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Module 1: Animal welfare introduction – Projects

1. Analyse the mental, physical and natural welfare implications of animals in a local farming system.

2. Analyse the mental, physical and natural welfare implications of the conditions in which local working
animals are kept (e.g. cart horses, draught cattle).

3. Make a list of the basic needs of a dog. What are the physiological effects of depriving the animal of
fulfilment of these needs? (The list of needs can be based on the Five Freedoms.)

4. Compare and contrast the basic needs of a human and a pig.

5. Describe the welfare implications just prior to death of the following situations. (Choose a suitable type of
animal and answer the following accordingly.)

a) Neonatal death due to starvation

b) Death due to a chronic illness
c) Death due to free bullet in a slaughterhouse.

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