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Prolapsed sigmoid intussusception per anus in a

Pediatric: a rare case

Fadhil R, Fikri E


INTRODUCTION: Intussusception is one of the most common causes of acute abdomen in

infancy. Intussusception occurs when a portion of the digestive tract becomes telescoped into
the adjacent bowel segment. This condition usually occurs in children between 6 months and
2 years of age. The majority of pediatric intussusceptions are idiopathic. They occur more
frequently in young children, and there is a male predominance. Both small and large bowel
can be involved; however, sigmoidrectal intussusception and out from the anus is the rare
type. however, the classic triad of vomiting, abdominal pain, and passage of blood per rectum
occurs in only one third of patients.
CASE REPORT: A case of colonic-sigmoidal-rectal intussusception in an 8-mounth-old infant
is reported. he developed intussusception prolapsing through the anus. This condition could
be resolved only with surgery. Postoperative course was regular. The authors hypothesize a
causative role played on the intussusception and its prolapse through the anus; the sigmoidal-
rectal intussusception mechanism which physiologically takes place when abdominal
pressure increases.
CONCLUSION: Intussusception is a common condition in the pediatric population, and
usually be managed operatively. This condition is rare, however, and is often a challenging
diagnosis due to nonspecific symptoms. Despite their rarity, most general and colon and
rectal surgeons will treat patients with intussusception, and optimal outcomes will only be
achieved by understand- ing the earlier-outlined principles.

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