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Differentials and Tests

Condition Condition
Lateral Spinothalamic Tract Anterior STT
-Test pain, superficial, with pointer -Crude touch

Cervical Facet Irritation Cervical Sprain

-Pain on Extension -O'Donogue
-Cervical Compression -Pain on active ROM

Cholelithesis pyelonephritis
-Right epigastric pain that may radiate to right -Lower UTI
shoulder or back (collins sign) -increase urinary frequency, hesitation, fever, malaise, pain
-nausea, vomitting, pain after fatty meal -abdominal discomfort

5th Metatarsal Sprain 5th Metatarsal Fracture

-Negative Vibration, negative percussion -Positive Vibration

SubDural Hematoma Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

Psoas Lesion Hip Lesion

Resisted Hip Flexion Patricks Test

Osteochondritis Dessicans (presence of joint mice) Patellofemoral Arthralgia

Wilson's test Clarkes sign (for chondromalacia patella)

Cervical Spine Radiculopathy Ulnar Nerve at Wrist

Conpression/Doorbell Froments Test

Upper Motor Neuron Lesion Lower Motor Neuron Lesion

Babinski (Toes should curl down) Hyporeflexia, muscle flaciddity through resisted muscle testing
DTR's (Look for hyperrreflexia)

Sciatica Blood Clot Lower Leg

SLR Homans (intermittent claudication, thrombophlebitis)
Buerger's test

Median Nerve Entrapment Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Phalens's Test/Tinels

Hypoglossal Vagus
Stick out tongue, tongue will deviate to Say ahhhh, look for uvula deviation
lesion side

Lumbar Disc Lumbar facet

SLR, pain on flexion Kemps/pain on extension

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Olfactory Optic Nerve Lesion

Smell Peripherals/Confrontation/Snellen eye chart

Lateral Disc Herniation Medial Disc Herniation

lean away lean towards

Corticospinal Tract Lesion Lateral spinothalamic

motor strength temp/pain

Arterial insuffeciency Venous Insuffeciency

Extremities cold, weak pulse extremities warm, edema, skin thick.brown)

Scaphoid Fracture Mechanical Collateral Ligament

positive vibration anatomical snuffbox Varus/Valgus stress 1st MCP joint

Heat Stroke Heat Exhaustion

red/dry/feverish, inability to stand, talking funny clammy/sweaty exessively, dizzy

Sensorineural Conductive hearing loss

Weber Rinne

Bicipital Tendonitis Subacromial Bursitis

Yergasons. Speeds test Palpation, dawbarns

IT band syndrome OA of hip

Nobel Compression test Patricks Test

Piriformis Strain Lumbar facet

Resisted external rotation of hip Kemps, pain on extension
(pt side laying side posture set up, press
down on knee, positive is pain)

Cerebellar Lesion Sensory Cortex Lesion

Any coordinated movement (finger to finger/nose) Stereognosis (place familiar item in hand to identify)
graphesthesia (draw number or letter in hand)

Long Thoracic Nerve Lesion Biceps Rupture

Scapular Winging Luddingtons

Anterior Compartment Syndrome (anterior tibial syn)Bakers Cyst

Press thumb into both shins Palpate popliteal fossa

Superior Gluteal L5 Lesion Inferior Gluteal Nerve Lesion

Glut med and minimus=internal hip rotation Glut max=hip extension

L5 Lesion S1 Lesion
Heel Walk Toe Walk

Trochlear Nerve Abducens Nerve

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Superior Oblique (Intortion and depression) Lateral Rectus (Lateral Eye)

Supraspinatus Strain Deltoid Strain

Test 10 Degrees Abduction Test 90 Degrees Abduction

Pec Major Strain Lattisimus Strain

-push palms together -Extension with adduction

Infraspinatus Teres Minor

Lateral Rotation lateral rotation with adduction

Trapezius SCM
Resisted shoulder shrug -Resisted neck rotation

Space Occupying Lesion CS nerve root lesion

Valsavas Doorbell/compression

MS Disc
Lhermitte's SLR

Achilles Strain anterior talofibular sprain

resisted plantar flexion passive ankle inversion

Heberden's Node Swollen, haygarth and bouchards nodes

Erbs Palsy Klumpke's Palsy

Biceps and Brachioradialis reflex Resisted motor C7, C8, T1
claw hand
flexors of the wrist and fingers

Psoas Lesion Rectus Femoris Contracture

Thomas test Elys Test (Pelvis will lift on same side)


Supraspinatus Strain Infraspinatus Strain

Resisted Abduction close to midline Resisted Lateral Rotation

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Guyons Tunel Syndrome

Compression of ulnar nerve at medial epi
-Flexion compression test

SI Lumbar Facets
Static Palpation Kemps

Neurogenic Claudacation Vascular Claudation

Reflexes relieved with flexion -Pulses

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Functional Scoliosis Structural Scoliosis

Goes away with lateral bending rib humping

T10 Fracture Facet Irritation

Tuning fork Kemps

Trigeminal Facial Nerve

Touch to face Facial Expressions

Deltoid Ligament Strain Achilles Rupture

Evert Foot passively (medial colateral ligament) Thompson Test

Positional Ataxia Cerebellar Ataxia

positive rhombergs Can't walk straight line

Claudication Lower Leg Pain

Walk to exhaustion Palpation

Tennis Elbow Golfers Elbow

-resisted wrist extension while palpating lateral epi resisted wrist pronation and elbow extension

cervicogenic vertigo Vestibular

Corticospinal Tract Lesion Cerebellar Lesion

Muscle Strength, pronator Coordinated activity

Meniscus ACL
Joint line tenderness, McMurrays Test Anterior Drawer

Carpal Tunnel Median Nerve entrapment by pronator teres

Phalens resisted pronation with elbow straight

Cervical Strain Cervical Sprain

O'Donogue Maneuver O'Donogue Maneuver

TOS Scalenes TOS Pec Minor

Adsons (Scalene Maneuver) Wrights Test

Cervical Malingering Cervical Sprain Dysfunction

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