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Chapter I


Background of the study

Job satisfaction is defined as “a pleasurable or positive emotional state

resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences” (Locke, 1976,). Job

satisfaction simply means that an employee is contented in his job. One enjoys

working even though the work is tough or difficult.

A teacher’s job is similar to other employees that one needs to comply the

task assigned. Ordinary employee needs to use his talent and skills and should

apply strategies to make work easy and systematic to achieve job satisfaction.

According to Kooustelios (2001), “Job satisfaction is the most interesting work for

many researchers”. Due to better performance shown by satisfied employees, it

is the top priority of all organizations to achieve the desired goals by increasing

their satisfaction. On the other hand, teachers need more talent, skills, and

strategies since they are dealing with students; it’s a job tougher than other jobs.

To become an effective teacher in the classroom one should be highly qualified

professional teacher to be able to work effectively in the job. Once they are

committed to their job, they give their best and maintain loyalty and strong

dedication to their job for fulfillment and satisfaction aside from economic

reasons and security.

Teachers are known to be the most important group of professionals.

Therefore, it is disturbing to know that many teachers nowadays are dissatisfied

with their jobs. One of the deteriorating conditions in an organization is low job

satisfaction (Keith Devi, 1993). According to Liu & Wang (2007), measuring

teacher’s job satisfaction is a responsibility of their administrators. It signifies the

amount of agreement between one’s expectations of the job and the rewards to

the job it provides. If a person is highly satisfied with his job then only will it be

considered as satisfaction.

According to Latham (1998, 83), “Job satisfaction can do more than help

retain teachers” Hence, there are still some teachers that are dissatisfied with

their jobs. Some factors include work assignment, salary, working environment,

policy and management, benefits and interpersonal relation. Furthermore, if

teachers are contented with their job, they will develop and maintain a high level

of performance that could produce high competitive learners.

In Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College, it is observed that the

teachers of the different departments are competent in teaching. They encourage

and support the dreams and aspirations of the students and contribute to the

betterment of the community. Faculty members are also projecting different

personalities and character traits to students.

The researchers’ interest is to determine the Job satisfaction of faculty

members at Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College. Using an adapted

survey, this study revealed the teaching job satisfaction of faculty members of

Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College.


Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to identify the teaching job satisfaction of faculty member

of Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College. Specifically, this study sought to

answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of faculty members of Zamboanga City State

Polytechnic College in terms of:

a) Age
b) Gender
c) Marital Status
d) Length of Service
e) Tenure (Permanent/Temporary/VL)
f) Educational Qualification
2. What are the factors that influence Teaching Job Satisfaction of Faculty

members of Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College in terms of :

a. Work and Assignment
b. Income and Salary
c. Intrinsic Reward
d. Working Condition and Environment
e. Interpersonal Relation

3. In which aspect of their job is the faculty members most and least

4. What is the overall teaching Job Satisfaction of Faculty Members of

Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College?

Significance of the Study

The role of a teacher plays an important tool for the transfer of knowledge

and skills to students in learning at school. Through this study, distinguishing the

relation between faculty members’ job satisfaction and commitment to

Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College will give information on which aspect

should be considered to promote teacher’s job satisfaction.


Therefore, this research raised awareness to faculty members on the causes

of dissatisfaction among their jobs that might decrease their work efforts. This

may serve as a guide to enhance the teaching and learning process by improving

faculty members’ job satisfaction through using the findings of this study. Finally,

this study can also give educators’ information about job satisfaction that can

help them and the administrators solve work-related problems that they have

been experiencing and will be encountering in the future.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focused on determining the Job Satisfaction of the Faculty

members of Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College. The factors that were

included in the study were work and assignment, income and salary, intrinsic

reward, working condition and environment and interpersonal relationship. The

researchers’ respondents were the faculty members in the different college

departments. 10 were selected from each department but High school faculty

members were not included and only visiting lecturers with at least 1 year of

service in the institution was included in the study. The survey was conducted

during the second semester school year 2016-2017

Chapter II


This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies which

have similar bearings to this study. This is very important because this gives

enlightenment to the present study which is about the job satisfaction of the

employees to their employer especially to the government employees such as


teacher, government firms, and many other agencies that bring out the

performance of the employees.

Related Literature

Job satisfaction is crucial not just for the employee but for employers as

well. A satisfied employee is an asset to the organization. According to the study

of A. Judge &Klinger (2008), it is necessary that the management know the

individual employee and the way they are handling their works. The management

should know how to determine either their employees are satisfied of their

position or not so that they can immediately find ways and means to improve the


According to synpniewska (2013), “Job satisfaction is an employee’s

positive attitude towards the company, co-workers, and finally the job”. Also, it

varies from the organization to organization, since job satisfaction influencing

factors such as working environment, job characteristic, opportunities for

employees and working environment differ according to organization (Harputlu,


Weiner (2000) stated that job satisfaction is dependent on the nature of

job itself which is integrated with job challenges, autonomy, skill variety and job

scope. Thus, nature of job itself is at the top places for researchers in order to

understand what makes people to be satisfied with their jobs.

According to Henderson (2003), some researchers agreed that individual

personality factor is closely related with the job satisfaction. Moreover, in the

study of Locke’s Job Satisfaction Theory, Job satisfaction is the extent to which

people are satisfied with the outcome of work. Workers are more satisfied with

their work if they get outcomes that are more valuable. Employees want to get

desirable rewards in return for their efforts.

According to Kaplan (2008), emotional aspect refers to ones feelings

regarding the job. Cognitive aspect refers ones thoughts and beliefs regarding

the job, and behavioral component refers to people’s actions with respect to the


Uitenback and De Wittle(2005), stated that job satisfaction is a feeling of

mind an individual likes as needs, ethics and hopes, the person assesses their

work regarding the factors being considered more important by them.

Researchers found that the factors such as work assignment, salary,

working environment, policy and management, benefits, and the interpersonal

relation play a significant role in influencing the teacher performances as well as

the quality of teaching. Thus, it is important to examine how these factors are

associated with increasing or decreasing the levels of teacher's job satisfaction in


The lack of support from school administrators, available laboratory

supplies, and low pay are negative factors decreasing teacher’s job satisfaction.

This decreases as they experience some problems related to student

misbehaviors, work load, relationships with the colleagues and administrators

salary, and career growth. Educational quality is largely related to the teacher job

satisfaction. The more teachers are happier, the better they teach (Hean &

Garrett, 2001). Thus, we need to maximize teacher satisfaction with sustained

efforts to improve teacher working conditions. The more we help teachers, the

more we continue to increase student learning and achievement.

Then in 2002, Brunetto and Wharton simply stated that Job satisfaction is

the extent to which employees gain enjoyment from their efforts in their


According to Saari and Judge (2004), Job satisfaction is a very important

aspect of an employee’s well-being and has emotional, cognitive and behavioral

components. They stated that there are three main streams about the job

satisfaction, the first stream is focusing on reasons of employee satisfaction, the

second is about the personal and organizational outcomes and the third one is

aiming to measure job satisfaction.

In the literature, Eker, (2007) has divided the job satisfaction into two

main categories: General satisfaction and Specific satisfaction. General

satisfaction refers to the overall satisfaction or overall evaluation for the job.

Specific Satisfaction is defined as an evaluation of various job aspects.

According to Wright and Kim (2004), Job satisfaction represents an

interaction between workers and work environment and between what they want

from their jobs. It is commonly explained using the person- environment fit

paradigm or needs-satisfaction model. The more a job fulfills the workers’ needs,

the higher their job satisfaction should be.


Thus, Yuewei Chen (2005) stated that if the employees have positive and

pleasant feelings about the work, their attitudes to the work are defined as job

satisfaction. On the other hand, if the employees have negative and unpleasant

feelings in their work, their attitudes to the work are defined as Dissatisfaction.

Related Studies

Jabnoun and others (2001) presented a study which identified the factors

affecting job satisfaction among teachers at selected secondary schools in

Malaysia. Evaluation of teacher satisfaction with intrinsic and extrinsic

components of the job found demographic variables to be significant.

In the study conducted by Indhumathi (2011), investigating the job

satisfaction and performance of 444 teachers at the secondary level were

selected randomly, it was found that there was a significant relationship between

job satisfaction and performance and the teachers in different categories of

schools differed significantly in both job satisfaction and teaching performance.

Maslow (1954 cited in Huber, 2006) arranged human needs along a five level

hierarchy from physiological needs, safety and security, belonging, esteem to

self-actualization. In Maslow’s pyramid, needs at the lower levels must be fulfilled

before those rise to a higher level. According to Maslow’s theory, some

researchers have approached on job satisfaction from the perspective of need

fulfillment (Regis & Porto, 2006; Worf, 1970). Job satisfaction as a match

between what individuals perceive they need and what rewards they perceive

they receive from their jobs (Huber, 2006).


However, overtime, Maslow’s theory has diminished in value. In the

Current trend, the approach of job satisfaction focuses on cognitive process

rather than on basic needs in the studies (Huber, 2006).

Some of the related studies presented herein have the relations to the

present investigation where some of these are revealing about the satisfaction of

teachers towards their work and also the leadership applied by the administrators

This study has a similarity to the research survey because if teachers are

satisfied to their work they are motivated to work hard and which they are

expected to accomplish things within their frame of performance.

Operational Key of Terms

To make the research easier to understand, the following terms are defined as

operationally used:

Faculty members- refer to the group of mentors who are facing with mixed

feelings of satisfy action and dissatisfaction on their jobs.

Income- refers to the salary of the instructors given every month by the school.

Interpersonal Relation- refers to the teamwork, consultation, friendliness, and

supportive relation with the administrators and faculty members of Zamboanga

City State Polytechnic College.

Intrinsic Reward- refers to the achievement, recognition, responsibility,

advancement, the work itself and the possibility of growth of the faculty member


Job Satisfaction- refers to the feelings of the employees toward their teaching

jobs and work environment.

Length of service- refers to the number of years the faculty member has served

the institution.

Working Condition- refers the availability of the basic infrastructure like the

school building, enough space, proper ventilation, furniture, games, and sports

facilities, teaching learning materials, safe environment-which is free from the

health hazards and proper place for the teacher to plan and work.

Chapter III


This chapter includes the research design, research environment, and the

research instrument that was utilized in data gathering, procedure, and statistical


Research Design

This research study is a quantitative research since it emphasizes

numerical analysis of data collected through questionnaire survey utilizing

statistics such as frequency, percentage, and weighted mean. It will be the best

design suited to pursue inquiry about the problem. It is also “practical” in the

sense that the researcher is free to use all methods possible to address a

research problem (Creswell, 2002).

It will investigate the relationship of variables that will also require

information which explains the problem. Therefore, this approach is more

convenient to get enough data on the faculty members’ job satisfaction at the

Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College.

Research Environment

This study was conducted at Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College.

It is a government agency of a higher education institution that offers graduate

and undergraduate degree programs. It is composed of five (5) departments

namely; Teacher Education Department (TED), Department of Maritime

Education (DME), Department of Arts and Sciences (DAS), Department of

Technology Education (DTE), and Institute of Technical Education (ITE). It also

offers Degree, Non-Degree and vocational courses.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study were the faculty members including the

visiting lecturers of at least 1 year of service in each department of Zamboanga


City State Polytechnic College, Zamboanga city who served the institution during

the 1st semester of the school year 2016-2017.

Sampling Technique

The faculty members and Visiting Lecturers were chosen per department.

In particular, purposive sampling was used to choose the respondents of the

study as total enumeration was not possible due to the non-availability of other

faculty members and visiting lecturers who were absent during data gathering.

This means that only those available were included as respondents. This study

comprised of 50 faculty members of at least 10 teachers per department.

Research Instrument

The instrument was composed of 3 parts. The first part was the information

of the respondent’s profile that includes their Gender, Age, Marital Status, Length

of Service, Tenure, and Educational Qualification. The second part was a rating

scale that includes their Work and Assignment, Income and Salary, Intrinsic

Reward, Working Condition Working Environment, and Interpersonal relation.

The Last part includes their overall Teaching job satisfaction.

Validation of Research Instrument

The research instrument was adapted from the study of Drukpa,S.

(2010). Job Satisfaction of Secondary School Teachers in Thimpu District of

Bhutan (Master Thesis, Mahidol University) in India. Not all items were taken

from this instrument and only 20 items were chosen. This research instrument

was validated by an English teacher.

Data Gathering Procedure


A letter of permission to conduct the research study was submitted to the

deans from the five Departments with the approval of our research professor,

panel members and adviser from Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College.

The survey questionnaire was distributed to the respondents who are the

faculty members of ZCSPC. Particular attention was given to make sure that the

instructions were properly followed. The respondents were given a survey

questionnaire but permission from the respondents was highly needed and

requested before conducting the survey.

Statistical Tools

The following statistical tools were used in the analysis of data.

Percentage-This tool will be used in the describing the profile of the


Frequency- This is used in determining the job satisfaction of the respondents

based on the survey questionnaire gathered.

Weighted Mean- This is used in determining the job satisfaction of the

respondents in the academic aspect.

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data answer the

research questionnaires given to the teachers of Zamboanga city state

polytechnic college (ZCSPC).


Problem 1. What is the profile of faculty members of Zamboanga City

State Polytechnic College in terms of:

a) Age
b) Gender
c) Marital Status
d) Length of Service
d) Tenure (Permanent/Temporary/VL)
e) Educational Qualification

Table 1
Profile of the respondents
Profile Frequency %

Age 6 12%
20-25 10 20%
26-30 6 12%
31-35 5 10%
36-40 7 14%
41-45 5 10%
46-50 7 14%
51-55 4 8%

Male 27 54%
Female 23 46%

Marital Status
Single 20 40%
Married 30 60%

Years of Service
0-5 25 50%
6-10 18 36%
11-15 2 4%
16-Above 5 10%

Bachelor’s Degree 20 40%
Master’s Degree unit 11 22%
Master’s Degree 7 14%
Doctor’s Degree unit 9 18%
Doctor’s Degree 3 6%

The table 1 present the profile of the respondents. As shown in terms of

age, there were 50 respondents, majority of the faculty members 20% aged 26 to

30 year old which implies that the institution has relatively young productive

teachers. Only 8% belongs to 56-60 years old age while the youngest among

them belong to 20-25 and the rest belong to the middle aged category.

In terms of gender majority of the ZCSPC Faculty members are male and

female comprising 54% of the respondents. While their female counterpart

composes only 46% of the respondents. This implies that there are more male

Faculty members than female in the institution.

In terms of civil status, majority of the respondents belong to married with

a percentage of 60 and 40 percent singles which means that, there are more

married teachers than the single teachers.

In terms of years of service, among the 50 respondents, majority of them,

50% have served the institution for 0-5 years. Only 10% were in the institution for

16 years and above while 36% of them have served from 6-10 years and 4% are

in the institution for 1-5 years. This implies that majority of the faculty members of

Zamboanga City State Polytechnic are new in service and have served the

institution for a few years only.

In terms of educational qualification, 40% of the respondents have a

bachelor’s degree. Only 22% has a master’s degree units, 14%ith the full pledge

master’s degree, and 18% with doctorate degree units and 6% ho I a full pledge

doctorate degree.

Problem 2. What are the factors that influence Teaching Job Satisfaction of

Faculty members of Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College in terms of:

a. Work and Assignment
b. Income and Salary
c. Intrinsic Reward
d. Working Condition and Environment
e. interpersonal Relation

Table 2

Teacher Job Satisfaction on

Work and Assignment

Work and assignment Weighted Description

You see teaching as an interesting job 3.84 Very satisfied
You are usually assigned with important 3.56 Very satisfied

You are happy with the given 3.70 Very satisfied

responsibilities because it gives you

opportunity to utilize your knowledge and


You have enough freedom to make your 3.54 Very satisfied

own decision within the given

Overall weighted mean 3.66 Very satisfied
Legend: Very Satisfied (VS) - 3.26-4.0 Satisfied(S) 2.51-3.25
Moderate (M) - 1.76-2.50 Not Satisfied (NS) -1.0-1.75

The table above shows that the overall weighted mean of the job

satisfaction among the faculty members of Zamboanga City State Polytechnic

College in terms of their work and assignment is 3.66 with the verbal

interpretation of “Very satisfied”. This shows that majority of the ZCSPC faculty

members are very satisfied on their jobs. This implies that the faculty members

sees teaching as an interesting job which obtained the highest weighted mean of

3.84 which means that the faculty members are happy and satisfied with the

tasks and opportunities that are given to them by the institution.

Table 3

Teacher Job Satisfaction on

Income and salary

Income and salary Weighted Description

You feel fairly paid with the appropriate 3.68 Very satisfied
wage level for the amount of work
Your monthly salary is sufficient enough 3.44 Very satisfied
to meet all important
You are very much underpaid in relation 3.44 Very satisfied
to the amount of work
You feel comfortable with your future 3.24 Satisfied
Overall weighted mean 3.45 Very satisfied
Legend: Very Satisfied (VS) – 3.26-4.0 Satisfied (S) -2.51-3.25
Moderate (M) – 1.76-2.50 Not Satisfied (NS) – 1.0-1.75

This table presents that the overall weighted mean of ZCSPC faculty

members’ Job satisfaction in terms of their income and salary is 3.45. It shows

that the faculty members feel fairly paid with the appropriate wage level for the

amount of their work which obtained the highest weighted mean of 3.68 with the

verbal interpretation of “Very satisfied” this means that majority of the faculty

members are contented with the monthly salary that they received from the

institution. However, it is observed that they are not much comfortable with their

future incomes with the weighted mean of 3.24 and the verbal interpretation of

“Satisfied” which means that some of the faculty members are not sure or

doubtful of their future incomes.

Table 4

Teacher Job Satisfaction on

Intrinsic Reward

Intrinsic Reward Weighted Description


You feel happy with the recognition and 3.56 Very satisfied
reward you get from doing a good job in
the institution.

You are content with the bonuses and 3.82 Very satisfied
incentives that you receive from the
You have opportunity to attend workshop 3.26 Very satisfied
and seminars within and outside the
school to broaden your experience.

You have potentials and capabilities to be 3.53 Very satisfied

promoted in accordance.

Overall weighted mean 3.54 Very satisfied


Legend: Very Satisfied (VS) – 3.26-4.0 Satisfied (S) -2.51-3.25

Moderate (M) – 1.76-2.50 Not Satisfied (NS) – 1.0-1.75

The table above show that the ZCSPC faculty member’s job satisfaction in

terms of their intrinsic reward gained the overall weighted mean is 3.54. It is

observed that the faculty members are contented with the bonuses and

incentives that they receive from the institution which obtained the highest

weighted mean of 3.82 and the verbal interpretation of “very satisfied” means that

the faculty members are happy with the intrinsic reward that is given to them by

the institution.


Teacher Job Satisfaction on

Working condition and environment

Working condition and environment Weighted Description

You are comfortable and happy working in 3.50 Very satisfied
this institution
You are contended with the school’s 3.34 Very satisfied
resources and physical environment
You are glad with the number of teaching 3.54 Very satisfied
loads allocated to you
The institution has a conducive teaching 3.58 Very satisfied
learning environment
Overall weighted mean 3.44 Very satisfied

Legend: Very Satisfied (VS) – 3.26-4.0 Satisfied (S) -2.51-3.25

Moderate (M) – 1.76-2.50 Not Satisfied (NS) – 1.0-1.75

The table presents that the overall weighted mean of the ZCSPC faculty

members’ job satisfaction in terms of their working condition and environment is

3.44 with the verbal interpretation of “Very Satisfied” This means that ZCSPC

faculty members are satisfied with their jobs in terms of their Working Condition

and Environment. Specifically, they are very satisfied with the learning

environment of the institution which obtained the highest weighted mean of 3.58.

This implies that the faculty members are comfortable with their working

condition in the institution and they see it as a conducive learning and teaching


Table 6

Teacher Job Satisfaction on

Interpersonal Relationship

Interpersonal Relationship Weighted Description

You are glad with the cooperation that you 3.60 Very satisfied
receive from the school management

Your colleagues value your contribution in 3.56 Very satisfied

the institution
You enjoy collegial relationship with fellow 3.86 Very satisfied
faculty members
Pleasant and friendly work atmosphere 3.96 Very satisfied
between you and your superiors

Over all weighted mean 3.74 Very satisfied

Legend: Very Satisfied (VS) – 3.26-4.0 Satisfied (S) -2.51-3.25
Moderate (M) – 1.76-2.50 Not Satisfied (NS) – 1.0-1.75

The table above presents that the ZCSPC faculty members’ job

satisfaction in terms of Interpersonal Relationship obtained the overall weighted

mean of 3.74 and was interpreted as “Very Satisfied”. This implies that the faculty

members have a pleasant and friendly working atmosphere with their superiors

or administrators which obtained the highest weighted mean of 3.96 with the

verbal interpretation of “Very Satisfied” which means that most of the faculty

members established a good relationship with their colleagues and

administrators and value the contribution of each member in the institution.

PROBLEM 3. In which aspect of their job is the faculty members most and
least satisfied?

Table 7

Aspect of their job the faculty members are most satisfied

Number of Percentage
Work and assignment 14 28%
Income and salary 14 28%
Interpersonal relation 9 18%
Working condition and 8 16%
Intrinsic reward 5 10%
TOTAL 50 100%
Based on the responses of the respondents, majority of them are most

satisfied in terms of their income and salary and in their working assignment.

This implies that the faculty members are contented and are well paid for the

amount of their work and their work assignment in the institution.

Based on the responses of the respondents, majority of them, specifically

48% of the respondents answered that they are least satisfied in terms of their

work condition and environment which means that the faculty members are not

much comfortable in their working condition in the institution.


Aspect of their job the faculty members are least satisfied

Number of Percentage
Working condition and 24 48%

Income and salary 12 24%

Intrinsic reward 12 24%
Work and assignment 1 2%
Interpersonal relation 1 2%
TOTAL 50 100%
Based on the responses of the respondents, majority of them, specifically

48% of the respondents answered that they are least satisfied in terms of their

work condition and environment which means that the faculty members are not

much comfortable in their working condition in the institution.

PROBLEM 4. What is the overall teaching Job Satisfaction of Faculty

Members of Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College ?

Table 9
Overall teaching Job Satisfaction of Faculty Members of Zamboanga City State

Polytechnic College

Rating Scale

Rating Scale f
10 0
9 2
8 22
7 15
6 0
5 11
Note: Scale from 1 to 10

In over most of the respondents rated their job satisfaction with the rating

7-8, which indicate that the faculty members of the zamboanga city state

polytechnic college very satisfied evidence in their responses of very satisfied

with their job

Chapter 5

Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter present the findings arrived in this study, the conclusion framed from

the findings, the recommendation pointed by the researcher’s delight of the

findings and conclusions of the study.


From the findings, the researchers found out that the factor that affects the

teaching job satisfaction of faculty members of Zamboanga City State

Polytechnic College include working assignment, income and salary, intrinsic

reward, working conditional, and environment and interpersonal relation. Majority

of the faculty members were satisfied with this factors as many of them

responded. “Very satisfied”. Particularly, the respondents were found to be most

satisfied with their income and salary as they feel they are ell paid for their

amount of work. However, it is also observed that they are least satisfied on the

aspect of their work and assignment.


The following recommendations are found appropriate for the study.

1. Teachers should strive to become full pledged MA’s to upgrade their

qualification as it is a basis for promotion. It is also to prepare themselves for

changes in the educational system in the future.

2. As teacher are satisfied with the way things are, they should not stop there.

They should strive for excellence in job satisfaction.


3. Since teacher is a very satisfying job, then efforts should be made by the

ZCSPC to make this known in order to inspire more students to take up teaching.

4. The administration should try to improved institutes working condition by aiding

more research facilities to teachers and also by making necessary adjustments in

improving the classroom environment as well.



Republic of the Philippines

Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
R.T Lim Boulevard, Zamboanga City

May 2017

Dear Respondents,

The undersign are 4th year Technology Livelihood Education Students,

conducting a research entitled “Factors Affecting Teaching Job Satisfaction
among Faculty Members of Zamboanga City State Polytechnic”

In this regards, you have been chosen to be the respondents of the present
study. Please feel free to answer the question honestly, rest assured your
response will be treated as confidential.

Thank you.

Very truly yours,

Anuya, Jarry Mae G.

Arevalo, Kristy Kaye T.
Mangulad, Nicole F.
Rivera, Renelou G.
Villagracia, Charls Wylborn D.

Noted By:
Dr. Remegio D. Tubaña


Republic of the Philippines

Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
R.T Lim Boulevard, Zamboanga City

Memorandum to/for:

__________________Mr. Ronel A. Baluntang

__________________Mr. Walter Perez
__________________Mr. Manuelito Tibor Jr.
__________________Dr. Remegio D. Tubaña

The undersigned students are schedule to present the Final Oral Defense
of their research study entitled “Factors Affecting Teaching Job Satisfaction
among Faculty Members of Zamboanga City State Polytechnic”

The date, time, and venue of the presentation of the title defense of their
research are indicated below:

Date Time Venue

Name of the Students

Anuya, Jarry Mae G.

Arevalo, Kristy Kaye T.
Mangulad, Nicole F.
Rivera, Renelou G.
Villagracia, Charls Wylborn D.

Please indicate if you are available on above schedule time and date.

Elizabeth Jane P. Sebastian

Dean, Teacher Education Department


Republic of the Philippines

Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
R.T Lim Boulevard, Zamboanga City

Survey – Questionnaire for Factors Affecting Teaching Job Satisfaction

among Faculty Members of Zamboanga City State Polytechnic


Name (Optional): ___________________________________

Gender (Check one √): Male [ ] Female [ ]

Age: __________

Marital Status (Check one√): Married [ ] Single [ ] Widow [ ] Widower [ ]

Separated [ ]

Teaching tenure in ZCSPC (Check one √):

Permanent [ ] Temporary [ ] Visiting Lecturer [ ]

Years of service in ZCSPC (Check one √):

[ ] 0-5 Years [ ] 11-15 Years

[ ] 6-10 Years [ ] 15 years above

Educational Qualification (Check one√):

[ ] Bachelor’s Degree

[ ] Master’s Degree Unit

[ ] Master’s Degree

[ ] Doctoral Degree Units

[ ] Doctoral Degree


Please respond to all items given below by putting a Check (√) in the

appropriate space using the following scale.

VS- Very Satisfied

S- Satisfied
M- Moderate
NS- Not Satisfied

Work and assignment VS S M NS Mean

You see teaching as an interesting job
You are usually assigned with important task
You are happy with the given responsibilities because
it give you opportunity to utilize your knowledge and
You have enough freedom to make your own decision
within the given responsibilities
Income and salary
You feel fairly paid with the appropriate wage level for
the amount of work
Your monthly salary is sufficient enough to meet all
important expenses
You are very much underpaid in relation to the
amount of work you do
You feel comfortable with your future incomes.
Intrinsic Reward
You feel happy with the recognition and rewards you
get from doing a good job in the institution.
You are contented with the bonuses and incentives
that you receive from the institution.
You have potentials and capabilities in accordance
with your competence
You have opportunity to attend workshop and
seminars within and outside the school to broaden
your experience.
Working condition and environment
You are comfortable and happy working in this
You are contended with the school’s resources and
physical environment
The institution has a conducive teaching learning

You are glad with the number of teaching loads

allocated to you

You are glad with the cooperation that you receive
from the school management team
Your colleagues value your contribution in the
You enjoy collegial relationship with fellow faculty
Pleasant and friendly work atmosphere between you
and your superiors

Overall Mean


1. In which aspect of your job a s a teacher are you most satisfied?

Income and Salary [ ]

Intrinsic Reward [ ]

Working Condition and Environment [ ]

Interpersonal Relationship [ ]

2. In which aspect of your job a s a teacher are you least satisfied?

Income and Salary [ ]

Intrinsic Reward [ ]

Working Condition and Environment [ ]

Interpersonal Relationship [ ]

3. What is your Overall teaching Job Satisfaction of Faculty Members of

Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College?

Satisfied [ ] Dissatisfied [ ]


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Attitudes and Job Motivation.
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Kazi, G., & Zadeh, Z. (2011). The Contributions of Individual Variables: Job
Satisfaction and Job Turnover. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary
Research in Business.
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Medina, E. (2012). Job satisfaction and employee turnover intention: What does
organizational culture have to do with it? Columbia University.
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Grant, A. M., Fried, Y., & Juillerat, T. (2010). Work matters: Job design in classic
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Reese, Jordan. Lehigh Study: Job Satisfaction not a major factor in retirement
expectations. Lehigh University. 2013. Retrieved from:

Name: Renelou G. Rivera

Address: Lacasteville, Pasonanca Zamboanga City

Date of Birth: October 14, 1995

Place of Birth: Zamboanga City

Father’s Name: Rene O. Rivera

Mother’s Name: Merlyn G. Rivera

Elementary Education: Pasonanca Elementary School


Secondary Education: Don Pablo Lorenzo Memorial High School (2011-2012)

Higher Education: Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College (2016-2017)

(Bachelor of Secondary Education major in TLE)


Name: Nicole F. Mangulad

Address: Lumbangan, Zamboanga City

Date of Birth: May 18, 1995

Place of Birth: Zamboanga City

Father’s Name: Ernesto G. Mangulad

Mother’s Name: Imelda B. Mangulad

Elementary Education: Lumbangan Elementary School (2007-2008)

Secondary Education: Culianan National High School (2011-2012)

Higher Education: Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College (2016-2017)

(Bachelor of Secondary Education major in TLE)


Name: Kristy Kaye T. Arevalo

Address: Lumiyap extn. Divisoria, Zamboanga City

Date of Birth: August 28, 1995

Place of Birth: Batu, Siay, Zamboanga Del Sur

Father’s Name: Jerry O. Arevalo SR.

Mother’s Name: Evangeline T. Arevalo

Elementary Education: Divisoria Elementary School (2007-2008)

Secondary Education: San Antonio National High School (2011-2012)

Higher Education: Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College (2016-2017)

(Bachelor of Secondary Education major in TLE)


Graduation Photo

Name: Charls wylborn D. Villagracia

Address: Kabasalan, ZSP

Date of Birth: November 25, 1992

Place of Birth: Zambo. Regional Hospital, Zamboanga City

Father’s Name: Edison J. Villagracia

Mother’s Name: Josephine D. Villagracia

Elementary Education: Kabasalan Central Elementary School


Secondary Education: Zamboanga City High School Main (2011-2012)

Higher Education: Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College

(Bachelor of Secondary Education major in TLE)


Name: Jarrymae G. Anuya

Address: Zone 8, calle Fatima, ayala zamboanga City

Date of Birth: January 12, 1995

Place of Birth: Ayala, Z.C

Father’s Name: Ramonito D. Anuya

Mother’s Name: Neria G. Anuya

Elementary Education: Ayala Central School (2007-2008)

Secondary Education: Ayala National High School (2011-2012)

Higher Education: Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College (2016-2017)

(Bachelor of Secondary Education major in TLE)

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