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Floating in space, travelling from the system of Luyten to Centauri, is the

Bactria, a class T light transport ship. I, Guy, as an apprentice mechanic, is one

of the only two passengers aboard Bactria.
Juvenile actor

With me is the owner of this ship, captain Julius. Coming from an aristocrat family
on GJ 273b, his father was the wealthiest man on the planet. He didn't live long to
enjoy his inheritance, now his fortune, including the Bactria, is passed on to
Julius junior. We are on a mission transporting agricultural products from GL 273b
to the Centauri.

sedate and lock him up (2-4), I may meddle with the engine to sabotage the ship (5-
6). What should I do?

2 = 2[d6]

Am I successful in sedating him?


I get the wrong syringe, stab him hard and he screams, "what the fuck are you
doing!" I decide to use physical strength to knock him out instead, do I succeed?

Yes, and...

I totally knock him out with my fist in one blow, I am more confident in my
physical strength, I might use this strength later in the adventure. There appears
to be something drop out from his pocket, what is it?

Hidden passage

It appears to be a plan for the Malacca prison, marked with hidden passages! Is the
thing bigger than what I thought? Is Julius planning a rescue mission? I remember
there was a rebellion ending aristocratic rule in the Ibrahim system, most of the
aristocrats were killed, those survived were locked up in the Malacca prison. Among
them, is the beautiful Mavis. Julius has a crush on Mavis, he puts her picture on
the control display, I once even saw him have a holographic synthetic porn of
Mavis! So I guess Julius is planning to rescue Mavis from malacca prison? Mavis, so
beautiful, elegant with pale skin and blown curvy hair, was not interested in
Julius at all. She only smiled and talked to Julius out of courtesy, as his father
is a business partner with the Julius family.

The ship already approaches Malacca, I notice a patrol gun ship around the fringe
of our radar. I am not sure if Bactria is spotted, I try to maneuver the ship away
from Malacca. Do the gunship notice Bactria?


Too late! The gunship accelerates towards Bactria. A red laser light is pointing to
the rear of the ship. I can try to escape (1-2), negotiate (3) or fight (4-6) my
way out. What should I choose?

5 = 5[d6]

Damn it, the ship is not fast enough to run and the guards are notoriously
difficult to talk to. I can't fight the way out with only 2 hands, I need to wake
Julius. "Julius wake up!" Am I able to wake him?

Yes, and...
Julius already awake and get to the battle station. Bactria being a small ship does
not have big guns, but we do have weapons. Knowing that I cannot perform better as
a shooter than Julius, I try to maneuver the ship to a better position to fight.
However, because the patrol ship has its front facing Bactria's back, it gets to
shoot first. Does it get a hit?


We are hit! What is the damage?

Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.

Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Dent.

It's just a scratch, I think I discover my piloting skills, I will be more

confident to space fight piloting in future. Now, it's our chance to fight back,
Julius try to shoot, is it a hit?


What's the damage?

Moderate Damage: Hampers functionality significantly; will require

repair/mechanical attention.

Despite all the bad things about Julius, it's not arguable that Julius is a good
shooter. Just one shot and the patrol ship is getting moderate damage. Does it keep

No, but... +Event: Kill / Intrigues

The patrol ship tries to keep fighting, but the pilot is pushing the ship too hard,
the patrol ship dies down. "We should go and finish it, at least not let it calls
for help." Julius suggest. I agree and gets Bactria close to the patrol ship. We
can blast the ship (1-2) to pieces, but this may waste ammo and attract unwanted
attention. Or we can attach both ship (4-6), get in the patrol and neutralize the
pilot, though we might get hurt. What should be do?

5 = 5[d6]

While I carefully connect Bactria to the patrol ship, Julius order me to board it.
"At least give me some weapon." "After what you did to me?" smacks Julius. "Maybe
something Melee, not pistol." He gives me a electric baton, while reaching his
pistol. "Cover me at the back." Julius agree. I open the hatch to the patrol ship.

Am I able to neutralize the pilot?


I neutralize the pilot, what injury does the pilot has?

Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life

The pilot has a large part of his skin burnt due to fire in the ship, the fire was
put off by the ship's system and the ship is stable now. The pilot is painful and I
capture the pilot easily.
Fickle and hostile charmer who is slightly stronger than you and whose motivation
is to distress compassion and is focused on your current scene.

The man has quite a strong build, maybe a little bit stronger than me. If not the
burnt injury, I might not be able to hold him. "Hey, easy, I am painful." "Shut the
fuck up!" Julius is checking the panels, has a distract signal been sent by this

No, and...

Not only there is no record of distract call sent, the tracking signal is intact,
while the ship engine is down. Therefore the prison will not notice the ship is
down and will not be suspicious. "Maybe we can use this ship as a cover to get to
the prison..." "To rescue your little princess?" "I can't live without her!" "We're
already in serious mess, if I'm gonna help you, I need some reward, something BIG."
"How about the Bactria?" I stop and think about, me, owning a ship like Bactria, I
can go to wherever I like. I can earn money by taking jobs, I can go to the Science
Academy in Centauri..."Deal."

We park the Bactria, I fix the patrol ship, then we set the course towards Malacca
space prison.

With Max contacting the security of the prison, we can get into proximity of the
Malacca prison without getting caught. Julius map provides easy access to the
secret passage, we now land the patrol ship inside the prison. Do we tie up Max and
leave him on board (1-2)? Or do we trust him and bring him to the rescue mission?

4 = 4[d6]

"I guess we need all the hands we have" Julius say, though I don't trust Max. Max
gets only an electric baton, and we make him walk first. Do Max know where Mavis is


"We are in, but how do we know where Mavis is? Genius?" I ask Julius. "Maybe Max
has the assess to security computer, we can find out where Mavis is held." We find
the nearest security computer on the wall, Max insert the card. Do Max has access
to Mavis location?


Bingo! Mavis location find. Is it far away?


It's quite a long distance. We try to keep ourselves hide away in secret passage as
much as possible. Do we meet any guard in the prison?

No, but...

We don't meet any guard yet, but Max being a pilot, is not familiar with the prison
structure, we are caught on a security camera and the alarm is rang! We just arrive
at Mavis cell. "Mavis babe, it's me, Julius!" "Julius? what do you want?" "We are
coming to rescue you, there's no time, hurry."
Needy and friendly inquisitor who is as strong as you and whose motivation is to
secure beauty and is focused on your rewards.

Mavis is a elegant, beautiful young lady, well educated, especially with the
aristocratic manners. I try to open the gate, with the help of Max's access card,
do I succeed?

Yes, and...

My skills with computers and machines definitely help, the gate open spontaneously,
and we get into the secret passage without seeing any guard. Do we get back to the
patrol ship without meeting any guard?

No, and...

The guard is entering the secret tunnel in the front! We are hearing the footsteps
at the back! what should we do?

Let's get out of the tunnel first, we can't fight so many guards. We drop out of
the tunnel, where is the place?

Bitopian ancient ruins

It appears to be some sort of laboratory or museum, with ruins and relics all
around the place. Why would a prison has some place like that? Is the relic in our
cargo somehow related to this? "I have what you want in my ship, please let us go
safely and you can have your relic." It appears that this is the warden's private
room, and he is a collector of ancient artifacts. Does he agree with our


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