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He explained that the most commonly used special needs children are children with
learning disabilities (autism). According to him, this child needs different learning
methods than normal children. He suggested the name of a student of autism named
Aloysius for this study. According to Zharulnizam Shah (2010), statistics in 2010
show that the rate of Malaysians with autism is 47000. Symptoms of autism are four
times more often in boys (Cohen 2011) than in female children irrespective of race,
race, social status and family economy. Autism refers to a variety of situations
characterized by challenges with social skills, repeat behavior, nonverbal
communication and communication, and with unique strengths and differences.
Autism often relates to communication disorders, social interactions, senses, play
patterns and emotional behaviors. According to Razhiyah (2008), autism comes from
the word "autos" that gives meaning to the self while the word "isme" means a
stream. Autism refers to a lifelong mental disability caused by brain function failure
(Zharulnizam Shah 2010).

Special education children with Autism are lifelong disabilities that affect how one
communicates and relates to others, and how they experience the world around
them. Autistic people see, hear and feel the world differently with others. If you are
autistic, you are autistic for life; Autism is not a disease or disease and can not be
'cured'. Often people feel autistic is the basic aspect of their identity. Autism is a
state of the spectrum. All autistic people share certain difficulties, but autistic will
affect them in different ways. Some autistic people also have learning disabilities,
mental health problems or other conditions, which means people need different
levels of support. Everyone in the spectrum of autism learns and develops. With the
right support, everyone can help lead a more fulfilling life than their own choice.

Autism was first described in detail in 1943 by Leo Kanner after observing similar
behaviour patterns in 11 children. He further noticed a common "extreme aloneness
from the beginning of life and an anxiously obsessive desire for the preservation of
sameness" (Kanner, 1943, p. 217). He referred to his children as being autistic, a
term coined in 1911 by Eugen Bleuler who used it to refer to a narrowing of
relationships to people and to the outside world, a narrowing so extreme that it
seemed to exclude everything except the person's own self. Hans Asperger made
similar discoveries at about the same time, but the patients he identified all had
speech (Fombonne & Tidmarsh, 2003). Thus, the term Asperger syndrome is often
applied to higher functioning people with autism who have speech (see also

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