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The purpose of a recount text is to describe past experiences by retelling events in the order in which they happened
(chronological order). Tujuan dari Recount text adalah digunakan untuk menguraikan pengalaman-pengalaman yang telah tejadi
dengan menceritakan peristiwa-peristiwa atau kejadian-kejadiannya.
Generic Structure of Recount text :
Orientation : Menyebutkan orang atau benda yang melakukan atau terlibat dan juga menyatakan waktu, tempat, dan
Events : Kejadian-kejadian yang disampaikan secara berurutan.
Reorientation : Berisi komentar pribadi (merangkum kejadian)

Last holiday, I had a travel to Bandung. I visited my grandparents. I went there together with my parents. I
wanted to enjoy my holiday.
I left home at about 4 a.m on Sunday. First I went to the railway station by taxi. “What a bright afternoon” I
said to my mother. I saw some people cycling, some other had sightseeing.
After I arrived at the railway station, I got on the train, I took our seat. I sat next to my father. I sat near the
Events window because I wanted to enjoy the view out side of the train window along the way.
At about five A.M the next day, the train arrived at Bandung railway station. I got taxi to my grandparents’ house. What
a busy city, I saw many people took sport along the road, because it was Sunday morning.
I was very tired when I reached my grandparents’ house. I have traveled too long distance. It was tiring, but I
Reorientation was very happy.

 GOAL (Fungsi/tujuan)
To amuse/entertain the reader (untuk menghibur para pembaca)
 GENERIC STRUCTURE (Sistematika penulisan)
1. Orientation = Menceritakan aktor utama, karakter, tempat, waktu
2. Complication = Menceritakan masalah yang terjadi
3. Resolution = Penyelesaian masalah (biasanya dilakukan oleh aktor utama)
4. Reorientation = kesimpulan/akhir cerita (dapat berakhir bahagia atau sedih)
There was a beautiful girl named PutriKemuning. She lived with her mother in
a forest. They earned their living by collecting firewood., then sold them to the Orientation
villagers nearby.

One day, PutriKemuning’s mother was sick. PutriKemuning was very upset
because she had no money to buy some medicines for her mother. The rabbit,
PutriKemuning’s friend, knew that. He came to her and gave a ring. He told her Complication
that he found the ring in the forest. It belonged to the King NgarancangKencono.
He dropped it when he was hunting.

The rabbit asked PutriKemuning to sell the ring so she could use the money
to buy medicines. PutriKemuning refused to sell it. On the contrary, she gave the Resolution
ring back to the King.

Finally, the King gave PutriKemuning a bag full of gold coins. Then, she Reorentation
bought medicines for her mother.

A procedural text is designed to describe how to make somethingthrough a sequence of actions or steps.
The structure of this text consists of three parts:
 Goal (or title)
 Materials (not required for all procedural texts)
 Steps
However there is a procedural text that only consist of goal and followed by some steps.

-Liquid milk -a glass Materials
-Hot water -a spoon
First, boil water
Second, put milk into the glass Steps
Third, put the boiling water into the glass and stir well

1. Social Function/Communicaive purpose :

To describe a particular person, place, or thing.
2. Generic structure/schematic structure :
a. Identification (berisi informasi umum beserta klasifikasinya)
b. Description (Penjelasan lebih lanjut tentang sifat, ciri, bentuk dan penjelasan lainnya.)

Contoh1 :

Dani has a hobby. His hobby is sport, esspecially jogging.
Jogging is run slowly and steadily for a time. He likes jogging because it is simple and
cheap. It doesn’t need many equipment and much money. He just needs a set of sport
clothes and a pairs of running shoes.
He always jogs every Sunday morning with his friends. They usually do jogging
at Manahan stadium. It is very crowded on Sunday morning and holiday. He never absent
for jogging except he gets sick or rain. So it, sport amazed if he has a strong and healthy


Descriptive Text Report Text

Pengertian Sebuah teks yang memberikan penjelasan hal Sebuah teks yang memberikan penjelasan hal
yang lebih khusus yang lebih umum

Tujuan Untuk memberikan informasi, Untuk memberikan informasi,

menggambarkan, atau menjelaskan fenomena menggambarkan, atau menjelaskan fenomena
khusus tentang berbagai hal, baik masalah umum tentang berbagai hal, baik masalah
lingkungan, pendidikan, sosial, politik, budaya lingkungan, pendidikan, sosial, politik, buday
dan sebagainya. dan sebagainya.

Struktur Identification: berisi informasi umum Identification: berisi informasi umum

Teks beserta klasifikasinya. beserta klasifikasinya.
Description : Penjelasan lebih lanjut tentang Description : Penjelasan lebih lanjut tentang
sifat, ciri, bentuk dan penjelasan lainnya. sifat, ciri, bentuk dan penjelasan lainnya.
Menggunakan simple present Menggunakan simple present

Contoh Perbedaan :


A house is a place to shelter in from extreme temperature, sunheat, etc. It is constructed from floor, wall,
door(s) and window(s), and roof. It has some kinds of rooms and kitchen in it.

Sebuah rumah adalah tempat untuk berlindung dari suhu ekstrim, terik matahari, dll. Terdiri dari lantai, dinding, pintu
dan jendela. Terdapat ruang dan dapur didalamnya.


Mr. Rahman is a rich man, he has a big house. It is a two-stairs house. In the down stair, there are two living
rooms, three bedroom, a dining room, a kitchen, two bathrooms, two toilets, and a garage. While in the
upstair, there are living room, four bedrooms, a bathroom and a toilet.

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