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Attention Deficit

Although there is no Disorder (ADHD) –
proven way to prevent
ADHD, early in children– is more
identification and common than you
treatment can prevent might have thought.
many of the problems
associated with ADHD.
Call your doctor if you or your

5353 G St, Chino, CA 91710

child’s school personnel suspect

Canyon Ridge Hospital

Maxamillion Mathews
ADHD. You should also tell your
doctor about any:

 Difficulties at home, school,

and in
 relationships with peers

Medication side effects

 Signs of depression
4040 Vine St, Riverside, CA 92507
Brightwood Students
Children who receive both behavioral
Dr. John T. Walkup, who treatment and medication often do
wrote about the CDC the best. There are now several
(Center for Disease different classes of ADHD
medications that may be used alone
Control and Prevention)
or in combination.
study for the Journal of
These drugs include:
the American Academy
for Child and Adolescent  Amphetamine-dextroamphetamine
Psychiatry says, “the (Adderall)
 Dexmethylphenidate (Focalin)
rates of treated ADHD  Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine,
continue to be lower Dextrostat)
The American Academy of than the rate of ADHD  Lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse)
Pediatrics has guidelines for  Methylphenidate (Ritalin, Concerta,
treating ADHD: diagnosis, suggesting a Metadate, Daytrana)
pattern of
Some ADHD medicines have been
 Set specific, appropriate target undertreatment of linked to rare sudden death in children
goals to guide therapy. ADHD not of with heart problems. Talk to your
 Start medication and behavior doctor about which drug is best for
therapy. overtreatment, as
your child.
 When treatment has not met commonly thought.”
the target goals, re-evaluate Famous people with ADHD
the original diagnosis, the according to
possible presence of other
 Justin Timberlake
conditions, and how well the
ADHD is the most commonly
treatment plan has been  Jamie Oliver
diagnosed behavioral disorder of
childhood. It affects about 3 – 5% of  Will Smith
 Follow-up regularly with the
school aged children. ADHD is
doctor to check on goals,  Michael Phelps
results, and any side effects of diagnosed much more often in boys
medications. During these than in girls.  Jim Carrey
check-ups, information should
be gathered from parents,
teachers, and the child.
You might try a summary of Brightwood Students
competitive benefits at left and a brief 4040 Vine St, Riverside, CA 92507

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