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Water Resources | Agnihotra


Effects of Agnihotra and Homa Therapy on Water Resources

We have been developing and managing a Homa farm in the Hunter Valley, NSW, Australia since 1994
up to the present time. We also regularly participate in voluntary work under the umbrella of Five Fold
Path Mission taking Homa Organic Farming principles to farmers in Australia, New Zealand and Asia.
The following are some key experiences we have had in relationship to improving the quality of water
resources with Homa Therapy. As we are not scientists, we offer mostly anecdotal evidence i.e. our
own and others direct experiences.

The Gift of Water

Homa Therapy attracted water and dramatically improved its quality.

Perhaps the most direct demonstration of how Homa can balance nature and how nature in turn
responds to the true needs of the people, who are helping her, is the story around our bore well.

When we purchased the land in 1994, it was in drought and the only source of water was harvested
rainwater held in concrete tanks and dams. With ongoing drought we had to resort to recycling our
water. One day a water diviner turned up and after thoroughly dowsing the land he told us there were
no underground streams to speak of. However we took the decision to have a driller come to the land
with the hope that we would hit underground water. To our great relief sub-artesian water was found
at 40 meters (130 feet). It was tested on site and found to be saline and alkaline. The Ph was 9.5 and
salinity measured at 1150 ppm.

So here was an opportunity to see what Homa

Therapy could do and if it would possibly
improve the water quality. We did Agnihotra by
the bore and regularly placed Agnihotra ash
down into the bore well. The state department
of Water Resources of NSW was conducting
regular tests on the bores in our neighborhood

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and they notified us of the salinity and

alkalinity drop with each lab report until we
had potable drinking water at a ph of 7.2,
which is considered neutral and salinity
measured at 720 ppm. Also what was noted is Wheat crop 2008 Om Shree Dham

that the standing water level of the bore has

never changed since its beginning at 16.5
meter throughout periods of drought and intense rain. The bore is not considered a high yield bore at
2000liter p/hr.  

The story does not stop there however. Another Diviner, highly renowned for his ability to locate water
and indicate its depth and flow rate, turned up at Om Shree Dham to learn about Homa Therapy. He
was interested in divining the land. After walking the land he came to us saying that the underground
water was acting in a very unusual way. He said it traveled along its natural course, then suddenly
made a sharp 90 degrees turn, proceeded under the Fire hut where daily Agnihotra and other Yajnyas
are performed and continued to the other side of the property then it turned back on itself and
continued back to the original course along the other side of the property. We asked him to show us
where it turned back on itself. He pointed to a shed. The water course turned back on itself just under
our shed.! The diviner did not know that we had a bore nor was he aware that we had built that shed
around it. So evidently the water course had made a beeline for the borehole, and then returned to its
original course!

This seems to indicate that Homa has some mechanism that can redirect ground water to serve the
needs of those that are performing these Homas. About the reduction in salinity and the change in ph
from too alkaline to neutral ph- we have no explanation other than Homa brings about balance to
nature. Shree Vasant states in an article written in Nov 2002: ‘If Homa is practiced on a large scale,
the atmosphere is healed and the water resources get purified, leading to better absorption of sun’s
rays’. I believe this is a clue as to how Homa brings water resources back into a healthy condition.
Shree Vasant Paranjpe explains further:  ‘Water resources on earth are finding it difficult to absorb
energy from the sun (due to pollution). This will result in depletion of marine life and imbalance in
nature. Water pollution now takes its toll in rich as well as poorer countries. No water is relatively safe
to drink now. HOMA Therapy and Agnihotra ash improve the quality of water and make it potable.’

Report indicates the de-polluting effect of Agnihotra ash on water.

The following report indicates the de-polluting

effect of Agnihotra ash on water and on biotic life
when industrial effluent was present in the water.
A Bio assay test was carried out to study the
effect of Agnihotra ash on biotic life.

Different concentrations of effluents were

prepared. Ash dose was given and fish were kept
under observation for 48 hours. The effluent was
collected from textile process industry Biotic life
was possible in concentrations of 15% effluent
with 0.5 gm/litre ash and 20% effluent with 2 grn/litre ash. Whereas biotic life was absent in 20%
effluent with 0.5gm/litre ash and 15% effluent with no ash.

The Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of the effluent before and after Agnihotra ash treatment was

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compared. The study revealed concentration of COD after Agnihotra ash treatment is reduced which
indicates Agnihotra ash helps to purify the water.The table is given below.

Sr. Effluent Concentration Treatment COD mg/ litre


1. 15% effluent in 1 litre of water Filter 573.6

2. 15% effluent in 1 litre of water +0.5 gm ash filter 270.9

The raw effluent was collected from textile process industry. We invite scientists to investigate the
why’s and how’s of Homa Therapy. ⇓⇓read more

Homa enables nature to function better even in drought conditions.

Karuna Coleman of Tamworth, NSW, Australia tells us that in 2005/06 the area in which their farm was
situated was seriously effected by drought. Karuna had been performing Agnihotra consistently for
several years at this place. ⇑⇑close

Though farmers in the surrounding area were losing stock at an alarming rate and the lack of water
meant feed could not be grown, on Karuna’s farm they managed to grow oats for their stock and had
a functioning vegetable garden for household purposes. They had minimal stock loss and the locals
kept asking what they were doing as their farm still looked green and the cows looked healthy. In fact
their farm assumed the atmosphere of an oasis in a drought ravished country. Further more, Karuna
adds that unlike the locals all around who were in a state of fear, Karuna and her husband were never
plagued by negative thoughts about the drought. It is the experience of people all over the world that
daily Agnihotra is conducive to healthy positive states of mind. Anecdotal reports in Philippines,
Australia , and India.

Timely localised rain.

Many farmers practicing Homa around the world report a phenomenon of timely rain falling on their
property alone. In the Philippines a farmer from Kabankalan, Negros Occidental last year reported that
their Agnihotra-treated farm was thriving and that during a very dry summer all the farms around were
very dry except for their farm where they received localized rains. ⇑⇑close

This phenomenon is also noted regularly by locals in regards to Tapovan. This has also happened on
Mr Abhai Mutalik’s Homa farm in Karnataka and at on our Homa farm in NSW Australia I’d like to add
here that the Hunter Valley where our Homa farm is located is known geographically as a drought
prone area. Homa has been performed daily in this valley since 1987. Australia overall and in
particular NSW has been severely effected by drought for at least a decade and yet the water
reservoir for the Hunter Region has remained filled to good capacity while reservoirs through out the
state have been at crisis point with the lowest levels ever recorded.
Ancient Vedic Knowledge Explains

Finally I would like to mention that Vedic knowledge offers an overall explanation as to how and why
Homa is effective in bringing nature back into a healthy state and maintaining it in that condition in the
context of a polluted planet. ⇑ close
Shree Vasant Paranjpe, our Homa Therapy teacher once said: “Ancient tradition of Vedic knowledge
states that due to performance of Yajnya ‘APOORVA’ comes about. ‘Apoorva” means: ‘that which was
not there before’. Some special effect comes about: ‘something that was not there before’. This

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Water Resources | Agnihotra

means some special effect occurs due to Yajnya. The effect goes to the sub-atomic level. In Sanskrit,
‘Anu’ means ‘atom’. ‘Paramanu’ is the ‘sub-atom’. The subtle structure of atoms changes and comes
back to as it was in nature”.


A polluted planet is in a denatured state, ie nature is thrown out of balance by pollution. This renders
nature unable to perform properly and this is a very serious situation in relation to nature’s capacity to
provide food. Already we are seeing food shortage on a planetary scale. Homa Organic farming needs
to be implemented world wide to bring nature back into balance so that we have quality food for all
and peaceful natural surroundings to enjoy quality of life.

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