanisms. The dilute surge
and dense flow portions
of the flow are labeled S
and F, respectively (not
to scale). (a) Lava dome
collapse, Montserrat, 1997
(courtesy of R. S. J. Sparks),
and (b) schematic diagram of
gravitational or explosive lava
dome collapse; (c) collapse of
a vulcanian eruption column,
Montserrat, 1997 (courtesy of
A. B. Clarke), and (d) schematic
diagram of gravitational
collapse of discrete or
continuous eruptive column;
(e) lateral explosion, Mt. St.
Helens, 18 May 1980 (courtesy
of U.S.G.S), and (f) schematic
diagram of lateral explosion
caused by decompression
of a cryptodome following
landslide. (g-h) Schematic
diagrams of the dense (F)
and dilute (S) end-members
of PDCs, with possible
concentration (c) and velocity
(u) profiles, whose curvature
can be highly variable. (i)
PDC consisting of a basal
dense flow and an upper
dilute surge; the double arrow
and the dashed line indicate,
respectively, that the transition
between the basal and upper
at speeds of up to ~50–200 m s−1, making them
regions can be located at
much more mobile than dry rock avalanches of
various heights, and be sharp
equivalent volume. The principal characteristics or progressive.
of PDCs are summarized in Table 10.1.
As direct observations of PDCs are difficult
and rare, their properties are inferred mainly the dilute pyroclastic surges and the dense pyroclas-
from field analyses of their deposits. The char- tic flows. Dilute surges are thought to be turbu-
acteristics of PDCs are presented in extensive lent suspensions with solids concentrations
reviews by Cas and Wright (1987), Druitt (1998), of the order of 1 kg m−3 that increase down-
Freundt et€al. (2000), Valentine and Fisher (2000), wards through the flow depth, and with mean
Branney and Kokelaar (2002), Sulpizio and internal horizontal velocities that increase
Dellino (2008), and therefore detailed features upwards (Fisher, 1966; Valentine 1987; Dellino
will not be given here. PDCs represent a range et€al., 2008). Particle interactions are negligible
of gravity-driven flows whose end members are except at the basal boundary layer where the

9780521895439c10_p203-229.indd 204 8/2/2012 10:48:20 AM


Table 10.1╇ ╇ Selected microscopic and macroscopic parameters, and dimensionless numbers relevant to pyroclastic density

Parameters Symbol Typical values

Particle diameter (m) d 10–6–1
Particle density (kg m–3) ρp 102–103
Particle volume fraction νp ~0–0.8
Gas density (kg m–3) ρg ~1
Gas dynamic viscosity (Pa s) ηg ~10–5
Current height (m) hc 1–102
Current length (m) L 103–105
Current velocity (m s–1) uc 1–102
Current density (kg m–3) ρc 1–103
Hydraulic permeability (m2)a k 10–13–10–9
Numbersb Symbol Significance (ratio of quantities)
Mass Ma = νpρp/(1–νp)ρg solid inertia/fluid inertia
Froude Fr = uc/(g’hc)1/2 current inertial stresses/gravitational
Reynoldsc Re = ρcuchc/ηg current inertial stresses/viscous
Rousec Pn = us/(κu*) particle settling velocity/shear velocity
Bagnoldd Ba = ρ ṙd2νp/ηg(1–νp) collisional solid stresses/fluid viscous
shear stresses
Darcyd Da = ηg/νpρpkṙ solid-fluid interaction stresses/
collisional solid stresses
Pressured Pr = (L/g’)1/2(D/hc2) current duration timescale/pore
pressure diffusion timescale
Savaged,e Sa = ρpṙ2d2/(ρp–ρg)ghc collisional solid stresses/frictional solid
uf/h=γ, the shear rate.
â•›See Iverson (1997), Iverson and Denlinger (2001).
â•›Applicable to dilute currents.
â•›Applicable to dense currents.
â•›Negligible role of the interstitial gas, modified from Savage (1984).

solid volume fraction can be high and from deposits that are commonly poorly sorted and
which deposition occurs. Surges are weakly massive. The nature of their internal velocity
influenced by topography as they are tens to profile is poorly constrained. Two conceptual
hundreds of meters thick, and their deposits are models for the deposition mechanisms of PDCs
commonly well sorted and laminated. On the close to the dense end member have been pro-
other hand, dense flows (e.g., pumice-and-ash, posed: en masse deposition, in which the current
block-and-ash, and scoria flows) have particle freezes through its entire height (Sparks, 1976),
concentrations of the same order of magni- and progressive aggradation in which the deposit
tude as those of their deposits. They are a few builds up by accumulation of material (Fisher,
meters to a few tens of meters thick, topograph- 1966; Branney and Kokelaar, 1992). The dense
ically controlled, pond in depressions, and form and dilute end members can coexist in most

9780521895439c10_p203-229.indd 205 8/2/2012 10:48:20 AM


PDCs, consisting of a coupled concentrated basal result whenever fluid of one density flows hori-
avalanche (the flow) and an overriding ash cloud zontally into a fluid of a different density, and
(the surge) (Fig. 10.1), which results in complex are frequent occurrences in the natural world.
internal particle concentration and velocity pro- Dust storms and sea breeze fronts, thunder-
files through the depth of the current. Note also storms and estuarine outflows, deep ocean tur-
that a single eruption may produce PDCs that bidity flows and PDCs are just a few examples
vary in a continuum between the end members. (Simpson, 1997). In these cases, the contrast in
When PDCs interact with topography, they can density between the two fluids can arise from
incorporate ambient air whereas the overriding compositional or thermal differences between
ash-cloud surge may generate secondary dense the fluids, or the presence of suspended parti-
flows as it sediments particles out of suspension cles of a different density. The dynamics of grav-
(Druitt et€al., 2002). ity currents also depend strongly on whether
In the context of volcanic hazard assess- the fluid that forms the current is released as a
ment and mitigation, predictive theoretical finite volume or continuously from a sustained
models require improved understanding of the source. An important paradigm for gravity cur-
complex physics of PDCs, and experimental rent initiation is the gravitational collapse of a
laboratory investigations can help provide fun- column of dense fluid or particles (Figs. 10.1(c),
damental insights. Dynamic similarity between 10.1(d), and 10.2); recent experimental studies
the large-scale PDCs and their small-scale ana- have led to the recognition that the dynamics
logs is ensured when the dynamically relevant of the collapse of a column of particles in air
dimensional groupings are equivalent (see shares many common features with the fluid
Table 10.1). In this chapter, we first describe case (Lube et€ al. 2004, Balmforth and Kerswell,
the basic physics of gravity-driven motion of 2005; Lajeunesse et€al., 2004; Roche et€al., 2008).
particle suspensions, and introduce simplified The dynamics of gravity currents are now
equations of motion for these currents. We generally well understood for a wide range of
then highlight important insights that have conditions (Simpson, 1997; Huppert, 2006).
been obtained from laboratory experiments In this section, we introduce the fundamental
on the gravitational collapse of dense fluid sus- dynamics of gravity currents, focusing in par-
pensions, initially gas-fluidized particles, and ticular on the underlying physics and dynamical
granular columns, emphasizing the distinct aspects that are relevant to PDCs. We start by
effect on the frictional resistance to motion of considering the motion that develops between
these different initial states. We then describe two fluids that have a small and constant density
numerical methods for solving the equations contrast, using energy balances to develop scal-
of motion relevant to emplacement following ing relationships and simple theoretical models
gravitational collapse, with particular focus on for gravity current motion. These approaches
how to combine these dynamical models with are then extended to apply to dilute turbulent
complex natural topography for volcanic haz- PDCs (i.e., high Reynolds number, see Table
ard prediction. Finally, we identify current and 10.1), where the density contrast varies during
future research questions. the motion of the current, as a consequence
of the sedimentation of particles initially held
in suspension by turbulence (Valentine, 1987;
Dellino et€al., 2008). We also consider situations
10.2╇ ╇Fundamental physics in which the density contrast between the two
of gravity currents fluids is large (i.e., dense PDCs), including granu-
lar flows, where the interstitial fluid phase can
10.2.1â•… Generalities influence the flow dynamics to varying extents.
PDCs are an example of a predominantly hori- Figure 10.2 shows a series of images of the
zontal, gravity-driven flow, more generally collapse of a column of a dense fluid and of ini-
known as a gravity current. Gravity currents tially gas-fluidized particles in a channel. The

9780521895439c10_p203-229.indd 206 8/2/2012 10:48:21 AM


(a) Figure 10.2╇╇ Photographs

20 cm
t=0 from laboratory
t=167 ms experiments conducted in a
t=283 ms horizontal channel showing
t=450 ms the collapse in ambient air
of (a) an initially air-fluidized
t=888 ms
granular column and (b) a
Flow stops water column. The currents
(b) have three distinct phases
20 cm
t=0 of emplacement: collapse
(front acceleration, t = 167
t=167 ms
t=283 ms ms), inertial (constant front
t=450 ms velocity, t = 283 and 450
t=888 ms ms), and stopping (front
deceleration of granular
Flow continues
flows, t > 450 ms). Modified
from Roche et€al. (2008).
motion following this collapse can generally
be divided into three distinct regimes (Huppert
and Simpson, 1980; Roche et€al., 2008). Initially, 10.2.2╅ Conservation of momentum
the flow dynamics are controlled by the release The driving force for gravity current motion is
conditions and geometry. In the second regime, the buoyancy force that acts as a consequence
the flow dynamics are primarily controlled by of the density contrast between the current and
the balance of inertia and buoyancy forces. In the surrounding fluid. An appropriate way to
the final regime, the balance between buoy- express the density difference is as the reduced
ancy and resistance forces controls the stop- gravity, g′, defined as
ping of the flow. Mass conservation in the
ρc − ρ0
collapsing flow requires that the mean depth g =g (10.1)
of the flow decreases as its length increases
(Fig. 10.2). In the case of fluid gravity currents, where g is the acceleration due to gravity, ρc is
the stresses that resist motion arise from the bulk density of the current, ρ0 is the (uni-
interactions at boundaries, internal turbulent form) density of the surrounding fluid, and ρref
stresses, and from the increasing influence of is a reference density (all notation is given in
viscous stresses as the current depth decreases. Section 10.8). When the density of the current
In the case of granular flows, the stresses that and the density of the surroundings are not very
resist motion arise as a consequence of inter- different in magnitude (i.e., dilute surges), the
actions with the boundaries, and interactions density of the surroundings is the appropriate
between individual particles and between par- reference density (e.g., Huppert and Simpson,
ticles and the interstitial fluid. PDC motion is 1980), so that g′ = g(ρc-ρ0)/ρ0. The first theoretical
characterized by large inertial forces and PDCs study of gravity current motion by von Kármán
typically propagate in a regime where inertia (1940), and subsequent re-analysis by Benjamin
and buoyancy forces are in balance. In many (1968), considered the motion of a dense gravity
cases, the motion of PDCs is approximately current propagating under conditions in which
two-dimensional due to propagation on slopes inertia dominates, as shown in Figure 10.2
(such that spreading of the current occurs pre- and schematically in Figure 10.3a. A current of
dominantly in the downslope direction) or to density ρc is shown flowing along a horizontal
confining topography such as valleys. We thus boundary and displacing a fluid of lower density
initially explore the dynamics of PDCs by con- ρ0. Due to the weight of the dense fluid, a larger
sidering two-dimensional, inertially dominated hydrostatic pressure exists inside the current
gravity currents. as compared to the fluid ahead of it, and this

9780521895439c10_p203-229.indd 207 8/2/2012 10:48:22 AM


(a) head (Huppert, 2006). Equation (10.2) is a �simplified

tail form of conservation of momentum (it is a
Uc solution to Euler’s equation which approxi-
ρc ρ0
mates conservation of momentum for a turbu-
lent flow) that has been widely used in studies
(b) t0
of inertially controlled gravity currents, which
suggests that the motion of these gravity cur-
t3 rents is controlled at the front. An important
consequence is that the dynamics of inertial
gravity currents are independent of the slope
Figure 10.3╇╇ (a) Schematic diagram of an inertial gravity
current having a depth hc, flow front velocity uc and density ρc of the underlying topography up to angles of
in an ambient medium of density ρ0). (b) Schematic diagram ~30˚, typical of the conditions for PDCs. It is
of mass conservation in a box model at times t0 to t3. important to note, however, that Eq. (10.2) is
insufficient to specify the current dynamics as
it is a single relationship between an unknown
pressure difference provides the driving force velocity and an unknown depth (Huppert and
for current motion. Applying conservation of Simpson, 1980; Huppert, 2006).
energy at the current front leads to a relation-
ship for the velocity of the front of a current, uc, 10.2.3â•… Conservation of mass
followed by a layer of fluid of depth, hc, of the A second relationship between gravity current
form (von Kármán, 1940; Benjamin, 1968) depth and velocity can be derived from a con-
uc sideration of mass conservation for the current
= Fr,
( g ′ h c )1 / 2 (10.2) fluid. For a two-dimensional current, the shape
of the spreading current can be approximated
where Fr is the Froude number, the ratio of as a series of equal area (i.e., volume in two
inertial to buoyancy forces (Table 10.1). For a dimensions) rectangles (Huppert and Simpson,
current flowing into deep surroundings (hc ≪ 1980). This approach is illustrated schematic-
H) with no energy dissipation between the fluid ally in Figure 10.3b and is a simplification of
layers, Fr is a constant with a theoretical value the detailed collapse dynamics shown in Figure
of √2 (von Kármán, 1940; Benjamin, 1968), 10.2. We can write the relationship for mass
compared with values of ~1.2 to 1.4 measured conservation for the current fluid as
experimentally (Huppert and Simpson, 1980).
hc L = Q 0 tcλ , (10.3)
In Eq. (10.2), all resistances to flow propaga-
tion, such as resistance to flow at the lower where L is the length of the current, tc is the dur-
boundary, dissipation within the current, and ation of fluid release, and λ describes the style
dissipation against the surrounding fluid are of fluid release, such that λ = 0 corresponds to
parameterized in the value of the Froude num- the case of a release of finite volume Q0, and λ
ber. Recent numerical studies have investigated = 1 corresponds to the case of a constant vol-
the form of these resistances and, if the flow is ume flux release. Equations (10.2 and 10.3) can
depth-averaged so that all resistance is consid- be combined to form a simplified box model for
ered to operate at the lower boundary, an iner- gravity current motion, socalled because of the
tial form of resistance is found to best describe approximation of mass conservation as equal
experimental data (Hogg and Pritchard, 2004). area rectangles. Since uc = dL/dt, we can elimin-
Dimensional considerations also lead inevit- ate the current depth hc between Eqs. (10.2) and
ably to Eq. (10.2), as uc, g′, and hc are the only (10.3) and integrate to find
variables in this problem, so the ratio uc/(g′hc)1/2
 7
6 /7
 6 
6 /7
has to be constant when the flow is controlled L=  ( g ′ 3 Q 0 H 2 )1/ 7 t ( λ + 6 )/ 7 , (10.4)
 12   
by a balance between inertia and buoyancy λ + 6

9780521895439c10_p203-229.indd 208 8/2/2012 10:48:23 AM


in the region of initial collapse, and The sedimentation from a flow consisting of
2/3 2/3 a deep turbulent layer above a narrow basal
 3  2 
Fr 2 / 3 ( g ′ Q 0 )
1/ 3
L=    t ( λ + 2)/ 3 (10.5) layer (where deposition can take place) can be
 2 λ + 2
described by an approximate particle settling
for subsequent motion where inertia and buoy- law, sometimes known as Hazen’s Law, and
ancy are in balance. For the special case of experimentally verified by Martin and Nokes
motion in deep surrounding fluid following (1988), of the form
a finite volume release, the propagation of a
 u t
gravity current with constant density can be c = c0 exp  − s  , (10.8)
 hc 
where c is the volume concentration of particles
L ≈ 1.47( g ′ Q 0 )1/ 3 t 2 / 3 . (10.6) suspended in the current with initial value c0. To

complete the model, one further relationship
is required to describe the change in current
10.2.4â•…Fluid gravity currents with density with particle concentration. In the case
particles where the excess density in the current arises
In many natural situations, including PDCs, solely from the presence of the particles (i.e.,
the density difference between gravity currents the density of the current fluid is equal to the
and the surrounding fluid depends on the con- density of the surrounding fluid), we can write
centration of suspended dense particles within
g (ρ p − ρ0 )c
the current. In this case, the bulk density of the g′ = = g ′ p c, (10.9)
current will vary in time if particles are sedi- ρ0
mented at the current base. The framework of where ρp is the particle density. The solution
box models (or more sophisticated formulations for the system of equations (10.2), (10.3), (10.8),
of the conservation equations) can be extended and (10.9) for a finite volume release can be
in the case of relatively low particle concentra- written as
tions to consider the case of varying current
density by addition of a particle settling law 5 Fr ( g ′ p c0 Q 03 )1/ 2   c
1/ 2

(e.g., Bonnecaze et€al., 1993; Dade and Huppert, L5 / 2 = 1 −    (10.10)
us 
  c0  
1995). The most common approach is to assume
that the turbulent velocity scale within the cur- (Bonnecaze et€ al., 1993). If the excess density
rent is sufficiently high to maintain a uniform only arises from the presence of dense particles,
concentration particle suspension. However, the flow comes to a stop when c = 0, so the run-
at the base of the flow, where the current fluid out length, Lr can be found as
interacts with the underlying static boundary,
the velocities in the current decrease below that
 5 Fr( g ′ p c0 Q 03 )1/ 2  (10.11)
of the settling speed of the particles, and sedi- Lr =   .
mentation can occur. In this region, the particle  us 
concentration profile and sedimentation pro-
cess are governed by the balance of sedimenta- The particle settling speed, us, will vary with
tion and shear velocities, expressed as the Rouse particle size (and density), so equations of the
number (Table 10.1), form of (10.10) and (10.11) are applicable to
us flows containing a single particle size, whose
Pn = , (10.7)
κu settling velocity can be found from standard set-
tling laws such as Stokes’ Law (e.g., Dade and
where us is the settling velocity of the parti- Huppert, 1995) or Newton’s impact law (Dellino
cles, κ is the von Kármán constant (~0.4), and et€al., 2008). Extensions to polydispersed particle
u* is the shear velocity (see Valentine 1987, and suspensions have been recently proposed by
Dellino et€ al., 2008, for applications to PDCs). Harris et€al. (2002).

9780521895439c10_p203-229.indd 209 8/2/2012 10:48:26 AM


An axisymmetric formulation of the box laboratory experiments, as described in the

model for a particle-driven gravity current (Eqs. next section.
(10.2), (10.3), (10.8) and (10.9)) has been applied
to investigate the emplacement of the 1800 B.P.
Taupo ignimbrite (Dade and Huppert, 1996).
The distribution of particle sizes in the ignim- 10.3╇ ╇Experimental studies of fluid
brite is described using a probability density gravity currents
function for particle settling speed, and the
model is fitted to the proximal deposit thick- 10.3.1â•…Lock-exchange experiments
ness in order to set the value of the input vol- Much of the basic physics of inertial gravity cur-
ume flux. Based on this initial calibration, the rent motion described in Section 10.2 has been
model shows good agreement with measure- verified using laboratory experiments (Simpson,
ments of the deposit thickness, concentrations 1997; Huppert, 2006). The most widely used
of different particle sizes in the deposit, and configuration is a lock-exchange experiment,
concentrations of particles of given size frac- in which the dense fluid is released into an
tions, from the source to a distance of nearly adjacent lower density fluid (often of the same
80 km where the PDC reached the coast. The depth but larger volume) by removal of a rigid
flow conditions corresponding to these model gate between them. The dense fluid collapses to
predictions were a total volumetric flux of 40 the base of the tank, and propagates as a grav-
km3 s−1 for approximately 15 minutes, a flow ity current along a rigid boundary (Fig. 10.2).
depth of ~1 km, a temperature of 450˚C, and a Early lock-exchange experiments in channels
typical speed of 200 m s–1. The good agreement (summarized in Simpson, 1997) investigated the
between the model predictions and field obser- morphology of inertial gravity currents when
vations (Wilson, 1985) led Dade and Huppert the density of the current is close to that of
(1996) to suggest that large-volume ignimbrites the ambient fluid, which is applicable to dilute
could be emplaced by relatively dilute gravity PDCs. The characteristic morphology is shown
currents. There is now, however, a developing in Figure 10.3(a) (and online supplement, OS
consensus that most PDCs comprise a dense 10.1; see end of chapter), with a well-defined
basal granular layer with an overlying dilute flow front (commonly referred to as the head)
ash cloud (e.g., Druitt et€al., 2002; and see Table of greater depth than the following gravity cur-
10.1), and more complex two-layer models are rent fluid (the tail), and turbulent billows that
emerging (Doyle et€al., 2010; see Section 10.5). result from fluid instability due to counterflow-
With recent advances in computing power, ing motion of the dense and light fluid (Kelvin–
numerical solutions of the complete govern- Helmholtz instability). Simpson and Britter
ing equations can be used as the basis for mod- (1979) found that the speed of the main body of
els of gravity-driven flow (see Section 10.5). It the current is about 15% greater than that of the
is worth noting here that the two-dimensional front, which suggests that current fluid must
equations for momentum and mass conser- be exchanged between these parts of the flow
vation (Eqs. (10.2) and (10.3)) can be obtained during motion. The propagation of a gravity
directly from the vector forms of the conser- current initiated in a lock-exchange experiment
vation equations presented in Section 10.5 shows distinctive flow regimes, characterized
(Eqs. 10.28 and 10.29) when the flow internal by different time dependence of the flow vel-
stresses and boundary resistance are empir- ocity (cf. Eqs. (10.4)–(10.6)). The initial collapse
ically approximated as a Froude number and of dense fluid, or slumping phase was investigated
the current is sufficiently shallow that the by Huppert and Simpson (1980) who showed
pressure within the flow can be assumed to be that the velocity of the flow was constant, and
hydrostatic. One advantage of using simplified this has been interpreted as resulting from the
formulations to describe the dynamics of grav- counterflow of light fluid into the lock region at
ity currents is that these can be tested using the channel top, required by mass conservation

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while the slumping dense fluid propagates particle sizes, as is typical of PDCs. Gladstone
along the channel base. This constant velocity et€ al. (1998) conducted lock-exchange experi-
regime, however, could also result from the bal- ments using bidispersed and polydispersed
ance between inertia, buoyancy, and resistance particle mixtures and found that the effects of
to the flow (Hogg and Pritchard, 2004). mixing different proportions of fine and coarse
Recent experiments have considered the ini- particles is strongly nonlinear. Adding a small
tial condition where the total depths of fluid on amount of fine particles to a current containing
each side of the lock gate are equal, but where coarse particles has a much larger influence on
the depth of the dense fluid layer in the lock flow velocity and sedimentation patterns than
is some fraction of the depth of the lock, and adding a small amount of coarse particles to a
is overlain by the same fluid as in the main current containing fine particles. Measurements
body of the tank (Gladstone et€al., 2004). In this of deposit areal density are not well reproduced
case, the density stratification in the lock leads by box models for bidispersed and polydispersed
to streamwise stratification of the resulting particle distributions (Dade and Huppert, 1995).
flow, and the stratified currents are observed Particle concentration also influences grav-
to propagate initially faster, then more slowly, ity current dynamics and deposition (Choux
than their unstratified counterparts. At early and Druitt, 2002). Lock-exchange gravity cur-
stages, gravity current propagation takes the rents containing bidisperse mixtures of dense
form of Eq. (10.6) for a fixed volume release and light particles with sizes chosen so as to be
Q0, and motion in the surrounding fluid plays in hydrodynamic equivalence produce deposits
a negligible role. Finally, as the gravity current that show normal grading of the dense particles,
energy is dissipated by displacing the surround- but the deposition of light particles depends
ing fluid and by frictional interaction with the strongly on the total particle concentration. The
underlying surface, viscous dissipation becomes light particles are deposited in hydrodynamic
important and the current enters a flow regime equivalence (i.e., at the same settling velocity)
where viscous and buoyancy forces are in bal- in dilute flows, but are segregated efficiently
ance (Huppert and Simpson, 1980). in concentrated suspensions (up to 23% by
volume; Choux and Druitt, 2002). The dynam-
10.3.2â•…Particle-laden gravity currents ics of gravity currents composed of high con-
Particle-driven gravity currents have also been centration suspensions (up to 40% by volume)
widely studied using lock-exchange experi- show an abrupt transition in deposition pattern
ments. Bonnecaze et€ al. (1993) compared the with distance from their source (Hallworth and
predictions from a box model of the form devel- Huppert, 1998), which is very different from
oped in Section 10.2 with experimental meas- the deposition profile of a lower concentration
urements of the areal density of the deposit current (e.g., Bonnecaze et€ al., 1993). Above a
from a sedimenting particle current containing critical concentration of particles, the gravity
approximately monodispersed (i.e., uniform currents stop abruptly and deposit the bulk of
size) spherical particles. They found good agree- their sediment load as a relatively thick layer of
ment with the observed current dynamics and constant thickness, with a much thinner layer
the distribution of deposit areal density with of sediment being deposited from the residual
distance from the lock. This model has also been low concentration cloud.
used to investigate the dynamics and deposition
patterns of laboratory gravity currents in which 10.3.3â•…Mixing processes
the interstitial fluid is less dense than the fluid Experiments have also been used to investigate
into which the current is propagating (Sparks more complex phenomenology of gravity cur-
et€al., 1993). rents in order to develop simplified formulations
The dynamics and sedimentation from to include in theoretical models. An important
particle-driven currents become much more process relevant to dilute PDCs is the mixing of
complex when the current contains a range of inertial gravity currents with the surrounding

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fluid. The motion of turbulent billows along volume of the current, x is the distance from the
the upper surface of an inertial gravity current current source, α is a constant that describes the
which contains a low or zero concentration of amount of entrainment into the current head,
particles leads to incorporation of the surround- and ψ is a constant representing the ratio of the
ing fluid into the gravity current, or entrainment. height of the tail to the height of the head. The
Quantifying this process is important for PDCs dependence on Q1/2 indicates that the spatial
as dilution of a current by lighter ambient fluid rate of change of volume is proportional to the
reduces the density contrast and hence the height of the head. The solution to this equa-
flow velocity and run-out, even though the flow tion is
depth can increase.
1 (ψ − α ) x 
Q  (10.14)
Entrainment of fluid into a turbulent flow = 1 − ,
V0  2 V01/ 2 
is difficult to calculate directly because the
flow structure is three-dimensional and time-
dependent, but entrainment can be measured in with the best fit to experimental data sug-
experiments. Hallworth et€ al. (1993) conducted gesting values α = 0.078 and ψ = 0.147 (±3%).
experiments in which an alkaline inertial fluid Application of this simplified result suggests
gravity current was released into a two-dimen- that dilution of the current can be significant
sional channel containing an acidic ambient (particle concentrations reducing from 40% vol.
fluid, with the neutralization resulting from to about 8% vol. within the first quarter of the
mixing visualized using universal indicator in total run-out distance), and that entrainment
the current. Different initial concentrations of provides an efficient mechanism for reducing
alkali in the current resulted in neutralization the particle concentration and buoyancy of
at different distances from the source, so the PDCs (Hallworth et€al., 1993). Furthermore, effi-
proportion of current and entrained fluid could cient mixing of fluid within the head of inertial
be determined with distance from the source. gravity currents and between the head and the
Entrainment was observed to take place primar- following fluid suggests that dilution will have
ily at the head of the gravity current. If the pro- an important effect throughout the depth and
portion of entrained fluid is defined as the ratio length of PDCs.
of the volume of entrained fluid to the total vol- Whereas these experimental studies pro-
ume of the current (i.e., a dimensionless quan- vide insights into the physics of dilute turbulent
tity), then dimensional considerations suggest PDCs, their potential to address dense PDCs is
that the proportion of entrained fluid depends uncertain. In this context, experimental studies
only on the initial volume of the current and on highly concentrated currents of dry granu-
distance from the source, and is independent of lar material or of gas–particle mixtures are rele-
the reduced gravity because g′ is the only quan- vant to investigate dense PDCs, as discussed in
tity including dimensions of time (Hallworth Section 10.4.
et€ al., 1993). This result was confirmed in sys-
tematic experiments, and leads to a simplified
description of entrainment by considering con-
servation of mass of the fluid in the gravity cur- 10.4╇ ╇Dynamics of granular flows
rent head,
10.4.1â•…Fundamental physics of granular
= (α − ψ )Q 1/ 2 , (10.12) flows
This section describes key differences between
with the dynamics of dense granular currents propa-
gating in air, hereafter called granular flows,
Q(0) = V0,â•… (10.13) and fluid gravity currents. Granular flows most
where Q is the volume of the current head (area resemble the dense end member of PDCs, and
in a two-dimensional current), V0 is the initial are characterized by a particle volume fraction

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νp close to νp,max at loose packing, so that ρref = ρc γ d

(cf. Eq. (10.1)) and g′ = g(ρc–ρ0)/ρc ~ g. Furthermore, I= , (10.16)
σ ρp
the mass number (Table 10.1) Ma ≫ 1, so that
momentum is transferred almost entirely by the where γ̇ is the shear rate, d is the particle diam-
solid phase. We focus on end member regimes eter, and ρp is the particle density, and
of granular flows: dry granular and gas–particle
µ 2 − µ1 (10.17)
flows, which represent negligible and dominant µ ( I ) = µ1 + ,
I0 I + 1
role of the interstitial fluid phase, respectively.
Extensive reviews reveal the phenomenology
where values of typical friction coefficients for
and complexity of flowing dry granular matter
glass beads in experiments are μ1 = tan 21˚, μ2 =
(GDR MiDi, 2004; Forterre and Pouliquen, 2008).
tan 33˚, and I0 = 0.3 is obtained from theoretical
Studies on dry granular flows apply to dense
or experimental investigations (Forterre and
PDCs in which fluidization effects are non oper-
Pouliquen, 2008).
ant because limited sources of gas and/or large
Segregation according to particle size and
permeability (i.e., coarse-grained material)
density is an important process in polydisperse
favor rapid pore pressure diffusion (see Section
flows containing particles of different sizes as it
10.4.3). In dry media, energy dissipation is
may change their dynamics. Kinematic (dynamic)
caused mainly by particle interactions, and flow
sieving is common and occurs when smaller par-
dynamics depend on the Savage number (Sa;
ticles fall into gaps beneath them and percolate
Table 10.1), which represents the ratio of inertial
downwards as force imbalances squeeze the
shear stresses resulting from particle collisions
large particles upwards, leading to reverse grad-
to quasi-static gravitational stresses associated
ing. In contrast, normal segregation may occur
with friction (Savage, 1984). Interparticle colli-
if large and dense particles can displace particles
sions govern the current dynamics at νp < νp,max
beneath them and move downwards under grav-
and/or high shear rate (Sa > 0.1), whereas fric-
ity, and this acts in opposition to dynamic siev-
tional stresses dominate at νp ~ νp,max and/or low
ing (the mass effect; Thomas, 2000).
shear rate (Sa < 0.1) (Savage and Hutter, 1989).
Gas–particle flows have been less compre-
The frictional, dense flow regime is achieved
hensively studied than their dry counterparts
on rough substrates with inclinations close to
though they probably represent most dense
the angle of repose of the material (~φr), and
PDCs. Interactions between the gas and solid
steady motion results from balance between
phases are likely to reduce particle interac-
driving gravitational and resisting frictional
tions and to modify momentum transfer. For
forces. The granular mass is commonly treated
instance, granular flows that are continuously
as a Coulomb material with constant, rate-inde-
fluidized down inclines can propagate at slope
pendent interparticle friction coefficient (μ) and
angles below ϕr, and possibly on slopes close to
angle (φ), so that
horizontal, because of extreme friction reduc-
µ = tanϕ = , (10.15) tion (Eames and Gilbertson, 2000).

where τ and σ are the shear and normal stress 10.4.2.â•…Experiments on dry granular
respectively. However, under steady flow con- media
ditions, the macroscopic friction coefficient,
μ(I), is shear-rate-dependent and is function of Particle interactions in steady flow
a dimensionless parameter called the inertial Particle interactions in dry, coarse-grained PDCs
number, I, which represents the ratio of the were investigated in shear-cell experiments by
microscopic timescale of particle rearrange- Cagnoli and Manga (2004, 2005). When a bed of
ment over the macroscopic timescale (1/γ̇) and pumice fragments is confined between two verti-
is also the square root of the Savage number, cal and coaxial cylinders that rest on a rough hori-
so that zontal rotating disk, energy dissipation occurs

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(a) Figure 10.4╇╇ (a) 1993 pumice

flow deposits with levée-channel
and frontal lobe morphology, Lascar
volcano, Chile. Persons for scale
(photograph by O. Roche). (b) Deposit
types reported in steady-state
Lobe experiments, where hstop is the
deposit depth at given slope angle
between θ1 and θ2 (equivalent to
hchannel for a channelized geometry).
Inset: correlation between normalized
Channel flow velocity, u* = uf/(ghlevée)1/2, and
thicknesses, h* = hlevée/hchannel (cf. Eq.
(10.18), with Β ~ 0.5); modified from
Félix and Thomas (2004), reprinted
0.3 with permission from Elsevier.

hstop 0.2

levées + channel
Flow thickness, hf

1 2
very thin or
no deposit
rounded deposit

θ1~20° θ2~30°
Slope angle, θ (°)

within a basal collisional layer at Sa up to ~0.4. flux has decreased to zero and the flow is no
The upper layer acts as a rigid raft but moves rela- longer steady. Static borders form when down-
tive to the cylinders at a constant velocity, which slope gravitational forces are lower than fric-
is independent of the imposed shear rate, and this tional resistance at the flow margins because
suggests a frictional Coulomb behavior. In this friction is depth-dependent (cf. Eqs. 10.15 and
layer, reverse segregation of coarse light clasts and 10.16), which suggests that grain size segrega-
normal segregation of coarse dense clasts occurs. tion caused by polydispersity is not necessary
This is because the granular network expands and for levée formation (Mangeney et€al., 2007; see
the coarse and fine components have contrasting Section 10.5). The flow dynamics can be inferred
inertia when they are pushed upwards by colli- from the deposit morphology according to
sions originating at the basal layer. Pouliquen’s (1999) method, so that
Levées are common features of deposits of uf hlevee′
=B , (10.18)
coarse-grained PDCs and are reproduced in
ghlevee′ hchannel
experiments investigating steady finger-shaped
flows down rough inclines (Fig. 10.4; Félix and where uf is the flow front velocity, hlevée is the
Thomas, 2004). Levées form at the lateral static levée thickness, hchannel thickness of the deposit
borders behind the flow front, and result from in the channel, and Β is an empirical constant
emptying of the central channel once source ~0.5, typical of the granular material used by

9780521895439c10_p203-229.indd 214 8/2/2012 10:48:29 AM


Figure 10.5╇╇ (a) Three-dimensional granular flows

generated from the release of a cylindrical reservoir of aspect
ratio a as a function of time; reprinted with permission from distance of monodisperse flows on a horizontal
Lajeunesse et€al. (2004), American Institute of Physics. (b), surface are controlled by the initial aspect ratio
(1–4) Evolution of the velocity profile with time at a = 7, and of the granular column
(5–7) detailed view of the same experiment at a distance of
one third the flow run-out; reprinted with permission from hi (10.19)
a= ,
Lube et€al. (2005), copyright 2005 by the American Physical xi
where hi is the initial height and xi is the initial
length (in two dimensions) or radius (in three
Félix and Thomas (2004). Although values of dimensions) of the column (Lajeunesse et€ al.,
substrate slope and deposit heights cannot be 2004, 2005; Lube et€ al., 2004, 2005; Balmforth
extrapolated directly to natural cases, these and Kerswell, 2005). Flank avalanches or spread-
studies provide fundamental insights into the ing of the column generate a (truncated) conical
dynamics of coarse-grained PDCs. deposit when a < at, where at is a critical aspect
ratio ~1.7–3, whereas outward propagation of
Flow kinematics and run-out in the base of the pile when a > at triggers collapse
unsteady flow of the upper portion with almost no deform-
Recent experimental studies have investigated ation and this creates a low angle conical deposit
the unsteady flows that result from the collapse (Fig. 10.5(a)). Particles initially at the surface of
of an initially static column of dry granular the pile stay at superficial levels or are incorpo-
material, by analogy to lock-exchange gravity rated into a thin basal layer when overrun by the
currents as described in Section 10.3 (Figure front (Lube et€al., 2004). This layer is delimited by
10.5). These simple experiments must be con- a dynamical interface that separates deposited
sidered as a first-step approach to investigating and flowing particles, and propagates towards
PDCs generated from gravitational collapse of the upper free surface during emplacement. The
a column or a dome, and despite their simpli- velocity profile within the flowing layer consists
city they provide important insights into the of an upper low-shear, plug-like zone, a middle
flow mechanisms. The kinematics and run-out linear gradient region, and a lower exponentially

9780521895439c10_p203-229.indd 215 8/2/2012 10:48:31 AM


decreasing region, resembling those in steady especially when they contain high amounts
flows down inclines (Savage and Hutter, 1989), of fine ash particles. Hence, fluidization and
and contrasting with those in shear-cell experi- related pore pressure diffusion processes can be
ments (Cagnoli and Manga, 2004). fundamental for governing their emplacement.
The flows propagate in three stages and their Fluidization can be achieved when differential
kinematics are controlled by the timescale tf = vertical motion between a (relatively ascending)
(hi/g)1/2, proportional to that of free fall of the col- gas and (relatively descending) particles is gener-
umn (Lajeunesse et€ al., 2005). The front initially ated. For PDCs, this may occur as gas is released
accelerates after release and then propagates at from the pyroclasts and/or as particles sediment
nearly constant velocity provided a > at; these two during column collapse and subsequent flow
regimes are similar to those observed in fluid grav- propagation.
ity currents (Section 10.3). The flows then enter a In the simple case of a gas flux injected at the
short stopping phase as they rapidly decelerate base of a static non-expanded granular column,
until motion ceases. There is a clear power-law as in many engineering configurations (see
dependence of the flow run-out (xf ) on a because Geldart, 1986, for review), the gas flow exerts a
the normalized mobility (xfâ•›–â•›xi)/xi is proportional drag force on the particles that increases with
to a when a < at (in both two- and three-dimen- the superficial gas velocity (ug, defined as the
sional experiments). and is proportional to a2/3 mean flow rate divided by the column cross-
(in two dimensions) or a1/2 (in three dimensions) sectional area), such that the weight of the
when a > at (Lajeunesse et€ al., 2004, 2005; Lube column can be increasingly supported and the
et€ al., 2004, 2005). Lube et€ al. (2004) concluded interparticle frictional stresses decrease. The
that the analysis is independent of any basal and dynamic pore fluid pressure, Pd, across the col-
internal friction parameter and questioned the umn increases with ug as described by the Ergun
role of Coulomb friction for most of the emplace- equation for a steady flow,
ment, until flows enter the stopping phase. In  150(1 − φ2 ) ηg u g 1.75(1 − φ)ρ g u 2g  (10.20)

contrast, Balmforth and Kerswell (2005) showed Pd =  +  h,
 φ3 d 2 φ3 d 
that the normalized flow run-out depends on the
size and shape of the particles, which control the
interparticle friction. Note that an erodible sub- where h and ϕ are the height and porosity of
stratum has no influence on the flow kinematics the column, respectively, ηg the gas dynamic
and run-out (Lajeunesse et€al., 2004). In nature, the viscosity, ρg the gas density, and d the particle
polydispersity of PDCs and the presence of mod- diameter. On the right-hand side of Eq. (10.20),
erately steep slopes may complicate the processes the first and second terms are the laminar and
described above. Other experiments on granular turbulent components, respectively. The weight
column collapse have shown that the flow run-out of the particles is fully supported at ug = umf, the
is strongly dependent on the proportions of fine minimum fluidization velocity, when
and coarse particles for mixtures composed of
Pd , mf = (ρ p − ρ g )(1 − φ) gh, (10.21)
two particle sizes (Phillips et€al., 2006, Roche et€al.,
2005), and increases when an erodible substrate is
mobilized by the passage of a flow at slope angle where ρp is the density of the particles. The total
larger than ~ φr/2 for the material used (Mangeney pore fluid pressure at umf is then Pmf = Pd,mf + Ph,
et€al., 2010). where the hydrostatic component Ph = ρggh, so
10.4.3â•…Gas–particle flows Pmf = ρ p (1 − φ) + ρ g φ gh. (10.22)

Characteristics of gas-fluidized
pyroclastic materials Note that Eq. (10.22) simplifies to Pmf = ρp(1–ϕ)gh
For most dense PDCs the interstitial gas phase if the gas is much less dense than the parti-
may have a key influence on their dynamics, cles, as is the case for PDCs. At this stage, the

9780521895439c10_p203-229.indd 216 8/2/2012 10:48:32 AM


granular material is fluidized (s.s.) and has a 2007). High fines content strongly decreases umf
fluid-like behavior because stresses generated and ude, whereas temperatures above ~200°C
by inter-particle frictional contacts, which vary and shear both inhibit gas flow channeling, as
inversely with the pore fluid pressure, are neg- the former eliminates moisture-derived inter-
ligible. One obtains umf by equating the laminar particle cohesion and the latter breaks cohesive
term of the Ergun equation (first term on right- bonds and particle clusters. When these factors
hand side of Eq. (10.20)) and Eq. (10.22), so that act together, ignimbritic materials are fluidized
at umf as low as ~1 mm s−1, exhibit homogeneous
k Pmf (10.23)
u mf = , expansion, and deaerate slowly due to the high
ηg h
degree of bed expansion (up to 60–70% above
where k = ϕ3d2/[150(1–ϕ)2] is the hydraulic per- loose packing) and low ude ~ 0.5–1 cm s−1 (Druitt
meability. If the gas flux is no longer provided, et€al., 2007). The duration and degree of fluidiza-
the granular column defluidizes through a pore tion of PDCs depend on the strength and longev-
pressure diffusion process and the particle ity of gas sources but also, once gas supply has
frictional contacts rebuild. The pore pressure become ineffective, on the pore pressure diffu-
decreases with time according to sion timescale, which depends on the current
∂P ∂2 P thickness (Eq. 10.25).
=D 2,
∂t ∂h
The dynamics of gas–particle flows
where D = k/(ηgϕβ) is the hydraulic diffusion coef- Several experimental studies have highlighted
ficient and β is the gas compressibility, and the the fundamental role that the gas phase of
duration of pressure diffusion is proportional to PDCs can have on their emplacement dynamics
the timescale (cf. Iverson, 1997) through fluidization processes. Fluidization by
air entrainment at the front of hot PDCs was pro-
td = . posed by McTaggart (1960) to explain increases
in run-out of laboratory-scale flows with tem-
For columns fluidized at ug ≥ umf, homogeneous perature, by envelopment and heating of cold
expansion (i.e., no gas bubbles) is achieved for air by hot particles, and subsequent violent
fine particles with grain sizes smaller than ~100 expansion. Air entrainment in flows of fine par-
µm (at ρp ~ 2500 kg m–3) to ~500 µm (at ρp ~ 500 ticles generated in a rotating drum is promoted
kg m–3) (Geldart, 1986), which are representative by periodic and continuous projection of clus-
of the bulk mass of most PDCs. Once defluidi- ters of particles ahead of the front (Bareschino
zation occurs, pore pressure diffusion is accom- et€al., 2008). This may cause motion-induced, self-
panied by collapse of the column at a constant �fluidization (Salatino, 2005) and thus explain the
velocity called the deaeration rate (ude), and a sedi- weakly inclined free upper surface of the flows
mentation interface that migrates upwards sep- (Fig. 10.6). This mechanism occurs because the
arates basal sedimented particles and settling defluidization timescale is much larger than the
ones above. periodicity of the avalanches.
Experimental studies of gas-fluidization of Fluidization caused by the interstitial gas
static columns of pyroclastic materials provide has also been considered in various experimen-
insights into fluidization processes of PDCs. tal configurations. The emplacement of PDCs on
Wilson’s (1980, 1984) seminal studies revealed moderate slopes (~5–25°) was investigated by
that gas flow channeling readily occurs at room Takahashi and Tsujimoto (2000), who found that
temperature due to interparticle cohesion in continuously fluidized flows of fine (d = 80 µm)
fines-rich, poorlysorted beds of ignimbrite. Later particles down inclines consist of a lower, con-
studies showed that high fines content, high tem- centrated layer (νp ~ 0.40–0.45) and an upper,
perature, and shear motion favor homogeneous thinner, and more dilute layer. In contrast to dry
fluidization with efficient support (Gravina flows, they have a nonlinear streamwise velocity
et€al., 2004; Bareschino et€al., 2007; Druitt et€al., profile whose gradient increases upwards, and a

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Figure 10.6╇╇ Flow of fine (< 100

µm) glass beads in a rotating drum,
modified from Bareschino et€al.
(2008), reprinted with permission
from Elsevier. (a) Mean central angle
(A) as a function of the peripheral
velocity (ud) of the rotating drum of
radius 0.9 m. (b) Photographs of the
dry (top) and fluidized (bottom) flow

that the flow behavior depends on the diffusion

timescale of the pore pressure imposed initially
(see online supplement, OS 10.2). Owing to the
small permeability of the granular material,
pore pressure diffusion is slow compared to
the typical flow duration timescale (i.e., low Pr
values; Table 10.1) so that high pore pressure is
maintained during emplacement of the air–par-
ticle mixture. Note that columns of high aspect
ratio collapse vertically and are released con-
tinuously, suggesting that the resulting flows
can be considered as simple analogs of PDCs
generated from gravitational column collapse,
though the initial velocity is zero. These experi-
ments suggest that the behavior of dense PDCs
may be two-fold: they can propagate as inertial
Figure 10.7╇╇ Normalized front position (x/hi) as a function fluid gravity currents for most of their emplace-
of normalized time (t/tf) for dam-break flows of water (W), ment (hence favoring high mobility) and then
and of dry (D) or initially fluidized (F) fine particles (d = as frictional dry granular flows, as shown in
80 μm), generated from the collapse of columns at various Figures 10.2 and 10.7 (Roche et€al., 2004, 2008).
aspect ratios (a). The constant-velocity and stopping phases
The air–particle flows first propagate at almost
of the initially fluidized granular flows are indicated. During
the stopping phase, they behave like the dry flows (slope =
constant velocity (uf ) and height (hf ) after initial
1/3). Modified from Roche et€al. (2008). acceleration (i.e., slumping phase), and with
Froude number values

curvature that also increases with the mass flow Fr = ,
( gh f )1/ 2
rate (i.e., slope angle). Dam-break (equivalent
to lock-exchange at high g′ ~ g) experiments which are consistent with observations of iner-
on highly concentrated air–particle flows (νp ~ tial fluid gravity currents with large reduced
νp,max) were performed to investigate the propa- gravities as Fr ~ 2√2 (Roche et€ al., 2004). Their
gation and deposition mechanisms of the dense morphologies and front kinematics are the same
end member of PDCs (Roche et€al., 2004, 2008). as those of inertial water flows, with a normal-
In this configuration, columns of fine (d = 80 ized front velocity (or initial Froude number),
µm) particles are fluidized in a reservoir, and
uf (10.27)
then released into a horizontal channel which Fri = ,
1/ 2
does not contain a source of fluidizing air, so ( ghi )

9780521895439c10_p203-229.indd 218 8/2/2012 10:48:35 AM


Figure 10.8╇╇ Flow front kinematics

for mixtures of fine (F, 80 μm)
and coarse (C, 330 μm) particles
generated from the release of an
initially fluidized column (black
rectangle, 10 × 15 cm). The inset
shows the particle network
arrangement as a function of the
fine mass fraction (f) of the mixture.
Modified from Roche et€al. (2005),
reprinted with permission from

that is independent of the aspect ratio of the propagate as inertial fluid gravity currents for
initial column, and which has a constant value most of their emplacement. Fluidized PDCs may
of ~√2, as commonly reported in dam-break be expanded so that their propagation is also
water flow experiments (Roche et€al., 2008). The controlled by the sedimentation rate of the par-
fluid-inertial behavior of these highly concen- ticles. In this context, experimental laboratory
trated two-phase mixtures is consistent with the investigations with pyroclastic material at high
high pore fluid pressure measured at the base temperatures reveal a structure similar to that
(Roche et€al., 2010), which may also result from of dense flows of analog material, and deaer-
significant air–particle viscous interactions (i.e., ation (with a concomitant aggrading deposit) of
high Da values, see Table 10.1). Once pore pres- the sheared mixtures occurs at a rate equivalent
sure has decreased sufficiently by diffusion, and to that determined in static beds at the same
interparticle frictional contacts rebuild, the initial expansion (Girolami et€ al., 2008, 2010).
flows enter a stopping phase and behave like Other experiments using pyroclastic material
their dry counterparts as they rapidly decelerate at high temperature were conducted by Dellino
and come to halt (Fig. 10.7). These flows consist et€al. (2007) at larger scale in order to study the
of a sliding head followed by the body, at the generation of PDCs by gravitational column col-
base of which a deposit aggrades at nearly con- lapse. Under these conditions, a basal concen-
stant rate. Both parts are sheared pervasively as trated flow and a dilute suspension of fine ash
the internal velocity increases upwards (Roche with frontal convective lobes, which are typical
et€al., 2010; see online supplements OS 10.3 and of PDCs, form readily. These large-scale experi-
OS 10.4). These results suggest that PDCs might ments offer a means of investigating the impact
have an erosive head and that their deposit is dynamic pressure of the dilute component of
built by aggradation. PDCs (Dellino et€al., 2008).
Further experimental studies have consid-
ered other characteristics of PDCs. In the dam-
break configuration, polydisperse mixtures
also propagate in a fluid-like inertial regime,
provided fine particles form a continuous net-
10.5╇ ╇Numerical modeling
work (i.e., matrix) with embedded coarser com- of PDCs
ponents that are transported passively, such
that very little segregation takes place (Fig. 10.8; 10.5.1â•… Principles
Roche et€al., 2005). This suggests that fines-rich PDCs are transported with a velocity and ther-
(i.e., matrix-supported) dense PDCs are likely to mal energy that may change with time. The

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basic concept of numerical simulation is to solve subset of these equations, to the most complex
conservation equations of mass (sometimes that attempt to solve systems of several tens of
density or thickness), momentum, and energy equations, for example to describe the motions
(sometimes enthalpy). We present below a sim- of multiple particle sizes.
ple formulation of the conservation equation of Conservation equations are complex, con-
density (ρ) and volumetric momentum (ρu) of a taining partial derivatives, and, except for some
compressible flow, idealized flows, solutions can only be obtained
∂ by numerical treatment. An exact solution is
ρ + ∇ ⋅ (ρu ) = 0, (10.28) generally impossible to calculate and the stand-
 
  
ard methodology is to discretize equations in
space and often in time and obtain approxi-

ρ u + ∇ ⋅ (ρuu ) = −
 ∇P + ∇
 ⋅ τ + ρ
g. (10.29)
mated solutions at the nodes of the discre-
   5 6 7 tized space (i.e., Toro, 2001). Different methods
(finite differences, finite volumes, finite elem-
Equation (10.28) means that, at a given position, ents, cellular automata) and algorithms exist
the density only varies with time t (term 1), (Fig. 10.9). Their accuracy can be assessed by
according to the flux of the density that (term their ability to resolve shocks, which are dis-
2) enters or leaves this point, i.e., the product continuous variations of properties (e.g., dens-
of the spatial gradient of density (its variation ity) that can occur at the front of flows and also
in space) and the velocity at which it passes within them (e.g., sudden changes of pressure
through the position. Mass displaces but is con- at the front of explosions, and of thickness, at
served. Adding terms to the right-hand side of the front of dense flows). First-order resolution
Eq. (10.28) allows mass to be added to the sys- methods smooth the solutions of differential
tem, for example by input from a vent into a equations, meaning that shocks cannot be cal-
PDC, or mass to be removed, for example by culated correctly and changes in properties are
particle sedimentation during flow. The momen- more gradual than in reality. Consequently, gra-
tum equation (10.29) describes the conservation dients of variables at the position of the shock
of momentum per unit volume, ρu, and is a lit- are incorrect, generating strong perturbations
tle more complex because momentum is gen- in the velocity field. For simulated PDCs, this
erated and dissipated by stresses. The velocity induces large errors in velocity, thickness and
changes with time (term 3) according to the run-out, etc. Another indication of the quality
flux of momentum (term 4), but also due to the of algorithms is their numerical stability. Some
stresses that act on the flow at a given position. algorithms generate very strong unphysical
In this example, the stress is induced by pres- oscillations that disturb the overall behavior.
sure (term 5), mechanical shear stresses (term Another aspect of the numerical simulation of
6), and gravity (term 7). These stresses change PDCs is that, whatever the quality of the model,
according to the physics chosen for the simu- there is always a compromise between accur-
lated flow. To close this system of equations, acy and rapidity of calculations. The finer the
we need to complete it with initial conditions computational mesh, the more accurate the
(e.g., distribution of the density at the start of solution (as is very clear for shock restitution)
the simulation), boundary conditions (e.g., flux but also the longer the computational time
input, topography), and constitutive equations required to solve the problem.
(e.g., equations relating stress and velocity, or
equations of state relating density and tem- 10.5.2â•… Kinetic models
perature) that describe the physical behavior The earliest numerical simulations of PDCs were
of the flow. Each model formulation is a sim- made using the kinetic approach, which simu-
plified description of the natural phenomena, lates trajectories only for the flow front, and
and a wide range of numerical models exists, considers the flow as a rigid block or a mater-
from the simplest that deal only with a small ial point (Fig. 10.9(b)). Motion is calculated using

9780521895439c10_p203-229.indd 220 8/2/2012 10:48:36 AM


Figure 10.9╇╇ (a) Schematization

of a natural PDC composed of a
dense basal flow and an associated
dilute ash-cloud surge. Four types of
numerical approaches are illustrated:
(b) kinetic, (c) discrete element,
(d) depth-averaged, (e) multiphase
the fundamental equation of dynamics, which
can be thought of as a drastic simplification of
momentum conservation equation: motion of each constituent grain is simulated
du ∑ F (10.30)
(Fig. 10.9(c)). Behavior laws based on particle
= , elasticity and deformation allow calculation
dt m
of the dynamics of grain interaction. To our
were ΣF represents the sum of forces that act on knowledge, the only direct application of this
the block of mass m. The block is driven by gravity technique to PDCs has been made by Mitani
following the topography and by a resistive law. et€al. (2004). They reproduced both normal and
The resistive law is generally approximated using reverse grading in a granular medium (consist-
a basal friction term (with a constant value), a vis- ing of particles only, with no interstitial fluid)
cous stress term (which is a function of velocity), in motion on a slope and suggested that fluidiz-
and a turbulent or a collisional term (which is a ing gases are not required for the formation of
function of the square of the velocity), so that the coarse tail grading. This method cannot be used
resistive stress has the form a0 + a1u + a2u2 (e.g., to simulate natural PDCs on real topography due
Sheridan and Malin, 1983; McEwen and Malin, to the huge number of particles that are required
1989; Saucedo et€al., 2005). Wadge et€al. (1998) used to obtain meaningful statistics. However, it is
this approach to simulate the path of dense pyro- being increasingly used in other fields of sci-
clastic flows at Montserrat, adding an estimation ence, and recent developments combining the
of the areas that could be affected by a low dens- discrete element method with a continuum
ity surge generated from the dense flow. method (such as the multiphase approach of
Kinetic models significantly oversimplify the Section 10.5.5) appear promising for the study
physical problem. The simulated flow cannot of gas–particle interactions and their effects on
spread, and its depth, and any depth-dependent PDC rheology at the particle scale.
mechanical behavior cannot be determined.
This approach may be used to estimate the tra- 10.5.4â•… Depth-averaged methods
jectories of dense flows but, as it cannot take As the emplacement of PDCs on natural top-
into account density variations, sedimentation ography cannot be calculated at the particle
and air ingestion, it is too simplistic for dilute level, another solution consists of discretizing
flow simulations. However, this approach can the space into a mesh and averaging the phys-
generate results very rapidly. As it is generally ical properties of particles on each mesh node.
very difficult to estimate volumes, rates, and ini- In the depth-averaged method, meshes can
tial velocity during a volcanic crisis, the accuracy be thought as columns (Fig. 10.9(d)). All phys-
of such a basic model is generally better than ical properties are vertically averaged and
the knowledge of what will occur. It can thus be three-dimensional equations vertically inte-
a useful tool for rapid evaluation of pyroclastic grated. The depth-averaged approximation
flow hazards. requires that the flow length is much greater
than its depth, so that vertical displacements
10.5.3â•… Discrete element models are negligible. The mass of a column is con-
In this approach, Newton’s equations of motion sidered to move either with the same velocity
are solved for every particle in the flow, and the throughout the depth of the column, or with a

9780521895439c10_p203-229.indd 221 8/2/2012 10:48:37 AM


fixed vertical velocity profile depending on the inclined plane with a constant supply, and suc-
rheology chosen. cessfully reproduced the self-channeling and
The depth-averaged method has been used the frontal lobe and levée–channel morphology
to simulate granular flows in the laboratory typical of the deposits of coarse PDCs (Fig. 10.4).
(e.g., Savage and Hutter, 1989) and dense geo- They did not take into account segregation
physical flows like mud flows, landslides, induced by polydispersity, or the formation of
debris avalanches, or lahars (e.g., Heinrich levées when frictional resistance overcomes
et€ al., 2001; Pitman et€ al., 2003; Kelfoun and downslope gravitational forces at the flow mar-
Druitt, 2005; Sheridan et€ al., 2005; Lucas and gins due to the depth-dependence of friction.
Mangeney, 2007; see Chapter 14), as well as The enormous advantage of the depth-averaged
pyroclastic flows (Patra et€al., 2005; Capra et€al., approach is the speed of calculation, because the
2008; Kelfoun et€ al. 2009; Murcia et€ al., 2010). third dimension is averaged. It is thus of great
The depth-averaged method is very efficient for importance for real-time hazard assessment.
reproducing natural events if flow density can
be assumed to be constant in time and space: for 10.5.5â•… Multiphase approaches
example, it was used successfully to reproduce To account for both temporal and spatial vari-
a PDC from the 2006 eruption of Tungurahua ations of the physical properties necessary to
volcano (Kelfoun et€al., 2009; see online supple- simulate dilute PDCs, the calculation domain
ment OS 10.5). The depth-averaged approach is divided into a horizontal and vertical mesh
is more suitable for the simulation of dense (Fig. 10.9(e)). As a first approximation, it is pos-
pyroclastic flows than for dilute surges that sible to consider pyroclastic flows as a dusty gas
present strong vertical displacements at the (sometimes called a pseudogas) where particles
end of their path and strong spatial variations and gas form a homogeneous phase, move at
of density. Nevertheless, Doyle et€ al. (2010) the same velocity, and are in thermal equi-
derived a depth-averaged model in which the librium (Cordoba, 2005; Ishimine, 2005). To
two components of PDCs (dense and dilute) are develop more realistic simulations, gas and
coupled. This model reproduces the formation particle dynamics need to be distinguished
of the dense flow by sedimentation from the and treated separately. Particles are considered
dilute ash cloud. as a continuous phase, their properties being
The main problem of the present models averaged on each node in the same manner as
appears to be the rheology used. The complex the gas phase. All phases present (different size
and poorly understood physical behavior is classes of particles, gases of various composi-
generally approximated by first-order laws; a tions) share the same mesh and interact with
wide variety of rheological behavior has been each other. The first application of this approach
used, including frictional (τ = σ tanφ), constant was made by Wohletz et€al. (1984). The models
(τ = C), viscous (τ = η ∂u/∂y), Bingham (τ = C + have since become more complex as computa-
η ∂u/∂y), or Voellmy (τ = σ tanφ + ρgu2/ξ), where tional power has increased (e.g., Valentine and
y is height within the flow, η is viscosity, and ξ Wohletz, 1989; Wohletz and Valentine, 1990;
is the Voellmy coefficient. The most common Valentine et€ al., 1991; Dartevelle et€ al., 2004).
approximation uses a frictional behavior (e.g., Dobran et€al. (1993) and Neri and Dobran (1994)
Patra et€al., 2005). Assuming that particle colli- introduced one solid phase and two gas phases,
sions are important in such granular flows, Itoh air and vapor water. These codes accounted for
et€ al. (2000) used a collisional stress. Kelfoun multiple particle sizes to allow for estimation
et€ al. (2009) showed that a frictional behavior of spatial particle segregation (e.g., Neri et€ al.,
is not suitable for pyroclastic flow simulation 2003). Computational power limited those
and proposed a plastic rheology. Simulations studies to a two-dimensional (or axisymmetric)
of Mangeney et€al. (2007) considered an empir- approach and it is only recently that the first
ical variable friction coefficient (i.e., Pouliquen three-dimensional results (or four-dimensional,
and Forterre, 2002) to simulate flows over an if time is considered) were obtained (Esposti

9780521895439c10_p203-229.indd 222 8/2/2012 10:48:37 AM


Figure 10.10╇╇ 3D multiphase simulation of PDCs as a

function of time (a) to (d). After Neri et€al. (2007). Note that
PDCs are strongly influenced by topography. See color plates
section. 10.6╇ ╇Future perspectives
PDCs are highly complex flows, and understand-
ing the key controls on their dynamics and sedi-
Ongaro et€al., 2007; Neri et€al., 2007), as shown mentation remains a major challenge. Flow
in Figure 10.10. As for the depth-averaged dynamics and particle transport are strongly
method, the multiphase approach suffers from time-dependent and vary over a wide range of
our incomplete understanding of the com- scales, and the flow may undergo significant
plex physics of PDCs; some codes are unable interactions with the underlying topography. In
to form a deposit and can only be applied to order to make progress in understanding PDC
dilute currents, for instance. However, results dynamics, idealized flows that share some of
from multiphase models identify complex flow the observed features of PDCs have been inves-
behavior such as vertical density stratification tigated. Emerging methodologies are large-scale
and progressive transitions between dense and experiments and the use of unsteady (fluidized)
dilute regions that cannot be resolved using granular collapse experiments, which build
other approaches. Detailed hazard assessments on the established fundamental dynamics of
require future development of the multiphase fluid collapses and gravity current motion.
approach, and the continued development of Outstanding research questions that can be
faster computational processing will enable studied in this way include investigation of the
these simulations to become more applicable mechani`sms of PDC propagation and depos-
to PDC motion. ition, the role of polydispersity as well as

9780521895439c10_p203-229.indd 223 8/2/2012 10:48:38 AM


particle–particle and gas–particle interactions to simulate PDC emplacement on real topog-

in controlling flow dynamics and resistance to raphies. Available methods offer a good com-
motion, and measurement of internal velocity promise between computational speed and
profiles. accuracy of the simulated phenomena.
Significant increases in computational power • Future research directions include laboratory
have permitted the development of fully multi- and large-scale experimental studies on poly-
phase codes that do not require depth-averaging, disperse (gas–particle) concentrated currents
and these now offer the possibility of detailed as well as fully multiphase models.
investigation of mechanisms of particle inter-
action and resistance to flow motion. A major
challenge is to address the mismatch in sophis-
tication between experiments and numerical 10.8╇ ╇Notation
models in order to develop appropriate meth-
odologies for model testing. One possibility is to a column aspect ratio
explore the use of more complex experimental at critical column aspect ratio
geometries that are closer to the variations in a0, a1, a2 numerical constants
natural topography over which PDCs propagate. A angle subtended by mass of glass
Ultimately, more sophisticated field measure- beads in rotating drum (˚)
ments of the properties and dynamics of PDCs Β empirical constant
are required for testing numerical simulations c particle concentration
and for better interpretation of experimental c0 initial particle concentration
results. C constant stress (Pa)
d particle diameter (m)
D diffusion coefficient (m2 s–1)
f fine particle mass fraction
10.7╇ ╇Summary F force (N)
g acceleration due to gravity (m s–2)
• PDCs cover a range of phenomena whose end g′ reduced gravity (m s–2)
members are the dilute pyroclastic surges and g′p reduced gravity for particle-laden
the dense pyroclastic flows. These end members current (m s–2)
coexist in most PDCs, which consist of a con- h column height (m)
centrated basal avalanche (the flow) and of an hc current height (m)
overriding turbulent ash cloud (the surge). hchannel thickness of deposit in channel (m)
• Lock-exchange laboratory scale experiments hf flow height (m)
on (particle-laden) fluid gravity currents are hi initial column height (m)
suitable for studying the physics of dilute hlevée height of deposit levée (m)
PDCs, particularly the mixing processes with H ambient medium height (m)
the ambient atmosphere and radial size distri- I inertial number
bution of the particles in the deposits. k hydraulic permeability (m2)
• Laboratory experiments on dry or fluidized L current length (m)
granular flows offer a means of investigat- Lr current run-out length (m)
ing propagation and deposition processes of m mass (kg)
dense PDCs. In particular, dam-break gas–par- P pressure (Pa)
ticle flows reveal front kinematics similar to ΔP pressure gradient (Pa)
those of inertial fluid gravity currents despite Pd dynamic pressure (Pa)
high particle concentrations, and deposits Pd,mf dynamic pressure at umf (Pa)
that form by aggradation. Pmf total pore fluid pressure (Pa)
• Numerical modeling taking into account a Q finite 2D volume release (m2)
wide range of natural parameters is useful Q0 2D volume of current head (m2)

9780521895439c10_p203-229.indd 224 8/2/2012 10:48:38 AM


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Wilson, C. J. N. (1980). The role of fluidization in the (c) Discuss the limitation of the analysis.
emplacement of pyroclastic flows: an experimental 10.2 Laboratory experiments on granular flows
approach. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal in air (ρ0 = 1.2 kg m–3) are carried out to
Research, 8, 231–249. investigate concentrated, coarse-grained PDCs.
Wilson, C. J. N. (1984). The role of fluidization in the The particles used are glass beads of grain
emplacement of pyroclastic flows, 2: experimental size d = 2 mm and density ρp = 2500 kg m–3.
results and their interpretation. Journal of Flows are generated on an inclined rough
Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 20, 55–84. substrate and have a typical thickness hf ~
Wilson, C. J. N. (1985). The Taupo eruption New 1 cm. Calculate the range of velocities uf at
which the flows will be in a frictional or in a
Zealand, 2. The Taupo ignimbrite. Philosophical
collisional regime.
Transactions of the Royal Society of London A, 314,
10.3 An axisymmetric constant-volume gravity
current spreads radially from its source such
Wohletz, K. H., McGetchin, T. R., Sandford, M. T.
that the position of the flow front r increases
and Jones, E. M. (1984). Hydrodynamic aspects of
with time t, from an initial condition r = 0
caldera-forming eruptions: Numerical models. at t = 0. The statement of mass conservation
Journal of Geophysical Research, 89, 8269–8285. for this current is Q = πr2hc, and the front
Wohletz, K. H. and Valentine, G. A. (1990). Computer condition when inertia and buoyancy forces
simulations of explosive volcanic eruptions. In are in balance is uc = Fr(g′hc)1/2, where Q is the
Magma Transport and Storage, ed. M.P. Ryan. London: volume and hc is the thickness of the current,
Wiley, pp. 113–135. uc is the velocity of the current front, Fr is the
Froude number, and g′ is the reduced gravity.
Using these formulae, show that the position
of the front r varies as t1/2 in the inertia-
Exercises buoyancy regime. How does the position
of the front depend on the volume of the
10.1 Consider a dilute PDC (surge) of density ρc current?
and height hc propagating on a sub-horizontal
surface with a front velocity uc in a less Online resources available at www.cambridge.
dense atmosphere of density ρ0 and height H org/fagents
(considered as semi-infinite).
(a) Calculate the Froude number at the front • Movie files of PDC simulations
of the surge. • Answers to exercises
(b) Field observations reveal that uc = 65 m s–1
and hc = 20 m.Calculate the density of the
surge (ρ0 = 1.2 kg m−3).

9780521895439c10_p203-229.indd 229 8/2/2012 10:48:40 AM

Chapter 11

Magma–water interactions
Ken Wohletz, Bernd Zimanowski and Ralf Büttner

energetics predicted by equilibrium and non-

Overview equilibrium thermodynamics. Taken together,
these approaches elucidate the relationships
Magma–water interaction is an unavoidable con- among aqueous environment, interaction phys-
sequence of the hydrous nature of the Earth’s ics, and eruptive phenomena and landforms.
crust, and may take place in environments ran-
ging from submarine to desert regions, producing
volcanic features ranging from passively effused
lava to highly explosive events. Hydrovolcanism 11.1╇ ╇Introduction: magma and
is the term that describes this interaction at or the hydrosphere
near the Earth’s surface, and it encompasses
the physical and chemical dynamics that deter- The vast majority of volcanic eruptions take
mine the resulting intrusive or extrusive behav- place under water because most volcanism
ior, and the character of eruptive products and concentrates at mid-oceanic ridges where new
deposits. The development of physical theory oceanic crust is produced. By definition, every
describing the energetics and the hydrodynam- kind of extrusive subaqueous volcanism on
ics (dynamics of fluids and solids at high strain Earth is hydrovolcanic since some degree of
rates) of magma–water interaction relies on an water interaction must take place. The hydro-
understanding of the physics of water behav- sphere also exists in continental areas, as the
ior in conditions of rapid heating, the physics consequence not only of lakes and rivers, but
of magma as a material of complex rheology, also of groundwater and hydrous fluids that cir-
and the physics of the interaction between the culate in joints and faults in the upper crust and
two, as well as detailed field observations and fill pore space in sedimentary rocks. Such loca-
interpretation of laboratory experiments. Of pri- tions are typically referred to as geohydrologi-
mary importance to address are the nature of cal environments. As a consequence, subaerial
heat exchange between the magma and water volcanism is commonly influenced by magma–
during interaction, the resulting fragmentation water interaction. Chapter 12 describes deep-sea
of the magma, and the constraints on system eruptions in greater detail, whereas this chapter

Modeling Volcanic Processes: The Physics and Mathematics of Volcanism, eds. Sarah A. Fagents, Tracy K. P. Gregg, and Rosaly M. C.
Lopes. Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2012.

9780521895439c11_p230-257.indd 230 8/2/2012 9:50:39 AM


focuses on magma–water interaction in surface formalized by Abraham Werner). Initial ideas

and near-surface environments. about the role of ground and surface water in vol-
The explosive intensity of volcanic eruptions canism developed during the last century. These
depends on the extrusion rate of magma and on perceptions resulted largely from observations
the coupling of its thermal energy (i.e., heat flux) of unusually explosive periods of Hawaiian vol-
to the surroundings. Because the thermal con- canism, during which groundwater entered rifts
ductivity of magma is very low, hydrovolcanic along which normal lava fountaining had previ-
heat flux is mainly governed by the size of the ously occurred (Jaggar, 1949), as well as through
interfacial area between magma and water and examination of fragmental basalts found where
its growth rate during interaction. Thus, the key lava had entered water (Fuller, 1931). Three well-
process that determines the thermal energy flux documented eruptions during the late 1950s and
from the magma to its surroundings is magma early 1960s brought an increased awareness of
fragmentation. explosive hydrovolcanism: Capelinhos, Azores
Water is the predominant thermodynamic (Tazieff, 1958; Servicos Geologicos de Portugal,
working fluid on Earth, and practically every 1959), Surtsey, Iceland (Thorarinsson, 1964),
power plant in the world uses water for con- and Taal, Philippines (Moore et€al., 1966). Fisher
verting thermal energy into mechanical energy and Waters (1970), Waters and Fisher (1971),
and finally into electricity. Where rising magma and Heiken (1971) expanded the characteriza-
contacts water (in contrast to rocks or atmos- tion of phreatomagmatic eruptions to include
pheric gases) the major effect is an increase in steam-rich eruption columns, base surges, and
thermal energy flux and, by analogy to commer- typical landforms such as maars, tuff rings, and
cial power production, in the efficacy of heat tuff cones. As a result of this work, numerous
and power generation. For this reason there is twentieth century phreatomagmatic eruptions
a rich technical literature in science and engin- are now recognized, many of which formed
eering that can be applied to understanding maar-like craters (e.g., Self et€ al., 1980). After
magma–water interactions; this is the intent of cinder cones, phreatomagmatic constructs (tuff
this chapter. rings, tuff cones, and maars) are perhaps the
most abundant terrestrial volcanic landform.
However, magma–water interaction is certainly
not limited to explosive phreatomagmatic
11.2╇ ╇Hydrovolcanism: from pillow eruptions€ – the hydrologic environment plays
lava to maar tephra a major role in determining the kind of inter-
action that can occur.
11.2.1â•… History of hydrovolcanism
Magma–water interactions occur deep within the 11.2.2â•… Hydrovolcanic environments
Earth (hydromagmatism) as well as at or near its The wide variety of hydrovolcanic phenom-
surface (hydrovolcanism). These terms are roughly ena suggests that interaction between water
synonymous because in many cases the realm and magma or magmatic heat may occur in
where interaction initiates and later manifests any volcanic setting and geohydrological envir-
may span from deep within the Earth’s crust onment, and is not restricted to a particular
to the surface. For this reason the term phreato- magma composition. From the formation of
magmatic is used to designate interaction within pillow lava and lineated, folded, and jumbled
the phreatic realm of the Earth’s surface, which sheet flows in deep water, to the intrusion of
includes the zone of saturation where ground- breccia in dikes and sills deep in the crust, to
water and surface water exist. the eruption of plumes of fine ash in desert,
The topic of magma–water interaction may tropical, and shallow water environments,
be considered to have its roots in the eighteenth- magma–water interaction includes both pas-
Â�Century Neptunists’ theory about the origin sive and dynamic phenomena. During ascent
of basaltic rocks in oceans (which was later to the surface, magma commonly encounters

9780521895439c11_p230-257.indd 231 8/2/2012 9:50:39 AM


Figure 11.1╇╇ Schematic illustration

of common environments of
hydrovolcanism (adapted from
Wohletz, 1993).

0.1–0.5 0.3–1.5 km
km 0–0.2
PLUME 0.1–2.0 km
km 20–50 0.5–3.0
HEIGHT 10–40
km km

hawaiian and strombolian plinian columns phreatoplinian surtseyan surtseyan lava flows
ballistic scoria tephra fall column/collapse ash fall cypressoid jets (pillow, lineated,
tephra fall PDCs ashfall, PDCs lateral surges falls and surges folded, jumbed,

mm- to m-size fragments

DOMINANT cm-size fragments µm- to mm-size fragments
condensing steam
PRODUCTS superheated steam
liquid water

EXTERNAL Little/none Optimum Excessive
Increasing water abundance

Figure 11.2╇╇ Relationship of typical eruptive phenomena

and products to water abundance (adapted from Sheridan magma fragments is called phreatic (Ollier, 1974)
and Wohletz, 1983). Deposit features indicative of magma– or hydrothermal (Muffler et€al., 1971; Nairn and
water interaction may include planar to duneform bedding,
Solia, 1980). Subglacial volcanism (Noe-Nygaard,
impact sags or slumps and, particularly for greater water
1940; see Chapter 13) is best known from its
abundances, accretionary lapilli, soft sediment deformation
structures, and cohesive, altered, or vesiculated tuff.
products, including massive floods (jökulhlaups),
table mountains (tuyas or stapi), and ridges (tin-
dars or mobergs). In all these environments, a
major factor determining the expression of
groundwater, connate (entrapped depositional) hydrovolcanism is the abundance of water
water, marine, fluvial, or lacustrine water, ice, available to interact with the magma. Not only
or rain water (Fig. 11.1). From this diversity are the eruptive phenomena affected by water
of hydrovolcanic environments comes a wide abundance, but so are the characteristics of the
range of terminology. For example, the subaque- interaction products, their dispersal, and the
ous environment includes all activity beneath resulting landforms (Fig. 11.2).
a standing body of water (Kokelaar, 1986);
products of this activity have been called sub- 11.2.3â•… Hydrovolcanic eruption styles
aquatic (Sigvaldason, 1968), aquagene (Carlisle, A wide variety of eruption styles result from
1963), hyaloclastite (for deep marine; Bonatti, magma–water interactions, ranging from pas-
1976), hyalotuff (for shallow marine; Honnorez sive lava effusion to highly energetic thermo-
and Kirst, 1975), and littoral (Wentworth, 1938). hydraulic explosions, depending on ambient
Volcanism that heats groundwater to produce conditions and the proportions of water and
steam explosions that do not eject juvenile magma interacting (Fig. 11.2). At the highest

9780521895439c11_p230-257.indd 232 8/2/2012 9:50:40 AM


water abundances, explosive activity is gener- or sheet lava, pillow breccia, and hyaloclastite.
ally suppressed, producing passive quenching Posteruptive hydrothermal interaction with
and thermal granulation of lava flows (but see fragmental materials may produce palagonitic
Chapter 12 for further discussion of deep-sea and zeolitic tuff, silica sinter, and travertine.
explosive activity). At somewhat more favorable Fragmental products are termed hydroclasts by
water/magma mass ratios, surtseyan activity is a Fisher and Schmincke (1984), instead of pyro-
common expression of explosive hydrovolcan- clasts, a term that refers solely to the fragmental
ism in, for example, shallow marine environ- products of explosive eruptions driven by mag-
ments. Dense, tephra-laden, cypressoid (“cock’s matic (juvenile) volatiles. Explosive hydrovol-
tail”) jets and steam clouds contain a significant canic products commonly contain significant
component of liquid water, both as a result of abundances of lithic fragments derived from
vapor condensation and direct ejection from a explosive fragmentation of country rock in vari-
shallow-water environment. Tephra is dispersed ous hydrovolcanic environments.
as fall or surges, which may be expressed as Petrographic studies of hydroclastic prod-
massive or planar-to-duneform bedded deposits. ucts involve the determination of particle size,
Phreatoplinian eruptions are the result of more shape, componentry (magmatic vs. lithic) and
intense interactions that produce a greater textural characteristics, and the chemical signa-
vapor-phase component at water–magma mass tures caused by both rapid and slow alteration.
ratios approaching the optimum for energy con- These data are indicators of the degree and type
version efficiency. Groundwater or shallow sur- of water interaction. For example, the grain size
face water is typically involved. Greater energy of hydroclasts is a function of the mass ratio of
release allows for explosive vapor expansion, water and magma involved dynamically in the
thorough magma fragmentation and the forma- interaction; grain textures are indicative of the
tion of convecting columns, and significantly type of interaction€– passive, explosive, brittle,
more widespread tephra dispersal through fall or ductile. Field characterization of hydroclastic
and pyroclastic density currents. Duneform bed- products focuses on analysis of deposit charac-
ding becomes more common for energetic surge teristics, including bedding, grading, sorting,
deposits. Transient explosive activity, i.e., vulca- lithification, and deposit thickness vs. distance
nian eruptions, may also be driven in part by from the vent. Variations of these characteristics
pressurized vapor derived from meteoric water within or among deposits can elucidate variabil-
(Chapter 7). The deposits of phreatoplinian and ity in eruptive intensity and style (e.g., fall vs.
vulcanian eruptions exhibit fewer indications of density current deposit), and degree of magma–
a liquid water phase in comparison to surtseyan water interaction.
deposits; the former are sometimes termed “dry” Experimental and field research revealed
hydrovolcanic deposits, whereas the latter are a correlation between the median grain diam-
termed “wet”. Subglacial eruptions, discussed in eters of hydroclasts and the interacting water/
detail in Chapter 13, commonly exhibit a range magma mass ratio (Fig. 11.3). In general, hydro-
of hydrovolcanic styles (from pillow effusion to volcanic tephra are distinguishable from mag-
surtseyan and phreatoplinian activity) during matic tephra by their much finer grain size.
their eruption sequence, and understanding of Furthermore, for hydrovolcanic tephra there is
magma–ice interactions benefitted greatly from an optimum water/mass ratio that produces the
recognition of tephra and deposit characteris- most thorough fragmentation; ratios less than
tics first mapped in phreatomagmatic tuff cones or greater than the optimum value result in less
and tuff rings. finely fragmented tephra.
Microscopic examination of grain shapes
11.2.4â•… Hydrovolcanic products and textures also reveals features indicative of
Hydrovolcanic solid products include tephra, hydrovolcanic origins; whereas the products of
blocks and bombs, explosion breccia, pillow purely magmatic fragmentation are dominated

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Figure 11.3╇╇ Correlation of grain size and

thermal-to-mechanical energy partitioning to water/melt
ratio (adapted from Frazzetta et€al., 1983, and Sheridan and
Wohletz, 1983).

by highly vesicular clasts, hydroclast populations

include poorly to non-vesicular clasts with a var-
iety of textures (Fig. 11.4). Hydrovolcanic tephra Figure 11.4╇╇ Sketches of particle textures found in
may show features of both magmatic and hydro- hydrovolcanic deposits. (a) A characteristic blocky and equant
volcanic origin; in such cases, detailed statistical glass shard, (b) a vesicular grain with cleaved vesicle surfaces,
study of tephra samples can help determine the (c) a platy shard, (d) a drop-like or fused shard, (e) a blocky
crystal with conchoidal fracture surfaces, and (f) a perfect
relative proportions of the two end member
crystal with layer of vesicular glass. In contrast, magmatically
fragmentation processes (Büttner et€ al., 1999;
fragmented deposits are dominated by highly vesicular clasts,
Dellino et€al., 2001). Some hydroclastic grain tex- but may contain minor proportions of particle types shown
tures are also indicative of the type of magma– here. (Adapted from Wohletz and Heiken, 1992.)
water interaction (e.g., whether a superheated
vapor or liquid phase was involved; Wohletz,
1983). For example, quench cracks on grain sur-
faces indicate quenching in contact with excess result in broader, lower landform (e.g., maars,
liquid water, and chemical pitting is indicative tuff rings) due to the greater mobility of the
of contact with corrosive fluids (Wohletz, 1987; products (in falls or surges), with limited alter-
Dellino et€al., 2001). ation of the hydroclasts. An individual eruption
Field characteristics of deposits are also can evolve towards wetter or dryer condi-
indicative of the proportion of liquid vs. vapor tions, which would be reflected in the deposit
phases in phreatomagmatic eruptions. Broadly characteristics.
speaking, liquid water will produce more cohe- Explosive hydrovolcanic eruptions may occur
sive deposits that may contain accretionary as single, monogenetic events or at polygenetic
lapilli, soft-sediment deformation structures, centers (volcanoes constructed of multiple erup-
vesiculated tuffs (due to post-depositional tions). The former commonly produce maars,
vaporization of liquid water), and may produce tuff rings or tuff cones, depending on the envir-
steeper landforms (e.g., tuff cones) with some onment of interaction and availability of water.
degree of hydrothermal alteration (e.g., palago- The latter may simply introduce a phreatomag-
nitization). In contrast, more energetic erup- matic deposit into the record of activity at that
tions producing a superheated vapor phase may particular volcano.

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Experimental studies have made it possible to

11.3╇ ╇Magma–water interaction quantify some controlling parameters by using
physics field and laboratory measurements of hydro-
volcanic products. The curves in Figure 11.3
11.3.1â•… Fuel–coolant interactions were derived from early experiments (Wohletz,
Formulating an understanding of the physics 1983; Wohletz and McQueen, 1984) that dem-
of magma–water interactions requires consid- onstrated that the explosive efficiency of the
eration of the physical properties of magma, system (measured as the ratio of eruptive kin-
the thermodynamic behavior of water, and the etic energy to magma thermal energy) is related
physics of processes at the interface between to the mass ratio of interacting water and melt
the two fluids. Much of the physical under- (thermite€– a magma analog) and the confining
standing of hydrovolcanism has developed from pressure. These experiments displayed a var-
the combined insights derived from studies of iety of explosive and non-explosive behaviors
molten fuel–coolant interaction (MFCI or FCI) and that are analogous to natural volcanic activity,
laboratory experiments designed to replicate including classical strombolian, surtseyan, vul-
hydrovolcanic phenomena (e.g., Wohletz et€ al., canian, and plinian phenomena.
1995a; Zimanowski et€ al., 1997a). The field of Experimental studies demonstrate that the
FCI science arises from industrial applications, thermodynamics of heat transfer (see Section
and concerns the interaction of two fluids for 11.4.1) is a significant aspect of hydrovolcanic
which the temperature of one (fuel) is above systems and their physical and chemical effects.
the vaporization temperature of the other (cool- The magmatic thermal energy transformed by
ant) (Buchanan and Dullforce, 1973; Buchanan, interaction with external water is partitioned
1974). Application of FCI theory to hydrovolcanic into many possible forms, including mechanical
eruptions is described in Wohletz et€al. (1995a), fragmentation of the magma and country rock,
Zimanowski et€al. (1991), and Zimanowski (1998). excavation of a crater, acceleration and disper-
Figure 11.5 depicts a hypothetical geologic sys- sal of tephra, seismic and acoustic perturba-
tem in which magma (fuel) explosively interacts tions, and chemical processes such as solution
with water-saturated sediments (coolant). The and precipitation, and mass diffusion. Section
stages of a FCI are as follows: 11.4.4 addresses energy partitioning further.

(1) Initial contact and coarse mixing of fuel and 11.3.2â•… Physical properties of magma
coolant, growth of vapor film; Magma generally is treated as a three-phase sys-
(2) Quasi-coherent collapse of all vapor films in tem of melt, solids, and gases (see Chapter 4).
the premix caused by a triggering pressure The physical properties of magma are strongly
pulse (seismically induced or by local over- controlled by chemical composition, the propor-
expansion), leading to direct contact of fuel tions and types of solid content (phenocrysts,
and coolant; xenocrysts, and xenoliths), presence of exsolved
(3) Cycles of enhanced fuel–coolant heat trans- and dissolved gases, flow speed, and tempera-
fer, rapid (<1 ms) coolant expansion, fine ture. Natural silicate melts have temperatures
fragmentation of fuel, producing super- that exceed the solidus by ~100–200 K, such
heated and pressurized water, and explosive that the heat content of magma comprises a
energy release; significant proportion of latent heat. However,
(4) Volumetric expansion of fuel–coolant mix- during rapid cooling processes relevant to many
ture as superheated water transforms to magma–water interactions, the release of latent
superheated steam. heat is negligible, because quenching (and the
formation of glass) takes place, rather than
The process does not necessarily evolve through crystallization.
all these stages and may be arrested, for instance, Magma viscosity is the result of interaction
before mixing or explosion. between internal friction of the melt and

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Figure 11.5╇╇ Hypothetical setting

of subsurface hydrovolcanic activity,
showing (a) initial contact of magma
with water-saturated sediments, (b)
vapor film growth, (c) mixing of magma
with the sediments, and (d) expansion
of the high-pressure steam in an
explosion (adapted from Wohletz and
Heiken, 1992).

1498 K but also strongly depends on the shear rate (Fig.

1473 K
11.6). At high confining pressures (i.e., at depth
within the crust or beneath water), magma vis-
Viscosity, η (Pa s)

10 cosity depends primarily on the behavior of
dissolved volatiles, and will generally decrease
with increasing pressure. Although this pres-
sure-dependence is not yet well characterized,
it is the viscosity contrast between magma
101 and water that primarily governs interaction
10–2 10–1 100 101 dynamics, so little effect is expected on the
Shear rate, γ· (s–1) hydrodynamics of the magma–water system at
increasing pressure.
Figure 11.6╇╇ Shear stress dependent viscosity of a basaltic The intensity of magma–water interac-
melt (<5 % crystals, <2 % bubbles), at two temperatures.
tions reflects the efficiency of heat transfer
The lines are viscosity calculations from a power-law model
at the magma–water interface, which in turn
(modified from Sonder et€al., 2006).
reflects the degree of magma fragmentation.
Fragmentation can generally be viewed as tak-
mechanically coupled compressible bubbles and ing place in one of two regimes, depending upon
incompressible crystals (see Chapter 4, Section whether the characteristic deformation time is
4.5). Crystals are not only characterized by vari- greater or less than the mechanical relaxation
ous morphologies, but also by various interfacial time of the melt: (1) hydrodynamic fragmentation
couplings (e.g., wetting angles). It is therefore is restricted to deformation of two-�dimensional
not surprising that the rheology of magma needs interfacial areas (boundaries between the melt
to be addressed by a non-�Newtonian model. and gas) and is most efficient in systems sub-
Viscosity is not only temperature dependent, jected to high strain rates (rapid flow) at low

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viscosities, low interfacial tension, and high A crucial parameter for the behavior of water
density contrast between the accelerating fluid at a high temperature interface is the phase
and surrounding media; (2) brittle fragmenta- transition temperature of water into steam. In
tion is the result of three-dimensional crack steady-state, equilibrium thermodynamic condi-
growth caused by strain that exceeds the elas- tions, the phase transition occurs at the boiling
tic properties of a medium (e.g., bulk modulus; point, which depends on the ambient pres-
cf. the stress and strain-rate criteria discussed sure. However, dynamic (short duration) events
in Chapter 4, Section 4.6). For hydrodynamic require application of quasi-steady-state thermo-
fragmentation to produce fine ash (< 63 μm), dynamic models. Instead of the phase change
the required accelerations are extremely high. occurring at the boiling point and spreading out-
However, brittle fragmentation can readily ward from discrete nucleation sites, the water is
produce fine ash particles through a steady heated so rapidly that it greatly overshoots its
increase in strain. The features of natural parti- boiling temperature, reaching the homogeneous
cles, experimental results, and theoretical mod- nucleation temperature (HNT), where all of the
els clearly show ash generation is dominated by water spontaneously changes state. The boiling
brittle fragmentation (Zimanowski et€al., 2003). regime of water under atmospheric conditions
The material parameter that controls the brittle- starts at 373 K and the HNT is reached at ~583
ness of magma (i.e., the mechanical deformation K. Little is known about the pressure depend-
energy needed to produce new crack surfaces) ence of the HNT. During extremely rapid heat
is the critical shear stress. The range of critical transfer, as occurs in explosive MFCI, the crit-
shear stress of magma is as large as the vari- ical point of water (22 MPa and 647 K) may be
ability of viscosity, but in contrast to viscosity, exceeded, so that water exists as a supercritical
the critical shear stress decreases with increas- fluid, with no phase boundary separating vapor
ing silica content. Therefore, basaltic magma and liquid. Experimental observations indicate
can be more than three orders of magnitude that water can remain at liquid state densities
stronger than rhyolitic magma. Bubbles and even at magmatic temperatures during such
crystals both weaken the structural strength interactions (Zimanowski et€al., 1997b).
and therefore reduce the critical shear stress. Given that > 60% of the Earth’s surface is
Further information on experimental and the- covered by oceans, magma–water interactions
oretical fragmentation studies can be found in predominantly involve seawater. Seawater is
Hermann and Roux (1990), Zimanowski et€ al. a solution dominated by the presence of salts
(1997a, 1997b, 2003), and Büttner et€ al. (1999, (mostly NaCl), and its thermodynamic behav-
2002, 2006). ior can be approximated by the two-component
system of pure water and NaCl. Figure 11.7(a)
11.3.3â•… Water physics illustrates a p–T phase diagram for the system
The thermodynamic behavior of water is well NaCl–H2O that shows phase boundaries of the
known from the steam-locomotion era, and pure components and projections of the phase
many volcanological studies have approached boundaries for intermediate compositions. The
the problem of magma–water interaction rather salinity of seawater results in critical conditions
simplistically, by direct application of the first occurring not at a single point but along a curve
law of thermodynamics. While this approach that connects the critical points of the two pure
does provide some limiting conditions, it ignores end members. These phase relationships (Fig.
complex issues concerning the multi-phase 11.7(a)) show that at any temperature two fluid
(steam, water, magmatic particles, melt) system. phases can coexist and a single critical point
Consideration of multi-phase fluid mechanics does not exist if solid NaCl is present. Critical
places further constraints on the application of behavior occurs at pressures and temperatures
thermodynamics to this problem, as described elevated from those of pure water to values
by Delaney (1982) and Wohletz (1986), and approaching ~30 MPa and ~680 K for seawater
embodied in studies of MFCI (Section 11.3.1). with a salinity of 3.2 wt % NaCl (Bischoff and

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is heated, solid NaCl is precipitated, which

may greatly affect vapor nucleation (cf. White,
The two-phase boundary of seawater (Bischoff
and Rosenbauer, 1984) is similar to that of pure
water for subcritical conditions in pressure–
temperature space (Fig. 11.7(b)), but unlike pure
water, the critical point projects nearly linearly
to higher pressures and temperatures (~680 K at
30 MPa to ~750 K at 50 MPa). Below the critical
point the two-phase region of seawater consists
of liquid and low-salinity vapor, and above the
critical point it consists of brine and high-salinity
vapor. These phase relationships indicate that a
vapor phase can exist even at pressures above
critical for seawater.
The dissolved solids in seawater also reduce
the heat capacity of seawater by several per-
cent relative to pure water. However, this effect
is relatively small compared to the factor of ~2
variation in the heat capacity of pure water over
the range of pressures and temperatures rele-
vant to hydrovolcanism. For quantitative calcu-
lations, therefore, it is convenient to substitute
Figure 11.7╇╇ (a) Pressure–temperature diagram for the pure water as a workable proxy for seawater
system NaCl-H2O adapted from Krauskopf (1967) from because the heat capacity and phase transition
experimental data of Sourirajan and Kennedy (1962). This of seawater appear to have offsetting effects in
diagram shows both pure H2O and NaCl end members
situations of rapid heating; however, one must
(dashed lines). The solid lines (bold are experimental data)
schematically represent the phase boundaries connecting the
bear in mind that details of heat transfer dis-
pure end members. TPw and CPw denote the triple point and cussed in Section 11.3.4 will likely be greatly
critical points of H2O, respectively; TPs and CPs those points affected by the vapor nucleation and solid pre-
for NaCl. (b) The two-phase curve for standard seawater cipitation behavior of seawater.
(3.2% NaCl) as a function of pressure and temperature, based The hydrodynamic properties of water,
on data from Bischoff and Rosenbauer (1984). Note that such as viscosity, heat content, expansion coef-
in this plot, pressure increases downward. The solid curve ficients, do not change drastically with increas-
designates the boundary where pure water and seawater ing pressure, but they do with increasing
boundary are nearly coincidental. The boundary for pure
temperature. Little is known about the effect
water terminates at its critical point, whereas the boundary
for seawater extends (dashed curve) to its respective critical
of increasing pressure on interfacial tension.
point, along which it separates the stability regions of liquid However, it can be expected that this influence
and a mixture of low-salinity vapor and liquid. The phase is small over the range of pressures reflecting
boundary extends (dotted curve) from seawater’s critical submarine volcanic scenarios. The viscosity of
point to higher temperature and pressures, separating the water increases slightly with increasing pres-
liquid region from that of a mixture of high-salinity vapor and sure but strongly decreases with increasing
brine. temperature. A salt content of 3–5 % should
have no significant influence on viscosity or
interfacial tension.
Rosenbauer, 1988). Critical pressure is expected Because magma–water interaction can result
at a depth of ~3 km in the submarine environ- in a relatively high-pressure and high-temper-
ment. Figure 11.7(a) also shows that as seawater ature water phase, it is important to consider

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the variability of water properties near critical

conditions. Figure 11.8 illustrates the variation
of heat capacity, viscosity, and expansion coeffi-
cients at 30 and 60 MPa, analogous to deep sub-
marine environments at about 3000 and 6000
m depth, respectively. Note that heat capacity,
viscosity, and the isobaric expansion coefficient
vary rapidly in the range 600–800 K, near the
critical-point temperature (647 K). This means
that small changes in temperature produce
large changes in properties that determine
the thermodynamic and hydrodynamic behav-
ior of water. The large thermal gradients near
Figure 11.8╇╇Variation of physical properties of water at (a)
the magma–water contact will produce large
30 MPa (~3000 m depth) and (b) 60 MPa (~6000 m depth)
pressure and velocity gradients, and perturba-
as a function of temperature. The properties are shown as
tions in water movement may result in hydro- curves designated by symbols and their corresponding SI
dynamic instability. For example, a supercritical units and scale factors are: α, isobaric expansion coefficient
fluid subjected to small pressure perturbations (×103 K−1); α/β, pressure coefficient ((dp/dt)v; ×10–2 MPa K−1)
will tend to oscillate in density (Greer and where β is the isothermal expansion coefficient; ν, kinematic
Moldover, 1981) between liquid and vapor states viscosity (×107−7 m2 s−1); and cp, the constant pressure heat
(e.g., growth and collapse of vapor bubbles). capacity (4.184 kJ kg−1 K−1). Note the sharp inflections
The speed at which water flows from higher and discontinuities apparent near the critical temperature.
(Adapted from Wohletz and Heiken, 1992.)
to lower pressure regimes depends not only on
the magnitude of the pressure gradient but also
on the viscosity; rapid viscosity fluctuation may
enhance or dampen convective currents. These magma thermal conductivity (~1 W m−1 K−1;
pronounced fluctuations in properties are crit- Büttner et€ al., 1998, 2000, Ebert et€ al., 2003),
ical to address with respect to magma–water and limited convection due to its high viscosity.
interaction. This thermal-hydraulic system has Consequently, the temperature at the hot side
received considerable attention for application of the interface drops rapidly, leading to solidifi-
to coolant flow stability in nuclear reactors (e.g., cation of the magma. Because the thermal con-
Ruggles et€al., 1989, 1997). ductivity of quenched melt is more than twice
that of its liquid state, a cooling front migrates
11.3.4â•…Physics of the magma–water into the magma. Once a certain thickness has
interface solidified, the strain caused by the 1–3% decrease
Magma provides a high temperature heat in volume at the glass transition temperature
source, such that the magma–water system is leads to the formation of cooling cracks (ther-
somewhat analogous to the thermal coupling mal granulation) and thus to fragmentation of
and heat transfer to a liquid coolant (water or the magma into relatively coarse particles. This
aqueous liquids) used in power plant systems process has the potential to greatly increase
(e.g., Baierlein, 1999, Bejan and Eden, 1999). the interfacial area between magma and water.
The major difference between magma–water The balance between quenching and surface
interactions and power plant heat flow prob- area growth rates determines whether the heat
lems is that the interface conditions in a boiler transfer is relatively steady, or whether the heat
are of a fixed geometry, whereas the magma– transfer rate escalates. Section 11.4.1 discusses
water interface is always dynamic. The heat flux the thermodynamic regimes within which the
from the magma–water interface to the water heat transfer takes place. It is not only ther-
greatly exceeds the heat flux from the magma mally induced fragmentation that modifies the
to the interface because of the relatively low heat flux, but also external hydro-mechanical

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forcing, such as differential movement between (2) Metastable-film boiling: At a temperature con-
magma and water, and seismic impulses (earth- trast below the HNT, a macroscopic vapor
quakes), which can affect the stability of the film does not form; however, the thermal
magma–water interface. Experimental stud- coupling is modified by local formation of
ies suggest that external triggering is a major steam at the interface. At a temperature con-
mechanism leading to the escalation of heat trast well above the HNT, metastable-film
transfer into explosive conditions. For more boiling can take place in two cases. In Case 1,
details on magma–water mingling/mixing and high ambient pressure causes a reduction of
fragmentation physics see Morrissey et€al. (2000) the thickness of the superheated steam layer
and Zimanowski and Büttner (2002, 2003). of the film so that it reaches the same thick-
In contrast to the hydrodynamics discussed ness range as the thermal boundary layer.
in Section 11.3.3, the thermodynamic behav- In Case 2, hydrodynamic disturbances cause
ior of the magma–water interface changes interfacial instability waves with amplitudes
dramatically with increasing temperature and of the same scale as the total film thickness.
hydrostatic pressure, and the effects of min- (3) Direct contact: At a temperature contrast
eralization (e.g., seawater) are generally small below the boiling point of water and/or at
by comparison. The thermal coupling between ambient pressures exceeding the critical
magma and water is largely dependent upon point of water, the thermal coupling can be
the interface temperature and development described using equilibrium thermodynam-
of a vapor film between the magma and the ics, and it depends on the thermal proper-
water. The vapor film consists of two regions: ties of the liquids and the hydrodynamics
(1) a thicker hot layer of superheated steam at at the interface. The thermal properties of
the same temperature as and directly in con- magma are not strongly affected by increas-
tact with the magma, and (2) a thinner cool ing ambient pressure, however, the prop-
layer (the thermal boundary layer) between the erties of water change markedly (Fig. 11.8).
superheated steam layer and water, within For magma and water in direct contact, the
which condensation and vaporization balance. thermal coupling is one to two orders of
The temperature of the thermal boundary layer magnitude higher than that of stable and
can be only microscopically defined because its metastable film boiling.
thickness may be much less than a few mil-
limeters. Because the interface temperature is Considering the effect of increasing hydrostatic
a hypothetical value, dependent upon thermal pressure on the thermal coupling of magma and
diffusivities of magma and vapor, it is useful water, the stable-film boiling regime is restricted
to characterize the vapor-film by its tempera- to ambient pressures below about 1 MPa where
ture contrast with the magma (i.e., the magma the vapor film thickness at the magmatic tem-
surface temperature minus water tempera- peratures of the hot layer becomes critical.
ture). In so doing, the transfer of heat energy Above ambient pressures of 10 MPa, the moder-
between substances, known as thermal coupling, ating effect of metastable-film boiling can prac-
can be classified in three regimes, with coup- tically be excluded. At thermal power plants,
ling increasing from (1) to (3): where an optimum heat flux (i.e., direct con-
tact) is required, the water pressure of the heat
(1) Stable-film boiling: At a temperature contrast exchange system usually is set to 15–20 MPa for
well above the water HNT and an ambient temperature contrasts comparable to magmatic
pressure well below the critical pressure of conditions. The thermal coupling at a constant
water, a macroscopic vapor film forms at the magma–water interface at water depths exceed-
interface between magma and water and ing ~1 km (equivalent to 10 MPa) can therefore
restricts the thermal coupling. The thickness be described well by the direct contact regime.
of the vapor film is greater for high tempera- Magma fragmentation is an important
ture contrasts and low ambient pressures. aspect of the interface physics. Wohletz (1983)

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discusses a number of hydrovolcanic fragmen- material relative to the shock front, and ur must
tation mechanisms that create a complex inter- equal the sonic velocity of the shocked mater-
face geometry, but the actual fragmentation ial (Courant and Friedrichs, 1948; and Zel’dovich
mechanisms involved are generally categorized and Raizer, 1966).
as hydrodynamic (ductile) and brittle (Section The C–J condition can be evaluated on a pres-
11.3.2). With increasing fragmentation, the sure–volume diagram (Fig. 11.9) that shows the
interfacial surface area increases exponentially. shock adiabat (termed the Hugoniot and defined
This increase in surface area is often referred to as the locus of points representing pressure–
as mixing. The resulting mixture evolves from volume states achievable by shocking a mater-
a pre-expanded combination of magma frag- ial from an initial state) and the release adiabat
ments and high-pressure water and vapor to a (called the Rankine–Hugoniot curve or detonation
post-expanded mixture of quenched fragments adiabatic). These adiabats are concave upward
and steam, which typically forms an eruption and the detonation adiabatic exists at higher
column. Although Kokelaar (1986) distinguishes volume states than the Hugoniot. The deton-
contact-surface interaction (dynamics along an inter- ation adiabatic is defined by classical Rankine–
face between a free body of water and magma) Hugoniot jump conditions for conserving mass,
from bulk interaction (dynamics of a volume of momentum, and energy across a shock wave
magma that confines water or water-rich clas- (Landau and Lifshitz, 1959; Zel’dovich and
tic materials), both cases involve heat transfer Kompaneets, 1960; and Zel’dovich and Raizer,
along the interface between magma and water. 1966). These conditions can be stated as:
Experimental evidence indicates that most of
ρ1u1 = ρ2 u2 ; (mass) (11.1)
the fragmentation occurs during development
of interface dynamics and prior to expansion p1 + ρ1u12 = p2 + ρ2 u22 ; (momentum)
and eruption. Nevertheless, Mastin (2007) devel-
ops a strong argument for the occurrence of tur- 1
bulent shedding of glassy rinds from fragments
E2 − E1 = ( p1 + p2 ) ( V1 − V2 ) ; (energy ) (11.3)
in erupted jets of steam and ash. The physics of
the dynamic interface are complex and poorly
understood; however, experimental studies of
shock waves associated with interface dynam-
ics suggest the physics may involve detonation, Von Neuman Rankine–Hugoniot Curve
Point (detonation adiabatic)
i.e., the formation of an exothermic shock front
whose propagation creates an explosion.
Wohletz (2003) discusses how film boiling

can be intimately linked to fragmentation and


interface surface area increase. The interface C–J Point


becomes not only thermodynamically unstable


with metastable film boiling, it is also hydrody-

(shock adiabatic)
namically unstable because of large pressure,
density, sound speed, and conductivity gra-
(p1, V1)
dients produced by the film. Such instability
is prone to a kind of detonation, termed ther-
mal detonation, especially if perturbed by some
external pressure wave, such as that produced
by volcanic seismicity. In a thermal detonation, Figure 11.9╇╇ Pressure–volume diagram showing the
the acceleration of the particle mixture by the relationships among the initial state of the magma–water
shock wave must produce a relative velocity, ur, mixture (p1, V1), the shock Hugoniot, the Rayleigh line, the
high enough to satisfy the Chapman–Jouguet Von Neumann and Chapman–Jouguet (C-J) points, and the
(C–J) condition: ur is the speed of the shocked detonation adiabatic.

9780521895439c11_p230-257.indd 241 8/2/2012 9:50:46 AM


where ρ is mixture density, V is mixture spe- their MFCI experiments. In order to assess the
cific volume = 1/ρ, p is pressure, u is mixture role of ambient pressure in hydrovolcanism
velocity, E = E(p,V) is mixture internal energy, using detonation theory, the method of Board
and subscripts 1 and 2 indicate the unshocked et€ al. (1975) can be used to calculate (using
and shocked states. All notation is given in the Rankine–Hugoniot jump conditions) the
Section 11.6. For an inert material, the shocked speed of a propagating shock wave through a
thermodynamic states given by Eq. (11.3) define magma–water mixture. For mixture condi-
the Hugoniot, which is typically determined tions of R ~ 0.5 (where R is the mass ratio of
experimentally to derive the equation of state water to magma), a shock speed is ~300 m s−1.
of a material. Two points on the Hugoniot, one This velocity defines a Rayleigh line slope, and
at the initial pressure (p1,V1 in Fig. 11.9) and the then the Rankine-Hugoniot conditions must be
other at the pressure of the shock front (the specified in order to predict a detonation adia-
von Neumann point or spike, since there is a tran- batic that touches the Rayleigh line at a sin-
sient pressure peak at this location), define the gle point of tangency, the C–J condition of (pcj,
Rayleigh line. For a reactive material in which Vcj). To induce mechanisms for melt breakup
the shock induces vapor production in its wake (Fig. 11.10), the C-J condition requires that the
(either chemically for common explosives, or slip velocity us between the shocked melt frag-
physically for a magma–water mixture where ments and water is at least as large as ur. Using
nearly instantaneous heat transfer produces the classical detonation theory described by
vapor), the energy equation (Eq. 11.3) gives Eqs. (11.1)–(11.3), the relative velocity of the
all possible states of the detonation adiabatic shocked mixture leaving the front is a function
(Fig.€11.9). of the mixture pressure and specific volume at
By combining Eqs. (11.1) and (11.2), one initial and C–J conditions:
obtains the value of (p2€ – p1)/(V1€ – V2), which is
a constant defined by the slope of the Rayleigh u r = ( pcj − p1 )(V1 − Vcj ). (11.4)
line. The square root of this slope is propor-
tional to the velocity of the detonation wave. For an idealized thermal detonation in which
Zel’dovich and Kompaneets (1960) show that the pcj ≈ 100 MPa (Board et€al., 1975), Eq. (11.4) sets ur
only possible steady state (in which a detonation at ~100 m s−1. For volcanic MFCIs, the approach
wave is sustained) is where the Rayleigh line is of Corradini (1981) yields a minimum ur of 60
a tangent to the detonation adiabat at the C–J m s−1 (Wohletz, 1986). Drumheller (1979) com-
point. The points behind a propagating shock at bined the requirements for relative velocity and
which the C–J condition exists define a surface melt breakup time into a critical Bond number (the
known as the C–J plane or the detonation front (not Bond number is ratio of body and surface ten-
to be confused with the shock front). sion forces). By assuming a constant pcj, Wohletz
Figure 11.10 shows a generalized concep- (1986) evaluated the critical Bond number with
tual view of thermal detonation that includes respect to MFCI experimental data (Wohletz
observed phenomena such as thermohydrau- and McQueen, 1984) to predict the effects of R
lic fracturing and brittle reaction, described and ambient pressure on the development of
by Zimanowski et€ al. (1997b) and Büttner and relative velocities and magma particle sizes.
Zimanowski (1998), which lead to enhanced Optimal conditions for thermal detonation
heat transfer and catastrophic vapor expan- exist at 0.5 < R < 2.0, for ambient pressures
sion. Zimanowski et€ al. (1997a) document ≤ 40 MPa (Wohletz, 2003). With increasing ambi-
experiments that show development of intense ent pressure, predicted relative velocities fall to
shock waves in less than a millisecond under < 60 m s−1 (which is considered the lower limit
extreme rates of cooling (> 106 K s−1) and stress for sustaining a detonation; Wohletz, 1986), and
(> 3 GPa m−2). Yuen and Theofanous (1994) particle fragmentation decreases, meaning less
demonstrate that application of detonation thermal energy is released in the wake of the
theory successfully predicts results of many of shock wave.

9780521895439c11_p230-257.indd 242 8/2/2012 9:50:46 AM


THERMAL DETONATION MODEL (1D) Figure 11.10╇╇ Schematic illustration

Shock wave of thermal detonation (adapted from
propagation Vapor explosion Wohletz, 2003; Board et€al., 1975), showing
Coarse mixture of
propagation of a shock wave through
magma and water
a coarse mixture of magma fragments
and water (vapor and liquid).The shock
wave moves at velocity u and differentially
accelerates the water and magma to
velocities of uw and um, respectively,
resulting in a slip velocity us, which decays
behind the shock.The slip velocity must

be of sufficient magnitude to cause fine

fragmentation of the magma fragments by
mechanisms that shear away the boundary
Magma breakup layer and cause interpenetration of the
u ucj • Boundary layer water and magma (Taylor instability) before
um stripping the arrival of the C–J plane. At the C–J
• Taylor instability plane, the average mixture velocity is just
(Film collapse) sonic with respect to the shock wave. Fine
fragmentation causes an exponential rise
us = uw– um C–J Plane: ucj = u – c in heat transfer from the magma fragments
to the water (characteristic conductive
heat transfer times are ~ tens of µs for
fine fragmentation) and catastrophic vapor

11.4╇ ╇Modeling magma–water

11.4.1â•…Experimental insights into
magma–water interaction
Experimental research on magma–water inter-
action has been strongly influenced by FCI stud-
ies in the context of nuclear safety research
(e.g., Board et€ al., 1975; Corradini, 1981; Henry
and Fauske, 1981; Theofanous, 1995). Since the
early 1980s, laboratory experiments have been
conducted on magma–water interaction (e.g.,
Wohletz et€al., 1995a; Zimanowski et€al., 1997a;
Büttner and Zimanowski, 1998), in which high-
temperature melt (predominantly remelted vol-
canic rocks at ~1270 K) is brought into contact
with water (Fig. 11.11). The philosophy of the
experiments was to achieve a mesoscale dimen-
sion, minimizing danger, costs, and experimen-
tal effort, while fully representing the relevant Figure 11.11╇╇ Explosive interaction after injection of water
physics. As discussed in Section 11.2.4, import- into molten basaltic rock (Physikalisch-Vulkanologisches
ant information on natural explosive magma– Labor, Universität Würzburg). See color plates section.
water interaction is found in the characteristics
of the products (tephra). In the experiments,
the physical processes can be observed and

9780521895439c11_p230-257.indd 243 8/2/2012 9:50:47 AM


Figure 11.12╇╇ Products of

thermal granulation experiments
using remelted basalt
(Physikalisch-Vulkanologisches Labor,
Universität Würzburg).

measured directly. To verify the relevance to direct contact producing about two orders of
natural volcanic processes, the experiments magnitude greater heat flux per unit area than
were designed to produce artificial tephra in stable film boiling (Section 11.3.4). Three heat
statistically relevant quantities. Furthermore, flux regimes in the magma–water system can be
the products were nearly identical to the nat- defined to allow classification of magma–water
ural analogs in terms of grain-size, morphology, interaction and facilitate theoretical descrip-
and chemical composition (Fig. 11.12). tion of the thermodynamics and hydrodynam-
Experimental results demonstrate that the ics of the system (Wohletz, 1995; Büttner and
intensity of magma–water interaction, and thus Zimanowski, 1998; Zimanowski et€ al., 2003;
the danger potential of hydrovolcanic erup- Büttner et€al., 2005):
tions, depends on the efficacy of the heat trans-
(1) Non-explosive interaction regime. The heat flux
fer from magma to water, i.e., the amount of
in the system does not create a water over-
heat transferred per unit volume and time. As
pressure (subcritical state of coolant). Steady
discussed in Section 11.3.4, this heat transfer is
thermodynamic sink conditions are main-
directly correlated to the interfacial area (i.e.,
tained (i.e., water can always be described
the size of the contact area between magma and
as a passive heat sink and steady-state
water per unit volume) and the interfacial coup-
thermodynamic models are applicable).
ling conditions. Heat transport in the magma to
Fragmentation of magma is governed by its
the interface is controlled by the temperature-
rheology in an aqueous environment (e.g.,
dependent magma thermal conductivity; con-
pillow formation) and/or by thermal con-
vection can be neglected because of the high
traction of melt (thermal granulation), lead-
viscosity of magma and the short timescale.
ing to passive fragmentation (Schmid et€al.,
Heat transport in the water (having a viscos-
2010; Sonder et€al., 2011).
ity at least three orders of magnitude less than
(2) Subsonic explosive interaction regime. The heat
magma) away from the interface is controlled by
flux in the system creates a water overpres-
both conduction and convection, and therefore
sure (critical state of coolant). Superheated
is in principle much more effective. The ther-
water is generated and complex phase tran-
mal coupling at the interface can be described
sitions occur. Steady-state thermodynamic
in the three regimes: of stable film boiling,
models need significant modifications, but
metastable film boiling, and direct contact, with
still are generally applicable. Fragmentation

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(of magma is dominated by brittle proc- (e.g., water vaporization and magma crystalliza-
esses caused by the hydraulic forcing of the tion). During explosive interaction the energy
coolant, but governed by the mechanical exchange happens rapidly, resulting in a min-
properties of the magma (i.e., mechanical imum of energy going towards phase transitions
deformation does not exceed critical shear and most going towards raising the temperature
conditions and propagation of cracks is sub- of the water and cooling the magma. For this
sonic with respect to the shear-wave vel- simple situation, the equilibrium temperature,
ocity). This regime leads to subsonic active Te, is between the temperature of the magma,
fragmentationAustin-Erickson et€al., 2008). Tm, and that of the water, Tw. Therefore, simple
(3) Supersonic explosive interaction regime. The heat energy conservation can be expressed as:
flux in the system increases rapidly, due to
a thermohydraulic feedback mechanism m w c w (Te − Tw ) = m m c m (Tm − Te ) , (11.5)
and high overpressure is generated in the
water (supercritical state of coolant). Non- where m is the mass and c is the specific heat
equilibrium thermodynamic models are capacity of the water (subscript w) and the
recommended. Fragmentation of magma magma (subscript m), respectively. Equation
is driven by hydraulic forcing of the cool- (11.5) shows that Te varies with the mass ratio
ant exceeding the mechanical properties of water to magma, mw/mm, denoted as R. In add-
and propagation of cracks is supersonic. ition, the specific heat ratio of water to magma
Consequently a significant proportion (up is typically in the range of 3.0 to 4.0, depending
to 80%) of the mechanical energy is released upon magma composition and the range of typ-
as shock waves. This regime leads to super- ical water states at the surface of the Earth. For
sonic active fragmentation. most cases, it is assumed that the ratio ξ = cw/cm
~ 3.5. Accordingly, we can rearrange Eq. (11.5)
The consequences for the eruptive behavior of to predict Te:
the magma–water system depend on the inter- ξ RTw + Tm
acting magma/coolant volume ratio, the rheo- Te = . (11.6)
1 + ξR
logical properties of the magma, the thermal
and rheological properties of the coolant, the The value of Te can be thought of as an idealized
hydrodynamic mingling energy, the ambient initial thermal equilibrium prior to explosive
pressure, and the geometry of the mingling vaporization of the water, which allows thermo-
space. In the following section, we discuss dynamic prediction of the resulting mechan-
modeling techniques for steady state regimes ical energy of the interaction. Figure 11.13(a)
1 and 2 and the non-equilibrium conditions of shows some predictions of Te as a function of
regime 3. R. However, this thermal equilibrium is just an
idealization and many factors can cause initial
11.4.2â•…Multiphase equilibrium interaction temperatures to be higher or lower,
thermodynamic models one of which is the composition of the water.
Simple conservation of energy provides for a Water at the surface of the Earth may con-
first-order assessment of magma–water interac- tain dissolved or suspended constituents (e.g.,
tions. For most cases, the magma temperature muddy water), or it may be contained within
exceeds the water vaporization temperature, pores of rock or sediments. The effect on the
which varies somewhat with composition thermal equilibrium can be evaluated as follows.
and ambient pressure. During interaction, the For interactions between magma and saturated
internal energy of the water increases by an rocks or impure water (White, 1996), rock and
amount equal to that lost by the magma. While impurities act as heat sinks, and the mass ratio,
most of that internal energy is involved in heat- Rr, is given as
ing the water and quenching the magma, some mr
Rr = , (11.7)
of it may also be involved in phase transitions mm

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Sw φ ρw
xw = , (11.9)

where Sw is the rock saturation (the volume frac-

tion of pores filled by water), and ϕ is the rock
porosity. For impure water with suspended rock
particles one can consider Sw = 1 and ϕ some-
what less than unity (depending on the volume
fractions of water and particles). From Eqs. (11.8)
and (11.9), R may be approximated as:
ρ  V 
R ≈ Sw φ  w   r  , (11.10)
 ρm   Vm 

such that R can be constrained by measuring the

volume ratio of lithic constituents and magma
in samples of tephra or consolidated sediments
such as peperite (a sedimentary rock contain-
ing igneous fragments formed during contact of
magma and wet sediments).
Besides the effect on the value of R, one must
Figure 11.13╇╇Thermal equilibrium (Te) is the idealized also consider the heat capacity of water impur-
temperature that water (in saturated rock) can reach during ities or the porous rock containing the water. In
interaction with magma, and it is shown as a function of Rr Eq. (11.6), the heat capacity ratio ξ is replaced
(mass ratio of wet-rock/magma). These plots show cases by the ratio involving wet rock instead of pure
where the initial water temperature water is 298 K and the water, cr/cm. Here cr is the effective heat capacity
magma heat capacity cm is ~ 1 kJ kg−1. The range in critical
of the impure water or water–rock mixture,
temperature reflects the effect of dissolved solids. (a) Te is
which can be approximated as a function of xw
shown for different initial temperatures of magma interacting
with water (100% volume fraction, where Rr = R). (b) For by:
basalt (solid curve; 1473 K) and rhyolite (dashed curve; 1173 c r = x w c w + (1 − x w ) c s , (11.11)
K) interacting with wet rocks, Te is shown as a function of
rock water volume fraction, for which 10 and 70% bound a where cs denotes the heat capacity of the solid
range centered on 40% (xw ≈ 0.2; Eq. (11.9)), representing a constituents, and cs ≈ cw / 4.
porous, fully saturated sandstone. For a typical magma in contact with
water-saturated rock at 298 K, Te decreases with
Rr, as shown in Figure 11.13(b). It is evident that,
where mr is the mass of rock and pore water (or for magma interacting with wet rocks, Te can
water plus impurities). In these situations, the exceed critical temperature (647 K (pure) to 720
water/magma mass ratio is K (5 wt.% dissolved solids)) where Rr < 1.0 (bas-
ρ r Vr alt) and Rr < 0.5 (rhyolite). Where critical tem-
R = xw Rr = xw , (11.8)
perature is exceeded during interaction prior
ρ m Vm
to explosive expansion, supercritical pressures
where xw is the water mass fraction in a rock will be created.
(or impure water) volume Vr having bulk dens- Thermal equilibrium is probably never
ity ρr, interacting with a magma volume Vm hav- reached during the time span of interaction
ing density ρm. For magma interacting with pure because of the insulating property of the vapor
water alone, xw = 1, ρr = ρw, and Vr = Vw. In order to film that forms at the magma–wet-rock inter-
cast this relationship into terms of rock porosity face. Because of its relatively low thermal con-
and saturation, which are commonly measured ductivity, a vapor film can greatly decrease the
quantities, we write the following equation: rate of heat transfer from the magma to the wet

9780521895439c11_p230-257.indd 246 8/2/2012 9:50:51 AM


rock, allowing gradual quenching. With grad- In addition, the rapid heat loss from the magma
ual quenching, the film slowly heats water in by this continued vapor-film instability leads to
the rocks near the magma at a rate balanced magma quenching and possible granulation.
by the heat transfer away from it by the con- With these interface phenomena, the magma
vective movement of pore water, provided that becomes increasingly fragmented, leading to
pores are interconnected. However, such passive larger surface areas for heat transfer and larger
quenching is not always the case. Consider the volumes of superheated water and vapor.
hypothetical instantaneous interface tempera- Further thermodynamic predictions about
ture, TI, attained by the initial contact of magma magma–water interactions can be derived from
with water that can be estimated (Cronenburg, analysis of the thermodynamic work done by
1980) by: the expansion of water from its initial thermal
equilibrium. We have assumed that nothing

TI =
Tm k m ) (
κ m + Tw k w κw ), (11.12)
is known about the mechanism of the contact
(k m κm ) + (k
w κw ) between magma and water, but that it results in
production of high-temperature and high-pres-
where k and κ are thermal conductivity and sure water that may explosively decompress.
diffusivity, respectively, and subscripts m and Thermodynamic work is manifested in the frac-
w refer to magma and water, respectively. For ture and excavation of country rock to form a
the contact of a typical basalt magma with pure crater, fragmentation of the magma into fine-
water, TI approaches 1000 K. Because of the rap- grained debris, and ejection of these fragments
idity of heat exchange, water may exist in the in an expanding jet of steam. For a hydrovol-
metastable state of superheating in which it is a canic eruption, it is necessary to find the work
liquid well above its vaporization temperature. potential for expansion of the steam to atmos-
A consequence of this superheated state is that pheric pressure. Calculation of the true poten-
it continues to absorb heat at a high rate, reach- tial requires determination of a complex set of
ing temperatures well in excess of its spontan- boundary conditions unique to each eruption,
eous nucleation temperature (i.e., HNT ~583 but for simplicity and generality, one can make
K). As temperatures approach the critical tem- some standard assumptions that allow analyt-
perature (647 K), instantaneous vaporization by ical calculation of maximum potential. For the
homogeneous nucleation produces a vapor film system consisting of a mixture of magmatic par-
that expands rapidly and is highly unstable€ – ticles and water and the surroundings being the
that is, it can expand well beyond the thermo- volcano vent structure and the atmosphere, we
dynamic equilibrium thickness. In so doing, the assume that:
vapor becomes supercooled, leading to spon-
(1) All heat lost by the magma during the erup-
taneous condensation. The condensation then
tion is transferred to external water;
leads to a rapid collapse such that liquid water
(2) Liquid water and magma are incompressible,
impacts the magma surface with a finite amount
so that for each the specific heats remain con-
of kinetic energy, leading to a second spontan-
stant with changing pressure and volume;
eous vaporization event. This cyclic vapor film
(3) The specific volume (reciprocal of density) of
growth and collapse is repeated continuously,
liquid water is small compared to that of its
typically with a frequency of up to 1 kHz (analo-
gous to the Leidenfrost phenomenon of a drop of
(4) Water vapor behaves as a perfect gas and the
water vibrating on a hot metal surface). Vapor
magma volume does not change during the
film instability can generate enough kinetic
eruption (i.e., it does not vesiculate or con-
energy to distort the interface between the
tract during cooling).
magma and wet rock, as well as cause failure of
the host rock. In some cases, film collapse can Some heat is lost from the magma to both the
lead to jets of water-saturated rock fragments country rock and the atmosphere during erup-
penetrating the magma surface (White, 1996). tion, and magma does exhibit a finite volume

9780521895439c11_p230-257.indd 247 8/2/2012 9:50:52 AM


change on quenching. The combined effect of

these caveats may account for energy discrepan-
cies of several percent. The other assumptions
concern the exact thermodynamic properties
of water. At supercritical states a deviation
from ideality of ≥ 10% is expected, but since
most volume change occurs at subcritical states
for adiabatic expansion, the assumptions intro-
duce very little error into calculations, espe-
cially when extended or extrapolated steam
table data are considered, such as by using a
modified Redlich–Kwong equation of state
(Burnham et€ al., 1969; Holloway, 1977; Kieffer
and Delany, 1979).
Online Supplement 11A (see end of chapter)
provides a derivation of the thermodynamic
work of the interaction. From this analysis, the
following predictions can be made for magma
interacting with water or water-saturated
rock. The conversion ratio of a magma–water
interaction is the fraction of magmatic heat
converted to thermodynamic work, and is a
measure of the mechanical energy released by
the interaction. Figure 11.14(a) shows conver- Figure 11.14╇╇ (a) Conversion ratio and (b) condensed
sion ratios as a function of the wet-rock/magma water fraction vs. wet-rock/magma mass ratio, Rr. Solid
mass ratio Rr for the interaction of a basaltic curves are isentropic values and dashed curves are
magma with saturated rocks (with 40% porosity pseudo-isothermal values (labeled isothermal). Conversion
and xw = 0.2). Also shown are curves depicting ratio is the percentage of the magma’s heat energy that is
converted to thermodynamic work during interaction with
pure water–magma interaction (i.e., xw = 1). Both
water. This plot shows results for a basaltic magma at 1473
isentropic expansion (in which steam separates
K interacting with water at 298 K (solid curves, 100% water
from fragmented magma) and pseudo-isother- by volume; xw = 1) compared with those for water-saturated
mal expansion (in which steam and fragments sediments (dashed curves; 40% porosity, 100% saturated;
remain at the same temperature, denoted in xw ≈ 0.2; Eq. (11.9). The condensed water fraction
figures as isothermal) are calculated. Note that, represents the fraction of interacting water that condenses
compared to pure water–magma interactions, to a liquid state after expansion. For water-saturated
wet-rock–magma interactions have lower con- sediment interactions having Rr > 1.3 (isentropic) to 3
version ratios (are less energetic) with optimum (pseudo-isothermal), a dominant fraction (> 0.6) of vaporized
water will condense to liquid during expansion to ambient
conversion ratios near Rr = 1.0. Figure 11.14(b)
pressures, and wet sediments have the ability to convectively
shows the fraction of vaporized water that con-
carry heat from the magma, behaving as fluid substances
denses back to liquid during expansion. For rather than explosive vapor-rich ones. Using this criterion,
interactions at low Rr values, most of the water an arbitrary region, separating explosive from non-explosive
remains in the vapor state after expansion, behavior, may be drawn over the range 1.3 ≤ Rr ≤ 3.0.
leading to the likelihood of explosive behavior.
In contrast, for Rr > 3.0 (wet rock), a dominant
portion of the steam condenses during expan- Wet-rock–magma interaction may also occur
sion, producing a liquid–particle system. This at depths below the Earth’s surface in hydro-
latter behavior allows convective heat transfer thermal systems of elevated temperature and
that promotes passive cooling, which is less pressure. Figure 11.15(a) shows that when pore
likely to be explosive. water is at elevated temperatures (e.g., 358 K), a

9780521895439c11_p230-257.indd 248 8/2/2012 9:50:52 AM


the pseudo-isothermal expansion of the vapor–

fragment mixture follows paths intermediate to
those of isentropic and pure isothermal expan-
sions (Kieffer and Delany, 1979). The phase
diagrams also illustrate the three regimes of
heat flux described in Section 11.4.1. The non-
explosive interaction regime generally corres-
ponds to interaction ratios Rr > 10.0, for which
isentropic expansion is simply a vertical path in
Figure 11.16(b) and water expansion is always
subcritical. The subsonic explosive interaction
regime approximately corresponds to interac-
tions where 1.0 < Rr < 10.0. For adiabatic and
pseudo-isothermal expansions in this regime,
water is converted to steam at high pressure but
then some of it condenses during expansion.
The supersonic explosive interaction regime (Rr
< 1.0) involves significant expansion in super-
critical states, especially for pseudo-isothermal
conditions. The supercritical state is consid-
ered further in Section 11.4.3. It is important
to note that the correspondence of these heat-
flux regimes to the range of water/magma mass
Figure 11.15╇╇ (a) Conversion ratio and (b) condensed ratios and modeled thermodynamic states is
water fraction vs. wet-rock/magma mass ratio Rr for very approximate because other factors contrib-
hydrothermal conditions of elevated pore-water temperature ute to determining the actual heat-flux regime,
(358 K) and elevated hydrostatic pressure (30 MPa). These namely the rheology of the magma, and con-
curves represent a saturated sediment containing 40% by ditions of contact and subsequent mixing and
volume water (xw ≈ 0.2); solid curves are for isentropic
expansion and dashed curves are for isothermal expansion.
Figure 11.16 also illustrates an important
point that experimental studies confirm: the
critical point of water is not necessarily a limit-
slightly greater fraction of the magma’s thermal ing factor in vapor explosions. It has been com-
energy is converted to thermodynamic work and monly assumed that interactions occurring at
optimum peaks occur at slightly higher values confining pressures above the critical point
of Rr when compared to values shown in Figure of water (22 MPa) cannot result in explosions,
11.14(a). However, elevated hydrostatic pres- because water exists as a supercritical fluid for
sure (e.g., 30 MPa) does not have much effect. which there is no liquid–vapor phase boundary.
Still, conversion ratios at hydrostatic pressures Considering the thermodynamic paths illus-
exceeding critical pressure are sufficiently large trated in Figure 11.16(c), where interactions
that such interactions could be explosive. are nearly an order of magnitude in excess
To further illustrate these calculations, of critical pressure, release of the interaction
Figure 11.16 depicts water phase diagrams with pressure involves a large volume increase,
pressure-temperature-volume-entropy (p-T-V-S) especially for pseudo-isothermal expansion,
relationships for theoretical initial equilibrium at rates determined by local sound speeds
and final states. Both isentropic (Fig. 11.16(a)) (Kieffer and Delany, 1979). Although the inter-
and pseudo-isothermal (Figs. 11.16(b,c)) paths actions extend to pressures exceeding critical,
are shown. Isentropic expansion follows paths it is not yet clear if explosive expansion can
of constant entropy (Fig. 11.16(a)), whereas, initiate at these high pressures (equivalent to

9780521895439c11_p230-257.indd 249 8/2/2012 9:50:53 AM


~2.2 km ocean depth). However, the presence

of other pressure perturbations, such as those
caused by seismicity, host media failure, and
the vapor-film dynamics, add to the likelihood
that expansion will lead to thermohydraulic

11.4.3â•…A non-equilibrium
thermodynamic model
In the supersonic explosive interaction regime
(regime 3; Section 11.4.1), water reacts as a super-
critical fluid that undergoes complex phase tran-
sitions that are difficult to model. Consequently,
the steady-state models described in Section
11.4.2 do not fully capture some important
physics. Experimental observations reveal that
magma quenches with little or no phase change
and can therefore be described as a supercooled
liquid (i.e., glass; Section 11.3.2), the physical
properties of which are well known and/or can
easily be measured. It is therefore much simpler
to model the non-equilibrium behavior of the
magma rather than the complex phase reac-
tions of the water.
The basis of the model is the heat conduc-
tion equation of standard, non-equilibrium ther-
modynamics applied to the individual magma
∂T( x , y , z ,t )
= k m ∇2T( x , y , z , t ) , (11.13)

where T(x,y,z,t) is the time-dependent temperature-

field inside the fragment and km is the thermal
conductivity (approximately constant for super-
cooled liquids). The solution of this partial dif-
Figure 11.16╇╇ Phase diagrams illustrating calculations of ferential equation can be found in Büttner et€al.
wet-rock–magma interaction, using the method of Wohletz (2005). Inserting the result into the heat flux
(1986). Labeled points (diamonds) are the theoretical initial equation yields:
equilibrium condition for interactions of various Rr (from 0.01
∆Q ( t ) ∆T( x , y , z ,t ) (11.14)
to 50.0; xw ≈ 0.2). The critical point (CP), liquid (L), vapor (V), = mc m ,
and liquid plus vapor two-phase (L+V) regions are shown. (a) A ∆t ∆t
p–V diagram shows expansion volumes and release isentropes
where ΔQâ•›(t)/Δt represents the time-dependent
(kJ kg−1 K−1) followed during isentropic expansion of vapor.
For all interactions, water expands into the two-phase region. heat flux, m is the mass of the fragment, cm is the
(b) A T–S diagram for pseudo-isothermal expansion shows specific heat capacity, and ΔT(x,y,z,t)/Δt is the vari-
the increase in entropy as water stays in thermal equilibrium ation of the temperature field in the fragment
with magma fragments. For Rr < 1.3 water expands into the with time. Analysis of experimentally produced
vapor field. (c) A p–T diagram shows the variation in water particles yields the size, shape and number of
temperature during pseudo-isothermal expansion. For more particles produced for a given starting mass.
detail on these diagrams see Kieffer and Delany (1979). Summing the heat transferred from all particles

9780521895439c11_p230-257.indd 250 8/2/2012 9:50:54 AM


the surface energy consumed by fragmentation,

and S is the entropy generated by creation of new
surfaces during fragmentation. In order to apply
this general function, one must assume:
(1) Magma breaks up due to internal stress (i.e.,
in a brittle regime);
(2) Thermodynamic equilibrium is not achieved
during crack growth within the magma until
its fragmentation into a number, n, of spher-
ical particles;
(3) Isothermal conditions exist during
(4) Surface energy is not recoverable, and the
Figure 11.17╇╇ Results of heat flow modeling of a MFCI
entropy of the system increases; and
experiment, using the non-equilibrium thermodynamic
approach. The different curves represent end members of (5) During increments of time the stress is
fragment morphology (e.g., cubes, spheres), which show treated as constant.
the limited influence of shape on the results. The dashed
Following the methods of Grady (1982, 1985),
line represents the total measured heat transfer during the
each term in Eq. (11.15) can be evaluated as fol-
experiment, which ended in explosion after 700 μs. (After
Büttner et€al., 2005.) lows. The value of U is taken as the strain energy
in the magma just prior to failure, and it is a
function of n, the number of particles formed
by fragmentation:
allows calculation of the total energy release and 2 23
therefore the explosivity of this regime. Figure µ  ε   6  −2 3 5 3 (11.16)
U=     n V ,
11.17 shows the results of modeling the heat 8 c π
transfer during an MFCI experiment. The model
where μ is the magma bulk modulus (μ = ρmc2;
curves predict well the total heat flow measured
ρm is density and c is sound speed), ε̇ is the
during the experiment (dashed line), confirm-
strain rate, and V is the total volume. Yew and
ing that this technique is robust with respect
Taylor (1994) give a simple geometric argument
to the magma properties and fragment size and
to constrain B, the total energy dissipated by
morphology. It is possible to extend this treat-
ment to natural eruptions to evaluate the total
energy release during explosive events by using  π
 3 K c2  1 3 2 3 (11.17)
B=   ρ c 2  n V ,
grain size and shape analysis of natural tephra  6 m
samples, together with appropriate magma
properties and an assessment of the total mass where Kc is the stress intensity factor. The
of the deposit. entropy S of new surfaces can be evaluated by
the configuration entropy of n cracks that could
11.4.4â•… A brittle fragmentation model occupy N + n sites in a volume V (Varotsos and
The above non-equilibrium behavior is intim- Alexopoulos, 1986):
ately tied to magma fragmentation by appli- ( N + n) !  (11.18)
S = k B ln  ,
cation of the Gibbs thermodynamic function  N !n! 
(Yew and Taylor, 1994), which is expres�sed
as: where kB is the Boltzmann constant and N is the
total number of normalized new surfaces.
G = U + B − TS, (11.15) In order to apply Eq. (11.15) to the state
where G is the Gibbs free energy, U is the pre- where fragmentation has occurred, thermo-
fragmentation internal energy of the magma, B is dynamic equilibrium is assumed at a constant

9780521895439c11_p230-257.indd 251 8/2/2012 9:50:56 AM


temperature and pressure where the Gibbs

function is at a minimum:
11.5╇ ╇ Summary
 ∂G  The following points summarize a basic under-
  = 0. (11.19)
∂n T , p standing of magma–water interactions during
volcanism (hydrovolcanism). The numerous
By taking the derivative of Eq. (11.15), setting
references cited in this chapter will permit the
the average fragment size (s; Grady, 1982, 1985;
reader to gain a deeper appreciation of the phys-
Yew and Taylor, 1994) to:
ics of magma–water interaction.
 3 Kc 

 6V  (11.20) • Magma–water interaction is not a rare pro-
s= ≈ 2  ,
 π n   2 ρm c ε  cess, and is relevant for nearly every volcanic
system. Earth is a water planet and most of
the strain rate associated with fragmentation its volcanic activity is found underwater,
that produces particulates of an average size s especially at the mid-oceanic ridges (see
is expressed by: Chapter 12).

• A well-developed catalog exists of diagnostics
Kc 12 that are useful to characterize magma–water
ε = . (11.21)
ρc s3 interaction from analysis of hydrovolcanic
products, including vent/construct morph-
The value of s can be constrained by inspection ology, deposit dispersal, tephra bedding
of tephra sample subpopulation modes, dis- sequences, and ash analyses. However, a quan-
tinguished either by shapes and textures (e.g., titative analysis in terms of energy balances
Heiken and Wohletz, 1985, 1991) or by mode and hazard mitigation needs experimental
dispersion (e.g., Wohletz et€ al., 1995b). Using data and theoretical concepts.
an estimated stress intensity value Kc, fragmen- • Whereas understanding of water physics is
tation strain rates can be determined from Eq. highly evolved because of the rich tradition of
(11.21). The strain rates are then related to Ef, power plant technology, magma physics are
the fragmentation energy, by: less well understood, and volcanologists are
23 just beginning to develop the complex phys-
1  6 ics needed to handle this multiphase, multi-
Ef ≈   ρm ε n −2 3 V 5 3 . (11.22)
120  π  component, subliquidus system. Further data
are required for basic physical parameters
This treatment can be applied to natural such as magma heat conductivity and viscos-
hydrovolcanic deposits if the particle density ity, without which the dynamic heat transfer
and whole deposit volume and grain size dis- at the magma–water interface cannot be reli-
tribution are known (see Büttner et€ al., 2006, ably quantified.
for details). Summation of the specific frag- • The key process for understanding the energy
mentation energy for each grain size fraction balance of hydrovolcanism is magma frag-
and for the total deposit volume allows calcu- mentation. To make the thermal energy avail-
lation of the total fragmentation energy for able for conversion to mechanical energy via
the eruption. Using an assessment of the par- the working fluid water, heat must be trans-
titioning of total eruption energy among frag- ferred. Because heat transfer is dominated by
mentation (50–75%), kinetic (15–30%), seismic conduction, the energy transfer rate increases
(10–20%), and acoustic (<5%) energies, Büttner with the increased surface area produced by
et€al. (2006) calculated total eruption energies fragmentation. Energy release on a short time-
on the order 1014 J (~ 25 Mt of high explosive scale (explosion) during hydrovolcanic proc-
equivalent) for two eruptions at Campi Flegrei, esses is likely a result of a positive feedback
Italy. mechanism in which heat exchange drives

9780521895439c11_p230-257.indd 252 8/2/2012 9:50:58 AM


fragmentation, which in turn drives escalat- N number of new surfaces produced by

ing heat transfer rates. fragmentation event
• Three heat-flux regimes can be defined to p pressure (Pa)
cover the range of magma–water interaction pcj pressure at Chapman–Jouguet point (Pa)
dynamics from non-explosive passive cooling R mass ratio of water to magma
to supersonic thermal detonation. Modeling Rr mass ratio of saturated rock (or impure
techniques comprise steady-state thermody- water) to magma
namics for the non-explosive to explosive inter- Q heat (J)
action regimes, based on thermal power plant s average fragment size (m)
physics. Modeling of the supersonic explosive S entropy generated by fragmentation (J)
regime, however, benefits from application Sw rock saturation (pore volume fraction
of non-equilibrium thermodynamics, which filled with water)
develops a strong link between explosion t time (s)
energy and fragment size distributions. T temperature (K)
Te equilibrium temperature (K)
TI instantaneous interface
temperature (K)
11.6╇╇ Notation Tm magma temperature (K)
Tw water temperature (K)
B surface energy consumed by u mixture velocity (m s−1)
fragmentation (J) ur velocity of shocked material relative to
c sound speed (m s−1) shock wave (m s−1)
c m specific heat capacity of magma U internal energy of pre-fragmentation
(J kg−1 K−1) magma (J)
cp specific heat capacity at constant V mixture volume (m3) or specific volume
pressure (J kg−1 K−1) (m3 kg−1)
cr specific heat capacity of saturated rock Vcj volume at Chapman–Jouguet
(J kg−1 K−1) point (m3)
cs specific heat capacity of solids dissolved Vm volume of magma (m3)
in water (J kg−1 K−1) Vr volume of porous rock or impure
cw specific heat capacity of pure water water (m3)
(J kg−1 K−1) Vw volume of water (m3)
E mixture internal energy (J) W thermodynamic work (J)
Ef fragmentation energy (J) xw mass fraction of pure water
G Gibbs free energy (J) α isobaric expansion coefficient (K−1)
kB Boltzmann constant (1.3806488 × 10–23 J β isothermal expansion coefficient (Pa−1)
kg−1) ε̇ strain rate (s−1)
km thermal conductivity of magma ϕ porosity
(W m−1 K−1) γ̇ shear rate (s−1)
kw thermal conductivity of water η dynamic viscosity (Pa s)
(W m−1 K−1) κm thermal diffusivity of magma (m2 s−1)
Kc stress intensity factor (Pa m1/2) κ w thermal diffusivity of water (m2 s−1)
m mass of particle (kg) μ magma bulk modulus (Pa)
mm mass of magma (kg) ν dynamic viscosity (m2 s−1)
mr mass of porous rock (or impure water) ρ mixture density (kg m−3)
(kg) ρm magma density (kg m−3)
m w mass of water (kg) ρr rock density (kg m−3)
n number of particles produced by ρw water density (kg m−3)
fragmentation event ξ ratio of water and magma specific heats

9780521895439c11_p230-257.indd 253 8/2/2012 9:50:58 AM


Acknowledgments the temperature range between 288 and 1470 K.

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9780521895439c11_p230-257.indd 257 8/2/2012 9:50:59 AM

Chapter 12

Deep-sea eruptions
Tracy K. P. Gregg

Overview Although Iceland, located at the intersection of

a mid-ocean ridge and a mantle plume, provides
The most abundant and widespread volcanic an opportunity to examine mid-ocean ridge
behavior on Earth is the effusive eruption of bas- eruptions on land, it is important to remember
altic lava on the ocean floors€– most of it from that Iceland is not a typical mid-ocean ridge vol-
mid-ocean ridge eruptions. The inaccessibility canic system. Throughout this chapter, then,
of the deep (> 500 m below sea level) sea floor the phrase “mid-ocean ridge” will refer to the
limits direct observations of submarine volcanic submarine variety unless otherwise stated.
phenomena. Observations of volcanic products The behavior of deep submarine eruptions
are therefore the primary means by which the depends upon the magma viscosity, volatile
dynamics of mid-ocean ridge eruptions are con- content, effusion rate, and water depth. Before
strained and evaluated. Submarine lava flow the 1990s, it was commonly accepted that deep
morphology can be used to constrain local flow submarine eruptions must be effusive because
rate if lava viscosity is known. Recent deep the overlying pressure of seawater would pre-
(> 500 m) explosive eruptions of seamounts clude hydromagmatic explosions. Only recently
have been directly observed. has there been a paradigm shift toward accept-
ing that explosive deep submarine eruptions
occur (see White et€ al., 2003, and references
therein). For example, there is evidence that
12.1╇ ╇ Introduction Loihi (an active seamount located off the coast
of Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, and under 2000 m
The majority of Earth’s surface is covered with of seawater) has erupted both effusively and
oceans, and the oceanic floors are underlain by explosively (Schipper et€ al., 2010). Recent stud-
basaltic lavas erupted at mid-ocean ridges. The ies have suggested that infrequent explosive
most common volcanic eruption on Earth is a eruptions may occur at mid-ocean ridges, des-
submarine, mid-ocean ridge eruption, and under- pite significant water depths, low lava viscos-
standing the processes that occur during these ity, and low initial volatile contents (Sohn et€al.,
volcanic events provides a strong foundation 2008; Clague et€ al., 2009). In the past decade,
for understanding other submarine eruptions, researchers have been able to directly observe

Modeling Volcanic Processes: The Physics and Mathematics of Volcanism, eds. Sarah A. Fagents, Tracy K. P. Gregg, and Rosaly M. C.
Lopes. Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2012.

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multiple seamount eruptions for the first time, the oceanic lithosphere by a larger volcanic
associated with seamounts in the submarine pile (such as those around the Hawaiian arch;
Pacific “Ring of Fire,” including West Mata vol- Torresan et€ al., 1991; Bridges, 1997 (http://wal-
cano (15.10°S, 173.75°E, with a summit ~1200€m; or (4) linear
below sea level) (Baker et€ al., 2010; Chadwick seamount chains associated with, and oriented
et€ al., in review) and Northwest Rota-1 volcano roughly perpendicular to, mid-ocean ridges (e.g.,
(14.60°S, 155.78°E with a summit ~500 m below the Lamont seamount chain near 10°N off the
sea level; Embley et€ al., 2006, 2007; Chadwick East Pacific Rise (Allan et€al., 1989).
et€al., 2008a). Although seamounts associated with intra-
Chapter 11 discusses magma–water inter- plate activity and with mid-ocean ridges tend
action in shallow crustal or surface environ- to be basaltic (Batiza, 1982), seamounts formed
ments, and the role that external water plays in subduction zones and in back-arc basins dis-
in producing vigorously explosive subaerial play a range of eruptive products and compo-
eruptions. This chapter examines eruptions sitions, including, but not limited to, tholeiite
under great depths of water. The tectonic set- basalt, alkalic basalt, boninite (Embley et€ al.,
tings in which submarine volcanism occurs are 2007; Tamura et€ al., 2010), and lavas contain-
first presented, followed by a discussion of how ing as much as 70 wt.% SiO2 (Stern et€al., 2010).
the ambient conditions of the deep ocean floor This range of compositions can affect eruption
affect submarine eruptive processes. Inferences behavior and the volcanic products (Deardorff
gleaned from deep-sea eruptions can provide et€al., 2011).
useful insights into eruptive processes in other Seamounts are perhaps most familiarly
high-pressure environments, such as on Venus found as part of seamount chains such as the
(Chapter 17), which has a surface atmospheric Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain that extends
pressure equivalent to the pressure beneath west and northwest of the Big Island of Hawaii.
~€900 m of water. Wilson (1963) proposed that seamount chains
are formed by the passage of Earth’s litho-
spheric plates over a stationary mantle plume,
or hot spot. Although there is not complete con-
12.2╇ ╇Settings for submarine sensus in the scientific community about the
volcanic deposits existence or behavior of these mantle plumes,
their presence most simply explains those sea-
12.2.1â•… Volcanic seamounts mount chains that display a well-constrained
Seamounts are submarine volcanic mountains age progression. Linear to arcuate seamount
taller than ~100 m. No one knows the precise chains without a clear age progression (e.g., the
number of seamounts in Earth’s oceans because Wolf-Darwin lineament, located on the southern
most of the ocean floor has yet to be surveyed flank of the Galapagos spreading center) require
at sufficiently high resolution, but there could other mechanisms (Ito et€al., 2003).
be as many as 25 million of them (Wessel et€al., Seamounts clustered around mid-ocean
2010, and references therein). Thus, not all ridges tend to have compositions similar to
deep submarine volcanism is constrained to MOR lavas. Fast-spreading centers display more
mid-ocean ridges. Seamounts can be classified off-axis seamounts than do slow-spreading cent-
as belonging to one of the following groups: ers (Fig. 12.1; see online supplement OS12A for
(1) part of a linear or arcuate seamount chain color versions of figures). They tend to be small
(the Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain being in volume (< 3 km3), and are likely the result
among the best known) that are related to intra- of “leaky” MOR magma chambers (e.g., Fornari
plate mantle plumes or subduction (such as et€al., 1987; Perfit and Chadwick, 1998).
the Marianas volcanic arc); (2) associated with Seamount fields are associated with exten-
mid-ocean ridges (e.g., Smith and Cann, 1992; sional flexure of the oceanic lithosphere, both
Cochran, 2008); (3) associated with flexure of around regions of volcanic loading (such as

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260 T R AC Y K . P. G R E G G

Figure 12.1╇╇ Bathymetry from

the East Pacific Rise near 17°S, with
north at the top; false illumination
from upper left corner. Note the
seamounts that are found off-axis,
and many are in “chains” that were
probably fed from a leaky axial
magma chamber and rifted off-axis.
modified from Ryan et€al. (2009).
Color versions of this and other
figures are found in the online
supplement to Chapter 12 (see end
of chapter).

around the Hawaiian arch) and subduction zones the total crustal thickness of the Ontong-Java
(such as in the northwest Pacific; Valentine and Plateau is between 30 and 43 km, giving a total
Hirano, 2010). Although research into these volume of > 5 × 107 km3 (Neal et€al., 1997, and
types of seamounts is limited, they may hold references therein).
some similarities to subaerial monogenetic bas- An active eruption of this type has not yet
alt fields (Valentine and Hirano, 2010). been observed€ – on sea or on land€ – so erup-
Note that the formation and evolution of tion processes must be inferred. Drilling into
seamounts is a rich area of research; please see the Ontong-Java plateau reveals that the plat-
the online supplementary material (listed at end eau is composed of extrusive lava flows, with
of chapter) for further reading on this topic. no record of explosive deposits: roughly half of
the returned cores were composed of pillowed
12.2.2â•…Oceanic plateaus and large flows, and half of massive (probably inflated
igneous provinces sheet) flows (Neal et€ al., 1997). Given that the
Large igneous provinces (LIPs) are accumula- lavas were emplaced on a relatively level sur-
tions of mafic (typically basaltic) lavas that: face, pillowed lavas suggest a lower effusion
(1) are emplaced in a short period of time rate than both sheet lavas (Fink and Griffiths,
(a few million years); (2) cover large areas 1992; Gregg and Fink, 1995) and the large-scale
(>105 km2); and (3) comprise 105 to 106 km3 inflated pahoehoe flows identified in subaerial
(Coffin and Eldholm, 1994). Submarine LIPs LIPs (Self et€al., 1998). Similar to subaerial LIPs,
have been studied primarily by drilling (Ocean vents and vent regions have not been identi-
Drilling Program, 1991, 2001) and through ship- fied in the submarine oceanic plateaus. Coffin
board sonar mapping (Neal et€al., 1997). The sub- and Eldholm (1994) identified 34 oceanic plat-
marine Ontong-Java Plateau is an Alaska-sized eaus and oceanic flood basalt provinces, each
feature centered around 2.08°S, 158.09°E, and of which is composed of countless individual
is one of the largest LIPs yet identified (Coffin submarine lava flows. The lack of hyaloclastites
and Eldholm, 1994; Neal et€ al., 1997). As the within these oceanic plateaus suggests that nei-
descriptor “plateau” suggests, these features ther the lava volatile content nor the effusion
are typically 1–3 km higher than the surround- rates were sufficiently high to generate explo-
ing oceanic floor; geophysical data suggest that sions during their genesis. The extraordinary

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Figure 12.2╇╇ A perspective view north from 7°N along Figure 12.3╇╇ Same bathymetric map as shown in Fig. 12.2,
the East Pacific Rise. Note how the two east–west trending with first-, second-, and third-order discontinuities labeled.
transform faults offset the ridge near the center of the image. See; modified from Ryan et€al.
See; modified from Ryan et€al. (2009).

Fig.€12.2). The first-order discontinuities are fur-

volumes of these LIPs suggest a combination of ther broken into second, third, and fourth-order
long-lived eruptions and steady supply rates. discontinuities (Fig. 12.3). It is likely that the
third-order discontinuities mark the boundaries
12.2.3â•… Mid-ocean ridges of individual volcanic systems (Macdonald, 1998;
The MOR system is the largest, most active vol- Perfit and Chadwick, 1998; White et€ al., 2000,
canic system on Earth. Although < 5% of the glo- 2009; Soule et€al., 2009). Between these discon-
bal MOR system has been studied in detail, we tinuities, lava composition and eruption styles
have more compositional and time-series (i.e., are similar, consistent with this interpretation
repeated data set collection over time from the (Macdonald, 1998). Compositional variability is
same location) data for MORs than for other sub- most noticeable at segment boundaries (Perfit
marine volcanic provinces. Available data sug- and Chadwick, 1998), and segment centers tend
gest that products of a specific eruption along to be more volcanically active than segment
the MOR system tend to be relatively homo- ends (Sinton et€ al., 2001). It is likely that these
geneous in composition (Perfit and Chadwick, segment boundaries are dynamic, however, as
1998; Sinton et€ al., 2001; Rubin et€ al., 2001), suggested by observations that indicators of
which simplifies the task of modeling these volcanic accretion over longer timescales are
eruptions. consistent across third- and fourth-order discon-
MORs are not continuous, but are divided tinuities (Soule et€al., 2009).
into segments, or first-order discontinuities, Basalts comprise the majority of mid-ocean
by transform faults (e.g., Macdonald, 1998; ridge lavas. There are localized exceptions; for

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262 T R AC Y K . P. G R E G G

Table 12.1╇ ╇ Average major element analyses of individual lava flows from mid-ocean ridges.

EPR 18°38’S MAR 22°55’N JFR 44°56’N (N.

Weight % EPR 9°50’N (BBQ) (Animal Farm) (Serocki Volcano) Cleft 1993 flow)
N 21 60 22 20
SiO2 44.88 50.8 50.03 50.04
TiO2 1.29 1.65 1.67 1.53
Al2O3 15.52 14.5 15.87 14.78
FeO 9.31 10.6 9.92 10.52
MnO 0.17 0.20 Not determined 0.20
MgO 8.55 7.29 7.51 7.58
CaO 12.26 11.7 11.21 11.85
Na2O 2.56 2.96 2.93 2.47
K 2O 0.09 0.09 0.14 0.12
P2O5 0.12 0.14 0.17 0.14
Citation Gregg et€al. (1996) Sinton et€al. (2001) Humphris et€al. (1990) Embley et€al. (1991)

Table 12.2╇ ╇ Typical spreading rates of mid-ocean ridges.

Spreading rate
Spreading rate (cm/yr, full rate) Type locale Citation
Ultra-slow 0.6–1.3 Gakkel Ridge Sohn et€al. (2008)
Slow 1.0–4.0 Mid-Atlantic Ridge Perfit and Chadwick (1998)
Intermediate 4.0–8.0 Juan de Fuca Ridge Perfit and Chadwick (1998)
Fast 8.0–16.0 East Pacific Rise, 9°50’N Perfit and Chadwick (1998)
Superfast >16.0 East Pacific Rise, 30°S Korenaga and Hey (1996)

example, dacites have been found along the to correlate with spreading rate. Herein, the
submarine MOR system (Stakes et€ al., 2006; spreading rates given are full spreading rates: if
Wanless et€ al., 2010), but basalt€ – specifically, you were to stand on one plate, the full spread-
mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) is the most abun- ing rate is how fast the plate on the other side
dant lava erupting from submarine mid-ocean of the MOR would appear to be moving away
ridges. Mid-ocean ridge basalts are classified from you. Spreading rates vary from ultraslow
by their major- and trace-element abundances. (<1.5 cm/yr) to superfast (>16 cm/yr) (Table 12.2).
The range of Mg abundance in MOR basalts The Southern East Pacific Rise (SEPR) near
can vary considerably in time and space, as can 17°30’ S is the type locale for a superfast spread-
Ti and others (see Table 12.1). Closely spaced ing center (e.g., Sinton et€al., 2001); the Gakkel
(1–2 km) sampling along and across MORs and Ridge in the Arctic Ocean is the type locale for
subsequent analyses reveal that ridge discon- an ultraslow spreading center (Edwards et€ al.,
tinuities can coincide with significant changes 2001).
in underlying magma chemistry (Langmuir Eruptions along fast-spreading MORs appear
et€al., 1986; Sinton et€al., 1991, 2001; Perfit and to be small volume (~106–107 m3), frequent
Chadwick, 1998). (approximately every 5–10 years per kilometer
Eruption parameters, including erupted vol- of ridge length) and short duration (hours)
ume, eruption duration, and effusion rate (here, (Gregg et€al., 1996; Sinton et€al., 2001; Chadwick,
defined as volumetric rate, or m3 s−1), are believed 2003; Soule et€al., 2007). In contrast, eruptions at

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slow spreading centers are thought to be larger ambient conditions. The high ambient pres-
volume and longer-lived (Perfit and Chadwick, sure at MORs (250 MPa) keeps most volatiles
1998; Sinton et€al., 2001). dissolved within the magma; a typical vesicle
content for MOR basalts is <2 vol.% (e.g., Perfit
and Chadwick, 1998), although volumes as high
as 35 vol.% have been reported (Hekinian et€al.,
12.3╇ ╇╇ Effusive submarine eruptions 2000). Commonly, however, volatile contents
of MORB magmas are thought to be much less
In 1977, R. Ballard and T. Van Andel led an than 0.5 wt.% (Byers et€al., 1986). For example, it
expedition to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 37°N is unlikely that true a’a lavas are produced on
(Ballard and van Andel, 1977). In addition to the deep sea floor because the required volatile
scholarly journal articles, Ballard and Moore exsolution (and accompanied increase in lava
(1977) published a “coffee-table” book on the viscosity) will not occur on the deep sea floor
expedition, complete with striking full-color as it does on land. Different descriptive terms
photographs of the deep ocean floor. By chance, are therefore used for submarine lava morph-
the region they explored was covered with pil- ologies, even though they may look similar to
low lavas (Ballard and van Andel, 1977; Ballard subaerial basalt morphologies. Submarine lava
and Moore, 1977); thereafter, most introductory flows are described as pillowed, lobate, lineated,
geology textbooks stated that the ocean floor ropy (folded), or jumbled (hackly) (Fig. 12.4).
was dominated by pillow lavas. Furthermore,
pillowed lavas were observed to form under- 12.3.1â•… Submarine lava flow inflation
water where subaerial Hawaiian lavas flowed Observations suggest that almost all submar-
into the ocean (Tepley and Moore, 1974; Tribble, ine lava flows are inflated (Hon et€ al., 1994) to
1991; see online supplement OS12B.1, “Pele some extent, including pillow lavas. If lava infla-
Meets the Sea”). In addition, subglacial lavas tion is defined as “molten lava injected beneath
also commonly display pillowed morphologies a solidified lava crust,” then the rapidity with
(e.g., Jones, 1970; Jakobsson and Gudmundsson, which submarine basalts form solidified crusts
2008). The presence of lava pillows, therefore, helps to explain the abundance of lava inflation
requires an abundance of water, but an abun- features on the seafloor (Applegate and Embley,
dance of water does not produce only lava pil- 1992; Gregg and Chadwick, 1996; Chadwick
lows (cf. Embley et€al., 1991): most of the Pacific et€al., 1999). Submarine inflation features similar
Ocean is likely floored by a type of sheet flow to those observed on land€– such as tumuli€– have
known as lobate (Fox et€ al., 1988; Perfit and been identified (Applegate and Embley, 1992).
Chadwick, 1998; Fig. 12.4). Submarine lava pillars (Fig. 12.5) are also indi-
On the deep sea floor (most MORs have a cative of lava inflation. They are hollow cylinders
water depth of ~2500 m; Perfit and Chadwick, of basalt, morphologically similar to subaerial
1998), steam formation and explosions driven lava trees or tree molds. They are commonly < 20 m
by magmatic gases are minor or rare (cf. Perfit tall and < 2 m in diameter, and form during the
et€al., 2003; Clague et€al., 2009). At a water depth emplacement, inflation, and drainback of lobate
of 2500 m, the ambient pressure is 250 MPa. sheet flows in submarine environments (Gregg
A normal MORB would theoretically require and Chadwick, 1996; Chadwick et€ al., 1999;
a water content of 4.5 wt.% H2O before a mag- Chadwick, 2003). Gregg and Chadwick (1996)
matic explosion could occur, and most MORs do state that pillars grow as heated seawater rises
not contain sufficient volatiles (Table 12.1) for through gaps between adjacent lava lobes of an
magma fragmentation (Head and Wilson, 2003). advancing submarine lava flow. Alternatively,
Therefore, most MOR eruptions are effusive. it has been proposed that pillars form after the
Submarine lava flow morphologies are lava has been emplaced, when buoyant water
similar to, but distinct from, subaerial basaltic rises through the overlying lava (Francheteau
lava morphologies because of the different et€al., 1979; Perfit et€al., 2003). Cooling at the flow

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264 T R AC Y K . P. G R E G G

Figure 12.4╇╇ (a) Lava pillows (foreground, light-toned)

and small lobes (right side of the image; dark-toned) from
the floor of Axial Volcano caldera in the Juan de Fuca Ridge. margins or topographic obstruction causes the
Image width is ~2 m. Image from lava flow to pond, and if lava continues to erupt,
nemo/logbook/images/aug09-lava.html. (b) Lobate lava flow the flow will inflate. As long as there is suffi-
from the Galapagos spreading center; light-toned sediment cient heated water flowing through the gaps
appears in pockets on the surface. Image width is ~2 m.
between adjacent lobes, the gaps will remain
Image #cTOW-20100319–073119–0000253.jpg collected
using TowCam (Fornari, 2003) during the GRUVEE cruise;
as the lava flow thickens. Seawater funneling
courtesy of J. Sinton. (c) Lineated sheet flow from the Juan through these gaps cools the lava surrounding
de Fuca Ridge; image width ~1 m. Individual lineations have the gap. Once the lava drains away (either back
a 1–3 cm wavelength; light-toned sediment fills the troughs into the vent, or downslope), the lava pillars
between adjacent lineations. Image courtesy of the PMEL remain (Chadwick, 2003). Pillar height reflects
NOAA Vents Program” the maximum thickness of the lava flow.
explorer/concepts/sheetflow.html. (d) Jumbled submarine lava In 1998, an instrument designed to meas-
flow from the Galapagos spreading center; low-lying areas are
ure the ambient pressure was caught up within
filled in with light-toned sediment. Image width ~2 m. (Image
a lobate sheet flow that erupted within the
# cTOW-20100319–071039–0000129.jpg collected using
TowCam (Fornari, 2003) during the GRUVEE cruise; courtesy
summit caldera of Axial Volcano along the
of J. Sinton.) Juan de Fuca Ridge (Chadwick, 2003). During

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microphones known as hydrophones have

recorded the vibrations from mid-ocean ridge
eruptions (Fox, 1999; Fox et€ al., 2001; Tolstoy
et€ al., 2006); and a portion of the East Pacific
Rise near 9°50’N was visited within weeks of an
eruption in 1991 (Haymon et€al., 1993). However,
details such as effusion rate and emplacement
style must be interpreted from the resulting vol-
canic morphology.
Chapter 5 discusses thermal modeling as
one way to understand lava flow behavior (and
thereby morphology); convective, radiative,
and conductive cooling are the primary mecha-
nisms by which subaerial lavas transfer heat to
Figure 12.5╇╇ Lava pillar (< 2 m tall) from the Axial Volcano
their environment. On the deep seafloor, con-
caldera on the Juan de Fuca Ridge. This pillar was generated
during an eruption in 1998. Image courtesy of PMEL NOAA vective cooling by water is the dominant cool-
Vents Program: ing mechanism, and it is much more efficient
logbook/cal062799/. than radiative, convective, and conductive cool-
ing combined on land (Griffiths and Fink, 1992).
Convective heat flux from the surface of a sub-
the eruption, the instrument recorded being marine lava flow is given by (Fink and Griffiths,
uplifted ~3 m, and then being lowered ~2 m. 1990):
The interpretation is that initially, the lava flow 1
 g ′α a κ 2a  3

(Tc − Ta ) 3
was thin enough to flow beneath the 50-cm-tall Fconv = ρa c a γ  (12.1)
legs of the instrument. Subsequently, the lava  νa 
flow inflated and then drained away, leaving a
lava flow only ~1 m thick. The entire inflation/ where Fconv is the convective heat flux from the
deflation event took only 153 minutes (Fox et€al., lava flow surface (W m−2); ρa is density (kg m−3) of
2001). Lava pillars about 2 m tall were subse- the ambient medium (here, seawater at 2500€m
quently found within the lava flow (Chadwick, depth and 4°C); ca is seawater specific heat
2003). (J kg−1 K−1); γ is a dimensionless constant equal
Similarly, lobate lava flows along the East to 0.1; g′ is reduced gravitational acceleration
Pacific Rise are commonly pock-marked with (m s−2); αa is the coefficient of thermal expan-
collapse pits, revealing hollow interiors locally sion of seawater (K−1); κa is seawater thermal
supported by lava pillars (Fornari et€ al., 1998; diffusivity (m2 s−1); νa is the seawater kinematic
Sinton et€al., 2001; Perfit et€al., 2003; Soule et€al., viscosity (m2 s−1); Ta and Tc are the temperatures
2006; Fundis et€al., 2010). Observations therefore of the seawater and lava crust (K). (Notation is
indicate that lobate flows are emplaced by lava summarized in Section 12.8.) Reduced gravity,
inflation processes. g′, takes into account the density of the sur-
rounding seawater, and is given by (Fink and
Griffiths, 1990):
g ′ = g (ρ − ρa ) / ρ
12.3.2╇ ╇╇Modeling effusive (12.2)

submarine eruptions in which ρ is the lava density. Calculations indi-

cate that the heat flux from a typical MORB erupt-
An active, effusive mid-ocean ridge erup- ing on the mid-ocean ridge, with an eruption
tion has not yet been obs”erved using visible temperature of 1100 °C (Perfit et€al., 1995; 2003)
wavelengths€ – that is, we have yet to see one. and a viscosity of 100 Pa s (Gregg et€ al., 1996),
Ocean-bottom seismometers and submarine would form a solid crust in 0.7 s (Griffiths and

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266 T R AC Y K . P. G R E G G

Fink, 1992). Videos taken of subaerially erupted is given by (Fink and Griffiths, 1990; Griffiths
lavas on Kilauea volcano that flowed into the and Fink, 1992):
ocean confirm these calculations (Tepley and 3
ν  4
− 14 (12.5a)
Moore, 1974; see OS12B.1). Additionally, MOR ta =  l  Q
 g′ 
lavas are typically covered with a glassy rind
≤2 cm thick, confirming rapid cooling to for a point-source eruption, and by:
the glass transition temperature (Gregg and
Chadwick, 1996, and references therein). ν  3
− 13
ta =  l  q (12.5b)
The glassy rind on MOR lavas acts to insu-  g′ 
late the interior of the lava flow from add-
itional heat loss. Heat from the lava interior for a line-source (fissure) eruption in which q (m2
can only be transferred to the lava flow surface s−1) is the volumetric effusion rate per meter of
via conduction through this glassy rind; and fissure length. Most mid-ocean ridge eruptions
conduction is a slow mechanism of heat trans- appear to be fissure eruptions (Chadwick and
fer (see Chapter€ 5). Once the glass rind forms, Embley, 1998; Fornari et€ al., 1998). Laboratory
the lava flows erupted from MORs tend to be simulations, in which polyethylene glycol (PEG)
volume-limited rather than cooling-limited was extruded at a constant effusion rate with a
(Guest et€ al., 1987; Gregg and Fornari, 1998). controlled cooling rate, allowed Ψ values to be
Thus, in comparison with subaerial basalt flows, quantitatively attached to PEG flow morpholo-
submarine lavas: (1) contain fewer vesicles; (2) gies. These morphologies were related to those
display a glassy rind ≥2 cm thick formed by sea- seen at mid-ocean ridges (Gregg and Fink, 1995)
water rapidly quenching their surface; (3) have to constrain eruption rates there (Fig. 12.6).
interiors that cool more slowly because they are Using this method, Gregg et€al. (1996) estimated
insulated by the glassy rind. eruption durations for MOR eruptions; the 1998
Although the pressure exerted at the great eruption at Axial Volcano on the Juan de Fuca
depths of MORs suppresses steam explosions, Ridge confirmed this methodology (Chadwick,
there is still evidence for vapor pockets exist- 2003).
ing in contact with submarine lavas (Perfit If eruption viscosity is known or can be esti-
et€ al., 2003; Chadwick, 2003; Soule et€ al., 2006; mated, and flow morphology assigned to one of
Schiffman et€al., 2010). These pockets are small the categories identified by Fink and Griffiths
(tens of cm across or smaller) and short-lived, (1990) or Gregg and Fink (1995), and cooling
but nonetheless contribute to the formation of rates calculated, then effusion rates can be con-
cm- to nm-scale features observed on and in sub- strained. Griffiths and Fink (1992), Gregg and
marine lava flow crusts. Greeley (1993) and Gregg and Fink (1996) dem-
Fink and Griffiths (1990) developed a dimen- onstrated the applicability of this technique for
sionless parameter, Ψ, that can be related to extraterrestrial lava flows, for example.
lava flow morphology if the eruption rate, Q, Klingelhofer et€al. (1999) examined the fluid
and lava kinematic viscosity, νl, are known. Ψ dynamic behavior of cooling basalt with a
is essentially the ratio of the timescale required temperature-dependent viscosity to constrain
for the surface of a lava flow to solidify (ts) to the formation of submarine lava pillows. They
the timescale for heat to be advected along the modeled pillows as cylindrical “tubes” with
flow (ta): known dimensions, and concluded that the
cooling rate must be balanced by the advection
Ψ= . of hot lava, which in turn is controlled by a pres-
ta (12.4)
sure gradient. The critical pressure gradient can
The timescale for solidification is proportional be related to the radius (r) of the pillow tube
to the heat flux from the lava flow surface; raised to the power 3.85 (i.e., r3.85). Consistent
on the seafloor, this is dominated by convec- with the laboratory simulations of Fink and
tion (Eq. (12.1)). The timescale for advection Griffiths (1990), Klingelhofer et€ al. (1999) agree

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steep slopes, the basalt is pulled apart by gravi-

tational forces, reducing the local flow rate
and resulting in pillows or lobes. Thus, in ideal
situations, lava flow morphology reflects local
flow rates, but other factors (such as underlying
slope, pre-existing roughness, or variations in
lava crystal content or rheology) also exert local
controls on lava morphologies.
In general, eruption volume and duration can
be correlated with full spreading rate (Perfit and
Chadwick, 1998; Sinton et€ al., 2001). Eruption
volumes are estimated for only a handful of
well-mapped mid-ocean ridge eruptions; erup-
tion frequency is crudely calculated by using
Figure 12.6╇╇ Relationship of flow morphology to effusion assumptions about the crustal thickness and
rate and lava viscosity. Dashed lines are for linear (fissure)
known spreading rates (Sinton et€al., 2001). The
sources, solid lines are for point sources. Symbols represent
results of these calculations correlate well with
the 1984 Mauna Loa flow (open circles); the 1979 andesite
dome at La Soufriere (open diamond); the Mount St. Helens known eruption frequencies along the Juan de
dacite lobes erupted between October 1981 and August Fuca Ridge and northern East Pacific Rise (e.g.,
1982 (open rectangle); the 1975 basaltic andesite eruption at Sinton et€ al., 2001, 2009). Fast-spreading MORs
Mount Etna, which included channelized flows (solid circle), produce small (~106 m3), short-lived (hours),
ropy pahoehoe tongues (solid triangle), and smooth lobes and frequent (every ~5 years) eruptions. The most
toes (solid diamond). From Gregg and Fink (1996). common lava flow morphologies observed at
fast-spreading MORs are lobate flows and sheet
flows. Slow-spreading MORs are thought to gen-
that lava viscosity also exerts strong influence erate larger, longer-lived, and less frequent erup-
on flow morphology. tions dominated by pillow lavas. Erupted lavas
Submarine lava flow morphologies have sub- typically have higher temperatures and lower
sequently been used to qualitatively and quan- viscosities at fast-spreading centers than at slow-
titatively constrain flow rates and eruption spreading centers (Sinton and Detrick, 1992).
dynamics (e.g., White et€ al., 2000; Soule et€ al.,
2005, 2007; Fundis et€ al., 2010). Where there
are independent temporal data about eruption
duration€– collected by hydrophones (Dziak and
12.4╇ ╇Deep explosive submarine
Fox, 1999), seismometers (Tolstoy et€ al., 2006), eruptions
or pressure sensors (Fox et€al., 2001)€– estimates
of eruption duration based on lava �morphology Prior to the 1990s, the high ambient pressures
match well with the measured duration of exerted over most of Earth’s MOR system were
activity (Chadwick, 2003; Fundis et€ al., 2010). thought to preclude explosive eruptions (e.g.,
However, there are problems in this method. White et€ al., 2003; Wohletz, 2003). However,
Gregg and Fink (2000) point out that the results Haymon et€al. (1993) found hyaloclastites gener-
of analog experiments predict that on slopes ated during the 1991 eruption of the East Pacific
steeper than 30°, channeled flows should dom- Rise near 9°50’N. They interpret that these
inate. In fact, steep, constructional submarine glassy shards were generated when lava flowed
slopes are dominated by elongate pillows and over an actively venting hydrothermal chimney,
lobes. The likely problem in this case is that the and that the continued flow of heated water into
solid analog material (PEG) has a higher tensile the lava flow eventually burst through and frag-
strength than does basalt (Soule and Cashman, mented any solidified crust. Clague et€al. (2009)
2004). Gregg and Fink (2000) explain that on reported on bubble wall glass shards (known as

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268 T R AC Y K . P. G R E G G

limu o Pele or Pele’s seaweed) along the East Pacific Embley et€al. (2006) report on the discovery of
Rise, the Juan de Fuca and Gorda Ridges, at Loihi eruptive activity at NW Rota-1, a basaltic to bas-
seamount, along the Hawaiian arch, and in the altic andesite volcano located 60 km northwest
Fiji back-arc basin. Sohn et€al. (2008) discovered of Rota island. The volcano’s summit is ~500 m
limu o Pele deposits at 4000 m depth along the below sea level. This find marks the first direct
Gakkel ridge. Clague et€ al. (2009) found a cor- observations and sampling of a submarine arc
relation between the abundance of limu o Pele volcano, and provides opportunities for investi-
and “high-rate eruptions,” identified on the gating the behavior of deep submarine volcanic
basis of lava flow morphologies: higher-effusion explosions (Chadwick et€ al. 2008a; in review).
rate lava flow morphologies are associated with During explosive events, the volcano emitted
a greater abundance of bubble wall fragments sulfur-rich eruption plumes, bubbles of CO2,
than are lower-effusion rate morphologies. They and basaltic andesite scoria (Embley et€al., 2006).
assert that the morphology and composition of Deardorff et€al. (2011) report on a week’s worth
these limu o Pele require that they formed from of explosive and effusive activity at the submar-
violent expansion of magmatic gases (probably ine volcano NW Rota-1 in 2006. Activity ranged
CO2; Head and Wilson, 2003; Sohn et€al., 2008), from diffuse gas venting to energetic explosions
rather than from explosions caused by expand- (see online supplement OS12B).
ing seawater, and suggest that the fragmenta- Eruption plumes at NW Rota-1 had both
tion and dispersal of limu o Pele are consistent momentum-driven and buoyancy-driven com-
with a strombolian eruption style. Similar to ponents. Video analyses show that momentum-
models presented by Head and Wilson (2003), driven plumes rose with velocities from ~1–4
Clague et€al. (2009) propose that the submarine m€s−1, whereas the buoyancy-driven plumes rose
strombolian activity was generated by the add- at a steady ascent rate of ~0.35 m s−1. Based on
ition of a magmatic foam from the top of the Wilson and Self’s (1980) model, Deardorff et€al.
magma reservoir to the resident magma. (2011) estimated the efficiency of plume cooling
Schipper et€ al. (2010) collected lapilli and by seawater by considering the plume ascent
bombs from near the summit of Loihi sea- rate:
mount, at water depths of 1100–1291 m. They 8rg ∆ρ
u= (12.6)
examined vesicle textures, as well as the geo- 3ρa Cd
chemistry of the lavas, and the H2O and CO2
contents of the lapilli glasses, ash, and glass in which u is the velocity of plume rise (m
inclusions. Vesicles composed 34–45 vol.% of the s−1); r is the plume radius (measured from
samples examined€– well below the fragmenta- video); Cd is the drag coefficient (assumed to
tion volume for subaerial eruptions (Wilson, be 0.5 for spherical particles); and ∆ρ is the
1980). Vesicles were poorly connected, in spite density contrast between plume and seawater
of their abundance. These characteristics are (kg€m−3). Deardorff et€al. (2011) used measured
similar to basaltic �scoria generated from sub- velocities and plume radii, combined with
aerial hawaiian-style (lava fountain) eruptions. known thermophysical properties of seawater
The ~1 km water depth corresponds to an ambi- (Fofonoff and Millard, 1983), to calculate the
ent pressure of ~10 MPa. At this pressure, the density contrast ∆ρ, and then to relate ∆ρ to
presence of H2O can affect the solubility of a required temperature contrast (neglect-
CO2 in basalt (see Chapter 4), and this volatile ing the effect of volcanic particles on plume
coupling affects the resulting eruption style. density). Observations of incandescence at the
Schipper et€al. (2010) assert that hydromagmatic vent requires temperatures of at least 700 °C
fragmentation likely occurs below the vent level (Chadwick et€ al., 2008a), and the calculations
of most submarine volcanoes, and that a strong require temperatures on the order of 30° C
coupling of volatile-phase bubbles with ris- within the plume at ~1 m above the vent. This
ing magma may be a requirement for efficient implies that efficient, rapid cooling (>200° C
magma fragmentation. s−1) of the plume occurs.

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Interestingly, observations at NW Rota-1 of parameters (both intrinsic and extrinsic),

clearly show that lava fragments can be repeat- volcanic explosions can occur. The sea floor
edly recycled within the erupting vent: individ- is dominated, however, by basaltic lavas that
ual fragments were observed to fall out of the erupted effusively from mid-ocean ridges or
plume and then become entrained again during from seamounts. High ambient pressures help
the next explosion (cf. Section 8.3.3). Deardorff keep volatiles dissolved in the lavas, precluding
et€ al. (2011) estimate as much as 15% of the the formation of true a’a and other familiar lava
erupted fragments are repeatedly recycled in morphologies on the sea floor. Furthermore, the
this way. efficient mechanism of convective heat transfer
Direct observations of submarine explosive creates an outer, insulating glassy rind on any
eruptions have revealed cyclic activity at both part of the lava flow exposed to seawater. This
NW Rota-1 and at W Mata (15.10°S, 73.75°W; rind, if it remains more or less intact, acts to
summit is 1174 m below sea level) (Rubin et€al., insulate the interior of the lava flow from add-
2009; Smithsonian Institution, 2011; see OS12B). itional heat loss, theoretically allowing it to
It may be that this eruption cyclicity is related to travel farther underwater than it would if it
the exsolution of magmatic gases, and accumula- were emplaced on land.
tion of vesicles into a magmatic foam at the top There are more questions than answers,
of a magma chamber (cf. Wilson and Head, 2003; however, regarding mid-ocean ridge volcanic
Chadwick et€al., 2008b; in review). Additionally, eruptions. We do not know with certainty, for
these submarine volcanoes have experienced example, what the eruption frequencies and vol-
landslides or shallow sector collapses; it is likely umes are for most of the mid-ocean ridge sys-
that these landslides are caused by the gener- tem. Successful monitoring has begun to answer
ation of an unstable pile of pyroclastic materi- these questions in select locations: Axial Volcano
als near the volcanoes’ summit (Chadwick et€al., along the Juan de Fuca Ridge, for example, and
2008b; in review). As in subaerial environments, the East Pacific Rise between 9° and 10°N. We
the generation of pyroclasts can also lead to remain ignorant of how well the behaviors
instabilities and gravity-driven flows on the sea observed at these locations reflect volcanic
floor. behavior elsewhere along the ridge system.
Hydroacoustic monitoring of known active
submarine volcanoes (such as Monowai;
Chadwick et€ al., 2008b) provides additional 12.7╇ ╇ Summary
information about volcano behavior. These
devices “listen” for volcanic activity, allowing
scientists to target direct observations (using • Most of Earth’s ocean crust is composed
submersibles or remotely operated vehicles) on of basalt erupted from mid-ocean ridges;
specific volcanoes shortly after€ – or even dur- seamounts and oceanic plateaus also contrib-
ing€– eruptions (e.g., Fox et€al., 2001; Chadwick ute to the formation of oceanic crust.
et€al., 2008b; in review). Additional deployments • Once believed to be impossible, explosive
of these monitoring instruments will continue eruptions commonly occur on the deep sea
to provide important insights into the behavior floor, even with basaltic magma.
of deep submarine explosive eruptions. • Submarine explosive eruptions have been dir-
ectly observed at NW Rota-1 and W Mata vol-
canoes in the Pacific Ocean (see OS12B)
• Most submarine eruptions are basaltic and
12.6╇ ╇ Conclusions effusive, and demonstrate some amount of
lava inflation.
Extreme explosive events are suppressed on the • If eruption viscosity is known, submarine
seafloor because of the high ambient pressure, lava flow morphology can be used to con-
although given the appropriate combination strain volumetric effusion rate.

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270 T R AC Y K . P. G R E G G

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Rise, 13°-23°S. Journal Geophysical Research, 96, (2010). Felsic magmatism in intra-oceanic arcs:
6133–6155. The Diamante Cross-chain in the Southern
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evidence from the superfast spreading East Pacific Francisco, CA, 13–17 December.
Rise, 17°S–19°S. Journal of Geophysical Research, Tamura, Y., Ishizuka, O., Stern, R. J. et€al. (2010). Two
107(B6), doi:10.1029/2000JB000090. primary magma types from Northwest Rota-1
Smith, D. K. and Cann, J.R. (1992). The role of Volcano, Mariana Arc, Abstract #T13B-2197,
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Research, 97(B2), 1645–1658. Tepley, L. and Moore, J. G. (1974). Fire Under the Sea:
Smithsonian Institution (2011). Global Volcanism The Origin of Pillow Lava. Mountain View, CA:
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doi:10.1038/nature07075. Cruise report, Hawaiian GLORIA Cruise F12–
Soule, S. A. and Cashman, K. V. (2004). The 89-HW. United States Geological Survey, Open-File
mechanical properties of solidified polyethylene Report #67.

9780521895439c12_p258-274.indd 273 8/2/2012 9:51:54 AM

274 T R AC Y K . P. G R E G G

Tribble, G. W. (1991). Underwater observations of Wohletz, K. H. (2003). Water/magma interaction:

active lava flows from Kilauea volcano. Hawaii. Physical considerations for the deep submarine
Geology, 19, 633–636. environment. In Explosive Subaqueous Volcanism,
Valentine, G. A. and Hirano, N. (2010). Mechanisms ed. J. D. L. White, J. L. Smellie and D. A. Clague.
of low-flux intraplate volcanic fields€– Basin and American Geophysical Union Monograph 140,
Range (North America) and northwest Pacific Washington, D.C., pp. 26–50.
Ocean. Geology, 38, 55–58.
Wanless, V. D., Perfit, M. R., Ridley, W. I. and Klein, E.
(2010). Dacite petrogenesis on mid-ocean ridges:
Evidence for oceanic crustal melting and
assimilation. Journal of Petrology, 15, 2377–2410.
12.1 Calculate the heat flux from a submarine and
Wessel, P., Sandwell, D. T. and Kim, S.-S. (2010). The
subaerial lava flow, using information from
global seamount census. Oceanography, 23, 24–33.
this chapter and Chapter 5. Demonstrate which
White, J. D. L., Smellie, J. L. and Clague, D. A. (2003).
mechanism of heat transfer is most efficient in
Introduction. In Explosive Subaqueous Volcansim,
each environment.
ed. J. D. L. White, J. L. Smellie and D. A. Clague.
12.2 Use Eq. (12.3) to calculate the density contrast
American Geophysical Union Monograph 140,
present in a submarine eruption plume that has
Washington, D.C., pp. 1–25.
a rise velocity of 0.35 m s−1. How does this dens-
White, S. M., Macdonald, K. C. and Haymon,
ity contrast compare with subaerial volcanic
R. M. (2000). Basaltic lava domes, lava lakes,
and volcanic segmentation on the southern
12.3 Expand Figure 12.6 to incorporate a typical
East Pacific Rise. Journal of Geophysical Research,
EPR eruption viscosity of 100 Pa s (Perfit and
105(B10), 23 519–23 536.
Chadwick, 1998; Gregg et€al., 2006). What effu-
White, S. M., Mason, J. L., Macdonald, K. C. et€al.
sion rates are required to generate a pillowed
(2009). Significance of widespread low effusion
lava flow? A jumbled lava flow?
rate eruptions over the past two million years for
delivery of magma to the overlapping spreading
centers at 9°N. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Online resources available at www.cambridge.
280, 175–184. org/fagents
Wilson, J. T. (1963). A possible origin of the Hawaiian • OS12A Additional figures
islands. Canadian Journal of Physics 41, 863–870. • OS12B Video of submarine eruptions
Wilson, L. (1980). Relationships between pressure, • Additional reading
volatile content and ejecta velocity in three types • Links to websites of interest
of volcanic explosion. Journal of Volcanology and • Answers to exercises
Geothermal Research, 8, 297–313.

9780521895439c12_p258-274.indd 274 8/2/2012 9:51:54 AM

Chapter 13

Volcano–ice interactions
Lionel Wilson, John L. Smellie, and James W. Head

Overview and landforms (e.g., Lescinsky and Fink, 2000;

Mee et€ al., 2006; Komatsu et€ al., 2007; Larsen
This chapter reviews basic physical processes and Eiriksson, 2008; Smellie, 2009), the details
controlling interactions between silicate mag- depending on the geometry and timescale of
mas and surface ice and snow layers, focusing the interaction. No subglacial rhyolite erup-
on subglacial, englacial, and supraglacial interac- tions have ever been observed. A “typical” mafic
tions. Where possible, theoretical considerations volcanic eruption progresses from initial rapid
are linked with observations of the lithofacies subsidence and collapse of the overlying ice
and sequence characteristics of the deposits surface to form a pit, simultaneous with subgla-
expected as a result of these various interactions, cial emplacement of volcanic products (often
with particular focus on the products of mafic but not always pillow lava, forming a pillow
eruptions. The range of possible interactions mound or ridge) in a water-filled cavity. Many
is large, resulting in a correspondingly diverse eruptions might cease at this point but, com-
group of resulting landforms. These predictions monly, as the volcanic edifice grows upward
are made for the environment of the Earth, but and the vent becomes shallower, the magma
with suitable changes to atmospheric tempera- interacts explosively with the surrounding
ture and pressure and acceleration due to gravity meltwater and a high subaerial eruption col-
are readily applicable on Mars. Numerous puta- umn is generated accompanied by deposition of
tive examples of volcano–ice interaction features abundant ash. This results in the construction
on Mars have already been documented and this of a subaqueous tuff cone or ridge, the latter
chapter provides a comprehensive unifying the- known as a tindar (Jones, 1969). If the edifice
oretical framework for further interpretation of grows above the surface of the surrounding ice
features on both planets. sheet and the vent dries out, the eruption may
change to lava effusion and/or lava fountaining.
Lava-fed deltas then form where lava enters
and advances across the surrounding melt-
13.1╇ ╇ Introduction water lake, resulting in distinctive flat-topped
volcanic constructs known as a tuyas (Mathews,
Magma–ice interactions can occur in a number 1947) or stapi. In the latest stages, the ice cover
of ways and can produce a range of products is often floated, and a large volume of meltwater

Modeling Volcanic Processes: The Physics and Mathematics of Volcanism, eds. Sarah A. Fagents, Tracy K. P. Gregg, and Rosaly M. C.
Lopes. Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2012.

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276 L I O N E L W I L S ON , J OH N L . SM E L L I E , AND JA MES W. H EA D

escapes in a sudden, rapid, and environmen- Case (a), injection of magma into an ice layer
tally devastating discharge known as a glacial as a dike, is predicted to be a possibility on the-
outburst flood or jökulhlaup. Several of these fea- oretical grounds (Wilson and Head, 2002). The
tures were displayed during the exceptionally inherent instability of the resulting geometry
well-documented eruption at Gjálp, Iceland, in means that a fragmental deposit surrounding
1996, which took place under the 700-m-thick the vent (fissure) at the base of the ice sheet is
Vatnajökull ice cap (Gudmundsson et€al., 1997, likely to be produced at the end of the inter-
2002, 2004; Jarosch et€ al., 2008). Although action. The subsequent evolution of the subgla-
the spectacular April–May 2010 eruption at cial volcanic mass might involve construction
Eyjafjallajökull (also Iceland) took place under of a pillow mound, then an explosively gener-
much thinner ice (just 200–300 m), it also dem- ated subaqueous tuff cone and ultimately a sub-
onstrated many similar aspects of volcano–ice aerial edifice with or without lava-fed deltas, as
interactions, in particular a high explosively described for many glaciovolcanic edifices (e.g.,
generated tephra-bearing eruption column and Jones, 1969, 1970; Smellie, 2000). Some of these
meltwater floods that washed away the local eruptions might have been associated with
highway. Unlike the Gjálp eruption, the effects jökulhlaups.
of which were limited to Iceland and included In case (b), melting of ice overlying a sill
the creation of new land as well as serious and intrusion at the ice base can produce a large vol-
costly damage to the local transport infrastruc- ume of water (Höskuldsson and Sparks, 1997;
ture, the Eyjafjallajökull eruption distributed Wilson and Head, 2002, 2007; Tuffen, 2007). The
ash over much of northern Europe. It is esti- water may accumulate relatively slowly, but in
mated that about $1.7 billion was lost to the the case of a large body of water accumulated
EU economy as a result principally of flights under a glacier it may eventually escape very
that had to be cancelled (see Eyjafjallajökull rapidly in the form of a jökulhlaup. If the water
links at end of chapter). In this chapter the escapes at the glacier edge and is replaced by
human impact of volcano–ice eruptions is not air, and the overlying ice does not deform too
described. Rather, the focus is on providing a quickly, the sill may evolve into what is effect-
theoretical framework of how mafic magmas ively a subaerial lava flow in an ice cave, result-
might interact with ice under different situ- ing in a range of possible features (Wilson and
ations, and examples are provided (where avail- Head, 2002, 2007). Key issues then are the rela-
able) that show what the resulting rock record tive values of the rate of advance of the magma
might look like. sheet beneath the ice, the rate of advance of
thermal waves penetrating both the unmelted
13.1.1â•…Three generic scenarios for ice and the magma itself, and the rate of drain-
volcano–ice interactions age of the meltwater produced. The evolution of
Ice, in the form of glaciers, snow-fall or frozen such an eruption is less well known but at least
lakes, commonly occurs as a sheet overlying a some might be associated with construction of
silicate rock surface. Magma penetrating the pillow mounds or ridges (Smellie, 2008).
shallow crust travels in brittle fractures, i.e., In case (c) the presence of the ice plays no
dikes and sills. Possible initial geometries of the part in the magmatic eruption. If the eruption
interaction between ice and magma are (a) injec- involves deposition of a pyroclastic fall deposit
tion of a magmatic dike into a layer of ice; (b) onto ice, the consequences depend on the rate
formation of what is initially a sill-like magma of thickening of the deposit and its final total
intrusion beneath ice at the ice–rock interface, thickness (e.g., Wilson and Head, 2007, 2009).
though this may ultimately develop into what Except very close to the vent, fall deposits are
might be thought of as a subglacial lava flow; likely to consist of clasts with temperatures
and (c) emplacement on top of ice of a lava flow close to the ambient atmospheric tempera-
or pyroclastic material originating elsewhere ture, and so immediate heating of underlying
(Wilson and Head, 2002, 2007, 2009). ice will be minimal. Longer term, the fact that

9780521895439c13_p275-299.indd 276 8/2/2012 9:53:18 AM


the pyroclasts will have a lower albedo than the the surface. Magma reservoirs are likely to form
ice, and hence will reach higher daytime tem- from the accumulation of multiple stalled intru-
peratures during the diurnal solar heating cycle, sions at intermediate levels of neutral magma
may be important. If the volcanic material is hot buoyancy (Ryan, 1987). Dikes are driven upward
on emplacement, e.g., a lava flow or a pyroclas- from these reservoirs by excess pressures, due to
tic density current deposit, the effects on the the positive buoyancy of the melts feeding them
underlying ice will depend on both the rate of from below, that are typically at least several
advance and thickness of the flowing material, MPa (Parfitt, 1991). Thus for reservoir depths
and the rate at which water can migrate beneath of ~3 km the pressure gradient in excess of the
the advancing deposit to escape at its edges. weight of the magma driving magma motion is
We now examine the above processes the- ~1000 Pa m−1. Where mafic magma reaches the
oretically, and suggest examples of the depos- surface directly from lower crustal or mantle
its that might form from them, to facilitate depths, net density differences between magma
the kinds of field observations needed to con- and host rocks are generally ~100 kg m−3 (Parfitt
strain the models and to identify issues so far et€al., 1993). This value, combined with the accel-
overlooked. eration due to gravity of ~10 m s−2, also leads to
pressure gradients of order 1000 Pa m−1. Widths
of mafic dikes propagating from shallow reser-
voirs are ~1–3 m (Parfitt, 1991), and pressure
13.2╇ ╇ Englacial dike emplacement gradients of this order drive mafic magma rise
speeds of ~1 m s−1 (Wilson and Head, 1981). The
13.2.1â•… Theoretical issues strain rates near the dike tips implied by these
Magma propagation at shallow depths in planet- speeds are ~1 s−1, about seven orders of magni-
ary bodies takes place in brittle fractures (dikes tude larger than the strain rates at which the
and sills), held open by a combination of magma surrounding ice can flow plastically given the
pressure and the stress field in the host rocks rheological models (a pseudo-plastic power-law
(Pollard, 1987; Rubin and Pollard, 1987; see fluid with a yield strength) proposed by Glen
Chapter 3). Some reach the surface to feed erup- (1952), Nye (1953) and Paterson (1994). Thus a
tions, but others stall as intrusions, and these mafic dike can easily overshoot an ice–rock inter-
may cause surface manifestations such as bed- face because the ice appears to the propagating
rock graben or ice fractures (crevasses) if their crack as a brittle, low-density rock with elas-
tops are sufficiently close to the surface (Mastin tic properties similar to those of the substrate
and Pollard, 1988; Rubin, 1992; Gudmundsson (Wilson and Head, 2002). The time required for
et€al., 2004). If the least principal stress changes a dike containing magma propagating at 1€m s−1
from horizontal to vertical, a dike will cease to to penetrate tens to hundreds of meters into ice
propagate upward but may still propagate lat- is tens to hundreds of seconds, and with both
erally to form a sill. A dike approaching the ice and rock having thermal diffusivities of
surface in a location capped by a substantial ~10−6 m2 s−1, the distance that heat can be con-
thickness of ice is likely to encounter such a ducted, chilling the magma and warming and
stress change which, coupled with a discontinu- then melting the ice, is ~20 mm. Thus the initial
ity in material properties, may encourage sill penetration of mafic dikes into ice may be a sta-
injection at the ice–rock interface. Such sills are ble process, though subsequent, more extensive
expected to evolve rapidly into subglacial lava ice melting may lead to collapse of the dike.
flows (Wilson and Head, 2002; Smellie, 2008; Consider a mafic dike that has propagated
see Section 13.3). from a magma reservoir whose top is at a depth
The density structure of the crust in volcanic z below an ice–rock interface (a list of all nota-
provinces is commonly such that mafic magma tion is given in Section 13.6). We adopt z = 3 km
generated in the mantle is positively buoyant as typical of many mafic reservoirs (Ryan, 1987).
in its source zone but negatively buoyant near The ice thickness is y (Fig. 13.1) and the top of

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278 L I O N E L W I L S ON , J OH N L . SM E L L I E , AND JA MES W. H EA D

upper tip of the dike. Various ways of estimating

the gas pressure have been suggested (Lister and
Kerr, 1991; Rubin, 1995) but the control is likely
to be the requirement that the volume frac-
tion, f, of gas bubbles at the base of the region
of free gas is ~0.75–0.85, the value at which the
underlying bubble foam becomes unstable and
drains, causing magma fragmentation (Jaupart
and Vergniolle, 1989; see also Chapter 4). If nt is
the total mass fraction of volatiles with average
molecular weight m that have exsolved from
the magma, the relative volumes of gas, Vg, and
magma, Vm, in the collapsing foam are Vg = (nt /
ρg) and Vm = [(1€– nt) / ρm], where ρg is the gas dens-
ity and ρm is the density of the magmatic liquid.
Figure 13.1╇╇ Geometry of a dike rising from a magma Assuming perfect gas behavior, ρg = (m Pt)/(R Tm)
reservoir with its top located at a depth z below a rock where Tm is the magma temperature. By defin-
surface on which an ice layer of thickness y is present. The ition f = Vg/(Vg + Vm) and so
dike tip penetrates to a distance h into the ice. The densities
of ice, crustal rock, and magma are indicated. n t (1 − f )ρm RTm
Pt = . (13.1)
mf (1 − n t )
the dike has come to rest having penetrated a
The data presented in Chapter 4 suggest that,
distance h into the ice. We assume that y may
if the pressure is low enough that most of the
be as large as 4 km. This is based on ice-cap
common volatiles, ~0.7 wt% H2O and ~900 ppm
thicknesses in Iceland measured under current
CO2, have been released, nt ≈ 0.008, and m ≈ 21
conditions (up to ~900 m, Sigmundsson and
kg kmol−1. Then with f = 0.8, ρm = 2700 kg m−3,
Einarsson, 1992; Einarsson, 1994) and estimated
Tm for a mafic magma = 1473 K and R = 8.314
for glacial periods (1000–1500 m, Einarsson and
kJ kmol−1 K−1, we find Pt ≈ 3.2 MPa. When the
Albertsson, 1988; Geirsdóttir and Eiríksson,
magma comes to rest, this pressure will still be
1994; Bourgeois et€ al., 1998), and on thick-
present in the gas in the dike tip. The distance,
nesses in the volcanically active West Antarctic
h, that the dike penetrates into the ice can be
Rift System (2–4 km, Blankenship et€ al., 1993;
found by equating the pressure at the base of
Behrendt et€al., 2002; Corr and Vaughan, 2008).
the magma column, equal to the tip pressure
The crustal rock is assumed to be accumulated
plus the weight of the magma, Pt + (h + z) g ρb,
volcanics with a bulk density, ρr, of 2300 kg m−3
to the pressure in the magma reservoir, equal
and the ice density, ρi, is taken as 900 kg m−3 to
to the local lithostatic pressure plus the excess
allow for the presence of a few tens of meters of
internal pressure, Pa + y g ρi + z g ρr + ΔP, where
low-density firn on top of compacted ice with
Pa is the atmospheric pressure, ~ 0.1 MPa. The
density 917 kg m−3. The excess pressure, ΔP,
bulk density, ρb, of the magma in the dike will
in the magma reservoir is initially assumed to
be a little less than the magmatic liquid density,
be 5 MPa, a typical value inferred for the shal-
ρm, due to the gas bubble foam below the gas tip
low mafic magma reservoir of Kilauea volcano
cavity; examples in Wilson and Head (2002) sug-
(Parfitt, 1991). The pressure distribution in
gest ρb ≈ 2500 kg m−3. Solving for h:
propagating dikes adjusts to maximize the pres-
sure gradient driving flow of the magma against z (ρr − ρb ) ρ ∆P + Pa − Pt
wall friction (Rubin, 1992). As a result, the pres- h= +y i + . (13.2)
ρb ρb g ρb
sure in the dike tip, Pt, is buffered at a low value
determined by exsolution of volatiles that accu- The relative controls on h can be assessed by
mulate as a free gas phase in a cavity at the comparing the sizes of the three terms on the

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If, say, 2000 kg m−3 is used, then a further 210

m of penetration is predicted. Clearly, complete
penetration of ice layers up to ~2000 m thick is
possible given favorable circumstances.
Magma composition will influence the above
results due to the effects of magma rheology on
the timescales involved. Dike widths for high-
viscosity magmas will be at least a few times lar-
ger than for mafic dikes, but magma viscosities
may be several orders of magnitude larger (e.g.,
Wilson et€al., 2007). The corresponding magma
rise speed and dike-tip strain rate for a rhyolite
with viscosity 106 Pa s rising through a 3-m-wide
dike under a similar pressure gradient are ~10–3
m s−1 and 3 × 10–4 s−1, so completely elastic
deformation of the ice is not guaranteed. Also,
thermal interaction times are so much longer
Figure 13.2╇╇Variation of h, the distance that a dike tip can
that significant ice melting, with its consequent
penetrate into a surface ice layer, as a function of the ice layer
volume reduction, will change the stress distri-
thickness, y, for typical and extreme conditions discussed in
the text. bution around the dike tip. However, Tuffen and
Castro (2009) described a rhyolitic dike that pen-
etrated a 35–55-m-thick layer of glacial ice and
right of this equation. Since ρr is less than ρb, firn to build an 80-m-high obsidian ridge.
[z (ρr€ – ρb) / ρb] is negative, and with z = 3 km,
this term is of order 240 m. ΔP and Pt are of 13.2.2â•…Phreatomagmatic activity from
similar size and their difference will be a few mafic englacial dikes
MPa, so [(ΔP + Pa€– Pt)/(g ρb)] may be positive or When mafic dikes do not initially penetrate
negative and of order 100 m. In the worst case, completely through ice layers, explosive activ-
with the sum of these terms equal to, say,€–400 ity may still develop shortly after emplacement
m, the ice thickness y will need to be at least ceases (Wilson and Head, 2002). The important
~1100 m before dike penetration into the ice is parameter is the difference, Pd, between the
likely to occur. Figure 13.2 shows the variation dike tip pressure Pt and the ambient stress in
of h with y for this worst case scenario and for the surrounding ice. If the stress in the ice is iso-
a more plausible case where ΔP ≈ 5 MPa, Pt ≈ 3 tropic, Pd = [Pt€– gρi(â•›y€– h)], and so Eq. (13.2) can be
MPa, and so [(ΔP + Pa€– Pt)/(g ρb)] is positive and used to find the variation of Pd with penetration
~80 m. In this case ice penetration is possible distance h for various values of ice thickness y.
when y is greater than ~430 m, and for very Figure 13.3 gives the results for the two cases
great ice thicknesses the penetration distance shown in Figure 13.2. The stress changes from
could in principle be many hundreds of meters. compressive (positive) to tensile when the pene-
Also, the value ΔP ≈ 5 MPa may be conserva- tration distance exceeds ~290 m in the typical
tive. For example, a magma reservoir being fed case and is tensile under all conditions in the
from a depth of 10 km by mantle magma that worst case. Furthermore, the tensile strength
is buoyant relative to the host rocks by 200 kg of ice at the strain rates relevant here is ~1.6
m−3 will produce an excess pressure of ~20 MPa, MPa (Lange and Ahrens, 1983). Therefore, the
not 5€MPa, allowing an additional 600 m of ice stress conditions shown in Figure 13.3 render
penetration in both cases. Finally, a rhyolitic it very likely that, if the penetration distance
magma, or a mafic magma that has exsolved exceeds ~575 m in the typical case or ~190 m
significant CO2 in its reservoir, may have ρb sig- in the worst case, the ice around the dike tip
nificantly less than the 2500 kg m−3 used above. will fracture in tension. Blocks of ice will fall

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280 L I O N E L W I L S ON , J OH N L . SM E L L I E , AND JA MES W. H EA D

Te (Chapter 11, Section 11.4.2). The ice, initially

at the triple point Ti = 273.15 K, would melt to
form a fluid heated toward the same equilib-
rium temperature. The fluid could be liquid
water, water vapor, a mixture of the two, or, if
the equilibrium pressure and temperature were
above the critical point, a single-phase super-
critical fluid. When equal volumes V of ice and
magma mix, they reach equilibrium by sharing
the total available thermal energy. The heat lost
by the magma is [Vρmcm(Tm€– Te)], where cm is its
specific heat, ~900 J kg−1 K−1 averaged over the
relevant temperatures (Dobran, 2001). The heat
lost by the magma components can be equated
to the energy required to heat the water fluid
to Te, equal to [Vρi(Li + E(Te, Pe)], where Li is the
latent heat of fusion of the ice, 3.33 × 105 J kg−1,
Figure 13.3╇╇Variation of the stress difference, Pd, acting and E(Te, Pe) is the heat energy (enthalpy) of the
across the walls of a dike tip as a function of the distance that
resulting H2O fluid at the final equilibrium tem-
a dike tip penetrates into a surface ice layer, h, for the same
perature and pressure, resulting in
conditions as Fig. 13.2.
ρi ( Li + E (Te , Pe )) = ρm c m (Tm − Te ). (13.3)

This treatment neglects the heat contributed by

through the gas-filled cavity onto the top of the the magmatic volatiles, but as they represent
magma column, initiating thermal and mechan- only ~1% of the magma mass, and hence heat
ical interactions. If progressive collapse occurs budget, this is a small error. Values of E(Te, Pe)
to the extent that a pressure pathway to the sur- as a function of pressure and of temperature in
face of the ice is formed, the excess water vapor excess of the triple point can be obtained from
pressure in the dike tip will be vented to the standard tables (ASME, 2000), and the equation
atmosphere and the consequent unloading of can be solved recursively from an initial esti-
the magma will lead to further magma vesicula- mate of Pe.
tion as more volatiles exsolve, with the possible Figure 13.4 shows values of the final equilib-
onset of explosive activity reaching the surface rium temperatures, Te, and pressures, Pe, for a
of the ice. Such activity would almost certainly range of pre-mixing dike tip pressures, Pt, from
be phreatomagmatic because of the intimate 2 to 6 MPa, which Eq. (13.1) shows correspond
contact between magma, water, and spalled ice to total magma volatile contents from 0.005 to
blocks. 0.015, i.e., 0.5 to 1.5 wt.%, covering most of the
The most extreme activity would occur if range suggested for mafic melts in Chapter 4.
intimate mechanical mixing of ice blocks and Comparison of the values in Figure 13.4 with
magma took place so rapidly that no change the saturation curve for H2O shows that at
in the total volume was possible. This process, values of Te greater than ~590 K, corresponding
involving the mixing of equal volumes of ice to Pt > 3.25 MPa and so nt > ~0.8 wt.% total vola-
and magma, would probably be less extreme tiles, the fluid is a liquid, whereas at lower tem-
than some explosive interactions between sur- peratures it is a vapor. There is a much greater
face lava flows and surface water, where the volume change on expanding hot liquid rather
maximum energy release occurs at a melt/water than hot vapor to atmospheric pressure. This
ratio of ~2 (Wohletz, 1986; see Chapter 11). The implies that if the pressure pulse suggested by
magma would cool from its initial temperature, the above treatment causes a fracture to propa-
Tm, to approach some equilibrium temperature, gate to the surface of the ice, the most violent

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can be predicted (Wilson and Head, 2002, 2007)

from consideration of the likely sequence of
events involved (Fig. 13.5). Initially after stall-
ing, the dike will be flanked on both sides by a
narrow but slowly expanding water-filled layer
(Fig. 13.5(a)). Although all the heat available in a
2-m-wide dike is capable, ultimately, of melting
up to 10 m of ice on either side of the dike (i.e.,
20 m in total), that is unlikely to happen since
the water cannot support the chilled and frac-
tured, mechanically weak (thus gravitationally
unstable) dike. The dike will quickly collapse
by slumping under its own weight, displacing
meltwater and filling the space available with
coarse, chilled (glassy) dike rubble (hyaloclas-
tite) up to a lower elevation than that reached
Figure 13.4╇╇Variation of the final equilibrium temperature, by the dike tip when it stalled (Fig. 13.5(b)).
Te, and pressure, Pe, in an intimate mixture of magma and ice Magma will continue to extrude into the
after the ice has melted to form a fluid, shown as a function narrow overlying water-filled englacial space
of the pressure Pt in the propagating dike tip, an indicator of
(“vault”), probably as pillow lava (Fig. 13.5(c)).
the magma H2O content.
With its coarse pore spaces, some of the dike
rubble will also be intruded by magma in the
form of subsurface breakouts, particularly
phreatomagmatic activity will result from the immediately after collapse when the original
intrusion of a volatile-rich magma. Whatever dike pathway is disrupted. The pillow lava will
the details of the physical interaction between spread laterally until confined by the vault ice
dike magma and surrounding ice, the initially walls, but continued melt-back of the walls will
high rate of heat transfer decreases with time. remove support from the tall rubble pile, caus-
The absolute maximum amount of ice that ing further collapses and repeated lowering
might eventually be melted by a given dike can of what is now an unusual type of early-stage
be found by equating (i) the heat lost by the volcanic edifice (Figs. 13.5(d), 13.5(e)). Collapses
magma in cooling to the ice melting point with will continue until the pile rests on the under-
(ii) the heat needed to melt the ice; the resulting lying bedrock and has stably graded flanks, thus
water volume is ~10 times the magma volume finally forming a mound or ridge (Fig. 13.5(f)).
(Wilson and Head, 2007). The lithofacies forming the mound or ridge
is likely to be quite distinctive, comprising a het-
13.2.3â•… Englacial dike intrusion products erogeneous pile of coarse, essentially fines-free
Unambiguous evidence for dikes intruding into hyaloclastite locally cemented by chilled dike
glaciers is sparse. However, during the 1996 material, and numerous fragmented and intact
eruption of Gjálp, Iceland, Gudmundsson et€ al. lava pillows. It will also likely show crude radi-
(2004) described an en echelon fracture in > ally outward-dipping bedding and possible grad-
500 m-thick ice overlying the erupting fissure, ing as a consequence of multiple avalanching
in a location previously free of crevasses. The events of the coarse debris (as grain flows) down
fracture was interpreted to be a consequence the cone flanks. Stratification will probably only
of the ice rupturing ahead of an englacial dike. affect the latest stages of growth of the breccia
Though there are no published examples of the pile, when the mound has formed a free upper
lithofacies that might be created following dike surface. Further eruption will result in the basal
intrusion into an ice sheet and its subsequent breccia mound/ridge being draped and buried by
collapse, the characteristics of those lithofacies pillow lava, thus forming a small and probably

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282 L I O N E L W I L S ON , J OH N L . SM E L L I E , AND JA MES W. H EA D

Figure 13.5╇╇ Series of schematic

diagrams showing development of
englacially emplaced mafic dike-collapse
breccias and subsequent edifice growth.
(a) dike stalling after intrusion in ice
sheet; (b) lack of support at the dike
base (by ice melt-back) causes dike to
collapse and form hyaloclastite-rubble
breccia that fills the available space by
displacing meltwater; initial ice fracture
caused by dike injection pinches off by
stress relaxation and ice deformation; (c)
chaotic dike re-injection causes pillow
lava effusion on top of dike-collapse
breccia, further melt-back of supporting
ice walls and further collapses as
unstable steep pile repeatedly fills
any gap between the breccia mass
and the retreating confining ice walls;
incorporation of lava pillows creates
pillow-fragment breccia; (d) further
collapses of the breccia€– pillow lava
pile as confining ice walls melt back; (e)
breccia€– pillow lava pile now draped
entirely by pillow lava, with breccia core,
as the edifice transforms into (f) pillow
volcano; the breccia core will rapidly
become volumetrically very minor
compared to pillow lava, and hard to
discern in outcrop; if the eruption is
long-lived and voluminous, the edifice
may ultimately evolve into a subaqueous
inconspicuous core to the subsequent pillow tuff cone (tindar) or even a tuya. Not
volcano. to scale.
The recognition in the field of a dike-collapse
lithofacies might prove difficult since it relies Royal Society Range, Antarctica. Because of its
on the exposure of a section eroded fortuitously situation, she interpreted the outcrop specula-
directly into the former vent region. Although tively as the remnants of an englacial dike, but
there are no published descriptions of litho- again the field relationships are inconclusive.
facies interpreted in this way, a basal facies Moreover, according to our analysis of englacial
observed in a Pliocene glaciovolcanic sequence dyke intrusion (above), the preservation of the
at Mussorgsky Peaks, Alexander Island (Antarctic dyke itself is unlikely (it should wholly collapse
Peninsula) might be an example. There, a poorly to form a breccia mound).
stratified outcrop of intrusive “pods” and bro- After the initial interactions described above,
ken and intact pillow lavas is mingled with up and depending on the duration and volume
to 40% fines-free glassy breccia (Smellie and of the eruption, the subglacial volcano might
Hole, 1997). However, the outcrop is isolated evolve up into a subaqueous tuff cone or ridge
and the field relationships are unclear, although (tindar; formed of stratified phreatomagmatic
the lithological characteristics are plausible. tuffs) and ultimately into laterally prograding
In another possible example, Wright (1978) lava-fed delta(s), which together comprise a tuya
described unusually highly fractured massive volcano. There is extensive literature on the
basalt surrounded by a pile of basalt talus in the lithofacies and construction of glaciovolcanic

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mafic pillow volcanoes, tindars, and tuyas (e.g., cease while the system still has this configur-
Jones, 1969, 1970; Skilling, 1994, 2002; Smellie ation, but heat will continue to be transferred
and Hole, 1997; Werner and Schmincke, 1999; from magma to ice, and the H2O volume decrease
Smellie, 2000, 2006; Schopka et€al., 2006). due to ice melting will at least partially relax
any excess pressure in the magma. If the glacier
is warm-based, water at the interface between
the glacier and the underlying rock will prevent
13.3╇ ╇Magma intrusion at the base the support of tensile stresses. The requirement
of an ice layer that the magma pressure at the dike-sill connec-
tion exceeds the weight of the glacier means
13.3.1â•… Theoretical issues that there is the potential for the glacial ice to
If a dike reaches an ice–rock interface and feeds be lifted by the magma. However, this can only
a sill intruding along the interface, the min- occur locally: ice has a finite shear modulus, and
imum requirement is that the pressure in the a thick and laterally extensive slab of ice (the
dike magma at the sill inlet must exceed the glacier) supported over an initially small region
pressure due to the weight of the overlying gla- beneath it (around the dike-sill connection) will
cial ice, Pg (Smellie, 2008). Thus, using Figure bend, remaining in contact with the underlying
13.1, we require rock beyond some finite distance from the sup-
ported region. As a result, in the early stages of
Pa + g (ρiy + ρrz) + ΔP€– (gρbz) > Pa + gρiâ•›yâ•… (13.4)
the intrusion the resulting stress in the ice will
which simplifies to interact with the magma pressure in the same
way as in the cold-based case, and the pressure
ΔP > gz (ρb€– ρr). (13.5)
in the intruding magma will be equal to or
Thus the required value of the excess magma greater than the weight of the overlying ice.
pressure ΔP increases with the depth of the res- However, as the sill margin approaches
ervoir z and the difference between the densities the edge of the glacier, a stage will be reached
of the dike magma, ρb, and the crustal rocks, ρr. when the glacial margin is lifted, providing a
The magma in the sill inlet will contain some local pressure connection to the atmosphere
exsolved CO2, but, except for a short time imme- and an escape route for water, water vapor, and
diately after the intrusion starts, the pressure at exsolved volcanic gases. Even in cold-based gla-
the inlet will not be as low as in the magma just ciers this condition must eventually be reached
behind the propagating sill tip where signifi- as the elastically propagating sill tip approaches
cant H2O has exsolved, and so a suitable magma the ice margin. Water loss is likely to happen
density is ~2600 kg m−3 (Wilson and Head, 2002). faster than the overlying ice can deform plastic-
With the value of ρr = 2300 kg m−3 adopted here, ally (Tuffen, 2007), especially if the water release
Eq. (13.5) then predicts that ΔP must be greater is on the scale of a jökulhlaup (e.g., Björnsson,
than ~9 MPa. The required value will be less 1992), so unless wholesale disintegration of the
than this in situations with more volatile-rich glacier occurs, air will progressively replace
or lower-density magma, denser crustal rocks, the water overlying the magma. The pressure
or shallower reservoirs. acting on the magma will be much closer to
A subglacial sill may evolve in a number of atmospheric pressure than to the weight of the
possible ways. If the glacier is cold-based, i.e., overlying glacier, and a wave of magma frag-
the ice temperature at the base of the ice layer mentation may propagate from the end of the
is less than the ice freezing point, the ice–rock sill near the ice margin both back toward the
interface will be strong enough to support ten- dike-sill inlet and downward into the sill as exist-
sile stresses and the intruding sill will propagate ing gas bubbles expand and additional volatiles
in the same way that a sill grows at a rock–rock exsolve from the magma. A possible example
interface, with both the ice and rock initially analogous to this is documented in Iceland by
behaving as elastic solids. The eruption may Höskuldsson et€al. (2006), in which early-formed

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284 L I O N E L W I L S ON , J OH N L . SM E L L I E , AND JA MES W. H EA D

vesicular pillows underwent secondary vesicu- which it is emplaced, its volume effusion rate,
lation of the still-molten pillow cores, attrib- and its evolving rheological properties. The
uted to release of a jökulhlaup and associated absence of a free surface at the top of a sub-
sudden decompression of the pillows, although glacial magma body, together with the stress
fragmentation of the lava did not occur. In applied by the elastic properties of the ice above
extreme cases enough volatiles may be released, and rock beneath, will lead to it spreading into
especially from the least-cooled magma at the a sheet-like structure likely to be initially much
point where the feeder dike reaches the ice– wider, thinner, and more slowly advancing than
rock interface, that a lava fountain forms over a subaerial lava flow erupted at the same vol-
what becomes a subglacial fissure eruption. A ume flux. Other differences between subgla-
sufficiently high fountain will radiate heat to cial and subaerial behavior are similarly driven
the overlying ice (indeed, pyroclasts may even by the stress field. Thus, a subglacial intrusion
come into physical contact with it), thus greatly will get thicker as its edges advance, this pro-
enhancing ice melting in this region. We now cess offsetting the inward migration of the
elaborate on each of these three stages. effects of cooling at its upper and lower faces
and allowing it to advance to a much greater
13.3.2â•… Elastic intrusion distance from the vent than a subaerial flow
We argued above that the pressure in a sill before cooling limits its growth. The predicted
intruded beneath an ice layer must be at least thickening process has some similarities to the
equal to the pressure due to the weight of the inflation of subaerial lavas (Hon et€al., 1994) but,
overlying ice, and that the pressure in a propagat- whereas subaerial flow units inflate and thicken
ing dike or sill tip would probably not decrease after their margins come to rest as a result of
below the pressure at which magma fragmen- cooling, subglacial intrusions thicken continu-
tation occurs (a function of the total magma ously as their edges advance. These results will
volatile content and of order 3 MPa for a typical be broadly independent of magma composition,
mafic magma). Given that volatile exsolution in with caveats similar to those listed in Section
such a magma would be significant at pressures 13.2.1.
less that ~10 MPa (Chapter 4, Fig. 4.2), it is clear Heat transfer rates from subglacial magma to
that a large range of combinations of magma melted ice have been predicted by Höskuldsson
reservoir pressure and magma water and CO2 and Sparks (1997), Wilson and Head (2002, 2007),
contents are consistent with the injection of and Tuffen (2007), and measured in a few well-
vesicular magmatic liquids at ice–rock inter- studied cases (e.g., Jarosch et€al., 2008). The theor-
faces. Various aspects of the resulting growth etical calculations differ somewhat in the values
and evolution of the system have been explored used for material properties such as the specific
by Höskuldsson and Sparks (1997), Wilson and heat of the magma, which is typically averaged
Head (2002, 2007) and Tuffen (2007). over the temperature ranges involved, and the
Wilson and Head (2002) showed quantita- magma density, a function of composition and
tively that major morphological differences volatile content. Wilson and Head (2007) found
are expected between subaerial lava flows and that the volume of water that can be produced
elastically emplaced subglacial intrusions. The by ice melting is ~6.5 times as much as the
most obvious of these is the relative reduction intruded sill magma volume, which contrasts
of overall volatile exsolution due to the high with a volume ratio of ~10 if all of the magmatic
ambient pressure, in a manner analogous to heat is transferred to the water. Thus a 1-m-thick
deep submarine eruptions (Head and Wilson, sill would generate a water layer ~6.5 m deep by
2003; see Chapter 12). Other differences are melting a ~[(1000/900) × 6.5 =] ~7.2-m-thick layer
more subtle. A subaerial flow has an upper free of ice, the volume change thus accommodating
surface and acquires a cross-sectional shape (7.2€– 6.5 =) ~0.7 m of the 1 m sill thickness. As
(channel-and-levée, sheet-like, or compound suggested by Dixon et€ al. (2002) and by Figure
pahoehoe flow field) dictated by the slope on 4.2 in Chapter 4, as long as they do not make

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pressure contact with the atmosphere, subgla- decrease to atmospheric pressure, and then
cial intrusions are expected to exsolve a sig- magma fragmentation must occur unless the
nificant fraction of their pre-eruption CO2 and total magma volatile content is extremely small
at most a minor fraction of their pre-eruption (Wilson and Head, 1981).
H2O. This suggests that examining residual vola- Magma fragmentation will begin at the mar-
tile contents of subglacially intruded rocks is a gin of the sill closest to the connection to the
potential diagnostic tool, in addition to purely atmosphere. As the pressure in the space above
morphological examination, for distinguishing the chilled magma crust decreases, the crust
such intrusions from subaerial lavas after all of may temporarily prevent any response from the
the overlying ice has been removed by climate underlying magma. However, the crust is likely
changes. Also, volatile concentrations found in to be pervaded by cooling cracks and have lit-
exposed subglacially erupted glasses can be used tle strength. When the crust fails, an expansion
(with many caveats) to reconstruct quenching wave will propagate down into the sill at a large
processes and minimum ice thicknesses (Dixon fraction of the local speed of sound which, in
et€al., 2002; Tuffen et€al., 2010). a vesicular liquid, will be ~100 m s−1 (Kieffer,
1977; Wilson and Head, 1981). Thus for a sill
13.3.3â•…Subglacial eruption after a few meters thick, this timescale will be less
atmospheric connection than a tenth of a second. The expansion wave
When the margin of a growing subglacial sill will fragment the magma (Scheu et€ al., 2006),
approaches sufficiently close to the edge of an and expansion of the released gas will accel-
ice sheet that a connection to the atmosphere is erate disrupted magma clasts to impact the
made, the first consequence will be the escape of overlying ice. Formulae given by Wilson (1980)
the pressurized water vapor in the sill tip. This for transient explosions show that, even if the
will be followed by progressive water leakage magma contains no water, a pressure reduction
and replacement by air, almost certainly leading from several MPa to 0.1 MPa in a magma still
to a wave of decompression advancing into the containing, say ~300 ppm of total dissolved vol-
sill from its distal margin towards the inlet from atiles will generate speeds in the hot vesiculated
the feeder dike. This can only be avoided com- pyroclasts of up to ~25 m s−1, thus projecting
pletely if the ice overlying the sill can deform them upward to heights of ~30 m. If the vertical
fast enough to replace the water and stay in distance to the base of the overlying ice is less
close proximity to the top of the sill magma. than this, the impact of these hot magma clasts
For conditions similar to those proposed here, will locally enhance ice melting; sufficiently
Höskuldsson and Sparks (1997) calculated an ice violent interaction of magma and ice may be
deformation rate of ~1 mm s−1, so if the rate of enough to trigger a sustained, violent molten
thinning of the water layer exceeds this value, fuel-coolant type of interaction (MFCI; Wohletz
some pressure decrease will inevitably occur. and McQueen, 1984; Zimanowski et€al., 1991; see
Initially, the magma will remain a vesicu- Chapter 11). The explosion products would be
lar foam: existing carbon dioxide bubbles will propelled toward the exit to the atmosphere as
expand and new bubbles of both CO2 and H2O the wave of magma vesiculation and fragmen-
will form at a rate that may allow the magma to tation propagated back toward the feeder dike.
stay in physical contact with the overlying ice. The propagation speed of the interaction would
If so, this will lead to continuing water produc- be a balance between the speed of the wave into
tion, and the system will tend toward an equilib- the as-yet unaffected sill magma (again some
rium where the pressure in the water is greatest large fraction of the ~100 m s−1 local speed of
near the dike and least at the edge of the ice sound) and the speed at which water and frag-
sheet, with the resulting pressure gradient driv- mented magma could be discharged from under
ing the water toward the exit. If water drainage the ice. Such an explosive fragmentation pro-
becomes efficient enough, it is possible that the cess is an excellent candidate for the origin of
pressure at the sill–ice contact will eventually sudden jökulhlaup production. Some fraction

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286 L I O N E L W I L S ON , J OH N L . SM E L L I E , AND JA MES W. H EA D

of the fragmented magma would be washed out point of fragmentation. One or more discrete
with the escaping water and the rest would be lava flow units may eventually emerge from
left behind to form a vitroclastic (phreatomag- beneath the ice. After ice removal by climate
matic) deposit. change, it should be possible to identify this
When the wave of magma disruption reaches kind of flow by its changing shape as a function
the feeder dike, the system will behave like a of distance from its vent (taking due account of
subaerial eruption, with the formation of a chain pre-existing topography), and to distinguish it
of lava fountains. Depending on the efficiency from a flow generated by lava fountain activity
with which water is drained from the vicinity in an ice cavern after sill disruption.
of the vent, the lava fountains may be entirely
magmatic or may be phreatomagmatic. Initially 13.3.4â•…Geological examples of subglacial
the fountains will “drill” into the overlying ice. eruptions
A cavity will grow upward until the fountains Eruptions under thin ice, in cases where the
reach the subaerial height corresponding to the pressure is not enough to suppress magma
total magma volatile content (Head and Wilson, fragmentation, will be explosive and result in
1987). Thereafter heat will only be transferred the abrupt removal of overlying ice and con-
to the ice by radiation from pyroclasts in the struction of pyroclastic cones, as scoria or tuff
fountains, and the larger clasts falling from cones or tuff rings. Subglacial sills will not be
the fountains will begin to form rootless lava formed. The generation of extreme conditions
flows (Head and Wilson, 1989) spreading away such as formation of a pyroclastic density cur-
from the vent over the top of the disrupted sill rent (Section 13.3.3) and its emplacement by
material. A new balance will be approached intrusion beneath an ice cover is also unlikely
between ice subsidence and ice melting, and in these cases. Once magma fragmentation is
if the eruption continues for long enough the achieved by high levels of vesiculation, in the
explosive activity at the vent may eventually presence of abundant meltwater, a violent fuel–
emerge through the ice. Alternatively, the ice coolant interaction with meltwater will result
layer above the fragmented sill residue might in an abrupt transition to an explosive phreato-
fracture in a brittle fashion and collapse rather magmatic eruption (Chapter 11). This will form
than slowly deforming plastically. The pressure stratified tuff cones or tuff rings composed of
at the dike vent would still be close to atmos- interbedded fall and pyroclastic density cur-
pheric provided there was a reasonably high rent tephra. However, no examples have been
porosity and permeability in the collapsed ice observed, possibly because the edifice, formed
block pile, but interactions between magma of unconsolidated tephra, is easily eroded by
and ice would be more vigorous because of their ice. Additionally, some of the edifice will be
greater proximity. formed on the ice itself and will be destroyed
A hybrid situation could occur where the as the ice flows down slope and melts. The pyro-
magma volatile content is very low. If water clastic cones thus have a very low preservation
drainage is inefficient, the pressure reduction potential. However, distinctive glaciovolcanic
rate in the water above the sill will be less dra- sequences, known as sheet-like sequences of
matic, but the pressure acting on the upper sill Mount Pinafore type (after the Antarctic edifice),
surface will still be greatly reduced. The distal appear to be the products of eruptions under
part of the still-spreading magma body may thin ice (probably < 150–200 m thick; Smellie
then begin to evolve into a thicker, narrower et€al., 1993; Smellie and Skilling, 1994; Loughlin,
morphology more like that expected for a sub- 2002; Smellie, 2008). They are outflow deposits
aerial lava flow. Meltwater will be channeled (i.e., they accumulated away from the source edi-
along the side(s) of the flows, and the system fice) and are characterized by prominent basal
will remain stable as long as the pressure in beds of fluvially deposited stratified sandstones
the water above the flow(s) is maintained high rich in vitric ash clasts, for which an explosive
enough to suppress magma vesiculation to the phreatomagmatic source has been inferred.

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Figure 13.6╇╇ Schematic vertical

profile sections showing “standard
sequences” characteristic of (a) Mt.
Pinafore- and (b) Dalsheidi-type
mafic subglacial sheet-like eruptions.
Products of two discrete Mt
Pinafore-type eruptive events are
shown in (a), resulting in a repetition
of most lithofacies, whereas products
of just a single Dalsheidi-type eruptive
episode are shown in (b). The Mt.
Pinafore-type sequences in (a) are
both incomplete as they lack capping
subaerial lithofacies. See text for
details. Adapted from Smellie et€al.
(1993) and Smellie (2008).

The sequences are typically composed of (from in a shallow-marine (shelf) setting (Bergh and
base up) diamict (i.e., in situ or reworked till- Sigvaldason, 1991), were reinterpreted as prod-
ite), tephra-sourced sandstones, hyaloclastite, ucts of subglacial eruptions, possibly multiple
water-cooled lava, and, finally, subaerial lava subglacial sill intrusions and associated melt-
(Fig. 13.6). By contrast, if meltwater drainage is water floods (jökulhlaups; Smellie, 2008). The
particularly efficient beneath a thin ice cover Icelandic outcrops, which were named subgla-
(e.g., for eruptions on relatively steep bedrock), cial sheet-like sequences of Dalsheidi type, are
the vent might dry out and result in magmatic products of voluminous subglacial fissure erup-
eruptions of strombolian or hawaiian type. This tions individually up to > 30 km3. The products
was observed during the 1969 subglacial fissure can be traced up to 30 km along strike and at
eruption of basaltic andesite to andesite magma least 14 km down-dip and are separated by
at Deception Island, Antarctica, during which a sharp, undulating, likely glacial erosion sur-
line of cinder cones was generated along a fis- faces. Each sequence is formed during a single
sure in ice ~100 m thick and which were partly eruption. A “standard sequence” of four major
constructed on the ice surface (Smellie, 2002). lithofacies has been identified, i.e., diamictite,
Eruptions under much thicker ice might have lava (sill), hyaloclastite, and mudstone (from
quite different consequences for the lithofacies base up; Fig. 13.6). Although broadly resembling
formed. Unusual lava–hyaloclastite sequences sheet-like sequences of Mount Pinafore type,
of Plio-Pleistocene age at Dalsheidi in southern the Dalsheidi-type sequences are wider and usu-
Iceland, which were ascribed to lava extrusion ally much thicker (up to 300 m), and they lack

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288 L I O N E L W I L S ON , J OH N L . SM E L L I E , AND JA MES W. H EA D

basal explosively generated phreatomagmatic with construction of a pillow ridge and simul-
tuffs and subaerial capping lava, which are sig- taneous creation of a meltwater-filled vault; (4)
nificant for indicating their formation in a sub- floating of the overlying ice and release of melt-
glacial environment (contrast Figs 13.6(a) and water in a major jökulhlaup that destabilized
13.6(b)). and destroyed much of the pre-existing pillow
In Dalsheidi-type sequences, diamictite edifice, redepositing it as thick beds of hyalo-
occurs above a basal unconformity. It prob- clastite; and (5) the high-energy flood event
ably represents a combination of tillite and locally eroding the surface of the sill. Finally, (6)
melted-out basal glacier debris, and is succeeded finer-grained beds were laid down as the flood
by laterally extensive sheet lava, called an inter- waned. The final stage was also associated with
face sill by Smellie (2008), showing evidence for intrusion of apophyses of magma derived from
basal loading and interaction with the diamic- the still-molten sill interior, which were injected
tite, which must have been relatively soft, wet, up into the sluggishly moving flow and associ-
and unconsolidated at the time. The sill shows ated hyaloclastite pile.
spectacular water-induced columnar cooling Similar to eruptions of sheet-like sequences
joints. Its upper surface is locally deformed into of Mount Pinafore type, the source edifices
structures resembling flow folds, some planed responsible for Dalsheidi-type eruptions have
off by coeval erosion, but it is also conspicuously never been observed. In part, at least, they are
characterized by prominent apophyses, usually thought to have been pillow ridges that were
a few tens of meters long, that intrude overlying extensively removed during the late-stage jökul-
massive to faintly planar stratified hyaloclastite. hlaups. Since explosive activity may have been
Thick hyaloclastite dominates each eruptive unit. absent or else confined to the final stages of
It is monomict, relatively fine grained (mainly eruptions, the sills and pillows are inferred to
coarse sand to granule grade) and fine-ash poor/ have been undegassed during emplacement due
free, with dispersed broken and intact pillows to volatile exsolution being suppressed by high
that apparently increase in proportion up-dip ambient pressures associated with unusually
toward the source. The glassy upper surface of thick ice sheet conditions (empirically calcu-
the sills has been locally stripped off by rapidly lated to be at least 1000 m). An entirely subgla-
moving, partly turbulent, sediment-charged cial setting is also suggested by the apparent
fluidal currents (known as hyperconcentrated absence of any capping subaerial lavas, indicat-
flows) that deposited the hyaloclastite as they ing that the overlying ice was never completely
slowed down. The hyperconcentrated flow melted through.
events represent periods of major meltwater It was suggested in Section 13.3.3 that a
outflows (jökulhlaups) that occurred towards combination of thicker-ice conditions (initially
the end of each eruption. The sequences are suppressing significant vesiculation) and decom-
capped by thinly stratified mudstone and fine pression caused by sudden late stage pressure
sandstone, representing finer-grained hyaloclas- reduction, e.g., as a subglacial sill nears the mar-
tite detritus deposited by a waning flood. Some gins of an ice sheet and connects with atmos-
of the finer-grained capping sediments are pheric or near-atmospheric pressures, might
formed from explosively generated lapilli tuff cause major changes within the sill. Many varia-
indicating that some eruptions were explosive tions on this theme appear to be possible. Thus
(phreatomagmatic) in the final stages. Höskuldsson et€al. (2006) described mafic pillows
A genetic model for the emplacement of inferred to have been erupted under 1.5–2.0 km
the Dalsheidi-type sequences was suggested by of ice that have outer zones with 15–20% vesicu-
Smellie (2008), comprising: (1) sill emplacement larity surrounding cores with 40–60% vesicular-
at the base of an ice sheet; (2) sill stagnation caused ity, interpreted to be the result of a ~4.5 MPa
by eruptive overpressures becoming insufficient pressure decrease as a jökulhlaup abruptly
to lift the overlying ice cover; (3) transformation removed much of the water that had been pro-
to pillow lava effusion at the erupting fissure, duced by ice melting. In contrast Schopka et€al.

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(2006) described a mafic “hyaloclastite” ridge will lie on outwash in front of the glacier. This
formed under ~500 m of ice where the activity relationship raises the possibility of using these
was explosive throughout; pressure conditions features to identify the geographical limits of
were maintained low enough for magma frag- past ice sheets.
mentation by continuous drainage of meltwater
at a high enough rate that the overlying ice
could not deform fast enough to maintain con-
tact with the erupting magma. Finally, Tuffen 13.4╇ ╇ Supraglacial eruptions
(2007) has stressed the fine balance that may
exist between magma intrusion rate, water pro- Eruptions onto glacial ice may involve either the
duction and drainage rate, and ice deformation advance onto the ice of a lava flow from a vent
rate. Tuffen et€ al. (2008) described a rhyolitic located off the glacier or the deposition onto
eruption that took place beneath ~150 m of ice, the ice of pyroclasts from an explosive eruption
beginning as an explosive event but changing to (e.g., Wilson and Head, 2009). The vent for the
the intrusion of vesicular magma into the frag- latter may be located off the glacier or may lie
mental deposits from the previous explosive within the glacier in cases where a dike pen-
phase. Clearly a low-pressure pathway to the etrates into, or at least fractures, the ice lead-
atmosphere never formed in this case. ing to a phreatomagmatic eruption. To advance
The most extreme version of late-stage pres- onto a glacier, the upper surface of an encroach-
sure reduction is proposed (Section 12.3.3) to be ing lava flow must be substantially higher than
the explosive decompression of an intruded sill. the glacier so that it can override the outwardly
The loci of the explosions will migrate rapidly inclined glacier margins. Such events are prob-
back toward source (the vent), potentially gen- ably rare, though lava flow advance over thin
erating subglacial pyroclastic density currents snow and ice deposits is common. Where a
that will simultaneously mix with the abundant lower lava encounters a higher glacier surface,
ambient meltwater and rapidly transform into it will “pond” by thickening against the ice bar-
hyperconcentrated flood-flows, resulting in a rier; examples are common, both for basalts
major jökulhlaup where the floods exit from and more evolved lava flows on Earth (e.g.,
the ice sheet. There are currently no known Lescinsky and Sisson, 1998; Lescinsky and Fink,
examples of those deposits, although they 2000; Mee et€ al., 2006; Stevenson et€ al., 2006;
might easily have been missed. The deposits Harder and Russell, 2007) and Mars (Shean et€al.,
will probably be massive to weakly stratified 2005; Kadish et€ al., 2008). Another way is for
and largely formed of angular, highly vesicular lava to spill over onto a glacier from an adjacent
hyaloclasts in abundant fine ash matrix, and ice-free topographic high, although subsequent
there will be evidence for lateral (down-dip) shear through flow of the glacier will separate
and vertical transitions to fluvial deposits as the bedrock- and glacier-covering lava outcrops
floods wane and normal stream-flow condi- as the glacier moves down-valley. Examples of
tions become reestablished. Because they are truncated lavas and scoria cones are present at
generated from the destruction of the original relatively high elevations along the margins of
sill, they will not overlie any coeval sill rock, some of the Dry Valleys in Antarctica that were
which is a major distinction from “standard” formerly ice filled.
Dalsheidi-type sheet-like sequences. The depos-
its will also be composed of phreatomagmatic 13.4.1â•… Lava flowing onto glacial ice
lapilli tuffs, rather than the redeposited hyalo- Wilson and Head (2007) treated the advance
clastite (sensu White and Houghton, 2006) seen of a lava flow of a given thickness over ice
in the Dalsheidi-type sequences. Deposits that in a region where the ambient temperature
failed to escape from the ice will rest on a gla- is slightly below the ice melting tempera-
cially eroded surface and/or glacial diamict, ture. Their treatment, and that followed here,
whereas proglacial deposits of the jökulhlaup ignores the presence and likely insulating

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290 L I O N E L W I L S ON , J OH N L . SM E L L I E , AND JA MES W. H EA D

effects of a basal autobreccia layer, so the

calculations of extent of ice melting (below)
should be regarded as optima. The entire core
of the flow is assumed to be initially at the
lava eruption temperature and the upper lava
surface is assumed to rapidly cool to the ambi-
ent temperature. Thus the ice melting rates
calculated will be maxima, corresponding to
a flow encountering ice almost immediately
after leaving the vent. The base of the flow
melts ice to water at the triple point tempera-
ture 273.15 K and it is assumed that the water
produced can drain efficiently. In that case the
temperature of both the water and the base
of the flow remain at 273.15 K. The evolving
temperature profile within the flow can then
be evaluated as a function of time using the
Figure 13.7╇╇Variation of the ice melting rate beneath a
series expansion solution given by Carslaw and lava flow near its vent as a function of time after the onset
Jaeger (1959; Article 3.4, Eq. (1)). The tempera- of melting. Curves are labeled for 4 flow thicknesses, 1, 3, 10,
ture profile can be differentiated to yield the and 30 m. The curves for 1 and 3 m are indistinguishable
temperature gradient and this, multiplied by (“< 3 m”) at small times.
the thermal conductivity of the lava, provides
the rate of heat transfer to the ice. If the heat
transfer rate is divided by the ice density and hours, one week, 3 months, and 3 years, respect-
latent heat of fusion, the result is the rate of ively. These lengthy delays partly explain obser-
decrease of ice thickness beneath the flow, and vations (Einarsson, 1948; Kjartansson, 1948)
hence the water production rate per unit area that advancing flows cause negligible amounts
of the flow base. Figure 13.7 shows examples of of snow melting, apparently at odds with the
the ice melting rate as a function of time after above predictions. Additionally, the heat con-
the start of melting at any given location for tent of the flow available to cause melting will
flows 1, 3, 10, and 30 m thick using the com- decrease steadily with increasing distance from
puter program used by Wilson and Head (2007) the vent.
to implement the above procedure.
Integration of the water production rate 13.4.2â•…Pyroclasts emplaced onto
over the growing area of the base of an advan- glacial ice
cing flow yields the total water production rate When a layer of pyroclasts accumulates on a
as a function of time. After one day, the absolute glacier, there are many possible outcomes (e.g.,
thicknesses of ice melted by flows 1, 3, 10, and Wilson and Head, 2009). If the vent is nearby
30 m thick are respectively 4.95, 4.65, 4.0, and and the activity is not too energetic, e.g., as in a
1.8 m, corresponding to 99%, 31%, 8%, and 1.2% mafic lava fountain eruption, it is possible that
of the total melting that is ultimately achievable. many of the larger clasts will still be very hot
The maximum value of the ratio (total ice thick- on landing: Head and Wilson (1989) showed the
ness melted)/(lava flow thickness) is predicted to trends of mean deposit temperature variation
be independent of flow thickness and very close with magma volatile content and discharge rate.
to 5 (Wilson and Head, 2007). The overall time- In these circumstances rapid melting of ice may
scale for melting depends very strongly on the occur, but the consequences will be very local-
thickness of the flow: for flows 1, 3, 10, and 30 ized. Of more wide-ranging importance will be
m thick, 90% melting is achieved after about 20 more energetic (i.e., high mass flux) eruptions

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leading to the emplacement of hot pyroclastic whereas mafic silicates have albedos as low
density currents onto glaciers, where a suffi- as 0.1 (Farrand and Singer, 1992). The corre-
cient thickness of deposit may trigger a vigorous sponding emissivities are 0.6 and 0.9, and so
interaction, especially when scouring of the ice the effect of emplacing a layer of pyroclasts
and mixing with the pyroclasts occurs, ultim- will be to increase the surface temperature
ately forming a lahar (Walder, 2000a). Chapter by a factor of up to (0.9/0.6)1/4 ≈ 1.11. Thus ice
14 discusses lahar generation and runout in at a temperature as low as (273/1.11 =) ~247 K
more detail. (−26 ºC) could be heated to the melting point
In contrast, a relatively high mass flux, high by this process. Melting will not be instantan-
volatile-content eruption (e.g., a rhyolitic plin- eous. A thermal wave will penetrate a layer of
ian eruption) will generate an eruption plume pyroclasts of thickness λ in a time τ equal to
from which the bulk of the clasts will have ~2.32 (κ τ)1/2, where κ is the thermal diffusiv-
fallen from a great enough height that they will ity, ~10–6 m2 s−1. The relevant timescales for
land at the ambient atmospheric temperature. diurnal and seasonal temperature fluctuations
If the glacier onto which they fall is stable (i.e., are one day (~9 × 104 s) and one year (~3 × 107
not in the process of melting) then they will not s), for which λ = 0.58 m and 10.6 m, respect-
immediately begin to melt it. However, pyro- ively. Thus a low-albedo pyroclast layer much
clasts are likely to have a significantly lower less than half a meter thick overlying ice in
albedo than ice, and will therefore absorb solar a region where the mean diurnal temperature
insolation more efficiently than the ice, rais- is only a few degrees below the melting tem-
ing the surface temperature of the pyroclast perature may cause a significant amount of ice
layer, possibly above the ice melting point. If melting beneath it during each daily tempera-
this temperature increase is communicated ture cycle. Conversely, a pyroclast layer a few
by conduction through the pyroclast layer to meters thick will delay the onset of ice melt-
the ice below, it will initiate ice melting. Field ing for several days, even if the surface of the
observations of tephra on glaciers suggest that pyroclast layer warms above 273 K every day.
a tephra layer <2 cm thick acts to accelerate However, a pyroclast layer more than about
ice/snow melting, while thicker layers seem to 20 m thick would be needed to protect the ice
insulate the snow surface (e.g., Manville et€ al., against an annual heating cycle.
2000, and personal observations of the authors).
However, such observations do not take time 13.4.3â•…Geological examples of
into account. On diurnal and annual times- supraglacial emplacement
cales, melting is enhanced overall, to varying Detailed descriptions of lava that flowed onto
degrees (i.e., more for thinner layers), and the glaciers are rare and focus mainly on the sec-
entire surface draped in ash is lowered at rates ondary generation of lahar and meltwater flood
above “normal” (i.e., under ash-free conditions). events (e.g., summary by Major and Newhall,
However, much thicker ash layers do insulate 1989; also Khrenov et€ al., 1988; Vinogradov
snow/ice surfaces. and Murav’ev, 1988). Smellie (2007, 2009) pos-
The warming effect can be quantified by tulated that lava emplaced on a glacier surface
considering the balance between the incom- would be redeposited immediately down-dip
ing solar heat flux and the heat flux radiated of the source edifice as breccia during rapid
by the surface, equal to (εσT4), where ε is the in situ downwasting of the glacier (e.g., at the
emissivity, σ is the Stefan-Boltzman constant, glacial termination). With coeval glacier flow,
and T is the absolute surface temperature. however, it also seems likely that most of the
Clearly, the mean surface temperature of an lava will be carried away from its source by the
exposed surface is inversely proportional to glacier and deposited as lava clast-dominated
the fourth root of its emissivity. The albedo breccia in ice-marginal moraines in much the
of glacial ice ranges up to 0.4 (Paterson, 1994), same way as cool pyroclastic deposits laid down

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292 L I O N E L W I L S ON , J OH N L . SM E L L I E , AND JA MES W. H EA D

Figure 13.8╇╇ Close view of

an andesite lava flow originally
emplaced on snow. The lava shows
distinctive curviplanar primary
cooling fractures (solid arrows), as
well as smaller secondary fractures
(dashed arrows) orientated
perpendicular to the primary set.
Although such fractures are not
diagnostic of lavas emplaced on
snow, they are a distinctive and
conspicuous feature and indicate
thermal contraction during
quenching of the lava probably
by steam derived from melted
underlying snow (see Mee et€al.,
2006; photograph provided by

on moving ice. The only published description by ice flow, where they will be dumped in
of in situ lava characteristics specifically attrib- moraines and/or extensively reworked as
uted to snow interaction is by Mee et€al. (2006), further mass flows or by proglacial or later
who described an andesite lava from a winter non-glacial weathering and fluvial processes,
eruption in Chile that flowed over snow. The leaving a broad zone centered on the erupting
evidence comprised (1) a flow-front c. 5 m wide vent(s) swept free of pyroclasts (e.g., Manville
and 5 m high composed of blocky glassy brec- et€ al., 2000; Höskuldsson, 2001). The off-ice
cia, that formed as a talus apron during post- deposits will not be preserved in their original
emplacement gravitational instability; and (2) position, but will be remobilized, reworked,
a 20-m-wide zone behind the flow-front form- and redeposited. They are likely to be mixtures
ing a basal layer several metres thick, that of pyroclasts, ice, snow, and water (perhaps as
consisted of glassy andesite lava showing dis- much as 65–90% snow and ice particles in some
tinctive, cross-cutting, curviplanar “pseudop- cases; Manville et€al., 2000; Fig. 13.9). The snow/
illow” fractures and abundant perpendicular ice components will melt out, leaving behind
small-diameter secondary fractures (Fig. 13.8). a “lag” deposit comprising mainly porous
Both sets of fractures were regarded as cool- ashy material that is very susceptible to being
ing joints thought to have been caused by the washed away by rain or winnowed by wind,
overridden snow melting and flashing to steam. thus destroying any original textures. When
The lava in the snow-interaction zone was sub- mixed with blocks of accidental material, these
sequently overridden during the same emplace- lag deposits will simply resemble deposits of
ment event by crystalline subaerial lava with lahars. Of the many factors that may influence
a blocky surface autobreccia showing no evi- redistribution of pyroclasts after emplacement
dence for water chilling. on a snow and ice-covered volcano, slope angle
Pyroclasts deposited on glaciers, whether and aspect, ice thermal regime (warm-based vs.
derived from fallout or pyroclastic density cur- cold-based), pyroclast grain componentry and
rents, are reworked and redeposited by either size distribution, and a variety of local climate
eolian activity or in lahars generated by melt- parameters, such as mean temperature, diur-
ing related to pyroclastic density currents (e.g., nal temperature range, insolation, and pre-
Thouret, 1990; Walder, 2000b). They will also cipitation, are inferred to be most important
be advected en masse to marginal locations (Manville et€al., 2000).

9780521895439c13_p275-299.indd 292 8/2/2012 9:53:28 AM


Figure 13.9╇╇ Lahar deposits

composed mainly of dark mafic
pyroclasts (ash and lapilli) produced
during explosive eruptive activity
and abundant ice blocks deposited
in (a) proximal supraglacial and (b)
more distal proglacial (i.e., in front
of the glacier) locations relative to
the eruptive vents. Both deposits
are products of the 1969 subglacial
fissure eruption on Deception
Island photographed about one
month after the eruption. See
Baker et€al. (1975) and Smellie
(2002) for descriptions of the
eruption. The prominent ice blocks
in (a) are mainly ~30–50 cm in
diameter but some exceed 1 m. The
long-term preservation potential
of supraglacial lahar deposits such
as those shown in (a) is negligible,
whilst those deposited in a
proglacial setting are more likely
to be preserved, although also
subjected to local fluvial reworking.

13.5╇╇ Summary commonly extensively modified by the flow of

the water that is inevitably produced, these spe-
We have described some basic physical princi- cific theoretical predictions form a paradigm
ples that underlie the nature of volcanic erup- on which initial conditions can be visualized,
tions taking place under, into, and onto glacial and interpretations can be based. The range of
ice, and some candidate examples of such possible interactions is large, and the potential
deposits and edifices encountered in the field. clearly exists for the formation of a very diverse
The likely modes of magma–ice interaction can suite of deposits and landforms, many of which
be predicted theoretically, and form the basis we have described. Furthermore, although our
for further testing these predictions in the field. understanding of the relevant mechanisms has
Direct observations of magma–ice interactions evolved from studies of eruptions and landforms
beneath thick ice covers have not been made, on Earth, the same basic principles can also be
but could be studied in the future with properly applied to volcano–ice interactions on Mars,
geophysically instrumented sites. Although the where examples of dike and sill intrusions into
immediate products of such interactions are glacial ice, as well as related phreatomagmatic

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294 L I O N E L W I L S ON , J OH N L . SM E L L I E , AND JA MES W. H EA D

eruptions and tephra deposition have been ε emissivity of surface materials

documented (e.g., Head and Wilson, 2002, 2006; κ thermal diffusivity of ice and dike
Shean et€al., 2005; Kadish et€al., 2008; Wilson and magma, ~10−6 (m2 s−1)
Head, 2009). λ distance thermal wave propagates
into surface (m)
ρb bulk density of magma in dike,
2500–2600 (kg m−3)
13.6╇ ╇ Notation ρ g density of CO2 gas (kg m−3)
ρi mean density of ice, 900 (kg m−3)
cg specific heat of CO2 gas, 950 (J kg−1 ρm density of magma in reservoir, 2700
K−1) (kg m−3)
c m specific heat of magma, 900 (J kg−1 K−1) ρr crustal rock bulk density, 2300 (kg
E enthalpy of H2O fluid (J kg−1) m−3)
f volume fraction of gas bubbles in σ Stefan–Boltzman constant, 5.67 × 10−8
magma (W m−2 K−4)
g acceleration due to gravity (m s−2) τ timescale for thermal wave penetra-
h distance dike tip penetrates into ice tion (s)
layer (m)
L i latent heat of fusion of ice, 333 (kJ
m molecular mass of volatile (kg kmol−1) Acknowledgements
nt total mass fraction of exsolved magma
volatiles This chapter is a contribution to the British
Pa atmospheric pressure,105 (Pa) Antarctic Survey’s GEACEP programme (ISODYN
Pd dike tip pressure minus ambient Project), which sought to investigate climate
stress in ice (Pa) change over geological time scales and to develop
P e equilibrium pressure of ice–magma appropriate novel climate change proxies, in this
mixture (Pa) case glaciovolcanism. JWH gratefully acknow-
P g weight of glacial ice layer (Pa) ledges grants from the NASA Mars Data Analysis
Pt final pressure in gas in dike tip cavity Program, NNG04G99G and NNX07AN95G, and
(Pa) the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera
ΔP super-lithostatic pressure in magma Co-Investigator Program (DTM-3250–05). We are
reservoir (Pa) grateful to Katy Mee for permission to use one
R universal gas constant, 8.314 (kJ of her photographs.
kmol−1 K−1)
T absolute temperature of surface mate-
rials (K)
T e equilibrium temperature of ice– References
magma mixture (K)
ASME (2000). ASME International Steam Tables for
T i triple point temperature of H2O,
Industrial Use. New York, NY: American Society of
273.15 (K)
Mechanical Engineers.
T m magma temperature, 1473 (K)
Behrendt, J.C., Blankenship, S. D., Morse, D. L., Finn,
V volumes of ice and magma mixing C. A. and Bell, R. A. (2002). Subglacial volcanic
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Vm relative volume of magma (m3) sounding. In Volcano-Ice Interaction on Earth and Mars,
y thickness of ice layer (m) ed. J. L. Smellie and M. G. Chapman. Geological
z depth of magma reservoir top beneath Society of London Special Publication, 202,
ice–rock interface (m) 337–355.

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sheet and why does this suggest that dikes Online resources available at www.cambridge.
may potentially penetrate a significant dis- org/fagents
tance into ice sheets?
• Links to websites of interest
13.3 When incandescent lava flows over ice or
• Answers to exercises
snow there is no immediate flood of melt-
water from beneath the lava. Why is this?

9780521895439c13_p275-299.indd 299 8/2/2012 9:53:33 AM

Chapter 14

Modeling lahar behavior and hazards

Vernon Manville, Jon J. Major and Sarah A. Fagents

Overview 14.1╇ ╇ Introduction

Lahars are highly mobile mixtures of water and The Indonesian word “lahar”’ refers to a highly
sediment of volcanic origin that are capable of mobile mixture of water and sediment, other
traveling tens to > 100 km at speeds exceeding than normal stream flow, originating from a
tens of km hr−1. Such flows are among the most volcano (e.g., Fig. 14.1; Smith and Fritz, 1989).
serious ground-based hazards at many volcanoes The term has genetic connotations rather than
because of their sudden onset, rapid advance implying any particular flow behavior, which
rates, long runout distances, high energy, abil- can range from dilute hyperconcentrated
ity to transport large volumes of material, and flows, in which particle concentrations greater
tendency to flow along existing river channels than those of normal streamflow conditions
where populations and infrastructure are com- are transported chiefly as suspended and bed-
monly concentrated. They can grow in volume load sediment, to debris flows in which a high-
and peak discharge through erosion and incorp- concentration particulate phase transports
oration of external sediment and/or water, sediment en masse with fluid in its interstices
inundate broad areas, and leave deposits many (Vallance, 2000). Lahars vary greatly in volume
meters thick. Furthermore, lahars can recur for (~ 102–109 m3), peak discharge (<10–107 m3 s−1),
many years to decades after an initial volcanic advance rate (~ 2–80 m s−1) and runout (a few to
eruption, as fresh pyroclastic material is eroded >100 km; Pierson, 1998). They are common on
and redeposited during rainfall events, result- many intermediate to felsic volcanoes having
ing in a spatially and temporally evolving haz- relatively steep flanks and abundant volcaniclas-
ard. Improving understanding of the behavior tic material, and are among the most dangerous
of these complex, gravitationally driven, multi- volcanic hazards during episodes of volcanic
phase flows is key to mitigating the threat to unrest, eruptive activity, and post-eruption peri-
communities at lahar-prone volcanoes. However, ods (Neall, 1996; Vallance, 2000). Their capacity
their complexity and evolving nature pose sig- to rapidly inundate large areas is a great threat
nificant challenges to developing the models of to property, infrastructure (Fig. 14.2) and life,
flow behavior required for delineating their haz- causing > 30 000 casualties in the twentieth cen-
ards and hazard zones. tury alone (Witham, 2005). Population growth

Modeling Volcanic Processes: The Physics and Mathematics of Volcanism, eds. Sarah A. Fagents, Tracy K.╯P. Gregg, and Rosaly M.╯C.
Lopes. Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2012.

9780521895439c14_p300-330.indd 300 8/2/2012 10:27:10 AM


Figure 14.1╇╇ Oblique aerial

photograph of snowmelt-triggered
debris-flow lahar at Mount St. Helens,
March 1982. The flow began as a
water flood from the crater, entrained
sediment along the steep north
flank, and became a lahar that moved
west (right) down the North Fork
Toutle River valley. Photograph by T.╯J.
Casadevall, US Geological Survey, 21
March 1982.

and economic development, particularly in the

developing world, are increasing societal vul-
nerability to lahars as terraces bordering river
channels that drain active volcanoes become
increasingly colonized and urbanized. As a
result, better knowledge and understanding of
lahar magnitude, probability of occurrence, and
dynamics are needed in order to develop the
improved hazards assessments vital to hazards
mitigation. Predictions of parameters such as
runout distance, maximum flow depth, inunda-
tion area, flow velocity (and hence travel time
to a downstream point), and energy distribution
along a flow path provide information useful
for mitigation purposes. The physics underlying
the propagation of lahars has many common-
alities with that of pyroclastic density currents
(Chapter 10), but with water replacing gas as the
fluid phase. This chapter reviews approaches
that have been adopted for modeling lahar
behavior, which are variously informed by the-
oretical analyses, laboratory experiments, and
field observations of sediment–water mixtures,
and assesses their strengths and weaknesses.
Figure 14.2╇╇The bridge on Boyong River, close to the
village of Boyong on the flanks of Merapi volcano, Java
Indonesia. (a) View in December 1994€– the bridge stands 7
14.2╇ ╇ Lahar initiation m above the river valley (people for scale), which is cultivated
for crops. (b) Same view, 20 February 1995€– the river valley
Initiation mechanisms can greatly influence has been filled with lahar sediment. Reprinted from Lavigne
lahar volumes, compositions, hydrographs, flow et€al. (2000a), with permission of Elsevier.
behaviors, and hazards. Lahars can be broadly

9780521895439c14_p300-330.indd 301 8/2/2012 10:27:12 AM


subdivided into two classes based on their ini- suspension and some gravel as bedload, and
tiation: primary lahars that are caused directly have distinctive smooth, oily-appearing sur-
by eruptive activity, and secondary lahars that faces that may display polygonal convection
occur during post-eruptive or quiescent periods. cells (Fig. 14.4(a); Pierson, 2005; also see online
Both classes of lahars can occur during a sin- supplementary materials listed at end of chap-
gle eruptive sequence (e.g., Cronin et€al., 1997), ter). They exhibit density-stratified, turbulent,
or can be separated by hundreds to thousands two-phase behavior in which the solid particles
of years (Zanchetta et€ al., 2004). Lahar initi- are supported by turbulence and buoyancy, but
ation generally requires certain preconditions, as solids concentrations increase, turbulence
including: (i) an adequate water supply; (ii) becomes damped and particle–particle interac-
abundant unconsolidated sediment; (iii) gravi- tions become more important. The volumetric
tational potential; and (iv) a triggering mechan- concentration at which this transition occurs
ism. Common triggers include the mobilization strongly depends on the grain-size distribu-
of pyroclastic sediment by flowing water, due tion and clay-mineral content of the sediment
chiefly to rainfall runoff (Rodolfo and Arguden, load. Measurable static yield strengths can be
1991), eruptive expulsion of a crater lake (Suryo achieved at concentrations as low as 3 vol.% of
and Clarke, 1985; Kilgour et€ al., 2010), release smectite clays (Hampton, 1975; Fig. 14.3b) or
of an impounded water body (Björnsson, 1992; as high as 50 vol.% of coarse, neutrally buoy-
Umbal and Rodolfo, 1996; Manville and Cronin, ant particles (Bagnold, 1954; Pierson, 2005).
2007), melting of snow and ice by interaction Hyperconcentrated-flow deposits tend to be
with hot eruptive products (Major and Newhall, more poorly sorted than normal fluvial depos-
1989), and liquefaction of debris avalanches and its, but better sorted than debris-flow deposits;
debris-avalanche deposits (Scott, 1988; Stoopes they are typically weakly stratified to massively
and Sheridan, 1992; Capra et€ al., 2002; Scott textured, and are clast-supported (Fig. 14.4(b)),
et€ al., 2005). Initiation mechanism therefore reflecting particle settling through the flow and
influences the source boundary conditions (e.g., step-wise accretion at the base (Smith, 1986).
source hydrograph) used in lahar models. At solids concentrations greater than ~50%
by volume, lahars transition from hypercon-
centrated flows to debris flows. Debris flows have
volumetric solids contents of ~ 50–80%, bulk
14.3╇ ╇The sediment-concentration densities of ~ 1800–2300 kg m−3, and are com-
continuum prised of particles that range in size from clay to
boulders (Costa, 1988). Such mixtures are 104–
Lahars exhibit complex flow behavior governed 105 times more viscous than water and typically
by fluid and particle properties, and fluid–par- possess a yield strength that must be exceeded
ticle and particle–particle interactions. These before flow is possible. Once moving they can
interactions vary according to the amount (vol- achieve velocities double those of water floods
ume concentration), type, and size distribution of comparable depth and gradient due to greater
of the particles (Fig. 14.3; Pierson and Costa, bulk density, suppression of energy-dissipating
1987; Iverson, 2009). At intermediate solids con- internal turbulence, and modification of chan-
centrations (~ 20–50% by volume; bulk densities nel geometry through erosion and deposition
of 1300–1800 kg m−3), hyperconcentrated flows in order to efficiently convey flow. Interstitial
(Beverage and Culbertson, 1964; Pierson, 2005) pore fluid (water or a water-borne slurry of
have larger sediment concentrations than found fines) facilitates flow by bearing some or all of
in normal water floods. Hyperconcentrated the solids load through buoyant support and
flows typically possess a small but measurable increased fluid pressure, thereby reducing the
static yield strength, an apparent viscosity that effective stress acting on the solids and hence
is strain-rate dependent, commonly transport the intergranular friction resisting flow. Debris-
large quantities of sand-sized material in full flow mixtures commonly exhibit both dilatancy

9780521895439c14_p300-330.indd 302 8/2/2012 10:27:12 AM


Figure 14.3╇╇Yield strength of sediment–water mixtures as a function of suspended sediment concentration. (a) Definitions of
flow type based on an idealized yield-strength–concentration curve for a poorly sorted sediment–water mixture. (b) Measured
yield-strength–concentration curves for a range of sediment–water mixtures illustrating the effect of grain size distributions
(curves are marked with the median particle diameter) and compositions. Reprinted from Pierson (2005), with kind permission of
Springer Science+Business Media.

and contraction (where shear causes expansion non-cohesive flows (< 5% clay), and they can main-
or collapse of pore space), intergranular friction tain their high-concentration integrity for great
(due to grain–grain contacts), fluidization (due distances because they are resistant to dilution
to pore-fluid pressure exceeding hydrostatic), and transformation. Non-cohesive flows typic-
particle segregation, and minimal to moder- ally contain a narrower and coarser distribution
ate cohesion when stationary. Such flows com- of grain sizes, entrain water and deposit sedi-
monly develop a relatively coarse and dry flow ment more easily, and commonly transform dis-
front, which behaves as a moving boulder dam tally to hyperconcentrated flow (Figs. 14.5, 14.6;
(Fig. 14.4(c); Sharp and Nobles, 1953; Major and Pierson and Scott, 1985; Scott, 1988).
Iverson, 1999; Lavigne and Suwa, 2004) that can
increase maximum stage height, and a body
that usually appears to behave as a coherent but 14.4╇ ╇ Lahar characteristics
liquefied, single-phase mass or as a hypercon-
centrated flow. Debris flows commonly develop Real-time field measurements of the dynamic
steep lobate flow fronts, produce lateral levées, properties of lahars are rare, owing largely
transport cobble to boulder-sized clasts within to their size, the challenges of predicting the
the flow as well as along the channel bed, and timing of their occurrence, and financial con-
form massive, verypoorly sorted and ungraded straints in many of the countries where lahars
matrix- to clast-supported deposits (Fig. 14.4(d)). frequently occur. Nevertheless, a few field
Although debris flows can selectively deposit monitoring stations around the world have
their coarsest clasts, they can also accrete sedi- gathered data on individual events (Manville
ment incrementally (Major, 1997) or deposit it and Cronin, 2007) or on a recurrent series of
en masse as shear stresses decline and intergran- flows (Pierson, 1986; Suwa and Okuda, 1985;
ular friction, chiefly at the flow front, locks up Suwa, 1989; Ohsumi Works Office, 1995;
the flow (Major and Iverson, 1999). The presence Lavigne et€ al., 2000b), variously recording dis-
of clay-sized material can strongly influence charge hydrographs, compositions, depths,
flow behavior. Cohesive flows (defined as contain- volumes, flow-front and surface velocities,
ing > 5% clay) are typically more mobile than surface-velocity distributions, basal stresses

9780521895439c14_p300-330.indd 303 8/2/2012 10:27:13 AM


Figure 14.4╇╇ (a) Hyperconcentrated flow phase of the

18 March 2007 Crater Lake breakout lahar at Ruapehu,
New Zealand. Note polygonal convection cells outlined by
suspended fines (courtesy (b) Weakly
stratified, sandy hyperconcentrated-streamflow-lahar deposit
at Mount St. Helens. Note pencil for scale. Photograph from
2000). Valuable data germane to the behavior
Pierson and Scott (1985). (c) Moving boulder dam comprising
of lahars have also come from similar monitor-
the debris-flow front of a small, non-volcanic debris flow at
Rudd Creek, Utah. Photograph courtesy of T. Pierson, US
ing of non-volcanic debris flows ranging in vol-
Geological Survey. (d) Debris-flow lahar deposit along the ume from 102–105 m3 (e.g., Marchi et€al., 2002;
North Fork Toutle River (Mount St. Helens), Washington. Cui et€ al., 2005; McArdell et€ al., 2007; McCoy
Deposit contains abundant rounded cobbles that were et€al., 2010; Berger et€al., 2011) and from various
entrained when a large flood eroded and entrained sufficient scale laboratory experiments.
channel sediment to become a lahar. Shovel is ~1 m long.
14.4.1â•…Insights from small-scale
laboratory experiments
and fluid pressures, and sediment erosion. A variety of laboratory studies have investi-
Additional information comes from photo- gated the rheological characteristics of con-
graphic records (still images and video record- centrated, small-volume (a few cm3 to ~ 1 m3)
ings) of flow character and boulder motion, sediment–water suspensions containing nat-
from seismic (acoustic) signals generated dur- ural or artificial particles ranging in size from
ing flow passage (e.g., Cole et€al., 2009; Kumagai < 0.063 mm (silt and clay) up to ~ 120 mm (e.g.,
et€al., 2009), and from detailed examination of O’Brien and Julien, 1988; Phillips and Davies,
lahar deposits cross-correlated with flow obser- 1991; Major and€ Pierson, 1992; Coussot et€ al.,
vations (Pierson and Scott, 1985; Cronin et€al., 1998; Contreras and Davies, 2000; Armanini

9780521895439c14_p300-330.indd 304 8/2/2012 10:27:14 AM


Figure 14.5╇╇ Schematic lahar

profiles showing idealized downstream
evolution of a flow as a non-cohesive
debris flow at (a) proximal, (b) medial,
and (c) distal locations. Diagram depicts
longitudinal segregation, interaction
with ambient water in the channel, and
reversible transformation processes.
An increasing time lag can develop
between the peak water discharge
and the peak sediment discharge
due to differences in their respective
waveform celerities. SF, HF, and DF
denote, respectively, streamflow,
hyperconcentrated flow and debris

et€ al., 2005; Kaitna et€ al., 2007; Forterre and

Pouliquen, 2008). Results of these experiments
are diverse, with the rheological behavior vary-
ing, commonly nonlinearly, with composition,
sediment concentration, particle-size distribu-
tion, shear rate, and time. Mixture properties
are commonly extremely sensitive to sediment
concentration; changes of as little as 2–4 vol.%
sediment can produce order-of-magnitude
changes in rheological parameters. Coarse
particles clearly affect slurry behavior, but
the precise effects of particle-size distribution
on granular interactions and the rheological
behavior of natural sediment slurries are
ambiguous. Although small-scale experiments
on relatively fine-grained slurries indicate that
Figure 14.6╇╇ Schematic representation of deposit facies granular interactions are important to debris-
of the March 1982 snowmelt-triggered lahar at Mount St. flow behavior, such experiments are unlikely to
Helens showing distal transformation from debris-flow lahar adequately capture the behavior of fundamen-
to hyperconcentrated-streamflow lahar. Ranges in mean grain
tally multiphase, coarse-grained natural flows.
size (Mz), sorting (σG), and sediment mass concentration (Cm)
The range of behaviors seen in the laboratory
are indicated. Units are given in phi scale. Redrawn from
Pierson and Scott (1985). See Figure 14.5 for associated parts suggests that it is unlikely that debris flows can
of the lahar profile that produce these deposits. be characterized by a simple, single-phase rheo-
logical model of homogeneous material (Major
and Pierson, 1992; Iverson, 2003). Scaling

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arguments further indicate a need for larger-

scale experimental analyses of debris flows
(Iverson et€al., 2004).

14.4.2â•…Insights from large-scale

experimental debris flows
Limitations on the applicability of small-scale
experiments to natural phenomena, together
with the difficulty of making real-time observa-
tions on natural debris flows, prompted devel-
opment of a series of large-scale experiments in
a 95-m-long concrete flume (Fig. 14.7; Iverson
et€ al., 2010; see also online resources listed at
end of chapter). Approximately 10 m3 volumes
of water-saturated mixtures of mud, sand, and
gravel to 3 cm in diameter were released onto a
fixed 31˚ slope that flattens distally to a 3˚ run-
out surface. Measured basal normal stresses and
fluid pressures correlated with, and responded
rapidly to, variations in flow depth (Iverson,
1997a; Iverson et€al., 2010). Although total basal
normal stress increased proportionally with flow
depth, basal fluid pressure was close to zero near
the flow front and increased to a nearly lithos-
tatic value in the body behind the flow front. In
the runout area of the flume, measured basal
normal stress and pore-fluid pressure reflected Figure 14.7╇╇ US Geological Survey experimental
flow deceleration and deposit accumulation. debris-flow flume, H.╯J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon.
Pore-fluid pressure within the body of a debris Flume is 95 m long, 2 m wide, and sits on a fixed 31° slope.
flow dissipated significantly only after sediment Note people for scale. Photograph courtesy of R.╯M. Iverson,
deposition, suggesting that debris-flow depos- US Geological Survey.
ition was controlled chiefly by frictional resist-
ance along the low-fluid-pressure flow margin
(Major and Iverson, 1999). Measurements of • Lahars are fundamentally unsteady flows
basal stress and fluid pressure in natural debris whose characteristics vary spatially and tem-
flows have confirmed that fluid pressure exceed- porally, depending on solids concentration,
ing hydrostatic is long lived and contributes to dilatancy, particle-size distribution and seg-
debris-flow dynamics and mobility (McArdell regation, pore-fluid pressure, and solid–fluid
et€al., 2007; McCoy et€al., 2010). interactions.
• Lahars can undergo multiple and reversible
14.4.3â•…Summary of key lahar spatial and temporal transformations in flow
characteristics behavior (e.g., from hyperconcentrated flow to
Although flow volumes span nine orders of debris flow, or vice versa) caused by changes
magnitude between the laboratory and field, in sediment concentration and type (Fig.
and individual flow characteristics vary sig- 14.8). Sediment concentration can increase
nificantly, key observations highlight the fun- by incorporation of external sediment (com-
damental physical characteristics of lahars monly called bulking) or, albeit less import-
in the hyperconcentrated-flow to debris-flow antly, through loss of water by infiltration into
continuum: the channel bed. Sediment concentration can

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decrease through dilution by entrained water

or by selective sediment deposition (some-
times called debulking) (Pierson and Scott,
1985; Pierson, 1997).
• Lahar volumes and peak discharges can
increase by a factor of three or more relative
to initial values (Manville, 2004) as a result of
sediment entrainment during flow.
• Variability in flow-path topography can
strongly influence flow velocity, sediment ero- Figure 14.8╇╇ Addition and loss of sediment (black arrows)
sion and deposition, and hence flow-character and water (gray arrows) during lahar flow causes volume and
evolution. The tendency for flows to entrain sediment concentration to vary, leading to transformations
sediment on steep slopes and deposit on shal- among flow regimes.
low slopes (e.g., Pierson, 1995; Iverson et€ al.,
2011) is modulated by variations in channel
of bedload and settling from suspension (e.g.,
geometry (e.g., transitions from narrow, con-
Pierson, 2005). Deposits of debris-flow lahars
fined flow to shallow, unconfined flow) and
are typically massively textured and very
substrate characteristics.
poorly sorted, whereas those of hyperconcen-
• Particle segregation can occur by size, shape,
trated-flow lahars can be moderately strati-
and density during flow, causing the develop-
fied to massively textured, and are usually
ment of vertical and longitudinal stratifica-
moderately well to moderately poorly sorted
tion in the lahar.
(e.g., Fig. 14.4; Pierson and Scott, 1985; Cronin
• Similar to those of unsteady water flows,
et€al., 2000; Major et€al., 2005; Pierson, 2005).
lahar discharge hydrographs (which can be
Transitional deposits can also occur.
very steep at the source) typically flatten and
lengthen as flows propagate downstream, and
may be preceded by a rising stage of normal
streamflow that may represent displaced river 14.5╇ ╇ Lahar modeling
water (e.g., Cronin et€al., 1999).
• Debris-flow lahars typically travel along a The complexity and variability of lahars makes
channel as a series of steep-fronted surges them challenging to both characterize and
(e.g., Pierson, 1986; Iverson, 1997a; McArdell model. The rheology of such multiphase flows
et€ al., 2007). Particle segregation can prod- is composition-, scale-, time-, and possibly
uce a concentration of the coarsest particles shear-rate dependent, with a primarily nonlinear
dominated by solid forces at a surge front, and potentially hysteretic (i.e., behavior under
followed by a more fluid but nevertheless increasing strain rate differs from that under
high-sediment-concentration body that typic- decreasing strain rate) relationship between
ally transitions to a dilute, hyperconcentrated shear stress and strain rate. Existing lahar models
or low-concentration-streamflow tail (e.g., thus draw on many disciplines, including surface
Figs. 14.4(c), 14.5; Lavigne and Suwa, 2004). water hydrology, engineering, sedimentology,
• Pore-fluid pressure in a debris-flow lahar can geomorphology, physics and applied mathem-
be spatially and temporally heterogeneous atics, and from studies of non-volcanic debris
and particle–particle contacts can be both flows, landslides, and avalanches (e.g., Coussot
frictional and collisional. and Meunier, 1996; Hutter et€ al., 1996; Iverson,
• Debris-flow lahars can deposit sediment en 1997a, 2003; Ancey, 2007; Hürlimann et€al., 2008;
masse (Major and Iverson, 1999) or through Berzi et€al., 2010; Christen et€al., 2010).
step-wise vertical accretion (Major, 1997), The complexity of the dynamic behavior of
whereas hyperconcentrated-flow lahars lahars has given rise to a diversity of model-
deposit sediment progressively by accretion ing approaches, ranging from simple empirical

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models lacking explicit flow physics to sophis- parameters from past lahar events and depos-
ticated physics-based models founded on con- its. They predict the average behavior of future
servation laws. Thus, lahar models fall into lahars without regard for the underlying flow
a number of principal, partially overlapping physics. Outputs from such models typically
classes. These classes include: (i) empirical mod- focus on parameters such as flow-front velocity
els based on observed correlations among lahar (i.e., arrival time), maximum discharge, stage,
parameters such as volume, flow velocity, and and inundation area.
cross-section or inundation area, but which lack
treatment of flow physics (e.g., Iverson et€ al., LAHARZ
1998; Pierson, 1998); (ii) simple rheological One of the most widely used empirical mod-
models that assume a constant stress–strain-rate els relates the area inundated by a lahar to its
relationship and composition-independent volume. On the basis of data compiled from 27
flow behavior (e.g., Fink et€ al., 1981; Manville lahars worldwide, Iverson et€al. (1998) identified
et€al., 1998); (iii) hydrologic models that assume the following relationships between lahar vol-
Newtonian behavior but are calibrated to lahars ume V (m3), channel cross-sectional area A (m2)
through modification of the flow resistance filled by a flow, and planimetric inundation area
term (e.g., Costa, 1997; Manville, 2004; Carrivick B (m2; notation is summarized in Section 14.9;
et€ al., 2009); (iv) sophisticated theoretical for- Fig. 14.9(a)):
mulations that seek to describe the constitu-
tive behavior of multi-phase mixtures (Chen, A = 0.05 V 2 / 3 , (14.1)

1988a,b; Iverson, 1997a; Iverson and Denlinger,
2001; Takahashi, 2001; Pitman and Le, 2005; B = 200 V 2 / 3 . (14.2)

Berzi et€al., 2010; George and Iverson, 2011); and
(v) mass-flow models that seek to combine elem- Solutions of Eqs. (14.1) and (14.2) were auto-
ents of approaches (iii) and (iv) with the inclu- mated in the computer algorithm LAHARZ
sion of processes such as sediment entrainment (Iverson et€ al., 1998; Schilling, 1998), a rou-
and deposition (e.g., Fagents and Baloga, 2006; tine run within the ARCINFOTM Geographical
Carrivick et€al., 2010) or development of vertical Information System (GIS). The technique was
grain-size stratification (Takahashi et€ al., 1992; designed for rapid, objective, and reprodu-
Zanuttigh and Ghilardi, 2010). cible construction of hazard maps. The model
Except for the simple empirical models, requires user-input flow volumes and a digital
lahar models generally have four principal com- elevation model (DEM) from which hydrologic
ponents: (1) a set of terms that describe conser- grids are derived for stream network identifica-
vation of mass and (sometimes) momentum of tion. Lahar deposition begins at the intersection
the bulk flow or its constituent components; (2) of a proximal hazard-zone boundary, defined
a description of channel geometry; (3) a means as the distal extent of the distance over which
of quantifying flow resistance; and (4) a means all potential sediment entrainment occurs,
of solving the resulting suite of partial differen- and a stream centerline cell (Fig. 14.9(a)), or at
tial equations numerically. The greatest differ- a user-specified stream cell. The algorithm fills
ences among the more physics-based models the cross-sectional topography at the deposi-
lie in their descriptions and treatments of flow tional starting point according to Eq. (14.1),
resistance and faithfulness to the underlying then marches downstream on a cell-by-cell basis
physics, which commonly represent a com- repeating the channel-filling process and sum-
promise between mathematical and computa- ming the planimetric area until Eq. (14.2) is satis-
tional tractability. fied. Output consists of maps delineating nested
zones of inundation potential based on the range
14.5.1â•… Empirical lahar models of user-supplied flow volumes (Fig. 14.9(b)).
Empirical models typically are founded on stat- The model has been applied widely because
istical analyses of field estimates of various of its simplicity and low data requirements

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Figure 14.9╇╇ (a) Schematic illustration of the LAHARZ model methodology, modified from Iverson et€al. (1998). He represents
the drop height, and Le the horizontal distance over which potential sediment entrainment is assumed to occur before deposition
begins. (b) Example of nested lahar-inundation hazard zones predicted by LAHARZ for lahars of various volumes originating on
the flanks of San Vicente volcano, El Salvador. In this analysis, deposition begins at a user-specified location. Reprinted from Major
et€al. (2003), with permission of IOS Press.

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(e.g., Canuti et€ al., 2002; Major et€ al., 2004;

Table 14.1╇ ╇ Coefficient c1 and exponent a in Eq. (14.4)
Hubbard et€al., 2007; Muñoz-Salinas et€al., 2009;
for different types of mass flow (from Rickenmann,
Worni et€ al., 2011). It is, however, sensitive to 1999).
DEM accuracy and resolution (Iverson et€ al.,
1998; Stevens et€al., 2002; Huggel et€al., 2008). Flow type c1 a
Expressions similar to Eqs. (14.1) and (14.2)
have been developed for rock avalanches and
Granular debris flow 0.135 0.78
Muddy debris flow 0.0188 0.78
non-volcanic debris flows (e.g., Hungr, 1990;
Merapi lahars 0.00558 0.831
Griswold and Iverson, 2008) as well as for lahars
Sakurajima lahars 0.00135 0.870
at individual volcanoes. These studies show that
Landslide dambreak 0.293 0.56
the proportionality coefficients can be refined
Glacial dambreak 0.0163 0.64
for particular flow types or settings to yield
more accurate results.

Travel-time, discharge, volume and

runout relationships
Pierson (1998) developed an empirical model to
assess lahar travel times as functions of distance
and flow discharge. He summarized kinematic,
volumetric and hydraulic characteristics of a
number of historical flows at different volcanoes
and derived a series of polynomial relationships
for predicting arrival times T(x) of flows of dif-
ferent near-source peak discharges at distances
x downstream from source (Fig. 14.10), and a
power-law relationship for predicting near-
source peak discharge Qp from lahar volume V:
Figure 14.10╇╇Travel time versus downstream distance
T (x ) = a 2 x 2 + a 1 x + a 0 , for four size classes of lahar, fitted with polynomial curves.
(14.3) Extremely large, peak discharge > 106 m3 s−1; very large,
104–106 m3 s−1; large, 103–104 m3 s−1; moderate, 102–103 m3 s−1.
Q p = c 1V a .
(14.4) Replotted using data from Pierson (1998).

These two equations (see also Tables 14.1 and

14.2) can be used to forecast proximal peak dis-
L = 1.9 V 0.16 H 0.83 . (14.5)
charge and consequent travel times to specific
distances from source if the initial volume of Such a relation is not useful, however, for dilute
a future flow can be estimated. For the case of (hyperconcentrated flow) lahars that typically
a lahar triggered by a release of water, Pierson do not have coherent deposit termini, but rather
(1998) suggested multiplying the initial flow vol- lose sediment load with distance and transform
ume of water by a factor of three to estimate the gradually to normal streamflow.
volume of a fully bulked debris-flow lahar.
For a range of volcanic and non-volcanic deb- 14.5.2â•… Single-phase rheological models
ris flows exhibiting well-defined distal termini, A suite of single-phase rheological models exists
and having volumes between 6 m3 and 8 × 106 to describe lahar behavior, particularly for the
m3, Rickenmann (1999) found that the runout more sediment-laden, debris-flow end of the
distance L (m), flow volume V (m3), and eleva- lahar continuum. These models build on obser-
tion difference H (m) between the crown of the vations of debris-flow behavior and deposit
source and the deposit terminus can be linked geometry (Yano and Daido, 1965; Johnson,
empirically by the expression 1970; Johnson and Rodine, 1984), supplemented

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Table 14.2╇ ╇ Coefficients for lahar travel-time equation (14.3).

Peak Discharge, Qp (m3 s−1) a0 a1 a2

Extremely large, >10 m s 6 3 −1
0.00909467 0.000090487 0.000282666
Very large, 104–106 m3 s−1 −0.271086 0.0378719 0.000110375
Large, 103–104 m3 s−1 0.087511 −0.00889418 0.0015254
Moderate, 102–103 m3 s−1 0.300674 −0.0179581 0.00209817

in Eq. (14.6); Fig. 14.11), with a viscosity η that
(shear-thickening) (viscoplastic) is independent of shear rate. Such a material
τ = τy + ηε· m τ = τ + ηε·
y behaves as an elastic solid at shear stresses lower
Shear stress, τ (Pa)

than the yield strength, and as a linearly viscous

fluid at stresses exceeding the yield strength.
pseudoplastic Partitioning the yield strength of the
· Bingham model explicitly into components
τ = τy + ηε m
that combine Coulomb’s friction rule with
Terzaghi’s effective-stress principle, related to
material cohesion c, normal stress, σ, intergran-
ular friction φ, and pore-fluid pressure pf (which
yield stress, τy

τ = ηε·
modifies the applied normal stress; see online
supplement), produces the Coulomb-viscous
model proposed by Johnson (1970) and Johnson
Shear rate, ε· (s–1) and Rodine (1984):
Figure 14.11╇╇ Relationships between shear stress and τ = ( c + (σ − p f ) tan ϕ ) + ηε. (14.7)

shear-strain rate for common formulations of the generalized
Herschel–Bulkley rheological model. For dilatant fluids, m > 1; Viscoplastic models, however, fail to account for
for psuedoplastic fluids, m < 1. obvious particle–particle interactions inherent
in debris flows.
To account for particle collisions in debris
by rheological measurements on sub-samples flows, Takahashi (1980) developed a grain-flow
of deposits reconstituted into slurries (e.g., theory that is founded on the basis of experi-
O’Brien and Julien, 1988; Phillips and Davies, ments (Bagnold, 1954) relating normal and shear
1991; Major and Pierson, 1992; Arattano et€ al., stresses in particulate suspensions. The central
2006). The models all assume that a constant tenet of Takahashi’s theory involves a dispersive
stress–strain-rate relationship suitable for an stress τd that arises in shearing granular flows
idealized, homogeneous, single-phase material due to collisions and momentum exchanges
adequately describes debris-flow behavior. This between adjacent particles. Two regimes were
relationship is described using the generalized identified on the basis of the ratio of inertial
Herschel–Bulkley equation (Fig. 14.11): to viscous shear stresses in a suspension: a
macroviscous regime (Eq. (14.8)) dominant at
τ = τ y + ηε m , (14.6)
low shear rates; and a grain-inertia (collisional)
where τ is the applied shear stress, τy is the yield regime (Eq. (14.9)) that prevails at higher rates.
strength, η is the dynamic viscosity (i.e., the gra- These regimes are expressed as:
dient of the stress–strain-rate relationship), and τ d = λ 3 / 2ηε for ε < 40η / (λ 1/ 2 ρ s d 2 ), (14.8)
ε̇ is the shear strain rate (= ∂u/∂y). The simplest
non-Newtonian rheological model describes a τ d = ρ s (λ d)2 ε 2 for ε > 450η / (λ 1/ 2 ρ s d 2 ).
Bingham viscoplastic material (τy > 0 and m = 1

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In these equations, ρs is the particle density, d is strength, and η is the viscoplastic viscosity. Of
a characteristic particle diameter, and λ is a lin- these parameters, h and u are calculated by the
ear grain concentration, defined as: model, whereas K, n, τy, and η are specified by
the user. The specific weight γm of a mixture
( )
, is obtained from its sediment concentration Cv
C v C v 1/ 3 − 1 and the densities of the solid and liquid phases.
Values of yield strength and viscosity are deter-
in which Cv* is the maximum possible static-grain mined from empirical field and laboratory obser-
volume concentration. Equation (14.9) shows vations relating Cv to τy and η (O’Brien, 2007).
that dispersive stress related to particle col- Combination of these flow-resistance terms with
lisions increases as a function of particle con- a two-dimensional hydraulic model (discussed
centration, grain size, and shear rate. Although below) enables a program (FLO-2D) that routes a
Bagnold’s results provide a tantalizing founda- hydrograph across a DEM. Expressions for mass
tion upon which to build a debris-flow theory conservation of both sediment and water, and
that incorporates effects of particle interac- a diffusive expression for momentum conser-
tions, including particle collisions that support vation (Section 14.5.4) are solved numerically.
grain-size sorting, Takahashi’s (1980) develop- FLO-2D thus assumes lahars can be described
ment of the model assumes a vertically uniform as simple, single-phase rheological materials, is
particle-concentration profile of monodisperse data intensive, and requires detailed fieldwork
particles. Those assumptions cannot explain and laboratory analyses to estimate necessary
grain-size sorting, and they place unrealistic input parameters. The model is restricted to
restrictions on development of stresses and fixed-bed (non-erodible) topography, and does
the velocity profile in a flow, and on the slope not simulate rapidly varying flow, flow surges,
angle over which material can flow (Iverson and or other flow discontinuities (such as hydraulic
Denlinger, 1987). jumps or steep flow fronts), but instead broadly
Extensions of the rheometric approach to smoothes the flow profile. Therefore, it may not
modeling lahars led to hybrid theories that be suitable for high-concentration debris flows.
combined equations in various forms. Chen Although the rheometric approach to charac-
(1988a,b) developed a hybrid approach, but one terizing and modeling debris flows (and debris-
which required multiple adjustable coefficients. flow lahars) has been widely adopted, such an
O’Brien et€al. (1993) and O’Brien (2007) summed approach has significant flaws and limitations
the viscoplastic and grain-inertial resistance (e.g., Iverson and Denlinger, 1987; Major and
terms in an energy slope form: Iverson, 1999; Hunt et€al., 2002; Iverson, 2003).
In particular, the approach assumes that debris
S f = S y + Sv + Std , (14.11) flows are rheologically simple and character-

ized by constant-valued strength and viscosity,
where Sf is the total friction slope, Sy is the yield and that particle interactions are subject to
slope, Sv is the viscous slope, and Std is the turbu- Bagnold’s dispersive-stress relations. Field and
lent-dispersive slope component. These energy- experimental measurements have shown that
slope components are written in more explicit properties of debris flows such as sediment
dimensionless form as concentration, normal stress, shear stress, and
pore-fluid pressure, all of which affect flow
τy K ηu n2u2 resistance, are spatially and temporally variable
Sf = + + 4 /3 , (14.12)
γ mh 8γ m h 2
h and that they evolve during flow. Hence, deb-

ris flows are not rheometrically simple materi-
where γm is the specific weight of the mixture, als, as properties of adjacent regions of a flow
h is flow depth, K is an empirical resistance can be quite different. Furthermore, laboratory-
parameter, u is depth-averaged flow velocity, n measured shear resistance owing to intrin-
is Manning’s roughness coefficient, τy is yield sic strength and viscosity of liquefied slurries

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(τy ~ 10–400 Pa and η ~ 10–50 Pa s) is typically

tens to hundreds of times smaller than frictional
shear resistance of granular materials rele-
vant to field-scale debris flows (Iverson, 2003).
An alternative approach (Section 14.5.5) that
describes evolving disparities in rate-independ-
ent shear resistance between friction-dominated
and liquefied regions of debris flows, rather
than rate-dependent shear resistance linked to
constant-valued intrinsic rheometric properties,
Figure 14.12╇╇ Schematic of representative control volume
has been proposed for characterizing and mod-
used to establish conservation equations. The time rate of
eling debris flows.
change of mass in the control volume is balanced by the
fluxes into Qin and out Qout of its vertical faces (A = wh).
14.5.3â•… Hydrologic flow models The hydraulic radius R is defined as the ratio of the flow
Another approach to modeling lahars is the cross-sectional area, A, to its wetted perimeter, P. In the
use of conventional surface-water flood-routing absence of additional sources or sinks of material, Q+ and
models that treat the flow as a Newtonian fluid. Q- are zero (as in the right-hand side of Eq. (14.15)), but they
Two main techniques are used: hydrologic and take on finite values in the case of incorporation of external
hydraulic routing. Hydrologic (storage) routing sediment/water or deposition of sediment load. After Fagents
and Baloga (2006).
is based on mass conservation on a reach-by-
reach basis, where the difference between vol-
ume inflow I into and outflow O from a reach momentum (Eq. (14.15)) to calculate a hydrograph
is a function of storage s within the reach and that propagates downstream. One-dimensional,
time t: depth-averaged (i.e., shallow water), partial dif-
ferential equations were first derived by Saint-
I −O = . (14.13) Venant (1871) from the Navier–Stokes equations
dt that describe the motion of an incompressible,
linearly viscous fluid of constant viscosity under
One hydrologic routing model, the Muskingum
a pressure gradient (e.g., Middleton and Wilcock,
Method, which combines Eq. (14.13) with an
1994). In one dimension, the Saint-Venant equa-
assumed relationship between stage (flow depth
tions can be written as:
h) and discharge Q, was used to model hypothet-
ical lahars in several catchments at Mount St.
∂A ∂Q
Helens (USA) following its 18 May 1980 eruption + = 0, (14.14)
∂t ∂x
(Dunne and Leopold, 1981; Dunne and Fairchild,
1983; Fairchild, 1986). Although this model is ∂h u ∂u 1 ∂u
potentially useful for roughly approximating S f = S0 − − − , (14.15)
∂x g ∂x g ∂t
the broad-scale evolution of a lahar hydrograph
and for estimating reaches of sediment stor- Sf = S0€– pressure differential€– convective accel-
age, the technique assumes that a lahar can eration€– local acceleration,
be adequately characterized as a Newtonian where A is flow cross-sectional area, h is
fluid, and it is unsuitable for rapidly rising depth, u is depth-averaged velocity, Q is dis-
hydrographs, channels subject to backwater charge€ (= Au), x is distance downstream, Sf
effects, or dense flows. is friction slope, a term taking into account
energy dissipation, S0 is channel bed slope, g is
14.5.4â•… Hydraulic flow models acceleration due to gravity, and t is time. Key
Hydraulic flow-routing models simultaneously assumptions underlying these equations are
solve equations for continuity (conservation that vertical velocity gradients are negligible
of mass or volume: Eq. (14.14); Fig. 14.12) and (velocity is depth averaged), vertical pressure

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gradients are hydrostatic, and flow depth is using one-dimensional, unsteady streamflow
small compared to flow length. Hydraulic mod- models through manipulation of the resistance
els that solve the full Saint-Venant equations are factor, based on observations of flow behavior
referred to as fully dynamic models. and deposit geometry (Swift and Kresh, 1983;
Flow resistance is usually described by a term Laenen and Hansen, 1988; Costa, 1997; Manville,
that encompasses viscous and turbulent dissipa- 2004). Resistance factors can be derived empir-
tion, frictional losses along the channel margins, ically from simple hydraulic equations (e.g., Eq.
and changes in channel geometry. The most com- (14.16)) if local flow velocity or discharge esti-
mon resistance terms are the empirical Manning mates can be obtained and a unique relation-
coefficient n and Chézy coefficient C: ship between stage and discharge is assumed.
Discharge can be reconstructed from esti-
1 2 / 3 1/ 2 mates of flow cross-sectional area and velocity.
n= R Sf , (14.16)
u Cross-sectional area can be reconstructed from
u channel geometry, although possible scour
C= . (14.17) and deposition during flow must be carefully
RS f
assessed, and mean velocity can be estimated in
various ways, including: (i) analysis of super-ele-
In these terms, the hydraulic radius (R = A/P,
vation (tilting) of flow through a channel bend,
where P is wetted perimeter) is equivalent to
such that
flow depth for wide, shallow channels. When
combined with a description of channel geom- ke g cos θ∆e Rc
etry, an upstream boundary condition (typic- u= , (14.18)
ally an input hydrograph, Q(t)), an energy-loss
expression, and a downstream boundary con- where θ is the channel gradient, Δe the diffe-
dition such as a rating curve that relates h and rence in flow elevation across the channel pro-
Q, the Saint-Venant equations can be solved file, Rc the radius of curvature of the bend, w the
numerically to calculate the downstream flow width, and ke is an empirical coefficient
evolution of a flow hydrograph. Outputs typ- (Apmann, 1973); (ii) run-up against obstacles;
ically include stage, discharge, and velocity. (iii) expressions of the form u = b1h b S0b (Table
2 3

This modeling approach assumes that a lahar 14.3), where h is flow depth and S0 is channel
can be adequately characterized as a viscous bed slope; (iv) from travel-time data; or (v) from
Newtonian fluid and that flow mass and dens- independent estimates of local surface velocity
ity remain constant during flow. This is very from video-frame analysis or tracking of floating
unlikely to be the case for a highly concen- markers. Interpretation of super-elevation fea-
trated debris-flow lahar, but the approach may tures can be complicated by the non-Newtonian
provide a reasonable approximation of the behavior of sediment-laden flows and assump-
behavior of a dilute, hyperconcentrated-flow tions about the profile of the tilted flow surface;
lahar undergoing little sediment entrainment therefore, cited values of ke in Eq. (14.18) vary
or deposition. between 0.1 and 1 (Costa, 1984; Chen, 1987;
Bulmer et€al., 2002) depending on sediment con-
Chézy- and Manning-type one-dimensional centration and channel slope. Furthermore,
models estimates of mean velocity from run-up against
Although flow resistance parameters are well obstacles can be influenced by the momentum
characterized empirically for normal Newtonian of trailing flow. Discharge can also be estimated
stream flows across a range of channel morph- from stage–discharge rating curves.
ologies (e.g., Arcement and Schneider, 1989), A few studies suggest that values of Manning’s
they are less understood for high-sediment-con- n used to characterize flow resistance for lahars
centration flows approximated as Newtonian may vary with channel slope and geometry.
fluids. Nevertheless, lahars have been simulated Costa (1997) used the National Weather Service

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The coefficient α(x) accounts for the effects of

Table 14.3 Coefficient b1 and exponents b2 and b3 in
velocity expression for different types of mass flow
channel slope, changes in channel width, and
(from Rickenmann, 1999). energy dissipation, and k is a constant. The tech-
nique is attractive for the description of flow
Flow type b1 b2 b3 propagation in channels because of its simpli-
city, with only one dependent variable appear-
Newtonian laminar flow ρg/3η 2 1
ing in the continuity equation (either stage or
Dilatant grain shearing 2ξ/3 3/2 1
discharge). In addition, the initial rising limb
Newtonian turbulent flow: 1/n 2/3 1/2
and monotonically declining falling limb of
Manning–Strickler equation C 1/2 1/2
the kinematic waveform emulate typical lahar
Chézy equation
hydrographs. Kinematic-wave theory breaks
Empirical equation c2 0.3 1/2
down at the flow front because the flow depth
increases rapidly to a maximum value over a
model DAMBRK (Wetmore and Fread, 1984; short distance. This problem may be overcome
Fread, 1996) to model lahars at a number of by introducing a kinematic shock (Weir, 1982)
Cascade Range (USA) volcanoes, and obtained a to the simulation.
reasonable fit to field-documented flow stages The kinematic-wave method has been used
and inundation areas using a Manning’s n of to model lahars at Mount Ruapehu (Weir, 1982;
0.15 (cf. n < 0.025–0.075 for water flowing in Vignaux and Weir, 1990), Nevado del Ruiz
natural stream channels). However, he found (Pierson et€ al., 1990), and Mount St. Helens
that n increased with hydraulic radius. This (Arattano and Savage, 1994). Weir (1982) sug-
trend, opposite to that for water floods, high- gested that the exponent k, which relates dis-
lights the very different energy-dissipation proc- charge to flow depth, is a function of sediment
esses operative in lahars. Manville (2004) varied concentration and varies between ~1.2–1.5
n according to channel gradient to simulate a for dilute flows and is ~3 for debris flows.
historical lahar at Mt. Ruapehu. He used n = 0.15 Limitations of the model include: (i) an unchan-
for the steepest, proximal reaches of channel ging wave profile as the simulated flow propa-
and n = 0.04 for more distal, lower gradient parts gates downstream; (ii) an inability to model
of the flow path in order to obtain the best fit the wave front or surges; (iii) assumption of a
between observed and modeled flow behavior. constant channel slope; and (iv) a need for a
means of calibrating the time parameter (usu-
Kinematic wave models ally empirically based on previous flows in the
If local and convective acceleration and the pres- same catchment).
sure-differential terms are ignored in Eq. (14.15)
so that S0 = Sf,, then combination of that expres- Diffusion models
sion with the continuity equation (14.14) yields If only the local and convective acceleration
the kinematic-wave approximation of flow, in terms are neglected in Eq. (14.15), the momen-
which gravitational accelerations are balanced tum equation simplifies to:
by frictional losses. Flow propagation is then
described by conservation of mass dh
S0 − S f = . (14.21)
∂h ∂q dx
+ = 0, (14.19)
∂t ∂x Combining this form of the momentum equa-
and a flux law, which relates discharge per unit tion with the continuity equation (Eq. 14.14)
channel width q to depth h, that performs a role produces a diffusion (or zero-inertia) equation,
similar to that of the Manning or Chézy func- which has been used as the basis for at least one
tions in hydraulic flows: debris-flow model (FLO-2D, O’Brien et€al., 1993;
O’Brien, 2007). Diffusion-wave equations can
q = α (x ) h k . (14.20)
treat changes in the shape of the waveform with

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distance (e.g., attenuation), but are deficient (a)

for flows having rapidly rising hydrographs 0:00 (baseflow)
flow depth
or surges. They can adequately characterize (m)
slowly varying unsteady Newtonian flow in long 10
reaches of channel, but are poor at modeling 0:30 hr (Q ~ 650 m3 s–1)
flow at channel transitions such as hydraulic
jumps. 6

1:00 hr (Qp ~ 2000 m3 s–1)
Fully dynamic flow models 2
Advances in computer processing power allow
fully dynamic (and multi-dimensional) flow- 1 km
routing models (i.e., models retaining all terms
in Eqs. (14.14) and (14.15)) to be applied to lahar (b)
problems. Early work (Macedonio and Pareschi, 2:00 hr
flow velocity
1992) demonstrated the use of this approach, (m s–1)
but also highlighted the importance of chan- 1 km 7
nel geometry and topographic variability, and 6
the need to adequately characterize the bound- 5
ary conditions (e.g., source hydrographs). More 4
recently, Hancox et€ al. (2001) used proprietary 3
(Mike11) software to forecast the maximum 2

discharge, stage, and arrival time at key points This inset 1:10 hr 1
along the flow path of the March 2007 lake-
breakout lahar from the summit Crater Lake
of Mount Ruapehu. Reconstructions of that
Figure 14.13╇╇ Sample outputs from Delft3DTM simulations
event were also made using the commercial
of the March 2007 Crater Lake break-out lahar at Mt.
Delft3D program (Fig. 14.13; Carrivick et€ al., Ruapehu, New Zealand. (a) Snapshots of flow depth at
2009). That program solves the shallow-water different time intervals showing downstream propagation of
equations for an incompressible Newtonian lahar and flooding of channel bifurcations. (b) Depth-averaged
fluid flowing over fixed channel boundar- flow velocity illustrating higher flow speeds in deeper parts
ies using the Boussinesq approximation (an of the channel. Courtesy of J. Carrivick, unpublished data. See
assumption that momentum transfer caused by color plates section.
turbulent eddies can be modeled with a user-
specified “eddy viscosity”). Reconstruction of
the Ruapehu lahar using this model reasonably 14.5.5â•… Coulomb mixture theory
matched the peak stage and inundation area of Owing to the shortcomings of modeling deb-
the flow, but poorly matched flow-front velocity ris flows using fixed rheological relationships
and time to peak stage (Manville and Cronin, between stress and strain rate, an alternative
2007). This poor replication may be due to vari- approach based on mixture theory for granu-
ous factors, including the inability of the model lar media has been developed. This approach
to treat stage-dependent roughness effects or uses separate equations for the conservation
to accommodate adequately hydraulics jumps of mass and momentum of the solid and fluid
produced by significant topographic variabil- components of a flow of granular material, and
ity, the assumption of Newtonian flow behavior coupling terms that link the momentum equa-
for what was likely a non-Newtonian flow, neg- tions of the separate phases (Hutter et€al., 1996;
lect of sediment entrainment and transport, Iverson, 1997a, 2009; Iverson and Denlinger,
and computational difficulties associated with 2001). This approach builds on descriptions of
routing a large, unsteady flow over a fine grid dry, cohesionless avalanches as depth-averaged
(Carrivick et€al., 2009). (i.e., thin-layer) granular continua governed by

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Coulomb-type frictional interactions (Savage, interactions of the solid and fluid constituents in
1984; Savage and Hutter, 1989, 1991). That con- heterogeneous debris flows having high-friction,
cept was subsequently generalized to wet debris coarse-grained snouts and low-friction, lique-
flows by Iverson (1997a,b) using a simple mix- fied interiors (Iverson, 2003), (iii) the evolution
ture theory to describe the one-dimensional flow of flow depth, velocity, solids volume fraction,
dynamics of a two-phase debris flow. Since its dilatancy, and pore-fluid pressure throughout
introduction, the Coulomb mixture theory for the flow event (George and Iverson, 2011), and
debris flows has been refined to include Darcy’s (iv) post-depositional sediment consolidation
law, which allows for laminar relative motion and dissipation of non-hydrostatic pore pressure
between the fluid and solid phases, and to allow (Major and Iverson, 1999; Savage and Iverson,
coupled evolution of dilatancy, solid and fluid 2003; George and Iverson, 2011). In the limiting
volume fractions, pore-fluid pressure, flow case of dry flow, the mixture reduces to a simple
depth, and velocity (Savage and Iverson, 2003; granular Coulomb material, whereas when the
George and Iverson, 2011). Initial versions of the flow is saturated, excess pore-fluid pressure can
model were expanded from one to three dimen- balance the solids load, cause complete lique-
sions and solved using refined numerical meth- faction, and the mixture can behave as a purely
ods (Iverson and Denlinger, 2001; Denlinger and viscous fluid.
Iverson, 2001). The initial Coulomb-mixture model for deb-
Key assumptions of the Coulomb mixture ris flows (Iverson and Denlinger, 2001; Iverson,
model are: (i) the solids behave as a Coulomb 2009) consists of depth-averaged, frame-invari-
frictional material such that the shear stress ant equations that form a system of conserva-
driving flow is proportional to effective nor- tion laws for mass (Eq. (14.22)) and momentum
mal stress (σ´ = σ€ – pf ) and is independent of (Eq. (14.23)), here referred to as the debris flow
shear rate; (ii) the intergranular fluid (includ- equations (DFE):
ing fines in suspension) behaves as a Newtonian
viscous fluid; (iii) coupling between solid and ∂h ∂ ( hu x ) ∂ ( hu y )
+ + = 0, (14.22)
fluid components obeys Terzaghi’s effect- ∂t ∂x ∂y

ive stress principle (Terzaghi, 1943; Lambe
and Whitman, 1969; see online supplement)
 ∂ ( hu ) ∂ ( hu x2 ) ∂ ( hu x u y ) 
and Darcy’s law for drag owing to laminar ρ x
+ +  =
relative motion of the solid and fluid phases  ∂t ∂x ∂y  (14.23)
(Iverson, 2003); (iv) pore-fluid pressure pf, which  u2  u
reduces the intergranular effective stresses, is a − sgn ( u x ) ( ρ g z h − p bed )  1 + x  tan ϕ bed − 3v fη f x
 rx g z  h
‘“state”’ variable that evolves through a forced
advection-diffusion relation (Savage and Iverson,
basal shear sttresses
2003; George and Iverson, 2011), and the times- ∂ ∂p ∂2u
− hK act / pass ( ρ g z h − pbed ) − h bed + v fη f h 2x
cales for excess-pore-fluid-pressure diffusion are ∂x ∂x ∂x
long relative to the timescales of flow (Iverson, longitudinal normal stresses
1997a; Iverson and Denlinger, 2001; George and  ∂u  ∂ ∂2u
Iverson, 2011); (v) frictional intergranular con-
− sgn  x  hK act / pass ( ρ g z h − pbed ) sin ϕ + v fη f h 2x
 ∂y  ∂y ∂y
tacts dominate shear resistance in nonliquefied transverrse shear stresses
regions of the flow (Iverson, 1997a); and (vi)
+ ρ gxh
frictional shear resistance is at least an order of
magnitude greater than viscous resistance even
gravitational body force stresses
in fully liquefied flows (Iverson, 1997a).
Under the specified assumptions, the Equation (14.23) is the x-direction (downslope)
Coulomb mixture model describes (i) the ini- momentum equation; the y-direction (trans-
tial transition of a debris flow from a static to a verse) momentum equation is obtained by
flowing state, (ii) the time- and space-dependent interchanging x and y. The direction normal to

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the flow bed is noted by subscript z. Overbars runout, inundation area, velocity, flow depth,
indicate depth-averaged values. Pore-fluid and evolution of the solid volume fraction and
pressure is assumed to increase linearly with pore-fluid pressure. Predicted relaxation of
depth to a maximum pbed at the bed, and pore-fluid pressure and flow speed in the George
Kact/pass is an earth-pressure coefficient that relates and Iverson (2011) model are highly sensitive
depth-averaged lateral stresses to vertical stress to the hydraulic permeability of the mixture,
and has a value that varies with extending or a parameter that can have a value far different
compressing flow. Other terms include the fluid during flow motion than is measured in static
volume fraction vf, the pore-fluid viscosity ηf, debris.
local radius of bed curvature rx, internal φ and The Coulomb mixture-theory approach
basal φbed friction angles, downslope and normal developed by Iverson and Denlinger (2001)
components of gravitational acceleration gx, gz, was adapted to produce the simulation code
and the function sgn which changes the sign TITAN2D (Pitman et€ al., 2003; Sheridan et€ al.,
of the argument so that shear stresses always 2005). For simplicity, however, fluid terms were
oppose shear strain in the x–y plane. dropped to develop a single-phase, dry-limit
More recent advancements using the mixture model suitable for rock and dry debris ava-
theory model (George and Iverson, 2011) have lanches, and adaptive mesh refinement meth-
focused on feedbacks among and evolution of ods were adopted for computational efficiency.
mixture dilatancy, solid and fluid volume frac- A two-phase, depth-averaged formulation of
tions, and pore-fluid pressure. Feedbacks among TITAN2D was developed using engineering con-
these physical parameters affect whether the ini- cepts of mixture theory (Pitman and Le, 2005).
tial motion of a mass of granular material from a Mass and momentum conservation are calcu-
static state evolves into a rapidly moving debris lated for each phase independently using a
flow or a slowly creeping landslide, the manner Coulomb frictional model for the solids and an
and rate at which the mass moves, and the spa- assumption that the only fluid stress is pressure.
tial and temporal variations in flow depth, flow If fluid motion relative to the solid particles is
resistance, and propensity for liquefaction. not large and if pressure is the only fluid stress,
Numerical solutions of the mixture-theory Pitman and Le (2005) assume that fluid accelera-
equations have developed in parallel with the- tions can be ignored and a Darcy-type (fluid drag)
oretical advances. Solutions to early versions approximation can be used as a replacement for
of the DFE (Iverson and Denlinger, 2001) were the fluid momentum equation. Input param-
initially formulated using Riemann integration eters for TITAN2D include initial flow volume,
(Denlinger and Iverson, 2001), but were time internal and basal friction values, the ratio of
intensive. Numerical solution of the most recent solids to pore fluid, and topography. Model out-
versions of the mixture-theory equations using put includes the evolution of flow depth with
the simulation code DIGCLAW (George and time, from which various parameters such as
Iverson, 2011) adopts the latest adaptive refine- runout distance, velocity, inundation area, and
ments to solve Riemann problems (e.g., Berger discharge can be derived. Figure 14.14 shows an
et€ al., in press). Incorporation of an adaptive example of output from TITAN2D.
grid enables use of high-resolution DEMs and
increases the sensitivity of the model at the flow 14.5.6â•…Models of lahar bulking and
front. Input parameters for the mixture-theory debulking
model include initial flow volume, starting loca- Key features of lahar behavior that most mod-
tion, bed friction angle, initial solids volume els fail to address are the changes in volume,
fraction and grain density, pore-fluid density sediment loading, and downstream evolution
and viscosity, mixture hydraulic permeability that commonly occur as a result of sediment
and compressibility, coefficients that describe entrainment or deposition during transit.
mixture dilatancy, and topography in the form Changes owing to variations in sediment vol-
of a DEM. Outputs from the model include flow ume affect flow dynamics and potential areas

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Figure 14.14╇╇ Simulations of the

2005 Vazcún Valley lahar, Ecuador,
generated using the two-phase version
of TITAN2D. Flow depth distributions at
final time-steps for simulations of a 70
000 m3 volume for (a) 40 vol.% solids,
and (b) 60 vol.% solids. Reprinted from
Williams et€al. (2008) with permission
from Elsevier. See color plates section.

of inundation and thus the consequent hazards

to downstream communities. Field and experi-
mental observations suggest that erosion and
entrainment can be significant (a factor of three
or more; Manville, 2004; Scott et€al., 2005; Berger
et€al., 2011) and that assimilation of external wet
sediment can cause flow momentum, mass and
velocity to increase (Iverson et€al., 2011).
To model the influence of sediment entrain-
ment and loss on lahar behavior, Fagents and
Baloga (2006) developed volume conservation
formulations similar to the shallow-water equa-
tions (e.g., Eqs. 14.14 and 14.15), but permitted
density to vary. Terms representing the add-
ition and loss of volume (mass) were added to
the right-hand side of the conservation equa- Figure 14.15╇╇ (a) Dimensionless flow depth (normalized
tions to represent sediment entrainment and to initial flow depth at source, h0) and (b) flow bulk density
sediment deposition by a flow. The model was (a proxy for solids concentration) at three different times
formulated for dilute, lake-breakout flows that as a function of distance from source, applying the model
rapidly entrain sediment on proximal slopes of Fagents and Baloga (2006) to a lake breakout lahar. The
of a volcano, and it generates downstream pro- simulated flow starts out as a water flood but rapidly entrains
files of flow depth, discharge, and density that sufficient sediment to become a lahar. As the flow slows on
encountering shallower slopes with distance downstream,
evolve due to sediment entrainment and subse-
deposition of sediment causes the flow to lose sediment and
quent sediment deposition. Model results were
decrease both its depth and bulk density.
qualitatively consistent with observed lake-
breakout events in 1953 and 2007 at Ruapehu
volcano, New Zealand (Manville, 2004; Manville the influence of source conditions (i.e., the form
and Cronin, 2007). Importantly, the model pre- of time-dependence of the source hydrograph)
dicts erosion depths and deposit thicknesses, and topography on flow evolution.
amounts of sediment entrained, transform- Disadvantages of the approach used by
ations between streamflow, hyperconcentrated Fagents and Baloga (2006) include: (i) the lack
flow, and debris flow (Fig. 14.15), and highlights of a coupled momentum equation (flow velocity

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is specified as a function of slope); (ii) the one- an idealized homogeneous material are rela-
dimensional nature of the governing equations; tively simple to calibrate and implement, with
and (iii) inclusion of sediment entrainment and key input parameters derived from field and
loss parameters that need to be calibrated. laboratory data (Fink et€al., 1981; Whipple, 1997;
Coussot et€al., 1998; Glaze et€al., 2002; Arattano
et€al., 2006; O’Brien, 2007). However, such mod-
14.6╇ ╇ Discussion els have been extensively criticized for incom-
patibility with flow observations, ignoring
Models depicting the behavior of lahars span physical reality, use of unrealistic constant vis-
the spectrum from simple, empirical models cosity and yield strength values, and neglect
that predict the average behavior of future of dynamic particle–particle and particle–fluid
lahars on the basis of relationships among interactions that contribute to vertical and hori-
characteristics and behavior of past lahars, to zontal segregation and stratification in flows
sophisticated mathematical and numerical (Iverson, 1997a; Major and Iverson, 1999; Major,
models that describe and simulate fundamen- 2000; Iverson and Vallance, 2001; Iverson and
tal physical interactions among the constituent Denlinger, 2001; Iverson, 2003). Similarly, con-
components of flows. All models, regardless of stitutive rheological models that seek to com-
their complexity, involve compromises between bine macroviscous and collisional flow regimes
physical fidelity and computational tractability (e.g., Chen, 1988a,b ; Takahashi, 1991) have also
and efficiency. Key questions to consider when been criticized for imposing unrealistic assump-
selecting a model concern the reasons for using tions and restrictions on flow properties, and
the model, the data available, and the needs for attempting to unify physically incompatible
and expectations of those using the model out- behaviors (Iverson and Denlinger, 1987; Iverson,
put. Emergency planners and response manage- 2003). Despite those criticisms, models invoking
ment agencies are likely to have very different these approaches can replicate some features of
needs and model requirements than scientists. liquefied, high-concentration mass flows, such
During a volcanic crisis, models that empha- as plug flow, unsteady flow behavior and sur-
size simplicity, ease of use, and practical out- ging, flow depth and velocity, and deposit char-
puts such as maximum flow depth, inundation acteristics. Consequently, it can be argued that
area, and downstream arrival times will take single-phase rheological models might be useful
preference over physically faithful models that for modeling lahars reaching debris-flow con-
require extended computational timeframes, centrations if they consist of liquefied sediment
careful calibration, and an extensive set of ini- mixtures having a relatively uniform and fine
tial and boundary conditions. In some cases, grain size, particularly if they have a significant
improvements in computing power, which can clay content; in such cases, viscous flow resist-
favor use of more complex models, have been ance will dominate frictional and collisional
negated by increases in model sophistication flow resistance (Iverson, 2003). However, such
and data requirements, particularly in the form flows are likely to represent only a small frac-
of high-resolution DEMs. tion of natural lahar events.
The simplest models are heuristic, and based Shallow-water flow models draw on hydro-
on rule-of-thumb or experience-based empir- logic or hydraulic flow-routing techniques com-
ical relationships among various lahar param- mon in open-channel hydraulics, and utilize
eters. However, caution should be exercised empirical resistance terms such as Manning’s
when using an empirical model that has been coefficient or Chézy’s friction factor. Comparison
calibrated for a limited number of catchments of predicted behavior with measured behavior
or events as it may not be directly applicable of dilute hyperconcentrated-flow lahars sug-
elsewhere. gests that shallow-water models may acceptably
Rheological models that assume a constant simulate such flows (Manville, 2004; Carrivick
relationship between stress and strain rate in et€al., 2009), although these types of models are

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highly sensitive to the value of the resistance triggered by lake breakouts, the forms of the
coefficient selected and flow-path topography. In source hydrographs may not be. Furthermore,
contrast to the resistance coefficients typical of the volumes and source hydrographs of lahars
normal Newtonian river floods, the Manning’s n triggered by debris avalanches, rainfall runoff,
for dilute lahars appears to increase with stage or snow-and-ice melt are more problematic to
height and sediment concentration; therefore, predict. Consequently, simulations of lahars
calibration is an issue. for purposes of assessing hazards and produ-
A more rigorous, physically faithful model cing hazard maps (as opposed to reconstruct-
based on Coulomb mixture theory (Iverson, ing events) should consider a range of initial
1997a, 2009; Iverson and Denlinger, 2001; input volumes (or hydrographs) that are guided
George and Iverson, 2011) describes the con- by analyses of past events. Dalbey et€ al. (2008)
servation of mass and momentum for the fluid discuss methods for sampling uncertain input
and solid phases separately, and specifies the parameters, propagating those uncertainties
interactions and feedbacks among mixture through a mass-flow model founded on con-
dilatancy, solid volume fraction, and pore-fluid servation laws, and quantifying the effects of
pressure which govern internal flow resistance, uncertainty on model output. Those methods
momentum transfer, and energy dissipation. allow for construction of a hazard map assess-
The model accounts for much of the observed ing the spatial probability of some parameter
heterogeneity and behavior of real debris-flow exceeding a threshold value given a range of
lahars, in which inertial and frictional effects input parameters. Error in DEMs can also affect
are significant and non-hydrostatic pore-fluid model output. Initial efforts at assessing the
pressure modulates flow behavior. However, effects of uncertainties and errors in DEMs on
it requires a number of detailed input param- geophysical mass-flow output are discussed by
eters, is computationally intensive, and its latest Stefanescu et€al. (2010).
version (George and Iverson, 2011) is presently Depending on the needs of the user, a tiered
restricted to one-dimensional numerical solu- approach for assessing lahar hazards can be
tion. Another numerical model that utilizes the adopted. For example, a rapidly produced one-
mixture-theory approach, TITAN2D, has been dimensional model, constrained by adequate
used to hindcast lahar behavior (Sheridan et€al., channel-geometry data, might be used to
2005; Williams et€al., 2008; Procter et€al., 2010). assess lahar impacts over a broad area. The out-
Simulations from that model have highlighted put from that model can then be coupled to a
its sensitivity to user-specified input parameters two- or three-dimensional model simulating
and topographic uncertainties. Furthermore, lahar impact on focused sub-reaches of critical
it requires simplifying assumptions such as interest.
neglecting the liquid phase (Pitman et€al., 2003;
Patra et€al., 2005) or imposing a Darcy-type fluid
flow that may be inappropriate for dynamic 14.7╇ ╇ Future research directions
flows or flows having very high permeability
(Pitman and Le, 2005). Significant progress has been made developing
Regardless of the model used to simulate models of lahars. For example, our understand-
lahars, output results are sensitive to uncer- ing of the physics of debris flows has advanced
tainties in input parameters, to the quality considerably, from conceptualizations of flows
and resolution of topographic models, and as single-phase materials having a constant
to propagation of uncertainties and errors stress–strain-rate relationship to more sophis-
through a model to the output. For lahars and ticated treatments of flows as granular, multi-
other geophysical mass flows, uncertainties phase materials in which the mass, momentum,
in initial volume and starting location are of and interactions of the constituent phases
first-order importance. Although initial volumes strongly influence flow dynamics. Recognition
may be reasonably well constrained for lahars that boundary conditions are extremely

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important for understanding flow behavior and and Cronin, 2007; McCoy et€ al., 2010; Berger
evolution has expanded recent attention from et€ al., 2011). However, significant challenges
analyses of internal flow dynamics to interac- remain. These include capturing, in real time,
tions of flows with their boundaries. In addition the processes of vertical, lateral and longitu-
to initial efforts at modeling sediment entrain- dinal particle segregation by grain size or dens-
ment and loss by lahars (Fagents and Baloga, ity. Furthermore, a broader base of real-time
2006; Suzuki et€ al., 2009), recent experiments measurements over greater flow path distances
have examined sediment entrainment and its is needed to better resolve dynamical param-
influence on debris-flow mobility (e.g., Iverson eters and flow–boundary interactions as lahars
et€ al., 2011), and real-time field measurements evolve during transit and substrate conditions
have documented sediment entrainment by vary. Increased use of airborne and terrestrial
debris flows (McCoy et€ al., 2010; Berger et€ al., laser scanning has the potential to provide
2011). Better understanding of the conditions finer resolution of lahar–channel interactions,
that lead to sediment entrainment and loss (e.g., and the roles of sediment entrainment and
the influence of topography, channel geometry, deposition in mass conservation, than can be
and substrate composition and saturation), and obtained from discrete section measurements.
the dynamic feedbacks that lead to particle seg- Continued innovation in experimental and
regation and levée formation during flow will field techniques will refine the measurements
improve the physical fidelity of future lahar needed to fully understand the interactions
models. An ability to predict, or at least better among the constituent components of a flow,
constrain, initial lahar volumes, hydrographs, between a flow, its source characteristics and
and volumes of entrainment and loss as func- its boundary, and the mechanisms by which a
tions of time, space, and flow behavior will flow evolves as it moves downstream. Coupling
greatly improve implementation of lahar mod- of remote-sensing analyses of geodetic deform-
els and lead to more accurate assessments of ation of volcanoes, of volumes of crater lakes
downstream hazards. and potential release rates, or analyses of soil-
An increase in model sophistication and thickness distributions and landslide-stability
the use of high-resolution topography have models (such as TRIGRS; Baum et€al., 2002), with
tended to nullify simulation efficiencies gained lahar models may provide one way forward
by improved computational power. Therefore, toward predicting initial material volumes in
models adopting improved numerical tech- some cases, but predicting initial lahar volumes
niques over high-resolution, three-dimensional remains an elusive goal.
terrain are needed. Numerical finite-volume
methods that allow the computational grid to
dynamically adapt to rapidly changing condi-
tions (e.g., Berger et€al., in press; George, 2010;
14.8╇ ╇ Summary
George and Iverson, 2011) are providing steps
toward improved numerical efficiency. • Lahars are complex multiphase phenomena
As models become more sophisticated at whose behavior varies as a function of sedi-
addressing lahar physics, there is an urgent ment concentration, grain-size distribution,
need to obtain well-constrained measurements and feedbacks among the solid and fluid com-
of parameters relevant for testing those models. ponents of the mixture.
Large-scale experiments have helped derive sev- • Low-sediment-concentration lahars may
eral types of measurements needed for under- be adequately modeled using standard
standing debris-flow physics (e.g., Iverson et€al., shallow-flow techniques developed for
2010, 2011), and real-time field measurements Newtonian water flows.
of flow properties are providing important data • High-sediment-concentration lahars are best
for comparing natural events with experiments simulated using formulations based on mix-
and models (e.g., McArdell et€al., 2007; Manville ture theories that account for behaviors of,

9780521895439c14_p300-330.indd 322 8/2/2012 10:27:24 AM


and interactions between, the solid and fluid L runout distance (m)
constituents of a flow. Le horizontal distance from volcano
• Ranges of uncertain input parameters, espe- summit over which sediment
cially initial lahar volume, should be used entrainment is assumed in LAHARZ
when assessing downstream hazards. Methods model (m)
for sampling a range of uncertain input m exponent in Herschel–Bulkley
parameters to lahar models and for propagat- equation
ing those uncertainties through a model can Mz mean grain diameter (phi scale)
be employed to develop probabilistic hazard n Manning’s resistance coefficient
maps. (s m−1/3)
O outflow (m3 s−1)
pbed maximum pore-fluid pressure at flow
base (Pa)
14.9╇ ╇ Notation pf pore-fluid pressure (Pa)
ph hydrostatic pressure (Pa)
a exponent in regression equation pt total pressure (Pa)
a0, a1, a2 coefficients in travel-time regression p* total pressure (Pa)
equation P wetted perimeter (m)
A cross-sectional area of flow or q discharge per unit width (m2 s−1)
deposit (m2) Q discharge (m3 s−1)
b1, b2, b3 coefficient and exponents in velocity Q , Q volumetric source and sink terms
+ -

expressions (m s−1)
B planimetric area of inundation (m2) Qp peak discharge (m3 s−1)
c1, c2 coefficients in regression equations rx local radius of bed curvature (m)
c cohesive strength (Pa) R hydraulic radius (m)
C Chézy resistance term (m1/2 s−1) Rc centerline radius of curvature (m)
C m sediment mass concentration (%) s storage (m3)
Cv volumetric sediment concentration Sf friction slope
(% or fraction) S0 channel slope
Cv* maximum static sediment volume Std turbulent-dispersive slope
concentration Sv viscous slope
d particle diameter (m) Sy yield slope
Δe elevation difference across flow (m) t time (s)
g gravitational acceleration (m s−2) T(x) travel time to a point x km
gx, gz downslope and normal components downstream (hours)
of gravitational acceleration (m s−2) u mean, depth-averaged flow velocity
h flow depth (m) (m s−1)
H elevation difference between flow ux, uy x- and y-components of
source and deposit toe (m) depth-averaged velocity (m s−1)
He elevation range on a volcano over vf fluid volume fraction
which sediment entrainment is V lahar volume (m3)
assumed in LAHARZ model (m) w channel width (m)
I inflow (m3 s−1) x, y, z longitudinal, lateral, and vertical
k exponent in flux equation spatial coordinates (m)
ke coefficient in superelevation α(x) coefficient in flux equation
equation ε̇ strain rate (s−1)
K empirical resistance parameter for φ internal friction angle (˚)
viscous flow φbed bed friction angle (˚)
Kact/pass Rankine earth pressure coefficient ϕ porosity

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Williams, R., Stinton, A.╯J. and Sheridan, M.╯F. the pore space, derive an expression for the
(2008). Evaluation of the Titan2D two-phase flow hydrostatic pressure (ph) of a column of water
model using an actual event: Case study of the extending from the deposit surface, h, to a depth
2005 Vazcún Valley lahar. Journal of Volcanology and h€– y.
Geothermal Research, 177, 760–766. (b)╇Next derive an expression for the total stress σz of
Witham, C.╯S. (2005). Volcanic disasters and a column of water-saturated sediment extending
incidents: a new database. Journal of Volcanology and from the deposit surface to the same depth.
Geothermal Research, 148, 191–233. Follow the sign convention that total stress is
Worni, R., Huggel, C., Stoffel, M. and Pulgarin, B. (in negative in compression whereas fluid pressure
press). Challenges of modeling current very large is defined positive.
lahars at Nevado del Huila, Colombia. Bulletin of (c)╇Derive an expression for total mass density of the
Volcanology. deposit in terms of water density, ρw, sediment
Yano, K. and Daido, A. (1965). Fundamental study on density, ρs, and porosity, ϕ.
mud-flow. Bulletin of the Disaster Prevention Research (d)╇Using the expressions derived for total stress and
Institute, 14, 69–83. total mass density, show that
Zanchetta, G., Sulpizio, R., Pareschi, M.╯T., Leoni,
F.╯M. and Santacroce, R. (2004). Characteristics σ z = − [ρw + (ρs − ρw )(1 − φ)] g (h − y )

of May 5–6, 1998 volcaniclastic debris flows
in the Sarno area (Campania, southern Italy): This expression shows that total stress in a
relationships to structural damage and hazard column of water-saturated debris depends on the
zonation. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal weight of the column of overlying water plus the
Research, 133, 377–393. buoyant weight of the overlying solids.
Zanuttigh, B. and Ghilardi, P. (2010). Segregation (e)╇If the fluid pressure in a lahar exactly balances
process of water-granular mixtures released down the weight of the overlying solids, the lahar
a steep chute. Journal of Hydrology, 391, 175–187. is liquefied. For that case, show that the
total fluid pressure, pt can be expressed as
pt = ρw g (h − y ) + (ρs − ρw )(1 − φ) g (h − y ) ,or
pt = ph + p*where p* is the nonequilibrium, or
Exercises excess, fluid pressure.

14.1╇The pressure, or normal stress, acting on

Online resources available at www.cambridge.
any plane in a mass of saturated sediment
depends on the fluid that fills the pore
space and the solid grains that make up the • Additional exercises
sediment skeleton. Thus, we must distinguish • Answers to exercises
the fluid pressure (exerted only by the fluid), • Additional reading
the skeleton pressure or intergranular stress • Links to websites of interest
(exerted only by the solids), and the total stress • Video footage of lahar at Semeru volcano,
(which reflects a combination of the fluid and Indonesia
skeleton pressure). • Illustration of Terzaghi’s stress principle

9780521895439c14_p300-330.indd 330 8/2/2012 10:27:26 AM

Chapter 15

Introduction to quantitative volcano

seismology: fluid-driven sources
Bernard Chouet

Overview separate melt and vapor. Refined understand­

ing of such processes requires multidisciplinary
Recent technological developments and incre­ research involving detailed field measurements,
ases in the seismological instrumentation of coupled with laboratory experiments and
volcanoes now allow the surface effects of sub­ numerical modeling.
terranean volcanic processes to be imaged in
unprecedented detail. The wealth and accuracy
of resulting seismic data have allowed the iden­ 15.1╇ ╇ Introduction
tification of oscillatory behaviors that are intim­
ately related to magma transport dynamics. A Magma transport is fundamentally episodic in
critically important area of research in volcano character as a result of the inherent instability
seismology today is aimed at the quantification of magmatic systems at all timescales. This epi­
of the source properties of these oscillatory sig­ sodicity is reflected in seismic activity, which
nals, which typically include Long-Period (LP) originates in dynamic interactions between
events and tremor with periods in the range 0.2 gas, liquid, and solid along geometrically com­
− 2 s, and Very-Long-Period (VLP) events with plex magma transport paths. The geometrical
periods in the range 2 − 100 s. The two types complexity plays a central role in controlling
of events provide information about the seis­ flow disturbances and also providing specific
mic source geometry, fluid properties at the sites where pressure and momentum changes
source, and source excitation process, all of in the fluid are effectively coupled to the Earth.
which represent critical elements in the assess­ In concert with this activity originating in the
ment of volcanic behavior and associated haz­ fluid are processes occurring in the solid rock,
ards. To fully exploit the potential of seismic which manifest themselves mainly in the form
observations, however, we must learn how to of earthquakes associated with shear failures
translate seismic source mechanisms into quan­ in the volcanic edifice. Whereas events origin­
titative information about fluid dynamics, and ating in the fluid represent volumetric modes
we also must determine the underlying physics of deformation involving a localized conduit
that governs vesiculation, fragmentation, and response to flow processes, the shear failures
the collapse of bubble-rich suspensions to form act as gauges that map stress concentrations

Modeling Volcanic Processes: The Physics and Mathematics of Volcanism, eds. Sarah A. Fagents, Tracy K. P. Gregg, and Rosaly M. C.
Lopes. Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2012.

9780521895439c15_p331-358.indd 331 8/2/2012 11:33:46 AM

332 B E R N A R D C H OU E T

distributed over a large volume surrounding gases mixed with liquid droplets, may produce
magma conduits and reservoirs. These are called velocity contrasts that are similar to, or stronger
Volcano-Tectonic (VT) earthquakes to differ­ than, those associated with bubbly liquids. In
entiate them from pure tectonic earthquakes, particular, dusty gases made of micron-sized
although they are indistinguishable from the particles, or misty gases made of micron-sized
latter in their broadband spectral characteris­ droplets, can sustain resonance at the source
tics and failure mechanisms. over durations that far exceed those achieved
Seismic signals originating from the dynam­ with bubbly fluids (Kumagai and Chouet, 2000).
ics of magmatic and hydrothermal fluids typ­ With the increased use of portable broad­
ically include Long-Period (LP) events and band seismometers in the 1990s, slower proc­
tremor (Chouet, 1996a). This terminology stems esses associated with unsteady mass transport
from the appearance of these signals on the began to be observed at many volcanoes. These
short-period seismometers that have tradition­ types of signals, with periods extending over
ally been used in volcano monitoring. LP events the range from 2 to 100 seconds, fall under the
resemble small tectonic earthquakes in dur­ appellation of Very-Long-Period (VLP) seismicity.
ation but differ in their characteristic frequency They are typically attributed to fluid–rock inter­
range and harmonic signature (see Section 15.4). actions, as with LP events, and may involve res­
Tremor is characterized by a signal of sustained onance at much longer periods than commonly
amplitude lasting from minutes to days, and observed in LP events (Kumagai, 2006), or may
sometimes for months or even longer. In many result from longer-term inertial volume changes
instances, LP events and tremor are found to in fluid-filled conduits.
have essentially the same temporal and spectral Forces associated with very large eruptions
components (Latter, 1979; Fehler, 1983), sug­ may also produce signals with periods extend­
gesting that a common source process, differing ing beyond 100 s. For example, mantle Rayleigh
only in duration, underlies these two types of waves with periods near 230 s observed during
events. Accordingly, LP events and tremor are the Mount Pinatubo eruption of 15 June 1991
often grouped under the common appellation were linked by Kanamori and Mori (1992) to an
LP seismicity. The periods at which LP seismicity oscillatory vertical single force applied at the
is observed typically range from 0.2 to 2 seconds surface of Mount Pinatubo, which was attrib­
(Chouet, 1996a), and the characteristic oscilla­ uted to the acoustic coupling of atmospheric
tions of LP signals are commonly viewed as a oscillations induced by the sustained energy
result of acoustic resonance in a fluid-filled cav­ flux from the volcano. Kawakatsu et€ al. (2000)
ity or crack (see Chapter 16). observed signals with periods >100 s associ­
It is fairly straightforward to understand ated with minor phreatic activity at Aso, which
why resonance is such a pervasive phenomenon they attributed to a slow increase in fluid pres­
in volcanoes. The presence of bubbles in magma sure in a source located 1 − 1.5 km below the
and hydrothermal fluids lowers the sound speed west side of Naka-dake first crater on the cen­
of these fluids, inducing a sharp contrast in vel­ tral cone of Aso. Signals falling in this category
ocity between the fluid and encasing solid, which were classified as Ultra-Long-Period (ULP) signals
favors the entrapment of acoustic energy in the in the terminology of Chouet (1996b). Beyond
fluid volume source region. For short-lived exci­ the ultra-long periods are processes associated
tation, energy losses due to elastic radiation and with mass transport over timescales of min­
dissipation processes at the source are the main utes, hours, and days that are more effectively
factors affecting the duration of resonance, observed with geodetic techniques. An example
hence longer-duration signals are naturally is the 30-min scale of the injection process
enhanced in low-viscosity bubbly liquids. Other recorded by Linde et€al. (1993) during the 1993
types of gaseous fluid mixtures may be even Hekla eruption.
more efficient at sustaining source resonance. It is clear that oscillatory processes are ubi­
For example, gases laden with solid particles, or quitous to magma flow, and feature a large

9780521895439c15_p331-358.indd 332 8/2/2012 11:33:46 AM


variety of signals over a wide range of periods, When the wavelengths of observed seismic
which require very-wide-band measurements waves are much longer than the spatial extent
for their study. The present chapter offers a of the source, the source may be approximated
brief review of the state of the art in volcano by a point source and the force system repre­
seismology and addresses basic issues in the sented by the moment-tensor and single-force
quantitative interpretation of processes opera­ components is localized at this point. The dis­
tive in active volcanic systems. Our focus deals placement field generated by the point source
specifically with the quantitative analysis of may be written as (e.g., Chouet, 1996b)
signals originating in the movement of magma
â•… u n ( x, t) = M pq (t) ∗ G np ,q ( x, ξ, t ) + Fp (t ) ∗ G np ( x, ξ, t ) ,
and/or hydrothermal fluids. Other areas in the
very broad discipline of volcano seismology,
such as the tomographic method used in the where un(x,t) is the n-component of seismic dis­
elaboration of the three-dimensional velocity placement observed at a point x at time t, Mpq(t)
structures of volcanoes, array-processing meth­ is the time history of the pq-component of the
ods used in tracking tremor sources, or eruption moment tensor at position ξ of the source, Fp(t)
monitoring involving detailed investigations of is the time history of the force applied in the
seismicity, are not addressed here. Perspectives p-direction at ξ, and Gnp(x,ξ,t) is the Green tensor
on these and further aspects of the field may which relates the xn-component of displacement
be found in the reviews by Chouet (1996b, at x with the xp-component of impulsive force
2003), McNutt (2002, 2005), Konstantinou applied at ξ. The notation q indicates spatial dif­
and Schlindwein (2002), and Kawakatsu and ferentiation with respect to the ξq-coordinate
Yamamoto (2007). at the source and the symbol * denotes convo­
lution. The summation convention is assumed
throughout for repeated subscripts. All notation
is given in Section 15.7.
15.2╇ ╇Description of seismic In Eq. (15.1), the derivative of Gnp with
sources in volcanoes respect to the source coordinate ξq represents
the contribution from a single couple with arm
A general kinematic description of seismic in the ξq-direction at ξ. The strength of the p − q
sources in volcanoes is commonly based on a couple is given by Mpq, which has dimensions of
moment tensor and single force representa­ moment (Nm). The sum over q implied by the
tion of the source (Aki and Richards, 2002). The repeated indices states that each displacement
seismic moment tensor allows a description component at x is made of a sum of couples
of any generally oriented discontinuity in the located at ξ. With three components of force
Earth (such as slip across a fracture plane, or and three possible arm directions, nine force
the opening of a crack) in terms of equivalent couples can be defined at ξ, with each corre­
body forces. As mass-advection processes can sponding to one set of opposing forces (dipoles
also generate forces on the Earth, a complete or shear couples) (Fig. 15.1). The combination
description of volcanic sources further requires of the nine couples Mpq characterizes all the
the consideration of single forces in addition to temporal information about a fault or conduit
the geometrical source components described that can be extracted from the observation of
by the moment tensor. The standard approach waves whose wavelengths are much larger than
to estimate the source-time histories of the the spatial extent of the source. The compo­
moment and force components at the source is nents of the moment tensor describing a fault
based on the Green’s function which describes or conduit embedded in an isotropic medium
the signal propagating through a known vel­ are given by the expression (Aki and Richards,
ocity structure that would be observed at a 2002)
receiver if the source-time function were a per­

fect impulse. M pq = ∫∫ [ u i ]ν j [ λδ ij δ pq + µ (δ ip δ jq + δ iq δ jp )]dΣ . (15.2)

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334 B E R N A R D C H OU E T

Figure 15.1╇╇The nine possible

couples corresponding to the
moment-tensor components
describing the equivalent force system
for a seismic source in the Earth.

In this equation, Σ represents the surface of the slip [u1] parallel to Σ lying in the plane ξ3 = 0 (Fig.
buried fault or conduit across which the dis­ 15.2 a). In this case, ν has components (0,0,1), [u]
placements are discontinuous, νj is the j-th com­ has components ([u1],0,0), and the moment ten­
ponent of the unit vector normal to the surface sor is obtained as
element dΣ, [ui] denotes the i-th component of  0 0 1

the displacement discontinuity between the Σ+
M = M (t)  0 0 0 , (15.3)
side of Σ and the Σ− side of Σ, with square brack­  
 1 0 0
ets referring to the difference u|Σ+ − u|Σ−, λ and
μ are the Lamé parameters (elastic moduli) of
the rock matrix, and δij is the Kronecker symbol where
(δij = 0 for i ≠ j, and δij = 1 for i = j). The seismic
M (t) = µ ∫∫ [ u1 (ξ, t)]dΣ (15.4)
moment tensor is a symmetric second-order Σ

tensor (Mpq = Mqp) and thus has six independent represents the moment source-time function.
components. Examples of moment tensors for Equation (15.3) is the familiar double couple
fault slip and volumetric sources are discussed representing a slip source (Fig. 15.2 b). The static
below. seismic moment for the effective point source
of slip is given by
15.2.1â•…Seismic moment tensor for M0 = µ[ u1 ] S , (15.5)
representative sources
To illustrate fault slip associated with the shear where [ u1 ] is final value of slip averaged over the
failure of rock, let us consider a Cartesian coord­ fault surface (∫∫ [ u1 (ξ, t → ∞)]dΣ / S) and S is the
inate system (ξ1,ξ2,ξ3) at the source and assume a fault area. The product area × slip characterizes

9780521895439c15_p331-358.indd 334 8/2/2012 11:33:50 AM


(a) ξ3
1 0 0 

M′ = M (t)  0 0 0  . (15.6)
 
 0 0 −1

These eigenvalues, and their associated ortho-

normal eigenvectors, show that a double couple
ξ1 ξ2 is equivalent to two vector dipoles equal in mag­
nitude and opposite in sign (Fig. 15.2 c). The iso­
tropic component of the diagonalized moment
I = 13tr (M′) , (15.7)
(b) ξ3 is zero in a double-couple source. Thus, a pure
source of shear has no volumetric component.
Other sources of seismicity relevant to vol­
canic environments are volumetric sources
M13 associated with mass transfer. To illustrate, let
us consider a sudden volume increase of ΔV due
ξ1 ξ2 to an injection of fluid or a thermal expansion in
a reservoir. End-member geometries for a reser­
voir are a crack, pipe, or sphere. For a thin crack
opening in the direction ν represented by the
angles θ and ϕ (Fig. 15.3 a), we have ν = (ν1,ν2,ν3)
= (sinθcosϕ,sinθsinϕ,cosθ), [u] =([u1],[u2],[u3]) =
(c) ξ3 ([u]sinθcosϕ,[u]sinθsinϕ,[u]cosθ), and the corre­
sponding moment tensor is given by (Chouet,
ξ1� 1996b)
 λ + 2µsin 2θcos 2φ 2µsin 2θ sin φ cos φ 2µ sin θ cos θ cos φ
 2 
M = ∆V (t)  2µsin 2θ siin φ cos φ λ + 2 µsin 2θ sin φ 2µ sin θ cos θ sin φ  ,
 2µ sin θ cos θ cos φ 2µ sin θ cos θ sin φ λ + 2µcos 2θ 

ξ1 ξ2  (15.8)

where ∆V (t) = [ u ](t) ⋅ S represents the volume

change of the crack with time, S is the area
Figure 15.2╇╇ Slip on a fault (a) can be described by a
of the crack, and [ u ](t) is the opening discon­
superposition of two force couples, in which each force
couple is represented by a pair of forces offset in the
tinuity averaged over S. Diagonalization of Eq.
direction normal to the force (b). Sources involving slip on (15.8) yields the components of M referred to
a fault thus have an equivalent force system in the form of a the principal axes of the moment tensor as
double couple composed of four forces. (c) A double couple coordinate axes. The eigenvalues of the tensile
is equivalent to a pair of vector dipoles of equal magnitudes crack consist of three dipoles with magnitudes
and opposite in sign. λΔV, λΔV, and (λ + 2μ)ΔV, where the dominant
dipole is oriented normal to the crack plane
the strength of the source and is called “potency” (Fig. 15.3 (b)). If we assume the rock matrix
(Ben-Menahem and Singh, 1981). The potency behaves as a Poisson solid (λ = μ), the dipole
and scalar seismic moment M0 (μ × potency) magnitude ratios become [1:1:3]. A moment
represent two alternate ways used to quantify tensor of a crack embedded in a rock charac­
earthquake sources. Diagonalization of the terized by λ = 2μ, which may be appropriate for
matrix in Eq. (15.3) yields the eigenvalues volcanic rock at or near liquidus temperatures

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336 B E R N A R D C H OU E T

(a) (b)
ξ3 ξ3 ξ3� Figure 15.3╇╇ (a) Tensile crack
ν opening in the direction ν defined by
the angles θ and ϕ.
θ (b) Representation of the crack as
three vector dipoles, in which each
dipole consists of a pair of forces
offset in the direction of the force.

ξ2 ξ2

ξ1 φ ξ1 φ ξ1�

(a) (b) Figure 15.4╇╇ (a) Radial expansion

ξ3 ξ3 ξ3�
of a pipe with axis orientation given
by θ and ϕ. (b) Representation of
θ θ the expanding pipe by three vector


ξ2 ξ2

ξ1 ξ1
φ φ


(Chouet et€ al., 2003, 2005; Waite et€ al., 2008), axes as coordinate axes, the components of M
would have ratios of [1:1:2]. are represented by three dipoles with magni­
The moment tensor corresponding to the tudes λΔV, (λ + μ)ΔV, and (λ + μ)ΔV, where the
radial expansion of a cylinder whose axis orien­ smallest dipole is oriented along the pipe axis
tation is given by θ and ϕ (Fig. 15.4 a) is obtained (Fig. 15.4 (b)). For λ = μ (Poisson solid), the dipole
in a similar manner as (Chouet, 1996b) magnitude ratios become [1:2:2], while for λ = 2μ
(rock near liquidus temperatures) these reduce
M = ∆V (t)
to [1:3/2:3/2].
 λ + µ(cos2 θ cos2 φ + sin 2 φ −µ sin 2 θ sin φ cos φ −µ sin θ cos θ cos φ The moment tensor for a spherical source is
 − µ sin θ sin φ cos φ
λ + µ (cos2 θ sin 2 φ + cos2 φ −µ sin θ cos θ sin φ  , given by (Aki and Richards, 2002)

 −µ sin θ cos θ cos φ −µ sin θ cos θ sin φ λ + µ sin θ
2 

 (15.9)  λ + 23µ 0 0 
where ΔV(t) = LΔS(t), in which L is the pipe M = ∆V (t)  0 λ + 23µ 0  , (15.10)
 
length and ΔS(t) is the increase in the pipe  0 0 λ + 23µ
cross-sectional area. Referred to the principal

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where ΔV(t) = 43πR3ΔΘ(t), in which R is the volume changes are related through the expres­
radius and ΔΘ(t) is the fractional change in vol­ sion (Sneddon and Lowengrub, 1969)
ume of the sphere. The spherical source has an
δ p = 34µ (λ + µ)λ + 2µδ VR 3 . (15.15)
equivalent force system made of three equiva­
lent vector dipoles. Kawakatsu and Yamamoto (2007) noted that δV
When estimating the magnitude of ΔV, represents the volume change used in geodetic
a clear distinction must be made between a analyses (e.g., Mogi, 1958) and proposed to call
source that is unconstrained and free to expand this volume the “Mogi volume’’ to distinguish it
and a source confined by the pressure of the from the stress-free volume change.
surrounding medium. The volume change ΔV In general, magma movement between
obtained from the moment tensor represents adjacent segments of conduit or reservoir can
the stress-free volumetric strain introduced by be represented through a combination of volu­
Eshelby (1957) (see Aki and Richards, 2002, pp. metric sources such as described above. For
53–54 for a discussion) and is strictly applicable example, let us consider the transfer of magma
to a source that is free to expand. Under con­ from a spherical chamber into a vertical dike.
fining pressure from the surrounding medium, Assuming a crack opening in the direction θ =
the actual volume increase may be smaller than π/2, ϕ = 0 (see Fig. 15.3 (a)), the moment ten­
ΔV. That is, rather than expanding by ΔV and sor given by Eq. (15.8) is purely diagonal with
being subjected to zero pressure, the source components (λ + 2μ)ΔV, λΔV, and λΔV. Using
may expand by δV subjected to a pressure Eq. (15.10), with shorthand notation (1,1,1) to
increase δp, where the ratio δV/ΔV depends on represent the diagonal matrix in this equation,
the geometry of the reservoir. In a spherical and applying mass conservation, we obtain the
reservoir, the actual volumetric strain is related moment components in the spherical cham­
to the stress-free volume increase by (Aki and ber as −(λ + (2/3)μ)ΔV(1,1,1). If the two volume
Richards, 2002) changes share the same source-time function,
the resulting source should be observed as the
δ V = λ + 23µλ + 2µ∆V , (15.11)
sum of the two sources with tensor compo­
and the corresponding pressure increase is given nents (2/3)μΔV(2,−1,−1), which shows expan­
by (Aki and Richards, 2002) sion in the ξ1 direction and contraction in the
ξ2 and ξ3 directions (see source coordinates in
δ p = 43µδ VV . (15.12)
Fig. 15.3 (a)). The isotropic component of the
The volume change in this case may range from moment tensor is zero and this source is known
approximately half the size of the stress-free as a compensated linear vector dipole (CLVD)
volume change when λ = μ, to two-thirds of the (Knopoff and Randall, 1970). Other geometrical
stress-free volume change when λ = 2μ. For a configurations of sources may produce a simi­
cylindrical source, one obtains (Kawakatsu and lar CLVD mechanism (Chouet, 1996b). In prac­
Yamamoto, 2007) tice, however, observations are limited to those
δ V = λ + µλ + 2µ∆V , portions of conduit that provide specific sites
where pressure and momentum changes in the
and fluid are effectively coupled to the Earth, and
δ p = µδ VV . the isotropic component of the associated diag­
onalized moment tensor is non-zero.
For this geometry, δV may range from two-thirds
of the stress-free volume change when λ = μ, to 15.2.2â•… Single force
three-quarters of the stress-free volume when The single force in Eq. (15.1) represents the
λ = 2μ. exchange of linear momentum between the
In the case of a thin crack, the two volume source and the Earth (Takai and Kumazawa,
changes are the same (δV = ΔV). In a penny- 1994). Whenever some mass gains momen­
shaped crack with radius R, the pressure and tum, the counter force due to this accelerating

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338 B E R N A R D C H OU E T

(a) (b) (c) Figure 15.5╇╇ Force system

FT equivalent to a volcanic eruption (after
te Vertical
0 t Kanamori et€al., 1984).
FT force
(a) Pressurized cavity model for a
Up (downward) volcanic eruption. (b) Time histories
FT of forces acting on the top, side,
0 te t and bottom walls of the cavity. (c)
Decomposition of the force system
0 t into a downward single force and
FS P FS τ implosive source.
FB source
0 te t 0 t


0 te t 0 t

mass is felt by the Earth. When the mass even­ cylindrical cavity initially sealed at the top by
tually decelerates and comes to rest, it induces a lid (Fig. 15.5 (a)). A pressurized inviscid fluid
another force in the Earth in the same direction. in the cavity exerts an upward vertical force FT
Momentum conservation requires that the net on the lid, a horizontal outward force FS on the
change of linear momentum in the overall source sidewall, and a vertical downward force FB on
system must cancel out over the total duration the bottom of the cylinder. The eruption is sim­
of an event (Takei and Kumazawa, 1994), so that ulated by the sudden removal of the lid at time t
the two pulse-like single forces associated with = te, at which point the force FT vanishes instant­
the acceleration and deceleration phases must aneously and the fluid pressure in the cylinder
counterbalance each other. starts to decrease with a characteristic time con­
Landslides are examples of external stant τ fixed by the mass flux of the eruption,
single-force sources (Kanamori and Given, i.e., τ ~ ℓ/v, where ℓ is the length of the cylin­
1982). On a timescale of minutes a landslide der and v is the mean fluid velocity inside the
may be viewed as a box sliding down a slope. cylinder (assuming purely vertical flow and no
As the sliding mass gains momentum, a counter turbulence). Since the forces FS and FB are both
force is felt by the Earth in the up-dip direction. proportional to pressure, they decrease with the
When the sliding mass eventually loses momen­ same time constant τ. The time histories of FT, FS,
tum, a frictional force is applied to the under­ and FB are sketched in Figure 15.5 (b). The force
lying ground in the down-dip sliding direction. FT can be decomposed into a vertical downward
Kawakatsu (1989) developed a centroid single component FT1 and vertical upward component
force (CSF) inversion method and applied it to FT2 in such a way that FT2 has the same time his­
analyses of landslide and slump events recorded tory as FS and FB (Fig. 15.5 (c)). As a result, the three
by the global seismic network. The CSF inver­ forces FT2, FS, and FB form an implosive source so
sion method was applied by Ekström et€al. (2003) that the eruption mechanism is represented by
to quantify the stick-slip, downhill sliding of a the superposition of a downward vertical force
glacial ice mass. (the reaction force of the volcanic jet) with this
Another example of external force is the volumetric implosion. In the model considered
recoil force in the equivalent force system rep­ here, the implosive source has a moment ten­
resenting a volcanic eruption in the model of sor given by Eq. (15.9), but other geometries are
Kanamori et€al. (1984). In this model, Kanamori possible as given by Eqs. (15.8) and (15.10). The
et€al. (1984) consider a shallow vertically oriented above model was used by Uhira and Takeo (1994)

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Figure 15.6╇╇ Slug ascent from small

to large diameter tube in the laboratory
experiments of James et€al. (2006). (a)
Sketches of bubble at different positions
in the tube shown at the left (diameter
drawn to scale, but only short vertical
segment of tube illustrated). The bubble is
shown by the outline filled with dark gray.
Circles and solid dots, respectively, mark
the positions of the nose and tail of the
bubble obtained from video data. Dotted
lines mark the inlet and outlet of the
flare. The slug is disrupted by turbulence
shortly after entering the larger tube,
with resulting daughter bubbles rapidly
coalescing. (b) Pressure change (upper
trace) measured at the base of the
apparatus, and vertical displacement
(lower trace) of the apparatus. The gray
stripe represents the interval between
video frames during which the slug
tail passed through the flare. Note the
increase of pressure synchronous with
the downward displacement (downward
acceleration) of the tube. The higher
frequency signal starting near 0.6 s in the
pressure trace probably results from the
turbulence responsible for the disruption
to quantify the source parameters of explosions
and break up of the bubble. The fluid used
at Sakurajima, and a simplified version of this is a 0.1 Pa s sugar solution. Slug outlines
model, which approximates a volcanic eruption and positions modified from James et€al.
by a single counter force, was used by Nishimura (2006, Fig. 5b); pressure and displacement
and Hamaguchi (1993) to investigate the scaling data supplied by Mike James (see James
law of volcanic explosions. A single-force model et€al., 2006, for details).
was also used by Nishimura (1995) to evaluate
the source parameters of explosions at Mount
Tokachi, and by Johnson et€al. (2008) to estimate inward motion of a liquid piston formed by the
the reaction force induced by the rapid uplift of thickening film of liquid falling past the slug.
a crater-filling lava dome coincident with explo­ As it impinges the narrower inlet to the lower
sive degassing bursts at Santaguito. segment of tube the liquid piston rapidly decel­
Internally, a single force may originate in erates, generating a pressure pulse in the liquid
the process of mass advection at the source. An and a downward force on the apparatus holding
example is the transient movement of liquid the tube (Fig. 15.6 (b)).
accompanying the disruption of a large slug of Internal forces can also result from liquid
gas ascending through a region of changing con­ movements accompanying the rapid near-
duit cross section. As demonstrated in analog surface expansion and burst of a gas slug in a
experiments with a vertical, liquid-filled tube conduit (James et€ al., 2008; see also Chapter 6,
featuring a flare (James et€ al., 2006), gas slugs Section 6.3). Using laboratory experiments and
undergo an abrupt flow pattern change upon ris­ flow simulations, James et€al. (2008) modeled the
ing through the flare (Fig. 15.6 (a)). Rapid expan­ final ascent of gas slugs in low-viscosity magmas.
sion of the slug into the wider cross section of Their model, featuring a slug ascending a ver­
the tube is accompanied by the downward and tical fluid-filled tube sealed at the base, shows

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340 B E R N A R D C H OU E T

that as the slug ascends and expands, viscous which can be recast in matrix form as
shear along the tube wall provides support for U (ω) = G (ω)S(ω) ,
an increasing mass of liquid. Consequently, the
static pressure below the slug decreases, reducing where U is a Nt × 1 vector of Fourier-transformed
the downward force exerted by pressure on the ground displacement components, G is the Nt × 9
upward-facing base of the tube and effectively matrix of Fourier transforms of the Green’s func­
imparting an upward force on the tube (see Fig. tions, S is the 9 × 1 vector of Fourier-transformed
6.6 (b)). During most of the ascent, this increas­ force and moment-tensor components (three
ing upward force on the tube due to decreasing force components and six independent moment
basal pressure is compensated by the increasing components), and Nt is the number of observed
downward shear force exerted on the tube wall seismic traces. Inverting for each frequency
by the descending film of liquid surrounding the component separately by minimizing the least
slug body. Downward shear gradually increases squares residuals between data and synthetics,
as the slug expands and lengthens, until rapid one obtains estimates for the source:
expansion of the slug just prior to reaching
Sest (ω) = [G H (ω) G (ω)]−1 G H (ω) U (ω) , (15.18)
the surface induces a component of upward-
directed shear in the region around and above
the slug nose (see Fig. 6.6 (a)), which opposes where the symbol H indicates the conjugate
most of the downward shear due to the descend­ transpose (Hermitian) and Sest is the vector of
ing liquid film around the slug body. Upon calculated Fourier-transformed source compo­
slug burst, expansion no longer drives upward nents. After solving for all frequencies of inter­
shear. Upward shear is then provided solely by est, one obtains the time domain estimates of
liquid inertia and declines rapidly, leaving only the force and moment-tensor components of
the downward shear force, which subsequently the source with the inverse Fourier transforms
decays slowly back to zero as the draining film of the relevant components of the vectors Sest.
thins out. The slumping of the liquid film sur­ Synthetic seismograms for all the traces are
rounding the slug back to the top of the liquid computed in the frequency domain using Eq.
column after the slug has burst induces a sim­ (15.16) followed by application of the inverse
ultaneous rise in static pressure and increase in Fourier transform.
basal pressure. The slug expansion and burst thus Working in the frequency domain reduces
result in a net upward force transient with both the computational load by allowing the inver­
shear and pressure components being exerted sion of many small matrices, which is more effi­
on the tube. This model was used by Chouet et€al. cient than inverting a single very large matrix
(2010) to interpret the seismic source mechan­ as required in the time-domain approach (Auger
ism of degassing bursts at Kilauea. et€al., 2006). It also reduces the number of sam­
ples required to model the signal. For example, a
trace of 200 s sampled at 50 samples per second
yields 10 000 time samples. In the frequency
15.3╇ ╇Waveform inversion domain, the same trace represents 200 samples
per Hz. For a VLP data inversion, in which we
With knowledge of the Earth’s structure and the may typically consider a limited frequency band
associated Green’s functions, the source-time from 0.01 to 0.5 Hz, the frequency-domain inver­
histories of the time-dependent moment tensor sion requires just 100 spectral components.
and force components can be retrieved through For an accurate determination of the source
least squares inversion of observed waveforms. location and associated source mechanism, one
The frequency-domain version of Eq. (15.1) is needs to compare observed seismic data to syn­
thetic data calculated for a realistic model of
u ( x, ω) = M (ω) ⋅ G ( x, ξ, ω) + F (ω) ⋅ G ( x, ξ, ω) , the volcanic edifice. A standard approach is to
n pq np , q p np

(15.16) use a discretized representation of the edifice

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based on a digital elevation model. Using this Nr 3 Ns 3 Ns

discretized model, synthetics may then be cal­ E = 1N r ∑[ ∑∑ (u n0 ( p ∆t) − u ns ( p ∆t))2 ∑∑ (u n0 ( p ∆t))2 ] ,

n =1 1 p =1 1 p =1
culated by the three-dimensional finite-differ­
ence method (Ohminato and Chouet, 1997). The 
procedure involves calculation of Green’s func­
tions for individual moment and single force where un0(pΔt) is the p-th sample of the n-th data
components applied at a preset position rep­ trace, uns(pΔt) is the p-th sample of the n-th syn­
resenting the anticipated location of the point thetic trace, Ns is the number of samples in each
source in the edifice. As the actual position of trace, and Nr is the number of three-component
the source is unknown a priori, the calculations receivers. In this expression, the squared error
are repeated for different source positions and is normalized receiver by receiver, so that sta­
the best-fitting point source is determined by tions with lower-amplitude signals contribute
minimizing the residual error between calcu­ equally to the squared error as stations with
lated and observed seismograms. Calculations large-amplitude signals. This definition of error
are usually carried out for point sources distrib­ accounts for stations from all distances equally.
uted over a uniform mesh encompassing the As the actual number of parameters in the
anticipated source region and the number of source mechanism is unknown, a typical inves­
point sources considered may be quite large. To tigation generally consists of waveform inver­
reduce the number of calculations required to sions carried out for (1) a point source including
derive the Green’s functions, use is made of the six moment and three force components to fully
reciprocal relation between source and receiver account for the possible expansion or contrac­
(Aki and Richards, 2002), tion of a conduit/reservoir and single force due
to mass advection, as well as potential shear­
G mn ( x 1 , x 2 ) = G nm ( x 2 , x 1 ) . (15.19)
ing sources; (2) a point source including six
This relation states that the m-component of dis­ moment tensor components but no single force
placement at x1 due to a unit impulse applied in components; and (3) a point source consisting of
the n-direction at x2, shown as Gmn(x1,x2) in Eq. three single force components. Multiple point
(15.19), is the same as the n-component of dis­ sources may be considered as well if warranted
placement at x2 due to a unit impulse applied by adequate data.
in the m-direction at x1 (Gnm(x2,x1) in Eq. (15.19)). The significance of the number of free
Using reciprocity, one calculates the three com­ parameters is evaluated by calculating Akaike’s
ponents of displacement at each source node Information Criterion (AIC) (Akaike, 1974),
generated by impulsive forces applied in the x,y, which is defined as
and z directions at each receiver location in the AIC = N obs ln E + 2N par , (15.21)
network. The Green’s functions of the moment
components are then derived by spatial differen­ where Nobs = NtNs is the number of independent
tiation of the results obtained for the forces. For observations, E is the squared error defined by
a network of N three-component receivers, only Eq. (15.20), and Npar is the number of free param­
3N finite-difference runs are required to gener­ eters used to fit the model (Npar is the number
ate Green’s functions for all the point sources, of source mechanisms considered times the
resulting in a dramatic reduction in computa­ number of spectral components used in the
tional load. frequency-domain inversion). Additional free
The selection of an optimum solution is based parameters in the source mechanism are con­
on the residual error, the relevance of the free sidered to be physically relevant when both the
parameters used in the model, and the physical residual error and AIC are minimized.
significance of the resulting source mechanism. A final consideration is the physical rele­
The following measure of squared error is com­ vance of the solution. As formulated, the source
monly used to evaluate the waveform fits in the inversion (Eq. 15.18) does not use the con­
time domain (Ohminato et€al., 1998) straint of a shared time history for the moment

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342 B E R N A R D C H OU E T

tensor. Rather, the time histories of individual the summit crater, and the source-time his­
moment-tensor components are obtained inde­ tory features two downward force components
pendently of each other (e.g., Figs. 15.8 (a) and separated by an upward force component. The
15.8 (b)). For a realistic interpretation of the initial downward force component was attrib­
source mechanism consistent waveform shapes uted by Ohminato et€ al. (2006) to the sudden
among individual moment tensor components removal of the lid capping the pressurized con­
are required. Differences among the time his­ duit (this force is analogous to the force FT1 in
tories of individual moment tensor components Fig. 15.5 (c)), and the subsequent upward force
may arise due to the presence of noise in the was interpreted by these authors as a drag force
data, inadequate receiver coverage, or an inad­ induced by viscous magma moving up the con­
equate starting assumption concerning the duit. Ohminato et€al. (2006) attributed the final
source mechanism. In the latter case, the intro­ downward force component to an explosive
duction of single force components may help fragmentation of the magma, whose effect is to
minimize distortion of the source-time func­ effectively cancel viscous drag so that the down­
tions of moment components (e.g., Chouet et€al., ward force due to jet recoil again dominates the
2003). For a robust estimation of the source signal. An application of the waveform inver­
mechanism, appropriate network coverage of sion method to VLP data recorded at Stromboli
the entire volcanic edifice is required. Ideally, Volcano, Italy, is presented below.
ten or more three-component receivers ring­
ing the edifice within a range of 5 km from the 15.3.1â•…Shallow conduit dynamics at
source should be considered. At the very least, Stromboli imaged from VLP data
five three-component receivers surrounding Detailed broadband measurements were car­
the source at close range are required to gain a ried out at Stromboli in September 1997 by
rough idea of the source mechanism, provided Chouet et€al. (2003) using a network of 21 three-
noise in the data is not an issue (Dawson et€al., Â�component broadband (0.02–60 s) seismometers
2011). The moment tensor estimated from wave­ (Fig. 15.7). Eruptive activity at that time was lim­
form inversion may be interpreted through a ited to two vents located at the northern and
comparison with the theoretical moment ten­ southern perimeters of the crater, and two char­
sors given by Eqs. (15.8), (15.9), and (15.10), or acteristic types of waveforms representative
geometries made of composites of such sources of eruptions from these vents were observed.
(see example in Section 15.3.1 below). The signals associated with eruptions from the
Inversions of VLP waveforms have imaged northern vent were subsequently named Type-1
crack geometries at the source in the form of events, and those related to eruptions from the
dikes or sills (Ohminato and Chouet, 1997; southern vent were named Type-2 events. Using
Chouet et€al., 2003; Kumagai et€al., 2003), as well these data, Chouet et€al. (2003) carried out sys­
as more complicated geometrical configurations tematic inversions of eruption signals band-pass
involving a composite of a dike intersecting a sill filtered in the 2–20 s band for a Type-1 event,
(Chouet et€al., 2005), composites of intersecting or 2–30 s band for a Type-2 event. Two best-fit
dikes (Chouet et€ al., 2008, 2010), or two cham­ models, based on residual error E (Eq. (15.20))
bers linked to each other by a narrow channel and using six moment-tensor components plus
(Nishimura et€al., 2000). Contrasting with these three single-force components, were imaged for
findings are results obtained by Ohminato et€al. two point sources located at elevations of 520
(2006) from waveform inversions of VLP signals m (Type-1) and 480 m (Type-2) above sea level,
produced by vulcanian explosions at Asama. At approximately 160 m northwest of the vents
Asama, the contribution from a vertical single (Chouet et€al., 2003).
force with magnitude 1010 − 1011 N was found to Figures 15.8 (a) and 15.8 (b) show the source-
dominate the observed waveforms, and no obvi­ time functions of moment and force compo­
ous volumetric component was identified at the nents obtained by Chouet et€al. (2003) for Type-1
source. The depth of the source is ∼200 m below and Type-2 events, respectively. The consistency

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Figure 15.7╇╇ Map of Stromboli

Volcano showing locations of
three-component broadband
stations deployed during the seismic
experiment in 1997 (solid dots).
Stations prefixed by “T” denote
those of the “T” ring of sensors, by
“M” those of the “M” ring, and by
“B” those of the “B” ring, located at
the crater level, mid-level, and base of
the volcano, respectively. The crater
is marked by the shaded area, which
encompasses distinct vents. The
arrows point to two eruptive vents
that were active at the time. Contour
lines represent 200-m contour
intervals. The inset shows the location
of Stromboli in the Tyrrhenian Sea (TS)
in relation to Italy, Sicily (SI), Sardegna
(SA), and Corsica (CO).

of waveform shapes seen among individual Accompanying the volumetric source com­
moment tensor components points to a robust ponents in Figures 15.8 (a) and 15.8 (b) is a dom­
underlying mechanism. The principal axes of inantly vertical single force. The force is initially
the moment tensor obtained by eigenvalue down, then up in both event types. In the Type-1
decomposition of the source-time functions event, the downward force is synchronous with
of the moment components are illustrated in the initial inflation of the source volume while
Figures 15.8 (c) and 15.8 (d). The three eigenvec­ the following upward force coincides with a
tors identified by the bold black arrows in these deflation of the source volume. Although less
figures are obtained from measurements of the clear, a similar synchronicity is manifest in the
maximum peak-to-trough amplitudes in the Type-2 event. Taken together, this force and vol­
individual tensor components. ume change may be viewed as the result of a
The force system in Figures 15.8 (c) and piston-like action of the liquid in response to
15.8 (d) consists of three dipoles with ampli­ the disruption of a gas slug transiting through
tude ratios [1:0.8:2] and [1.1:1:2] in the Type-1 this particular location in the conduit (James
and Type-2 events, respectively. These ratios et€al., 2006).
closely match the amplitude ratios [1:1:(λ + As noted above, the amplitude ratios of the
2μ)/λ] for a crack, in which λ = 2μ is assumed€– a principal axes of the moment tensor are not
value appropriate for volcanic rock at or near exactly [1:1:2], implying additional complex­
liquidus temperatures (Murase and McBirney, ity beyond the simple first-order mechanism
1973). A simple crack model, illustrated by the illustrated in Figures 15.8 (a) and 15.8 (b). To
gray-shaded planes in Figures 15.8 (c) and 15.8 investigate this complexity, Chouet et€al. (2008)
(d), therefore constitutes an adequate first-order considered a point source composed of two
representation of the source mechanism produ­ intersecting cracks and performed a search for
cing the moment components shown in Figures the best-fitting model by systematically varying
15.8 (a) and 15.8 (b). the azimuth ϕ and polar angle θ defining the

9780521895439c15_p331-358.indd 343 8/2/2012 11:34:03 AM

344 B E R N A R D C H OU E T

(a) (b)
Moment tensor Moment tensor
Figure 15.8╇╇ Source mechanisms
of the two types of explosions
M11 M11
occurring at Stromboli in September
1997. (a) Source-time functions
M22 M22 obtained for a Type-1 event, and
(b) source-time functions derived
M33 M33 for a Type-2 event, in which six
4 � 1012 Nm

4 � 1012 Nm
moment-tensor components and
three single-force components are
M12 M12
assumed for the source mechanism.
(c) Source mechanism imaged for
M23 M23 the Type-1 event, and (d) source
mechanism imaged for the Type-2
M31 M31 event. The reference coordinates
for the eigenvectors are W (west), S
(south), and U (up). The eigenvectors,
Single force Single force marked by bold arrows, have been
F1 F1 normalized to a maximum length of
2 and represent the main deflation
phase of the source seen during the
2 � 108 N

4 � 108 N

F2 F2
interval 7–10 s in the Type-1 event in
(a), or interval 30–40 s in the Type-2
F3 F3 event in (b).

0 10 20 0 20 40 60
Time (s) Time (s)

(c) (d)

θ = 63° 0.8 θ = 62° 1

2 1.1

φ = 41° S φ = 45° S
2 2
0.8 1

orientation of the normal vector to each crack moment tensor and single force components for
plane (see Eq. (15.8); note that this source inver­ the two-crack mechanism very closely match
sion solves for a single moment tensor with the moment and single force components illus­
shared time history in each crack, plus three trated in Figure 15.8 (a), and the waveform fits
single forces with variable time histories). Figure obtained by these two approaches are virtually
15.9 shows the result of their reconstruction indistinguishable (Chouet et€ al., 2008). A simi­
of the source mechanism for the Type-1 event. lar dual crack mechanism was derived for the
This solution points to a dominant crack whose Type-2 event.
orientation is within a few degrees of the crack Although the point sources imaged in the
imaged in Figure 15.8 (a), and subdominant above studies provide a very good match for the
crack with similar dip but distinct azimuth. The VLP waveforms recorded on receivers located in

9780521895439c15_p331-358.indd 344 8/2/2012 11:34:04 AM


(a) (b) Figure 15.9╇╇ Reconstruction of the

Moment tensor Volume change ∆V
source mechanism of Type-1 event
based on the assumption that the

100 m3
source is a composite of two cracks.
M22 The moment tensor in (a) represents
the sum of the moment tensors
M33 0 10 20 representing each crack, where each
4 � 1012 Nm

Time (s) moment tensor shares a single time

history according to Eq. (15.8) (i.e.,
each crack features its own distinct
time history). The volume changes
(c) U
M23 in the two cracks, shown in (b), are
color-coded with the same colors
M31 0.8 as the corresponding cracks, shown
θ1 = 64° θ2 = 76° in (c); the dominant crack is colored

Single force 2

2 � 108 N

F2 2
φ1 = 43° φ2 = 67°


0 10 20
Time (s)

the upper part of the edifice, noticeable misfits according to this procedure. The two conduit
were observed to remain on receivers surround­ structures are obtained simply by extending
ing the edifice near sea level. These misfits were the two crack planes imaged at the upper point
interpreted by Chouet et€al. (2008) as evidence of source up to the surface, extending the plane of
contributions from deeper source components, the dominant crack imaged at the lower point
and to quantify these components they con­ source up to the upper point source, and viewing
ducted a search for another composite mech­ the subsidiary crack at the lower point source
anism at a second point source. In this search, as the downward extension of the conduit. The
the positions of the two cracks in the original main branch of conduit activated during erup­
source remained fixed, while the second point tions at the northern vent is composed of a dike
source was again assumed to be a composite of dipping steeply to the northwest and extending
two intersecting cracks combined with three essentially straight from 80 m below sea level to
single force components. Once the position and the crater floor, 760 m above sea level (Fig. 15.10
mechanism of the second point source were a). At a depth of 80€m below sea level the conduit
identified, a fine adjustment of the coupled features a sharp corner leading into a dike seg­
mechanisms of the two sources was carried out ment dipping to the southeast. The main dike
to find the absolute minimum of residual error segment above, and deep segment below the
between fitted synthetics and data. abrupt corner, both strike northeast-southwest
Figure 15.10 shows the two conduit structures along a direction parallel to the elongation of
compatible with the two point sources (marked the volcanic edifice. A subsidiary dike segment
by white circles) reconstructed from inversion branches off the main crack-like conduit at ele­
of waveform data for Type-1 and Type-2 events vations near 440 m (dark green segment in Fig.

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346 B E R N A R D C H OU E T

Figure 15.10╇╇ (a) Geometry of the upper 1 km of

15.10 (a)). The latter segment strikes approxi­
conduit underlying the northern vent area of Stromboli.
A semi-transparent perspective cut-away view of the
mately northwest and dips to the west. The
northwest quadrant of the edifice including the sector surface trace of the main dike segment trends
graben of the Sciara Del Fuoco, provides the reference through the northern vent area (red trace in Fig.
for the location and geometry of the conduit, which is 15.10 (a)), while the surface trace of the subsid­
derived from the seismic source mechanisms obtained iary segment extends northwest-southeast in
from inversions of VLP signals associated with explosions. rough alignment with several vents active in the
Surface illumination from an external light source provides northwest quadrant of Stromboli in 2002–2003
color contrasts, emphasizing topographical features. A black
(blue trace in Fig. 15.10 (a)). Below the southern
line indicates sea level. The summit of the volcano is 924
vent, the uppermost conduit geometry features
m above sea level (no vertical exaggeration). The two flow
disruption sites that are sources of VLP elastic radiation are a northeast-striking, northwest-dipping dike
indicated by small white circles. The irregular red and blue (red trace in Fig. 15.10 (b)), intersecting a west-
lines, respectively, mark the surface traces of the dominant striking dike dipping to the north (blue trace in
and subdominant dike segments constituting the shallowest Fig. 15.10 (b)). At 520 m elevation the two dikes
portions of the conduit system. The eruptive vent is marked merge into a sub-�vertical dike striking northeast,
by a vertical arrow, and temporary vents active during the and at a depth of 280 m below sea level the con­
flank eruption in 2002–2003 are indicated by green squares. duit features a second, more abrupt corner lead­
The lateral extents of individual dike segments are unknown
ing into a dike dipping to the south (see Chouet
and are shown for illustrative purpose only. (b) Same as (a)
et€ al. (2008) for a discussion of uniqueness and
for conduit underlying the southern vent area. A slanted
arrow points to the southern vent. (c) Plunging view of the angular resolution of these solutions).
Sciara Del Fuoco showing the two dike systems underlying As noted above, the temporal features of
the summit crater. The conduit structure underlying the the upper point sources imaged by Chouet
northern vent (marked by a vertical arrow) is shaded green et€ al. (2008) reflect a sequence of pressuriza­
and that underlying the southern vent (marked by a slanted tion, depressurization, and repressurization,
arrow) is colored blue (see (a) for details). See color plates which may be viewed as the result of a funnel-
section. like flow disturbance induced by the transit of

9780521895439c15_p331-358.indd 346 8/2/2012 11:34:05 AM


a gas slug through the shallow bifurcations in of the same resonator to a sustained excitation.
the two conduits (Fig. 15.10 (c)). In contrast, the LP events are particularly useful in the quantifi­
temporal features of the lower point sources cation of magmatic and hydrothermal processes
associated with the conduit corners below sea because the properties of the resonator system
level were interpreted by Chouet et€al. (2008) as at the source of this event can be inferred from
a passive response of the conduit to the action the properties of the decaying oscillations in the
of the upper source. Thus, each discontinuity in tail of the seismogram. The damped oscillations
the conduit provides a site where pressure and in the LP coda are quantified by two parameters,
momentum changes resulting from flow proc­ T, and Q, where T is the period of the dominant
esses associated with the passage of a gas slug mode of oscillation, and Q is the quality factor
through the discontinuity are coupled to the of the oscillatory system representing the com­
Earth, or where the elastic response of the con­ bined effects of intrinsic and radiation losses.
duit can couple back into pressure and momen­ Interpretations of the oscillating characteris­
tum changes in the fluid. Support for this view tics of LP sources have mostly relied on a model
is provided by laboratory simulations (James of a fluid-driven crack (Chouet, 1986). This
et€ al., 2006) investigating the ascent of a slug model, which has the most natural geometry
of gas in a vertical liquid-filled tube featuring a that satisfies mass-transport conditions at depth
sharp flare (see Fig. 15.6). The pressure pulse in beneath a volcano (pipe-like structures are not
the liquid and downward force on the apparatus expected to exist under the prevailing pressure
holding the tube observed as the slug clears the conditions at depth), is supported by results from
flare are both consistent with the mechanisms inversions of LP waveforms recorded at several
imaged for the upper sources at Stromboli (com­ volcanoes (Kumagai et€ al., 2002b, 2005; Waite
pare volume changes and vertical force F3 in Fig. et€al., 2008). A simplified two-dimensional model
15.9 with pressure and vertical tube displace­ of a fluid-driven crack was first introduced by
ment in Fig. 15.6 (b)). The force observed under Aki et€ al. (1977). Although this model included
laboratory conditions also satisfactorily scales both the driving excitation and geometry appro­
to the magnitude of the force seen in the vol­ priate for transport, the fluid inside the crack
canic environment, lending further support for was treated as a passive cushion that did not
this interpretation. support the acoustic propagation of the pres­
sure disturbance caused by the motion of the
crack wall. An extension of this model includ­
ing active fluid participation was later proposed
15.4╇ ╇Sources of long-period by Chouet and Julian (1985), who considered
seismicity a simultaneous solution of the elastodynam­
ics and fluid dynamics for a two-dimensional
The gaseous fluid mixtures (gas, liquid and/or crack. This model was further extended to three
solid particles, and associated mixtures) compos­ dimensions by Chouet (1986) and was exten­
ing volcanic fluids often lead to strong velocity sively studied by Chouet (1988, 1992).
contrasts between the fluid and encasing solid. The three-dimensional model consists of a
This in turn favors the entrapment of acoustic single isolated rectangular crack embedded in
energy at the source, leading to long-lasting an infinite elastic body and assumes zero mass
oscillations commonly observed as LP events and transfer into and out of the crack (Fig. 15.12).
tremor (Chouet, 1996a). The waveform of the LP Crack resonance is excited by a pressure tran­
event is characterized by simple decaying har­ sient applied symmetrically on both walls over
monic oscillations except for a brief interval at a small patch of crack wall. In this model, the
the event onset (Fig. 15.11). This signature may crack aperture is assumed to be much smaller
be viewed as the response of a fluid-filled res­ than the seismic wavelengths of interest and the
onator to a short-lived excitation. By the same motion of the fluid inside the crack is treated as
token, tremor may be attributed to the response two-dimensional in-plane motion.

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348 B E R N A R D C H OU E T

Figure 15.11╇╇Typical signatures

of long-period events observed at
Kusatsu-Shirane, Galeras, Kilauea, and
Redoubt Volcanoes. The signatures
are all characterized by a harmonic
coda following a signal onset
enriched in higher-frequencies.

Fluid: ∂ V l ∂ t = −13ρsρ f ∂ p∂ x l ,
α, ρs ∂ p∂ t = − bµ∂ V m ∂ x m − 2bµ Ldv d ,
a, ρf
where the crack is set in the plane Z = 0 in
a Cartesian coordinate system x,y,z. In these
L Rock equations, nondimensional variables are indi­
cated by an overbar; v̅i and σ̅ij represent the
particle velocity and stress components in the
solid, v̅d = v̅z(d/2) is the normal component of
W velocity of the crack wall, V̅l and p̅ are the vel­
ocity components and pressure of the fluid.
The parameters ρs and ρf are the densities of
the solid and fluid, μ and b are the rigidity of
Figure 15.12╇╇ Geometry of the fluid-filled crack model of
the solid and bulk modulus of the fluid, and
Chouet (1986). The crack has length L, width W, and aperture
d, and contains a fluid with sound speed a and density ρf. The L and d represent the crack length and crack
crack is embedded in an elastic solid with compressional aperture, respectively. The dimensionless vari­
wave velocity α and density ρs. Excitation of the crack is ables are obtained through the following scal­
provided by a pressure transient applied symmetrically on ing relations:
both walls over the small areas indicated by the gray patches.
Length x i = x i / L (15.26)

Time t = αt / L
Assuming a Poisson solid (λ = μ), Chouet (15.27)
(1986) calculated the response of the crack by Stress σ ij = σ ij / σ0
solving the following dimensionless equations (15.28)
together with boundary conditions for stresses
Displacement u i = u i µ / ( Lσ 0 )
at the crack surface and fluid flow at the crack (15.29)
Velocity v i = v i µ / (ασ0 ) ,
Solid: ∂ v i ∂ t = 13∂σ ik ∂ x k , (15.22)
where σ0 is the effective stress, and
∂σ ij ∂ t = ∂ v k ∂ x k δ ij + ∂ v i ∂ x j + ∂ v j ∂ x i , (15.23) α = (λ + 2µ) / ρs is the compressional wave vel­
ocity in the solid.

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These studies demonstrated that the reson­ in a fluid-filled borehole (Biot, 1952). Unlike
ance of the crack is sustained by a slow wave the tube wave, however, as the wavelength
termed the “crack wave.” This slow wave can be increases to infinity the velocity of the crack
understood from a consideration of Eqs. (15.24) wave approaches zero in inverse proportion to
and (15.25), which can be combined to obtain the square root of wavelength (Ferrazzini and
the relation: Aki, 1987). A brief summary of the basic proper­
2 2 2
∂ 2 p∂ t + 2C∂ v d ∂ t = (aα)2 (∂ 2 p∂ x + ∂ 2 p∂ y ) , ties of the crack wave can be found in Kawakatsu
and Yamamoto (2007). Figure 15.13 illustrates
where a = b / ρ f is the acoustic velocity of the the dispersion characteristics of the crack wave
fluid, and C = (b/μ)(L/d) is a dimensionless par­ in the model of Chouet (1986).
ameter called “crack stiffness’’ (Aki et€al., 1977; Synthetic seismograms calculated with the
Chouet, 1986). Let us consider the simple case fluid-filled crack model bear strong resem­
where the normal component of displacement blance to observed LP waveforms (Fig. 15.14),
of the crack wall ud̅ is proportional to p̅, convincingly demonstrating the critical import­
ance of active fluid participation in the source
ud = ε p , (15.32)
process of volcanic signals. The slow character­
where ε is a nondimensional proportionality istics of the crack wave also lead to more realis­
constant. Equation (15.31) may then be recast tic estimates of crack dimensions compared to
as estimates based on the sound speed of a fluid
2 2 2 embedded in a resonator with perfectly rigid
(1 + 2C ε)∂ 2 p∂ t = (aα)2 (∂ 2 p∂ x + ∂ 2 p∂ y ) , (15.33)
walls. Crack lengths estimated from LP data
or equivalently based on this model typically range from tens to
2 2 2 several hundred meters (Saccorotti et€al., 2001;
∂ 2 p∂ t = (aeα)2 (∂ 2 p∂ x + ∂ 2 p∂ y ) . (15.34)
Kumagai et€al., 2002a, 2005).
Equation (15.34) represents the dimensionless As formulated, the fluid-filled crack model
wave equation for pressure with phase velocity accounts for the radiation loss only. Intrinsic
ae = be / ρ f , where be represents an effective losses caused by dissipation mechanisms within
bulk modulus defined as the fluid must be treated separately. Detailed
analyses of the dependence of crack resonance
be = b(1 + 2C ε) . (15.35)
on fluid composition by Kumagai and Chouet
For a perfectly rigid wall (no deformation), (2000) show that the Q factor of the crack res­
ε =€0 and the phase velocity ae = a. When the wall onance increases monotonically with increasing
deforms in response to increasing pressure, ε > 0 ratio α/a, and systematic investigations of LP sig­
and ae becomes smaller than a through a reduc­ natures based on their results suggest that dusty
tion of the effective bulk modulus. As shown gases or bubbly basalt are common fluids in LP
in Eq. (15.35), the effective bulk modulus also events of magmatic origin (Gil Cruz and Chouet,
decreases with increasing crack stiffness, dem­ 1997; Kumagai and Chouet, 1999), and that wet
onstrating the critical importance of this param­ gases, steam, and bubbly water are typically rep­
eter in controlling the crack dynamic behavior. resentative of the source of LP events of hydro­
The asymptotic behavior of the crack wave thermal origin (Saccorotti et€al., 2001; Kumagai
was investigated analytically by Ferrazzini and et€al., 2002a).
Aki (1987) in a study of normal modes trapped The model of Chouet (1986) does not address
in a liquid layer sandwiched between two elas­ the excitation mechanism of LP events or
tic half spaces. Ferrazzini and Aki (1987) showed tremor. Rather, the spatio-temporal properties
that crack wave speed increases with decreasing of the pressure transient triggering the crack
wavelength and in the short-wavelength limit resonance are preset as kinematic conditions
reduces to the Stoneley wave propagating along in the model. The usefulness of this model is
the fluid–solid interface. These properties are thus restricted to a quantification of the crack
analogous to those of tube waves propagating resonance and properties of the fluids at the

9780521895439c15_p331-358.indd 349 8/2/2012 11:34:13 AM

350 B E R N A R D C H OU E T

b/µ = 0.1
α /a = 4


Velocity ratio, v/a


C = 50

C = 100
C = 200

C = 500
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Dimensionless wavelength, Λ/L

Figure 15.13╇╇ Dispersion characteristics of the crack wave

derived from the model of Chouet (1986). The dispersion
curves represent the ratio υ/a of the phase velocity of the
crack wave to acoustic velocity of the fluid plotted as a
function of dimensionless wavelength Λ/L. The curves are
obtained for models with ratios b/µ = 0.1, α/a = 4 for several
values of the crack stiffness parameter C between 50 and 500.

source of LP events. The excitation mechanism

Figure 15.14╇╇ Comparison between data and synthetics
of LP seismicity may be assessed from analyses
for an LP event that preceded the 14 January 1993 eruption
of first motions recorded by a dense network
of Galeras Volcano. (a) Vertical ground velocity recorded at a
surrounding the source (Waite et€ al., 2008), or distance of 1 km from the crater. (b) Vertical ground velocity
from a waveform inversion of the effective exci­ calculated at the same location for the excitation of a vertical
tation functions of LP events (the signal compo­ fluid-filled crack buried at a depth of 1 km beneath the vent
nents obtained after removal of the resonance of Galeras. (c) Spectrum for data (thin line) and synthetics
characteristics in the LP signature) (Nakano (dotted line). See Chouet (1996a) for source parameters.
et€ al., 2003). Further perspectives on the exci­
tation mechanisms of LP seismicity may also For instance, shallow hydrothermal LP
be obtained from their relationship to con­ events at Kusatsu-Shirane (Kumagai et€ al.,
current VLP signals (Chouet, 2003; Kawakatsu 2002b; Nakano et€ al., 2003), Kilauea (Kumagai
and Yamamoto, 2007), and from observations et€al., 2005), and Mount St. Helens (Waite et€al.,
of the spatio-temporal characteristics of vol­ 2008) all share a common excitation mechan­
canic seismicity. Observations carried out in ism involving the repeated pressurization of
different volcanic settings point to a wide var­ a steam-filled fracture, causing the venting of
iety of LP excitation mechanisms originating in steam, collapse of the fracture and recharge, in
magmatic-hydrothermal interactions, as well as response to heat transfer from an underlying
magmatic instabilities. magma body. At Mount St. Helens, where the

9780521895439c15_p331-358.indd 350 8/2/2012 11:34:14 AM


LP source is located very close to the magma address the frequency-dependent properties of
conduit, LP activity is also seen to trigger a pas­ materials (i.e., bubbly liquids) found in volcanic
sive response of the conduit itself (Waite et€al., and hydrothermal processes.
2008). In contrast, LP seismicity observed at Neuberg et€al. (2000) and Jousset et€al. (2003)
Redoubt was interpreted as a more energetic investigated seismic-acoustic wave conver­
form of magmatic-hydrothermal interaction sion and coupling in a shallow rectangular
where an unsteady choked flow of magmatic conduit embedded in a homogeneous elastic
gases provides a natural source of pressure per­ half space. They used a 2D finite-difference
turbation at the origin of LP events and tremor scheme to model major features of the LP
(Chouet et€ al., 1994; Morrissey and Chouet, seismic wave field and study the behavior of
1997). Magmatic LP events produced during single LP events as well as tremor. In their
bursts of ash-laden gases associated with vulca­ model, seismic propagation in the elastic solid
nian activity at Galeras (Gil Cruz and Chouet, and acoustic propagation in the fluid-filled
1997), and Popocatépetl (Arciniega-Ceballos conduit are solved simultaneously using a
et€ al., 2008) involve a pumping mechanism in single velocity-stress computational scheme.
shallow fractures similar to that inferred for The fluid is defined by a zero shear-velocity
hydrothermal LP events at Kusatsu-Shirane, (rigidity μ = 0), and appropriate values for the
Kilauea, and Mount St. Helens. LP events density and sound speed (compressional wave
accompanying endogeneous dome growth at velocity, α). This approach does not require
Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, appear to explicit boundary conditions at the conduit
be related to a more complex process involving wall to define the coupling between the fluid
the production of shear fractures in highly vis­ and solid. Acoustic-seismic conversion results
cous magma at the glass transition, injection of from energy transmission controlled by effect­
dusty gases into these fractures, and resonance ive material properties at the fluid–solid inter­
of the fracture network and/or possibly reson­ face. Using a 2D finite-difference scheme and
ance of a bubble-rich magma excited by the rectangular conduit model, Jousset et€al. (2004)
energy release from the brittle failure (Neuberg further investigated the effects of viscoelas­
et€ al., 2006). LP events in the basaltic systems ticity and topography on the amplitudes and
at Kilauea (Ohminato et€al., 1998; Chouet, 2003) spectra of LP events. Their study indicates
and Stromboli (Chouet et€ al., 2003, 2008) are that the effects of anelastic attenuation and
attributed to pressure disturbances generated topography can induce significant distortion
during the transit of large slugs of gas through in LP spectra. Their results also suggest that
conduit discontinuities. the rheological properties of magmas may
In the model of Chouet (1986), a simultan­ be constrained from detailed analyses of LP
eous solution of the equations of motion of seismograms.
the fluid inside the crack and the surrounding A nonlinear excitation mechanism of LP seis­
elastic solid (Eqs. (15.22)€ –(15.25)) is obtained micity by fluid flow was proposed by Julian (1994).
numerically by using a 3-D time-domain Using a simple lumped-parameter model, Julian
finite-difference scheme. Another promising investigated the elastic coupling of the fluid and
approach to numerically simulate the dynamic solid as a means to produce self-excited oscilla­
response of a fluid-filled crack is to formu­ tions in a viscous incompressible liquid flowing
late this problem using the frequency-domain through a channel with compliant walls. In his
boundary integral method (Yamamoto and model, an increase in flow velocity leads to a
Kawakatsu, 2008). The boundary integral decrease of fluid pressure via the Bernoulli effect.
method relies on a formulation of governing As a result, the channel walls move inward and
equations in terms of integrals on boundaries, constrict the flow, causing an increase in fluid
which can be solved by using a point collocation pressure and forcing the channel open again.
method (Yamamoto and Kawakatsu, 2008). This The cyclic repetition of this process is the source
approach appears particularly well-suited to of sustained oscillations in Julian’s model. Julian

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352 B E R N A R D C H OU E T

demonstrated that with increasing driving pres­

sure the model can exhibit various oscillatory
15.5╇ ╇ Future directions
behaviors resembling tremor.
Seismology alone cannot directly see into the
Balmforth et€al. (2005) carried out further the­
conduit to resolve details of the fluid dynamics
oretical analyses of Julian’s model and explored
at the origin of the seismic source mechanisms
the stability of fluid flow through a thin chan­
revealed by analyses of LP or VLP signals. To
nel bounded by two semi-infinite elastic solids.
develop a better understanding of fluid behav­
Treating the fluid as viscous and incompress­
ior responsible for these signals, laboratory
ible, they demonstrated the occurrence of
experiments are required to explore the links
shock-like flow disturbances propagating in the
between known flow processes and the result­
direction of flow with phase speed similar to the
ing pressure and momentum changes. Recent
background flow speed. This type of instabil­
laboratory studies (Lane et€al., 2001; James et€al.,
ity is analogous to what fluid dynamicists call
2004, 2006) have elucidated self-excitation
roll waves (e.g., Balmforth and Mandre, 2004).
mechanisms inherent to the fluid nonlinearity
Assuming periodic inlet–outlet flow conditions,
that are providing new insights into the mecha­
and considering flow speeds much slower than
nisms imaged from seismic data. The results
the shear and compressional wave speeds in the
obtained by James et€al. (2006) also demonstrate
solid, Balmforth et€al. (2005) obtained the critical
that direct links between the moment-tensor
flow speed, Vcritroll, required for the generation of
and single-force seismic-source mechanism
roll wave instability :
and fluid-flow processes are possible and could
Vcrit roll ≈ β ρsρ f ε , (15.36) potentially provide a wealth of information not
available from seismic data alone.
where β = µ / ρs is the shear wave velocity in
the solid, ρs/ρf is the rock-to-fluid density ratio,
and ε is the channel aspect ratio (thickness/
length) with ε ≪ 1. Equation (15.36) shows that 15.6╇ ╇ Summary
the roll wave instability can only occur for fast
flow of dense fluid through long, thin channels. • Oscillatory behaviors within magmatic and
For example, for flow through a channel with hydrothermal systems are the norm rather
aspect ratio ε = 10−4 in a solid with shear wave than the exception.
speed β = 2km s−1 and ρs = ρf, Eq. (15.36) suggests • Within the bandwidths of seismometers com­
that flow speeds of tens of meters per second monly used on volcanoes today, oscillations
are required for instability. Rust et€al. (2008) dis­ are mainly observed as LP (0.2€– 2 s) and VLP
cussed the conditions for roll wave instability (2€– 100 s) signals.
and concluded that roll waves are unlikely to • At least 5, and ideally 10–15 three-component
explain most volcanic tremor but could possibly broadband receivers deployed on the volcanic
occur in the flow of hot, high-pressure H2O- and edifice (preferably within a few km of the
CO2-rich fluids at sustained flow speeds on the source) are necessary for a robust estimation
order of 10ms−1. The wave speed of roll waves in of the seismic source mechanism for a point
the model of Balmforth et€al. (2005) represents source.
the long-wavelength limit of the dispersion rela­ • The sources of VLP signals represent specific
tion of Ferrazzini and Aki (1987) for crack waves sites (i.e., conduit discontinuities) where pres­
when the elastic and acoustic wave speeds are sure and momentum changes in the fluid are
relatively large (Rust et€al., 2008). Note, however, effectively coupled to the Earth, or where elas­
that the crack stiffness parameter is not the tic disturbances can feed back into pressure
proper parameter to describe these slow waves and momentum changes in the fluid.
in this limit because the fluid is incompressible • LP seismicity is commonly interpreted as
in the model of Balmforth et€al. (2005). acoustic oscillations of fluid-filled cracks in

9780521895439c15_p331-358.indd 352 8/2/2012 11:34:16 AM


response to pressure transients or sustained [ui]: i-th component of the displacement

pressure fluctuations. discontinuity between the Σ+ side of
• LP signals have a demonstrated utility in Σ and the Σ− side of Σ
short-term eruption forecasting because u̅d: dimensionless normal component
changes in the timing and vigor of these of displacement of crack wall
signals accompany pressurization in mag­ un(x,t): n-component of seismic
matic and hydrothermal systems prior to displacement observed at a point x
eruptions. at time t (m)
vd̅ : dimensionless normal component
of velocity of crack wall
vi̅ : i-th component of dimensionless
15.7╇ ╇ Notation particle velocity in solid
V̅l: l-component of dimensionless fluid
a: acoustic velocity of fluid (m s )
ae: effective acoustic velocity of fluid Vcritroll: critical flow speed for roll wave
(m s−1) instability (m s−1)
b: bulk modulus of fluid (Pa) x: coordinate vector for observation
be: effective bulk modulus of fluid (Pa) point (m)
C: crack stiffness parameter α: compressional wave velocity in
d: crack aperture, or channel solid (m s−1)
thickness (m) β: shear wave velocity in solid (m s−1)
E: squared error δij: Kronecker symbol (δij = 0 for i ≠ j,
F: Force (N) and δij = 1 for i = j)
Fp(t): time history of the force applied in δp: pressure increase (Pa)
the p-direction at ξ ΔS: change in pipe cross-sectional area
Gnp(x,ε,t): Green tensor relating the xn- (m2)
component of displacement at x δV: volumetric change under confining
with the xp-component of impulsive pressure (m3)
force applied at ξ (m N−1) ΔV: stress-free volumetric change (m3)
Gnp,q(x,ε,t): spatial derivative of Gnp(x,ε,t) with ΔΘ: fractional change in volume of
respect to the ξq-coordinate (N−1) sphere
L: crack, pipe, or channel length (m) ε: nondimensional proportionality
M: Moment tensor (N m) constant
Mpq(t): time history of the pq-component of ε: channel aspect ratio (thickness/
moment tensor at position ξ of the length)
source θ: polar angle (°)
Nr: number of three-component λ, μ: Lamé parameters (elastic moduli) of
receivers the rock matrix (Pa)
Ns: number of samples in seismic trace Λ: wavelength (m)
Nt: number of observed seismic traces ν: unit vector normal to the surface
Nobs: number of independent element dΣ
observations νj: j-th component of unit vector
Npar: number of free parameters normal to the surface element dΣ
p:̅ dimensionless fluid pressure ξ: coordinate vector for general
R: radius of penny-shaped crack (m) position on Σ (m)
S: fault, or crack area (m2) ρf: density of fluid (kg m−3)
t: time (s) ρs: density of the solid (kg m−3)
[u]: displacement discontinuity between σ̅ij: ij-component of dimensionless
the Σ+ side of Σ and the Σ− side of Σ stress in solid

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354 B E R N A R D C H OU E T

σ0: effective stress (Pa) is always possible at a fluid-solid interface

Σ: surface of the buried fault with a phase velocity lower than the acoustic
or conduit across which the speed of the fluid. It can exist at a solid-solid
displacements are discontinuous interface under restricted conditions. See Aki
Σ+: positive side of Σ and Richards (2002), pp. 156–157.
Σ−: negative side of Σ Very-long-period (VLP) eventâ•… A seismic event
dΣ: surface element of buried fault or originating under volcanoes with typical
conduit (m2) periods in the range 2−100 s. VLP events are
τ: characteristic time constant (s) attributed to the involvement of fluid such
ϕ: azimuth (°) as magma and/or water in the source pro­
ω: radial frequency (s−1) cess. Together with LP events, VLP events
represent a continuum of fluid oscillations
including acoustic and inertial effects result­
ing from perturbations in the flow of fluid
Glossary through conduits.
Waveform inversionâ•… Given an assumed model
Bubbly liquidâ•… Liquid-gas mixture in which the of the wave propagation medium, a proced­
gas phase is distributed as discrete bubbles ure for determining the source mechanism
dispersed in a continuous liquid phase. and source location of a seismic event based
Crack waveâ•… A dispersive wave generated by on matching observed waveforms with syn­
fluid-solid interaction in a fluid-filled crack thetics calculated with the model.
embedded in an elastic solid. The crack wave
speed is always smaller than the acoustic
speed of the fluid.
Gas slugâ•… A gas bubble whose diameter is
approximately the diameter of the pipe into
Akaike, H. (1974). A new look at the statistical model
which the slug is flowing. In a slug ascend­
identification, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
ing a vertical pipe, the nose of the bubble has AC-9, 716–723.
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a falling film of liquid. Science Books.
Long-period (LP) eventâ•… A seismic event origin­ Aki, K., M. Fehler and S. Das (1977). Source
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Moment tensorâ•… A symmetric second-order ten­
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Stoneley waveâ•… A wave trapped at a plane inter­ of roll waves, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 514,
face between two elastic media. This wave 1–33.

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Ohminato, T. and B. A. Chouet (1997). A free-surface 15.1 Use the expression for the moment density
boundary condition for including 3D topography tensor m pq = [ u i ]ν j [ λδ ij δ pq + µ (δ ip δ jq + δ iq δ jp )] in Eq.
in the finite-difference method, Bulletin of the (15.2) to demonstrate that a point source repre­
Seismological Society of America, 87, 494–515. senting a thin crack opening in the direction ν
Ohminato, T., B. A. Chouet, P. B. Dawson and S. Kedar given by the angles θ and ϕ (see Fig. 15.3 (a)) has
(1998). Waveform inversion of very-long-period the moment tensor given in Eq. (15.8). Show
impulsive signals associated with magmatic that the eigenvalues of the tensile crack con­
injection beneath Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, Journal sist of three dipoles with magnitudes λΔV, λΔV,
of Geophysical Research, 103, 23 839–23 862. and (λ + 2μ)ΔV, where the dominant dipole is
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358 B E R N A R D C H OU E T

15.2 Use the formula for Mpq in Eq. (15.2) to obtain couple) as illustrated in Fig.€15.2 (b), where each
the moment tensor in Eq. (15.9) for a point couple shares the same magnitude µ[ u1 ] S ,
source representing the radial expansion of in which S is the fault area and [ u1 ] is final
a cylinder with axis orientation as given in value of slip averaged over the fault surface.
Fig. 15.4 (a). Show that the eigenvalues of a Use an eigenvalue decomposition to show that
pipe consist of three dipoles with magnitudes this double couple is equivalent to two vector
λΔV, (λ + μ)ΔV, and (λ + μ)ΔV, where the small­ dipoles equal in magnitude and opposite in
est dipole is oriented along the pipe axis sign and that this source has no volumetric
(Fig. 15.4 (b)) and ΔV is the volume change of component.
the pipe.
15.3 Assume a point source of shear on a horizontal
Online resources available at www.cambridge.
fault plane ε3 = 0 with slip [u1] parallel to the
fault as shown in Fig. 15.2(a). Use Eq. (15.2) to
show that the equivalent force system for this • Glossary
source consists of two couples (i.e., a double • Additional reading

9780521895439c15_p331-358.indd 358 8/2/2012 11:34:19 AM

Chapter 16

Volcano acoustics
Milton A. Garcés, David Fee, and Robin Matoza

Overture μPa (20 × 10–6 Pa), which corresponds to the

faint buzzing of a mosquito 3 meters away and
Acoustic waves are pressure fluctuations induced is near the lower threshold of human hearing.
by unsteady fluid motions, and can be generated In contrast, large eruptions may produce peak
in volcanoes by diverse processes ranging from overpressures in excess of 100 Pa at a distance
the discrete impact of a rockfall, to the harmo- of a few kilometers. Volcanoes tend to produce
nious reverberation of a lava tube; through the sound with low frequencies (f), or long periods
impulsive punctuations of strombolian and vul- (period T is the reciprocal of frequency, T = 1/f;
canian explosions, and culminating with roaring all notation is listed in Section 16.9). Humans
jet noise from subplinian and plinian eruptions. can hear sound within the frequency range of
This chapter highlights the range of volcano- 20−20 000 cycles per second or Hertz (Hz). Above
acoustic source processes associated with erup- 20 000 Hz lies ultrasound, which bats famously
tive activity ranging from hawaiian to plinian. It exploit for echolocation, whereas infrasound is
introduces various ways to induce magma−gas below 20 Hz. In the infrasound range we lose
mixtures into explosive releases, aperiodic fluc- our perception of tonality, or pitch, so that even
tuations, and harmonic oscillations. We begin a pure tone would be perceived as a percussive
by introducing some fundamental concepts in beat with a tempo equal to the tone frequency
acoustics and then outline the methods used to (2 Hz = 120 beats per minute; Leventhall et€al.,
extract useful information from complex and 2003).
diverse volcanic soundscapes. Volcanoes generate signals across a broad
sound spectrum, with large explosions and
tremors at the infrasonic end and small-scale
16.1╇ ╇ Exposition jetting and hissing from fumaroles at the aud-
ible end. However, because volcanoes have
The science of acoustics specializes in the record- large spatial scales, the majority of the radiated
ing, analysis, and interpretation of sound, which acoustic power has long wavelengths. By using
in the Earth’s atmosphere is caused by waves of the fundamental relationship between wave-
compressed and rarefied air. The reference root length λ (m), sound speed c (nominally 340 m s−1
mean square pressure for airborne sound is 20 in Earth’s atmosphere), and frequency f (Hz),

Modeling Volcanic Processes: The Physics and Mathematics of Volcanism, eds. Sarah A. Fagents, Tracy K.╯P. Gregg, and Rosaly M.╯C.
Lopes. Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2012.

9780521895439c16_p359-383.indd 359 8/2/2012 12:13:59 PM


c = λf, we deduce that infrasonic frequencies cor- situations, the wave equation (Eq. (16.1)) does
respond to spatial scales on the order of tens of not hold and it is necessary to revert back to the
meters or larger. Audible sounds from volcanoes more fundamental hydrodynamic equations.
represent the veritable tip of the iceberg com- However, in practice, a distance from the source
pared to the majority of acoustic energy radiated can be defined where P drops below equilibrium
at infrasonic frequencies. For example, sounds values and the acoustic equations are valid.
from strombolian explosions recorded close to Beyond this distance from the source it is pos-
the vent have frequencies between 1 Hz and 10 sible to construct equivalent source models that
kHz (Garcés, 1995), with a range of eight orders capture the main features of an acoustic source
of magnitude in acoustic intensity. Because process. In this chapter we concentrate on the
infrasound is efficiently generated by large-scale simplest and most general relationships that
eruption processes and may travel through the may permit reasonable physical interpretations
atmosphere for large distances (>€1000 km) with of field data and comparisons between different
minimal attenuation, the infrasound frequency eruption processes.
band is particularly well suited to the remote
monitoring of eruption signals. 16.2.1â•… Sound pressure levels
The field of acoustics is a branch of fluid One of the most fundamental acoustic measure-
mechanics. The equations of motion for acoustic ments is pressure amplitude (Eq. (16.2)). To date,
propagation are a special case of the linearized recorded volcano acoustic signals span over 14
Navier–Stokes equations for irrotational, com- orders of magnitude in sound intensity, so it is
pressible, Newtonian fluids, subject to a suite of useful to adopt a logarithmic scale known as the
simplifying assumptions. For further details, see sound pressure level (SPL):
Morse and Ingard (1968), Lighthill (1978), Pierce
(1981), and Kinsler et€al. (1982).  p2  p 
A propagating sound wave obeys the wave SPL = 10 log 10  rms
2 
= 20 log 10  rms  , (16.3)
 pref   p ref 
equation given by (Morse and Ingard, 1968):

1 ∂2 p
∇2 p − = 0, (16.1)
c 2 ∂t 2 1 Ts
= p2 = ∫
p rms p 2 (t)dt, (16.4)
Ts 0
where c is the sound speed, and the acoustic
pressure p is defined as the difference between and p is the measured acoustic pressure over a
the instantaneous pressure P and the ambient specified frequency band, pref is a reference pres-
(or equilibrium) pressure P0, sure, and Ts is a chosen time interval for inte-
p = P − P0 . gration. Root-mean-square (rms) pressure (prms)
(16.2) estimates are robust when the acoustic signal
Thus, the governing equations in acoustics are is stationary, meaning that its statistical proper-
perturbation solutions, and exclude steady state ties do not change substantially over the period
or (incompressible) Bernoulli flow where P€– P0 of integration. For a continuous signal with a
would be time-invariant. Only unsteady processes constant period, prms can be approximated by
produce sound. Of particular relevance to vol- prms2 = pmax2/2, where pmax is the peak pressure
canological applications is the fundamental in Pa. However, for impulsive, transient signals
assumption that acoustic pressure and density such as explosions, the integration interval
fluctuations from equilibrium values are small. should match the signal duration to provide a
Earth’s atmospheric equilibrium pressure (P0) sound exposure level Ld = SPL + 10 log10Ts. The
is ~0.1 MPa at sea level. In close proximity to reference level of sound exposure in air is (20
powerful volcanic sources, acoustic pressure μPa)2 s (ANSI S12.7–1986,1986). The SPL or Ld are
contributions to P can approach or even exceed not meaningful without a specification of the
the ambient value of P0 (Eq. (16.2)). In these frequency band used to compute Eq. (16.4), and

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a correction for the data acquisition response in where ps is the acoustic source pressure and Ω
that band (ANSI S1.13–2005, 2005). is the solid angle of a surface. This power esti-
Sound intensity, I, in W m−2, is a measure of mate is time-invariant for sustained, statistically
the average rate of acoustic energy flow through stationary excitations, so it is particularly use-
an area normal to the propagation direction, ful when comparing the energetics of processes
and is proportional to the square of the pres- that are stationary over the window of integra-
sure far from the source. The intensity can be tion in Eq. (16.4). However, for transient events
estimated from: where the interval of integration Ts is restricted
to the time of the main pulse, a more useful
1 Ts p2 estimate is the total energy (E) radiated by the
ρcTs ∫ 0
p 2 (t)dt =
, (16.5)
event, in Joules. The energy of a transient event

within the event time window can be estimated
where the sound speed c and the equilibrium by E = Ts Π.
density ρ of Earth’s atmosphere at 20 °C and It is assumed that the acoustic radiation
sea level pressures are 343 m s−1 and 1.2 kg m−3, features of the source do not change over the
respectively. Because there is only a propor- time integration implicit in the rms estimate.
tionality factor (ρc) between intensity and the Because source directivity is only a function of
square of pressure, SPL estimates can be read- angle, radial and angular variables may be sepa-
ily converted to intensity by using a reference rated as:
intensity level of 10–12 W m−2 in air. Intensity
estimates are useful for comparing the acoustic p s (r , Ω) = pax (r ) H (Ω), (16.7)

response of different environments. Far from a
source, the ratio of the acoustic pressure p to the where pax(r) contains the range dependence
associated fluid (particle) velocity u is equal to and H contains all the angular directivity infor-
ρc, and is referred to as the characteristic acous- mation. The simplest relationship for radial
tic impedance. We note that the proportionality dependence is obtained when we assume that
between acoustic pressure and particle velocity intensity decreases only as the inverse square
(p = ρcu) shows that compressibility induces pro- of radial distance, a relationship known as the
portionally higher pressure changes than steady spherical spreading law:
incompressible subsonic flow velocity U < c,
where (from Bernoulli’s equation) P ~ ρU2. r 2 ps2 (r ) = const. (16.8)

16.2.2â•… Source energy and power In this general case, the source level (SL) at a
In source modeling research, it is often useful standard r = 1 m from the source can be esti-
to estimate how powerful a sound is at the vol- mated from:
canic source. Source levels (SL) may be estimated
by removing propagation and source directiv-  pax
(r = 1)  p 
SL ≡ 10 log 10  2
 = 20 log 10  rms  (16.9)
ity effects, a task that in practice is fraught  pref   p ref 
with complications. Although we would like to + 20 log 10 R = SPL + 20 log 10 R,
remove atmospheric and boundary (e.g., top-
ography) effects, these effects are notoriously where R is the range in meters to the source
unstable near volcanoes and lead to additional and prms is the pressure at the receiver. Note that
variability in source level estimates. there is a predicted 6 dB drop per doubling of
Total radiated power, Π (in Watts), may be range to the source. Likewise, an increase by a
estimated by integrating the intensity (Eq. (16.5)) factor of two in pressure is equivalent to a SPL
over a surface enclosing the source: increase of 6 dB. The quantity 20log10R is the sim-
plest form of transmission loss (TL), and provides
ρc ∫ Ω
∏s = p s2 (r , Ω) r 2dΩ, (16.6) a measure of intensity decrease due to spherical
spreading. If sound is trapped in atmospheric

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channels defined by Earth’s temperature and acoustic pressure per frequency band in a time
wind stratification (Brown and Garcés, 2008), window. The decibel unit for PSD is dB rela-
cylindrical spreading would produce a geomet- tive to (20 μPa)2 Hz−1, which is referred to as
rical transmission loss of 10log10R. One may the spectral level. A spectrogram is essentially a
expect observed transmission losses to be some- time-stepping PSD, and is useful for interpret-
where in between the idealized values of cylin- ing time-varying signals. To convert spectral
drical or spherical spreading, as observations are levels to sound pressure levels, a particular
typically affected by topography, vertical tem- frequency band has to be defined. If a spec-
perature and wind gradients, absorption, and tral level is a constant S (dB) over a frequency
scattering from atmospheric turbulence, among band ∆f, then sound pressure level can be esti-
other factors (ANSI S2.20–1983, 1983; Bowman mated from SPL = S + 10 log (∆f). If the PSD is
et€ al., 2004). Nevertheless, Eq. (16.9) permits not constant, then it is necessary to either use
estimates of relative source levels referred to a the mean value over the interval or integrate
calibrated microphone and range. For observa- over the frequency band of interest to get an
tions at a single volcano, Eq. (16.9) can be used estimate of the mean square pressure.
to compare a variety of recorded signals with a PSDs and spectrograms are routinely used
well-characterized reference event. in acoustics for visualizing the dynamic range,
quality, and character of a signal. They com-
16.2.3â•… The spectral domain monly reveal spectral features hidden in wave-
The period of an acoustic wave is the time inter- form displays. Figure 16.1 shows PSDs for a
val between adjacent pressure maxima in a time wide range of sustained eruptive signals; Figure
record, or the duration of a single wavelet cycle 16.1(b) shows low-level activity in Kilauea and
(wavelength). For a simple harmonic wave with Tungurahua volcanoes, with well-defined spec-
a single frequency f, the acoustic pressure as a tral peaks. Figure 16.1(a) shows the broad spec-
function of time would be: trum of more energetic eruptions, with energy
well above background levels (solid line). At a sin-
p(t) = A sin(2π ft − φ ), (16.10)
gle glance it is possible to distinguish between
where f = 1/T, T is the period, t is time in sec- mild and energetic eruptions, suggesting dif-
onds, ϕ is the phase, and A is the amplitude of ferent physical processes are at play. Table 16.1
the sound wave. presents estimates of sustained eruption source
The period of a real signal may be difficult to levels derived from Figure 16.1. These estimates
determine precisely because signals commonly vary by 120 dB (106 Pa), yet only represent the
consist of a superposition of pulses of varying contributions of oscillations with pressure fluc-
periods arriving at different times. A signal tuations in the 1–2 Hz octave band and are not
p(t) consisting of a sum of arbitrary individual a measure of the total source power.
period or frequency (harmonic) components can Because infrasounds are the dominant form
be divided into its individual harmonic compo- of long-range acoustic radiation from volcanoes,
nents through Fourier decomposition. The dis- the rest of this chapter discusses the techniques
crete Fourier transform Fp of the sound pressure used to record and interpret infrasounds and
record p(t) is given by presents a variety of volcanic processes that
may be used to model them.

Fp ( f ) = ∫ −∞
p(t)e − j (2 π f ) t dt,


which has units of Pa Hz−1. The power spectral 16.3╇ ╇ Capture
density (PSD) of a digital signal (Oppenheim
and Schafer, 1989), with units of Pa2 Hz−1, can The goal of many volcano acoustic field cam-
be derived from the discrete version of the paigns is to capture volcanic sound with min-
Fourier transform over a finite time window imal distortion in order to accurately model the
and provides an estimate of the mean squared source. This requires a reliable data acquisition

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Table 16.1╇ ╇ Estimated range, sound pressure levels (SPL), spherical spreading transmission loss (TL), and source
level (SL; Eq. (16.9)) between 1 and 2 Hz for sustained volcanic eruptions, interpolated from Figure 16.1.

Source Activity (km) (dB) (dB) (dB) (Pa rms) Comments
Median None N/A 45 N/A 45 4 × 10 –3 Ambient noise model.
Pu’u ‘O’o, magma 2.4 57 68 125 36 4/21/07. Underestimate,
Kilauea, degassing majority of acoustic energy
USA below 1 Hz.
Halemaumau, magma 7 50 77 127 45 3/19/08. Underestimate,
Kilauea, degassing majority of acoustic
USA energy below 1 Hz. Misses
harmonic structure.
Tungurahua, strombolian 37 45 91 136 1.3 × 102 7/29/06. Background
Ecuador open-vent activity.
Mount St. phreatic 13.4 65 83 148 5 × 102 3/9/05. Recorded for over
Helens, 400 km.
Tungurahua, stombolian/ 37 65 91 156 1.3 × 103 5/12/06. Misses harmonic
Ecuador vulcanian structure and
underestimates explosions.
Tungurahua, plinian 37 75 91 166 4 × 103 8/17/06. Underestimate,
Ecuador majority of acoustic energy
below 1 Hz.

system. Infrasound is first transformed into an 16.3.1â•…Single sensors, networks, and

electrical analogue signal by microphones or arrays
microbarometers (Ponceau and Bosca, 2010). In practice, volcano acoustic recording sys-
These signals are discretized and time stamped tems are chosen based upon the scope of the
by a digitizer, and stored as digital waveforms. project. For near-vent studies, single, portable,
Field recordings for modeling applications and expendable microphones are commonly
require detailed knowledge of the amplitude selected, because the probability of these sensors
and phase response as a function of frequency being destroyed by moderate volcanic activity is
for a sensor and digitizer combination. high (e.g., Moran et€al., 2008b). However, a single
Ideally, the sensors and digitizers are sensor cannot differentiate between wind noise
selected so that they do not vary in the fre- or competing acoustic sources, so the source
quency band of interest, a desirable instrumen- location and signal features must be unambigu-
tal feature described as a flat response. If using ous. Furthermore, all infrasound sensors have
a recording system outside its flat response, it sensitivity to ground vibrations to some degree,
is necessary to perform an instrument correc- and these are indistinguishable from atmos-
tion. It is seldom possible to accurately recover pheric pressure oscillations on a single sensor.
signal features at frequencies outside the flat Co-locating a seismometer helps reduce ambi-
response of the system. Other key parameters of guity, and a network of single microphones can
infrasound sensors are the sensitivity, dynamic yield the propagation velocity and location of
range, instrument self-noise, and mechanical energetic impulsive signals.
sensitivity of the instrument (i.e., how sensitive A primary concern for infrasonic record-
the infrasound sensor is to seismic waves) (e.g., ings is their high vulnerability to wind noise.
Bedard, 1971). Infrasonic sensors placed on top of a volcanic

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Figure 16.1╇╇ Power spectral densities

for Kilauea (Halemaumau Vent–HV,
Pu’u O’o), strombolian (Tungurahua
7/29/06), phreatic (Mount St. Helens–
MSH), vulcanian (Tungurahua 5/12/06),
and plinian (Tungurahua 8/17/06)
eruption styles, not corrected for range
(Table 16.1). The median ambient noise
model is also shown for reference.
The broad 0.2 Hz peak at HV is due
to microbaroms associated with ocean

edifice are exposed to strong and variable tur- source. Deployments several kilometers from
bulent pressures induced by winds, which are exploding sources also place resources at safer
recorded on the sensors as wind noise that can distances from flying debris and facilitate main-
obscure signals of interest. Although spatial tenance, reducing data loss at critical moments.
wind filters can provide some defense (Hedlin At distances from a few kilometers to thousands
and Raspet, 2003), the most important factor in of kilometers, or in situations where numerous
wind-noise reduction that can realistically be acoustic sources are present, more sophisticated
controlled is the site selection. Locating sensors systems are advisable. Generally, the best design for
in a wind-protected site such as a forest or the remote infrasound monitoring consists of a num-
lee of a topographical barrier is usually worth ber of calibrated sensors precisely time-stamped
the gain in wind-noise reduction in exchange and arranged spatially as arrays. A single infra-
for the disadvantage of being further from the sonic array provides speed and direction of signal

9780521895439c16_p359-383.indd 364 8/2/2012 12:14:06 PM


arrivals and can discriminate between dissimilar pressure levels (SPL), spherical spreading trans-
competing sources, whereas two properly sited mission loss (TL), and source level (SL) for some
arrays can locate and identify an arbitrary source of the sustained eruption signatures discussed
(Olson and Szuberla, 2008; Cansi and Le Pichon, herein.
2008). Infrasound arrays are used routinely by the
international infrasound community for detection, 16.4.1â•… Volcano acoustic nomenclature
location, identification, and monitoring of natural In volcano seismology (Chapter 15), tremor
and man-made events (e.g., Garcés et€al., 2004). is a catch-all term used to describe continu-
ous vibration of the ground lasting from
minutes to years. It is possible that different
tremor-generating mechanisms exist at differ-
16.4╇ ╇The volcanic symphony ent volcanoes and even at the same volcano,
as represented by the broad range in temporal
The captivating diversity of outgassing and fluid
and spectral characteristics of observed tremor.
dynamic processes occurring at volcanoes pro-
Similarly, continuous vibration of the air by
duces a rich variety of acoustic signals. Here we
volcanoes is referred to as infrasonic tremor.
present an overview of acoustic observations of
Descriptive terms such as harmonic (with mul-
volcanic eruptions. For a more comprehensive
tiple spectral peaks), spasmodic (with amplitude
listing of volcano acoustic studies, the reader is
variations), episodic (cyclical), and broadband
referred to Harris and Ripepe (2007) and Johnson
(covering a wide frequency range) are used to
and Ripepe (2011).
further describe infrasonic tremor. Harmonic
A general linear model for a recorded vol-
tremor is particularly intriguing as its spec-
cano acoustic signal is given by:
tral signature is reminiscent of musical instru-
p(t) = s(t) * l (t) * g (t), ments, and thus suggestive of ordered spatial
structures within volcanic systems. As for seis-
where p(t) is the observed acoustic signal, s(t) mic volcanic tremor, several candidate infra-
is the source-time function or actual pressure sonic tremor source processes can be invoked;
time-history at the volcano (excitation mech- these are discussed in Sections 16.5 and 16.7.
anism), l(t) denotes local resonance effects Coupling to the atmosphere is necessary for
(e.g., resonance in fluid-filled cavities, cracks, infrasonic tremor, or any other infrasonic
conduits, etc.; Garcés, 1997), g(t) describes all signature.
propagation from the source to the recording Volcano seismic signals have also been clas-
site, and * denotes convolution (Oppenheim and sified based on their period (Chapter 15): very
Schafer, 1989). In theory, g(t) includes all propa- long period (VLP) events have a period of ~2–100
gation effects in the atmosphere. For shallow s (0.01–0.5 Hz); long period (LP) with a period
buried acoustic sources, g(t) can also include ~0.2–2 s (0.5–5 Hz); and short period (SP) below
seismoacoustic coupling through near-surface ~0.2 s (> 5 Hz). LPs and VLPs are commonly
permeable material (e.g., Matoza et€al., 2009a). In attributed to volumetric sources associated
Sections 16.5–16.7 we take a simplified view of with fluid-filled conduits and cracks, whereas
each of these contributions. We deal with source SP quakes are typically attributed to brittle frac-
pressure excitation mechanisms in Section 16.5, ture mechanisms (volcano-tectonic earthquakes,
discuss acoustic propagation away from the Chapter 15). Explosions (Section 16.5) may vary
source in Section 16.6, and in Section 16.7 we substantially in their intensity and duration,
provide an overview of resonance effects in vol- and thus may have energy contributions in any
canic fluid systems. In this section, we provide of these frequency bands. Although volcano seis-
an introduction to the range of acoustic signal mology nomenclature is not ideal for classifying
types recorded from volcanoes. acoustic signals, it facilitates comparison with
Please refer to Table 16.1 throughout this seismic data. As discussed in Section 16.7, seis-
section, which lists the estimated range, sound moacoustic signals in volcanoes may be coupled

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or decoupled in more diverse ways than previ- The degassing burst oscillations were primar-
ously envisioned. ily in the VLP and LP bands and correlated well
with video observations of ash pulses emanat-
16.4.2â•… Kilauea volcano acoustic signals ing from the vent.
Persistent outgassing from effusive eruptions Episodic tremor at Kilauea volcano is char-
was long thought to be nearly quiescent, produ- acterized by cyclical temporal variations in
cing only faint audible hissing and white noise pressure amplitude (Fig. 16.2). The ~2–10
sounds at fumaroles and lava lakes (Richards, minute cyclic filling and draining of cavities at
1963). However, recent work has shown that Halemaumau and Pu’u ‘O’o has been observed
even low-level outgassing at Kilauea Volcano, to coincide with a “gas piston” rising and releas-
Hawaii, produces sustained infrasonic signals ing an accumulated amount of gas, as well as
that can be recorded at distances of tens of with the rising and lowering of an exposed,
kilometers (Garcés et€al., 2003; Fee and Garcés, degassing lava surface. The degassing portions
2007). Outgassing at Pu’u ‘O’o Crater, Hawaii, of this episodic tremor are consistent with ele-
is dominated by infrasonic tremor lasting from vated infrasound, while the capped or quiescent
minutes to years and is concentrated between lava surface correlates with little to no infra-
~0.4 and 10 Hz. Kilauea volcano’s infrasounds sound (Patrick et€al., 2011). The spectral content
appear to be strongly influenced by the efficient of the episodic tremor at Halemaumau is the
exsolution of the gas phase from the magma same as the aforementioned harmonic tremor,
and the interaction of this separated gas with suggesting both signals are affected by the same
the open conduits and chambers confining it. resonating cavity.
Effusion of degassed lava produces little to no
infrasound unless it encounters water or other 16.4.3â•…Strombolian and vulcanian
volatiles. acoustic signals
Kilauea volcano has also produced other types Strombolian and vulcanian explosions are some
of infrasound. Harmonic tremor from Pu’u ‘O’o of the most studied because of their relative
crater was recorded in 2007. Compressed gas abundance and availability, yet their respective
intermittently excites lava tubes, and produces waveform signatures can be difficult to differen-
a higher frequency (> 10 Hz) form of tremor tiate using purely acoustic methods. Marchetti
(Matoza et€al., 2010). Fissure eruptions also prod- et€ al. (2009) suggest that it may be possible to
uce discernable acoustic signals. During the July better discriminate between these types of
2007 fissure eruption at Kilauea’s East Rift Zone, explosive signals by using a combination of ther-
fountaining along a set of four fissures that rup- mal imaging and acoustic methods. Numerous
tured a length of ~2 km produced energetic studies at Stromboli volcano have identified
tremor with a spectral signature similar to that two primary types of explosions: short-duration
of the tremor from Pu’u ‘O’o. The signal onset explosions (~3–5 s) with relatively large ampli-
was emergent (slowly rising), suggesting no tudes (20–80 Pa at 350 m) and longer duration
explosive outburst of material occurred as the (5–15 s), more complex explosions with lower
fissures opened (Fee et€al., 2011). peak amplitudes (10–30 Pa at 350 m) (Ripepe
The ongoing 2008−2011 activity at and Marchetti, 2002; Harris and Ripepe, 2007).
Halemaumau Crater produces nearly continu- Both explosive styles occur on a periodic basis
ous harmonic infrasonic tremor in the 0.4–4 Hz and have repeatable (stable) waveforms primar-
frequency band. The amplitude and frequency ily in the LP band. Strombolian explosions are
of these spectral peaks are stable for periods of presumed to originate from overpressured gas
days, consistent with a roiling lava lake excit- slugs bursting at the surface (see Chapter 6). The
ing the overlying gas-filled cavity into resonance shorter-duration explosions have sharp, com-
(Fee et€al., 2010a). Transient degassing bursts at pressional onsets and broadband spectra with a
Halemaumau (Fee et€ al., 2010a) also suggest a peak around 5 Hz, whereas the longer-duration
shallow process that induces cavity resonance. explosions have a more complex, peaked

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Figure 16.2╇╇ Episodic tremor (a) pressure signal and (b)

PSD as a function of time (spectrogram) recorded ~7 km
the interaction of magma and external water
from the Halemaumau Vent (HV). The episodic tremor is
characterized by cyclical temporal variations caused by (Morrissey and Mastin, 2000).
filling and draining of the cavity at Halemaumau Vent, Kilauea Continuous tremor is also commonly
Volcano. The variations are coincident with a capped surface, recorded at volcanoes displaying strombolian
or “gas piston,” rising and releasing an accumulated amount and vulcanian activity and typically follows
of gas, as well as with the rising and lowering of an exposed, explosions (Johnson, 2003; Fee et€ al., 2010a).
degassing lava surface. The degassing portions of this episodic Long-duration codas from vulcanian explosions
tremor are consistent with elevated infrasound, while the may have signal features reminiscent of infra-
“capped” or quiescent lava surface correlates with little to no
sonic tremor. Harmonic tremor has also been
infrasound. The spectral peak around 0.5 Hz is related to the
reported extensively and periodic, often aud-
cavity being excited into Helmholtz resonance by the release
of accumulated gas. See color plates section. ible, tremor bursts have been documented as
well (Johnson and Lees, 2000). Gliding, or the fre-
quency modulation of spectral peaks over time,
spectra. Waveforms of strombolian explosions is also observed (Garcés et€al., 1998).
from other volcanoes exhibit similar features,
although explosion overpressures and durations 16.4.4â•…Subplinian and plinian acoustic
vary (Vergniolle and Brandeis, 1996; Johnson signals
et€al., 2008). Plinian eruptions are rare, and until recently, so
Although infrasonic signatures from vul- were high-quality acoustic recordings of these
canian explosions (Chapter 7) may resemble energetic events. The birth of volcano infra-
their strombolian counterparts, there are some sound research may be traced to the cataclys-
important differences. Studies of vulcanian mic 1883 eruption of Krakatau (Strachey, 1888).
explosions (Garcés et€ al., 1998; Johnson et€ al., Barometric records of the Krakatau eruption
2004; Petersen et€ al., 2006; Marchetti et€ al., observed in the US, Europe, and Russia dem-
2009) show signals with energetic compres- onstrated for the first time the ability of low-
sional onsets and relatively long, complex tails, frequency sound to propagate for thousands of
referred to as codas. The source for vulcanian kilometers. Although barometers are optimally
explosions is commonly attributed to explosive designed to capture long periods (minutes to
failure of a “capped” conduit (lava plug) and/or hours), researchers were still able to make

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inferences on source durations and location the ground (Oshima and Maekawa, 2001) also
(e.g., Goerke et€ al., 1965; Tahira et€ al., 1996). A generate infrasound.
recent pilot project with arrays at 37 and 251 Very large eruptions can also produce gravity
km from Tungurahua Volcano recorded two and acoustic-gravity waves (Goerke et€al., 1965;
subplinian and one plinian eruption between Tahira et€al., 1996; Ripepe et€al., 2010) that can
2006 and 2008 (Garcés et€ al., 2008; Fee et€ al., commonly be seen as concentric cloud patterns
2010b). All three eruptions had extended dura- in satellite imagery. Acoustic-gravity waves are
tions (> 4 hours) and were characterized by affected by buoyancy, have periods longer than
high-amplitude tremor related to jetting (Section 50 s, and have unique source and propagation
16.5.3). The broadband spectrum of the jetting characteristics that are beyond the scope of this
is remarkably similar among the eruptions (Fig. chapter. Although the possibility of sustaining
16.1(b)) with the general shape resembling that VLP gravity wave oscillations in a stratified,
recorded from man-made jet engines (Matoza vesiculated magma column was proposed by
et€ al., 2009b). A 2005 phreatic eruption signal Garcés et€al. (2000), no clear evidence for these
lasting ~90 minutes at Mount St. Helens also wave types has been found to date. See Gossard
had a similar spectral signature. The transition and Hooke (1975) for an excellent introduction
of the 17 August 2006 Tungurahua eruption to gravity and acoustic-gravity waves.
from subplinian to plinian is marked by a dis-
tinct shift in the spectrum to lower frequencies
(< 0.1 Hz; Fig. 16.1). Acoustic power was found 16.5╇ ╇ Excitation
to scale roughly with eruptive intensity and ash
cloud height (Fee et€al., 2010b). The 2008 plinian In this section we discuss energetic hydro-
eruptions of Okmok and Kasatochi Volcanoes, dynamic processes that may produce measur-
Alaska, were also clearly identified with remote able pressure changes in volcanic fluids. The
infrasound arrays (Fee et€al., 2010c). most basic type of volcanic pressure disturb-
ance is an explosion. An explosion is defined as
16.4.5â•…Other types of volcano acoustic a rapid expansion of matter into a volume much
signals greater than its original volume (Cooper and
LP seismic events have been attributed to hydro- Kurowski, 1996). Explosions are represented as
thermal and magmatic activity in shallow vol- transients with a positive pressure onset (com-
canic cracks and conduits (Chouet, 1996). These pression), defined by its peak pressure and rise
events have also produced notable acoustic coun- time, and followed by a negative pressure (rar-
terparts (Yamasato, 1998; Matoza et€ al., 2009a). efaction) corresponding to gas overexpansion.
Infrasonic LPs at Mount St. Helens have impul- Such bipolar explosion pulses may be described
sive onsets, durations of 5−10 s, and relatively by the duration, rise time, and peak pressure
flat, broadband spectra. These events are highly of the signal (Fig. 16.3, ANSI S12.7–1986, 1986).
regular in their occurrence and have stable We note that in the volcano-acoustics litera-
waveform features, indicating a non-destructive, ture, volcanic explosion waveforms are some-
repetitive source (Matoza et€al., 2009a). Acoustic times incorrectly referred to as N-waves. True
records of pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) N-waves, such as those from supersonic sources
are rare or commonly masked by concurrent (e.g., Garcés et€ al., 2004) and the detonation of
jetting signals. Yamasato (1997) detected PDCs high explosives (Gossard and Hooke, 1975), have
acoustically at Unzen Volcano, Japan. and was an unambiguous N-shape. More continuous gas-
able to track their progression using arrival release processes, such as subplinian and plin-
times and Doppler shift. Ripepe et€al. (2010) also ian eruptions, can last for several hours and yet
tracked PDCs with a single infrasound array. The are sometimes referred to as explosive. In vol-
partial collapse of dacitic lava domes (Green and canology, explosive activity refers to eruptions
Neuberg, 2005; Moran et€ al., 2008a) and explo- “where magma is torn apart and ejected from
sive blowout of gas-charged blocks impacting the vent as clots or blobs within a stream of gas”

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t = R/c deflagrate. A detonation wave is a supersonic

shock wave. In high explosives, a chemical reac-
tion takes place at a high temperature and pres-
sure point called the detonation shock front,
which leads to rapid gas expansion and energy
release. TNT is the reference compound for
high explosives. Deflagration may be described
as burning, and is a much slower process.
t=0 Examples of low explosives are gunpowder and
the fuel–air mixtures used in internal combus-
tion engines.
Although capable of creating explosions,
MGMs do not behave like man-made explosives.
Magmas do not detonate or burn, and in con-
trast to high explosives, the primary explosive
reaction in MGMs is traditionally attributed to
decompression through the failure of a contain-
ment lava cap or magma skin (Parfitt and Wilson,
2008). Explosions produced by MGMs are more
reminiscent of boiling liquid expanding vapor explo-
sions (BLEVEs), which result from the rupture of a
vessel containing a fluid that is pressurized well
above its boiling point (Birk and Cunningham,
1996). Containment failure exposes the fluid to
pmin a pressure below its saturation pressure, and
may trigger boiling and the explosive expansion
t of gas even though the fluid is non-flammable.
R/c T+R/c
In industrial settings, containment failures
Figure 16.3╇╇Typical explosion pulse, showing the peak may be suppressed through pressure-release
pressure pmax, rise time τ, and duration T, where τ ≪ T. The valves, or a fluid may fail to explode and instead
pulse propagates to a station after a time R/c, where R is the only produce a jet release. In the case of MGM
range to the station and c is the sound speed. explosions, sudden decompression can trigger
the rapid exsolution of gas, and may lead to a
(Parfitt and Wilson, 2008, p. 75). In acoustics, we runaway process as the overlying material is
generally reserve the word explosion for unam- removed, further decompressing the MGM. In
biguously impulsive acoustic signals with a very contrast to industrial BLEVE containers, which
short rise time and duration, and use other have a limited volume, a volcano can tap into a
terms to describe complex transients and more deep MGM reservoir and thus sustain a violent
sustained degassing activity. In Section 16.5.3 eruption for hours until an equilibrium pres-
we discuss volcanic processes that may give rise sure is reached. As in BLEVEs, it may be possible
to these acoustic signatures. to suppress an explosion through partial release
of pressure, in which case the exsolved gas may
16.5.1â•…TNT, BLEVEs, and magmatic be released only as a minor jet or an intermit-
explosions tent gas release.
Let us consider magma−gas mixtures (MGMs) Of note is that the sound speed of an unfrag-
in the context of man-made explosives, which mented MGM is a strong function of the amount
may be roughly separated into high explosives of bubbles, or the void fraction, of the mixture
and low explosives. The primary distinction is that (Wood, 1964). For high void fractions, the sound
high explosives detonate whereas low explosives speed of a MGM may be as low as tens of meters

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per second. Thus highly vesiculated MGMs may interpreted within the MGM and BLEVE frame-
be vulnerable to lower fragmentation thresh- work. Explosion waveforms from magmatic
olds (< 70% void fraction) as relatively low flow activity at Tungurahua volcano (Fig. 16.4) may
speeds reach near supersonic conditions and represent the sudden release of gas contained
blow these foams apart, triggering an explosive at extremely high pressure in the magma (i.e.,
eruption (Garcés, 2000). an impulsive fragmentation), whereas the more
sustained signals at Tungurahua associated with
16.5.2â•…Steam boilers and popping jetting activity (Fig. 16.5(a)) can be understood
bubbles in terms of runaway fragmentation tapping a
The depressurization of a large static or greater MGM volume that persists for hours.
pressure-compensated gas pocket that has From the vantage point of volcano acoustics,
already separated from the melt is easy to visu- the aim is to quantitatively relate the recorded
alize. The overpressure in such a system may be sounds to fluid dynamic processes resulting
estimated as the sum of the lithostatic overpres- from unstable MGMs.
sure, ΔPl, and the rock or lava yield stress. The Figure 16.5(b) shows the infrasonic spec-
yield stress is the force per unit area beyond trogram recorded at a range of 37 km from
which permanent deformation will occur, and Tungurahua volcano during the sustained sub-
may have values on the order of 10–1000 MPa, plinian to plinian eruption of 17 August 2006
with higher values possible for plastic materi- (PSD in Fig. 16.1). Figure 16.5(c) shows the
als. Lithostatic overpressure can be readily esti- estimated acoustic power above 0.1 Hz (with
mated from: a peak of ~30 MW) and the associated ash
cloud heights derived from satellite imagery
ΔPl = ρr g Δz ~ (2500 kg m−3)(9.8 m s−2)
(Fee et€al., 2010b). Although there are multiple
Δz ~ Δz/40 MPa m−1, (16.13)
discrete impulsive explosion waveforms (Fig.
where Δz is depth in meters and the density ρr 16.5(a)), the dominant signal feature is the sus-
is representative of somewhat fractured and/or tained broadband, high-amplitude infrasonic
porous crust material. A gas pocket will remain tremor. Matoza et€ al. (2009b) proposed that
in equilibrium with the ambient pressure or these long-duration infrasonic signals were pro-
containment (skin) pressure. Because the ambi- duced by turbulent jetting of ash−gas mixtures
ent atmospheric pressure is ~0.1 MPa, it is pos- in large-scale eruption jets (>300 m diameter at
sible to overpressurize gas with a sealed layer Tungurahua) and represent an infrasonic form
of rock or a magma film. Depending on the of jet noise. Jet noise is produced at audible fre-
containment rupture mechanism, the pressure quencies by man-made aircraft and rockets and
may be released as a jet, a small explosive burst results from the turbulent flow of air out of a jet
followed by a jet, or a burst where all the gas is engine. The acoustic frequencies at which jet
released simultaneously (Birk and Cunningham, noise is radiated scale with the Strouhal num-
1994). If the gas is already exsolved, as in the ber (discussed further in Section 16.7.5) and are
case of a static or ascending bubble, this process related to the length scales of the jet flow (in
will only last for as long as it takes to release the particular, the diameter). The jetting activity
gas volume. As demonstrated by Ichihara et€al. at the lower portion of eruption columns is of
(2009), a shallow but submerged explosion trig- large diameter compared to typical man-made
gered by sudden depressurization of an MGM jets; thus, the acoustic frequencies of radiation
would appear visually similar to a popping sur- are much lower than those observed from jet
face bubble, and may be similar in its source engines (Fig. 16.1a). Matoza et€al. (2009b) used
pressure signature. the expanded jet diameter as the characteris-
tic length scale (Eq. (16.28), Section 16.7.5), and
16.5.3â•… Transients and jets found the Strouhal number ranged from 0.06
Many of the transient and continuous acous- to 0.4 for the volcanic jets considered in his
tic signals presented in Section 16.4 can be study.

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Figure 16.4╇╇Time-corrected
Tungurahua (a) explosion
waveforms and (b) spectra
recorded at a distance of 5
km, 37 km, and 251 km. As the
distance is increased, the signal
loses high-frequency energy
and its duration is extended.
Nearest station data courtesy
of H. Kumagai. See color plates

16.5.4â•… Into the sound more loosely constrained volcano acoustics

The candidate excitation mechanisms presented problem.
so far are nonlinear hydrodynamic processes,
and can only be modeled by linear acoustics 16.6.1â•… Compact sources
after moving some distance away from the As mentioned in Section 16.2, equivalent acous-
source. The next section explains how these tic source models may be constructed even for
volcanic processes may be modeled as radiated processes that are highly nonlinear. If ds is the
sound. length scale of the fluid region occupied by a
source, the source is acoustically compact if:

16.6╇╇ Acoustic radiation << 1, (16.14)

The expressions presented in this section may where λ is the acoustic wavelength. At a fre-
be regarded as extremely useful fictions, applic- quency of 1 Hz for air at 20 °C, this corresponds
able to ideal linearized cases where complex to ds << 50 m. At steam temperatures of 700 °C
processes are represented as simple sources that may be encountered inside magma con-
or combinations of simple sources. The pri- duits, this condition corresponds to ds << 100 m.
mary justification for this approach is that it Although this compactness condition may not
has performed surprisingly well in controlled always be met, it provides a tractable starting
acoustic environments, so we extend it to the point for discussing sources of volcanic sound.

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Figure 16.5╇╇ (a) Waveforms, (b) spectrogram, and (c) if a fluid of density ρ0 flows with a speed u in a
radiated acoustic power (in black) and ash cloud top (in section of cross-sectional area A with a time his-
green) for the suplinian to plinian Tungurahua eruption of 17 tory given by:
August 2006. The eruption was characterized by continuous
u (t) = u0 + u s (t), (16.16a)
jetting for >10 hours, with some explosions as well. Acoustic
power broadly scales with ash cloud height for this eruption,
where u0 is the steady flow speed, and us(t) is
particularly during the plinian phase of the eruption around
17 August 0600 UTC. From Fee et€al. (2010b). See color the unsteady speed as a function of time, the
plates section. total rate of mass outflow m(t) can be estimated
Lighthill (1978) provides an excellent discus- m ( t ) = ρ0 Au ( t ) = ρ0 Au0 + ρ0 Au s ( t ) , (16.16b)
sion on the virtues of compactness. In particular,
for a given mass outflow rate m(t) in an infinite and hence its rate of change is
homogeneous volume, the acoustic pressure p(t)
at a distance r from the source is given by: dm(t) du (t)
= ρ0 A s . (16.16c)
dt dt
1 dm(t ) ρ d 2 V (t )
p (t ) = = 0 , (16.15)
4 π r dt t − r / c 4 π r dt 2 t − r / c Note that Eqs. (16.15) and (16.16c) show that

an increase in pressure is associated with fluid
where V is the volume displaced by the mass acceleration. The first term in Eq. (16.16b) is the
of a fluid with equilibrium density ρ0. A severe steady mass flux ρ0Au0 which is routinely used
limitation on estimating mass flux from acous- in incompressible fluid dynamics and is gener-
tic measurements is that slowly fluctuating ally the dominant mass contribution. Because
(nearly steady-state) mass-flux contributions do acoustic measurements are by definition per-
not contribute to the sound field. For example, turbations from the steady pressure field, Eq.

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(16.16c) shows that the time-invariant steady source would be placed in an anechoic cham-
mass flux will not produce sound. A common ber and surrounded by a grid of microphones
assumption in compressible fluid flows is that to characterize its frequency-dependent radi-
the time-varying unsteady component us(t) is a ation pattern. Such rigor is difficult in volcanic
fraction of the steady stream velocity u0, so that environments.
it is possible to estimate the stream velocity Let us define Pm as the source pressure at 1 m
from the perturbation velocity. Estimates of radiated by a monopole, represented by a pulsat-
the steady mass flux term are sensitive to the ing sphere in free space. The free-space mono-
details of the models used to represent the fluid pole is one of the most useful approximations in
dynamics of a source process, and may not be the field of acoustics, as it acts as a simple source
robust because of the large number of free vari- and is used as a reference for all other compact
ables (Garcés, 1997). source representations. Of slightly more prac-
Exact expressions for acoustic sources can tical value is the expression for a source on or
generally be derived for only the simplest geom- near Earth’s surface, which is modeled as a baf-
etries and propagation conditions. Most solu- fled source. A baffle is an acoustic term that usu-
tions are rich in complex detail and structure ally refers to the flat plate to which a speaker is
near the source, but stabilize substantially far mounted, but here is approximated as a solid
from the source. In addition, many mathemat- plane bounding a half-space. The solution for
ical expressions have asymptotic expansions the pressure radiated by a hemispherical source
that simplify at a distance of a few wavelengths in a baffle is identical to that of the monopole,
from the source as the waves lose their curva- because both the environment and the source
ture and start resembling plane waves. The typ- strength are halved. Bursting bubbles described
ical criterion for the far-field is: in Section 16.5.2 are examples of hemispherical
sources, as the gas overpressure would be com-
2π r c 54 pletely released to the atmosphere€– the path of
>> 1 ⇒ r >> >> . (16.17)
λ 2π f f least resistance€– with little or no acoustic radi-

ation into the melt or ground.
At 0.02, 0.1, 1, and 10 Hz, the far-field condition In contrast, the far-field solution for a spher-
corresponds to r >> 3 km, 500 m, 50 m, and 5 m, ical source close to an infinite baffle and radiat-
respectively. ing into a half space is given by:
Moran et€ al. (2008a) exploited the compact-
ness condition (Eq. (16.14)) to model a VLP acous- 2Pm
Ps / 2 = . (16.18)
tic signal resulting from a large rockfall from r
the 2004–08 Mount St. Helens lava extrusion.
Similar modeling approaches have been applied Sound from a compact industrial source placed
to strombolian bubble bursts at Mount Erebus, on a stand is commonly represented by this
Antarctica (Johnson et€al., 2008). equation. A classic dipole may be represented
as two monopoles pulsating in opposite phase
16.6.2â•…Multipole expansions for surface to one another. Such a condition, which is typ-
and subaerial sources ical of reflection of underwater sound from a
An acoustic source may be represented by shallow source near the ocean−atmosphere
distributions of simple sources, an approach interface, is useful for visualizing the inter-
known as multipole expansion (Morse and Ingard, ference pattern caused by reflection along an
1968). Multipoles permit a ready visualiza- infinite plane (the Lloyd’s mirror effect) but is
tion of the intriguing interference patterns an inadequate way to model reflections in com-
produced by the superposition of multiple plex environments. Acoustic reflection from
sources. Multipole representations may be multiple irregular walls is better treated as a
practical in industrial environments where one reverberation problem, to be discussed in more
may control recording conditions. Ideally, the detail in Section 16.7.

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A quadrupole may be constructed from Pm  2 J 1 ( ka sin θ )  Pm

two dipoles. Quadrupoles were introduced by Pp =  = H p (θ ), (16.19)
2r  ka sin θ  2r
Lighthill (1954) as possible models for acoustic
radiation from turbulence, and they are infam-
where k = 2π/λ, θ is the source–receiver
ous for being easier to visualize than to evaluate.
angle measured from the vertical, and J1 is
Woulff and McGetchin (1976) used the linear-
the first-order Bessel function. The expres-
ized equations of motion to estimate the acous-
sion in brackets, Hp, approximates unity as ka
tic power radiated from monopoles, dipoles,
sin€ θ approaches zero. Similar expressions
and quadrupoles for subsonic flows. Their equa-
may be derived for rectangular pistons or line
tions can be readily scaled in terms of the Mach
sources in the case of fissure eruptions. In the
number, M, defined as the ratio of the gas exit
long-wavelength and far-field approximations,
velocity to the sound speed. They estimated that
these solutions converge to similarly simple
monopoles, dipoles, and quadrupoles radiate as
expressions, lending substantial simplicity to
the fourth, sixth, and eighth power of the Mach
source strength estimates.
number, respectively, where M < 1 for subsonic
The far-field expressions discussed thus far
flow. Their discussion illustrates how inefficient
rely on the spherical spreading law and differ
dipole and quadrupole radiation are in compari-
primarily in their radiation patterns. Note that
son with monopole radiation.
it would be difficult to discriminate between
Although a source region may be expressed
dipole and piston-like radiation when ka ≈ j1m,
as a sum of monopole, dipole, and quadrupole
the zeros of the Bessel function, which corres-
representations, in the far-field, the superpos-
ponds to atmospheric frequencies on the order
ition of these compact sources is generally well
of f = j1,m(340/2πa). For a vent radius on the order
approximated by a point monopole with an
of 40 m, piston-source radiation patterns would
equivalent source strength equal to the sum of
be present in the 3 Hz range.
all the multipole contributions (Pierce, 1981).
To capture a three-dimensional multipole radi-
16.6.4â•…Useful expressions for acoustic
ation pattern in the near-field, the vertical and
source power
horizontal sensor spacing must be at least half
The total power Π radiated by a source, in watts,
of the spatial scale (wavelength) of interest at
is given by integrating Eq. (16.6) over the ensoni-
a given frequency. In realistic volcanic envir-
fied space:
onments, in particular during large eruptions,
adequately dense sampling may be exceedingly 4π r 2 2
∏s = p Spherical source in free space
challenging. Insufficient sampling will yield ρc
spatially aliased and potentially misleading
2π r 2 2
16.6.3â•…Piston radiation for buried and ∏h = p Hemispherical source into
ρc a half space (surfacesource)
surface sources

The above expressions (Eqs. (16.14)–(16.17)) for
the radiated sound field are primarily pertinent
8π r 2 2
to surface or near-surface sources. In the case of ∏ s /2 = p Spherical source near ground
ρc radiating into a half space
subsurface sources connected to the atmosphere
through an open vent, the sound pressure and
velocity must be compressed through the vent (16.22)
and the ensuing radiation may be modeled by the r 2 2 π2  2 J1 (ka sin θ ) 
∏p = p ∫  2π sin θ dθ
piston-like displacement of the fluid at the vent. ρc 0
 ka sin θ  (16.23a)
The far-field amplitude at r for a piston of Vented su
ubsurface source

radius a (vent radius) set in an infinite baffle is
given by:

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Note that far from the source θ ~ π/2 and ka sinθ at a distance are imprinted with the resonance
~ 2πa/λ. If, in addition, the wavelength is much and attenuation characteristics of the volume.
greater than the piston radius so that λ << a, This allows for modeling of seismic and acoustic
then waveforms to infer the geometry and fluid com-
position of volcanic resonators. A critical step
forward was made in volcano seismology when
lim ∏ p = ∏ h . (16.23b)
ka → 0
it was postulated that acoustic resonance effects
are important in generating observed seismicity
If the spatial acoustic source distribution is
at volcanoes (e.g., Aki et€ al., 1977). Since then
unknown, or if the recorded field is a super-
much work has been done in volcano seismology
position of subsurface, surface, and airborne
concerning solid−fluid interface waves or crack
sources (for example, a transient source in a
waves that occur from wave propagation in small
deep crater accompanied by vigorous jetting) it
volumes of fluid trapped in a solid (Chapters
would be judicious to use Eq. (16.20) for the free
15). Decades ago, volcano seismology identified
space solution, as power estimates would only
tremor and long-period events as signals that may
be a factor of 2 (3 dB) different from Eq. (16.21)
be indicative of resonant volcanic structures. In
or (16.22). For explosions and other transient
contrast, the first infrasonic measurements of har-
events, the total energy in joules for the event
monic tremor were made at Sakurajima in 1996
may be estimated by E = Ts Π, where care must
(Sakai et€al., 1996). In the past decade, because of
be taken that the time of overpressure integra-
an increase in the quantity and quality of acoustic
tion, Ts, only corresponds to the main pulse. As
measurements, numerous observations of infra-
an example, one of the Halemaumau vent (HV)
sonic harmonic tremor have been reported from
VLP degassing bursts had an estimated energy of
volcanoes worldwide (Section 16.4). This section
~106 J, an order of magnitude lower than the HV
focuses on resonance effects in volcanoes. We
ensuing tremor energy radiated in one hour (~3
examine several processes in a volcanic fluid sys-
kW = 107 J hr−1; Fee et€al., 2010a). If the source
tem that could result in sharply defined spectral
is within the erupting vent or more than a few
peaks in acoustic data. In particular, we discuss
tens of kilometers from the recording station,
acoustic resonance or reverberation (standing
other propagation effects need to be considered
waves), volume (Helmholtz) resonance, and
as well (Fee and Garcés, 2007). The effect of the
flow-induced oscillations. We note that repeti-
atmosphere on telesonic (> 250 km) propagation
tive evenlyspaced impulsive events (e.g., Powell
is beyond the scope of this chapter, and is cov-
and Neuberg, 2003) may also produce harmonic
ered in greater detail in Le Pichon et€al. (2010).
spectra without resonance. The combination of
repetitive pulses and resonance was considered
by Garcés and McNutt (1997).
16.7╇ ╇ Resonant oscillations
16.7.1â•… Acoustic resonance
Resonance is an unavoidable propagation effect Acoustic resonance consists of constructively
in most volcanic fluid systems. Magma ascends to interfering echoes, and is the natural response
Earth’s surface through a complicated network of of bounded fluids. Acoustic resonance is a famil-
cracks, chambers, and conduits, and hydrother- iar concept widely exploited in the design of
mal systems and gas accumulations can be stored musical instruments to produce harmonious
in subsurface reservoirs or near-surface cavities. tones (e.g., Fletcher and Rossing, 1998). Solid
If pressure disturbances occur in any of these pipe sections of intricate geometry contain-
confined fluid volumes, acoustic energy is par- ing air columns (e.g., an organ pipe) produce
tially trapped and the volumes resonate at their sound with predictable spectra. By varying the
natural frequencies, or eigenfrequencies. As the effective length of a resonator, different nat-
elastic energy leaks away from these regions, the ural sound frequencies can be produced, which
resulting seismic and acoustic signals observed are perceived as changes in pitch. The sound

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radiated by an instrument is a complex super- pipe modes of Eqs. (16.24a) and (16.24b)) are
position of the different resonant oscillations of given by:
the instrument body. Unfortunately, in volcanic 2
conduits and cracks, the fluid composition in  cj 
f s, m =  1s  + f m2 , (16.25)
the resonator can be highly variable and largely  2π a 
unknown. Consider a one-dimensional oscilla-
where fs,m is the radial resonance associated
tor such as the classic organ pipe modes, with
with the sth zero j1s of the Bessel function J1
eigenfrequencies given by:
and the mth longitudinal mode, c is the sound
 1 speed in the magma, a is the conduit radius,
m − c (16.24a) and L is the conduit length. In general, two-
 2
fm = , where m = 1, 2,...
2L and three-dimensional standing wave patterns
are produced inside confined volumes, lead-
or ing to complex and possibly degenerate mode
sequences that depend on the geometry and fluid
fm = , where m = 1, 2, 3 ... (16.24b) properties of the resonator. One of the important
2L results of Buckingham and Garcés (1996) is that
the higher-order modes, which correspond to
where fm are the resonant modes, c is the sound
higher frequencies, radiate nearly vertically and
speed in the resonator, L is the effective length
are not efficiently propagated into the far-field.
of the resonator, m is the mode number, and the
The predicted radiation pattern is reminiscent to
form of equation depends on the whether the
that of a piston in a baffle, with monopole radi-
pipe is closed and open at one end (Eq. 16.24a)
ation dominant when the wavelength is larger
or open at both ends (Eq. 16.24b). The first mode,
than the vent aperture, and a strong vertically
m = 1, is generally dominant and is known as
directed radiation pattern at high frequencies.
the fundamental, with all higher modes called
This helps to explain why explosive sources in
overtones. Whereas in musical instruments the
vents and craters rapidly lose audible frequen-
resonating fluid is air and c is well known, in a
cies with distance. Furthermore, liquid−gas
volcano the fluid may be magma, gas, a dusty
interfaces are inefficient at transmitting sound,
ash−gas mixture, juvenile or meteoric water,
and act as good reflecting boundaries. However,
mud, or a multiphase combination of the above.
sources submerged within magmatic fluids may
The in situ acoustic properties of these volcanic
also radiate more efficiently than anticipated
fluids are critical parameters defining the reson-
because of the recently postulated anomalous
ant properties of volcanic conduits and cracks,
transparency of infrasound at the liquid−air inter-
yet these properties can only be crudely esti-
face (Godin, 2006), which to date has not been
mated from geophysical and geochemical meth-
incorporated into volcano-acoustic models.
ods. Nevertheless, a nondimensional approach
The formulation of Garcés (2000) addresses
enables inferences about volcanic resonators
the resonant properties of a variable-width tube
that are not tied to fixed values of key geophys-
of fluid that may be moving at high velocity
ical properties of the fluid.
relative to the sound speed of the flow. To a
Buckingham and Garcés (1996) developed
first-order approximation, the spacing between
a canonical model for the atmospheric sound
frequency peaks is given by:
field generated by a resonant magma conduit
excited by an explosive compact source. To
c (1 − M 2 )
obtain a tractable analytic solution, a num- ∆f = , (16.26)
ber of simplifying assumptions were made. A
repetition of this analytic solution is beyond where c is the sound speed of the material in
the scope of this chapter. However, we remark the conduit, M = U/c is the Mach number of the
that the symmetric radial modes of a cylin- flow, and L is the effective length of the conduit.
drical conduit (in addition to the longitudinal Hence, the eigenfrequency variations known

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as gliding (Garcés and Le Pichon, 2009) could be sound source by acting as an echo chamber. In
explained by either a change in the effective rectangular coordinates, the natural oscillation
length of the conduit L, or changes in the flow frequencies of a rectangular stiff-walled cham-
velocity U or sound speed c. Both sound speed ber are given by:
and flow velocity vary readily with a change in
2 2 2
the mean vesicularity of a magma−gas mixture. c  lπ   mπ   nπ 
f lmn =   +   + , (16.28)
2π   Lz 
 Lx   L y 
16.7.2â•… Helmholtz resonance
For acoustic wavelengths greater than any of where l, m, n = 0, 1, 2, … are the mode numbers,
the linear dimensions of a volume, Helmholtz and Lx, Ly, and Lz are the x, y, and z longitudinal
resonance can also be induced. A Helmholtz dimensions of the chamber. The eigenfrequen-
resonator is a stiff-walled cavity connected to cies in Eq. (16.28) can be considered as travel-
the atmosphere through an opening with a ing plane waves in their respective directions
neck. The cavity and opening would represent (Kinsler et€al., 1982).
a vented volcanic chamber. When fluid is We can rewrite Eq. (16.28) as:
pushed out of the cavity, low pressure is cre-
ated within the cavity, which responds by pull- 2
L  2
 2 Lz  f lmn L 
ing the air back in, and vice versa. The system   f lmn = =  z  l2 +  z  m + n 2 . (16.29)
 c f 1z  Ly 
may then sustain oscillations at a frequency
  Lx   
given by:
If the vertical length Lz and the volume V of the
c Sa chamber are constrained, we can specify a cross-
fH = , (16.27) sectional area A = LxLy and leave only one free
2π LH V
variable Lx
where Sa is the cross-sectional area of the neck,
2 2
LH is the effective length of the neck, c is the f lmn L  L L 
=  z  l 2 +  z x  m 2 + n 2 , (16.30)
sound speed of the fluid, and V is the volume f1z L
 x  A 

of the cavity. If there is no neck, such as in the
case of a vent within a thin lava roof, the effect- and now it is possible to plot the normalized
ive neck length LH may be approximated by 1.7a, eigenfrequency as a function of only one dimen-
where a is the radius of the neck opening with sion, Lx. Fee et€ al. (2010a) performed such an
area Sa = πa2 (Kinsler et€al., 1982). eigenfrequency analysis assuming Helmholtz res-
The dimensional requisites for Helmholtz onance and using LIDAR measurements to con-
resonance are compatible with the observed strain the volume and depth of Halemaumau’s
geometry of some near-surface volcanic cavities gas-filled chamber (0.5 Hz peak in Fig. 16.1(b)),
(Fee et€al., 2010a). A given cavity volume can sus- and obtained a reasonably good match between
tain a lower fundamental oscillation frequency theory and observation. Decades of architectural
via Helmholtz resonance than it could produce acoustic studies attest to the difficulties of deriv-
by the longitudinal modes in Eq. (16.24). ing precise mode amplitude solutions for rooms
with complex shapes. Volcanic chambers would
16.7.3â•… Echo chambers certainly deviate from a perfect rectangular vol-
Although a Helmholtz resonator is predicted to ume, and the observed mode amplitudes would
oscillate at a single low frequency, resonance depend on the source position, the walls’ exact
peaks at higher frequencies are possible within a shape, texture, and sound absorption properties,
cavity in the form of three-dimensional standing and the radiation condition at the vent. However,
acoustic waves analogous to the one-dimensional all these effects are likely to be more aggravated
pipe modes described in Section 16.7.1. The sim- as the frequency increases and the acoustic wave-
plest three-dimensional cavity is a rectangular length becomes comparable to the spatial scales of
volume, which would add reverberation to the the irregularities in the chamber. The good match

9780521895439c16_p359-383.indd 377 8/2/2012 12:14:15 PM


between theory and observation at low frequen- This disturbance can interact with the shear
cies obtained by Fee et€al. (2010a) is encouraging. layer upstream. Shear layers are very sensitive
to minor changes in the pressure conditions
16.7.4â•… Flow-induced oscillations around them, such that tiny acoustic pressure
In previous sections, we discussed how a volcanic oscillations resulting from interaction with
cavity may reverberate to produce the sharp- the solid object can result in the generation
lypeaked tones observed in infrasonic harmonic of vortices in the shear layer. These vortices
tremor (Section 16.4). In addition, in Section 16.5 are then carried back downstream in the flow
we introduced various means of exciting resona- where they again reach the solid object. The
tors (the s(t) function in Eq. (16.12)). Thus we have interaction between the upstream propagat-
treated a resonant volcanic system as separable, ing acoustic or hydrodynamic disturbance and
in which an impulsive or sustained broadband the downstream propagating vortices results
driving function can excite a cavity into produ- in a closed feedback loop, which is strongest
cing transient resonant signals (LPs) or harmonic at particular frequencies. When examining
tremor. However, flow-induced oscillations in a flow-induced oscillations, frequencies are usu-
volume also provide nonlinear mechanisms that ally non-dimensionalized in the tonal Strouhal
can yield lower natural frequencies than pre- number, given by:
dicted from purely acoustic means.
In musical instruments, the resonant prop- fL
St = , (16.31)
erties of the pressure or force-function driving U
cavity resonance can be critical. For example,
where L is the length scale of the process (m),
flute tones are a result of flow-induced edge tones
and U is the jet flow velocity (m s−1). Rossiter
generated by the jet of air from the player’s lips
(1964) found the Strouhal numbers of these
onto an edge in the mouthpiece, and the amp-
processes agree with the empirical equation:
lification of these tones via the resonator body
(the pipe section) (Fletcher and Rossing, 1998). m −γ
St = ,
When examined in more detail, the relationship 1 (16.32)
between the driving mechanism and resonator K
response is nonlinear, and involves a complex
feedback process between the acoustic modes where m is the mode number (m = 1, 2, 3, …),
of the resonator body and the air jet exciting M€ = U/c is the Mach number, and γ and K are
the modes. This process leads to mode-locking in empirical constants. Rossiter (1964) then
which particular tones are preferentially ampli- deduced that this can be expressed in terms of
fied (Fletcher, 1999). Such complex acoustic feed- the physical parameters of the system as:
back processes may provide an explanation for L L (m − γ )
infrasonic harmonic tremor (Matoza et€al., 2010). + = , (16.33)
Uc c fm

The edge tone is just one example of a fam-
ily of processes in which tones are created by which is known as Rossiter’s equation (Howe,
the interaction of shear layers with solid bound- 1998). Here, Uc is the velocity of propagation
aries (Rockwell and Naudascher, 1979). Other of the vortices, c is the sound speed, fm are the
examples include the hole-tone, which is pro- Rossiter modes and γ represents a phase lag. The
duced by flow of an axisymmetric jet from one constant K in Eq. (16.32) is the ratio of Uc to U,
plate impinging on a second plate with a hole i.e., Uc = KU. It remains an empirical constant but
in it, and the flow of air over a cavity (Rossiter, is ~0.4–0.6 for most processes (Rossiter, 1964).
1964). Each is believed to result from a similar The coupling of Rossiter modes of subsonic
feedback process. Once the flow encounters the volcanic jet flows to volcanic resonator bod-
solid object downstream, a disturbance is cre- ies such as conduits, cracks, and near-surface
ated that can propagate back upstream either cavities remains an open and exciting area for
as an acoustic or hydrodynamic disturbance. future study.

9780521895439c16_p359-383.indd 378 8/2/2012 12:14:15 PM


16.7.5â•… Release l local resonance function

Resonance in bounded fluids produces spectral L effective length of resonator (m)
peaks whose frequencies can be scaled with Ld sound exposure level (Pa2 s)
ratios of the sound speed, longitudinal dimen- LH effective length of Helmholtz resonator
sions (normal modes), volume (Helmholtz), and neck (m)
flow velocity (jets). Thus five generalized param- Lx,y,z longitudinal chamber dimensions (m)
eters€ – c, Lx, Ly, Lz, and U€ – can be combined to m mode number
interpret many of the tonal features that appear m(t) mass outflow rate (kg s−1)
in acoustic signatures of volcanic origin. M mach number
p acoustic pressure (Pa)
pax range dependent pressure function (Pa)
pmax peak pressure (Pa)
16.8╇ ╇ Coda pref reference pressure (Pa)
prms rms pressure (Pa)
Volcanic sounds are created by manifold fluid
ps acoustic source pressure (Pa)
flow instabilities, yielding often dissonant, occa-
P instantaneous pressure (Pa)
sionally harmonious, but invariably intriguing
P0 equilibrium pressure (Pa)
soundscapes. Sound arises from unsteady per-
ΔPl lithostatic ovepressure (Pa)
turbations within the flux of volcanic fluids, and
Pm monopole source pressure (Pa)
travels through conduits, chambers, vents, cra-
PSD power spectral density (Pa2 Hz−1)
ters, and weather to reach our digital sentinels
r radial (spherical) distance (m)
afield. The concepts presented in this chapter
R horizontal range (m)
are intended as a foundation for the quantifica-
s source time function
tion, interpretation, and modeling of a select set
S spectral level (dB)
of volcano acoustic signals. However, this chap-
Sa area of Helmholtz resonator neck (m2)
ter is by no means comprehensive. Each vol-
SPL sound pressure level (dB)
cano has a unique voice, and one of the joys of
SL source level (dB)
acoustic studies is in discovering that voice and
St Strouhal number
unraveling its primitive language.
t time (s)
T period (s)
Ts time interval (s)
16.9╇ ╇ Notation TL transmission loss (dB)
u particle velocity (m s−1)
a conduit, vent or jet radius (m) u0 steady flow speed (m s−1)
A cross-sectional area (m2) us unsteady flow speed (m s−1)
c sound speed (m s−1) U flow velocity (m s−1)
ds fluid region length scale (m) Uc vortex propagation velocity (m s−1)
E acoustic energy (J) V displaced volume, or volume of cavity
f frequency (Hz) (m3)
fH Helmholtz resonant frequency (Hz) Δz depth (m)
fm resonant modes (Hz) ϕ phase (rad.)
Fp discrete Fourier transform γ empirical constant
g Green’s function λ wavelength (m)
H angular directivity function Π acoustic power (W)
Hp piston directivity function θ source-receiver angle (°)
I sound intensity (W m−2) ρ atmospheric density (kg m−3)
J1 first-order Bessel function ρ0 fluid density (kg m−3)
k wavenumber (rad m−1) ρr rock density (kg m−3)
K empirical constant Ω solid angle (sr)

9780521895439c16_p359-383.indd 379 8/2/2012 12:14:16 PM


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Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, Use the mean value theorem to derive the
45, 601–616. SPL between 1–2 Hz from the spectra shown
Yamasato, H. (1997). Quantitative analysis of in Figure 16.1, and compare to the results in
pyroclastic flows using infrasonic and seismic data Table 16.1.
at Unzen volcano, Japan. Journal of Physics of the 16.2╇Estimate the SPL for the Halemaumau Vent
Earth, 45(6), 397–416. between 0.3 and 0.6 Hz, and the radiated
Yamasato, H. (1998). Nature of infrasonic pulse source power in watts.
accompanying low frequency earthquake at Unzen 16.3╇If a volcanic jet has an expanded diameter of
Volcano, Japan. Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of 10 m and peak frequency of 1 Hz, what range
Japan, 43, 1–13. of jet velocities would yield a Strouhal number
range of 0.06–0.4?

Exercises Online resources available at www.cambridge.

16.1╇The mean value theorem for integrals states • Sound files and spectra for a variety of volcanic
that, if g is continuous on [a, b], there is a activity
number c between a and b such that • Answers to exercises
∫ a
g ( f )df = g (c)(b − a).

9780521895439c16_p359-383.indd 383 8/2/2012 12:14:17 PM

Chapter 17

Planetary volcanism
Rosaly M.╯C. Lopes, Sarah A. Fagents, Karl L. Mitchell
and Tracy K.╯P. Gregg

Overview 17.1╇ ╇ Introduction

Volcanism is of primary importance in shap- Volcanism has affected all solid planets and most
ing the surfaces of many planets and satellites moons in the Solar System and even some of the
of the Solar System. In this chapter we show earliest-forming asteroids, and is therefore of
how models developed for volcanic processes key importance for the study of the evolution
on Earth can be adapted to model volcanism of planets and moons. The discovery of numer-
on other planetary bodies, including those ous extra-terrestrial volcanoes, including active
displaying familiar silicate volcanism (such as ones, has stretched our traditional definition of
Mars, Venus, and the Moon), as well as those “volcano” (Lopes et€ al., 2010a) and prompted a
with more exotic volcanic behavior (such as new understanding of how volcanism, as a pro-
high-temperature volcanism on Io and “cryo- cess, can operate.
volcanism” on the icy satellites). Due to space Prior to the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft obser-
limitations, only certain “type example” worlds vations during the late 1970s and early 1980s, the
are detailed here, the intent more to give an Earth was the only planet known to be volcanic-
insight into how the volcanic process varies ally active, with the Moon, Mars, Venus and pos-
from body to body than to discuss each. Each sibly Mercury showing signs of past activity. Our
planet or satellite possesses a unique combin- views of volcanism were dramatically changed
ation of environmental factors (gravity, atmos- when Voyager 1 revealed active eruptions on
pheric properties, surface temperature, etc.) Jupiter’s moon Io (Morabito et€al., 1979), a world
that influence almost every aspect of magma about the same size as the Earth’s Moon. Unlike
ascent and eruption. By incorporating these the Earth, where volcanism is a manifestation of
parameters into models of volcanic behavior it internal heat generated by decay of radioactive
is possible to elucidate the causes of the diver- isotopes, Io’s volcanism is driven by tidal dissipa-
sity in volcanic expression on the surfaces of tion due to orbital interactions with Jupiter and
other planetary bodies and hence understand neighboring satellites. Moreover, no planet out-
the eruptive history and evolution of our Solar side the Earth shows evidence of plate tectonics,
System neighbors. which has consequences for the distribution of

Modeling Volcanic Processes: The Physics and Mathematics of Volcanism, eds. Sarah A. Fagents, Tracy K.╯P. Gregg, and Rosaly M.╯C.
Lopes. Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2012.

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volcanic landforms, and for magma chemistry eruptive products, are affected by the ambi-
(Section 17.2.4). Despite these differences, the ent conditions on different bodies (Table 17.1).
eruption styles and products on other planets Of primary importance are the planetary grav-
often show great similarity to Earth’s. In other ity, atmospheric pressure and density, with
cases, such as cryovolcanism on the icy moons ambient temperature a secondary effect. (For
of outer planets, the differences are striking: detailed reviews of how ambient conditions
instead of silicate magma, icy mixtures erupt in affect volcanism, see Zimbelman and Gregg,
extremely low-temperature environments. The 2000). In addition, magma compositional varia-
crusts of these moons are composed primarily tions among the planets can strongly influence
of water-ice, and may host liquid water bodies the expression of volcanism at the surface.
in the subsurface. Therefore, ices are analogous
to silicate rocks on Earth. On many of these 17.2.1â•… Gravity
worlds we see evidence for both active and past In modeling terrestrial volcanic processes, it is
cryovolcanic eruptions, which are at times unex- easy to forget that gravitational acceleration is
pectedly Earth-like in expression. in fact a variable that depends on the mass of
On the terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, the individual planet (Table 17.1). In practice,
Mars), as well as Earth’s Moon and Jupiter’s Io, this affects everything from the depth of melt-
where silicate volcanism has occurred or is cur- ing in a planet’s mantle to the height pyroclasts
rently occurring, the processes bringing material might reach in an explosive eruption. To illus-
to the surface are similar to terrestrial processes. trate, assuming that Earth’s mantle is composed
Therefore, models used to understand Earth’s of “wet” lherzolite, this material will begin to
volcanism are generally applicable to these other melt at a depth of ~75 km. On Mars, a similar
bodies, although model parameters are different. melting pressure is reached at a depth almost
Cryovolcanism requires significantly different three times greater (~225 km), because of the
models, in particular because of the difficulty low gravity. This has implications for the min-
of cryomagma ascent given the relative dens- imum ascent rate magma would require to
ities of water and ice. This chapter shows how reach the surface before solidifying, which in
models of volcanic processes, accounting for the turn sets limits for the minimum eruption rates
different ambient conditions and magma com- (Wilson and Head, 1981).
positions, can be used to understand volcanic Low gravity can also influence the dispersal
behavior of planetary bodies, and uses Mars, of pyroclastic ejecta. On the Moon, for example,
Io, and Enceladus as examples of the diversity dark mantle deposits (DMDs) are interpreted to
of volcanism in the Solar System. For consider- be pyroclasts emplaced during explosive erup-
ation of environmental factors influencing vol- tions (e.g., Wilson and Head, 1981; Weitz and
canism on Venus, see Grosfils et€al. (2000), Stofan Head, 1999). The most likely origin for these fea-
and Smrekar (2005), and also the discussion of tures is that they are pyroclasts generated from
volcanism in the high-pressure sea-floor envir- volatile-bearing magmas that would have gener-
onment in Chapter 12. Recent results about vol- ated hawaiian-style lava fountains (and associ-
canism on Mercury revealed by the MESSENGER ated scoria cones) if they had erupted on Earth.
spacecraft are discussed by Head et€al. (2011) and Instead, the lower lunar gravity, coupled with a
recent lunar results from the LRO spacecraft are lack of atmosphere, allowed the lava fragments
discussed by Joliff et€al. (2011). to be dispersed over distances that precluded
the building of a proximal volcanic cone.
It has long been theoretically argued that
17.2╇ ╇Parametric differences among low ambient gravity should result in thicker
planetary bodies lava flows, all other parameters being equal
(e.g., Fink and Griffiths, 1990). Thus, basaltic lava
Volcanic processes, from melt generation flows on the Moon should be thicker than those
and ascent to the eruption and deposition of on Mars; basaltic lava flows on Mars should be

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Table 17.1╇ ╇ Characteristics of the main Solar System bodies on which volcanic features have been identified.

Mean Gravity Bulk density Surface Atmospheric Composition of eruptive

9780521895439c17_p384-413.indd 386
Object radius (km) (m s−2) (kg m−3) Temperature (K) Pressure (Pa) products Expressions of volcanism
Earth 6371 9.81 5515 288 1.0 × 105 silicate Effusive and explosive
Moon 1737 1.6 3300 277 3 × 10 –10 silicate Mostly effusive, some
Mercury 2440 3.70 5427 100–725 5 × 10 –10 silicate Mostly effusive, some
Venus 6051 8.87 5204 733 9 × 106 silicate Mostly effusive
Mars 3389 3.73 393 215 600 silicate Mostly effusive, some
Io 1822 1.80 3528 85 (night) to < 10 –4, silicate, some sulfur Mostly effusive, some
140 (day) higher at possible explosive
(110 ave.) locations
of plumes
Europa 1565 1.31 3030 102 10 –6 H2O, unknown other Effusive cryovolcanism,
constituents possibly some explosive
Ganymede 2634 1.43 1940 110 < 10 –6 H2O, unknown other Effusive cryovolcanism
Enceladus 249 0.11 1120 75 trace, H2O, unknown other Explosive (plumes)
variable constituents, probably
Titan 2575 1.35 1881 94 1.5 × 105 H2O, unknown other Possibly both effusive and
constituents, probably explosive cryovolcanism.
ammonia, methanol
Triton 1353 0.78 2054 38 1.4–1.9 water with unknown Effusive cryovolcanism,
other constituents, explosive cryovolcanism
probably nitrogen as a result of solar
green-house activity

8/2/2012 10:06:06 AM

thicker than those on Earth. However, observa-

tions do not always support these predictions,
indicating that other factors (such as lava com-
position) play a much more important role in
effusive eruptions than does gravity.

17.2.2â•… Atmospheric pressure and density

Atmospheric pressure varies from high (9 MPa
on Venus) to essentially non-existent on planets
without noticeable atmospheres (Table 17.1). For
comparison, the typical atmospheric pressure
at Earth’s sea level is ~0.1 MPa. Energy released
by decompressing volatiles during a volcanic
eruption is a function of the change in pressure
during decompression. High ambient pressures
(such as on Venus or Earth’s sea floor) will act to
Figure 17.1╇╇Volume fraction of exsolved gas after
suppress volatile exsolution and decompression decompression to atmospheric pressure for magmas with
(Fig. 17.1), thereby favoring effusive rather than different starting juvenile volatile contents, illustrating the
explosive eruptions. High ambient pressures do potential influence of ambient pressure on eruption style.
not preclude explosive eruptions, but do require Note that only an ideal equilibrium system with magma
greater volatile concentrations compared with and volatiles well coupled (closed system degassing), will
terrestrial magmas. Therefore, a dominance of decompress to this extent, and so the curves represent an
effusive over explosive eruptions on Venus may upper limit. Fragmentation is assumed to occur at 75 vol.%
gas. Approximate surface pressures are given for Mars, Earth,
be predicted, and this prediction is supported by
Titan, and Venus (vertical dashed lines), as well as a shaded
observations. Likewise, low ambient pressures
range for eruptions at the bottom of Earth’s oceans. Most
do not guarantee explosive eruptions; only if worlds have only trace atmospheres. The magma-volatile
decompression successfully drives expansion compositional pairing is a second-order effect; to illustrate
and fragmentation of a volatile-bearing magma this, the solid curve in bold represents H2O degassing from
will the explosive potential be realized. basalt and the dotted line is for CH4 in water, based on
Atmospheric density is determined by ambi- Henry’s Law approximations.
ent pressure Pa and temperature Ta, and by both
the composition and abundance of molecu-
lar compounds, such that ρa = Pa/R*Ta, where On Earth, eruption columns are driven by
R* is the specific gas constant of the mixtures entrainment and heating of the surrounding
of atmospheric gases (all notation is given in air. Mars’ atmosphere is less dense than Earth’s
Section 17.7). Density, along with other ther- and therefore there is less mass for eruption
mophysical parameters, helps determine the columns to entrain. The net result is that con-
rate at which a fluid will transfer heat via con- vective columns on Mars are unlikely to be as
vection. All else being equal, a higher-density substantial as those on Earth (Section 17.3.4).
atmosphere will convect heat away from the Eruptions into vacuum conditions (e.g., Io) are
surface of a lava flow more efficiently than a unable to produce convecting columns at all,
lower-density atmosphere. Thus, in the initial and instead produce umbrella-shaped plume
seconds of emplacement, the surface of a venu- structures controlled by particle trajectories in
sian flow would cool more rapidly than the sur- rarified gas conditions (17.4.4).
face of an identical lava erupted on Earth (Head
and Wilson, 1986). In the absence of an atmos- 17.2.3â•… Temperature
phere, no convective cooling occurs; volcanic Planetary surface temperatures vary by orders
products are cooled only by radiation and con- of magnitude throughout the Solar System:
duction and will remain hot for longer. bodies farther from the Sun tend to be colder,

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388 R .╯M . C . L OP E S, S.╯A . FAG E N T S, K . M I T C H ELL, A ND T.╯K. P. GR EGG

and bodies without insulating atmospheres can high thorium concentrations of some volcanic
experience hundreds of degrees in temperature areas on the Moon (e.g., Jolliff et€al., 2011), sug-
variation in the course of a single revolution. gest compositions that may approach rhyolitic.
Ambient temperature affects the rate of heat In this context, rhyolitic compositions suggested
transfer from eruptive products to their sur- for Venus (Fink et€ al., 1993; Treiman, 2007), to
roundings. Heat flux due to radiation varies as explain the physical properties of both tesserae
Thot4 − Ta4, while convective and conductive fluxes and pancake domes, may not be so far-fetched,
are both proportional to Thot€– Ta (Chapter 5). In and may have been facilitated by crustal recyc-
general, this implies that magmas erupted into ling due to catastrophic resurfacing of the crust,
cooler environments should cool more quickly, or a past wetter environment.
as might be expected; however, an exception There is much less known about the chemis-
to this rule is Venus, whose high atmospheric try of cryomagmas. For most icy bodies, cryomag-
density implies effective convective heat trans- mas are inferred to have low-viscosity, water-rich
fer (Section 17.2.2), despite the high ambient compositions. Given the lack of atmospheres in
temperature. these cases, explosive activity remains possible.
An exception may be Titan, where the possi-
17.2.4â•… Magma compositions bility of large abundances of liquidus-deflating
The lack of plate tectonics on all rocky worlds ammonia in the mantle may produce rheologies
other than Earth appears to have resulted in similar to those of terrestrial basalts or andes-
much less petrological diversity, as a result of ites (Kargel et€al., 1991). Although such proper-
less crustal recycling. For worlds where past or ties may result in larger volatile concentrations
present silicate volcanism has been detected, than on other icy satellites, the presence of a
mafic compositions (i.e., basalts) appear to dom- thick 1.5-bar atmosphere (0.15 MPa; Table 17.1)
inate. Relative to more felsic (silica-rich) mag- may act to suppress explosivity.
mas, mafic magmas have higher densities, and
lower viscosities and volatile contents. Taken
together with the apparent relative paucity of 17.3╇ ╇╇Volcanism on Mars
water, the primary volatile in the most explo-
sive volcanic eruptions on Earth, this suggests a 17.3.1â•…Observations of volcanic features
tendency towards the more effusive end of the on Mars
volcanic spectrum. There are, however, some Mars has been the main focus of planetary
exceptions. exploration since the 1990s and, therefore, the
High-temperature, low-viscosity volcanism data set available for studying its geologic proc-
on Io might be best explained by ultramafic esses is vast, ranging from orbital observations
compositions (Williams and Howell, 2007). to in situ measurements from landers and rov-
Geochemical analysis of Mars shows some evi- ers. The martian shield volcanoes are the lar-
dence for both ultramafic and more felsic mag- gest in the Solar System, and among the wide
mas, including basaltic-andesitic, andesitic variety of volcanic features are vast lava plains,
and possibly even dacitic surface chemistries many channels, shields, domes, and cones, and
(Section 17.3.2). It has been argued that weath- evidence of extensive pyroclastic deposits (Figs.
ering processes could produce high-silica sur- 17.2, 17.3; Greeley and Spudis, 1981; Greeley
face compositions on Mars, but it seems likely, et€ al., 2000; Carr, 2006). The presence of a fro-
given the large inferred sizes of martian magma zen cryosphere, 3–5 km thick, trapping water
chambers, that chemical differentiation of mag- in deep aquifers, is thought to have promoted
matic bodies in the crust would produce some magma–ice and magma–water interactions,
volume of intermediate- to high-silica magmas. and some surface features may have resulted
On Earth, the most felsic magmas (e.g., rhyo- from these interactions (Fig. 17.3(f); Fagents
lites) are the result of plate tectonic processes et€al., 2002; Wilson and Mouginis-Mark, 2003a,b;
and recycling of a water-rich crust. However, Wilson and Head, 2004).

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Figure 17.2╇╇ False color view of

Mars topography with locations of key
volcanic features labeled: 1 Olympus
Mons; 2 Arsia Mons; 3 Pavonis Mons;
4 Ascraeus Mons; 5 Alba Patera; 6
Elysium Mons; 7 Hecatus Tholus; 8
Albor Tholus; 9 Tyrrhenus Mons;
10 Hadriacus Mons; 11 Amphitrites
Patera; 12 Peneus Patera; 13 Nili
Patera. Image: NASA/Goddard Space
Flight Center. See color plates section.

The most prominent volcanoes on Mars are sheet lava flows, and deposits that have been
the giant shield volcanoes located in the Tharsis interpreted as pyroclastic (Mouginis-Mark et€al.,
volcanic province, a vast plateau ~8000 km in 1988). Interestingly, Alba Mons is antipodal to
diameter that covers ~25% of the planet’s sur- the Hellas impact basin, and early seismic wave
face (Fig. 17.2). Within this region, Olympus propagation modeling suggested that the energy
Mons, the tallest volcano in the Solar System, of the Hellas impact was sufficient to break the
is > 500 km wide and its summit reaches 25 km antipodal crust, creating fractures that could
above mean planetary radius, with maximum have acted as volcanic conduits that enabled the
flank slopes of 5˚. It is dominated by tube- and formation of Alba Mons at its present location
channel-fed lava flows of likely basaltic com- (Williams and Greeley, 1994).
position (Bleacher et€al., 2007), with a series of The second major volcanic area is the
nested summit calderas > 60 km across, and evi- Elysium Province (Fig. 17.2), which is dominated
dence of past glacial ice (Neukum et€ al., 2004). by Elysium Mons, Hecates Tholus, and Albor
Tharsis is also home to three smaller shield Tholus, and their surrounding lava flow fields.
volcanoes–Arsia, Pavonis, and Ascraeus Montes Hecates Tholus (Fig. 17.3(b)) is ~160 × 175 km
(Fig. 17.3(a)€ –and their associated rift aprons wide and extends ~6 km above mean planetary
and small shield fields (Fig. 17.3(e); Crumpler radius, and its flanks are dissected by shallow
and Aubele, 1978; Hauber et€ al., 2009). The radial valleys thought to be formed fluvially as
region also has vast interconnecting lava plains a result of melting of ice by subsurface magma
(Fig.17.3(d)), and several smaller (< 200 km diam- bodies (Fassett and Head, 2006). The dissected
eter) volcanoes named tholi (sing.: tholus, Latin nature of Hecates Tholus suggests it may be
for “cupola” or “dome”) which may be shields composed of ash or other easily eroded pyro-
whose lower slopes were buried by lava (Greeley clastic deposits (Mouginis-Mark et€ al., 1982), as
and Spudis, 1981). opposed to Elysium Mons, which appears com-
A unique volcanic structure in north Tharsis posed of lava flows.
is Alba Mons (Fig. 17.2), which covers an area The third major volcanic area on Mars is the
larger than Olympus Mons, but has flank slopes Circum-Hellas Volcanic Province, which is dom-
of less than 1˚ and thus lacks the relief of shield inated by Tyrrhenus and Hadriacus Montes, and
volcanoes. The flanks are heavily fractured, indi- Amphitrites Patera, and their associated flow
cating the influence of regional stress patterns. fields, surrounding the Hellas impact basin in
Alba Mons contains two discrete caldera-like the southern hemisphere (Fig. 17.2; Williams
features, numerous channelized, tube-fed and et€ al., 2009). The heavily channeled and

9780521895439c17_p384-413.indd 389 8/2/2012 10:06:07 AM

Figure 17.3╇╇Volcanic landforms on Mars. (a) Three of the major shield volcanoes in the Tharsis volcanic Province: Arsia,
Pavonis, and Ascraeus Montes. To the west of Pavonis are the smaller volcanoes Ulysses and Biblis paterae (image credit: NASA).
(b) Hecates Tholus in the Elysium Province show significant erosional modification on the form of channeling of the volcano’s
flanks. Mosaic of THEMIS visible images: NASA/JPL/ASU. (c) Tyrrhenus Mons in the Circum-Hellas region is a much older, highly
dissected edifice. Mosaic of THEMIS visible images: NASA/JPL/ASU. (d) Multiple large overlapping lava flows in Daedalia Planum,
south of Arsia Mons. Image credit: NASA/JPL/ASU. (e) Close-up view of an eruptive fissure and numerous small flows, located
in the plains northwest of Ascraeus Mons. Portion of THEMIS visible image V05484014. (f) Clusters of rootless cones formed by
explosive interactions between lava and water-ice contained in the underlying substrate, western Tartarus Colles region, east of
Elysium Mons. Portion of HiRISE image ESP_018668_2065_MIRB: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona.

9780521895439c17_p384-413.indd 390 8/2/2012 10:06:10 AM


Figure 17.4╇╇ Compositions of Mars

rocks derived from a variety of sources,
shown on the standard total alkalis vs.
silica diagram used for classification of
volcanic rocks. Analyses of Gusev rocks
and soils, martian meteorites, and global
GRS data (calculated on a volatile-free
basis) indicate a crust dominated by
basalts. TES-derived data and possibly
the Mars Pathfinder rock composition
may reflect alteration. From McSween
et€al. (2009), reprinted with permission
from AAAS.

dissected nature of these shields (Fig. 17.3(c)) information derived from a variety of sources,
suggests that they are composed of easily ero- but there remain gaps in our understand-
dable, friable pyroclastic deposits rather than ing. Nonetheless, from a physical volcanology
lava flows (Greeley and Crown, 1990; Crown standpoint, we can make some fairly confident
and Greeley, 1993). The caldera-like depressions assessments of the composition of Mars’ surfi-
and surroundings of Peneus, Malea, and Pityusa cial deposits, and hence of its magmas.
Paterae suggest that they are similar to terres-
trial “supervolcanoes”, and produced ignim- Compositional data from spacecraft
brite deposits that have since been modified Compositional data in the form of spectra from
by fluvial, aeolian, and periglacial processes orbiting spacecraft have been collected by Mars
(Williams et€al., 2009). Global Surveyor (MGS), Mars Reconnaissance
Age estimates based on impact crater size– Orbiter (MRO), and Mars Express (ME). Spectral
frequency distributions suggest that most of the data are all consistent with a martian surface
volcanic activity in the Circum-Hellas Province composed primarily of mafic (probably bas-
is significantly older than elsewhere, between altic) materials that have been locally altered
~3.5 and 4.0 Ga, with little evidence that any (Bandfield et€al., 2000; Bandfield, 2002; Boynton
activity occurred more recently than 1 Ga. In et€al., 2004, 2007; Poulet et€al., 2007). Early spec-
contrast, effusive volcanism appears to have tral studies studies (Bandfield et€ al., 2000) sug-
dominated the later part of Mars’ volcanic his- gested a component of the martian surface that
tory: crater-count ages suggest that the Tharsis is consistent with an evolved magma compos-
shields are younger than ~1.8 Ga, whereas some ition€ – possibly andesitic. However, an equally
flows in the volcanic plains between Tharsis and valid interpretation is that the component is
Elysium may be as young as 10 Ma (Hartmann altered basaltic glass.
and Berman, 2000). Inside Nili Patera, the caldera on top of Syrtis
Major, Christensen et€ al. (2005) found dacitic
17.3.2â•…Composition of Mars volcanic rocks, with 60–63 wt.% SiO2. The outcrop is small
materials (a few square kilometers). Skok et€al. (2010) sug-
There are four main bodies of evidence for the gest that at least some of this enriched silica com-
composition of the martian surface: (1) remotely ponent may be caused by hydrothermal activity,
sensed spectral data from orbiting spacecraft; and is not an outcrop of primary igneous rocks.
(2) martian meteorites; (3) spectral data from Regardless, the total outcrop area is small enough
Martian landers and rovers; and (4) morphologic to make this region an interesting anomaly
data. Figure 17.4 summarizes compositional rather than representative of martian volcanic

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392 R .╯M . C . L OP E S, S.╯A . FAG E N T S, K . M I T C H ELL, A ND T.╯K. P. GR EGG

compositions as a whole. Thus, available compos-

itional data obtained from satellites is consistent
with a surface layer being composed primarily of
mafic materials€– most likely basaltic.

Martian meteorites
Martian meteorites are also called the
“shergottite-nakhlite-Chassigny (SNC)” group,
referring to the names this class of meteorites
received before it was recognized that they orig-
inated on Mars. As of 2011, 97 meteorites have
been positively identified as originating on Mars.
Although there are other clues to a martian ori-
gin, the “smoking gun” is the composition of
gases trapped within solidified melt that is itself
trapped within the meteorite: the composition
of these trapped gases matches the composition
of the martian atmosphere as measured by the
Viking Landers (e.g., Treiman et€al., 2000).
The SNC meteorites are all mafic or ultra-
mafic igneous rocks. They range in compos-
ition from basalts (some shergottites) to dunite
(Chassigny). The nahklites are ultramafic wehr-
lites or clinopyroxenites; some shergottites are
lherzolites or harzburgites (McSween, 1994).
The basalt shergottites are interpreted to come
from surface lava flows, whereas the remaining
martian meteorites likely came from magmatic Figure 17.5╇╇ (a) Variation of pressure in the upper crust
intrusions (Nyquist et€ al., 2001), although the for Earth and Mars. Solid curves show the total pressure
felt at any depth (the sum of lithoststatic and atmospheric
precise locations of origin are as yet unknown
pressure); dashed curves show the lithostatic pressure only.
(Hamilton et€al., 2003).
Nucleation (N) and fragmentation (F) depths are indicated
by arrows for a basaltic magma initially containing 0.3 wt%
Lander and rover data dissolved H2O. (b) Crustal density as a function of depth for
To date, data on the composition of in situ Mars (solid curves) and Earth (dashed curves). Curves are
martian samples have been returned from marked with the porosity (%) of surface rocks.
the Viking Landers 1 and 2, Mars Pathfinder’s
Sojourner, the Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit
and Opportunity, and Phoenix. The Viking affected by sample contamination with weath-
landers’ X-ray fluorescence results for Mars ering products, given that Sojourner had no
soil revealed a composition similar to that of means to remove the weathering rinds.
iron-rich basalt. Sojourner’s alpha-proton X-ray Spirit and Opportunity were each equipped
spectrometer (APXS) collected compositional with a Rock Abrasion Tool (RAT), designed to
data from the weathered surfaces of boulders remove surficial weathering products prior to
at the landing site. McSween et€ al. (1999) used examining the fresh rock face beneath. The data
these data to calculate the composition of a collected have revealed a wealth of geologic proc-
likely end member martian igneous rock, and esses affecting the surface (e.g., Ruff et€al., 2006;
determined that such a rock might be an andes- Squyres et€al., 2006). However, the measured soil
ite. They stress, however, that these results and rock compositions remain most consistent
are model-dependent, and could be strongly with a mafic or ultramafic igneous parent.

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Figure 17.6╇╇Volcanic features on Io. (a) Map of the Ionian surface showing key volcanic features. Image NASA/JPL/USGS;
merged Voyager and Galileo mosaic available at (b) These two
Galileo images show the appearance of a new, dark deposit 400 km in diameter that erupted from Pillan Patera in 1997, and
partly covering the large red deposit from Pele Patera. Image PIA00744, NASA/JPL/University of Arizona. (c) The New Horizons
Long Range Reconnaissance Imager captured this view of three of Io’s plumes on 28 February 2007. In the far north is the 390
km high Pele-type plume from Tvashtar volcano. In addition, a 60-km-high plume from Prometheus can be seen on the western
limb, and the top of Masubi’s plume can be seen poking into the sunlight from Io’s night side, to the south of the image. Image
PIA09248, NASA/Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute. (d) The floor of Tupan Patera (75

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394 R .╯M . C . L OP E S, S.╯A . FAG E N T S, K . M I T C H ELL, A ND T.╯K. P. GR EGG

The Phoenix lander was designed to exam- dacitic; Wichura et€al., 2010), drained lava tubes
ine the composition of martian ice rather than as observed on Mars have only been seen in ter-
martian rock (Arvidson et€ al., 2009). However, restrial basalt flows. Thus, the presence of mar-
the mechanical behavior of the soils and their tian lava tubes and channels supports a mafic
appearance are consistent with those observed lava composition.
at the Viking 2 (Arvidson et€ al., 2009). These In contrast, however, multiple studies have
results are consistent with the soils being a examined the morphologies of specific martian
weathering product from a mafic or ultramafic lava flows and inferred a more evolved compos-
igneous parent rock. ition, including rhyolite (e.g., Hulme, 1976; Fink,
1980; Zimbelman, 1985; Wadge and Lopes, 1991;
Morphology Warner and Gregg, 2003). It is important to note,
Of all the available data sets, morphology is however, that the physical characteristics of
the least reliable for determining lava compos- lava flows (typically flow thickness and surface
ition. Observations and laboratory simulations textures) that have led to inferred evolved lava
of terrestrial volcanic behaviors indicate that compositions can be created by emplacement
lava rheology exerts a strong control on vol- kinematics and rheology. In other words, infer-
canic behavior and morphology (see Chapter 12, ring lava flow composition from flow morph-
Fig. 12.6, for example). Early experiments sug- ology is difficult: rheology and pre-existing flow
gested that SiO2 content can be directly linked surfaces exert strong controls on lava flow morph-
with lava rheology (Hulme, 1974, 1976); we now ology, and rheology is not uniquely related to lava
know that this is an oversimplified interpret- composition. Added to these considerations are
ation. Nonetheless, volcanic morphologies that the complicating effects of Mars’ environmental
are apparently generated by low-viscosity flows factors (Sections 17.2, 17.3.4).
are most easily explained by lavas with a mafic The shield morphologies of many of the
or ultramafic composition. martian volcanoes are similar to those of ter-
Lava tubes and lava channels, for example, restrial shield volcanoes (e.g., Mauna Loa,
have been observed on Mars (Bleacher et€ al., Hawaii) and all terrestrial shield volcanoes
2007), as have thin, fluid flood-style flows are basaltic. Furthermore, the morphologies
(Jaeger et€ al., 2007). Although channels are of smaller volcanic features and lava flows
observed in lava flows with a range of compo- are generally suggestive of low-viscosity mag-
sitions on Earth (e.g., ultramafic, phonolitic, mas. Even the putative pyroclastic deposits
surrounding Tyrrhena and Hadriaca Montes
could be generated by mafic magmas (Greeley
Figure 17.6 (cont.)╇ ╇ km across) is partly covered with and Crown, 1990; Crown and Greeley, 1993),
dark material, presumably lava, that appears significantly with explosive activity driven by either mag-
warmer in Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer data than matic volatiles or water/ice encountered by
the adjacent orange-colored “island,” parts of which are cool rising magma erupting into a low-pressure
enough for SO2 to condense. Image PIA03601, NASA/JPL. atmosphere.
(e) The source of the Prometheus plume lies at the distal Thus, the preponderance of evidence is that
(westernmost) end of a compound pahoehoe flow field. Mars has generated ultramafic to mafic volcanic
Image PIA02565, NASA/JPL/University of Arizona. Inset box
products throughout its history. More evolved
shows the location of (f), which is a high-resolution view of
volcanic materials (such as the high-silica mate-
the active flow front. Dark areas on the flow show recent
lava breakouts, older flow surfaces brghten with time due to rials found within Nili Patera) are volumetric-
deposition of SO2 front from the plume. Fresh SO2 frost is ally insignificant on the Martian surface.
also seen on the surrounding terrain. Image PIA02557, NASA/
JPL/University of Arizona. (g) Bright lobate features to the 17.3.3â•… Magma ascent processes on Mars
east of Emakong Patera have been interpreted as fresh sulfur The low pressure of the martian atmosphere
flows. Image PIA02539, NASA/JPL/University of Arizona. See (Pa = 600 Pa; Table 17.1), together with the low
color plates section. acceleration due to gravity (g = 3.73 m s−2), exert

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strong controls over magma ascent and erup- that the pressure at any depth is less on Mars
tion. At depth, warm, buoyantly ascending than on Earth (Fig. 17.5(a)). This implies that the
diapirs may undergo pressure-release melting rate of densification of country rock with depth
to produce partially molten magma reservoirs. is also lower, i.e., crustal rocks at a given depth
The buoyancy force Fb on a given volume V of on Mars will be less compacted than on Earth
melt is (Fig.17.5(b)). Therefore, an ascending magma will
encounter country rock with a density equal to
Fb = g(ρr–ρm)V, (17.1)
its own at greater depths on Mars than on Earth,
where ρr and ρm are the country rock and magma thus implying deeper neutral buoyancy zones
densities, respectively. Since magma ascent rate by a factor of ~4 (Wilson and Head, 1994).
depends on the buoyancy force (which depends Magma chambers forming at both deep
upon gravity), diapirs of a given volume would rheological barriers and shallow neutral buoy-
ascend more slowly on Mars than on Earth. ancy zones will both be correspondingly deeper
Conversely, melt bodies would have to be larger on Mars than on Earth. This has a number of
to avoid excessive cooling and stalling during implications. First, higher driving pressures and
buoyant ascent, implying larger volumes would wider dikes are needed for an ascending magma
be available for eruption (Wilson and Head, to reach to the surface from greater depths. The
1994) on Mars than on Earth. high pressure gradients driving the magma lead
Ascending melt may stall at a rheological to higher velocities, larger mass fluxes, and cor-
barrier (e.g., the base of the lithosphere), or at a respondingly larger volume eruptions, despite
density barrier, where the country rock density the lower buoyancy forces on Mars. In addition,
becomes equal to that of the melt (i.e., the level consideration of fracture mechanics suggests
of neutral buoyancy). In either case, a magma res- that the widths w and horizontal extents H
ervoir may form. The depth to the base of the of dikes are inversely proportional to gravity
lithosphere is governed by the cooling history raised to some negative power that depends
of the planet, which is related to the size of on the model used, e.g., w ∝ g−1/3 and H€€∝ g−2/3
the body. Given that Mars’ diameter is roughly (Wilson and Head, 1994; see also Chapter 3).
half that of the Earth, its lithosphere is likely This implies that dikes on Mars would be sys-
to have thickened more rapidly and produced tematically wider and longer by factors of ~1.4
a deep rheological barrier to magma ascent. If and 1.9, respectively, than dikes on Earth. For
the magma is still buoyant on encountering laminar flow, ascent velocity is proportional to
and stalling at such a boundary, and the stress square of the dike width w and the driving pres-
regime (due to buoyancy pressure, reservoir sure gradient, and the mass (or volume) flux is
excess pressure, and external stresses) allows proportional the product of the velocity and
chamber walls to rupture, magma may continue cross-sectional area of the dike (wH). This leads
to ascend through propagating dikes. When a to a strong inverse relationship (~g−5/3) between
level of neutral buoyancy is reached at shallower eruption rate and gravity, indicating a system-
levels in the crust, in the absence of excess driv- atic trend to higher eruption rates by a factor
ing pressure, magma may stall once again. of ~5 on Mars compared to Earth (Wilson and
The total pressure P felt at any depth beneath Head, 1994). Taken together, the influence of
the planetary surface is the sum of the lithos- greater dike dimensions and deeper magma
tatic pressure, ρrgz, and the external atmos- chambers may account for a factor of seven
pheric pressure, Pa. At depths greater than ~10 times greater mass fluxes for eruptions on Mars
m on Earth, atmospheric pressure is a negligible than on Earth, all other factors being equal.
component of the total pressure. On Mars, the This clearly has implications for the volumes
external pressure is so low as to be insignificant of material erupted, and for the lengths of lava
(Fig. 17.5(a)). Of greater importance at depth is flows and the sizes of the edifices constructed.
the low martian gravity, which produces lower As magma reaches shallower levels in the
pressure gradients dP/dz in the lithosphere, such lithosphere, the pressure drops to the point

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at which magmatic gases (H2O, CO2, etc.) start rapidly decompress down to the low ambient
to exsolve. For a given magma composition, pressure, leading to a much greater energy
exsolution will tend to occur at depths ~2.5–3 release per unit mass of gas than would be the
times greater on Mars than on Earth (Wilson case on Earth, and accelerating the mixture to
and Head, 1994), primarily because of the lower significantly higher velocities. Wilson and Head
lithostatic pressure gradient. However, on Mars, (1983) give a simplified expression showing
the low lithostatic pressure environment is that the square of the eruption velocity at the
likely to lead to fragmentation of magma con- vent is proportional to the natural logarithm
taining relatively modest amounts of volatiles. of the ratio of the pressure at fragmentation to
As discussed in Chapters 4 and 7, fragmentation atmospheric pressure. This leads to velocities
of low-viscosity magmas may take place due to in sustained eruptions being a factor of 1.6–2
(1) rapid bubble expansion leading to hydro- times greater on Mars than on Earth for similar
dynamic breakup, (2) expansion exceeding the ascent conditions.
structural relaxation rate of the melt, leading
to brittle fragmentation, or (3) exceeding a crit- 17.3.4â•… Eruption styles and processes
ical bubble volume fraction (typically taken as Our understanding of the physics of magma
65–85 vol. %). If a critical bubble volume fraction ascent suggests that in general one might expect
is the dominant criterion for fragmentation, the a greater propensity for explosive volcanism on
depth at which this threshold is reached (for a Mars, given magmas with even modest volatile
given volatile content and subsonic conditions), contents. The potential for ascending magma to
is a factor of ~3 deeper on Mars because the crit- interact with subsurface ice only acts to increase
ical fragmentation pressure is found at greater the chances for explosive volcanism.
depths (Fig. 17.1; Wilson and Head, 1994). The Assuming that some Mars magmas had suf-
fragmentation depth is non-trivial to determine ficient volatiles for fragmentation to occur, we
if the eruption is supersonic (Mitchell, 2005), consider the manifestation of explosive volcan-
but will still be greater in depth than on Earth. ism in the martian environment. Vigorous frag-
The rapid ascent and expansion rates expected mentation and high-velocity eruption of finely
in the low-pressure martian environment mean fragmented tephra may have preferentially
that the brittle and hydrodynamic breakup produced plinian eruption columns rather than
criteria would also be met at correspondingly the hawaiian lava fountains typical of basaltic
greater depths on Mars. Even if martian mag- explosive activity on Earth. Early plume models
mas contained fewer volatiles than typical indicated that, provided the erupting mixture
terrestrial mafic magmas, calculations using attained buoyancy above the vent, convective
simple solubility laws suggest that CO2 or H2O columns could rise a factor of five times higher
contents exceeding ~0.01 wt% may lead to frag- on Mars than similar mass flux eruptions on
mentation on Mars (cf. ~0.07 wt% on Earth) dur- Earth, implying rise heights of tens to >100
ing sustained magma ascent in which bubbles km, which would serve to distribute material
and magma are dynamically coupled (Wilson widely around the planet (Wilson and Head,
and Head, 1983). 1994). However, the low density of the martian
The low lithostatic pressure gradient means atmosphere would cause difficulty in achiev-
that nucleation and fragmentation levels are ing buoyancy because of the limited potential
both deeper and more widely separated on for heating and expansion within the column,
Mars than on Earth (Fig. 17.5(a); Wilson and such that collapsing columns and pyroclas-
Head, 1994). This leads to an extended period tic density currents (PDCs) would be common
of bubble growth, the potential for numerous for a wider range of conditions than on Earth.
nucleation events and bubble populations, and A later reconsideration of assumptions under-
ultimately a more finely fragmented magma. lying Morton-style convective plume models
Once the bubbly magma has transitioned to (see Chapter 8), found that some of the basic
a particle-laden gas stream, the mixture will model assumptions are readily violated under

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present martian atmospheric conditions, such In the case of lava effusion, eruption rates
that column heights would be limited to ~10–12 may have been considerably greater than is typ-
km because the low-density atmosphere can- ical on Earth. Indeed, large shields and exten-
not support convection to significant altitudes sive lava plains are common on Mars (Section
(Glaze and Baloga, 2002). While PDCs could cer- 17.3.1; Fig. 17.3). Once erupted on the surface
tainly have been generated from failed convect- of Mars, lavas would experience a combination
ive columns, one might also envision a style of of radiative and convective cooling from the
particle fallout more akin to that observed on flow surface at temperature Thot, and conductive
Io (Section 17.4), starting from heights above cooling to the substrate below (Section 17.2.3;
the limits of convective capability, and produ- Chapter 5). Given the low atmospheric density,
cing diffuse deposits (Wilson and Head, 2007). A the radiative heat flux would dominate over con-
putative, past dense martian atmosphere would vective cooling. Furthermore, the total heat flux
have permitted convective ascent to greater col- at a given surface temperature would be less
umn heights, and more widespread deposition. than on Earth. This, together with the greater
It is conceivable that the ancient martian vol- predicted thicknesses of martian flows (a com-
canoes interpreted to be composed of explosive bination of high effusion rates and low gravity),
deposits (Section 17.3.1) were produced by vig- means that flows would in general cool more
orous eruptions during periods of high atmos- slowly and travel farther than terrestrial flows.
pheric density. Taken together, greater predicted dike widths
Hawaiian-style lava fountains (Chapter 8), (× 2) and effusion rates (× 7) for eruptions in the
if they formed in less vigorous eruptions, are martian environment, imply flows five times
likely to have contained finer grain sizes, been longer than on Earth for similar magma compo-
erupted at greater speeds, and dispersed mater- sitions (Wilson and Head, 1994).
ial over greater areas than for equivalent magma The discussion above deals largely in gen-
mass fluxes and volatile contents on Earth. This eralizations based on the expected influence
is likely to have led more commonly to broad of the martian gravitational and atmospheric
tephra cones rather than steep, narrow spatter environment; in reality there are certain to have
ramparts or coalescence of pyroclasts into lava been many variations on the styles of volcan-
flows (Wilson and Head, 1994). However, rela- ism predicted based on theoretical treatments.
tively few primary tephra cones have been iden- However, the general picture gleaned from
tified. One might infer that in general Mars’ lava observations of martian volcanic features is of
flow fields were formed by passive lava effusion, older explosive volcanism in the south transi-
or only very weaklyfragmented, volatile-poor tioning to younger effusive volcanism in the
magmas that rapidly coalesced to produce north; this is hard to reconcile with our under-
flows. standing of the physics of ascent and eruption
Strombolian activity (Chapter 6) may not in the martian environment. Although a denser
have been very common on Mars, based on the- early Mars atmosphere might have promoted
oretical considerations. Relatively low buoyancy widespread ash dispersal from convecting col-
forces on ascending bubbles, together with the umns, it would also have acted to suppress ves-
likely more rapid magma ascent speeds, would iculation and fragmentation to a greater degree
have acted to inhibit the decoupling of the than the latter-day tenuous atmosphere. One
bubbles from the melt that is required for slug possible explanation for the transition in erup-
formation and strombolian explosions. In the tive style might lie in a general depletion of
case where volatiles do decouple from a stalled magmatic volatiles over the period that Mars
magma column, the great expansion potential was volcanically active; early volatile-rich explo-
of the released gases in the martian environ- sive eruptions may have given way to volatile-
ment would produce wider and lower cones poor effusions. Mars’ small size and the lack of
than would be observed for terrestrial strombol- recycling of volatiles via plate tectonics may
ian activity. both have promoted irreversible gas loss from

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the interior of the planet. Another possibility of which were interpreted to be a result of
is that patterns of explosive vs. effusive volcan- shield-building basaltic volcanism (Schaber,
ism are related to the availability of external 1980). The most common type of volcanic fea-
volatiles such as ground ice or groundwater, ture on Io is the patera (Fig 17.6(a), (d), (e), (g)).
and their propensity to promote explosive Although the origin of Ionian paterae is still
magma–water interactions. Spatial or tem- somewhat uncertain, they are thought to be
poral variations in the distribution of crustal similar to terrestrial volcanic calderas, formed
H2O reservoirs may therefore have had a strong by collapse over shallow magma chambers
influence on the manifestation of volcanism in following partial removal of magma. Some
the martian environment. Understanding this paterae show angular shapes that suggest
enigma remains a key objective for researchers structural control, indicating that they may be
in Mars volcanology. structural depressions that were later used by
magma to travel to the surface. More than 400
Ionian paterae have been mapped (Radebaugh
17.4╇ ╇╇Volcanism on Io et€ al., 2001; Williams et€ al., 2011). Their aver-
age diameter is ~40 km but Loki, the largest
17.4.1â•…Observations of volcanic features patera known in the Solar System, is > 200 km
on Io in diameter. The larger sizes of the Ionian fea-
Io’s colorful surface is studded with volcanic tures probably reflect large, relatively shallow
features and deposits (Fig. 17.6), and Io is so far magma chambers (Leone and Wilson, 2001).
the only body outside Earth known to exhibit Io’s surface shows some remarkably large
active silicate volcanism. Active eruptions were lava flow fields; the Amirani lava flow field, at
discovered in 1979 when the Voyager spacecraft ~300 km long, is the largest active flow field
revealed enormous, umbrella-shaped plumes known in the Solar System. Repeated imaging
(Morabito et€ al., 1979) and thermal anomal- of Amirani during the Galileo fly-bys allowed
ies (Pearl et€ al., 1979). Results from the Galileo eruption rates to be estimated at 50–500 m3 s−1
mission, which observed Io from 1995–2001, (Keszthelyi et€ al., 2001). The Prometheus flow
substantially advanced our understanding of field (Fig. 17.6(e)) extended 80 km to the west
volcanism on Io (Lopes and Williams, 2005). between Voyager and Galileo observations; cal-
Distant observations of Io were also made by the culated resurfacing rates are an order of magni-
Cassini spacecraft on its way to Saturn during tude lower than Amirani’s flow field. This range
2000–01 (Radebaugh et€al., 2004) and by the New of effusion rates is surprisingly modest given
Horizons spacecraft in 2007 (Spencer et€al., 2007) the very large size of these flow fields.
en route to Pluto. Ground-based monitoring has Io’s plumes exhibit significant variabil-
also been important in the study of Io’s volcan- ity. They range from < 100 km to > 450
ism (e.g., Marchis et€al., 2000; Veeder et€al., 1994). km in height. Large plumes (e.g., Pele and
More than 150 active volcanic centers have been Tvashtar; Fig. 17.6(c)) are associated with high-
identified from these combined observations; �temperature thermal anomalies, may be quite
there are likely to be many more that have faint (implying a vapor-rich composition), and
not yet been observed erupting. Recent results may produce annular deposits > 1200 km in
using data from the magnetometer on Galileo diameter, that are reddish or sometimes black
(Khurana et€al., 2011), suggest the presence of an in color (Fig. 17.6(b)). Smaller plumes, e.g.,
asthenosphere (global magma ocean) at least 50 Prometheus (Fig. 17.6(c)), tend to be associated
km thick under a low-density outer crust ~30– with relatively cool thermal anomalies, and are
50 km thick. optically more dense than Pele-type plumes,
Io’s volcanoes rarely build significant topo- implying a mixture of condensing gases and
graphic structures. There are only a few struc- particles. Deposits are typically pale yellow in
tures, called tholi, scattered across Io, some color. Intriguingly, during the 17-year interval

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between Voyager and Galileo observations, consensus is that eruptions with temperatures
Prometheus’ plume moved ~80 km to the west characteristic of basalts (1400–1550 K) are com-
(see Section 17.4.4). mon on Io, but hotter, ultramafic volcanism may
be also present (Williams and Howell, 2007).
17.4.2â•…Composition of Ionian volcanic
materials 17.4.3â•… Magma ascent processes on Io
The main difference between the compositions Initial interpretations combining optical (Solid
of volcanic materials on Io and Earth is that Io State Imager, SSI) and infrared (Near-Infrared
contains negligible amounts of water (Carlson Mapping Spectrometer, NIMS) data of Io’s erup-
et€ al., 1997), and sulfur and sulfur dioxide are tions showed some eruption temperatures
the main volatiles detected in both plume mate- greater than those typical of terrestrial basalts
rials (McGrath et€al., 2000; Spencer et€al., 2000; (> 1450 K), with > 1850 K for at least one eruption
Jessup et€ al., 2004) and on the surface (Carlson (McEwen et€al., 1998; Davies et€al., 2001), which
et€al., 1997, 2007). Whereas Voyager observations exceeds any volcanic activity observed on Earth.
were unable to resolve whether sulfur or silicate Such temperatures would be consistent with an
was the predominant magma type, temperature undifferentiated and almost completely molten
measurements from the Galileo and the New interior, but this does not appear to be the case.
Horizons spacecraft clearly showed that most Models that couple tidal heating to volcanic heat
active volcanoes have temperatures too high to loss suggest that the interior should be no more
be erupting sulfur. A few locations show young, than ~20% molten (e.g., Moore, 2001), which
pale yellow or white flows (e.g., Emakong Patera; in turn suggests magmatic temperatures of
Fig. 17.6(g)) that may have been molten sulfur < 1550 K, regardless of geochemistry. The discrep-
(Williams et€ al., 2001, 2004), whereas others ancy between observation and models requires
may be silicates coated with sulfur. Greeley et€al. explanation. Three factors may be relevant: (1)
(1984) suggested that rising silicate magma may uncertainties in the thermo-spectral modeling
melt near-surface sulfur-rich country rock, pro- of eruption temperatures; (2) problems with geo-
ducing “secondary” sulfur flows, as opposed to physical models of interior thermal evolution;
“primary” flows that originate from molten sul- and (3) unusual conduit conditions.
fur magmas at depth. Reanalysis of SSI and NIMS data of two of
The main question regarding the compos- the more anomalous eruptive sites on Io, Pele
ition of Io’s silicate lavas is whether they are and Tvashtar, yield lower temperatures than
mafic (possibly superheated) or ultramafic. previously reported and account for 200–300
With no spectroscopic measurements of lava K of the 400 K gap between observation and
composition (mostly due to spatial resolution theory (Keszthelyi et€ al., 2007). The rest of
limitations), temperatures detected at active the difference can be explained by a quirk of
volcanoes provide the best clues to magma magma ascent in Io’s highly compressive litho-
composition. Temperatures of Io’s active lavas sphere. The possibility of superheating due
have been calculated from observations in the to viscous dissipation within the magma dur-
near-infrared from Galileo (e.g., Lopes et€ al., ing conduit ascent was raised by McEwen et€al.
2001; Davies et€ al., 2001; Howell and Lopes, (1998). This process is generally negligible for
2011), Cassini (Radebaugh et€al., 2004), and New basaltic magmas on Earth (e.g., Mastin, 1995),
Horizons data (Spencer et€ al., 2007). However, but has been suggested as potentially import-
temperatures determined from remote sensing ant for explosive silicic eruptions (e.g., Mastin,
data depend on the spatial resolution and wave- 2005). The unique stress distribution within the
length range; because lava cools rapidly after Ionian lithosphere (Jaeger et€al., 2003) requires
exposure at the surface, measured tempera- an ascending magma to overcome a confining
tures are unlikely to represent magmatic tem- pressure of ~0.5 GPa (Keszthelyi et€ al., 2007).
peratures (e.g., Lopes et€ al., 2001). The current For a magma ascending adiabatically against

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400 R .╯M . C . L OP E S, S.╯A . FAG E N T S, K . M I T C H ELL, A ND T.╯K. P. GR EGG

friction and gravity, g, through a pipe of radius effusive, and those that are confined within
r, the change in temperature T with decreasing paterae. Plumes may be associated with all
depth z is given by: three eruption styles.
Explosion-dominated eruptions, typified by
dT n dP u 2 f
= + Pillan volcano’s 1997 eruption, are high effu-
dz ρ g c dz 2rc (17.2)
sion rate, vigorous outbursts of material dur-
ing short-lived (weeks-long) events. These
where P is the pressure, c is the bulk specific
events typically produce large (> 200 km high)
heat capacity, n is the mass fraction of vola-
plumes (known as Pele-type plumes; McEwen and
tiles driving the ascent, ρg is the density of the
Soderblom, 1983) likely due to release of juven-
volatile phase, u is the velocity of ascent, and
ile volatiles, and result in extensive (up to ~1200
f is the wall friction factor. The first term on
km diameter) red annular deposits of short-chain
the right-hand side represents adiabatic cool-
sulfur, and sometimes dark deposits, presum-
ing of any exsolved gas phases, and the second
ably silicate pyroclastics (Fig. 17.6(b)). In addition
term represents viscous dissipation. Assuming
to plumes, lava fountains may also form part of
turbulent flow (Wilson and Head, 2001) of
the eruption sequence (e.g., at Tvashtar in 1999;
an unvesiculated magma allows significant
Keszthelyi et€ al., 2001). Many of the dynamical
features displayed by the plumes are expected
dT 1 dP g from the flow of gas out of a nozzle and into
~− − . a near-vacuum (Geissler and Goldstein, 2007).
dz ρ g c dz c (17.3)
Expansion of erupted gases in the low-pressure,
low-gravity environment readily explains the
which is independent of velocity. The g/c term
very high plumes observed. Given the absence of
is second order, and can be ignored here. Thus,
an atmosphere, the erupting mixture is unable
assuming 0.5 GPa overpressure (leading to ~0.34
to form a convecting column, and instead erupt-
GPa driving pressure) at 20 km depth, taking ρg
ing particles follow quasi-ballistic trajectories,
= 2700 kg m−3, g = 1.7 m s−2 and c = 840 J kg−1 K−1
influenced by particle–particle collisions and
gives a temperature increase of ~110 K.
shocks in the emerging gas phase. Application
It is important to note that this simplistic
of simple ballistics equations relating plume
treatment is appropriate only for unvesiculated
height to eruption velocity (h = u02/2g), yields
magmas. Exsolution and expansion of volatiles
eruption velocities > 1 km s−1 in some cases.
during ascent will inevitably produce a cooling
Theoretical treatment of plume thermodynam-
effect that will act to counteract the viscous
ics (Kieffer, 1982) and numerical modeling of
superheating under a wide range of circum-
plumes and their entrained particulates (Zhang
stances. Hence, this balance between heating
et€al., 2003) explain many of the finer details of
and cooling effects may result in considerable
plume characteristics.
variation in eruptive temperatures, generally
Flow-dominated eruptions, typified by
ranging between hotter effusive and cooler
Prometheus (Fig. 17.6(e)) and Amirani volca-
explosive eruptions.
noes, produce extensive lava flow fields. The
ability of lava to travel large distances at mod-
17.4.4â•…Eruption styles and processes erate effusion rates (< 5–500 m3 s−1), together
on Io with thermal profiles along the Prometheus
Io’s continuous activity has allowed general and Amirani flows (Lopes et€ al., 2001, 2004)
classification of eruption styles (Williams and and high spatial resolution images (Fig. 17.6(f);
Howell, 2007), studies of plume dynamics Keszthelyi et€al., 2001), suggest that these large
(Geissler and Goldstein, 2007), and determin- Ionian flow fields are emplaced as insulated
ation of lava effusion rates (Keszthelyi et€ al., (tube-fed) flows of low-viscosity lava, similar to
2001). Three main styles of eruption have terrestrial inflated pahoehoe flow fields (Hon
been identified, primarily explosive, primarily et€al., 1994). Flow-dominated eruptions are also

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Figure 17.7╇╇ Proposed cryovolcanic features on icy satellites. (a) Galileo view of Europa’s trailing hemisphere showing a surface
criss-crossed with lineaments and hosting dark, mottled terrain. Image PIA00502, NASA/JPL/DLR. (b) Close-up views of Thrace
Macula on Europa showing apparent releases of fluid (arrows) from the uplifted, disrupted interior of the macula. Modified from
Fagents (2003). (c) Some areas of Europa’s ice shell have broken apart and rafted into new positions, due to heating by warm
subsurface ice or liquid water. Image PIA00591, NASA/JPL/ASU. (d) Dome-like features on the surface of Europa may represent
cryovolcanic effusions or diapiric upwellings. Portion of image PIA01092, NASA/JPL/ASU. (e) Smooth, low-lying deposit on Europa
may be the result of small-scale cryovolcanic flooding of the surface. Portion of image PIA00592, NASA/JPL/ASU. (f) Caldera-like
feature in Sippar Sulcus on Jupiter’s Ganymede. On the floor of the depression is a lobate flow-like feature with surface ridges
indicating that the flow moved from the upper right to the left. Image PIA01614, NASA/JPL/Brown University. (g) Perspective view
of Sotra Facula on Saturn’s Titan, derived from Cassini radar and visual and infrared mapping spectrometer data. The mountains
shown are >1 km high and the depressions are up to 1.5 km deep.Vertical exaggeration ×10. Portion of image PIA13695,

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402 R .╯M . C . L OP E S, S.╯A . FAG E N T S, K . M I T C H ELL, A ND T.╯K. P. GR EGG

accompanied by plumes that are generated at

the active flow fronts (Fig.17.6(e)), commonly
17.5╇ ╇╇Cryovolcanism on the outer
at multiple locations, and thus plume locations planet satellites
move as the flow advances. These plumes, gen-
erally known as Prometheus-type plumes (McEwen 17.5.1â•…Observations of cryovolcanic
and Soderblom, 1983), are smaller (< 200 km) features
than those from explosive eruptions. Kieffer Cryovolcanism involves the eruption of materi-
et€ al. (2000) and Milazzo et€ al. (2001) proposed als that would ordinarily be solid at the surface
models to explain plume formation as the temperature of the icy bodies of the outer Solar
explosive interaction between the hot silicate System: cryomagmas therefore include liquid
lava flow and the SO2-frost covered substrate. In or gaseous water or aqueous solutions, pos-
contrast to eruptions of juvenile volatiles, this sibly mixed with solid fragments. The low bulk
plume type therefore has a rootless source in densities of many satellites (Table 17.1) indi-
jets of vaporized SO2 and entrained particulates cate that, in addition to silicates, their interiors
emanating from the flow front; this mechanism contain some proportion of ice. Cryovolcanism
helps to explain the smaller heights and cooler may ensue if liquid subsurface reservoirs are
temperatures of these plumes. present and able to deliver material to the sur-
The third and most common type of erup- face. Active venting, in the form of erupting
tion on Io is the intra-patera eruption (Williams plumes, has been observed on only two bodies–
and Howell, 2007), which is effusive activity Neptune’s Triton and Saturn’s Enceladus–but
confined within a patera, commonly, but not features interpreted to be cryovolcanic in origin
always accompanied by plumes. These eruptions are widespread on outer Solar System satellites.
tend to last for many years without overflowing Many satellites have surfaces that are cratered
the paterae, leading to suggestions that many and ancient, but other terrains are smooth and
of the paterae contain lava lakes (Lopes et€ al., apparently young. Whereas icy tectonism, dia-
2004), perhaps overturning in a quasi-periodic pirism, and intrusive cryomagmatism may con-
way (Rathbun et€al., 2002). Alternatively, paterae tribute to the diversity of features on geologically
may be underlain by persistent magma lenses active icy bodies, cryovolcanism remains a viable
that feed thin, temporary lava lakes, similar to mechanism for satellite resurfacing.
the mechanism that operates at the East Pacific The Galileo spacecraft revealed that relatively
Rise on Earth (Gregg and Lopes, 2008). Pele’s recent cryovolcanic activity may have occurred
persistent plume was observed to be related to on Jupiter’s satellites Europa and Ganymede (Fig.
lava lake activity. An intriguing aspect of some 17.7(a)–(f); Fagents et€ al., 2000; Fagents, 2003;
Ionian paterae such as Loki and Tupan (Fig. Showman et€ al., 2004). Both moons display geo-
17.6(d)) is the presence of an “island” partially logical features that can be attributed to the
or completely surrounded by active lavas. How effects of tidal heating generated through orbital
these cold islands, which appear bright because interactions with Jupiter and with their neighbor
of condensed SO2 frost, can remain unaltered satellites. Europa has a silicate interior surrounded
for many years despite close proximity to hot by a ~100€– km H2O ice shell, some proportion of
lavas is still one of Io’s unsolved mysteries. which is known to be in a liquid state (Kivelson
et€al., 2000). The ice shell is pervasively fractured,
and numerous pits, domes, and mottled features
Figure 17.7 (cont.)╇╇ NASA/JPL/USGS/University of (Fig. 17.7(b), (d), (e)), as well as larger chaos terrains
Arizona; (h) Voyager 2 image mosaic of Neptune’s Triton, (Fig. 17.7(c); Pappalardo et€ al., 1999; Greenberg
showing varied terrain types. Dark, diffuse deposits in the et€ al., 1999) may have been formed by cryovol-
south polar region were produced by active plumes. The canic or intrusive cryogmagmatic processes.
“cantaloupe terrain” to the west of the image is likely the
However, very few features exhibit strong evi-
result of internal diapiric activity, while smooth surfaces in
dence of fluid having been delivered to the surface
the east may be the result of cryovolcanic resurfacing. Image
PIA00317, NASA/JPL/USGS. (Fig. 17.7(b), (e); Fagents, 2003).

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Saturn’s small moon Enceladus (mean radius interpretation has been disputed (Soderblom
252 km) presents the most dramatic evidence of et€ al., 2009). Moore and Pappalardo (2011)
cryovolcanic activity observed to date (Fig. 17.8). argue against cryovolcanism on Titan, suggest-
Plumes of water vapor and icy particles are ing that the lobate features can be explained
observed emanating from the highly tectonized as sedimentary deposits produced by fluvial
south polar region (Fig. 17.8(b); Porco et€ al., activity. A region called Sotra Facula may host
2006; Spahn et€ al., 2006; Spencer et€ al., 2006; the best evidence to date for cryovolcanism
Waite et€al., 2006). This region hosts four linear, (Fig. 17.7g; Lopes et€al., 2010b; Kirk et€al., 2010)
sub-parallel lineaments (known as sulci, or more in the form of a pair of 1-km-high mountains,
informally as “tiger stripes”) in the ice shell. The possibly cryovolcanoes, with adjacent flow-like
sulci are typically 500 m deep, 2 km wide and features and a pit > 1 km deep that could be a
flanked by ridges ~100 m high (Spencer et€ al., caldera or vent structure. However, the exist-
2009), and they exhibit higher surface tempera- ence of cryovolcanism on Titan remains under
tures (up to 180 K) than the surrounding regions debate€– the “smoking gun” for active cryovol-
(70–80 K; Spencer et€al., 2006). Plume vent loca- canism, in the form of an enhanced thermal
tions identified in high resolution (~7 m/pixel) signature or active plumes, has not yet been
images show that these areas are mantled by detected.
smooth deposits that extend along the length of Voyager observations revealed eruptive
the sulci, and which thin laterally (Fig. 17.8(f)). plumes as tall as 8 km on Triton (Smith et€ al.,
Vent locations correlate well with the warm- 1989; Soderblom et€al., 1990) but these may not
est locations along the sulci, and at least some qualify as volcanic. Smith et€al. (1989) suggested
of them persisted over a two-year observation that the gas venting may be driven by solar
period (Spitale and Porco, 2007). Cassini obser- heating and the subsequent vaporization of sub-
vations have also made it clear that Enceladus’ surface nitrogen. Other proposed mechanisms
plume activity forms Saturn’s faint E-ring (Fig. for gas venting include melting of or convection
17.8(a)). Away from Enceladus’ south polar within the solid nitrogen polar caps (Brown and
region, there is a variety of terrain types (Fig. Kirk, 1994; Duxbury and Brown, 1997), but these
17.8(c)), including smooth, resurfaced terrain. do not explain all of the observed plume fea-
However, no obvious cryovolcanic landforms tures. However, Triton also shows other evidence
have been observed. of cryovolcanic resurfacing, including smooth
Before the Cassini-Huygens mission, geo- plains, quasi-circular scarp-bounded depressions
chemical and geophysical models suggested similar to paterae, and various pits, domes, and
that Titan, Saturn’s largest moon (mean radius channels (Fig. 17.7(h); Croft et€ al., 1990). The
of 2575 km) may be cryovolcanically active, resurfaced terrains could be the manifestation
facilitated by substantial quantities of ammonia of high heat production in the interior. Triton’s
in the interior, which would help to maintain a inclined, retrograde orbit around Neptune sug-
subsurface liquid layer. Detection of 40Ar in the gests that it is a captured satellite (McKinnon,
atmosphere (Niemann et€al., 2005) supports the 1984). Therefore, as a result of stresses exerted
case for cryovolcanism, as it implies outgassing during orbital circularization, Triton may have
from Titan’s interior. Subsequently, Cassini has undergone significant tidal heating and interior
observed a range of features, including lobate, melting to produce the diversity of geologic fea-
flow-like morphologies, which have been tures observed today.
interpreted as evidence of cryovolcanic activ- Other icy bodies, including Uranus’ satellites
ity (Sotin et€al., 2005; Barnes et€al., 2006; Lopes Ariel, Miranda and Titania, also show intriguing
et€al., 2007; Wall et€al., 2009). Furthermore, the features that may have cryovolcanic origins,
Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer perhaps facilitated by the presence of exotic
(VIMS) observed periodic brightening at two cryomagma compositions. The variations in the
locations that was attributed to active cryovol- geologic and eruptive activities among icy satel-
canism (Nelson et€al., 2009(a),(b), although this lites can be attributed to differences in thermal-

9780521895439c17_p384-413.indd 403 8/2/2012 10:06:16 AM

Figure 17.8╇╇ (a) Cassini view of Enceladus embedded withing Saturn’s E-ring. Image PIA08321, NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute.
(b) Cassini ISS image showing more than 30 jets can be identified erupting from Enceladus’ south polar region. Image PIA11688,
NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute. (c) ISS view of Enceladus’ showing ancient cratered terrain adjacent to highly tectonized regions.
The active south polar region is visible towards the bottom of the image. Image PIA07800, NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute. (d)
View of the south polar region showing four prominent sulci: A, Alexandria, C, Cairo, B, Baghdad, and D, Damascus. Image PIA06247.
(e) Temperature map acquired by Cassini’s composite infrared spectrometer in July 2005, showing enhanced thermal signature of
the south polar region. Portion of image PIA09037, NASA/JPL/GSFC/Soutwest Research Institute. (f) Perspective view of Damascus
Sulcus. The ridges are up to 150 m high, and the total widths of the sulcus is ~5 km. Arrows indicate vent locations of active jets.
Vertical exaggeration ×10. Image PIA12267, NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute/USRA Lunar and Planetary Institute.

9780521895439c17_p384-413.indd 404 8/2/2012 10:06:18 AM


orbital evolution, internal composition, degree temperatures near the sulci. Amorphous ice
of differentiation, and ascent processes, which is found between sulci (Brown et€ al., 2006;
are presently poorly understood and may vary Newmann et€al., 2008), which is likely formed
from world to world. Additional data from by condensation of plume gases at the lower
future missions are required to fully decipher (⛪ 100 K) temperatures away from the active
the cryovolcanic histories of icy bodies. The eruptions (Spencer et€al., 2006).
remainder of this section focuses primarily on Direct sampling of Enceladus’ plumes by
Enceladus, because of its spectacular and well- the Cassini spacecraft shows that they consist
observed activity. predominantly (90–94 wt.%) of water vapor and
water-ice grains (Waite et€al., 2006; Hansen et€al.,
17.5.2â•… Compositions of cryomagmas 2011). Results from the Cosmic Dust Analyzer
The compositions of cryomagmas depend on showed that particles closer to the surface tend
the materials that condensed from the solar to be large and rich in sodium salts, whereas
nebula at a given distance from the Sun. In further away from the surface the particles are
addition to water, at Saturn’s orbit, methane small and salt-poor. Cassini’s Ion Neutral Mass
and ammonia condensed, so it is likely that Spectrometer (INMS) and Ultraviolet Imaging
these exist in the moons’ cryomagmas. In the Spectrometer (UVIS) obtained complemen-
further reaches of the Solar System, more vola- tary information on plume composition. Apart
tile compounds, such as carbon monoxide, car- from water, INMS detected carbon dioxide (5%),
bon dioxide, and nitrogen, may play a greater methane (0.9 %) and ammonia (0.8%), as well as
role. The viscosity of a cryomagma influences trace amounts of organics, H2S and 40Ar (Waite
the resulting morphologies of landforms it pro- et€al., 2006, 2009), and possibly molecular nitro-
duces. Liquid water would simply flood a sur- gen or carbon monoxide. UVIS results failed to
face, filling in depressions, but the inclusion of detect molecular nitrogen, however (Hansen
some amount of ammonia to form ammonia et€al., 2011).
hydrates would produce viscosities approach-
ing those of silicate lavas (e.g., Kargel et€ al., 17.5.3╅Cryomagma ascent and eruption
1991). This suggests that a broad spectrum processes on Enceladus
of eruption styles may be possible, and that Despite direct observations of active erup-
familiar landforms, such as lobate flows, shield tions in the outer Solar System (Enceladus and
volcanoes, domes or cones, might grace these Triton), the processes by which cryomagmas
distant landscapes. ascend on icy satellites are unclear. Many ascent
To date, the only direct data available on models have been based on the terrestrial mag-
the composition of cryovolcanic products are matic paradigm, and propose that cryomagmas
from Enceladus’ plumes. Near-infrared spec- rise buoyantly from the mantle into the lower
troscopy shows that Enceladus’ surface is ice shell, potentially stalling close to the surface
dominated by water ice, mainly in a crystal- to form a cryomagma chamber, and then erupt-
line state (Spencer et€al., 2009), but the actively ing through conduits formed by the intrusion
erupting sulci show the presence of organic of dikes. Although this scenario has been used
compounds and carbon dioxide (Brown et€ al., as the basis for interpretations on Titan in par-
2006), presumably derived from the inter- ticular (e.g., Lopes et€al., 2007), there are physical
ior. Larger grain sizes (up to 100 μm) of crys- difficulties with this mechanism because the
talline water ice are located near the sulci density of all proposed unvesiculated cryomag-
(Brown et€al., 2006; Porco et€al., 2006), possibly mas is greater than that of water-ice (specific-
due to preferential fallout of larger, slower ally Ice-I, the inferred bulk composition of icy
plume particles near their sources (Jaumann satellite crusts), and so watery cryomagmas are
et€ al., 2008, Hedman et€ al., 2009), or to sinter- negatively buoyant.
ing and growth of grains resulting from depos- There are a number of mechanisms that have
ition of plume gases or from the enhanced been proposed to overcome ascent problems

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406 R .╯M . C . L OP E S, S.╯A . FAG E N T S, K . M I T C H ELL, A ND T.╯K. P. GR EGG

caused by negative buoyancy of cryomagma: eruptions driven by expansion of destabiliz-

(1) inducing positive buoyancy through exsolu- ing methane clathrate hydrates. However, this
tion of volatiles following decompression, and hypothesis cannot explain the salty plume par-
the subsequent ascent of fluid-filled fractures ticles, and uncertainty over the detection of
from the base of the ice shell (Crawford and molecular nitrogen (which would be produced
Stevenson, 1988; Lorenz, 1996), or explosive by clathrate decomposition) further weakens
eruption of sprays (Fagents et€al., 2000); (2) pres- this argument.
surization of discrete liquid chambers (Fagents, Eruption velocities of Enceladus’ plumes
2003; Showman et€al., 2004) or an entire ocean have been calculated at ~600 m s−1 (Hansen et€al.,
(Manga and Wang, 2007) during freezing and 2011). Given the high observed mass fractions
volume changes, leading to effusive eruptions; of CO2, methane and ammonia (Waite et€ al.,
(3) partial melting of the ice shell by tidal dissi- 2006, 2009), exsolution of these volatiles from
pation (Mitri and Showman, 2008a; Tobie et€al., a watery cryomagma reservoir is more than suf-
2008), facilitating near-surface reservoirs with- ficient to drive the plumes. The initial shock of
out buoyancy requirements; (4) incorporation of decompression as a fracture exposes the cryo-
denser silicate material in the ice shell (due to magma to the ambient vacuum will cause vig-
incomplete differentiation or meteoritic infall orous exsolution and expansion of the volatiles
(Croft et€ al., 1988); and (5) solid state convec- and rapidly initiate explosive ascent, thus over-
tion in the ice shell advecting heat and possibly coming the issue of negative buoyancy, and
chemicals upward and mobilizing near-surface accelerating gas-rich sprays through nozzle-like
pockets of salt- or ammonia-rich ices (Head and conduits to the surface (cf. Postberg et€al., 2009,
Pappalardo, 1999; Mitri et€al., 2008; Choukroun 2011). Activity is only likely to cease if the stress
et€ al., 2010). However, there is little direct evi- state of the crust changes considerably, or if the
dence to support any of these mechanisms. volatile supply is depleted.
On Enceladus, the association of plumes Using very high resolution images of the
with sulci suggests that they are erupted from plume jets (0.9 m/pixel, Porco et€al., 2006), and
elongate fractures similar to volcanic fissures assuming a particle size of 1 μm (the domin-
on Earth, or possibly from chains of smaller ant particle size in the E-ring), the mass of ice
sub-circular vents. Debate continues concern- in the column is estimated at 3 × 10–6 kg m−2.
ing the configuration and depth of the source, UVIS observations indicate a column mass of
and whether or not a liquid reservoir is neces- vapor of 7 ×10–6 kg m−2 (Hansen et€ al., 2006),
sary to generate the plumes. The conduits thus yielding an ice/gas ratio of ~0.4. In add-
could be tapping a volatile-rich liquid present ition, plume brightness decreases roughly
as a global subsurface ocean (akin to a mantle), exponentially with altitude (Spencer et€ al.,
a local “sea” (Nimmo and Pappalardo, 2006; 2009). The scale height within 50 km of the
Collins and Goodman, 2007), or a smaller shal- surface is ~30 km, significantly less than the
low reservoir (Porco et€al., 2006). Tidal heating radius of the planet (252 km), implying that
localized in a thermal plume or diapir could most of the particles close to the surface are
partially melt the ice shell and thus explain falling back, consistent with the compositional
the high surface temperature of the south results. However, the scale height is larger at
polar regions (Mitri and Showman, 2008a,b; higher altitudes and therefore many smaller
Tobie et€ al., 2008). The presence of salt-rich particles are escaping to form Saturn’s E-ring,
grains in the plumes is consistent with ejec- facilitated by the low-gravity, vacuum condi-
tion from a subsurface ocean in contact with tions at Enceladus.
the silicate core. Such an ocean has been pro- As the Cassini mission continues beyond
posed to lie 80 km beneath the surface of the 2011, it is expected that much more will be
ice crust (Postberg et€al., 2011). Alternatively, a learned about the plumes which are, so far,
cooler (< 200 K) solid source has been proposed unique manifestations of active cryovolcanism
(Kieffer et€al., 2006; Gioia et€al., 2007), with the in the Solar System.

9780521895439c17_p384-413.indd 406 8/2/2012 10:06:19 AM


Volcanism may yet be found on currently

17.6╇ ╇Summary and future unexplored objects in the Solar System. The
directions New Horizons spacecraft encounter with Pluto
in 2015 may reveal cryovolcanic features on its
Exploration of the Solar System has revealed the icy surface and it is possible that other trans-
diversity of volcanic activity on different planet- Neptunian objects and dwarf planets such as
ary bodies, which has challenged our models of Quaoar could present cryovolcanic activity
volcanic processes. This has led to recognition (Jewitt and Luu, 2004). Future spacecraft obser-
of how significantly different planetary environ- vations are expected to reveal more about the
ments can affect volcanic ascent and eruption composition of extra-terrestrial magmas and
behavior, and how this in turn can influence the characteristics of eruptions on other planet-
the characteristics of the resulting landforms. ary bodies. For example, the Mars Science
Caution must therefore be used when interpret- Laboratory, due to land on Mars in 2012, pos-
ing eruption characteristics or magma com- sesses improved capabilities over previous
positions from the morphologies of volcanic rovers and landers to determine composition
features€ – consideration of planetary environ- of the martian surface. The Cassini mission is
mental factors is crucial. scheduled to continue making observations of
An interesting consequence of the discovery the Saturn system, including Enceladus’ plumes
of cryovolcanism in the outer Solar System, as and Titan’s surface, until the end of the mission
well as Io’s rampant volcanism, is the need to in 2017. Proposed planetary missions currently
expand the definition of volcano (Lopes et€al., under study include sample return from Mars,
2010a). The traditional definition of a volcano Venus exploration, and a Europa orbiter that
is a place or opening from which molten rock and would also make observations of Io. The next
gas, and generally both, issue from the Earth’s inter- decade or two should bring many new discover-
ior onto its surface. But a volcano has also been ies about extra-terrestrial volcanism.
defined as the hill or mountain constructed
around the opening by accumulation of the
material erupted (Macdonald, 1972). Lopes
et€ al. (2010a) argued that this traditional def- 17.7╇ ╇╇ Notation
inition needed to be modified to include proc-
esses such as cryovolcanism, and suggested c specific heat capacity (J kg−1 K−1)
the following definition: A volcano is an opening f friction factor
on a planet or moon’s surface from which magma, Fb buoyancy force (N)
as defined for that body, and/or magmatic gases are g acceleration due to gravity (m s−2)
erupted. h plume height (m)
In this broad context, we can use models H horizontal extent of dike (m)
of volcanic processes developed for terrestrial n exsolved magma gas fraction
eruptions, but applied to the differing physical P pressure (Pa)
environments of other planets, to attempt to Pa atmospheric pressure (Pa)
understand the nature of volcanism on other Plith lithostatic pressure (Pa)
planets. In so doing we develop a greater under- u ascent velocity (m s−1)
standing of their orbital, thermal, geologic and u0 eruption velocity (m s−1)
interior history, and therefore the evolution of r conduit radius (m)
the Solar System as a whole. When our mod- R* specific gas constant (J kg−1 K−1)
els break down, we are forced to think outside T temperature (K)
of the terrestrial box, and reconsider how the Ta atmospheric temperature (K)
interplay of gravity, atmospheric conditions, Thot temperature of hot material (K)
orbital dynamics, and composition can produce V volume (m3)
the observed volcanic features. w dike width (m)

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‘a’a, 85, 92 boiling liquid expanding vapor cohesion, 217, 303, 311
accretion, deposit, 302, 303, 307 explosion (BLEVE), 369 cohesive flow. See€lahar, cohesive
accretionary lapilli, 184, 234 bomb, 131, 145, 168, 233, 268 coignimbrite plume, 154, 166, 167,
acoustic Bond number, 242 168, 184
data, 118, 122, 304, 375 boundary integral method, 351 column, 130, 153, 156, 174, 233
pressure, 360, 361, 362, 372, 378 Boussinesq assumption, 18, 142, 316 collapse, 156, 161, 163, 165, 203
adiabatic expansion, 116, 120, 138, box model, 208, 209, 210, 211 height, 153, 154, 156, 158, 162,
248, 249 breadcrust texture, 131 176, 178, 181, 183, 186, 190,
advection, 7, 12, 62, 333, 339, 341, brittle deformation, 64, 75, 134 192
See€lava flow, heat sources, Brunt-Väisälä frequency, 142, 158 Mars, 396
advection bubbles Mars, 387
wind, 175, 180, 181, 182 breakup, 62 vulcanian, 130
advection-diffusion relation, 317 coalescence, 61–62, 74, 110, 111, columnar jointing, 288
Advection-Diffusion-Sedimentation 112, 121, 123 compressibility, 42, 56, 70, 72,
(ADS) models, 179–83, 188–91 collapse, 132 140–41, 361
limitations, 183–86 expansion, 60, 110, 112, 134, 135, compressible flow, 220, 360
one-dimensional, 180–81 396 computational fluid dynamics, 117
three-dimensional, 181–83 growth, 60, 68, 69, 71, 110 concentration
two-dimensional, 181 diffusion-limited, 61 of particles, 179, 204, 205, 209,
aerosols, 153, 169 solubility-limited, 61 211, 212, 312, See€sediment
Afar, Ethiopia, 35 viscosity-limited, 60–61, 73, 132 concentration
aggradation, 205, 219 nucleation, 59–60, 110, 396 conduction, 9, 13, 42, 163, 291,
aggregation, of particles, 174, 181, heterogeneous, 59 See€lava flow, heat loss,
183, 184 homogeneous, 59 conduction
andesite, 179, 287, 292, 388, 391, number density, 60, 145, 146 conduit
392 rise speed, 62–63, 110, 113 erosion of, 56
annular flow, 63 volume fraction, 64, 68, 69, 113, geometry, 56, 112, 113, 121, 122,
apophyses, 288 135, See€vesicularity 345, 351
Arrhenian relationship, 90 bubbly flow, 68, 110, 111, inclined, 113, 115
ascent velocity See€dispersed flow conservation equations
bubble. See€bubbles, rise speed bulk modulus, 15, 237, 251, 348, 349 buoyancy, 142
gas slug, 114–15, See€gas slug, rise bulking, 306, 318 energy, 9, 19, 70, 137, 160
speed buoyancy mass, 19, 60, 69, 71, 137, 142, 159,
magma, 111, 134, See€rise speed, flux, 142, 157, 158, 162 179, 212, 220, 313, 315, 317
magma force, 46, 141, 207, 395, 397 momentum, 19, 39, 69, 71, 137,
Mars, 385 buoyant plume theory (BPT), 179, 142, 160, 207–08, 220, 313,
atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), 191 317
181 burst convection, 13, 244, See€lava flow,
autobreccia, 290, 292 strombolian, 108, 373, See€gas heat loss, convection
avalanche slug, burst in magma chambers, 18–22
debris, 222, 302, 321 Rayleigh-Bénard, 18
dry, 316, 318 caldera, 6, 17, 203, 264, 389, 398 solid state, 406
rock, 204, 310 CALMET, 182, 184, 190 conversion ratio, 248, 249
Avrami equation, 65 Capelinhos, 231 cooling-limited flow, 95, 99–101
Capillary number (Ca), 62, 67 Coulomb friction, 213, 214, 216,
basaltic andesite, 107, 268, 287, 388 capillary pressure, 59, 62 311, 317, 318
bedding, 233, 281, 302 cellular automata model, 100–01, Coulomb mixture model, 316–18,
bedload, 302, 307 220 321
Bernoulli’s equation, 351, 361 Chapman-Jouguet (C-J) condition, crack
Bessel function, 374, 376 241, 242 stiffness, 349
Bingham fluid, 86, 87, 88, 98, 222, Chézy coefficient, 314, 320 wave, 349, 352, 375
311 choked flow, 70, 351 crater lake, 165, 302, 316, 319, 322
Biot number (Bi), 9, 24 CO2, 110, 121, 268, 278, 279, 283, critical point, 237, 238, 239, 246,
block, ballistic, 131, 145, 168, 233 See€volatiles, CO2 content 247
block-and-ash flow, 184, 205 coda, 347, 367 cryomagma, 402, 406

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composition, 388, 405 dike 179, 217

cryovolcanism, 385 arrest, 42, 45, 46–48, 49 of sediment, 307, 308, 318
Enceledus, 405–06 definition, 32 of water vapor, 162
Europa, 402 englacial, 279–83 PDCs, 212
features and landforms, 402–05 field outcrops, 11–12, 34, 35 entropy, 249, 251
Ganymede, 402 geometry, 33–35, 342, 345 Eötvös number (Eo), 114
plumes, 403 propagation, 23, 395 equation of motion, 88, 120, 221,
plumes, 402, 403 intermittent, 48, 49, 50 351, 360, 374
Titan, 403 steady, 39, 44–45 equation of state, 61, 69, 72, 242,
Triton, 186 time-dependent, 41, 47 248
crystal volume fraction. 65, rhyolitic, 279 equilibrium temperature, 245, 280
See€crystallinity silicic, 34, See€dike, rhyolitic Ergun equation, 216, 217
crystallinity, 22, 66, 91, 95 solidification, 42, 44, 48, 49 erupted
crystallization, 6, 14, 15, 18, 65, 91, tip pressure, 278, 279, 280 mass, 131, 143, 176, 177, 181, 183,
94, 95, 131 trajectories, 15, 39, 43, 50 188, 191, 192
crystals width, 277 volume, 155, 175, 176, 177, 180,
growth, 65 Mars, 397 188, 262, 267
nucleation, 64–65 dilatancy, 302, 317, 318, 321 eruption
size distribution, 65 dilution, 212, 307 duration, 176, 178, 186, 188, 191,
curtain of fire, 168 dimensional analysis, 142, 157 193, 262, 267
direct contact, 240, 244 energy partitioning, 235, 252
dacite, 368, 388, 391 discharge rate, 63, 72, 109, 121, 153, intensity, 74, 183, See€discharge
Dalsheidi sheet-like sequence, 287, 179 rate; mass flux
288 discrete element method, 221 parameters, 174, 176, 181, 183,
dam-break flow, 218, 219 disequilibrium 189, 192, 194, 262
DAMBRK, 315 dynamic, 163, 164 rate, 74, 153, 155, 158, 176,
Darcy’s law, 64, 69, 317, 318, 321 thermal, 137, 156, 163–64 178, 188, 190, 192, 266,
deaeration, 217, 219 dispersed flow, 62, 69 See€discharge rate
debris avalanche. See€avalanche, drag coefficient, 120, 145, 185, 268 Mars, 397
debris dusty gas, 222, 332, 349, velocity, 137, 142, 144, 145
debris flow, 300, 302–03, 306, 307, See€pseudogas Etna, 179, 186, 188, 192
310, 312, 317, 319 dynamic pressure, 219 Euler’s equation, 208
equations (DFE), 317 dynamic similarity. See€similitude Eulerian model, 20, 179
debulking, 307, 318 CANERM, 182
decompression wave, 134 East Pacific Rise, 259, 265, 267, 268 FALL3D, 182
degassing, 110, 131 effusion rate. 86, 88, 258, 262, MEDIA, 182
burst, 339, 340, 366 265, 266, See€eruption rate; VAFTAD, 182
Delft3D, 316 discharge rate Europa, 402
density-stratified flow, 302 effusive eruption, 74–75, 366, 387, excess pressure. See€overpressure
depth-averaged model, 208, 221, 391, 406 excitation, 332, 347, 352
313, 317, 318 Mars, 397 mechanism, 349, 351, 365, 368,
detonation eigenfrequencies, 375, 376, 377 371
adiabatic, 241, 242 eigenvalues, 335, 343 expansion wave, 285
front, 242, 369 eigenvectors, 335, 343 explosion
theory, 242 Einstein-Roscoe equation, 91 discrete/transient/short-lived, 129,
thermal, 242, 253 ejection velocity, 120, 121, 155, 159
wave, 369 See€eruption velocity intermittent, 107
diamictite, 287, 288, 289 elastic modulus, 43, 44, 135, 334 strombolian. See€strombolian
diffusion empirical model, 175, 188, 308–10, explosion
Fickian, 193 320 vulcanian. See€vulcanian
pore pressure, 216, 217, 218, 219 en masse deposition, 205, 303, 307 explosion
thermal, 19, 72, 163 Enceladus, 402 explosion breccia, 233
turbulent, 180 eruption velocity, 406 exponential thinning. See€thinning
coefficient, 180, 181, 182, 186, plumes, 403, 405, 406 relationship, exponential
191, 193 englacial intrusion, 279–83 exsolution, 110, 131, 146, 269,
volatiles, 59, 60, 145 enthalpy, 13, 65, 70, 160, 280 278, 284, See€bubbles,
wave equation, 315 equation, 9 nucleation
diffusivity entrainment depth, 110
thermal, 11, 94, 163, 247, 291 coefficient, 142, 144, 159, 161, Mars, 396
volatiles. See€volatiles, diffusivity 163, 167 Eyjafjallajökull, 276, 298
DIGCLAW, 318 of air, 155, 157, 159, 161, 166,

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fall deposit, 107, 168, 233, 276, 389 stress criterion, 68, 135 inertial, 207, 208, 212, 219
hawaiian, 107, 109 passive, 244 gray-body, 92
plinian, 107, 154 phreatomagmatic, 134, 157 Green’s function, 333, 340, 341
strombolian, 107, 109 subglacial, 289 ground deformation, 7, 33
supraglacial, 276, 291, 292 threshold, 136 groundwater, 129, 133, 231, 233,
volume, 177 timescale, 146 398
vulcanian, 130 wave, 129, 130, 134, 136, 138,
fall speed, 164, See€settling velocity 146, 283 H2O, 110, 278, 283, See€volatiles,
fall time threshold (FTT), 190 velocity, 136 H2O content
FALL3D, 182–83, 190, 192 free surface hawaiian activity, 74, 109, 111,
fallout. See€sedimentation lava, 284 112, 153, 168–70, 268, 287,
fault slip, 334 magma, 108, 112, 135 See€Chapter 8
film drainage, 62, 339, 340 free-surface flow, 117 hazard
finger jets, 144 friction coefficient, 213, 222 assessment, 173, 174, 176, 177,
finite difference method, 117, 182, Froude number (Fr), 114, 115, 208, 184, 195, 206, 221, 223, 301,
220, 341, 351 210, 218 321
finite element method, 220 fuel–coolant interaction (FCI), 235, lava, 86, 101
finite volume method, 220, 322 286 real-time, 195, 222
firn, 278, 279 aviation, 191
fissure eruption, 56, 169, 266, 284, Gakkel Ridge, 262, 268 map, 308, 321
287, 366 Galeras, 351 Hazen’s law, 209
FLO-2D, 312, 315 Ganymede, 402 heat conduction equation, 250
flood lava, 169, 260, 394 gas piston, 343, 366 Heimaey, 107
flow resistance, 308, 312, 314, 321 gas slug, 74, 109, 110, 111, 339, 343, Hekla, 332
Flow-3D®, 117 347, 351 Herschel-Bulkley equation, 311
FLOWFRONT, 98, 100, 101 ascent, 113–18 homogeneous flow, 62, 69–70, 71,
FLOWGO, 96, 100 burst, 118–20, 123, 339, 366, 373 74, 111
fluid-filled crack, 332, 347, 349, 351, expansion, 115–17 homogeneous nucleation
365 formation, 110–13 temperature (HNT), 237, 247
fluidization, 216 foam collapse model, 110, 112 hot spot, 259
minimum velocity, 216 rise speed model, 110, 111–12 Hugoniot, 241
velocity, minimum, 217 oscillations, 118 hyaloclastite, 232, 233, 267, 281,
foam, magmatic, 20, 110, 268, 269, rise speed, 123 287, 288
278, 285, 370 gas–particle mixture, 130, 141, 155, hyalotuff, 232
collapse, 112, 278 159, 203, 213, 216, 370 hydraulic jump, 312, 316
Forcheimer’s equation, 64, 69 gas-thrust region, 155, 174, See€jet, hydraulic routing model, 312, 316,
fountaining activity, 109, 111, 112, momentum-driven 320
168–70, 231, 275, 290, 366 Gibbs function, 251, 252 fully dynamic, 314, 316
subglacial, 286 Gjálp, 276, 281 hydroclast, 233, 234
Fourier transform, 340, 362 glacier, 338, See€ice sheet hydrodynamic equivalence, 211
Fourier’s Law, 94 cold-based, 283, 292 hydrograph, 301, 303, 307, 312, 313,
fractionation warm-based, 283, 292 319, 321
vs. crustal melting, 12–14 glaciovolcanic sequence, 282 hydrologic model, 308, 313
fracture toughness, 35, 39, 41, 45, glass transition temperature, 239, hydromagmatism, 231,
46 266 See€phreatomagmatic
fragmentation, 67–68, 108, 111, 134, gliding, 367, 377 eruption
135–36, 168, 169, 231, 239, Gorda Ridge, 268 hydrothermal
252, 278, 285 grading, 221, 233, 281 alteration, 233, 234
brittle, 73, 134, 135, 237, 241, 244, normal, 211, 214 explosion, 232
251–52 reverse, 213, 214 fluid, 7, 332, 333
energy, 252 grainsize distribution, 175, 181, 183, seismic event, 350
hydrovolcanic. 233, 241, 194, 252, 302, 303, See€particle system, 248, 375
268, See€fragmentation, size distribution hydrovolcanic
phreatomagmatic granular flow, 206, 212–19, 222, deposits, 233
mechanisms, 176, 396 311, 316 interaction
bubble volume fraction dry, 213–16 non-explosive, 244, 249
criterion, 68, 135 gas–particle, 213 subsonic explosive, 244, 249
hydrodynamic, 68, 74, 236, 241 granular stress, 73 supersonic explosive, 245, 249,
inertial. See€hydrodynamic granulation, thermal, 233, 239, 244, 250
potential energy criterion, 68 247 products, 233–34
strain-rate criterion, 68, 134–35 gravity current, 174, 206–07 hydrovolcanism, 230, 231

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hyperconcentrated flow, 288, 289, jökulhlaup, 232, 276, 285, 287, 288, height, 168
300, 302, 306, 307, 314, 319, 289 Io, 400
320 Juan de Fuca Ridge, 264, 266, 267, subglacial, 284
268 lake, 91, 118, 122, 366, 402
ice pillar, 263
cap. See€ice sheet Kasatochi, 368 tube, 85, 389, 394, 400
deformation, 285 Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, 210 types, 85
sheet Kilauea, 109, 168, 266, 340, 350, lava flow
thickness, 278, 286, 288 351, 362, 366 heat budget, 92–95
ideal gas, 15, 69, 136, 138, 140 kinematic heat loss
ignimbrite, 6, 184, 210, 217, 391, sieving, 213 conduction, 94, 266, 387, 388
See€pyroclastic density current wave, 118, 315 convection, 265, 387, 388, 397
(PDC) Kozeny-Carman equation, 64 forced convection, 93
incompressible flow, 19, 110, 313, Krakatau, 367 free convection, 93
316, 351, 360 radiation, 92, 387, 388, 397
inertial number (I), 213 La Soufrière, St. Vincent, 158 heat sources
inflation. See€lava flow, inflation lag deposit, 292 advection, 94, 266
infrasound, 109, 118, 123, Lagrangian model, 20, 23, 179 latent heat of crystallization, 94
See€Chapter 16 HYSPLIT, 182 inflated, 260, 400
definition, 359 NAME, 182 inflation, 263, 284
recording, 362–65 PUFF, 182 path prediction, 95–98
inundation area, 86, 308, 316, 318 VOL-CALPUFF, 182 rheomorphic, 168, 286
inversion methods, 180, 181, 183, lahar, 131, 222, 291, 292, subglacial, 277
189, 193, 194, 338 See€Chapter 14 submarine, 263–65
Io, 385 advance rate, 300 supraglacial, 290, 291
eruption cohesive, 303 Type I model, 86, 95
explosion-dominated, 400 deposition, 318 Type II model, 86, 89, 95, 101
flow-dominated, 400 deposits, 302, 303, 307 least principal stress, 15, 277
intra-patera, 402 discharge, 300, 308, 310 LEFM. See€linear elastic fracture
processes, 399–402 initiation, 301 mechanics
rate, 398 models, 307–20 Leidenfrost effect, 247
temperature, 399 non-cohesive, 303 levée, 95, 203, 214, 222, 303, 322
velocity, 400 primary, 302 limu o Pele, 268
exsolution, 400 rheology, 305, 307, 308, 310–13 linear elastic fracture mechanics
lava runout. See€runout, lahar (LEFM), 35, 37, 39
flow field, 398, 400 secondary, 302 linear elasticity equations, 16
lake, 402 stage, 308 lithics, 130, 174, 233
magma composition, 399 surge, 307, 312, 320 lithofacies
patera, 398 transformation, 303, 306, 319 dike collapse, 281, 282
plumes, 398, 400, 402 travel time, 310 lock-exchange experiments, 210
deposits, 398, 400 velocity, 317, 318 Loihi, 258, 268
sulfur flow, 399 volume, 300 long-period (LP) event, 331, 332, 347,
superheated magma, 399 LAHARZ, 308–10 365, 366, 368
ultramafic magma, 399 laminar flow, 64, 67, 116, 132, 317, lubrication theory, 38, 39
volcanic features, 398–99 395 lumped-parameter model, 351
isentropic expansion, 70, 248, 249 landslide, 222, 269, 307, 318, 338
isomass, 175, 189 lapilli, 130, 175, 203, 268 maar, 231, 234
isopach, 175, 176, 177 tuff, 288, 289 Mach number (M), 70, 139, 374, 376,
isopleth, 175, 177, 178 large eddy simulation (LES), 182, 378
isothermal expansion, 117, 136, 191, 193 MAGFLOW, 100
137 large igneous province (LIP), 260–61 magma
Izu peninsula, 37 latent heat, 9, 94, 162, 235 chamber
ice, 280 definition, 6, 56
Jeffreys equation, 87 lateral blast, 154, 203 Mars, 388, 395
jet, 109, 119, 120, 241 Lattice Boltzmann model, 117 pressure, 72, See€overpressure,
cypressoid (cock’s tail), 233 lava magma chamber
momentum-driven, 155, 159, 174, channel, 85, 389, 394 rupture, 14, 16
268, 370 delta, 275, 282 stresses, 14–16
surtseyan, 233 dome, 74, 129, 131, 145, 203, 339 fragmentation. See€fragmentation
vulcanian, 130, 141, 143 collapse, 368 mingling, 121
jetting, 368, 370, 375 fountain, 74, 153, 155, 168, 397 mixing, 18, 21–22

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magma (cont.) Navier-Stokes equations, 71, 88, 100, peperite, 246

reservoir, 395, See€magma 117, 140, 313, 360 percolation threshold, 18, 22, 64
chamber neutral buoyancy level, 156, 174, perfect gas, 116, 247, 278
rheology. See€rheology, magma/ 180, 277, 395 permeability, 64, 136, 146, 213, 217,
lava Mars, 395 218, 286, 318
magma–ice interaction, 233, 388, Nevado del Ruiz, 315 phase diagram, 237, 249
See€Chapter 13 Newton’s phreatic explosion, 232, 332, 368
magma–water interaction, 388, 398, impact law, 209 phreatomagmatic eruption, 165,
See€Chapter 11 second law, 145 231, 280, 286
magma–wet-rock interaction, 245, Newtonian fluid, 19, 86, 87, 88, 110, hydrovolcanism; hydrovolcanic,
248 113, 308, 313, 314, 316, 317, 155, See€Chapter 11
Manning coefficient, 312, 314, 320 360 phreatoplinian eruption, 233
mantle plume, 259 Ngauruhoe, 143 pillow
Mars, 293, 385, 387, See€Chapter 17 non-cohesive flow. See€lahar, breccia, 233
dike width, 395 non-cohesive lava, 231, 233, 260, 263, 266, 267,
eruption processes, 394–98 non-Newtonian fluid, 71, 87, 236, 275, 281, 288
eruption rate, 395 311, 314, 316 mound, 275, 276
eruption velocity, 396 N-shaped wave, 138, 368 ridge, 275, 288
exsolution depth, 396 nucleation volcano, 282
fragmentation, 396 of bubbles. See€bubbles, nucleation Pinatubo, 131, 154, 158, 332
magma compositions, 391–94 of crystals. See€crystals, nucleation Piton de la Fournaise, 35, 38
volcanic features, 388–91 NW Rota-1 volcano, 259, 268, 269 planetary volcanism
mass flux, 158, 162, 164, 168, 183 effect of ambient temperature,
mass number (Ma), 213 obsidian, 68, 279 387–88
MELTS, 11 oceanic plateau, 260 effect of atmospheric density, 387
membrane, magma, 118, 123 Okmok, 368 effect of atmospheric pressure,
rupture, 118 Ontong-Java Plateau, 260 387
Mercury, 385 open-system degassing, 74, 121, 132 effect of gravity, 385–87
metastable film boiling, 240, 241, oscillatory behavior, 332, 347, 352 magma composition, 388
244 outflow deposit, 286 plate tectonics, 384, 388
meteorological models, 184 outgassing, 366 plinian eruption, 73–74, 130,
MFCI, 237, 242, 251, 285, permeable, 64, 69, 70, 71, 74, 75, 131, 153, 291, 367, 370,
See€fuel–coolant interaction 132, 146 See€Chapter 8
(FCI) overpressure basaltic, 170, 179, 186
microlite, 56, 131 acoustic, 359 Mars, 396
mid-ocean ridge, 230, 258, 259, bubble, 107, 109, 113, 132, 135 plug, 129
261–63 conduit, 132 disruption, 131, 132–34, 135
discontinuity, 261 crack, 39 flow, 66, 74, 215, 320
spreading rate, 262 gas slug, 117, 119, 123, 370 formation, 131–32
superfast, 262 magma, 136, 288, 400 plume, 153, See€column, Chapter 8
ultraslow, 262 magma chamber, 14, 15, 278, 279, corner, 164, 180, 188
moberg, 232 283 height, 169
moment tensor. See€source, Io, 387
seismic pahoehoe, 85, 92, 93, 284, 400 models, 155, 157, 182
monogenetic eruption, 234, 260 palagonite, 233 dimensional analysis, 157–59
Montserrat, 221 palagonitization, 234 experimental, 162
Moon, 385 paroxysm, 121, 186 integral, 159–62
MOR. See€mid-ocean ridge particle numerical, 166–67
moraine, 291, 292 concentration. See€concentration, starting, 159
MORB, 262, 263, 265 of particles strong, 155, 174, 186
Morton number (Mo), 114 fallout, 160, 164, 173, 175 submarine, 268
Mount Erebus, 122–23, 373 segregation, 303, 306, 307, 320, super-buoyant, 178
Mount Pinafore sheet-like sequence, 322 sustained, 142
286 settling law, 209, See€Hazen’s law thermal, 108, 141, 142, 159
Mount St. Helens, 144, 154, 186, size distribution, 153, 305, 306, thermal, forced, 142, 143
313, 315, 350, 368, 373 See€grainsize distribution velocity, 161, 178
multiphase volume fraction. weak, 174, 181
fluid, 307 See€concentration, of particles Poiseuille flow, 116, 132
multiphase fluid, 5, 7, 19–21, 138, particle-tracking model, 182 Poisson solid, 335, 336, 348
140, 141, 157, 166, 168, 222, Peclet number (Pe), 9, 24, 146 polydisperse flow, 209, 211, 213,
237, 245, 300 penny-shaped crack, 17, 41, 337 214, 216, 219, 222

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polymerization, 65, 89 Rayleigh Savage number (Sa), 213, 214

pore fluid pressure, 216, 219, 302, line, 242 scaling relationship, 41, 44, 47, 62,
306, 311, 312, 317, 318, 321 wave, 332 143, 206, 339, 348
porosity, 216, 246, 286 Rayleigh number (Ra), 19, 21, 24 SCIARA, 101
power spectral density (PSD), 362 Rayleigh-Lamb equation, 133 scoria cone, 109, 168, 286, 287
power-law thinning. See€thinning Rayleigh-Plesset Equation, 60 seamount, 258, 259–60
relationship, power law reduced gravity, 207, 265 chain, 259
Prandtl number (Pr), 19, 24, 218 re-entrainment, 156, 160, 164–65, composition, 259
pressure, pre-explosion, 129, 132, 269 field, 259
140, 141, 145 residence time, magmatic, 6, 7, 8–12 seawater, 237, 265
probabilistic analysis, 181, 195 resonance, 121, 347, 349, 365, 366, secondary maxima, 181, 184
probability density function, 210 375–79 sector collapse, 269
process zone, 37, 42 acoustic, 332, 375–77 sediment concentration, 302, 306,
pseudogas, 138, 140, 159, 222 flow-induced oscillations, 378 312, 321
pseudo-isothermal expansion, 248, Helmholz, 377–78 sedimentation, 174, 180, 211, 220,
249 Reynolds lubrication equation, 39 See€particle fallout
pseudoplastic fluid, 87, 277, Reynolds number (Re), 60, 68, 115, intermediate, 175, 188
See€shear thinning 141, 206 laminar, 175, 188
PUFF, 182, 186, 193 bubble, 62 models. See€Advection-Diffusion-S
pumice-and-ash flow, 205 particle, 145, 175, 178, 180, 185 edimentation (ADS) models,
pyroclast size distribution, 168, rheological model, 310–13, 320 See Advection-Diffusion-Sedi
See€grainsize distribution; rheological stiffening, 132 mentation (ADS) models
particle size distribution rheology PDCs, 209
pyroclastic density current (PDC), lahar. See€lahar, rheology turbulent, 175, 188
130, 131, 137, 144, 156, 161, magma/lava, 65, 113, 236, 394 See€plume”.
165, 233, 301, 368 effect of bubbles, 67, 89, 91 seismic
body, 210 effect of composition, 91 data, 109, 117, 118, 123,
characteristics, 203 effect of crystals, 66–67, 89, 91 See€Chapter 15
dense, 204, 205, 212, 222 effect of deformation rate, source. See€source, seismic
deposition, 211 65–66 tremor. See€tremor, seismic
deposits, 205, 391 effect of dissolved volatiles, 65 seismo-acoustic coupling, 351, 365,
dilute, 204, 210, 211, 212 effect of temperature, 65, 89, 375
dilution, 212 90–91 seismogram, 340, 341, 349
formation of, 203 PDC. See€pyroclastic density seismometer, 265, 332, 342, 363
head, 210, 212 current (PDC), rheology separated flow, 63, 64, 69, 70–71,
length, 208 rhyolite, 13, 56, 65, 186, 246, 388 110, 366, 370
Mars, 396 subglacial, 279, 289 settling velocity, 138, 174, 175, 178,
models Richardson number (Ri), 141, 144, 184, 185, 209, 210, See€fall
depth-averaged, 221–22 182 velocity
discrete element, 221 Richardson-Zaki equation, 63 shallow-water equations, 313, 316,
kinetic, 220–21 rise speed 319, 320
multiphase, 222–23 bubble. See€bubbles, rise speed shape factor, 182, 185
rheology, 222 gas slug. See€gas slug, rise speed shear
runout. See€runout, PDC magma, 113, 168, 277, 279 heating, 71, 74, See€viscous
subglacial, 286, 289 roll wave, 352 dissipation
supraglacial, 277, 291, 292 rootless lava flow. See€lava flow, localization, 75
tail, 210 rheomorphic modulus, 283
two-layer model, 210, 222 Rossiter’s equation, 378 stress, 86, 307, 311
velocity, 208, 210 Rouse number (Pn), 209 critical, 237
pyroclastic flow, 204, See€pyroclastic Ruapehu, 175, 186, 315, 316, 319 thinning, 66, 75
density current, dense runout velocity, 209
lahar, 300, 310, 318 shear-cell experiments, 213
quench crack, 234 PDC, 209, 215, 216 sheet lava flow, 231, 233, 260, 263,
quenching, 233, 235, 247, 250, 266 rupture 267
Quizapu, 158 bubble, 135 shield volcano, 35, 389, 394, 397
magma chamber, 14, 395 shock
radar, Doppler, 109, 119, 122, 147 magma membrane, 118 tube, 138
radiation. See€lava flow, heat loss, velocity, 139, 140
radiation Saint-Venant equations, 313 wave, 109, 129, 138–40, 220, 241,
Rankine-Hugoniot curve, 242, Sakurajima, 131, 140, 143, 339, 375 242, 245, 369, 400
See€detonation, adiabatic Santiaguito, 143 short-period (SP) event, 365

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silica sinter, 233 tensor, 71 TEPHRA2, 189, 192, 194

sill, 342 Stromboli, 121–22, 342–47, 351, 366 terminal velocity, 120, 180, 185,
formation, 43, 50 strombolian explosion, 74, 130, 189, 191, See€settling velocity
subglacial, 276, 277, 283–89 168, 268, 287, 360, 366, 397, Terzaghi’s principle, 311, 317
similitude, 19, 43 See€Chapter 6 thermal. See€plume, thermal
single-phase fluid, 69, 159, 310, 318, complex, 121, 366 thermal coupling, 240
320 simple, 121, 366 thinning relationship, 109, 175, 180,
slug. See€gas slug Type 1, 121, 342, 343, 344 184, 233
slug flow, 63, 110, 111, 113, 114 Type 2, 121, 342, 343 exponential, 176–77, 188, 194
SO2, 59, 399, 402 strong plume. See€plume, strong power law, 177–78, 188, 194
sodar, 109, 119 Strouhal number (St), 370, 378 tidal dissipation. See€tidal heating
soft-sediment deformation, 234 structural relaxation, 65, 68, 134 tidal heating, 384, 399, 402, 406
solubility. See€volatiles, solubility subaqueous volcanism, 230 tillite, 287, 288
sonar, 260 subduction, 35, 259 time-averaged model, 157, 159, 178
sorting, 205, 233, 302, 307, 312 subglacial tindar, 232, 275, 282
Soufrière Hills, 141, 144, 351 eruption, 283–89 Titan, 403
sound volcanism, 232, 233, See€Chapter TITAN2D, 318
intensity, 361 13 trajectory, 20, 168
pressure level (SPL), 360, 365 subgrid model, 23, 71, 182 ballistic, 145, 155, 156, 400
speed, 138, 140, 251, 332, 349, submarine transform fault, 261
359, 369, 374, 376, 377 eruption, 284, See€Chapter 12 transition, eruption style, 74, 75,
source effusive, 639 109, 111, 145–46, 156, 286,
acoustic, 360, 373 explosive, 258, 267–69 368
mechanism, 371 lava flow travertine, 233
multipole expansion, 373–74 inflation, 263–65 tremor, 365
piston, 374 morphology, 263 infrasonic, 366, 367, 368
power, 374 subplinian eruption, 73–74, 130, broadband, 370
level (SL), 361, 365 146, 153, 186, 368, 370, episodic, 365, 366, 367
seismic, 333–40, 352 See€Chapter 8 harmonic, 365, 366, 367, 378
implosive, 338 sulfur, 399, See€volatiles, sulfur seismic, 331, 332, 347
location, 340 content Triton, 402, 403
long period (LP), 352 super-buoyancy. See€plume, tuff
mechanism, 340, 342, 352 superbuoyant cone, 231, 233, 234, 286
moment tensor, 333–37, 338 supercritical fluid, 55, 56, 110, 237, subaqueous, 275, 276, 282
single force component, 333, 239, 245, 249, 250, 280 ring, 231, 233, 234, 286
340 super-elevation, 314 zeolitic, 233
volumetric, 331, 335, 337, 343, superheating tumuli, 97, 263
365 magma, 399 Tungurahua, 362, 368, 370
source term, 182, 183, 191 vapor, 234, 235 turbulent
source-time function, 337, 342, 343, water, 235, 244, 247 flow, 64, 68, 155, 212, 302, 370,
365, 378 supersaturation, 59, 61, 73, 170 400
spatter cone, 168 supersonic flow, 70, 141 shedding, 241
spectrogram, 362, 370 supraglacial eruption, 289–92 tuya, 232, 275, 282
sphericity, 191 surface tension, 59, 62, 112, 115, two-phase fluid, 69, 71, 109, 219,
spreading rate. See€mid-ocean ridge, 117, 242 238, 302, 317, 318
spreading rate surge, 204, 231, 233, See€pyroclastic
stable film boiling, 240, 244 density current, dilute ultra-long-period (ULP) event, 332
standing wave, 375, 376, 377 Surtsey, 231 ultramafic magma, 388, 392, 399
stapi, 232, 275 surtseyan eruption, 233 ultraplinian eruption, 153
Stefan number (Ste), 9, 24 suspension, 206, 300, 302, 307 umbrella cloud, 154, 156, 164, 174,
Stefan-Boltzmann law, 92 175, 181
stick-slip behavior, 75, 338 Taal, 231 undercooling, 64
Stokes’ law, 110, 209 Taupo ignimbrite, 210
Stoneley wave, 349 tensile vapor film, 235, 240, 246, 247
strain rate, 86, 252, 277, 279, 307, strength, 68, 132, 135, 136 instability, 247
311 ice, 279 vault, englacial, 281, 288
stratification, 307, 320 stress, 135, 283 velocity
stress tephra, 173, 233 critical, 161, 165
deviatoric, 14, 15 artificial, 244 eruption. See€eruption, velocity
intensity factor, 39, 54, 251, 252 deposit. 174, See€fall deposit lava flow, 88
refraction, 35, 43 dispersal. 153, 168, See€Chapter 9 profile, 185, 186, 215, 217, 222

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wind, 193 Voellmy rheology, 222 von Neumann point, 242

vent velocity. See€eruption, velocity Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann equation, Voronoi tessellation, 184
Venus, 259, 385, 387, 388 90 vulcanian explosion, 342, 351, 366,
very-long-period (VLP) event, 121, volatiles, 14, 18, 396 367, See€Chapter 7
123, 331, 332, 342, 365, 366, Cl and Fl, 59 Vulcano, 129
373 CO2 content, 58–59, 278, 284, 396
vesicles. 132, See€bubbles content, 168, 170, 190, 258, 263, W Mata volcano, 259, 269
vesicularity, 64, 132, 135, 136, 263, 268 water physics. See€Water
268, 288 diffusivity, 57–58, 60 water/magma mass ratio, 233, 245
vesiculated tuff, 234 H2O content, 58, 263, 278, 280, wave equation, 349, 360
vesiculation, 280, 284, 285 396 waveform inversion, 340, 350
Vesuvius, 158 solubility, 56–57, 268, 396 weak plume. See€plume, weak
vicosity sulfur content, 59 Weber number (We), 62, 68
lahar, 312 Volcanic Ash Advisory Center wind profile, 178, 183, 192
viscosity, 87, 89, 90–91, See€rheology, (VAAC), 182
magma/lava volcanic explosivity index (VEI), 177 yield strength, 86, 91–92
lahar, 302, 312 volcano-tectonic (VT) earthquake, lahar, 302, 311, 312
magma/lava, 132, 235, 258 332, 365 magma/lava, 66, 277, See€rheology,
viscous dissipation, 72, 211, 399, 400 volume-limited flow, 95, 98–99, 266 magma/lava, effect of crystals

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9780521895439ind_p414-422.indd 422 8/2/2012 1:21:09 PM
Figure 2.3╇╇Three scales of melt–crust interaction. (a) Dike network of 1.43 Ga Vernal Mesa pegmatite cross cutting 1.73 Ga
gneisses on the 670 m high Painted Wall, Black Canyon of the Gunnison, Colorado. Dikes were emplaced at about 10 km depth in
tensional opening during dextral/oblique shear on the Black Canyon shear zone (Jessup et al., 2006). (b) Orthogonal dike network
of ~1.69 Ga granite and pegmatite cross cutting 1.73 Ga granodiorite within Tuna Canyon, tributary to Upper Granite Gorge of
Grand Canyon. Dike networks in Grand Canyon reflect late-syntectonic granite dike swarms emplaced at about 20 km depth
(Dumond et al., 2007) during late stages of accretionary assembly of southwestern North American lithosphere (note geologist
for scale) (Ilg et al., 1996); photograph courtesy of Laurie Crossey. (c) Four generations of ~1.69 Ga granite dikes in Spaghetti
Canyon of Lower Granite Gorge of Grand Canyon, note pen for scale. Earlier dikes underwent ductile deformation before later
dikes were emplaced, suggesting an interplay of diking and ductile flow at middle crustal depths (Karlstrom and Williams, 2006);
photograph courtesy of Laurie Crossey.

9780521895439pla.indd 1 8/2/2012 12:27:02 PM

Figure 3.1╇╇ (a) Dike exposed by erosion on Piton des Neiges, Reunion Island (photo courtesy of N.Villeneuve).
The quasi two-dimensional geometry of dikes commonly adopted in theoretical models can be appreciated in this
view. Pervasive horizontal jointing was caused by lateral cooling. (b) Dike emplaced just at the surface during the
Nyiragongo eruption 2002 (photo courtesy of J.-C. Komorowski). A solidified crust can be seen but the magma that
occupied the interior of the dike was drained during the eruption.

Figure 3.4╇╇Temporal and spatial

distribution of dike opening from
time-dependent inversion of the 1997
seismic swarm at Izu Peninsula, Japan.
Each panel represents the dike plane,
viewed from the southwest, with depth
in kilometers along the vertical axis,
and along-strike distance in kilometers
along the horizontal axis. The color
represents the rate of dike opening,
measured in millimeters per day. Each
panel represents one day. From Aoki
et al. (1999).

Figure 3.9╇╇ Photographs of an experiment in which a dike

is supplied by a constant flux of liquid. The head and tail
structure of the dike can be seen. (a) In transmitted light the
dike is viewed normal to the propagation plane; the intensity
of the color represents the thickness of the dike head and
shows how it tapers to a thin tail. (b) In polarized light the
photo-elastic properties of the gelatin reveal the stress field
around the dike via birefringence, including the singularity
centered on the tip, and the absence of fringes around the
tail. The fringes appear to show that the elastic field does
not interact with the vertical boundaries of the gelatin. From
Taisne and Tait (2011).

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Figure 3.11╇╇ (a) Time-series of photographs normal to
the fissure plane for an experiment in which a fixed volume
of fluid was injected at the top of the tank. As the dike
propagates downwards, the thickness of the dike slowly
decreases; the head starts off with a strong color (i.e., is
relatively thick) but this diminishes as fluid is lost to the
trailing tail. (b) Dike thickness as a function of position,
derived from the fissure color intensity. Here hm is the
maximum thickness of the fissure, corresponding to the dark
red coloration. From Taisne et al. (2011b), reproduced with
permission from Springer.

Figure 3.14╇╇ Photographs from a

solidification experiment. (a) Frozen
wax remaining in the tank just after
the dike had reached the surface of
the gelatin. (b) Cross section through
the frozen wax after removal from
the tank in an experiment with strong
intermittent behavior. â•›The sample
brackets two large steps of progress,
and shows a strong variation in the
crust thickness: the thick crust that
formed at the end of step N was
breached and more wax flowed ahead
to form the thinner crust in step N+1,
which was last step of the experiment
as the dike reached the top of the tank.

9780521895439pla.indd 3 8/2/2012 12:27:08 PM

Figure 4.5╇╇ Dependence of rhyolitic
melt viscosity on temperature and
water content, after the empirical
formulation of Hess and Dingwell

(a) Qout (surface) Figure 5.4╇╇ (a) Two-component model

cracks exposing =Qrad + Qconv
hot core for the thermal structure of a lava flow
cool crust
surface, showing a chilled crust is broken
by cracks exposing the hot core, and the
main heat sources and sinks (modified
crust from Fig. 3 of Crisp and Baloga (1990)).
(b) Photograph of a pahoehoe breakout
Qin = Qadv + Qcryst
d core (~1 m wide) showing at least three
thermal components apparent from
the different colors; yellow (~1090â•›°C),
bright orange (~900â•›°C), dull orange
Qout (base) = Qcond (550–700â•›°C) and black (< 475â•›°C).
(c) Thermal image of pahohoe channel
(b) (c)
ºC (central portion is ~2 m wide and 5–6 m
990 long) showing active surfaces ranging
in temperature from ~400–1000â•›°C,
800 with lower temperatures marking older,
cooler crust developing on the flow
surface as it advances and ages.


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9780521895439pla.indd 5
Figure 5.6╇╇ (a) Maximum gradient path (yellow line) from Kilauea’s July 1974 vent location to the DEM edge (coast). (b) Stochastic flow path model
from Kilauea’s July 1974 vent location to the coast. Model applies DEM noise of 2 m and has been run for 20 iterations. (c) Twenty-iteration flow line runs
with 2 m of DEM noise for Kilauea’s July and December 1974 flows. Flow lines have been cut at the flow toe in each case to allow an assessment of the
fit with reality, as revealed by the black flow areas in this Thematic Mapper (TM) color composite. Simulations have been projected onto a near true color
(vegetation = bright green, lava = black) TM image of Kilauea.

8/2/2012 12:27:14 PM
Figure 5.7╇╇ FLOWGO simulation of Mauna Loa’s 1984 flow 1A channel. Model run uses the input conditions for Mauna Loa’s
1984 flow given in Table 5 of Harris and Rowland (2001). In executing the model the software first projects a maximum gradient
path (in yellow) from the selected vent point to the edge of the DEM. The cooling-limited distance that the channel-contained
control volume can travel down that flow path is then projected in red. Comparison of model output and field measured
parameters are given in the inset box.

Figure 7.8╇╇ (a) Recent eruption of Fuego volcano (Guatemala) showing release of a buoyant eruption cloud (thermal). (b)
Streak lines illustrating velocity vectors for a laboratory experiment of an isolated thermal, showing upflow in center of thermal
and downflow at the edges (modified from Turner, 1973).

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Figure 6.8╇╇ Eruption styles at Stromboli as defined by thermal and visible images (the left and right columns, respectively). Type
1 explosions are lapilli rich with little or no visible ash. Type 2 explosions have a greatly increased ash component, and can be
subdivided into 2a and 2b, representing events with and without a visible coarse (type 1 style) component (arrowed in the middle
panels). The white boxes in the thermal images indicate the field of view in the associated visible image. Reproduced from Patrick
et al. (2007, Fig. 3) with kind permission of Springer Science and Business Media.

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Figure 7.11╇╇ Pyroclastic density currents are generated when the pyroclastic mixture never becomes buoyant and collapses
due to gravity. â•›The collapse may initiate (a) a few meters above the vent (boil-over) or (b) hundreds of meters above the vent,
depending on the initial momentum (controlled by initial pressure and volatile content) and entrainment characteristics.

Figure 8.12╇╇ Results from the

numerical simulations of Suzuki et al.
(2005) illustrating the dynamics of (a)
a buoyant eruption column (magma
temperature 1000 K, mass flux = 107.6
kg s–1, and eruption velocity 150 m s–1);
and (b) a collapsing fountain (magma
temperature 1000 K, mass
flux = 108.65 kg s–1, and eruption velocity
150 m s–1). The colors represent the
density of the column relative to the
ambient atmosphere, with blue being
relatively buoyant and orange being
relatively dense.

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9780521895439pla.indd 9
Figure 10.10╇╇ 3D multiphase simulation of PDCs as a function of time (a) to (d). ╛After Neri et al. (2007). Note that PDCs are strongly influenced by

8/2/2012 12:27:38 PM
Figure 11.11╇╇ Explosive interaction after injection of water
into molten basaltic rock (Physikalisch-Vulkanologisches
Labor, Universität Würzburg).

(a) Figure 14.13╇╇ Sample outputs

0:00 (baseflow) from Delft3DTM simulations of the
March 2007 Crater Lake break-out
flow depth
(m) lahar at Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand.
(a) Snapshots of flow depth at
10 different time intervals showing
0:30 hr (Q ~ 650 m s )
–1 downstream propagation of lahar
8 and flooding of channel bifurcations.
(b) Depth-averaged flow velocity
illustrating higher flow speeds in
deeper parts of the channel. Courtesy
3 –1 4
1:00 hr (Qp ~ 2000 m s ) of J. Carrivick, unpublished data.

1 km


2:00 hr
flow velocity
(m s )

1 km

This inset 1:10 hr 1


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9780521895439pla.indd 11
Figure 14.14╇╇ Simulations of the 2005 Vazcún Valley lahar, Ecuador, generated using the two-phase version of TITAN2D. Flow depth distributions at final time-steps for
simulations of a 70 000 m3 volume for (a) 40 vol.% solids, and (b) 60 vol.% solids. Reprinted from Williams et al. (2008) with permission from Elsevier.

8/2/2012 12:27:43 PM
Figure 15.10╇╇ (a) Geometry of the upper 1 km of
conduit underlying the northern vent area of Stromboli. A
semi-transparent perspective cut-away view of the northwest
quadrant of the edifice including the sector graben of the
Sciara Del Fuoco, provides the reference for the location
and geometry of the conduit, which is derived from the
seismic source mechanisms obtained from inversions of
VLP signals associated with explosions. Surface illumination
from an external light source provides color contrasts,
emphasizing topographical features. A black line indicates sea
level. The summit of the volcano is 924 m above sea level (no
vertical exaggeration). The two flow disruption sites that are
sources of VLP elastic radiation are indicated by small white
circles. The irregular red and blue lines, respectively, mark
the surface traces of the dominant and subdominant dike
segments constituting the shallowest portions of the conduit
system. The eruptive vent is marked by a vertical arrow,
and temporary vents active during the flank eruption in
2002–2003 are indicated by green squares. The lateral extents
of individual dike segments are unknown and are shown
for illustrative purpose only. (b) Same as (a) for conduit
underlying the southern vent area. A slanted arrow points to
the southern vent. (c) Plunging view of the Sciara Del Fuoco
showing the two dike systems underlying the summit crater.
The conduit structure underlying the northern vent (marked
by a vertical arrow) is shaded green and that underlying the
southern vent (marked by a slanted arrow) is colored blue
(see (a) for details).

9780521895439pla.indd 12 8/2/2012 12:27:46 PM

Figure 16.2╇╇ Episodic tremor (a) pressure signal and (b) PSD as a function of time (spectrogram) recorded ~7
km from the Halemaumau Vent (HV). The episodic tremor is characterized by cyclical temporal variations caused by
filling and draining of the cavity at Halemaumau Vent, Kilauea Volcano. The variations are coincident with a capped
surface, or “gas piston,” rising and releasing an accumulated amount of gas, as well as with the rising and lowering
of an exposed, degassing lava surface. The degassing portions of this episodic tremor are consistent with elevated
infrasound, while the “capped” or quiescent lava surface correlates with little to no infrasound. The spectral peak
around 0.5 Hz is related to the cavity being excited into Helmholtz resonance by the release of accumulated gas.

Figure 16.5╇╇ (a) Waveforms, (b) spectrogram, and (c) radiated acoustic power (in black) and ash cloud top (in green)
for the suplinian to plinian Tungurahua eruption of 17 August 2006. The eruption was characterized by continuous
jetting for >10 hours, with some explosions as well. Acoustic power broadly scales with ash cloud height for this
eruption, particularly during the plinian phase of the eruption around 17 August 0600 UTC. From Fee et al. (2010b).

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Figure 16.4╇╇Time-corrected
Tungurahua (a) explosion
waveforms and (b) spectra
recorded at a distance of
5 km, 37 km, and 251 km. As
the distance is increased, the
signal loses high-frequency
energy and its duration is
extended. Nearest station data
courtesy of H. Kumagai.

Figure 9.8╇╇ Plot of log(erupted mass)

vs. plume height (km) showing the
minimum values of the goodness-of-fit
measure (RMSE; Eq. (9.15)) for the Etna
1998 tephra deposit. Erupted mass was
varied between 104 and 1011 kg with
0.2-log(mass) increments and the plume
height was varied between 4 and 20 km
with 2-km-height increments (Run 2,
Table 9.2). Resulting values were
interpolated to produce 2D RMSE
surfaces and the plot was cropped to
show only the interpolated surfaces.
Dark blue on the RMSE scale indicates
the minimum values (i.e., best fit). RMSE
values vary between 1 and 100 kg m–2
and are contoured with 25 kg m–2
contours (RMSE values > 20 kg m–2 were
observed only for erupted masses > 3 ×
1010 kg and were set equal to 20 kg m–2
for a better visualization of the minimum).

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9780521895439pla.indd 15
Figure 17.2╇╇ False color view of Mars topography with locations of key volcanic features labeled: 1 Olympus Mons; 2 Arsia Mons; 3 Pavonis Mons; 4 Ascraeus
Mons; 5 Alba Patera; 6 Elysium Mons; 7 Hecatus Tholus; 8 Albor Tholus; 9 Tyrrhenus Mons; 10 Hadriacus Mons; 11 Amphitrites Patera; 12 Peneus Patera; 13 Nili
Patera. Image: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.

8/2/2012 12:27:57 PM
Figure 17.6╇╇Volcanic features on Io. (a) Map of the Ionian surface showing key volcanic features. Image NASA/JPL/USGS;
merged Voyager and Galileo mosaic available at (b) These two
Galileo images show the appearance of a new, dark deposit 400 km in diameter that erupted from Pillan Patera in 1997, and
partly covering the large red deposit from Pele Patera. Image PIA00744, NASA/JPL/University of Arizona. (c) The New Horizons
Long Range Reconnaissance Imager captured this view of three of Io’s plumes on 28 February 2007. In the far north is the
390 km high Pele-type plume from Tvashtar volcano. In addition, a 60-km-high plume from Prometheus can be seen on the
western limb, and the top of Masubi’s plume can be seen poking into the sunlight from Io’s night side, to the south of the image.
Image PIA09248, NASA/Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute. (d) The floor of Tupan Patera
(75 km across) is partly covered with dark material, presumably lava, that appears significantly warmer in Near Infrared Mapping
Spectrometer data than the adjacent orange-colored “island,” parts of which are cool enough for SO2 to condense. Image
PIA03601, NASA/JPL. (e) The source of the Prometheus plume lies at the distal (westernmost) end of a compound pahoehoe
flow field. Image PIA02565, NASA/JPL/University of Arizona. Inset box shows the location of (f), which is a high-resolution
view of the active flow front. Dark areas on the flow show recent lava breakouts, older flow surfaces brghten with time due to
deposition of SO2 front from the plume. Fresh SO2 frost is also seen on the surrounding terrain. Image PIA02557, NASA/JPL/
University of Arizona. (g) Bright lobate features to the east of Emakong Patera have been interpreted as fresh sulfur flows. Image
PIA02539, NASA/JPL/University of Arizona.

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