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Learning Product #1 Write a summary about an environmental disaster.

Student: Justo Mejia Marin.

Winter Storm Jonas

Snowstorm Jonas took place from January 22 until the early morning of January 24 in
2016 in the Northeast urban corridor of the United states of America. The storm
produced such an abundant amount of snow, ranging between 2 and 3,5 feet to be
more precise, leaving behind more than 103 million people affected. Approximately 14
states in total received more than a foot of snow from the storm.

The mayor of Washington D.C, Muriel Bowser, and every governor of the eleven states
Northeast declared a state of emergency in anticipation of those big amounts of
snowfall that each expected, as well as the blizzard conditions the country would be
stricken by.

In addition to snowfall, hundreds of thousands of people had to suffer the many other
consequences this storm brought with it. Power outages is one of them, since the
strong winds and ice accumulation didn’t let the electricity lines and power sources
work properly and several people had no power for some time. Next to power outages
and electricity complications, Jonas also brought extreme flooding to parts of New
Jersey and Dewey Beach reporting wind gusts of 75 miles per hour.

Another big consequence is that in some northeast cities traveling was beyond the
bounds of possibility for several days. More than 13.000 flights were cancelled in
relation to the storm and many National guardsmen were on constant standby for any
rising emergencies. Millions of gallons of brine, water saturated with salt, and tons of
road salt were distributed to the affected states to lessen the bad road conditions,
though in other areas like New York City and Newark in New Jersey to name a few, a
travel ban was put into operation.

Schools up and down the East coast were also closed for 1 or 2 days, and the U.S.
federal government offices also shut down out of precaution. Even though the U.S. did
everything in its reach for helping the affected states during these extreme weather
conditions, at least 55 people were killed in storm-related road incidents and the total
economic losses are estimated between $500 million and $3 billion.

The storm was given quite a few unofficial names, like Winter Storm and Snowzilla,
ranked as a category 5, extreme event, for the northeast on the regional snowfall index,
and a category 4 for the southeast, and was named in most of the Northeast cities,
including New York the heaviest snowstorm in history that a lot of people will never


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