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Trends and Issues in Virtual Communities

Rebecca Gray

LIS 674: Virtual Communities

Dr. A.S. Chow

July 15, 2018



Virtual Communities and social media are currently on the rise. The objective of this paper is

therefore to provide an overview of how these changes have impacted the library field. To gain

an understanding of the concept of virtual communities, a scholarly definition is provided.

Furthermore, to portray a more detailed picture of social media usage and virtual community

involvement, personal accounts will be outlined along with descriptions of the extent of use by

family and friends. The trends and issues of both virtual communities and social media are

reviewed in light of their historical background, pros and cons, successful use by libraries, and

potential future uses for libraries. The conclusions focus on recommendations for how libraries

can optimize their use of social media to enhance and increase their connections to community

members virtually. The current literature demonstrates that libraries should connect with their

communities using social media, however understanding how to use it effectively can ultimately

determine whether the virtual community will thrive or not.

Keywords: virtual communities, social media, library trends


Trends and Issues in Virtual Communities

I. Introduction

We are all part of communities on a number of levels. Whether it is with members of

your neighborhood or city, or the people you see on a daily basis at work, we are inevitably

interconnected with other people. Typically, when one thinks of community, physical proximity

comes to mind. However, virtual communities exist in which members do not necessarily ever

come into physical contact with one another. Virtual communities are unbelievable in the sense

that they can link people in a number of ways without being restricted by physical closeness.

With the rise of social media and the growth in technology, virtual communities are making a

huge impact on our lives. The purpose of this paper is to gain an understanding of the existence

and functionality of virtual communities and determine its relation to the field of library and

information science.

A. What is a Virtual Community

So, what exactly is a virtual community? Defining the basic word community can be

difficult because the term can have varying meanings for different people. Thus, creating a

universally accepted definition for “virtual community” can be quite challenging. Nevertheless,

in an article by Porter (2004) she describes virtual communities as “an aggregation of individuals

or business partners who interact around a shared interest, where the interaction is at least

partially supported and/or mediated by technology and guided by some protocols or norms”.

Evidently, there are numerous types of virtual communities can exist.


B. Your Experiences with Virtual Communities

When I consider my experiences with virtual communities, I immediately think of

WhatsApp. I originally joined WhatsApp as soon as it came out in the year 2009. At the time, I

was living in Canada, and I was limited in terms of texting friends or family outside of the

country, because my cell phone plan did not include international texting. WhatsApp allowed me

to text friends and families using my internet connection. Slowly, I began to use WhatsApp as

my preferred method for text messaging, so much so, that today I rarely use regular texting. I

believe that one of the main reasons for this is the greater speed of delivery of WhatsApp

messages compared to text messages. In the past few years WhatsApp has added many features

that contribute to the development of virtual communities. For example, WhatsApp groups are a

great example of a group of people communicating and connecting with each other virtually.

Personally, I am part of several groups, all with different purposes. Nonetheless, each group is

essentially its own “virtual community.” WhatsApp keeps increasing the maximum number of

participants allowed in a group, so these communities can grow if necessary. For me, WhatsApp

is and continues to be a positive experience.

Aside from WhatsApp, my participation in the LIS online education program at UNCG is

probably the next most significant in terms of active involvement with virtual communities.

Technology has allowed me to partake in a master’s program with other students, while living

miles away from the physical campus. Not only am I able to learn the required material, but

engagement with other students through live conversations and asynchronous discussion forums

has made me feel part of a virtual community. Rather than feeling isolated in my learning and

studies, I am essentially connected to other students and teachers in my courses, and in the

program at large. This community has a focussed goal which contributes to its overall

constructiveness. The promotion of discussion amongst students throughout the different courses

significantly impacts the effectiveness of this virtual community. My participation in this group

has demonstrated for me what a successful virtual community can provide for its members.

I have never been an avid social media user outside of email and texting groups.

However, a few months ago I joined Instagram. The purpose was to be able to enter contests and

giveaways from local vendors that were using this platform. Although I do not blog or post

anything myself, I definitely spend time looking at other people’s pictures and comments. I think

my main concern with posting pictures is the potential lack of privacy. Personally, I do not

necessarily feel a great level of connectedness or belonging to other Instagram users. However,

my limited use of Instagram has clearly allowed me to see that many people do feel linked to one

another. Functions such as following another Instagram user, posting pictures, commenting on

other posts, and live stories, have enabled people from across the globe to become part of a

shared community.

C. To What Extent are They Used by You, Family, and Friends?

The extent to which my family members use social media and participate in virtual

communities varies. While many use basic platforms like Waze and WhatsApp for personal use

on a day to day basis, others are more engaged due to their work life. For example, some rely on

Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn for publicity and outreach. Obviously, the latter group has

an additional need and purpose for social media. I have noticed that a number of family members

have tried to restrict their use of work-related social media activities to the office. I have also

observed, that older family members have an easier time doing this than younger ones.

Regardless, it is clear that we interact with social media platforms on a day to day basis.

Social media has definitely changed the way my friends and I interact. Rather than having to

physically meet up with someone or make a phone call, there are so many ways to connect. I

have certainly noticed that amongst friends, the phone conversations are limited while

interactions on social media have increased. Many of my friends like to stay active on platforms

such as WhatsApp, Instagram, and Snapchat. It can become frustrating when trying to spend

time with one another, only for one or both parties to be distracted and engaged with virtual

communities on their phones. This is obviously reflective of our attachment to virtual

communities and social media. It is sometimes interesting to ponder about how our involvement

with virtual communities has affected our participation in physical communities.

On a personal level, I rely on social media for basic contact with friends and family members

It has become a convenient way for me to stay in touch with those who do not live close by. I

enjoy sending pictures directly to family members who I do not see frequently, so that they can

feel connected to what is happening in my life. Likewise, I appreciate receiving photos and

feeling involved in their lives, even though I am miles away. In addition to personal uses I have

benefitted from social media platforms and virtual communities for school and work-related

purposes. All of these activities would not be possible without the formation of various social

media platforms.

II. Trends & Issues

A. Describe the history of social media and the formation of virtual communities

For better or for worse, in today’s day and age we have grown so accustomed to the site

of seeing others directly in our presence, completely plugged into technological devices while

engaged in “social” activity. It’s almost hard for many of us to recall a time before this typical

scene existed. The question is, when did this all begin? When did social media become such a

widespread phenomenon?

In the book titled “The Culture of Connectivity: A Critical History of Social Media” by

Jose van Dijck (2103), the author dedicates a chapter to understanding the rise of social media.

Obviously, the invention of the World Wide Web in the year 1991, marked a significant

milestone. This development ultimately created an entirely new form of communication. At this

point in time, networked media were actively used by participants to connect with other users.

The internet simply remained the medium that allowed people to communicate with one another.

The advance of Web 2.0 that began at the turn of the century essentially changed the role of

networked media. Whereas previously the internet provided services that one could choose to

use, Web 2.0 saw to it that specific channels became interactive social networks.

As Web 2.0 developed, so did the availability and variety of social media platforms.

Simultaneously, people began to transfer many of their daily activities, specifically social ones,

to online environments. Obviously, as more people joined, more social activity occurred using

these internet generated platforms. Ultimately, virtual communities began to grow and spread as

people inevitably began to connect with others online. This occurrence was a major breakthrough

with regards to communication (van Dijck, 2013).

Upon studying several of the major social media platforms that began to emerge, it

becomes apparent that each one targeted a specific online activity. Many of their names were

used as branding tools to promote their specific features that they contributed to online

communication. With the expansion of social media platforms, novel ways of online

communication were continuously introduced to the public. Specific verbs even emerged that

described either a general form of online communication or referred to an action within a


specific platform. For example, “tweeting”, the action of making a post on Twitter, has become a

part of our language (van Dijck, 2013). Over the years there have been a variety of social media

platforms that have been launched.

Evidently, social media and its facilitation of virtual communities has become a popular

form of communication. It connects people from all different parts of the world who wish to

share all different types of information. Nevertheless, social media and the current capacity of a

virtual community is not a finished product, but rather an ever growing and expanding


B. Discuss the Pros and Cons of Social Media and Virtual Communities

It is clear that virtual communities are not only a current form of communication, but a

popular choice for many individuals. As with many lifestyle changes, there are both pros and

cons to social media and virtual communities. Social Networking (2018) provides a

comparison of a number of the pros and cons. Several pros for social media include the increased

speed at which important information can travel, enabling new friendships and relationships, and

the ability to connect with others who are facing similar challenges and providing support for

one another. Additionally, social media can be used to find new jobs, enable senior citizens to

feel more connected to society, and create and empower virtual communities aimed at making

positive social changes. Despite the positive aspects of social media just listed, there are

numerous drawbacks that ought to be mentioned. Firstly, social media can be used to spread

unreliable and false information. Additionally, lots of time can be wasted browsing through

various social media platforms. Social media also reduces the amount of time people spend

interacting face to face with others. Cyberbullying has now become a new challenge for our

generation due to social media. These are just a few examples of the detriments that social media

can cause. It is also important to remember that the pros and cons outlined here vary in terms of

their degree with respect to different social media platforms.

When considering the pros and cons of social media and virtual communities, it can also

be helpful to study them in relation to a specific framework. For example, virtual communities

formed through online education classes can pose a unique set of challenges. Obviously, the

availability of online classes can be extremely convenient for many individuals. As Chow (2013)

points out, it provides an opportunity for one to pursue an education in addition to one’s current

daily activities. One does not necessarily need to relocate or quit a job. Nevertheless, Chow

(2013) stresses the importance of establishing a strong academic learning community. This

applies to both face to face learning and online learning, regardless if it is synchronous or

asynchronous. Whereas with face to face classrooms it can be easier to facilitate social

exchanges between the students and the teachers, it is equally important to design an online

course that includes consistent interactions between both the students themselves, and between

the students and the teacher. There are a variety of ways for this to be accomplished while still

being mindful of student preferences with regards to the precise structure of an online class.

Nevertheless, it is clearly important to address the potential difficulties that can be encountered

within the context of a virtual classroom.

From a business standpoint, there are some arguments both in favor of and against social

media outlined by the Government of Canada (2017). Some benefits of using social media

include the ease of interactive communication with potential clients and the ability to obtain

feedback from a specific audience without having to incur high fees. Additionally, businesses

can improve their standing in search engine results, which can potentially lead to greater profits.

Using social media for business purposes can also help establish connections with audiences that

may otherwise not have been reachable. Although there are clearly positive aspects to using

social media for business purposes there are also several concerns. For instance, sharing too

much sensitive information can obviously create a security threat. Furthermore, computer

hackers can pose a risk to both the privacy of the business and of the customers. Bad reviews on

a business social media account can create widespread negative publicity and can be extremely

detrimental. There is also a lot of time that needs to be allocated to maintaining a business’s

social media accounts. Clearly, a business can gain a lot by engaging in social media if it is

careful to take the proper measures necessary for effective use.

C. Describe Examples of Libraries Using Virtual Communities Successfully (especially

focus on your area of librarianship, if applicable)

As mentioned previously, social media platforms have become a popular method of

communication. Thus, libraries need to adapt to this change and utilize it to connect with their

patrons. Before describing examples of libraries successfully using virtual communities, it is

important to understand the concept of usability. In a journal article by Chow et al. (2012) the

authors explain usability as the degree to which something can be used. Thus, if a library is

attempting to create a virtual community, it cannot successfully be done without “understanding

who is using them and for what purpose.” Once the “who” and “what” are established, it is

important to comprehend how to effectively use social media to fill this need.

The article “Ten Tips to Master Social Media at Your Library” (2017) is a great guide to

understanding how libraries can use virtual communities successfully. Tips include setting time

to organize social media content, engaging the targeted audience, following other pages that

would pique the interest of your community, and providing varied content. Ultimately, social

media accounts need to be monitored and updated on a constant basis to engage patrons and help

community members feel connected.

In the article by Dowd (2013) she notes that Facebook and Twitter are currently the most

popular social media platforms used by librarians. Columbus Metropolitan Library is a great

example of a library that has mastered the use of Facebook. Today it has over 28,000 likes. One

of the keys to its success, was the creation of a guided plan of how it intended to utilize social

media within the framework of the larger goals of its library. Both a time commitment and

continual planning are crucial to enabling a library’s successful management of its social media


I decided to check out the Facebook page for my local library in Toronto and found that

there is one page for all the Toronto Public Libraries

( I was happy to see that they had a following

of over 41,000 people. I was curious to see what their posts consisted of and found that the

content varied. Posts ranged from library updates, to upcoming events at different library

branches, to information about local events taking place in the city, to amusing library related

photos. Furthermore, I noticed that posts were made on a daily basis. I believe that the Toronto

Public Library association has managed to successfully utilize Facebook to promote the library

and connect community members.

The New York Public Library manages an exemplary Twitter account with over 2.5

million followers. In August of 2014, the library launched a social media initiative using the

hashtag #Ireadeverywhere. People could join by posting pictures of themselves reading

something on social media using the hashtag mentioned. Angela Montefinise, director of media

relations for NYPL, noted that this initiative was a huge success. Using the program
TRENDS AND ISSUES IN VIRTUAL COMMUNITIES 12, the library was able to determine that Twitter alone had 35 million

impressions with this campaign. A surplus in visitors to the library webpage was generated by

the campaign, half of which were first-time visitors. This initiative was simple, yet interactive

and ultimately engaging (Okyle, 2014)

D. Discuss Future Trends of Virtual Communities and Potential Use for Libraries

While there are obviously many physical libraries that offer a variety of services to their

patrons, the vision of completely virtual libraries is not a foreign idea. Virtual libraries will still

be able to service the needs of their users by providing access to information and the ability to

obtain a variety of media. While it still might be a while before entirely virtual libraries replace

physical libraries, the current realistic balance is “a physical library that has added a Web

presence to its substantial physical facilities and a careful selection of virtual media to its

extensive physical media holdings…” (Levien, 2011). As technology continues to develop at a

rapid pace, libraries will have to consider how to embrace these changes and incorporate them

into library functions, so that they can continue to optimize the services that they offer to their


There are many future visions for libraries as they continue to experiment with different

technologies and expand library functions. Libraries focused on fostering virtual communities

can increase their presence on social media platforms and engage in more social networking

activities. As well, library websites could “host meeting sites and social groups that would

develop around the subjects of the community…” Levien (2011). In an article by Macmanus

(2012) the author makes note of a company called LibraryThing, which now offers a system to

libraries called LibraryThing for Libraries. Ultimately, it serves to enhance patrons’ experiences

while viewing library catalogs, by offering features such as user-generated book reviews and

recommendations. It is even available in an app version. Evidently, there are many opportunities

for libraries to use the social web to engage with their communities and enhance the overall

library experience.

In an article by Sha (2016), the author notes that the future of social networking has

already began to lean towards virtual reality and augmented reality. The technology for such

phenomena already exists and thus, it may only be a matter of time before it explodes. While it

may not be relevant in the nearby future, it will definitely affect libraries. One can only begin to

think about the possible ways that libraries can incorporate both virtual reality and augmented

reality into the services that they provide. Just imagine interacting with a virtual librarian!

III. Conclusion & Recommendations

A. How Do You Think Libraries Should Use Social Media and Virtual Communities?

Upon delving into to the existing literature a bit, it is clear that social media and virtual

communities have become a part of our everyday lives. On average, Americans spend 24 hours a

week online, devoting a large percentage of that time to social media (Harlan, 2017) Thus, if

libraries want to connect and reach out to their communities, it is obvious that they must

effectively use various social media platforms and increase their presence on the social internet

to engage with more people, and offer more services outside of the physical building.

Ultimately, libraries can use social media for a number of functions. Firstly, it can be

used to advertise upcoming events both in relation to the library and about the community at

large. Interactive posts, such as the #Ireadeverywhere campaign (Okyle, 2014), are a great way

to draw attention and excitement to the library and engage with community members. Keeping

up to date and providing variety with respect to social media posts, is necessary to keep the

momentum alive.

Moving forward libraries can create discussion forums on their website that function

either synchronously or asynchronously. Topics can range from book reviews, to current events,

to addressing community concerns. This creates a way for community members to communicate

and engage with one another via the library. It can help foster a sense of community for those

that may otherwise be subjected to isolation, such as the elderly or patients stuck in hospitals.

Furthermore, virtual forums can be a great way for libraries to help those from different social

circles connect with one another. Thus, libraries can utilize social media and virtual communities

to strengthen communities and bring people together.

B. To What Extent Do You Feel Comfortable Leading Social Media and Virtual

Communities for Your Library?

Studying both virtual communities and social media has taught me a lot. Specifically, I

feel that I have a basic understanding of how to properly utilize several different social media

platforms to service a library, including Facebook and Twitter. That being said, I think that the

uses of social media and the variety of platforms will continue to grow and develop. While I

recognize that I still have a lot to learn, I know that there are many people who have studied and

analyzed how libraries can successfully use social media and have shared their insights. Thus, it

would not be hard to find tips, strategies, and advice from people who know better than me.

Aside from mastering the specifics within each platform, much of the literature that I have read

has stressed the time required to be successful. Thus, I feel that I have the proper resources to at

least try and lead social media and virtual communities for my library if I am focused and

provided with the necessary tools.


C. Summarize Current and Future Trends in Use of Social Media and Virtual

Communities in Libraries

To conclude, the advance of the digital age and the rise of virtual communities and social

media has confronted many libraries. Currently, while libraries are still primarily focused on

their physical communities, they are slowly and steadily expanding the services that they provide

virtually. Aside from becoming active on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter,

there also opportunities for virtual learning groups and discussion forums. In the ALA report for

2018 (American Library Association, 2018), one of the future trends mentioned was connected

learning. While students and teachers are already using social media and the internet to connect

and learn with one another either in a formal or informal setting, libraries can offer regular

access to new and emerging technologies so that all students can benefit form such opportunities.

Undoubtedly, there is a great future ahead for libraries within the virtual world. The need for

information and sense of belonging to a community will continue. Libraries must recognize that

they can lead the way. There are so many chances for libraries to take advantage of social media

and virtual communities. Change can be difficult, but rather than viewing it as a struggle, it can

be approached as a positive challenge. As new forms of technology emerge, and new social

media platforms develop, libraries can ultimately increase their influence and expand the

services that they can provide.


IV. References

American Library Association. (2018). The State of America's Libraries. Chicago : American

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Chow, A. (2013). Synchronous and Asynchronous Interaction. In A. Sigal, Advancing Library

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Levien, R. (2011). Confronting the Future. Chicago: American Library Association. Retrieved



Macmanus, R. (2012, September 18). The Social Library: How Public Libraries are Using Social

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