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Loyola Digital Technology Internship Proposal

Evan Dougherty
Catonsville High School

Internship Goals:
For staff at Catonsville High School to become educated with several new technology tools that
they can implement into their daily lessons in order to promote student engagement,
collaboration, and feedback. Staff will also have a platform to access instructions on how to use
these various technology tools.

Internship Objectives:
● To collaborate and team with the schools STAT teacher in order to provide individual,
department, and school wide professional development opportunities to the rest of the
staff on a weekly basis.
● To create a website where teachers will be able to access instructions on various
technology tools taught throughout the school year.
● To prepare staff for next years one to one device rollout at Catonsville High School.
● To provide detailed professional development on Onenote so that the staff can begin to
transition away from using the school's shared drive.

● Team with the schools STAT teacher and principal to develop a plan on when
professional development should be given to the staff, and how often.
● During the first faculty meeting of the year, administer a survey to the staff in order to
gather data on what technology tools they would be most interested in learning about.
● Elect teacher leaders, who have experience with certain tech tools, to assist with
professional developments, and act as a resource for teachers to go to for help.
● Facilitate weekly professional development opportunities with individual teachers,
departments, grade levels, and the entire staff.
● Create website or online database for teachers to access instructions and materials on the
various technology tools taught throughout the school year.
● Send out feedback surveys after each professional development in order to self assess and
● Provide training for staff members on Onenote and Onedrive.
● Provide training to staff members on how to effectively integrate student cell phone use
into daily lessons.

Internship Overview:
During my internship at Catonsville High School, I would like for my staff to become

more knowledgeable with various tech tools introduced throughout the school year, have access

to this information via website, be better prepared on how to use Microsoft 365, and be overall

better prepared for the new technology rollout next year. In order to do this I will first need to

gather data on what tech tools my staff is already knowledgeable about, what tools they want to

learn about, and which tools are more appropriate for certain content areas. I will do this by

conducting a survey, via Microsoft Forms, during the first faculty meeting of the year. Once I

gather this data, I will sit down with my schools STAT teacher and together we will map out a

timeline for when these tools will be taught. We will also be able to figure out the percentage of

teacher that fall into the Entry and Adoption stages of ACOT. By the end of the year we would

like for most teachers to move into the Appropriation and Innovation stages of the ACOT.

Instruction will be given every Tuesday during lunch periods or after school. This

instruction will be individual, by department, by grade level, or even sometimes to the entire

staff. Adult learners prefer choices. Throughout the year participants will be given a choice of

what tech tool they would like to learn about. They will also have the choice of when they would

like to learn about their selected tech tool. Every presentation, handout, or instructions will be

posted onto the Tech Tuesday website for all teachers to access at any time. Some of the tech

tools covered will include; Microsoft online basics, resources of BCPSOne, Edmodo, Padlet,

Voicethread, NearPod, Discovery Board Builder, SeeSaw, Kahoot, and Socrative. In order to

present these tools to my staff I will provide face to face instruction, as well as resources like

Powerpoint, Screencastomatic, and webinars. These Tech Tuesday sessions will have a mix of

synchronous sessions and asynchronous sessions.

In order to meet our goals for this school year, we must address Ely’s Eight Conditions of

Change. Placing presentations, resources, and instructions for various tech tools on a website will

give teachers access to the new information at all time. By giving synchronous sessions at

different times during the day, as well as asynchronous sessions will help our staff with the

availability of time. Electing other staff to help teach some of these tech tools will help boost the

participation, commitment, and leadership of our desired change. In order to evaluate and assess

my staff’s learning throughout the school year, I have created a profile for each staff member on

Microsoft OneNote. Once a staff member attends a Tech Tuesday session it will be recorded in

their profile. This way I will be able to keep track of what staff members have received training

on certain tech tools. Staff members will also be required to fill out a feedback form after each

PD. I will encourage staff members to share their experiences of when they use these new tech

tools in their own classrooms.

PD Timeline:

TBD once we gather the data from the survey during the first faculty meeting on 10/2/17.

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