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SPWLA 49th Annual Logging Symposium, May 25-28, 2008


Dean Gagnon1, Steve Cuddy2, Fabrizio Conti2, Craig Lindsay2
Nexen Petroleum UK Ltd., 2 Helix RDS

Copyright 2008, held jointly by the Society of Petrophysicists and A new pore geometry (PG) index is proposed that is
Well Log Analysts (SPWLA) and the submitting authors.
correlated to the FOIL ‘a’ constant. This index can be
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPWLA 49th used to make predictions about the quality of pore
Annual Logging Symposium held in Edinburgh, Scotland, May 25- geometry within a reservoir and the shape of the SwH
28, 2008. function. This PG index is successful in explaining
how fields with very different porosity and
ABSTRACT permeability can have very similar SwH functions
and why poorer quality reservoir intervals do not
The accurate determination of hydrocarbons initially necessarily have higher water saturations. The revised
in place requires a thorough understanding of how SwH function provides a robust method for picking
water saturation (Sw) varies as a function of height the FWL even in fields where the actual fluid contact
above the free water level (FWL). Nowhere is this is unclear or was not penetrated.
more important than in the transition zone.
The new index better describes pore geometry and
Electrical logs, core data and thin sections from allows the hydrocarbon distributions to be understood
fifteen North Sea fields were compared to understand and represented more accurately in the 3D reservoir
how reservoir parameters determine the shape of the model.
transition zone. These included pore geometry as
well as the rock quality and reservoir fluid parameters INTRODUCTION
contained in the Leverett J-Function.
The water saturation vs. height (SwH) function
selected for this research is the so-called FOIL Accurate determination of hydrocarbons initially in
Function, that relates the bulk volume of water to place requires a saturation vs. height (SwH) function
height using only two constants ‘a’ and ‘b’ in the to describe how water saturation varies with height
form BVW=aHb. Comparison of the Leverett J- above the free water level (FWL).
Function with the FOIL Function showed that all the
reservoir parameters relating to rock quality and Water saturation (Sw) determined from interpretation
reservoir fluids are found within the ‘a’ constant of of log data can only represent the reservoir within a
the FOIL Function. Although the fields studied few feet surrounding the well bore. Sw cannot be
ranged from multi-Darcy gas fields to milli-Darcy oil mapped as it depends on numerous factors including
fields, the ‘b’ constant is surprisingly invariable: with porosity and the height above the local FWL.
the shape of the transition zone described by the SwH
Function being controlled almost entirely by the SwH functions are used in a field’s reservoir model to
single constant ‘a’. estimate Sw away from well locations so that
hydrocarbons initially in place can be calculated. The
The constant ‘a’ is found to be predominantly error in reserves resulting from an equation that
dependent on reservoir pore geometry. Thin section poorly describes the reservoir can be significant.
analysis showed that the fields with a low ‘a’ value
have well connected evenly spaced pores, lack pore This study uses the FOIL1 SwH function to compare
throat bridging, blocking and grain coating clays and reservoirs of different North Sea fields. The FOIL
have simple pore pathways. This explains how the Function is an algorithm which is commonly used to
water saturation is a function of connectivity as well determine water saturations in North Sea reservoirs
as porosity and height above the FWL. Analysis (Cuddy 1993). It was developed using log data from
confirmed that the pore geometry rather than porosity the Southern North Sea and has since found wider
and permeability determine the shape of the transition
zone. 1
The term FOIL refers to free oil (or gas) above the
FWL. Free water exists below the FWL.

SPWLA 49th Annual Logging Symposium, May 25-28, 2008

application throughout the United Kingdom The aim of SwH functions is to estimate the water
Continental Shelf (UKCS). The function has a simple content throughout the reservoir as accurately as
form and is largely independent of porosity and possible. The advantage of the FOIL Function is that
permeability. It calculates the Bulk Volume of Water it contains the BVW term which is especially
(BVW) as a function of height (H) above the FWL. appropriate to 3D modelling (Worthington 2002)
Alternatively, it can be used to calculate BVW as a
function of Capillary Pressure (Pc). BVW is the Study Objectives
product of water saturation and porosity. The FOIL
Function is derived from the Leverett J-Function and This study had five main objectives:
has the form:
• Relate pore and pore throat geometry as seen in
BVW = ΦS w = aH b Equation 1 thin sections to FOIL Functions from log data.
• Gain an understanding of how and why the FOIL
Function works by carrying out FOIL analysis on
BVW = bulk volume of water (v/v)
fields with differing depositional environments
Ø = porosity (v/v)
and hydrocarbon composition.
Sw = water saturation (v/v)
• Derive the FOIL Function from the Leverett J-
H = height above the free water level (ft)
Function and capillary pressure versus height
a = constant (dimensionless)
relationship in order to determine which rock and
b = constant (dimensionless, negative value)
fluid parameters are contained within the
function’s constants.
The function describes how BVW varies as a function
of height above the FWL. The function tells us that at • Validate the method by analysis of core capillary
a particular depth in the net reservoir BVW is fixed pressure, porosity and permeability data.
with hydrocarbon filling the remaining pore space. • Determine the sensitivity of the FOIL Function
constant ‘a’ to variations in the rock and fluid
Once the function has been derived water saturation parameters that compose it.
can be calculated re-arranging equation 1:
Data Available
aH b Data from fifteen UK North Sea fields (250 wells)
Sw = Equation 2
Φ were used in this study. Electrical logs and
conventional core (porosity and permeability) data
The main strengths of the FOIL Function are that it were available from eleven fields. Thin section and
does not require permeability and is mostly capillary pressure data were respectively available
independent of lithology. However, if a reservoir from three and two of these fields. Capillary pressure
interval contains different geological units or litho- and conventional core data were also available from
facies with distinct and coherent porosity– four additional fields.
permeability relationships, then separate FOIL
Functions should be constructed to provide a more The fields with log data used in the study are listed in
robust description of the reservoir (Amabeoku et al. Table 1. They were selected as they represent a range
2005). The predictions the function makes with of reservoir fluids, depositional environments and
regard to pore and pore throat geometry were porosity vs. permeability (poroperm).
investigated through thin section observations.
The poroperm distribution for the eleven fields with
The FWL is the datum from which the FOIL Function log and core data is shown in Figure 1: where average
bases its calculations as it represents the depth where permeability increases with average porosity as
the capillary pressure is zero. In the absence of expected. Average permeability spans four
drilling fluids it is the depth where water and logarithmic cycles: from 0.1 mD to 2 D (Darcy).
hydrocarbon would vertically separate in a large Porosities range from 8 to 32 Porosity Units (PU).
borehole. In water-wet reservoirs the FWL is below
the lowest occurrence of hydrocarbons. The FWL is THIN SECTION ANALYSIS
the depth predicted by the interception of the
formation fluid pressure gradients. Thin sections from three of the study fields (Fields E,
F, and K) were described with emphasis placed on the
geometry of pores and pore throats. The descriptions
were quantified where possible in order to facilitate

SPWLA 49th Annual Logging Symposium, May 25-28, 2008

the comparison between samples. This quantification are characterised by isolated groups of pores
was based on visual observation and estimation of connected via long tortuous pathways that contain an
relative percentages. abundance of pore throat obstructing material.

The limitations of describing a 3-dimensional pore FOIL FUNCTION METHODOLOGY

system from 2-dimensional thin-sections are well
documented. For the purposes of this study, A FOIL Function can be determined for a well or
comparative evaluation of thin sections from different entire field from either log or core data. This section
reservoirs provided fit for purpose quantification of describes the steps involved in constructing a FOIL
pore network properties. Function for a field using log data. FOIL Functions
were determined from electrical logs for eleven fields
Fields E, F, K have similar porosity but substantially located throughout the UK North Sea. The fields
different permeability as seen in Figure 1. This can be included both gas and oil accumulations in different
explained by differences in pore throat attributes. types of clastic reservoirs from different depositional
Pore throat attributes include pore throat shape, environments. The broad spectra of fields were
radius, pore coordination number (number of outlets chosen in order to assess the robustness of the
per pore), general connectivity (defined as the function. Table 1 lists the fields, their fluid type and
arithmetic mean of the pore coordination number for depositional environment.
the entire measured volume) and quantity/type of
throat blocking (flow impeding) minerals. Generally, The BVW for each well was calculated as the product
if samples have the same porosity, any differences in of the water saturation and porosity curves. This was
permeability can be explained by differences in plotted against the height above the FWL. Only data
connectivity and amount of flow impeding material away from conductive bed boundaries were included
within the connecting pore pathways. in order to minimise the effect of shoulder bed effects
on the resistivity logs.
Fields E and F have very similar pore and pore throat
attributes. Figure 2 (Field E) and Figure 3 (Field F) The FOIL Functions were calculated by plotting the
display complex pore shapes which are evenly logarithm (base 10) of BVW (x-axis) against the
distributed, have a smooth pore wall texture and lack logarithm of the true vertical height (y-axis) above the
pore lining materials, though minor amounts of quartz FWL. Then a free linear regression was used to
overgrowths, pyrite crystals and grain coating clays compute the FOIL Function parameters. This process
do occur. Most often the pore throat radii are only works because the form of the FOIL Function can
moderately smaller than the adjoining pore’s also be stated as:
maximum dimension and the majority of pores are
connected via short non–tortuous pore pathways log10 BVW = b log10 H + log10 a Equation 3
which have a curved geometry. Overall the
connectivity between pores is excellent and most
pores have an average coordination number of 4. which is the form of the straight-line equation y = mx
+ c, where parameter ‘b’ (m) has a negative value.
Field K shown in Figure 4 has a much different pore
and pore throat character. Pore shapes are distributed Since the FOIL Function can be written in the form of
a straight line the ‘a’ value is the y-intercept and the
between complex and simple geometric shapes. Pore
walls have a rough texture and are lined with detrital ‘b’ value is the slope of the line. The FOIL Functions
grain coating clays. Pore lining, bridging, and filling calculated for the study fields are shown in Figure 5.
authigenic clays (platy chlorite and illite, wispy illite)
are common. Most pores are found in isolated groups The FOIL ‘a’ and ‘b’ parameters were calculated
with good internal connectivity but very poor inter– from logs for the eleven study fields as listed in Table
1. A log-log plot of BVW against height above the
group connectivity. Internal connectivity is
characterized by short curved pathways with three to FWL is shown in Figure 6.
four outlets per pore, where as inter–group
It is noticeable that all the fields share a similar ‘b’
connectivity is via long narrow tortuous pathways.
parameter (slope) and the main difference between
These observations suggest that good reservoirs are the SwH Functions is due the variation of ‘a’
characterised by well connected evenly spaced pores, (intercept) between the fields.
minor throat obstructing material and simple pore
throat pathways. Conversely, low quality reservoirs

SPWLA 49th Annual Logging Symposium, May 25-28, 2008

FOIL FUNCTION ANALYSIS The ‘b’ of the FOIL Function is invariant to scale as it
is a dimensionless unit of measurement which is
The FOIL Function can be derived from the Leverett consistent with the Leverett J-Function which itself is
J-Function and capillary pressure versus height dimensionless. Consequently, the same ‘b’ value is
relationship as described by Cuddy (1993). calculated: regardless of whether the scale of the y-
axis represents height (H) above the FWL in feet or
metres, or it represents capillary pressure (Pc).
ασ cos ϑ Φ
BVW = β * Φ Equation 4
g (ρ w − ρh )H K Sensitivity analysis of Equation 5 confirmed that
BVW is largely independent of porosity and
permeability for the typical porosity range seen in the
Re-arranging this into the form of the FOIL Function
eleven fields of Table 1. Equation 5 was shown to be
(Equation 1) gives:
dependent on the reservoir parameters such as
hydrocarbon and water densities. However these
⎡ 1
⎤ −1 parameters vary little in a given field.
⎢ ⎛ ασ cosϑ Φ ⎞⎟ ⎥ β
BVW = ⎢Φ⎜ H Eq. 5
⎜ g (ρ − ρ K ⎟⎠ ⎥ RESERVOIR QUALITY
⎢⎣ ⎝ w h)
We define the ‘quality’ of a reservoir by its value of
Comparison with Equation 1 gives constants ‘a’ and water saturation at a certain height above FWL and
‘b’ of the FOIL Function: given porosity: with lower Sw being considered better
1 quality reservoir. The computed water saturation
⎛ (ασ cosϑ ) Φ ⎞ β derived from the FOIL Function at 200’ above the
a = Φ⎜⎜ ⎟ Equation 6 FWL and assuming a porosity of 20 PU is listed for
⎝ g (ρ w − ρ h ) K ⎠
⎟ each field in Table 1.
b= Equation 7 The quality of a reservoir can be defined by the value
β of its forced ‘a’ parameter. Figure 7 shows reservoir
quality increasing towards the top-right corner of the
where: cross-plot. Water saturations vary from 6 Saturation
σ = interfacial tension (dyne/cm) Units (SU) in high quality reservoirs (Field G) to 36
K = permeability (cm2) SU in low quality reservoirs (Field I). Notice that the
Ø = porosity (fraction) FOIL parameter ‘a’ varies much more between these
ϑ = contact angle (degrees) fields compared to the FOIL parameter ‘b’.
g = acceleration of gravity (m/sec2)
ρw = density of the water phase (g/cm3) THE PORE GEOMETRY INDEX
ρg = density of the hydrocarbon phase (g/cm3)
α = dimensionless constant We define the Pore Geometry (PG) Index as
β = dimensionless constant
log K − 7
PG_ Index = Equation 8
It is noticeable that all parameters associated with log Φ
rock quality and reservoir fluids are contained in
parameter ‘a’. This is consistent with the empirical
The PG Index is similar to (K/Ø)0.5 which Leverett
observation from Figure 6.
proposed in 1941 with the dimension of mean pore
radius. The Leverett J-Function represents a sand
In order to compare the FOIL Functions between
pack as a bundle of capillary tubes with different pore
fields they were recomputed using a common ‘b’
radii. Just as core plugs are a bundle of capillary tubes
value (slope). This was done by calculating the
with an average pore radius, hydrocarbon reservoirs
average ‘b’ value for the fields and using this to re-
consist of a number of facies with different porosity-
compute a forced regression ‘a’ value for each field
permeability characteristics. So long as these facies
as listed in Table 1. The average ‘b’ value used was -
are in communication, over geological time, the
0.41. The ‘a’ value for each field calculated from the
whole reservoir can be considered as having a mean
average ‘b’ value is herein referred to as the forced
pore radius.
’a’ value.

SPWLA 49th Annual Logging Symposium, May 25-28, 2008

The constant ‘7’ was found to give the best Although the parameter ’b’ is not strictly a constant it
correlation coefficient between the values of PG can be assumed to be -0.41 for this purpose. Solving
index and FOIL ‘a’ parameters from regression of log for two unknowns ‘a’ and FWL is more precise
and core data: respectively figures 8 and 11. This compared to ‘a’, ‘b’ and FWL.
constant is also a convenient scaling factor.
As the FOIL ‘a’ parameter represents the intercept of
When the PG Index is a constant for a particular field, the FOIL function with the y-axis, the FWL can be
Equation 4 shows that BVW is constant at given determined from this intersect when the y-axis has the
value of height (H) above FWL. Therefore, any units of TVDSS.
formation with a similar PG Index will have
comparable BVW values for a given H and hence CORE ANALYSIS
similar pore throat geometry. The PG Index is plotted
against the forced FOIL parameter ‘a’ in Figure 8. The findings on the relationship between Bulk
Volume of Water (BVW) and Pore Geometry Index
Using PG to Understand Reservoir Quality (PG) derived from log data were validated by means
of core data. The database available included core
Figure 1 shows that Fields D and G have high porosity, permeability and capillary pressure (Pc)
average porosity and permeability with Field D measurements.
having significantly better properties. Surprisingly,
the computed water saturations are twice in Field D The study was focussed on 102 core plugs from six
compared to Field G, for the same height above the reservoirs in the North Sea region. These represent a
FWL and porosity. This can be explained by the variety of depositional environments, including a
better (lower) values of PG Index and forced FOIL Permian Aeolian Sand, a Triassic Distal Fluvial
‘a’ parameter for Field G. Delta, a Jurassic Marine Fan Conglomerate, two
Jurassic Shallow Marine Sands and a Palaeocene
The PG Index can also be used to explain the Turbidite. The variety of lithological and textural
apparent inconsistency seen in Field L. Two zones features made the database suitable for validation of
that are thought not to be in communication have the the method.
porosity and permeability values shown in Table 2.
The database included all main types of core Pc
Zone 1 has much higher permeability and porosity measurements: Air-Brine Porous Plate, Air-Mercury
compared to Zone 2. However, Zone 2 has lower Injection and Air-Brine Centrifuge. All porosity and
water saturations. This is explained by the PG Index permeability measurements were executed at ambient
being better (lower) in this zone. conditions. Similarly, all core Pc measurements were
converted to Air-Brine Pc at laboratory conditions. In
Using PG to Predict Reservoir Permeability addition all core data were quality controlled and poor
data discarded from the database.
Using the average ‘b’ value (-0.41), the forced ‘a’
parameter can be determined by FOIL analysis of The porous plate data was considered free of artefacts
electrical logs. The forced ‘a’ parameter can provide associated with loss of capillary contact with the
an estimate of the PG Index which in turn is related to porous plate which can result in pessimistic water
the average field permeability by using Equation 8. saturation for a given capillary pressure. The ultra-
centrifuge data was considered coherent and
Therefore, the PG Index allows the prediction of consistent. All centrifuge capillary pressure data were
reservoir mean permeability from electrical logs that derived by modelling the raw production data. The
measure only porosity and water saturation. model employed for the datasets utilised appeared fit
Formation pressures and core are not required for this for purpose. Mercury intrusion produces a very
gross field permeability estimate. detailed description of the capillary properties of a
pore system, however, data derived from capillary
Picking the FWL using the FOIL Function pressures equivalent to greater than the maximum
reservoir closure are not relevant for saturation height
The FWL can be determined from logs by plotting modelling – these were excluded from the QC
BVW vs. true vertical depth sub sea (TVDSS) in log- dataset.
log space and solving for the parameter ‘a’ and the
depth of the FWL. Only net data away from The QC core data at laboratory conditions were used
conductive bed boundaries should be included. to generate cross-plots of Bulk Volume of Water vs.

SPWLA 49th Annual Logging Symposium, May 25-28, 2008

Capillary Pressure (BVW vs. Pc) in log-log space. The comprehensive core database also allowed the
Regressions were generated for 102 core plugs, investigation of the correlation between the FOIL ‘b’
having all Pc values expressed in pounds per square parameter and PG. Figure 12 shows such a
inch (psi). Figure 9 shows one core plug for each of correlation, where ‘b’ exhibits a narrow range of
the six reservoirs. Figure 10 shows the results for all values: (-0.2 to -0.6). The FOIL ‘b’ parameter was
102 regressions. found to have a median (P50) value equal to -0.37,
with an uncertainty range of ±37%. Despite its low
The regressions provided the FOIL parameters for correlation coefficient (R2=0.20), the regression on
each core plug: intercept ‘a’ and slope ‘b’. Also, the cross-plot of Figure 12 provides a means of
porosity and permeability measurements on each core estimating ‘b’ from the Pore Geometry (PG) index.
plug allowed the evaluation of the PG index, as
defined in Equation 8. As a result, values of FOIL The functions obtained from Figures 11 and 12
parameters ‘a’ and ‘b’ were compared to values of PG provide a means of estimating the FOIL parameters
for 102 core plugs. Figures 11 and 12 show the cross- ‘a’ and ‘b’ from conventional (lab) core porosity and
plots used for such comparisons. permeability.

The cross-plot of Figure 11 shows the FOIL ‘a’ In conclusion, the analysis of core data supports the
parameter to be a consistent function of the Pore findings from logs. The strong correlation between
Geometry (PG) index: over a large range of ‘a’ values FOIL ‘a’ and PG was confirmed to be consistent for a
(0.1-1). The regression shows a high correlation variety of depositional environments. The range of
coefficient (R2=0.86) and provides a useful function values of the FOIL ‘b’ parameter was confirmed to be
applicable to a variety of clastic reservoir rocks and narrow, with a median value of -0.37, very close to
depositional environments. the average value derived from logs (-0.41).

The applications of the correlations between the PG The availability of core porosity, permeability and Pc
index and the FOIL ‘a’ and ‘b’ parameters are data allows the identification of field specific
important. Figure 13 shows the results of a ‘blind functions: ‘a’=f(PG) and ‘b’=f(PG). These provide a
test’ done to verify the method. In this example core reliable link between SwH height and porosity-
porosity, permeability and Pc data were available permeability, with important applications for
from one well (Well X) and wireline logs plus core saturation-height and permeability modelling. Ideally
porosity and permeability were available from a every reservoir facies should be characterised with its
second well (Well Y). Both wells encountered the own ‘a’, ‘b’ and PG parameters.
same reservoir facies: Permian Aeolian Sand.
Two functions were derived from regressions on core
The core data available from Well X were used to data from a variety of clastic fields:
predict permeability in Well Y. The method is
described here briefly and details are provided in a = 0.01⋅ e 0.41PG Equation 9
Appendix 1. As a first step, the core data from Well X
were used to derive the FOIL function’s parameters
‘a’ and ‘b’ plus the function relating ‘a’ to the PG
index. As a second step, the FOIL function was used
to calculate a continuous ‘a’ profile in Well Y using b = −0.03PG − 0.17 Equation 10
the BVW profile calculated from logs.

The continuous ‘a’ profile was converted to These equations are applicable to a variety of North
continuous PG and then to a continuous permeability Sea clastic reservoirs and can be used to calculate
profile, using total porosity computed from logs. preliminary saturation-height functions in absence of
Tracks 5 and 6 in Figure 13 show the comparison core Pc data using just conventional core porosity and
between predicted continuous permeability (K_PG) permeability. They provide values of ‘a’ and ‘b’ that
and core permeability (PERM_CORE) in logarithmic are applicable to FOIL functions where BVW is
and linear scales respectively. An excellent match expressed as a function of capillary pressure at
between the two set of data is observed over most of standard (lab) conditions and in psi units. Conversely,
the hydrocarbon column, except for the top and base they could be used to estimate permeability if the
where the resistivity log is affected by polarization FOIL parameters were known and a porosity profile
effects (highly deviated well). was available from logs.

SPWLA 49th Annual Logging Symposium, May 25-28, 2008

Amaefule (1988) developed a method for identifying be used for the computation of the forced ‘a’ constant
and characterising formation zones having similar from logs. This is believed to be more accurate than
hydraulic characteristics. The technique is based on a the average ‘b’ value derived from log data.
modified Kozeny-Carman relationship and the
concept of mean hydraulic radius. Amaefule Observations of thin sections indicate that the FOIL
proposed a parameter called the flow zone indicator function is dependent on the geometry of the pore
(FZI) which has many useful applications in throats; wide non-tortuous short pore pathways with
formation evaluation. FZI was calculated for each of little flow impeding mineralogy produce the best
the core database elements and reviewed for quality FOIL shape as determined by the constant ‘a’.
correlations with the FOIL function exponents.
Although correlations exist, the PG Index produced The constant ‘a’ is found to be predominantly
better correlations with respect to modelling dependent on reservoir pore geometry and explains
saturation height behaviour in the transition zone, the how the water saturation is a function of connectivity
objective of this study. as well as porosity and height above the FWL.
Analysis confirmed that the pore geometry has a
The core analysis focused on a variety of clastic major influence on the shape of the transition zone.
North Sea fields that exhibit a range of poroperm,
depositional environment and geological age. As the FOIL ‘a’ parameter represents the intercept of
Preliminary work on a North African fluvial-glacial the FOIL function with the y-axis in log-log space, its
sands and Saudi dolomites suggest that they may also dependence on scale confirms that the FWL can be
follow the same trend especially for PG and the FOIL determined from this intersect when the y-axis has the
‘a’ parameter. units of true vertical depth subsea (TVDSS). If ’b’ is
assumed to be relatively constant then the picking of
CONCLUSIONS the FWL is more precise with only 2 unknowns.
Therefore the revised SwH function provides a robust
This study investigated electrical logs and core data method for picking the FWL even in fields where it is
from fifteen North Sea clastic fields with different unclear or was not penetrated.
porosity and permeability characteristics, depositional
environments and geological age. The overall One method of defining the ‘quality’ of a reservoir is
objective was to understand how reservoir parameters the value of water saturation at a known porosity and
determine the shape of the transition zone. height above FWL, where the lower the Sw the better.
The quality of reservoirs can be compared through the
The FOIL Function was found to be a simple but comparison of FOIL ‘a’ values.
robust SwH function that allows an accurate
determination of hydrocarbons initially in place. A new Pore Geometry (PG) Index is proposed that
Based on log or core data, it does not require correlates to the FOIL ‘a’ constant. This index can be
permeability or knowledge of Leverett J parameters at used to make predictions about the quality of pore
reservoir conditions. geometry within a reservoir and the shape of the SwH
Function. This PG Index is successful in explaining
Comparison of the Leverett J-Function with the FOIL how fields with very different porosity and
Function (equation 1) showed that most of the permeability can have very similar SwH functions
reservoir parameters relating to rock quality and and why poorer quality reservoir intervals do not
reservoir fluids are in the FOIL ‘a’ constant. necessarily have higher water saturations.

The ‘b’ constant was found to be a function of pore The PG Index depends upon the ‘mean pore radius’
geometry, but to a much lesser extent than the ‘a’ of the reservoir and is a single value for the field
constant. Observation of the reservoirs in this study provided it has been in pressure/fluid communication
suggest that ‘b’ is similar between fields and the over geological time. The PG Index has been shown
shape of the transition zone described by the SwH here to be a useful tool for predicting the shape of the
Function is controlled almost entirely by the single transition zone as a function of average porosity and
constant ‘a’. This was confirmed from core data. permeability in the reservoir.

The ‘b’ constant is independent of scale and is the The investigation of core data convincingly supports
same whether it is derived from core plugs, electrical the findings obtained from logs. The strong
logs or on the field scale. Consequently the median correlation between FOIL ‘a’ and the PG Index was
value of the ‘b’ constant derived from core data can confirmed to be consistent for a variety of

SPWLA 49th Annual Logging Symposium, May 25-28, 2008

depositional environments. Also, the range of values ABOUT THE AUTHORS

for the FOIL ‘b’ parameter was found to be very close
to the range of values obtained from electrical logs. Dean Gagnon is Geoscientist with Nexen Petroleum
UK Ltd. and holds a Integrated Petroleum
Using an average FOIL ‘b’ parameter the PG Index Geoscience from Aberdeen University. Before joining
allows the prediction of reservoir mean permeability Nexen he worked with a CBM Solutions Ltd. and
from electrical logs that measure only porosity and Tahera Corporation.
water saturation. Formation pressures and core are not
required for this gross permeability estimate for the Steve Cuddy is a Principal Petrophysicist with Helix
field. Conversely, this research provides a means of RDS and holds a Ph.D. in Petrophysics from
estimating the FOIL shape of the transition zone from Aberdeen University. Before joining Helix RDS he
porosity and permeability in the absence of Pc data. worked for Schlumberger and BP for 10 and 15 year
Preliminary work on a North African fluvio-glacial
sand and a Saudi dolomite suggests that they follow Fabrizio Conti is the Petrophysics Team Leader for
the same trend for the PG Index and the FOIL ‘a’ Helix RDS and holds a B.Sc. in Geology from Milan
parameter. University. Before joining Helix RDS he worked for
Schlumberger and ENI UK Ltd.
Craig Lindsay is Principal Core Specialist with Helix
The Authors would like to thank Helix RDS for the RDS and holds a B.Sc. in Geology from Liverpool
use of their data and resources, and also to the University. Before joining Helix RDS he worked for
University of Aberdeen, Geology Department, for Core Laboratories Ltd. and Gearhart Industries.
their guidance.


BVW Bulk volume of water (v/v).
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modelling in a gas field: 2005 SPE Asia Pacific Oil free oil (gas) with height
and Gas Conference – Proceeding, pp. 609. FWL Free water level (feet).
Depth of zero capillary pressure
AMAEFULE J.O. et al., 1993 – Enhanced reservoir FZI Flow zone indicator
description: using core and log data to identify H Height above the FWL (feet)
hydraulic (flow) units and predict permeability in Pc Capillary pressure (psi)
uncored intervals/wells: SPE 68th Annual technical PG Pore Geometry Index
Conference, Houston, Texas 3-6 October 1993. Phi Effective Porosity (PU)
Sw Water saturation (SU)
CUDDY, S., 1993. The FOIL function - a simple, SwH Water saturation vs. height function
convincing model for calculating water saturations in
Southern North Sea gas fields: Transactions of the
34th Annual Logging Symposium of the Society of
Professional Well Log Analysts, H1-17, Calgary,
Canada., 1993, BP Exploration.

LEVERETT, M.C., Capillary behaviour in porous

solids: Trans AIME (1941), Vol. 142.


PARKINSON, N., 2002, Application of saturation-
height functions in integrated reservoir description:
AAPG Methods in Exploration Series, 13, pp. 89.

SPWLA 49th Annual Logging Symposium, May 25-28, 2008


Av. Av. FOIL Sw at

Fluid Depositional Porosity Perm FOIL Forced 200’
Field Type Environment (v/v) (mD) a FOIL b a PG (v/v)

A Oil Palaeocene Turbidite 0.217 27.94 0.3110 -0.3107 0.4693 8.360 0.270

B Oil Devonian Lacustrine 0.140 7.19 0.3242 -0.3561 0.5221 7.190 0.300

C Oil Palaeocene Turbidite 0.191 21.20 0.3520 -0.3732 0.4066 7.893 0.234

D Gas Palaeocene Turbidite 0.324 2207.89 0.2897 -0.4351 0.2520 7.470 0.145

E Oil U. Jurassic Turbidite 0.214 570.04 0.2744 -0.5196 0.1835 6.329 0.106

F Gas Permian Aeolian 0.202 341.78 0.2669 -0.3956 0.2441 6.438 0.140
G Conden. L. Cret. Turbidite 0.239 847.65 0.1045 -0.4054 0.1115 6.552 0.064

H Oil M. Jurassic Deltaic 0.134 3.24 0.4309 -0.4073 0.5183 7.422 0.298

I Oil Palaeocene Turbidite 0.214 23.94 0.6686 -0.4391 0.6292 8.385 0.362

J Gas Permian Fluvial 0.086 0.17 0.4492 -0.4746 0.3223 7.268 0.185

K Gas Permian Aeolian 0.135 0.87 0.4154 -0.3526 0.5408 8.121 0.311

Table 1: UKCS fields with electrical log data analysed in this study

porosity Av. Perm' Forced
Zone (v/v) (mD) FOIL a FOIL b PG Sw (v/v)

1 0.172 15.75 0.2350 -0.4225 7.584 0.135

2 0.089 0.59 0.0900 -0.3216 6.881 0.052

Table 2: Zone Parameters for Field L (Permian Aeolian Gas Sand)

SPWLA 49th Annual Logging Symposium, May 25-28, 2008

Field A B C D E F G H I J K


Permeability (mD)









Porosity (V/V) 0.30

Figure 1: Porosity vs. Permeability for eleven fields in the Study

Figure 2: Field E Thin Section. Pores are evenly spaced throughout sample. Pore edge geometry ranges from
convex (60%) and straight (30%) to concave (10%). Quartz composes 90% of pore walls with remainder being
feldspar. Pore walls are mostly smooth (95%) and there is minor (< 5%) pore lining or pore throat bridging
mineralization visible. The sample is loosely compacted and does not show any pore occlusion due to cementation.
There is minor secondary porosity associated with degraded feldspars. The majority of pore throats (60%) are of a
similar size to the pores they connect. Pore pathways are short, non-tortuous and visibly free of flow impeding
materials. Overall connectivity is excellent.

SPWLA 49th Annual Logging Symposium, May 25-28, 2008

Figure 3: Field F Thin Section. Visible porosity is dominated by primary intergranular pores (13.5%) with minor
secondary dissolution pores (2.0%). Primary pores are large and well connected and there is consistent pore distribution
throughout the sample. There are very few simple geometric pore shapes (10%), most pores have complex shapes
(98%) and are joined together via short pore throats that are often only slightly smaller in diameter than the maximum
dimension of the adjoining pore. They are mostly clay free, smooth walled and free of blocky authigenic cements.
Pore lining ferroan dolomite rhombs are the only obstacles to fluid flow. Secondary pores are associated with degraded
K-feldspar and rock fragments. Secondary porosity is often isolated due to relic grain boundaries being coated by k-
feldspar or clay. Trace microporosity is associated with kaolinite and illite.

Figure 4: Field K Thin Section. Most pores have complex shapes (63%) with the remainder having simple
geometric shapes (37%). Pore edge geometry ranges from convex (50%) and straight (30%) to concave (20%). Pore
walls are rough (95%) and there is abundant pore lining and pore throat bridging mineralization. The majority of pore
throats (95%) have a much smaller diameter than the adjoining pores. Pores are contained within isolated groups. Pore
groups have good internal connectivity; however connectivity between groups is via long tortuous pathways.

SPWLA 49th Annual Logging Symposium, May 25-28, 2008

Field A B C D E F G H I J K



Height above the FWL (Feet) 400

















Bulk Volume of Water (V/V)
Figure 5: FOIL Functions from Logs for the Study Fields (linear scales)


Height above the FWL (Feet)




Bulk Volume of Water (V/V)

Figure 6: FOIL Functions from Logs for the Study Fields (log scales)

SPWLA 49th Annual Logging Symposium, May 25-28, 2008

Field A B C D E F G H I J K


Water Saturation (V/V) at 200' Phi = 20 p.u.













Forced 'A' Parameter
Figure 7: Relationship between Force ‘a’ and Water Saturation

Forced 'A' Parameter





PG - Pore Geometry
Figure 8: Relationship between forced ‘a’ and PG on the Field Scale

SPWLA 49th Annual Logging Symposium, May 25-28, 2008

NS Triassic Distal Delta Sand

NS Jurassic Marine Fan Conglomerate

NS Permian Aeolian Sand

NS Jurassic Shallow Marine Sand (1)

NS Jurassic Shallow Marine Sand (2)

100.00 NS Palaeocene Turbidite
Capillary Pressure [psi]



0.010 0.100 1.000
Bulk Volume of Water [v/v]

Figure 9: BVW vs. Pc for 6 Core Plugs from 6 different N.S. clastic reservoirs


Capillary Pressure [psi]


0.01 0.1 1
Bulk Volume of Water [v/v]

Figure 10: BVW vs. Pc for 102 Core Plugs from 6 different N.S. clastic reservoirs

SPWLA 49th Annual Logging Symposium, May 25-28, 2008


y = 0.01e0.41x
R 2 = 0.86


0.10 NS T riassic Distal Fluvial Delta Sand
NS Jurassic M arine Fan Conglomerate
NS Permian Aeolian Sand
NS Jurassic Shallow M arine Sand (1)
NS Jurassic Shallow M arine Sand (2)
NS Palaeocene T urbidite
Expon. (ALL)
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Pore Geometry Index

Figure 11: Foil ‘a’ vs. PG for 102 core plugs from 6 N.S. clastic reservoirs




y = -0.03x - 0.17
R 2 = 0.20


NS T riassic Distal Fluvial Delta Sand
NS Jurassic M arine Fan Conglomerate
NS Permian Aeolian Sand
-1.6 NS Jurassic Shallow M arine Sand (1)
NS Jurassic Shallow M arine Sand (2)
-1.8 NS Palaeocene T urbidite
Linear (ALL)
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Pore Geom etry Index

Figure 12: Foil ‘b’ vs. PG for 102 core plugs from 6 N.S. clastic reservoirs

SPWLA 49th Annual Logging Symposium, May 25-28, 2008

Figure 13: Permeability prediction in Well Y using Pc data from offset Well X

Details of Permeability prediction in Well Y using Pc data from offset Well X (Figure 13)

Step 1 Core porosity, permeability and Pc from well X were used to derive the functions:
BVW=0.135*(Pclab)^(-0.275) the FOIL Function with Pclab in [psi] and
a=0.01*e^(0.41*PG) the relationship between ‘a’ and PG.

The FOIL Function was used to calculate the Sw profile named ‘SWE_PC_OFF’ in well Y, to be
compared to the Sw profile from the Archie equation (SWE):

Where: H = height above FWL [ft], 0.42 = differential fluid gradient [psi/ft], 72/50 = conversion
factor from gas/brine at reservoir conditions to air/brine at lab conditions and PHIE = continuous
effective porosity calculated from logs in well Y.

Step 2 The FOIL Function was used to solve a continuous ‘a’ profile (not displayed in Fig. 13) in well Y
using BVW calculated from logs (BVW=SWE*PHIE) as input:

Step 3 Function ‘a’=f(PG) from step 1 was re-arranged to solve PG (not displayed in Fig. 13) in well Y:

Step 4 Equation 8 was used to solve for continuous permeability using the continuous PG (from Step 3)
and total porosity calculated from logs (curve PHIT) as input: K_PG=10^(PG*log10(PHIT)+7).


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